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synced 2025-04-01 04:35:34 +08:00
* Updated for memflow 0.2.2 * Replaced periods with underscores in generated file names for easier inclusion * Program execution now continues if analysis fails at any point * Removed custom error type in favor of anyhow * Added logging to cs2-dumper.log * Now compilable on Linux
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// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
// 2024-07-29 16:04:47.388825300 UTC
namespace CS2Dumper.Interfaces {
// Module: animationsystem.dll
public static class AnimationsystemDll {
public const nint AnimationSystemUtils_001 = 0x58FFB8;
public const nint AnimationSystem_001 = 0x587EE0;
// Module: client.dll
public static class ClientDll {
public const nint ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x181C780;
public const nint EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x17D9670;
public const nint GameClientExports001 = 0x1819438;
public const nint LegacyGameUI001 = 0x1839220;
public const nint Source2Client002 = 0x1A1A610;
public const nint Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x19BB1F0;
public const nint Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x18248D0;
public const nint Source2ClientUI001 = 0x1837D50;
// Module: engine2.dll
public static class Engine2Dll {
public const nint BenchmarkService001 = 0x5356C0;
public const nint BugService001 = 0x5AC9A0;
public const nint ClientServerEngineLoopService_001 = 0x536370;
public const nint EngineGameUI001 = 0x533620;
public const nint EngineServiceMgr001 = 0x5EDA50;
public const nint GameEventSystemClientV001 = 0x5EDD70;
public const nint GameEventSystemServerV001 = 0x5EDEC0;
public const nint GameResourceServiceClientV001 = 0x5357C0;
public const nint GameResourceServiceServerV001 = 0x535820;
public const nint GameUIService_001 = 0x5ACCA0;
public const nint HostStateMgr001 = 0x536260;
public const nint INETSUPPORT_001 = 0x52EF00;
public const nint InputService_001 = 0x5ACFB0;
public const nint KeyValueCache001 = 0x536310;
public const nint MapListService_001 = 0x5EBF50;
public const nint NetworkClientService_001 = 0x5EC0E0;
public const nint NetworkP2PService_001 = 0x535AB0;
public const nint NetworkServerService_001 = 0x5EC470;
public const nint NetworkService_001 = 0x535C00;
public const nint RenderService_001 = 0x5EC6D0;
public const nint ScreenshotService001 = 0x5EC990;
public const nint SimpleEngineLoopService_001 = 0x536480;
public const nint SoundService_001 = 0x5ECB70;
public const nint Source2EngineToClient001 = 0x532CC0;
public const nint Source2EngineToClientStringTable001 = 0x532D60;
public const nint Source2EngineToServer001 = 0x532DF8;
public const nint Source2EngineToServerStringTable001 = 0x532E20;
public const nint SplitScreenService_001 = 0x535E40;
public const nint StatsService_001 = 0x5ED040;
public const nint ToolService_001 = 0x536050;
public const nint VENGINE_GAMEUIFUNCS_VERSION005 = 0x5336B0;
public const nint VProfService_001 = 0x536090;
// Module: filesystem_stdio.dll
public static class FilesystemStdioDll {
public const nint VAsyncFileSystem2_001 = 0x20D5A0;
public const nint VFileSystem017 = 0x2128A0;
// Module: host.dll
public static class HostDll {
public const nint DebugDrawQueueManager001 = 0x136FC0;
public const nint GameModelInfo001 = 0x137000;
public const nint GameSystem2HostHook = 0x137040;
public const nint HostUtils001 = 0x137070;
public const nint PredictionDiffManager001 = 0x1372C0;
public const nint SaveRestoreDataVersion001 = 0x1373F0;
public const nint SinglePlayerSharedMemory001 = 0x137420;
public const nint Source2Host001 = 0x137490;
// Module: imemanager.dll
public static class ImemanagerDll {
public const nint IMEManager001 = 0x2E8E0;
// Module: inputsystem.dll
public static class InputsystemDll {
public const nint InputStackSystemVersion001 = 0x36B80;
public const nint InputSystemVersion001 = 0x387F0;
// Module: localize.dll
public static class LocalizeDll {
public const nint Localize_001 = 0x3BAD0;
// Module: matchmaking.dll
public static class MatchmakingDll {
public const nint GameTypes001 = 0x1A41C0;
public const nint MATCHFRAMEWORK_001 = 0x1AC3C0;
// Module: materialsystem2.dll
public static class Materialsystem2Dll {
public const nint FontManager_001 = 0x10D320;
public const nint MaterialUtils_001 = 0x1084F0;
public const nint PostProcessingSystem_001 = 0x108400;
public const nint TextLayout_001 = 0x108480;
public const nint VMaterialSystem2_001 = 0x10C930;
// Module: meshsystem.dll
public static class MeshsystemDll {
public const nint MeshSystem001 = 0x144A30;
// Module: navsystem.dll
public static class NavsystemDll {
public const nint NavSystem001 = 0xC04E0;
