a2x 7933103b03 0.1.2
* Updated for memflow 0.2.2
* Replaced periods with underscores in generated file names for easier inclusion
* Program execution now continues if analysis fails at any point
* Removed custom error type in favor of anyhow
* Added logging to cs2-dumper.log
* Now compilable on Linux
2024-07-30 02:07:40 +10:00

6720 lines
362 KiB

// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
// 2024-07-29 16:04:47.388825300 UTC
#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)]
pub mod cs2_dumper {
pub mod schemas {
// Module: client.dll
// Classes count: 414
// Enums count: 7
pub mod client_dll {
// Alignment: 4
// Member count: 15
pub enum CompositeMaterialInputLooseVariableType_t {
// Alignment: 4
// Member count: 7
pub enum CompositeMaterialInputTextureType_t {
// Alignment: 4
// Member count: 6
pub enum CompositeMaterialInputContainerSourceType_t {
// Alignment: 4
// Member count: 10
pub enum CompMatPropertyMutatorType_t {
// Alignment: 4
// Member count: 2
pub enum CompositeMaterialVarSystemVar_t {
// Alignment: 4
// Member count: 6
pub enum CompositeMaterialMatchFilterType_t {
// Alignment: 4
// Member count: 3
pub enum CompMatPropertyMutatorConditionType_t {
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition {
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_HEGrenade {
// Parent: C_BaseToggle
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_FuncMover {
// Parent: C_BaseTrigger
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_TriggerLerpObject {
// Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid
// Field count: 37
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxFallVelocity (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderNormal (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckAmount (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckSpeed (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDuckOverride (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDesiresDuck (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckTimeMsecs (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nJumpTimeMsecs (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flLastDuckTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bOldJumpPressed (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpUntil (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpVel (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nButtonDownMaskPrev (ButtonBitMask_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStamina (float)
pub mod CCSPlayer_MovementServices {
pub const m_flMaxFallVelocity: usize = 0x218; // float32
pub const m_vecLadderNormal: usize = 0x21C; // Vector
pub const m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex: usize = 0x228; // int32
pub const m_flDuckAmount: usize = 0x22C; // float32
pub const m_flDuckSpeed: usize = 0x230; // float32
pub const m_bDuckOverride: usize = 0x234; // bool
pub const m_bDesiresDuck: usize = 0x235; // bool
pub const m_flDuckOffset: usize = 0x238; // float32
pub const m_nDuckTimeMsecs: usize = 0x23C; // uint32
pub const m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs: usize = 0x240; // uint32
pub const m_nJumpTimeMsecs: usize = 0x244; // uint32
pub const m_flLastDuckTime: usize = 0x248; // float32
pub const m_vecLastPositionAtFullCrouchSpeed: usize = 0x258; // Vector2D
pub const m_duckUntilOnGround: usize = 0x260; // bool
pub const m_bHasWalkMovedSinceLastJump: usize = 0x261; // bool
pub const m_bInStuckTest: usize = 0x262; // bool
pub const m_flStuckCheckTime: usize = 0x270; // float32[64][2]
pub const m_nTraceCount: usize = 0x470; // int32
pub const m_StuckLast: usize = 0x474; // int32
pub const m_bSpeedCropped: usize = 0x478; // bool
pub const m_nOldWaterLevel: usize = 0x47C; // int32
pub const m_flWaterEntryTime: usize = 0x480; // float32
pub const m_vecForward: usize = 0x484; // Vector
pub const m_vecLeft: usize = 0x490; // Vector
pub const m_vecUp: usize = 0x49C; // Vector
pub const m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand: usize = 0x4A8; // int32
pub const m_bOldJumpPressed: usize = 0x4AC; // bool
pub const m_flJumpPressedTime: usize = 0x4B0; // float32
pub const m_flJumpUntil: usize = 0x4B4; // float32
pub const m_flJumpVel: usize = 0x4B8; // float32
pub const m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen: usize = 0x4BC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_nButtonDownMaskPrev: usize = 0x4C0; // uint64
pub const m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime: usize = 0x4C8; // float32
pub const m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed: usize = 0x4CC; // float32
pub const m_flStamina: usize = 0x4D0; // float32
pub const m_flHeightAtJumpStart: usize = 0x4D4; // float32
pub const m_flMaxJumpHeightThisJump: usize = 0x4D8; // float32
// Parent: None
// Field count: 6
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: scale (int16)
// NetworkVarNames: origin (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: fog (fogparams_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupID (WorldGroupId_t)
pub mod sky3dparams_t {
pub const scale: usize = 0x8; // int16
pub const origin: usize = 0xC; // Vector
pub const bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar: usize = 0x18; // bool
pub const flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset: usize = 0x1C; // float32
pub const fog: usize = 0x20; // fogparams_t
pub const m_nWorldGroupID: usize = 0x88; // WorldGroupId_t
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponM4A1 {
// Parent: C_EconEntity
// Field count: 1
pub mod C_Item {
pub const m_pReticleHintTextName: usize = 0x15B0; // char[256]
// Parent: C_SoundEventEntity
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecCornerPairsNetworked (SoundeventPathCornerPairNetworked_t)
pub mod C_SoundEventPathCornerEntity {
pub const m_vecCornerPairsNetworked: usize = 0x548; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<SoundeventPathCornerPairNetworked_t>
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponM249 {
// Parent: C_TeamplayRules
// Field count: 100
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bFreezePeriod (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bWarmupPeriod (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodEnd (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodStart (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bServerPaused (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bTerroristTimeOutActive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bCTTimeOutActive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCTTimeOutRemaining (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTerroristTimeOuts (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTimeOuts (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bTechnicalTimeOut (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bMatchWaitingForResume (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundTime (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fMatchStartTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fRoundStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRestartRoundTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bGameRestart (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flGameStartTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_gamePhase (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_totalRoundsPlayed (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nOvertimePlaying (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iHostagesRemaining (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bAnyHostageReached (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBombTarget (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasRescueZone (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBuyZone (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsValveDS (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bLogoMap (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iSpectatorSlotCount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_MatchDevice (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMatchStarted (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nNextMapInMapgroup (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventName (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventStage (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szMatchStatTxt (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTournamentPredictionsPct (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDroppingItems (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQuestEligible (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHltvActive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_arrProhibitedItemIndices (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_numBestOfMaps (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDropped (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlanted (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundWinStatus (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundWinReason (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bTCantBuy (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bCTCantBuy (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_RoundResults (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flNextRespawnWave (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nServerQuestID (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pGameModeRules (CCSGameModeRules*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_RetakeRules (CRetakeGameRules)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchEndCount (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTTeamIntroVariant (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTeamIntroVariant (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bTeamIntroPeriod (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundEndReason (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndTimerTime (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndFunFactToken (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot (CPlayerSlot)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndMessage (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndPlayerCount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndNoMusic (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndLegacy (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundEndCount (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundStartRoundNumber (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundStartCount (uint8)
pub mod C_CSGameRules {
pub const m_bFreezePeriod: usize = 0x40; // bool
pub const m_bWarmupPeriod: usize = 0x41; // bool
pub const m_fWarmupPeriodEnd: usize = 0x44; // GameTime_t
pub const m_fWarmupPeriodStart: usize = 0x48; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bServerPaused: usize = 0x4C; // bool
pub const m_bTerroristTimeOutActive: usize = 0x4D; // bool
pub const m_bCTTimeOutActive: usize = 0x4E; // bool
pub const m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining: usize = 0x50; // float32
pub const m_flCTTimeOutRemaining: usize = 0x54; // float32
pub const m_nTerroristTimeOuts: usize = 0x58; // int32
pub const m_nCTTimeOuts: usize = 0x5C; // int32
pub const m_bTechnicalTimeOut: usize = 0x60; // bool
pub const m_bMatchWaitingForResume: usize = 0x61; // bool
pub const m_iRoundTime: usize = 0x64; // int32
pub const m_fMatchStartTime: usize = 0x68; // float32
pub const m_fRoundStartTime: usize = 0x6C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flRestartRoundTime: usize = 0x70; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bGameRestart: usize = 0x74; // bool
pub const m_flGameStartTime: usize = 0x78; // float32
pub const m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts: usize = 0x7C; // float32
pub const m_gamePhase: usize = 0x80; // int32
pub const m_totalRoundsPlayed: usize = 0x84; // int32
pub const m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase: usize = 0x88; // int32
pub const m_nOvertimePlaying: usize = 0x8C; // int32
pub const m_iHostagesRemaining: usize = 0x90; // int32
pub const m_bAnyHostageReached: usize = 0x94; // bool
pub const m_bMapHasBombTarget: usize = 0x95; // bool
pub const m_bMapHasRescueZone: usize = 0x96; // bool
pub const m_bMapHasBuyZone: usize = 0x97; // bool
pub const m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking: usize = 0x98; // bool
pub const m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode: usize = 0x9C; // int32
pub const m_bIsValveDS: usize = 0xA0; // bool
pub const m_bLogoMap: usize = 0xA1; // bool
pub const m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer: usize = 0xA2; // bool
pub const m_iSpectatorSlotCount: usize = 0xA4; // int32
pub const m_MatchDevice: usize = 0xA8; // int32
pub const m_bHasMatchStarted: usize = 0xAC; // bool
pub const m_nNextMapInMapgroup: usize = 0xB0; // int32
pub const m_szTournamentEventName: usize = 0xB4; // char[512]
pub const m_szTournamentEventStage: usize = 0x2B4; // char[512]
pub const m_szMatchStatTxt: usize = 0x4B4; // char[512]
pub const m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt: usize = 0x6B4; // char[512]
pub const m_nTournamentPredictionsPct: usize = 0x8B4; // int32
pub const m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime: usize = 0x8B8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime: usize = 0x8BC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bIsDroppingItems: usize = 0x8C0; // bool
pub const m_bIsQuestEligible: usize = 0x8C1; // bool
pub const m_bIsHltvActive: usize = 0x8C2; // bool
pub const m_arrProhibitedItemIndices: usize = 0x8C4; // uint16[100]
pub const m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts: usize = 0x98C; // uint32[4]
pub const m_numBestOfMaps: usize = 0x99C; // int32
pub const m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed: usize = 0x9A0; // int32
pub const m_bBombDropped: usize = 0x9A4; // bool
pub const m_bBombPlanted: usize = 0x9A5; // bool
pub const m_iRoundWinStatus: usize = 0x9A8; // int32
pub const m_eRoundWinReason: usize = 0x9AC; // int32
pub const m_bTCantBuy: usize = 0x9B0; // bool
pub const m_bCTCantBuy: usize = 0x9B1; // bool
pub const m_iMatchStats_RoundResults: usize = 0x9B4; // int32[30]
pub const m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT: usize = 0xA2C; // int32[30]
pub const m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T: usize = 0xAA4; // int32[30]
pub const m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes: usize = 0xB1C; // float32[32]
pub const m_flNextRespawnWave: usize = 0xB9C; // GameTime_t[32]
pub const m_nServerQuestID: usize = 0xC1C; // int32
pub const m_vMinimapMins: usize = 0xC20; // Vector
pub const m_vMinimapMaxs: usize = 0xC2C; // Vector
pub const m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights: usize = 0xC38; // float32[8]
pub const m_bSpawnedTerrorHuntHeavy: usize = 0xC58; // bool
pub const m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes: usize = 0xC5C; // int32[10]
pub const m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions: usize = 0xC84; // int32[10]
pub const m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner: usize = 0xCAC; // int32
pub const m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses: usize = 0xCB0; // int32
pub const m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses: usize = 0xCB4; // int32
pub const m_bMarkClientStopRecordAtRoundEnd: usize = 0xCD0; // bool
pub const m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason: usize = 0xD28; // int32
pub const m_bHasTriggeredRoundStartMusic: usize = 0xD2C; // bool
pub const m_bSwitchingTeamsAtRoundReset: usize = 0xD2D; // bool
pub const m_pGameModeRules: usize = 0xD48; // CCSGameModeRules*
pub const m_RetakeRules: usize = 0xD50; // C_RetakeGameRules
pub const m_nMatchEndCount: usize = 0xE68; // uint8
pub const m_nTTeamIntroVariant: usize = 0xE6C; // int32
pub const m_nCTTeamIntroVariant: usize = 0xE70; // int32
pub const m_bTeamIntroPeriod: usize = 0xE74; // bool
pub const m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam: usize = 0xE78; // int32
pub const m_eRoundEndReason: usize = 0xE7C; // int32
pub const m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend: usize = 0xE80; // bool
pub const m_iRoundEndTimerTime: usize = 0xE84; // int32
pub const m_sRoundEndFunFactToken: usize = 0xE88; // CUtlString
pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot: usize = 0xE90; // CPlayerSlot
pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactData1: usize = 0xE94; // int32
pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactData2: usize = 0xE98; // int32
pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactData3: usize = 0xE9C; // int32
pub const m_sRoundEndMessage: usize = 0xEA0; // CUtlString
pub const m_iRoundEndPlayerCount: usize = 0xEA8; // int32
pub const m_bRoundEndNoMusic: usize = 0xEAC; // bool
pub const m_iRoundEndLegacy: usize = 0xEB0; // int32
pub const m_nRoundEndCount: usize = 0xEB4; // uint8
pub const m_iRoundStartRoundNumber: usize = 0xEB8; // int32
pub const m_nRoundStartCount: usize = 0xEBC; // uint8
pub const m_flLastPerfSampleTime: usize = 0x4EC8; // float64
// Parent: CBodyComponent
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_skeletonInstance (CSkeletonInstance)
pub mod CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance {
pub const m_skeletonInstance: usize = 0x50; // CSkeletonInstance
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponCZ75a {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 31
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_CRenderComponent (CRenderComponent::Storage_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_CHitboxComponent (CHitboxComponent::Storage_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderMode (RenderMode_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderFX (RenderFx_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_clrRender (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecRenderAttributes (EntityRenderAttribute_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Collision (CCollisionProperty)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Glow (CGlowProperty)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowBackfaceMult (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMinDist (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMaxDist (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowStrength (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nObjectCulling (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nAddDecal (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalPosition (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalForwardAxis (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealBloodRate (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealHeightRate (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo (CHandle<C_BaseModelEntity>)
pub mod C_BaseModelEntity {
pub const m_CRenderComponent: usize = 0xA18; // CRenderComponent*
pub const m_CHitboxComponent: usize = 0xA20; // CHitboxComponent
pub const m_bInitModelEffects: usize = 0xA68; // bool
pub const m_bIsStaticProp: usize = 0xA69; // bool
pub const m_nLastAddDecal: usize = 0xA6C; // int32
pub const m_nDecalsAdded: usize = 0xA70; // int32
pub const m_iOldHealth: usize = 0xA74; // int32
pub const m_nRenderMode: usize = 0xA78; // RenderMode_t
pub const m_nRenderFX: usize = 0xA79; // RenderFx_t
pub const m_bAllowFadeInView: usize = 0xA7A; // bool
pub const m_clrRender: usize = 0xA7B; // Color
pub const m_vecRenderAttributes: usize = 0xA80; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar<EntityRenderAttribute_t>
pub const m_bRenderToCubemaps: usize = 0xAE8; // bool
pub const m_Collision: usize = 0xAF0; // CCollisionProperty
pub const m_Glow: usize = 0xBA0; // CGlowProperty
pub const m_flGlowBackfaceMult: usize = 0xBF8; // float32
pub const m_fadeMinDist: usize = 0xBFC; // float32
pub const m_fadeMaxDist: usize = 0xC00; // float32
pub const m_flFadeScale: usize = 0xC04; // float32
pub const m_flShadowStrength: usize = 0xC08; // float32
pub const m_nObjectCulling: usize = 0xC0C; // uint8
pub const m_nAddDecal: usize = 0xC10; // int32
pub const m_vDecalPosition: usize = 0xC14; // Vector
pub const m_vDecalForwardAxis: usize = 0xC20; // Vector
pub const m_flDecalHealBloodRate: usize = 0xC2C; // float32
pub const m_flDecalHealHeightRate: usize = 0xC30; // float32
pub const m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo: usize = 0xC38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_BaseModelEntity>>
pub const m_vecViewOffset: usize = 0xC50; // CNetworkViewOffsetVector
pub const m_pClientAlphaProperty: usize = 0xC80; // CClientAlphaProperty*
pub const m_ClientOverrideTint: usize = 0xC88; // Color
pub const m_bUseClientOverrideTint: usize = 0xC8C; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseTrigger
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_source (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_destination (string_t)
pub mod C_FootstepControl {
pub const m_source: usize = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_destination: usize = 0xCD8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
// Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity
// Field count: 13
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t)
pub mod C_PointClientUIHUD {
pub const m_bCheckCSSClasses: usize = 0xD00; // bool
pub const m_bIgnoreInput: usize = 0xE80; // bool
pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0xE84; // float32
pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0xE88; // float32
pub const m_flDPI: usize = 0xE8C; // float32
pub const m_flInteractDistance: usize = 0xE90; // float32
pub const m_flDepthOffset: usize = 0xE94; // float32
pub const m_unOwnerContext: usize = 0xE98; // uint32
pub const m_unHorizontalAlign: usize = 0xE9C; // uint32
pub const m_unVerticalAlign: usize = 0xEA0; // uint32
pub const m_unOrientation: usize = 0xEA4; // uint32
pub const m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds: usize = 0xEA8; // bool
pub const m_vecCSSClasses: usize = 0xEB0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CUtlSymbolLarge>
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flLightScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32)
pub mod C_SpotlightEnd {
pub const m_flLightScale: usize = 0xCC8; // float32
pub const m_Radius: usize = 0xCCC; // float32
// Parent: None
// Field count: 5
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex (attrib_definition_index_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flValue (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialValue (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRefundableCurrency (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bSetBonus (bool)
pub mod CEconItemAttribute {
pub const m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex: usize = 0x30; // uint16
pub const m_flValue: usize = 0x34; // float32
pub const m_flInitialValue: usize = 0x38; // float32
pub const m_nRefundableCurrency: usize = 0x3C; // int32
pub const m_bSetBonus: usize = 0x40; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 25
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_FOV (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Resolution (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bFogEnable (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_FogColor (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStart (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEnd (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensity (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUseScreenAspectRatio (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAspectRatio (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSky (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fBrightness (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flZFar (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flZNear (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bCanHLTVUse (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDofEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearBlurry (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearCrisp (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarCrisp (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarBlurry (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDofTiltToGround (float)
pub mod C_PointCamera {
pub const m_FOV: usize = 0x548; // float32
pub const m_Resolution: usize = 0x54C; // float32
pub const m_bFogEnable: usize = 0x550; // bool
pub const m_FogColor: usize = 0x551; // Color
pub const m_flFogStart: usize = 0x558; // float32
pub const m_flFogEnd: usize = 0x55C; // float32
pub const m_flFogMaxDensity: usize = 0x560; // float32
pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x564; // bool
pub const m_bUseScreenAspectRatio: usize = 0x565; // bool
pub const m_flAspectRatio: usize = 0x568; // float32
pub const m_bNoSky: usize = 0x56C; // bool
pub const m_fBrightness: usize = 0x570; // float32
pub const m_flZFar: usize = 0x574; // float32
pub const m_flZNear: usize = 0x578; // float32
pub const m_bCanHLTVUse: usize = 0x57C; // bool
pub const m_bDofEnabled: usize = 0x57D; // bool
pub const m_flDofNearBlurry: usize = 0x580; // float32
pub const m_flDofNearCrisp: usize = 0x584; // float32
pub const m_flDofFarCrisp: usize = 0x588; // float32
pub const m_flDofFarBlurry: usize = 0x58C; // float32
pub const m_flDofTiltToGround: usize = 0x590; // float32
pub const m_TargetFOV: usize = 0x594; // float32
pub const m_DegreesPerSecond: usize = 0x598; // float32
pub const m_bIsOn: usize = 0x59C; // bool
pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x5A0; // C_PointCamera*
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MPulseProvideFeatureTag
// MPulseLibraryBindings
pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_weapon_cs_base {
// Parent: C_LightEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_LightSpotEntity {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared)
pub mod C_EnvWind {
pub const m_EnvWindShared: usize = 0x548; // C_EnvWindShared
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_GameRulesProxy {
// Parent: C_BaseFlex
// Field count: 7
// Metadata:
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWearables (CHandle<C_EconWearable>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFieldOfView (float)
pub mod C_BaseCombatCharacter {
pub const m_hMyWearables: usize = 0x1068; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_EconWearable>>
pub const m_leftFootAttachment: usize = 0x1080; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_rightFootAttachment: usize = 0x1081; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_nWaterWakeMode: usize = 0x1084; // C_BaseCombatCharacter::WaterWakeMode_t
pub const m_flWaterWorldZ: usize = 0x1088; // float32
pub const m_flWaterNextTraceTime: usize = 0x108C; // float32
pub const m_flFieldOfView: usize = 0x1090; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_FlashbangProjectile {
// Parent: C_SoundEventEntity
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float)
pub mod C_SoundEventSphereEntity {
pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x548; // float32
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 0
pub mod CPlayer_ViewModelServices {
// Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSGO_WingmanIntroCounterTerroristPosition {
// Parent: C_DynamicProp
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_DynamicPropAlias_cable_dynamic {
// Parent: C_PointEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_InfoInstructorHintHostageRescueZone {
// Parent: C_PointEntity
// Field count: 12
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlayingBack (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bPaused (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bMultiplayer (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bAutogenerated (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flForceClientTime (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSceneStringIndex (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hActorList (CHandle<C_BaseFlex>)
pub mod C_SceneEntity {
pub const m_bIsPlayingBack: usize = 0x550; // bool
pub const m_bPaused: usize = 0x551; // bool
pub const m_bMultiplayer: usize = 0x552; // bool
pub const m_bAutogenerated: usize = 0x553; // bool
pub const m_flForceClientTime: usize = 0x554; // float32
pub const m_nSceneStringIndex: usize = 0x558; // uint16
pub const m_bClientOnly: usize = 0x55A; // bool
pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0x55C; // CHandle<C_BaseFlex>
pub const m_hActorList: usize = 0x560; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_BaseFlex>>
pub const m_bWasPlaying: usize = 0x578; // bool
pub const m_QueuedEvents: usize = 0x588; // CUtlVector<C_SceneEntity::QueuedEvents_t>
pub const m_flCurrentTime: usize = 0x5A0; // float32
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 20
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecCsViewPunchAngle (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick (GameTick_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerFog (fogplayerparams_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hColorCorrectionCtrl (CHandle<CColorCorrection>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hViewEntity (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hTonemapController (CHandle<CTonemapController2>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_audio (audioparams_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PostProcessingVolumes (CHandle<C_PostProcessingVolume>)
pub mod CPlayer_CameraServices {
pub const m_vecCsViewPunchAngle: usize = 0x40; // QAngle
pub const m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick: usize = 0x4C; // GameTick_t
pub const m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio: usize = 0x50; // float32
pub const m_PlayerFog: usize = 0x58; // C_fogplayerparams_t
pub const m_hColorCorrectionCtrl: usize = 0x98; // CHandle<C_ColorCorrection>
pub const m_hViewEntity: usize = 0x9C; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_hTonemapController: usize = 0xA0; // CHandle<C_TonemapController2>
pub const m_audio: usize = 0xA8; // audioparams_t
pub const m_PostProcessingVolumes: usize = 0x120; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_PostProcessingVolume>>
pub const m_flOldPlayerZ: usize = 0x138; // float32
pub const m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ: usize = 0x13C; // float32
pub const m_CurrentFog: usize = 0x140; // fogparams_t
pub const m_hOldFogController: usize = 0x1A8; // CHandle<C_FogController>
pub const m_bOverrideFogColor: usize = 0x1AC; // bool[5]
pub const m_OverrideFogColor: usize = 0x1B1; // Color[5]
pub const m_bOverrideFogStartEnd: usize = 0x1C5; // bool[5]
pub const m_fOverrideFogStart: usize = 0x1CC; // float32[5]
pub const m_fOverrideFogEnd: usize = 0x1E0; // float32[5]
pub const m_hActivePostProcessingVolume: usize = 0x1F4; // CHandle<C_PostProcessingVolume>
pub const m_angDemoViewAngles: usize = 0x1F8; // QAngle
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 15
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHeldByPlayer (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bPinPulled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bJumpThrow (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bThrowAnimating (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fThrowTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrengthApproach (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fDropTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fPinPullTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bJustPulledPin (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nNextHoldTick (GameTick_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flNextHoldFrac (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow (CHandle<CCSWeaponBase>)
pub mod C_BaseCSGrenade {
pub const m_bClientPredictDelete: usize = 0x1A70; // bool
pub const m_bRedraw: usize = 0x1A71; // bool
pub const m_bIsHeldByPlayer: usize = 0x1A72; // bool
pub const m_bPinPulled: usize = 0x1A73; // bool
pub const m_bJumpThrow: usize = 0x1A74; // bool
pub const m_bThrowAnimating: usize = 0x1A75; // bool
pub const m_fThrowTime: usize = 0x1A78; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flThrowStrength: usize = 0x1A7C; // float32
pub const m_flThrowStrengthApproach: usize = 0x1A80; // float32
pub const m_fDropTime: usize = 0x1A84; // GameTime_t
pub const m_fPinPullTime: usize = 0x1A88; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bJustPulledPin: usize = 0x1A8C; // bool
pub const m_nNextHoldTick: usize = 0x1A90; // GameTick_t
pub const m_flNextHoldFrac: usize = 0x1A94; // float32
pub const m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow: usize = 0x1A98; // CHandle<C_CSWeaponBase>
// Parent: C_FuncBrush
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_targetCamera (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionEnum (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderShadows (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUseUniqueColorTarget (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_brushModelName (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetCamera (EHANDLE)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDraw3DSkybox (bool)
pub mod C_FuncMonitor {
pub const m_targetCamera: usize = 0xCC8; // CUtlString
pub const m_nResolutionEnum: usize = 0xCD0; // int32
pub const m_bRenderShadows: usize = 0xCD4; // bool
pub const m_bUseUniqueColorTarget: usize = 0xCD5; // bool
pub const m_brushModelName: usize = 0xCD8; // CUtlString
pub const m_hTargetCamera: usize = 0xCE0; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xCE4; // bool
pub const m_bDraw3DSkybox: usize = 0xCE5; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseTrigger
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_TriggerMultiple {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 1
pub mod C_RopeKeyframe__CPhysicsDelegate {
pub const m_pKeyframe: usize = 0x8; // C_RopeKeyframe*
// Parent: CEntityComponent
// Field count: 2
pub mod CBodyComponent {
pub const m_pSceneNode: usize = 0x8; // CGameSceneNode*
pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x20; // CNetworkVarChainer
// Parent: C_SoundAreaEntityBase
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float)
pub mod C_SoundAreaEntitySphere {
pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x570; // float32
// Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSObserver_MovementServices {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_nHorizontalSize (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nVerticalSize (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMinDist (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMaxDist (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nOuterMaxDist (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32)
pub mod C_LightGlow {
pub const m_nHorizontalSize: usize = 0xCC8; // uint32
pub const m_nVerticalSize: usize = 0xCCC; // uint32
pub const m_nMinDist: usize = 0xCD0; // uint32
pub const m_nMaxDist: usize = 0xCD4; // uint32
pub const m_nOuterMaxDist: usize = 0xCD8; // uint32
pub const m_flGlowProxySize: usize = 0xCDC; // float32
pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0xCE0; // float32
pub const m_GlowOverlay: usize = 0xCE8; // C_LightGlowOverlay
// Parent: None
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t)
pub mod CountdownTimer {
pub const m_duration: usize = 0x8; // float32
pub const m_timestamp: usize = 0xC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_timescale: usize = 0x10; // float32
pub const m_nWorldGroupId: usize = 0x14; // WorldGroupId_t
// Parent: None
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (CEntityHandle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken)
pub mod CGameSceneNodeHandle {
pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0x8; // CEntityHandle
pub const m_name: usize = 0xC; // CUtlStringToken
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 14
pub mod C_ClientRagdoll {
pub const m_bFadeOut: usize = 0xED0; // bool
pub const m_bImportant: usize = 0xED1; // bool
pub const m_flEffectTime: usize = 0xED4; // GameTime_t
pub const m_gibDespawnTime: usize = 0xED8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iCurrentFriction: usize = 0xEDC; // int32
pub const m_iMinFriction: usize = 0xEE0; // int32
pub const m_iMaxFriction: usize = 0xEE4; // int32
pub const m_iFrictionAnimState: usize = 0xEE8; // int32
pub const m_bReleaseRagdoll: usize = 0xEEC; // bool
pub const m_iEyeAttachment: usize = 0xEED; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_bFadingOut: usize = 0xEEE; // bool
pub const m_flScaleEnd: usize = 0xEF0; // float32[10]
pub const m_flScaleTimeStart: usize = 0xF18; // GameTime_t[10]
pub const m_flScaleTimeEnd: usize = 0xF40; // GameTime_t[10]
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 1
pub mod C_GlobalLight {
pub const m_WindClothForceHandle: usize = 0xA10; // uint16
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 10
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHostageAlive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_isHostageFollowingSomeone (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iHostageEntityIDs (CEntityIndex)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterA (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterB (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueX (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueY (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueZ (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted (bool)
pub mod C_CSPlayerResource {
pub const m_bHostageAlive: usize = 0x548; // bool[12]
pub const m_isHostageFollowingSomeone: usize = 0x554; // bool[12]
pub const m_iHostageEntityIDs: usize = 0x560; // CEntityIndex[12]
pub const m_bombsiteCenterA: usize = 0x590; // Vector
pub const m_bombsiteCenterB: usize = 0x59C; // Vector
pub const m_hostageRescueX: usize = 0x5A8; // int32[4]
pub const m_hostageRescueY: usize = 0x5B8; // int32[4]
pub const m_hostageRescueZ: usize = 0x5C8; // int32[4]
pub const m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted: usize = 0x5D8; // bool
pub const m_foundGoalPositions: usize = 0x5D9; // bool
// Parent: CGameSceneNode
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_modelState (CModelState)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsAnimationEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUseParentRenderBounds (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_materialGroup (CUtlStringToken)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nHitboxSet (uint8)
pub mod CSkeletonInstance {
pub const m_modelState: usize = 0x170; // CModelState
pub const m_bIsAnimationEnabled: usize = 0x3A0; // bool
pub const m_bUseParentRenderBounds: usize = 0x3A1; // bool
pub const m_bDisableSolidCollisionsForHierarchy: usize = 0x3A2; // bool
pub const m_bDirtyMotionType: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_bIsGeneratingLatchedParentSpaceState: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_materialGroup: usize = 0x3A4; // CUtlStringToken
pub const m_nHitboxSet: usize = 0x3A8; // uint8
// Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_animationController (CBaseAnimGraphController)
pub mod CBodyComponentBaseAnimGraph {
pub const m_animationController: usize = 0x460; // CBaseAnimGraphController
// Parent: CBodyComponent
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_sceneNode (CGameSceneNode)
pub mod CBodyComponentPoint {
pub const m_sceneNode: usize = 0x50; // CGameSceneNode
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDidSmokeEffect (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeed (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeColor (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeDetonationPos (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_VoxelFrameData (CUtlVector<uint8>)
pub mod C_SmokeGrenadeProjectile {
pub const m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin: usize = 0x1158; // int32
pub const m_bDidSmokeEffect: usize = 0x115C; // bool
pub const m_nRandomSeed: usize = 0x1160; // int32
pub const m_vSmokeColor: usize = 0x1164; // Vector
pub const m_vSmokeDetonationPos: usize = 0x1170; // Vector
pub const m_VoxelFrameData: usize = 0x1180; // CUtlVector<uint8>
pub const m_bSmokeVolumeDataReceived: usize = 0x1198; // bool
pub const m_bSmokeEffectSpawned: usize = 0x1199; // bool
// Parent: C_SoundEventEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SoundEventEntityAlias_snd_event_point {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 8
pub mod C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPath {
pub const m_flZFar: usize = 0x548; // float32
pub const m_flZNear: usize = 0x54C; // float32
pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0x550; // bool
pub const m_bVerticalFOV: usize = 0x551; // bool
pub const m_bConstantSpeed: usize = 0x552; // bool
pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0x554; // float32
pub const m_flPathLength: usize = 0x598; // float32
pub const m_flPathDuration: usize = 0x59C; // float32
// Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSGO_WingmanIntroTerroristPosition {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 24
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_firePositions (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fireParentPositions (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bFireIsBurning (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_BurnNormal (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fireCount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nInfernoType (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFireLifetime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInPostEffectTime (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFireEffectTickBegin (int)
pub mod C_Inferno {
pub const m_nfxFireDamageEffect: usize = 0xD08; // ParticleIndex_t
pub const m_hInfernoPointsSnapshot: usize = 0xD10; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot>
pub const m_hInfernoFillerPointsSnapshot: usize = 0xD18; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot>
pub const m_hInfernoOutlinePointsSnapshot: usize = 0xD20; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot>
pub const m_hInfernoClimbingOutlinePointsSnapshot: usize = 0xD28; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot>
pub const m_hInfernoDecalsSnapshot: usize = 0xD30; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot>
pub const m_firePositions: usize = 0xD38; // Vector[64]
pub const m_fireParentPositions: usize = 0x1038; // Vector[64]
pub const m_bFireIsBurning: usize = 0x1338; // bool[64]
pub const m_BurnNormal: usize = 0x1378; // Vector[64]
pub const m_fireCount: usize = 0x1678; // int32
pub const m_nInfernoType: usize = 0x167C; // int32
pub const m_nFireLifetime: usize = 0x1680; // float32
pub const m_bInPostEffectTime: usize = 0x1684; // bool
pub const m_lastFireCount: usize = 0x1688; // int32
pub const m_nFireEffectTickBegin: usize = 0x168C; // int32
pub const m_drawableCount: usize = 0x8290; // int32
pub const m_blosCheck: usize = 0x8294; // bool
pub const m_nlosperiod: usize = 0x8298; // int32
pub const m_maxFireHalfWidth: usize = 0x829C; // float32
pub const m_maxFireHeight: usize = 0x82A0; // float32
pub const m_minBounds: usize = 0x82A4; // Vector
pub const m_maxBounds: usize = 0x82B0; // Vector
pub const m_flLastGrassBurnThink: usize = 0x82BC; // float32
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_HostageCarriableProp {
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_TerroristWingmanIntroCamera {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 5
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayer (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hPingedEntity (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iType (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUrgent (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szPlaceName (char)
pub mod C_PlayerPing {
pub const m_hPlayer: usize = 0x578; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_hPingedEntity: usize = 0x57C; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_iType: usize = 0x580; // int32
pub const m_bUrgent: usize = 0x584; // bool
pub const m_szPlaceName: usize = 0x585; // char[18]
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponMP7 {
// Parent: C_Team
// Field count: 10
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamMatchStat (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_numMapVictories (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bSurrendered (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_scoreFirstHalf (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_scoreSecondHalf (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_scoreOvertime (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szClanTeamname (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iClanID (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamFlagImage (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamLogoImage (char)
pub mod C_CSTeam {
pub const m_szTeamMatchStat: usize = 0x600; // char[512]
pub const m_numMapVictories: usize = 0x800; // int32
pub const m_bSurrendered: usize = 0x804; // bool
pub const m_scoreFirstHalf: usize = 0x808; // int32
pub const m_scoreSecondHalf: usize = 0x80C; // int32
pub const m_scoreOvertime: usize = 0x810; // int32
pub const m_szClanTeamname: usize = 0x814; // char[129]
pub const m_iClanID: usize = 0x898; // uint32
pub const m_szTeamFlagImage: usize = 0x89C; // char[8]
pub const m_szTeamLogoImage: usize = 0x8A4; // char[8]
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 10
pub mod C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPathNode {
pub const m_szParentPathUniqueID: usize = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_nPathIndex: usize = 0x550; // int32
pub const m_vInTangentLocal: usize = 0x554; // Vector
pub const m_vOutTangentLocal: usize = 0x560; // Vector
pub const m_flFOV: usize = 0x56C; // float32
pub const m_flCameraSpeed: usize = 0x570; // float32
pub const m_flEaseIn: usize = 0x574; // float32
pub const m_flEaseOut: usize = 0x578; // float32
pub const m_vInTangentWorld: usize = 0x57C; // Vector
pub const m_vOutTangentWorld: usize = 0x588; // Vector
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponMag7 {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_DEagle {
// Parent: C_CSPlayerPawnBase
// Field count: 99
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_pBulletServices (CCSPlayer_BulletServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pHostageServices (CCSPlayer_HostageServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pBuyServices (CCSPlayer_BuyServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pGlowServices (CCSPlayer_GlowServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices*)
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasFemaleVoice (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szLastPlaceName (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInBuyZone (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngle (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngleVel (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickBase (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickFraction (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInHostageRescueZone (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInBombZone (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsBuyMenuOpen (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeOfLastInjury (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSprayDecalTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOffering (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOfferingCard (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesMVPLastRound (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility (loadout_slot_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_EconGloves (CEconItemView)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nEconGlovesChanged (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRagdollDamageBone (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamageForce (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamagePosition (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollServerOrigin (Vector)
// MNetworkReplayCompatField
// NetworkVarNames: m_qDeathEyeAngles (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bLeftHanded (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fSwitchedHandednessTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetX (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetY (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetZ (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelFOV (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_GunGameImmunityColor (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsWalking (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsScoped (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bResumeZoom (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDefusing (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsGrabbingHostage (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress (CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flEmitSoundTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInNoDefuseArea (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nWhichBombZone (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iShotsFired (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flVelocityModifier (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHitHeading (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBodyPart (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bWaitForNoAttack (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bKilledByHeadshot (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ArmorValue (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unCurrentEquipmentValue (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nLastKillerIndex (CEntityIndex)
pub mod C_CSPlayerPawn {
pub const m_pBulletServices: usize = 0x1468; // CCSPlayer_BulletServices*
pub const m_pHostageServices: usize = 0x1470; // CCSPlayer_HostageServices*
pub const m_pBuyServices: usize = 0x1478; // CCSPlayer_BuyServices*
pub const m_pGlowServices: usize = 0x1480; // CCSPlayer_GlowServices*
pub const m_pActionTrackingServices: usize = 0x1488; // CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices*
pub const m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime: usize = 0x1490; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flLastFiredWeaponTime: usize = 0x1494; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bHasFemaleVoice: usize = 0x1498; // bool
pub const m_flLandingTimeSeconds: usize = 0x149C; // float32
pub const m_flOldFallVelocity: usize = 0x14A0; // float32
pub const m_szLastPlaceName: usize = 0x14A4; // char[18]
pub const m_bPrevDefuser: usize = 0x14B6; // bool
pub const m_bPrevHelmet: usize = 0x14B7; // bool
pub const m_nPrevArmorVal: usize = 0x14B8; // int32
pub const m_nPrevGrenadeAmmoCount: usize = 0x14BC; // int32
pub const m_unPreviousWeaponHash: usize = 0x14C0; // uint32
pub const m_unWeaponHash: usize = 0x14C4; // uint32
pub const m_bInBuyZone: usize = 0x14C8; // bool
pub const m_bPreviouslyInBuyZone: usize = 0x14C9; // bool
pub const m_aimPunchAngle: usize = 0x14CC; // QAngle
pub const m_aimPunchAngleVel: usize = 0x14D8; // QAngle
pub const m_aimPunchTickBase: usize = 0x14E4; // int32
pub const m_aimPunchTickFraction: usize = 0x14E8; // float32
pub const m_aimPunchCache: usize = 0x14F0; // CUtlVector<QAngle>
pub const m_bInLanding: usize = 0x1510; // bool
pub const m_flLandingStartTime: usize = 0x1514; // float32
pub const m_bInHostageRescueZone: usize = 0x1518; // bool
pub const m_bInBombZone: usize = 0x1519; // bool
pub const m_bIsBuyMenuOpen: usize = 0x151A; // bool
pub const m_flTimeOfLastInjury: usize = 0x151C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flNextSprayDecalTime: usize = 0x1520; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iRetakesOffering: usize = 0x1650; // int32
pub const m_iRetakesOfferingCard: usize = 0x1654; // int32
pub const m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit: usize = 0x1658; // bool
pub const m_bRetakesMVPLastRound: usize = 0x1659; // bool
pub const m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem: usize = 0x165C; // int32
pub const m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility: usize = 0x1660; // loadout_slot_t
pub const m_bNeedToReApplyGloves: usize = 0x1680; // bool
pub const m_EconGloves: usize = 0x1688; // C_EconItemView
pub const m_nEconGlovesChanged: usize = 0x1AD0; // uint8
pub const m_bMustSyncRagdollState: usize = 0x1AD1; // bool
pub const m_nRagdollDamageBone: usize = 0x1AD4; // int32
pub const m_vRagdollDamageForce: usize = 0x1AD8; // Vector
pub const m_vRagdollDamagePosition: usize = 0x1AE4; // Vector
pub const m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName: usize = 0x1AF0; // char[64]
pub const m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot: usize = 0x1B30; // bool
pub const m_vRagdollServerOrigin: usize = 0x1B34; // Vector
pub const m_bLastHeadBoneTransformIsValid: usize = 0x2148; // bool
pub const m_lastLandTime: usize = 0x214C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bOnGroundLastTick: usize = 0x2150; // bool
pub const m_qDeathEyeAngles: usize = 0x216C; // QAngle
pub const m_bSkipOneHeadConstraintUpdate: usize = 0x2178; // bool
pub const m_bLeftHanded: usize = 0x2179; // bool
pub const m_fSwitchedHandednessTime: usize = 0x217C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flViewmodelOffsetX: usize = 0x2180; // float32
pub const m_flViewmodelOffsetY: usize = 0x2184; // float32
pub const m_flViewmodelOffsetZ: usize = 0x2188; // float32
pub const m_flViewmodelFOV: usize = 0x218C; // float32
pub const m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices: usize = 0x2190; // uint32[5]
pub const m_GunGameImmunityColor: usize = 0x21C8; // Color
pub const m_vecBulletHitModels: usize = 0x2218; // CUtlVector<C_BulletHitModel*>
pub const m_bIsWalking: usize = 0x2230; // bool
pub const m_thirdPersonHeading: usize = 0x2238; // QAngle
pub const m_flSlopeDropOffset: usize = 0x2250; // float32
pub const m_flSlopeDropHeight: usize = 0x2260; // float32
pub const m_vHeadConstraintOffset: usize = 0x2270; // Vector
pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0x2288; // EntitySpottedState_t
pub const m_bIsScoped: usize = 0x22A0; // bool
pub const m_bResumeZoom: usize = 0x22A1; // bool
pub const m_bIsDefusing: usize = 0x22A2; // bool
pub const m_bIsGrabbingHostage: usize = 0x22A3; // bool
pub const m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress: usize = 0x22A4; // CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t
pub const m_flEmitSoundTime: usize = 0x22A8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bInNoDefuseArea: usize = 0x22AC; // bool
pub const m_nWhichBombZone: usize = 0x22B0; // int32
pub const m_iShotsFired: usize = 0x22B4; // int32
pub const m_flVelocityModifier: usize = 0x22B8; // float32
pub const m_flHitHeading: usize = 0x22BC; // float32
pub const m_nHitBodyPart: usize = 0x22C0; // int32
pub const m_bWaitForNoAttack: usize = 0x22C4; // bool
pub const m_ignoreLadderJumpTime: usize = 0x22C8; // float32
pub const m_bKilledByHeadshot: usize = 0x22CD; // bool
pub const m_ArmorValue: usize = 0x22D0; // int32
pub const m_unCurrentEquipmentValue: usize = 0x22D4; // uint16
pub const m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue: usize = 0x22D6; // uint16
pub const m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue: usize = 0x22D8; // uint16
pub const m_nLastKillerIndex: usize = 0x22DC; // CEntityIndex
pub const m_bOldIsScoped: usize = 0x22E0; // bool
pub const m_bHasDeathInfo: usize = 0x22E1; // bool
pub const m_flDeathInfoTime: usize = 0x22E4; // float32
pub const m_vecDeathInfoOrigin: usize = 0x22E8; // Vector
pub const m_grenadeParameterStashTime: usize = 0x22F4; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bGrenadeParametersStashed: usize = 0x22F8; // bool
pub const m_angStashedShootAngles: usize = 0x22FC; // QAngle
pub const m_vecStashedGrenadeThrowPosition: usize = 0x2308; // Vector
pub const m_vecStashedVelocity: usize = 0x2314; // Vector
pub const m_angShootAngleHistory: usize = 0x2320; // QAngle[2]
pub const m_vecThrowPositionHistory: usize = 0x2338; // Vector[2]
pub const m_vecVelocityHistory: usize = 0x2350; // Vector[2]
// Parent: C_RagdollProp
// Field count: 7
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_boneIndexAttached (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointBoneSpace (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace (Vector)
pub mod C_RagdollPropAttached {
pub const m_boneIndexAttached: usize = 0xF48; // uint32
pub const m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex: usize = 0xF4C; // uint32
pub const m_attachmentPointBoneSpace: usize = 0xF50; // Vector
pub const m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace: usize = 0xF5C; // Vector
pub const m_vecOffset: usize = 0xF68; // Vector
pub const m_parentTime: usize = 0xF74; // float32
pub const m_bHasParent: usize = 0xF78; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseGrenade
// Field count: 16
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialPosition (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialVelocity (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBounces (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin (Vector)
pub mod C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile {
pub const m_vInitialPosition: usize = 0x10B8; // Vector
pub const m_vInitialVelocity: usize = 0x10C4; // Vector
pub const m_nBounces: usize = 0x10D0; // int32
pub const m_nExplodeEffectIndex: usize = 0x10D8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>
pub const m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin: usize = 0x10E0; // int32
pub const m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin: usize = 0x10E4; // Vector
pub const m_flSpawnTime: usize = 0x10F0; // GameTime_t
pub const vecLastTrailLinePos: usize = 0x10F4; // Vector
pub const flNextTrailLineTime: usize = 0x1100; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bExplodeEffectBegan: usize = 0x1104; // bool
pub const m_bCanCreateGrenadeTrail: usize = 0x1105; // bool
pub const m_nSnapshotTrajectoryEffectIndex: usize = 0x1108; // ParticleIndex_t
pub const m_hSnapshotTrajectoryParticleSnapshot: usize = 0x1110; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot>
pub const m_arrTrajectoryTrailPoints: usize = 0x1118; // CUtlVector<Vector>
pub const m_arrTrajectoryTrailPointCreationTimes: usize = 0x1130; // CUtlVector<float32>
pub const m_flTrajectoryTrailEffectCreationTime: usize = 0x1148; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseToggle
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSidePredicted (bool)
pub mod C_BaseTrigger {
pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0xCC8; // bool
pub const m_bClientSidePredicted: usize = 0xCC9; // bool
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_SequenceCompleteTimer (CountdownTimer)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool)
pub mod C_WeaponBaseItem {
pub const m_SequenceCompleteTimer: usize = 0x1A70; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_bRedraw: usize = 0x1A88; // bool
// Parent: None
// Field count: 21
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_vOrigin (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vStart (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vNormal (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vAngles (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hEntity (CEntityHandle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hOtherEntity (CEntityHandle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMagnitude (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSurfaceProp (CUtlStringToken)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinition)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nDamageType (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPenetrate (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMaterial (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBox (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nColor (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentIndex (AttachmentHandle_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentName (CUtlStringToken)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectName (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nExplosionType (uint8)
pub mod CEffectData {
pub const m_vOrigin: usize = 0x8; // Vector
pub const m_vStart: usize = 0x14; // Vector
pub const m_vNormal: usize = 0x20; // Vector
pub const m_vAngles: usize = 0x2C; // QAngle
pub const m_hEntity: usize = 0x38; // CEntityHandle
pub const m_hOtherEntity: usize = 0x3C; // CEntityHandle
pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x40; // float32
pub const m_flMagnitude: usize = 0x44; // float32
pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x48; // float32
pub const m_nSurfaceProp: usize = 0x4C; // CUtlStringToken
pub const m_nEffectIndex: usize = 0x50; // CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>
pub const m_nDamageType: usize = 0x58; // uint32
pub const m_nPenetrate: usize = 0x5C; // uint8
pub const m_nMaterial: usize = 0x5E; // uint16
pub const m_nHitBox: usize = 0x60; // uint16
pub const m_nColor: usize = 0x62; // uint8
pub const m_fFlags: usize = 0x63; // uint8
pub const m_nAttachmentIndex: usize = 0x64; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_nAttachmentName: usize = 0x68; // CUtlStringToken
pub const m_iEffectName: usize = 0x6C; // uint16
pub const m_nExplosionType: usize = 0x6E; // uint8
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SensorGrenadeProjectile {
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_MolotovGrenade {
// Parent: C_BaseToggle
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_glowEntity (CHandle<C_BaseModelEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_usable (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szDisplayText (string_t)
pub mod C_BaseButton {
pub const m_glowEntity: usize = 0xCC8; // CHandle<C_BaseModelEntity>
pub const m_usable: usize = 0xCCC; // bool
pub const m_szDisplayText: usize = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge
// Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hViewModel (CHandle<CBaseViewModel>)
pub mod CCSPlayer_ViewModelServices {
pub const m_hViewModel: usize = 0x40; // CHandle<C_BaseViewModel>[3]
// Parent: C_PointEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod CInfoParticleTarget {
// Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices
// Field count: 12
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFallVelocity (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInCrouch (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCrouchState (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDucked (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDucking (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInDuckJump (bool)
pub mod CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid {
pub const m_flStepSoundTime: usize = 0x1D8; // float32
pub const m_flFallVelocity: usize = 0x1DC; // float32
pub const m_bInCrouch: usize = 0x1E0; // bool
pub const m_nCrouchState: usize = 0x1E4; // uint32
pub const m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime: usize = 0x1E8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bDucked: usize = 0x1EC; // bool
pub const m_bDucking: usize = 0x1ED; // bool
pub const m_bInDuckJump: usize = 0x1EE; // bool
pub const m_groundNormal: usize = 0x1F0; // Vector
pub const m_flSurfaceFriction: usize = 0x1FC; // float32
pub const m_surfaceProps: usize = 0x200; // CUtlStringToken
pub const m_nStepside: usize = 0x210; // int32
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponAug {
// Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity
// Field count: 28
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bLit (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bOpaque (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bNoDepth (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderBackface (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUseOffScreenIndicator (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bExcludeFromSaveGames (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bGrabbable (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bOnlyRenderToTexture (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDisableMipGen (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nExplicitImageLayout (int32)
pub mod C_PointClientUIWorldPanel {
pub const m_bForceRecreateNextUpdate: usize = 0xD00; // bool
pub const m_bMoveViewToPlayerNextThink: usize = 0xD01; // bool
pub const m_bCheckCSSClasses: usize = 0xD02; // bool
pub const m_anchorDeltaTransform: usize = 0xD10; // CTransform
pub const m_pOffScreenIndicator: usize = 0xEA8; // CPointOffScreenIndicatorUi*
pub const m_bIgnoreInput: usize = 0xED0; // bool
pub const m_bLit: usize = 0xED1; // bool
pub const m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport: usize = 0xED2; // bool
pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0xED4; // float32
pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0xED8; // float32
pub const m_flDPI: usize = 0xEDC; // float32
pub const m_flInteractDistance: usize = 0xEE0; // float32
pub const m_flDepthOffset: usize = 0xEE4; // float32
pub const m_unOwnerContext: usize = 0xEE8; // uint32
pub const m_unHorizontalAlign: usize = 0xEEC; // uint32
pub const m_unVerticalAlign: usize = 0xEF0; // uint32
pub const m_unOrientation: usize = 0xEF4; // uint32
pub const m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds: usize = 0xEF8; // bool
pub const m_vecCSSClasses: usize = 0xF00; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CUtlSymbolLarge>
pub const m_bOpaque: usize = 0xF18; // bool
pub const m_bNoDepth: usize = 0xF19; // bool
pub const m_bRenderBackface: usize = 0xF1A; // bool
pub const m_bUseOffScreenIndicator: usize = 0xF1B; // bool
pub const m_bExcludeFromSaveGames: usize = 0xF1C; // bool
pub const m_bGrabbable: usize = 0xF1D; // bool
pub const m_bOnlyRenderToTexture: usize = 0xF1E; // bool
pub const m_bDisableMipGen: usize = 0xF1F; // bool
pub const m_nExplicitImageLayout: usize = 0xF20; // int32
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSMinimapBoundary {
// Parent: CCSGameModeRules
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusTimeLength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_sDMBonusWeapon (CUtlString)
pub mod CCSGameModeRules_Deathmatch {
pub const m_flDMBonusStartTime: usize = 0x30; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flDMBonusTimeLength: usize = 0x34; // float32
pub const m_sDMBonusWeapon: usize = 0x38; // CUtlString
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_EndOfMatchCharacterPosition {
// Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetAABBEntity {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTotalPausedTicks (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPauseStartTick (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bGamePaused (bool)
pub mod C_GameRules {
pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer
pub const m_nTotalPausedTicks: usize = 0x30; // int32
pub const m_nPauseStartTick: usize = 0x34; // int32
pub const m_bGamePaused: usize = 0x38; // bool
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WorldModelNametag {
// Parent: C_BasePropDoor
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_PropDoorRotating {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayerControllers (CHandle<CBasePlayerController>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayers (CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamname (char)
pub mod C_Team {
pub const m_aPlayerControllers: usize = 0x548; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>
pub const m_aPlayers: usize = 0x560; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>>
pub const m_iScore: usize = 0x578; // int32
pub const m_szTeamname: usize = 0x57C; // char[129]
// Parent: C_SoundAreaEntityBase
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_vMin (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vMax (Vector)
pub mod C_SoundAreaEntityOrientedBox {
pub const m_vMin: usize = 0x570; // Vector
pub const m_vMax: usize = 0x57C; // Vector
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bLoop (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFPS (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hPositionKeys (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hRotationKeys (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMin (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMax (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartFrame (float)
pub mod C_TextureBasedAnimatable {
pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0xCC8; // bool
pub const m_flFPS: usize = 0xCCC; // float32
pub const m_hPositionKeys: usize = 0xCD0; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_hRotationKeys: usize = 0xCD8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_vAnimationBoundsMin: usize = 0xCE0; // Vector
pub const m_vAnimationBoundsMax: usize = 0xCEC; // Vector
pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0xCF8; // float32
pub const m_flStartFrame: usize = 0xCFC; // float32
// Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity {
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WorldModelStattrak {
// Parent: C_LightEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_LightOrthoEntity {
// Parent: CPlayer_WaterServices
// Field count: 3
pub mod CCSPlayer_WaterServices {
pub const m_flWaterJumpTime: usize = 0x40; // float32
pub const m_vecWaterJumpVel: usize = 0x44; // Vector
pub const m_flSwimSoundTime: usize = 0x50; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 2
pub mod CSkyboxReference {
pub const m_worldGroupId: usize = 0x548; // WorldGroupId_t
pub const m_hSkyCamera: usize = 0x54C; // CHandle<C_SkyCamera>
// Parent: C_TonemapController2
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_TonemapController2Alias_env_tonemap_controller2 {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 30
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetEntity (CHandle<C_BaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bAlwaysUpdate (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flLightFOV (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableShadows (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bSimpleProjection (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bLightOnlyTarget (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bLightWorld (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bCameraSpace (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_LightColor (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flIntensity (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flLinearAttenuation (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flQuadraticAttenuation (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bVolumetric (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flVolumetricIntensity (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flNoiseStrength (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashlightTime (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nNumPlanes (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flPlaneOffset (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTransitionTime (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAmbient (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_SpotlightTextureName (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSpotlightTextureFrame (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowQuality (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flNearZ (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flProjectionSize (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bFlipHorizontal (bool)
pub mod CProjectedTextureBase {
pub const m_hTargetEntity: usize = 0xC; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_bState: usize = 0x10; // bool
pub const m_bAlwaysUpdate: usize = 0x11; // bool
pub const m_flLightFOV: usize = 0x14; // float32
pub const m_bEnableShadows: usize = 0x18; // bool
pub const m_bSimpleProjection: usize = 0x19; // bool
pub const m_bLightOnlyTarget: usize = 0x1A; // bool
pub const m_bLightWorld: usize = 0x1B; // bool
pub const m_bCameraSpace: usize = 0x1C; // bool
pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0x20; // float32
pub const m_LightColor: usize = 0x24; // Color
pub const m_flIntensity: usize = 0x28; // float32
pub const m_flLinearAttenuation: usize = 0x2C; // float32
pub const m_flQuadraticAttenuation: usize = 0x30; // float32
pub const m_bVolumetric: usize = 0x34; // bool
pub const m_flVolumetricIntensity: usize = 0x38; // float32
pub const m_flNoiseStrength: usize = 0x3C; // float32
pub const m_flFlashlightTime: usize = 0x40; // float32
pub const m_nNumPlanes: usize = 0x44; // uint32
pub const m_flPlaneOffset: usize = 0x48; // float32
pub const m_flColorTransitionTime: usize = 0x4C; // float32
pub const m_flAmbient: usize = 0x50; // float32
pub const m_SpotlightTextureName: usize = 0x54; // char[512]
pub const m_nSpotlightTextureFrame: usize = 0x254; // int32
pub const m_nShadowQuality: usize = 0x258; // uint32
pub const m_flNearZ: usize = 0x25C; // float32
pub const m_flFarZ: usize = 0x260; // float32
pub const m_flProjectionSize: usize = 0x264; // float32
pub const m_flRotation: usize = 0x268; // float32
pub const m_bFlipHorizontal: usize = 0x26C; // bool
// Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_unMusicID (item_definition_index_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_rank (MedalRank_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots (ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t)
pub mod CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices {
pub const m_unMusicID: usize = 0x40; // uint16
pub const m_rank: usize = 0x44; // MedalRank_t[6]
pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel: usize = 0x5C; // int32
pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader: usize = 0x60; // int32
pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher: usize = 0x64; // int32
pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly: usize = 0x68; // int32
pub const m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel: usize = 0x6C; // int32
pub const m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots: usize = 0x70; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar<ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t>
// Parent: C_PathParticleRope
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_PathParticleRopeAlias_path_particle_rope_clientside {
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 0
pub mod CPlayer_UseServices {
// Parent: C_PredictedViewModel
// Field count: 6
// Metadata:
// MNetworkOverride
// NetworkVarNames: m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nWeaponParity (uint32)
pub mod C_CSGOViewModel {
pub const m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy: usize = 0xF68; // bool
pub const m_nWeaponParity: usize = 0xF6C; // uint32
pub const m_nOldWeaponParity: usize = 0xF70; // uint32
pub const m_nLastKnownAssociatedWeaponEntIndex: usize = 0xF74; // CEntityIndex
pub const m_bNeedToQueueHighResComposite: usize = 0xF78; // bool
pub const m_vLoweredWeaponOffset: usize = 0xFC8; // QAngle
// Parent: CEntityComponent
// Field count: 1
pub mod CScriptComponent {
pub const m_scriptClassName: usize = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 17
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool)
pub mod C_EnvLightProbeVolume {
pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture: usize = 0x1528; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture: usize = 0x1530; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture: usize = 0x1538; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture: usize = 0x1540; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_Entity_vBoxMins: usize = 0x1548; // Vector
pub const m_Entity_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x1554; // Vector
pub const m_Entity_bMoveable: usize = 0x1560; // bool
pub const m_Entity_nHandshake: usize = 0x1564; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nPriority: usize = 0x1568; // int32
pub const m_Entity_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x156C; // bool
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX: usize = 0x1570; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY: usize = 0x1574; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ: usize = 0x1578; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX: usize = 0x157C; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY: usize = 0x1580; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ: usize = 0x1584; // int32
pub const m_Entity_bEnabled: usize = 0x1591; // bool
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 1
pub mod C_ViewmodelAttachmentModel {
pub const m_bShouldFrontFaceCullLeftHanded: usize = 0xED0; // bool
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MPulseProvideFeatureTag
// MPulseLibraryBindings
pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_player_controller {
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_Flashbang {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 0
pub mod CBumpMine {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 13
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iKills (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iDeaths (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iAssists (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEquipmentValue (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMoneySaved (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iKillReward (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iLiveTime (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iHeadShotKills (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iObjective (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCashEarned (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iUtilityDamage (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemiesFlashed (int)
pub mod CSPerRoundStats_t {
pub const m_iKills: usize = 0x30; // int32
pub const m_iDeaths: usize = 0x34; // int32
pub const m_iAssists: usize = 0x38; // int32
pub const m_iDamage: usize = 0x3C; // int32
pub const m_iEquipmentValue: usize = 0x40; // int32
pub const m_iMoneySaved: usize = 0x44; // int32
pub const m_iKillReward: usize = 0x48; // int32
pub const m_iLiveTime: usize = 0x4C; // int32
pub const m_iHeadShotKills: usize = 0x50; // int32
pub const m_iObjective: usize = 0x54; // int32
pub const m_iCashEarned: usize = 0x58; // int32
pub const m_iUtilityDamage: usize = 0x5C; // int32
pub const m_iEnemiesFlashed: usize = 0x60; // int32
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 30
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bTimerPaused (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeRemaining (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerEndTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bShowInHUD (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerLength (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerInitialLength (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerMaxLength (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bAutoCountdown (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSetupTimeLength (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nState (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bStartPaused (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInCaptureWatchState (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTotalTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bStopWatchTimer (bool)
pub mod C_TeamRoundTimer {
pub const m_bTimerPaused: usize = 0x548; // bool
pub const m_flTimeRemaining: usize = 0x54C; // float32
pub const m_flTimerEndTime: usize = 0x550; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bIsDisabled: usize = 0x554; // bool
pub const m_bShowInHUD: usize = 0x555; // bool
pub const m_nTimerLength: usize = 0x558; // int32
pub const m_nTimerInitialLength: usize = 0x55C; // int32
pub const m_nTimerMaxLength: usize = 0x560; // int32
pub const m_bAutoCountdown: usize = 0x564; // bool
pub const m_nSetupTimeLength: usize = 0x568; // int32
pub const m_nState: usize = 0x56C; // int32
pub const m_bStartPaused: usize = 0x570; // bool
pub const m_bInCaptureWatchState: usize = 0x571; // bool
pub const m_flTotalTime: usize = 0x574; // float32
pub const m_bStopWatchTimer: usize = 0x578; // bool
pub const m_bFireFinished: usize = 0x579; // bool
pub const m_bFire5MinRemain: usize = 0x57A; // bool
pub const m_bFire4MinRemain: usize = 0x57B; // bool
pub const m_bFire3MinRemain: usize = 0x57C; // bool
pub const m_bFire2MinRemain: usize = 0x57D; // bool
pub const m_bFire1MinRemain: usize = 0x57E; // bool
pub const m_bFire30SecRemain: usize = 0x57F; // bool
pub const m_bFire10SecRemain: usize = 0x580; // bool
pub const m_bFire5SecRemain: usize = 0x581; // bool
pub const m_bFire4SecRemain: usize = 0x582; // bool
pub const m_bFire3SecRemain: usize = 0x583; // bool
pub const m_bFire2SecRemain: usize = 0x584; // bool
pub const m_bFire1SecRemain: usize = 0x585; // bool
pub const m_nOldTimerLength: usize = 0x588; // int32
pub const m_nOldTimerState: usize = 0x58C; // int32
// Parent: None
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nItemDefIndex (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCount (uint16)
pub mod WeaponPurchaseCount_t {
pub const m_nItemDefIndex: usize = 0x30; // uint16
pub const m_nCount: usize = 0x32; // uint16
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SmokeGrenade {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponGalilAR {
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WorldModelGloves {
// Parent: C_ModelPointEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_EnvProjectedTexture {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 1
pub mod CPathSimple {
pub const m_pathString: usize = 0x598; // CUtlString
// Parent: CPlayer_CameraServices
// Field count: 6
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iFOV (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iFOVStart (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVRate (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hZoomOwner (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
pub mod CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices {
pub const m_iFOV: usize = 0x210; // uint32
pub const m_iFOVStart: usize = 0x214; // uint32
pub const m_flFOVTime: usize = 0x218; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flFOVRate: usize = 0x21C; // float32
pub const m_hZoomOwner: usize = 0x220; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_flLastShotFOV: usize = 0x224; // float32
// Parent: C_PointClientUIWorldPanel
// Field count: 4
pub mod CPointOffScreenIndicatorUi {
pub const m_bBeenEnabled: usize = 0xF30; // bool
pub const m_bHide: usize = 0xF31; // bool
pub const m_flSeenTargetTime: usize = 0xF34; // float32
pub const m_pTargetPanel: usize = 0xF38; // C_PointClientUIWorldPanel*
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MPulseProvideFeatureTag
// MPulseLibraryBindings
pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_entity {
// Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance
// Field count: 0
pub mod CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 6
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_zoomLevel (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iBurstShotsRemaining (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bNeedsBoltAction (bool)
pub mod C_CSWeaponBaseGun {
pub const m_zoomLevel: usize = 0x1A70; // int32
pub const m_iBurstShotsRemaining: usize = 0x1A74; // int32
pub const m_iSilencerBodygroup: usize = 0x1A78; // int32
pub const m_silencedModelIndex: usize = 0x1A88; // int32
pub const m_inPrecache: usize = 0x1A8C; // bool
pub const m_bNeedsBoltAction: usize = 0x1A8D; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxData (sky3dparams_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxSlotToken (CUtlStringToken)
pub mod C_SkyCamera {
pub const m_skyboxData: usize = 0x548; // sky3dparams_t
pub const m_skyboxSlotToken: usize = 0x5D8; // CUtlStringToken
pub const m_bUseAngles: usize = 0x5DC; // bool
pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x5E0; // C_SkyCamera*
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_World {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 13
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInLength (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelStart (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelLength (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutStart (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutLength (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nDissolveType (EntityDisolveType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vDissolverOrigin (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMagnitude (uint32)
pub mod C_EntityDissolve {
pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0xCD0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flFadeInStart: usize = 0xCD4; // float32
pub const m_flFadeInLength: usize = 0xCD8; // float32
pub const m_flFadeOutModelStart: usize = 0xCDC; // float32
pub const m_flFadeOutModelLength: usize = 0xCE0; // float32
pub const m_flFadeOutStart: usize = 0xCE4; // float32
pub const m_flFadeOutLength: usize = 0xCE8; // float32
pub const m_flNextSparkTime: usize = 0xCEC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_nDissolveType: usize = 0xCF0; // EntityDisolveType_t
pub const m_vDissolverOrigin: usize = 0xCF4; // Vector
pub const m_nMagnitude: usize = 0xD00; // uint32
pub const m_bCoreExplode: usize = 0xD04; // bool
pub const m_bLinkedToServerEnt: usize = 0xD05; // bool
// Parent: CPlayer_UseServices
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSObserver_UseServices {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 14
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hCtrl (CHandle<CFogController>)
pub mod C_fogplayerparams_t {
pub const m_hCtrl: usize = 0x8; // CHandle<C_FogController>
pub const m_flTransitionTime: usize = 0xC; // float32
pub const m_OldColor: usize = 0x10; // Color
pub const m_flOldStart: usize = 0x14; // float32
pub const m_flOldEnd: usize = 0x18; // float32
pub const m_flOldMaxDensity: usize = 0x1C; // float32
pub const m_flOldHDRColorScale: usize = 0x20; // float32
pub const m_flOldFarZ: usize = 0x24; // float32
pub const m_NewColor: usize = 0x28; // Color
pub const m_flNewStart: usize = 0x2C; // float32
pub const m_flNewEnd: usize = 0x30; // float32
pub const m_flNewMaxDensity: usize = 0x34; // float32
pub const m_flNewHDRColorScale: usize = 0x38; // float32
pub const m_flNewFarZ: usize = 0x3C; // float32
// Parent: C_BasePlayerPawn
// Field count: 65
// Metadata:
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_pPingServices (CCSPlayer_PingServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pViewModelServices (CPlayer_ViewModelServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iPlayerState (CSPlayerState)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bGunGameImmunity (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovUseTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovDamageTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iThrowGrenadeCounter (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iProgressBarDuration (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flProgressBarStartTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashMaxAlpha (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashDuration (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_cycleLatch (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalController (CHandle<CCSPlayerController>)
pub mod C_CSPlayerPawnBase {
pub const m_pPingServices: usize = 0x12B0; // CCSPlayer_PingServices*
pub const m_pViewModelServices: usize = 0x12B8; // CPlayer_ViewModelServices*
pub const m_fRenderingClipPlane: usize = 0x12C0; // float32[4]
pub const m_nLastClipPlaneSetupFrame: usize = 0x12D0; // int32
pub const m_vecLastClipCameraPos: usize = 0x12D4; // Vector
pub const m_vecLastClipCameraForward: usize = 0x12E0; // Vector
pub const m_bClipHitStaticWorld: usize = 0x12EC; // bool
pub const m_bCachedPlaneIsValid: usize = 0x12ED; // bool
pub const m_pClippingWeapon: usize = 0x12F0; // C_CSWeaponBase*
pub const m_previousPlayerState: usize = 0x12F8; // CSPlayerState
pub const m_iPlayerState: usize = 0x12FC; // CSPlayerState
pub const m_bIsRescuing: usize = 0x1300; // bool
pub const m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime: usize = 0x1304; // GameTime_t
pub const m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTimeLast: usize = 0x1308; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bGunGameImmunity: usize = 0x130C; // bool
pub const m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn: usize = 0x130D; // bool
pub const m_fMolotovUseTime: usize = 0x1310; // float32
pub const m_fMolotovDamageTime: usize = 0x1314; // float32
pub const m_iThrowGrenadeCounter: usize = 0x1318; // int32
pub const m_flLastSpawnTimeIndex: usize = 0x131C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iProgressBarDuration: usize = 0x1320; // int32
pub const m_flProgressBarStartTime: usize = 0x1324; // float32
pub const m_vecIntroStartEyePosition: usize = 0x1328; // Vector
pub const m_vecIntroStartPlayerForward: usize = 0x1334; // Vector
pub const m_flClientDeathTime: usize = 0x1340; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bScreenTearFrameCaptured: usize = 0x1344; // bool
pub const m_flFlashBangTime: usize = 0x1348; // float32
pub const m_flFlashScreenshotAlpha: usize = 0x134C; // float32
pub const m_flFlashOverlayAlpha: usize = 0x1350; // float32
pub const m_bFlashBuildUp: usize = 0x1354; // bool
pub const m_bFlashDspHasBeenCleared: usize = 0x1355; // bool
pub const m_bFlashScreenshotHasBeenGrabbed: usize = 0x1356; // bool
pub const m_flFlashMaxAlpha: usize = 0x1358; // float32
pub const m_flFlashDuration: usize = 0x135C; // float32
pub const m_iHealthBarRenderMaskIndex: usize = 0x1360; // int32
pub const m_flHealthFadeValue: usize = 0x1364; // float32
pub const m_flHealthFadeAlpha: usize = 0x1368; // float32
pub const m_flDeathCCWeight: usize = 0x1378; // float32
pub const m_flPrevRoundEndTime: usize = 0x137C; // float32
pub const m_flPrevMatchEndTime: usize = 0x1380; // float32
pub const m_angEyeAngles: usize = 0x1388; // QAngle
pub const m_fNextThinkPushAway: usize = 0x13A0; // float32
pub const m_bShouldAutobuyDMWeapons: usize = 0x13A4; // bool
pub const m_bShouldAutobuyNow: usize = 0x13A5; // bool
pub const m_iIDEntIndex: usize = 0x13A8; // CEntityIndex
pub const m_delayTargetIDTimer: usize = 0x13B0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_iTargetItemEntIdx: usize = 0x13C8; // CEntityIndex
pub const m_iOldIDEntIndex: usize = 0x13CC; // CEntityIndex
pub const m_holdTargetIDTimer: usize = 0x13D0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_flCurrentMusicStartTime: usize = 0x13EC; // float32
pub const m_flMusicRoundStartTime: usize = 0x13F0; // float32
pub const m_bDeferStartMusicOnWarmup: usize = 0x13F4; // bool
pub const m_cycleLatch: usize = 0x13F8; // int32
pub const m_serverIntendedCycle: usize = 0x13FC; // float32
pub const m_flLastSmokeOverlayAlpha: usize = 0x1400; // float32
pub const m_flLastSmokeAge: usize = 0x1404; // float32
pub const m_vLastSmokeOverlayColor: usize = 0x1408; // Vector
pub const m_nPlayerSmokedFx: usize = 0x1414; // ParticleIndex_t
pub const m_nPlayerInfernoBodyFx: usize = 0x1418; // ParticleIndex_t
pub const m_nPlayerInfernoFootFx: usize = 0x141C; // ParticleIndex_t
pub const m_flNextMagDropTime: usize = 0x1420; // float32
pub const m_nLastMagDropAttachmentIndex: usize = 0x1424; // int32
pub const m_vecLastAliveLocalVelocity: usize = 0x1428; // Vector
pub const m_bGuardianShouldSprayCustomXMark: usize = 0x1450; // bool
pub const m_hOriginalController: usize = 0x1458; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
// Parent: C_WeaponBaseItem
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_Item_Healthshot {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 29
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iWindSeed (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMinWind (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxWind (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_windRadius (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMinGust (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxGust (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMinGustDelay (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxGustDelay (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flGustDuration (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iGustDirChange (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_location (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iInitialWindDir (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialWindSpeed (float32)
pub mod C_EnvWindShared {
pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iWindSeed: usize = 0xC; // uint32
pub const m_iMinWind: usize = 0x10; // uint16
pub const m_iMaxWind: usize = 0x12; // uint16
pub const m_windRadius: usize = 0x14; // int32
pub const m_iMinGust: usize = 0x18; // uint16
pub const m_iMaxGust: usize = 0x1A; // uint16
pub const m_flMinGustDelay: usize = 0x1C; // float32
pub const m_flMaxGustDelay: usize = 0x20; // float32
pub const m_flGustDuration: usize = 0x24; // float32
pub const m_iGustDirChange: usize = 0x28; // uint16
pub const m_location: usize = 0x2C; // Vector
pub const m_iszGustSound: usize = 0x38; // int32
pub const m_iWindDir: usize = 0x3C; // int32
pub const m_flWindSpeed: usize = 0x40; // float32
pub const m_currentWindVector: usize = 0x44; // Vector
pub const m_CurrentSwayVector: usize = 0x50; // Vector
pub const m_PrevSwayVector: usize = 0x5C; // Vector
pub const m_iInitialWindDir: usize = 0x68; // uint16
pub const m_flInitialWindSpeed: usize = 0x6C; // float32
pub const m_flVariationTime: usize = 0x70; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flSwayTime: usize = 0x74; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flSimTime: usize = 0x78; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flSwitchTime: usize = 0x7C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flAveWindSpeed: usize = 0x80; // float32
pub const m_bGusting: usize = 0x84; // bool
pub const m_flWindAngleVariation: usize = 0x88; // float32
pub const m_flWindSpeedVariation: usize = 0x8C; // float32
pub const m_iEntIndex: usize = 0x90; // CEntityIndex
// Parent: C_BaseTrigger
// Field count: 16
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hPostSettings (HPostProcessingStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeDuration (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMinLogExposure (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxLogExposure (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMinExposure (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxExposure (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureCompensation (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bExposureControl (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRate (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float)
pub mod C_PostProcessingVolume {
pub const m_hPostSettings: usize = 0xCE0; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource>
pub const m_flFadeDuration: usize = 0xCE8; // float32
pub const m_flMinLogExposure: usize = 0xCEC; // float32
pub const m_flMaxLogExposure: usize = 0xCF0; // float32
pub const m_flMinExposure: usize = 0xCF4; // float32
pub const m_flMaxExposure: usize = 0xCF8; // float32
pub const m_flExposureCompensation: usize = 0xCFC; // float32
pub const m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp: usize = 0xD00; // float32
pub const m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown: usize = 0xD04; // float32
pub const m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange: usize = 0xD08; // float32
pub const m_bMaster: usize = 0xD0C; // bool
pub const m_bExposureControl: usize = 0xD0D; // bool
pub const m_flRate: usize = 0xD10; // float32
pub const m_flTonemapPercentTarget: usize = 0xD14; // float32
pub const m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels: usize = 0xD18; // float32
pub const m_flTonemapMinAvgLum: usize = 0xD1C; // float32
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPing (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
pub mod CCSPlayer_PingServices {
pub const m_hPlayerPing: usize = 0x40; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 0
pub mod CPlayer_FlashlightServices {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod CServerOnlyModelEntity {
// Parent: CAttributeManager
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_Item (CEconItemView)
pub mod C_AttributeContainer {
pub const m_Item: usize = 0x50; // C_EconItemView
pub const m_iExternalItemProviderRegisteredToken: usize = 0x498; // int32
pub const m_ullRegisteredAsItemID: usize = 0x4A0; // uint64
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkOverride
pub mod C_FuncRotating {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFlags (uint32)
pub mod C_BaseFire {
pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x548; // float32
pub const m_flStartScale: usize = 0x54C; // float32
pub const m_flScaleTime: usize = 0x550; // float32
pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x554; // uint32
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 16
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkUserGroupProxy
// MNetworkUserGroupProxy
// MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTickBase (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hPawn (CHandle<CBasePlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bKnownTeamMismatch (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iConnected (PlayerConnectedState)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszPlayerName (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_steamID (uint64)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredFOV (uint32)
// MNetworkReplayCompatField
pub mod CBasePlayerController {
pub const m_nFinalPredictedTick: usize = 0x550; // int32
pub const m_CommandContext: usize = 0x558; // C_CommandContext
pub const m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles: usize = 0x5F0; // uint64
pub const m_nTickBase: usize = 0x5F8; // uint32
pub const m_hPawn: usize = 0x5FC; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
pub const m_bKnownTeamMismatch: usize = 0x600; // bool
pub const m_hPredictedPawn: usize = 0x604; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
pub const m_nSplitScreenSlot: usize = 0x608; // CSplitScreenSlot
pub const m_hSplitOwner: usize = 0x60C; // CHandle<CBasePlayerController>
pub const m_hSplitScreenPlayers: usize = 0x610; // CUtlVector<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>
pub const m_bIsHLTV: usize = 0x628; // bool
pub const m_iConnected: usize = 0x62C; // PlayerConnectedState
pub const m_iszPlayerName: usize = 0x630; // char[128]
pub const m_steamID: usize = 0x6B8; // uint64
pub const m_bIsLocalPlayerController: usize = 0x6C0; // bool
pub const m_iDesiredFOV: usize = 0x6C4; // uint32
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MPulseProvideFeatureTag
// MPulseLibraryBindings
pub mod CPointTemplateAPI {
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nDecoyShotTick (int)
pub mod C_DecoyProjectile {
pub const m_nDecoyShotTick: usize = 0x1150; // int32
pub const m_nClientLastKnownDecoyShotTick: usize = 0x1154; // int32
pub const m_flTimeParticleEffectSpawn: usize = 0x1178; // GameTime_t
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WaterBullet {
// Parent: C_CSPlayerPawn
// Field count: 3
pub mod C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer {
pub const m_animgraph: usize = 0x2368; // CUtlString
pub const m_animgraphCharacterModeString: usize = 0x2370; // CGlobalSymbol
pub const m_flInitialModelScale: usize = 0x2378; // float32
// Parent: CSkeletonAnimationController
// Field count: 14
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_animGraphNetworkedVars (CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqFixedCycle (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimLoopMode (AnimLoopMode_t)
pub mod CBaseAnimGraphController {
pub const m_animGraphNetworkedVars: usize = 0x18; // CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables
pub const m_bSequenceFinished: usize = 0x14A8; // bool
pub const m_flSoundSyncTime: usize = 0x14AC; // float32
pub const m_nActiveIKChainMask: usize = 0x14B0; // uint32
pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x14B4; // HSequence
pub const m_flSeqStartTime: usize = 0x14B8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flSeqFixedCycle: usize = 0x14BC; // float32
pub const m_nAnimLoopMode: usize = 0x14C0; // AnimLoopMode_t
pub const m_flPlaybackRate: usize = 0x14C4; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat
pub const m_nNotifyState: usize = 0x14D0; // SequenceFinishNotifyState_t
pub const m_bNetworkedAnimationInputsChanged: usize = 0x14D2; // bool
pub const m_bNetworkedSequenceChanged: usize = 0x14D3; // bool
pub const m_bLastUpdateSkipped: usize = 0x14D4; // bool
pub const m_flPrevAnimUpdateTime: usize = 0x14D8; // GameTime_t
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSPointScriptEntity {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 11
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bStartedArming (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fArmedTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlacedAnimation (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlantingViaUse (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t)
pub mod C_C4 {
pub const m_szScreenText: usize = 0x1A70; // char[32]
pub const m_activeLightParticleIndex: usize = 0x1A90; // ParticleIndex_t
pub const m_eActiveLightEffect: usize = 0x1A94; // C4LightEffect_t
pub const m_bStartedArming: usize = 0x1A98; // bool
pub const m_fArmedTime: usize = 0x1A9C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bBombPlacedAnimation: usize = 0x1AA0; // bool
pub const m_bIsPlantingViaUse: usize = 0x1AA1; // bool
pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0x1AA8; // EntitySpottedState_t
pub const m_nSpotRules: usize = 0x1AC0; // int32
pub const m_bPlayedArmingBeeps: usize = 0x1AC4; // bool[7]
pub const m_bBombPlanted: usize = 0x1ACB; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 13
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecForce (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nForceBone (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pRagdollPose (PhysicsRagdollPose_t*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollClientSide (bool)
pub mod CBaseAnimGraph {
pub const m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory: usize = 0xD40; // bool
pub const m_bSuppressAnimEventSounds: usize = 0xD42; // bool
pub const m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled: usize = 0xD50; // bool
pub const m_flMaxSlopeDistance: usize = 0xD54; // float32
pub const m_vLastSlopeCheckPos: usize = 0xD58; // Vector
pub const m_bAnimationUpdateScheduled: usize = 0xD64; // bool
pub const m_vecForce: usize = 0xD68; // Vector
pub const m_nForceBone: usize = 0xD74; // int32
pub const m_pClientsideRagdoll: usize = 0xD78; // CBaseAnimGraph*
pub const m_bBuiltRagdoll: usize = 0xD80; // bool
pub const m_pRagdollPose: usize = 0xD98; // PhysicsRagdollPose_t*
pub const m_bRagdollClientSide: usize = 0xDA0; // bool
pub const m_bHasAnimatedMaterialAttributes: usize = 0xDB0; // bool
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_Melee {
// Parent: C_BaseGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod CBreachChargeProjectile {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_PointEntity {
// Parent: C_GameRules
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_MultiplayRules {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MPulseProvideFeatureTag
// MPulseLibraryBindings
pub mod CBasePlayerControllerAPI {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 16
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flParticleSpacing (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSlack (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectState (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Position (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentIn (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentOut (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Color (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_PinEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_RadiusScale (float)
pub mod C_PathParticleRope {
pub const m_bStartActive: usize = 0x548; // bool
pub const m_flMaxSimulationTime: usize = 0x54C; // float32
pub const m_iszEffectName: usize = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_PathNodes_Name: usize = 0x558; // CUtlVector<CUtlSymbolLarge>
pub const m_flParticleSpacing: usize = 0x570; // float32
pub const m_flSlack: usize = 0x574; // float32
pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x578; // float32
pub const m_ColorTint: usize = 0x57C; // Color
pub const m_nEffectState: usize = 0x580; // int32
pub const m_iEffectIndex: usize = 0x588; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>
pub const m_PathNodes_Position: usize = 0x590; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<Vector>
pub const m_PathNodes_TangentIn: usize = 0x5A8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<Vector>
pub const m_PathNodes_TangentOut: usize = 0x5C0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<Vector>
pub const m_PathNodes_Color: usize = 0x5D8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<Vector>
pub const m_PathNodes_PinEnabled: usize = 0x5F0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<bool>
pub const m_PathNodes_RadiusScale: usize = 0x608; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<float32>
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MPulseProvideFeatureTag
// MPulseLibraryBindings
pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_CCSWeaponBaseVData {
// Parent: C_SoundEventEntity
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector)
pub mod C_SoundEventAABBEntity {
pub const m_vMins: usize = 0x548; // Vector
pub const m_vMaxs: usize = 0x554; // Vector
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponP90 {
// Parent: C_EconEntity
// Field count: 7
// Metadata:
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkUserGroupProxy
// NetworkVarNames: m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick (GameTick_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick (GameTick_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iClip1 (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iClip2 (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pReserveAmmo (int)
pub mod C_BasePlayerWeapon {
pub const m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick: usize = 0x15B0; // GameTick_t
pub const m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio: usize = 0x15B4; // float32
pub const m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick: usize = 0x15B8; // GameTick_t