// Module: networksystem.dll
public static class NetworksystemDll {
public const nint FlattenedSerializersVersion001 = 0x240510;
public const nint NetworkMessagesVersion001 = 0x272600;
public const nint NetworkSystemVersion001 = 0x26A2A0;
public const nint SerializedEntitiesVersion001 = 0x26A390;
// Module: panorama.dll
public static class PanoramaDll {
public const nint PanoramaUIEngine001 = 0x4E2260;
// Module: panorama_text_pango.dll
public static class PanoramaTextPangoDll {
public const nint PanoramaTextServices001 = 0x2B38F0;
// Module: panoramauiclient.dll
public static class PanoramauiclientDll {
public const nint PanoramaUIClient001 = 0x289860;
// Module: particles.dll
public static class ParticlesDll {
public const nint ParticleSystemMgr003 = 0x5BC750;
// Module: pulse_system.dll
public static class PulseSystemDll {
public const nint IPulseSystem_001 = 0x14D450;
// Module: rendersystemdx11.dll
public static class Rendersystemdx11Dll {
public const nint RenderDeviceMgr001 = 0x3ED210;
public const nint RenderUtils_001 = 0x3EDA78;
public const nint VRenderDeviceMgrBackdoor001 = 0x3ED2A8;
// Module: resourcesystem.dll
public static class ResourcesystemDll {
public const nint ResourceSystem013 = 0x6AF10;
// Module: scenefilecache.dll
public static class ScenefilecacheDll {
public const nint ResponseRulesCache001 = 0x6B110;
public const nint SceneFileCache002 = 0x6B290;
// Module: scenesystem.dll
public static class ScenesystemDll {
public const nint RenderingPipelines_001 = 0x54DF90;
public const nint SceneSystem_002 = 0x599980;
public const nint SceneUtils_001 = 0x54E770;
// Module: schemasystem.dll
public static class SchemasystemDll {
public const nint SchemaSystem_001 = 0x5C710;
// Module: server.dll
public static class ServerDll {
public const nint EmptyWorldService001_Server = 0x1360FC0;
public const nint EntitySubclassUtilsV001 = 0x13134D0;
public const nint NavGameTest001 = 0x13FF788;
public const nint ServerToolsInfo_001 = 0x13B4EA8;
public const nint Source2GameClients001 = 0x13B0310;
public const nint Source2GameDirector001 = 0x14E46C0;
public const nint Source2GameEntities001 = 0x13B4E70;
public const nint Source2Server001 = 0x13B4CE0;
public const nint Source2ServerConfig001 = 0x159F5A8;
public const nint customnavsystem001 = 0x12F8D58;
// Module: soundsystem.dll
public static class SoundsystemDll {
public const nint SoundOpSystem001 = 0x3353A0;
public const nint SoundOpSystemEdit001 = 0x335270;
public const nint SoundSystem001 = 0x334E40;
public const nint VMixEditTool001 = 0x48288DEA;
// Module: steamaudio.dll
public static class SteamaudioDll {
public const nint SteamAudio001 = 0x255750;
// Module: steamclient64.dll
public static class Steamclient64Dll {
public const nint IVALIDATE001 = 0x14EDA30;
public const nint SteamClient006 = 0x14EB270;
public const nint SteamClient007 = 0x14EB278;
public const nint SteamClient008 = 0x14EB280;
public const nint SteamClient009 = 0x14EB288;
public const nint SteamClient010 = 0x14EB290;
public const nint SteamClient011 = 0x14EB298;
public const nint SteamClient012 = 0x14EB2A0;
public const nint SteamClient013 = 0x14EB2A8;
public const nint SteamClient014 = 0x14EB2B0;
public const nint SteamClient015 = 0x14EB2B8;
public const nint SteamClient016 = 0x14EB2C0;
public const nint SteamClient017 = 0x14EB2C8;
public const nint SteamClient018 = 0x14EB2D0;
public const nint SteamClient019 = 0x14EB2D8;
public const nint SteamClient020 = 0x14EB2E0;
public const nint SteamClient021 = 0x14EB2E8;
public const nint p2pvoice002 = 0x14E5C5F;
public const nint p2pvoicesingleton002 = 0x14C90E0;
// Module: tier0.dll
public static class Tier0Dll {
public const nint TestScriptMgr001 = 0x36DA30;
public const nint VEngineCvar007 = 0x37C590;
public const nint VProcessUtils002 = 0x36D940;
public const nint VStringTokenSystem001 = 0x394ED0;
// Module: v8system.dll
public static class V8systemDll {
public const nint Source2V8System001 = 0x2C480;
// Module: valve_avi.dll
public static class ValveAviDll {
public const nint VAvi001 = 0x22320;
// Module: valve_wmf.dll
public static class ValveWmfDll {
public const nint VMediaFoundation001 = 0x1FA20;
// Module: vphysics2.dll
public static class Vphysics2Dll {
public const nint VPhysics2_Handle_Interface_001 = 0x37E500;
public const nint VPhysics2_Interface_001 = 0x37E540;
// Module: vscript.dll
public static class VscriptDll {
public const nint VScriptManager010 = 0x128600;
// Module: vstdlib_s64.dll
public static class VstdlibS64Dll {
public const nint IVALIDATE001 = 0xA5B40;
public const nint VEngineCvar002 = 0x63070;
// Module: worldrenderer.dll
public static class WorldrendererDll {
public const nint WorldRendererMgr001 = 0x15FF70;