pub const m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio: usize = 0x15BC; // float32
pub const m_iClip1: usize = 0x15C0; // int32
pub const m_iClip2: usize = 0x15C4; // int32
pub const m_pReserveAmmo: usize = 0x15C8; // int32[2]
// Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase
// Field count: 20
// Metadata:
// MGetKV3ClassDefaults
pub mod CBasePlayerWeaponVData {
pub const m_szWorldModel: usize = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCModel>>
pub const m_bBuiltRightHanded: usize = 0x108; // bool
pub const m_bAllowFlipping: usize = 0x109; // bool
pub const m_sMuzzleAttachment: usize = 0x110; // CUtlString
pub const m_szMuzzleFlashParticle: usize = 0x118; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>>
pub const m_iFlags: usize = 0x1F8; // ItemFlagTypes_t
pub const m_nPrimaryAmmoType: usize = 0x1F9; // AmmoIndex_t
pub const m_nSecondaryAmmoType: usize = 0x1FA; // AmmoIndex_t
pub const m_iMaxClip1: usize = 0x1FC; // int32
pub const m_iMaxClip2: usize = 0x200; // int32
pub const m_iDefaultClip1: usize = 0x204; // int32
pub const m_iDefaultClip2: usize = 0x208; // int32
pub const m_iWeight: usize = 0x20C; // int32
pub const m_bAutoSwitchTo: usize = 0x210; // bool
pub const m_bAutoSwitchFrom: usize = 0x211; // bool
pub const m_iRumbleEffect: usize = 0x214; // RumbleEffect_t
pub const m_bLinkedCooldowns: usize = 0x218; // bool
pub const m_aShootSounds: usize = 0x220; // CUtlOrderedMap<WeaponSound_t,CSoundEventName>
pub const m_iSlot: usize = 0x248; // int32
pub const m_iPosition: usize = 0x24C; // int32
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 23
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_poolOrigin (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_waterLevel (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_x (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_y (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_z (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_angle (float32)
pub mod C_Fish {
pub const m_pos: usize = 0xED0; // Vector
pub const m_vel: usize = 0xEDC; // Vector
pub const m_angles: usize = 0xEE8; // QAngle
pub const m_localLifeState: usize = 0xEF4; // int32
pub const m_deathDepth: usize = 0xEF8; // float32
pub const m_deathAngle: usize = 0xEFC; // float32
pub const m_buoyancy: usize = 0xF00; // float32
pub const m_wiggleTimer: usize = 0xF08; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_wigglePhase: usize = 0xF20; // float32
pub const m_wiggleRate: usize = 0xF24; // float32
pub const m_actualPos: usize = 0xF28; // Vector
pub const m_actualAngles: usize = 0xF34; // QAngle
pub const m_poolOrigin: usize = 0xF40; // Vector
pub const m_waterLevel: usize = 0xF4C; // float32
pub const m_gotUpdate: usize = 0xF50; // bool
pub const m_x: usize = 0xF54; // float32
pub const m_y: usize = 0xF58; // float32
pub const m_z: usize = 0xF5C; // float32
pub const m_angle: usize = 0xF60; // float32
pub const m_errorHistory: usize = 0xF64; // float32[20]
pub const m_errorHistoryIndex: usize = 0xFB4; // int32
pub const m_errorHistoryCount: usize = 0xFB8; // int32
pub const m_averageError: usize = 0xFBC; // float32
// Parent: IntervalTimer
// Field count: 7
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flValues (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nValueCounts (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBucketCount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flInterval (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFinalValue (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCompressionType (TimelineCompression_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bStopped (bool)
pub mod CTimeline {
pub const m_flValues: usize = 0x10; // float32[64]
pub const m_nValueCounts: usize = 0x110; // int32[64]
pub const m_nBucketCount: usize = 0x210; // int32
pub const m_flInterval: usize = 0x214; // float32
pub const m_flFinalValue: usize = 0x218; // float32
pub const m_nCompressionType: usize = 0x21C; // TimelineCompression_t
pub const m_bStopped: usize = 0x220; // bool
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponAWP {
// Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter
// Field count: 28
// Metadata:
// MNetworkUserGroupProxy
// MNetworkUserGroupProxy
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_pWeaponServices (CPlayer_WeaponServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pItemServices (CPlayer_ItemServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pAutoaimServices (CPlayer_AutoaimServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pObserverServices (CPlayer_ObserverServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pWaterServices (CPlayer_WaterServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pUseServices (CPlayer_UseServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pFlashlightServices (CPlayer_FlashlightServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pCameraServices (CPlayer_CameraServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pMovementServices (CPlayer_MovementServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ServerViewAngleChanges (ViewAngleServerChange_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iHideHUD (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_skybox3d (sky3dparams_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDeathTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hController (CHandle<CBasePlayerController>)
pub mod C_BasePlayerPawn {
pub const m_pWeaponServices: usize = 0x10F8; // CPlayer_WeaponServices*
pub const m_pItemServices: usize = 0x1100; // CPlayer_ItemServices*
pub const m_pAutoaimServices: usize = 0x1108; // CPlayer_AutoaimServices*
pub const m_pObserverServices: usize = 0x1110; // CPlayer_ObserverServices*
pub const m_pWaterServices: usize = 0x1118; // CPlayer_WaterServices*
pub const m_pUseServices: usize = 0x1120; // CPlayer_UseServices*
pub const m_pFlashlightServices: usize = 0x1128; // CPlayer_FlashlightServices*
pub const m_pCameraServices: usize = 0x1130; // CPlayer_CameraServices*
pub const m_pMovementServices: usize = 0x1138; // CPlayer_MovementServices*
pub const m_ServerViewAngleChanges: usize = 0x1148; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar<ViewAngleServerChange_t>
pub const m_nHighestConsumedServerViewAngleChangeIndex: usize = 0x1198; // uint32
pub const v_angle: usize = 0x119C; // QAngle
pub const v_anglePrevious: usize = 0x11A8; // QAngle
pub const m_iHideHUD: usize = 0x11B4; // uint32
pub const m_skybox3d: usize = 0x11B8; // sky3dparams_t
pub const m_flDeathTime: usize = 0x1248; // GameTime_t
pub const m_vecPredictionError: usize = 0x124C; // Vector
pub const m_flPredictionErrorTime: usize = 0x1258; // GameTime_t
pub const m_vecLastCameraSetupLocalOrigin: usize = 0x125C; // Vector
pub const m_flLastCameraSetupTime: usize = 0x1268; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flFOVSensitivityAdjust: usize = 0x126C; // float32
pub const m_flMouseSensitivity: usize = 0x1270; // float32
pub const m_vOldOrigin: usize = 0x1274; // Vector
pub const m_flOldSimulationTime: usize = 0x1280; // float32
pub const m_nLastExecutedCommandNumber: usize = 0x1284; // int32
pub const m_nLastExecutedCommandTick: usize = 0x1288; // int32
pub const m_hController: usize = 0x128C; // CHandle<CBasePlayerController>
pub const m_bIsSwappingToPredictableController: usize = 0x1290; // bool
// Parent: None
// Field count: 6
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iReapplyProvisionParity (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hOuter (EHANDLE)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ProviderType (attributeprovidertypes_t)
pub mod CAttributeManager {
pub const m_Providers: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector<CHandle<C_BaseEntity>>
pub const m_iReapplyProvisionParity: usize = 0x20; // int32
pub const m_hOuter: usize = 0x24; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_bPreventLoopback: usize = 0x28; // bool
pub const m_ProviderType: usize = 0x2C; // attributeprovidertypes_t
pub const m_CachedResults: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector<CAttributeManager::cached_attribute_float_t>
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod CLogicalEntity {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 24
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetBoolVariables (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetByteVariables (byte)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt16Variables (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetIntVariables (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt32Variables (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt64Variables (uint64)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetFloatVariables (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetVectorVariables (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables (byte)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables (uint64)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBoolVariablesCount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeedOffset (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flLastTeleportTime (float)
pub mod CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables {
pub const m_PredNetBoolVariables: usize = 0x8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<uint32>
pub const m_PredNetByteVariables: usize = 0x20; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<uint8>
pub const m_PredNetUInt16Variables: usize = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<uint16>
pub const m_PredNetIntVariables: usize = 0x50; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<int32>
pub const m_PredNetUInt32Variables: usize = 0x68; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<uint32>
pub const m_PredNetUInt64Variables: usize = 0x80; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<uint64>
pub const m_PredNetFloatVariables: usize = 0x98; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<float32>
pub const m_PredNetVectorVariables: usize = 0xB0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<Vector>
pub const m_PredNetQuaternionVariables: usize = 0xC8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<Quaternion>
pub const m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables: usize = 0xE0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CGlobalSymbol>
pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables: usize = 0xF8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<uint32>
pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables: usize = 0x110; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<uint8>
pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables: usize = 0x128; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<uint16>
pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables: usize = 0x140; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<int32>
pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables: usize = 0x158; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<uint32>
pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables: usize = 0x170; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<uint64>
pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables: usize = 0x188; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<float32>
pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables: usize = 0x1A0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<Vector>
pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables: usize = 0x1B8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<Quaternion>
pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables: usize = 0x1D0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CGlobalSymbol>
pub const m_nBoolVariablesCount: usize = 0x1E8; // int32
pub const m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount: usize = 0x1EC; // int32
pub const m_nRandomSeedOffset: usize = 0x1F0; // int32
pub const m_flLastTeleportTime: usize = 0x1F4; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseTrigger
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFluidDensity (float)
pub mod C_TriggerBuoyancy {
pub const m_BuoyancyHelper: usize = 0xCD0; // CBuoyancyHelper
pub const m_flFluidDensity: usize = 0xCF0; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 41
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_flScrollSpeed (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_RopeFlags (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex (HMaterialStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSegments (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hStartPoint (CHandle<C_BaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hEndPoint (CHandle<C_BaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEndAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Subdiv (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_RopeLength (int16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Slack (int16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_TextureScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fLockedPoints (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nChangeCount (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Width (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints (bool)
pub mod C_RopeKeyframe {
pub const m_LinksTouchingSomething: usize = 0xCD0; // CBitVec<10>
pub const m_nLinksTouchingSomething: usize = 0xCD4; // int32
pub const m_bApplyWind: usize = 0xCD8; // bool
pub const m_fPrevLockedPoints: usize = 0xCDC; // int32
pub const m_iForcePointMoveCounter: usize = 0xCE0; // int32
pub const m_bPrevEndPointPos: usize = 0xCE4; // bool[2]
pub const m_vPrevEndPointPos: usize = 0xCE8; // Vector[2]
pub const m_flCurScroll: usize = 0xD00; // float32
pub const m_flScrollSpeed: usize = 0xD04; // float32
pub const m_RopeFlags: usize = 0xD08; // uint16
pub const m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex: usize = 0xD10; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_LightValues: usize = 0xF88; // Vector[10]
pub const m_nSegments: usize = 0x1000; // uint8
pub const m_hStartPoint: usize = 0x1004; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_hEndPoint: usize = 0x1008; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_iStartAttachment: usize = 0x100C; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_iEndAttachment: usize = 0x100D; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_Subdiv: usize = 0x100E; // uint8
pub const m_RopeLength: usize = 0x1010; // int16
pub const m_Slack: usize = 0x1012; // int16
pub const m_TextureScale: usize = 0x1014; // float32
pub const m_fLockedPoints: usize = 0x1018; // uint8
pub const m_nChangeCount: usize = 0x1019; // uint8
pub const m_Width: usize = 0x101C; // float32
pub const m_PhysicsDelegate: usize = 0x1020; // C_RopeKeyframe::CPhysicsDelegate
pub const m_hMaterial: usize = 0x1030; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_TextureHeight: usize = 0x1038; // int32
pub const m_vecImpulse: usize = 0x103C; // Vector
pub const m_vecPreviousImpulse: usize = 0x1048; // Vector
pub const m_flCurrentGustTimer: usize = 0x1054; // float32
pub const m_flCurrentGustLifetime: usize = 0x1058; // float32
pub const m_flTimeToNextGust: usize = 0x105C; // float32
pub const m_vWindDir: usize = 0x1060; // Vector
pub const m_vColorMod: usize = 0x106C; // Vector
pub const m_vCachedEndPointAttachmentPos: usize = 0x1078; // Vector[2]
pub const m_vCachedEndPointAttachmentAngle: usize = 0x1090; // QAngle[2]
pub const m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints: usize = 0x10A8; // bool
pub const m_bEndPointAttachmentPositionsDirty: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_bEndPointAttachmentAnglesDirty: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_bNewDataThisFrame: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_bPhysicsInitted: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 16
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hGradientFogTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartHeight (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndHeight (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogVerticalExponent (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fogColor (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool)
pub mod C_GradientFog {
pub const m_hGradientFogTexture: usize = 0x548; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_flFogStartDistance: usize = 0x550; // float32
pub const m_flFogEndDistance: usize = 0x554; // float32
pub const m_bHeightFogEnabled: usize = 0x558; // bool
pub const m_flFogStartHeight: usize = 0x55C; // float32
pub const m_flFogEndHeight: usize = 0x560; // float32
pub const m_flFarZ: usize = 0x564; // float32
pub const m_flFogMaxOpacity: usize = 0x568; // float32
pub const m_flFogFalloffExponent: usize = 0x56C; // float32
pub const m_flFogVerticalExponent: usize = 0x570; // float32
pub const m_fogColor: usize = 0x574; // Color
pub const m_flFogStrength: usize = 0x578; // float32
pub const m_flFadeTime: usize = 0x57C; // float32
pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x580; // bool
pub const m_bIsEnabled: usize = 0x581; // bool
pub const m_bGradientFogNeedsTextures: usize = 0x582; // bool
// Parent: None
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bSpotted (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bSpottedByMask (uint32)
pub mod EntitySpottedState_t {
pub const m_bSpotted: usize = 0x8; // bool
pub const m_bSpottedByMask: usize = 0xC; // uint32[2]
// Parent: C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPath
// Field count: 7
pub mod C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera {
pub const m_nVariant: usize = 0x5B0; // int32
pub const m_bDofEnabled: usize = 0x5B4; // bool
pub const m_flDofNearBlurry: usize = 0x5B8; // float32
pub const m_flDofNearCrisp: usize = 0x5BC; // float32
pub const m_flDofFarCrisp: usize = 0x5C0; // float32
pub const m_flDofFarBlurry: usize = 0x5C4; // float32
pub const m_flDofTiltToGround: usize = 0x5C8; // float32
// Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices
// Field count: 1
pub mod CCSPlayer_CameraServices {
pub const m_flDeathCamTilt: usize = 0x228; // float32
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_TeamSelectCounterTerroristPosition {
// Parent: C_EconEntity
// Field count: 2
pub mod C_EconWearable {
pub const m_nForceSkin: usize = 0x15B0; // int32
pub const m_bAlwaysAllow: usize = 0x15B4; // bool
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition {
// Parent: CSPerRoundStats_t
// Field count: 5
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy5Ks (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy4Ks (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy3Ks (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyKnifeKills (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyTaserKills (int)
pub mod CSMatchStats_t {
pub const m_iEnemy5Ks: usize = 0x68; // int32
pub const m_iEnemy4Ks: usize = 0x6C; // int32
pub const m_iEnemy3Ks: usize = 0x70; // int32
pub const m_iEnemyKnifeKills: usize = 0x74; // int32
pub const m_iEnemyTaserKills: usize = 0x78; // int32
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_BaseToggle {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 15
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStrength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFalloffShape (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloffExponent (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHeightFogDepth (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fIndirectLightStrength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fSunLightStrength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideSunLightStrength (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideNoiseStrength (bool)
pub mod C_EnvVolumetricFogVolume {
pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x548; // bool
pub const m_vBoxMins: usize = 0x54C; // Vector
pub const m_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x558; // Vector
pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x564; // bool
pub const m_flStrength: usize = 0x568; // float32
pub const m_nFalloffShape: usize = 0x56C; // int32
pub const m_flFalloffExponent: usize = 0x570; // float32
pub const m_flHeightFogDepth: usize = 0x574; // float32
pub const m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth: usize = 0x578; // float32
pub const m_fIndirectLightStrength: usize = 0x57C; // float32
pub const m_fSunLightStrength: usize = 0x580; // float32
pub const m_fNoiseStrength: usize = 0x584; // float32
pub const m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength: usize = 0x588; // bool
pub const m_bOverrideSunLightStrength: usize = 0x589; // bool
pub const m_bOverrideNoiseStrength: usize = 0x58A; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod CWaterSplasher {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_ModelPointEntity {
// Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSObserver_ViewModelServices {
// Parent: C_BaseFire
// Field count: 13
// Metadata:
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkOverride
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameModelIndex (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex (int32)
pub mod C_FireSmoke {
pub const m_nFlameModelIndex: usize = 0x558; // int32
pub const m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex: usize = 0x55C; // int32
pub const m_flScaleRegister: usize = 0x560; // float32
pub const m_flScaleStart: usize = 0x564; // float32
pub const m_flScaleEnd: usize = 0x568; // float32
pub const m_flScaleTimeStart: usize = 0x56C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flScaleTimeEnd: usize = 0x570; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flChildFlameSpread: usize = 0x574; // float32
pub const m_flClipPerc: usize = 0x588; // float32
pub const m_bClipTested: usize = 0x58C; // bool
pub const m_bFadingOut: usize = 0x58D; // bool
pub const m_tParticleSpawn: usize = 0x590; // TimedEvent
pub const m_pFireOverlay: usize = 0x598; // CFireOverlay*
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponRevolver {
// Parent: C_Sprite
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_FireFromAboveSprite {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 24
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_Color (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flBrightness (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool)
pub mod C_EnvCombinedLightProbeVolume {
pub const m_Entity_Color: usize = 0x15A8; // Color
pub const m_Entity_flBrightness: usize = 0x15AC; // float32
pub const m_Entity_hCubemapTexture: usize = 0x15B0; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture: usize = 0x15B8; // bool
pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture: usize = 0x15C0; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture: usize = 0x15C8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture: usize = 0x15D0; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture: usize = 0x15D8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_Entity_vBoxMins: usize = 0x15E0; // Vector
pub const m_Entity_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x15EC; // Vector
pub const m_Entity_bMoveable: usize = 0x15F8; // bool
pub const m_Entity_nHandshake: usize = 0x15FC; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex: usize = 0x1600; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nPriority: usize = 0x1604; // int32
pub const m_Entity_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x1608; // bool
pub const m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist: usize = 0x160C; // float32
pub const m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists: usize = 0x1610; // Vector
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX: usize = 0x161C; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY: usize = 0x1620; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ: usize = 0x1624; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX: usize = 0x1628; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY: usize = 0x162C; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ: usize = 0x1630; // int32
pub const m_Entity_bEnabled: usize = 0x1649; // bool
// Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetOBBWindEntity {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (ModelConfigHandle_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Name (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntities (CHandle<C_BaseModelEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntityNames (string_t)
pub mod ActiveModelConfig_t {
pub const m_Handle: usize = 0x28; // ModelConfigHandle_t
pub const m_Name: usize = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_AssociatedEntities: usize = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_BaseModelEntity>>
pub const m_AssociatedEntityNames: usize = 0x50; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CUtlSymbolLarge>
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponMP5SD {
// Parent: C_DynamicProp
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_DynamicPropAlias_dynamic_prop {
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_totalHitsOnServer (int32)
pub mod CCSPlayer_BulletServices {
pub const m_totalHitsOnServer: usize = 0x40; // int32
// Parent: CLogicalEntity
// Field count: 7
pub mod CLogicRelay {
pub const m_OnTrigger: usize = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_OnSpawn: usize = 0x570; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x598; // bool
pub const m_bWaitForRefire: usize = 0x599; // bool
pub const m_bTriggerOnce: usize = 0x59A; // bool
pub const m_bFastRetrigger: usize = 0x59B; // bool
pub const m_bPassthoughCaller: usize = 0x59C; // bool
// Parent: C_PointCamera
// Field count: 1
pub mod C_PointCameraVFOV {
pub const m_flVerticalFOV: usize = 0x5A8; // float32
// Parent: CPlayer_ItemServices
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasDefuser (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHelmet (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeavyArmor (bool)
pub mod CCSPlayer_ItemServices {
pub const m_bHasDefuser: usize = 0x40; // bool
pub const m_bHasHelmet: usize = 0x41; // bool
pub const m_bHasHeavyArmor: usize = 0x42; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 51
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nColorMode (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTemperature (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nLuminaireShape (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireSize (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireAnisotropy (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleString (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_QueuedLightStyleStrings (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleEvents (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleTargets (CHandle<C_BaseModelEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShape (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftX (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftY (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirt (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirtNear (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vSizeParams (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vShear (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowMapSize (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bContactShadow (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBounceLight (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flBounceScale (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vAlternateColor (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fAlternateColorBrightness (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFog (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFogShadows (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogScale (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeStart (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeEnd (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeStart (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector)
pub mod C_BarnLight {
pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xCC8; // bool
pub const m_nColorMode: usize = 0xCCC; // int32
pub const m_Color: usize = 0xCD0; // Color
pub const m_flColorTemperature: usize = 0xCD4; // float32
pub const m_flBrightness: usize = 0xCD8; // float32
pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0xCDC; // float32
pub const m_nDirectLight: usize = 0xCE0; // int32
pub const m_nBakedShadowIndex: usize = 0xCE4; // int32
pub const m_nLuminaireShape: usize = 0xCE8; // int32
pub const m_flLuminaireSize: usize = 0xCEC; // float32
pub const m_flLuminaireAnisotropy: usize = 0xCF0; // float32
pub const m_LightStyleString: usize = 0xCF8; // CUtlString
pub const m_flLightStyleStartTime: usize = 0xD00; // GameTime_t
pub const m_QueuedLightStyleStrings: usize = 0xD08; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CUtlString>
pub const m_LightStyleEvents: usize = 0xD20; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CUtlString>
pub const m_LightStyleTargets: usize = 0xD38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_BaseModelEntity>>
pub const m_StyleEvent: usize = 0xD50; // CEntityIOOutput[4]
pub const m_hLightCookie: usize = 0xDF0; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_flShape: usize = 0xDF8; // float32
pub const m_flSoftX: usize = 0xDFC; // float32
pub const m_flSoftY: usize = 0xE00; // float32
pub const m_flSkirt: usize = 0xE04; // float32
pub const m_flSkirtNear: usize = 0xE08; // float32
pub const m_vSizeParams: usize = 0xE0C; // Vector
pub const m_flRange: usize = 0xE18; // float32
pub const m_vShear: usize = 0xE1C; // Vector
pub const m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps: usize = 0xE28; // int32
pub const m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize: usize = 0xE2C; // Vector
pub const m_nCastShadows: usize = 0xE38; // int32
pub const m_nShadowMapSize: usize = 0xE3C; // int32
pub const m_nShadowPriority: usize = 0xE40; // int32
pub const m_bContactShadow: usize = 0xE44; // bool
pub const m_nBounceLight: usize = 0xE48; // int32
pub const m_flBounceScale: usize = 0xE4C; // float32
pub const m_flMinRoughness: usize = 0xE50; // float32
pub const m_vAlternateColor: usize = 0xE54; // Vector
pub const m_fAlternateColorBrightness: usize = 0xE60; // float32
pub const m_nFog: usize = 0xE64; // int32
pub const m_flFogStrength: usize = 0xE68; // float32
pub const m_nFogShadows: usize = 0xE6C; // int32
pub const m_flFogScale: usize = 0xE70; // float32
pub const m_flFadeSizeStart: usize = 0xE74; // float32
pub const m_flFadeSizeEnd: usize = 0xE78; // float32
pub const m_flShadowFadeSizeStart: usize = 0xE7C; // float32
pub const m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd: usize = 0xE80; // float32
pub const m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid: usize = 0xE84; // bool
pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins: usize = 0xE88; // Vector
pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs: usize = 0xE94; // Vector
pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin: usize = 0xEA0; // Vector
pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles: usize = 0xEAC; // QAngle
pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent: usize = 0xEB8; // Vector
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMin (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMax (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float)
pub mod C_TonemapController2 {
pub const m_flAutoExposureMin: usize = 0x548; // float32
pub const m_flAutoExposureMax: usize = 0x54C; // float32
pub const m_flTonemapPercentTarget: usize = 0x550; // float32
pub const m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels: usize = 0x554; // float32
pub const m_flTonemapMinAvgLum: usize = 0x558; // float32
pub const m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp: usize = 0x55C; // float32
pub const m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown: usize = 0x560; // float32
pub const m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange: usize = 0x564; // float32
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponG3SG1 {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 1
pub mod CFuncWater {
pub const m_BuoyancyHelper: usize = 0xCC8; // CBuoyancyHelper
// Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetAutoRoomEntity {
// Parent: C_BaseFlex
// Field count: 20
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackPaintKit (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackSeed (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFallbackWear (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackStatTrak (int)
pub mod C_EconEntity {
pub const m_flFlexDelayTime: usize = 0x1078; // float32
pub const m_flFlexDelayedWeight: usize = 0x1080; // float32*
pub const m_bAttributesInitialized: usize = 0x1088; // bool
pub const m_AttributeManager: usize = 0x1090; // C_AttributeContainer
pub const m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow: usize = 0x1538; // uint32
pub const m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh: usize = 0x153C; // uint32
pub const m_nFallbackPaintKit: usize = 0x1540; // int32
pub const m_nFallbackSeed: usize = 0x1544; // int32
pub const m_flFallbackWear: usize = 0x1548; // float32
pub const m_nFallbackStatTrak: usize = 0x154C; // int32
pub const m_bClientside: usize = 0x1550; // bool
pub const m_bParticleSystemsCreated: usize = 0x1551; // bool
pub const m_vecAttachedParticles: usize = 0x1558; // CUtlVector<int32>
pub const m_hViewmodelAttachment: usize = 0x1570; // CHandle<CBaseAnimGraph>
pub const m_iOldTeam: usize = 0x1574; // int32
pub const m_bAttachmentDirty: usize = 0x1578; // bool
pub const m_nUnloadedModelIndex: usize = 0x157C; // int32
pub const m_iNumOwnerValidationRetries: usize = 0x1580; // int32
pub const m_hOldProvidee: usize = 0x1590; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_vecAttachedModels: usize = 0x1598; // CUtlVector<C_EconEntity::AttachedModelData_t>
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponSG556 {
// Parent: C_BarnLight
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool)
pub mod C_RectLight {
pub const m_bShowLight: usize = 0xF10; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 24
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_szSnapshotFileName (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bFrozen (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFreezeTransitionDuration (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nStopType (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flPreSimTime (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vServerControlPoints (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iServerControlPointAssignments (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPointEnts (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSave (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bNoFreeze (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bNoRamp (bool)
pub mod C_ParticleSystem {
pub const m_szSnapshotFileName: usize = 0xCC8; // char[512]
pub const m_bActive: usize = 0xEC8; // bool
pub const m_bFrozen: usize = 0xEC9; // bool
pub const m_flFreezeTransitionDuration: usize = 0xECC; // float32
pub const m_nStopType: usize = 0xED0; // int32
pub const m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause: usize = 0xED4; // bool
pub const m_iEffectIndex: usize = 0xED8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>
pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0xEE0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flPreSimTime: usize = 0xEE4; // float32
pub const m_vServerControlPoints: usize = 0xEE8; // Vector[4]
pub const m_iServerControlPointAssignments: usize = 0xF18; // uint8[4]
pub const m_hControlPointEnts: usize = 0xF1C; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>[64]
pub const m_bNoSave: usize = 0x101C; // bool
pub const m_bNoFreeze: usize = 0x101D; // bool
pub const m_bNoRamp: usize = 0x101E; // bool
pub const m_bStartActive: usize = 0x101F; // bool
pub const m_iszEffectName: usize = 0x1020; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszControlPointNames: usize = 0x1028; // CUtlSymbolLarge[64]
pub const m_nDataCP: usize = 0x1228; // int32
pub const m_vecDataCPValue: usize = 0x122C; // Vector
pub const m_nTintCP: usize = 0x1238; // int32
pub const m_clrTint: usize = 0x123C; // Color
pub const m_bOldActive: usize = 0x1260; // bool
pub const m_bOldFrozen: usize = 0x1261; // bool
// Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_TeamPreviewModel {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponGlock {
// Parent: C_GameRulesProxy
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_pGameRules (C_CSGameRules*)
pub mod C_CSGameRulesProxy {
pub const m_pGameRules: usize = 0x548; // C_CSGameRules*
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 6
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iObserverMode (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverTarget (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
pub mod CPlayer_ObserverServices {
pub const m_iObserverMode: usize = 0x40; // uint8
pub const m_hObserverTarget: usize = 0x44; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_iObserverLastMode: usize = 0x48; // ObserverMode_t
pub const m_bForcedObserverMode: usize = 0x4C; // bool
pub const m_flObserverChaseDistance: usize = 0x50; // float32
pub const m_flObserverChaseDistanceCalcTime: usize = 0x54; // GameTime_t
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod CWeaponZoneRepulsor {
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 0
pub mod CPlayer_WaterServices {
// Parent: C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEnd {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 6
pub mod SequenceHistory_t {
pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x0; // HSequence
pub const m_flSeqStartTime: usize = 0x4; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flSeqFixedCycle: usize = 0x8; // float32
pub const m_nSeqLoopMode: usize = 0xC; // AnimLoopMode_t
pub const m_flPlaybackRate: usize = 0x10; // float32
pub const m_flCyclesPerSecond: usize = 0x14; // float32
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 1
pub mod C_Multimeter {
pub const m_hTargetC4: usize = 0xED8; // CHandle<C_PlantedC4>
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 2
pub mod C_CsmFovOverride {
pub const m_cameraName: usize = 0x548; // CUtlString
pub const m_flCsmFovOverrideValue: usize = 0x550; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 9
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hDecalMaterial (HMaterialStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDepth (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderOrder (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWorld (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnCharacters (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWater (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthSortBias (float)
pub mod C_EnvDecal {
pub const m_hDecalMaterial: usize = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0xCD0; // float32
pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0xCD4; // float32
pub const m_flDepth: usize = 0xCD8; // float32
pub const m_nRenderOrder: usize = 0xCDC; // uint32
pub const m_bProjectOnWorld: usize = 0xCE0; // bool
pub const m_bProjectOnCharacters: usize = 0xCE1; // bool
pub const m_bProjectOnWater: usize = 0xCE2; // bool
pub const m_flDepthSortBias: usize = 0xCE4; // float32
// Parent: CCSGameModeRules
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSGameModeRules_Noop {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 18
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup
// NetworkVarNames: m_MinFalloff (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_MaxFalloff (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInDuration (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutDuration (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxWeight (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCurWeight (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_netlookupFilename (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSide (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bExclusive (bool)
pub mod C_ColorCorrection {
pub const m_vecOrigin: usize = 0x548; // Vector
pub const m_MinFalloff: usize = 0x554; // float32
pub const m_MaxFalloff: usize = 0x558; // float32
pub const m_flFadeInDuration: usize = 0x55C; // float32
pub const m_flFadeOutDuration: usize = 0x560; // float32
pub const m_flMaxWeight: usize = 0x564; // float32
pub const m_flCurWeight: usize = 0x568; // float32
pub const m_netlookupFilename: usize = 0x56C; // char[512]
pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x76C; // bool
pub const m_bMaster: usize = 0x76D; // bool
pub const m_bClientSide: usize = 0x76E; // bool
pub const m_bExclusive: usize = 0x76F; // bool
pub const m_bEnabledOnClient: usize = 0x770; // bool[1]
pub const m_flCurWeightOnClient: usize = 0x774; // float32[1]
pub const m_bFadingIn: usize = 0x778; // bool[1]
pub const m_flFadeStartWeight: usize = 0x77C; // float32[1]
pub const m_flFadeStartTime: usize = 0x780; // float32[1]
pub const m_flFadeDuration: usize = 0x784; // float32[1]
// Parent: C_BaseTrigger
// Field count: 0
pub mod CHostageRescueZoneShim {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 7
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hModel (HModelStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_MeshGroupMask (MeshGroupMask_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nIdealMotionType (int8)
pub mod CModelState {
pub const m_hModel: usize = 0xA0; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCModel>
pub const m_ModelName: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed: usize = 0xE8; // bool
pub const m_MeshGroupMask: usize = 0x198; // uint64
pub const m_nIdealMotionType: usize = 0x21A; // int8
pub const m_nForceLOD: usize = 0x21B; // int8
pub const m_nClothUpdateFlags: usize = 0x21C; // int8
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponP250 {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 1
pub mod C_EconEntity__AttachedModelData_t {
pub const m_iModelDisplayFlags: usize = 0x0; // int32
// Parent: None
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_Attributes (CEconItemAttribute)
pub mod CAttributeList {
pub const m_Attributes: usize = 0x8; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar<CEconItemAttribute>
pub const m_pManager: usize = 0x58; // CAttributeManager*
// Parent: C_MultiplayRules
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_TeamplayRules {
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_CounterTerroristWingmanIntroCamera {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponNOVA {
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_HEGrenadeProjectile {
// Parent: C_BaseToggle
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsUsable (bool)
pub mod C_BaseDoor {
pub const m_bIsUsable: usize = 0xCC8; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 2
pub mod CGrenadeTracer {
pub const m_flTracerDuration: usize = 0xCE8; // float32
pub const m_nType: usize = 0xCEC; // GrenadeType_t
// Parent: C_BaseTrigger
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlantedHere (bool)
pub mod CBombTarget {
pub const m_bBombPlantedHere: usize = 0xCD0; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hActivator (EHANDLE)
pub mod C_PointClientUIDialog {
pub const m_hActivator: usize = 0xCF8; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_bStartEnabled: usize = 0xCFC; // bool
// Parent: CCSGameModeRules
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_WeaponSequence (CUtlString)
pub mod CCSGameModeRules_ArmsRace {
pub const m_WeaponSequence: usize = 0x30; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CUtlString>
// Parent: None
// Field count: 14
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerDamager (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerRecipient (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerDamager (CHandle<CCSPlayerController>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerRecipient (CHandle<CCSPlayerController>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerDamagerName (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerRecipientName (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_DamagerXuid (uint64)
// NetworkVarNames: m_RecipientXuid (uint64)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iActualHealthRemoved (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iNumHits (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iLastBulletUpdate (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsOtherEnemy (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_killType (EKillTypes_t)
pub mod CDamageRecord {
pub const m_PlayerDamager: usize = 0x28; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_PlayerRecipient: usize = 0x2C; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_hPlayerControllerDamager: usize = 0x30; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
pub const m_hPlayerControllerRecipient: usize = 0x34; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
pub const m_szPlayerDamagerName: usize = 0x38; // CUtlString
pub const m_szPlayerRecipientName: usize = 0x40; // CUtlString
pub const m_DamagerXuid: usize = 0x48; // uint64
pub const m_RecipientXuid: usize = 0x50; // uint64
pub const m_iDamage: usize = 0x58; // int32
pub const m_iActualHealthRemoved: usize = 0x5C; // int32
pub const m_iNumHits: usize = 0x60; // int32
pub const m_iLastBulletUpdate: usize = 0x64; // int32
pub const m_bIsOtherEnemy: usize = 0x68; // bool
pub const m_killType: usize = 0x69; // EKillTypes_t
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_InfoLadderDismount {
// Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSendUpdate (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_DamageList (CDamageRecord)
pub mod CCSPlayerController_DamageServices {
pub const m_nSendUpdate: usize = 0x40; // int32
pub const m_DamageList: usize = 0x48; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar<CDamageRecord>
// Parent: CEntityComponent
// Field count: 5
pub mod CRenderComponent {
pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x10; // CNetworkVarChainer
pub const m_bIsRenderingWithViewModels: usize = 0x50; // bool
pub const m_nSplitscreenFlags: usize = 0x54; // uint32
pub const m_bEnableRendering: usize = 0x60; // bool
pub const m_bInterpolationReadyToDraw: usize = 0xB0; // bool
// Parent: C_SoundEventEntity
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector)
pub mod C_SoundEventOBBEntity {
pub const m_vMins: usize = 0x548; // Vector
pub const m_vMaxs: usize = 0x554; // Vector
// Parent: CEntityComponent
// Field count: 66
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_SecondaryColor (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessMult (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloff (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation0 (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation1 (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation2 (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTheta (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flPhi (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCascades (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowWidth (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowHeight (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderDiffuse (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderSpecular (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderTransmissive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightWidth (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightHeight (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nStyle (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Pattern (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUsesBakedShadowing (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectLight (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMinDist (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMaxDist (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMinDist (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMaxDist (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bFlicker (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flPrecomputedMaxRange (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFogLightingMode (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogContributionStength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flNearClipPlane (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_SkyColor (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSkyIntensity (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_SkyAmbientBounce (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUseSecondaryColor (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bMixedShadows (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleLength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float)
pub mod CLightComponent {
pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x38; // CNetworkVarChainer
pub const m_Color: usize = 0x75; // Color
pub const m_SecondaryColor: usize = 0x79; // Color
pub const m_flBrightness: usize = 0x80; // float32
pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0x84; // float32
pub const m_flBrightnessMult: usize = 0x88; // float32
pub const m_flRange: usize = 0x8C; // float32
pub const m_flFalloff: usize = 0x90; // float32
pub const m_flAttenuation0: usize = 0x94; // float32
pub const m_flAttenuation1: usize = 0x98; // float32
pub const m_flAttenuation2: usize = 0x9C; // float32
pub const m_flTheta: usize = 0xA0; // float32
pub const m_flPhi: usize = 0xA4; // float32
pub const m_hLightCookie: usize = 0xA8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_nCascades: usize = 0xB0; // int32
pub const m_nCastShadows: usize = 0xB4; // int32
pub const m_nShadowWidth: usize = 0xB8; // int32
pub const m_nShadowHeight: usize = 0xBC; // int32
pub const m_bRenderDiffuse: usize = 0xC0; // bool
pub const m_nRenderSpecular: usize = 0xC4; // int32
pub const m_bRenderTransmissive: usize = 0xC8; // bool
pub const m_flOrthoLightWidth: usize = 0xCC; // float32
pub const m_flOrthoLightHeight: usize = 0xD0; // float32
pub const m_nStyle: usize = 0xD4; // int32
pub const m_Pattern: usize = 0xD8; // CUtlString
pub const m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects: usize = 0xE0; // int32
pub const m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade: usize = 0xE4; // float32
pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade: usize = 0xE8; // float32
pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance0: usize = 0xEC; // float32
pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance1: usize = 0xF0; // float32
pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance2: usize = 0xF4; // float32
pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance3: usize = 0xF8; // float32
pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution0: usize = 0xFC; // int32
pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution1: usize = 0x100; // int32
pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution2: usize = 0x104; // int32
pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution3: usize = 0x108; // int32
pub const m_bUsesBakedShadowing: usize = 0x10C; // bool
pub const m_nShadowPriority: usize = 0x110; // int32
pub const m_nBakedShadowIndex: usize = 0x114; // int32
pub const m_bRenderToCubemaps: usize = 0x118; // bool
pub const m_nDirectLight: usize = 0x11C; // int32
pub const m_nIndirectLight: usize = 0x120; // int32
pub const m_flFadeMinDist: usize = 0x124; // float32
pub const m_flFadeMaxDist: usize = 0x128; // float32
pub const m_flShadowFadeMinDist: usize = 0x12C; // float32
pub const m_flShadowFadeMaxDist: usize = 0x130; // float32
pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x134; // bool
pub const m_bFlicker: usize = 0x135; // bool
pub const m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid: usize = 0x136; // bool
pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins: usize = 0x138; // Vector
pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs: usize = 0x144; // Vector
pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin: usize = 0x150; // Vector
pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles: usize = 0x15C; // QAngle
pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent: usize = 0x168; // Vector
pub const m_flPrecomputedMaxRange: usize = 0x174; // float32
pub const m_nFogLightingMode: usize = 0x178; // int32
pub const m_flFogContributionStength: usize = 0x17C; // float32
pub const m_flNearClipPlane: usize = 0x180; // float32
pub const m_SkyColor: usize = 0x184; // Color
pub const m_flSkyIntensity: usize = 0x188; // float32
pub const m_SkyAmbientBounce: usize = 0x18C; // Color
pub const m_bUseSecondaryColor: usize = 0x190; // bool
pub const m_bMixedShadows: usize = 0x191; // bool
pub const m_flLightStyleStartTime: usize = 0x194; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flCapsuleLength: usize = 0x198; // float32
pub const m_flMinRoughness: usize = 0x19C; // float32
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_CounterTerroristTeamIntroCamera {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
pub mod CEntityComponent {
// Parent: IEconItemInterface
// Field count: 28
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iItemDefinitionIndex (item_definition_index_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityQuality (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityLevel (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDHigh (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDLow (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iAccountID (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iInventoryPosition (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInitialized (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeList (CAttributeList)
// NetworkVarNames: m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes (CAttributeList)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szCustomName (char)
pub mod C_EconItemView {
pub const m_bInventoryImageRgbaRequested: usize = 0x60; // bool
pub const m_bInventoryImageTriedCache: usize = 0x61; // bool
pub const m_nInventoryImageRgbaWidth: usize = 0x80; // int32
pub const m_nInventoryImageRgbaHeight: usize = 0x84; // int32
pub const m_szCurrentLoadCachedFileName: usize = 0x88; // char[260]
pub const m_bRestoreCustomMaterialAfterPrecache: usize = 0x1B8; // bool
pub const m_iItemDefinitionIndex: usize = 0x1BA; // uint16
pub const m_iEntityQuality: usize = 0x1BC; // int32
pub const m_iEntityLevel: usize = 0x1C0; // uint32
pub const m_iItemID: usize = 0x1C8; // uint64
pub const m_iItemIDHigh: usize = 0x1D0; // uint32
pub const m_iItemIDLow: usize = 0x1D4; // uint32
pub const m_iAccountID: usize = 0x1D8; // uint32
pub const m_iInventoryPosition: usize = 0x1DC; // uint32
pub const m_bInitialized: usize = 0x1E8; // bool
pub const m_bDisallowSOC: usize = 0x1E9; // bool
pub const m_bIsStoreItem: usize = 0x1EA; // bool
pub const m_bIsTradeItem: usize = 0x1EB; // bool
pub const m_iEntityQuantity: usize = 0x1EC; // int32
pub const m_iRarityOverride: usize = 0x1F0; // int32
pub const m_iQualityOverride: usize = 0x1F4; // int32
pub const m_unClientFlags: usize = 0x1F8; // uint8
pub const m_unOverrideStyle: usize = 0x1F9; // uint8
pub const m_AttributeList: usize = 0x210; // CAttributeList
pub const m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes: usize = 0x270; // CAttributeList
pub const m_szCustomName: usize = 0x2D0; // char[161]
pub const m_szCustomNameOverride: usize = 0x371; // char[161]
pub const m_bInitializedTags: usize = 0x440; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bSendHandle (bool)
pub mod C_HandleTest {
pub const m_Handle: usize = 0x548; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_bSendHandle: usize = 0x54C; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared)
pub mod C_EnvWindClientside {
pub const m_EnvWindShared: usize = 0x548; // C_EnvWindShared
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponMAC10 {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDisplayHealth (float)
pub mod C_WeaponShield {
pub const m_flDisplayHealth: usize = 0x1A90; // float32
// Parent: C_PointClientUIWorldPanel
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char)
pub mod C_PointClientUIWorldTextPanel {
pub const m_messageText: usize = 0xF30; // char[512]
// Parent: CPlayer_UseServices
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSPlayer_UseServices {
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 15
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nToggleButtonDownMask (ButtonBitMask_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxspeed (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen (float32)
pub mod CPlayer_MovementServices {
pub const m_nImpulse: usize = 0x40; // int32
pub const m_nButtons: usize = 0x48; // CInButtonState
pub const m_nQueuedButtonDownMask: usize = 0x68; // uint64
pub const m_nQueuedButtonChangeMask: usize = 0x70; // uint64
pub const m_nButtonDoublePressed: usize = 0x78; // uint64
pub const m_pButtonPressedCmdNumber: usize = 0x80; // uint32[64]
pub const m_nLastCommandNumberProcessed: usize = 0x180; // uint32
pub const m_nToggleButtonDownMask: usize = 0x188; // uint64
pub const m_flMaxspeed: usize = 0x198; // float32
pub const m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen: usize = 0x19C; // float32[4]
pub const m_flForwardMove: usize = 0x1AC; // float32
pub const m_flLeftMove: usize = 0x1B0; // float32
pub const m_flUpMove: usize = 0x1B4; // float32
pub const m_vecLastMovementImpulses: usize = 0x1B8; // Vector
pub const m_vecOldViewAngles: usize = 0x1C4; // QAngle
// Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase
// Field count: 14
// Metadata:
// MGetKV3ClassDefaults
pub mod CBasePlayerVData {
pub const m_sModelName: usize = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCModel>>
pub const m_flHeadDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x108; // CSkillFloat
pub const m_flChestDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x118; // CSkillFloat
pub const m_flStomachDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x128; // CSkillFloat
pub const m_flArmDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x138; // CSkillFloat
pub const m_flLegDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x148; // CSkillFloat
pub const m_flHoldBreathTime: usize = 0x158; // float32
pub const m_flDrowningDamageInterval: usize = 0x15C; // float32
pub const m_nDrowningDamageInitial: usize = 0x160; // int32
pub const m_nDrowningDamageMax: usize = 0x164; // int32
pub const m_nWaterSpeed: usize = 0x168; // int32
pub const m_flUseRange: usize = 0x16C; // float32
pub const m_flUseAngleTolerance: usize = 0x170; // float32
pub const m_flCrouchTime: usize = 0x174; // float32
// Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iAccount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAccount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iTotalCashSpent (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCashSpentThisRound (int)
pub mod CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices {
pub const m_iAccount: usize = 0x40; // int32
pub const m_iStartAccount: usize = 0x44; // int32
pub const m_iTotalCashSpent: usize = 0x48; // int32
pub const m_iCashSpentThisRound: usize = 0x4C; // int32
// Parent: None
// Field count: 2
pub mod C_EnvWindShared__WindVariationEvent_t {
pub const m_flWindAngleVariation: usize = 0x0; // float32
pub const m_flWindSpeedVariation: usize = 0x4; // float32
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponUSPSilencer {
// Parent: C_Sprite
// Field count: 0
pub mod CSpriteOriented {
// Parent: C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupStart {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponFamas {
// Parent: C_ParticleSystem
// Field count: 5
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRadiusScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSelfIllumScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hTextureOverride (HRenderTextureStrong)
pub mod C_EnvParticleGlow {
pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0x1278; // float32
pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x127C; // float32
pub const m_flSelfIllumScale: usize = 0x1280; // float32
pub const m_ColorTint: usize = 0x1284; // Color
pub const m_hTextureOverride: usize = 0x1288; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SoundEventEntity {
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition {
// Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewModel
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_PreviewModelAlias_csgo_item_previewmodel {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 18
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_vDirection (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszEffectName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszSSEffectName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_clrOverlay (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bOn (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bmaxColor (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSize (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHazeScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHaze (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHdr (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZScale (float32)
pub mod C_Sun {
pub const m_fxSSSunFlareEffectIndex: usize = 0xCC8; // ParticleIndex_t
pub const m_fxSunFlareEffectIndex: usize = 0xCCC; // ParticleIndex_t
pub const m_fdistNormalize: usize = 0xCD0; // float32
pub const m_vSunPos: usize = 0xCD4; // Vector
pub const m_vDirection: usize = 0xCE0; // Vector
pub const m_iszEffectName: usize = 0xCF0; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszSSEffectName: usize = 0xCF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_clrOverlay: usize = 0xD00; // Color
pub const m_bOn: usize = 0xD04; // bool
pub const m_bmaxColor: usize = 0xD05; // bool
pub const m_flSize: usize = 0xD08; // float32
pub const m_flHazeScale: usize = 0xD0C; // float32
pub const m_flRotation: usize = 0xD10; // float32
pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0xD14; // float32
pub const m_flAlphaHaze: usize = 0xD18; // float32
pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0xD1C; // float32
pub const m_flAlphaHdr: usize = 0xD20; // float32
pub const m_flFarZScale: usize = 0xD24; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint {
// Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent
// Field count: 5
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_perRoundStats (CSPerRoundStats_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_matchStats (CSMatchStats_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKills (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt (uint32)
pub mod CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices {
pub const m_perRoundStats: usize = 0x40; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar<CSPerRoundStats_t>
pub const m_matchStats: usize = 0x90; // CSMatchStats_t
pub const m_iNumRoundKills: usize = 0x110; // int32
pub const m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots: usize = 0x114; // int32
pub const m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt: usize = 0x118; // uint32
// Parent: CEntityComponent
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bvDisabledHitGroups (uint32)
pub mod CHitboxComponent {
pub const m_bvDisabledHitGroups: usize = 0x24; // uint32[1]
// Parent: C_BaseTrigger
// Field count: 9
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_MaxWeight (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_FadeDuration (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Weight (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_lookupFilename (char)
pub mod C_ColorCorrectionVolume {
pub const m_LastEnterWeight: usize = 0xCD0; // float32
pub const m_LastEnterTime: usize = 0xCD4; // float32
pub const m_LastExitWeight: usize = 0xCD8; // float32
pub const m_LastExitTime: usize = 0xCDC; // float32
pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xCE0; // bool
pub const m_MaxWeight: usize = 0xCE4; // float32
pub const m_FadeDuration: usize = 0xCE8; // float32
pub const m_Weight: usize = 0xCEC; // float32
pub const m_lookupFilename: usize = 0xCF0; // char[512]
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_PrecipitationBlocker {
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 6
pub mod C_BulletHitModel {
pub const m_matLocal: usize = 0xED0; // matrix3x4_t
pub const m_iBoneIndex: usize = 0xF00; // int32
pub const m_hPlayerParent: usize = 0xF04; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_bIsHit: usize = 0xF08; // bool
pub const m_flTimeCreated: usize = 0xF0C; // float32
pub const m_vecStartPos: usize = 0xF10; // Vector
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 17
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nDraftType (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWinningCoinToss (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWithFirstChoice (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteMapIdsList (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nAccountIDs (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId0 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId1 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId2 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId3 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId4 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId5 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nStartingSide0 (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCurrentPhase (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseStartTick (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseDurationTicks (int)
pub mod C_MapVetoPickController {
pub const m_nDraftType: usize = 0x558; // int32
pub const m_nTeamWinningCoinToss: usize = 0x55C; // int32
pub const m_nTeamWithFirstChoice: usize = 0x560; // int32[64]
pub const m_nVoteMapIdsList: usize = 0x660; // int32[7]
pub const m_nAccountIDs: usize = 0x67C; // int32[64]
pub const m_nMapId0: usize = 0x77C; // int32[64]
pub const m_nMapId1: usize = 0x87C; // int32[64]
pub const m_nMapId2: usize = 0x97C; // int32[64]
pub const m_nMapId3: usize = 0xA7C; // int32[64]
pub const m_nMapId4: usize = 0xB7C; // int32[64]
pub const m_nMapId5: usize = 0xC7C; // int32[64]
pub const m_nStartingSide0: usize = 0xD7C; // int32[64]
pub const m_nCurrentPhase: usize = 0xE7C; // int32
pub const m_nPhaseStartTick: usize = 0xE80; // int32
pub const m_nPhaseDurationTicks: usize = 0xE84; // int32
pub const m_nPostDataUpdateTick: usize = 0xE88; // int32
pub const m_bDisabledHud: usize = 0xE8C; // bool
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton
pub mod CSharedGapTypeQueryRegistration {
// Parent: C_BarnLight
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flInnerAngle (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flOuterAngle (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool)
pub mod C_OmniLight {
pub const m_flInnerAngle: usize = 0xF10; // float32
pub const m_flOuterAngle: usize = 0xF14; // float32
pub const m_bShowLight: usize = 0xF18; // bool
// Parent: C_Inferno
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_FireCrackerBlast {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponMP9 {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchases (WeaponPurchaseCount_t)
pub mod WeaponPurchaseTracker_t {
pub const m_weaponPurchases: usize = 0x8; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar<WeaponPurchaseCount_t>
// Parent: None
// Field count: 5
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchSeed (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bBlockersPresent (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundInProgress (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iFirstSecondHalfRound (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iBombSite (int)
pub mod C_RetakeGameRules {
pub const m_nMatchSeed: usize = 0xF8; // int32
pub const m_bBlockersPresent: usize = 0xFC; // bool
pub const m_bRoundInProgress: usize = 0xFD; // bool
pub const m_iFirstSecondHalfRound: usize = 0x100; // int32
pub const m_iBombSite: usize = 0x104; // int32
// Parent: None
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32)
pub mod EngineCountdownTimer {
pub const m_duration: usize = 0x8; // float32
pub const m_timestamp: usize = 0xC; // float32
pub const m_timescale: usize = 0x10; // float32
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSPlayer_GlowServices {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 5
pub mod C_BaseFlex__Emphasized_Phoneme {
pub const m_sClassName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString
pub const m_flAmount: usize = 0x18; // float32
pub const m_bRequired: usize = 0x1C; // bool
pub const m_bBasechecked: usize = 0x1D; // bool
pub const m_bValid: usize = 0x1E; // bool
// Parent: None
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t)
pub mod IntervalTimer {
pub const m_timestamp: usize = 0x8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_nWorldGroupId: usize = 0xC; // WorldGroupId_t
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponSSG08 {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 9
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderDir (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoRideSpeed (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bFakeLadder (bool)
pub mod C_FuncLadder {
pub const m_vecLadderDir: usize = 0xCC8; // Vector
pub const m_Dismounts: usize = 0xCD8; // CUtlVector<CHandle<C_InfoLadderDismount>>
pub const m_vecLocalTop: usize = 0xCF0; // Vector
pub const m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop: usize = 0xCFC; // Vector
pub const m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom: usize = 0xD08; // Vector
pub const m_flAutoRideSpeed: usize = 0xD14; // float32
pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0xD18; // bool
pub const m_bFakeLadder: usize = 0xD19; // bool
pub const m_bHasSlack: usize = 0xD1A; // bool
// Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetAABBEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetOBBEntity {
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWeapons (CHandle<C_BasePlayerWeapon>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hActiveWeapon (CHandle<CBasePlayerWeapon>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hLastWeapon (CHandle<CBasePlayerWeapon>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iAmmo (uint16)
pub mod CPlayer_WeaponServices {
pub const m_hMyWeapons: usize = 0x40; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_BasePlayerWeapon>>
pub const m_hActiveWeapon: usize = 0x58; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerWeapon>
pub const m_hLastWeapon: usize = 0x5C; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerWeapon>
pub const m_iAmmo: usize = 0x60; // uint16[32]
// Parent: None
// Field count: 3
pub mod CAttributeManager__cached_attribute_float_t {
pub const flIn: usize = 0x0; // float32
pub const iAttribHook: usize = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const flOut: usize = 0x10; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseFlex
// Field count: 12
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_DmgRadius (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDetonateTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDamage (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hThrower (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
pub mod C_BaseGrenade {
pub const m_bHasWarnedAI: usize = 0x1068; // bool
pub const m_bIsSmokeGrenade: usize = 0x1069; // bool
pub const m_bIsLive: usize = 0x106A; // bool
pub const m_DmgRadius: usize = 0x106C; // float32
pub const m_flDetonateTime: usize = 0x1070; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flWarnAITime: usize = 0x1074; // float32
pub const m_flDamage: usize = 0x1078; // float32
pub const m_iszBounceSound: usize = 0x1080; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_ExplosionSound: usize = 0x1088; // CUtlString
pub const m_hThrower: usize = 0x1094; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_flNextAttack: usize = 0x10AC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_hOriginalThrower: usize = 0x10B0; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
// Parent: None
// Field count: 1
pub mod CCSGameModeRules {
pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer
// Parent: None
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsAs (uint64)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsWith (uint64)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsExclude (uint64)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nEntityId (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerId (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nHierarchyId (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionGroup (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionFunctionMask (uint8)
pub mod VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t {
pub const m_nInteractsAs: usize = 0x8; // uint64
pub const m_nInteractsWith: usize = 0x10; // uint64
pub const m_nInteractsExclude: usize = 0x18; // uint64
pub const m_nEntityId: usize = 0x20; // uint32
pub const m_nOwnerId: usize = 0x24; // uint32
pub const m_nHierarchyId: usize = 0x28; // uint16
pub const m_nCollisionGroup: usize = 0x2A; // uint8
pub const m_nCollisionFunctionMask: usize = 0x2B; // uint8
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 32
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flScattering (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAnisotropy (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSpeed (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDrawDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInEnd (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flIndirectStrength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimX (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimY (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimZ (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisoTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScatterTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistanceTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisotropy (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScattering (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultAnisotropy (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultScattering (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultDrawDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableIndirect (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIndirectUseLPVs (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsMaster (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hFogIndirectTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nForceRefreshCount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseSpeed (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vNoiseScale (Vector)
pub mod C_EnvVolumetricFogController {
pub const m_flScattering: usize = 0x548; // float32
pub const m_flAnisotropy: usize = 0x54C; // float32
pub const m_flFadeSpeed: usize = 0x550; // float32
pub const m_flDrawDistance: usize = 0x554; // float32
pub const m_flFadeInStart: usize = 0x558; // float32
pub const m_flFadeInEnd: usize = 0x55C; // float32
pub const m_flIndirectStrength: usize = 0x560; // float32
pub const m_nIndirectTextureDimX: usize = 0x564; // int32
pub const m_nIndirectTextureDimY: usize = 0x568; // int32
pub const m_nIndirectTextureDimZ: usize = 0x56C; // int32
pub const m_vBoxMins: usize = 0x570; // Vector
pub const m_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x57C; // Vector
pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x588; // bool
pub const m_flStartAnisoTime: usize = 0x58C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flStartScatterTime: usize = 0x590; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flStartDrawDistanceTime: usize = 0x594; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flStartAnisotropy: usize = 0x598; // float32
pub const m_flStartScattering: usize = 0x59C; // float32
pub const m_flStartDrawDistance: usize = 0x5A0; // float32
pub const m_flDefaultAnisotropy: usize = 0x5A4; // float32
pub const m_flDefaultScattering: usize = 0x5A8; // float32
pub const m_flDefaultDrawDistance: usize = 0x5AC; // float32
pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x5B0; // bool
pub const m_bEnableIndirect: usize = 0x5B1; // bool
pub const m_bIndirectUseLPVs: usize = 0x5B2; // bool
pub const m_bIsMaster: usize = 0x5B3; // bool
pub const m_hFogIndirectTexture: usize = 0x5B8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_nForceRefreshCount: usize = 0x5C0; // int32
pub const m_fNoiseSpeed: usize = 0x5C4; // float32
pub const m_fNoiseStrength: usize = 0x5C8; // float32
pub const m_vNoiseScale: usize = 0x5CC; // Vector
pub const m_bFirstTime: usize = 0x5D8; // bool
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponTec9 {
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 13
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTimeInCommentary (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszCommentaryFile (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszTitle (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszSpeakers (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumber (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumberMax (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bListenedTo (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hViewPosition (CHandle<C_BaseEntity>)
pub mod C_PointCommentaryNode {
pub const m_bActive: usize = 0xED8; // bool
pub const m_bWasActive: usize = 0xED9; // bool
pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0xEDC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0xEE0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flStartTimeInCommentary: usize = 0xEE4; // float32
pub const m_iszCommentaryFile: usize = 0xEE8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszTitle: usize = 0xEF0; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszSpeakers: usize = 0xEF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iNodeNumber: usize = 0xF00; // int32
pub const m_iNodeNumberMax: usize = 0xF04; // int32
pub const m_bListenedTo: usize = 0xF08; // bool
pub const m_hViewPosition: usize = 0xF18; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_bRestartAfterRestore: usize = 0xF1C; // bool
// Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSObserver_CameraServices {
// Parent: CCSPointScriptEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod CCSClientPointScriptEntity {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 5
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: localSound (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: soundscapeIndex (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: localBits (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: soundscapeEntityListIndex (int)
// NetworkVarNames: soundEventHash (uint32)
pub mod audioparams_t {
pub const localSound: usize = 0x8; // Vector[8]
pub const soundscapeIndex: usize = 0x68; // int32
pub const localBits: usize = 0x6C; // uint8
pub const soundscapeEntityListIndex: usize = 0x70; // int32
pub const soundEventHash: usize = 0x74; // uint32
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMode (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxSize (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool)
pub mod C_InfoVisibilityBox {
pub const m_nMode: usize = 0x54C; // int32
pub const m_vBoxSize: usize = 0x550; // Vector
pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x55C; // bool
// Parent: C_Sprite
// Field count: 2
pub mod C_FireSprite {
pub const m_vecMoveDir: usize = 0xDD8; // Vector
pub const m_bFadeFromAbove: usize = 0xDE4; // bool
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_TeamIntroTerroristPosition {
// Parent: C_BaseTrigger
// Field count: 8
pub mod C_Precipitation {
pub const m_flDensity: usize = 0xCD0; // float32
pub const m_flParticleInnerDist: usize = 0xCE0; // float32
pub const m_pParticleDef: usize = 0xCE8; // char*
pub const m_tParticlePrecipTraceTimer: usize = 0xD10; // TimedEvent[1]
pub const m_bActiveParticlePrecipEmitter: usize = 0xD18; // bool[1]
pub const m_bParticlePrecipInitialized: usize = 0xD19; // bool
pub const m_bHasSimulatedSinceLastSceneObjectUpdate: usize = 0xD1A; // bool
pub const m_nAvailableSheetSequencesMaxIndex: usize = 0xD1C; // int32
// Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase
// Field count: 7
// Metadata:
// MGetKV3ClassDefaults
pub mod CPrecipitationVData {
pub const m_szParticlePrecipitationEffect: usize = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>>
pub const m_flInnerDistance: usize = 0x108; // float32
pub const m_nAttachType: usize = 0x10C; // ParticleAttachment_t
pub const m_bBatchSameVolumeType: usize = 0x110; // bool
pub const m_nRTEnvCP: usize = 0x114; // int32
pub const m_nRTEnvCPComponent: usize = 0x118; // int32
pub const m_szModifier: usize = 0x120; // CUtlString
// Parent: None
// Field count: 1
pub mod CBuoyancyHelper {
pub const m_flFluidDensity: usize = 0x18; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_DialogXMLName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PanelClassName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_PanelID (string_t)
pub mod C_BaseClientUIEntity {
pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xCD0; // bool
pub const m_DialogXMLName: usize = 0xCD8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_PanelClassName: usize = 0xCE0; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_PanelID: usize = 0xCE8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 3
pub mod C_FuncTrackTrain {
pub const m_nLongAxis: usize = 0xCC8; // int32
pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0xCCC; // float32
pub const m_flLineLength: usize = 0xCD0; // float32
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisRound (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t)
pub mod CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices {
pub const m_hLastWeaponBeforeC4AutoSwitch: usize = 0x40; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerWeapon>
pub const m_bIsRescuing: usize = 0x44; // bool
pub const m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch: usize = 0x48; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t
pub const m_weaponPurchasesThisRound: usize = 0xA0; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t
// Parent: None
// Field count: 12
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nModelID (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hMaterial (HMaterialStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_solid (ShardSolid_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ShatterPanelMode (ShatterPanelMode)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelSize (Vector2D)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionA (Vector2D)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionB (Vector2D)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelVertices (Vector2D)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flGlassHalfThickness (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasParent (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bParentFrozen (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_SurfacePropStringToken (CUtlStringToken)
pub mod shard_model_desc_t {
pub const m_nModelID: usize = 0x8; // int32
pub const m_hMaterial: usize = 0x10; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_solid: usize = 0x18; // ShardSolid_t
pub const m_ShatterPanelMode: usize = 0x19; // ShatterPanelMode
pub const m_vecPanelSize: usize = 0x1C; // Vector2D
pub const m_vecStressPositionA: usize = 0x24; // Vector2D
pub const m_vecStressPositionB: usize = 0x2C; // Vector2D
pub const m_vecPanelVertices: usize = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<Vector2D>
pub const m_flGlassHalfThickness: usize = 0x50; // float32
pub const m_bHasParent: usize = 0x54; // bool
pub const m_bParentFrozen: usize = 0x55; // bool
pub const m_SurfacePropStringToken: usize = 0x58; // CUtlStringToken
// Parent: None
// Field count: 1
pub mod C_SceneEntity__QueuedEvents_t {
pub const starttime: usize = 0x0; // float32
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 4
pub mod CBaseProp {
pub const m_bModelOverrodeBlockLOS: usize = 0xED0; // bool
pub const m_iShapeType: usize = 0xED4; // int32
pub const m_bConformToCollisionBounds: usize = 0xED8; // bool
pub const m_mPreferredCatchTransform: usize = 0xEDC; // matrix3x4_t
// Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_PreviewPlayerAlias_csgo_player_previewmodel {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MPulseProvideFeatureTag
// MPulseLibraryBindings
pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_observer {
// Parent: CLogicalEntity
// Field count: 12
pub mod CPointTemplate {
pub const m_iszWorldName: usize = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszSource2EntityLumpName: usize = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszEntityFilterName: usize = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_flTimeoutInterval: usize = 0x560; // float32
pub const m_bAsynchronouslySpawnEntities: usize = 0x564; // bool
pub const m_pOutputOnSpawned: usize = 0x568; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_clientOnlyEntityBehavior: usize = 0x590; // PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t
pub const m_ownerSpawnGroupType: usize = 0x594; // PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t
pub const m_createdSpawnGroupHandles: usize = 0x598; // CUtlVector<uint32>
pub const m_SpawnedEntityHandles: usize = 0x5B0; // CUtlVector<CEntityHandle>
pub const m_ScriptSpawnCallback: usize = 0x5C8; // HSCRIPT
pub const m_ScriptCallbackScope: usize = 0x5D0; // HSCRIPT
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponHKP2000 {
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod CTripWireFire {
// Parent: C_BaseFlex
// Field count: 6
pub mod C_CSGO_PreviewModel {
pub const m_animgraph: usize = 0x1068; // CUtlString
pub const m_animgraphCharacterModeString: usize = 0x1070; // CGlobalSymbol
pub const m_defaultAnim: usize = 0x1078; // CUtlString
pub const m_nDefaultAnimLoopMode: usize = 0x1080; // AnimLoopMode_t
pub const m_flInitialModelScale: usize = 0x1084; // float32
pub const m_sInitialWeaponState: usize = 0x1088; // CUtlString
// Parent: C_PointEntity
// Field count: 5
pub mod CInfoDynamicShadowHint {
pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x548; // bool
pub const m_flRange: usize = 0x54C; // float32
pub const m_nImportance: usize = 0x550; // int32
pub const m_nLightChoice: usize = 0x554; // int32
pub const m_hLight: usize = 0x558; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MPulseProvideFeatureTag
// MPulseLibraryBindings
pub mod CTakeDamageInfoAPI {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MPulseProvideFeatureTag
// MPulseLibraryBindings
pub mod C_BaseEntityAPI {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponXM1014 {
// Parent: C_ParticleSystem
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_MapPreviewParticleSystem {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 11
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowType (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowTeam (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRange (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRangeMin (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_glowColorOverride (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bFlashing (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowStartTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight (bool)
pub mod CGlowProperty {
pub const m_fGlowColor: usize = 0x8; // Vector
pub const m_iGlowType: usize = 0x30; // int32
pub const m_iGlowTeam: usize = 0x34; // int32
pub const m_nGlowRange: usize = 0x38; // int32
pub const m_nGlowRangeMin: usize = 0x3C; // int32
pub const m_glowColorOverride: usize = 0x40; // Color
pub const m_bFlashing: usize = 0x44; // bool
pub const m_flGlowTime: usize = 0x48; // float32
pub const m_flGlowStartTime: usize = 0x4C; // float32
pub const m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight: usize = 0x50; // bool
pub const m_bGlowing: usize = 0x51; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseTrigger
// Field count: 13
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_gravityScale (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_linearLimit (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_linearDamping (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_angularLimit (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_angularDamping (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_linearForce (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFrequency (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDampingRatio (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAt (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bCollapseToForcePoint (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForceDirection (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible (bool)
pub mod C_TriggerPhysics {
pub const m_gravityScale: usize = 0xCD0; // float32
pub const m_linearLimit: usize = 0xCD4; // float32
pub const m_linearDamping: usize = 0xCD8; // float32
pub const m_angularLimit: usize = 0xCDC; // float32
pub const m_angularDamping: usize = 0xCE0; // float32
pub const m_linearForce: usize = 0xCE4; // float32
pub const m_flFrequency: usize = 0xCE8; // float32
pub const m_flDampingRatio: usize = 0xCEC; // float32
pub const m_vecLinearForcePointAt: usize = 0xCF0; // Vector
pub const m_bCollapseToForcePoint: usize = 0xCFC; // bool
pub const m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld: usize = 0xD00; // Vector
pub const m_vecLinearForceDirection: usize = 0xD0C; // Vector
pub const m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible: usize = 0xD18; // bool
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostage (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostageProp (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
pub mod CCSPlayer_HostageServices {
pub const m_hCarriedHostage: usize = 0x40; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_hCarriedHostageProp: usize = 0x44; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 0
pub mod CBreachCharge {
// Parent: C_LightEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_LightDirectionalEntity {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 18
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flDiffuseScale (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool)
pub mod C_EnvCubemap {
pub const m_Entity_hCubemapTexture: usize = 0x5C8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture: usize = 0x5D0; // bool
pub const m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius: usize = 0x5D4; // float32
pub const m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins: usize = 0x5D8; // Vector
pub const m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs: usize = 0x5E4; // Vector
pub const m_Entity_bMoveable: usize = 0x5F0; // bool
pub const m_Entity_nHandshake: usize = 0x5F4; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex: usize = 0x5F8; // int32
pub const m_Entity_nPriority: usize = 0x5FC; // int32
pub const m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist: usize = 0x600; // float32
pub const m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists: usize = 0x604; // Vector
pub const m_Entity_flDiffuseScale: usize = 0x610; // float32
pub const m_Entity_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x614; // bool
pub const m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap: usize = 0x615; // bool
pub const m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap: usize = 0x616; // bool
pub const m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap: usize = 0x617; // bool
pub const m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap: usize = 0x618; // bool
pub const m_Entity_bEnabled: usize = 0x628; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseViewModel
// Field count: 3
pub mod C_PredictedViewModel {
pub const m_vPredictedLagOffset: usize = 0xF38; // Vector
pub const m_targetSpeed: usize = 0xF44; // QAngle
pub const m_currentSpeed: usize = 0xF50; // QAngle
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponBizon {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_AK47 {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 25
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUpdateOnClient (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nInputType (ValueRemapperInputType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineStart (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineEnd (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMaximumChangePerSecond (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDisengageDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flEngageDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bRequiresUseKey (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nOutputType (ValueRemapperOutputType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hOutputEntities (CHandle<C_BaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nHapticsType (ValueRemapperHapticsType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nMomentumType (ValueRemapperMomentumType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flMomentumModifier (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSnapValue (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRatchetType (ValueRemapperRatchetType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flInputOffset (float)
pub mod C_PointValueRemapper {
pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x548; // bool
pub const m_bDisabledOld: usize = 0x549; // bool
pub const m_bUpdateOnClient: usize = 0x54A; // bool
pub const m_nInputType: usize = 0x54C; // ValueRemapperInputType_t
pub const m_hRemapLineStart: usize = 0x550; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_hRemapLineEnd: usize = 0x554; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_flMaximumChangePerSecond: usize = 0x558; // float32
pub const m_flDisengageDistance: usize = 0x55C; // float32
pub const m_flEngageDistance: usize = 0x560; // float32
pub const m_bRequiresUseKey: usize = 0x564; // bool
pub const m_nOutputType: usize = 0x568; // ValueRemapperOutputType_t
pub const m_hOutputEntities: usize = 0x570; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_BaseEntity>>
pub const m_nHapticsType: usize = 0x588; // ValueRemapperHapticsType_t
pub const m_nMomentumType: usize = 0x58C; // ValueRemapperMomentumType_t
pub const m_flMomentumModifier: usize = 0x590; // float32
pub const m_flSnapValue: usize = 0x594; // float32
pub const m_flCurrentMomentum: usize = 0x598; // float32
pub const m_nRatchetType: usize = 0x59C; // ValueRemapperRatchetType_t
pub const m_flRatchetOffset: usize = 0x5A0; // float32
pub const m_flInputOffset: usize = 0x5A4; // float32
pub const m_bEngaged: usize = 0x5A8; // bool
pub const m_bFirstUpdate: usize = 0x5A9; // bool
pub const m_flPreviousValue: usize = 0x5AC; // float32
pub const m_flPreviousUpdateTickTime: usize = 0x5B0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_vecPreviousTestPoint: usize = 0x5B4; // Vector
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_Knife {
// Parent: C_EnvCubemap
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_EnvCubemapBox {
// Parent: C_Item
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_OwningPlayer (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_KillingPlayer (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
pub mod C_ItemDogtags {
pub const m_OwningPlayer: usize = 0x16B0; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_KillingPlayer: usize = 0x16B4; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_EndOfMatchCamera {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 5
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iOpvarIndex (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAutoCompare (bool)
pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase {
pub const m_iszStackName: usize = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszOperatorName: usize = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszOpvarName: usize = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iOpvarIndex: usize = 0x560; // int32
pub const m_bUseAutoCompare: usize = 0x564; // bool
// Parent: C_Breakable
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_PhysBox {
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries (SellbackPurchaseEntry_t)
pub mod CCSPlayer_BuyServices {
pub const m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries: usize = 0x40; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar<SellbackPurchaseEntry_t>
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SensorGrenade {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_fFireTime (GameTime_t)
pub mod C_WeaponTaser {
pub const m_fFireTime: usize = 0x1A90; // GameTime_t
pub const m_nLastAttackTick: usize = 0x1A94; // int32
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nUninterruptableActivity (PlayerAnimEvent_t)
pub mod C_Fists {
pub const m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct: usize = 0x1A70; // bool
pub const m_nUninterruptableActivity: usize = 0x1A74; // PlayerAnimEvent_t
// Parent: C_PhysicsProp
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_PhysicsPropMultiplayer {
// Parent: CInfoDynamicShadowHint
// Field count: 2
pub mod CInfoDynamicShadowHintBox {
pub const m_vBoxMins: usize = 0x560; // Vector
pub const m_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x56C; // Vector
// Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetPathCornerEntity {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 18
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flEndDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDistance (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightWidth (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightEnd (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightStart (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightExponent (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flLODBias (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCubemapSourceType (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszSkyEntity (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hFogCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeightFogEnd (bool)
pub mod C_EnvCubemapFog {
pub const m_flEndDistance: usize = 0x548; // float32
pub const m_flStartDistance: usize = 0x54C; // float32
pub const m_flFogFalloffExponent: usize = 0x550; // float32
pub const m_bHeightFogEnabled: usize = 0x554; // bool
pub const m_flFogHeightWidth: usize = 0x558; // float32
pub const m_flFogHeightEnd: usize = 0x55C; // float32
pub const m_flFogHeightStart: usize = 0x560; // float32
pub const m_flFogHeightExponent: usize = 0x564; // float32
pub const m_flLODBias: usize = 0x568; // float32
pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x56C; // bool
pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x56D; // bool
pub const m_flFogMaxOpacity: usize = 0x570; // float32
pub const m_nCubemapSourceType: usize = 0x574; // int32
pub const m_hSkyMaterial: usize = 0x578; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_iszSkyEntity: usize = 0x580; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_hFogCubemapTexture: usize = 0x588; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase>
pub const m_bHasHeightFogEnd: usize = 0x590; // bool
pub const m_bFirstTime: usize = 0x591; // bool
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponSawedoff {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 17
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_collisionAttribute (VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_usSolidFlags (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSolidType (SolidType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_triggerBloat (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSurroundType (SurroundingBoundsType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_CollisionGroup (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nEnablePhysics (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter1 (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter2 (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleRadius (float)
pub mod CCollisionProperty {
pub const m_collisionAttribute: usize = 0x10; // VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t
pub const m_vecMins: usize = 0x40; // Vector
pub const m_vecMaxs: usize = 0x4C; // Vector
pub const m_usSolidFlags: usize = 0x5A; // uint8
pub const m_nSolidType: usize = 0x5B; // SolidType_t
pub const m_triggerBloat: usize = 0x5C; // uint8
pub const m_nSurroundType: usize = 0x5D; // SurroundingBoundsType_t
pub const m_CollisionGroup: usize = 0x5E; // uint8
pub const m_nEnablePhysics: usize = 0x5F; // uint8
pub const m_flBoundingRadius: usize = 0x60; // float32
pub const m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins: usize = 0x64; // Vector
pub const m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs: usize = 0x70; // Vector
pub const m_vecSurroundingMaxs: usize = 0x7C; // Vector
pub const m_vecSurroundingMins: usize = 0x88; // Vector
pub const m_vCapsuleCenter1: usize = 0x94; // Vector
pub const m_vCapsuleCenter2: usize = 0xA0; // Vector
pub const m_flCapsuleRadius: usize = 0xAC; // float32
// Parent: None
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flPrevCycle (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCycle (float32)
pub mod CNetworkedSequenceOperation {
pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x8; // HSequence
pub const m_flPrevCycle: usize = 0xC; // float32
pub const m_flCycle: usize = 0x10; // float32
pub const m_flWeight: usize = 0x14; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat
pub const m_bSequenceChangeNetworked: usize = 0x1C; // bool
pub const m_bDiscontinuity: usize = 0x1D; // bool
pub const m_flPrevCycleFromDiscontinuity: usize = 0x20; // float32
pub const m_flPrevCycleForAnimEventDetection: usize = 0x24; // float32
// Parent: C_ModelPointEntity
// Field count: 16
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nUniqueID (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unAccountID (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unTraceID (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_rtGcTime (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecStart (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecLeft (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecNormal (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayer (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nEntity (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nHitbox (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCreationTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTintID (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nVersion (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ubSignature (uint8)
pub mod C_PlayerSprayDecal {
pub const m_nUniqueID: usize = 0xCC8; // int32
pub const m_unAccountID: usize = 0xCCC; // uint32
pub const m_unTraceID: usize = 0xCD0; // uint32
pub const m_rtGcTime: usize = 0xCD4; // uint32
pub const m_vecEndPos: usize = 0xCD8; // Vector
pub const m_vecStart: usize = 0xCE4; // Vector
pub const m_vecLeft: usize = 0xCF0; // Vector
pub const m_vecNormal: usize = 0xCFC; // Vector
pub const m_nPlayer: usize = 0xD08; // int32
pub const m_nEntity: usize = 0xD0C; // int32
pub const m_nHitbox: usize = 0xD10; // int32
pub const m_flCreationTime: usize = 0xD14; // float32
pub const m_nTintID: usize = 0xD18; // int32
pub const m_nVersion: usize = 0xD1C; // uint8
pub const m_ubSignature: usize = 0xD1D; // uint8[128]
pub const m_SprayRenderHelper: usize = 0xDA8; // CPlayerSprayDecalRenderHelper
// Parent: None
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_ID (CUtlStringToken)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Values (Vector4D)
pub mod EntityRenderAttribute_t {
pub const m_ID: usize = 0x30; // CUtlStringToken
pub const m_Values: usize = 0x34; // Vector4D
// Parent: C_PhysicsProp
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_ShardDesc (shard_model_desc_t)
pub mod C_ShatterGlassShardPhysics {
pub const m_ShardDesc: usize = 0x1050; // shard_model_desc_t
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponElite {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_CLightComponent (CLightComponent::Storage_t)
pub mod C_LightEntity {
pub const m_CLightComponent: usize = 0xCC8; // CLightComponent*
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 6
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flVisibilityStrength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogDistanceMultiplier (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool)
pub mod C_PlayerVisibility {
pub const m_flVisibilityStrength: usize = 0x548; // float32
pub const m_flFogDistanceMultiplier: usize = 0x54C; // float32
pub const m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier: usize = 0x550; // float32
pub const m_flFadeTime: usize = 0x554; // float32
pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x558; // bool
pub const m_bIsEnabled: usize = 0x559; // bool
// Parent: None
// Field count: 25
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: dirPrimary (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: colorPrimary (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: colorSecondary (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: colorPrimaryLerpTo (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: colorSecondaryLerpTo (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: start (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: end (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: farz (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: maxdensity (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: exponent (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: HDRColorScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactor (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactorLerpTo (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: startLerpTo (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: endLerpTo (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: maxdensityLerpTo (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: lerptime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: duration (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: blendtobackground (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: scattering (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: locallightscale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: enable (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: blend (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bNoReflectionFog (bool)
pub mod fogparams_t {
pub const dirPrimary: usize = 0x8; // Vector
pub const colorPrimary: usize = 0x14; // Color
pub const colorSecondary: usize = 0x18; // Color
pub const colorPrimaryLerpTo: usize = 0x1C; // Color
pub const colorSecondaryLerpTo: usize = 0x20; // Color
pub const start: usize = 0x24; // float32
pub const end: usize = 0x28; // float32
pub const farz: usize = 0x2C; // float32
pub const maxdensity: usize = 0x30; // float32
pub const exponent: usize = 0x34; // float32
pub const HDRColorScale: usize = 0x38; // float32
pub const skyboxFogFactor: usize = 0x3C; // float32
pub const skyboxFogFactorLerpTo: usize = 0x40; // float32
pub const startLerpTo: usize = 0x44; // float32
pub const endLerpTo: usize = 0x48; // float32
pub const maxdensityLerpTo: usize = 0x4C; // float32
pub const lerptime: usize = 0x50; // GameTime_t
pub const duration: usize = 0x54; // float32
pub const blendtobackground: usize = 0x58; // float32
pub const scattering: usize = 0x5C; // float32
pub const locallightscale: usize = 0x60; // float32
pub const enable: usize = 0x64; // bool
pub const blend: usize = 0x65; // bool
pub const m_bNoReflectionFog: usize = 0x66; // bool
pub const m_bPadding: usize = 0x67; // bool
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 19
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flexWeight (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_blinktoggle (bool)
pub mod C_BaseFlex {
pub const m_flexWeight: usize = 0xEE0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<float32>
pub const m_vLookTargetPosition: usize = 0xEF8; // Vector
pub const m_blinktoggle: usize = 0xF10; // bool
pub const m_nLastFlexUpdateFrameCount: usize = 0xF70; // int32
pub const m_CachedViewTarget: usize = 0xF74; // Vector
pub const m_nNextSceneEventId: usize = 0xF80; // SceneEventId_t
pub const m_iBlink: usize = 0xF84; // int32
pub const m_blinktime: usize = 0xF88; // float32
pub const m_prevblinktoggle: usize = 0xF8C; // bool
pub const m_iJawOpen: usize = 0xF90; // int32
pub const m_flJawOpenAmount: usize = 0xF94; // float32
pub const m_flBlinkAmount: usize = 0xF98; // float32
pub const m_iMouthAttachment: usize = 0xF9C; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_iEyeAttachment: usize = 0xF9D; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_bResetFlexWeightsOnModelChange: usize = 0xF9E; // bool
pub const m_nEyeOcclusionRendererBone: usize = 0xFB8; // int32
pub const m_mEyeOcclusionRendererCameraToBoneTransform: usize = 0xFBC; // matrix3x4_t
pub const m_vEyeOcclusionRendererHalfExtent: usize = 0xFEC; // Vector
pub const m_PhonemeClasses: usize = 0x1008; // C_BaseFlex::Emphasized_Phoneme[3]
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount (int8)
pub mod C_RagdollManager {
pub const m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount: usize = 0x548; // int8
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 12
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly (HMaterialStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColor (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColorLightingOnly (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFogType (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinStart (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinEnd (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxStart (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxEnd (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool)
pub mod C_EnvSky {
pub const m_hSkyMaterial: usize = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly: usize = 0xCD0; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0xCD8; // bool
pub const m_vTintColor: usize = 0xCD9; // Color
pub const m_vTintColorLightingOnly: usize = 0xCDD; // Color
pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0xCE4; // float32
pub const m_nFogType: usize = 0xCE8; // int32
pub const m_flFogMinStart: usize = 0xCEC; // float32
pub const m_flFogMinEnd: usize = 0xCF0; // float32
pub const m_flFogMaxStart: usize = 0xCF4; // float32
pub const m_flFogMaxEnd: usize = 0xCF8; // float32
pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xCFC; // bool
// Parent: C_PointEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod CInfoTarget {
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_TeamIntroCounterTerroristPosition {
// Parent: C_BreakableProp
// Field count: 23
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAnimGraph (bool)
pub mod C_DynamicProp {
pub const m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox: usize = 0x1040; // bool
pub const m_bUseAnimGraph: usize = 0x1041; // bool
pub const m_pOutputAnimBegun: usize = 0x1048; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_pOutputAnimOver: usize = 0x1070; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_pOutputAnimLoopCycleOver: usize = 0x1098; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_OnAnimReachedStart: usize = 0x10C0; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_OnAnimReachedEnd: usize = 0x10E8; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_iszIdleAnim: usize = 0x1110; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_nIdleAnimLoopMode: usize = 0x1118; // AnimLoopMode_t
pub const m_bRandomizeCycle: usize = 0x111C; // bool
pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x111D; // bool
pub const m_bFiredStartEndOutput: usize = 0x111E; // bool
pub const m_bForceNpcExclude: usize = 0x111F; // bool
pub const m_bCreateNonSolid: usize = 0x1120; // bool
pub const m_bIsOverrideProp: usize = 0x1121; // bool
pub const m_iInitialGlowState: usize = 0x1124; // int32
pub const m_nGlowRange: usize = 0x1128; // int32
pub const m_nGlowRangeMin: usize = 0x112C; // int32
pub const m_glowColor: usize = 0x1130; // Color
pub const m_nGlowTeam: usize = 0x1134; // int32
pub const m_iCachedFrameCount: usize = 0x1138; // int32
pub const m_vecCachedRenderMins: usize = 0x113C; // Vector
pub const m_vecCachedRenderMaxs: usize = 0x1148; // Vector
// Parent: CEntityComponent
// Field count: 10
pub mod CPropDataComponent {
pub const m_flDmgModBullet: usize = 0x10; // float32
pub const m_flDmgModClub: usize = 0x14; // float32
pub const m_flDmgModExplosive: usize = 0x18; // float32
pub const m_flDmgModFire: usize = 0x1C; // float32
pub const m_iszPhysicsDamageTableName: usize = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszBasePropData: usize = 0x28; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_nInteractions: usize = 0x30; // int32
pub const m_bSpawnMotionDisabled: usize = 0x34; // bool
pub const m_nDisableTakePhysicsDamageSpawnFlag: usize = 0x38; // int32
pub const m_nMotionDisabledSpawnFlag: usize = 0x3C; // int32
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponSCAR20 {
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_DecoyGrenade {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MPulseProvideFeatureTag
// MPulseLibraryBindings
pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_player {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMins (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMaxs (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nAABBDirection (int)
pub mod CCitadelSoundOpvarSetOBB {
pub const m_iszStackName: usize = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszOperatorName: usize = 0x568; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iszOpvarName: usize = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_vDistanceInnerMins: usize = 0x578; // Vector
pub const m_vDistanceInnerMaxs: usize = 0x584; // Vector
pub const m_vDistanceOuterMins: usize = 0x590; // Vector
pub const m_vDistanceOuterMaxs: usize = 0x59C; // Vector
pub const m_nAABBDirection: usize = 0x5A8; // int32
// Parent: None
// Field count: 5
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_unDefIdx (item_definition_index_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nCost (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPrevArmor (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bPrevHelmet (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hItem (CEntityHandle)
pub mod SellbackPurchaseEntry_t {
pub const m_unDefIdx: usize = 0x30; // uint16
pub const m_nCost: usize = 0x34; // int32
pub const m_nPrevArmor: usize = 0x38; // int32
pub const m_bPrevHelmet: usize = 0x3C; // bool
pub const m_hItem: usize = 0x40; // CEntityHandle
// Parent: C_GameRules
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_SingleplayRules {
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 25
pub mod C_LocalTempEntity {
pub const flags: usize = 0xED0; // int32
pub const die: usize = 0xED4; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flFrameMax: usize = 0xED8; // float32
pub const x: usize = 0xEDC; // float32
pub const y: usize = 0xEE0; // float32
pub const fadeSpeed: usize = 0xEE4; // float32
pub const bounceFactor: usize = 0xEE8; // float32
pub const hitSound: usize = 0xEEC; // int32
pub const priority: usize = 0xEF0; // int32
pub const tentOffset: usize = 0xEF4; // Vector
pub const m_vecTempEntAngVelocity: usize = 0xF00; // QAngle
pub const tempent_renderamt: usize = 0xF0C; // int32
pub const m_vecNormal: usize = 0xF10; // Vector
pub const m_flSpriteScale: usize = 0xF1C; // float32
pub const m_nFlickerFrame: usize = 0xF20; // int32
pub const m_flFrameRate: usize = 0xF24; // float32
pub const m_flFrame: usize = 0xF28; // float32
pub const m_pszImpactEffect: usize = 0xF30; // char*
pub const m_pszParticleEffect: usize = 0xF38; // char*
pub const m_bParticleCollision: usize = 0xF40; // bool
pub const m_iLastCollisionFrame: usize = 0xF44; // int32
pub const m_vLastCollisionOrigin: usize = 0xF48; // Vector
pub const m_vecTempEntVelocity: usize = 0xF54; // Vector
pub const m_vecPrevAbsOrigin: usize = 0xF60; // Vector
pub const m_vecTempEntAcceleration: usize = 0xF6C; // Vector
// Parent: None
// Field count: 2
pub mod C_EnvWindShared__WindAveEvent_t {
pub const m_flStartWindSpeed: usize = 0x0; // float32
pub const m_flAveWindSpeed: usize = 0x4; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsIncGrenade (bool)
pub mod C_MolotovProjectile {
pub const m_bIsIncGrenade: usize = 0x1150; // bool
// Parent: C_LightDirectionalEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_LightEnvironmentEntity {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponUMP45 {
// Parent: C_PointEntity
// Field count: 9
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionX (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionY (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szLayoutFileName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_RenderAttrName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_TargetEntities (CHandle<C_BaseModelEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTargetChangeCount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t)
pub mod CInfoOffscreenPanoramaTexture {
pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x548; // bool
pub const m_nResolutionX: usize = 0x54C; // int32
pub const m_nResolutionY: usize = 0x550; // int32
pub const m_szLayoutFileName: usize = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_RenderAttrName: usize = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_TargetEntities: usize = 0x568; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_BaseModelEntity>>
pub const m_nTargetChangeCount: usize = 0x580; // int32
pub const m_vecCSSClasses: usize = 0x588; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CUtlSymbolLarge>
pub const m_bCheckCSSClasses: usize = 0x700; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 7
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_Flags (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyle (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Exponent (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_InnerAngle (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_OuterAngle (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_SpotRadius (float32)
pub mod C_DynamicLight {
pub const m_Flags: usize = 0xCC8; // uint8
pub const m_LightStyle: usize = 0xCC9; // uint8
pub const m_Radius: usize = 0xCCC; // float32
pub const m_Exponent: usize = 0xCD0; // int32
pub const m_InnerAngle: usize = 0xCD4; // float32
pub const m_OuterAngle: usize = 0xCD8; // float32
pub const m_SpotRadius: usize = 0xCDC; // float32
// Parent: C_BasePlayerWeapon
// Field count: 72
// Metadata:
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFireSequenceStartTime (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEvent (PlayerAnimEvent_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType (WeaponAttackType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iState (CSWeaponState_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeWeaponIdle (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_weaponMode (CSWeaponMode)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fAccuracyPenalty (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iRecoilIndex (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRecoilIndex (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bBurstMode (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks (GameTick_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bInReload (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bReloadVisuallyComplete (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDroppedAtTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHauledBack (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bSilencerOn (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iOriginalTeamNumber (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMostRecentTeamNumber (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDroppedNearBuyZone (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hPrevOwner (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nDropTick (GameTick_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fLastShotTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iIronSightMode (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iNumEmptyAttacks (int)
pub mod C_CSWeaponBase {
pub const m_flFireSequenceStartTime: usize = 0x1624; // float32
pub const m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange: usize = 0x1628; // int32
pub const m_nFireSequenceStartTimeAck: usize = 0x162C; // int32
pub const m_ePlayerFireEvent: usize = 0x1630; // PlayerAnimEvent_t
pub const m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType: usize = 0x1634; // WeaponAttackType_t
pub const m_seqIdle: usize = 0x1638; // HSequence
pub const m_seqFirePrimary: usize = 0x163C; // HSequence
pub const m_seqFireSecondary: usize = 0x1640; // HSequence
pub const m_thirdPersonFireSequences: usize = 0x1648; // CUtlVector<HSequence>
pub const m_hCurrentThirdPersonSequence: usize = 0x1660; // HSequence
pub const m_nSilencerBoneIndex: usize = 0x1664; // int32
pub const m_thirdPersonSequences: usize = 0x1668; // HSequence[7]
pub const m_ClientPreviousWeaponState: usize = 0x16A0; // CSWeaponState_t
pub const m_iState: usize = 0x16A4; // CSWeaponState_t
pub const m_flCrosshairDistance: usize = 0x16A8; // float32
pub const m_iAmmoLastCheck: usize = 0x16AC; // int32
pub const m_iAlpha: usize = 0x16B0; // int32
pub const m_iScopeTextureID: usize = 0x16B4; // int32
pub const m_iCrosshairTextureID: usize = 0x16B8; // int32
pub const m_flGunAccuracyPositionDeprecated: usize = 0x16BC; // float32
pub const m_nLastEmptySoundCmdNum: usize = 0x16C0; // int32
pub const m_nViewModelIndex: usize = 0x16C4; // uint32
pub const m_bReloadsWithClips: usize = 0x16C8; // bool
pub const m_flTimeWeaponIdle: usize = 0x16CC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bFireOnEmpty: usize = 0x16D0; // bool
pub const m_OnPlayerPickup: usize = 0x16D8; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_weaponMode: usize = 0x1700; // CSWeaponMode
pub const m_flTurningInaccuracyDelta: usize = 0x1704; // float32
pub const m_vecTurningInaccuracyEyeDirLast: usize = 0x1708; // Vector
pub const m_flTurningInaccuracy: usize = 0x1714; // float32
pub const m_fAccuracyPenalty: usize = 0x1718; // float32
pub const m_flLastAccuracyUpdateTime: usize = 0x171C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_fAccuracySmoothedForZoom: usize = 0x1720; // float32
pub const m_fScopeZoomEndTime: usize = 0x1724; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iRecoilIndex: usize = 0x1728; // int32
pub const m_flRecoilIndex: usize = 0x172C; // float32
pub const m_bBurstMode: usize = 0x1730; // bool
pub const m_flLastBurstModeChangeTime: usize = 0x1734; // GameTime_t
pub const m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks: usize = 0x1738; // GameTick_t
pub const m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac: usize = 0x173C; // float32
pub const m_bInReload: usize = 0x1740; // bool
pub const m_bReloadVisuallyComplete: usize = 0x1741; // bool
pub const m_flDroppedAtTime: usize = 0x1744; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bIsHauledBack: usize = 0x1748; // bool
pub const m_bSilencerOn: usize = 0x1749; // bool
pub const m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete: usize = 0x174C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iOriginalTeamNumber: usize = 0x1750; // int32
pub const m_iMostRecentTeamNumber: usize = 0x1754; // int32
pub const m_bDroppedNearBuyZone: usize = 0x1758; // bool
pub const m_flNextAttackRenderTimeOffset: usize = 0x175C; // float32
pub const m_bClearWeaponIdentifyingUGC: usize = 0x17F8; // bool
pub const m_bVisualsDataSet: usize = 0x17F9; // bool
pub const m_bOldFirstPersonSpectatedState: usize = 0x17FA; // bool
pub const m_bUIWeapon: usize = 0x17FB; // bool
pub const m_nCustomEconReloadEventId: usize = 0x17FC; // int32
pub const m_hPrevOwner: usize = 0x1808; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_nDropTick: usize = 0x180C; // GameTick_t
pub const m_donated: usize = 0x182C; // bool
pub const m_fLastShotTime: usize = 0x1830; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bWasOwnedByCT: usize = 0x1834; // bool
pub const m_bWasOwnedByTerrorist: usize = 0x1835; // bool
pub const m_gunHeat: usize = 0x1838; // float32
pub const m_smokeAttachments: usize = 0x183C; // uint32
pub const m_lastSmokeTime: usize = 0x1840; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flNextClientFireBulletTime: usize = 0x1844; // float32
pub const m_flNextClientFireBulletTime_Repredict: usize = 0x1848; // float32
pub const m_IronSightController: usize = 0x1920; // C_IronSightController
pub const m_iIronSightMode: usize = 0x19D0; // int32
pub const m_flLastLOSTraceFailureTime: usize = 0x19E0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iNumEmptyAttacks: usize = 0x19E4; // int32
pub const m_flLastMagDropRequestTime: usize = 0x1A60; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flWatTickOffset: usize = 0x1A64; // float32
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_TriggerVolume {
// Parent: C_FuncBrush
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_EffectName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool)
pub mod C_FuncElectrifiedVolume {
pub const m_nAmbientEffect: usize = 0xCC8; // ParticleIndex_t
pub const m_EffectName: usize = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_bState: usize = 0xCD8; // bool
// Parent: CPlayer_WeaponServices
// Field count: 5
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flNextAttack (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLookingAtWeapon (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon (bool)
pub mod CCSPlayer_WeaponServices {
pub const m_flNextAttack: usize = 0xB8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bIsLookingAtWeapon: usize = 0xBC; // bool
pub const m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon: usize = 0xBD; // bool
pub const m_nOldShootPositionHistoryCount: usize = 0xC0; // uint32
pub const m_nOldInputHistoryCount: usize = 0x458; // uint32
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 2
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeStartDist (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeEndDist (float32)
pub mod C_EnvDetailController {
pub const m_flFadeStartDist: usize = 0x548; // float32
pub const m_flFadeEndDist: usize = 0x54C; // float32
// Parent: CEntityInstance
// Field count: 82
// Metadata:
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_CBodyComponent (CBodyComponent::Storage_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxHealth (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iHealth (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_lifeState (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bTakesDamage (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTakeDamageFlags (TakeDamageFlags_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlatform (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ubInterpolationFrame (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSubclassID (EntitySubclassID_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimTime (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSimulationTime (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flCreateTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSpeed (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSideRagdoll (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iTeamNum (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_spawnflags (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nNextThinkTick (GameTick_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecBaseVelocity (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hEffectEntity (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hOwnerEntity (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_MoveCollide (MoveCollide_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_MoveType (MoveType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flWaterLevel (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fEffects (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hGroundEntity (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nGroundBodyIndex (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFriction (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flElasticity (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flGravityScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimatedEveryTick (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBloodType (BloodType)
pub mod C_BaseEntity {
pub const m_CBodyComponent: usize = 0x38; // CBodyComponent*
pub const m_NetworkTransmitComponent: usize = 0x40; // CNetworkTransmitComponent
pub const m_nLastThinkTick: usize = 0x300; // GameTick_t
pub const m_pGameSceneNode: usize = 0x308; // CGameSceneNode*
pub const m_pRenderComponent: usize = 0x310; // CRenderComponent*
pub const m_pCollision: usize = 0x318; // CCollisionProperty*
pub const m_iMaxHealth: usize = 0x320; // int32
pub const m_iHealth: usize = 0x324; // int32
pub const m_lifeState: usize = 0x328; // uint8
pub const m_bTakesDamage: usize = 0x329; // bool
pub const m_nTakeDamageFlags: usize = 0x330; // TakeDamageFlags_t
pub const m_bIsPlatform: usize = 0x338; // bool
pub const m_ubInterpolationFrame: usize = 0x339; // uint8
pub const m_hSceneObjectController: usize = 0x33C; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_nNoInterpolationTick: usize = 0x340; // int32
pub const m_nVisibilityNoInterpolationTick: usize = 0x344; // int32
pub const m_flProxyRandomValue: usize = 0x348; // float32
pub const m_iEFlags: usize = 0x34C; // int32
pub const m_nWaterType: usize = 0x350; // uint8
pub const m_bInterpolateEvenWithNoModel: usize = 0x351; // bool
pub const m_bPredictionEligible: usize = 0x352; // bool
pub const m_bApplyLayerMatchIDToModel: usize = 0x353; // bool
pub const m_tokLayerMatchID: usize = 0x354; // CUtlStringToken
pub const m_nSubclassID: usize = 0x358; // CUtlStringToken
pub const m_nSimulationTick: usize = 0x368; // int32
pub const m_iCurrentThinkContext: usize = 0x36C; // int32
pub const m_aThinkFunctions: usize = 0x370; // CUtlVector<thinkfunc_t>
pub const m_bDisabledContextThinks: usize = 0x388; // bool
pub const m_flAnimTime: usize = 0x38C; // float32
pub const m_flSimulationTime: usize = 0x390; // float32
pub const m_nSceneObjectOverrideFlags: usize = 0x394; // uint8
pub const m_bHasSuccessfullyInterpolated: usize = 0x395; // bool
pub const m_bHasAddedVarsToInterpolation: usize = 0x396; // bool
pub const m_bRenderEvenWhenNotSuccessfullyInterpolated: usize = 0x397; // bool
pub const m_nInterpolationLatchDirtyFlags: usize = 0x398; // int32[2]
pub const m_ListEntry: usize = 0x3A0; // uint16[11]
pub const m_flCreateTime: usize = 0x3B8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flSpeed: usize = 0x3BC; // float32
pub const m_EntClientFlags: usize = 0x3C0; // uint16
pub const m_bClientSideRagdoll: usize = 0x3C2; // bool
pub const m_iTeamNum: usize = 0x3C3; // uint8
pub const m_spawnflags: usize = 0x3C4; // uint32
pub const m_nNextThinkTick: usize = 0x3C8; // GameTick_t
pub const m_fFlags: usize = 0x3CC; // uint32
pub const m_vecAbsVelocity: usize = 0x3D0; // Vector
pub const m_vecVelocity: usize = 0x3E0; // CNetworkVelocityVector
pub const m_vecBaseVelocity: usize = 0x410; // Vector
pub const m_hEffectEntity: usize = 0x41C; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_hOwnerEntity: usize = 0x420; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_MoveCollide: usize = 0x424; // MoveCollide_t
pub const m_MoveType: usize = 0x425; // MoveType_t
pub const m_nActualMoveType: usize = 0x426; // MoveType_t
pub const m_flWaterLevel: usize = 0x428; // float32
pub const m_fEffects: usize = 0x42C; // uint32
pub const m_hGroundEntity: usize = 0x430; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_nGroundBodyIndex: usize = 0x434; // int32
pub const m_flFriction: usize = 0x438; // float32
pub const m_flElasticity: usize = 0x43C; // float32
pub const m_flGravityScale: usize = 0x440; // float32
pub const m_flTimeScale: usize = 0x444; // float32
pub const m_bAnimatedEveryTick: usize = 0x448; // bool
pub const m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime: usize = 0x44C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_hThink: usize = 0x450; // uint16
pub const m_fBBoxVisFlags: usize = 0x460; // uint8
pub const m_bPredictable: usize = 0x461; // bool
pub const m_bRenderWithViewModels: usize = 0x462; // bool
pub const m_nSplitUserPlayerPredictionSlot: usize = 0x464; // CSplitScreenSlot
pub const m_nFirstPredictableCommand: usize = 0x468; // int32
pub const m_nLastPredictableCommand: usize = 0x46C; // int32
pub const m_hOldMoveParent: usize = 0x470; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_Particles: usize = 0x478; // CParticleProperty
pub const m_vecPredictedScriptFloats: usize = 0x4A0; // CUtlVector<float32>
pub const m_vecPredictedScriptFloatIDs: usize = 0x4B8; // CUtlVector<int32>
pub const m_nNextScriptVarRecordID: usize = 0x4E8; // int32
pub const m_vecAngVelocity: usize = 0x4F8; // QAngle
pub const m_DataChangeEventRef: usize = 0x504; // int32
pub const m_dependencies: usize = 0x508; // CUtlVector<CEntityHandle>
pub const m_nCreationTick: usize = 0x520; // int32
pub const m_bAnimTimeChanged: usize = 0x52D; // bool
pub const m_bSimulationTimeChanged: usize = 0x52E; // bool
pub const m_sUniqueHammerID: usize = 0x538; // CUtlString
pub const m_nBloodType: usize = 0x540; // BloodType
// Parent: None
// Field count: 11
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nameStringableIndex (int32)
pub mod CEntityIdentity {
pub const m_nameStringableIndex: usize = 0x14; // int32
pub const m_name: usize = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_designerName: usize = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_flags: usize = 0x30; // uint32
pub const m_worldGroupId: usize = 0x38; // WorldGroupId_t
pub const m_fDataObjectTypes: usize = 0x3C; // uint32
pub const m_PathIndex: usize = 0x40; // ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t
pub const m_pPrev: usize = 0x58; // CEntityIdentity*
pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x60; // CEntityIdentity*
pub const m_pPrevByClass: usize = 0x68; // CEntityIdentity*
pub const m_pNextByClass: usize = 0x70; // CEntityIdentity*
// Parent: C_BreakableProp
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_bAwake (bool)
pub mod C_PhysicsProp {
pub const m_bAwake: usize = 0x1040; // bool
// Parent: CBaseProp
// Field count: 26
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_CPropDataComponent (CPropDataComponent::Storage_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_noGhostCollision (bool)
pub mod C_BreakableProp {
pub const m_CPropDataComponent: usize = 0xF10; // CPropDataComponent
pub const m_OnBreak: usize = 0xF50; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_OnHealthChanged: usize = 0xF78; // CEntityOutputTemplate<float32>
pub const m_OnTakeDamage: usize = 0xFA0; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_impactEnergyScale: usize = 0xFC8; // float32
pub const m_iMinHealthDmg: usize = 0xFCC; // int32
pub const m_flPressureDelay: usize = 0xFD0; // float32
pub const m_flDefBurstScale: usize = 0xFD4; // float32
pub const m_vDefBurstOffset: usize = 0xFD8; // Vector
pub const m_hBreaker: usize = 0xFE4; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_PerformanceMode: usize = 0xFE8; // PerformanceMode_t
pub const m_flPreventDamageBeforeTime: usize = 0xFEC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bHasBreakPiecesOrCommands: usize = 0xFF0; // bool
pub const m_explodeDamage: usize = 0xFF4; // float32
pub const m_explodeRadius: usize = 0xFF8; // float32
pub const m_explosionDelay: usize = 0x1000; // float32
pub const m_explosionBuildupSound: usize = 0x1008; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_explosionCustomEffect: usize = 0x1010; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_explosionCustomSound: usize = 0x1018; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_explosionModifier: usize = 0x1020; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_hPhysicsAttacker: usize = 0x1028; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
pub const m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime: usize = 0x102C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flDefaultFadeScale: usize = 0x1030; // float32
pub const m_hLastAttacker: usize = 0x1034; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_hFlareEnt: usize = 0x1038; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_noGhostCollision: usize = 0x103C; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseToggle
// Field count: 0
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkOverride
pub mod C_FuncMoveLinear {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 24
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkOverride
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFrameRate (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nNumBeamEnts (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hBaseMaterial (HMaterialStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nHaloIndex (HMaterialStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamType (BeamType_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamFlags (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachEntity (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachIndex (AttachmentHandle_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fWidth (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fEndWidth (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fFadeLength (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fHaloScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fAmplitude (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fStartFrame (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_fSpeed (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nClipStyle (BeamClipStyle_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bTurnedOff (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector)
pub mod C_Beam {
pub const m_flFrameRate: usize = 0xCC8; // float32
pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0xCCC; // float32
pub const m_flFireTime: usize = 0xCD0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flDamage: usize = 0xCD4; // float32
pub const m_nNumBeamEnts: usize = 0xCD8; // uint8
pub const m_queryHandleHalo: usize = 0xCDC; // int32
pub const m_hBaseMaterial: usize = 0xD00; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_nHaloIndex: usize = 0xD08; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_nBeamType: usize = 0xD10; // BeamType_t
pub const m_nBeamFlags: usize = 0xD14; // uint32
pub const m_hAttachEntity: usize = 0xD18; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>[10]
pub const m_nAttachIndex: usize = 0xD40; // AttachmentHandle_t[10]
pub const m_fWidth: usize = 0xD4C; // float32
pub const m_fEndWidth: usize = 0xD50; // float32
pub const m_fFadeLength: usize = 0xD54; // float32
pub const m_fHaloScale: usize = 0xD58; // float32
pub const m_fAmplitude: usize = 0xD5C; // float32
pub const m_fStartFrame: usize = 0xD60; // float32
pub const m_fSpeed: usize = 0xD64; // float32
pub const m_flFrame: usize = 0xD68; // float32
pub const m_nClipStyle: usize = 0xD6C; // BeamClipStyle_t
pub const m_bTurnedOff: usize = 0xD70; // bool
pub const m_vecEndPos: usize = 0xD74; // Vector
pub const m_hEndEntity: usize = 0xD80; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_nVariant (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nRandom (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nOrdinal (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_sWeaponName (CUtlString)
// NetworkVarNames: m_xuid (XUID)
// NetworkVarNames: m_agentItem (CEconItemView)
// NetworkVarNames: m_glovesItem (CEconItemView)
// NetworkVarNames: m_weaponItem (CEconItemView)
pub mod C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition {
pub const m_nVariant: usize = 0x548; // int32
pub const m_nRandom: usize = 0x54C; // int32
pub const m_nOrdinal: usize = 0x550; // int32
pub const m_sWeaponName: usize = 0x558; // CUtlString
pub const m_xuid: usize = 0x560; // uint64
pub const m_agentItem: usize = 0x568; // C_EconItemView
pub const m_glovesItem: usize = 0x9B0; // C_EconItemView
pub const m_weaponItem: usize = 0xDF8; // C_EconItemView
// Parent: C_DynamicProp
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_DynamicPropAlias_prop_dynamic_override {
// Parent: C_PointEntity
// Field count: 9
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszOverlayNames (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flOverlayTimes (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredOverlay (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsActive (bool)
pub mod C_EnvScreenOverlay {
pub const m_iszOverlayNames: usize = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge[10]
pub const m_flOverlayTimes: usize = 0x598; // float32[10]
pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x5C0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iDesiredOverlay: usize = 0x5C4; // int32
pub const m_bIsActive: usize = 0x5C8; // bool
pub const m_bWasActive: usize = 0x5C9; // bool
pub const m_iCachedDesiredOverlay: usize = 0x5CC; // int32
pub const m_iCurrentOverlay: usize = 0x5D0; // int32
pub const m_flCurrentOverlayTime: usize = 0x5D4; // GameTime_t
// Parent: CBasePlayerWeaponVData
// Field count: 92
// Metadata:
// MGetKV3ClassDefaults
// MPropertySuppressBaseClassField
// MPropertySuppressBaseClassField
pub mod CCSWeaponBaseVData {
pub const m_WeaponType: usize = 0x250; // CSWeaponType
pub const m_WeaponCategory: usize = 0x254; // CSWeaponCategory
pub const m_szViewModel: usize = 0x258; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCModel>>
pub const m_szPlayerModel: usize = 0x338; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCModel>>
pub const m_szWorldDroppedModel: usize = 0x418; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCModel>>
pub const m_szAimsightLensMaskModel: usize = 0x4F8; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCModel>>
pub const m_szMagazineModel: usize = 0x5D8; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCModel>>
pub const m_szHeatEffect: usize = 0x6B8; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>>
pub const m_szEjectBrassEffect: usize = 0x798; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>>
pub const m_szMuzzleFlashParticleAlt: usize = 0x878; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>>
pub const m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticle: usize = 0x958; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>>
pub const m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticleAlt: usize = 0xA38; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>>
pub const m_szTracerParticle: usize = 0xB18; // CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition>>
pub const m_GearSlot: usize = 0xBF8; // gear_slot_t
pub const m_GearSlotPosition: usize = 0xBFC; // int32
pub const m_DefaultLoadoutSlot: usize = 0xC00; // loadout_slot_t
pub const m_sWrongTeamMsg: usize = 0xC08; // CUtlString
pub const m_nPrice: usize = 0xC10; // int32
pub const m_nKillAward: usize = 0xC14; // int32
pub const m_nPrimaryReserveAmmoMax: usize = 0xC18; // int32
pub const m_nSecondaryReserveAmmoMax: usize = 0xC1C; // int32
pub const m_bMeleeWeapon: usize = 0xC20; // bool
pub const m_bHasBurstMode: usize = 0xC21; // bool
pub const m_bIsRevolver: usize = 0xC22; // bool
pub const m_bCannotShootUnderwater: usize = 0xC23; // bool
pub const m_szName: usize = 0xC28; // CGlobalSymbol
pub const m_szAnimExtension: usize = 0xC30; // CUtlString
pub const m_eSilencerType: usize = 0xC38; // CSWeaponSilencerType
pub const m_nCrosshairMinDistance: usize = 0xC3C; // int32
pub const m_nCrosshairDeltaDistance: usize = 0xC40; // int32
pub const m_bIsFullAuto: usize = 0xC44; // bool
pub const m_nNumBullets: usize = 0xC48; // int32
pub const m_flCycleTime: usize = 0xC4C; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flMaxSpeed: usize = 0xC54; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flSpread: usize = 0xC5C; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flInaccuracyCrouch: usize = 0xC64; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flInaccuracyStand: usize = 0xC6C; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flInaccuracyJump: usize = 0xC74; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flInaccuracyLand: usize = 0xC7C; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flInaccuracyLadder: usize = 0xC84; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flInaccuracyFire: usize = 0xC8C; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flInaccuracyMove: usize = 0xC94; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flRecoilAngle: usize = 0xC9C; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flRecoilAngleVariance: usize = 0xCA4; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flRecoilMagnitude: usize = 0xCAC; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_flRecoilMagnitudeVariance: usize = 0xCB4; // CFiringModeFloat
pub const m_nTracerFrequency: usize = 0xCBC; // CFiringModeInt
pub const m_flInaccuracyJumpInitial: usize = 0xCC4; // float32
pub const m_flInaccuracyJumpApex: usize = 0xCC8; // float32
pub const m_flInaccuracyReload: usize = 0xCCC; // float32
pub const m_nRecoilSeed: usize = 0xCD0; // int32
pub const m_nSpreadSeed: usize = 0xCD4; // int32
pub const m_flTimeToIdleAfterFire: usize = 0xCD8; // float32
pub const m_flIdleInterval: usize = 0xCDC; // float32
pub const m_flAttackMovespeedFactor: usize = 0xCE0; // float32
pub const m_flHeatPerShot: usize = 0xCE4; // float32
pub const m_flInaccuracyPitchShift: usize = 0xCE8; // float32
pub const m_flInaccuracyAltSoundThreshold: usize = 0xCEC; // float32
pub const m_flBotAudibleRange: usize = 0xCF0; // float32
pub const m_szUseRadioSubtitle: usize = 0xCF8; // CUtlString
pub const m_bUnzoomsAfterShot: usize = 0xD00; // bool
pub const m_bHideViewModelWhenZoomed: usize = 0xD01; // bool
pub const m_nZoomLevels: usize = 0xD04; // int32
pub const m_nZoomFOV1: usize = 0xD08; // int32
pub const m_nZoomFOV2: usize = 0xD0C; // int32
pub const m_flZoomTime0: usize = 0xD10; // float32
pub const m_flZoomTime1: usize = 0xD14; // float32
pub const m_flZoomTime2: usize = 0xD18; // float32
pub const m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed: usize = 0xD1C; // float32
pub const m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed: usize = 0xD20; // float32
pub const m_flIronSightFOV: usize = 0xD24; // float32
pub const m_flIronSightPivotForward: usize = 0xD28; // float32
pub const m_flIronSightLooseness: usize = 0xD2C; // float32
pub const m_angPivotAngle: usize = 0xD30; // QAngle
pub const m_vecIronSightEyePos: usize = 0xD3C; // Vector
pub const m_nDamage: usize = 0xD48; // int32
pub const m_flHeadshotMultiplier: usize = 0xD4C; // float32
pub const m_flArmorRatio: usize = 0xD50; // float32
pub const m_flPenetration: usize = 0xD54; // float32
pub const m_flRange: usize = 0xD58; // float32
pub const m_flRangeModifier: usize = 0xD5C; // float32
pub const m_flFlinchVelocityModifierLarge: usize = 0xD60; // float32
pub const m_flFlinchVelocityModifierSmall: usize = 0xD64; // float32
pub const m_flRecoveryTimeCrouch: usize = 0xD68; // float32
pub const m_flRecoveryTimeStand: usize = 0xD6C; // float32
pub const m_flRecoveryTimeCrouchFinal: usize = 0xD70; // float32
pub const m_flRecoveryTimeStandFinal: usize = 0xD74; // float32
pub const m_nRecoveryTransitionStartBullet: usize = 0xD78; // int32
pub const m_nRecoveryTransitionEndBullet: usize = 0xD7C; // int32
pub const m_flThrowVelocity: usize = 0xD80; // float32
pub const m_vSmokeColor: usize = 0xD84; // Vector
pub const m_szAnimClass: usize = 0xD90; // CGlobalSymbol
// Parent: C_ModelPointEntity
// Field count: 12
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_FontName (char)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bFullbright (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flWorldUnitsPerPx (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFontSize (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyHorizontal (PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyVertical (PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nReorientMode (PointWorldTextReorientMode_t)
pub mod C_PointWorldText {
pub const m_bForceRecreateNextUpdate: usize = 0xCD0; // bool
pub const m_messageText: usize = 0xCE0; // char[512]
pub const m_FontName: usize = 0xEE0; // char[64]
pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xF20; // bool
pub const m_bFullbright: usize = 0xF21; // bool
pub const m_flWorldUnitsPerPx: usize = 0xF24; // float32
pub const m_flFontSize: usize = 0xF28; // float32
pub const m_flDepthOffset: usize = 0xF2C; // float32
pub const m_Color: usize = 0xF30; // Color
pub const m_nJustifyHorizontal: usize = 0xF34; // PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t
pub const m_nJustifyVertical: usize = 0xF38; // PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t
pub const m_nReorientMode: usize = 0xF3C; // PointWorldTextReorientMode_t
// Parent: C_BaseGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod CBumpMineProjectile {
// Parent: CBasePlayerController
// Field count: 62
// Metadata:
// MNetworkUserGroupProxy
// MNetworkUserGroupProxy
// MNetworkUserGroupProxy
// NetworkVarNames: m_pInGameMoneyServices (CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pInventoryServices (CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_pDamageServices (CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iPing (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szCrosshairCodes (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iPendingTeamNum (uint8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flForceTeamTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCompTeammateColor (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEverPlayedOnTeam (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_szClan (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCoachingTeam (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominated (uint64)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominatingMe (uint64)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRanking (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveWins (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankType (int8)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchNextMapVote (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unActiveQuestId (uint16)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nQuestProgressReason (QuestProgress::Reason)
// NetworkVarNames: m_unPlayerTvControlFlags (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nDisconnectionTick (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bControllingBot (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasControlledBotThisRound (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bCanControlObservedBot (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPawn (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverPawn (CHandle<CCSObserverPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnIsAlive (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnHealth (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnArmor (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasDefuser (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasHelmet (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex (item_definition_index_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeStart (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeEnd (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnBotDifficulty (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn (CHandle<CCSPlayerController>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecKills (EKillTypes_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bMvpNoMusic (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_eMvpReason (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitID (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitMVPs (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iMVPs (int)
pub mod CCSPlayerController {
pub const m_pInGameMoneyServices: usize = 0x6F0; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
pub const m_pInventoryServices: usize = 0x6F8; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
pub const m_pActionTrackingServices: usize = 0x700; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
pub const m_pDamageServices: usize = 0x708; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
pub const m_iPing: usize = 0x710; // uint32
pub const m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute: usize = 0x714; // bool
pub const m_szCrosshairCodes: usize = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iPendingTeamNum: usize = 0x720; // uint8
pub const m_flForceTeamTime: usize = 0x724; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iCompTeammateColor: usize = 0x728; // int32
pub const m_bEverPlayedOnTeam: usize = 0x72C; // bool
pub const m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime: usize = 0x730; // GameTime_t
pub const m_szClan: usize = 0x738; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_sSanitizedPlayerName: usize = 0x740; // CUtlString
pub const m_iCoachingTeam: usize = 0x748; // int32
pub const m_nPlayerDominated: usize = 0x750; // uint64
pub const m_nPlayerDominatingMe: usize = 0x758; // uint64
pub const m_iCompetitiveRanking: usize = 0x760; // int32
pub const m_iCompetitiveWins: usize = 0x764; // int32
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankType: usize = 0x768; // int8
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win: usize = 0x76C; // int32
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss: usize = 0x770; // int32
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie: usize = 0x774; // int32
pub const m_nEndMatchNextMapVote: usize = 0x778; // int32
pub const m_unActiveQuestId: usize = 0x77C; // uint16
pub const m_nQuestProgressReason: usize = 0x780; // QuestProgress::Reason
pub const m_unPlayerTvControlFlags: usize = 0x784; // uint32
pub const m_iDraftIndex: usize = 0x7B0; // int32
pub const m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp: usize = 0x7B4; // uint32
pub const m_uiAbandonRecordedReason: usize = 0x7B8; // uint32
pub const m_bCannotBeKicked: usize = 0x7BC; // bool
pub const m_bEverFullyConnected: usize = 0x7BD; // bool
pub const m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender: usize = 0x7BE; // bool
pub const m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender: usize = 0x7BF; // bool
pub const m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted: usize = 0x7C0; // bool
pub const m_bScoreReported: usize = 0x7C1; // bool
pub const m_nDisconnectionTick: usize = 0x7C4; // int32
pub const m_bControllingBot: usize = 0x7D0; // bool
pub const m_bHasControlledBotThisRound: usize = 0x7D1; // bool
pub const m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound: usize = 0x7D2; // bool
pub const m_nBotsControlledThisRound: usize = 0x7D4; // int32
pub const m_bCanControlObservedBot: usize = 0x7D8; // bool
pub const m_hPlayerPawn: usize = 0x7DC; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_hObserverPawn: usize = 0x7E0; // CHandle<C_CSObserverPawn>
pub const m_bPawnIsAlive: usize = 0x7E4; // bool
pub const m_iPawnHealth: usize = 0x7E8; // uint32
pub const m_iPawnArmor: usize = 0x7EC; // int32
pub const m_bPawnHasDefuser: usize = 0x7F0; // bool
pub const m_bPawnHasHelmet: usize = 0x7F1; // bool
pub const m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex: usize = 0x7F2; // uint16
pub const m_iPawnLifetimeStart: usize = 0x7F4; // int32
pub const m_iPawnLifetimeEnd: usize = 0x7F8; // int32
pub const m_iPawnBotDifficulty: usize = 0x7FC; // int32
pub const m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn: usize = 0x800; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
pub const m_iScore: usize = 0x804; // int32
pub const m_vecKills: usize = 0x808; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
pub const m_bMvpNoMusic: usize = 0x820; // bool
pub const m_eMvpReason: usize = 0x824; // int32
pub const m_iMusicKitID: usize = 0x828; // int32
pub const m_iMusicKitMVPs: usize = 0x82C; // int32
pub const m_iMVPs: usize = 0x830; // int32
pub const m_bIsPlayerNameDirty: usize = 0x834; // bool
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponFiveSeven {
// Parent: C_DynamicProp
// Field count: 7
// Metadata:
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkExcludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_eDoorState (DoorState_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bLocked (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_closedPosition (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_closedAngles (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hMaster (CHandle<C_BasePropDoor>)
pub mod C_BasePropDoor {
pub const m_eDoorState: usize = 0x1168; // DoorState_t
pub const m_modelChanged: usize = 0x116C; // bool
pub const m_bLocked: usize = 0x116D; // bool
pub const m_closedPosition: usize = 0x1170; // Vector
pub const m_closedAngles: usize = 0x117C; // QAngle
pub const m_hMaster: usize = 0x1188; // CHandle<C_BasePropDoor>
pub const m_vWhereToSetLightingOrigin: usize = 0x118C; // Vector
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_TeamSelectTerroristPosition {
// Parent: C_BreakableProp
// Field count: 6
pub mod C_PhysPropClientside {
pub const m_flTouchDelta: usize = 0x1040; // GameTime_t
pub const m_fDeathTime: usize = 0x1044; // GameTime_t
pub const m_inertiaScale: usize = 0x1048; // float32
pub const m_vecDamagePosition: usize = 0x104C; // Vector
pub const m_vecDamageDirection: usize = 0x1058; // Vector
pub const m_nDamageType: usize = 0x1064; // int32
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_TeamSelectCamera {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iszSoundAreaType (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vPos (Vector)
pub mod C_SoundAreaEntityBase {
pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x548; // bool
pub const m_bWasEnabled: usize = 0x550; // bool
pub const m_iszSoundAreaType: usize = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_vPos: usize = 0x560; // Vector
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_fog (fogparams_t)
pub mod C_FogController {
pub const m_fog: usize = 0x548; // fogparams_t
pub const m_bUseAngles: usize = 0x5B0; // bool
pub const m_iChangedVariables: usize = 0x5B4; // int32
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 0
pub mod CPlayer_ItemServices {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_FuncBrush {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_worldName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_layerName (string_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldLayerVisible (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bEntitiesSpawned (bool)
pub mod CInfoWorldLayer {
pub const m_pOutputOnEntitiesSpawned: usize = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput
pub const m_worldName: usize = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_layerName: usize = 0x578; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_bWorldLayerVisible: usize = 0x580; // bool
pub const m_bEntitiesSpawned: usize = 0x581; // bool
pub const m_bCreateAsChildSpawnGroup: usize = 0x582; // bool
pub const m_hLayerSpawnGroup: usize = 0x584; // uint32
pub const m_bWorldLayerActuallyVisible: usize = 0x588; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_NetTestBaseCombatCharacter {
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 1
pub mod C_ViewmodelWeapon {
pub const m_worldModel: usize = 0xED0; // char*
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 2
pub mod C_PhysMagnet {
pub const m_aAttachedObjectsFromServer: usize = 0xED0; // CUtlVector<int32>
pub const m_aAttachedObjects: usize = 0xEE8; // CUtlVector<CHandle<C_BaseEntity>>
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkOverride
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTargetSpeed (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionStartTick (GameTick_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionDurationTicks (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTransitionStartSpeed (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hConveyorModels (EHANDLE)
pub mod C_FuncConveyor {
pub const m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace: usize = 0xCD0; // Vector
pub const m_flTargetSpeed: usize = 0xCDC; // float32
pub const m_nTransitionStartTick: usize = 0xCE0; // GameTick_t
pub const m_nTransitionDurationTicks: usize = 0xCE4; // int32
pub const m_flTransitionStartSpeed: usize = 0xCE8; // float32
pub const m_hConveyorModels: usize = 0xCF0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CHandle<C_BaseEntity>>
pub const m_flCurrentConveyorOffset: usize = 0xD08; // float32
pub const m_flCurrentConveyorSpeed: usize = 0xD0C; // float32
// Parent: None
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_pEntity (CEntityIdentity*)
// NetworkVarNames: m_CScriptComponent (CScriptComponent::Storage_t)
pub mod CEntityInstance {
pub const m_iszPrivateVScripts: usize = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_pEntity: usize = 0x10; // CEntityIdentity*
pub const m_CScriptComponent: usize = 0x28; // CScriptComponent*
pub const m_bVisibleinPVS: usize = 0x30; // bool
// Parent: None
// Field count: 3
pub mod ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t {
pub const unClass: usize = 0x28; // uint16
pub const unSlot: usize = 0x2A; // uint16
pub const unItemDefIdx: usize = 0x2C; // uint16
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 17
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup
// MNetworkOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimationParity (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimationStartTime (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hWeapon (CHandle<CBasePlayerWeapon>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
pub mod C_BaseViewModel {
pub const m_vecLastFacing: usize = 0xED8; // Vector
pub const m_nViewModelIndex: usize = 0xEE4; // uint32
pub const m_nAnimationParity: usize = 0xEE8; // uint32
pub const m_flAnimationStartTime: usize = 0xEEC; // float32
pub const m_hWeapon: usize = 0xEF0; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerWeapon>
pub const m_sVMName: usize = 0xEF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_sAnimationPrefix: usize = 0xF00; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_hWeaponModel: usize = 0xF08; // CHandle<C_ViewmodelWeapon>
pub const m_iCameraAttachment: usize = 0xF0C; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_vecLastCameraAngles: usize = 0xF10; // QAngle
pub const m_previousElapsedDuration: usize = 0xF1C; // float32
pub const m_previousCycle: usize = 0xF20; // float32
pub const m_nOldAnimationParity: usize = 0xF24; // int32
pub const m_hOldLayerSequence: usize = 0xF28; // HSequence
pub const m_oldLayer: usize = 0xF2C; // int32
pub const m_oldLayerStartTime: usize = 0xF30; // float32
pub const m_hControlPanel: usize = 0xF34; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
// Parent: CHostageRescueZoneShim
// Field count: 0
pub mod CHostageRescueZone {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponNegev {
// Parent: None
// Field count: 33
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hParent (CGameSceneNodeHandle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vecOrigin (CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_angRotation (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hierarchyAttachName (CUtlStringToken)
pub mod CGameSceneNode {
pub const m_nodeToWorld: usize = 0x10; // CTransform
pub const m_pOwner: usize = 0x30; // CEntityInstance*
pub const m_pParent: usize = 0x38; // CGameSceneNode*
pub const m_pChild: usize = 0x40; // CGameSceneNode*
pub const m_pNextSibling: usize = 0x48; // CGameSceneNode*
pub const m_hParent: usize = 0x78; // CGameSceneNodeHandle
pub const m_vecOrigin: usize = 0x88; // CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector
pub const m_angRotation: usize = 0xC0; // QAngle
pub const m_flScale: usize = 0xCC; // float32
pub const m_vecAbsOrigin: usize = 0xD0; // Vector
pub const m_angAbsRotation: usize = 0xDC; // QAngle
pub const m_flAbsScale: usize = 0xE8; // float32
pub const m_nParentAttachmentOrBone: usize = 0xEC; // int16
pub const m_bDebugAbsOriginChanges: usize = 0xEE; // bool
pub const m_bDormant: usize = 0xEF; // bool
pub const m_bForceParentToBeNetworked: usize = 0xF0; // bool
pub const m_bDirtyHierarchy: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_bDirtyBoneMergeInfo: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_bNetworkedPositionChanged: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_bNetworkedAnglesChanged: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_bNetworkedScaleChanged: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_bWillBeCallingPostDataUpdate: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_bBoneMergeFlex: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_nLatchAbsOrigin: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:2
pub const m_bDirtyBoneMergeBoneToRoot: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1
pub const m_nHierarchicalDepth: usize = 0xF3; // uint8
pub const m_nHierarchyType: usize = 0xF4; // uint8
pub const m_nDoNotSetAnimTimeInInvalidatePhysicsCount: usize = 0xF5; // uint8
pub const m_name: usize = 0xF8; // CUtlStringToken
pub const m_hierarchyAttachName: usize = 0x138; // CUtlStringToken
pub const m_flZOffset: usize = 0x13C; // float32
pub const m_flClientLocalScale: usize = 0x140; // float32
pub const m_vRenderOrigin: usize = 0x144; // Vector
// Parent: C_MolotovGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_IncendiaryGrenade {
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBase
// Field count: 0
pub mod CTablet {
// Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// MPulseInstanceDomainInfo
// MPulseDomainHookInfo
// MPulseLibraryBindings
// MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag
pub mod CCSPointScript {
pub const m_pParent: usize = 0xF8; // CCSPointScriptEntity*
// Parent: C_CSPlayerPawnBase
// Field count: 1
// Metadata:
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkVarTypeOverride
// MNetworkIncludeByName
pub mod C_CSObserverPawn {
pub const m_hDetectParentChange: usize = 0x1460; // CEntityHandle
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hEntAttached (CHandle<C_BaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bCheapEffect (bool)
pub mod C_EntityFlame {
pub const m_hEntAttached: usize = 0x548; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_hOldAttached: usize = 0x570; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_bCheapEffect: usize = 0x574; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseGrenade
// Field count: 0
pub mod CTripWireFireProjectile {
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_Breakable {
// Parent: CPlayer_ObserverServices
// Field count: 8
pub mod CCSObserver_ObserverServices {
pub const m_hLastObserverTarget: usize = 0x58; // CEntityHandle
pub const m_vecObserverInterpolateOffset: usize = 0x5C; // Vector
pub const m_vecObserverInterpStartPos: usize = 0x68; // Vector
pub const m_flObsInterp_PathLength: usize = 0x74; // float32
pub const m_qObsInterp_OrientationStart: usize = 0x80; // Quaternion
pub const m_qObsInterp_OrientationTravelDir: usize = 0x90; // Quaternion
pub const m_obsInterpState: usize = 0xA0; // ObserverInterpState_t
pub const m_bObserverInterpolationNeedsDeferredSetup: usize = 0xA4; // bool
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_TintController {
// Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent
// Field count: 0
pub mod CPlayer_AutoaimServices {
// Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter
// Field count: 23
// Metadata:
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkIncludeByName
// MNetworkOverride
// NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_reuseTimer (CountdownTimer)
// NetworkVarNames: m_vel (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_isRescued (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nHostageState (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHandsHaveBeenCut (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hHostageGrabber (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flRescueStartTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flGrabSuccessTime (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDropStartTime (GameTime_t)
pub mod C_Hostage {
pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0x10F8; // EntitySpottedState_t
pub const m_leader: usize = 0x1110; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_reuseTimer: usize = 0x1118; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_vel: usize = 0x1130; // Vector
pub const m_isRescued: usize = 0x113C; // bool
pub const m_jumpedThisFrame: usize = 0x113D; // bool
pub const m_nHostageState: usize = 0x1140; // int32
pub const m_bHandsHaveBeenCut: usize = 0x1144; // bool
pub const m_hHostageGrabber: usize = 0x1148; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_fLastGrabTime: usize = 0x114C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_vecGrabbedPos: usize = 0x1150; // Vector
pub const m_flRescueStartTime: usize = 0x115C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flGrabSuccessTime: usize = 0x1160; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flDropStartTime: usize = 0x1164; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flDeadOrRescuedTime: usize = 0x1168; // GameTime_t
pub const m_blinkTimer: usize = 0x1170; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_lookAt: usize = 0x1188; // Vector
pub const m_lookAroundTimer: usize = 0x1198; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_isInit: usize = 0x11B0; // bool
pub const m_eyeAttachment: usize = 0x11B1; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_chestAttachment: usize = 0x11B2; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_pPredictionOwner: usize = 0x11B8; // CBasePlayerController*
pub const m_fNewestAlphaThinkTime: usize = 0x11C0; // GameTime_t
// Parent: C_BaseModelEntity
// Field count: 24
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_hSpriteMaterial (HMaterialStrong)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachedToEntity (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteFramerate (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBrightness (uint32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessDuration (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteScale (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleDuration (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldSpaceScale (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32)
pub mod C_Sprite {
pub const m_hSpriteMaterial: usize = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_hAttachedToEntity: usize = 0xCD0; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_nAttachment: usize = 0xCD4; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_flSpriteFramerate: usize = 0xCD8; // float32
pub const m_flFrame: usize = 0xCDC; // float32
pub const m_flDieTime: usize = 0xCE0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_nBrightness: usize = 0xCF0; // uint32
pub const m_flBrightnessDuration: usize = 0xCF4; // float32
pub const m_flSpriteScale: usize = 0xCF8; // float32
pub const m_flScaleDuration: usize = 0xCFC; // float32
pub const m_bWorldSpaceScale: usize = 0xD00; // bool
pub const m_flGlowProxySize: usize = 0xD04; // float32
pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0xD08; // float32
pub const m_flLastTime: usize = 0xD0C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flMaxFrame: usize = 0xD10; // float32
pub const m_flStartScale: usize = 0xD14; // float32
pub const m_flDestScale: usize = 0xD18; // float32
pub const m_flScaleTimeStart: usize = 0xD1C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_nStartBrightness: usize = 0xD20; // int32
pub const m_nDestBrightness: usize = 0xD24; // int32
pub const m_flBrightnessTimeStart: usize = 0xD28; // GameTime_t
pub const m_hOldSpriteMaterial: usize = 0xD30; // CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2>
pub const m_nSpriteWidth: usize = 0xDD0; // int32
pub const m_nSpriteHeight: usize = 0xDD4; // int32
// Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_WeaponM4A1Silencer {
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 29
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_bBombTicking (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nBombSite (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nSourceSoundscapeHash (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flC4Blow (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bCannotBeDefused (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bHasExploded (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerLength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bBeingDefused (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseLength (float)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseCountDown (GameTime_t)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDefused (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hBombDefuser (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle<CBaseEntity>)
pub mod C_PlantedC4 {
pub const m_bBombTicking: usize = 0xED0; // bool
pub const m_nBombSite: usize = 0xED4; // int32
pub const m_nSourceSoundscapeHash: usize = 0xED8; // int32
pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0xEE0; // EntitySpottedState_t
pub const m_flNextGlow: usize = 0xEF8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flNextBeep: usize = 0xEFC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_flC4Blow: usize = 0xF00; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bCannotBeDefused: usize = 0xF04; // bool
pub const m_bHasExploded: usize = 0xF05; // bool
pub const m_flTimerLength: usize = 0xF08; // float32
pub const m_bBeingDefused: usize = 0xF0C; // bool
pub const m_bTriggerWarning: usize = 0xF10; // float32
pub const m_bExplodeWarning: usize = 0xF14; // float32
pub const m_bC4Activated: usize = 0xF18; // bool
pub const m_bTenSecWarning: usize = 0xF19; // bool
pub const m_flDefuseLength: usize = 0xF1C; // float32
pub const m_flDefuseCountDown: usize = 0xF20; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bBombDefused: usize = 0xF24; // bool
pub const m_hBombDefuser: usize = 0xF28; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_hControlPanel: usize = 0xF2C; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_hDefuserMultimeter: usize = 0xF30; // CHandle<C_Multimeter>
pub const m_flNextRadarFlashTime: usize = 0xF34; // GameTime_t
pub const m_bRadarFlash: usize = 0xF38; // bool
pub const m_pBombDefuser: usize = 0xF3C; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_fLastDefuseTime: usize = 0xF40; // GameTime_t
pub const m_pPredictionOwner: usize = 0xF48; // CBasePlayerController*
pub const m_vecC4ExplodeSpectatePos: usize = 0xF50; // Vector
pub const m_vecC4ExplodeSpectateAng: usize = 0xF5C; // QAngle
pub const m_flC4ExplodeSpectateDuration: usize = 0xF68; // float32
// Parent: CBaseAnimGraph
// Field count: 8
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_ragPos (Vector)
// NetworkVarNames: m_ragAngles (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: m_flBlendWeight (float32)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hRagdollSource (EHANDLE)
pub mod C_RagdollProp {
pub const m_ragPos: usize = 0xED8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<Vector>
pub const m_ragAngles: usize = 0xEF0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<QAngle>
pub const m_flBlendWeight: usize = 0xF08; // float32
pub const m_hRagdollSource: usize = 0xF0C; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_iEyeAttachment: usize = 0xF10; // AttachmentHandle_t
pub const m_flBlendWeightCurrent: usize = 0xF14; // float32
pub const m_parentPhysicsBoneIndices: usize = 0xF18; // CUtlVector<int32>
pub const m_worldSpaceBoneComputationOrder: usize = 0xF30; // CUtlVector<int32>
// Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera
// Field count: 0
pub mod C_CSGO_TerroristTeamIntroCamera {
// Parent: C_BaseEntity
// Field count: 7
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_iActiveIssueIndex (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_iOnlyTeamToVote (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteOptionCount (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_nPotentialVotes (int)
// NetworkVarNames: m_bIsYesNoVote (bool)
pub mod C_VoteController {
pub const m_iActiveIssueIndex: usize = 0x558; // int32
pub const m_iOnlyTeamToVote: usize = 0x55C; // int32
pub const m_nVoteOptionCount: usize = 0x560; // int32[5]
pub const m_nPotentialVotes: usize = 0x574; // int32
pub const m_bVotesDirty: usize = 0x578; // bool
pub const m_bTypeDirty: usize = 0x579; // bool
pub const m_bIsYesNoVote: usize = 0x57A; // bool
// Parent: None
// Field count: 3
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: nType (FixAngleSet_t)
// NetworkVarNames: qAngle (QAngle)
// NetworkVarNames: nIndex (uint32)
pub mod ViewAngleServerChange_t {
pub const nType: usize = 0x30; // FixAngleSet_t
pub const qAngle: usize = 0x34; // QAngle
pub const nIndex: usize = 0x40; // uint32
// Parent: C_DynamicProp
// Field count: 7
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool)
// NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>)
// NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer)
pub mod C_Chicken {
pub const m_hHolidayHatAddon: usize = 0x1160; // CHandle<CBaseAnimGraph>
pub const m_jumpedThisFrame: usize = 0x1164; // bool
pub const m_leader: usize = 0x1168; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_AttributeManager: usize = 0x1170; // C_AttributeContainer
pub const m_bAttributesInitialized: usize = 0x1618; // bool
pub const m_hWaterWakeParticles: usize = 0x161C; // ParticleIndex_t
pub const m_bIsPreviewModel: usize = 0x1620; // bool
// Parent: None
// Field count: 4
// Metadata:
// NetworkVarNames: m_Transforms (CTransform)
// NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (EHANDLE)
pub mod PhysicsRagdollPose_t {
pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer
pub const m_Transforms: usize = 0x30; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<CTransform>
pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0x48; // CHandle<C_BaseEntity>
pub const m_bDirty: usize = 0x68; // bool