diff --git a/output/animationsystem.dll.cs b/output/animationsystem.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1ab7aa --- /dev/null +++ b/output/animationsystem.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,5277 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: animationsystem.dll + // Classes count: 401 + // Enums count: 77 + public static class AnimationsystemDll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 17 + public enum SeqCmd_t : uint { + SeqCmd_Nop = 0x0, + SeqCmd_LinearDelta = 0x1, + SeqCmd_FetchFrameRange = 0x2, + SeqCmd_Slerp = 0x3, + SeqCmd_Add = 0x4, + SeqCmd_Subtract = 0x5, + SeqCmd_Scale = 0x6, + SeqCmd_Copy = 0x7, + SeqCmd_Blend = 0x8, + SeqCmd_Worldspace = 0x9, + SeqCmd_Sequence = 0xA, + SeqCmd_FetchCycle = 0xB, + SeqCmd_FetchFrame = 0xC, + SeqCmd_IKLockInPlace = 0xD, + SeqCmd_IKRestoreAll = 0xE, + SeqCmd_ReverseSequence = 0xF, + SeqCmd_Transform = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum BoneTransformSpace_t : uint { + BoneTransformSpace_Invalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + BoneTransformSpace_Parent = 0x0, + BoneTransformSpace_Model = 0x1, + BoneTransformSpace_World = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveType : uint { + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Text = 0x0, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Sphere = 0x1, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Line = 0x2, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Pie = 0x3, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Axis = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + public enum NmTransitionRule_t : byte { + AllowTransition = 0x0, + ConditionallyAllowTransition = 0x1, + BlockTransition = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum BinaryNodeTiming : uint { + UseChild1 = 0x0, + UseChild2 = 0x1, + SyncChildren = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum SolveIKChainAnimNodeDebugSetting : uint { + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_None = 0x0, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_X_Axis_Circle = 0x1, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Y_Axis_Circle = 0x2, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Z_Axis_Circle = 0x3, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Forward = 0x4, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Up = 0x5, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Left = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 6 + public enum MovementGait_t : byte { + eInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + eSlow = 0x0, + eMedium = 0x1, + eFast = 0x2, + eVeryFast = 0x3, + eCount = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum IKTargetCoordinateSystem : uint { + IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_WorldSpace = 0x0, + IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_ModelSpace = 0x1, + IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum VPhysXAggregateData_t__VPhysXFlagEnum_t : uint { + FLAG_IS_POLYSOUP_GEOMETRY = 0x1, + FLAG_LEVEL_COLLISION = 0x10, + FLAG_IGNORE_SCALE_OBSOLETE_DO_NOT_USE = 0x20 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 23 + public enum NmEasingOperation_t : byte { + Linear = 0x0, + InQuad = 0x1, + OutQuad = 0x2, + InOutQuad = 0x3, + InCubic = 0x4, + OutCubic = 0x5, + InOutCubic = 0x6, + InQuart = 0x7, + OutQuart = 0x8, + InOutQuart = 0x9, + InQuint = 0xA, + OutQuint = 0xB, + InOutQuint = 0xC, + InSine = 0xD, + OutSine = 0xE, + InOutSine = 0xF, + InExpo = 0x10, + OutExpo = 0x11, + InOutExpo = 0x12, + InCirc = 0x13, + OutCirc = 0x14, + InOutCirc = 0x15, + None = 0x16 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum MatterialAttributeTagType_t : uint { + MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_VALUE = 0x0, + MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_COLOR = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum AnimPoseControl : uint { + NoPoseControl = 0x0, + AbsolutePoseControl = 0x1, + RelativePoseControl = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + public enum NmTransitionRuleCondition_t : byte { + AnyAllowed = 0x0, + FullyAllowed = 0x1, + ConditionallyAllowed = 0x2, + Blocked = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum EDemoBoneSelectionMode : uint { + CaptureAllBones = 0x0, + CaptureSelectedBones = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum StepPhase : uint { + StepPhase_OnGround = 0x0, + StepPhase_InAir = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 26 + public enum FlexOpCode_t : uint { + FLEX_OP_CONST = 0x1, + FLEX_OP_FETCH1 = 0x2, + FLEX_OP_FETCH2 = 0x3, + FLEX_OP_ADD = 0x4, + FLEX_OP_SUB = 0x5, + FLEX_OP_MUL = 0x6, + FLEX_OP_DIV = 0x7, + FLEX_OP_NEG = 0x8, + FLEX_OP_EXP = 0x9, + FLEX_OP_OPEN = 0xA, + FLEX_OP_CLOSE = 0xB, + FLEX_OP_COMMA = 0xC, + FLEX_OP_MAX = 0xD, + FLEX_OP_MIN = 0xE, + FLEX_OP_2WAY_0 = 0xF, + FLEX_OP_2WAY_1 = 0x10, + FLEX_OP_NWAY = 0x11, + FLEX_OP_COMBO = 0x12, + FLEX_OP_DOMINATE = 0x13, + FLEX_OP_DME_LOWER_EYELID = 0x14, + FLEX_OP_DME_UPPER_EYELID = 0x15, + FLEX_OP_SQRT = 0x16, + FLEX_OP_REMAPVALCLAMPED = 0x17, + FLEX_OP_SIN = 0x18, + FLEX_OP_COS = 0x19, + FLEX_OP_ABS = 0x1A + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum AnimNodeNetworkMode : uint { + ServerAuthoritative = 0x0, + ClientSimulate = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum VPhysXBodyPart_t__VPhysXFlagEnum_t : uint { + FLAG_STATIC = 0x1, + FLAG_KINEMATIC = 0x2, + FLAG_JOINT = 0x4, + FLAG_MASS = 0x8, + FLAG_ALWAYS_DYNAMIC_ON_CLIENT = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + public enum AnimParamType_t : byte { + ANIMPARAM_UNKNOWN = 0x0, + ANIMPARAM_BOOL = 0x1, + ANIMPARAM_ENUM = 0x2, + ANIMPARAM_INT = 0x3, + ANIMPARAM_FLOAT = 0x4, + ANIMPARAM_VECTOR = 0x5, + ANIMPARAM_QUATERNION = 0x6, + ANIMPARAM_GLOBALSYMBOL = 0x7, + ANIMPARAM_COUNT = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + public enum NmEasingFunction_t : byte { + Linear = 0x0, + Quad = 0x1, + Cubic = 0x2, + Quart = 0x3, + Quint = 0x4, + Sine = 0x5, + Expo = 0x6, + Circ = 0x7, + Back = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum IKTargetSource : uint { + IKTARGETSOURCE_Bone = 0x0, + IKTARGETSOURCE_AnimgraphParameter = 0x1, + IKTARGETSOURCE_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 15 + public enum PermModelInfo_t__FlagEnum : uint { + FLAG_TRANSLUCENT = 0x1, + FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_TWO_PASS = 0x2, + FLAG_MODEL_IS_RUNTIME_COMBINED = 0x4, + FLAG_SOURCE1_IMPORT = 0x8, + FLAG_MODEL_PART_CHILD = 0x10, + FLAG_NAV_GEN_NONE = 0x20, + FLAG_NAV_GEN_HULL = 0x40, + FLAG_NO_FORCED_FADE = 0x800, + FLAG_HAS_SKINNED_MESHES = 0x400, + FLAG_DO_NOT_CAST_SHADOWS = 0x20000, + FLAG_FORCE_PHONEME_CROSSFADE = 0x1000, + FLAG_NO_ANIM_EVENTS = 0x100000, + FLAG_ANIMATION_DRIVEN_FLEXES = 0x200000, + FLAG_IMPLICIT_BIND_POSE_SEQUENCE = 0x400000, + FLAG_MODEL_DOC = 0x800000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum AnimParamNetworkSetting : uint { + Auto = 0x0, + AlwaysNetwork = 0x1, + NeverNetwork = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum MorphFlexControllerRemapType_t : uint { + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_PASSTHRU = 0x0, + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_2WAY = 0x1, + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_NWAY = 0x2, + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_EYELID = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + public enum MeshDrawPrimitiveFlags_t : uint { + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_SHADOW_FAST_PATH = 0x1, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_COMPRESSED_NORMAL_TANGENT = 0x2, + MESH_DRAW_INPUT_LAYOUT_IS_NOT_MATCHED_TO_MATERIAL = 0x8, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_COMPRESSED_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING = 0x10, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_UNCOMPRESSED_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING = 0x20, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_CAN_BATCH_WITH_DYNAMIC_SHADER_CONSTANTS = 0x40, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_DRAW_LAST = 0x80 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ModelBoneFlexComponent_t : uint { + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TX = 0x0, + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TY = 0x1, + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TZ = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + public enum PoseType_t : byte { + POSETYPE_STATIC = 0x0, + POSETYPE_DYNAMIC = 0x1, + POSETYPE_INVALID = 0xFF + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 36 + public enum AnimValueSource : uint { + MoveHeading = 0x0, + MoveSpeed = 0x1, + ForwardSpeed = 0x2, + StrafeSpeed = 0x3, + FacingHeading = 0x4, + LookHeading = 0x5, + LookPitch = 0x6, + LookDistance = 0x7, + Parameter = 0x8, + WayPointHeading = 0x9, + WayPointDistance = 0xA, + BoundaryRadius = 0xB, + TargetMoveHeading = 0xC, + TargetMoveSpeed = 0xD, + AccelerationHeading = 0xE, + AccelerationSpeed = 0xF, + SlopeHeading = 0x10, + SlopeAngle = 0x11, + SlopePitch = 0x12, + SlopeYaw = 0x13, + GoalDistance = 0x14, + AccelerationLeftRight = 0x15, + AccelerationFrontBack = 0x16, + RootMotionSpeed = 0x17, + RootMotionTurnSpeed = 0x18, + MoveHeadingRelativeToLookHeading = 0x19, + MaxMoveSpeed = 0x1A, + FingerCurl_Thumb = 0x1B, + FingerCurl_Index = 0x1C, + FingerCurl_Middle = 0x1D, + FingerCurl_Ring = 0x1E, + FingerCurl_Pinky = 0x1F, + FingerSplay_Thumb_Index = 0x20, + FingerSplay_Index_Middle = 0x21, + FingerSplay_Middle_Ring = 0x22, + FingerSplay_Ring_Pinky = 0x23 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum RagdollPoseControl : uint { + Absolute = 0x0, + Relative = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum IKSolverType : uint { + IKSOLVER_Perlin = 0x0, + IKSOLVER_TwoBone = 0x1, + IKSOLVER_Fabrik = 0x2, + IKSOLVER_DogLeg3Bone = 0x3, + IKSOLVER_CCD = 0x4, + IKSOLVER_COUNT = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum Blend2DMode : uint { + Blend2DMode_General = 0x0, + Blend2DMode_Directional = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ChoiceChangeMethod : uint { + OnReset = 0x0, + OnCycleEnd = 0x1, + OnResetOrCycleEnd = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ChoiceBlendMethod : uint { + SingleBlendTime = 0x0, + PerChoiceBlendTimes = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum VPhysXConstraintParams_t__EnumFlags0_t : uint { + FLAG0_SHIFT_INTERPENETRATE = 0x0, + FLAG0_SHIFT_CONSTRAIN = 0x1, + FLAG0_SHIFT_BREAKABLE_FORCE = 0x2, + FLAG0_SHIFT_BREAKABLE_TORQUE = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum BlendKeyType : uint { + BlendKey_UserValue = 0x0, + BlendKey_Velocity = 0x1, + BlendKey_Distance = 0x2, + BlendKey_RemainingDistance = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum StateActionBehavior : uint { + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_ACTIVE_WHILE_CURRENT = 0x0, + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_ENTER = 0x1, + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_EXIT = 0x2, + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_ENTER_AND_EXIT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + public enum NmRootMotionBlendMode_t : byte { + Blend = 0x0, + Additive = 0x1, + IgnoreSource = 0x2, + IgnoreTarget = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 6 + public enum NmFootPhaseCondition_t : byte { + LeftFootDown = 0x0, + LeftFootPassing = 0x1, + LeftPhase = 0x4, + RightFootDown = 0x2, + RightFootPassing = 0x3, + RightPhase = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 22 + public enum ModelSkeletonData_t__BoneFlags_t : uint { + FLAG_NO_BONE_FLAGS = 0x0, + FLAG_BONEFLEXDRIVER = 0x4, + FLAG_CLOTH = 0x8, + FLAG_PHYSICS = 0x10, + FLAG_ATTACHMENT = 0x20, + FLAG_ANIMATION = 0x40, + FLAG_MESH = 0x80, + FLAG_HITBOX = 0x100, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD0 = 0x400, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD1 = 0x800, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD2 = 0x1000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD3 = 0x2000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD4 = 0x4000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD5 = 0x8000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD6 = 0x10000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD7 = 0x20000, + FLAG_BONE_MERGE_READ = 0x40000, + FLAG_BONE_MERGE_WRITE = 0x80000, + FLAG_ALL_BONE_FLAGS = 0xFFFFF, + BLEND_PREALIGNED = 0x100000, + FLAG_RIGIDLENGTH = 0x200000, + FLAG_PROCEDURAL = 0x400000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum MorphBundleType_t : uint { + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_POSITION_SPEED = 0x1, + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_NORMAL_WRINKLE = 0x2, + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + public enum NmPoseBlendMode_t : byte { + Overlay = 0x0, + Additive = 0x1, + GlobalSpace = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum ResetCycleOption : uint { + Beginning = 0x0, + SameCycleAsSource = 0x1, + InverseSourceCycle = 0x2, + FixedValue = 0x3, + SameTimeAsSource = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum IKChannelMode : uint { + TwoBone = 0x0, + TwoBone_Translate = 0x1, + OneBone = 0x2, + OneBone_Translate = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + public enum NmGraphValueType_t : byte { + Unknown = 0x0, + Bool = 0x1, + ID = 0x2, + Float = 0x3, + Vector = 0x4, + Target = 0x5, + BoneMask = 0x6, + Pose = 0x7, + Special = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + public enum NmFootPhase_t : byte { + LeftFootDown = 0x0, + RightFootPassing = 0x1, + RightFootDown = 0x2, + LeftFootPassing = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum FootstepLandedFootSoundType_t : uint { + FOOTSOUND_Left = 0x0, + FOOTSOUND_Right = 0x1, + FOOTSOUND_UseOverrideSound = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum FootLockSubVisualization : uint { + FOOTLOCKSUBVISUALIZATION_ReachabilityAnalysis = 0x0, + FOOTLOCKSUBVISUALIZATION_IKSolve = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum NmFrameSnapEventMode_t : uint { + Floor = 0x0, + Round = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum FootPinningTimingSource : uint { + FootMotion = 0x0, + Tag = 0x1, + Parameter = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum DampingSpeedFunction : uint { + NoDamping = 0x0, + Constant = 0x1, + Spring = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum AnimationProcessingType_t : uint { + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_SERVER_SIMULATION = 0x0, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_SIMULATION = 0x1, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_PREDICTION = 0x2, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_INTERPOLATION = 0x3, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_RENDER = 0x4, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_MAX = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum JiggleBoneSimSpace : uint { + SimSpace_Local = 0x0, + SimSpace_Model = 0x1, + SimSpace_World = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum StanceOverrideMode : uint { + Sequence = 0x0, + Node = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum IkEndEffectorType : uint { + IkEndEffector_Attachment = 0x0, + IkEndEffector_Bone = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 3 + public enum AnimScriptType : ushort { + ANIMSCRIPT_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ANIMSCRIPT_FUSE_GENERAL = 0x0, + ANIMSCRIPT_FUSE_STATEMACHINE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum SeqPoseSetting_t : uint { + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_CONSTANT = 0x0, + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_ROTATION = 0x1, + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_POSITION = 0x2, + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_VELOCITY = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + public enum AnimParamButton_t : uint { + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_NONE = 0x0, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_UP = 0x1, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT = 0x2, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN = 0x3, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT = 0x4, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_A = 0x5, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_B = 0x6, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_X = 0x7, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_Y = 0x8, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER = 0x9, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER = 0xA, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_LTRIGGER = 0xB, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_RTRIGGER = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum SelectorTagBehavior_t : uint { + SelectorTagBehavior_OnWhileCurrent = 0x0, + SelectorTagBehavior_OffWhenFinished = 0x1, + SelectorTagBehavior_OffBeforeFinished = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + public enum CNmBoneMask__WeightInfo_t : byte { + Zero = 0x0, + Mixed = 0x1, + One = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum HandshakeTagType_t : uint { + eInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + eTask = 0x0, + eMovement = 0x1, + eCount = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 18 + public enum ParticleAttachment_t : uint { + PATTACH_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PATTACH_ABSORIGIN = 0x0, + PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0x1, + PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN = 0x2, + PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0x3, + PATTACH_POINT = 0x4, + PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW = 0x5, + PATTACH_EYES_FOLLOW = 0x6, + PATTACH_OVERHEAD_FOLLOW = 0x7, + PATTACH_WORLDORIGIN = 0x8, + PATTACH_ROOTBONE_FOLLOW = 0x9, + PATTACH_RENDERORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0xA, + PATTACH_MAIN_VIEW = 0xB, + PATTACH_WATERWAKE = 0xC, + PATTACH_CENTER_FOLLOW = 0xD, + PATTACH_CUSTOM_GAME_STATE_1 = 0xE, + PATTACH_HEALTHBAR = 0xF, + MAX_PATTACH_TYPES = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum FieldNetworkOption : uint { + Auto = 0x0, + ForceEnable = 0x1, + ForceDisable = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 8 + public enum CNmTransitionNode__TransitionOptions_t : byte { + None = 0x0, + ClampDuration = 0x1, + Synchronized = 0x2, + MatchSourceTime = 0x4, + MatchSyncEventIndex = 0x8, + MatchSyncEventID = 0x10, + MatchSyncEventPercentage = 0x20, + PreferClosestSyncEventID = 0x40 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum VPhysXJoint_t__Flags_t : uint { + JOINT_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + JOINT_FLAGS_BODY1_FIXED = 0x1, + JOINT_FLAGS_USE_BLOCK_SOLVER = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + public enum VelocityMetricMode : byte { + DirectionOnly = 0x0, + MagnitudeOnly = 0x1, + DirectionAndMagnitude = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + public enum FacingMode : byte { + FacingMode_Invalid = 0x0, + FacingMode_Manual = 0x1, + FacingMode_Path = 0x2, + FacingMode_LookTarget = 0x3, + FacingMode_ManualPosition = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum AimMatrixBlendMode : uint { + AimMatrixBlendMode_None = 0x0, + AimMatrixBlendMode_Additive = 0x1, + AimMatrixBlendMode_ModelSpaceAdditive = 0x2, + AimMatrixBlendMode_BoneMask = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum AnimationSnapshotType_t : uint { + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_SERVER_SIMULATION = 0x0, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_SIMULATION = 0x1, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_PREDICTION = 0x2, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_INTERPOLATION = 0x3, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_RENDER = 0x4, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_FINAL_COMPOSITE = 0x5, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_MAX = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + public enum FootFallTagFoot_t : uint { + FOOT1 = 0x0, + FOOT2 = 0x1, + FOOT3 = 0x2, + FOOT4 = 0x3, + FOOT5 = 0x4, + FOOT6 = 0x5, + FOOT7 = 0x6, + FOOT8 = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ChoiceMethod : uint { + WeightedRandom = 0x0, + WeightedRandomNoRepeat = 0x1, + Iterate = 0x2, + IterateRandom = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 14 + public enum AnimVectorSource : uint { + MoveDirection = 0x0, + FacingDirection = 0x1, + LookDirection = 0x2, + VectorParameter = 0x3, + WayPointDirection = 0x4, + Acceleration = 0x5, + SlopeNormal = 0x6, + SlopeNormal_WorldSpace = 0x7, + LookTarget = 0x8, + LookTarget_WorldSpace = 0x9, + WayPointPosition = 0xA, + GoalPosition = 0xB, + RootMotionVelocity = 0xC, + ManualTarget_WorldSpace = 0xD + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum IkTargetType : uint { + IkTarget_Attachment = 0x0, + IkTarget_Bone = 0x1, + IkTarget_Parameter_ModelSpace = 0x2, + IkTarget_Parameter_WorldSpace = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum BoneMaskBlendSpace : uint { + BlendSpace_Parent = 0x0, + BlendSpace_Model = 0x1, + BlendSpace_Model_RotationOnly = 0x2, + BlendSpace_Model_TranslationOnly = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum ModelConfigAttachmentType_t : uint { + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_BONE_OR_ATTACHMENT = 0x0, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_ROOT_RELATIVE = 0x1, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_BONEMERGE = 0x2, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum BinaryNodeChildOption : uint { + Child1 = 0x0, + Child2 = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum JumpCorrectionMethod : uint { + ScaleMotion = 0x0, + AddCorrectionDelta = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum MoodType_t : uint { + eMoodType_Head = 0x0, + eMoodType_Body = 0x1 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimFrameBlockAnim { + public const nint m_nStartFrame = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_nEndFrame = 0x4; // int32 + public const nint m_segmentIndexArray = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CZeroPoseUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSlowDownOnSlopesUpdateNode { + public const nint m_flSlowDownStrength = 0x68; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimParameterBase { + public const nint m_name = 0x18; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_sComment = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_group = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_id = 0x30; // AnimParamID + public const nint m_componentName = 0x48; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bNetworkingRequested = 0x68; // bool + public const nint m_bIsReferenced = 0x69; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CSequenceFinishedAnimTag { + public const nint m_sequenceName = 0x58; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSceneObjectData { + public const nint m_vMinBounds = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxBounds = 0xC; // Vector + public const nint m_drawCalls = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_drawBounds = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_meshlets = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_vTintColor = 0x60; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: CCycleBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootCycle { + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CInputStreamUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CIntAnimParameter { + public const nint m_defaultValue = 0x80; // int32 + public const nint m_minValue = 0x84; // int32 + public const nint m_maxValue = 0x88; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmFrameSnapEvent { + public const nint m_frameSnapMode = 0x10; // NmFrameSnapEventMode_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimNodePath { + public const nint m_path = 0x0; // AnimNodeID[11] + public const nint m_nCount = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + public static class AnimNodeOutputID { + public const nint m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmSyncTrack { + public const nint m_syncEvents = 0x0; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + public const nint m_nStartEventOffset = 0xA8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqBoneMaskList { + public const nint m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_nLocalBoneArray = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flBoneWeightArray = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flDefaultMorphCtrlWeight = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_morphCtrlWeightArray = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimEncodedFrames { + public const nint m_fileName = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_nFrames = 0x10; // int32 + public const nint m_nFramesPerBlock = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_frameblockArray = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_usageDifferences = 0x30; // CAnimEncodeDifference + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SampleCode { + public const nint m_subCode = 0x0; // uint8[8] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CCachedPose { + public const nint m_transforms = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_morphWeights = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x38; // HSequence + public const nint m_flCycle = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CTaskStatusAnimTag { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionGraphConfig { + public const nint m_paramValues = 0x0; // float32[4] + public const nint m_flDuration = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_nMotionIndex = 0x14; // MotionIndex + public const nint m_nSampleStart = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_nSampleCount = 0x1C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionSearchNode { + public const nint m_children = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_quantizer = 0x18; // CVectorQuantizer + public const nint m_sampleCodes = 0x38; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_sampleIndices = 0x50; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_selectableSamples = 0x68; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimActivity { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_nActivity = 0x10; // int32 + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_nWeight = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimScriptManager { + public const nint m_scriptInfo = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t { + public const nint m_nEntityIndex = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_modelName = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_poseParams = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_decodeOps = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_internalOps = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_decodedAnims = 0x58; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ConfigIndex { + public const nint m_nGroup = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint m_nConfig = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VPhysXCollisionAttributes_t { + public const nint m_CollisionGroup = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_InteractAs = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_InteractWith = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_InteractExclude = 0x38; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_CollisionGroupString = 0x50; // CUtlString + public const nint m_InteractAsStrings = 0x58; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_InteractWithStrings = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_InteractExcludeStrings = 0x88; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSequenceUpdateNode { + public const nint m_paramSpans = 0x60; // CParamSpanUpdater + public const nint m_tags = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x94; // HSequence + public const nint m_playbackSpeed = 0x98; // float32 + public const nint m_duration = 0x9C; // float32 + public const nint m_bLoop = 0xA0; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmPassthroughNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmGraphDefinition__ExternalGraphSlot_t { + public const nint m_nNodeIdx = 0x0; // int16 + public const nint m_slotID = 0x8; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAimCameraUpdateNode { + public const nint m_hParameterPosition = 0x68; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hParameterOrientation = 0x6A; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hParameterSpineRotationWeight = 0x6C; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hParameterPelvisOffset = 0x6E; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hParameterUseIK = 0x70; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hParameterWeaponDepenetrationDistance = 0x72; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hParameterCameraClearanceDistance = 0x74; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_opFixedSettings = 0x78; // AimCameraOpFixedSettings_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqSeqDescFlag { + public const nint m_bLooping = 0x0; // bool + public const nint m_bSnap = 0x1; // bool + public const nint m_bAutoplay = 0x2; // bool + public const nint m_bPost = 0x3; // bool + public const nint m_bHidden = 0x4; // bool + public const nint m_bMulti = 0x5; // bool + public const nint m_bLegacyDelta = 0x6; // bool + public const nint m_bLegacyWorldspace = 0x7; // bool + public const nint m_bLegacyCyclepose = 0x8; // bool + public const nint m_bLegacyRealtime = 0x9; // bool + public const nint m_bModelDoc = 0xA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PermModelInfo_t { + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_vHullMin = 0x4; // Vector + public const nint m_vHullMax = 0x10; // Vector + public const nint m_vViewMin = 0x1C; // Vector + public const nint m_vViewMax = 0x28; // Vector + public const nint m_flMass = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_vEyePosition = 0x38; // Vector + public const nint m_flMaxEyeDeflection = 0x44; // float32 + public const nint m_sSurfaceProperty = 0x48; // CUtlString + public const nint m_keyValueText = 0x50; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class StanceInfo_t { + public const nint m_vPosition = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_flDirection = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class IKBoneNameAndIndex_t { + public const nint m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStanceScaleUpdateNode { + public const nint m_hParam = 0x68; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class HitReactFixedSettings_t { + public const nint m_nWeightListIndex = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_nEffectedBoneCount = 0x4; // int32 + public const nint m_flMaxImpactForce = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinImpactForce = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flWhipImpactScale = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flCounterRotationScale = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistanceFadeScale = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flPropagationScale = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flWhipDelay = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpringStrength = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_flWhipSpringStrength = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxAngleRadians = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_nHipBoneIndex = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_flHipBoneTranslationScale = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flHipDipSpringStrength = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flHipDipImpactScale = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_flHipDipDelay = 0x40; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmGraphNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CNmPoseNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimTagBase { + public const nint m_name = 0x18; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_sComment = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_group = 0x28; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_tagID = 0x30; // AnimTagID + public const nint m_bIsReferenced = 0x48; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionGraph { + public const nint m_paramSpans = 0x10; // CParamSpanUpdater + public const nint m_tags = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_pRootNode = 0x40; // CSmartPtr + public const nint m_nParameterCount = 0x48; // int32 + public const nint m_nConfigStartIndex = 0x4C; // int32 + public const nint m_nConfigCount = 0x50; // int32 + public const nint m_bLoop = 0x54; // bool + } + // Parent: AnimationSnapshotBase_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class AnimationSnapshot_t { + public const nint m_nEntIndex = 0x110; // int32 + public const nint m_modelName = 0x118; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CNmVectorValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqTransition { + public const nint m_flFadeInTime = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutTime = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimGraphSettingsGroup { + } + // Parent: CNmTargetValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmVirtualParameterTargetNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimGraphDebugReplay { + public const nint m_animGraphFileName = 0x40; // CUtlString + public const nint m_frameList = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_startIndex = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_writeIndex = 0x64; // int32 + public const nint m_frameCount = 0x68; // int32 + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CVectorAnimParameter { + public const nint m_defaultValue = 0x80; // Vector + public const nint m_bInterpolate = 0x8C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmStateMachineNode__StateDefinition_t { + public const nint m_nStateNodeIdx = 0x0; // int16 + public const nint m_entryConditionNodeIdx = 0x2; // int16 + public const nint m_transitionDefinition = 0x8; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStanceOverrideUpdateNode { + public const nint m_footStanceInfo = 0x68; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_pStanceSourceNode = 0x80; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + public const nint m_hParameter = 0x90; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_eMode = 0x94; // StanceOverrideMode + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class LookAtBone_t { + public const nint m_index = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_weight = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmTransitionNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_targetCNmStateNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + public const nint m_durationOverrideNodeIdx = 0x12; // int16 + public const nint m_syncEventOffsetOverrideNodeIdx = 0x14; // int16 + public const nint m_startBoneMaskNodeIdx = 0x16; // int16 + public const nint m_flDuration = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_boneMaskBlendInTimePercentage = 0x1C; // NmPercent_t + public const nint m_syncEventOffset = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_transitionOptions = 0x24; // CNmTransitionNode::TransitionOptions_t + public const nint m_targetSyncIDNodeIdx = 0x26; // int16 + public const nint m_blendWeightEasing = 0x28; // NmEasingOperation_t + public const nint m_rootMotionBlend = 0x29; // NmRootMotionBlendMode_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimEncodeDifference { + public const nint m_boneArray = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_morphArray = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_userArray = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bHasRotationBitArray = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bHasMovementBitArray = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bHasMorphBitArray = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bHasUserBitArray = 0x90; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CRootUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionGraphUpdateNode { + public const nint m_pMotionGraph = 0x58; // CSmartPtr + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimParamHandle { + public const nint m_type = 0x0; // AnimParamType_t + public const nint m_index = 0x1; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class WeightList { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_weights = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MotionIndex { + public const nint m_nGroup = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint m_nMotion = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FollowAttachmentSettings_t { + public const nint m_attachment = 0x0; // CAnimAttachment + public const nint m_boneIndex = 0x80; // int32 + public const nint m_bMatchTranslation = 0x84; // bool + public const nint m_bMatchRotation = 0x85; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + public static class AnimNodeID { + public const nint m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CLookComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_hLookHeading = 0x34; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hLookHeadingVelocity = 0x36; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hLookPitch = 0x38; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hLookDistance = 0x3A; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hLookDirection = 0x3C; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hLookTarget = 0x3E; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hLookTargetWorldSpace = 0x40; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_bNetworkLookTarget = 0x42; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimGraphSettingsGroup + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CAnimGraphNetworkSettings { + public const nint m_bNetworkingEnabled = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSingleFrameUpdateNode { + public const nint m_actions = 0x58; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_hPoseCacheHandle = 0x70; // CPoseHandle + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x74; // HSequence + public const nint m_flCycle = 0x78; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBlockSelectionMetricEvaluator { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigList { + public const nint m_bHideMaterialGroupInTools = 0x0; // bool + public const nint m_bHideRenderColorInTools = 0x1; // bool + public const nint m_Configs = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqAutoLayerFlag { + public const nint m_bPost = 0x0; // bool + public const nint m_bSpline = 0x1; // bool + public const nint m_bXFade = 0x2; // bool + public const nint m_bNoBlend = 0x3; // bool + public const nint m_bLocal = 0x4; // bool + public const nint m_bPose = 0x5; // bool + public const nint m_bFetchFrame = 0x6; // bool + public const nint m_bSubtract = 0x7; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + public static class AnimStateID { + public const nint m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ModelBoneFlexDriver_t { + public const nint m_boneName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_boneNameToken = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_controls = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMorphData { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_morphRectDatas = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootPinningUpdateNode { + public const nint m_poseOpFixedData = 0x70; // FootPinningPoseOpFixedData_t + public const nint m_eTimingSource = 0xA0; // FootPinningTimingSource + public const nint m_params = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bResetChild = 0xC0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqPoseSetting { + public const nint m_sPoseParameter = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_sAttachment = 0x10; // CBufferString + public const nint m_sReferenceSequence = 0x20; // CBufferString + public const nint m_flValue = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_bX = 0x34; // bool + public const nint m_bY = 0x35; // bool + public const nint m_bZ = 0x36; // bool + public const nint m_eType = 0x38; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmFloatValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmVirtualParameterFloatNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAttachment { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_influenceNames = 0x8; // CUtlString[3] + public const nint m_vInfluenceRotations = 0x20; // Quaternion[3] + public const nint m_vInfluenceOffsets = 0x50; // Vector[3] + public const nint m_influenceWeights = 0x74; // float32[3] + public const nint m_bInfluenceRootTransform = 0x80; // bool[3] + public const nint m_nInfluences = 0x83; // uint8 + public const nint m_bIgnoreRotation = 0x84; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDrawCullingData { + public const nint m_vConeApex = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_ConeAxis = 0xC; // int8[3] + public const nint m_ConeCutoff = 0xF; // int8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VPhysXJoint_t { + public const nint m_nType = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint m_nBody1 = 0x2; // uint16 + public const nint m_nBody2 = 0x4; // uint16 + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x6; // uint16 + public const nint m_Frame1 = 0x10; // CTransform + public const nint m_Frame2 = 0x30; // CTransform + public const nint m_bEnableCollision = 0x50; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableLinearLimit = 0x51; // bool + public const nint m_LinearLimit = 0x54; // VPhysXRange_t + public const nint m_bEnableLinearMotor = 0x5C; // bool + public const nint m_vLinearTargetVelocity = 0x60; // Vector + public const nint m_flMaxForce = 0x6C; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableSwingLimit = 0x70; // bool + public const nint m_SwingLimit = 0x74; // VPhysXRange_t + public const nint m_bEnableTwistLimit = 0x7C; // bool + public const nint m_TwistLimit = 0x80; // VPhysXRange_t + public const nint m_bEnableAngularMotor = 0x88; // bool + public const nint m_vAngularTargetVelocity = 0x8C; // Vector + public const nint m_flMaxTorque = 0x98; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearFrequency = 0x9C; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearDampingRatio = 0xA0; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularFrequency = 0xA4; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularDampingRatio = 0xA8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFriction = 0xAC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStateNodeTransitionData { + public const nint m_curve = 0x0; // CBlendCurve + public const nint m_blendDuration = 0x8; // CAnimValue + public const nint m_resetCycleValue = 0x10; // CAnimValue + public const nint m_bReset = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_resetCycleOption = 0x0; // bitfield:3 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CTimeRemainingMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_bMatchByTimeRemaining = 0x50; // bool + public const nint m_flMaxTimeRemaining = 0x54; // float32 + public const nint m_bFilterByTimeRemaining = 0x58; // bool + public const nint m_flMinTimeRemaining = 0x5C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement { + public const nint m_ElementName = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_NestedElements = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmVectorValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmControlParameterVectorNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FootFixedSettings { + public const nint m_traceSettings = 0x0; // TraceSettings_t + public const nint m_vFootBaseBindPosePositionMS = 0x10; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_flFootBaseLength = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxRotationLeft = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxRotationRight = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_footstepLandedTagIndex = 0x2C; // int32 + public const nint m_bEnableTracing = 0x30; // bool + public const nint m_flTraceAngleBlend = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_nDisableTagIndex = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_nFootIndex = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfig { + public const nint m_ConfigName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_Elements = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bTopLevel = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + public static class AnimComponentID { + public const nint m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VPhysXAggregateData_t { + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint m_nRefCounter = 0x2; // uint16 + public const nint m_bonesHash = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_boneNames = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_indexNames = 0x38; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_indexHash = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bindPose = 0x68; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_parts = 0x80; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_constraints2 = 0x98; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_joints = 0xB0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_pFeModel = 0xC8; // PhysFeModelDesc_t* + public const nint m_boneParents = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_surfacePropertyHashes = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_collisionAttributes = 0x100; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_debugPartNames = 0x118; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_embeddedKeyvalues = 0x130; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmGraphDefinition { + public const nint m_persistentNodeIndices = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nRootNodeIdx = 0x18; // int16 + public const nint m_controlParameterIDs = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_virtualParameterIDs = 0x38; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_virtualParameterNodeIndices = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_childGraphSlots = 0x68; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_externalGraphSlots = 0x80; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimDemoCaptureSettings { + public const nint m_vecErrorRangeSplineRotation = 0x0; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecErrorRangeSplineTranslation = 0x8; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecErrorRangeSplineScale = 0x10; // Vector2D + public const nint m_flIkRotation_MaxSplineError = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flIkTranslation_MaxSplineError = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_vecErrorRangeQuantizationRotation = 0x20; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecErrorRangeQuantizationTranslation = 0x28; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecErrorRangeQuantizationScale = 0x30; // Vector2D + public const nint m_flIkRotation_MaxQuantizationError = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flIkTranslation_MaxQuantizationError = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_baseSequence = 0x40; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nBaseSequenceFrame = 0x48; // int32 + public const nint m_boneSelectionMode = 0x4C; // EDemoBoneSelectionMode + public const nint m_bones = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ikChains = 0x68; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class IKDemoCaptureSettings_t { + public const nint m_parentBoneName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_eMode = 0x8; // IKChannelMode + public const nint m_ikChainName = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint m_oneBoneStart = 0x18; // CUtlString + public const nint m_oneBoneEnd = 0x20; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqMultiFetchFlag { + public const nint m_bRealtime = 0x0; // bool + public const nint m_bCylepose = 0x1; // bool + public const nint m_b0D = 0x2; // bool + public const nint m_b1D = 0x3; // bool + public const nint m_b2D = 0x4; // bool + public const nint m_b2D_TRI = 0x5; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VPhysXRange_t { + public const nint m_flMin = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMax = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStopAtGoalUpdateNode { + public const nint m_flOuterRadius = 0x6C; // float32 + public const nint m_flInnerRadius = 0x70; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxScale = 0x74; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinScale = 0x78; // float32 + public const nint m_damping = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimBoneDifference { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_parent = 0x10; // CBufferString + public const nint m_posError = 0x20; // Vector + public const nint m_bHasRotation = 0x2C; // bool + public const nint m_bHasMovement = 0x2D; // bool + } + // Parent: CCycleBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimCycle { + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CActionComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_actions = 0x30; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmGraphDataSet { + public const nint m_variationID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_skeleton = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_resources = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDampedPathAnimMotorUpdater { + public const nint m_flAnticipationTime = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinSpeedScale = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_hAnticipationPosParam = 0x34; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hAnticipationHeadingParam = 0x36; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_flSpringConstant = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinSpringTension = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxSpringTension = 0x40; // float32 + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement_SetMaterialGroupOnAttachedModels { + public const nint m_MaterialGroupName = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CNmBoneMaskValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmVirtualParameterBoneMaskNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPathHelperUpdateNode { + public const nint m_flStoppingRadius = 0x68; // float32 + public const nint m_flStoppingSpeedScale = 0x6C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialGroup_t { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_materials = 0x8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMorphBundleData { + public const nint m_flULeftSrc = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flVTopSrc = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_offsets = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ranges = 0x20; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement_UserPick { + public const nint m_Choices = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSolveIKTargetHandle_t { + public const nint m_positionHandle = 0x0; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_orientationHandle = 0x2; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootAdjustmentUpdateNode { + public const nint m_clips = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hBasePoseCacheHandle = 0x88; // CPoseHandle + public const nint m_facingTarget = 0x8C; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_flTurnTimeMin = 0x90; // float32 + public const nint m_flTurnTimeMax = 0x94; // float32 + public const nint m_flStepHeightMax = 0x98; // float32 + public const nint m_flStepHeightMaxAngle = 0x9C; // float32 + public const nint m_bResetChild = 0xA0; // bool + public const nint m_bAnimationDriven = 0xA1; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CChoreoUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAimConstraint { + public const nint m_qAimOffset = 0x70; // Quaternion + public const nint m_nUpType = 0x80; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CFootFallAnimTag { + public const nint m_foot = 0x58; // FootFallTagFoot_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMaterialDrawDescriptor { + public const nint m_flUvDensity = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_vTintColor = 0x4; // Vector + public const nint m_flAlpha = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_nFirstMeshlet = 0x18; // uint32 + public const nint m_nNumMeshlets = 0x1C; // uint16 + public const nint m_nPrimitiveType = 0x20; // RenderPrimitiveType_t + public const nint m_nBaseVertex = 0x24; // int32 + public const nint m_nVertexCount = 0x28; // int32 + public const nint m_nStartIndex = 0x2C; // int32 + public const nint m_nIndexCount = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_indexBuffer = 0xB8; // CRenderBufferBinding + public const nint m_material = 0xD8; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmSkeleton { + public const nint m_ID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_boneIDs = 0x8; // CUtlLeanVector + public const nint m_parentIndices = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_parentSpaceReferencePose = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_modelSpaceReferencePose = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_numBonesToSampleAtLowLOD = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_boneMasks = 0x68; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStepsRemainingMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_footIndices = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flMinStepsRemaining = 0x68; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyElementNameFn + public static class CBodyGroupSetting { + public const nint m_BodyGroupName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nBodyGroupOption = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CVectorQuantizer { + public const nint m_centroidVectors = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nCentroids = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_nDimensions = 0x1C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmStateNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + public const nint m_entryEvents = 0x18; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + public const nint m_executeEvents = 0x38; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + public const nint m_exitEvents = 0x58; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + public const nint m_timedRemainingEvents = 0x78; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + public const nint m_timedElapsedEvents = 0x90; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + public const nint m_nLayerWeightNodeIdx = 0xA8; // int16 + public const nint m_nLayerRootMotionWeightNodeIdx = 0xAA; // int16 + public const nint m_nLayerBoneMaskNodeIdx = 0xAC; // int16 + public const nint m_bIsOffState = 0xAE; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmVectorValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmVirtualParameterVectorNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootCycleMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_footIndices = 0x50; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CHitBox { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_sSurfaceProperty = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_sBoneName = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint m_vMinBounds = 0x18; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxBounds = 0x24; // Vector + public const nint m_flShapeRadius = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_nBoneNameHash = 0x34; // uint32 + public const nint m_nGroupId = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_nShapeType = 0x3C; // uint8 + public const nint m_bTranslationOnly = 0x3D; // bool + public const nint m_CRC = 0x40; // uint32 + public const nint m_cRenderColor = 0x44; // Color + public const nint m_nHitBoxIndex = 0x48; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ModelSkeletonData_t { + public const nint m_boneName = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nParent = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_boneSphere = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nFlag = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bonePosParent = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_boneRotParent = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_boneScaleParent = 0x90; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmEvent { + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDuration = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class NmCompressionSettings_t__QuantizationRange_t { + public const nint m_flRangeStart = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flRangeLength = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class TagSpan_t { + public const nint m_tagIndex = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_startCycle = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_endCycle = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PermModelDataAnimatedMaterialAttribute_t { + public const nint m_AttributeName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nNumChannels = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionDataSet { + public const nint m_groups = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nDimensionCount = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CProductQuantizer { + public const nint m_subQuantizers = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nDimensions = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CChoiceUpdateNode { + public const nint m_children = 0x58; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_weights = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_blendTimes = 0x88; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_choiceMethod = 0xA0; // ChoiceMethod + public const nint m_choiceChangeMethod = 0xA4; // ChoiceChangeMethod + public const nint m_blendMethod = 0xA8; // ChoiceBlendMethod + public const nint m_blendTime = 0xAC; // float32 + public const nint m_bCrossFade = 0xB0; // bool + public const nint m_bResetChosen = 0xB1; // bool + public const nint m_bDontResetSameSelection = 0xB2; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SkeletonAnimCapture_t__Bone_t { + public const nint m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_BindPose = 0x10; // CTransform + public const nint m_nParent = 0x30; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CExpressionActionUpdater { + public const nint m_hParam = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_eParamType = 0x1A; // AnimParamType_t + public const nint m_hScript = 0x1C; // AnimScriptHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimationGraphVisualizerLine { + public const nint m_vWsPositionStart = 0x40; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_vWsPositionEnd = 0x50; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_Color = 0x60; // Color + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CCycleControlUpdateNode { + public const nint m_valueSource = 0x68; // AnimValueSource + public const nint m_paramIndex = 0x6C; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDampedValueComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_items = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBoneConstraintBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBaseConstraint { + public const nint m_name = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_vUpVector = 0x30; // Vector + public const nint m_slaves = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_targets = 0x58; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmFloatValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmControlParameterFloatNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class BlendItem_t { + public const nint m_tags = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_pChild = 0x18; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x28; // HSequence + public const nint m_vPos = 0x2C; // Vector2D + public const nint m_flDuration = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseCustomDuration = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmClipNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nPlayInReverseValueNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + public const nint m_nResetTimeValueNodeIdx = 0x12; // int16 + public const nint m_bSampleRootMotion = 0x14; // bool + public const nint m_bAllowLooping = 0x15; // bool + public const nint m_nDataSlotIdx = 0x16; // int16 + } + // Parent: CAnimParameterBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CConcreteAnimParameter { + public const nint m_previewButton = 0x70; // AnimParamButton_t + public const nint m_eNetworkSetting = 0x74; // AnimParamNetworkSetting + public const nint m_bUseMostRecentValue = 0x78; // bool + public const nint m_bAutoReset = 0x79; // bool + public const nint m_bGameWritable = 0x7A; // bool + public const nint m_bGraphWritable = 0x7B; // bool + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement_RandomPick { + public const nint m_Choices = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ChoiceWeights = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VPhysXConstraint2_t { + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nParent = 0x4; // uint16 + public const nint m_nChild = 0x6; // uint16 + public const nint m_params = 0x8; // VPhysXConstraintParams_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CConstraintTarget { + public const nint m_qOffset = 0x20; // Quaternion + public const nint m_vOffset = 0x30; // Vector + public const nint m_nBoneHash = 0x3C; // uint32 + public const nint m_sName = 0x40; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flWeight = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_bIsAttachment = 0x59; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SkeletonAnimCapture_t { + public const nint m_nEntIndex = 0x0; // CEntityIndex + public const nint m_nEntParent = 0x4; // CEntityIndex + public const nint m_ImportedCollision = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ModelName = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_CaptureName = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_ModelBindPose = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FeModelInitPose = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nFlexControllers = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_bPredicted = 0x64; // bool + public const nint m_Frames = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimUser { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_nType = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CRagdollComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_ragdollNodePaths = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_boneIndices = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_boneNames = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_weightLists = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flSpringFrequencyMin = 0x90; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpringFrequencyMax = 0x94; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxStretch = 0x98; // float32 + public const nint m_bSolidCollisionAtZeroWeight = 0x9C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootDefinition { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_ankleBoneName = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_toeBoneName = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint m_vBallOffset = 0x18; // Vector + public const nint m_vHeelOffset = 0x24; // Vector + public const nint m_flFootLength = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_flBindPoseDirectionMS = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flTraceHeight = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flTraceRadius = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqSynthAnimDesc { + public const nint m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_flags = 0x10; // CSeqSeqDescFlag + public const nint m_transition = 0x1C; // CSeqTransition + public const nint m_nLocalBaseReference = 0x24; // int16 + public const nint m_nLocalBoneMask = 0x26; // int16 + public const nint m_activityArray = 0x28; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmLayerBlendNode__LayerDefinition_t { + public const nint m_nInputNodeIdx = 0x0; // int16 + public const nint m_nWeightValueNodeIdx = 0x2; // int16 + public const nint m_nBoneMaskValueNodeIdx = 0x4; // int16 + public const nint m_nRootMotionWeightValueNodeIdx = 0x6; // int16 + public const nint m_bIsSynchronized = 0x8; // bool + public const nint m_bIgnoreEvents = 0x9; // bool + public const nint m_bIsStateMachineLayer = 0xA; // bool + public const nint m_blendMode = 0xB; // NmPoseBlendMode_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_name = 0x18; // CUtlString + public const nint m_id = 0x20; // AnimComponentID + public const nint m_networkMode = 0x24; // AnimNodeNetworkMode + public const nint m_bStartEnabled = 0x28; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBlend2DUpdateNode { + public const nint m_items = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_tags = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_paramSpans = 0x90; // CParamSpanUpdater + public const nint m_nodeItemIndices = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_damping = 0xC0; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_blendSourceX = 0xD0; // AnimValueSource + public const nint m_paramX = 0xD4; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_blendSourceY = 0xD8; // AnimValueSource + public const nint m_paramY = 0xDC; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_eBlendMode = 0xE0; // Blend2DMode + public const nint m_playbackSpeed = 0xE4; // float32 + public const nint m_bLoop = 0xE8; // bool + public const nint m_bLockBlendOnReset = 0xE9; // bool + public const nint m_bLockWhenWaning = 0xEA; // bool + public const nint m_bAnimEventsAndTagsOnMostWeightedOnly = 0xEB; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PermModelExtPart_t { + public const nint m_Transform = 0x0; // CTransform + public const nint m_Name = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nParent = 0x28; // int32 + public const nint m_refModel = 0x30; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CLeanMatrixUpdateNode { + public const nint m_frameCorners = 0x5C; // int32[3][3] + public const nint m_poses = 0x80; // CPoseHandle[9] + public const nint m_damping = 0xA8; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_blendSource = 0xB8; // AnimVectorSource + public const nint m_paramIndex = 0xBC; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_verticalAxis = 0xC0; // Vector + public const nint m_horizontalAxis = 0xCC; // Vector + public const nint m_hSequence = 0xD8; // HSequence + public const nint m_flMaxValue = 0xDC; // float32 + public const nint m_nSequenceMaxFrame = 0xE0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CSymbolAnimParameter { + public const nint m_defaultValue = 0x80; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmStateMachineNode__TransitionDefinition_t { + public const nint m_nTargetStateIdx = 0x0; // int16 + public const nint m_nConditionNodeIdx = 0x2; // int16 + public const nint m_nTransitionNodeIdx = 0x4; // int16 + public const nint m_bCanBeForced = 0x6; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CHitBoxSetList { + public const nint m_HitBoxSets = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MotionDBIndex { + public const nint m_nIndex = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDirectPlaybackTagData { + public const nint m_sequenceName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_tags = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParamSpanUpdater { + public const nint m_spans = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimActionUpdater { + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CParticleAnimTag { + public const nint m_hParticleSystem = 0x58; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_particleSystemName = 0x60; // CUtlString + public const nint m_configName = 0x68; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bDetachFromOwner = 0x70; // bool + public const nint m_bStopWhenTagEnds = 0x71; // bool + public const nint m_bTagEndStopIsInstant = 0x72; // bool + public const nint m_attachmentName = 0x78; // CUtlString + public const nint m_attachmentType = 0x80; // ParticleAttachment_t + public const nint m_attachmentCP1Name = 0x88; // CUtlString + public const nint m_attachmentCP1Type = 0x90; // ParticleAttachment_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CCycleBase { + public const nint m_flCycle = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FollowTargetOpFixedSettings_t { + public const nint m_boneIndex = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_bBoneTarget = 0x4; // bool + public const nint m_boneTargetIndex = 0x8; // int32 + public const nint m_bWorldCoodinateTarget = 0xC; // bool + public const nint m_bMatchTargetOrientation = 0xD; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class AnimationSnapshotBase_t { + public const nint m_flRealTime = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_rootToWorld = 0x10; // matrix3x4a_t + public const nint m_bBonesInWorldSpace = 0x40; // bool + public const nint m_boneSetupMask = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_boneTransforms = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flexControllers = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SnapshotType = 0x90; // AnimationSnapshotType_t + public const nint m_bHasDecodeDump = 0x94; // bool + public const nint m_DecodeDump = 0x98; // AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CEmitTagActionUpdater { + public const nint m_nTagIndex = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsZeroDuration = 0x1C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class DynamicMeshDeformParams_t { + public const nint m_flTensionCompressScale = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flTensionStretchScale = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_bRecomputeSmoothNormalsAfterAnimation = 0x8; // bool + public const nint m_bComputeDynamicMeshTensionAfterAnimation = 0x9; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimStateMachineUpdater { + public const nint m_states = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_transitions = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_startStateIndex = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CUnaryUpdateNode { + public const nint m_pChildNode = 0x58; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + public static class CCompressorGroup { + public const nint m_nTotalElementCount = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_szChannelClass = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_szVariableName = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nType = 0x38; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_szGrouping = 0x68; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nCompressorIndex = 0x80; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_szElementNames = 0x98; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_nElementUniqueID = 0xB0; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_nElementMask = 0xC8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_vectorCompressor = 0xF8; // CUtlVector*> + public const nint m_quaternionCompressor = 0x110; // CUtlVector*> + public const nint m_intCompressor = 0x128; // CUtlVector*> + public const nint m_boolCompressor = 0x140; // CUtlVector*> + public const nint m_colorCompressor = 0x158; // CUtlVector*> + public const nint m_vector2DCompressor = 0x170; // CUtlVector*> + public const nint m_vector4DCompressor = 0x188; // CUtlVector*> + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSelectorUpdateNode { + public const nint m_children = 0x58; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_tags = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_blendCurve = 0x8C; // CBlendCurve + public const nint m_flBlendTime = 0x94; // CAnimValue + public const nint m_hParameter = 0x9C; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_nTagIndex = 0xA0; // int32 + public const nint m_eTagBehavior = 0xA4; // SelectorTagBehavior_t + public const nint m_bResetOnChange = 0xA8; // bool + public const nint m_bLockWhenWaning = 0xA9; // bool + public const nint m_bSyncCyclesOnChange = 0xAA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class NmPercent_t { + public const nint m_flValue = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStateMachineComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_stateMachine = 0x30; // CAnimStateMachineUpdater + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimUpdateNodeRef { + public const nint m_nodeIndex = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPhysSurfaceProperties { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_baseNameHash = 0xC; // uint32 + public const nint m_bHidden = 0x18; // bool + public const nint m_description = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_physics = 0x28; // CPhysSurfacePropertiesPhysics + public const nint m_audioSounds = 0x48; // CPhysSurfacePropertiesSoundNames + public const nint m_audioParams = 0xA0; // CPhysSurfacePropertiesAudio + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CNmBoneMaskValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqPoseParamDesc { + public const nint m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_flStart = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flEnd = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flLoop = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_bLooping = 0x1C; // bool + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement_SetBodygroup { + public const nint m_GroupName = 0x48; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nChoice = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimMovement { + public const nint endframe = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint motionflags = 0x4; // int32 + public const nint v0 = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint v1 = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint angle = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint vector = 0x14; // Vector + public const nint position = 0x20; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FootStepTrigger { + public const nint m_tags = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nFootIndex = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_triggerPhase = 0x1C; // StepPhase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmSyncTrack__EventMarker_t { + public const nint m_startTime = 0x0; // NmPercent_t + public const nint m_ID = 0x8; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPathMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_pathTimeSamples = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flDistance = 0x68; // float32 + public const nint m_bExtrapolateMovement = 0x6C; // bool + public const nint m_flMinExtrapolationSpeed = 0x70; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootLockUpdateNode { + public const nint m_opFixedSettings = 0x68; // FootLockPoseOpFixedSettings + public const nint m_footSettings = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hipShiftDamping = 0xE8; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_rootHeightDamping = 0xF8; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_flStrideCurveScale = 0x108; // float32 + public const nint m_flStrideCurveLimitScale = 0x10C; // float32 + public const nint m_flStepHeightIncreaseScale = 0x110; // float32 + public const nint m_flStepHeightDecreaseScale = 0x114; // float32 + public const nint m_flHipShiftScale = 0x118; // float32 + public const nint m_flBlendTime = 0x11C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxRootHeightOffset = 0x120; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinRootHeightOffset = 0x124; // float32 + public const nint m_flTiltPlanePitchSpringStrength = 0x128; // float32 + public const nint m_flTiltPlaneRollSpringStrength = 0x12C; // float32 + public const nint m_bApplyFootRotationLimits = 0x130; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyHipShift = 0x131; // bool + public const nint m_bModulateStepHeight = 0x132; // bool + public const nint m_bResetChild = 0x133; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableVerticalCurvedPaths = 0x134; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableRootHeightDamping = 0x135; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CNmIDValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class JiggleBoneSettings_t { + public const nint m_nBoneIndex = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_flSpringStrength = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxTimeStep = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDamping = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_vBoundsMaxLS = 0x10; // Vector + public const nint m_vBoundsMinLS = 0x1C; // Vector + public const nint m_eSimSpace = 0x28; // JiggleBoneSimSpace + } + // Parent: CSequenceUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CJumpHelperUpdateNode { + public const nint m_hTargetParam = 0xA8; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_flOriginalJumpMovement = 0xAC; // Vector + public const nint m_flOriginalJumpDuration = 0xB8; // float32 + public const nint m_flJumpStartCycle = 0xBC; // float32 + public const nint m_flJumpEndCycle = 0xC0; // float32 + public const nint m_eCorrectionMethod = 0xC4; // JumpCorrectionMethod + public const nint m_bTranslationAxis = 0xC8; // bool[3] + public const nint m_bScaleSpeed = 0xCB; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmBoolValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmControlParameterBoolNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FootLockPoseOpFixedSettings { + public const nint m_footInfo = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hipDampingSettings = 0x18; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_nHipBoneIndex = 0x28; // int32 + public const nint m_ikSolverType = 0x2C; // IKSolverType + public const nint m_bApplyTilt = 0x30; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyHipDrop = 0x31; // bool + public const nint m_bAlwaysUseFallbackHinge = 0x32; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyFootRotationLimits = 0x33; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyLegTwistLimits = 0x34; // bool + public const nint m_flMaxFootHeight = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flExtensionScale = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxLegTwist = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableLockBreaking = 0x44; // bool + public const nint m_flLockBreakTolerance = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_flLockBlendTime = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableStretching = 0x50; // bool + public const nint m_flMaxStretchAmount = 0x54; // float32 + public const nint m_flStretchExtensionScale = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBoneVelocityMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_nBoneIndex = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement_RandomColor { + public const nint m_Gradient = 0x48; // CColorGradient + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootMotion { + public const nint m_strides = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_name = 0x18; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bAdditive = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CJiggleBoneUpdateNode { + public const nint m_opFixedData = 0x68; // JiggleBoneSettingsList_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyArrayElementNameKey + public static class MoodAnimation_t { + public const nint m_sName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flWeight = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CLODComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_nServerLOD = 0x30; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimDataChannelDesc { + public const nint m_szChannelClass = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_szVariableName = 0x10; // CBufferString + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_nType = 0x24; // int32 + public const nint m_szGrouping = 0x28; // CBufferString + public const nint m_szDescription = 0x38; // CBufferString + public const nint m_szElementNameArray = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nElementIndexArray = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nElementMaskArray = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMorphRectData { + public const nint m_nXLeftDst = 0x0; // int16 + public const nint m_nYTopDst = 0x2; // int16 + public const nint m_flUWidthSrc = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flVHeightSrc = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_bundleDatas = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimFoot { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_vBallOffset = 0x8; // Vector + public const nint m_vHeelOffset = 0x14; // Vector + public const nint m_ankleBoneIndex = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_toeBoneIndex = 0x24; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmBoneMask { + public const nint m_ID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_weightInfo = 0x8; // CNmBoneMask::WeightInfo_t + public const nint m_weights = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParentConstraint { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmStateNode__TimedEvent_t { + public const nint m_ID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_timeValue = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootPositionMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_footIndices = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bIgnoreSlope = 0x68; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class HSequence { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDampedValueUpdateItem { + public const nint m_damping = 0x0; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_hParamIn = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hParamOut = 0x1A; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimLocalHierarchy { + public const nint m_sBone = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_sNewParent = 0x10; // CBufferString + public const nint m_nStartFrame = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_nPeakFrame = 0x24; // int32 + public const nint m_nTailFrame = 0x28; // int32 + public const nint m_nEndFrame = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBlendUpdateNode { + public const nint m_children = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_sortedOrder = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_targetValues = 0x90; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_blendValueSource = 0xAC; // AnimValueSource + public const nint m_paramIndex = 0xB0; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_damping = 0xB8; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_blendKeyType = 0xC8; // BlendKeyType + public const nint m_bLockBlendOnReset = 0xCC; // bool + public const nint m_bSyncCycles = 0xCD; // bool + public const nint m_bLoop = 0xCE; // bool + public const nint m_bLockWhenWaning = 0xCF; // bool + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CQuaternionAnimParameter { + public const nint m_defaultValue = 0x80; // Quaternion + public const nint m_bInterpolate = 0x90; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PermModelData_t { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_modelInfo = 0x8; // PermModelInfo_t + public const nint m_ExtParts = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_refMeshes = 0x78; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_refMeshGroupMasks = 0x90; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_refPhysGroupMasks = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_refLODGroupMasks = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_lodGroupSwitchDistances = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_refPhysicsData = 0xF0; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_refPhysicsHitboxData = 0x108; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_refAnimGroups = 0x120; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_refSequenceGroups = 0x138; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_meshGroups = 0x150; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_materialGroups = 0x168; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nDefaultMeshGroupMask = 0x180; // uint64 + public const nint m_modelSkeleton = 0x188; // ModelSkeletonData_t + public const nint m_remappingTable = 0x230; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_remappingTableStarts = 0x248; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_boneFlexDrivers = 0x260; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_pModelConfigList = 0x278; // CModelConfigList* + public const nint m_BodyGroupsHiddenInTools = 0x280; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_refAnimIncludeModels = 0x298; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_AnimatedMaterialAttributes = 0x2B0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CStaticPoseCache + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStaticPoseCacheBuilder { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSequenceGroupData { + public const nint m_sName = 0x10; // CBufferString + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x20; // uint32 + public const nint m_localSequenceNameArray = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_localS1SeqDescArray = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_localMultiSeqDescArray = 0x58; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_localSynthAnimDescArray = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_localCmdSeqDescArray = 0x88; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_localBoneMaskArray = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_localScaleSetArray = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_localBoneNameArray = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_localNodeName = 0xE8; // CBufferString + public const nint m_localPoseParamArray = 0xF8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_keyValues = 0x110; // KeyValues3 + public const nint m_localIKAutoplayLockArray = 0x120; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStateMachineUpdateNode { + public const nint m_stateMachine = 0x68; // CAnimStateMachineUpdater + public const nint m_stateData = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_transitionData = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bBlockWaningTags = 0xF4; // bool + public const nint m_bLockStateWhenWaning = 0xF5; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAimMatrixUpdateNode { + public const nint m_opFixedSettings = 0x70; // AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t + public const nint m_target = 0x158; // AnimVectorSource + public const nint m_paramIndex = 0x15C; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x160; // HSequence + public const nint m_bResetChild = 0x164; // bool + public const nint m_bLockWhenWaning = 0x165; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SkeletonAnimCapture_t__Frame_t { + public const nint m_flTime = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_Stamp = 0x4; // SkeletonAnimCapture_t::FrameStamp_t + public const nint m_Transform = 0x20; // CTransform + public const nint m_bTeleport = 0x40; // bool + public const nint m_CompositeBones = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SimStateBones = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FeModelAnims = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FeModelPos = 0x90; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FlexControllerWeights = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement_Command { + public const nint m_Command = 0x48; // CUtlString + public const nint m_Args = 0x50; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimEventDefinition { + public const nint m_nFrame = 0x8; // int32 + public const nint m_nEndFrame = 0xC; // int32 + public const nint m_flCycle = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flDuration = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_EventData = 0x18; // KeyValues3 + public const nint m_sLegacyOptions = 0x28; // CBufferString + public const nint m_sEventName = 0x38; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmRootMotionData { + public const nint m_transforms = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nNumFrames = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_flAverageLinearVelocity = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flAverageAngularVelocityRadians = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_totalDelta = 0x30; // CTransform + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + public static class AnimScriptHandle { + public const nint m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFlexOp { + public const nint m_OpCode = 0x0; // FlexOpCode_t + public const nint m_Data = 0x4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CHitReactUpdateNode { + public const nint m_opFixedSettings = 0x68; // HitReactFixedSettings_t + public const nint m_triggerParam = 0xB4; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hitBoneParam = 0xB6; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hitOffsetParam = 0xB8; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hitDirectionParam = 0xBA; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hitStrengthParam = 0xBC; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_flMinDelayBetweenHits = 0xC0; // float32 + public const nint m_bResetChild = 0xC4; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CLookAtUpdateNode { + public const nint m_opFixedSettings = 0x70; // LookAtOpFixedSettings_t + public const nint m_target = 0x138; // AnimVectorSource + public const nint m_paramIndex = 0x13C; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_weightParamIndex = 0x13E; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_bResetChild = 0x140; // bool + public const nint m_bLockWhenWaning = 0x141; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimBone { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_parent = 0x10; // int32 + public const nint m_pos = 0x14; // Vector + public const nint m_quat = 0x20; // QuaternionStorage + public const nint m_scale = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_qAlignment = 0x34; // QuaternionStorage + public const nint m_flags = 0x44; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimParameterManagerUpdater { + public const nint m_parameters = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_idToIndexMap = 0x30; // CUtlHashtable + public const nint m_nameToIndexMap = 0x50; // CUtlHashtable + public const nint m_indexToHandle = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_autoResetParams = 0x88; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_autoResetMap = 0xA0; // CUtlHashtable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class BoneDemoCaptureSettings_t { + public const nint m_boneName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flErrorSplineRotationMax = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flErrorSplineTranslationMax = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flErrorSplineScaleMax = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flErrorQuantizationRotationMax = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flErrorQuantizationTranslationMax = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flErrorQuantizationScaleMax = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceMorph__Input_t { + public const nint m_inputValue = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_outputWeightList = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyArrayElementNameKey + public static class MoodAnimationLayer_t { + public const nint m_sName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bActiveListening = 0x8; // bool + public const nint m_bActiveTalking = 0x9; // bool + public const nint m_layerAnimations = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flIntensity = 0x28; // CRangeFloat + public const nint m_flDurationScale = 0x30; // CRangeFloat + public const nint m_bScaleWithInts = 0x38; // bool + public const nint m_flNextStart = 0x3C; // CRangeFloat + public const nint m_flStartOffset = 0x44; // CRangeFloat + public const nint m_flEndOffset = 0x4C; // CRangeFloat + public const nint m_flFadeIn = 0x54; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOut = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSpeedScaleUpdateNode { + public const nint m_paramIndex = 0x68; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmGraphDefinition__ChildGraphSlot_t { + public const nint m_nNodeIdx = 0x0; // int16 + public const nint m_dataSlotIdx = 0x2; // int16 + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement_SetBodygroupOnAttachedModels { + public const nint m_GroupName = 0x48; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nChoice = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CCurrentVelocityMetricEvaluator { + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CNmBoolValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimReplayFrame { + public const nint m_inputDataBlocks = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_instanceData = 0x28; // CUtlBinaryBlock + public const nint m_startingLocalToWorldTransform = 0x40; // CTransform + public const nint m_localToWorldTransform = 0x60; // CTransform + public const nint m_timeStamp = 0x80; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmTransitionEvent { + public const nint m_rule = 0x10; // NmTransitionRule_t + public const nint m_ID = 0x18; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase { + public const nint m_bLockToPath = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class AimCameraOpFixedSettings_t { + public const nint m_nChainIndex = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCameraJointIndex = 0x4; // int32 + public const nint m_nPelvisJointIndex = 0x8; // int32 + public const nint m_nClavicleLeftJointIndex = 0xC; // int32 + public const nint m_nClavicleRightJointIndex = 0x10; // int32 + public const nint m_nDepenetrationJointIndex = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_propJoints = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SkeletonAnimCapture_t__Camera_t { + public const nint m_tmCamera = 0x0; // CTransform + public const nint m_flTime = 0x20; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFollowAttachmentUpdateNode { + public const nint m_opFixedData = 0x70; // FollowAttachmentSettings_t + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMovementComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_motors = 0x30; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_facingDamping = 0x48; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_nDefaultMotorIndex = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_flDefaultRunSpeed = 0x64; // float32 + public const nint m_bMoveVarsDisabled = 0x68; // bool + public const nint m_bNetworkPath = 0x69; // bool + public const nint m_bNetworkFacing = 0x6A; // bool + public const nint m_paramHandles = 0x6B; // CAnimParamHandle[30] + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement_SetMaterialGroup { + public const nint m_MaterialGroupName = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFutureFacingMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_flDistance = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_flTime = 0x54; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class NmCompressionSettings_t { + public const nint m_translationRangeX = 0x0; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + public const nint m_translationRangeY = 0x8; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + public const nint m_translationRangeZ = 0x10; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + public const nint m_scaleRange = 0x18; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + public const nint m_constantRotation = 0x20; // Quaternion + public const nint m_bIsRotationStatic = 0x30; // bool + public const nint m_bIsTranslationStatic = 0x31; // bool + public const nint m_bIsScaleStatic = 0x32; // bool + } + // Parent: CBinaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAddUpdateNode { + public const nint m_footMotionTiming = 0x8C; // BinaryNodeChildOption + public const nint m_bApplyToFootMotion = 0x90; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyChannelsSeparately = 0x91; // bool + public const nint m_bUseModelSpace = 0x92; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyScale = 0x93; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + public static class CAnimEnum { + public const nint m_value = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDemoSettingsComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_settings = 0x30; // CAnimDemoCaptureSettings + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimDecoder { + public const nint m_szName = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_nVersion = 0x10; // int32 + public const nint m_nType = 0x14; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootStride { + public const nint m_definition = 0x0; // CFootCycleDefinition + public const nint m_trajectories = 0x40; // CFootTrajectories + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmLegacyEvent { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStateNodeStateData { + public const nint m_pChild = 0x0; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + public const nint m_bExclusiveRootMotion = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bExclusiveRootMotionFirstFrame = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CFootstepLandedAnimTag { + public const nint m_FootstepType = 0x58; // FootstepLandedFootSoundType_t + public const nint m_OverrideSoundName = 0x60; // CUtlString + public const nint m_DebugAnimSourceString = 0x68; // CUtlString + public const nint m_BoneName = 0x70; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CEnumAnimParameter { + public const nint m_defaultValue = 0x88; // uint8 + public const nint m_enumOptions = 0x90; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_vecEnumReferenced = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CHandshakeAnimTagBase { + public const nint m_bIsDisableTag = 0x50; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + public static class AnimTagID { + public const nint m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimFrameSegment { + public const nint m_nUniqueFrameIndex = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_nLocalElementMasks = 0x4; // uint32 + public const nint m_nLocalChannel = 0x8; // int32 + public const nint m_container = 0x10; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSlopeComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_flTraceDistance = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_hSlopeAngle = 0x38; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hSlopeAngleFront = 0x3A; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hSlopeAngleSide = 0x3C; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hSlopeHeading = 0x3E; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hSlopeNormal = 0x40; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hSlopeNormal_WorldSpace = 0x42; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CAnimInputDamping { + public const nint m_speedFunction = 0x8; // DampingSpeedFunction + public const nint m_fSpeedScale = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CHitBoxSet { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_HitBoxes = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SourceFilename = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ChainToSolveData_t { + public const nint m_nChainIndex = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_SolverSettings = 0x4; // IKSolverSettings_t + public const nint m_TargetSettings = 0x10; // IKTargetSettings_t + public const nint m_DebugSetting = 0x38; // SolveIKChainAnimNodeDebugSetting + public const nint m_flDebugNormalizedValue = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_vDebugOffset = 0x40; // VectorAligned + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CConstraintSlave { + public const nint m_qBaseOrientation = 0x0; // Quaternion + public const nint m_vBasePosition = 0x10; // Vector + public const nint m_nBoneHash = 0x1C; // uint32 + public const nint m_flWeight = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_sName = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootCycleDefinition { + public const nint m_vStancePositionMS = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_vMidpointPositionMS = 0xC; // Vector + public const nint m_flStanceDirectionMS = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_vToStrideStartPos = 0x1C; // Vector + public const nint m_stanceCycle = 0x28; // CAnimCycle + public const nint m_footLiftCycle = 0x2C; // CFootCycle + public const nint m_footOffCycle = 0x30; // CFootCycle + public const nint m_footStrikeCycle = 0x34; // CFootCycle + public const nint m_footLandCycle = 0x38; // CFootCycle + } + // Parent: CAnimParameterBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CVirtualAnimParameter { + public const nint m_expressionString = 0x70; // CUtlString + public const nint m_eParamType = 0x78; // AnimParamType_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_means = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_standardDeviations = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flWeight = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_nDimensionStartIndex = 0x4C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFutureVelocityMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_flDistance = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_flStoppingDistance = 0x54; // float32 + public const nint m_flTargetSpeed = 0x58; // float32 + public const nint m_eMode = 0x5C; // VelocityMetricMode + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimUpdateNodeBase { + public const nint m_nodePath = 0x18; // CAnimNodePath + public const nint m_networkMode = 0x48; // AnimNodeNetworkMode + public const nint m_name = 0x50; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSetParameterActionUpdater { + public const nint m_hParam = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_value = 0x1A; // CAnimVariant + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmGraphVariation { + public const nint m_graphDefinition = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_dataSet = 0x8; // CNmGraphDataSet + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SkeletonAnimCapture_t__FrameStamp_t { + public const nint m_flTime = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flEntitySimTime = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_bTeleportTick = 0x8; // bool + public const nint m_bPredicted = 0x9; // bool + public const nint m_flCurTime = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flRealTime = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_nFrameCount = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_nTickCount = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBonePositionMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_nBoneIndex = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CRenderBufferBinding { + public const nint m_hBuffer = 0x0; // uint64 + public const nint m_nBindOffsetBytes = 0x10; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmExternalGraphNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMeshletDescriptor { + public const nint m_PackedAABB = 0x0; // PackedAABB_t + public const nint m_CullingData = 0x8; // CDrawCullingData + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMorphSetData { + public const nint m_nWidth = 0x10; // int32 + public const nint m_nHeight = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_bundleTypes = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_morphDatas = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_pTextureAtlas = 0x48; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_FlexDesc = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FlexControllers = 0x68; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FlexRules = 0x80; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMorphConstraint { + public const nint m_sTargetMorph = 0x70; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nSlaveChannel = 0x78; // int32 + public const nint m_flMin = 0x7C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMax = 0x80; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CClothSettingsAnimTag { + public const nint m_flStiffness = 0x58; // float32 + public const nint m_flEaseIn = 0x5C; // float32 + public const nint m_flEaseOut = 0x60; // float32 + public const nint m_nVertexSet = 0x68; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimDesc_Flag { + public const nint m_bLooping = 0x0; // bool + public const nint m_bAllZeros = 0x1; // bool + public const nint m_bHidden = 0x2; // bool + public const nint m_bDelta = 0x3; // bool + public const nint m_bLegacyWorldspace = 0x4; // bool + public const nint m_bModelDoc = 0x5; // bool + public const nint m_bImplicitSeqIgnoreDelta = 0x6; // bool + public const nint m_bAnimGraphAdditive = 0x7; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBlendCurve { + public const nint m_flControlPoint1 = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flControlPoint2 = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmGraphNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nNodeIdx = 0x8; // int16 + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimationGraphVisualizerSphere { + public const nint m_vWsPosition = 0x40; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_Color = 0x54; // Color + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimUserDifference { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_nType = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CTransitionUpdateData { + public const nint m_srcStateIndex = 0x0; // uint8 + public const nint m_destStateIndex = 0x1; // uint8 + public const nint m_nHandshakeMaskToDisableFirst = 0x0; // bitfield:7 + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: CHandshakeAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CMovementHandshakeAnimTag { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceBone__Input_t { + public const nint m_inputValue = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_outputTransformList = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqMultiFetch { + public const nint m_flags = 0x0; // CSeqMultiFetchFlag + public const nint m_localReferenceArray = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nGroupSize = 0x20; // int32[2] + public const nint m_nLocalPose = 0x28; // int32[2] + public const nint m_poseKeyArray0 = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_poseKeyArray1 = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nLocalCyclePoseParameter = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_bCalculatePoseParameters = 0x64; // bool + public const nint m_bFixedBlendWeight = 0x65; // bool + public const nint m_flFixedBlendWeightVals = 0x68; // float32[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPhysSurfacePropertiesSoundNames { + public const nint m_impactSoft = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_impactHard = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_scrapeSmooth = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint m_scrapeRough = 0x18; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bulletImpact = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_rolling = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_break = 0x30; // CUtlString + public const nint m_strain = 0x38; // CUtlString + public const nint m_meleeImpact = 0x40; // CUtlString + public const nint m_pushOff = 0x48; // CUtlString + public const nint m_skidStop = 0x50; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CAudioAnimTag { + public const nint m_clipName = 0x58; // CUtlString + public const nint m_attachmentName = 0x60; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flVolume = 0x68; // float32 + public const nint m_bStopWhenTagEnds = 0x6C; // bool + public const nint m_bStopWhenGraphEnds = 0x6D; // bool + public const nint m_bPlayOnServer = 0x6E; // bool + public const nint m_bPlayOnClient = 0x6F; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CTurnHelperUpdateNode { + public const nint m_facingTarget = 0x6C; // AnimValueSource + public const nint m_turnStartTimeOffset = 0x70; // float32 + public const nint m_turnDuration = 0x74; // float32 + public const nint m_bMatchChildDuration = 0x78; // bool + public const nint m_manualTurnOffset = 0x7C; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseManualTurnOffset = 0x80; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimationGroup { + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x10; // uint32 + public const nint m_name = 0x18; // CBufferString + public const nint m_localHAnimArray_Handle = 0x60; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_includedGroupArray_Handle = 0x78; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_directHSeqGroup_Handle = 0x90; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_decodeKey = 0x98; // CAnimKeyData + public const nint m_szScripts = 0x110; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class NmSyncTrackTime_t { + public const nint m_nEventIdx = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_percentageThrough = 0x4; // NmPercent_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmClip { + public const nint m_skeleton = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nNumFrames = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_flDuration = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_compressedPoseData = 0x10; // CUtlBinaryBlock + public const nint m_trackCompressionSettings = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_compressedPoseOffsets = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_syncTrack = 0xA0; // CNmSyncTrack + public const nint m_rootMotion = 0x150; // CNmRootMotionData + public const nint m_bIsAdditive = 0x1A0; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CToggleComponentActionUpdater { + public const nint m_componentID = 0x18; // AnimComponentID + public const nint m_bSetEnabled = 0x1C; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmGraphNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CNmValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase { + public const nint m_Type = 0x8; // CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveType + public const nint m_OwningAnimNodePaths = 0xC; // AnimNodeID[11] + public const nint m_nOwningAnimNodePathCount = 0x38; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBindPoseUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class NmSyncTrackTimeRange_t { + public const nint m_startTime = 0x0; // NmSyncTrackTime_t + public const nint m_endTime = 0x8; // NmSyncTrackTime_t + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimationGraphVisualizerText { + public const nint m_vWsPosition = 0x40; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_Color = 0x50; // Color + public const nint m_Text = 0x58; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootTrajectory { + public const nint m_vOffset = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_flRotationOffset = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flProgression = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionMatchingUpdateNode { + public const nint m_dataSet = 0x58; // CMotionDataSet + public const nint m_metrics = 0x78; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_weights = 0x90; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bSearchEveryTick = 0xE0; // bool + public const nint m_flSearchInterval = 0xE4; // float32 + public const nint m_bSearchWhenClipEnds = 0xE8; // bool + public const nint m_bSearchWhenGoalChanges = 0xE9; // bool + public const nint m_blendCurve = 0xEC; // CBlendCurve + public const nint m_flSampleRate = 0xF4; // float32 + public const nint m_flBlendTime = 0xF8; // float32 + public const nint m_bLockClipWhenWaning = 0xFC; // bool + public const nint m_flSelectionThreshold = 0x100; // float32 + public const nint m_flReselectionTimeWindow = 0x104; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableRotationCorrection = 0x108; // bool + public const nint m_bGoalAssist = 0x109; // bool + public const nint m_flGoalAssistDistance = 0x10C; // float32 + public const nint m_flGoalAssistTolerance = 0x110; // float32 + public const nint m_distanceScale_Damping = 0x118; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_flDistanceScale_OuterRadius = 0x128; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistanceScale_InnerRadius = 0x12C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistanceScale_MaxScale = 0x130; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistanceScale_MinScale = 0x134; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableDistanceScaling = 0x138; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqS1SeqDesc { + public const nint m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_flags = 0x10; // CSeqSeqDescFlag + public const nint m_fetch = 0x20; // CSeqMultiFetch + public const nint m_nLocalWeightlist = 0x90; // int32 + public const nint m_autoLayerArray = 0x98; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_IKLockArray = 0xB0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_transition = 0xC8; // CSeqTransition + public const nint m_SequenceKeys = 0xD0; // KeyValues3 + public const nint m_LegacyKeyValueText = 0xE0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_activityArray = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_footMotion = 0x108; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFlexController { + public const nint m_szName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_szType = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint min = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint max = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SkeletonDemoDb_t { + public const nint m_AnimCaptures = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_CameraTrack = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flRecordingTime = 0x30; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionNode + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionNodeSequence { + public const nint m_tags = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x40; // HSequence + public const nint m_flPlaybackSpeed = 0x44; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFlexDesc { + public const nint m_szFacs = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CRenderMesh { + public const nint m_sceneObjects = 0x10; // CUtlVectorFixedGrowable + public const nint m_constraints = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_skeleton = 0xB8; // CRenderSkeleton + public const nint m_meshDeformParams = 0x1E0; // DynamicMeshDeformParams_t + public const nint m_pGroomData = 0x1F0; // CRenderGroom* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimSkeleton { + public const nint m_localSpaceTransforms = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_modelSpaceTransforms = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_boneNames = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_children = 0x58; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_parents = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_feet = 0x88; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_morphNames = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_lodBoneCounts = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VPhysics2ShapeDef_t { + public const nint m_spheres = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_capsules = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hulls = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_meshes = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_CollisionAttributeIndices = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimationGraphVisualizerAxis { + public const nint m_xWsTransform = 0x40; // CTransform + public const nint m_flAxisSize = 0x60; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CTwistConstraint { + public const nint m_bInverse = 0x70; // bool + public const nint m_qParentBindRotation = 0x80; // Quaternion + public const nint m_qChildBindRotation = 0x90; // Quaternion + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ModelBoneFlexDriverControl_t { + public const nint m_nBoneComponent = 0x0; // ModelBoneFlexComponent_t + public const nint m_flexController = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flexControllerToken = 0x10; // uint32 + public const nint m_flMin = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flMax = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqCmdLayer { + public const nint m_cmd = 0x0; // int16 + public const nint m_nLocalReference = 0x2; // int16 + public const nint m_nLocalBonemask = 0x4; // int16 + public const nint m_nDstResult = 0x6; // int16 + public const nint m_nSrcResult = 0x8; // int16 + public const nint m_bSpline = 0xA; // bool + public const nint m_flVar1 = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flVar2 = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_nLineNumber = 0x14; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FootPinningPoseOpFixedData_t { + public const nint m_footInfo = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flBlendTime = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flLockBreakDistance = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxLegTwist = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_nHipBoneIndex = 0x24; // int32 + public const nint m_bApplyLegTwistLimits = 0x28; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyFootRotationLimits = 0x29; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RenderSkeletonBone_t { + public const nint m_boneName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_parentName = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_invBindPose = 0x10; // matrix3x4_t + public const nint m_bbox = 0x40; // SkeletonBoneBounds_t + public const nint m_flSphereRadius = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDistanceRemainingMetricEvaluator { + public const nint m_flMaxDistance = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinDistance = 0x54; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartGoalFilterDistance = 0x58; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxGoalOvershootScale = 0x5C; // float32 + public const nint m_bFilterFixedMinDistance = 0x60; // bool + public const nint m_bFilterGoalDistance = 0x61; // bool + public const nint m_bFilterGoalOvershoot = 0x62; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDirectPlaybackUpdateNode { + public const nint m_bFinishEarly = 0x6C; // bool + public const nint m_bResetOnFinish = 0x6D; // bool + public const nint m_allTags = 0x70; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmIDEvent { + public const nint m_ID = 0x10; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFlexRule { + public const nint m_nFlex = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_FlexOps = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ScriptInfo_t { + public const nint m_code = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_paramsModified = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_proxyReadParams = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_proxyWriteParams = 0x38; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_eScriptType = 0x50; // AnimScriptType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CRenderGroom { + public const nint m_hairs = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hSimParamsMat = 0x20; // CStrongHandleCopyable + public const nint m_nSegmentsPerHairStrand = 0x28; // int32 + public const nint m_nGuideHairCount = 0x2C; // int32 + public const nint m_nHairCount = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_nGroomGroupID = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_nAttachBoneIdx = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_nAttachMeshIdx = 0x3C; // int32 + public const nint m_nAttachMeshDrawCallIdx = 0x40; // int32 + public const nint m_flSumOfAllHairLengths = 0x44; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableSimulation = 0x48; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CTiltTwistConstraint { + public const nint m_nTargetAxis = 0x70; // int32 + public const nint m_nSlaveAxis = 0x74; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CVPhysXSurfacePropertiesList { + public const nint m_surfacePropertiesList = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RenderHairStrandInfo_t { + public const nint m_nGuideHairIndices_nSurfaceTriIndex = 0x0; // uint32[2] + public const nint m_vGuideBary_vBaseBary = 0x8; // uint16[4] + public const nint m_vRootOffset_flLengthScale = 0x10; // uint16[4] + public const nint m_nPackedBaseUv = 0x18; // uint16[2] + public const nint m_nPackedSurfaceNormalOs = 0x1C; // uint32 + public const nint m_nPackedSurfaceTangentOs = 0x20; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CCycleControlClipUpdateNode { + public const nint m_tags = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x7C; // HSequence + public const nint m_duration = 0x80; // float32 + public const nint m_valueSource = 0x84; // AnimValueSource + public const nint m_paramIndex = 0x88; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CNmFloatValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStaticPoseCache { + public const nint m_poses = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nBoneCount = 0x28; // int32 + public const nint m_nMorphCount = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class LookAtOpFixedSettings_t { + public const nint m_attachment = 0x0; // CAnimAttachment + public const nint m_damping = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_bones = 0x90; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flYawLimit = 0xA8; // float32 + public const nint m_flPitchLimit = 0xAC; // float32 + public const nint m_flHysteresisInnerAngle = 0xB0; // float32 + public const nint m_flHysteresisOuterAngle = 0xB4; // float32 + public const nint m_bRotateYawForward = 0xB8; // bool + public const nint m_bMaintainUpDirection = 0xB9; // bool + public const nint m_bTargetIsPosition = 0xBA; // bool + public const nint m_bUseHysteresis = 0xBB; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimGraphSettingsManager { + public const nint m_settingsGroups = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimGraphModelBinding { + public const nint m_modelName = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_pSharedData = 0x10; // CSmartPtr + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceBone { + public const nint m_inputList = 0x70; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MotionBlendItem { + public const nint m_pChild = 0x0; // CSmartPtr + public const nint m_flKeyValue = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBoneConstraintBase + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceMorph { + public const nint m_sBoneName = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_sAttachmentName = 0x30; // CUtlString + public const nint m_outputMorph = 0x38; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_inputList = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bClamp = 0x68; // bool + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CFloatAnimParameter { + public const nint m_fDefaultValue = 0x80; // float32 + public const nint m_fMinValue = 0x84; // float32 + public const nint m_fMaxValue = 0x88; // float32 + public const nint m_bInterpolate = 0x8C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStateActionUpdater { + public const nint m_pAction = 0x0; // CSmartPtr + public const nint m_eBehavior = 0x8; // StateActionBehavior + } + // Parent: CAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPlayerInputAnimMotorUpdater { + public const nint m_sampleTimes = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flSpringConstant = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_flAnticipationDistance = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_hAnticipationPosParam = 0x44; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hAnticipationHeadingParam = 0x46; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_bUseAcceleration = 0x48; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CRenderSkeleton { + public const nint m_bones = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_boneParents = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nBoneWeightCount = 0x48; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqIKLock { + public const nint m_flPosWeight = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngleWeight = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_nLocalBone = 0x8; // int16 + public const nint m_bBonesOrientedAlongPositiveX = 0xA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimParamHandleMap { + public const nint m_list = 0x0; // CUtlHashtable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimDesc { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_flags = 0x10; // CAnimDesc_Flag + public const nint fps = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_Data = 0x20; // CAnimEncodedFrames + public const nint m_movementArray = 0xF8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_eventArray = 0x110; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_activityArray = 0x128; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hierarchyArray = 0x140; // CUtlVector + public const nint framestalltime = 0x158; // float32 + public const nint m_vecRootMin = 0x15C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecRootMax = 0x168; // Vector + public const nint m_vecBoneWorldMin = 0x178; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_vecBoneWorldMax = 0x190; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_sequenceParams = 0x1A8; // CAnimSequenceParams + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPhysSurfacePropertiesPhysics { + public const nint m_friction = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_elasticity = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_density = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_thickness = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_softContactFrequency = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_softContactDampingRatio = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_wheelDrag = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimationGraphVisualizerPie { + public const nint m_vWsCenter = 0x40; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_vWsStart = 0x50; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_vWsEnd = 0x60; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_Color = 0x70; // Color + } + // Parent: CBoneConstraintBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBoneConstraintDotToMorph { + public const nint m_sBoneName = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_sTargetBoneName = 0x30; // CUtlString + public const nint m_sMorphChannelName = 0x38; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flRemap = 0x40; // float32[4] + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPointConstraint { + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CCurrentRotationVelocityMetricEvaluator { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class TraceSettings_t { + public const nint m_flTraceHeight = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flTraceRadius = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ParamSpanSample_t { + public const nint m_value = 0x0; // CAnimVariant + public const nint m_flCycle = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 46 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VPhysXConstraintParams_t { + public const nint m_nType = 0x0; // int8 + public const nint m_nTranslateMotion = 0x1; // int8 + public const nint m_nRotateMotion = 0x2; // int8 + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x3; // int8 + public const nint m_anchor = 0x4; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_axes = 0x1C; // QuaternionStorage[2] + public const nint m_maxForce = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_maxTorque = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_linearLimitValue = 0x44; // float32 + public const nint m_linearLimitRestitution = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_linearLimitSpring = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint m_linearLimitDamping = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_twistLowLimitValue = 0x54; // float32 + public const nint m_twistLowLimitRestitution = 0x58; // float32 + public const nint m_twistLowLimitSpring = 0x5C; // float32 + public const nint m_twistLowLimitDamping = 0x60; // float32 + public const nint m_twistHighLimitValue = 0x64; // float32 + public const nint m_twistHighLimitRestitution = 0x68; // float32 + public const nint m_twistHighLimitSpring = 0x6C; // float32 + public const nint m_twistHighLimitDamping = 0x70; // float32 + public const nint m_swing1LimitValue = 0x74; // float32 + public const nint m_swing1LimitRestitution = 0x78; // float32 + public const nint m_swing1LimitSpring = 0x7C; // float32 + public const nint m_swing1LimitDamping = 0x80; // float32 + public const nint m_swing2LimitValue = 0x84; // float32 + public const nint m_swing2LimitRestitution = 0x88; // float32 + public const nint m_swing2LimitSpring = 0x8C; // float32 + public const nint m_swing2LimitDamping = 0x90; // float32 + public const nint m_goalPosition = 0x94; // Vector + public const nint m_goalOrientation = 0xA0; // QuaternionStorage + public const nint m_goalAngularVelocity = 0xB0; // Vector + public const nint m_driveSpringX = 0xBC; // float32 + public const nint m_driveSpringY = 0xC0; // float32 + public const nint m_driveSpringZ = 0xC4; // float32 + public const nint m_driveDampingX = 0xC8; // float32 + public const nint m_driveDampingY = 0xCC; // float32 + public const nint m_driveDampingZ = 0xD0; // float32 + public const nint m_driveSpringTwist = 0xD4; // float32 + public const nint m_driveSpringSwing = 0xD8; // float32 + public const nint m_driveSpringSlerp = 0xDC; // float32 + public const nint m_driveDampingTwist = 0xE0; // float32 + public const nint m_driveDampingSwing = 0xE4; // float32 + public const nint m_driveDampingSlerp = 0xE8; // float32 + public const nint m_solverIterationCount = 0xEC; // int32 + public const nint m_projectionLinearTolerance = 0xF0; // float32 + public const nint m_projectionAngularTolerance = 0xF4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CStateUpdateData { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_hScript = 0x8; // AnimScriptHandle + public const nint m_transitionIndices = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_actions = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_stateID = 0x40; // AnimStateID + public const nint m_bIsStartState = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bIsEndState = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bIsPassthrough = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CNmTargetValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class COrientConstraint { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMoverUpdateNode { + public const nint m_damping = 0x70; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_facingTarget = 0x80; // AnimValueSource + public const nint m_hMoveVecParam = 0x84; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hMoveHeadingParam = 0x86; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hTurnToFaceParam = 0x88; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_flTurnToFaceOffset = 0x8C; // float32 + public const nint m_flTurnToFaceLimit = 0x90; // float32 + public const nint m_bAdditive = 0x94; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyMovement = 0x95; // bool + public const nint m_bOrientMovement = 0x96; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyRotation = 0x97; // bool + public const nint m_bLimitOnly = 0x98; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmLayerBlendNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nBaseNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + public const nint m_bOnlySampleBaseRootMotion = 0x12; // bool + public const nint m_layerDefinition = 0x18; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimMotorUpdaterBase { + public const nint m_name = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bDefault = 0x18; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class JiggleBoneSettingsList_t { + public const nint m_boneSettings = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBinaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSubtractUpdateNode { + public const nint m_footMotionTiming = 0x8C; // BinaryNodeChildOption + public const nint m_bApplyToFootMotion = 0x90; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyChannelsSeparately = 0x91; // bool + public const nint m_bUseModelSpace = 0x92; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPoseHandle { + public const nint m_nIndex = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint m_eType = 0x2; // PoseType_t + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSolveIKChainUpdateNode { + public const nint m_targetHandles = 0x68; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_opFixedData = 0x80; // SolveIKChainPoseOpFixedSettings_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqCmdSeqDesc { + public const nint m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_flags = 0x10; // CSeqSeqDescFlag + public const nint m_transition = 0x1C; // CSeqTransition + public const nint m_nFrameRangeSequence = 0x24; // int16 + public const nint m_nFrameCount = 0x26; // int16 + public const nint m_flFPS = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_nSubCycles = 0x2C; // int16 + public const nint m_numLocalResults = 0x2E; // int16 + public const nint m_cmdLayerArray = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_eventArray = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_activityArray = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_poseSettingArray = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBinaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBoneMaskUpdateNode { + public const nint m_nWeightListIndex = 0x8C; // int32 + public const nint m_flRootMotionBlend = 0x90; // float32 + public const nint m_blendSpace = 0x94; // BoneMaskBlendSpace + public const nint m_footMotionTiming = 0x98; // BinaryNodeChildOption + public const nint m_bUseBlendScale = 0x9C; // bool + public const nint m_blendValueSource = 0xA0; // AnimValueSource + public const nint m_hBlendParameter = 0xA4; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CLeafUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SolveIKChainPoseOpFixedSettings_t { + public const nint m_ChainsToSolveData = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bMatchTargetOrientation = 0x18; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class TwoBoneIKSettings_t { + public const nint m_endEffectorType = 0x0; // IkEndEffectorType + public const nint m_endEffectorAttachment = 0x10; // CAnimAttachment + public const nint m_targetType = 0x90; // IkTargetType + public const nint m_targetAttachment = 0xA0; // CAnimAttachment + public const nint m_targetBoneIndex = 0x120; // int32 + public const nint m_hPositionParam = 0x124; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hRotationParam = 0x126; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_bAlwaysUseFallbackHinge = 0x128; // bool + public const nint m_vLsFallbackHingeAxis = 0x130; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_nFixedBoneIndex = 0x140; // int32 + public const nint m_nMiddleBoneIndex = 0x144; // int32 + public const nint m_nEndBoneIndex = 0x148; // int32 + public const nint m_bMatchTargetOrientation = 0x14C; // bool + public const nint m_bConstrainTwist = 0x14D; // bool + public const nint m_flMaxTwist = 0x150; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimUpdateSharedData { + public const nint m_nodes = 0x10; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_nodeIndexMap = 0x28; // CUtlHashtable + public const nint m_components = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_pParamListUpdater = 0x60; // CSmartPtr + public const nint m_pTagManagerUpdater = 0x68; // CSmartPtr + public const nint m_scriptManager = 0x70; // CSmartPtr + public const nint m_settings = 0x78; // CAnimGraphSettingsManager + public const nint m_pStaticPoseCache = 0xA8; // CSmartPtr + public const nint m_pSkeleton = 0xB0; // CSmartPtr + public const nint m_rootNodePath = 0xB8; // CAnimNodePath + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimAttachment { + public const nint m_influenceRotations = 0x0; // Quaternion[3] + public const nint m_influenceOffsets = 0x30; // VectorAligned[3] + public const nint m_influenceIndices = 0x60; // int32[3] + public const nint m_influenceWeights = 0x6C; // float32[3] + public const nint m_numInfluences = 0x78; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootTrajectories { + public const nint m_trajectories = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CMotionGraph + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CEditableMotionGraph { + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CStringAnimTag { + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CBoolAnimParameter { + public const nint m_bDefaultValue = 0x80; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CRagdollAnimTag { + public const nint m_nPoseControl = 0x58; // AnimPoseControl + public const nint m_flFrequency = 0x5C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDampingRatio = 0x60; // float32 + public const nint m_flDecayDuration = 0x64; // float32 + public const nint m_flDecayBias = 0x68; // float32 + public const nint m_bDestroy = 0x6C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionNode { + public const nint m_name = 0x18; // CUtlString + public const nint m_id = 0x20; // AnimNodeID + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmStateMachineNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_stateDefinition = 0x10; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + public const nint m_nDefaultStateIndex = 0x130; // int16 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CBodyGroupAnimTag { + public const nint m_nPriority = 0x58; // int32 + public const nint m_bodyGroupSettings = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + public static class AnimParamID { + public const nint m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmChildGraphNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nChildGraphIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class AnimationDecodeDebugDump_t { + public const nint m_processingType = 0x0; // AnimationProcessingType_t + public const nint m_elems = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmIDValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmVirtualParameterIDNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqScaleSet { + public const nint m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_bRootOffset = 0x10; // bool + public const nint m_vRootOffset = 0x14; // Vector + public const nint m_nLocalBoneArray = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flBoneScaleArray = 0x38; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDirectionalBlendUpdateNode { + public const nint m_hSequences = 0x5C; // HSequence[8] + public const nint m_damping = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_blendValueSource = 0x90; // AnimValueSource + public const nint m_paramIndex = 0x94; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_playbackSpeed = 0x98; // float32 + public const nint m_duration = 0x9C; // float32 + public const nint m_bLoop = 0xA0; // bool + public const nint m_bLockBlendOnReset = 0xA1; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ParamSpan_t { + public const nint m_samples = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hParam = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_eParamType = 0x1A; // AnimParamType_t + public const nint m_flStartCycle = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndCycle = 0x20; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFootStepTriggerUpdateNode { + public const nint m_triggers = 0x68; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flTolerance = 0x84; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + public static class IKTargetSettings_t { + public const nint m_TargetSource = 0x0; // IKTargetSource + public const nint m_Bone = 0x8; // IKBoneNameAndIndex_t + public const nint m_AnimgraphParameterNamePosition = 0x18; // AnimParamID + public const nint m_AnimgraphParameterNameOrientation = 0x1C; // AnimParamID + public const nint m_TargetCoordSystem = 0x20; // IKTargetCoordinateSystem + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement_SetRenderColor { + public const nint m_Color = 0x48; // Color + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionSearchDB { + public const nint m_rootNode = 0x0; // CMotionSearchNode + public const nint m_residualQuantizer = 0x80; // CProductQuantizer + public const nint m_codeIndices = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CMotionNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionNodeBlend1D { + public const nint m_blendItems = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nParamIndex = 0x40; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmTargetValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmControlParameterTargetNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SkeletonBoneBounds_t { + public const nint m_vecCenter = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecSize = 0xC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CTwoBoneIKUpdateNode { + public const nint m_opFixedData = 0x70; // TwoBoneIKSettings_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VPhysXBodyPart_t { + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_flMass = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_rnShape = 0x8; // VPhysics2ShapeDef_t + public const nint m_nCollisionAttributeIndex = 0x80; // uint16 + public const nint m_nReserved = 0x82; // uint16 + public const nint m_flInertiaScale = 0x84; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearDamping = 0x88; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularDamping = 0x8C; // float32 + public const nint m_bOverrideMassCenter = 0x90; // bool + public const nint m_vMassCenterOverride = 0x94; // Vector + } + // Parent: CHandshakeAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CTaskHandshakeAnimTag { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFollowPathUpdateNode { + public const nint m_flBlendOutTime = 0x6C; // float32 + public const nint m_bBlockNonPathMovement = 0x70; // bool + public const nint m_bStopFeetAtGoal = 0x71; // bool + public const nint m_bScaleSpeed = 0x72; // bool + public const nint m_flScale = 0x74; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinAngle = 0x78; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxAngle = 0x7C; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpeedScaleBlending = 0x80; // float32 + public const nint m_turnDamping = 0x88; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_facingTarget = 0x98; // AnimValueSource + public const nint m_hParam = 0x9C; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_flTurnToFaceOffset = 0xA0; // float32 + public const nint m_bTurnToFace = 0xA4; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t { + public const nint m_attachment = 0x0; // CAnimAttachment + public const nint m_damping = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + public const nint m_poseCacheHandles = 0x90; // CPoseHandle[10] + public const nint m_eBlendMode = 0xB8; // AimMatrixBlendMode + public const nint m_flMaxYawAngle = 0xBC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxPitchAngle = 0xC0; // float32 + public const nint m_nSequenceMaxFrame = 0xC4; // int32 + public const nint m_nBoneMaskIndex = 0xC8; // int32 + public const nint m_bTargetIsPosition = 0xCC; // bool + public const nint m_bUseBiasAndClamp = 0xCD; // bool + public const nint m_flBiasAndClampYawOffset = 0xD0; // float32 + public const nint m_flBiasAndClampPitchOffset = 0xD4; // float32 + public const nint m_biasAndClampBlendCurve = 0xD8; // CBlendCurve + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimScriptComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_hScript = 0x30; // AnimScriptHandle + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CRagdollUpdateNode { + public const nint m_nWeightListIndex = 0x68; // int32 + public const nint m_poseControlMethod = 0x6C; // RagdollPoseControl + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBoneConstraintBase { + } + // Parent: CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPathAnimMotorUpdater { + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CMaterialAttributeAnimTag { + public const nint m_AttributeName = 0x58; // CUtlString + public const nint m_AttributeType = 0x60; // MatterialAttributeTagType_t + public const nint m_flValue = 0x64; // float32 + public const nint m_Color = 0x68; // Color + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmFootEvent { + public const nint m_phase = 0x10; // NmFootPhase_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPhysSurfacePropertiesAudio { + public const nint m_reflectivity = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_hardnessFactor = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_roughnessFactor = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_roughThreshold = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_hardThreshold = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_hardVelocityThreshold = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flStaticImpactVolume = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flOcclusionFactor = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSeqAutoLayer { + public const nint m_nLocalReference = 0x0; // int16 + public const nint m_nLocalPose = 0x2; // int16 + public const nint m_flags = 0x4; // CSeqAutoLayerFlag + public const nint m_start = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_peak = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_tail = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_end = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PhysSoftbodyDesc_t { + public const nint m_ParticleBoneHash = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Particles = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Springs = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Capsules = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_InitPose = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ParticleBoneName = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimSequenceParams { + public const nint m_flFadeInTime = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutTime = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmBoolValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmVirtualParameterBoolNode__CDefinition { + public const nint m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFollowTargetUpdateNode { + public const nint m_opFixedData = 0x68; // FollowTargetOpFixedSettings_t + public const nint m_hParameterPosition = 0x80; // CAnimParamHandle + public const nint m_hParameterOrientation = 0x82; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CCPPScriptComponentUpdater { + public const nint m_scriptsToRun = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimData { + public const nint m_name = 0x10; // CBufferString + public const nint m_animArray = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_decoderArray = 0x38; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nMaxUniqueFrameIndex = 0x50; // int32 + public const nint m_segmentArray = 0x58; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class IKSolverSettings_t { + public const nint m_SolverType = 0x0; // IKSolverType + public const nint m_nNumIterations = 0x4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBinaryUpdateNode { + public const nint m_pChild1 = 0x58; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + public const nint m_pChild2 = 0x68; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + public const nint m_timingBehavior = 0x78; // BinaryNodeTiming + public const nint m_flTimingBlend = 0x7C; // float32 + public const nint m_bResetChild1 = 0x80; // bool + public const nint m_bResetChild2 = 0x81; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimKeyData { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint m_boneArray = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_userArray = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_morphArray = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nChannelElements = 0x58; // int32 + public const nint m_dataChannelArray = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class AttachmentHandle_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimMorphDifference { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FootFixedData_t { + public const nint m_vToeOffset = 0x0; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_vHeelOffset = 0x10; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_nTargetBoneIndex = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_nAnkleBoneIndex = 0x24; // int32 + public const nint m_nIKAnchorBoneIndex = 0x28; // int32 + public const nint m_ikChainIndex = 0x2C; // int32 + public const nint m_flMaxIKLength = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_nFootIndex = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_nTagIndex = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_flMaxRotationLeft = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxRotationRight = 0x40; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CMotionGraphGroup { + public const nint m_searchDB = 0x0; // CMotionSearchDB + public const nint m_motionGraphs = 0xB8; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_motionGraphConfigs = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_sampleToConfig = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hIsActiveScript = 0x100; // AnimScriptHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmSyncTrack__Event_t { + public const nint m_ID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_startTime = 0x8; // NmPercent_t + public const nint m_duration = 0xC; // NmPercent_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmTarget { + public const nint m_transform = 0x0; // CTransform + public const nint m_boneID = 0x20; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_bIsBoneTarget = 0x28; // bool + public const nint m_bIsUsingBoneSpaceOffsets = 0x29; // bool + public const nint m_bHasOffsets = 0x2A; // bool + public const nint m_bIsSet = 0x2B; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmIDValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CNmControlParameterIDNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CWayPointHelperUpdateNode { + public const nint m_flStartCycle = 0x6C; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndCycle = 0x70; // float32 + public const nint m_bOnlyGoals = 0x74; // bool + public const nint m_bPreventOvershoot = 0x75; // bool + public const nint m_bPreventUndershoot = 0x76; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataOverlayType + public static class CMoodVData { + public const nint m_sModelName = 0x0; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_nMoodType = 0xE0; // MoodType_t + public const nint m_animationLayers = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CModelConfigElement_AttachedModel { + public const nint m_InstanceName = 0x48; // CUtlString + public const nint m_EntityClass = 0x50; // CUtlString + public const nint m_hModel = 0x58; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_vOffset = 0x60; // Vector + public const nint m_aAngOffset = 0x6C; // QAngle + public const nint m_AttachmentName = 0x78; // CUtlString + public const nint m_LocalAttachmentOffsetName = 0x80; // CUtlString + public const nint m_AttachmentType = 0x88; // ModelConfigAttachmentType_t + public const nint m_bBoneMergeFlex = 0x8C; // bool + public const nint m_bUserSpecifiedColor = 0x8D; // bool + public const nint m_bUserSpecifiedMaterialGroup = 0x8E; // bool + public const nint m_bAcceptParentMaterialDrivenDecals = 0x8F; // bool + public const nint m_BodygroupOnOtherModels = 0x90; // CUtlString + public const nint m_MaterialGroupOnOtherModels = 0x98; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAnimTagManagerUpdater { + public const nint m_tags = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + } + } +} diff --git a/output/animationsystem.dll.hpp b/output/animationsystem.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c70e7a --- /dev/null +++ b/output/animationsystem.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,5283 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: animationsystem.dll + // Classes count: 401 + // Enums count: 77 + namespace animationsystem_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 17 + enum class SeqCmd_t : uint32_t { + SeqCmd_Nop = 0x0, + SeqCmd_LinearDelta = 0x1, + SeqCmd_FetchFrameRange = 0x2, + SeqCmd_Slerp = 0x3, + SeqCmd_Add = 0x4, + SeqCmd_Subtract = 0x5, + SeqCmd_Scale = 0x6, + SeqCmd_Copy = 0x7, + SeqCmd_Blend = 0x8, + SeqCmd_Worldspace = 0x9, + SeqCmd_Sequence = 0xA, + SeqCmd_FetchCycle = 0xB, + SeqCmd_FetchFrame = 0xC, + SeqCmd_IKLockInPlace = 0xD, + SeqCmd_IKRestoreAll = 0xE, + SeqCmd_ReverseSequence = 0xF, + SeqCmd_Transform = 0x10 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class BoneTransformSpace_t : uint32_t { + BoneTransformSpace_Invalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + BoneTransformSpace_Parent = 0x0, + BoneTransformSpace_Model = 0x1, + BoneTransformSpace_World = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveType : uint32_t { + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Text = 0x0, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Sphere = 0x1, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Line = 0x2, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Pie = 0x3, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Axis = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + enum class NmTransitionRule_t : uint8_t { + AllowTransition = 0x0, + ConditionallyAllowTransition = 0x1, + BlockTransition = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class BinaryNodeTiming : uint32_t { + UseChild1 = 0x0, + UseChild2 = 0x1, + SyncChildren = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class SolveIKChainAnimNodeDebugSetting : uint32_t { + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_None = 0x0, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_X_Axis_Circle = 0x1, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Y_Axis_Circle = 0x2, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Z_Axis_Circle = 0x3, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Forward = 0x4, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Up = 0x5, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Left = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 6 + enum class MovementGait_t : uint8_t { + eInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + eSlow = 0x0, + eMedium = 0x1, + eFast = 0x2, + eVeryFast = 0x3, + eCount = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class IKTargetCoordinateSystem : uint32_t { + IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_WorldSpace = 0x0, + IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_ModelSpace = 0x1, + IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_COUNT = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class VPhysXAggregateData_t__VPhysXFlagEnum_t : uint32_t { + FLAG_IS_POLYSOUP_GEOMETRY = 0x1, + FLAG_LEVEL_COLLISION = 0x10, + FLAG_IGNORE_SCALE_OBSOLETE_DO_NOT_USE = 0x20 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 23 + enum class NmEasingOperation_t : uint8_t { + Linear = 0x0, + InQuad = 0x1, + OutQuad = 0x2, + InOutQuad = 0x3, + InCubic = 0x4, + OutCubic = 0x5, + InOutCubic = 0x6, + InQuart = 0x7, + OutQuart = 0x8, + InOutQuart = 0x9, + InQuint = 0xA, + OutQuint = 0xB, + InOutQuint = 0xC, + InSine = 0xD, + OutSine = 0xE, + InOutSine = 0xF, + InExpo = 0x10, + OutExpo = 0x11, + InOutExpo = 0x12, + InCirc = 0x13, + OutCirc = 0x14, + InOutCirc = 0x15, + None = 0x16 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class MatterialAttributeTagType_t : uint32_t { + MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_VALUE = 0x0, + MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_COLOR = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class AnimPoseControl : uint32_t { + NoPoseControl = 0x0, + AbsolutePoseControl = 0x1, + RelativePoseControl = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + enum class NmTransitionRuleCondition_t : uint8_t { + AnyAllowed = 0x0, + FullyAllowed = 0x1, + ConditionallyAllowed = 0x2, + Blocked = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class EDemoBoneSelectionMode : uint32_t { + CaptureAllBones = 0x0, + CaptureSelectedBones = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class StepPhase : uint32_t { + StepPhase_OnGround = 0x0, + StepPhase_InAir = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 26 + enum class FlexOpCode_t : uint32_t { + FLEX_OP_CONST = 0x1, + FLEX_OP_FETCH1 = 0x2, + FLEX_OP_FETCH2 = 0x3, + FLEX_OP_ADD = 0x4, + FLEX_OP_SUB = 0x5, + FLEX_OP_MUL = 0x6, + FLEX_OP_DIV = 0x7, + FLEX_OP_NEG = 0x8, + FLEX_OP_EXP = 0x9, + FLEX_OP_OPEN = 0xA, + FLEX_OP_CLOSE = 0xB, + FLEX_OP_COMMA = 0xC, + FLEX_OP_MAX = 0xD, + FLEX_OP_MIN = 0xE, + FLEX_OP_2WAY_0 = 0xF, + FLEX_OP_2WAY_1 = 0x10, + FLEX_OP_NWAY = 0x11, + FLEX_OP_COMBO = 0x12, + FLEX_OP_DOMINATE = 0x13, + FLEX_OP_DME_LOWER_EYELID = 0x14, + FLEX_OP_DME_UPPER_EYELID = 0x15, + FLEX_OP_SQRT = 0x16, + FLEX_OP_REMAPVALCLAMPED = 0x17, + FLEX_OP_SIN = 0x18, + FLEX_OP_COS = 0x19, + FLEX_OP_ABS = 0x1A + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class AnimNodeNetworkMode : uint32_t { + ServerAuthoritative = 0x0, + ClientSimulate = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class VPhysXBodyPart_t__VPhysXFlagEnum_t : uint32_t { + FLAG_STATIC = 0x1, + FLAG_KINEMATIC = 0x2, + FLAG_JOINT = 0x4, + FLAG_MASS = 0x8, + FLAG_ALWAYS_DYNAMIC_ON_CLIENT = 0x10 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + enum class AnimParamType_t : uint8_t { + ANIMPARAM_UNKNOWN = 0x0, + ANIMPARAM_BOOL = 0x1, + ANIMPARAM_ENUM = 0x2, + ANIMPARAM_INT = 0x3, + ANIMPARAM_FLOAT = 0x4, + ANIMPARAM_VECTOR = 0x5, + ANIMPARAM_QUATERNION = 0x6, + ANIMPARAM_GLOBALSYMBOL = 0x7, + ANIMPARAM_COUNT = 0x8 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + enum class NmEasingFunction_t : uint8_t { + Linear = 0x0, + Quad = 0x1, + Cubic = 0x2, + Quart = 0x3, + Quint = 0x4, + Sine = 0x5, + Expo = 0x6, + Circ = 0x7, + Back = 0x8 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class IKTargetSource : uint32_t { + IKTARGETSOURCE_Bone = 0x0, + IKTARGETSOURCE_AnimgraphParameter = 0x1, + IKTARGETSOURCE_COUNT = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 15 + enum class PermModelInfo_t__FlagEnum : uint32_t { + FLAG_TRANSLUCENT = 0x1, + FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_TWO_PASS = 0x2, + FLAG_MODEL_IS_RUNTIME_COMBINED = 0x4, + FLAG_SOURCE1_IMPORT = 0x8, + FLAG_MODEL_PART_CHILD = 0x10, + FLAG_NAV_GEN_NONE = 0x20, + FLAG_NAV_GEN_HULL = 0x40, + FLAG_NO_FORCED_FADE = 0x800, + FLAG_HAS_SKINNED_MESHES = 0x400, + FLAG_DO_NOT_CAST_SHADOWS = 0x20000, + FLAG_FORCE_PHONEME_CROSSFADE = 0x1000, + FLAG_NO_ANIM_EVENTS = 0x100000, + FLAG_ANIMATION_DRIVEN_FLEXES = 0x200000, + FLAG_IMPLICIT_BIND_POSE_SEQUENCE = 0x400000, + FLAG_MODEL_DOC = 0x800000 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class AnimParamNetworkSetting : uint32_t { + Auto = 0x0, + AlwaysNetwork = 0x1, + NeverNetwork = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class MorphFlexControllerRemapType_t : uint32_t { + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_PASSTHRU = 0x0, + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_2WAY = 0x1, + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_NWAY = 0x2, + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_EYELID = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + enum class MeshDrawPrimitiveFlags_t : uint32_t { + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_SHADOW_FAST_PATH = 0x1, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_COMPRESSED_NORMAL_TANGENT = 0x2, + MESH_DRAW_INPUT_LAYOUT_IS_NOT_MATCHED_TO_MATERIAL = 0x8, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_COMPRESSED_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING = 0x10, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_UNCOMPRESSED_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING = 0x20, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_CAN_BATCH_WITH_DYNAMIC_SHADER_CONSTANTS = 0x40, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_DRAW_LAST = 0x80 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ModelBoneFlexComponent_t : uint32_t { + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TX = 0x0, + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TY = 0x1, + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TZ = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + enum class PoseType_t : uint8_t { + POSETYPE_STATIC = 0x0, + POSETYPE_DYNAMIC = 0x1, + POSETYPE_INVALID = 0xFF + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 36 + enum class AnimValueSource : uint32_t { + MoveHeading = 0x0, + MoveSpeed = 0x1, + ForwardSpeed = 0x2, + StrafeSpeed = 0x3, + FacingHeading = 0x4, + LookHeading = 0x5, + LookPitch = 0x6, + LookDistance = 0x7, + Parameter = 0x8, + WayPointHeading = 0x9, + WayPointDistance = 0xA, + BoundaryRadius = 0xB, + TargetMoveHeading = 0xC, + TargetMoveSpeed = 0xD, + AccelerationHeading = 0xE, + AccelerationSpeed = 0xF, + SlopeHeading = 0x10, + SlopeAngle = 0x11, + SlopePitch = 0x12, + SlopeYaw = 0x13, + GoalDistance = 0x14, + AccelerationLeftRight = 0x15, + AccelerationFrontBack = 0x16, + RootMotionSpeed = 0x17, + RootMotionTurnSpeed = 0x18, + MoveHeadingRelativeToLookHeading = 0x19, + MaxMoveSpeed = 0x1A, + FingerCurl_Thumb = 0x1B, + FingerCurl_Index = 0x1C, + FingerCurl_Middle = 0x1D, + FingerCurl_Ring = 0x1E, + FingerCurl_Pinky = 0x1F, + FingerSplay_Thumb_Index = 0x20, + FingerSplay_Index_Middle = 0x21, + FingerSplay_Middle_Ring = 0x22, + FingerSplay_Ring_Pinky = 0x23 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class RagdollPoseControl : uint32_t { + Absolute = 0x0, + Relative = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class IKSolverType : uint32_t { + IKSOLVER_Perlin = 0x0, + IKSOLVER_TwoBone = 0x1, + IKSOLVER_Fabrik = 0x2, + IKSOLVER_DogLeg3Bone = 0x3, + IKSOLVER_CCD = 0x4, + IKSOLVER_COUNT = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class Blend2DMode : uint32_t { + Blend2DMode_General = 0x0, + Blend2DMode_Directional = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ChoiceChangeMethod : uint32_t { + OnReset = 0x0, + OnCycleEnd = 0x1, + OnResetOrCycleEnd = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ChoiceBlendMethod : uint32_t { + SingleBlendTime = 0x0, + PerChoiceBlendTimes = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class VPhysXConstraintParams_t__EnumFlags0_t : uint32_t { + FLAG0_SHIFT_INTERPENETRATE = 0x0, + FLAG0_SHIFT_CONSTRAIN = 0x1, + FLAG0_SHIFT_BREAKABLE_FORCE = 0x2, + FLAG0_SHIFT_BREAKABLE_TORQUE = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class BlendKeyType : uint32_t { + BlendKey_UserValue = 0x0, + BlendKey_Velocity = 0x1, + BlendKey_Distance = 0x2, + BlendKey_RemainingDistance = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class StateActionBehavior : uint32_t { + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_ACTIVE_WHILE_CURRENT = 0x0, + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_ENTER = 0x1, + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_EXIT = 0x2, + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_ENTER_AND_EXIT = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + enum class NmRootMotionBlendMode_t : uint8_t { + Blend = 0x0, + Additive = 0x1, + IgnoreSource = 0x2, + IgnoreTarget = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 6 + enum class NmFootPhaseCondition_t : uint8_t { + LeftFootDown = 0x0, + LeftFootPassing = 0x1, + LeftPhase = 0x4, + RightFootDown = 0x2, + RightFootPassing = 0x3, + RightPhase = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 22 + enum class ModelSkeletonData_t__BoneFlags_t : uint32_t { + FLAG_NO_BONE_FLAGS = 0x0, + FLAG_BONEFLEXDRIVER = 0x4, + FLAG_CLOTH = 0x8, + FLAG_PHYSICS = 0x10, + FLAG_ATTACHMENT = 0x20, + FLAG_ANIMATION = 0x40, + FLAG_MESH = 0x80, + FLAG_HITBOX = 0x100, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD0 = 0x400, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD1 = 0x800, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD2 = 0x1000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD3 = 0x2000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD4 = 0x4000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD5 = 0x8000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD6 = 0x10000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD7 = 0x20000, + FLAG_BONE_MERGE_READ = 0x40000, + FLAG_BONE_MERGE_WRITE = 0x80000, + FLAG_ALL_BONE_FLAGS = 0xFFFFF, + BLEND_PREALIGNED = 0x100000, + FLAG_RIGIDLENGTH = 0x200000, + FLAG_PROCEDURAL = 0x400000 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class MorphBundleType_t : uint32_t { + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_POSITION_SPEED = 0x1, + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_NORMAL_WRINKLE = 0x2, + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + enum class NmPoseBlendMode_t : uint8_t { + Overlay = 0x0, + Additive = 0x1, + GlobalSpace = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class ResetCycleOption : uint32_t { + Beginning = 0x0, + SameCycleAsSource = 0x1, + InverseSourceCycle = 0x2, + FixedValue = 0x3, + SameTimeAsSource = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class IKChannelMode : uint32_t { + TwoBone = 0x0, + TwoBone_Translate = 0x1, + OneBone = 0x2, + OneBone_Translate = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + enum class NmGraphValueType_t : uint8_t { + Unknown = 0x0, + Bool = 0x1, + ID = 0x2, + Float = 0x3, + Vector = 0x4, + Target = 0x5, + BoneMask = 0x6, + Pose = 0x7, + Special = 0x8 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + enum class NmFootPhase_t : uint8_t { + LeftFootDown = 0x0, + RightFootPassing = 0x1, + RightFootDown = 0x2, + LeftFootPassing = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class FootstepLandedFootSoundType_t : uint32_t { + FOOTSOUND_Left = 0x0, + FOOTSOUND_Right = 0x1, + FOOTSOUND_UseOverrideSound = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class FootLockSubVisualization : uint32_t { + FOOTLOCKSUBVISUALIZATION_ReachabilityAnalysis = 0x0, + FOOTLOCKSUBVISUALIZATION_IKSolve = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class NmFrameSnapEventMode_t : uint32_t { + Floor = 0x0, + Round = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class FootPinningTimingSource : uint32_t { + FootMotion = 0x0, + Tag = 0x1, + Parameter = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class DampingSpeedFunction : uint32_t { + NoDamping = 0x0, + Constant = 0x1, + Spring = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class AnimationProcessingType_t : uint32_t { + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_SERVER_SIMULATION = 0x0, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_SIMULATION = 0x1, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_PREDICTION = 0x2, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_INTERPOLATION = 0x3, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_RENDER = 0x4, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_MAX = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class JiggleBoneSimSpace : uint32_t { + SimSpace_Local = 0x0, + SimSpace_Model = 0x1, + SimSpace_World = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class StanceOverrideMode : uint32_t { + Sequence = 0x0, + Node = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class IkEndEffectorType : uint32_t { + IkEndEffector_Attachment = 0x0, + IkEndEffector_Bone = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 3 + enum class AnimScriptType : uint16_t { + ANIMSCRIPT_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ANIMSCRIPT_FUSE_GENERAL = 0x0, + ANIMSCRIPT_FUSE_STATEMACHINE = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class SeqPoseSetting_t : uint32_t { + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_CONSTANT = 0x0, + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_ROTATION = 0x1, + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_POSITION = 0x2, + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_VELOCITY = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + enum class AnimParamButton_t : uint32_t { + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_NONE = 0x0, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_UP = 0x1, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT = 0x2, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN = 0x3, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT = 0x4, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_A = 0x5, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_B = 0x6, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_X = 0x7, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_Y = 0x8, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER = 0x9, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER = 0xA, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_LTRIGGER = 0xB, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_RTRIGGER = 0xC + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class SelectorTagBehavior_t : uint32_t { + SelectorTagBehavior_OnWhileCurrent = 0x0, + SelectorTagBehavior_OffWhenFinished = 0x1, + SelectorTagBehavior_OffBeforeFinished = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + enum class CNmBoneMask__WeightInfo_t : uint8_t { + Zero = 0x0, + Mixed = 0x1, + One = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class HandshakeTagType_t : uint32_t { + eInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + eTask = 0x0, + eMovement = 0x1, + eCount = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 18 + enum class ParticleAttachment_t : uint32_t { + PATTACH_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PATTACH_ABSORIGIN = 0x0, + PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0x1, + PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN = 0x2, + PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0x3, + PATTACH_POINT = 0x4, + PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW = 0x5, + PATTACH_EYES_FOLLOW = 0x6, + PATTACH_OVERHEAD_FOLLOW = 0x7, + PATTACH_WORLDORIGIN = 0x8, + PATTACH_ROOTBONE_FOLLOW = 0x9, + PATTACH_RENDERORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0xA, + PATTACH_MAIN_VIEW = 0xB, + PATTACH_WATERWAKE = 0xC, + PATTACH_CENTER_FOLLOW = 0xD, + PATTACH_CUSTOM_GAME_STATE_1 = 0xE, + PATTACH_HEALTHBAR = 0xF, + MAX_PATTACH_TYPES = 0x10 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class FieldNetworkOption : uint32_t { + Auto = 0x0, + ForceEnable = 0x1, + ForceDisable = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 8 + enum class CNmTransitionNode__TransitionOptions_t : uint8_t { + None = 0x0, + ClampDuration = 0x1, + Synchronized = 0x2, + MatchSourceTime = 0x4, + MatchSyncEventIndex = 0x8, + MatchSyncEventID = 0x10, + MatchSyncEventPercentage = 0x20, + PreferClosestSyncEventID = 0x40 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class VPhysXJoint_t__Flags_t : uint32_t { + JOINT_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + JOINT_FLAGS_BODY1_FIXED = 0x1, + JOINT_FLAGS_USE_BLOCK_SOLVER = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + enum class VelocityMetricMode : uint8_t { + DirectionOnly = 0x0, + MagnitudeOnly = 0x1, + DirectionAndMagnitude = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + enum class FacingMode : uint8_t { + FacingMode_Invalid = 0x0, + FacingMode_Manual = 0x1, + FacingMode_Path = 0x2, + FacingMode_LookTarget = 0x3, + FacingMode_ManualPosition = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class AimMatrixBlendMode : uint32_t { + AimMatrixBlendMode_None = 0x0, + AimMatrixBlendMode_Additive = 0x1, + AimMatrixBlendMode_ModelSpaceAdditive = 0x2, + AimMatrixBlendMode_BoneMask = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class AnimationSnapshotType_t : uint32_t { + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_SERVER_SIMULATION = 0x0, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_SIMULATION = 0x1, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_PREDICTION = 0x2, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_INTERPOLATION = 0x3, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_RENDER = 0x4, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_FINAL_COMPOSITE = 0x5, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_MAX = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + enum class FootFallTagFoot_t : uint32_t { + FOOT1 = 0x0, + FOOT2 = 0x1, + FOOT3 = 0x2, + FOOT4 = 0x3, + FOOT5 = 0x4, + FOOT6 = 0x5, + FOOT7 = 0x6, + FOOT8 = 0x7 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ChoiceMethod : uint32_t { + WeightedRandom = 0x0, + WeightedRandomNoRepeat = 0x1, + Iterate = 0x2, + IterateRandom = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 14 + enum class AnimVectorSource : uint32_t { + MoveDirection = 0x0, + FacingDirection = 0x1, + LookDirection = 0x2, + VectorParameter = 0x3, + WayPointDirection = 0x4, + Acceleration = 0x5, + SlopeNormal = 0x6, + SlopeNormal_WorldSpace = 0x7, + LookTarget = 0x8, + LookTarget_WorldSpace = 0x9, + WayPointPosition = 0xA, + GoalPosition = 0xB, + RootMotionVelocity = 0xC, + ManualTarget_WorldSpace = 0xD + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class IkTargetType : uint32_t { + IkTarget_Attachment = 0x0, + IkTarget_Bone = 0x1, + IkTarget_Parameter_ModelSpace = 0x2, + IkTarget_Parameter_WorldSpace = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class BoneMaskBlendSpace : uint32_t { + BlendSpace_Parent = 0x0, + BlendSpace_Model = 0x1, + BlendSpace_Model_RotationOnly = 0x2, + BlendSpace_Model_TranslationOnly = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class ModelConfigAttachmentType_t : uint32_t { + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_BONE_OR_ATTACHMENT = 0x0, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_ROOT_RELATIVE = 0x1, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_BONEMERGE = 0x2, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_COUNT = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class BinaryNodeChildOption : uint32_t { + Child1 = 0x0, + Child2 = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class JumpCorrectionMethod : uint32_t { + ScaleMotion = 0x0, + AddCorrectionDelta = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class MoodType_t : uint32_t { + eMoodType_Head = 0x0, + eMoodType_Body = 0x1 + }; + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimFrameBlockAnim { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartFrame = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndFrame = 0x4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_segmentIndexArray = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CZeroPoseUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSlowDownOnSlopesUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSlowDownStrength = 0x68; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimParameterBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x18; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sComment = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_group = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x30; // AnimParamID + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_componentName = 0x48; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkingRequested = 0x68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsReferenced = 0x69; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CSequenceFinishedAnimTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sequenceName = 0x58; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSceneObjectData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinBounds = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxBounds = 0xC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_drawCalls = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_drawBounds = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_meshlets = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTintColor = 0x60; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: CCycleBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootCycle { + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CInputStreamUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CIntAnimParameter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_defaultValue = 0x80; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_minValue = 0x84; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_maxValue = 0x88; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmFrameSnapEvent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_frameSnapMode = 0x10; // NmFrameSnapEventMode_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimNodePath { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_path = 0x0; // AnimNodeID[11] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCount = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + namespace AnimNodeOutputID { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmSyncTrack { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_syncEvents = 0x0; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartEventOffset = 0xA8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqBoneMaskList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalBoneArray = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBoneWeightArray = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultMorphCtrlWeight = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_morphCtrlWeightArray = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimEncodedFrames { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fileName = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFrames = 0x10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFramesPerBlock = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_frameblockArray = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_usageDifferences = 0x30; // CAnimEncodeDifference + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SampleCode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_subCode = 0x0; // uint8[8] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CCachedPose { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transforms = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_morphWeights = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x38; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCycle = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CTaskStatusAnimTag { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionGraphConfig { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramValues = 0x0; // float32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMotionIndex = 0x14; // MotionIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSampleStart = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSampleCount = 0x1C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionSearchNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_children = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_quantizer = 0x18; // CVectorQuantizer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sampleCodes = 0x38; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sampleIndices = 0x50; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_selectableSamples = 0x68; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimActivity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nActivity = 0x10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeight = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimScriptManager { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scriptInfo = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntityIndex = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelName = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poseParams = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_decodeOps = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_internalOps = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_decodedAnims = 0x58; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ConfigIndex { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGroup = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nConfig = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VPhysXCollisionAttributes_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroup = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InteractAs = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InteractWith = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InteractExclude = 0x38; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupString = 0x50; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InteractAsStrings = 0x58; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InteractWithStrings = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InteractExcludeStrings = 0x88; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSequenceUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramSpans = 0x60; // CParamSpanUpdater + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tags = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x94; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_playbackSpeed = 0x98; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_duration = 0x9C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0xA0; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmPassthroughNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmGraphDefinition__ExternalGraphSlot_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNodeIdx = 0x0; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_slotID = 0x8; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAimCameraUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameterPosition = 0x68; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameterOrientation = 0x6A; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameterSpineRotationWeight = 0x6C; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameterPelvisOffset = 0x6E; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameterUseIK = 0x70; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameterWeaponDepenetrationDistance = 0x72; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameterCameraClearanceDistance = 0x74; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opFixedSettings = 0x78; // AimCameraOpFixedSettings_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqSeqDescFlag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLooping = 0x0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSnap = 0x1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoplay = 0x2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPost = 0x3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHidden = 0x4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMulti = 0x5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLegacyDelta = 0x6; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLegacyWorldspace = 0x7; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLegacyCyclepose = 0x8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLegacyRealtime = 0x9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bModelDoc = 0xA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PermModelInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vHullMin = 0x4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vHullMax = 0x10; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vViewMin = 0x1C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vViewMax = 0x28; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMass = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vEyePosition = 0x38; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxEyeDeflection = 0x44; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sSurfaceProperty = 0x48; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_keyValueText = 0x50; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace StanceInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPosition = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDirection = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace IKBoneNameAndIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStanceScaleUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParam = 0x68; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace HitReactFixedSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeightListIndex = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEffectedBoneCount = 0x4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxImpactForce = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinImpactForce = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWhipImpactScale = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCounterRotationScale = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceFadeScale = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPropagationScale = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWhipDelay = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpringStrength = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWhipSpringStrength = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxAngleRadians = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHipBoneIndex = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHipBoneTranslationScale = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHipDipSpringStrength = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHipDipImpactScale = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHipDipDelay = 0x40; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmGraphNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CNmPoseNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimTagBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x18; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sComment = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_group = 0x28; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tagID = 0x30; // AnimTagID + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsReferenced = 0x48; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionGraph { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramSpans = 0x10; // CParamSpanUpdater + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tags = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pRootNode = 0x40; // CSmartPtr + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParameterCount = 0x48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nConfigStartIndex = 0x4C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nConfigCount = 0x50; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0x54; // bool + } + // Parent: AnimationSnapshotBase_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace AnimationSnapshot_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntIndex = 0x110; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelName = 0x118; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CNmVectorValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqTransition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInTime = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutTime = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimGraphSettingsGroup { + } + // Parent: CNmTargetValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmVirtualParameterTargetNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimGraphDebugReplay { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animGraphFileName = 0x40; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_frameList = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startIndex = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_writeIndex = 0x64; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_frameCount = 0x68; // int32 + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CVectorAnimParameter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_defaultValue = 0x80; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInterpolate = 0x8C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmStateMachineNode__StateDefinition_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStateNodeIdx = 0x0; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entryConditionNodeIdx = 0x2; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transitionDefinition = 0x8; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStanceOverrideUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footStanceInfo = 0x68; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pStanceSourceNode = 0x80; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameter = 0x90; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eMode = 0x94; // StanceOverrideMode + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace LookAtBone_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_index = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weight = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmTransitionNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetCNmStateNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_durationOverrideNodeIdx = 0x12; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_syncEventOffsetOverrideNodeIdx = 0x14; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startBoneMaskNodeIdx = 0x16; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneMaskBlendInTimePercentage = 0x1C; // NmPercent_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_syncEventOffset = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transitionOptions = 0x24; // CNmTransitionNode::TransitionOptions_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSyncIDNodeIdx = 0x26; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendWeightEasing = 0x28; // NmEasingOperation_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rootMotionBlend = 0x29; // NmRootMotionBlendMode_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimEncodeDifference { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneArray = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_morphArray = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_userArray = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasRotationBitArray = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasMovementBitArray = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasMorphBitArray = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasUserBitArray = 0x90; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CRootUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionGraphUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pMotionGraph = 0x58; // CSmartPtr + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimParamHandle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_type = 0x0; // AnimParamType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_index = 0x1; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace WeightList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weights = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MotionIndex { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGroup = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMotion = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FollowAttachmentSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachment = 0x0; // CAnimAttachment + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneIndex = 0x80; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchTranslation = 0x84; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchRotation = 0x85; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + namespace AnimNodeID { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CLookComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLookHeading = 0x34; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLookHeadingVelocity = 0x36; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLookPitch = 0x38; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLookDistance = 0x3A; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLookDirection = 0x3C; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLookTarget = 0x3E; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLookTargetWorldSpace = 0x40; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkLookTarget = 0x42; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimGraphSettingsGroup + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CAnimGraphNetworkSettings { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkingEnabled = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSingleFrameUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_actions = 0x58; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPoseCacheHandle = 0x70; // CPoseHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x74; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCycle = 0x78; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBlockSelectionMetricEvaluator { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHideMaterialGroupInTools = 0x0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHideRenderColorInTools = 0x1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Configs = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqAutoLayerFlag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPost = 0x0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpline = 0x1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bXFade = 0x2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoBlend = 0x3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocal = 0x4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPose = 0x5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFetchFrame = 0x6; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSubtract = 0x7; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + namespace AnimStateID { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ModelBoneFlexDriver_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneNameToken = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_controls = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMorphData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_morphRectDatas = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootPinningUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poseOpFixedData = 0x70; // FootPinningPoseOpFixedData_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eTimingSource = 0xA0; // FootPinningTimingSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_params = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetChild = 0xC0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqPoseSetting { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sPoseParameter = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sAttachment = 0x10; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sReferenceSequence = 0x20; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValue = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bX = 0x34; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bY = 0x35; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bZ = 0x36; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eType = 0x38; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmFloatValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmVirtualParameterFloatNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAttachment { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_influenceNames = 0x8; // CUtlString[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInfluenceRotations = 0x20; // Quaternion[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInfluenceOffsets = 0x50; // Vector[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_influenceWeights = 0x74; // float32[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInfluenceRootTransform = 0x80; // bool[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInfluences = 0x83; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreRotation = 0x84; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDrawCullingData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vConeApex = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ConeAxis = 0xC; // int8[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ConeCutoff = 0xF; // int8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VPhysXJoint_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBody1 = 0x2; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBody2 = 0x4; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x6; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Frame1 = 0x10; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Frame2 = 0x30; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableCollision = 0x50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableLinearLimit = 0x51; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LinearLimit = 0x54; // VPhysXRange_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableLinearMotor = 0x5C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLinearTargetVelocity = 0x60; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxForce = 0x6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableSwingLimit = 0x70; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SwingLimit = 0x74; // VPhysXRange_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableTwistLimit = 0x7C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TwistLimit = 0x80; // VPhysXRange_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableAngularMotor = 0x88; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAngularTargetVelocity = 0x8C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTorque = 0x98; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearFrequency = 0x9C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearDampingRatio = 0xA0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularFrequency = 0xA4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularDampingRatio = 0xA8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFriction = 0xAC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStateNodeTransitionData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_curve = 0x0; // CBlendCurve + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendDuration = 0x8; // CAnimValue + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_resetCycleValue = 0x10; // CAnimValue + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReset = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_resetCycleOption = 0x0; // bitfield:3 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CTimeRemainingMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchByTimeRemaining = 0x50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTimeRemaining = 0x54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFilterByTimeRemaining = 0x58; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinTimeRemaining = 0x5C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ElementName = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NestedElements = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmVectorValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmControlParameterVectorNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FootFixedSettings { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_traceSettings = 0x0; // TraceSettings_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vFootBaseBindPosePositionMS = 0x10; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFootBaseLength = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxRotationLeft = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxRotationRight = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footstepLandedTagIndex = 0x2C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableTracing = 0x30; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceAngleBlend = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDisableTagIndex = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFootIndex = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfig { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ConfigName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Elements = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTopLevel = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + namespace AnimComponentID { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VPhysXAggregateData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRefCounter = 0x2; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bonesHash = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneNames = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_indexNames = 0x38; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_indexHash = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bindPose = 0x68; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parts = 0x80; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_constraints2 = 0x98; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_joints = 0xB0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pFeModel = 0xC8; // PhysFeModelDesc_t* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneParents = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_surfacePropertyHashes = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_collisionAttributes = 0x100; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_debugPartNames = 0x118; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_embeddedKeyvalues = 0x130; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmGraphDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_persistentNodeIndices = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRootNodeIdx = 0x18; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_controlParameterIDs = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_virtualParameterIDs = 0x38; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_virtualParameterNodeIndices = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_childGraphSlots = 0x68; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_externalGraphSlots = 0x80; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimDemoCaptureSettings { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecErrorRangeSplineRotation = 0x0; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecErrorRangeSplineTranslation = 0x8; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecErrorRangeSplineScale = 0x10; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIkRotation_MaxSplineError = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIkTranslation_MaxSplineError = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecErrorRangeQuantizationRotation = 0x20; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecErrorRangeQuantizationTranslation = 0x28; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecErrorRangeQuantizationScale = 0x30; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIkRotation_MaxQuantizationError = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIkTranslation_MaxQuantizationError = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_baseSequence = 0x40; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBaseSequenceFrame = 0x48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneSelectionMode = 0x4C; // EDemoBoneSelectionMode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bones = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ikChains = 0x68; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace IKDemoCaptureSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parentBoneName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eMode = 0x8; // IKChannelMode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ikChainName = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_oneBoneStart = 0x18; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_oneBoneEnd = 0x20; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqMultiFetchFlag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRealtime = 0x0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCylepose = 0x1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_b0D = 0x2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_b1D = 0x3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_b2D = 0x4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_b2D_TRI = 0x5; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VPhysXRange_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMin = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMax = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStopAtGoalUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOuterRadius = 0x6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInnerRadius = 0x70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxScale = 0x74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinScale = 0x78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damping = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimBoneDifference { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parent = 0x10; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_posError = 0x20; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasRotation = 0x2C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasMovement = 0x2D; // bool + } + // Parent: CCycleBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimCycle { + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CActionComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_actions = 0x30; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmGraphDataSet { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_variationID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skeleton = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_resources = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDampedPathAnimMotorUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnticipationTime = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinSpeedScale = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAnticipationPosParam = 0x34; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAnticipationHeadingParam = 0x36; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpringConstant = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinSpringTension = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSpringTension = 0x40; // float32 + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement_SetMaterialGroupOnAttachedModels { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaterialGroupName = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CNmBoneMaskValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmVirtualParameterBoneMaskNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPathHelperUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStoppingRadius = 0x68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStoppingSpeedScale = 0x6C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialGroup_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_materials = 0x8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMorphBundleData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flULeftSrc = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVTopSrc = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_offsets = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ranges = 0x20; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement_UserPick { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Choices = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSolveIKTargetHandle_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_positionHandle = 0x0; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_orientationHandle = 0x2; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootAdjustmentUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clips = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBasePoseCacheHandle = 0x88; // CPoseHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_facingTarget = 0x8C; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTurnTimeMin = 0x90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTurnTimeMax = 0x94; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStepHeightMax = 0x98; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStepHeightMaxAngle = 0x9C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetChild = 0xA0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimationDriven = 0xA1; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CChoreoUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAimConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qAimOffset = 0x70; // Quaternion + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUpType = 0x80; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CFootFallAnimTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_foot = 0x58; // FootFallTagFoot_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMaterialDrawDescriptor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUvDensity = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTintColor = 0x4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlpha = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstMeshlet = 0x18; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumMeshlets = 0x1C; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrimitiveType = 0x20; // RenderPrimitiveType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBaseVertex = 0x24; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVertexCount = 0x28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartIndex = 0x2C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndexCount = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_indexBuffer = 0xB8; // CRenderBufferBinding + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_material = 0xD8; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmSkeleton { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneIDs = 0x8; // CUtlLeanVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parentIndices = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parentSpaceReferencePose = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelSpaceReferencePose = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numBonesToSampleAtLowLOD = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneMasks = 0x68; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStepsRemainingMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footIndices = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinStepsRemaining = 0x68; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyElementNameFn + namespace CBodyGroupSetting { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BodyGroupName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBodyGroupOption = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CVectorQuantizer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_centroidVectors = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCentroids = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDimensions = 0x1C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmStateNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entryEvents = 0x18; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_executeEvents = 0x38; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_exitEvents = 0x58; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timedRemainingEvents = 0x78; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timedElapsedEvents = 0x90; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLayerWeightNodeIdx = 0xA8; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLayerRootMotionWeightNodeIdx = 0xAA; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLayerBoneMaskNodeIdx = 0xAC; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsOffState = 0xAE; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmVectorValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmVirtualParameterVectorNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootCycleMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footIndices = 0x50; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CHitBox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sSurfaceProperty = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sBoneName = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinBounds = 0x18; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxBounds = 0x24; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShapeRadius = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneNameHash = 0x34; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGroupId = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShapeType = 0x3C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTranslationOnly = 0x3D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CRC = 0x40; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_cRenderColor = 0x44; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitBoxIndex = 0x48; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ModelSkeletonData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneName = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParent = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneSphere = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlag = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bonePosParent = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneRotParent = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneScaleParent = 0x90; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmEvent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace NmCompressionSettings_t__QuantizationRange_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRangeStart = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRangeLength = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace TagSpan_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tagIndex = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startCycle = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_endCycle = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PermModelDataAnimatedMaterialAttribute_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttributeName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumChannels = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionDataSet { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_groups = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDimensionCount = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CProductQuantizer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_subQuantizers = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDimensions = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CChoiceUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_children = 0x58; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weights = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendTimes = 0x88; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_choiceMethod = 0xA0; // ChoiceMethod + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_choiceChangeMethod = 0xA4; // ChoiceChangeMethod + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendMethod = 0xA8; // ChoiceBlendMethod + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendTime = 0xAC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCrossFade = 0xB0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetChosen = 0xB1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDontResetSameSelection = 0xB2; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SkeletonAnimCapture_t__Bone_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BindPose = 0x10; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParent = 0x30; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CExpressionActionUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParam = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eParamType = 0x1A; // AnimParamType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hScript = 0x1C; // AnimScriptHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimationGraphVisualizerLine { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vWsPositionStart = 0x40; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vWsPositionEnd = 0x50; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x60; // Color + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CCycleControlUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_valueSource = 0x68; // AnimValueSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramIndex = 0x6C; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDampedValueComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_items = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBoneConstraintBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBaseConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vUpVector = 0x30; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_slaves = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targets = 0x58; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmFloatValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmControlParameterFloatNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace BlendItem_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tags = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pChild = 0x18; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x28; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPos = 0x2C; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseCustomDuration = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmClipNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayInReverseValueNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nResetTimeValueNodeIdx = 0x12; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSampleRootMotion = 0x14; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowLooping = 0x15; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDataSlotIdx = 0x16; // int16 + } + // Parent: CAnimParameterBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CConcreteAnimParameter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_previewButton = 0x70; // AnimParamButton_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eNetworkSetting = 0x74; // AnimParamNetworkSetting + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseMostRecentValue = 0x78; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoReset = 0x79; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGameWritable = 0x7A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGraphWritable = 0x7B; // bool + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement_RandomPick { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Choices = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ChoiceWeights = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VPhysXConstraint2_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParent = 0x4; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChild = 0x6; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_params = 0x8; // VPhysXConstraintParams_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CConstraintTarget { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qOffset = 0x20; // Quaternion + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOffset = 0x30; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneHash = 0x3C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x40; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWeight = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsAttachment = 0x59; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SkeletonAnimCapture_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntIndex = 0x0; // CEntityIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntParent = 0x4; // CEntityIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ImportedCollision = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ModelName = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CaptureName = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ModelBindPose = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FeModelInitPose = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlexControllers = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPredicted = 0x64; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Frames = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimUser { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CRagdollComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ragdollNodePaths = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneIndices = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneNames = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weightLists = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpringFrequencyMin = 0x90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpringFrequencyMax = 0x94; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxStretch = 0x98; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSolidCollisionAtZeroWeight = 0x9C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ankleBoneName = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_toeBoneName = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBallOffset = 0x18; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vHeelOffset = 0x24; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFootLength = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBindPoseDirectionMS = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceHeight = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceRadius = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqSynthAnimDesc { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x10; // CSeqSeqDescFlag + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transition = 0x1C; // CSeqTransition + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalBaseReference = 0x24; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalBoneMask = 0x26; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_activityArray = 0x28; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmLayerBlendNode__LayerDefinition_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputNodeIdx = 0x0; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeightValueNodeIdx = 0x2; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneMaskValueNodeIdx = 0x4; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRootMotionWeightValueNodeIdx = 0x6; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsSynchronized = 0x8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreEvents = 0x9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsStateMachineLayer = 0xA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendMode = 0xB; // NmPoseBlendMode_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x18; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x20; // AnimComponentID + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_networkMode = 0x24; // AnimNodeNetworkMode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartEnabled = 0x28; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBlend2DUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_items = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tags = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramSpans = 0x90; // CParamSpanUpdater + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nodeItemIndices = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damping = 0xC0; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendSourceX = 0xD0; // AnimValueSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramX = 0xD4; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendSourceY = 0xD8; // AnimValueSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramY = 0xDC; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eBlendMode = 0xE0; // Blend2DMode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_playbackSpeed = 0xE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0xE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockBlendOnReset = 0xE9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockWhenWaning = 0xEA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimEventsAndTagsOnMostWeightedOnly = 0xEB; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PermModelExtPart_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Transform = 0x0; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParent = 0x28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_refModel = 0x30; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CLeanMatrixUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_frameCorners = 0x5C; // int32[3][3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poses = 0x80; // CPoseHandle[9] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damping = 0xA8; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendSource = 0xB8; // AnimVectorSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramIndex = 0xBC; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_verticalAxis = 0xC0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_horizontalAxis = 0xCC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0xD8; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxValue = 0xDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSequenceMaxFrame = 0xE0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CSymbolAnimParameter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_defaultValue = 0x80; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmStateMachineNode__TransitionDefinition_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTargetStateIdx = 0x0; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nConditionNodeIdx = 0x2; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTransitionNodeIdx = 0x4; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanBeForced = 0x6; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CHitBoxSetList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitBoxSets = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MotionDBIndex { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndex = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDirectPlaybackTagData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sequenceName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tags = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParamSpanUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spans = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimActionUpdater { + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CParticleAnimTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParticleSystem = 0x58; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_particleSystemName = 0x60; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_configName = 0x68; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDetachFromOwner = 0x70; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStopWhenTagEnds = 0x71; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTagEndStopIsInstant = 0x72; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachmentName = 0x78; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachmentType = 0x80; // ParticleAttachment_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachmentCP1Name = 0x88; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachmentCP1Type = 0x90; // ParticleAttachment_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CCycleBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCycle = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FollowTargetOpFixedSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneIndex = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBoneTarget = 0x4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneTargetIndex = 0x8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWorldCoodinateTarget = 0xC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchTargetOrientation = 0xD; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace AnimationSnapshotBase_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRealTime = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rootToWorld = 0x10; // matrix3x4a_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBonesInWorldSpace = 0x40; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneSetupMask = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneTransforms = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flexControllers = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SnapshotType = 0x90; // AnimationSnapshotType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasDecodeDump = 0x94; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DecodeDump = 0x98; // AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CEmitTagActionUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTagIndex = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsZeroDuration = 0x1C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace DynamicMeshDeformParams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTensionCompressScale = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTensionStretchScale = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRecomputeSmoothNormalsAfterAnimation = 0x8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bComputeDynamicMeshTensionAfterAnimation = 0x9; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimStateMachineUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_states = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transitions = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startStateIndex = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CUnaryUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pChildNode = 0x58; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + namespace CCompressorGroup { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTotalElementCount = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szChannelClass = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szVariableName = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x38; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szGrouping = 0x68; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCompressorIndex = 0x80; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szElementNames = 0x98; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nElementUniqueID = 0xB0; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nElementMask = 0xC8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vectorCompressor = 0xF8; // CUtlVector*> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_quaternionCompressor = 0x110; // CUtlVector*> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_intCompressor = 0x128; // CUtlVector*> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boolCompressor = 0x140; // CUtlVector*> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_colorCompressor = 0x158; // CUtlVector*> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vector2DCompressor = 0x170; // CUtlVector*> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vector4DCompressor = 0x188; // CUtlVector*> + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSelectorUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_children = 0x58; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tags = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendCurve = 0x8C; // CBlendCurve + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendTime = 0x94; // CAnimValue + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameter = 0x9C; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTagIndex = 0xA0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eTagBehavior = 0xA4; // SelectorTagBehavior_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetOnChange = 0xA8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockWhenWaning = 0xA9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSyncCyclesOnChange = 0xAA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace NmPercent_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValue = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStateMachineComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stateMachine = 0x30; // CAnimStateMachineUpdater + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimUpdateNodeRef { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nodeIndex = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPhysSurfaceProperties { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_baseNameHash = 0xC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHidden = 0x18; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_description = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_physics = 0x28; // CPhysSurfacePropertiesPhysics + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_audioSounds = 0x48; // CPhysSurfacePropertiesSoundNames + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_audioParams = 0xA0; // CPhysSurfacePropertiesAudio + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CNmBoneMaskValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqPoseParamDesc { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStart = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEnd = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLoop = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLooping = 0x1C; // bool + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement_SetBodygroup { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GroupName = 0x48; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChoice = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimMovement { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t endframe = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t motionflags = 0x4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t v0 = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t v1 = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t angle = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vector = 0x14; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t position = 0x20; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FootStepTrigger { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tags = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFootIndex = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_triggerPhase = 0x1C; // StepPhase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmSyncTrack__EventMarker_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startTime = 0x0; // NmPercent_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ID = 0x8; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPathMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pathTimeSamples = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistance = 0x68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExtrapolateMovement = 0x6C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinExtrapolationSpeed = 0x70; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootLockUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opFixedSettings = 0x68; // FootLockPoseOpFixedSettings + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footSettings = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hipShiftDamping = 0xE8; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rootHeightDamping = 0xF8; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStrideCurveScale = 0x108; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStrideCurveLimitScale = 0x10C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStepHeightIncreaseScale = 0x110; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStepHeightDecreaseScale = 0x114; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHipShiftScale = 0x118; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendTime = 0x11C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxRootHeightOffset = 0x120; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinRootHeightOffset = 0x124; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTiltPlanePitchSpringStrength = 0x128; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTiltPlaneRollSpringStrength = 0x12C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyFootRotationLimits = 0x130; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyHipShift = 0x131; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bModulateStepHeight = 0x132; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetChild = 0x133; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableVerticalCurvedPaths = 0x134; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableRootHeightDamping = 0x135; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CNmIDValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace JiggleBoneSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneIndex = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpringStrength = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTimeStep = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamping = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoundsMaxLS = 0x10; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoundsMinLS = 0x1C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eSimSpace = 0x28; // JiggleBoneSimSpace + } + // Parent: CSequenceUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CJumpHelperUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetParam = 0xA8; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOriginalJumpMovement = 0xAC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOriginalJumpDuration = 0xB8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpStartCycle = 0xBC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpEndCycle = 0xC0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eCorrectionMethod = 0xC4; // JumpCorrectionMethod + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTranslationAxis = 0xC8; // bool[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScaleSpeed = 0xCB; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmBoolValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmControlParameterBoolNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FootLockPoseOpFixedSettings { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footInfo = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hipDampingSettings = 0x18; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHipBoneIndex = 0x28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ikSolverType = 0x2C; // IKSolverType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyTilt = 0x30; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyHipDrop = 0x31; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAlwaysUseFallbackHinge = 0x32; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyFootRotationLimits = 0x33; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyLegTwistLimits = 0x34; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxFootHeight = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExtensionScale = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLegTwist = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableLockBreaking = 0x44; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLockBreakTolerance = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLockBlendTime = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableStretching = 0x50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxStretchAmount = 0x54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStretchExtensionScale = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBoneVelocityMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneIndex = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement_RandomColor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Gradient = 0x48; // CColorGradient + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootMotion { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strides = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x18; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAdditive = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CJiggleBoneUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opFixedData = 0x68; // JiggleBoneSettingsList_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyArrayElementNameKey + namespace MoodAnimation_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWeight = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CLODComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nServerLOD = 0x30; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimDataChannelDesc { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szChannelClass = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szVariableName = 0x10; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x24; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szGrouping = 0x28; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szDescription = 0x38; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szElementNameArray = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nElementIndexArray = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nElementMaskArray = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMorphRectData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nXLeftDst = 0x0; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nYTopDst = 0x2; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUWidthSrc = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVHeightSrc = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bundleDatas = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimFoot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBallOffset = 0x8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vHeelOffset = 0x14; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ankleBoneIndex = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_toeBoneIndex = 0x24; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmBoneMask { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weightInfo = 0x8; // CNmBoneMask::WeightInfo_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weights = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParentConstraint { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmStateNode__TimedEvent_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timeValue = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootPositionMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footIndices = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreSlope = 0x68; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace HSequence { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDampedValueUpdateItem { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damping = 0x0; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParamIn = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParamOut = 0x1A; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimLocalHierarchy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sBone = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sNewParent = 0x10; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartFrame = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPeakFrame = 0x24; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTailFrame = 0x28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndFrame = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBlendUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_children = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sortedOrder = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetValues = 0x90; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendValueSource = 0xAC; // AnimValueSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramIndex = 0xB0; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damping = 0xB8; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendKeyType = 0xC8; // BlendKeyType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockBlendOnReset = 0xCC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSyncCycles = 0xCD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0xCE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockWhenWaning = 0xCF; // bool + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CQuaternionAnimParameter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_defaultValue = 0x80; // Quaternion + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInterpolate = 0x90; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PermModelData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelInfo = 0x8; // PermModelInfo_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ExtParts = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_refMeshes = 0x78; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_refMeshGroupMasks = 0x90; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_refPhysGroupMasks = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_refLODGroupMasks = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lodGroupSwitchDistances = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_refPhysicsData = 0xF0; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_refPhysicsHitboxData = 0x108; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_refAnimGroups = 0x120; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_refSequenceGroups = 0x138; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_meshGroups = 0x150; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_materialGroups = 0x168; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDefaultMeshGroupMask = 0x180; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelSkeleton = 0x188; // ModelSkeletonData_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_remappingTable = 0x230; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_remappingTableStarts = 0x248; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneFlexDrivers = 0x260; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pModelConfigList = 0x278; // CModelConfigList* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BodyGroupsHiddenInTools = 0x280; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_refAnimIncludeModels = 0x298; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AnimatedMaterialAttributes = 0x2B0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CStaticPoseCache + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStaticPoseCacheBuilder { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSequenceGroupData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x10; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x20; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localSequenceNameArray = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localS1SeqDescArray = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localMultiSeqDescArray = 0x58; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localSynthAnimDescArray = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localCmdSeqDescArray = 0x88; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localBoneMaskArray = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localScaleSetArray = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localBoneNameArray = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localNodeName = 0xE8; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localPoseParamArray = 0xF8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_keyValues = 0x110; // KeyValues3 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localIKAutoplayLockArray = 0x120; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStateMachineUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stateMachine = 0x68; // CAnimStateMachineUpdater + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stateData = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transitionData = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBlockWaningTags = 0xF4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockStateWhenWaning = 0xF5; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAimMatrixUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opFixedSettings = 0x70; // AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_target = 0x158; // AnimVectorSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramIndex = 0x15C; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x160; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetChild = 0x164; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockWhenWaning = 0x165; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SkeletonAnimCapture_t__Frame_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTime = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Stamp = 0x4; // SkeletonAnimCapture_t::FrameStamp_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Transform = 0x20; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTeleport = 0x40; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CompositeBones = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SimStateBones = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FeModelAnims = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FeModelPos = 0x90; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FlexControllerWeights = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement_Command { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Command = 0x48; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Args = 0x50; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimEventDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFrame = 0x8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndFrame = 0xC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCycle = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EventData = 0x18; // KeyValues3 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sLegacyOptions = 0x28; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sEventName = 0x38; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmRootMotionData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transforms = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumFrames = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAverageLinearVelocity = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAverageAngularVelocityRadians = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_totalDelta = 0x30; // CTransform + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + namespace AnimScriptHandle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFlexOp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OpCode = 0x0; // FlexOpCode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Data = 0x4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CHitReactUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opFixedSettings = 0x68; // HitReactFixedSettings_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_triggerParam = 0xB4; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hitBoneParam = 0xB6; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hitOffsetParam = 0xB8; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hitDirectionParam = 0xBA; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hitStrengthParam = 0xBC; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinDelayBetweenHits = 0xC0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetChild = 0xC4; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CLookAtUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opFixedSettings = 0x70; // LookAtOpFixedSettings_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_target = 0x138; // AnimVectorSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramIndex = 0x13C; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weightParamIndex = 0x13E; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetChild = 0x140; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockWhenWaning = 0x141; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimBone { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parent = 0x10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pos = 0x14; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_quat = 0x20; // QuaternionStorage + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scale = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qAlignment = 0x34; // QuaternionStorage + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x44; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimParameterManagerUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parameters = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_idToIndexMap = 0x30; // CUtlHashtable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameToIndexMap = 0x50; // CUtlHashtable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_indexToHandle = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_autoResetParams = 0x88; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_autoResetMap = 0xA0; // CUtlHashtable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace BoneDemoCaptureSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flErrorSplineRotationMax = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flErrorSplineTranslationMax = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flErrorSplineScaleMax = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flErrorQuantizationRotationMax = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flErrorQuantizationTranslationMax = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flErrorQuantizationScaleMax = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceMorph__Input_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inputValue = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_outputWeightList = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyArrayElementNameKey + namespace MoodAnimationLayer_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveListening = 0x8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveTalking = 0x9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_layerAnimations = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIntensity = 0x28; // CRangeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDurationScale = 0x30; // CRangeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScaleWithInts = 0x38; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextStart = 0x3C; // CRangeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartOffset = 0x44; // CRangeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndOffset = 0x4C; // CRangeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeIn = 0x54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOut = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSpeedScaleUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramIndex = 0x68; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmGraphDefinition__ChildGraphSlot_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNodeIdx = 0x0; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dataSlotIdx = 0x2; // int16 + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement_SetBodygroupOnAttachedModels { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GroupName = 0x48; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChoice = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CCurrentVelocityMetricEvaluator { + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CNmBoolValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimReplayFrame { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inputDataBlocks = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_instanceData = 0x28; // CUtlBinaryBlock + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startingLocalToWorldTransform = 0x40; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localToWorldTransform = 0x60; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timeStamp = 0x80; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmTransitionEvent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rule = 0x10; // NmTransitionRule_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ID = 0x18; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockToPath = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace AimCameraOpFixedSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChainIndex = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCameraJointIndex = 0x4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPelvisJointIndex = 0x8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nClavicleLeftJointIndex = 0xC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nClavicleRightJointIndex = 0x10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDepenetrationJointIndex = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_propJoints = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SkeletonAnimCapture_t__Camera_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tmCamera = 0x0; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTime = 0x20; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFollowAttachmentUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opFixedData = 0x70; // FollowAttachmentSettings_t + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMovementComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_motors = 0x30; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_facingDamping = 0x48; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDefaultMotorIndex = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultRunSpeed = 0x64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMoveVarsDisabled = 0x68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkPath = 0x69; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkFacing = 0x6A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramHandles = 0x6B; // CAnimParamHandle[30] + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement_SetMaterialGroup { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaterialGroupName = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFutureFacingMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistance = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTime = 0x54; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace NmCompressionSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_translationRangeX = 0x0; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_translationRangeY = 0x8; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_translationRangeZ = 0x10; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scaleRange = 0x18; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_constantRotation = 0x20; // Quaternion + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsRotationStatic = 0x30; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsTranslationStatic = 0x31; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsScaleStatic = 0x32; // bool + } + // Parent: CBinaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAddUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footMotionTiming = 0x8C; // BinaryNodeChildOption + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyToFootMotion = 0x90; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyChannelsSeparately = 0x91; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseModelSpace = 0x92; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyScale = 0x93; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + namespace CAnimEnum { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_value = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDemoSettingsComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_settings = 0x30; // CAnimDemoCaptureSettings + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimDecoder { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szName = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVersion = 0x10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x14; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootStride { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_definition = 0x0; // CFootCycleDefinition + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_trajectories = 0x40; // CFootTrajectories + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmLegacyEvent { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStateNodeStateData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pChild = 0x0; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExclusiveRootMotion = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExclusiveRootMotionFirstFrame = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CFootstepLandedAnimTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FootstepType = 0x58; // FootstepLandedFootSoundType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OverrideSoundName = 0x60; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DebugAnimSourceString = 0x68; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BoneName = 0x70; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CEnumAnimParameter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_defaultValue = 0x88; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enumOptions = 0x90; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecEnumReferenced = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CHandshakeAnimTagBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsDisableTag = 0x50; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + namespace AnimTagID { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimFrameSegment { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUniqueFrameIndex = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalElementMasks = 0x4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalChannel = 0x8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_container = 0x10; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSlopeComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceDistance = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSlopeAngle = 0x38; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSlopeAngleFront = 0x3A; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSlopeAngleSide = 0x3C; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSlopeHeading = 0x3E; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSlopeNormal = 0x40; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSlopeNormal_WorldSpace = 0x42; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CAnimInputDamping { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_speedFunction = 0x8; // DampingSpeedFunction + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeedScale = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CHitBoxSet { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitBoxes = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SourceFilename = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ChainToSolveData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChainIndex = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SolverSettings = 0x4; // IKSolverSettings_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetSettings = 0x10; // IKTargetSettings_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DebugSetting = 0x38; // SolveIKChainAnimNodeDebugSetting + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDebugNormalizedValue = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDebugOffset = 0x40; // VectorAligned + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CConstraintSlave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qBaseOrientation = 0x0; // Quaternion + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBasePosition = 0x10; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneHash = 0x1C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWeight = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootCycleDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vStancePositionMS = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMidpointPositionMS = 0xC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStanceDirectionMS = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vToStrideStartPos = 0x1C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stanceCycle = 0x28; // CAnimCycle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footLiftCycle = 0x2C; // CFootCycle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footOffCycle = 0x30; // CFootCycle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footStrikeCycle = 0x34; // CFootCycle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footLandCycle = 0x38; // CFootCycle + } + // Parent: CAnimParameterBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CVirtualAnimParameter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_expressionString = 0x70; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eParamType = 0x78; // AnimParamType_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_means = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_standardDeviations = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWeight = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDimensionStartIndex = 0x4C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFutureVelocityMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistance = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStoppingDistance = 0x54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTargetSpeed = 0x58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eMode = 0x5C; // VelocityMetricMode + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimUpdateNodeBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nodePath = 0x18; // CAnimNodePath + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_networkMode = 0x48; // AnimNodeNetworkMode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x50; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSetParameterActionUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParam = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_value = 0x1A; // CAnimVariant + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmGraphVariation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_graphDefinition = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dataSet = 0x8; // CNmGraphDataSet + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SkeletonAnimCapture_t__FrameStamp_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTime = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEntitySimTime = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTeleportTick = 0x8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPredicted = 0x9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurTime = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRealTime = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFrameCount = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTickCount = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBonePositionMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneIndex = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CRenderBufferBinding { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBuffer = 0x0; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBindOffsetBytes = 0x10; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmExternalGraphNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMeshletDescriptor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PackedAABB = 0x0; // PackedAABB_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CullingData = 0x8; // CDrawCullingData + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMorphSetData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWidth = 0x10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHeight = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bundleTypes = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_morphDatas = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureAtlas = 0x48; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FlexDesc = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FlexControllers = 0x68; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FlexRules = 0x80; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMorphConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sTargetMorph = 0x70; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSlaveChannel = 0x78; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMin = 0x7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMax = 0x80; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CClothSettingsAnimTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStiffness = 0x58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEaseIn = 0x5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEaseOut = 0x60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVertexSet = 0x68; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimDesc_Flag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLooping = 0x0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllZeros = 0x1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHidden = 0x2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDelta = 0x3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLegacyWorldspace = 0x4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bModelDoc = 0x5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bImplicitSeqIgnoreDelta = 0x6; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimGraphAdditive = 0x7; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBlendCurve { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flControlPoint1 = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flControlPoint2 = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmGraphNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNodeIdx = 0x8; // int16 + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimationGraphVisualizerSphere { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vWsPosition = 0x40; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x54; // Color + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimUserDifference { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CTransitionUpdateData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_srcStateIndex = 0x0; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_destStateIndex = 0x1; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHandshakeMaskToDisableFirst = 0x0; // bitfield:7 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: CHandshakeAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CMovementHandshakeAnimTag { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceBone__Input_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inputValue = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_outputTransformList = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqMultiFetch { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x0; // CSeqMultiFetchFlag + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localReferenceArray = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGroupSize = 0x20; // int32[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalPose = 0x28; // int32[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poseKeyArray0 = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poseKeyArray1 = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalCyclePoseParameter = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCalculatePoseParameters = 0x64; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFixedBlendWeight = 0x65; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFixedBlendWeightVals = 0x68; // float32[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPhysSurfacePropertiesSoundNames { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_impactSoft = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_impactHard = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scrapeSmooth = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scrapeRough = 0x18; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bulletImpact = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rolling = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_break = 0x30; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strain = 0x38; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_meleeImpact = 0x40; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pushOff = 0x48; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skidStop = 0x50; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CAudioAnimTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clipName = 0x58; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachmentName = 0x60; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVolume = 0x68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStopWhenTagEnds = 0x6C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStopWhenGraphEnds = 0x6D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayOnServer = 0x6E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayOnClient = 0x6F; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CTurnHelperUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_facingTarget = 0x6C; // AnimValueSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_turnStartTimeOffset = 0x70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_turnDuration = 0x74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchChildDuration = 0x78; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_manualTurnOffset = 0x7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseManualTurnOffset = 0x80; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimationGroup { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x10; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x18; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localHAnimArray_Handle = 0x60; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_includedGroupArray_Handle = 0x78; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_directHSeqGroup_Handle = 0x90; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_decodeKey = 0x98; // CAnimKeyData + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szScripts = 0x110; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace NmSyncTrackTime_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEventIdx = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_percentageThrough = 0x4; // NmPercent_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmClip { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skeleton = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumFrames = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_compressedPoseData = 0x10; // CUtlBinaryBlock + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_trackCompressionSettings = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_compressedPoseOffsets = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_syncTrack = 0xA0; // CNmSyncTrack + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rootMotion = 0x150; // CNmRootMotionData + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsAdditive = 0x1A0; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CToggleComponentActionUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_componentID = 0x18; // AnimComponentID + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetEnabled = 0x1C; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmGraphNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CNmValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Type = 0x8; // CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwningAnimNodePaths = 0xC; // AnimNodeID[11] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOwningAnimNodePathCount = 0x38; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBindPoseUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace NmSyncTrackTimeRange_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startTime = 0x0; // NmSyncTrackTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_endTime = 0x8; // NmSyncTrackTime_t + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimationGraphVisualizerText { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vWsPosition = 0x40; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x50; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Text = 0x58; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootTrajectory { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOffset = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotationOffset = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flProgression = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionMatchingUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dataSet = 0x58; // CMotionDataSet + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_metrics = 0x78; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weights = 0x90; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSearchEveryTick = 0xE0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSearchInterval = 0xE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSearchWhenClipEnds = 0xE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSearchWhenGoalChanges = 0xE9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendCurve = 0xEC; // CBlendCurve + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSampleRate = 0xF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendTime = 0xF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockClipWhenWaning = 0xFC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSelectionThreshold = 0x100; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReselectionTimeWindow = 0x104; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableRotationCorrection = 0x108; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGoalAssist = 0x109; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGoalAssistDistance = 0x10C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGoalAssistTolerance = 0x110; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_distanceScale_Damping = 0x118; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceScale_OuterRadius = 0x128; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceScale_InnerRadius = 0x12C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceScale_MaxScale = 0x130; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceScale_MinScale = 0x134; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableDistanceScaling = 0x138; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqS1SeqDesc { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x10; // CSeqSeqDescFlag + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fetch = 0x20; // CSeqMultiFetch + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalWeightlist = 0x90; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_autoLayerArray = 0x98; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_IKLockArray = 0xB0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transition = 0xC8; // CSeqTransition + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SequenceKeys = 0xD0; // KeyValues3 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LegacyKeyValueText = 0xE0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_activityArray = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footMotion = 0x108; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFlexController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szType = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t min = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t max = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SkeletonDemoDb_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AnimCaptures = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CameraTrack = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecordingTime = 0x30; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionNode + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionNodeSequence { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tags = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x40; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlaybackSpeed = 0x44; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFlexDesc { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szFacs = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CRenderMesh { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sceneObjects = 0x10; // CUtlVectorFixedGrowable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_constraints = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skeleton = 0xB8; // CRenderSkeleton + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_meshDeformParams = 0x1E0; // DynamicMeshDeformParams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pGroomData = 0x1F0; // CRenderGroom* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimSkeleton { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localSpaceTransforms = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelSpaceTransforms = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneNames = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_children = 0x58; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parents = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_feet = 0x88; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_morphNames = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lodBoneCounts = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VPhysics2ShapeDef_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spheres = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_capsules = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hulls = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_meshes = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionAttributeIndices = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimationGraphVisualizerAxis { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_xWsTransform = 0x40; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAxisSize = 0x60; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CTwistConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInverse = 0x70; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qParentBindRotation = 0x80; // Quaternion + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qChildBindRotation = 0x90; // Quaternion + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ModelBoneFlexDriverControl_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneComponent = 0x0; // ModelBoneFlexComponent_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flexController = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flexControllerToken = 0x10; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMin = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMax = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqCmdLayer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_cmd = 0x0; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalReference = 0x2; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalBonemask = 0x4; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDstResult = 0x6; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSrcResult = 0x8; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpline = 0xA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVar1 = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVar2 = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLineNumber = 0x14; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FootPinningPoseOpFixedData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footInfo = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendTime = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLockBreakDistance = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLegTwist = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHipBoneIndex = 0x24; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyLegTwistLimits = 0x28; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyFootRotationLimits = 0x29; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RenderSkeletonBone_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parentName = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_invBindPose = 0x10; // matrix3x4_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bbox = 0x40; // SkeletonBoneBounds_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSphereRadius = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDistanceRemainingMetricEvaluator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDistance = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinDistance = 0x54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartGoalFilterDistance = 0x58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxGoalOvershootScale = 0x5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFilterFixedMinDistance = 0x60; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFilterGoalDistance = 0x61; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFilterGoalOvershoot = 0x62; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDirectPlaybackUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFinishEarly = 0x6C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetOnFinish = 0x6D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_allTags = 0x70; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmIDEvent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ID = 0x10; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFlexRule { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlex = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FlexOps = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ScriptInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_code = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramsModified = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_proxyReadParams = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_proxyWriteParams = 0x38; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eScriptType = 0x50; // AnimScriptType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CRenderGroom { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hairs = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSimParamsMat = 0x20; // CStrongHandleCopyable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSegmentsPerHairStrand = 0x28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGuideHairCount = 0x2C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHairCount = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGroomGroupID = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachBoneIdx = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachMeshIdx = 0x3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachMeshDrawCallIdx = 0x40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSumOfAllHairLengths = 0x44; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableSimulation = 0x48; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CTiltTwistConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTargetAxis = 0x70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSlaveAxis = 0x74; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CVPhysXSurfacePropertiesList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_surfacePropertiesList = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RenderHairStrandInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGuideHairIndices_nSurfaceTriIndex = 0x0; // uint32[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vGuideBary_vBaseBary = 0x8; // uint16[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRootOffset_flLengthScale = 0x10; // uint16[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPackedBaseUv = 0x18; // uint16[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPackedSurfaceNormalOs = 0x1C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPackedSurfaceTangentOs = 0x20; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CCycleControlClipUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tags = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x7C; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_duration = 0x80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_valueSource = 0x84; // AnimValueSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramIndex = 0x88; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CNmFloatValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStaticPoseCache { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poses = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneCount = 0x28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMorphCount = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace LookAtOpFixedSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachment = 0x0; // CAnimAttachment + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damping = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bones = 0x90; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flYawLimit = 0xA8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPitchLimit = 0xAC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHysteresisInnerAngle = 0xB0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHysteresisOuterAngle = 0xB4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRotateYawForward = 0xB8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMaintainUpDirection = 0xB9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTargetIsPosition = 0xBA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseHysteresis = 0xBB; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimGraphSettingsManager { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_settingsGroups = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimGraphModelBinding { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelName = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pSharedData = 0x10; // CSmartPtr + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceBone { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inputList = 0x70; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MotionBlendItem { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pChild = 0x0; // CSmartPtr + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flKeyValue = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBoneConstraintBase + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceMorph { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sBoneName = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sAttachmentName = 0x30; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_outputMorph = 0x38; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inputList = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClamp = 0x68; // bool + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CFloatAnimParameter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fDefaultValue = 0x80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMinValue = 0x84; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMaxValue = 0x88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInterpolate = 0x8C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStateActionUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pAction = 0x0; // CSmartPtr + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eBehavior = 0x8; // StateActionBehavior + } + // Parent: CAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPlayerInputAnimMotorUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sampleTimes = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpringConstant = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnticipationDistance = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAnticipationPosParam = 0x44; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAnticipationHeadingParam = 0x46; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAcceleration = 0x48; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CRenderSkeleton { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bones = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneParents = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneWeightCount = 0x48; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqIKLock { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPosWeight = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngleWeight = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalBone = 0x8; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBonesOrientedAlongPositiveX = 0xA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimParamHandleMap { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_list = 0x0; // CUtlHashtable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimDesc { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x10; // CAnimDesc_Flag + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t fps = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Data = 0x20; // CAnimEncodedFrames + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_movementArray = 0xF8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eventArray = 0x110; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_activityArray = 0x128; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hierarchyArray = 0x140; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t framestalltime = 0x158; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRootMin = 0x15C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRootMax = 0x168; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecBoneWorldMin = 0x178; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecBoneWorldMax = 0x190; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sequenceParams = 0x1A8; // CAnimSequenceParams + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPhysSurfacePropertiesPhysics { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_friction = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_elasticity = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_density = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_thickness = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_softContactFrequency = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_softContactDampingRatio = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wheelDrag = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimationGraphVisualizerPie { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vWsCenter = 0x40; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vWsStart = 0x50; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vWsEnd = 0x60; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x70; // Color + } + // Parent: CBoneConstraintBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBoneConstraintDotToMorph { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sBoneName = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sTargetBoneName = 0x30; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sMorphChannelName = 0x38; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRemap = 0x40; // float32[4] + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPointConstraint { + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CCurrentRotationVelocityMetricEvaluator { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace TraceSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceHeight = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceRadius = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ParamSpanSample_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_value = 0x0; // CAnimVariant + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCycle = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 46 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VPhysXConstraintParams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x0; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTranslateMotion = 0x1; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRotateMotion = 0x2; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x3; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_anchor = 0x4; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_axes = 0x1C; // QuaternionStorage[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_maxForce = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_maxTorque = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_linearLimitValue = 0x44; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_linearLimitRestitution = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_linearLimitSpring = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_linearLimitDamping = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_twistLowLimitValue = 0x54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_twistLowLimitRestitution = 0x58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_twistLowLimitSpring = 0x5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_twistLowLimitDamping = 0x60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_twistHighLimitValue = 0x64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_twistHighLimitRestitution = 0x68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_twistHighLimitSpring = 0x6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_twistHighLimitDamping = 0x70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_swing1LimitValue = 0x74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_swing1LimitRestitution = 0x78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_swing1LimitSpring = 0x7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_swing1LimitDamping = 0x80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_swing2LimitValue = 0x84; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_swing2LimitRestitution = 0x88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_swing2LimitSpring = 0x8C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_swing2LimitDamping = 0x90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_goalPosition = 0x94; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_goalOrientation = 0xA0; // QuaternionStorage + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_goalAngularVelocity = 0xB0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveSpringX = 0xBC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveSpringY = 0xC0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveSpringZ = 0xC4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveDampingX = 0xC8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveDampingY = 0xCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveDampingZ = 0xD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveSpringTwist = 0xD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveSpringSwing = 0xD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveSpringSlerp = 0xDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveDampingTwist = 0xE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveDampingSwing = 0xE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_driveDampingSlerp = 0xE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_solverIterationCount = 0xEC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_projectionLinearTolerance = 0xF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_projectionAngularTolerance = 0xF4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CStateUpdateData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hScript = 0x8; // AnimScriptHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transitionIndices = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_actions = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stateID = 0x40; // AnimStateID + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsStartState = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsEndState = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPassthrough = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CNmTargetValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace COrientConstraint { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMoverUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damping = 0x70; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_facingTarget = 0x80; // AnimValueSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMoveVecParam = 0x84; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMoveHeadingParam = 0x86; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTurnToFaceParam = 0x88; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTurnToFaceOffset = 0x8C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTurnToFaceLimit = 0x90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAdditive = 0x94; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyMovement = 0x95; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOrientMovement = 0x96; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyRotation = 0x97; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLimitOnly = 0x98; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmLayerBlendNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBaseNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlySampleBaseRootMotion = 0x12; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_layerDefinition = 0x18; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimMotorUpdaterBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDefault = 0x18; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace JiggleBoneSettingsList_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneSettings = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBinaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSubtractUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footMotionTiming = 0x8C; // BinaryNodeChildOption + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyToFootMotion = 0x90; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyChannelsSeparately = 0x91; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseModelSpace = 0x92; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPoseHandle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndex = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eType = 0x2; // PoseType_t + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSolveIKChainUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetHandles = 0x68; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opFixedData = 0x80; // SolveIKChainPoseOpFixedSettings_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqCmdSeqDesc { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x10; // CSeqSeqDescFlag + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transition = 0x1C; // CSeqTransition + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFrameRangeSequence = 0x24; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFrameCount = 0x26; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFPS = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSubCycles = 0x2C; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numLocalResults = 0x2E; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_cmdLayerArray = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eventArray = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_activityArray = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poseSettingArray = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBinaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBoneMaskUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeightListIndex = 0x8C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRootMotionBlend = 0x90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendSpace = 0x94; // BoneMaskBlendSpace + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_footMotionTiming = 0x98; // BinaryNodeChildOption + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBlendScale = 0x9C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendValueSource = 0xA0; // AnimValueSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBlendParameter = 0xA4; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CLeafUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SolveIKChainPoseOpFixedSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ChainsToSolveData = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchTargetOrientation = 0x18; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace TwoBoneIKSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_endEffectorType = 0x0; // IkEndEffectorType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_endEffectorAttachment = 0x10; // CAnimAttachment + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetType = 0x90; // IkTargetType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetAttachment = 0xA0; // CAnimAttachment + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetBoneIndex = 0x120; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPositionParam = 0x124; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hRotationParam = 0x126; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAlwaysUseFallbackHinge = 0x128; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLsFallbackHingeAxis = 0x130; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFixedBoneIndex = 0x140; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMiddleBoneIndex = 0x144; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndBoneIndex = 0x148; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchTargetOrientation = 0x14C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bConstrainTwist = 0x14D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTwist = 0x150; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimUpdateSharedData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nodes = 0x10; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nodeIndexMap = 0x28; // CUtlHashtable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_components = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pParamListUpdater = 0x60; // CSmartPtr + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTagManagerUpdater = 0x68; // CSmartPtr + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scriptManager = 0x70; // CSmartPtr + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_settings = 0x78; // CAnimGraphSettingsManager + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pStaticPoseCache = 0xA8; // CSmartPtr + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pSkeleton = 0xB0; // CSmartPtr + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rootNodePath = 0xB8; // CAnimNodePath + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimAttachment { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_influenceRotations = 0x0; // Quaternion[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_influenceOffsets = 0x30; // VectorAligned[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_influenceIndices = 0x60; // int32[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_influenceWeights = 0x6C; // float32[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numInfluences = 0x78; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootTrajectories { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_trajectories = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CMotionGraph + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CEditableMotionGraph { + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CStringAnimTag { + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CBoolAnimParameter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDefaultValue = 0x80; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CRagdollAnimTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPoseControl = 0x58; // AnimPoseControl + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrequency = 0x5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDampingRatio = 0x60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecayDuration = 0x64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecayBias = 0x68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDestroy = 0x6C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x18; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x20; // AnimNodeID + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmStateMachineNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stateDefinition = 0x10; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDefaultStateIndex = 0x130; // int16 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CBodyGroupAnimTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPriority = 0x58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bodyGroupSettings = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + namespace AnimParamID { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmChildGraphNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGraphIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace AnimationDecodeDebugDump_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_processingType = 0x0; // AnimationProcessingType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_elems = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmIDValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmVirtualParameterIDNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqScaleSet { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sName = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRootOffset = 0x10; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRootOffset = 0x14; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalBoneArray = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBoneScaleArray = 0x38; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDirectionalBlendUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequences = 0x5C; // HSequence[8] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damping = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendValueSource = 0x90; // AnimValueSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paramIndex = 0x94; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_playbackSpeed = 0x98; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_duration = 0x9C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0xA0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockBlendOnReset = 0xA1; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ParamSpan_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_samples = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParam = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eParamType = 0x1A; // AnimParamType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartCycle = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndCycle = 0x20; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFootStepTriggerUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_triggers = 0x68; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTolerance = 0x84; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + namespace IKTargetSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetSource = 0x0; // IKTargetSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Bone = 0x8; // IKBoneNameAndIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AnimgraphParameterNamePosition = 0x18; // AnimParamID + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AnimgraphParameterNameOrientation = 0x1C; // AnimParamID + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetCoordSystem = 0x20; // IKTargetCoordinateSystem + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement_SetRenderColor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x48; // Color + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionSearchDB { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rootNode = 0x0; // CMotionSearchNode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_residualQuantizer = 0x80; // CProductQuantizer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_codeIndices = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CMotionNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionNodeBlend1D { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendItems = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParamIndex = 0x40; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmTargetValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmControlParameterTargetNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SkeletonBoneBounds_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCenter = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSize = 0xC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CTwoBoneIKUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opFixedData = 0x70; // TwoBoneIKSettings_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VPhysXBodyPart_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMass = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rnShape = 0x8; // VPhysics2ShapeDef_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionAttributeIndex = 0x80; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nReserved = 0x82; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInertiaScale = 0x84; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearDamping = 0x88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularDamping = 0x8C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideMassCenter = 0x90; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMassCenterOverride = 0x94; // Vector + } + // Parent: CHandshakeAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CTaskHandshakeAnimTag { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFollowPathUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendOutTime = 0x6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBlockNonPathMovement = 0x70; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStopFeetAtGoal = 0x71; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScaleSpeed = 0x72; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinAngle = 0x78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxAngle = 0x7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpeedScaleBlending = 0x80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_turnDamping = 0x88; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_facingTarget = 0x98; // AnimValueSource + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParam = 0x9C; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTurnToFaceOffset = 0xA0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTurnToFace = 0xA4; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachment = 0x0; // CAnimAttachment + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damping = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poseCacheHandles = 0x90; // CPoseHandle[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eBlendMode = 0xB8; // AimMatrixBlendMode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxYawAngle = 0xBC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxPitchAngle = 0xC0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSequenceMaxFrame = 0xC4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoneMaskIndex = 0xC8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTargetIsPosition = 0xCC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBiasAndClamp = 0xCD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBiasAndClampYawOffset = 0xD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBiasAndClampPitchOffset = 0xD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_biasAndClampBlendCurve = 0xD8; // CBlendCurve + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimScriptComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hScript = 0x30; // AnimScriptHandle + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CRagdollUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeightListIndex = 0x68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poseControlMethod = 0x6C; // RagdollPoseControl + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBoneConstraintBase { + } + // Parent: CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPathAnimMotorUpdater { + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CMaterialAttributeAnimTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttributeName = 0x58; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttributeType = 0x60; // MatterialAttributeTagType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValue = 0x64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x68; // Color + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmFootEvent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_phase = 0x10; // NmFootPhase_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPhysSurfacePropertiesAudio { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_reflectivity = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hardnessFactor = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_roughnessFactor = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_roughThreshold = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hardThreshold = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hardVelocityThreshold = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStaticImpactVolume = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOcclusionFactor = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSeqAutoLayer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalReference = 0x0; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalPose = 0x2; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x4; // CSeqAutoLayerFlag + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_start = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_peak = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tail = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_end = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PhysSoftbodyDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ParticleBoneHash = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Particles = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Springs = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Capsules = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InitPose = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ParticleBoneName = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimSequenceParams { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInTime = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutTime = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmBoolValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmVirtualParameterBoolNode__CDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildNodeIdx = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFollowTargetUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opFixedData = 0x68; // FollowTargetOpFixedSettings_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameterPosition = 0x80; // CAnimParamHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParameterOrientation = 0x82; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CCPPScriptComponentUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scriptsToRun = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x10; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animArray = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_decoderArray = 0x38; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxUniqueFrameIndex = 0x50; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_segmentArray = 0x58; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace IKSolverSettings_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SolverType = 0x0; // IKSolverType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumIterations = 0x4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBinaryUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pChild1 = 0x58; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pChild2 = 0x68; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timingBehavior = 0x78; // BinaryNodeTiming + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimingBlend = 0x7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetChild1 = 0x80; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetChild2 = 0x81; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimKeyData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneArray = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_userArray = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_morphArray = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChannelElements = 0x58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dataChannelArray = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace AttachmentHandle_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimMorphDifference { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CBufferString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FootFixedData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vToeOffset = 0x0; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vHeelOffset = 0x10; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTargetBoneIndex = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAnkleBoneIndex = 0x24; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIKAnchorBoneIndex = 0x28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ikChainIndex = 0x2C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxIKLength = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFootIndex = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTagIndex = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxRotationLeft = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxRotationRight = 0x40; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CMotionGraphGroup { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_searchDB = 0x0; // CMotionSearchDB + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_motionGraphs = 0xB8; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_motionGraphConfigs = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sampleToConfig = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hIsActiveScript = 0x100; // AnimScriptHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmSyncTrack__Event_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startTime = 0x8; // NmPercent_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_duration = 0xC; // NmPercent_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmTarget { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transform = 0x0; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneID = 0x20; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsBoneTarget = 0x28; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsUsingBoneSpaceOffsets = 0x29; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasOffsets = 0x2A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsSet = 0x2B; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmIDValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CNmControlParameterIDNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CWayPointHelperUpdateNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartCycle = 0x6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndCycle = 0x70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyGoals = 0x74; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreventOvershoot = 0x75; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreventUndershoot = 0x76; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataOverlayType + namespace CMoodVData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sModelName = 0x0; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMoodType = 0xE0; // MoodType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animationLayers = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CModelConfigElement_AttachedModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InstanceName = 0x48; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EntityClass = 0x50; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hModel = 0x58; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOffset = 0x60; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aAngOffset = 0x6C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttachmentName = 0x78; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LocalAttachmentOffsetName = 0x80; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttachmentType = 0x88; // ModelConfigAttachmentType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBoneMergeFlex = 0x8C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUserSpecifiedColor = 0x8D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUserSpecifiedMaterialGroup = 0x8E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAcceptParentMaterialDrivenDecals = 0x8F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BodygroupOnOtherModels = 0x90; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaterialGroupOnOtherModels = 0x98; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAnimTagManagerUpdater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tags = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/animationsystem.dll.json b/output/animationsystem.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad5569c --- /dev/null +++ b/output/animationsystem.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,7064 @@ +{ + "animationsystem.dll": { + "classes": { + "AimCameraOpFixedSettings_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nCameraJointIndex": 4, + "m_nChainIndex": 0, + "m_nClavicleLeftJointIndex": 12, + "m_nClavicleRightJointIndex": 16, + "m_nDepenetrationJointIndex": 20, + "m_nPelvisJointIndex": 8, + "m_propJoints": 24 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t": { + "fields": { + "m_attachment": 0, + "m_bTargetIsPosition": 204, + "m_bUseBiasAndClamp": 205, + "m_biasAndClampBlendCurve": 216, + "m_damping": 128, + "m_eBlendMode": 184, + "m_flBiasAndClampPitchOffset": 212, + "m_flBiasAndClampYawOffset": 208, + "m_flMaxPitchAngle": 192, + "m_flMaxYawAngle": 188, + "m_nBoneMaskIndex": 200, + "m_nSequenceMaxFrame": 196, + "m_poseCacheHandles": 144 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AnimComponentID": { + "fields": { + "m_id": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyEditClassAsString", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AnimNodeID": { + "fields": { + "m_id": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyEditClassAsString", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AnimNodeOutputID": { + "fields": { + "m_id": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyEditClassAsString", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AnimParamID": { + "fields": { + "m_id": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyEditClassAsString", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AnimScriptHandle": { + "fields": { + "m_id": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyEditClassAsString", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AnimStateID": { + "fields": { + "m_id": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyEditClassAsString", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AnimTagID": { + "fields": { + "m_id": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyEditClassAsString", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t": { + "fields": { + "m_decodeOps": 40, + "m_decodedAnims": 88, + "m_internalOps": 64, + "m_modelName": 8, + "m_nEntityIndex": 0, + "m_poseParams": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AnimationDecodeDebugDump_t": { + "fields": { + "m_elems": 8, + "m_processingType": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AnimationSnapshotBase_t": { + "fields": { + "m_DecodeDump": 152, + "m_SnapshotType": 144, + "m_bBonesInWorldSpace": 64, + "m_bHasDecodeDump": 148, + "m_boneSetupMask": 72, + "m_boneTransforms": 96, + "m_flRealTime": 0, + "m_flexControllers": 120, + "m_rootToWorld": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + 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null + }, + "CActionComponentUpdater": { + "fields": { + "m_actions": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CAnimComponentUpdater" + }, + "CAddUpdateNode": { + "fields": { + "m_bApplyChannelsSeparately": 145, + "m_bApplyScale": 147, + "m_bApplyToFootMotion": 144, + "m_bUseModelSpace": 146, + "m_footMotionTiming": 140 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CBinaryUpdateNode" + }, + "CAimCameraUpdateNode": { + "fields": { + "m_hParameterCameraClearanceDistance": 116, + "m_hParameterOrientation": 106, + "m_hParameterPelvisOffset": 110, + "m_hParameterPosition": 104, + "m_hParameterSpineRotationWeight": 108, + "m_hParameterUseIK": 112, + "m_hParameterWeaponDepenetrationDistance": 114, + "m_opFixedSettings": 120 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CUnaryUpdateNode" + }, + "CAimConstraint": { + 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"Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAnimDesc_Flag": { + "fields": { + "m_bAllZeros": 1, + "m_bAnimGraphAdditive": 7, + "m_bDelta": 3, + "m_bHidden": 2, + "m_bImplicitSeqIgnoreDelta": 6, + "m_bLegacyWorldspace": 4, + "m_bLooping": 0, + "m_bModelDoc": 5 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAnimEncodeDifference": { + "fields": { + "m_bHasMorphBitArray": 120, + "m_bHasMovementBitArray": 96, + "m_bHasRotationBitArray": 72, + "m_bHasUserBitArray": 144, + "m_boneArray": 0, + "m_morphArray": 24, + "m_userArray": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAnimEncodedFrames": { + "fields": { + "m_fileName": 0, + "m_frameblockArray": 24, + "m_nFrames": 16, + "m_nFramesPerBlock": 20, + "m_usageDifferences": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAnimEnum": { + 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"Absolute": 0, + "Relative": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "ResetCycleOption": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "Beginning": 0, + "FixedValue": 3, + "InverseSourceCycle": 2, + "SameCycleAsSource": 1, + "SameTimeAsSource": 4 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "SelectorTagBehavior_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "SelectorTagBehavior_OffBeforeFinished": 2, + "SelectorTagBehavior_OffWhenFinished": 1, + "SelectorTagBehavior_OnWhileCurrent": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "SeqCmd_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "SeqCmd_Add": 4, + "SeqCmd_Blend": 8, + "SeqCmd_Copy": 7, + "SeqCmd_FetchCycle": 11, + "SeqCmd_FetchFrame": 12, + "SeqCmd_FetchFrameRange": 2, + "SeqCmd_IKLockInPlace": 13, + "SeqCmd_IKRestoreAll": 14, + "SeqCmd_LinearDelta": 1, + "SeqCmd_Nop": 0, + "SeqCmd_ReverseSequence": 15, + "SeqCmd_Scale": 6, + "SeqCmd_Sequence": 10, + "SeqCmd_Slerp": 3, + "SeqCmd_Subtract": 5, + "SeqCmd_Transform": 16, + "SeqCmd_Worldspace": 9 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + 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"STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_EXIT": 2 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "StepPhase": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "StepPhase_InAir": 1, + "StepPhase_OnGround": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "VPhysXAggregateData_t__VPhysXFlagEnum_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "FLAG_IGNORE_SCALE_OBSOLETE_DO_NOT_USE": 32, + "FLAG_IS_POLYSOUP_GEOMETRY": 1, + "FLAG_LEVEL_COLLISION": 16 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "VPhysXBodyPart_t__VPhysXFlagEnum_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "FLAG_ALWAYS_DYNAMIC_ON_CLIENT": 16, + "FLAG_JOINT": 4, + "FLAG_KINEMATIC": 2, + "FLAG_MASS": 8, + "FLAG_STATIC": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "VPhysXConstraintParams_t__EnumFlags0_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "FLAG0_SHIFT_BREAKABLE_FORCE": 2, + "FLAG0_SHIFT_BREAKABLE_TORQUE": 3, + "FLAG0_SHIFT_CONSTRAIN": 1, + "FLAG0_SHIFT_INTERPENETRATE": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "VPhysXJoint_t__Flags_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "JOINT_FLAGS_BODY1_FIXED": 1, + "JOINT_FLAGS_NONE": 0, + "JOINT_FLAGS_USE_BLOCK_SOLVER": 2 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "VelocityMetricMode": { + "alignment": 1, + "members": { + "DirectionAndMagnitude": 2, + "DirectionOnly": 0, + "MagnitudeOnly": 1 + }, + "type": "uint8" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/animationsystem.dll.rs b/output/animationsystem.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c20474e --- /dev/null +++ b/output/animationsystem.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,5358 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: animationsystem.dll + // Classes count: 401 + // Enums count: 77 + pub mod animationsystem_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 17 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SeqCmd_t { + SeqCmd_Nop = 0x0, + SeqCmd_LinearDelta = 0x1, + SeqCmd_FetchFrameRange = 0x2, + SeqCmd_Slerp = 0x3, + SeqCmd_Add = 0x4, + SeqCmd_Subtract = 0x5, + SeqCmd_Scale = 0x6, + SeqCmd_Copy = 0x7, + SeqCmd_Blend = 0x8, + SeqCmd_Worldspace = 0x9, + SeqCmd_Sequence = 0xA, + SeqCmd_FetchCycle = 0xB, + SeqCmd_FetchFrame = 0xC, + SeqCmd_IKLockInPlace = 0xD, + SeqCmd_IKRestoreAll = 0xE, + SeqCmd_ReverseSequence = 0xF, + SeqCmd_Transform = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BoneTransformSpace_t { + BoneTransformSpace_Invalid = u32::MAX, + BoneTransformSpace_Parent = 0x0, + BoneTransformSpace_Model = 0x1, + BoneTransformSpace_World = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveType { + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Text = 0x0, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Sphere = 0x1, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Line = 0x2, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Pie = 0x3, + ANIMATIONGRAPHVISUALIZERPRIMITIVETYPE_Axis = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum NmTransitionRule_t { + AllowTransition = 0x0, + ConditionallyAllowTransition = 0x1, + BlockTransition = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BinaryNodeTiming { + UseChild1 = 0x0, + UseChild2 = 0x1, + SyncChildren = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SolveIKChainAnimNodeDebugSetting { + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_None = 0x0, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_X_Axis_Circle = 0x1, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Y_Axis_Circle = 0x2, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Z_Axis_Circle = 0x3, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Forward = 0x4, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Up = 0x5, + SOLVEIKCHAINANIMNODEDEBUGSETTING_Left = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum MovementGait_t { + eInvalid = u8::MAX, + eSlow = 0x0, + eMedium = 0x1, + eFast = 0x2, + eVeryFast = 0x3, + eCount = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum IKTargetCoordinateSystem { + IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_WorldSpace = 0x0, + IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_ModelSpace = 0x1, + IKTARGETCOORDINATESYSTEM_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VPhysXAggregateData_t__VPhysXFlagEnum_t { + FLAG_IS_POLYSOUP_GEOMETRY = 0x1, + FLAG_LEVEL_COLLISION = 0x10, + FLAG_IGNORE_SCALE_OBSOLETE_DO_NOT_USE = 0x20 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 23 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum NmEasingOperation_t { + Linear = 0x0, + InQuad = 0x1, + OutQuad = 0x2, + InOutQuad = 0x3, + InCubic = 0x4, + OutCubic = 0x5, + InOutCubic = 0x6, + InQuart = 0x7, + OutQuart = 0x8, + InOutQuart = 0x9, + InQuint = 0xA, + OutQuint = 0xB, + InOutQuint = 0xC, + InSine = 0xD, + OutSine = 0xE, + InOutSine = 0xF, + InExpo = 0x10, + OutExpo = 0x11, + InOutExpo = 0x12, + InCirc = 0x13, + OutCirc = 0x14, + InOutCirc = 0x15, + None = 0x16 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum MatterialAttributeTagType_t { + MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_VALUE = 0x0, + MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_COLOR = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AnimPoseControl { + NoPoseControl = 0x0, + AbsolutePoseControl = 0x1, + RelativePoseControl = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum NmTransitionRuleCondition_t { + AnyAllowed = 0x0, + FullyAllowed = 0x1, + ConditionallyAllowed = 0x2, + Blocked = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EDemoBoneSelectionMode { + CaptureAllBones = 0x0, + CaptureSelectedBones = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum StepPhase { + StepPhase_OnGround = 0x0, + StepPhase_InAir = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 26 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum FlexOpCode_t { + FLEX_OP_CONST = 0x1, + FLEX_OP_FETCH1 = 0x2, + FLEX_OP_FETCH2 = 0x3, + FLEX_OP_ADD = 0x4, + FLEX_OP_SUB = 0x5, + FLEX_OP_MUL = 0x6, + FLEX_OP_DIV = 0x7, + FLEX_OP_NEG = 0x8, + FLEX_OP_EXP = 0x9, + FLEX_OP_OPEN = 0xA, + FLEX_OP_CLOSE = 0xB, + FLEX_OP_COMMA = 0xC, + FLEX_OP_MAX = 0xD, + FLEX_OP_MIN = 0xE, + FLEX_OP_2WAY_0 = 0xF, + FLEX_OP_2WAY_1 = 0x10, + FLEX_OP_NWAY = 0x11, + FLEX_OP_COMBO = 0x12, + FLEX_OP_DOMINATE = 0x13, + FLEX_OP_DME_LOWER_EYELID = 0x14, + FLEX_OP_DME_UPPER_EYELID = 0x15, + FLEX_OP_SQRT = 0x16, + FLEX_OP_REMAPVALCLAMPED = 0x17, + FLEX_OP_SIN = 0x18, + FLEX_OP_COS = 0x19, + FLEX_OP_ABS = 0x1A + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AnimNodeNetworkMode { + ServerAuthoritative = 0x0, + ClientSimulate = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VPhysXBodyPart_t__VPhysXFlagEnum_t { + FLAG_STATIC = 0x1, + FLAG_KINEMATIC = 0x2, + FLAG_JOINT = 0x4, + FLAG_MASS = 0x8, + FLAG_ALWAYS_DYNAMIC_ON_CLIENT = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum AnimParamType_t { + ANIMPARAM_UNKNOWN = 0x0, + ANIMPARAM_BOOL = 0x1, + ANIMPARAM_ENUM = 0x2, + ANIMPARAM_INT = 0x3, + ANIMPARAM_FLOAT = 0x4, + ANIMPARAM_VECTOR = 0x5, + ANIMPARAM_QUATERNION = 0x6, + ANIMPARAM_GLOBALSYMBOL = 0x7, + ANIMPARAM_COUNT = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum NmEasingFunction_t { + Linear = 0x0, + Quad = 0x1, + Cubic = 0x2, + Quart = 0x3, + Quint = 0x4, + Sine = 0x5, + Expo = 0x6, + Circ = 0x7, + Back = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum IKTargetSource { + IKTARGETSOURCE_Bone = 0x0, + IKTARGETSOURCE_AnimgraphParameter = 0x1, + IKTARGETSOURCE_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 15 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PermModelInfo_t__FlagEnum { + FLAG_TRANSLUCENT = 0x1, + FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_TWO_PASS = 0x2, + FLAG_MODEL_IS_RUNTIME_COMBINED = 0x4, + FLAG_SOURCE1_IMPORT = 0x8, + FLAG_MODEL_PART_CHILD = 0x10, + FLAG_NAV_GEN_NONE = 0x20, + FLAG_NAV_GEN_HULL = 0x40, + FLAG_NO_FORCED_FADE = 0x800, + FLAG_HAS_SKINNED_MESHES = 0x400, + FLAG_DO_NOT_CAST_SHADOWS = 0x20000, + FLAG_FORCE_PHONEME_CROSSFADE = 0x1000, + FLAG_NO_ANIM_EVENTS = 0x100000, + FLAG_ANIMATION_DRIVEN_FLEXES = 0x200000, + FLAG_IMPLICIT_BIND_POSE_SEQUENCE = 0x400000, + FLAG_MODEL_DOC = 0x800000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AnimParamNetworkSetting { + Auto = 0x0, + AlwaysNetwork = 0x1, + NeverNetwork = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum MorphFlexControllerRemapType_t { + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_PASSTHRU = 0x0, + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_2WAY = 0x1, + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_NWAY = 0x2, + MORPH_FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_EYELID = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum MeshDrawPrimitiveFlags_t { + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_SHADOW_FAST_PATH = 0x1, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_COMPRESSED_NORMAL_TANGENT = 0x2, + MESH_DRAW_INPUT_LAYOUT_IS_NOT_MATCHED_TO_MATERIAL = 0x8, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_COMPRESSED_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING = 0x10, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_USE_UNCOMPRESSED_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING = 0x20, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_CAN_BATCH_WITH_DYNAMIC_SHADER_CONSTANTS = 0x40, + MESH_DRAW_FLAGS_DRAW_LAST = 0x80 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ModelBoneFlexComponent_t { + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_INVALID = u32::MAX, + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TX = 0x0, + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TY = 0x1, + MODEL_BONE_FLEX_TZ = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum PoseType_t { + POSETYPE_STATIC = 0x0, + POSETYPE_DYNAMIC = 0x1, + POSETYPE_INVALID = 0xFF + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 36 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AnimValueSource { + MoveHeading = 0x0, + MoveSpeed = 0x1, + ForwardSpeed = 0x2, + StrafeSpeed = 0x3, + FacingHeading = 0x4, + LookHeading = 0x5, + LookPitch = 0x6, + LookDistance = 0x7, + Parameter = 0x8, + WayPointHeading = 0x9, + WayPointDistance = 0xA, + BoundaryRadius = 0xB, + TargetMoveHeading = 0xC, + TargetMoveSpeed = 0xD, + AccelerationHeading = 0xE, + AccelerationSpeed = 0xF, + SlopeHeading = 0x10, + SlopeAngle = 0x11, + SlopePitch = 0x12, + SlopeYaw = 0x13, + GoalDistance = 0x14, + AccelerationLeftRight = 0x15, + AccelerationFrontBack = 0x16, + RootMotionSpeed = 0x17, + RootMotionTurnSpeed = 0x18, + MoveHeadingRelativeToLookHeading = 0x19, + MaxMoveSpeed = 0x1A, + FingerCurl_Thumb = 0x1B, + FingerCurl_Index = 0x1C, + FingerCurl_Middle = 0x1D, + FingerCurl_Ring = 0x1E, + FingerCurl_Pinky = 0x1F, + FingerSplay_Thumb_Index = 0x20, + FingerSplay_Index_Middle = 0x21, + FingerSplay_Middle_Ring = 0x22, + FingerSplay_Ring_Pinky = 0x23 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum RagdollPoseControl { + Absolute = 0x0, + Relative = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum IKSolverType { + IKSOLVER_Perlin = 0x0, + IKSOLVER_TwoBone = 0x1, + IKSOLVER_Fabrik = 0x2, + IKSOLVER_DogLeg3Bone = 0x3, + IKSOLVER_CCD = 0x4, + IKSOLVER_COUNT = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum Blend2DMode { + Blend2DMode_General = 0x0, + Blend2DMode_Directional = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ChoiceChangeMethod { + OnReset = 0x0, + OnCycleEnd = 0x1, + OnResetOrCycleEnd = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ChoiceBlendMethod { + SingleBlendTime = 0x0, + PerChoiceBlendTimes = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VPhysXConstraintParams_t__EnumFlags0_t { + FLAG0_SHIFT_INTERPENETRATE = 0x0, + FLAG0_SHIFT_CONSTRAIN = 0x1, + FLAG0_SHIFT_BREAKABLE_FORCE = 0x2, + FLAG0_SHIFT_BREAKABLE_TORQUE = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BlendKeyType { + BlendKey_UserValue = 0x0, + BlendKey_Velocity = 0x1, + BlendKey_Distance = 0x2, + BlendKey_RemainingDistance = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum StateActionBehavior { + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_ACTIVE_WHILE_CURRENT = 0x0, + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_ENTER = 0x1, + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_EXIT = 0x2, + STATETAGBEHAVIOR_FIRE_ON_ENTER_AND_EXIT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum NmRootMotionBlendMode_t { + Blend = 0x0, + Additive = 0x1, + IgnoreSource = 0x2, + IgnoreTarget = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum NmFootPhaseCondition_t { + LeftFootDown = 0x0, + LeftFootPassing = 0x1, + LeftPhase = 0x4, + RightFootDown = 0x2, + RightFootPassing = 0x3, + RightPhase = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 22 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ModelSkeletonData_t__BoneFlags_t { + FLAG_NO_BONE_FLAGS = 0x0, + FLAG_BONEFLEXDRIVER = 0x4, + FLAG_CLOTH = 0x8, + FLAG_PHYSICS = 0x10, + FLAG_ATTACHMENT = 0x20, + FLAG_ANIMATION = 0x40, + FLAG_MESH = 0x80, + FLAG_HITBOX = 0x100, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD0 = 0x400, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD1 = 0x800, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD2 = 0x1000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD3 = 0x2000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD4 = 0x4000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD5 = 0x8000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD6 = 0x10000, + FLAG_BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_LOD7 = 0x20000, + FLAG_BONE_MERGE_READ = 0x40000, + FLAG_BONE_MERGE_WRITE = 0x80000, + FLAG_ALL_BONE_FLAGS = 0xFFFFF, + BLEND_PREALIGNED = 0x100000, + FLAG_RIGIDLENGTH = 0x200000, + FLAG_PROCEDURAL = 0x400000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum MorphBundleType_t { + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_POSITION_SPEED = 0x1, + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_NORMAL_WRINKLE = 0x2, + MORPH_BUNDLE_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum NmPoseBlendMode_t { + Overlay = 0x0, + Additive = 0x1, + GlobalSpace = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ResetCycleOption { + Beginning = 0x0, + SameCycleAsSource = 0x1, + InverseSourceCycle = 0x2, + FixedValue = 0x3, + SameTimeAsSource = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum IKChannelMode { + TwoBone = 0x0, + TwoBone_Translate = 0x1, + OneBone = 0x2, + OneBone_Translate = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum NmGraphValueType_t { + Unknown = 0x0, + Bool = 0x1, + ID = 0x2, + Float = 0x3, + Vector = 0x4, + Target = 0x5, + BoneMask = 0x6, + Pose = 0x7, + Special = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum NmFootPhase_t { + LeftFootDown = 0x0, + RightFootPassing = 0x1, + RightFootDown = 0x2, + LeftFootPassing = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum FootstepLandedFootSoundType_t { + FOOTSOUND_Left = 0x0, + FOOTSOUND_Right = 0x1, + FOOTSOUND_UseOverrideSound = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum FootLockSubVisualization { + FOOTLOCKSUBVISUALIZATION_ReachabilityAnalysis = 0x0, + FOOTLOCKSUBVISUALIZATION_IKSolve = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum NmFrameSnapEventMode_t { + Floor = 0x0, + Round = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum FootPinningTimingSource { + FootMotion = 0x0, + Tag = 0x1, + Parameter = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum DampingSpeedFunction { + NoDamping = 0x0, + Constant = 0x1, + Spring = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AnimationProcessingType_t { + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_SERVER_SIMULATION = 0x0, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_SIMULATION = 0x1, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_PREDICTION = 0x2, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_INTERPOLATION = 0x3, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_CLIENT_RENDER = 0x4, + ANIMATION_PROCESSING_MAX = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum JiggleBoneSimSpace { + SimSpace_Local = 0x0, + SimSpace_Model = 0x1, + SimSpace_World = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum StanceOverrideMode { + Sequence = 0x0, + Node = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum IkEndEffectorType { + IkEndEffector_Attachment = 0x0, + IkEndEffector_Bone = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u16)] + pub enum AnimScriptType { + ANIMSCRIPT_TYPE_INVALID = u16::MAX, + ANIMSCRIPT_FUSE_GENERAL = 0x0, + ANIMSCRIPT_FUSE_STATEMACHINE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SeqPoseSetting_t { + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_CONSTANT = 0x0, + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_ROTATION = 0x1, + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_POSITION = 0x2, + SEQ_POSE_SETTING_VELOCITY = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AnimParamButton_t { + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_NONE = 0x0, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_UP = 0x1, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT = 0x2, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN = 0x3, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT = 0x4, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_A = 0x5, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_B = 0x6, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_X = 0x7, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_Y = 0x8, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER = 0x9, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER = 0xA, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_LTRIGGER = 0xB, + ANIMPARAM_BUTTON_RTRIGGER = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SelectorTagBehavior_t { + SelectorTagBehavior_OnWhileCurrent = 0x0, + SelectorTagBehavior_OffWhenFinished = 0x1, + SelectorTagBehavior_OffBeforeFinished = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum CNmBoneMask__WeightInfo_t { + Zero = 0x0, + Mixed = 0x1, + One = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum HandshakeTagType_t { + eInvalid = u32::MAX, + eTask = 0x0, + eMovement = 0x1, + eCount = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 18 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleAttachment_t { + PATTACH_INVALID = u32::MAX, + PATTACH_ABSORIGIN = 0x0, + PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0x1, + PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN = 0x2, + PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0x3, + PATTACH_POINT = 0x4, + PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW = 0x5, + PATTACH_EYES_FOLLOW = 0x6, + PATTACH_OVERHEAD_FOLLOW = 0x7, + PATTACH_WORLDORIGIN = 0x8, + PATTACH_ROOTBONE_FOLLOW = 0x9, + PATTACH_RENDERORIGIN_FOLLOW = 0xA, + PATTACH_MAIN_VIEW = 0xB, + PATTACH_WATERWAKE = 0xC, + PATTACH_CENTER_FOLLOW = 0xD, + PATTACH_CUSTOM_GAME_STATE_1 = 0xE, + PATTACH_HEALTHBAR = 0xF, + MAX_PATTACH_TYPES = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum FieldNetworkOption { + Auto = 0x0, + ForceEnable = 0x1, + ForceDisable = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 8 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum CNmTransitionNode__TransitionOptions_t { + None = 0x0, + ClampDuration = 0x1, + Synchronized = 0x2, + MatchSourceTime = 0x4, + MatchSyncEventIndex = 0x8, + MatchSyncEventID = 0x10, + MatchSyncEventPercentage = 0x20, + PreferClosestSyncEventID = 0x40 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VPhysXJoint_t__Flags_t { + JOINT_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + JOINT_FLAGS_BODY1_FIXED = 0x1, + JOINT_FLAGS_USE_BLOCK_SOLVER = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum VelocityMetricMode { + DirectionOnly = 0x0, + MagnitudeOnly = 0x1, + DirectionAndMagnitude = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum FacingMode { + FacingMode_Invalid = 0x0, + FacingMode_Manual = 0x1, + FacingMode_Path = 0x2, + FacingMode_LookTarget = 0x3, + FacingMode_ManualPosition = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AimMatrixBlendMode { + AimMatrixBlendMode_None = 0x0, + AimMatrixBlendMode_Additive = 0x1, + AimMatrixBlendMode_ModelSpaceAdditive = 0x2, + AimMatrixBlendMode_BoneMask = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AnimationSnapshotType_t { + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_SERVER_SIMULATION = 0x0, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_SIMULATION = 0x1, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_PREDICTION = 0x2, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_INTERPOLATION = 0x3, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_CLIENT_RENDER = 0x4, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_FINAL_COMPOSITE = 0x5, + ANIMATION_SNAPSHOT_MAX = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum FootFallTagFoot_t { + FOOT1 = 0x0, + FOOT2 = 0x1, + FOOT3 = 0x2, + FOOT4 = 0x3, + FOOT5 = 0x4, + FOOT6 = 0x5, + FOOT7 = 0x6, + FOOT8 = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ChoiceMethod { + WeightedRandom = 0x0, + WeightedRandomNoRepeat = 0x1, + Iterate = 0x2, + IterateRandom = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 14 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AnimVectorSource { + MoveDirection = 0x0, + FacingDirection = 0x1, + LookDirection = 0x2, + VectorParameter = 0x3, + WayPointDirection = 0x4, + Acceleration = 0x5, + SlopeNormal = 0x6, + SlopeNormal_WorldSpace = 0x7, + LookTarget = 0x8, + LookTarget_WorldSpace = 0x9, + WayPointPosition = 0xA, + GoalPosition = 0xB, + RootMotionVelocity = 0xC, + ManualTarget_WorldSpace = 0xD + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum IkTargetType { + IkTarget_Attachment = 0x0, + IkTarget_Bone = 0x1, + IkTarget_Parameter_ModelSpace = 0x2, + IkTarget_Parameter_WorldSpace = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BoneMaskBlendSpace { + BlendSpace_Parent = 0x0, + BlendSpace_Model = 0x1, + BlendSpace_Model_RotationOnly = 0x2, + BlendSpace_Model_TranslationOnly = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ModelConfigAttachmentType_t { + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_INVALID = u32::MAX, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_BONE_OR_ATTACHMENT = 0x0, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_ROOT_RELATIVE = 0x1, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_BONEMERGE = 0x2, + MODEL_CONFIG_ATTACHMENT_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BinaryNodeChildOption { + Child1 = 0x0, + Child2 = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum JumpCorrectionMethod { + ScaleMotion = 0x0, + AddCorrectionDelta = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum MoodType_t { + eMoodType_Head = 0x0, + eMoodType_Body = 0x1 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimFrameBlockAnim { + pub const m_nStartFrame: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_nEndFrame: usize = 0x4; // int32 + pub const m_segmentIndexArray: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CZeroPoseUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSlowDownOnSlopesUpdateNode { + pub const m_flSlowDownStrength: usize = 0x68; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimParameterBase { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x18; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_sComment: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_group: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_id: usize = 0x30; // AnimParamID + pub const m_componentName: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + pub const m_bNetworkingRequested: usize = 0x68; // bool + pub const m_bIsReferenced: usize = 0x69; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CSequenceFinishedAnimTag { + pub const m_sequenceName: usize = 0x58; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSceneObjectData { + pub const m_vMinBounds: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxBounds: usize = 0xC; // Vector + pub const m_drawCalls: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_drawBounds: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_meshlets: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_vTintColor: usize = 0x60; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: CCycleBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootCycle { + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CInputStreamUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CIntAnimParameter { + pub const m_defaultValue: usize = 0x80; // int32 + pub const m_minValue: usize = 0x84; // int32 + pub const m_maxValue: usize = 0x88; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmFrameSnapEvent { + pub const m_frameSnapMode: usize = 0x10; // NmFrameSnapEventMode_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimNodePath { + pub const m_path: usize = 0x0; // AnimNodeID[11] + pub const m_nCount: usize = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + pub mod AnimNodeOutputID { + pub const m_id: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmSyncTrack { + pub const m_syncEvents: usize = 0x0; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + pub const m_nStartEventOffset: usize = 0xA8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqBoneMaskList { + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_nLocalBoneArray: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flBoneWeightArray: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flDefaultMorphCtrlWeight: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_morphCtrlWeightArray: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimEncodedFrames { + pub const m_fileName: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_nFrames: usize = 0x10; // int32 + pub const m_nFramesPerBlock: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_frameblockArray: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_usageDifferences: usize = 0x30; // CAnimEncodeDifference + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SampleCode { + pub const m_subCode: usize = 0x0; // uint8[8] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CCachedPose { + pub const m_transforms: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_morphWeights: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x38; // HSequence + pub const m_flCycle: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CTaskStatusAnimTag { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionGraphConfig { + pub const m_paramValues: usize = 0x0; // float32[4] + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_nMotionIndex: usize = 0x14; // MotionIndex + pub const m_nSampleStart: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_nSampleCount: usize = 0x1C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionSearchNode { + pub const m_children: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_quantizer: usize = 0x18; // CVectorQuantizer + pub const m_sampleCodes: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_sampleIndices: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_selectableSamples: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimActivity { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_nActivity: usize = 0x10; // int32 + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_nWeight: usize = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimScriptManager { + pub const m_scriptInfo: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t { + pub const m_nEntityIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_modelName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_poseParams: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_decodeOps: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_internalOps: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_decodedAnims: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ConfigIndex { + pub const m_nGroup: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const m_nConfig: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VPhysXCollisionAttributes_t { + pub const m_CollisionGroup: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_InteractAs: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_InteractWith: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_InteractExclude: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector + pub const m_CollisionGroupString: usize = 0x50; // CUtlString + pub const m_InteractAsStrings: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + pub const m_InteractWithStrings: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_InteractExcludeStrings: usize = 0x88; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSequenceUpdateNode { + pub const m_paramSpans: usize = 0x60; // CParamSpanUpdater + pub const m_tags: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x94; // HSequence + pub const m_playbackSpeed: usize = 0x98; // float32 + pub const m_duration: usize = 0x9C; // float32 + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0xA0; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmPassthroughNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nChildNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmGraphDefinition__ExternalGraphSlot_t { + pub const m_nNodeIdx: usize = 0x0; // int16 + pub const m_slotID: usize = 0x8; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAimCameraUpdateNode { + pub const m_hParameterPosition: usize = 0x68; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hParameterOrientation: usize = 0x6A; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hParameterSpineRotationWeight: usize = 0x6C; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hParameterPelvisOffset: usize = 0x6E; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hParameterUseIK: usize = 0x70; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hParameterWeaponDepenetrationDistance: usize = 0x72; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hParameterCameraClearanceDistance: usize = 0x74; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_opFixedSettings: usize = 0x78; // AimCameraOpFixedSettings_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqSeqDescFlag { + pub const m_bLooping: usize = 0x0; // bool + pub const m_bSnap: usize = 0x1; // bool + pub const m_bAutoplay: usize = 0x2; // bool + pub const m_bPost: usize = 0x3; // bool + pub const m_bHidden: usize = 0x4; // bool + pub const m_bMulti: usize = 0x5; // bool + pub const m_bLegacyDelta: usize = 0x6; // bool + pub const m_bLegacyWorldspace: usize = 0x7; // bool + pub const m_bLegacyCyclepose: usize = 0x8; // bool + pub const m_bLegacyRealtime: usize = 0x9; // bool + pub const m_bModelDoc: usize = 0xA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PermModelInfo_t { + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_vHullMin: usize = 0x4; // Vector + pub const m_vHullMax: usize = 0x10; // Vector + pub const m_vViewMin: usize = 0x1C; // Vector + pub const m_vViewMax: usize = 0x28; // Vector + pub const m_flMass: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_vEyePosition: usize = 0x38; // Vector + pub const m_flMaxEyeDeflection: usize = 0x44; // float32 + pub const m_sSurfaceProperty: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + pub const m_keyValueText: usize = 0x50; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod StanceInfo_t { + pub const m_vPosition: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_flDirection: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod IKBoneNameAndIndex_t { + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStanceScaleUpdateNode { + pub const m_hParam: usize = 0x68; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod HitReactFixedSettings_t { + pub const m_nWeightListIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_nEffectedBoneCount: usize = 0x4; // int32 + pub const m_flMaxImpactForce: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flMinImpactForce: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flWhipImpactScale: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flCounterRotationScale: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flDistanceFadeScale: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flPropagationScale: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flWhipDelay: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flSpringStrength: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_flWhipSpringStrength: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxAngleRadians: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_nHipBoneIndex: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_flHipBoneTranslationScale: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flHipDipSpringStrength: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flHipDipImpactScale: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_flHipDipDelay: usize = 0x40; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmGraphNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CNmPoseNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimTagBase { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x18; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_sComment: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_group: usize = 0x28; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_tagID: usize = 0x30; // AnimTagID + pub const m_bIsReferenced: usize = 0x48; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionGraph { + pub const m_paramSpans: usize = 0x10; // CParamSpanUpdater + pub const m_tags: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_pRootNode: usize = 0x40; // CSmartPtr + pub const m_nParameterCount: usize = 0x48; // int32 + pub const m_nConfigStartIndex: usize = 0x4C; // int32 + pub const m_nConfigCount: usize = 0x50; // int32 + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0x54; // bool + } + // Parent: AnimationSnapshotBase_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod AnimationSnapshot_t { + pub const m_nEntIndex: usize = 0x110; // int32 + pub const m_modelName: usize = 0x118; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CNmVectorValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqTransition { + pub const m_flFadeInTime: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutTime: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimGraphSettingsGroup { + } + // Parent: CNmTargetValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmVirtualParameterTargetNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nChildNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimGraphDebugReplay { + pub const m_animGraphFileName: usize = 0x40; // CUtlString + pub const m_frameList: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_startIndex: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_writeIndex: usize = 0x64; // int32 + pub const m_frameCount: usize = 0x68; // int32 + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CVectorAnimParameter { + pub const m_defaultValue: usize = 0x80; // Vector + pub const m_bInterpolate: usize = 0x8C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmStateMachineNode__StateDefinition_t { + pub const m_nStateNodeIdx: usize = 0x0; // int16 + pub const m_entryConditionNodeIdx: usize = 0x2; // int16 + pub const m_transitionDefinition: usize = 0x8; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStanceOverrideUpdateNode { + pub const m_footStanceInfo: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + pub const m_pStanceSourceNode: usize = 0x80; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + pub const m_hParameter: usize = 0x90; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_eMode: usize = 0x94; // StanceOverrideMode + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod LookAtBone_t { + pub const m_index: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_weight: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmTransitionNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_targetCNmStateNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + pub const m_durationOverrideNodeIdx: usize = 0x12; // int16 + pub const m_syncEventOffsetOverrideNodeIdx: usize = 0x14; // int16 + pub const m_startBoneMaskNodeIdx: usize = 0x16; // int16 + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_boneMaskBlendInTimePercentage: usize = 0x1C; // NmPercent_t + pub const m_syncEventOffset: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_transitionOptions: usize = 0x24; // CNmTransitionNode::TransitionOptions_t + pub const m_targetSyncIDNodeIdx: usize = 0x26; // int16 + pub const m_blendWeightEasing: usize = 0x28; // NmEasingOperation_t + pub const m_rootMotionBlend: usize = 0x29; // NmRootMotionBlendMode_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimEncodeDifference { + pub const m_boneArray: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_morphArray: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_userArray: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bHasRotationBitArray: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bHasMovementBitArray: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bHasMorphBitArray: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bHasUserBitArray: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CRootUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionGraphUpdateNode { + pub const m_pMotionGraph: usize = 0x58; // CSmartPtr + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimParamHandle { + pub const m_type: usize = 0x0; // AnimParamType_t + pub const m_index: usize = 0x1; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod WeightList { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_weights: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MotionIndex { + pub const m_nGroup: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const m_nMotion: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FollowAttachmentSettings_t { + pub const m_attachment: usize = 0x0; // CAnimAttachment + pub const m_boneIndex: usize = 0x80; // int32 + pub const m_bMatchTranslation: usize = 0x84; // bool + pub const m_bMatchRotation: usize = 0x85; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + pub mod AnimNodeID { + pub const m_id: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CLookComponentUpdater { + pub const m_hLookHeading: usize = 0x34; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hLookHeadingVelocity: usize = 0x36; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hLookPitch: usize = 0x38; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hLookDistance: usize = 0x3A; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hLookDirection: usize = 0x3C; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hLookTarget: usize = 0x3E; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hLookTargetWorldSpace: usize = 0x40; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_bNetworkLookTarget: usize = 0x42; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimGraphSettingsGroup + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CAnimGraphNetworkSettings { + pub const m_bNetworkingEnabled: usize = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSingleFrameUpdateNode { + pub const m_actions: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_hPoseCacheHandle: usize = 0x70; // CPoseHandle + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x74; // HSequence + pub const m_flCycle: usize = 0x78; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBlockSelectionMetricEvaluator { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigList { + pub const m_bHideMaterialGroupInTools: usize = 0x0; // bool + pub const m_bHideRenderColorInTools: usize = 0x1; // bool + pub const m_Configs: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqAutoLayerFlag { + pub const m_bPost: usize = 0x0; // bool + pub const m_bSpline: usize = 0x1; // bool + pub const m_bXFade: usize = 0x2; // bool + pub const m_bNoBlend: usize = 0x3; // bool + pub const m_bLocal: usize = 0x4; // bool + pub const m_bPose: usize = 0x5; // bool + pub const m_bFetchFrame: usize = 0x6; // bool + pub const m_bSubtract: usize = 0x7; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + pub mod AnimStateID { + pub const m_id: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ModelBoneFlexDriver_t { + pub const m_boneName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_boneNameToken: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_controls: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMorphData { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_morphRectDatas: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootPinningUpdateNode { + pub const m_poseOpFixedData: usize = 0x70; // FootPinningPoseOpFixedData_t + pub const m_eTimingSource: usize = 0xA0; // FootPinningTimingSource + pub const m_params: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bResetChild: usize = 0xC0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqPoseSetting { + pub const m_sPoseParameter: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_sAttachment: usize = 0x10; // CBufferString + pub const m_sReferenceSequence: usize = 0x20; // CBufferString + pub const m_flValue: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_bX: usize = 0x34; // bool + pub const m_bY: usize = 0x35; // bool + pub const m_bZ: usize = 0x36; // bool + pub const m_eType: usize = 0x38; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmFloatValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmVirtualParameterFloatNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nChildNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAttachment { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_influenceNames: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString[3] + pub const m_vInfluenceRotations: usize = 0x20; // Quaternion[3] + pub const m_vInfluenceOffsets: usize = 0x50; // Vector[3] + pub const m_influenceWeights: usize = 0x74; // float32[3] + pub const m_bInfluenceRootTransform: usize = 0x80; // bool[3] + pub const m_nInfluences: usize = 0x83; // uint8 + pub const m_bIgnoreRotation: usize = 0x84; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDrawCullingData { + pub const m_vConeApex: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_ConeAxis: usize = 0xC; // int8[3] + pub const m_ConeCutoff: usize = 0xF; // int8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VPhysXJoint_t { + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const m_nBody1: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + pub const m_nBody2: usize = 0x4; // uint16 + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x6; // uint16 + pub const m_Frame1: usize = 0x10; // CTransform + pub const m_Frame2: usize = 0x30; // CTransform + pub const m_bEnableCollision: usize = 0x50; // bool + pub const m_bEnableLinearLimit: usize = 0x51; // bool + pub const m_LinearLimit: usize = 0x54; // VPhysXRange_t + pub const m_bEnableLinearMotor: usize = 0x5C; // bool + pub const m_vLinearTargetVelocity: usize = 0x60; // Vector + pub const m_flMaxForce: usize = 0x6C; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableSwingLimit: usize = 0x70; // bool + pub const m_SwingLimit: usize = 0x74; // VPhysXRange_t + pub const m_bEnableTwistLimit: usize = 0x7C; // bool + pub const m_TwistLimit: usize = 0x80; // VPhysXRange_t + pub const m_bEnableAngularMotor: usize = 0x88; // bool + pub const m_vAngularTargetVelocity: usize = 0x8C; // Vector + pub const m_flMaxTorque: usize = 0x98; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearFrequency: usize = 0x9C; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearDampingRatio: usize = 0xA0; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularFrequency: usize = 0xA4; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularDampingRatio: usize = 0xA8; // float32 + pub const m_flFriction: usize = 0xAC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStateNodeTransitionData { + pub const m_curve: usize = 0x0; // CBlendCurve + pub const m_blendDuration: usize = 0x8; // CAnimValue + pub const m_resetCycleValue: usize = 0x10; // CAnimValue + pub const m_bReset: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_resetCycleOption: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:3 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CTimeRemainingMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_bMatchByTimeRemaining: usize = 0x50; // bool + pub const m_flMaxTimeRemaining: usize = 0x54; // float32 + pub const m_bFilterByTimeRemaining: usize = 0x58; // bool + pub const m_flMinTimeRemaining: usize = 0x5C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement { + pub const m_ElementName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_NestedElements: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmVectorValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmControlParameterVectorNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FootFixedSettings { + pub const m_traceSettings: usize = 0x0; // TraceSettings_t + pub const m_vFootBaseBindPosePositionMS: usize = 0x10; // VectorAligned + pub const m_flFootBaseLength: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxRotationLeft: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxRotationRight: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_footstepLandedTagIndex: usize = 0x2C; // int32 + pub const m_bEnableTracing: usize = 0x30; // bool + pub const m_flTraceAngleBlend: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_nDisableTagIndex: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_nFootIndex: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfig { + pub const m_ConfigName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_Elements: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bTopLevel: usize = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + pub mod AnimComponentID { + pub const m_id: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VPhysXAggregateData_t { + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const m_nRefCounter: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + pub const m_bonesHash: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_boneNames: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_indexNames: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector + pub const m_indexHash: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bindPose: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + pub const m_parts: usize = 0x80; // CUtlVector + pub const m_constraints2: usize = 0x98; // CUtlVector + pub const m_joints: usize = 0xB0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_pFeModel: usize = 0xC8; // PhysFeModelDesc_t* + pub const m_boneParents: usize = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_surfacePropertyHashes: usize = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_collisionAttributes: usize = 0x100; // CUtlVector + pub const m_debugPartNames: usize = 0x118; // CUtlVector + pub const m_embeddedKeyvalues: usize = 0x130; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmGraphDefinition { + pub const m_persistentNodeIndices: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nRootNodeIdx: usize = 0x18; // int16 + pub const m_controlParameterIDs: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_virtualParameterIDs: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector + pub const m_virtualParameterNodeIndices: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_childGraphSlots: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + pub const m_externalGraphSlots: usize = 0x80; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimDemoCaptureSettings { + pub const m_vecErrorRangeSplineRotation: usize = 0x0; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecErrorRangeSplineTranslation: usize = 0x8; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecErrorRangeSplineScale: usize = 0x10; // Vector2D + pub const m_flIkRotation_MaxSplineError: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flIkTranslation_MaxSplineError: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_vecErrorRangeQuantizationRotation: usize = 0x20; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecErrorRangeQuantizationTranslation: usize = 0x28; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecErrorRangeQuantizationScale: usize = 0x30; // Vector2D + pub const m_flIkRotation_MaxQuantizationError: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flIkTranslation_MaxQuantizationError: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_baseSequence: usize = 0x40; // CUtlString + pub const m_nBaseSequenceFrame: usize = 0x48; // int32 + pub const m_boneSelectionMode: usize = 0x4C; // EDemoBoneSelectionMode + pub const m_bones: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ikChains: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod IKDemoCaptureSettings_t { + pub const m_parentBoneName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_eMode: usize = 0x8; // IKChannelMode + pub const m_ikChainName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const m_oneBoneStart: usize = 0x18; // CUtlString + pub const m_oneBoneEnd: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqMultiFetchFlag { + pub const m_bRealtime: usize = 0x0; // bool + pub const m_bCylepose: usize = 0x1; // bool + pub const m_b0D: usize = 0x2; // bool + pub const m_b1D: usize = 0x3; // bool + pub const m_b2D: usize = 0x4; // bool + pub const m_b2D_TRI: usize = 0x5; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VPhysXRange_t { + pub const m_flMin: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flMax: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStopAtGoalUpdateNode { + pub const m_flOuterRadius: usize = 0x6C; // float32 + pub const m_flInnerRadius: usize = 0x70; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxScale: usize = 0x74; // float32 + pub const m_flMinScale: usize = 0x78; // float32 + pub const m_damping: usize = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimBoneDifference { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_parent: usize = 0x10; // CBufferString + pub const m_posError: usize = 0x20; // Vector + pub const m_bHasRotation: usize = 0x2C; // bool + pub const m_bHasMovement: usize = 0x2D; // bool + } + // Parent: CCycleBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimCycle { + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CActionComponentUpdater { + pub const m_actions: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmGraphDataSet { + pub const m_variationID: usize = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_skeleton: usize = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_resources: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDampedPathAnimMotorUpdater { + pub const m_flAnticipationTime: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_flMinSpeedScale: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_hAnticipationPosParam: usize = 0x34; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hAnticipationHeadingParam: usize = 0x36; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_flSpringConstant: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flMinSpringTension: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxSpringTension: usize = 0x40; // float32 + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement_SetMaterialGroupOnAttachedModels { + pub const m_MaterialGroupName: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CNmBoneMaskValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmVirtualParameterBoneMaskNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nChildNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPathHelperUpdateNode { + pub const m_flStoppingRadius: usize = 0x68; // float32 + pub const m_flStoppingSpeedScale: usize = 0x6C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialGroup_t { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_materials: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMorphBundleData { + pub const m_flULeftSrc: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flVTopSrc: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_offsets: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ranges: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement_UserPick { + pub const m_Choices: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSolveIKTargetHandle_t { + pub const m_positionHandle: usize = 0x0; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_orientationHandle: usize = 0x2; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootAdjustmentUpdateNode { + pub const m_clips: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hBasePoseCacheHandle: usize = 0x88; // CPoseHandle + pub const m_facingTarget: usize = 0x8C; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_flTurnTimeMin: usize = 0x90; // float32 + pub const m_flTurnTimeMax: usize = 0x94; // float32 + pub const m_flStepHeightMax: usize = 0x98; // float32 + pub const m_flStepHeightMaxAngle: usize = 0x9C; // float32 + pub const m_bResetChild: usize = 0xA0; // bool + pub const m_bAnimationDriven: usize = 0xA1; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CChoreoUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAimConstraint { + pub const m_qAimOffset: usize = 0x70; // Quaternion + pub const m_nUpType: usize = 0x80; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CFootFallAnimTag { + pub const m_foot: usize = 0x58; // FootFallTagFoot_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMaterialDrawDescriptor { + pub const m_flUvDensity: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_vTintColor: usize = 0x4; // Vector + pub const m_flAlpha: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_nFirstMeshlet: usize = 0x18; // uint32 + pub const m_nNumMeshlets: usize = 0x1C; // uint16 + pub const m_nPrimitiveType: usize = 0x20; // RenderPrimitiveType_t + pub const m_nBaseVertex: usize = 0x24; // int32 + pub const m_nVertexCount: usize = 0x28; // int32 + pub const m_nStartIndex: usize = 0x2C; // int32 + pub const m_nIndexCount: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_indexBuffer: usize = 0xB8; // CRenderBufferBinding + pub const m_material: usize = 0xD8; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmSkeleton { + pub const m_ID: usize = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_boneIDs: usize = 0x8; // CUtlLeanVector + pub const m_parentIndices: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_parentSpaceReferencePose: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_modelSpaceReferencePose: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_numBonesToSampleAtLowLOD: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_boneMasks: usize = 0x68; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStepsRemainingMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_footIndices: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flMinStepsRemaining: usize = 0x68; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyElementNameFn + pub mod CBodyGroupSetting { + pub const m_BodyGroupName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nBodyGroupOption: usize = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CVectorQuantizer { + pub const m_centroidVectors: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nCentroids: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_nDimensions: usize = 0x1C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmStateNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nChildNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + pub const m_entryEvents: usize = 0x18; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + pub const m_executeEvents: usize = 0x38; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + pub const m_exitEvents: usize = 0x58; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + pub const m_timedRemainingEvents: usize = 0x78; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + pub const m_timedElapsedEvents: usize = 0x90; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + pub const m_nLayerWeightNodeIdx: usize = 0xA8; // int16 + pub const m_nLayerRootMotionWeightNodeIdx: usize = 0xAA; // int16 + pub const m_nLayerBoneMaskNodeIdx: usize = 0xAC; // int16 + pub const m_bIsOffState: usize = 0xAE; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmVectorValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmVirtualParameterVectorNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nChildNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootCycleMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_footIndices: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CHitBox { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_sSurfaceProperty: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_sBoneName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const m_vMinBounds: usize = 0x18; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxBounds: usize = 0x24; // Vector + pub const m_flShapeRadius: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_nBoneNameHash: usize = 0x34; // uint32 + pub const m_nGroupId: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_nShapeType: usize = 0x3C; // uint8 + pub const m_bTranslationOnly: usize = 0x3D; // bool + pub const m_CRC: usize = 0x40; // uint32 + pub const m_cRenderColor: usize = 0x44; // Color + pub const m_nHitBoxIndex: usize = 0x48; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ModelSkeletonData_t { + pub const m_boneName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nParent: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_boneSphere: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nFlag: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bonePosParent: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_boneRotParent: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_boneScaleParent: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmEvent { + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod NmCompressionSettings_t__QuantizationRange_t { + pub const m_flRangeStart: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flRangeLength: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod TagSpan_t { + pub const m_tagIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_startCycle: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_endCycle: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PermModelDataAnimatedMaterialAttribute_t { + pub const m_AttributeName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nNumChannels: usize = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionDataSet { + pub const m_groups: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nDimensionCount: usize = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CProductQuantizer { + pub const m_subQuantizers: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nDimensions: usize = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CChoiceUpdateNode { + pub const m_children: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + pub const m_weights: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_blendTimes: usize = 0x88; // CUtlVector + pub const m_choiceMethod: usize = 0xA0; // ChoiceMethod + pub const m_choiceChangeMethod: usize = 0xA4; // ChoiceChangeMethod + pub const m_blendMethod: usize = 0xA8; // ChoiceBlendMethod + pub const m_blendTime: usize = 0xAC; // float32 + pub const m_bCrossFade: usize = 0xB0; // bool + pub const m_bResetChosen: usize = 0xB1; // bool + pub const m_bDontResetSameSelection: usize = 0xB2; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SkeletonAnimCapture_t__Bone_t { + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_BindPose: usize = 0x10; // CTransform + pub const m_nParent: usize = 0x30; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CExpressionActionUpdater { + pub const m_hParam: usize = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_eParamType: usize = 0x1A; // AnimParamType_t + pub const m_hScript: usize = 0x1C; // AnimScriptHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimationGraphVisualizerLine { + pub const m_vWsPositionStart: usize = 0x40; // VectorAligned + pub const m_vWsPositionEnd: usize = 0x50; // VectorAligned + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x60; // Color + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CCycleControlUpdateNode { + pub const m_valueSource: usize = 0x68; // AnimValueSource + pub const m_paramIndex: usize = 0x6C; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDampedValueComponentUpdater { + pub const m_items: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBoneConstraintBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBaseConstraint { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_vUpVector: usize = 0x30; // Vector + pub const m_slaves: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_targets: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmFloatValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmControlParameterFloatNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod BlendItem_t { + pub const m_tags: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_pChild: usize = 0x18; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x28; // HSequence + pub const m_vPos: usize = 0x2C; // Vector2D + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_bUseCustomDuration: usize = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmClipNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nPlayInReverseValueNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + pub const m_nResetTimeValueNodeIdx: usize = 0x12; // int16 + pub const m_bSampleRootMotion: usize = 0x14; // bool + pub const m_bAllowLooping: usize = 0x15; // bool + pub const m_nDataSlotIdx: usize = 0x16; // int16 + } + // Parent: CAnimParameterBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CConcreteAnimParameter { + pub const m_previewButton: usize = 0x70; // AnimParamButton_t + pub const m_eNetworkSetting: usize = 0x74; // AnimParamNetworkSetting + pub const m_bUseMostRecentValue: usize = 0x78; // bool + pub const m_bAutoReset: usize = 0x79; // bool + pub const m_bGameWritable: usize = 0x7A; // bool + pub const m_bGraphWritable: usize = 0x7B; // bool + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement_RandomPick { + pub const m_Choices: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ChoiceWeights: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VPhysXConstraint2_t { + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_nParent: usize = 0x4; // uint16 + pub const m_nChild: usize = 0x6; // uint16 + pub const m_params: usize = 0x8; // VPhysXConstraintParams_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CConstraintTarget { + pub const m_qOffset: usize = 0x20; // Quaternion + pub const m_vOffset: usize = 0x30; // Vector + pub const m_nBoneHash: usize = 0x3C; // uint32 + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x40; // CUtlString + pub const m_flWeight: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_bIsAttachment: usize = 0x59; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SkeletonAnimCapture_t { + pub const m_nEntIndex: usize = 0x0; // CEntityIndex + pub const m_nEntParent: usize = 0x4; // CEntityIndex + pub const m_ImportedCollision: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ModelName: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_CaptureName: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_ModelBindPose: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FeModelInitPose: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nFlexControllers: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_bPredicted: usize = 0x64; // bool + pub const m_Frames: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimUser { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CRagdollComponentUpdater { + pub const m_ragdollNodePaths: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_boneIndices: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_boneNames: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_weightLists: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flSpringFrequencyMin: usize = 0x90; // float32 + pub const m_flSpringFrequencyMax: usize = 0x94; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxStretch: usize = 0x98; // float32 + pub const m_bSolidCollisionAtZeroWeight: usize = 0x9C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootDefinition { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_ankleBoneName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_toeBoneName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const m_vBallOffset: usize = 0x18; // Vector + pub const m_vHeelOffset: usize = 0x24; // Vector + pub const m_flFootLength: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_flBindPoseDirectionMS: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flTraceHeight: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flTraceRadius: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqSynthAnimDesc { + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x10; // CSeqSeqDescFlag + pub const m_transition: usize = 0x1C; // CSeqTransition + pub const m_nLocalBaseReference: usize = 0x24; // int16 + pub const m_nLocalBoneMask: usize = 0x26; // int16 + pub const m_activityArray: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmLayerBlendNode__LayerDefinition_t { + pub const m_nInputNodeIdx: usize = 0x0; // int16 + pub const m_nWeightValueNodeIdx: usize = 0x2; // int16 + pub const m_nBoneMaskValueNodeIdx: usize = 0x4; // int16 + pub const m_nRootMotionWeightValueNodeIdx: usize = 0x6; // int16 + pub const m_bIsSynchronized: usize = 0x8; // bool + pub const m_bIgnoreEvents: usize = 0x9; // bool + pub const m_bIsStateMachineLayer: usize = 0xA; // bool + pub const m_blendMode: usize = 0xB; // NmPoseBlendMode_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimComponentUpdater { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x18; // CUtlString + pub const m_id: usize = 0x20; // AnimComponentID + pub const m_networkMode: usize = 0x24; // AnimNodeNetworkMode + pub const m_bStartEnabled: usize = 0x28; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBlend2DUpdateNode { + pub const m_items: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_tags: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_paramSpans: usize = 0x90; // CParamSpanUpdater + pub const m_nodeItemIndices: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_damping: usize = 0xC0; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_blendSourceX: usize = 0xD0; // AnimValueSource + pub const m_paramX: usize = 0xD4; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_blendSourceY: usize = 0xD8; // AnimValueSource + pub const m_paramY: usize = 0xDC; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_eBlendMode: usize = 0xE0; // Blend2DMode + pub const m_playbackSpeed: usize = 0xE4; // float32 + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0xE8; // bool + pub const m_bLockBlendOnReset: usize = 0xE9; // bool + pub const m_bLockWhenWaning: usize = 0xEA; // bool + pub const m_bAnimEventsAndTagsOnMostWeightedOnly: usize = 0xEB; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PermModelExtPart_t { + pub const m_Transform: usize = 0x0; // CTransform + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_nParent: usize = 0x28; // int32 + pub const m_refModel: usize = 0x30; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CLeanMatrixUpdateNode { + pub const m_frameCorners: usize = 0x5C; // int32[3][3] + pub const m_poses: usize = 0x80; // CPoseHandle[9] + pub const m_damping: usize = 0xA8; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_blendSource: usize = 0xB8; // AnimVectorSource + pub const m_paramIndex: usize = 0xBC; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_verticalAxis: usize = 0xC0; // Vector + pub const m_horizontalAxis: usize = 0xCC; // Vector + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0xD8; // HSequence + pub const m_flMaxValue: usize = 0xDC; // float32 + pub const m_nSequenceMaxFrame: usize = 0xE0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CSymbolAnimParameter { + pub const m_defaultValue: usize = 0x80; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmStateMachineNode__TransitionDefinition_t { + pub const m_nTargetStateIdx: usize = 0x0; // int16 + pub const m_nConditionNodeIdx: usize = 0x2; // int16 + pub const m_nTransitionNodeIdx: usize = 0x4; // int16 + pub const m_bCanBeForced: usize = 0x6; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CHitBoxSetList { + pub const m_HitBoxSets: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MotionDBIndex { + pub const m_nIndex: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDirectPlaybackTagData { + pub const m_sequenceName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_tags: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParamSpanUpdater { + pub const m_spans: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimActionUpdater { + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CParticleAnimTag { + pub const m_hParticleSystem: usize = 0x58; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_particleSystemName: usize = 0x60; // CUtlString + pub const m_configName: usize = 0x68; // CUtlString + pub const m_bDetachFromOwner: usize = 0x70; // bool + pub const m_bStopWhenTagEnds: usize = 0x71; // bool + pub const m_bTagEndStopIsInstant: usize = 0x72; // bool + pub const m_attachmentName: usize = 0x78; // CUtlString + pub const m_attachmentType: usize = 0x80; // ParticleAttachment_t + pub const m_attachmentCP1Name: usize = 0x88; // CUtlString + pub const m_attachmentCP1Type: usize = 0x90; // ParticleAttachment_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CCycleBase { + pub const m_flCycle: usize = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FollowTargetOpFixedSettings_t { + pub const m_boneIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_bBoneTarget: usize = 0x4; // bool + pub const m_boneTargetIndex: usize = 0x8; // int32 + pub const m_bWorldCoodinateTarget: usize = 0xC; // bool + pub const m_bMatchTargetOrientation: usize = 0xD; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod AnimationSnapshotBase_t { + pub const m_flRealTime: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_rootToWorld: usize = 0x10; // matrix3x4a_t + pub const m_bBonesInWorldSpace: usize = 0x40; // bool + pub const m_boneSetupMask: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_boneTransforms: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flexControllers: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SnapshotType: usize = 0x90; // AnimationSnapshotType_t + pub const m_bHasDecodeDump: usize = 0x94; // bool + pub const m_DecodeDump: usize = 0x98; // AnimationDecodeDebugDumpElement_t + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CEmitTagActionUpdater { + pub const m_nTagIndex: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_bIsZeroDuration: usize = 0x1C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod DynamicMeshDeformParams_t { + pub const m_flTensionCompressScale: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flTensionStretchScale: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_bRecomputeSmoothNormalsAfterAnimation: usize = 0x8; // bool + pub const m_bComputeDynamicMeshTensionAfterAnimation: usize = 0x9; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimStateMachineUpdater { + pub const m_states: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_transitions: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_startStateIndex: usize = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CUnaryUpdateNode { + pub const m_pChildNode: usize = 0x58; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + pub mod CCompressorGroup { + pub const m_nTotalElementCount: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_szChannelClass: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_szVariableName: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_szGrouping: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nCompressorIndex: usize = 0x80; // CUtlVector + pub const m_szElementNames: usize = 0x98; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_nElementUniqueID: usize = 0xB0; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_nElementMask: usize = 0xC8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_vectorCompressor: usize = 0xF8; // CUtlVector*> + pub const m_quaternionCompressor: usize = 0x110; // CUtlVector*> + pub const m_intCompressor: usize = 0x128; // CUtlVector*> + pub const m_boolCompressor: usize = 0x140; // CUtlVector*> + pub const m_colorCompressor: usize = 0x158; // CUtlVector*> + pub const m_vector2DCompressor: usize = 0x170; // CUtlVector*> + pub const m_vector4DCompressor: usize = 0x188; // CUtlVector*> + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSelectorUpdateNode { + pub const m_children: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + pub const m_tags: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_blendCurve: usize = 0x8C; // CBlendCurve + pub const m_flBlendTime: usize = 0x94; // CAnimValue + pub const m_hParameter: usize = 0x9C; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_nTagIndex: usize = 0xA0; // int32 + pub const m_eTagBehavior: usize = 0xA4; // SelectorTagBehavior_t + pub const m_bResetOnChange: usize = 0xA8; // bool + pub const m_bLockWhenWaning: usize = 0xA9; // bool + pub const m_bSyncCyclesOnChange: usize = 0xAA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod NmPercent_t { + pub const m_flValue: usize = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStateMachineComponentUpdater { + pub const m_stateMachine: usize = 0x30; // CAnimStateMachineUpdater + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimUpdateNodeRef { + pub const m_nodeIndex: usize = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPhysSurfaceProperties { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nameHash: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_baseNameHash: usize = 0xC; // uint32 + pub const m_bHidden: usize = 0x18; // bool + pub const m_description: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_physics: usize = 0x28; // CPhysSurfacePropertiesPhysics + pub const m_audioSounds: usize = 0x48; // CPhysSurfacePropertiesSoundNames + pub const m_audioParams: usize = 0xA0; // CPhysSurfacePropertiesAudio + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CNmBoneMaskValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqPoseParamDesc { + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_flStart: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flEnd: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flLoop: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_bLooping: usize = 0x1C; // bool + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement_SetBodygroup { + pub const m_GroupName: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + pub const m_nChoice: usize = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimMovement { + pub const endframe: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const motionflags: usize = 0x4; // int32 + pub const v0: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const v1: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const angle: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const vector: usize = 0x14; // Vector + pub const position: usize = 0x20; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FootStepTrigger { + pub const m_tags: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nFootIndex: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_triggerPhase: usize = 0x1C; // StepPhase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmSyncTrack__EventMarker_t { + pub const m_startTime: usize = 0x0; // NmPercent_t + pub const m_ID: usize = 0x8; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPathMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_pathTimeSamples: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flDistance: usize = 0x68; // float32 + pub const m_bExtrapolateMovement: usize = 0x6C; // bool + pub const m_flMinExtrapolationSpeed: usize = 0x70; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootLockUpdateNode { + pub const m_opFixedSettings: usize = 0x68; // FootLockPoseOpFixedSettings + pub const m_footSettings: usize = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hipShiftDamping: usize = 0xE8; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_rootHeightDamping: usize = 0xF8; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_flStrideCurveScale: usize = 0x108; // float32 + pub const m_flStrideCurveLimitScale: usize = 0x10C; // float32 + pub const m_flStepHeightIncreaseScale: usize = 0x110; // float32 + pub const m_flStepHeightDecreaseScale: usize = 0x114; // float32 + pub const m_flHipShiftScale: usize = 0x118; // float32 + pub const m_flBlendTime: usize = 0x11C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxRootHeightOffset: usize = 0x120; // float32 + pub const m_flMinRootHeightOffset: usize = 0x124; // float32 + pub const m_flTiltPlanePitchSpringStrength: usize = 0x128; // float32 + pub const m_flTiltPlaneRollSpringStrength: usize = 0x12C; // float32 + pub const m_bApplyFootRotationLimits: usize = 0x130; // bool + pub const m_bApplyHipShift: usize = 0x131; // bool + pub const m_bModulateStepHeight: usize = 0x132; // bool + pub const m_bResetChild: usize = 0x133; // bool + pub const m_bEnableVerticalCurvedPaths: usize = 0x134; // bool + pub const m_bEnableRootHeightDamping: usize = 0x135; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CNmIDValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod JiggleBoneSettings_t { + pub const m_nBoneIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_flSpringStrength: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxTimeStep: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flDamping: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_vBoundsMaxLS: usize = 0x10; // Vector + pub const m_vBoundsMinLS: usize = 0x1C; // Vector + pub const m_eSimSpace: usize = 0x28; // JiggleBoneSimSpace + } + // Parent: CSequenceUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CJumpHelperUpdateNode { + pub const m_hTargetParam: usize = 0xA8; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_flOriginalJumpMovement: usize = 0xAC; // Vector + pub const m_flOriginalJumpDuration: usize = 0xB8; // float32 + pub const m_flJumpStartCycle: usize = 0xBC; // float32 + pub const m_flJumpEndCycle: usize = 0xC0; // float32 + pub const m_eCorrectionMethod: usize = 0xC4; // JumpCorrectionMethod + pub const m_bTranslationAxis: usize = 0xC8; // bool[3] + pub const m_bScaleSpeed: usize = 0xCB; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmBoolValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmControlParameterBoolNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FootLockPoseOpFixedSettings { + pub const m_footInfo: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hipDampingSettings: usize = 0x18; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_nHipBoneIndex: usize = 0x28; // int32 + pub const m_ikSolverType: usize = 0x2C; // IKSolverType + pub const m_bApplyTilt: usize = 0x30; // bool + pub const m_bApplyHipDrop: usize = 0x31; // bool + pub const m_bAlwaysUseFallbackHinge: usize = 0x32; // bool + pub const m_bApplyFootRotationLimits: usize = 0x33; // bool + pub const m_bApplyLegTwistLimits: usize = 0x34; // bool + pub const m_flMaxFootHeight: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flExtensionScale: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxLegTwist: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableLockBreaking: usize = 0x44; // bool + pub const m_flLockBreakTolerance: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_flLockBlendTime: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableStretching: usize = 0x50; // bool + pub const m_flMaxStretchAmount: usize = 0x54; // float32 + pub const m_flStretchExtensionScale: usize = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBoneVelocityMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_nBoneIndex: usize = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement_RandomColor { + pub const m_Gradient: usize = 0x48; // CColorGradient + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootMotion { + pub const m_strides: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_name: usize = 0x18; // CUtlString + pub const m_bAdditive: usize = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CJiggleBoneUpdateNode { + pub const m_opFixedData: usize = 0x68; // JiggleBoneSettingsList_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyArrayElementNameKey + pub mod MoodAnimation_t { + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_flWeight: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CLODComponentUpdater { + pub const m_nServerLOD: usize = 0x30; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimDataChannelDesc { + pub const m_szChannelClass: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_szVariableName: usize = 0x10; // CBufferString + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x24; // int32 + pub const m_szGrouping: usize = 0x28; // CBufferString + pub const m_szDescription: usize = 0x38; // CBufferString + pub const m_szElementNameArray: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nElementIndexArray: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nElementMaskArray: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMorphRectData { + pub const m_nXLeftDst: usize = 0x0; // int16 + pub const m_nYTopDst: usize = 0x2; // int16 + pub const m_flUWidthSrc: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flVHeightSrc: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_bundleDatas: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimFoot { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_vBallOffset: usize = 0x8; // Vector + pub const m_vHeelOffset: usize = 0x14; // Vector + pub const m_ankleBoneIndex: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_toeBoneIndex: usize = 0x24; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmBoneMask { + pub const m_ID: usize = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_weightInfo: usize = 0x8; // CNmBoneMask::WeightInfo_t + pub const m_weights: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParentConstraint { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmStateNode__TimedEvent_t { + pub const m_ID: usize = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_timeValue: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootPositionMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_footIndices: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bIgnoreSlope: usize = 0x68; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod HSequence { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDampedValueUpdateItem { + pub const m_damping: usize = 0x0; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_hParamIn: usize = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hParamOut: usize = 0x1A; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimLocalHierarchy { + pub const m_sBone: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_sNewParent: usize = 0x10; // CBufferString + pub const m_nStartFrame: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_nPeakFrame: usize = 0x24; // int32 + pub const m_nTailFrame: usize = 0x28; // int32 + pub const m_nEndFrame: usize = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBlendUpdateNode { + pub const m_children: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_sortedOrder: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_targetValues: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector + pub const m_blendValueSource: usize = 0xAC; // AnimValueSource + pub const m_paramIndex: usize = 0xB0; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_damping: usize = 0xB8; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_blendKeyType: usize = 0xC8; // BlendKeyType + pub const m_bLockBlendOnReset: usize = 0xCC; // bool + pub const m_bSyncCycles: usize = 0xCD; // bool + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0xCE; // bool + pub const m_bLockWhenWaning: usize = 0xCF; // bool + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CQuaternionAnimParameter { + pub const m_defaultValue: usize = 0x80; // Quaternion + pub const m_bInterpolate: usize = 0x90; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PermModelData_t { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_modelInfo: usize = 0x8; // PermModelInfo_t + pub const m_ExtParts: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_refMeshes: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_refMeshGroupMasks: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector + pub const m_refPhysGroupMasks: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_refLODGroupMasks: usize = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_lodGroupSwitchDistances: usize = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_refPhysicsData: usize = 0xF0; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_refPhysicsHitboxData: usize = 0x108; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_refAnimGroups: usize = 0x120; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_refSequenceGroups: usize = 0x138; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_meshGroups: usize = 0x150; // CUtlVector + pub const m_materialGroups: usize = 0x168; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nDefaultMeshGroupMask: usize = 0x180; // uint64 + pub const m_modelSkeleton: usize = 0x188; // ModelSkeletonData_t + pub const m_remappingTable: usize = 0x230; // CUtlVector + pub const m_remappingTableStarts: usize = 0x248; // CUtlVector + pub const m_boneFlexDrivers: usize = 0x260; // CUtlVector + pub const m_pModelConfigList: usize = 0x278; // CModelConfigList* + pub const m_BodyGroupsHiddenInTools: usize = 0x280; // CUtlVector + pub const m_refAnimIncludeModels: usize = 0x298; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_AnimatedMaterialAttributes: usize = 0x2B0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CStaticPoseCache + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStaticPoseCacheBuilder { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSequenceGroupData { + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x10; // CBufferString + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x20; // uint32 + pub const m_localSequenceNameArray: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_localS1SeqDescArray: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_localMultiSeqDescArray: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + pub const m_localSynthAnimDescArray: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_localCmdSeqDescArray: usize = 0x88; // CUtlVector + pub const m_localBoneMaskArray: usize = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_localScaleSetArray: usize = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_localBoneNameArray: usize = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_localNodeName: usize = 0xE8; // CBufferString + pub const m_localPoseParamArray: usize = 0xF8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_keyValues: usize = 0x110; // KeyValues3 + pub const m_localIKAutoplayLockArray: usize = 0x120; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStateMachineUpdateNode { + pub const m_stateMachine: usize = 0x68; // CAnimStateMachineUpdater + pub const m_stateData: usize = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_transitionData: usize = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bBlockWaningTags: usize = 0xF4; // bool + pub const m_bLockStateWhenWaning: usize = 0xF5; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAimMatrixUpdateNode { + pub const m_opFixedSettings: usize = 0x70; // AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t + pub const m_target: usize = 0x158; // AnimVectorSource + pub const m_paramIndex: usize = 0x15C; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x160; // HSequence + pub const m_bResetChild: usize = 0x164; // bool + pub const m_bLockWhenWaning: usize = 0x165; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SkeletonAnimCapture_t__Frame_t { + pub const m_flTime: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_Stamp: usize = 0x4; // SkeletonAnimCapture_t::FrameStamp_t + pub const m_Transform: usize = 0x20; // CTransform + pub const m_bTeleport: usize = 0x40; // bool + pub const m_CompositeBones: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SimStateBones: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FeModelAnims: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FeModelPos: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FlexControllerWeights: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement_Command { + pub const m_Command: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + pub const m_Args: usize = 0x50; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimEventDefinition { + pub const m_nFrame: usize = 0x8; // int32 + pub const m_nEndFrame: usize = 0xC; // int32 + pub const m_flCycle: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_EventData: usize = 0x18; // KeyValues3 + pub const m_sLegacyOptions: usize = 0x28; // CBufferString + pub const m_sEventName: usize = 0x38; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmRootMotionData { + pub const m_transforms: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nNumFrames: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_flAverageLinearVelocity: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flAverageAngularVelocityRadians: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_totalDelta: usize = 0x30; // CTransform + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + pub mod AnimScriptHandle { + pub const m_id: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFlexOp { + pub const m_OpCode: usize = 0x0; // FlexOpCode_t + pub const m_Data: usize = 0x4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CHitReactUpdateNode { + pub const m_opFixedSettings: usize = 0x68; // HitReactFixedSettings_t + pub const m_triggerParam: usize = 0xB4; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hitBoneParam: usize = 0xB6; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hitOffsetParam: usize = 0xB8; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hitDirectionParam: usize = 0xBA; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hitStrengthParam: usize = 0xBC; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_flMinDelayBetweenHits: usize = 0xC0; // float32 + pub const m_bResetChild: usize = 0xC4; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CLookAtUpdateNode { + pub const m_opFixedSettings: usize = 0x70; // LookAtOpFixedSettings_t + pub const m_target: usize = 0x138; // AnimVectorSource + pub const m_paramIndex: usize = 0x13C; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_weightParamIndex: usize = 0x13E; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_bResetChild: usize = 0x140; // bool + pub const m_bLockWhenWaning: usize = 0x141; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimBone { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_parent: usize = 0x10; // int32 + pub const m_pos: usize = 0x14; // Vector + pub const m_quat: usize = 0x20; // QuaternionStorage + pub const m_scale: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_qAlignment: usize = 0x34; // QuaternionStorage + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x44; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimParameterManagerUpdater { + pub const m_parameters: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_idToIndexMap: usize = 0x30; // CUtlHashtable + pub const m_nameToIndexMap: usize = 0x50; // CUtlHashtable + pub const m_indexToHandle: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_autoResetParams: usize = 0x88; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_autoResetMap: usize = 0xA0; // CUtlHashtable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod BoneDemoCaptureSettings_t { + pub const m_boneName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_flErrorSplineRotationMax: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flErrorSplineTranslationMax: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flErrorSplineScaleMax: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flErrorQuantizationRotationMax: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flErrorQuantizationTranslationMax: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flErrorQuantizationScaleMax: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceMorph__Input_t { + pub const m_inputValue: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_outputWeightList: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyArrayElementNameKey + pub mod MoodAnimationLayer_t { + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_bActiveListening: usize = 0x8; // bool + pub const m_bActiveTalking: usize = 0x9; // bool + pub const m_layerAnimations: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flIntensity: usize = 0x28; // CRangeFloat + pub const m_flDurationScale: usize = 0x30; // CRangeFloat + pub const m_bScaleWithInts: usize = 0x38; // bool + pub const m_flNextStart: usize = 0x3C; // CRangeFloat + pub const m_flStartOffset: usize = 0x44; // CRangeFloat + pub const m_flEndOffset: usize = 0x4C; // CRangeFloat + pub const m_flFadeIn: usize = 0x54; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOut: usize = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSpeedScaleUpdateNode { + pub const m_paramIndex: usize = 0x68; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmGraphDefinition__ChildGraphSlot_t { + pub const m_nNodeIdx: usize = 0x0; // int16 + pub const m_dataSlotIdx: usize = 0x2; // int16 + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement_SetBodygroupOnAttachedModels { + pub const m_GroupName: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + pub const m_nChoice: usize = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CCurrentVelocityMetricEvaluator { + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CNmBoolValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimReplayFrame { + pub const m_inputDataBlocks: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_instanceData: usize = 0x28; // CUtlBinaryBlock + pub const m_startingLocalToWorldTransform: usize = 0x40; // CTransform + pub const m_localToWorldTransform: usize = 0x60; // CTransform + pub const m_timeStamp: usize = 0x80; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmTransitionEvent { + pub const m_rule: usize = 0x10; // NmTransitionRule_t + pub const m_ID: usize = 0x18; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase { + pub const m_bLockToPath: usize = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod AimCameraOpFixedSettings_t { + pub const m_nChainIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_nCameraJointIndex: usize = 0x4; // int32 + pub const m_nPelvisJointIndex: usize = 0x8; // int32 + pub const m_nClavicleLeftJointIndex: usize = 0xC; // int32 + pub const m_nClavicleRightJointIndex: usize = 0x10; // int32 + pub const m_nDepenetrationJointIndex: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_propJoints: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SkeletonAnimCapture_t__Camera_t { + pub const m_tmCamera: usize = 0x0; // CTransform + pub const m_flTime: usize = 0x20; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFollowAttachmentUpdateNode { + pub const m_opFixedData: usize = 0x70; // FollowAttachmentSettings_t + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMovementComponentUpdater { + pub const m_motors: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_facingDamping: usize = 0x48; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_nDefaultMotorIndex: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_flDefaultRunSpeed: usize = 0x64; // float32 + pub const m_bMoveVarsDisabled: usize = 0x68; // bool + pub const m_bNetworkPath: usize = 0x69; // bool + pub const m_bNetworkFacing: usize = 0x6A; // bool + pub const m_paramHandles: usize = 0x6B; // CAnimParamHandle[30] + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement_SetMaterialGroup { + pub const m_MaterialGroupName: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFutureFacingMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_flDistance: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_flTime: usize = 0x54; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod NmCompressionSettings_t { + pub const m_translationRangeX: usize = 0x0; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + pub const m_translationRangeY: usize = 0x8; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + pub const m_translationRangeZ: usize = 0x10; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + pub const m_scaleRange: usize = 0x18; // NmCompressionSettings_t::QuantizationRange_t + pub const m_constantRotation: usize = 0x20; // Quaternion + pub const m_bIsRotationStatic: usize = 0x30; // bool + pub const m_bIsTranslationStatic: usize = 0x31; // bool + pub const m_bIsScaleStatic: usize = 0x32; // bool + } + // Parent: CBinaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAddUpdateNode { + pub const m_footMotionTiming: usize = 0x8C; // BinaryNodeChildOption + pub const m_bApplyToFootMotion: usize = 0x90; // bool + pub const m_bApplyChannelsSeparately: usize = 0x91; // bool + pub const m_bUseModelSpace: usize = 0x92; // bool + pub const m_bApplyScale: usize = 0x93; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + pub mod CAnimEnum { + pub const m_value: usize = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDemoSettingsComponentUpdater { + pub const m_settings: usize = 0x30; // CAnimDemoCaptureSettings + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimDecoder { + pub const m_szName: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_nVersion: usize = 0x10; // int32 + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x14; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootStride { + pub const m_definition: usize = 0x0; // CFootCycleDefinition + pub const m_trajectories: usize = 0x40; // CFootTrajectories + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmLegacyEvent { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStateNodeStateData { + pub const m_pChild: usize = 0x0; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + pub const m_bExclusiveRootMotion: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bExclusiveRootMotionFirstFrame: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CFootstepLandedAnimTag { + pub const m_FootstepType: usize = 0x58; // FootstepLandedFootSoundType_t + pub const m_OverrideSoundName: usize = 0x60; // CUtlString + pub const m_DebugAnimSourceString: usize = 0x68; // CUtlString + pub const m_BoneName: usize = 0x70; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CEnumAnimParameter { + pub const m_defaultValue: usize = 0x88; // uint8 + pub const m_enumOptions: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector + pub const m_vecEnumReferenced: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CHandshakeAnimTagBase { + pub const m_bIsDisableTag: usize = 0x50; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + pub mod AnimTagID { + pub const m_id: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimFrameSegment { + pub const m_nUniqueFrameIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_nLocalElementMasks: usize = 0x4; // uint32 + pub const m_nLocalChannel: usize = 0x8; // int32 + pub const m_container: usize = 0x10; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSlopeComponentUpdater { + pub const m_flTraceDistance: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_hSlopeAngle: usize = 0x38; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hSlopeAngleFront: usize = 0x3A; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hSlopeAngleSide: usize = 0x3C; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hSlopeHeading: usize = 0x3E; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hSlopeNormal: usize = 0x40; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hSlopeNormal_WorldSpace: usize = 0x42; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CAnimInputDamping { + pub const m_speedFunction: usize = 0x8; // DampingSpeedFunction + pub const m_fSpeedScale: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CHitBoxSet { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nNameHash: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_HitBoxes: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SourceFilename: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ChainToSolveData_t { + pub const m_nChainIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_SolverSettings: usize = 0x4; // IKSolverSettings_t + pub const m_TargetSettings: usize = 0x10; // IKTargetSettings_t + pub const m_DebugSetting: usize = 0x38; // SolveIKChainAnimNodeDebugSetting + pub const m_flDebugNormalizedValue: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_vDebugOffset: usize = 0x40; // VectorAligned + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CConstraintSlave { + pub const m_qBaseOrientation: usize = 0x0; // Quaternion + pub const m_vBasePosition: usize = 0x10; // Vector + pub const m_nBoneHash: usize = 0x1C; // uint32 + pub const m_flWeight: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootCycleDefinition { + pub const m_vStancePositionMS: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_vMidpointPositionMS: usize = 0xC; // Vector + pub const m_flStanceDirectionMS: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_vToStrideStartPos: usize = 0x1C; // Vector + pub const m_stanceCycle: usize = 0x28; // CAnimCycle + pub const m_footLiftCycle: usize = 0x2C; // CFootCycle + pub const m_footOffCycle: usize = 0x30; // CFootCycle + pub const m_footStrikeCycle: usize = 0x34; // CFootCycle + pub const m_footLandCycle: usize = 0x38; // CFootCycle + } + // Parent: CAnimParameterBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CVirtualAnimParameter { + pub const m_expressionString: usize = 0x70; // CUtlString + pub const m_eParamType: usize = 0x78; // AnimParamType_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_means: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_standardDeviations: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flWeight: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_nDimensionStartIndex: usize = 0x4C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFutureVelocityMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_flDistance: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_flStoppingDistance: usize = 0x54; // float32 + pub const m_flTargetSpeed: usize = 0x58; // float32 + pub const m_eMode: usize = 0x5C; // VelocityMetricMode + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimUpdateNodeBase { + pub const m_nodePath: usize = 0x18; // CAnimNodePath + pub const m_networkMode: usize = 0x48; // AnimNodeNetworkMode + pub const m_name: usize = 0x50; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSetParameterActionUpdater { + pub const m_hParam: usize = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_value: usize = 0x1A; // CAnimVariant + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmGraphVariation { + pub const m_graphDefinition: usize = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_dataSet: usize = 0x8; // CNmGraphDataSet + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SkeletonAnimCapture_t__FrameStamp_t { + pub const m_flTime: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flEntitySimTime: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_bTeleportTick: usize = 0x8; // bool + pub const m_bPredicted: usize = 0x9; // bool + pub const m_flCurTime: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flRealTime: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_nFrameCount: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_nTickCount: usize = 0x18; // int32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBonePositionMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_nBoneIndex: usize = 0x50; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CRenderBufferBinding { + pub const m_hBuffer: usize = 0x0; // uint64 + pub const m_nBindOffsetBytes: usize = 0x10; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmExternalGraphNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMeshletDescriptor { + pub const m_PackedAABB: usize = 0x0; // PackedAABB_t + pub const m_CullingData: usize = 0x8; // CDrawCullingData + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMorphSetData { + pub const m_nWidth: usize = 0x10; // int32 + pub const m_nHeight: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_bundleTypes: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_morphDatas: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_pTextureAtlas: usize = 0x48; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_FlexDesc: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FlexControllers: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FlexRules: usize = 0x80; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMorphConstraint { + pub const m_sTargetMorph: usize = 0x70; // CUtlString + pub const m_nSlaveChannel: usize = 0x78; // int32 + pub const m_flMin: usize = 0x7C; // float32 + pub const m_flMax: usize = 0x80; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CClothSettingsAnimTag { + pub const m_flStiffness: usize = 0x58; // float32 + pub const m_flEaseIn: usize = 0x5C; // float32 + pub const m_flEaseOut: usize = 0x60; // float32 + pub const m_nVertexSet: usize = 0x68; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimDesc_Flag { + pub const m_bLooping: usize = 0x0; // bool + pub const m_bAllZeros: usize = 0x1; // bool + pub const m_bHidden: usize = 0x2; // bool + pub const m_bDelta: usize = 0x3; // bool + pub const m_bLegacyWorldspace: usize = 0x4; // bool + pub const m_bModelDoc: usize = 0x5; // bool + pub const m_bImplicitSeqIgnoreDelta: usize = 0x6; // bool + pub const m_bAnimGraphAdditive: usize = 0x7; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBlendCurve { + pub const m_flControlPoint1: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flControlPoint2: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmGraphNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nNodeIdx: usize = 0x8; // int16 + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimationGraphVisualizerSphere { + pub const m_vWsPosition: usize = 0x40; // VectorAligned + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x54; // Color + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimUserDifference { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CTransitionUpdateData { + pub const m_srcStateIndex: usize = 0x0; // uint8 + pub const m_destStateIndex: usize = 0x1; // uint8 + pub const m_nHandshakeMaskToDisableFirst: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:7 + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: CHandshakeAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CMovementHandshakeAnimTag { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceBone__Input_t { + pub const m_inputValue: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_outputTransformList: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqMultiFetch { + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x0; // CSeqMultiFetchFlag + pub const m_localReferenceArray: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nGroupSize: usize = 0x20; // int32[2] + pub const m_nLocalPose: usize = 0x28; // int32[2] + pub const m_poseKeyArray0: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_poseKeyArray1: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nLocalCyclePoseParameter: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_bCalculatePoseParameters: usize = 0x64; // bool + pub const m_bFixedBlendWeight: usize = 0x65; // bool + pub const m_flFixedBlendWeightVals: usize = 0x68; // float32[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPhysSurfacePropertiesSoundNames { + pub const m_impactSoft: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_impactHard: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_scrapeSmooth: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const m_scrapeRough: usize = 0x18; // CUtlString + pub const m_bulletImpact: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_rolling: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_break: usize = 0x30; // CUtlString + pub const m_strain: usize = 0x38; // CUtlString + pub const m_meleeImpact: usize = 0x40; // CUtlString + pub const m_pushOff: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + pub const m_skidStop: usize = 0x50; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CAudioAnimTag { + pub const m_clipName: usize = 0x58; // CUtlString + pub const m_attachmentName: usize = 0x60; // CUtlString + pub const m_flVolume: usize = 0x68; // float32 + pub const m_bStopWhenTagEnds: usize = 0x6C; // bool + pub const m_bStopWhenGraphEnds: usize = 0x6D; // bool + pub const m_bPlayOnServer: usize = 0x6E; // bool + pub const m_bPlayOnClient: usize = 0x6F; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CTurnHelperUpdateNode { + pub const m_facingTarget: usize = 0x6C; // AnimValueSource + pub const m_turnStartTimeOffset: usize = 0x70; // float32 + pub const m_turnDuration: usize = 0x74; // float32 + pub const m_bMatchChildDuration: usize = 0x78; // bool + pub const m_manualTurnOffset: usize = 0x7C; // float32 + pub const m_bUseManualTurnOffset: usize = 0x80; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimationGroup { + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x10; // uint32 + pub const m_name: usize = 0x18; // CBufferString + pub const m_localHAnimArray_Handle: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_includedGroupArray_Handle: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_directHSeqGroup_Handle: usize = 0x90; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_decodeKey: usize = 0x98; // CAnimKeyData + pub const m_szScripts: usize = 0x110; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod NmSyncTrackTime_t { + pub const m_nEventIdx: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_percentageThrough: usize = 0x4; // NmPercent_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmClip { + pub const m_skeleton: usize = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nNumFrames: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_compressedPoseData: usize = 0x10; // CUtlBinaryBlock + pub const m_trackCompressionSettings: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_compressedPoseOffsets: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_syncTrack: usize = 0xA0; // CNmSyncTrack + pub const m_rootMotion: usize = 0x150; // CNmRootMotionData + pub const m_bIsAdditive: usize = 0x1A0; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimActionUpdater + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CToggleComponentActionUpdater { + pub const m_componentID: usize = 0x18; // AnimComponentID + pub const m_bSetEnabled: usize = 0x1C; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmGraphNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CNmValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase { + pub const m_Type: usize = 0x8; // CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveType + pub const m_OwningAnimNodePaths: usize = 0xC; // AnimNodeID[11] + pub const m_nOwningAnimNodePathCount: usize = 0x38; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBindPoseUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod NmSyncTrackTimeRange_t { + pub const m_startTime: usize = 0x0; // NmSyncTrackTime_t + pub const m_endTime: usize = 0x8; // NmSyncTrackTime_t + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimationGraphVisualizerText { + pub const m_vWsPosition: usize = 0x40; // VectorAligned + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x50; // Color + pub const m_Text: usize = 0x58; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootTrajectory { + pub const m_vOffset: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_flRotationOffset: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flProgression: usize = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionMatchingUpdateNode { + pub const m_dataSet: usize = 0x58; // CMotionDataSet + pub const m_metrics: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_weights: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bSearchEveryTick: usize = 0xE0; // bool + pub const m_flSearchInterval: usize = 0xE4; // float32 + pub const m_bSearchWhenClipEnds: usize = 0xE8; // bool + pub const m_bSearchWhenGoalChanges: usize = 0xE9; // bool + pub const m_blendCurve: usize = 0xEC; // CBlendCurve + pub const m_flSampleRate: usize = 0xF4; // float32 + pub const m_flBlendTime: usize = 0xF8; // float32 + pub const m_bLockClipWhenWaning: usize = 0xFC; // bool + pub const m_flSelectionThreshold: usize = 0x100; // float32 + pub const m_flReselectionTimeWindow: usize = 0x104; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableRotationCorrection: usize = 0x108; // bool + pub const m_bGoalAssist: usize = 0x109; // bool + pub const m_flGoalAssistDistance: usize = 0x10C; // float32 + pub const m_flGoalAssistTolerance: usize = 0x110; // float32 + pub const m_distanceScale_Damping: usize = 0x118; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_flDistanceScale_OuterRadius: usize = 0x128; // float32 + pub const m_flDistanceScale_InnerRadius: usize = 0x12C; // float32 + pub const m_flDistanceScale_MaxScale: usize = 0x130; // float32 + pub const m_flDistanceScale_MinScale: usize = 0x134; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableDistanceScaling: usize = 0x138; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqS1SeqDesc { + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x10; // CSeqSeqDescFlag + pub const m_fetch: usize = 0x20; // CSeqMultiFetch + pub const m_nLocalWeightlist: usize = 0x90; // int32 + pub const m_autoLayerArray: usize = 0x98; // CUtlVector + pub const m_IKLockArray: usize = 0xB0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_transition: usize = 0xC8; // CSeqTransition + pub const m_SequenceKeys: usize = 0xD0; // KeyValues3 + pub const m_LegacyKeyValueText: usize = 0xE0; // CBufferString + pub const m_activityArray: usize = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_footMotion: usize = 0x108; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFlexController { + pub const m_szName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_szType: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const min: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const max: usize = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SkeletonDemoDb_t { + pub const m_AnimCaptures: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_CameraTrack: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flRecordingTime: usize = 0x30; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionNode + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionNodeSequence { + pub const m_tags: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x40; // HSequence + pub const m_flPlaybackSpeed: usize = 0x44; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFlexDesc { + pub const m_szFacs: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CRenderMesh { + pub const m_sceneObjects: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVectorFixedGrowable + pub const m_constraints: usize = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_skeleton: usize = 0xB8; // CRenderSkeleton + pub const m_meshDeformParams: usize = 0x1E0; // DynamicMeshDeformParams_t + pub const m_pGroomData: usize = 0x1F0; // CRenderGroom* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimSkeleton { + pub const m_localSpaceTransforms: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_modelSpaceTransforms: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_boneNames: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_children: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_parents: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_feet: usize = 0x88; // CUtlVector + pub const m_morphNames: usize = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_lodBoneCounts: usize = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VPhysics2ShapeDef_t { + pub const m_spheres: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_capsules: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hulls: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_meshes: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_CollisionAttributeIndices: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimationGraphVisualizerAxis { + pub const m_xWsTransform: usize = 0x40; // CTransform + pub const m_flAxisSize: usize = 0x60; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CTwistConstraint { + pub const m_bInverse: usize = 0x70; // bool + pub const m_qParentBindRotation: usize = 0x80; // Quaternion + pub const m_qChildBindRotation: usize = 0x90; // Quaternion + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ModelBoneFlexDriverControl_t { + pub const m_nBoneComponent: usize = 0x0; // ModelBoneFlexComponent_t + pub const m_flexController: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_flexControllerToken: usize = 0x10; // uint32 + pub const m_flMin: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flMax: usize = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqCmdLayer { + pub const m_cmd: usize = 0x0; // int16 + pub const m_nLocalReference: usize = 0x2; // int16 + pub const m_nLocalBonemask: usize = 0x4; // int16 + pub const m_nDstResult: usize = 0x6; // int16 + pub const m_nSrcResult: usize = 0x8; // int16 + pub const m_bSpline: usize = 0xA; // bool + pub const m_flVar1: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flVar2: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_nLineNumber: usize = 0x14; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FootPinningPoseOpFixedData_t { + pub const m_footInfo: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flBlendTime: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flLockBreakDistance: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxLegTwist: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_nHipBoneIndex: usize = 0x24; // int32 + pub const m_bApplyLegTwistLimits: usize = 0x28; // bool + pub const m_bApplyFootRotationLimits: usize = 0x29; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RenderSkeletonBone_t { + pub const m_boneName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_parentName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_invBindPose: usize = 0x10; // matrix3x4_t + pub const m_bbox: usize = 0x40; // SkeletonBoneBounds_t + pub const m_flSphereRadius: usize = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDistanceRemainingMetricEvaluator { + pub const m_flMaxDistance: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_flMinDistance: usize = 0x54; // float32 + pub const m_flStartGoalFilterDistance: usize = 0x58; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxGoalOvershootScale: usize = 0x5C; // float32 + pub const m_bFilterFixedMinDistance: usize = 0x60; // bool + pub const m_bFilterGoalDistance: usize = 0x61; // bool + pub const m_bFilterGoalOvershoot: usize = 0x62; // bool + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDirectPlaybackUpdateNode { + pub const m_bFinishEarly: usize = 0x6C; // bool + pub const m_bResetOnFinish: usize = 0x6D; // bool + pub const m_allTags: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmIDEvent { + pub const m_ID: usize = 0x10; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFlexRule { + pub const m_nFlex: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_FlexOps: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ScriptInfo_t { + pub const m_code: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_paramsModified: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_proxyReadParams: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_proxyWriteParams: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector + pub const m_eScriptType: usize = 0x50; // AnimScriptType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CRenderGroom { + pub const m_hairs: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hSimParamsMat: usize = 0x20; // CStrongHandleCopyable + pub const m_nSegmentsPerHairStrand: usize = 0x28; // int32 + pub const m_nGuideHairCount: usize = 0x2C; // int32 + pub const m_nHairCount: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_nGroomGroupID: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_nAttachBoneIdx: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_nAttachMeshIdx: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + pub const m_nAttachMeshDrawCallIdx: usize = 0x40; // int32 + pub const m_flSumOfAllHairLengths: usize = 0x44; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableSimulation: usize = 0x48; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CTiltTwistConstraint { + pub const m_nTargetAxis: usize = 0x70; // int32 + pub const m_nSlaveAxis: usize = 0x74; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CVPhysXSurfacePropertiesList { + pub const m_surfacePropertiesList: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RenderHairStrandInfo_t { + pub const m_nGuideHairIndices_nSurfaceTriIndex: usize = 0x0; // uint32[2] + pub const m_vGuideBary_vBaseBary: usize = 0x8; // uint16[4] + pub const m_vRootOffset_flLengthScale: usize = 0x10; // uint16[4] + pub const m_nPackedBaseUv: usize = 0x18; // uint16[2] + pub const m_nPackedSurfaceNormalOs: usize = 0x1C; // uint32 + pub const m_nPackedSurfaceTangentOs: usize = 0x20; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CCycleControlClipUpdateNode { + pub const m_tags: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x7C; // HSequence + pub const m_duration: usize = 0x80; // float32 + pub const m_valueSource: usize = 0x84; // AnimValueSource + pub const m_paramIndex: usize = 0x88; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CNmFloatValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStaticPoseCache { + pub const m_poses: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nBoneCount: usize = 0x28; // int32 + pub const m_nMorphCount: usize = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod LookAtOpFixedSettings_t { + pub const m_attachment: usize = 0x0; // CAnimAttachment + pub const m_damping: usize = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_bones: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flYawLimit: usize = 0xA8; // float32 + pub const m_flPitchLimit: usize = 0xAC; // float32 + pub const m_flHysteresisInnerAngle: usize = 0xB0; // float32 + pub const m_flHysteresisOuterAngle: usize = 0xB4; // float32 + pub const m_bRotateYawForward: usize = 0xB8; // bool + pub const m_bMaintainUpDirection: usize = 0xB9; // bool + pub const m_bTargetIsPosition: usize = 0xBA; // bool + pub const m_bUseHysteresis: usize = 0xBB; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimGraphSettingsManager { + pub const m_settingsGroups: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimGraphModelBinding { + pub const m_modelName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_pSharedData: usize = 0x10; // CSmartPtr + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceBone { + pub const m_inputList: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MotionBlendItem { + pub const m_pChild: usize = 0x0; // CSmartPtr + pub const m_flKeyValue: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBoneConstraintBase + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBoneConstraintPoseSpaceMorph { + pub const m_sBoneName: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_sAttachmentName: usize = 0x30; // CUtlString + pub const m_outputMorph: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector + pub const m_inputList: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bClamp: usize = 0x68; // bool + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CFloatAnimParameter { + pub const m_fDefaultValue: usize = 0x80; // float32 + pub const m_fMinValue: usize = 0x84; // float32 + pub const m_fMaxValue: usize = 0x88; // float32 + pub const m_bInterpolate: usize = 0x8C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStateActionUpdater { + pub const m_pAction: usize = 0x0; // CSmartPtr + pub const m_eBehavior: usize = 0x8; // StateActionBehavior + } + // Parent: CAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPlayerInputAnimMotorUpdater { + pub const m_sampleTimes: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flSpringConstant: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_flAnticipationDistance: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_hAnticipationPosParam: usize = 0x44; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hAnticipationHeadingParam: usize = 0x46; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_bUseAcceleration: usize = 0x48; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CRenderSkeleton { + pub const m_bones: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_boneParents: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nBoneWeightCount: usize = 0x48; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqIKLock { + pub const m_flPosWeight: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flAngleWeight: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_nLocalBone: usize = 0x8; // int16 + pub const m_bBonesOrientedAlongPositiveX: usize = 0xA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimParamHandleMap { + pub const m_list: usize = 0x0; // CUtlHashtable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimDesc { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x10; // CAnimDesc_Flag + pub const fps: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_Data: usize = 0x20; // CAnimEncodedFrames + pub const m_movementArray: usize = 0xF8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_eventArray: usize = 0x110; // CUtlVector + pub const m_activityArray: usize = 0x128; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hierarchyArray: usize = 0x140; // CUtlVector + pub const framestalltime: usize = 0x158; // float32 + pub const m_vecRootMin: usize = 0x15C; // Vector + pub const m_vecRootMax: usize = 0x168; // Vector + pub const m_vecBoneWorldMin: usize = 0x178; // CUtlVector + pub const m_vecBoneWorldMax: usize = 0x190; // CUtlVector + pub const m_sequenceParams: usize = 0x1A8; // CAnimSequenceParams + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPhysSurfacePropertiesPhysics { + pub const m_friction: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_elasticity: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_density: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_thickness: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_softContactFrequency: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_softContactDampingRatio: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_wheelDrag: usize = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: CAnimationGraphVisualizerPrimitiveBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimationGraphVisualizerPie { + pub const m_vWsCenter: usize = 0x40; // VectorAligned + pub const m_vWsStart: usize = 0x50; // VectorAligned + pub const m_vWsEnd: usize = 0x60; // VectorAligned + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x70; // Color + } + // Parent: CBoneConstraintBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBoneConstraintDotToMorph { + pub const m_sBoneName: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_sTargetBoneName: usize = 0x30; // CUtlString + pub const m_sMorphChannelName: usize = 0x38; // CUtlString + pub const m_flRemap: usize = 0x40; // float32[4] + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPointConstraint { + } + // Parent: CMotionMetricEvaluator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CCurrentRotationVelocityMetricEvaluator { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod TraceSettings_t { + pub const m_flTraceHeight: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flTraceRadius: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ParamSpanSample_t { + pub const m_value: usize = 0x0; // CAnimVariant + pub const m_flCycle: usize = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 46 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VPhysXConstraintParams_t { + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x0; // int8 + pub const m_nTranslateMotion: usize = 0x1; // int8 + pub const m_nRotateMotion: usize = 0x2; // int8 + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x3; // int8 + pub const m_anchor: usize = 0x4; // Vector[2] + pub const m_axes: usize = 0x1C; // QuaternionStorage[2] + pub const m_maxForce: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_maxTorque: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_linearLimitValue: usize = 0x44; // float32 + pub const m_linearLimitRestitution: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_linearLimitSpring: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const m_linearLimitDamping: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_twistLowLimitValue: usize = 0x54; // float32 + pub const m_twistLowLimitRestitution: usize = 0x58; // float32 + pub const m_twistLowLimitSpring: usize = 0x5C; // float32 + pub const m_twistLowLimitDamping: usize = 0x60; // float32 + pub const m_twistHighLimitValue: usize = 0x64; // float32 + pub const m_twistHighLimitRestitution: usize = 0x68; // float32 + pub const m_twistHighLimitSpring: usize = 0x6C; // float32 + pub const m_twistHighLimitDamping: usize = 0x70; // float32 + pub const m_swing1LimitValue: usize = 0x74; // float32 + pub const m_swing1LimitRestitution: usize = 0x78; // float32 + pub const m_swing1LimitSpring: usize = 0x7C; // float32 + pub const m_swing1LimitDamping: usize = 0x80; // float32 + pub const m_swing2LimitValue: usize = 0x84; // float32 + pub const m_swing2LimitRestitution: usize = 0x88; // float32 + pub const m_swing2LimitSpring: usize = 0x8C; // float32 + pub const m_swing2LimitDamping: usize = 0x90; // float32 + pub const m_goalPosition: usize = 0x94; // Vector + pub const m_goalOrientation: usize = 0xA0; // QuaternionStorage + pub const m_goalAngularVelocity: usize = 0xB0; // Vector + pub const m_driveSpringX: usize = 0xBC; // float32 + pub const m_driveSpringY: usize = 0xC0; // float32 + pub const m_driveSpringZ: usize = 0xC4; // float32 + pub const m_driveDampingX: usize = 0xC8; // float32 + pub const m_driveDampingY: usize = 0xCC; // float32 + pub const m_driveDampingZ: usize = 0xD0; // float32 + pub const m_driveSpringTwist: usize = 0xD4; // float32 + pub const m_driveSpringSwing: usize = 0xD8; // float32 + pub const m_driveSpringSlerp: usize = 0xDC; // float32 + pub const m_driveDampingTwist: usize = 0xE0; // float32 + pub const m_driveDampingSwing: usize = 0xE4; // float32 + pub const m_driveDampingSlerp: usize = 0xE8; // float32 + pub const m_solverIterationCount: usize = 0xEC; // int32 + pub const m_projectionLinearTolerance: usize = 0xF0; // float32 + pub const m_projectionAngularTolerance: usize = 0xF4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CStateUpdateData { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_hScript: usize = 0x8; // AnimScriptHandle + pub const m_transitionIndices: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_actions: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_stateID: usize = 0x40; // AnimStateID + pub const m_bIsStartState: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bIsEndState: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bIsPassthrough: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: CNmValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CNmTargetValueNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: CBaseConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod COrientConstraint { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMoverUpdateNode { + pub const m_damping: usize = 0x70; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_facingTarget: usize = 0x80; // AnimValueSource + pub const m_hMoveVecParam: usize = 0x84; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hMoveHeadingParam: usize = 0x86; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hTurnToFaceParam: usize = 0x88; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_flTurnToFaceOffset: usize = 0x8C; // float32 + pub const m_flTurnToFaceLimit: usize = 0x90; // float32 + pub const m_bAdditive: usize = 0x94; // bool + pub const m_bApplyMovement: usize = 0x95; // bool + pub const m_bOrientMovement: usize = 0x96; // bool + pub const m_bApplyRotation: usize = 0x97; // bool + pub const m_bLimitOnly: usize = 0x98; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmLayerBlendNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nBaseNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + pub const m_bOnlySampleBaseRootMotion: usize = 0x12; // bool + pub const m_layerDefinition: usize = 0x18; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimMotorUpdaterBase { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const m_bDefault: usize = 0x18; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod JiggleBoneSettingsList_t { + pub const m_boneSettings: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBinaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSubtractUpdateNode { + pub const m_footMotionTiming: usize = 0x8C; // BinaryNodeChildOption + pub const m_bApplyToFootMotion: usize = 0x90; // bool + pub const m_bApplyChannelsSeparately: usize = 0x91; // bool + pub const m_bUseModelSpace: usize = 0x92; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPoseHandle { + pub const m_nIndex: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const m_eType: usize = 0x2; // PoseType_t + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSolveIKChainUpdateNode { + pub const m_targetHandles: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + pub const m_opFixedData: usize = 0x80; // SolveIKChainPoseOpFixedSettings_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqCmdSeqDesc { + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x10; // CSeqSeqDescFlag + pub const m_transition: usize = 0x1C; // CSeqTransition + pub const m_nFrameRangeSequence: usize = 0x24; // int16 + pub const m_nFrameCount: usize = 0x26; // int16 + pub const m_flFPS: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_nSubCycles: usize = 0x2C; // int16 + pub const m_numLocalResults: usize = 0x2E; // int16 + pub const m_cmdLayerArray: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_eventArray: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_activityArray: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_poseSettingArray: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBinaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBoneMaskUpdateNode { + pub const m_nWeightListIndex: usize = 0x8C; // int32 + pub const m_flRootMotionBlend: usize = 0x90; // float32 + pub const m_blendSpace: usize = 0x94; // BoneMaskBlendSpace + pub const m_footMotionTiming: usize = 0x98; // BinaryNodeChildOption + pub const m_bUseBlendScale: usize = 0x9C; // bool + pub const m_blendValueSource: usize = 0xA0; // AnimValueSource + pub const m_hBlendParameter: usize = 0xA4; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CLeafUpdateNode { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SolveIKChainPoseOpFixedSettings_t { + pub const m_ChainsToSolveData: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bMatchTargetOrientation: usize = 0x18; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod TwoBoneIKSettings_t { + pub const m_endEffectorType: usize = 0x0; // IkEndEffectorType + pub const m_endEffectorAttachment: usize = 0x10; // CAnimAttachment + pub const m_targetType: usize = 0x90; // IkTargetType + pub const m_targetAttachment: usize = 0xA0; // CAnimAttachment + pub const m_targetBoneIndex: usize = 0x120; // int32 + pub const m_hPositionParam: usize = 0x124; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hRotationParam: usize = 0x126; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_bAlwaysUseFallbackHinge: usize = 0x128; // bool + pub const m_vLsFallbackHingeAxis: usize = 0x130; // VectorAligned + pub const m_nFixedBoneIndex: usize = 0x140; // int32 + pub const m_nMiddleBoneIndex: usize = 0x144; // int32 + pub const m_nEndBoneIndex: usize = 0x148; // int32 + pub const m_bMatchTargetOrientation: usize = 0x14C; // bool + pub const m_bConstrainTwist: usize = 0x14D; // bool + pub const m_flMaxTwist: usize = 0x150; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimUpdateSharedData { + pub const m_nodes: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_nodeIndexMap: usize = 0x28; // CUtlHashtable + pub const m_components: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_pParamListUpdater: usize = 0x60; // CSmartPtr + pub const m_pTagManagerUpdater: usize = 0x68; // CSmartPtr + pub const m_scriptManager: usize = 0x70; // CSmartPtr + pub const m_settings: usize = 0x78; // CAnimGraphSettingsManager + pub const m_pStaticPoseCache: usize = 0xA8; // CSmartPtr + pub const m_pSkeleton: usize = 0xB0; // CSmartPtr + pub const m_rootNodePath: usize = 0xB8; // CAnimNodePath + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimAttachment { + pub const m_influenceRotations: usize = 0x0; // Quaternion[3] + pub const m_influenceOffsets: usize = 0x30; // VectorAligned[3] + pub const m_influenceIndices: usize = 0x60; // int32[3] + pub const m_influenceWeights: usize = 0x6C; // float32[3] + pub const m_numInfluences: usize = 0x78; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootTrajectories { + pub const m_trajectories: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CMotionGraph + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CEditableMotionGraph { + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CStringAnimTag { + } + // Parent: CConcreteAnimParameter + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CBoolAnimParameter { + pub const m_bDefaultValue: usize = 0x80; // bool + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CRagdollAnimTag { + pub const m_nPoseControl: usize = 0x58; // AnimPoseControl + pub const m_flFrequency: usize = 0x5C; // float32 + pub const m_flDampingRatio: usize = 0x60; // float32 + pub const m_flDecayDuration: usize = 0x64; // float32 + pub const m_flDecayBias: usize = 0x68; // float32 + pub const m_bDestroy: usize = 0x6C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionNode { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x18; // CUtlString + pub const m_id: usize = 0x20; // AnimNodeID + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmStateMachineNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_stateDefinition: usize = 0x10; // CUtlLeanVectorFixedGrowable + pub const m_nDefaultStateIndex: usize = 0x130; // int16 + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CBodyGroupAnimTag { + pub const m_nPriority: usize = 0x58; // int32 + pub const m_bodyGroupSettings: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyEditClassAsString + pub mod AnimParamID { + pub const m_id: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CNmPoseNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmChildGraphNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nChildGraphIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod AnimationDecodeDebugDump_t { + pub const m_processingType: usize = 0x0; // AnimationProcessingType_t + pub const m_elems: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CNmIDValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmVirtualParameterIDNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nChildNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqScaleSet { + pub const m_sName: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_bRootOffset: usize = 0x10; // bool + pub const m_vRootOffset: usize = 0x14; // Vector + pub const m_nLocalBoneArray: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flBoneScaleArray: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CLeafUpdateNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDirectionalBlendUpdateNode { + pub const m_hSequences: usize = 0x5C; // HSequence[8] + pub const m_damping: usize = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_blendValueSource: usize = 0x90; // AnimValueSource + pub const m_paramIndex: usize = 0x94; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_playbackSpeed: usize = 0x98; // float32 + pub const m_duration: usize = 0x9C; // float32 + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0xA0; // bool + pub const m_bLockBlendOnReset: usize = 0xA1; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ParamSpan_t { + pub const m_samples: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hParam: usize = 0x18; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_eParamType: usize = 0x1A; // AnimParamType_t + pub const m_flStartCycle: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flEndCycle: usize = 0x20; // float32 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFootStepTriggerUpdateNode { + pub const m_triggers: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flTolerance: usize = 0x84; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod IKTargetSettings_t { + pub const m_TargetSource: usize = 0x0; // IKTargetSource + pub const m_Bone: usize = 0x8; // IKBoneNameAndIndex_t + pub const m_AnimgraphParameterNamePosition: usize = 0x18; // AnimParamID + pub const m_AnimgraphParameterNameOrientation: usize = 0x1C; // AnimParamID + pub const m_TargetCoordSystem: usize = 0x20; // IKTargetCoordinateSystem + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement_SetRenderColor { + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x48; // Color + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionSearchDB { + pub const m_rootNode: usize = 0x0; // CMotionSearchNode + pub const m_residualQuantizer: usize = 0x80; // CProductQuantizer + pub const m_codeIndices: usize = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CMotionNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionNodeBlend1D { + pub const m_blendItems: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nParamIndex: usize = 0x40; // int32 + } + // Parent: CNmTargetValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmControlParameterTargetNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SkeletonBoneBounds_t { + pub const m_vecCenter: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_vecSize: usize = 0xC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CTwoBoneIKUpdateNode { + pub const m_opFixedData: usize = 0x70; // TwoBoneIKSettings_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VPhysXBodyPart_t { + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_flMass: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_rnShape: usize = 0x8; // VPhysics2ShapeDef_t + pub const m_nCollisionAttributeIndex: usize = 0x80; // uint16 + pub const m_nReserved: usize = 0x82; // uint16 + pub const m_flInertiaScale: usize = 0x84; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearDamping: usize = 0x88; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularDamping: usize = 0x8C; // float32 + pub const m_bOverrideMassCenter: usize = 0x90; // bool + pub const m_vMassCenterOverride: usize = 0x94; // Vector + } + // Parent: CHandshakeAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CTaskHandshakeAnimTag { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFollowPathUpdateNode { + pub const m_flBlendOutTime: usize = 0x6C; // float32 + pub const m_bBlockNonPathMovement: usize = 0x70; // bool + pub const m_bStopFeetAtGoal: usize = 0x71; // bool + pub const m_bScaleSpeed: usize = 0x72; // bool + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x74; // float32 + pub const m_flMinAngle: usize = 0x78; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxAngle: usize = 0x7C; // float32 + pub const m_flSpeedScaleBlending: usize = 0x80; // float32 + pub const m_turnDamping: usize = 0x88; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_facingTarget: usize = 0x98; // AnimValueSource + pub const m_hParam: usize = 0x9C; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_flTurnToFaceOffset: usize = 0xA0; // float32 + pub const m_bTurnToFace: usize = 0xA4; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t { + pub const m_attachment: usize = 0x0; // CAnimAttachment + pub const m_damping: usize = 0x80; // CAnimInputDamping + pub const m_poseCacheHandles: usize = 0x90; // CPoseHandle[10] + pub const m_eBlendMode: usize = 0xB8; // AimMatrixBlendMode + pub const m_flMaxYawAngle: usize = 0xBC; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxPitchAngle: usize = 0xC0; // float32 + pub const m_nSequenceMaxFrame: usize = 0xC4; // int32 + pub const m_nBoneMaskIndex: usize = 0xC8; // int32 + pub const m_bTargetIsPosition: usize = 0xCC; // bool + pub const m_bUseBiasAndClamp: usize = 0xCD; // bool + pub const m_flBiasAndClampYawOffset: usize = 0xD0; // float32 + pub const m_flBiasAndClampPitchOffset: usize = 0xD4; // float32 + pub const m_biasAndClampBlendCurve: usize = 0xD8; // CBlendCurve + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimScriptComponentUpdater { + pub const m_hScript: usize = 0x30; // AnimScriptHandle + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CRagdollUpdateNode { + pub const m_nWeightListIndex: usize = 0x68; // int32 + pub const m_poseControlMethod: usize = 0x6C; // RagdollPoseControl + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBoneConstraintBase { + } + // Parent: CPathAnimMotorUpdaterBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPathAnimMotorUpdater { + } + // Parent: CAnimTagBase + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CMaterialAttributeAnimTag { + pub const m_AttributeName: usize = 0x58; // CUtlString + pub const m_AttributeType: usize = 0x60; // MatterialAttributeTagType_t + pub const m_flValue: usize = 0x64; // float32 + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x68; // Color + } + // Parent: CNmEvent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmFootEvent { + pub const m_phase: usize = 0x10; // NmFootPhase_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPhysSurfacePropertiesAudio { + pub const m_reflectivity: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_hardnessFactor: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_roughnessFactor: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_roughThreshold: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_hardThreshold: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_hardVelocityThreshold: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flStaticImpactVolume: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flOcclusionFactor: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSeqAutoLayer { + pub const m_nLocalReference: usize = 0x0; // int16 + pub const m_nLocalPose: usize = 0x2; // int16 + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x4; // CSeqAutoLayerFlag + pub const m_start: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_peak: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_tail: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_end: usize = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PhysSoftbodyDesc_t { + pub const m_ParticleBoneHash: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Particles: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Springs: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Capsules: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_InitPose: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ParticleBoneName: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimSequenceParams { + pub const m_flFadeInTime: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutTime: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CNmBoolValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmVirtualParameterBoolNode__CDefinition { + pub const m_nChildNodeIdx: usize = 0x10; // int16 + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFollowTargetUpdateNode { + pub const m_opFixedData: usize = 0x68; // FollowTargetOpFixedSettings_t + pub const m_hParameterPosition: usize = 0x80; // CAnimParamHandle + pub const m_hParameterOrientation: usize = 0x82; // CAnimParamHandle + } + // Parent: CAnimComponentUpdater + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CCPPScriptComponentUpdater { + pub const m_scriptsToRun: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimData { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x10; // CBufferString + pub const m_animArray: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_decoderArray: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nMaxUniqueFrameIndex: usize = 0x50; // int32 + pub const m_segmentArray: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod IKSolverSettings_t { + pub const m_SolverType: usize = 0x0; // IKSolverType + pub const m_nNumIterations: usize = 0x4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CAnimUpdateNodeBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBinaryUpdateNode { + pub const m_pChild1: usize = 0x58; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + pub const m_pChild2: usize = 0x68; // CAnimUpdateNodeRef + pub const m_timingBehavior: usize = 0x78; // BinaryNodeTiming + pub const m_flTimingBlend: usize = 0x7C; // float32 + pub const m_bResetChild1: usize = 0x80; // bool + pub const m_bResetChild2: usize = 0x81; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimKeyData { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const m_boneArray: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_userArray: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_morphArray: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nChannelElements: usize = 0x58; // int32 + pub const m_dataChannelArray: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod AttachmentHandle_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimMorphDifference { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FootFixedData_t { + pub const m_vToeOffset: usize = 0x0; // VectorAligned + pub const m_vHeelOffset: usize = 0x10; // VectorAligned + pub const m_nTargetBoneIndex: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_nAnkleBoneIndex: usize = 0x24; // int32 + pub const m_nIKAnchorBoneIndex: usize = 0x28; // int32 + pub const m_ikChainIndex: usize = 0x2C; // int32 + pub const m_flMaxIKLength: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_nFootIndex: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_nTagIndex: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_flMaxRotationLeft: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxRotationRight: usize = 0x40; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CMotionGraphGroup { + pub const m_searchDB: usize = 0x0; // CMotionSearchDB + pub const m_motionGraphs: usize = 0xB8; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_motionGraphConfigs: usize = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_sampleToConfig: usize = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hIsActiveScript: usize = 0x100; // AnimScriptHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmSyncTrack__Event_t { + pub const m_ID: usize = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_startTime: usize = 0x8; // NmPercent_t + pub const m_duration: usize = 0xC; // NmPercent_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmTarget { + pub const m_transform: usize = 0x0; // CTransform + pub const m_boneID: usize = 0x20; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_bIsBoneTarget: usize = 0x28; // bool + pub const m_bIsUsingBoneSpaceOffsets: usize = 0x29; // bool + pub const m_bHasOffsets: usize = 0x2A; // bool + pub const m_bIsSet: usize = 0x2B; // bool + } + // Parent: CNmIDValueNode__CDefinition + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CNmControlParameterIDNode__CDefinition { + } + // Parent: CUnaryUpdateNode + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CWayPointHelperUpdateNode { + pub const m_flStartCycle: usize = 0x6C; // float32 + pub const m_flEndCycle: usize = 0x70; // float32 + pub const m_bOnlyGoals: usize = 0x74; // bool + pub const m_bPreventOvershoot: usize = 0x75; // bool + pub const m_bPreventUndershoot: usize = 0x76; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataOverlayType + pub mod CMoodVData { + pub const m_sModelName: usize = 0x0; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_nMoodType: usize = 0xE0; // MoodType_t + pub const m_animationLayers: usize = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CModelConfigElement + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CModelConfigElement_AttachedModel { + pub const m_InstanceName: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + pub const m_EntityClass: usize = 0x50; // CUtlString + pub const m_hModel: usize = 0x58; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_vOffset: usize = 0x60; // Vector + pub const m_aAngOffset: usize = 0x6C; // QAngle + pub const m_AttachmentName: usize = 0x78; // CUtlString + pub const m_LocalAttachmentOffsetName: usize = 0x80; // CUtlString + pub const m_AttachmentType: usize = 0x88; // ModelConfigAttachmentType_t + pub const m_bBoneMergeFlex: usize = 0x8C; // bool + pub const m_bUserSpecifiedColor: usize = 0x8D; // bool + pub const m_bUserSpecifiedMaterialGroup: usize = 0x8E; // bool + pub const m_bAcceptParentMaterialDrivenDecals: usize = 0x8F; // bool + pub const m_BodygroupOnOtherModels: usize = 0x90; // CUtlString + pub const m_MaterialGroupOnOtherModels: usize = 0x98; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAnimTagManagerUpdater { + pub const m_tags: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/animationsystem_dll.cs b/output/animationsystem_dll.cs index a5d3485..9fc3686 100644 --- a/output/animationsystem_dll.cs +++ b/output/animationsystem_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: animationsystem.dll diff --git a/output/animationsystem_dll.hpp b/output/animationsystem_dll.hpp index 86de391..15320c7 100644 --- a/output/animationsystem_dll.hpp +++ b/output/animationsystem_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/animationsystem_dll.rs b/output/animationsystem_dll.rs index aa57726..eb45e5f 100644 --- a/output/animationsystem_dll.rs +++ b/output/animationsystem_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/buttons.cs b/output/buttons.cs index 23d0557..2e6be81 100644 --- a/output/buttons.cs +++ b/output/buttons.cs @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper { // Module: client.dll public static class Buttons { - public const nint attack = 0x17CD040; - public const nint attack2 = 0x17CD0D0; - public const nint back = 0x17CD310; - public const nint duck = 0x17CD5E0; - public const nint forward = 0x17CD280; - public const nint jump = 0x17CD550; - public const nint left = 0x17CD3A0; - public const nint lookatweapon = 0x19DACC0; - public const nint reload = 0x17CCFB0; - public const nint right = 0x17CD430; - public const nint showscores = 0x19DABA0; - public const nint sprint = 0x17CCF20; - public const nint turnleft = 0x17CD160; - public const nint turnright = 0x17CD1F0; - public const nint use = 0x17CD4C0; - public const nint zoom = 0x19DAC30; + public const nint attack = 0x17CC040; + public const nint attack2 = 0x17CC0D0; + public const nint back = 0x17CC310; + public const nint duck = 0x17CC5E0; + public const nint forward = 0x17CC280; + public const nint jump = 0x17CC550; + public const nint left = 0x17CC3A0; + public const nint lookatweapon = 0x19D9CC0; + public const nint reload = 0x17CBFB0; + public const nint right = 0x17CC430; + public const nint showscores = 0x19D9BA0; + public const nint sprint = 0x17CBF20; + public const nint turnleft = 0x17CC160; + public const nint turnright = 0x17CC1F0; + public const nint use = 0x17CC4C0; + public const nint zoom = 0x19D9C30; } } diff --git a/output/buttons.hpp b/output/buttons.hpp index 7383811..2ad7ff3 100644 --- a/output/buttons.hpp +++ b/output/buttons.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once @@ -8,21 +8,21 @@ namespace cs2_dumper { // Module: client.dll namespace buttons { - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t attack = 0x17CD040; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t attack2 = 0x17CD0D0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t back = 0x17CD310; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t duck = 0x17CD5E0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t forward = 0x17CD280; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t jump = 0x17CD550; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t left = 0x17CD3A0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t lookatweapon = 0x19DACC0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t reload = 0x17CCFB0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t right = 0x17CD430; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t showscores = 0x19DABA0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t sprint = 0x17CCF20; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t turnleft = 0x17CD160; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t turnright = 0x17CD1F0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t use = 0x17CD4C0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t zoom = 0x19DAC30; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t attack = 0x17CC040; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t attack2 = 0x17CC0D0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t back = 0x17CC310; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t duck = 0x17CC5E0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t forward = 0x17CC280; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t jump = 0x17CC550; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t left = 0x17CC3A0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t lookatweapon = 0x19D9CC0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t reload = 0x17CBFB0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t right = 0x17CC430; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t showscores = 0x19D9BA0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t sprint = 0x17CBF20; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t turnleft = 0x17CC160; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t turnright = 0x17CC1F0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t use = 0x17CC4C0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t zoom = 0x19D9C30; } } diff --git a/output/buttons.json b/output/buttons.json index 56fe561..bb88913 100644 --- a/output/buttons.json +++ b/output/buttons.json @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ { "client.dll": { - "attack": 24956992, - "attack2": 24957136, - "back": 24957712, - "duck": 24958432, - "forward": 24957568, - "jump": 24958288, - "left": 24957856, - "lookatweapon": 27110592, - "reload": 24956848, - "right": 24958000, - "showscores": 27110304, - "sprint": 24956704, - "turnleft": 24957280, - "turnright": 24957424, - "use": 24958144, - "zoom": 27110448 + "attack": 24952896, + "attack2": 24953040, + "back": 24953616, + "duck": 24954336, + "forward": 24953472, + "jump": 24954192, + "left": 24953760, + "lookatweapon": 27106496, + "reload": 24952752, + "right": 24953904, + "showscores": 27106208, + "sprint": 24952608, + "turnleft": 24953184, + "turnright": 24953328, + "use": 24954048, + "zoom": 27106352 } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/buttons.rs b/output/buttons.rs index e2abb48..08464c0 100644 --- a/output/buttons.rs +++ b/output/buttons.rs @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, unused)] pub mod cs2_dumper { // Module: client.dll pub mod buttons { - pub const attack: usize = 0x17CD040; - pub const attack2: usize = 0x17CD0D0; - pub const back: usize = 0x17CD310; - pub const duck: usize = 0x17CD5E0; - pub const forward: usize = 0x17CD280; - pub const jump: usize = 0x17CD550; - pub const left: usize = 0x17CD3A0; - pub const lookatweapon: usize = 0x19DACC0; - pub const reload: usize = 0x17CCFB0; - pub const right: usize = 0x17CD430; - pub const showscores: usize = 0x19DABA0; - pub const sprint: usize = 0x17CCF20; - pub const turnleft: usize = 0x17CD160; - pub const turnright: usize = 0x17CD1F0; - pub const r#use: usize = 0x17CD4C0; - pub const zoom: usize = 0x19DAC30; + pub const attack: usize = 0x17CC040; + pub const attack2: usize = 0x17CC0D0; + pub const back: usize = 0x17CC310; + pub const duck: usize = 0x17CC5E0; + pub const forward: usize = 0x17CC280; + pub const jump: usize = 0x17CC550; + pub const left: usize = 0x17CC3A0; + pub const lookatweapon: usize = 0x19D9CC0; + pub const reload: usize = 0x17CBFB0; + pub const right: usize = 0x17CC430; + pub const showscores: usize = 0x19D9BA0; + pub const sprint: usize = 0x17CBF20; + pub const turnleft: usize = 0x17CC160; + pub const turnright: usize = 0x17CC1F0; + pub const r#use: usize = 0x17CC4C0; + pub const zoom: usize = 0x19D9C30; } } diff --git a/output/client.dll.cs b/output/client.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..990d8e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/client.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,6728 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: client.dll + // Classes count: 415 + // Enums count: 7 + public static class ClientDll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 15 + public enum CompositeMaterialInputLooseVariableType_t : uint { + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_BOOLEAN = 0x0, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER1 = 0x1, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER2 = 0x2, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER3 = 0x3, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER4 = 0x4, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT1 = 0x5, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT2 = 0x6, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT3 = 0x7, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT4 = 0x8, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_COLOR4 = 0x9, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_STRING = 0xA, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_SYSTEMVAR = 0xB, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_RESOURCE_MATERIAL = 0xC, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_RESOURCE_TEXTURE = 0xD, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_PANORAMA_RENDER = 0xE + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum CompositeMaterialInputTextureType_t : uint { + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMALMAP = 0x1, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_COLOR = 0x2, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_MASKS = 0x3, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_ROUGHNESS = 0x4, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_PEARLESCENCE_MASK = 0x5, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_AO = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum CompositeMaterialInputContainerSourceType_t : uint { + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_TARGET_MATERIAL = 0x0, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_MATERIAL_FROM_TARGET_ATTR = 0x1, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_SPECIFIC_MATERIAL = 0x2, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_LOOSE_VARIABLES = 0x3, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_VARIABLE_FROM_TARGET_ATTR = 0x4, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_TARGET_INSTANCE_MATERIAL = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + public enum CompMatPropertyMutatorType_t : uint { + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_INIT = 0x0, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_COPY_MATCHING_KEYS = 0x1, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_COPY_KEYS_WITH_SUFFIX = 0x2, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_COPY_PROPERTY = 0x3, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_SET_VALUE = 0x4, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_GENERATE_TEXTURE = 0x5, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_CONDITIONAL_MUTATORS = 0x6, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_POP_INPUT_QUEUE = 0x7, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_DRAW_TEXT = 0x8, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_RANDOM_ROLL_INPUT_VARIABLES = 0x9 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum CompositeMaterialVarSystemVar_t : uint { + COMPMATSYSVAR_COMPOSITETIME = 0x0, + COMPMATSYSVAR_EMPTY_RESOURCE_SPACER = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum CompositeMaterialMatchFilterType_t : uint { + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS = 0x0, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_SHADER = 0x1, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_NAME_SUBSTR = 0x2, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_EQUALS = 0x3, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_PROPERTY_EXISTS = 0x4, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_PROPERTY_EQUALS = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum CompMatPropertyMutatorConditionType_t : uint { + COMP_MAT_MUTATOR_CONDITION_INPUT_CONTAINER_EXISTS = 0x0, + COMP_MAT_MUTATOR_CONDITION_INPUT_CONTAINER_VALUE_EXISTS = 0x1, + COMP_MAT_MUTATOR_CONDITION_INPUT_CONTAINER_VALUE_EQUALS = 0x2 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_HEGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_FuncMover { + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_TriggerLerpObject { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid + // Fields count: 37 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxFallVelocity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckAmount (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDuckOverride (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDesiresDuck (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastDuckTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOldJumpPressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpUntil (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpVel (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nButtonDownMaskPrev (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStamina (float) + public static class CCSPlayer_MovementServices { + public const nint m_flMaxFallVelocity = 0x218; // float32 + public const nint m_vecLadderNormal = 0x21C; // Vector + public const nint m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex = 0x228; // int32 + public const nint m_flDuckAmount = 0x22C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDuckSpeed = 0x230; // float32 + public const nint m_bDuckOverride = 0x234; // bool + public const nint m_bDesiresDuck = 0x235; // bool + public const nint m_flDuckOffset = 0x238; // float32 + public const nint m_nDuckTimeMsecs = 0x23C; // uint32 + public const nint m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs = 0x240; // uint32 + public const nint m_nJumpTimeMsecs = 0x244; // uint32 + public const nint m_flLastDuckTime = 0x248; // float32 + public const nint m_vecLastPositionAtFullCrouchSpeed = 0x258; // Vector2D + public const nint m_duckUntilOnGround = 0x260; // bool + public const nint m_bHasWalkMovedSinceLastJump = 0x261; // bool + public const nint m_bInStuckTest = 0x262; // bool + public const nint m_flStuckCheckTime = 0x270; // float32[64][2] + public const nint m_nTraceCount = 0x470; // int32 + public const nint m_StuckLast = 0x474; // int32 + public const nint m_bSpeedCropped = 0x478; // bool + public const nint m_nOldWaterLevel = 0x47C; // int32 + public const nint m_flWaterEntryTime = 0x480; // float32 + public const nint m_vecForward = 0x484; // Vector + public const nint m_vecLeft = 0x490; // Vector + public const nint m_vecUp = 0x49C; // Vector + public const nint m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand = 0x4A8; // int32 + public const nint m_bOldJumpPressed = 0x4AC; // bool + public const nint m_flJumpPressedTime = 0x4B0; // float32 + public const nint m_flJumpUntil = 0x4B4; // float32 + public const nint m_flJumpVel = 0x4B8; // float32 + public const nint m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen = 0x4BC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nButtonDownMaskPrev = 0x4C0; // uint64 + public const nint m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flStamina = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeightAtJumpStart = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxJumpHeightThisJump = 0x4D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: scale (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: origin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: fog (fogparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupID (WorldGroupId_t) + public static class sky3dparams_t { + public const nint scale = 0x8; // int16 + public const nint origin = 0xC; // Vector + public const nint bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar = 0x18; // bool + public const nint flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint fog = 0x20; // fogparams_t + public const nint m_nWorldGroupID = 0x88; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponM4A1 { + } + // Parent: C_EconEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class C_Item { + public const nint m_pReticleHintTextName = 0x15B0; // char[256] + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCornerPairsNetworked (SoundeventPathCornerPairNetworked_t) + public static class C_SoundEventPathCornerEntity { + public const nint m_vecCornerPairsNetworked = 0x548; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponM249 { + } + // Parent: C_TeamplayRules + // Fields count: 100 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFreezePeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWarmupPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodEnd (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodStart (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bServerPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTerroristTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCTTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTerroristTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTechnicalTimeOut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMatchWaitingForResume (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMatchStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fRoundStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRestartRoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGameRestart (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGameStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_gamePhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalRoundsPlayed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOvertimePlaying (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostagesRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnyHostageReached (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBombTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsValveDS (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLogoMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iSpectatorSlotCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MatchDevice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMatchStarted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextMapInMapgroup (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventStage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szMatchStatTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTournamentPredictionsPct (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDroppingItems (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQuestEligible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHltvActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrProhibitedItemIndices (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numBestOfMaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDropped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlanted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundWinStatus (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundWinReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_RoundResults (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextRespawnWave (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nServerQuestID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameModeRules (CCSGameModeRules*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakeRules (CRetakeGameRules) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTeamIntroPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundEndReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndTimerTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndFunFactToken (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot (CPlayerSlot) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndMessage (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndPlayerCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndLegacy (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundStartRoundNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundStartCount (uint8) + public static class C_CSGameRules { + public const nint m_bFreezePeriod = 0x40; // bool + public const nint m_bWarmupPeriod = 0x41; // bool + public const nint m_fWarmupPeriodEnd = 0x44; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fWarmupPeriodStart = 0x48; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bServerPaused = 0x4C; // bool + public const nint m_bTerroristTimeOutActive = 0x4D; // bool + public const nint m_bCTTimeOutActive = 0x4E; // bool + public const nint m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_flCTTimeOutRemaining = 0x54; // float32 + public const nint m_nTerroristTimeOuts = 0x58; // int32 + public const nint m_nCTTimeOuts = 0x5C; // int32 + public const nint m_bTechnicalTimeOut = 0x60; // bool + public const nint m_bMatchWaitingForResume = 0x61; // bool + public const nint m_iRoundTime = 0x64; // int32 + public const nint m_fMatchStartTime = 0x68; // float32 + public const nint m_fRoundStartTime = 0x6C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flRestartRoundTime = 0x70; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bGameRestart = 0x74; // bool + public const nint m_flGameStartTime = 0x78; // float32 + public const nint m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts = 0x7C; // float32 + public const nint m_gamePhase = 0x80; // int32 + public const nint m_totalRoundsPlayed = 0x84; // int32 + public const nint m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase = 0x88; // int32 + public const nint m_nOvertimePlaying = 0x8C; // int32 + public const nint m_iHostagesRemaining = 0x90; // int32 + public const nint m_bAnyHostageReached = 0x94; // bool + public const nint m_bMapHasBombTarget = 0x95; // bool + public const nint m_bMapHasRescueZone = 0x96; // bool + public const nint m_bMapHasBuyZone = 0x97; // bool + public const nint m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking = 0x98; // bool + public const nint m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode = 0x9C; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsValveDS = 0xA0; // bool + public const nint m_bLogoMap = 0xA1; // bool + public const nint m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer = 0xA2; // bool + public const nint m_iSpectatorSlotCount = 0xA4; // int32 + public const nint m_MatchDevice = 0xA8; // int32 + public const nint m_bHasMatchStarted = 0xAC; // bool + public const nint m_nNextMapInMapgroup = 0xB0; // int32 + public const nint m_szTournamentEventName = 0xB4; // char[512] + public const nint m_szTournamentEventStage = 0x2B4; // char[512] + public const nint m_szMatchStatTxt = 0x4B4; // char[512] + public const nint m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt = 0x6B4; // char[512] + public const nint m_nTournamentPredictionsPct = 0x8B4; // int32 + public const nint m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime = 0x8B8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime = 0x8BC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bIsDroppingItems = 0x8C0; // bool + public const nint m_bIsQuestEligible = 0x8C1; // bool + public const nint m_bIsHltvActive = 0x8C2; // bool + public const nint m_arrProhibitedItemIndices = 0x8C4; // uint16[100] + public const nint m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts = 0x98C; // uint32[4] + public const nint m_numBestOfMaps = 0x99C; // int32 + public const nint m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed = 0x9A0; // int32 + public const nint m_bBombDropped = 0x9A4; // bool + public const nint m_bBombPlanted = 0x9A5; // bool + public const nint m_iRoundWinStatus = 0x9A8; // int32 + public const nint m_eRoundWinReason = 0x9AC; // int32 + public const nint m_bTCantBuy = 0x9B0; // bool + public const nint m_bCTCantBuy = 0x9B1; // bool + public const nint m_iMatchStats_RoundResults = 0x9B4; // int32[30] + public const nint m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT = 0xA2C; // int32[30] + public const nint m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T = 0xAA4; // int32[30] + public const nint m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes = 0xB1C; // float32[32] + public const nint m_flNextRespawnWave = 0xB9C; // GameTime_t[32] + public const nint m_nServerQuestID = 0xC1C; // int32 + public const nint m_vMinimapMins = 0xC20; // Vector + public const nint m_vMinimapMaxs = 0xC2C; // Vector + public const nint m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights = 0xC38; // float32[8] + public const nint m_bSpawnedTerrorHuntHeavy = 0xC58; // bool + public const nint m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes = 0xC5C; // int32[10] + public const nint m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions = 0xC84; // int32[10] + public const nint m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner = 0xCAC; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses = 0xCB0; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses = 0xCB4; // int32 + public const nint m_bMarkClientStopRecordAtRoundEnd = 0xCD0; // bool + public const nint m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason = 0xD28; // int32 + public const nint m_bHasTriggeredRoundStartMusic = 0xD2C; // bool + public const nint m_bSwitchingTeamsAtRoundReset = 0xD2D; // bool + public const nint m_pGameModeRules = 0xD48; // CCSGameModeRules* + public const nint m_RetakeRules = 0xD50; // C_RetakeGameRules + public const nint m_nMatchEndCount = 0xE68; // uint8 + public const nint m_nTTeamIntroVariant = 0xE6C; // int32 + public const nint m_nCTTeamIntroVariant = 0xE70; // int32 + public const nint m_bTeamIntroPeriod = 0xE74; // bool + public const nint m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam = 0xE78; // int32 + public const nint m_eRoundEndReason = 0xE7C; // int32 + public const nint m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend = 0xE80; // bool + public const nint m_iRoundEndTimerTime = 0xE84; // int32 + public const nint m_sRoundEndFunFactToken = 0xE88; // CUtlString + public const nint m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot = 0xE90; // CPlayerSlot + public const nint m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 = 0xE94; // int32 + public const nint m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 = 0xE98; // int32 + public const nint m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 = 0xE9C; // int32 + public const nint m_sRoundEndMessage = 0xEA0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_iRoundEndPlayerCount = 0xEA8; // int32 + public const nint m_bRoundEndNoMusic = 0xEAC; // bool + public const nint m_iRoundEndLegacy = 0xEB0; // int32 + public const nint m_nRoundEndCount = 0xEB4; // uint8 + public const nint m_iRoundStartRoundNumber = 0xEB8; // int32 + public const nint m_nRoundStartCount = 0xEBC; // uint8 + public const nint m_flLastPerfSampleTime = 0x4EC8; // float64 + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skeletonInstance (CSkeletonInstance) + public static class CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance { + public const nint m_skeletonInstance = 0x50; // CSkeletonInstance + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponCZ75a { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 31 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CRenderComponent (CRenderComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CHitboxComponent (CHitboxComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderMode (RenderMode_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderFX (RenderFx_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrRender (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecRenderAttributes (EntityRenderAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Collision (CCollisionProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Glow (CGlowProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowBackfaceMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMinDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMaxDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nObjectCulling (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAddDecal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalForwardAxis (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealBloodRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealHeightRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo (CHandle) + public static class C_BaseModelEntity { + public const nint m_CRenderComponent = 0xA18; // CRenderComponent* + public const nint m_CHitboxComponent = 0xA20; // CHitboxComponent + public const nint m_bInitModelEffects = 0xA68; // bool + public const nint m_bIsStaticProp = 0xA69; // bool + public const nint m_nLastAddDecal = 0xA6C; // int32 + public const nint m_nDecalsAdded = 0xA70; // int32 + public const nint m_iOldHealth = 0xA74; // int32 + public const nint m_nRenderMode = 0xA78; // RenderMode_t + public const nint m_nRenderFX = 0xA79; // RenderFx_t + public const nint m_bAllowFadeInView = 0xA7A; // bool + public const nint m_clrRender = 0xA7B; // Color + public const nint m_vecRenderAttributes = 0xA80; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + public const nint m_bRenderToCubemaps = 0xAE8; // bool + public const nint m_Collision = 0xAF0; // CCollisionProperty + public const nint m_Glow = 0xBA0; // CGlowProperty + public const nint m_flGlowBackfaceMult = 0xBF8; // float32 + public const nint m_fadeMinDist = 0xBFC; // float32 + public const nint m_fadeMaxDist = 0xC00; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeScale = 0xC04; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowStrength = 0xC08; // float32 + public const nint m_nObjectCulling = 0xC0C; // uint8 + public const nint m_nAddDecal = 0xC10; // int32 + public const nint m_vDecalPosition = 0xC14; // Vector + public const nint m_vDecalForwardAxis = 0xC20; // Vector + public const nint m_flDecalHealBloodRate = 0xC2C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDecalHealHeightRate = 0xC30; // float32 + public const nint m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo = 0xC38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_vecViewOffset = 0xC50; // CNetworkViewOffsetVector + public const nint m_pClientAlphaProperty = 0xC80; // CClientAlphaProperty* + public const nint m_ClientOverrideTint = 0xC88; // Color + public const nint m_bUseClientOverrideTint = 0xC8C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_source (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_destination (string_t) + public static class C_FootstepControl { + public const nint m_source = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_destination = 0xCD8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + public static class C_PointClientUIHUD { + public const nint m_bCheckCSSClasses = 0xD00; // bool + public const nint m_bIgnoreInput = 0xE80; // bool + public const nint m_flWidth = 0xE84; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeight = 0xE88; // float32 + public const nint m_flDPI = 0xE8C; // float32 + public const nint m_flInteractDistance = 0xE90; // float32 + public const nint m_flDepthOffset = 0xE94; // float32 + public const nint m_unOwnerContext = 0xE98; // uint32 + public const nint m_unHorizontalAlign = 0xE9C; // uint32 + public const nint m_unVerticalAlign = 0xEA0; // uint32 + public const nint m_unOrientation = 0xEA4; // uint32 + public const nint m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds = 0xEA8; // bool + public const nint m_vecCSSClasses = 0xEB0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + public static class C_SpotlightEnd { + public const nint m_flLightScale = 0xCC8; // float32 + public const nint m_Radius = 0xCCC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex (attrib_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRefundableCurrency (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSetBonus (bool) + public static class CEconItemAttribute { + public const nint m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex = 0x30; // uint16 + public const nint m_flValue = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flInitialValue = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_nRefundableCurrency = 0x3C; // int32 + public const nint m_bSetBonus = 0x40; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_FOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Resolution (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFogEnable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseScreenAspectRatio (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAspectRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSky (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZFar (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanHLTVUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDofEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofTiltToGround (float) + public static class C_PointCamera { + public const nint m_FOV = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_Resolution = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_bFogEnable = 0x550; // bool + public const nint m_FogColor = 0x551; // Color + public const nint m_flFogStart = 0x558; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogEnd = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMaxDensity = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_bActive = 0x564; // bool + public const nint m_bUseScreenAspectRatio = 0x565; // bool + public const nint m_flAspectRatio = 0x568; // float32 + public const nint m_bNoSky = 0x56C; // bool + public const nint m_fBrightness = 0x570; // float32 + public const nint m_flZFar = 0x574; // float32 + public const nint m_flZNear = 0x578; // float32 + public const nint m_bCanHLTVUse = 0x57C; // bool + public const nint m_bDofEnabled = 0x57D; // bool + public const nint m_flDofNearBlurry = 0x580; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofNearCrisp = 0x584; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofFarCrisp = 0x588; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofFarBlurry = 0x58C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofTiltToGround = 0x590; // float32 + public const nint m_TargetFOV = 0x594; // float32 + public const nint m_DegreesPerSecond = 0x598; // float32 + public const nint m_bIsOn = 0x59C; // bool + public const nint m_pNext = 0x5A0; // C_PointCamera* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_weapon_cs_base { + } + // Parent: C_LightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_LightSpotEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared) + public static class C_EnvWind { + public const nint m_EnvWindShared = 0x548; // C_EnvWindShared + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_GameRulesProxy { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWearables (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFieldOfView (float) + public static class C_BaseCombatCharacter { + public const nint m_hMyWearables = 0x1068; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_leftFootAttachment = 0x1080; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_rightFootAttachment = 0x1081; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_nWaterWakeMode = 0x1084; // C_BaseCombatCharacter::WaterWakeMode_t + public const nint m_flWaterWorldZ = 0x1088; // float32 + public const nint m_flWaterNextTraceTime = 0x108C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFieldOfView = 0x1090; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_FlashbangProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + public static class C_SoundEventSphereEntity { + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x548; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_WingmanIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_DynamicPropAlias_cable_dynamic { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_InfoInstructorHintHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlayingBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMultiplayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAutogenerated (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceClientTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSceneStringIndex (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActorList (CHandle) + public static class C_SceneEntity { + public const nint m_bIsPlayingBack = 0x550; // bool + public const nint m_bPaused = 0x551; // bool + public const nint m_bMultiplayer = 0x552; // bool + public const nint m_bAutogenerated = 0x553; // bool + public const nint m_flForceClientTime = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_nSceneStringIndex = 0x558; // uint16 + public const nint m_bClientOnly = 0x55A; // bool + public const nint m_hOwner = 0x55C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hActorList = 0x560; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_bWasPlaying = 0x578; // bool + public const nint m_QueuedEvents = 0x588; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flCurrentTime = 0x5A0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCsViewPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerFog (fogplayerparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hColorCorrectionCtrl (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTonemapController (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_audio (audioparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PostProcessingVolumes (CHandle) + public static class CPlayer_CameraServices { + public const nint m_vecCsViewPunchAngle = 0x40; // QAngle + public const nint m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick = 0x4C; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_PlayerFog = 0x58; // C_fogplayerparams_t + public const nint m_hColorCorrectionCtrl = 0x98; // CHandle + public const nint m_hViewEntity = 0x9C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTonemapController = 0xA0; // CHandle + public const nint m_audio = 0xA8; // audioparams_t + public const nint m_PostProcessingVolumes = 0x120; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_flOldPlayerZ = 0x138; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ = 0x13C; // float32 + public const nint m_CurrentFog = 0x140; // fogparams_t + public const nint m_hOldFogController = 0x1A8; // CHandle + public const nint m_bOverrideFogColor = 0x1AC; // bool[5] + public const nint m_OverrideFogColor = 0x1B1; // Color[5] + public const nint m_bOverrideFogStartEnd = 0x1C5; // bool[5] + public const nint m_fOverrideFogStart = 0x1CC; // float32[5] + public const nint m_fOverrideFogEnd = 0x1E0; // float32[5] + public const nint m_hActivePostProcessingVolume = 0x1F4; // CHandle + public const nint m_angDemoViewAngles = 0x1F8; // QAngle + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHeldByPlayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPinPulled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJumpThrow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bThrowAnimating (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fThrowTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrengthApproach (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fDropTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fPinPullTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJustPulledPin (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextHoldTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextHoldFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow (CHandle) + public static class C_BaseCSGrenade { + public const nint m_bClientPredictDelete = 0x1A70; // bool + public const nint m_bRedraw = 0x1A71; // bool + public const nint m_bIsHeldByPlayer = 0x1A72; // bool + public const nint m_bPinPulled = 0x1A73; // bool + public const nint m_bJumpThrow = 0x1A74; // bool + public const nint m_bThrowAnimating = 0x1A75; // bool + public const nint m_fThrowTime = 0x1A78; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flThrowStrength = 0x1A7C; // float32 + public const nint m_flThrowStrengthApproach = 0x1A80; // float32 + public const nint m_fDropTime = 0x1A84; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fPinPullTime = 0x1A88; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bJustPulledPin = 0x1A8C; // bool + public const nint m_nNextHoldTick = 0x1A90; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_flNextHoldFrac = 0x1A94; // float32 + public const nint m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow = 0x1A98; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_FuncBrush + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_targetCamera (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionEnum (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseUniqueColorTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_brushModelName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetCamera (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDraw3DSkybox (bool) + public static class C_FuncMonitor { + public const nint m_targetCamera = 0xCC8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nResolutionEnum = 0xCD0; // int32 + public const nint m_bRenderShadows = 0xCD4; // bool + public const nint m_bUseUniqueColorTarget = 0xCD5; // bool + public const nint m_brushModelName = 0xCD8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_hTargetCamera = 0xCE0; // CHandle + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0xCE4; // bool + public const nint m_bDraw3DSkybox = 0xCE5; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_TriggerMultiple { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class C_RopeKeyframe__CPhysicsDelegate { + public const nint m_pKeyframe = 0x8; // C_RopeKeyframe* + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CBodyComponent { + public const nint m_pSceneNode = 0x8; // CGameSceneNode* + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x20; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: C_SoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + public static class C_SoundAreaEntitySphere { + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x570; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSObserver_MovementServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHorizontalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVerticalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMinDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOuterMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + public static class C_LightGlow { + public const nint m_nHorizontalSize = 0xCC8; // uint32 + public const nint m_nVerticalSize = 0xCCC; // uint32 + public const nint m_nMinDist = 0xCD0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nMaxDist = 0xCD4; // uint32 + public const nint m_nOuterMaxDist = 0xCD8; // uint32 + public const nint m_flGlowProxySize = 0xCDC; // float32 + public const nint m_flHDRColorScale = 0xCE0; // float32 + public const nint m_GlowOverlay = 0xCE8; // C_LightGlowOverlay + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + public static class CountdownTimer { + public const nint m_duration = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_timestamp = 0xC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_timescale = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_nWorldGroupId = 0x14; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + public static class CGameSceneNodeHandle { + public const nint m_hOwner = 0x8; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_name = 0xC; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nTagTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModSmall (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModLarge (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio (float) + public static class PredictedDamageTag_t { + public const nint nTagTick = 0x30; // GameTick_t + public const nint flFlinchModSmall = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint flFlinchModLarge = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 14 + public static class C_ClientRagdoll { + public const nint m_bFadeOut = 0xED0; // bool + public const nint m_bImportant = 0xED1; // bool + public const nint m_flEffectTime = 0xED4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_gibDespawnTime = 0xED8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iCurrentFriction = 0xEDC; // int32 + public const nint m_iMinFriction = 0xEE0; // int32 + public const nint m_iMaxFriction = 0xEE4; // int32 + public const nint m_iFrictionAnimState = 0xEE8; // int32 + public const nint m_bReleaseRagdoll = 0xEEC; // bool + public const nint m_iEyeAttachment = 0xEED; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_bFadingOut = 0xEEE; // bool + public const nint m_flScaleEnd = 0xEF0; // float32[10] + public const nint m_flScaleTimeStart = 0xF18; // GameTime_t[10] + public const nint m_flScaleTimeEnd = 0xF40; // GameTime_t[10] + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class C_GlobalLight { + public const nint m_WindClothForceHandle = 0xA10; // uint16 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHostageAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isHostageFollowingSomeone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostageEntityIDs (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterA (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterB (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted (bool) + public static class C_CSPlayerResource { + public const nint m_bHostageAlive = 0x548; // bool[12] + public const nint m_isHostageFollowingSomeone = 0x554; // bool[12] + public const nint m_iHostageEntityIDs = 0x560; // CEntityIndex[12] + public const nint m_bombsiteCenterA = 0x590; // Vector + public const nint m_bombsiteCenterB = 0x59C; // Vector + public const nint m_hostageRescueX = 0x5A8; // int32[4] + public const nint m_hostageRescueY = 0x5B8; // int32[4] + public const nint m_hostageRescueZ = 0x5C8; // int32[4] + public const nint m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted = 0x5D8; // bool + public const nint m_foundGoalPositions = 0x5D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CGameSceneNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_modelState (CModelState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsAnimationEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseParentRenderBounds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_materialGroup (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitboxSet (uint8) + public static class CSkeletonInstance { + public const nint m_modelState = 0x170; // CModelState + public const nint m_bIsAnimationEnabled = 0x3A0; // bool + public const nint m_bUseParentRenderBounds = 0x3A1; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableSolidCollisionsForHierarchy = 0x3A2; // bool + public const nint m_bDirtyMotionType = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bIsGeneratingLatchedParentSpaceState = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_materialGroup = 0x3A4; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_nHitboxSet = 0x3A8; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animationController (CBaseAnimGraphController) + public static class CBodyComponentBaseAnimGraph { + public const nint m_animationController = 0x460; // CBaseAnimGraphController + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_sceneNode (CGameSceneNode) + public static class CBodyComponentPoint { + public const nint m_sceneNode = 0x50; // CGameSceneNode + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDidSmokeEffect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeDetonationPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_VoxelFrameData (CUtlVector) + public static class C_SmokeGrenadeProjectile { + public const nint m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin = 0x1158; // int32 + public const nint m_bDidSmokeEffect = 0x115C; // bool + public const nint m_nRandomSeed = 0x1160; // int32 + public const nint m_vSmokeColor = 0x1164; // Vector + public const nint m_vSmokeDetonationPos = 0x1170; // Vector + public const nint m_VoxelFrameData = 0x1180; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bSmokeVolumeDataReceived = 0x1198; // bool + public const nint m_bSmokeEffectSpawned = 0x1199; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SoundEventEntityAlias_snd_event_point { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + public static class C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPath { + public const nint m_flZFar = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flZNear = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_bLoop = 0x550; // bool + public const nint m_bVerticalFOV = 0x551; // bool + public const nint m_bConstantSpeed = 0x552; // bool + public const nint m_flDuration = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_flPathLength = 0x598; // float32 + public const nint m_flPathDuration = 0x59C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_WingmanIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_firePositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireParentPositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFireIsBurning (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_BurnNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInfernoType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireLifetime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInPostEffectTime (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireEffectTickBegin (int) + public static class C_Inferno { + public const nint m_nfxFireDamageEffect = 0xD08; // ParticleIndex_t + public const nint m_hInfernoPointsSnapshot = 0xD10; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hInfernoFillerPointsSnapshot = 0xD18; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hInfernoOutlinePointsSnapshot = 0xD20; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hInfernoClimbingOutlinePointsSnapshot = 0xD28; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hInfernoDecalsSnapshot = 0xD30; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_firePositions = 0xD38; // Vector[64] + public const nint m_fireParentPositions = 0x1038; // Vector[64] + public const nint m_bFireIsBurning = 0x1338; // bool[64] + public const nint m_BurnNormal = 0x1378; // Vector[64] + public const nint m_fireCount = 0x1678; // int32 + public const nint m_nInfernoType = 0x167C; // int32 + public const nint m_nFireLifetime = 0x1680; // float32 + public const nint m_bInPostEffectTime = 0x1684; // bool + public const nint m_lastFireCount = 0x1688; // int32 + public const nint m_nFireEffectTickBegin = 0x168C; // int32 + public const nint m_drawableCount = 0x8290; // int32 + public const nint m_blosCheck = 0x8294; // bool + public const nint m_nlosperiod = 0x8298; // int32 + public const nint m_maxFireHalfWidth = 0x829C; // float32 + public const nint m_maxFireHeight = 0x82A0; // float32 + public const nint m_minBounds = 0x82A4; // Vector + public const nint m_maxBounds = 0x82B0; // Vector + public const nint m_flLastGrassBurnThink = 0x82BC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_HostageCarriableProp { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_TerroristWingmanIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPingedEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUrgent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlaceName (char) + public static class C_PlayerPing { + public const nint m_hPlayer = 0x578; // CHandle + public const nint m_hPingedEntity = 0x57C; // CHandle + public const nint m_iType = 0x580; // int32 + public const nint m_bUrgent = 0x584; // bool + public const nint m_szPlaceName = 0x585; // char[18] + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponMP7 { + } + // Parent: C_Team + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamMatchStat (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numMapVictories (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSurrendered (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreFirstHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreSecondHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreOvertime (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClanTeamname (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClanID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamFlagImage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamLogoImage (char) + public static class C_CSTeam { + public const nint m_szTeamMatchStat = 0x600; // char[512] + public const nint m_numMapVictories = 0x800; // int32 + public const nint m_bSurrendered = 0x804; // bool + public const nint m_scoreFirstHalf = 0x808; // int32 + public const nint m_scoreSecondHalf = 0x80C; // int32 + public const nint m_scoreOvertime = 0x810; // int32 + public const nint m_szClanTeamname = 0x814; // char[129] + public const nint m_iClanID = 0x898; // uint32 + public const nint m_szTeamFlagImage = 0x89C; // char[8] + public const nint m_szTeamLogoImage = 0x8A4; // char[8] + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 10 + public static class C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPathNode { + public const nint m_szParentPathUniqueID = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nPathIndex = 0x550; // int32 + public const nint m_vInTangentLocal = 0x554; // Vector + public const nint m_vOutTangentLocal = 0x560; // Vector + public const nint m_flFOV = 0x56C; // float32 + public const nint m_flCameraSpeed = 0x570; // float32 + public const nint m_flEaseIn = 0x574; // float32 + public const nint m_flEaseOut = 0x578; // float32 + public const nint m_vInTangentWorld = 0x57C; // Vector + public const nint m_vOutTangentWorld = 0x588; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponMag7 { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_DEagle { + } + // Parent: C_CSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 103 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBulletServices (CCSPlayer_BulletServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pHostageServices (CCSPlayer_HostageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBuyServices (CCSPlayer_BuyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGlowServices (CCSPlayer_GlowServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices*) + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasFemaleVoice (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLastPlaceName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngleVel (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickBase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickFraction (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInHostageRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBombZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsBuyMenuOpen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeOfLastInjury (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSprayDecalTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOffering (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOfferingCard (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesMVPLastRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility (loadout_slot_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_EconGloves (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEconGlovesChanged (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRagdollDamageBone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamageForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamagePosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollServerOrigin (Vector) + // MNetworkReplayCompatField + // NetworkVarNames: m_qDeathEyeAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLeftHanded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSwitchedHandednessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelFOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_GunGameImmunityColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsWalking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsScoped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bResumeZoom (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDefusing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsGrabbingHostage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress (CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEmitSoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInNoDefuseArea (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWhichBombZone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iShotsFired (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlinchStack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVelocityModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHitHeading (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBodyPart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWaitForNoAttack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKilledByHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ArmorValue (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unCurrentEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLastKillerIndex (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredictedDamageTags (PredictedDamageTag_t) + public static class C_CSPlayerPawn { + public const nint m_pBulletServices = 0x1468; // CCSPlayer_BulletServices* + public const nint m_pHostageServices = 0x1470; // CCSPlayer_HostageServices* + public const nint m_pBuyServices = 0x1478; // CCSPlayer_BuyServices* + public const nint m_pGlowServices = 0x1480; // CCSPlayer_GlowServices* + public const nint m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x1488; // CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices* + public const nint m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime = 0x1490; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flLastFiredWeaponTime = 0x1494; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bHasFemaleVoice = 0x1498; // bool + public const nint m_flLandingTimeSeconds = 0x149C; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldFallVelocity = 0x14A0; // float32 + public const nint m_szLastPlaceName = 0x14A4; // char[18] + public const nint m_bPrevDefuser = 0x14B6; // bool + public const nint m_bPrevHelmet = 0x14B7; // bool + public const nint m_nPrevArmorVal = 0x14B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nPrevGrenadeAmmoCount = 0x14BC; // int32 + public const nint m_unPreviousWeaponHash = 0x14C0; // uint32 + public const nint m_unWeaponHash = 0x14C4; // uint32 + public const nint m_bInBuyZone = 0x14C8; // bool + public const nint m_bPreviouslyInBuyZone = 0x14C9; // bool + public const nint m_aimPunchAngle = 0x14CC; // QAngle + public const nint m_aimPunchAngleVel = 0x14D8; // QAngle + public const nint m_aimPunchTickBase = 0x14E4; // int32 + public const nint m_aimPunchTickFraction = 0x14E8; // float32 + public const nint m_aimPunchCache = 0x14F0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bInLanding = 0x1510; // bool + public const nint m_flLandingStartTime = 0x1514; // float32 + public const nint m_bInHostageRescueZone = 0x1518; // bool + public const nint m_bInBombZone = 0x1519; // bool + public const nint m_bIsBuyMenuOpen = 0x151A; // bool + public const nint m_flTimeOfLastInjury = 0x151C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flNextSprayDecalTime = 0x1520; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iRetakesOffering = 0x1650; // int32 + public const nint m_iRetakesOfferingCard = 0x1654; // int32 + public const nint m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit = 0x1658; // bool + public const nint m_bRetakesMVPLastRound = 0x1659; // bool + public const nint m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem = 0x165C; // int32 + public const nint m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility = 0x1660; // loadout_slot_t + public const nint m_bNeedToReApplyGloves = 0x1680; // bool + public const nint m_EconGloves = 0x1688; // C_EconItemView + public const nint m_nEconGlovesChanged = 0x1AD0; // uint8 + public const nint m_bMustSyncRagdollState = 0x1AD1; // bool + public const nint m_nRagdollDamageBone = 0x1AD4; // int32 + public const nint m_vRagdollDamageForce = 0x1AD8; // Vector + public const nint m_vRagdollDamagePosition = 0x1AE4; // Vector + public const nint m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName = 0x1AF0; // char[64] + public const nint m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot = 0x1B30; // bool + public const nint m_vRagdollServerOrigin = 0x1B34; // Vector + public const nint m_bLastHeadBoneTransformIsValid = 0x2148; // bool + public const nint m_lastLandTime = 0x214C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bOnGroundLastTick = 0x2150; // bool + public const nint m_qDeathEyeAngles = 0x216C; // QAngle + public const nint m_bSkipOneHeadConstraintUpdate = 0x2178; // bool + public const nint m_bLeftHanded = 0x2179; // bool + public const nint m_fSwitchedHandednessTime = 0x217C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flViewmodelOffsetX = 0x2180; // float32 + public const nint m_flViewmodelOffsetY = 0x2184; // float32 + public const nint m_flViewmodelOffsetZ = 0x2188; // float32 + public const nint m_flViewmodelFOV = 0x218C; // float32 + public const nint m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices = 0x2190; // uint32[5] + public const nint m_GunGameImmunityColor = 0x21C8; // Color + public const nint m_vecBulletHitModels = 0x2218; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bIsWalking = 0x2230; // bool + public const nint m_thirdPersonHeading = 0x2238; // QAngle + public const nint m_flSlopeDropOffset = 0x2250; // float32 + public const nint m_flSlopeDropHeight = 0x2260; // float32 + public const nint m_vHeadConstraintOffset = 0x2270; // Vector + public const nint m_entitySpottedState = 0x2288; // EntitySpottedState_t + public const nint m_bIsScoped = 0x22A0; // bool + public const nint m_bResumeZoom = 0x22A1; // bool + public const nint m_bIsDefusing = 0x22A2; // bool + public const nint m_bIsGrabbingHostage = 0x22A3; // bool + public const nint m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress = 0x22A4; // CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t + public const nint m_flEmitSoundTime = 0x22A8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bInNoDefuseArea = 0x22AC; // bool + public const nint m_nWhichBombZone = 0x22B0; // int32 + public const nint m_iShotsFired = 0x22B4; // int32 + public const nint m_flFlinchStack = 0x22B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flVelocityModifier = 0x22BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flHitHeading = 0x22C0; // float32 + public const nint m_nHitBodyPart = 0x22C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bWaitForNoAttack = 0x22C8; // bool + public const nint m_ignoreLadderJumpTime = 0x22CC; // float32 + public const nint m_bKilledByHeadshot = 0x22D1; // bool + public const nint m_ArmorValue = 0x22D4; // int32 + public const nint m_unCurrentEquipmentValue = 0x22D8; // uint16 + public const nint m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue = 0x22DA; // uint16 + public const nint m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue = 0x22DC; // uint16 + public const nint m_nLastKillerIndex = 0x22E0; // CEntityIndex + public const nint m_bOldIsScoped = 0x22E4; // bool + public const nint m_bHasDeathInfo = 0x22E5; // bool + public const nint m_flDeathInfoTime = 0x22E8; // float32 + public const nint m_vecDeathInfoOrigin = 0x22EC; // Vector + public const nint m_grenadeParameterStashTime = 0x22F8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bGrenadeParametersStashed = 0x22FC; // bool + public const nint m_angStashedShootAngles = 0x2300; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecStashedGrenadeThrowPosition = 0x230C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecStashedVelocity = 0x2318; // Vector + public const nint m_angShootAngleHistory = 0x2324; // QAngle[2] + public const nint m_vecThrowPositionHistory = 0x233C; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_vecVelocityHistory = 0x2354; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_PredictedDamageTags = 0x2370; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + public const nint m_nPrevHighestReceivedDamageTagTick = 0x23C0; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_nHighestAppliedDamageTagTick = 0x23C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_RagdollProp + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_boneIndexAttached (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointBoneSpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace (Vector) + public static class C_RagdollPropAttached { + public const nint m_boneIndexAttached = 0xF48; // uint32 + public const nint m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex = 0xF4C; // uint32 + public const nint m_attachmentPointBoneSpace = 0xF50; // Vector + public const nint m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace = 0xF5C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOffset = 0xF68; // Vector + public const nint m_parentTime = 0xF74; // float32 + public const nint m_bHasParent = 0xF78; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounces (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin (Vector) + public static class C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile { + public const nint m_vInitialPosition = 0x10B8; // Vector + public const nint m_vInitialVelocity = 0x10C4; // Vector + public const nint m_nBounces = 0x10D0; // int32 + public const nint m_nExplodeEffectIndex = 0x10D8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin = 0x10E0; // int32 + public const nint m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin = 0x10E4; // Vector + public const nint m_flSpawnTime = 0x10F0; // GameTime_t + public const nint vecLastTrailLinePos = 0x10F4; // Vector + public const nint flNextTrailLineTime = 0x1100; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bExplodeEffectBegan = 0x1104; // bool + public const nint m_bCanCreateGrenadeTrail = 0x1105; // bool + public const nint m_nSnapshotTrajectoryEffectIndex = 0x1108; // ParticleIndex_t + public const nint m_hSnapshotTrajectoryParticleSnapshot = 0x1110; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_arrTrajectoryTrailPoints = 0x1118; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_arrTrajectoryTrailPointCreationTimes = 0x1130; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flTrajectoryTrailEffectCreationTime = 0x1148; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSidePredicted (bool) + public static class C_BaseTrigger { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0xCC8; // bool + public const nint m_bClientSidePredicted = 0xCC9; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_SequenceCompleteTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + public static class C_WeaponBaseItem { + public const nint m_SequenceCompleteTimer = 0x1A70; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_bRedraw = 0x1A88; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOtherEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMagnitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurfaceProp (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinition) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDamageType (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPenetrate (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaterial (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBox (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColor (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentName (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectName (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplosionType (uint8) + public static class CEffectData { + public const nint m_vOrigin = 0x8; // Vector + public const nint m_vStart = 0x14; // Vector + public const nint m_vNormal = 0x20; // Vector + public const nint m_vAngles = 0x2C; // QAngle + public const nint m_hEntity = 0x38; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_hOtherEntity = 0x3C; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_flScale = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_flMagnitude = 0x44; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_nSurfaceProp = 0x4C; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_nEffectIndex = 0x50; // CWeakHandle + public const nint m_nDamageType = 0x58; // uint32 + public const nint m_nPenetrate = 0x5C; // uint8 + public const nint m_nMaterial = 0x5E; // uint16 + public const nint m_nHitBox = 0x60; // uint16 + public const nint m_nColor = 0x62; // uint8 + public const nint m_fFlags = 0x63; // uint8 + public const nint m_nAttachmentIndex = 0x64; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_nAttachmentName = 0x68; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_iEffectName = 0x6C; // uint16 + public const nint m_nExplosionType = 0x6E; // uint8 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SensorGrenadeProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_MolotovGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szDisplayText (string_t) + public static class C_BaseButton { + public const nint m_glowEntity = 0xCC8; // CHandle + public const nint m_usable = 0xCCC; // bool + public const nint m_szDisplayText = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewModel (CHandle) + public static class CCSPlayer_ViewModelServices { + public const nint m_hViewModel = 0x40; // CHandle[3] + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoParticleTarget { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallVelocity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInCrouch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCrouchState (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInDuckJump (bool) + public static class CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid { + public const nint m_flStepSoundTime = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFallVelocity = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_bInCrouch = 0x1E0; // bool + public const nint m_nCrouchState = 0x1E4; // uint32 + public const nint m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime = 0x1E8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bDucked = 0x1EC; // bool + public const nint m_bDucking = 0x1ED; // bool + public const nint m_bInDuckJump = 0x1EE; // bool + public const nint m_groundNormal = 0x1F0; // Vector + public const nint m_flSurfaceFriction = 0x1FC; // float32 + public const nint m_surfaceProps = 0x200; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_nStepside = 0x210; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponAug { + } + // Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOpaque (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoDepth (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderBackface (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseOffScreenIndicator (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExcludeFromSaveGames (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGrabbable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOnlyRenderToTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisableMipGen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplicitImageLayout (int32) + public static class C_PointClientUIWorldPanel { + public const nint m_bForceRecreateNextUpdate = 0xD00; // bool + public const nint m_bMoveViewToPlayerNextThink = 0xD01; // bool + public const nint m_bCheckCSSClasses = 0xD02; // bool + public const nint m_anchorDeltaTransform = 0xD10; // CTransform + public const nint m_pOffScreenIndicator = 0xEA8; // CPointOffScreenIndicatorUi* + public const nint m_bIgnoreInput = 0xED0; // bool + public const nint m_bLit = 0xED1; // bool + public const nint m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport = 0xED2; // bool + public const nint m_flWidth = 0xED4; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeight = 0xED8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDPI = 0xEDC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInteractDistance = 0xEE0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDepthOffset = 0xEE4; // float32 + public const nint m_unOwnerContext = 0xEE8; // uint32 + public const nint m_unHorizontalAlign = 0xEEC; // uint32 + public const nint m_unVerticalAlign = 0xEF0; // uint32 + public const nint m_unOrientation = 0xEF4; // uint32 + public const nint m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds = 0xEF8; // bool + public const nint m_vecCSSClasses = 0xF00; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_bOpaque = 0xF18; // bool + public const nint m_bNoDepth = 0xF19; // bool + public const nint m_bRenderBackface = 0xF1A; // bool + public const nint m_bUseOffScreenIndicator = 0xF1B; // bool + public const nint m_bExcludeFromSaveGames = 0xF1C; // bool + public const nint m_bGrabbable = 0xF1D; // bool + public const nint m_bOnlyRenderToTexture = 0xF1E; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableMipGen = 0xF1F; // bool + public const nint m_nExplicitImageLayout = 0xF20; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSMinimapBoundary { + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusTimeLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sDMBonusWeapon (CUtlString) + public static class CCSGameModeRules_Deathmatch { + public const nint m_flDMBonusStartTime = 0x30; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDMBonusTimeLength = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_sDMBonusWeapon = 0x38; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_EndOfMatchCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SoundOpvarSetAABBEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTotalPausedTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPauseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGamePaused (bool) + public static class C_GameRules { + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + public const nint m_nTotalPausedTicks = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_nPauseStartTick = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_bGamePaused = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WorldModelNametag { + } + // Parent: C_BasePropDoor + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_PropDoorRotating { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayerControllers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamname (char) + public static class C_Team { + public const nint m_aPlayerControllers = 0x548; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_aPlayers = 0x560; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_iScore = 0x578; // int32 + public const nint m_szTeamname = 0x57C; // char[129] + } + // Parent: C_SoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMax (Vector) + public static class C_SoundAreaEntityOrientedBox { + public const nint m_vMin = 0x570; // Vector + public const nint m_vMax = 0x57C; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLoop (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFPS (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPositionKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRotationKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMax (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartFrame (float) + public static class C_TextureBasedAnimatable { + public const nint m_bLoop = 0xCC8; // bool + public const nint m_flFPS = 0xCCC; // float32 + public const nint m_hPositionKeys = 0xCD0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hRotationKeys = 0xCD8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_vAnimationBoundsMin = 0xCE0; // Vector + public const nint m_vAnimationBoundsMax = 0xCEC; // Vector + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0xCF8; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFrame = 0xCFC; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WorldModelStattrak { + } + // Parent: C_LightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_LightOrthoEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WaterServices + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CCSPlayer_WaterServices { + public const nint m_flWaterJumpTime = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_vecWaterJumpVel = 0x44; // Vector + public const nint m_flSwimSoundTime = 0x50; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CSkyboxReference { + public const nint m_worldGroupId = 0x548; // WorldGroupId_t + public const nint m_hSkyCamera = 0x54C; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_TonemapController2 + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_TonemapController2Alias_env_tonemap_controller2 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAlwaysUpdate (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightFOV (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSimpleProjection (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightOnlyTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCameraSpace (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLinearAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flQuadraticAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bVolumetric (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVolumetricIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNoiseStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashlightTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumPlanes (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPlaneOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTransitionTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAmbient (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotlightTextureName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSpotlightTextureFrame (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowQuality (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProjectionSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlipHorizontal (bool) + public static class CProjectedTextureBase { + public const nint m_hTargetEntity = 0xC; // CHandle + public const nint m_bState = 0x10; // bool + public const nint m_bAlwaysUpdate = 0x11; // bool + public const nint m_flLightFOV = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableShadows = 0x18; // bool + public const nint m_bSimpleProjection = 0x19; // bool + public const nint m_bLightOnlyTarget = 0x1A; // bool + public const nint m_bLightWorld = 0x1B; // bool + public const nint m_bCameraSpace = 0x1C; // bool + public const nint m_flBrightnessScale = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_LightColor = 0x24; // Color + public const nint m_flIntensity = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearAttenuation = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_flQuadraticAttenuation = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_bVolumetric = 0x34; // bool + public const nint m_flVolumetricIntensity = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseStrength = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlashlightTime = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_nNumPlanes = 0x44; // uint32 + public const nint m_flPlaneOffset = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_flColorTransitionTime = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint m_flAmbient = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_SpotlightTextureName = 0x54; // char[512] + public const nint m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = 0x254; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowQuality = 0x258; // uint32 + public const nint m_flNearZ = 0x25C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFarZ = 0x260; // float32 + public const nint m_flProjectionSize = 0x264; // float32 + public const nint m_flRotation = 0x268; // float32 + public const nint m_bFlipHorizontal = 0x26C; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unMusicID (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rank (MedalRank_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots (ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t) + public static class CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices { + public const nint m_unMusicID = 0x40; // uint16 + public const nint m_rank = 0x44; // MedalRank_t[6] + public const nint m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel = 0x5C; // int32 + public const nint m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher = 0x64; // int32 + public const nint m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly = 0x68; // int32 + public const nint m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel = 0x6C; // int32 + public const nint m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots = 0x70; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: C_PathParticleRope + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_PathParticleRopeAlias_path_particle_rope_clientside { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_UseServices { + } + // Parent: C_PredictedViewModel + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWeaponParity (uint32) + public static class C_CSGOViewModel { + public const nint m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy = 0xF68; // bool + public const nint m_nWeaponParity = 0xF6C; // uint32 + public const nint m_nOldWeaponParity = 0xF70; // uint32 + public const nint m_nLastKnownAssociatedWeaponEntIndex = 0xF74; // CEntityIndex + public const nint m_bNeedToQueueHighResComposite = 0xF78; // bool + public const nint m_vLoweredWeaponOffset = 0xFC8; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CScriptComponent { + public const nint m_scriptClassName = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + public static class C_EnvLightProbeVolume { + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture = 0x1528; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture = 0x1530; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture = 0x1538; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture = 0x1540; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxMins = 0x1548; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxMaxs = 0x1554; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x1560; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x1564; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nPriority = 0x1568; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x156C; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX = 0x1570; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY = 0x1574; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ = 0x1578; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX = 0x157C; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY = 0x1580; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ = 0x1584; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x1591; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + public static class C_ViewmodelAttachmentModel { + public const nint m_bShouldFrontFaceCullLeftHanded = 0xED0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_player_controller { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_Flashbang { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBumpMine { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDeaths (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAssists (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEquipmentValue (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMoneySaved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKillReward (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLiveTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHeadShotKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObjective (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashEarned (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iUtilityDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemiesFlashed (int) + public static class CSPerRoundStats_t { + public const nint m_iKills = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_iDeaths = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_iAssists = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_iDamage = 0x3C; // int32 + public const nint m_iEquipmentValue = 0x40; // int32 + public const nint m_iMoneySaved = 0x44; // int32 + public const nint m_iKillReward = 0x48; // int32 + public const nint m_iLiveTime = 0x4C; // int32 + public const nint m_iHeadShotKills = 0x50; // int32 + public const nint m_iObjective = 0x54; // int32 + public const nint m_iCashEarned = 0x58; // int32 + public const nint m_iUtilityDamage = 0x5C; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemiesFlashed = 0x60; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTimerPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerEndTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowInHUD (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerInitialLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerMaxLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAutoCountdown (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSetupTimeLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInCaptureWatchState (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTotalTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStopWatchTimer (bool) + public static class C_TeamRoundTimer { + public const nint m_bTimerPaused = 0x548; // bool + public const nint m_flTimeRemaining = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimerEndTime = 0x550; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bIsDisabled = 0x554; // bool + public const nint m_bShowInHUD = 0x555; // bool + public const nint m_nTimerLength = 0x558; // int32 + public const nint m_nTimerInitialLength = 0x55C; // int32 + public const nint m_nTimerMaxLength = 0x560; // int32 + public const nint m_bAutoCountdown = 0x564; // bool + public const nint m_nSetupTimeLength = 0x568; // int32 + public const nint m_nState = 0x56C; // int32 + public const nint m_bStartPaused = 0x570; // bool + public const nint m_bInCaptureWatchState = 0x571; // bool + public const nint m_flTotalTime = 0x574; // float32 + public const nint m_bStopWatchTimer = 0x578; // bool + public const nint m_bFireFinished = 0x579; // bool + public const nint m_bFire5MinRemain = 0x57A; // bool + public const nint m_bFire4MinRemain = 0x57B; // bool + public const nint m_bFire3MinRemain = 0x57C; // bool + public const nint m_bFire2MinRemain = 0x57D; // bool + public const nint m_bFire1MinRemain = 0x57E; // bool + public const nint m_bFire30SecRemain = 0x57F; // bool + public const nint m_bFire10SecRemain = 0x580; // bool + public const nint m_bFire5SecRemain = 0x581; // bool + public const nint m_bFire4SecRemain = 0x582; // bool + public const nint m_bFire3SecRemain = 0x583; // bool + public const nint m_bFire2SecRemain = 0x584; // bool + public const nint m_bFire1SecRemain = 0x585; // bool + public const nint m_nOldTimerLength = 0x588; // int32 + public const nint m_nOldTimerState = 0x58C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nItemDefIndex (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCount (uint16) + public static class WeaponPurchaseCount_t { + public const nint m_nItemDefIndex = 0x30; // uint16 + public const nint m_nCount = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SmokeGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponGalilAR { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WorldModelGloves { + } + // Parent: C_ModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_EnvProjectedTexture { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CPathSimple { + public const nint m_pathString = 0x598; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CPlayer_CameraServices + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOV (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOVStart (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hZoomOwner (CHandle) + public static class CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { + public const nint m_iFOV = 0x210; // uint32 + public const nint m_iFOVStart = 0x214; // uint32 + public const nint m_flFOVTime = 0x218; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flFOVRate = 0x21C; // float32 + public const nint m_hZoomOwner = 0x220; // CHandle + public const nint m_flLastShotFOV = 0x224; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_PointClientUIWorldPanel + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CPointOffScreenIndicatorUi { + public const nint m_bBeenEnabled = 0xF30; // bool + public const nint m_bHide = 0xF31; // bool + public const nint m_flSeenTargetTime = 0xF34; // float32 + public const nint m_pTargetPanel = 0xF38; // C_PointClientUIWorldPanel* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_entity { + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_zoomLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBurstShotsRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNeedsBoltAction (bool) + public static class C_CSWeaponBaseGun { + public const nint m_zoomLevel = 0x1A70; // int32 + public const nint m_iBurstShotsRemaining = 0x1A74; // int32 + public const nint m_iSilencerBodygroup = 0x1A78; // int32 + public const nint m_silencedModelIndex = 0x1A88; // int32 + public const nint m_inPrecache = 0x1A8C; // bool + public const nint m_bNeedsBoltAction = 0x1A8D; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxData (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxSlotToken (CUtlStringToken) + public static class C_SkyCamera { + public const nint m_skyboxData = 0x548; // sky3dparams_t + public const nint m_skyboxSlotToken = 0x5D8; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_bUseAngles = 0x5DC; // bool + public const nint m_pNext = 0x5E0; // C_SkyCamera* + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_World { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDissolveType (EntityDisolveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDissolverOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMagnitude (uint32) + public static class C_EntityDissolve { + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0xCD0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flFadeInStart = 0xCD4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeInLength = 0xCD8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutModelStart = 0xCDC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutModelLength = 0xCE0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutStart = 0xCE4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutLength = 0xCE8; // float32 + public const nint m_flNextSparkTime = 0xCEC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nDissolveType = 0xCF0; // EntityDisolveType_t + public const nint m_vDissolverOrigin = 0xCF4; // Vector + public const nint m_nMagnitude = 0xD00; // uint32 + public const nint m_bCoreExplode = 0xD04; // bool + public const nint m_bLinkedToServerEnt = 0xD05; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSObserver_UseServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCtrl (CHandle) + public static class C_fogplayerparams_t { + public const nint m_hCtrl = 0x8; // CHandle + public const nint m_flTransitionTime = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_OldColor = 0x10; // Color + public const nint m_flOldStart = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldEnd = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldMaxDensity = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldHDRColorScale = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldFarZ = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_NewColor = 0x28; // Color + public const nint m_flNewStart = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_flNewEnd = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_flNewMaxDensity = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flNewHDRColorScale = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flNewFarZ = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BasePlayerPawn + // Fields count: 65 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pPingServices (CCSPlayer_PingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pViewModelServices (CPlayer_ViewModelServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPlayerState (CSPlayerState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGunGameImmunity (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovUseTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovDamageTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iThrowGrenadeCounter (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iProgressBarDuration (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProgressBarStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashMaxAlpha (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_cycleLatch (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalController (CHandle) + public static class C_CSPlayerPawnBase { + public const nint m_pPingServices = 0x12B0; // CCSPlayer_PingServices* + public const nint m_pViewModelServices = 0x12B8; // CPlayer_ViewModelServices* + public const nint m_fRenderingClipPlane = 0x12C0; // float32[4] + public const nint m_nLastClipPlaneSetupFrame = 0x12D0; // int32 + public const nint m_vecLastClipCameraPos = 0x12D4; // Vector + public const nint m_vecLastClipCameraForward = 0x12E0; // Vector + public const nint m_bClipHitStaticWorld = 0x12EC; // bool + public const nint m_bCachedPlaneIsValid = 0x12ED; // bool + public const nint m_pClippingWeapon = 0x12F0; // C_CSWeaponBase* + public const nint m_previousPlayerState = 0x12F8; // CSPlayerState + public const nint m_iPlayerState = 0x12FC; // CSPlayerState + public const nint m_bIsRescuing = 0x1300; // bool + public const nint m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime = 0x1304; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTimeLast = 0x1308; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bGunGameImmunity = 0x130C; // bool + public const nint m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn = 0x130D; // bool + public const nint m_fMolotovUseTime = 0x1310; // float32 + public const nint m_fMolotovDamageTime = 0x1314; // float32 + public const nint m_iThrowGrenadeCounter = 0x1318; // int32 + public const nint m_flLastSpawnTimeIndex = 0x131C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iProgressBarDuration = 0x1320; // int32 + public const nint m_flProgressBarStartTime = 0x1324; // float32 + public const nint m_vecIntroStartEyePosition = 0x1328; // Vector + public const nint m_vecIntroStartPlayerForward = 0x1334; // Vector + public const nint m_flClientDeathTime = 0x1340; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bScreenTearFrameCaptured = 0x1344; // bool + public const nint m_flFlashBangTime = 0x1348; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlashScreenshotAlpha = 0x134C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlashOverlayAlpha = 0x1350; // float32 + public const nint m_bFlashBuildUp = 0x1354; // bool + public const nint m_bFlashDspHasBeenCleared = 0x1355; // bool + public const nint m_bFlashScreenshotHasBeenGrabbed = 0x1356; // bool + public const nint m_flFlashMaxAlpha = 0x1358; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlashDuration = 0x135C; // float32 + public const nint m_iHealthBarRenderMaskIndex = 0x1360; // int32 + public const nint m_flHealthFadeValue = 0x1364; // float32 + public const nint m_flHealthFadeAlpha = 0x1368; // float32 + public const nint m_flDeathCCWeight = 0x1378; // float32 + public const nint m_flPrevRoundEndTime = 0x137C; // float32 + public const nint m_flPrevMatchEndTime = 0x1380; // float32 + public const nint m_angEyeAngles = 0x1388; // QAngle + public const nint m_fNextThinkPushAway = 0x13A0; // float32 + public const nint m_bShouldAutobuyDMWeapons = 0x13A4; // bool + public const nint m_bShouldAutobuyNow = 0x13A5; // bool + public const nint m_iIDEntIndex = 0x13A8; // CEntityIndex + public const nint m_delayTargetIDTimer = 0x13B0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_iTargetItemEntIdx = 0x13C8; // CEntityIndex + public const nint m_iOldIDEntIndex = 0x13CC; // CEntityIndex + public const nint m_holdTargetIDTimer = 0x13D0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_flCurrentMusicStartTime = 0x13EC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMusicRoundStartTime = 0x13F0; // float32 + public const nint m_bDeferStartMusicOnWarmup = 0x13F4; // bool + public const nint m_cycleLatch = 0x13F8; // int32 + public const nint m_serverIntendedCycle = 0x13FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastSmokeOverlayAlpha = 0x1400; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastSmokeAge = 0x1404; // float32 + public const nint m_vLastSmokeOverlayColor = 0x1408; // Vector + public const nint m_nPlayerSmokedFx = 0x1414; // ParticleIndex_t + public const nint m_nPlayerInfernoBodyFx = 0x1418; // ParticleIndex_t + public const nint m_nPlayerInfernoFootFx = 0x141C; // ParticleIndex_t + public const nint m_flNextMagDropTime = 0x1420; // float32 + public const nint m_nLastMagDropAttachmentIndex = 0x1424; // int32 + public const nint m_vecLastAliveLocalVelocity = 0x1428; // Vector + public const nint m_bGuardianShouldSprayCustomXMark = 0x1450; // bool + public const nint m_hOriginalController = 0x1458; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_WeaponBaseItem + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_Item_Healthshot { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 29 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iWindSeed (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_windRadius (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGustDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGustDirChange (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_location (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInitialWindDir (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialWindSpeed (float32) + public static class C_EnvWindShared { + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iWindSeed = 0xC; // uint32 + public const nint m_iMinWind = 0x10; // uint16 + public const nint m_iMaxWind = 0x12; // uint16 + public const nint m_windRadius = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_iMinGust = 0x18; // uint16 + public const nint m_iMaxGust = 0x1A; // uint16 + public const nint m_flMinGustDelay = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxGustDelay = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flGustDuration = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_iGustDirChange = 0x28; // uint16 + public const nint m_location = 0x2C; // Vector + public const nint m_iszGustSound = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_iWindDir = 0x3C; // int32 + public const nint m_flWindSpeed = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_currentWindVector = 0x44; // Vector + public const nint m_CurrentSwayVector = 0x50; // Vector + public const nint m_PrevSwayVector = 0x5C; // Vector + public const nint m_iInitialWindDir = 0x68; // uint16 + public const nint m_flInitialWindSpeed = 0x6C; // float32 + public const nint m_flVariationTime = 0x70; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSwayTime = 0x74; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSimTime = 0x78; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSwitchTime = 0x7C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flAveWindSpeed = 0x80; // float32 + public const nint m_bGusting = 0x84; // bool + public const nint m_flWindAngleVariation = 0x88; // float32 + public const nint m_flWindSpeedVariation = 0x8C; // float32 + public const nint m_iEntIndex = 0x90; // CEntityIndex + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPostSettings (HPostProcessingStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureCompensation (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExposureControl (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + public static class C_PostProcessingVolume { + public const nint m_hPostSettings = 0xCE0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flFadeDuration = 0xCE8; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinLogExposure = 0xCEC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxLogExposure = 0xCF0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinExposure = 0xCF4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxExposure = 0xCF8; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureCompensation = 0xCFC; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp = 0xD00; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown = 0xD04; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange = 0xD08; // float32 + public const nint m_bMaster = 0xD0C; // bool + public const nint m_bExposureControl = 0xD0D; // bool + public const nint m_flRate = 0xD10; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapPercentTarget = 0xD14; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels = 0xD18; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapMinAvgLum = 0xD1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPing (CHandle) + public static class CCSPlayer_PingServices { + public const nint m_hPlayerPing = 0x40; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_FlashlightServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CServerOnlyModelEntity { + } + // Parent: CAttributeManager + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_Item (CEconItemView) + public static class C_AttributeContainer { + public const nint m_Item = 0x50; // C_EconItemView + public const nint m_iExternalItemProviderRegisteredToken = 0x498; // int32 + public const nint m_ullRegisteredAsItemID = 0x4A0; // uint64 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + public static class C_FuncRotating { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlags (uint32) + public static class C_BaseFire { + public const nint m_flScale = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartScale = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleTime = 0x550; // float32 + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x554; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTickBase (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKnownTeamMismatch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iConnected (PlayerConnectedState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszPlayerName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_steamID (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredFOV (uint32) + // MNetworkReplayCompatField + public static class CBasePlayerController { + public const nint m_nFinalPredictedTick = 0x550; // int32 + public const nint m_CommandContext = 0x558; // C_CommandContext + public const nint m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x600; // uint64 + public const nint m_nTickBase = 0x608; // uint32 + public const nint m_hPawn = 0x60C; // CHandle + public const nint m_bKnownTeamMismatch = 0x610; // bool + public const nint m_hPredictedPawn = 0x614; // CHandle + public const nint m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x618; // CSplitScreenSlot + public const nint m_hSplitOwner = 0x61C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x620; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_bIsHLTV = 0x638; // bool + public const nint m_iConnected = 0x63C; // PlayerConnectedState + public const nint m_iszPlayerName = 0x640; // char[128] + public const nint m_steamID = 0x6C8; // uint64 + public const nint m_bIsLocalPlayerController = 0x6D0; // bool + public const nint m_iDesiredFOV = 0x6D4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CPointTemplateAPI { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDecoyShotTick (int) + public static class C_DecoyProjectile { + public const nint m_nDecoyShotTick = 0x1150; // int32 + public const nint m_nClientLastKnownDecoyShotTick = 0x1154; // int32 + public const nint m_flTimeParticleEffectSpawn = 0x1178; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WaterBullet { + } + // Parent: C_CSPlayerPawn + // Fields count: 3 + public static class C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer { + public const nint m_animgraph = 0x23C8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_animgraphCharacterModeString = 0x23D0; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_flInitialModelScale = 0x23D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSkeletonAnimationController + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animGraphNetworkedVars (CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqFixedCycle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimLoopMode (AnimLoopMode_t) + public static class CBaseAnimGraphController { + public const nint m_animGraphNetworkedVars = 0x18; // CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables + public const nint m_bSequenceFinished = 0x14A8; // bool + public const nint m_flSoundSyncTime = 0x14AC; // float32 + public const nint m_nActiveIKChainMask = 0x14B0; // uint32 + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x14B4; // HSequence + public const nint m_flSeqStartTime = 0x14B8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSeqFixedCycle = 0x14BC; // float32 + public const nint m_nAnimLoopMode = 0x14C0; // AnimLoopMode_t + public const nint m_flPlaybackRate = 0x14C4; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + public const nint m_nNotifyState = 0x14D0; // SequenceFinishNotifyState_t + public const nint m_bNetworkedAnimationInputsChanged = 0x14D2; // bool + public const nint m_bNetworkedSequenceChanged = 0x14D3; // bool + public const nint m_bLastUpdateSkipped = 0x14D4; // bool + public const nint m_flPrevAnimUpdateTime = 0x14D8; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartedArming (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fArmedTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlacedAnimation (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlantingViaUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + public static class C_C4 { + public const nint m_szScreenText = 0x1A70; // char[32] + public const nint m_activeLightParticleIndex = 0x1A90; // ParticleIndex_t + public const nint m_eActiveLightEffect = 0x1A94; // C4LightEffect_t + public const nint m_bStartedArming = 0x1A98; // bool + public const nint m_fArmedTime = 0x1A9C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bBombPlacedAnimation = 0x1AA0; // bool + public const nint m_bIsPlantingViaUse = 0x1AA1; // bool + public const nint m_entitySpottedState = 0x1AA8; // EntitySpottedState_t + public const nint m_nSpotRules = 0x1AC0; // int32 + public const nint m_bPlayedArmingBeeps = 0x1AC4; // bool[7] + public const nint m_bBombPlanted = 0x1ACB; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceBone (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pRagdollPose (PhysicsRagdollPose_t*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollClientSide (bool) + public static class CBaseAnimGraph { + public const nint m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory = 0xD40; // bool + public const nint m_bSuppressAnimEventSounds = 0xD42; // bool + public const nint m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled = 0xD50; // bool + public const nint m_flMaxSlopeDistance = 0xD54; // float32 + public const nint m_vLastSlopeCheckPos = 0xD58; // Vector + public const nint m_bAnimationUpdateScheduled = 0xD64; // bool + public const nint m_vecForce = 0xD68; // Vector + public const nint m_nForceBone = 0xD74; // int32 + public const nint m_pClientsideRagdoll = 0xD78; // CBaseAnimGraph* + public const nint m_bBuiltRagdoll = 0xD80; // bool + public const nint m_pRagdollPose = 0xD98; // PhysicsRagdollPose_t* + public const nint m_bRagdollClientSide = 0xDA0; // bool + public const nint m_bHasAnimatedMaterialAttributes = 0xDB0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_Melee { + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBreachChargeProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_PointEntity { + } + // Parent: C_GameRules + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_MultiplayRules { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CBasePlayerControllerAPI { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flParticleSpacing (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Position (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentIn (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentOut (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Color (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_PinEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_RadiusScale (float) + public static class C_PathParticleRope { + public const nint m_bStartActive = 0x548; // bool + public const nint m_flMaxSimulationTime = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_iszEffectName = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_PathNodes_Name = 0x558; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flParticleSpacing = 0x570; // float32 + public const nint m_flSlack = 0x574; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x578; // float32 + public const nint m_ColorTint = 0x57C; // Color + public const nint m_nEffectState = 0x580; // int32 + public const nint m_iEffectIndex = 0x588; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_PathNodes_Position = 0x590; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PathNodes_TangentIn = 0x5A8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PathNodes_TangentOut = 0x5C0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PathNodes_Color = 0x5D8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PathNodes_PinEnabled = 0x5F0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PathNodes_RadiusScale = 0x608; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_CCSWeaponBaseVData { + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + public static class C_SoundEventAABBEntity { + public const nint m_vMins = 0x548; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxs = 0x554; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponP90 { + } + // Parent: C_EconEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip1 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip2 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pReserveAmmo (int) + public static class C_BasePlayerWeapon { + public const nint m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick = 0x15B0; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio = 0x15B4; // float32 + public const nint m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick = 0x15B8; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio = 0x15BC; // float32 + public const nint m_iClip1 = 0x15C0; // int32 + public const nint m_iClip2 = 0x15C4; // int32 + public const nint m_pReserveAmmo = 0x15C8; // int32[2] + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBasePlayerWeaponVData { + public const nint m_szWorldModel = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_bBuiltRightHanded = 0x108; // bool + public const nint m_bAllowFlipping = 0x109; // bool + public const nint m_sMuzzleAttachment = 0x110; // CUtlString + public const nint m_szMuzzleFlashParticle = 0x118; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_iFlags = 0x1F8; // ItemFlagTypes_t + public const nint m_nPrimaryAmmoType = 0x1F9; // AmmoIndex_t + public const nint m_nSecondaryAmmoType = 0x1FA; // AmmoIndex_t + public const nint m_iMaxClip1 = 0x1FC; // int32 + public const nint m_iMaxClip2 = 0x200; // int32 + public const nint m_iDefaultClip1 = 0x204; // int32 + public const nint m_iDefaultClip2 = 0x208; // int32 + public const nint m_iWeight = 0x20C; // int32 + public const nint m_bAutoSwitchTo = 0x210; // bool + public const nint m_bAutoSwitchFrom = 0x211; // bool + public const nint m_iRumbleEffect = 0x214; // RumbleEffect_t + public const nint m_bLinkedCooldowns = 0x218; // bool + public const nint m_aShootSounds = 0x220; // CUtlOrderedMap + public const nint m_iSlot = 0x248; // int32 + public const nint m_iPosition = 0x24C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_poolOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_waterLevel (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_x (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_y (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_z (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angle (float32) + public static class C_Fish { + public const nint m_pos = 0xED0; // Vector + public const nint m_vel = 0xEDC; // Vector + public const nint m_angles = 0xEE8; // QAngle + public const nint m_localLifeState = 0xEF4; // int32 + public const nint m_deathDepth = 0xEF8; // float32 + public const nint m_deathAngle = 0xEFC; // float32 + public const nint m_buoyancy = 0xF00; // float32 + public const nint m_wiggleTimer = 0xF08; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_wigglePhase = 0xF20; // float32 + public const nint m_wiggleRate = 0xF24; // float32 + public const nint m_actualPos = 0xF28; // Vector + public const nint m_actualAngles = 0xF34; // QAngle + public const nint m_poolOrigin = 0xF40; // Vector + public const nint m_waterLevel = 0xF4C; // float32 + public const nint m_gotUpdate = 0xF50; // bool + public const nint m_x = 0xF54; // float32 + public const nint m_y = 0xF58; // float32 + public const nint m_z = 0xF5C; // float32 + public const nint m_angle = 0xF60; // float32 + public const nint m_errorHistory = 0xF64; // float32[20] + public const nint m_errorHistoryIndex = 0xFB4; // int32 + public const nint m_errorHistoryCount = 0xFB8; // int32 + public const nint m_averageError = 0xFBC; // float32 + } + // Parent: IntervalTimer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValues (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nValueCounts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBucketCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInterval (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFinalValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCompressionType (TimelineCompression_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStopped (bool) + public static class CTimeline { + public const nint m_flValues = 0x10; // float32[64] + public const nint m_nValueCounts = 0x110; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nBucketCount = 0x210; // int32 + public const nint m_flInterval = 0x214; // float32 + public const nint m_flFinalValue = 0x218; // float32 + public const nint m_nCompressionType = 0x21C; // TimelineCompression_t + public const nint m_bStopped = 0x220; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponAWP { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWeaponServices (CPlayer_WeaponServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pItemServices (CPlayer_ItemServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pAutoaimServices (CPlayer_AutoaimServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pObserverServices (CPlayer_ObserverServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWaterServices (CPlayer_WaterServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pUseServices (CPlayer_UseServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pFlashlightServices (CPlayer_FlashlightServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pCameraServices (CPlayer_CameraServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pMovementServices (CPlayer_MovementServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ServerViewAngleChanges (ViewAngleServerChange_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHideHUD (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skybox3d (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDeathTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hController (CHandle) + public static class C_BasePlayerPawn { + public const nint m_pWeaponServices = 0x10F8; // CPlayer_WeaponServices* + public const nint m_pItemServices = 0x1100; // CPlayer_ItemServices* + public const nint m_pAutoaimServices = 0x1108; // CPlayer_AutoaimServices* + public const nint m_pObserverServices = 0x1110; // CPlayer_ObserverServices* + public const nint m_pWaterServices = 0x1118; // CPlayer_WaterServices* + public const nint m_pUseServices = 0x1120; // CPlayer_UseServices* + public const nint m_pFlashlightServices = 0x1128; // CPlayer_FlashlightServices* + public const nint m_pCameraServices = 0x1130; // CPlayer_CameraServices* + public const nint m_pMovementServices = 0x1138; // CPlayer_MovementServices* + public const nint m_ServerViewAngleChanges = 0x1148; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + public const nint m_nHighestConsumedServerViewAngleChangeIndex = 0x1198; // uint32 + public const nint v_angle = 0x119C; // QAngle + public const nint v_anglePrevious = 0x11A8; // QAngle + public const nint m_iHideHUD = 0x11B4; // uint32 + public const nint m_skybox3d = 0x11B8; // sky3dparams_t + public const nint m_flDeathTime = 0x1248; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_vecPredictionError = 0x124C; // Vector + public const nint m_flPredictionErrorTime = 0x1258; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_vecLastCameraSetupLocalOrigin = 0x125C; // Vector + public const nint m_flLastCameraSetupTime = 0x1268; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flFOVSensitivityAdjust = 0x126C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMouseSensitivity = 0x1270; // float32 + public const nint m_vOldOrigin = 0x1274; // Vector + public const nint m_flOldSimulationTime = 0x1280; // float32 + public const nint m_nLastExecutedCommandNumber = 0x1284; // int32 + public const nint m_nLastExecutedCommandTick = 0x1288; // int32 + public const nint m_hController = 0x128C; // CHandle + public const nint m_bIsSwappingToPredictableController = 0x1290; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iReapplyProvisionParity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOuter (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ProviderType (attributeprovidertypes_t) + public static class CAttributeManager { + public const nint m_Providers = 0x8; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_iReapplyProvisionParity = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_hOuter = 0x24; // CHandle + public const nint m_bPreventLoopback = 0x28; // bool + public const nint m_ProviderType = 0x2C; // attributeprovidertypes_t + public const nint m_CachedResults = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CLogicalEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeedOffset (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastTeleportTime (float) + public static class CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables { + public const nint m_PredNetBoolVariables = 0x8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetByteVariables = 0x20; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetUInt16Variables = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetIntVariables = 0x50; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetUInt32Variables = 0x68; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetUInt64Variables = 0x80; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetFloatVariables = 0x98; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetVectorVariables = 0xB0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetQuaternionVariables = 0xC8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables = 0xE0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables = 0xF8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables = 0x110; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables = 0x128; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables = 0x140; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables = 0x158; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables = 0x170; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables = 0x188; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables = 0x1A0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables = 0x1B8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables = 0x1D0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_nBoolVariablesCount = 0x1E8; // int32 + public const nint m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount = 0x1EC; // int32 + public const nint m_nRandomSeedOffset = 0x1F0; // int32 + public const nint m_flLastTeleportTime = 0x1F4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFluidDensity (float) + public static class C_TriggerBuoyancy { + public const nint m_BuoyancyHelper = 0xCD0; // CBuoyancyHelper + public const nint m_flFluidDensity = 0xCF0; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 41 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScrollSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeFlags (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSegments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hStartPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEndPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEndAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Subdiv (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeLength (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Slack (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TextureScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLockedPoints (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nChangeCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Width (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints (bool) + public static class C_RopeKeyframe { + public const nint m_LinksTouchingSomething = 0xCD0; // CBitVec<10> + public const nint m_nLinksTouchingSomething = 0xCD4; // int32 + public const nint m_bApplyWind = 0xCD8; // bool + public const nint m_fPrevLockedPoints = 0xCDC; // int32 + public const nint m_iForcePointMoveCounter = 0xCE0; // int32 + public const nint m_bPrevEndPointPos = 0xCE4; // bool[2] + public const nint m_vPrevEndPointPos = 0xCE8; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_flCurScroll = 0xD00; // float32 + public const nint m_flScrollSpeed = 0xD04; // float32 + public const nint m_RopeFlags = 0xD08; // uint16 + public const nint m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex = 0xD10; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_LightValues = 0xF88; // Vector[10] + public const nint m_nSegments = 0x1000; // uint8 + public const nint m_hStartPoint = 0x1004; // CHandle + public const nint m_hEndPoint = 0x1008; // CHandle + public const nint m_iStartAttachment = 0x100C; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_iEndAttachment = 0x100D; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_Subdiv = 0x100E; // uint8 + public const nint m_RopeLength = 0x1010; // int16 + public const nint m_Slack = 0x1012; // int16 + public const nint m_TextureScale = 0x1014; // float32 + public const nint m_fLockedPoints = 0x1018; // uint8 + public const nint m_nChangeCount = 0x1019; // uint8 + public const nint m_Width = 0x101C; // float32 + public const nint m_PhysicsDelegate = 0x1020; // C_RopeKeyframe::CPhysicsDelegate + public const nint m_hMaterial = 0x1030; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_TextureHeight = 0x1038; // int32 + public const nint m_vecImpulse = 0x103C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecPreviousImpulse = 0x1048; // Vector + public const nint m_flCurrentGustTimer = 0x1054; // float32 + public const nint m_flCurrentGustLifetime = 0x1058; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimeToNextGust = 0x105C; // float32 + public const nint m_vWindDir = 0x1060; // Vector + public const nint m_vColorMod = 0x106C; // Vector + public const nint m_vCachedEndPointAttachmentPos = 0x1078; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_vCachedEndPointAttachmentAngle = 0x1090; // QAngle[2] + public const nint m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints = 0x10A8; // bool + public const nint m_bEndPointAttachmentPositionsDirty = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bEndPointAttachmentAnglesDirty = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bNewDataThisFrame = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bPhysicsInitted = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGradientFogTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogVerticalExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + public static class C_GradientFog { + public const nint m_hGradientFogTexture = 0x548; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flFogStartDistance = 0x550; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogEndDistance = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_bHeightFogEnabled = 0x558; // bool + public const nint m_flFogStartHeight = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogEndHeight = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_flFarZ = 0x564; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMaxOpacity = 0x568; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogFalloffExponent = 0x56C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogVerticalExponent = 0x570; // float32 + public const nint m_fogColor = 0x574; // Color + public const nint m_flFogStrength = 0x578; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeTime = 0x57C; // float32 + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x580; // bool + public const nint m_bIsEnabled = 0x581; // bool + public const nint m_bGradientFogNeedsTextures = 0x582; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpotted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpottedByMask (uint32) + public static class EntitySpottedState_t { + public const nint m_bSpotted = 0x8; // bool + public const nint m_bSpottedByMask = 0xC; // uint32[2] + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPath + // Fields count: 7 + public static class C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera { + public const nint m_nVariant = 0x5B0; // int32 + public const nint m_bDofEnabled = 0x5B4; // bool + public const nint m_flDofNearBlurry = 0x5B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofNearCrisp = 0x5BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofFarCrisp = 0x5C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofFarBlurry = 0x5C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofTiltToGround = 0x5C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CCSPlayer_CameraServices { + public const nint m_flDeathCamTilt = 0x228; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_TeamSelectCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_EconEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class C_EconWearable { + public const nint m_nForceSkin = 0x15B0; // int32 + public const nint m_bAlwaysAllow = 0x15B4; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CSPerRoundStats_t + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy5Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy4Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy3Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyKnifeKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyTaserKills (int) + public static class CSMatchStats_t { + public const nint m_iEnemy5Ks = 0x68; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemy4Ks = 0x6C; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemy3Ks = 0x70; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemyKnifeKills = 0x74; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemyTaserKills = 0x78; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_BaseToggle { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFalloffShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeightFogDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fIndirectLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSunLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideSunLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideNoiseStrength (bool) + public static class C_EnvVolumetricFogVolume { + public const nint m_bActive = 0x548; // bool + public const nint m_vBoxMins = 0x54C; // Vector + public const nint m_vBoxMaxs = 0x558; // Vector + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x564; // bool + public const nint m_flStrength = 0x568; // float32 + public const nint m_nFalloffShape = 0x56C; // int32 + public const nint m_flFalloffExponent = 0x570; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeightFogDepth = 0x574; // float32 + public const nint m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth = 0x578; // float32 + public const nint m_fIndirectLightStrength = 0x57C; // float32 + public const nint m_fSunLightStrength = 0x580; // float32 + public const nint m_fNoiseStrength = 0x584; // float32 + public const nint m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength = 0x588; // bool + public const nint m_bOverrideSunLightStrength = 0x589; // bool + public const nint m_bOverrideNoiseStrength = 0x58A; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWaterSplasher { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_ModelPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSObserver_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFire + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameModelIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex (int32) + public static class C_FireSmoke { + public const nint m_nFlameModelIndex = 0x558; // int32 + public const nint m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex = 0x55C; // int32 + public const nint m_flScaleRegister = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleStart = 0x564; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleEnd = 0x568; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleTimeStart = 0x56C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flScaleTimeEnd = 0x570; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flChildFlameSpread = 0x574; // float32 + public const nint m_flClipPerc = 0x588; // float32 + public const nint m_bClipTested = 0x58C; // bool + public const nint m_bFadingOut = 0x58D; // bool + public const nint m_tParticleSpawn = 0x590; // TimedEvent + public const nint m_pFireOverlay = 0x598; // CFireOverlay* + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponRevolver { + } + // Parent: C_Sprite + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_FireFromAboveSprite { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + public static class C_EnvCombinedLightProbeVolume { + public const nint m_Entity_Color = 0x15A8; // Color + public const nint m_Entity_flBrightness = 0x15AC; // float32 + public const nint m_Entity_hCubemapTexture = 0x15B0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture = 0x15B8; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture = 0x15C0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture = 0x15C8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture = 0x15D0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture = 0x15D8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxMins = 0x15E0; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxMaxs = 0x15EC; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x15F8; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x15FC; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex = 0x1600; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nPriority = 0x1604; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x1608; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist = 0x160C; // float32 + public const nint m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists = 0x1610; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX = 0x161C; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY = 0x1620; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ = 0x1624; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX = 0x1628; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY = 0x162C; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ = 0x1630; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x1649; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SoundOpvarSetOBBWindEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (ModelConfigHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Name (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntityNames (string_t) + public static class ActiveModelConfig_t { + public const nint m_Handle = 0x28; // ModelConfigHandle_t + public const nint m_Name = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_AssociatedEntities = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_AssociatedEntityNames = 0x50; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponMP5SD { + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_DynamicPropAlias_dynamic_prop { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalHitsOnServer (int32) + public static class CCSPlayer_BulletServices { + public const nint m_totalHitsOnServer = 0x40; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CLogicRelay { + public const nint m_OnTrigger = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnSpawn = 0x570; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x598; // bool + public const nint m_bWaitForRefire = 0x599; // bool + public const nint m_bTriggerOnce = 0x59A; // bool + public const nint m_bFastRetrigger = 0x59B; // bool + public const nint m_bPassthoughCaller = 0x59C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_PointCamera + // Fields count: 1 + public static class C_PointCameraVFOV { + public const nint m_flVerticalFOV = 0x5A8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ItemServices + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeavyArmor (bool) + public static class CCSPlayer_ItemServices { + public const nint m_bHasDefuser = 0x40; // bool + public const nint m_bHasHelmet = 0x41; // bool + public const nint m_bHasHeavyArmor = 0x42; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 51 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColorMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTemperature (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLuminaireShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleString (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_QueuedLightStyleStrings (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleEvents (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleTargets (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShape (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirt (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirtNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSizeParams (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vShear (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowMapSize (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bContactShadow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounceLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBounceScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAlternateColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAlternateColorBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFog (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + public static class C_BarnLight { + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0xCC8; // bool + public const nint m_nColorMode = 0xCCC; // int32 + public const nint m_Color = 0xCD0; // Color + public const nint m_flColorTemperature = 0xCD4; // float32 + public const nint m_flBrightness = 0xCD8; // float32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessScale = 0xCDC; // float32 + public const nint m_nDirectLight = 0xCE0; // int32 + public const nint m_nBakedShadowIndex = 0xCE4; // int32 + public const nint m_nLuminaireShape = 0xCE8; // int32 + public const nint m_flLuminaireSize = 0xCEC; // float32 + public const nint m_flLuminaireAnisotropy = 0xCF0; // float32 + public const nint m_LightStyleString = 0xCF8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flLightStyleStartTime = 0xD00; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_QueuedLightStyleStrings = 0xD08; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_LightStyleEvents = 0xD20; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_LightStyleTargets = 0xD38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_StyleEvent = 0xD50; // CEntityIOOutput[4] + public const nint m_hLightCookie = 0xDF0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flShape = 0xDF8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSoftX = 0xDFC; // float32 + public const nint m_flSoftY = 0xE00; // float32 + public const nint m_flSkirt = 0xE04; // float32 + public const nint m_flSkirtNear = 0xE08; // float32 + public const nint m_vSizeParams = 0xE0C; // Vector + public const nint m_flRange = 0xE18; // float32 + public const nint m_vShear = 0xE1C; // Vector + public const nint m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps = 0xE28; // int32 + public const nint m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize = 0xE2C; // Vector + public const nint m_nCastShadows = 0xE38; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowMapSize = 0xE3C; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowPriority = 0xE40; // int32 + public const nint m_bContactShadow = 0xE44; // bool + public const nint m_nBounceLight = 0xE48; // int32 + public const nint m_flBounceScale = 0xE4C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinRoughness = 0xE50; // float32 + public const nint m_vAlternateColor = 0xE54; // Vector + public const nint m_fAlternateColorBrightness = 0xE60; // float32 + public const nint m_nFog = 0xE64; // int32 + public const nint m_flFogStrength = 0xE68; // float32 + public const nint m_nFogShadows = 0xE6C; // int32 + public const nint m_flFogScale = 0xE70; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeSizeStart = 0xE74; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeSizeEnd = 0xE78; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowFadeSizeStart = 0xE7C; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd = 0xE80; // float32 + public const nint m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid = 0xE84; // bool + public const nint m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins = 0xE88; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs = 0xE94; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin = 0xEA0; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles = 0xEAC; // QAngle + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent = 0xEB8; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMin (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMax (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + public static class C_TonemapController2 { + public const nint m_flAutoExposureMin = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flAutoExposureMax = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapPercentTarget = 0x550; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapMinAvgLum = 0x558; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange = 0x564; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponG3SG1 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFuncWater { + public const nint m_BuoyancyHelper = 0xCC8; // CBuoyancyHelper + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SoundOpvarSetAutoRoomEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackPaintKit (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallbackWear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackStatTrak (int) + public static class C_EconEntity { + public const nint m_flFlexDelayTime = 0x1078; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlexDelayedWeight = 0x1080; // float32* + public const nint m_bAttributesInitialized = 0x1088; // bool + public const nint m_AttributeManager = 0x1090; // C_AttributeContainer + public const nint m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow = 0x1538; // uint32 + public const nint m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh = 0x153C; // uint32 + public const nint m_nFallbackPaintKit = 0x1540; // int32 + public const nint m_nFallbackSeed = 0x1544; // int32 + public const nint m_flFallbackWear = 0x1548; // float32 + public const nint m_nFallbackStatTrak = 0x154C; // int32 + public const nint m_bClientside = 0x1550; // bool + public const nint m_bParticleSystemsCreated = 0x1551; // bool + public const nint m_vecAttachedParticles = 0x1558; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hViewmodelAttachment = 0x1570; // CHandle + public const nint m_iOldTeam = 0x1574; // int32 + public const nint m_bAttachmentDirty = 0x1578; // bool + public const nint m_nUnloadedModelIndex = 0x157C; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumOwnerValidationRetries = 0x1580; // int32 + public const nint m_hOldProvidee = 0x1590; // CHandle + public const nint m_vecAttachedModels = 0x1598; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponSG556 { + } + // Parent: C_BarnLight + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + public static class C_RectLight { + public const nint m_bShowLight = 0xF10; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_szSnapshotFileName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFreezeTransitionDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStopType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPreSimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vServerControlPoints (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iServerControlPointAssignments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPointEnts (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSave (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoFreeze (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoRamp (bool) + public static class C_ParticleSystem { + public const nint m_szSnapshotFileName = 0xCC8; // char[512] + public const nint m_bActive = 0xEC8; // bool + public const nint m_bFrozen = 0xEC9; // bool + public const nint m_flFreezeTransitionDuration = 0xECC; // float32 + public const nint m_nStopType = 0xED0; // int32 + public const nint m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause = 0xED4; // bool + public const nint m_iEffectIndex = 0xED8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0xEE0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flPreSimTime = 0xEE4; // float32 + public const nint m_vServerControlPoints = 0xEE8; // Vector[4] + public const nint m_iServerControlPointAssignments = 0xF18; // uint8[4] + public const nint m_hControlPointEnts = 0xF1C; // CHandle[64] + public const nint m_bNoSave = 0x101C; // bool + public const nint m_bNoFreeze = 0x101D; // bool + public const nint m_bNoRamp = 0x101E; // bool + public const nint m_bStartActive = 0x101F; // bool + public const nint m_iszEffectName = 0x1020; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszControlPointNames = 0x1028; // CUtlSymbolLarge[64] + public const nint m_nDataCP = 0x1228; // int32 + public const nint m_vecDataCPValue = 0x122C; // Vector + public const nint m_nTintCP = 0x1238; // int32 + public const nint m_clrTint = 0x123C; // Color + public const nint m_bOldActive = 0x1260; // bool + public const nint m_bOldFrozen = 0x1261; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_TeamPreviewModel { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponGlock { + } + // Parent: C_GameRulesProxy + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameRules (C_CSGameRules*) + public static class C_CSGameRulesProxy { + public const nint m_pGameRules = 0x548; // C_CSGameRules* + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObserverMode (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverTarget (CHandle) + public static class CPlayer_ObserverServices { + public const nint m_iObserverMode = 0x40; // uint8 + public const nint m_hObserverTarget = 0x44; // CHandle + public const nint m_iObserverLastMode = 0x48; // ObserverMode_t + public const nint m_bForcedObserverMode = 0x4C; // bool + public const nint m_flObserverChaseDistance = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_flObserverChaseDistanceCalcTime = 0x54; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponZoneRepulsor { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_WaterServices { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEnd { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + public static class SequenceHistory_t { + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x0; // HSequence + public const nint m_flSeqStartTime = 0x4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSeqFixedCycle = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_nSeqLoopMode = 0xC; // AnimLoopMode_t + public const nint m_flPlaybackRate = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flCyclesPerSecond = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + public static class C_Multimeter { + public const nint m_hTargetC4 = 0xED8; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class C_CsmFovOverride { + public const nint m_cameraName = 0x548; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flCsmFovOverrideValue = 0x550; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hDecalMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderOrder (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnCharacters (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWater (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthSortBias (float) + public static class C_EnvDecal { + public const nint m_hDecalMaterial = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flWidth = 0xCD0; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeight = 0xCD4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDepth = 0xCD8; // float32 + public const nint m_nRenderOrder = 0xCDC; // uint32 + public const nint m_bProjectOnWorld = 0xCE0; // bool + public const nint m_bProjectOnCharacters = 0xCE1; // bool + public const nint m_bProjectOnWater = 0xCE2; // bool + public const nint m_flDepthSortBias = 0xCE4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGameModeRules_Noop { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCurWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_netlookupFilename (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSide (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExclusive (bool) + public static class C_ColorCorrection { + public const nint m_vecOrigin = 0x548; // Vector + public const nint m_MinFalloff = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_MaxFalloff = 0x558; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeInDuration = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutDuration = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxWeight = 0x564; // float32 + public const nint m_flCurWeight = 0x568; // float32 + public const nint m_netlookupFilename = 0x56C; // char[512] + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x76C; // bool + public const nint m_bMaster = 0x76D; // bool + public const nint m_bClientSide = 0x76E; // bool + public const nint m_bExclusive = 0x76F; // bool + public const nint m_bEnabledOnClient = 0x770; // bool[1] + public const nint m_flCurWeightOnClient = 0x774; // float32[1] + public const nint m_bFadingIn = 0x778; // bool[1] + public const nint m_flFadeStartWeight = 0x77C; // float32[1] + public const nint m_flFadeStartTime = 0x780; // float32[1] + public const nint m_flFadeDuration = 0x784; // float32[1] + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CHostageRescueZoneShim { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hModel (HModelStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MeshGroupMask (MeshGroupMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIdealMotionType (int8) + public static class CModelState { + public const nint m_hModel = 0xA0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_ModelName = 0xA8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed = 0xE8; // bool + public const nint m_MeshGroupMask = 0x198; // uint64 + public const nint m_nIdealMotionType = 0x21A; // int8 + public const nint m_nForceLOD = 0x21B; // int8 + public const nint m_nClothUpdateFlags = 0x21C; // int8 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponP250 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class C_EconEntity__AttachedModelData_t { + public const nint m_iModelDisplayFlags = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Attributes (CEconItemAttribute) + public static class CAttributeList { + public const nint m_Attributes = 0x8; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + public const nint m_pManager = 0x58; // CAttributeManager* + } + // Parent: C_MultiplayRules + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_TeamplayRules { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_CounterTerroristWingmanIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponNOVA { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_HEGrenadeProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsUsable (bool) + public static class C_BaseDoor { + public const nint m_bIsUsable = 0xCC8; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CGrenadeTracer { + public const nint m_flTracerDuration = 0xCE8; // float32 + public const nint m_nType = 0xCEC; // GrenadeType_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlantedHere (bool) + public static class CBombTarget { + public const nint m_bBombPlantedHere = 0xCD0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActivator (EHANDLE) + public static class C_PointClientUIDialog { + public const nint m_hActivator = 0xCF8; // CHandle + public const nint m_bStartEnabled = 0xCFC; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_WeaponSequence (CUtlString) + public static class CCSGameModeRules_ArmsRace { + public const nint m_WeaponSequence = 0x30; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerDamagerName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerRecipientName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamagerXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RecipientXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActualHealthRemoved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumHits (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLastBulletUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsOtherEnemy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_killType (EKillTypes_t) + public static class CDamageRecord { + public const nint m_PlayerDamager = 0x28; // CHandle + public const nint m_PlayerRecipient = 0x2C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hPlayerControllerDamager = 0x30; // CHandle + public const nint m_hPlayerControllerRecipient = 0x34; // CHandle + public const nint m_szPlayerDamagerName = 0x38; // CUtlString + public const nint m_szPlayerRecipientName = 0x40; // CUtlString + public const nint m_DamagerXuid = 0x48; // uint64 + public const nint m_RecipientXuid = 0x50; // uint64 + public const nint m_iDamage = 0x58; // int32 + public const nint m_iActualHealthRemoved = 0x5C; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumHits = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_iLastBulletUpdate = 0x64; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsOtherEnemy = 0x68; // bool + public const nint m_killType = 0x69; // EKillTypes_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_InfoLadderDismount { + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSendUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamageList (CDamageRecord) + public static class CCSPlayerController_DamageServices { + public const nint m_nSendUpdate = 0x40; // int32 + public const nint m_DamageList = 0x48; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CRenderComponent { + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x10; // CNetworkVarChainer + public const nint m_bIsRenderingWithViewModels = 0x50; // bool + public const nint m_nSplitscreenFlags = 0x54; // uint32 + public const nint m_bEnableRendering = 0x60; // bool + public const nint m_bInterpolationReadyToDraw = 0xB0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + public static class C_SoundEventOBBEntity { + public const nint m_vMins = 0x548; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxs = 0x554; // Vector + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 66 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SecondaryColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloff (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTheta (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPhi (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascades (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowWidth (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowHeight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderDiffuse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderSpecular (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderTransmissive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStyle (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Pattern (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUsesBakedShadowing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlicker (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrecomputedMaxRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogLightingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogContributionStength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearClipPlane (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkyIntensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyAmbientBounce (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseSecondaryColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMixedShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + public static class CLightComponent { + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x38; // CNetworkVarChainer + public const nint m_Color = 0x75; // Color + public const nint m_SecondaryColor = 0x79; // Color + public const nint m_flBrightness = 0x80; // float32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessScale = 0x84; // float32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessMult = 0x88; // float32 + public const nint m_flRange = 0x8C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFalloff = 0x90; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttenuation0 = 0x94; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttenuation1 = 0x98; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttenuation2 = 0x9C; // float32 + public const nint m_flTheta = 0xA0; // float32 + public const nint m_flPhi = 0xA4; // float32 + public const nint m_hLightCookie = 0xA8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nCascades = 0xB0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCastShadows = 0xB4; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowWidth = 0xB8; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowHeight = 0xBC; // int32 + public const nint m_bRenderDiffuse = 0xC0; // bool + public const nint m_nRenderSpecular = 0xC4; // int32 + public const nint m_bRenderTransmissive = 0xC8; // bool + public const nint m_flOrthoLightWidth = 0xCC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOrthoLightHeight = 0xD0; // float32 + public const nint m_nStyle = 0xD4; // int32 + public const nint m_Pattern = 0xD8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects = 0xE0; // int32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade = 0xE4; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade = 0xE8; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 = 0xEC; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 = 0xF0; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 = 0xF4; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 = 0xF8; // float32 + public const nint m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 = 0xFC; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 = 0x100; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 = 0x104; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 = 0x108; // int32 + public const nint m_bUsesBakedShadowing = 0x10C; // bool + public const nint m_nShadowPriority = 0x110; // int32 + public const nint m_nBakedShadowIndex = 0x114; // int32 + public const nint m_bRenderToCubemaps = 0x118; // bool + public const nint m_nDirectLight = 0x11C; // int32 + public const nint m_nIndirectLight = 0x120; // int32 + public const nint m_flFadeMinDist = 0x124; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeMaxDist = 0x128; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowFadeMinDist = 0x12C; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowFadeMaxDist = 0x130; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x134; // bool + public const nint m_bFlicker = 0x135; // bool + public const nint m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid = 0x136; // bool + public const nint m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins = 0x138; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs = 0x144; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin = 0x150; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles = 0x15C; // QAngle + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent = 0x168; // Vector + public const nint m_flPrecomputedMaxRange = 0x174; // float32 + public const nint m_nFogLightingMode = 0x178; // int32 + public const nint m_flFogContributionStength = 0x17C; // float32 + public const nint m_flNearClipPlane = 0x180; // float32 + public const nint m_SkyColor = 0x184; // Color + public const nint m_flSkyIntensity = 0x188; // float32 + public const nint m_SkyAmbientBounce = 0x18C; // Color + public const nint m_bUseSecondaryColor = 0x190; // bool + public const nint m_bMixedShadows = 0x191; // bool + public const nint m_flLightStyleStartTime = 0x194; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flCapsuleLength = 0x198; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinRoughness = 0x19C; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_CounterTerroristTeamIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEntityComponent { + } + // Parent: IEconItemInterface + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemDefinitionIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityQuality (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityLevel (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInventoryPosition (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitialized (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeList (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCustomName (char) + public static class C_EconItemView { + public const nint m_bInventoryImageRgbaRequested = 0x60; // bool + public const nint m_bInventoryImageTriedCache = 0x61; // bool + public const nint m_nInventoryImageRgbaWidth = 0x80; // int32 + public const nint m_nInventoryImageRgbaHeight = 0x84; // int32 + public const nint m_szCurrentLoadCachedFileName = 0x88; // char[260] + public const nint m_bRestoreCustomMaterialAfterPrecache = 0x1B8; // bool + public const nint m_iItemDefinitionIndex = 0x1BA; // uint16 + public const nint m_iEntityQuality = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_iEntityLevel = 0x1C0; // uint32 + public const nint m_iItemID = 0x1C8; // uint64 + public const nint m_iItemIDHigh = 0x1D0; // uint32 + public const nint m_iItemIDLow = 0x1D4; // uint32 + public const nint m_iAccountID = 0x1D8; // uint32 + public const nint m_iInventoryPosition = 0x1DC; // uint32 + public const nint m_bInitialized = 0x1E8; // bool + public const nint m_bDisallowSOC = 0x1E9; // bool + public const nint m_bIsStoreItem = 0x1EA; // bool + public const nint m_bIsTradeItem = 0x1EB; // bool + public const nint m_iEntityQuantity = 0x1EC; // int32 + public const nint m_iRarityOverride = 0x1F0; // int32 + public const nint m_iQualityOverride = 0x1F4; // int32 + public const nint m_unClientFlags = 0x1F8; // uint8 + public const nint m_unOverrideStyle = 0x1F9; // uint8 + public const nint m_AttributeList = 0x210; // CAttributeList + public const nint m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes = 0x270; // CAttributeList + public const nint m_szCustomName = 0x2D0; // char[161] + public const nint m_szCustomNameOverride = 0x371; // char[161] + public const nint m_bInitializedTags = 0x440; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSendHandle (bool) + public static class C_HandleTest { + public const nint m_Handle = 0x548; // CHandle + public const nint m_bSendHandle = 0x54C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared) + public static class C_EnvWindClientside { + public const nint m_EnvWindShared = 0x548; // C_EnvWindShared + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponMAC10 { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisplayHealth (float) + public static class C_WeaponShield { + public const nint m_flDisplayHealth = 0x1A90; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_PointClientUIWorldPanel + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + public static class C_PointClientUIWorldTextPanel { + public const nint m_messageText = 0xF30; // char[512] + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSPlayer_UseServices { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nToggleButtonDownMask (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxspeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen (float32) + public static class CPlayer_MovementServices { + public const nint m_nImpulse = 0x40; // int32 + public const nint m_nButtons = 0x48; // CInButtonState + public const nint m_nQueuedButtonDownMask = 0x68; // uint64 + public const nint m_nQueuedButtonChangeMask = 0x70; // uint64 + public const nint m_nButtonDoublePressed = 0x78; // uint64 + public const nint m_pButtonPressedCmdNumber = 0x80; // uint32[64] + public const nint m_nLastCommandNumberProcessed = 0x180; // uint32 + public const nint m_nToggleButtonDownMask = 0x188; // uint64 + public const nint m_flMaxspeed = 0x198; // float32 + public const nint m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen = 0x19C; // float32[4] + public const nint m_flForwardMove = 0x1AC; // float32 + public const nint m_flLeftMove = 0x1B0; // float32 + public const nint m_flUpMove = 0x1B4; // float32 + public const nint m_vecLastMovementImpulses = 0x1B8; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOldViewAngles = 0x1C4; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBasePlayerVData { + public const nint m_sModelName = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_flHeadDamageMultiplier = 0x108; // CSkillFloat + public const nint m_flChestDamageMultiplier = 0x118; // CSkillFloat + public const nint m_flStomachDamageMultiplier = 0x128; // CSkillFloat + public const nint m_flArmDamageMultiplier = 0x138; // CSkillFloat + public const nint m_flLegDamageMultiplier = 0x148; // CSkillFloat + public const nint m_flHoldBreathTime = 0x158; // float32 + public const nint m_flDrowningDamageInterval = 0x15C; // float32 + public const nint m_nDrowningDamageInitial = 0x160; // int32 + public const nint m_nDrowningDamageMax = 0x164; // int32 + public const nint m_nWaterSpeed = 0x168; // int32 + public const nint m_flUseRange = 0x16C; // float32 + public const nint m_flUseAngleTolerance = 0x170; // float32 + public const nint m_flCrouchTime = 0x174; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTotalCashSpent (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashSpentThisRound (int) + public static class CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices { + public const nint m_iAccount = 0x40; // int32 + public const nint m_iStartAccount = 0x44; // int32 + public const nint m_iTotalCashSpent = 0x48; // int32 + public const nint m_iCashSpentThisRound = 0x4C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class C_EnvWindShared__WindVariationEvent_t { + public const nint m_flWindAngleVariation = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flWindSpeedVariation = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponUSPSilencer { + } + // Parent: C_Sprite + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CSpriteOriented { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupStart { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponFamas { + } + // Parent: C_ParticleSystem + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadiusScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSelfIllumScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTextureOverride (HRenderTextureStrong) + public static class C_EnvParticleGlow { + public const nint m_flAlphaScale = 0x1278; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x127C; // float32 + public const nint m_flSelfIllumScale = 0x1280; // float32 + public const nint m_ColorTint = 0x1284; // Color + public const nint m_hTextureOverride = 0x1288; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SoundEventEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewModel + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_PreviewModelAlias_csgo_item_previewmodel { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSSEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrOverlay (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bmaxColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHazeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHaze (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHdr (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZScale (float32) + public static class C_Sun { + public const nint m_fxSSSunFlareEffectIndex = 0xCC8; // ParticleIndex_t + public const nint m_fxSunFlareEffectIndex = 0xCCC; // ParticleIndex_t + public const nint m_fdistNormalize = 0xCD0; // float32 + public const nint m_vSunPos = 0xCD4; // Vector + public const nint m_vDirection = 0xCE0; // Vector + public const nint m_iszEffectName = 0xCF0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSSEffectName = 0xCF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_clrOverlay = 0xD00; // Color + public const nint m_bOn = 0xD04; // bool + public const nint m_bmaxColor = 0xD05; // bool + public const nint m_flSize = 0xD08; // float32 + public const nint m_flHazeScale = 0xD0C; // float32 + public const nint m_flRotation = 0xD10; // float32 + public const nint m_flHDRColorScale = 0xD14; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlphaHaze = 0xD18; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlphaScale = 0xD1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlphaHdr = 0xD20; // float32 + public const nint m_flFarZScale = 0xD24; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint { + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_perRoundStats (CSPerRoundStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_matchStats (CSMatchStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt (uint32) + public static class CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { + public const nint m_perRoundStats = 0x40; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + public const nint m_matchStats = 0x90; // CSMatchStats_t + public const nint m_iNumRoundKills = 0x110; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots = 0x114; // int32 + public const nint m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt = 0x118; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bvDisabledHitGroups (uint32) + public static class CHitboxComponent { + public const nint m_bvDisabledHitGroups = 0x24; // uint32[1] + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxWeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FadeDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Weight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lookupFilename (char) + public static class C_ColorCorrectionVolume { + public const nint m_LastEnterWeight = 0xCD0; // float32 + public const nint m_LastEnterTime = 0xCD4; // float32 + public const nint m_LastExitWeight = 0xCD8; // float32 + public const nint m_LastExitTime = 0xCDC; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0xCE0; // bool + public const nint m_MaxWeight = 0xCE4; // float32 + public const nint m_FadeDuration = 0xCE8; // float32 + public const nint m_Weight = 0xCEC; // float32 + public const nint m_lookupFilename = 0xCF0; // char[512] + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_PrecipitationBlocker { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 6 + public static class C_BulletHitModel { + public const nint m_matLocal = 0xED0; // matrix3x4_t + public const nint m_iBoneIndex = 0xF00; // int32 + public const nint m_hPlayerParent = 0xF04; // CHandle + public const nint m_bIsHit = 0xF08; // bool + public const nint m_flTimeCreated = 0xF0C; // float32 + public const nint m_vecStartPos = 0xF10; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDraftType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWinningCoinToss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWithFirstChoice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteMapIdsList (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAccountIDs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId4 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId5 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStartingSide0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCurrentPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseDurationTicks (int) + public static class C_MapVetoPickController { + public const nint m_nDraftType = 0x558; // int32 + public const nint m_nTeamWinningCoinToss = 0x55C; // int32 + public const nint m_nTeamWithFirstChoice = 0x560; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nVoteMapIdsList = 0x660; // int32[7] + public const nint m_nAccountIDs = 0x67C; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId0 = 0x77C; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId1 = 0x87C; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId2 = 0x97C; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId3 = 0xA7C; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId4 = 0xB7C; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId5 = 0xC7C; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nStartingSide0 = 0xD7C; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nCurrentPhase = 0xE7C; // int32 + public const nint m_nPhaseStartTick = 0xE80; // int32 + public const nint m_nPhaseDurationTicks = 0xE84; // int32 + public const nint m_nPostDataUpdateTick = 0xE88; // int32 + public const nint m_bDisabledHud = 0xE8C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton + public static class CSharedGapTypeQueryRegistration { + } + // Parent: C_BarnLight + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInnerAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOuterAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + public static class C_OmniLight { + public const nint m_flInnerAngle = 0xF10; // float32 + public const nint m_flOuterAngle = 0xF14; // float32 + public const nint m_bShowLight = 0xF18; // bool + } + // Parent: C_Inferno + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_FireCrackerBlast { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponMP9 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchases (WeaponPurchaseCount_t) + public static class WeaponPurchaseTracker_t { + public const nint m_weaponPurchases = 0x8; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBlockersPresent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundInProgress (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFirstSecondHalfRound (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBombSite (int) + public static class C_RetakeGameRules { + public const nint m_nMatchSeed = 0xF8; // int32 + public const nint m_bBlockersPresent = 0xFC; // bool + public const nint m_bRoundInProgress = 0xFD; // bool + public const nint m_iFirstSecondHalfRound = 0x100; // int32 + public const nint m_iBombSite = 0x104; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + public static class EngineCountdownTimer { + public const nint m_duration = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_timestamp = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_timescale = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSPlayer_GlowServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + public static class C_BaseFlex__Emphasized_Phoneme { + public const nint m_sClassName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flAmount = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_bRequired = 0x1C; // bool + public const nint m_bBasechecked = 0x1D; // bool + public const nint m_bValid = 0x1E; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + public static class IntervalTimer { + public const nint m_timestamp = 0x8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nWorldGroupId = 0xC; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponSSG08 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderDir (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoRideSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFakeLadder (bool) + public static class C_FuncLadder { + public const nint m_vecLadderDir = 0xCC8; // Vector + public const nint m_Dismounts = 0xCD8; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_vecLocalTop = 0xCF0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop = 0xCFC; // Vector + public const nint m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom = 0xD08; // Vector + public const nint m_flAutoRideSpeed = 0xD14; // float32 + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0xD18; // bool + public const nint m_bFakeLadder = 0xD19; // bool + public const nint m_bHasSlack = 0xD1A; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetAABBEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SoundOpvarSetOBBEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWeapons (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActiveWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLastWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAmmo (uint16) + public static class CPlayer_WeaponServices { + public const nint m_hMyWeapons = 0x40; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_hActiveWeapon = 0x58; // CHandle + public const nint m_hLastWeapon = 0x5C; // CHandle + public const nint m_iAmmo = 0x60; // uint16[32] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CAttributeManager__cached_attribute_float_t { + public const nint flIn = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint iAttribHook = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint flOut = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DmgRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDetonateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDamage (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hThrower (CHandle) + public static class C_BaseGrenade { + public const nint m_bHasWarnedAI = 0x1068; // bool + public const nint m_bIsSmokeGrenade = 0x1069; // bool + public const nint m_bIsLive = 0x106A; // bool + public const nint m_DmgRadius = 0x106C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDetonateTime = 0x1070; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flWarnAITime = 0x1074; // float32 + public const nint m_flDamage = 0x1078; // float32 + public const nint m_iszBounceSound = 0x1080; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_ExplosionSound = 0x1088; // CUtlString + public const nint m_hThrower = 0x1094; // CHandle + public const nint m_flNextAttack = 0x10AC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_hOriginalThrower = 0x10B0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CCSGameModeRules { + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsAs (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsWith (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsExclude (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntityId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHierarchyId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionFunctionMask (uint8) + public static class VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t { + public const nint m_nInteractsAs = 0x8; // uint64 + public const nint m_nInteractsWith = 0x10; // uint64 + public const nint m_nInteractsExclude = 0x18; // uint64 + public const nint m_nEntityId = 0x20; // uint32 + public const nint m_nOwnerId = 0x24; // uint32 + public const nint m_nHierarchyId = 0x28; // uint16 + public const nint m_nCollisionGroup = 0x2A; // uint8 + public const nint m_nCollisionFunctionMask = 0x2B; // uint8 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 32 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIndirectStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisoTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScatterTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistanceTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableIndirect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIndirectUseLPVs (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogIndirectTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceRefreshCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNoiseScale (Vector) + public static class C_EnvVolumetricFogController { + public const nint m_flScattering = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flAnisotropy = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeSpeed = 0x550; // float32 + public const nint m_flDrawDistance = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeInStart = 0x558; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeInEnd = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_flIndirectStrength = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_nIndirectTextureDimX = 0x564; // int32 + public const nint m_nIndirectTextureDimY = 0x568; // int32 + public const nint m_nIndirectTextureDimZ = 0x56C; // int32 + public const nint m_vBoxMins = 0x570; // Vector + public const nint m_vBoxMaxs = 0x57C; // Vector + public const nint m_bActive = 0x588; // bool + public const nint m_flStartAnisoTime = 0x58C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flStartScatterTime = 0x590; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flStartDrawDistanceTime = 0x594; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flStartAnisotropy = 0x598; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartScattering = 0x59C; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartDrawDistance = 0x5A0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultAnisotropy = 0x5A4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultScattering = 0x5A8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultDrawDistance = 0x5AC; // float32 + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x5B0; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableIndirect = 0x5B1; // bool + public const nint m_bIndirectUseLPVs = 0x5B2; // bool + public const nint m_bIsMaster = 0x5B3; // bool + public const nint m_hFogIndirectTexture = 0x5B8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nForceRefreshCount = 0x5C0; // int32 + public const nint m_fNoiseSpeed = 0x5C4; // float32 + public const nint m_fNoiseStrength = 0x5C8; // float32 + public const nint m_vNoiseScale = 0x5CC; // Vector + public const nint m_bFirstTime = 0x5D8; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponTec9 { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTimeInCommentary (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszCommentaryFile (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszTitle (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSpeakers (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumberMax (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bListenedTo (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewPosition (CHandle) + public static class C_PointCommentaryNode { + public const nint m_bActive = 0xED8; // bool + public const nint m_bWasActive = 0xED9; // bool + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0xEDC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0xEE0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flStartTimeInCommentary = 0xEE4; // float32 + public const nint m_iszCommentaryFile = 0xEE8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszTitle = 0xEF0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSpeakers = 0xEF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iNodeNumber = 0xF00; // int32 + public const nint m_iNodeNumberMax = 0xF04; // int32 + public const nint m_bListenedTo = 0xF08; // bool + public const nint m_hViewPosition = 0xF18; // CHandle + public const nint m_bRestartAfterRestore = 0xF1C; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSObserver_CameraServices { + } + // Parent: CCSPointScriptEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSClientPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: localSound (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: localBits (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeEntityListIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: soundEventHash (uint32) + public static class audioparams_t { + public const nint localSound = 0x8; // Vector[8] + public const nint soundscapeIndex = 0x68; // int32 + public const nint localBits = 0x6C; // uint8 + public const nint soundscapeEntityListIndex = 0x70; // int32 + public const nint soundEventHash = 0x74; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + public static class C_InfoVisibilityBox { + public const nint m_nMode = 0x54C; // int32 + public const nint m_vBoxSize = 0x550; // Vector + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x55C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_Sprite + // Fields count: 2 + public static class C_FireSprite { + public const nint m_vecMoveDir = 0xDD8; // Vector + public const nint m_bFadeFromAbove = 0xDE4; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_TeamIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 8 + public static class C_Precipitation { + public const nint m_flDensity = 0xCD0; // float32 + public const nint m_flParticleInnerDist = 0xCE0; // float32 + public const nint m_pParticleDef = 0xCE8; // char* + public const nint m_tParticlePrecipTraceTimer = 0xD10; // TimedEvent[1] + public const nint m_bActiveParticlePrecipEmitter = 0xD18; // bool[1] + public const nint m_bParticlePrecipInitialized = 0xD19; // bool + public const nint m_bHasSimulatedSinceLastSceneObjectUpdate = 0xD1A; // bool + public const nint m_nAvailableSheetSequencesMaxIndex = 0xD1C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPrecipitationVData { + public const nint m_szParticlePrecipitationEffect = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_flInnerDistance = 0x108; // float32 + public const nint m_nAttachType = 0x10C; // ParticleAttachment_t + public const nint m_bBatchSameVolumeType = 0x110; // bool + public const nint m_nRTEnvCP = 0x114; // int32 + public const nint m_nRTEnvCPComponent = 0x118; // int32 + public const nint m_szModifier = 0x120; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CBuoyancyHelper { + public const nint m_flFluidDensity = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DialogXMLName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelClassName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelID (string_t) + public static class C_BaseClientUIEntity { + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0xCD0; // bool + public const nint m_DialogXMLName = 0xCD8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_PanelClassName = 0xCE0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_PanelID = 0xCE8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class C_FuncTrackTrain { + public const nint m_nLongAxis = 0xCC8; // int32 + public const nint m_flRadius = 0xCCC; // float32 + public const nint m_flLineLength = 0xCD0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisRound (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + public static class CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices { + public const nint m_hLastWeaponBeforeC4AutoSwitch = 0x40; // CHandle + public const nint m_bIsRescuing = 0x44; // bool + public const nint m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch = 0x48; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + public const nint m_weaponPurchasesThisRound = 0xA0; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nModelID (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_solid (ShardSolid_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShatterPanelMode (ShatterPanelMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelSize (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionA (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionB (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelVertices (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlassHalfThickness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasParent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bParentFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SurfacePropStringToken (CUtlStringToken) + public static class shard_model_desc_t { + public const nint m_nModelID = 0x8; // int32 + public const nint m_hMaterial = 0x10; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_solid = 0x18; // ShardSolid_t + public const nint m_ShatterPanelMode = 0x19; // ShatterPanelMode + public const nint m_vecPanelSize = 0x1C; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecStressPositionA = 0x24; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecStressPositionB = 0x2C; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecPanelVertices = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_flGlassHalfThickness = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_bHasParent = 0x54; // bool + public const nint m_bParentFrozen = 0x55; // bool + public const nint m_SurfacePropStringToken = 0x58; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class C_SceneEntity__QueuedEvents_t { + public const nint starttime = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CBaseProp { + public const nint m_bModelOverrodeBlockLOS = 0xED0; // bool + public const nint m_iShapeType = 0xED4; // int32 + public const nint m_bConformToCollisionBounds = 0xED8; // bool + public const nint m_mPreferredCatchTransform = 0xEDC; // matrix3x4_t + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_PreviewPlayerAlias_csgo_player_previewmodel { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_observer { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 12 + public static class CPointTemplate { + public const nint m_iszWorldName = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSource2EntityLumpName = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszEntityFilterName = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flTimeoutInterval = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_bAsynchronouslySpawnEntities = 0x564; // bool + public const nint m_pOutputOnSpawned = 0x568; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_clientOnlyEntityBehavior = 0x590; // PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t + public const nint m_ownerSpawnGroupType = 0x594; // PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t + public const nint m_createdSpawnGroupHandles = 0x598; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SpawnedEntityHandles = 0x5B0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ScriptSpawnCallback = 0x5C8; // HSCRIPT + public const nint m_ScriptCallbackScope = 0x5D0; // HSCRIPT + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponHKP2000 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTripWireFire { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 6 + public static class C_CSGO_PreviewModel { + public const nint m_animgraph = 0x1068; // CUtlString + public const nint m_animgraphCharacterModeString = 0x1070; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_defaultAnim = 0x1078; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nDefaultAnimLoopMode = 0x1080; // AnimLoopMode_t + public const nint m_flInitialModelScale = 0x1084; // float32 + public const nint m_sInitialWeaponState = 0x1088; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CInfoDynamicShadowHint { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x548; // bool + public const nint m_flRange = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_nImportance = 0x550; // int32 + public const nint m_nLightChoice = 0x554; // int32 + public const nint m_hLight = 0x558; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CTakeDamageInfoAPI { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class C_BaseEntityAPI { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponXM1014 { + } + // Parent: C_ParticleSystem + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_MapPreviewParticleSystem { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowType (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowTeam (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRange (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRangeMin (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowColorOverride (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlashing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight (bool) + public static class CGlowProperty { + public const nint m_fGlowColor = 0x8; // Vector + public const nint m_iGlowType = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_iGlowTeam = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_nGlowRange = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_nGlowRangeMin = 0x3C; // int32 + public const nint m_glowColorOverride = 0x40; // Color + public const nint m_bFlashing = 0x44; // bool + public const nint m_flGlowTime = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_flGlowStartTime = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight = 0x50; // bool + public const nint m_bGlowing = 0x51; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_gravityScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearForce (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrequency (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDampingRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAt (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCollapseToForcePoint (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForceDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible (bool) + public static class C_TriggerPhysics { + public const nint m_gravityScale = 0xCD0; // float32 + public const nint m_linearLimit = 0xCD4; // float32 + public const nint m_linearDamping = 0xCD8; // float32 + public const nint m_angularLimit = 0xCDC; // float32 + public const nint m_angularDamping = 0xCE0; // float32 + public const nint m_linearForce = 0xCE4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrequency = 0xCE8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDampingRatio = 0xCEC; // float32 + public const nint m_vecLinearForcePointAt = 0xCF0; // Vector + public const nint m_bCollapseToForcePoint = 0xCFC; // bool + public const nint m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld = 0xD00; // Vector + public const nint m_vecLinearForceDirection = 0xD0C; // Vector + public const nint m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible = 0xD18; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostage (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostageProp (CHandle) + public static class CCSPlayer_HostageServices { + public const nint m_hCarriedHostage = 0x40; // CHandle + public const nint m_hCarriedHostageProp = 0x44; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBreachCharge { + } + // Parent: C_LightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_LightDirectionalEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flDiffuseScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + public static class C_EnvCubemap { + public const nint m_Entity_hCubemapTexture = 0x5C8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture = 0x5D0; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius = 0x5D4; // float32 + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins = 0x5D8; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs = 0x5E4; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x5F0; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x5F4; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex = 0x5F8; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nPriority = 0x5FC; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist = 0x600; // float32 + public const nint m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists = 0x604; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_flDiffuseScale = 0x610; // float32 + public const nint m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x614; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap = 0x615; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap = 0x616; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap = 0x617; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap = 0x618; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x628; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseViewModel + // Fields count: 3 + public static class C_PredictedViewModel { + public const nint m_vPredictedLagOffset = 0xF38; // Vector + public const nint m_targetSpeed = 0xF44; // QAngle + public const nint m_currentSpeed = 0xF50; // QAngle + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponBizon { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_AK47 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUpdateOnClient (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInputType (ValueRemapperInputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineStart (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineEnd (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaximumChangePerSecond (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisengageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEngageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRequiresUseKey (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOutputType (ValueRemapperOutputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOutputEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHapticsType (ValueRemapperHapticsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMomentumType (ValueRemapperMomentumType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMomentumModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSnapValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRatchetType (ValueRemapperRatchetType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInputOffset (float) + public static class C_PointValueRemapper { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x548; // bool + public const nint m_bDisabledOld = 0x549; // bool + public const nint m_bUpdateOnClient = 0x54A; // bool + public const nint m_nInputType = 0x54C; // ValueRemapperInputType_t + public const nint m_hRemapLineStart = 0x550; // CHandle + public const nint m_hRemapLineEnd = 0x554; // CHandle + public const nint m_flMaximumChangePerSecond = 0x558; // float32 + public const nint m_flDisengageDistance = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_flEngageDistance = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_bRequiresUseKey = 0x564; // bool + public const nint m_nOutputType = 0x568; // ValueRemapperOutputType_t + public const nint m_hOutputEntities = 0x570; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_nHapticsType = 0x588; // ValueRemapperHapticsType_t + public const nint m_nMomentumType = 0x58C; // ValueRemapperMomentumType_t + public const nint m_flMomentumModifier = 0x590; // float32 + public const nint m_flSnapValue = 0x594; // float32 + public const nint m_flCurrentMomentum = 0x598; // float32 + public const nint m_nRatchetType = 0x59C; // ValueRemapperRatchetType_t + public const nint m_flRatchetOffset = 0x5A0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputOffset = 0x5A4; // float32 + public const nint m_bEngaged = 0x5A8; // bool + public const nint m_bFirstUpdate = 0x5A9; // bool + public const nint m_flPreviousValue = 0x5AC; // float32 + public const nint m_flPreviousUpdateTickTime = 0x5B0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_vecPreviousTestPoint = 0x5B4; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_Knife { + } + // Parent: C_EnvCubemap + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_EnvCubemapBox { + } + // Parent: C_Item + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwningPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_KillingPlayer (CHandle) + public static class C_ItemDogtags { + public const nint m_OwningPlayer = 0x16B0; // CHandle + public const nint m_KillingPlayer = 0x16B4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_EndOfMatchCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOpvarIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAutoCompare (bool) + public static class C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase { + public const nint m_iszStackName = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOperatorName = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOpvarName = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iOpvarIndex = 0x560; // int32 + public const nint m_bUseAutoCompare = 0x564; // bool + } + // Parent: C_Breakable + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_PhysBox { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries (SellbackPurchaseEntry_t) + public static class CCSPlayer_BuyServices { + public const nint m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries = 0x40; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SensorGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFireTime (GameTime_t) + public static class C_WeaponTaser { + public const nint m_fFireTime = 0x1A90; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nLastAttackTick = 0x1A94; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUninterruptableActivity (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + public static class C_Fists { + public const nint m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct = 0x1A70; // bool + public const nint m_nUninterruptableActivity = 0x1A74; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + } + // Parent: C_PhysicsProp + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_PhysicsPropMultiplayer { + } + // Parent: CInfoDynamicShadowHint + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CInfoDynamicShadowHintBox { + public const nint m_vBoxMins = 0x560; // Vector + public const nint m_vBoxMaxs = 0x56C; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SoundOpvarSetPathCornerEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLODBias (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCubemapSourceType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSkyEntity (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeightFogEnd (bool) + public static class C_EnvCubemapFog { + public const nint m_flEndDistance = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartDistance = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogFalloffExponent = 0x550; // float32 + public const nint m_bHeightFogEnabled = 0x554; // bool + public const nint m_flFogHeightWidth = 0x558; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogHeightEnd = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogHeightStart = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogHeightExponent = 0x564; // float32 + public const nint m_flLODBias = 0x568; // float32 + public const nint m_bActive = 0x56C; // bool + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x56D; // bool + public const nint m_flFogMaxOpacity = 0x570; // float32 + public const nint m_nCubemapSourceType = 0x574; // int32 + public const nint m_hSkyMaterial = 0x578; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_iszSkyEntity = 0x580; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hFogCubemapTexture = 0x588; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_bHasHeightFogEnd = 0x590; // bool + public const nint m_bFirstTime = 0x591; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponSawedoff { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_collisionAttribute (VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usSolidFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSolidType (SolidType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_triggerBloat (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurroundType (SurroundingBoundsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEnablePhysics (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter1 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter2 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleRadius (float) + public static class CCollisionProperty { + public const nint m_collisionAttribute = 0x10; // VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t + public const nint m_vecMins = 0x40; // Vector + public const nint m_vecMaxs = 0x4C; // Vector + public const nint m_usSolidFlags = 0x5A; // uint8 + public const nint m_nSolidType = 0x5B; // SolidType_t + public const nint m_triggerBloat = 0x5C; // uint8 + public const nint m_nSurroundType = 0x5D; // SurroundingBoundsType_t + public const nint m_CollisionGroup = 0x5E; // uint8 + public const nint m_nEnablePhysics = 0x5F; // uint8 + public const nint m_flBoundingRadius = 0x60; // float32 + public const nint m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins = 0x64; // Vector + public const nint m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs = 0x70; // Vector + public const nint m_vecSurroundingMaxs = 0x7C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecSurroundingMins = 0x88; // Vector + public const nint m_vCapsuleCenter1 = 0x94; // Vector + public const nint m_vCapsuleCenter2 = 0xA0; // Vector + public const nint m_flCapsuleRadius = 0xAC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrevCycle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCycle (float32) + public static class CNetworkedSequenceOperation { + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x8; // HSequence + public const nint m_flPrevCycle = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flCycle = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flWeight = 0x14; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + public const nint m_bSequenceChangeNetworked = 0x1C; // bool + public const nint m_bDiscontinuity = 0x1D; // bool + public const nint m_flPrevCycleFromDiscontinuity = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flPrevCycleForAnimEventDetection = 0x24; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_ModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUniqueID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTraceID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rtGcTime (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLeft (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayer (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitbox (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreationTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTintID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVersion (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubSignature (uint8) + public static class C_PlayerSprayDecal { + public const nint m_nUniqueID = 0xCC8; // int32 + public const nint m_unAccountID = 0xCCC; // uint32 + public const nint m_unTraceID = 0xCD0; // uint32 + public const nint m_rtGcTime = 0xCD4; // uint32 + public const nint m_vecEndPos = 0xCD8; // Vector + public const nint m_vecStart = 0xCE4; // Vector + public const nint m_vecLeft = 0xCF0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecNormal = 0xCFC; // Vector + public const nint m_nPlayer = 0xD08; // int32 + public const nint m_nEntity = 0xD0C; // int32 + public const nint m_nHitbox = 0xD10; // int32 + public const nint m_flCreationTime = 0xD14; // float32 + public const nint m_nTintID = 0xD18; // int32 + public const nint m_nVersion = 0xD1C; // uint8 + public const nint m_ubSignature = 0xD1D; // uint8[128] + public const nint m_SprayRenderHelper = 0xDA8; // CPlayerSprayDecalRenderHelper + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ID (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Values (Vector4D) + public static class EntityRenderAttribute_t { + public const nint m_ID = 0x30; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_Values = 0x34; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: C_PhysicsProp + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShardDesc (shard_model_desc_t) + public static class C_ShatterGlassShardPhysics { + public const nint m_ShardDesc = 0x1050; // shard_model_desc_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponElite { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CLightComponent (CLightComponent::Storage_t) + public static class C_LightEntity { + public const nint m_CLightComponent = 0xCC8; // CLightComponent* + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVisibilityStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogDistanceMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + public static class C_PlayerVisibility { + public const nint m_flVisibilityStrength = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogDistanceMultiplier = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier = 0x550; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeTime = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x558; // bool + public const nint m_bIsEnabled = 0x559; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: dirPrimary (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: start (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: end (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: farz (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: exponent (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: HDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactor (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactorLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: startLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: endLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensityLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: lerptime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: blendtobackground (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: scattering (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: locallightscale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: enable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: blend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoReflectionFog (bool) + public static class fogparams_t { + public const nint dirPrimary = 0x8; // Vector + public const nint colorPrimary = 0x14; // Color + public const nint colorSecondary = 0x18; // Color + public const nint colorPrimaryLerpTo = 0x1C; // Color + public const nint colorSecondaryLerpTo = 0x20; // Color + public const nint start = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint end = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint farz = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint maxdensity = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint exponent = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint HDRColorScale = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint skyboxFogFactor = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint skyboxFogFactorLerpTo = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint startLerpTo = 0x44; // float32 + public const nint endLerpTo = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint maxdensityLerpTo = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint lerptime = 0x50; // GameTime_t + public const nint duration = 0x54; // float32 + public const nint blendtobackground = 0x58; // float32 + public const nint scattering = 0x5C; // float32 + public const nint locallightscale = 0x60; // float32 + public const nint enable = 0x64; // bool + public const nint blend = 0x65; // bool + public const nint m_bNoReflectionFog = 0x66; // bool + public const nint m_bPadding = 0x67; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flexWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_blinktoggle (bool) + public static class C_BaseFlex { + public const nint m_flexWeight = 0xEE0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_vLookTargetPosition = 0xEF8; // Vector + public const nint m_blinktoggle = 0xF10; // bool + public const nint m_nLastFlexUpdateFrameCount = 0xF70; // int32 + public const nint m_CachedViewTarget = 0xF74; // Vector + public const nint m_nNextSceneEventId = 0xF80; // SceneEventId_t + public const nint m_iBlink = 0xF84; // int32 + public const nint m_blinktime = 0xF88; // float32 + public const nint m_prevblinktoggle = 0xF8C; // bool + public const nint m_iJawOpen = 0xF90; // int32 + public const nint m_flJawOpenAmount = 0xF94; // float32 + public const nint m_flBlinkAmount = 0xF98; // float32 + public const nint m_iMouthAttachment = 0xF9C; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_iEyeAttachment = 0xF9D; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_bResetFlexWeightsOnModelChange = 0xF9E; // bool + public const nint m_nEyeOcclusionRendererBone = 0xFB8; // int32 + public const nint m_mEyeOcclusionRendererCameraToBoneTransform = 0xFBC; // matrix3x4_t + public const nint m_vEyeOcclusionRendererHalfExtent = 0xFEC; // Vector + public const nint m_PhonemeClasses = 0x1008; // C_BaseFlex::Emphasized_Phoneme[3] + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount (int8) + public static class C_RagdollManager { + public const nint m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount = 0x548; // int8 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColorLightingOnly (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + public static class C_EnvSky { + public const nint m_hSkyMaterial = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly = 0xCD0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0xCD8; // bool + public const nint m_vTintColor = 0xCD9; // Color + public const nint m_vTintColorLightingOnly = 0xCDD; // Color + public const nint m_flBrightnessScale = 0xCE4; // float32 + public const nint m_nFogType = 0xCE8; // int32 + public const nint m_flFogMinStart = 0xCEC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMinEnd = 0xCF0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMaxStart = 0xCF4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMaxEnd = 0xCF8; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0xCFC; // bool + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoTarget { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_TeamIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BreakableProp + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAnimGraph (bool) + public static class C_DynamicProp { + public const nint m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox = 0x1040; // bool + public const nint m_bUseAnimGraph = 0x1041; // bool + public const nint m_pOutputAnimBegun = 0x1048; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_pOutputAnimOver = 0x1070; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_pOutputAnimLoopCycleOver = 0x1098; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnAnimReachedStart = 0x10C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnAnimReachedEnd = 0x10E8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iszIdleAnim = 0x1110; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nIdleAnimLoopMode = 0x1118; // AnimLoopMode_t + public const nint m_bRandomizeCycle = 0x111C; // bool + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x111D; // bool + public const nint m_bFiredStartEndOutput = 0x111E; // bool + public const nint m_bForceNpcExclude = 0x111F; // bool + public const nint m_bCreateNonSolid = 0x1120; // bool + public const nint m_bIsOverrideProp = 0x1121; // bool + public const nint m_iInitialGlowState = 0x1124; // int32 + public const nint m_nGlowRange = 0x1128; // int32 + public const nint m_nGlowRangeMin = 0x112C; // int32 + public const nint m_glowColor = 0x1130; // Color + public const nint m_nGlowTeam = 0x1134; // int32 + public const nint m_iCachedFrameCount = 0x1138; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCachedRenderMins = 0x113C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecCachedRenderMaxs = 0x1148; // Vector + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 10 + public static class CPropDataComponent { + public const nint m_flDmgModBullet = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flDmgModClub = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flDmgModExplosive = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flDmgModFire = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_iszPhysicsDamageTableName = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszBasePropData = 0x28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nInteractions = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_bSpawnMotionDisabled = 0x34; // bool + public const nint m_nDisableTakePhysicsDamageSpawnFlag = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_nMotionDisabledSpawnFlag = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponSCAR20 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_DecoyGrenade { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_player { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAABBDirection (int) + public static class CCitadelSoundOpvarSetOBB { + public const nint m_iszStackName = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOperatorName = 0x568; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOpvarName = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_vDistanceInnerMins = 0x578; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceInnerMaxs = 0x584; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceOuterMins = 0x590; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceOuterMaxs = 0x59C; // Vector + public const nint m_nAABBDirection = 0x5A8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unDefIdx (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCost (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPrevArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrevHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hItem (CEntityHandle) + public static class SellbackPurchaseEntry_t { + public const nint m_unDefIdx = 0x30; // uint16 + public const nint m_nCost = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_nPrevArmor = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_bPrevHelmet = 0x3C; // bool + public const nint m_hItem = 0x40; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: C_GameRules + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_SingleplayRules { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 25 + public static class C_LocalTempEntity { + public const nint flags = 0xED0; // int32 + public const nint die = 0xED4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flFrameMax = 0xED8; // float32 + public const nint x = 0xEDC; // float32 + public const nint y = 0xEE0; // float32 + public const nint fadeSpeed = 0xEE4; // float32 + public const nint bounceFactor = 0xEE8; // float32 + public const nint hitSound = 0xEEC; // int32 + public const nint priority = 0xEF0; // int32 + public const nint tentOffset = 0xEF4; // Vector + public const nint m_vecTempEntAngVelocity = 0xF00; // QAngle + public const nint tempent_renderamt = 0xF0C; // int32 + public const nint m_vecNormal = 0xF10; // Vector + public const nint m_flSpriteScale = 0xF1C; // float32 + public const nint m_nFlickerFrame = 0xF20; // int32 + public const nint m_flFrameRate = 0xF24; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrame = 0xF28; // float32 + public const nint m_pszImpactEffect = 0xF30; // char* + public const nint m_pszParticleEffect = 0xF38; // char* + public const nint m_bParticleCollision = 0xF40; // bool + public const nint m_iLastCollisionFrame = 0xF44; // int32 + public const nint m_vLastCollisionOrigin = 0xF48; // Vector + public const nint m_vecTempEntVelocity = 0xF54; // Vector + public const nint m_vecPrevAbsOrigin = 0xF60; // Vector + public const nint m_vecTempEntAcceleration = 0xF6C; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class C_EnvWindShared__WindAveEvent_t { + public const nint m_flStartWindSpeed = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flAveWindSpeed = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsIncGrenade (bool) + public static class C_MolotovProjectile { + public const nint m_bIsIncGrenade = 0x1150; // bool + } + // Parent: C_LightDirectionalEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_LightEnvironmentEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponUMP45 { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLayoutFileName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RenderAttrName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TargetEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTargetChangeCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + public static class CInfoOffscreenPanoramaTexture { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x548; // bool + public const nint m_nResolutionX = 0x54C; // int32 + public const nint m_nResolutionY = 0x550; // int32 + public const nint m_szLayoutFileName = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_RenderAttrName = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_TargetEntities = 0x568; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_nTargetChangeCount = 0x580; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCSSClasses = 0x588; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_bCheckCSSClasses = 0x700; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Flags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyle (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Exponent (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_InnerAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OuterAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotRadius (float32) + public static class C_DynamicLight { + public const nint m_Flags = 0xCC8; // uint8 + public const nint m_LightStyle = 0xCC9; // uint8 + public const nint m_Radius = 0xCCC; // float32 + public const nint m_Exponent = 0xCD0; // int32 + public const nint m_InnerAngle = 0xCD4; // float32 + public const nint m_OuterAngle = 0xCD8; // float32 + public const nint m_SpotRadius = 0xCDC; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BasePlayerWeapon + // Fields count: 72 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFireSequenceStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEvent (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType (WeaponAttackType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iState (CSWeaponState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeWeaponIdle (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponMode (CSWeaponMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAccuracyPenalty (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRecoilIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRecoilIndex (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBurstMode (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInReload (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bReloadVisuallyComplete (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDroppedAtTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHauledBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSilencerOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOriginalTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMostRecentTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDroppedNearBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPrevOwner (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDropTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLastShotTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iIronSightMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumEmptyAttacks (int) + public static class C_CSWeaponBase { + public const nint m_flFireSequenceStartTime = 0x1624; // float32 + public const nint m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange = 0x1628; // int32 + public const nint m_nFireSequenceStartTimeAck = 0x162C; // int32 + public const nint m_ePlayerFireEvent = 0x1630; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + public const nint m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType = 0x1634; // WeaponAttackType_t + public const nint m_seqIdle = 0x1638; // HSequence + public const nint m_seqFirePrimary = 0x163C; // HSequence + public const nint m_seqFireSecondary = 0x1640; // HSequence + public const nint m_thirdPersonFireSequences = 0x1648; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hCurrentThirdPersonSequence = 0x1660; // HSequence + public const nint m_nSilencerBoneIndex = 0x1664; // int32 + public const nint m_thirdPersonSequences = 0x1668; // HSequence[7] + public const nint m_ClientPreviousWeaponState = 0x16A0; // CSWeaponState_t + public const nint m_iState = 0x16A4; // CSWeaponState_t + public const nint m_flCrosshairDistance = 0x16A8; // float32 + public const nint m_iAmmoLastCheck = 0x16AC; // int32 + public const nint m_iAlpha = 0x16B0; // int32 + public const nint m_iScopeTextureID = 0x16B4; // int32 + public const nint m_iCrosshairTextureID = 0x16B8; // int32 + public const nint m_flGunAccuracyPositionDeprecated = 0x16BC; // float32 + public const nint m_nLastEmptySoundCmdNum = 0x16C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nViewModelIndex = 0x16C4; // uint32 + public const nint m_bReloadsWithClips = 0x16C8; // bool + public const nint m_flTimeWeaponIdle = 0x16CC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bFireOnEmpty = 0x16D0; // bool + public const nint m_OnPlayerPickup = 0x16D8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_weaponMode = 0x1700; // CSWeaponMode + public const nint m_flTurningInaccuracyDelta = 0x1704; // float32 + public const nint m_vecTurningInaccuracyEyeDirLast = 0x1708; // Vector + public const nint m_flTurningInaccuracy = 0x1714; // float32 + public const nint m_fAccuracyPenalty = 0x1718; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastAccuracyUpdateTime = 0x171C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fAccuracySmoothedForZoom = 0x1720; // float32 + public const nint m_fScopeZoomEndTime = 0x1724; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iRecoilIndex = 0x1728; // int32 + public const nint m_flRecoilIndex = 0x172C; // float32 + public const nint m_bBurstMode = 0x1730; // bool + public const nint m_flLastBurstModeChangeTime = 0x1734; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks = 0x1738; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac = 0x173C; // float32 + public const nint m_bInReload = 0x1740; // bool + public const nint m_bReloadVisuallyComplete = 0x1741; // bool + public const nint m_flDroppedAtTime = 0x1744; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bIsHauledBack = 0x1748; // bool + public const nint m_bSilencerOn = 0x1749; // bool + public const nint m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete = 0x174C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iOriginalTeamNumber = 0x1750; // int32 + public const nint m_iMostRecentTeamNumber = 0x1754; // int32 + public const nint m_bDroppedNearBuyZone = 0x1758; // bool + public const nint m_flNextAttackRenderTimeOffset = 0x175C; // float32 + public const nint m_bClearWeaponIdentifyingUGC = 0x17F8; // bool + public const nint m_bVisualsDataSet = 0x17F9; // bool + public const nint m_bOldFirstPersonSpectatedState = 0x17FA; // bool + public const nint m_bUIWeapon = 0x17FB; // bool + public const nint m_nCustomEconReloadEventId = 0x17FC; // int32 + public const nint m_hPrevOwner = 0x1808; // CHandle + public const nint m_nDropTick = 0x180C; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_donated = 0x182C; // bool + public const nint m_fLastShotTime = 0x1830; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bWasOwnedByCT = 0x1834; // bool + public const nint m_bWasOwnedByTerrorist = 0x1835; // bool + public const nint m_gunHeat = 0x1838; // float32 + public const nint m_smokeAttachments = 0x183C; // uint32 + public const nint m_lastSmokeTime = 0x1840; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flNextClientFireBulletTime = 0x1844; // float32 + public const nint m_flNextClientFireBulletTime_Repredict = 0x1848; // float32 + public const nint m_IronSightController = 0x1920; // C_IronSightController + public const nint m_iIronSightMode = 0x19D0; // int32 + public const nint m_flLastLOSTraceFailureTime = 0x19E0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iNumEmptyAttacks = 0x19E4; // int32 + public const nint m_flLastMagDropRequestTime = 0x1A60; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flWatTickOffset = 0x1A64; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_TriggerVolume { + } + // Parent: C_FuncBrush + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool) + public static class C_FuncElectrifiedVolume { + public const nint m_nAmbientEffect = 0xCC8; // ParticleIndex_t + public const nint m_EffectName = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bState = 0xCD8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WeaponServices + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextAttack (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLookingAtWeapon (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon (bool) + public static class CCSPlayer_WeaponServices { + public const nint m_flNextAttack = 0xB8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bIsLookingAtWeapon = 0xBC; // bool + public const nint m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon = 0xBD; // bool + public const nint m_nOldShootPositionHistoryCount = 0xC0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nOldInputHistoryCount = 0x458; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeStartDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeEndDist (float32) + public static class C_EnvDetailController { + public const nint m_flFadeStartDist = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeEndDist = 0x54C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEntityInstance + // Fields count: 82 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_CBodyComponent (CBodyComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lifeState (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTakesDamage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTakeDamageFlags (TakeDamageFlags_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlatform (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubInterpolationFrame (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSubclassID (EntitySubclassID_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSimulationTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSideRagdoll (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_spawnflags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextThinkTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecBaseVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEffectEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwnerEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveCollide (MoveCollide_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveType (MoveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWaterLevel (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEffects (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGroundEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGroundBodyIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFriction (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flElasticity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGravityScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimatedEveryTick (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBloodType (BloodType) + public static class C_BaseEntity { + public const nint m_CBodyComponent = 0x38; // CBodyComponent* + public const nint m_NetworkTransmitComponent = 0x40; // CNetworkTransmitComponent + public const nint m_nLastThinkTick = 0x300; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_pGameSceneNode = 0x308; // CGameSceneNode* + public const nint m_pRenderComponent = 0x310; // CRenderComponent* + public const nint m_pCollision = 0x318; // CCollisionProperty* + public const nint m_iMaxHealth = 0x320; // int32 + public const nint m_iHealth = 0x324; // int32 + public const nint m_lifeState = 0x328; // uint8 + public const nint m_bTakesDamage = 0x329; // bool + public const nint m_nTakeDamageFlags = 0x330; // TakeDamageFlags_t + public const nint m_bIsPlatform = 0x338; // bool + public const nint m_ubInterpolationFrame = 0x339; // uint8 + public const nint m_hSceneObjectController = 0x33C; // CHandle + public const nint m_nNoInterpolationTick = 0x340; // int32 + public const nint m_nVisibilityNoInterpolationTick = 0x344; // int32 + public const nint m_flProxyRandomValue = 0x348; // float32 + public const nint m_iEFlags = 0x34C; // int32 + public const nint m_nWaterType = 0x350; // uint8 + public const nint m_bInterpolateEvenWithNoModel = 0x351; // bool + public const nint m_bPredictionEligible = 0x352; // bool + public const nint m_bApplyLayerMatchIDToModel = 0x353; // bool + public const nint m_tokLayerMatchID = 0x354; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_nSubclassID = 0x358; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_nSimulationTick = 0x368; // int32 + public const nint m_iCurrentThinkContext = 0x36C; // int32 + public const nint m_aThinkFunctions = 0x370; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bDisabledContextThinks = 0x388; // bool + public const nint m_flAnimTime = 0x38C; // float32 + public const nint m_flSimulationTime = 0x390; // float32 + public const nint m_nSceneObjectOverrideFlags = 0x394; // uint8 + public const nint m_bHasSuccessfullyInterpolated = 0x395; // bool + public const nint m_bHasAddedVarsToInterpolation = 0x396; // bool + public const nint m_bRenderEvenWhenNotSuccessfullyInterpolated = 0x397; // bool + public const nint m_nInterpolationLatchDirtyFlags = 0x398; // int32[2] + public const nint m_ListEntry = 0x3A0; // uint16[11] + public const nint m_flCreateTime = 0x3B8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSpeed = 0x3BC; // float32 + public const nint m_EntClientFlags = 0x3C0; // uint16 + public const nint m_bClientSideRagdoll = 0x3C2; // bool + public const nint m_iTeamNum = 0x3C3; // uint8 + public const nint m_spawnflags = 0x3C4; // uint32 + public const nint m_nNextThinkTick = 0x3C8; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_fFlags = 0x3CC; // uint32 + public const nint m_vecAbsVelocity = 0x3D0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecVelocity = 0x3E0; // CNetworkVelocityVector + public const nint m_vecBaseVelocity = 0x410; // Vector + public const nint m_hEffectEntity = 0x41C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hOwnerEntity = 0x420; // CHandle + public const nint m_MoveCollide = 0x424; // MoveCollide_t + public const nint m_MoveType = 0x425; // MoveType_t + public const nint m_nActualMoveType = 0x426; // MoveType_t + public const nint m_flWaterLevel = 0x428; // float32 + public const nint m_fEffects = 0x42C; // uint32 + public const nint m_hGroundEntity = 0x430; // CHandle + public const nint m_nGroundBodyIndex = 0x434; // int32 + public const nint m_flFriction = 0x438; // float32 + public const nint m_flElasticity = 0x43C; // float32 + public const nint m_flGravityScale = 0x440; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimeScale = 0x444; // float32 + public const nint m_bAnimatedEveryTick = 0x448; // bool + public const nint m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime = 0x44C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_hThink = 0x450; // uint16 + public const nint m_fBBoxVisFlags = 0x460; // uint8 + public const nint m_bPredictable = 0x461; // bool + public const nint m_bRenderWithViewModels = 0x462; // bool + public const nint m_nSplitUserPlayerPredictionSlot = 0x464; // CSplitScreenSlot + public const nint m_nFirstPredictableCommand = 0x468; // int32 + public const nint m_nLastPredictableCommand = 0x46C; // int32 + public const nint m_hOldMoveParent = 0x470; // CHandle + public const nint m_Particles = 0x478; // CParticleProperty + public const nint m_vecPredictedScriptFloats = 0x4A0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_vecPredictedScriptFloatIDs = 0x4B8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nNextScriptVarRecordID = 0x4E8; // int32 + public const nint m_vecAngVelocity = 0x4F8; // QAngle + public const nint m_DataChangeEventRef = 0x504; // int32 + public const nint m_dependencies = 0x508; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nCreationTick = 0x520; // int32 + public const nint m_bAnimTimeChanged = 0x52D; // bool + public const nint m_bSimulationTimeChanged = 0x52E; // bool + public const nint m_sUniqueHammerID = 0x538; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nBloodType = 0x540; // BloodType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nameStringableIndex (int32) + public static class CEntityIdentity { + public const nint m_nameStringableIndex = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_name = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_designerName = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flags = 0x30; // uint32 + public const nint m_worldGroupId = 0x38; // WorldGroupId_t + public const nint m_fDataObjectTypes = 0x3C; // uint32 + public const nint m_PathIndex = 0x40; // ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t + public const nint m_pPrev = 0x58; // CEntityIdentity* + public const nint m_pNext = 0x60; // CEntityIdentity* + public const nint m_pPrevByClass = 0x68; // CEntityIdentity* + public const nint m_pNextByClass = 0x70; // CEntityIdentity* + } + // Parent: C_BreakableProp + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAwake (bool) + public static class C_PhysicsProp { + public const nint m_bAwake = 0x1040; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseProp + // Fields count: 26 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CPropDataComponent (CPropDataComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_noGhostCollision (bool) + public static class C_BreakableProp { + public const nint m_CPropDataComponent = 0xF10; // CPropDataComponent + public const nint m_OnBreak = 0xF50; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnHealthChanged = 0xF78; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnTakeDamage = 0xFA0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_impactEnergyScale = 0xFC8; // float32 + public const nint m_iMinHealthDmg = 0xFCC; // int32 + public const nint m_flPressureDelay = 0xFD0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefBurstScale = 0xFD4; // float32 + public const nint m_vDefBurstOffset = 0xFD8; // Vector + public const nint m_hBreaker = 0xFE4; // CHandle + public const nint m_PerformanceMode = 0xFE8; // PerformanceMode_t + public const nint m_flPreventDamageBeforeTime = 0xFEC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bHasBreakPiecesOrCommands = 0xFF0; // bool + public const nint m_explodeDamage = 0xFF4; // float32 + public const nint m_explodeRadius = 0xFF8; // float32 + public const nint m_explosionDelay = 0x1000; // float32 + public const nint m_explosionBuildupSound = 0x1008; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_explosionCustomEffect = 0x1010; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_explosionCustomSound = 0x1018; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_explosionModifier = 0x1020; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hPhysicsAttacker = 0x1028; // CHandle + public const nint m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime = 0x102C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDefaultFadeScale = 0x1030; // float32 + public const nint m_hLastAttacker = 0x1034; // CHandle + public const nint m_hFlareEnt = 0x1038; // CHandle + public const nint m_noGhostCollision = 0x103C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + public static class C_FuncMoveLinear { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrameRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumBeamEnts (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBaseMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHaloIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamType (BeamType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEndWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFadeLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHaloScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAmplitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStartFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nClipStyle (BeamClipStyle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTurnedOff (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + public static class C_Beam { + public const nint m_flFrameRate = 0xCC8; // float32 + public const nint m_flHDRColorScale = 0xCCC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFireTime = 0xCD0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDamage = 0xCD4; // float32 + public const nint m_nNumBeamEnts = 0xCD8; // uint8 + public const nint m_queryHandleHalo = 0xCDC; // int32 + public const nint m_hBaseMaterial = 0xD00; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nHaloIndex = 0xD08; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nBeamType = 0xD10; // BeamType_t + public const nint m_nBeamFlags = 0xD14; // uint32 + public const nint m_hAttachEntity = 0xD18; // CHandle[10] + public const nint m_nAttachIndex = 0xD40; // AttachmentHandle_t[10] + public const nint m_fWidth = 0xD4C; // float32 + public const nint m_fEndWidth = 0xD50; // float32 + public const nint m_fFadeLength = 0xD54; // float32 + public const nint m_fHaloScale = 0xD58; // float32 + public const nint m_fAmplitude = 0xD5C; // float32 + public const nint m_fStartFrame = 0xD60; // float32 + public const nint m_fSpeed = 0xD64; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrame = 0xD68; // float32 + public const nint m_nClipStyle = 0xD6C; // BeamClipStyle_t + public const nint m_bTurnedOff = 0xD70; // bool + public const nint m_vecEndPos = 0xD74; // Vector + public const nint m_hEndEntity = 0xD80; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandom (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOrdinal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sWeaponName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_xuid (XUID) + // NetworkVarNames: m_agentItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glovesItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponItem (CEconItemView) + public static class C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition { + public const nint m_nVariant = 0x548; // int32 + public const nint m_nRandom = 0x54C; // int32 + public const nint m_nOrdinal = 0x550; // int32 + public const nint m_sWeaponName = 0x558; // CUtlString + public const nint m_xuid = 0x560; // uint64 + public const nint m_agentItem = 0x568; // C_EconItemView + public const nint m_glovesItem = 0x9B0; // C_EconItemView + public const nint m_weaponItem = 0xDF8; // C_EconItemView + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_DynamicPropAlias_prop_dynamic_override { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOverlayNames (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOverlayTimes (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredOverlay (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsActive (bool) + public static class C_EnvScreenOverlay { + public const nint m_iszOverlayNames = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge[10] + public const nint m_flOverlayTimes = 0x598; // float32[10] + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x5C0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iDesiredOverlay = 0x5C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsActive = 0x5C8; // bool + public const nint m_bWasActive = 0x5C9; // bool + public const nint m_iCachedDesiredOverlay = 0x5CC; // int32 + public const nint m_iCurrentOverlay = 0x5D0; // int32 + public const nint m_flCurrentOverlayTime = 0x5D4; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerWeaponVData + // Fields count: 92 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + public static class CCSWeaponBaseVData { + public const nint m_WeaponType = 0x250; // CSWeaponType + public const nint m_WeaponCategory = 0x254; // CSWeaponCategory + public const nint m_szViewModel = 0x258; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szPlayerModel = 0x338; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szWorldDroppedModel = 0x418; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szAimsightLensMaskModel = 0x4F8; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szMagazineModel = 0x5D8; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szHeatEffect = 0x6B8; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szEjectBrassEffect = 0x798; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szMuzzleFlashParticleAlt = 0x878; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticle = 0x958; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticleAlt = 0xA38; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szTracerParticle = 0xB18; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_GearSlot = 0xBF8; // gear_slot_t + public const nint m_GearSlotPosition = 0xBFC; // int32 + public const nint m_DefaultLoadoutSlot = 0xC00; // loadout_slot_t + public const nint m_sWrongTeamMsg = 0xC08; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nPrice = 0xC10; // int32 + public const nint m_nKillAward = 0xC14; // int32 + public const nint m_nPrimaryReserveAmmoMax = 0xC18; // int32 + public const nint m_nSecondaryReserveAmmoMax = 0xC1C; // int32 + public const nint m_bMeleeWeapon = 0xC20; // bool + public const nint m_bHasBurstMode = 0xC21; // bool + public const nint m_bIsRevolver = 0xC22; // bool + public const nint m_bCannotShootUnderwater = 0xC23; // bool + public const nint m_szName = 0xC28; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_szAnimExtension = 0xC30; // CUtlString + public const nint m_eSilencerType = 0xC38; // CSWeaponSilencerType + public const nint m_nCrosshairMinDistance = 0xC3C; // int32 + public const nint m_nCrosshairDeltaDistance = 0xC40; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsFullAuto = 0xC44; // bool + public const nint m_nNumBullets = 0xC48; // int32 + public const nint m_flCycleTime = 0xC4C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flMaxSpeed = 0xC54; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flSpread = 0xC5C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyCrouch = 0xC64; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyStand = 0xC6C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyJump = 0xC74; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyLand = 0xC7C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyLadder = 0xC84; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyFire = 0xC8C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyMove = 0xC94; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flRecoilAngle = 0xC9C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flRecoilAngleVariance = 0xCA4; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flRecoilMagnitude = 0xCAC; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flRecoilMagnitudeVariance = 0xCB4; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_nTracerFrequency = 0xCBC; // CFiringModeInt + public const nint m_flInaccuracyJumpInitial = 0xCC4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInaccuracyJumpApex = 0xCC8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInaccuracyReload = 0xCCC; // float32 + public const nint m_nRecoilSeed = 0xCD0; // int32 + public const nint m_nSpreadSeed = 0xCD4; // int32 + public const nint m_flTimeToIdleAfterFire = 0xCD8; // float32 + public const nint m_flIdleInterval = 0xCDC; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttackMovespeedFactor = 0xCE0; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeatPerShot = 0xCE4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInaccuracyPitchShift = 0xCE8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInaccuracyAltSoundThreshold = 0xCEC; // float32 + public const nint m_flBotAudibleRange = 0xCF0; // float32 + public const nint m_szUseRadioSubtitle = 0xCF8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bUnzoomsAfterShot = 0xD00; // bool + public const nint m_bHideViewModelWhenZoomed = 0xD01; // bool + public const nint m_nZoomLevels = 0xD04; // int32 + public const nint m_nZoomFOV1 = 0xD08; // int32 + public const nint m_nZoomFOV2 = 0xD0C; // int32 + public const nint m_flZoomTime0 = 0xD10; // float32 + public const nint m_flZoomTime1 = 0xD14; // float32 + public const nint m_flZoomTime2 = 0xD18; // float32 + public const nint m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed = 0xD1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed = 0xD20; // float32 + public const nint m_flIronSightFOV = 0xD24; // float32 + public const nint m_flIronSightPivotForward = 0xD28; // float32 + public const nint m_flIronSightLooseness = 0xD2C; // float32 + public const nint m_angPivotAngle = 0xD30; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecIronSightEyePos = 0xD3C; // Vector + public const nint m_nDamage = 0xD48; // int32 + public const nint m_flHeadshotMultiplier = 0xD4C; // float32 + public const nint m_flArmorRatio = 0xD50; // float32 + public const nint m_flPenetration = 0xD54; // float32 + public const nint m_flRange = 0xD58; // float32 + public const nint m_flRangeModifier = 0xD5C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlinchVelocityModifierLarge = 0xD60; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlinchVelocityModifierSmall = 0xD64; // float32 + public const nint m_flRecoveryTimeCrouch = 0xD68; // float32 + public const nint m_flRecoveryTimeStand = 0xD6C; // float32 + public const nint m_flRecoveryTimeCrouchFinal = 0xD70; // float32 + public const nint m_flRecoveryTimeStandFinal = 0xD74; // float32 + public const nint m_nRecoveryTransitionStartBullet = 0xD78; // int32 + public const nint m_nRecoveryTransitionEndBullet = 0xD7C; // int32 + public const nint m_flThrowVelocity = 0xD80; // float32 + public const nint m_vSmokeColor = 0xD84; // Vector + public const nint m_szAnimClass = 0xD90; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: C_ModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FontName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFullbright (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWorldUnitsPerPx (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFontSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyHorizontal (PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyVertical (PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nReorientMode (PointWorldTextReorientMode_t) + public static class C_PointWorldText { + public const nint m_bForceRecreateNextUpdate = 0xCD0; // bool + public const nint m_messageText = 0xCE0; // char[512] + public const nint m_FontName = 0xEE0; // char[64] + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0xF20; // bool + public const nint m_bFullbright = 0xF21; // bool + public const nint m_flWorldUnitsPerPx = 0xF24; // float32 + public const nint m_flFontSize = 0xF28; // float32 + public const nint m_flDepthOffset = 0xF2C; // float32 + public const nint m_Color = 0xF30; // Color + public const nint m_nJustifyHorizontal = 0xF34; // PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t + public const nint m_nJustifyVertical = 0xF38; // PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t + public const nint m_nReorientMode = 0xF3C; // PointWorldTextReorientMode_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBumpMineProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerController + // Fields count: 62 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInGameMoneyServices (CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInventoryServices (CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pDamageServices (CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPing (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCrosshairCodes (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPendingTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceTeamTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompTeammateColor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEverPlayedOnTeam (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClan (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCoachingTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominated (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominatingMe (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRanking (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveWins (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankType (int8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchNextMapVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unActiveQuestId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQuestProgressReason (QuestProgress::Reason) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unPlayerTvControlFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDisconnectionTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bControllingBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasControlledBotThisRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanControlObservedBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnIsAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnHealth (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeStart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeEnd (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnBotDifficulty (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecKills (EKillTypes_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMvpNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eMvpReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitMVPs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMVPs (int) + public static class CCSPlayerController { + public const nint m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x700; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices* + public const nint m_pInventoryServices = 0x708; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices* + public const nint m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x710; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices* + public const nint m_pDamageServices = 0x718; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices* + public const nint m_iPing = 0x720; // uint32 + public const nint m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x724; // bool + public const nint m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x728; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x730; // uint8 + public const nint m_flForceTeamTime = 0x734; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x738; // int32 + public const nint m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x73C; // bool + public const nint m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime = 0x740; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_szClan = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_sSanitizedPlayerName = 0x750; // CUtlString + public const nint m_iCoachingTeam = 0x758; // int32 + public const nint m_nPlayerDominated = 0x760; // uint64 + public const nint m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x768; // uint64 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x770; // int32 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x774; // int32 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x778; // int8 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x77C; // int32 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x780; // int32 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x784; // int32 + public const nint m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x788; // int32 + public const nint m_unActiveQuestId = 0x78C; // uint16 + public const nint m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x790; // QuestProgress::Reason + public const nint m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x794; // uint32 + public const nint m_iDraftIndex = 0x7C0; // int32 + public const nint m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x7C4; // uint32 + public const nint m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x7C8; // uint32 + public const nint m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x7CC; // bool + public const nint m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x7CD; // bool + public const nint m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x7CE; // bool + public const nint m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x7CF; // bool + public const nint m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7D0; // bool + public const nint m_bScoreReported = 0x7D1; // bool + public const nint m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7D4; // int32 + public const nint m_bControllingBot = 0x7E0; // bool + public const nint m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7E1; // bool + public const nint m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7E2; // bool + public const nint m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7E4; // int32 + public const nint m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7E8; // bool + public const nint m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7EC; // CHandle + public const nint m_hObserverPawn = 0x7F0; // CHandle + public const nint m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7F4; // bool + public const nint m_iPawnHealth = 0x7F8; // uint32 + public const nint m_iPawnArmor = 0x7FC; // int32 + public const nint m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x800; // bool + public const nint m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x801; // bool + public const nint m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x802; // uint16 + public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x804; // int32 + public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x808; // int32 + public const nint m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x80C; // int32 + public const nint m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x810; // CHandle + public const nint m_iScore = 0x814; // int32 + public const nint m_vecKills = 0x818; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_bMvpNoMusic = 0x830; // bool + public const nint m_eMvpReason = 0x834; // int32 + public const nint m_iMusicKitID = 0x838; // int32 + public const nint m_iMusicKitMVPs = 0x83C; // int32 + public const nint m_iMVPs = 0x840; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsPlayerNameDirty = 0x844; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponFiveSeven { + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_eDoorState (DoorState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLocked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaster (CHandle) + public static class C_BasePropDoor { + public const nint m_eDoorState = 0x1168; // DoorState_t + public const nint m_modelChanged = 0x116C; // bool + public const nint m_bLocked = 0x116D; // bool + public const nint m_closedPosition = 0x1170; // Vector + public const nint m_closedAngles = 0x117C; // QAngle + public const nint m_hMaster = 0x1188; // CHandle + public const nint m_vWhereToSetLightingOrigin = 0x118C; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_TeamSelectTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BreakableProp + // Fields count: 6 + public static class C_PhysPropClientside { + public const nint m_flTouchDelta = 0x1040; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fDeathTime = 0x1044; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_inertiaScale = 0x1048; // float32 + public const nint m_vecDamagePosition = 0x104C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecDamageDirection = 0x1058; // Vector + public const nint m_nDamageType = 0x1064; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_TeamSelectCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSoundAreaType (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPos (Vector) + public static class C_SoundAreaEntityBase { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x548; // bool + public const nint m_bWasEnabled = 0x550; // bool + public const nint m_iszSoundAreaType = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_vPos = 0x560; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fog (fogparams_t) + public static class C_FogController { + public const nint m_fog = 0x548; // fogparams_t + public const nint m_bUseAngles = 0x5B0; // bool + public const nint m_iChangedVariables = 0x5B4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_ItemServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_FuncBrush { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_worldName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_layerName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldLayerVisible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEntitiesSpawned (bool) + public static class CInfoWorldLayer { + public const nint m_pOutputOnEntitiesSpawned = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_worldName = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_layerName = 0x578; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bWorldLayerVisible = 0x580; // bool + public const nint m_bEntitiesSpawned = 0x581; // bool + public const nint m_bCreateAsChildSpawnGroup = 0x582; // bool + public const nint m_hLayerSpawnGroup = 0x584; // uint32 + public const nint m_bWorldLayerActuallyVisible = 0x588; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_NetTestBaseCombatCharacter { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + public static class C_ViewmodelWeapon { + public const nint m_worldModel = 0xED0; // char* + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 2 + public static class C_PhysMagnet { + public const nint m_aAttachedObjectsFromServer = 0xED0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_aAttachedObjects = 0xEE8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTargetSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionStartTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionDurationTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTransitionStartSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hConveyorModels (EHANDLE) + public static class C_FuncConveyor { + public const nint m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace = 0xCD0; // Vector + public const nint m_flTargetSpeed = 0xCDC; // float32 + public const nint m_nTransitionStartTick = 0xCE0; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_nTransitionDurationTicks = 0xCE4; // int32 + public const nint m_flTransitionStartSpeed = 0xCE8; // float32 + public const nint m_hConveyorModels = 0xCF0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_flCurrentConveyorOffset = 0xD08; // float32 + public const nint m_flCurrentConveyorSpeed = 0xD0C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pEntity (CEntityIdentity*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CScriptComponent (CScriptComponent::Storage_t) + public static class CEntityInstance { + public const nint m_iszPrivateVScripts = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_pEntity = 0x10; // CEntityIdentity* + public const nint m_CScriptComponent = 0x28; // CScriptComponent* + public const nint m_bVisibleinPVS = 0x30; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + public static class ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t { + public const nint unClass = 0x28; // uint16 + public const nint unSlot = 0x2A; // uint16 + public const nint unItemDefIdx = 0x2C; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimationParity (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimationStartTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + public static class C_BaseViewModel { + public const nint m_vecLastFacing = 0xED8; // Vector + public const nint m_nViewModelIndex = 0xEE4; // uint32 + public const nint m_nAnimationParity = 0xEE8; // uint32 + public const nint m_flAnimationStartTime = 0xEEC; // float32 + public const nint m_hWeapon = 0xEF0; // CHandle + public const nint m_sVMName = 0xEF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_sAnimationPrefix = 0xF00; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hWeaponModel = 0xF08; // CHandle + public const nint m_iCameraAttachment = 0xF0C; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_vecLastCameraAngles = 0xF10; // QAngle + public const nint m_previousElapsedDuration = 0xF1C; // float32 + public const nint m_previousCycle = 0xF20; // float32 + public const nint m_nOldAnimationParity = 0xF24; // int32 + public const nint m_hOldLayerSequence = 0xF28; // HSequence + public const nint m_oldLayer = 0xF2C; // int32 + public const nint m_oldLayerStartTime = 0xF30; // float32 + public const nint m_hControlPanel = 0xF34; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CHostageRescueZoneShim + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponNegev { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hParent (CGameSceneNodeHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecOrigin (CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angRotation (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hierarchyAttachName (CUtlStringToken) + public static class CGameSceneNode { + public const nint m_nodeToWorld = 0x10; // CTransform + public const nint m_pOwner = 0x30; // CEntityInstance* + public const nint m_pParent = 0x38; // CGameSceneNode* + public const nint m_pChild = 0x40; // CGameSceneNode* + public const nint m_pNextSibling = 0x48; // CGameSceneNode* + public const nint m_hParent = 0x78; // CGameSceneNodeHandle + public const nint m_vecOrigin = 0x88; // CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector + public const nint m_angRotation = 0xC0; // QAngle + public const nint m_flScale = 0xCC; // float32 + public const nint m_vecAbsOrigin = 0xD0; // Vector + public const nint m_angAbsRotation = 0xDC; // QAngle + public const nint m_flAbsScale = 0xE8; // float32 + public const nint m_nParentAttachmentOrBone = 0xEC; // int16 + public const nint m_bDebugAbsOriginChanges = 0xEE; // bool + public const nint m_bDormant = 0xEF; // bool + public const nint m_bForceParentToBeNetworked = 0xF0; // bool + public const nint m_bDirtyHierarchy = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bDirtyBoneMergeInfo = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bNetworkedPositionChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bNetworkedAnglesChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bNetworkedScaleChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bWillBeCallingPostDataUpdate = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bBoneMergeFlex = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_nLatchAbsOrigin = 0x0; // bitfield:2 + public const nint m_bDirtyBoneMergeBoneToRoot = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_nHierarchicalDepth = 0xF3; // uint8 + public const nint m_nHierarchyType = 0xF4; // uint8 + public const nint m_nDoNotSetAnimTimeInInvalidatePhysicsCount = 0xF5; // uint8 + public const nint m_name = 0xF8; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_hierarchyAttachName = 0x138; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_flZOffset = 0x13C; // float32 + public const nint m_flClientLocalScale = 0x140; // float32 + public const nint m_vRenderOrigin = 0x144; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_MolotovGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_IncendiaryGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTablet { + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + public static class CCSPointScript { + public const nint m_pParent = 0xF8; // CCSPointScriptEntity* + } + // Parent: C_CSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + public static class C_CSObserverPawn { + public const nint m_hDetectParentChange = 0x1460; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntAttached (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCheapEffect (bool) + public static class C_EntityFlame { + public const nint m_hEntAttached = 0x548; // CHandle + public const nint m_hOldAttached = 0x570; // CHandle + public const nint m_bCheapEffect = 0x574; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTripWireFireProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_Breakable { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ObserverServices + // Fields count: 8 + public static class CCSObserver_ObserverServices { + public const nint m_hLastObserverTarget = 0x58; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_vecObserverInterpolateOffset = 0x5C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecObserverInterpStartPos = 0x68; // Vector + public const nint m_flObsInterp_PathLength = 0x74; // float32 + public const nint m_qObsInterp_OrientationStart = 0x80; // Quaternion + public const nint m_qObsInterp_OrientationTravelDir = 0x90; // Quaternion + public const nint m_obsInterpState = 0xA0; // ObserverInterpState_t + public const nint m_bObserverInterpolationNeedsDeferredSetup = 0xA4; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_TintController { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_AutoaimServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_reuseTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vel (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isRescued (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHostageState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHandsHaveBeenCut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hHostageGrabber (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRescueStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGrabSuccessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDropStartTime (GameTime_t) + public static class C_Hostage { + public const nint m_entitySpottedState = 0x10F8; // EntitySpottedState_t + public const nint m_leader = 0x1110; // CHandle + public const nint m_reuseTimer = 0x1118; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_vel = 0x1130; // Vector + public const nint m_isRescued = 0x113C; // bool + public const nint m_jumpedThisFrame = 0x113D; // bool + public const nint m_nHostageState = 0x1140; // int32 + public const nint m_bHandsHaveBeenCut = 0x1144; // bool + public const nint m_hHostageGrabber = 0x1148; // CHandle + public const nint m_fLastGrabTime = 0x114C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_vecGrabbedPos = 0x1150; // Vector + public const nint m_flRescueStartTime = 0x115C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flGrabSuccessTime = 0x1160; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDropStartTime = 0x1164; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDeadOrRescuedTime = 0x1168; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_blinkTimer = 0x1170; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_lookAt = 0x1188; // Vector + public const nint m_lookAroundTimer = 0x1198; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_isInit = 0x11B0; // bool + public const nint m_eyeAttachment = 0x11B1; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_chestAttachment = 0x11B2; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_pPredictionOwner = 0x11B8; // CBasePlayerController* + public const nint m_fNewestAlphaThinkTime = 0x11C0; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSpriteMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachedToEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteFramerate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBrightness (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldSpaceScale (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + public static class C_Sprite { + public const nint m_hSpriteMaterial = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hAttachedToEntity = 0xCD0; // CHandle + public const nint m_nAttachment = 0xCD4; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_flSpriteFramerate = 0xCD8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrame = 0xCDC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDieTime = 0xCE0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nBrightness = 0xCF0; // uint32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessDuration = 0xCF4; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpriteScale = 0xCF8; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleDuration = 0xCFC; // float32 + public const nint m_bWorldSpaceScale = 0xD00; // bool + public const nint m_flGlowProxySize = 0xD04; // float32 + public const nint m_flHDRColorScale = 0xD08; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastTime = 0xD0C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flMaxFrame = 0xD10; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartScale = 0xD14; // float32 + public const nint m_flDestScale = 0xD18; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleTimeStart = 0xD1C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nStartBrightness = 0xD20; // int32 + public const nint m_nDestBrightness = 0xD24; // int32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessTimeStart = 0xD28; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_hOldSpriteMaterial = 0xD30; // CWeakHandle + public const nint m_nSpriteWidth = 0xDD0; // int32 + public const nint m_nSpriteHeight = 0xDD4; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_WeaponM4A1Silencer { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 29 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombTicking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBombSite (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSourceSoundscapeHash (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flC4Blow (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCannotBeDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasExploded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBeingDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseCountDown (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBombDefuser (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + public static class C_PlantedC4 { + public const nint m_bBombTicking = 0xED0; // bool + public const nint m_nBombSite = 0xED4; // int32 + public const nint m_nSourceSoundscapeHash = 0xED8; // int32 + public const nint m_entitySpottedState = 0xEE0; // EntitySpottedState_t + public const nint m_flNextGlow = 0xEF8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flNextBeep = 0xEFC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flC4Blow = 0xF00; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bCannotBeDefused = 0xF04; // bool + public const nint m_bHasExploded = 0xF05; // bool + public const nint m_flTimerLength = 0xF08; // float32 + public const nint m_bBeingDefused = 0xF0C; // bool + public const nint m_bTriggerWarning = 0xF10; // float32 + public const nint m_bExplodeWarning = 0xF14; // float32 + public const nint m_bC4Activated = 0xF18; // bool + public const nint m_bTenSecWarning = 0xF19; // bool + public const nint m_flDefuseLength = 0xF1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefuseCountDown = 0xF20; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bBombDefused = 0xF24; // bool + public const nint m_hBombDefuser = 0xF28; // CHandle + public const nint m_hControlPanel = 0xF2C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hDefuserMultimeter = 0xF30; // CHandle + public const nint m_flNextRadarFlashTime = 0xF34; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bRadarFlash = 0xF38; // bool + public const nint m_pBombDefuser = 0xF3C; // CHandle + public const nint m_fLastDefuseTime = 0xF40; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_pPredictionOwner = 0xF48; // CBasePlayerController* + public const nint m_vecC4ExplodeSpectatePos = 0xF50; // Vector + public const nint m_vecC4ExplodeSpectateAng = 0xF5C; // QAngle + public const nint m_flC4ExplodeSpectateDuration = 0xF68; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBlendWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRagdollSource (EHANDLE) + public static class C_RagdollProp { + public const nint m_ragPos = 0xED8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_ragAngles = 0xEF0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_flBlendWeight = 0xF08; // float32 + public const nint m_hRagdollSource = 0xF0C; // CHandle + public const nint m_iEyeAttachment = 0xF10; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_flBlendWeightCurrent = 0xF14; // float32 + public const nint m_parentPhysicsBoneIndices = 0xF18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_worldSpaceBoneComputationOrder = 0xF30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + public static class C_CSGO_TerroristTeamIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActiveIssueIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOnlyTeamToVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteOptionCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPotentialVotes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsYesNoVote (bool) + public static class C_VoteController { + public const nint m_iActiveIssueIndex = 0x558; // int32 + public const nint m_iOnlyTeamToVote = 0x55C; // int32 + public const nint m_nVoteOptionCount = 0x560; // int32[5] + public const nint m_nPotentialVotes = 0x574; // int32 + public const nint m_bVotesDirty = 0x578; // bool + public const nint m_bTypeDirty = 0x579; // bool + public const nint m_bIsYesNoVote = 0x57A; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nType (FixAngleSet_t) + // NetworkVarNames: qAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: nIndex (uint32) + public static class ViewAngleServerChange_t { + public const nint nType = 0x30; // FixAngleSet_t + public const nint qAngle = 0x34; // QAngle + public const nint nIndex = 0x40; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + public static class C_Chicken { + public const nint m_hHolidayHatAddon = 0x1160; // CHandle + public const nint m_jumpedThisFrame = 0x1164; // bool + public const nint m_leader = 0x1168; // CHandle + public const nint m_AttributeManager = 0x1170; // C_AttributeContainer + public const nint m_bAttributesInitialized = 0x1618; // bool + public const nint m_hWaterWakeParticles = 0x161C; // ParticleIndex_t + public const nint m_bIsPreviewModel = 0x1620; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Transforms (CTransform) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (EHANDLE) + public static class PhysicsRagdollPose_t { + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + public const nint m_Transforms = 0x30; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_hOwner = 0x48; // CHandle + public const nint m_bDirty = 0x68; // bool + } + } +} diff --git a/output/client.dll.hpp b/output/client.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c0c805 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/client.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,6734 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: client.dll + // Classes count: 415 + // Enums count: 7 + namespace client_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 15 + enum class CompositeMaterialInputLooseVariableType_t : uint32_t { + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_BOOLEAN = 0x0, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER1 = 0x1, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER2 = 0x2, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER3 = 0x3, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER4 = 0x4, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT1 = 0x5, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT2 = 0x6, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT3 = 0x7, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT4 = 0x8, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_COLOR4 = 0x9, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_STRING = 0xA, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_SYSTEMVAR = 0xB, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_RESOURCE_MATERIAL = 0xC, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_RESOURCE_TEXTURE = 0xD, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_PANORAMA_RENDER = 0xE + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class CompositeMaterialInputTextureType_t : uint32_t { + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMALMAP = 0x1, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_COLOR = 0x2, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_MASKS = 0x3, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_ROUGHNESS = 0x4, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_PEARLESCENCE_MASK = 0x5, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_AO = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class CompositeMaterialInputContainerSourceType_t : uint32_t { + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_TARGET_MATERIAL = 0x0, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_MATERIAL_FROM_TARGET_ATTR = 0x1, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_SPECIFIC_MATERIAL = 0x2, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_LOOSE_VARIABLES = 0x3, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_VARIABLE_FROM_TARGET_ATTR = 0x4, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_TARGET_INSTANCE_MATERIAL = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + enum class CompMatPropertyMutatorType_t : uint32_t { + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_INIT = 0x0, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_COPY_MATCHING_KEYS = 0x1, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_COPY_KEYS_WITH_SUFFIX = 0x2, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_COPY_PROPERTY = 0x3, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_SET_VALUE = 0x4, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_GENERATE_TEXTURE = 0x5, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_CONDITIONAL_MUTATORS = 0x6, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_POP_INPUT_QUEUE = 0x7, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_DRAW_TEXT = 0x8, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_RANDOM_ROLL_INPUT_VARIABLES = 0x9 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class CompositeMaterialVarSystemVar_t : uint32_t { + COMPMATSYSVAR_COMPOSITETIME = 0x0, + COMPMATSYSVAR_EMPTY_RESOURCE_SPACER = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class CompositeMaterialMatchFilterType_t : uint32_t { + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS = 0x0, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_SHADER = 0x1, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_NAME_SUBSTR = 0x2, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_EQUALS = 0x3, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_PROPERTY_EXISTS = 0x4, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_PROPERTY_EQUALS = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class CompMatPropertyMutatorConditionType_t : uint32_t { + COMP_MAT_MUTATOR_CONDITION_INPUT_CONTAINER_EXISTS = 0x0, + COMP_MAT_MUTATOR_CONDITION_INPUT_CONTAINER_VALUE_EXISTS = 0x1, + COMP_MAT_MUTATOR_CONDITION_INPUT_CONTAINER_VALUE_EQUALS = 0x2 + }; + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_HEGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_FuncMover { + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_TriggerLerpObject { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid + // Fields count: 37 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxFallVelocity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckAmount (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDuckOverride (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDesiresDuck (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastDuckTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOldJumpPressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpUntil (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpVel (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nButtonDownMaskPrev (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStamina (float) + namespace CCSPlayer_MovementServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxFallVelocity = 0x218; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLadderNormal = 0x21C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex = 0x228; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuckAmount = 0x22C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuckSpeed = 0x230; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDuckOverride = 0x234; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDesiresDuck = 0x235; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuckOffset = 0x238; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDuckTimeMsecs = 0x23C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs = 0x240; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nJumpTimeMsecs = 0x244; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastDuckTime = 0x248; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastPositionAtFullCrouchSpeed = 0x258; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_duckUntilOnGround = 0x260; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasWalkMovedSinceLastJump = 0x261; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInStuckTest = 0x262; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStuckCheckTime = 0x270; // float32[64][2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceCount = 0x470; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_StuckLast = 0x474; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpeedCropped = 0x478; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldWaterLevel = 0x47C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWaterEntryTime = 0x480; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecForward = 0x484; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLeft = 0x490; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecUp = 0x49C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand = 0x4A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOldJumpPressed = 0x4AC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpPressedTime = 0x4B0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpUntil = 0x4B4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpVel = 0x4B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen = 0x4BC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nButtonDownMaskPrev = 0x4C0; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStamina = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeightAtJumpStart = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxJumpHeightThisJump = 0x4D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: scale (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: origin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: fog (fogparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupID (WorldGroupId_t) + namespace sky3dparams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t scale = 0x8; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t origin = 0xC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar = 0x18; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t fog = 0x20; // fogparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWorldGroupID = 0x88; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponM4A1 { + } + // Parent: C_EconEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace C_Item { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pReticleHintTextName = 0x15B0; // char[256] + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCornerPairsNetworked (SoundeventPathCornerPairNetworked_t) + namespace C_SoundEventPathCornerEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCornerPairsNetworked = 0x548; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponM249 { + } + // Parent: C_TeamplayRules + // Fields count: 100 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFreezePeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWarmupPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodEnd (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodStart (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bServerPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTerroristTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCTTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTerroristTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTechnicalTimeOut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMatchWaitingForResume (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMatchStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fRoundStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRestartRoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGameRestart (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGameStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_gamePhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalRoundsPlayed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOvertimePlaying (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostagesRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnyHostageReached (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBombTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsValveDS (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLogoMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iSpectatorSlotCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MatchDevice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMatchStarted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextMapInMapgroup (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventStage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szMatchStatTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTournamentPredictionsPct (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDroppingItems (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQuestEligible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHltvActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrProhibitedItemIndices (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numBestOfMaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDropped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlanted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundWinStatus (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundWinReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_RoundResults (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextRespawnWave (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nServerQuestID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameModeRules (CCSGameModeRules*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakeRules (CRetakeGameRules) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTeamIntroPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundEndReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndTimerTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndFunFactToken (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot (CPlayerSlot) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndMessage (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndPlayerCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndLegacy (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundStartRoundNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundStartCount (uint8) + namespace C_CSGameRules { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFreezePeriod = 0x40; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWarmupPeriod = 0x41; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fWarmupPeriodEnd = 0x44; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fWarmupPeriodStart = 0x48; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bServerPaused = 0x4C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTerroristTimeOutActive = 0x4D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCTTimeOutActive = 0x4E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCTTimeOutRemaining = 0x54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTerroristTimeOuts = 0x58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCTTimeOuts = 0x5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTechnicalTimeOut = 0x60; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchWaitingForResume = 0x61; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundTime = 0x64; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMatchStartTime = 0x68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRoundStartTime = 0x6C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRestartRoundTime = 0x70; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGameRestart = 0x74; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGameStartTime = 0x78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts = 0x7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_gamePhase = 0x80; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_totalRoundsPlayed = 0x84; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase = 0x88; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOvertimePlaying = 0x8C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHostagesRemaining = 0x90; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnyHostageReached = 0x94; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMapHasBombTarget = 0x95; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMapHasRescueZone = 0x96; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMapHasBuyZone = 0x97; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking = 0x98; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode = 0x9C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsValveDS = 0xA0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLogoMap = 0xA1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer = 0xA2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSpectatorSlotCount = 0xA4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MatchDevice = 0xA8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasMatchStarted = 0xAC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextMapInMapgroup = 0xB0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTournamentEventName = 0xB4; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTournamentEventStage = 0x2B4; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMatchStatTxt = 0x4B4; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt = 0x6B4; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTournamentPredictionsPct = 0x8B4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime = 0x8B8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime = 0x8BC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsDroppingItems = 0x8C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsQuestEligible = 0x8C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHltvActive = 0x8C2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_arrProhibitedItemIndices = 0x8C4; // uint16[100] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts = 0x98C; // uint32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numBestOfMaps = 0x99C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed = 0x9A0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombDropped = 0x9A4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombPlanted = 0x9A5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundWinStatus = 0x9A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eRoundWinReason = 0x9AC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTCantBuy = 0x9B0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCTCantBuy = 0x9B1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMatchStats_RoundResults = 0x9B4; // int32[30] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT = 0xA2C; // int32[30] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T = 0xAA4; // int32[30] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes = 0xB1C; // float32[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextRespawnWave = 0xB9C; // GameTime_t[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nServerQuestID = 0xC1C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinimapMins = 0xC20; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinimapMaxs = 0xC2C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights = 0xC38; // float32[8] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpawnedTerrorHuntHeavy = 0xC58; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes = 0xC5C; // int32[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions = 0xC84; // int32[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner = 0xCAC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses = 0xCB0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses = 0xCB4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMarkClientStopRecordAtRoundEnd = 0xCD0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason = 0xD28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasTriggeredRoundStartMusic = 0xD2C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSwitchingTeamsAtRoundReset = 0xD2D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pGameModeRules = 0xD48; // CCSGameModeRules* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RetakeRules = 0xD50; // C_RetakeGameRules + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMatchEndCount = 0xE68; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTTeamIntroVariant = 0xE6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCTTeamIntroVariant = 0xE70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTeamIntroPeriod = 0xE74; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam = 0xE78; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eRoundEndReason = 0xE7C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend = 0xE80; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndTimerTime = 0xE84; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sRoundEndFunFactToken = 0xE88; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot = 0xE90; // CPlayerSlot + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 = 0xE94; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 = 0xE98; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 = 0xE9C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sRoundEndMessage = 0xEA0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndPlayerCount = 0xEA8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRoundEndNoMusic = 0xEAC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndLegacy = 0xEB0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRoundEndCount = 0xEB4; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundStartRoundNumber = 0xEB8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRoundStartCount = 0xEBC; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPerfSampleTime = 0x4EC8; // float64 + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skeletonInstance (CSkeletonInstance) + namespace CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skeletonInstance = 0x50; // CSkeletonInstance + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponCZ75a { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 31 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CRenderComponent (CRenderComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CHitboxComponent (CHitboxComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderMode (RenderMode_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderFX (RenderFx_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrRender (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecRenderAttributes (EntityRenderAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Collision (CCollisionProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Glow (CGlowProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowBackfaceMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMinDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMaxDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nObjectCulling (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAddDecal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalForwardAxis (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealBloodRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealHeightRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo (CHandle) + namespace C_BaseModelEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CRenderComponent = 0xA18; // CRenderComponent* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CHitboxComponent = 0xA20; // CHitboxComponent + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInitModelEffects = 0xA68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsStaticProp = 0xA69; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastAddDecal = 0xA6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDecalsAdded = 0xA70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iOldHealth = 0xA74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderMode = 0xA78; // RenderMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderFX = 0xA79; // RenderFx_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowFadeInView = 0xA7A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clrRender = 0xA7B; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRenderAttributes = 0xA80; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderToCubemaps = 0xAE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Collision = 0xAF0; // CCollisionProperty + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Glow = 0xBA0; // CGlowProperty + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlowBackfaceMult = 0xBF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fadeMinDist = 0xBFC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fadeMaxDist = 0xC00; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeScale = 0xC04; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowStrength = 0xC08; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nObjectCulling = 0xC0C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAddDecal = 0xC10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDecalPosition = 0xC14; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDecalForwardAxis = 0xC20; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecalHealBloodRate = 0xC2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecalHealHeightRate = 0xC30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo = 0xC38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecViewOffset = 0xC50; // CNetworkViewOffsetVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pClientAlphaProperty = 0xC80; // CClientAlphaProperty* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ClientOverrideTint = 0xC88; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseClientOverrideTint = 0xC8C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_source (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_destination (string_t) + namespace C_FootstepControl { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_source = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_destination = 0xCD8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + namespace C_PointClientUIHUD { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCheckCSSClasses = 0xD00; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreInput = 0xE80; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWidth = 0xE84; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeight = 0xE88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDPI = 0xE8C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInteractDistance = 0xE90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepthOffset = 0xE94; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unOwnerContext = 0xE98; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unHorizontalAlign = 0xE9C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unVerticalAlign = 0xEA0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unOrientation = 0xEA4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds = 0xEA8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCSSClasses = 0xEB0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + namespace C_SpotlightEnd { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightScale = 0xCC8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Radius = 0xCCC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex (attrib_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRefundableCurrency (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSetBonus (bool) + namespace CEconItemAttribute { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex = 0x30; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValue = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialValue = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRefundableCurrency = 0x3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetBonus = 0x40; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_FOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Resolution (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFogEnable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseScreenAspectRatio (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAspectRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSky (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZFar (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanHLTVUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDofEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofTiltToGround (float) + namespace C_PointCamera { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FOV = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Resolution = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFogEnable = 0x550; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FogColor = 0x551; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogStart = 0x558; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogEnd = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxDensity = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x564; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseScreenAspectRatio = 0x565; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAspectRatio = 0x568; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoSky = 0x56C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fBrightness = 0x570; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZFar = 0x574; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZNear = 0x578; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanHLTVUse = 0x57C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDofEnabled = 0x57D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofNearBlurry = 0x580; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofNearCrisp = 0x584; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofFarCrisp = 0x588; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofFarBlurry = 0x58C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofTiltToGround = 0x590; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetFOV = 0x594; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DegreesPerSecond = 0x598; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsOn = 0x59C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNext = 0x5A0; // C_PointCamera* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_weapon_cs_base { + } + // Parent: C_LightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_LightSpotEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared) + namespace C_EnvWind { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EnvWindShared = 0x548; // C_EnvWindShared + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_GameRulesProxy { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWearables (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFieldOfView (float) + namespace C_BaseCombatCharacter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMyWearables = 0x1068; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leftFootAttachment = 0x1080; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rightFootAttachment = 0x1081; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWaterWakeMode = 0x1084; // C_BaseCombatCharacter::WaterWakeMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWaterWorldZ = 0x1088; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWaterNextTraceTime = 0x108C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFieldOfView = 0x1090; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_FlashbangProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + namespace C_SoundEventSphereEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x548; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_WingmanIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_DynamicPropAlias_cable_dynamic { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_InfoInstructorHintHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlayingBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMultiplayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAutogenerated (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceClientTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSceneStringIndex (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActorList (CHandle) + namespace C_SceneEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlayingBack = 0x550; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPaused = 0x551; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMultiplayer = 0x552; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutogenerated = 0x553; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceClientTime = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSceneStringIndex = 0x558; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientOnly = 0x55A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwner = 0x55C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActorList = 0x560; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasPlaying = 0x578; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_QueuedEvents = 0x588; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentTime = 0x5A0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCsViewPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerFog (fogplayerparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hColorCorrectionCtrl (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTonemapController (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_audio (audioparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PostProcessingVolumes (CHandle) + namespace CPlayer_CameraServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCsViewPunchAngle = 0x40; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick = 0x4C; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayerFog = 0x58; // C_fogplayerparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hColorCorrectionCtrl = 0x98; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hViewEntity = 0x9C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTonemapController = 0xA0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_audio = 0xA8; // audioparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PostProcessingVolumes = 0x120; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldPlayerZ = 0x138; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ = 0x13C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CurrentFog = 0x140; // fogparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOldFogController = 0x1A8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideFogColor = 0x1AC; // bool[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OverrideFogColor = 0x1B1; // Color[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideFogStartEnd = 0x1C5; // bool[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fOverrideFogStart = 0x1CC; // float32[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fOverrideFogEnd = 0x1E0; // float32[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActivePostProcessingVolume = 0x1F4; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angDemoViewAngles = 0x1F8; // QAngle + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHeldByPlayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPinPulled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJumpThrow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bThrowAnimating (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fThrowTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrengthApproach (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fDropTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fPinPullTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJustPulledPin (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextHoldTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextHoldFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow (CHandle) + namespace C_BaseCSGrenade { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientPredictDelete = 0x1A70; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRedraw = 0x1A71; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHeldByPlayer = 0x1A72; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPinPulled = 0x1A73; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bJumpThrow = 0x1A74; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bThrowAnimating = 0x1A75; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fThrowTime = 0x1A78; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flThrowStrength = 0x1A7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flThrowStrengthApproach = 0x1A80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fDropTime = 0x1A84; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fPinPullTime = 0x1A88; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bJustPulledPin = 0x1A8C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextHoldTick = 0x1A90; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextHoldFrac = 0x1A94; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow = 0x1A98; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_FuncBrush + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_targetCamera (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionEnum (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseUniqueColorTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_brushModelName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetCamera (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDraw3DSkybox (bool) + namespace C_FuncMonitor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetCamera = 0xCC8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nResolutionEnum = 0xCD0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderShadows = 0xCD4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseUniqueColorTarget = 0xCD5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_brushModelName = 0xCD8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetCamera = 0xCE0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0xCE4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDraw3DSkybox = 0xCE5; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_TriggerMultiple { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace C_RopeKeyframe__CPhysicsDelegate { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pKeyframe = 0x8; // C_RopeKeyframe* + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CBodyComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pSceneNode = 0x8; // CGameSceneNode* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x20; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: C_SoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + namespace C_SoundAreaEntitySphere { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x570; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSObserver_MovementServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHorizontalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVerticalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMinDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOuterMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + namespace C_LightGlow { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHorizontalSize = 0xCC8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVerticalSize = 0xCCC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinDist = 0xCD0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxDist = 0xCD4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOuterMaxDist = 0xCD8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlowProxySize = 0xCDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHDRColorScale = 0xCE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GlowOverlay = 0xCE8; // C_LightGlowOverlay + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + namespace CountdownTimer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_duration = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timestamp = 0xC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timescale = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWorldGroupId = 0x14; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + namespace CGameSceneNodeHandle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwner = 0x8; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0xC; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nTagTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModSmall (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModLarge (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio (float) + namespace PredictedDamageTag_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nTagTick = 0x30; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flFlinchModSmall = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flFlinchModLarge = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 14 + namespace C_ClientRagdoll { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFadeOut = 0xED0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bImportant = 0xED1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEffectTime = 0xED4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_gibDespawnTime = 0xED8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCurrentFriction = 0xEDC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMinFriction = 0xEE0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxFriction = 0xEE4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFrictionAnimState = 0xEE8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReleaseRagdoll = 0xEEC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEyeAttachment = 0xEED; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFadingOut = 0xEEE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleEnd = 0xEF0; // float32[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleTimeStart = 0xF18; // GameTime_t[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleTimeEnd = 0xF40; // GameTime_t[10] + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace C_GlobalLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WindClothForceHandle = 0xA10; // uint16 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHostageAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isHostageFollowingSomeone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostageEntityIDs (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterA (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterB (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted (bool) + namespace C_CSPlayerResource { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHostageAlive = 0x548; // bool[12] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isHostageFollowingSomeone = 0x554; // bool[12] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHostageEntityIDs = 0x560; // CEntityIndex[12] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bombsiteCenterA = 0x590; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bombsiteCenterB = 0x59C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageRescueX = 0x5A8; // int32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageRescueY = 0x5B8; // int32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageRescueZ = 0x5C8; // int32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted = 0x5D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_foundGoalPositions = 0x5D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CGameSceneNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_modelState (CModelState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsAnimationEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseParentRenderBounds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_materialGroup (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitboxSet (uint8) + namespace CSkeletonInstance { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelState = 0x170; // CModelState + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsAnimationEnabled = 0x3A0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseParentRenderBounds = 0x3A1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableSolidCollisionsForHierarchy = 0x3A2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirtyMotionType = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsGeneratingLatchedParentSpaceState = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_materialGroup = 0x3A4; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitboxSet = 0x3A8; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animationController (CBaseAnimGraphController) + namespace CBodyComponentBaseAnimGraph { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animationController = 0x460; // CBaseAnimGraphController + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_sceneNode (CGameSceneNode) + namespace CBodyComponentPoint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sceneNode = 0x50; // CGameSceneNode + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDidSmokeEffect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeDetonationPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_VoxelFrameData (CUtlVector) + namespace C_SmokeGrenadeProjectile { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin = 0x1158; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDidSmokeEffect = 0x115C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeed = 0x1160; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSmokeColor = 0x1164; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSmokeDetonationPos = 0x1170; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_VoxelFrameData = 0x1180; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSmokeVolumeDataReceived = 0x1198; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSmokeEffectSpawned = 0x1199; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SoundEventEntityAlias_snd_event_point { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + namespace C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPath { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZFar = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZNear = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0x550; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVerticalFOV = 0x551; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bConstantSpeed = 0x552; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPathLength = 0x598; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPathDuration = 0x59C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_WingmanIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_firePositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireParentPositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFireIsBurning (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_BurnNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInfernoType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireLifetime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInPostEffectTime (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireEffectTickBegin (int) + namespace C_Inferno { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nfxFireDamageEffect = 0xD08; // ParticleIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hInfernoPointsSnapshot = 0xD10; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hInfernoFillerPointsSnapshot = 0xD18; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hInfernoOutlinePointsSnapshot = 0xD20; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hInfernoClimbingOutlinePointsSnapshot = 0xD28; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hInfernoDecalsSnapshot = 0xD30; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_firePositions = 0xD38; // Vector[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fireParentPositions = 0x1038; // Vector[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFireIsBurning = 0x1338; // bool[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BurnNormal = 0x1378; // Vector[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fireCount = 0x1678; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInfernoType = 0x167C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFireLifetime = 0x1680; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInPostEffectTime = 0x1684; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastFireCount = 0x1688; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFireEffectTickBegin = 0x168C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_drawableCount = 0x8290; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blosCheck = 0x8294; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nlosperiod = 0x8298; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_maxFireHalfWidth = 0x829C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_maxFireHeight = 0x82A0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_minBounds = 0x82A4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_maxBounds = 0x82B0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastGrassBurnThink = 0x82BC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_HostageCarriableProp { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_TerroristWingmanIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPingedEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUrgent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlaceName (char) + namespace C_PlayerPing { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayer = 0x578; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPingedEntity = 0x57C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iType = 0x580; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUrgent = 0x584; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szPlaceName = 0x585; // char[18] + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponMP7 { + } + // Parent: C_Team + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamMatchStat (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numMapVictories (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSurrendered (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreFirstHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreSecondHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreOvertime (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClanTeamname (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClanID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamFlagImage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamLogoImage (char) + namespace C_CSTeam { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTeamMatchStat = 0x600; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numMapVictories = 0x800; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSurrendered = 0x804; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scoreFirstHalf = 0x808; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scoreSecondHalf = 0x80C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scoreOvertime = 0x810; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClanTeamname = 0x814; // char[129] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iClanID = 0x898; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTeamFlagImage = 0x89C; // char[8] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTeamLogoImage = 0x8A4; // char[8] + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 10 + namespace C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPathNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szParentPathUniqueID = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPathIndex = 0x550; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInTangentLocal = 0x554; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOutTangentLocal = 0x560; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFOV = 0x56C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCameraSpeed = 0x570; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEaseIn = 0x574; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEaseOut = 0x578; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInTangentWorld = 0x57C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOutTangentWorld = 0x588; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponMag7 { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_DEagle { + } + // Parent: C_CSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 103 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBulletServices (CCSPlayer_BulletServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pHostageServices (CCSPlayer_HostageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBuyServices (CCSPlayer_BuyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGlowServices (CCSPlayer_GlowServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices*) + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasFemaleVoice (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLastPlaceName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngleVel (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickBase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickFraction (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInHostageRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBombZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsBuyMenuOpen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeOfLastInjury (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSprayDecalTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOffering (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOfferingCard (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesMVPLastRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility (loadout_slot_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_EconGloves (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEconGlovesChanged (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRagdollDamageBone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamageForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamagePosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollServerOrigin (Vector) + // MNetworkReplayCompatField + // NetworkVarNames: m_qDeathEyeAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLeftHanded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSwitchedHandednessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelFOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_GunGameImmunityColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsWalking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsScoped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bResumeZoom (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDefusing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsGrabbingHostage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress (CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEmitSoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInNoDefuseArea (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWhichBombZone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iShotsFired (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlinchStack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVelocityModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHitHeading (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBodyPart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWaitForNoAttack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKilledByHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ArmorValue (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unCurrentEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLastKillerIndex (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredictedDamageTags (PredictedDamageTag_t) + namespace C_CSPlayerPawn { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pBulletServices = 0x1468; // CCSPlayer_BulletServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pHostageServices = 0x1470; // CCSPlayer_HostageServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pBuyServices = 0x1478; // CCSPlayer_BuyServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pGlowServices = 0x1480; // CCSPlayer_GlowServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x1488; // CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime = 0x1490; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastFiredWeaponTime = 0x1494; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasFemaleVoice = 0x1498; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLandingTimeSeconds = 0x149C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldFallVelocity = 0x14A0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szLastPlaceName = 0x14A4; // char[18] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPrevDefuser = 0x14B6; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPrevHelmet = 0x14B7; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrevArmorVal = 0x14B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrevGrenadeAmmoCount = 0x14BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unPreviousWeaponHash = 0x14C0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unWeaponHash = 0x14C4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInBuyZone = 0x14C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreviouslyInBuyZone = 0x14C9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchAngle = 0x14CC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchAngleVel = 0x14D8; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchTickBase = 0x14E4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchTickFraction = 0x14E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchCache = 0x14F0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInLanding = 0x1510; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLandingStartTime = 0x1514; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInHostageRescueZone = 0x1518; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInBombZone = 0x1519; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsBuyMenuOpen = 0x151A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeOfLastInjury = 0x151C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextSprayDecalTime = 0x1520; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRetakesOffering = 0x1650; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRetakesOfferingCard = 0x1654; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit = 0x1658; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRetakesMVPLastRound = 0x1659; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem = 0x165C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility = 0x1660; // loadout_slot_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNeedToReApplyGloves = 0x1680; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EconGloves = 0x1688; // C_EconItemView + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEconGlovesChanged = 0x1AD0; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMustSyncRagdollState = 0x1AD1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRagdollDamageBone = 0x1AD4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRagdollDamageForce = 0x1AD8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRagdollDamagePosition = 0x1AE4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName = 0x1AF0; // char[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot = 0x1B30; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRagdollServerOrigin = 0x1B34; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLastHeadBoneTransformIsValid = 0x2148; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastLandTime = 0x214C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnGroundLastTick = 0x2150; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qDeathEyeAngles = 0x216C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSkipOneHeadConstraintUpdate = 0x2178; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLeftHanded = 0x2179; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSwitchedHandednessTime = 0x217C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flViewmodelOffsetX = 0x2180; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flViewmodelOffsetY = 0x2184; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flViewmodelOffsetZ = 0x2188; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flViewmodelFOV = 0x218C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices = 0x2190; // uint32[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GunGameImmunityColor = 0x21C8; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecBulletHitModels = 0x2218; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsWalking = 0x2230; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_thirdPersonHeading = 0x2238; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSlopeDropOffset = 0x2250; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSlopeDropHeight = 0x2260; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vHeadConstraintOffset = 0x2270; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entitySpottedState = 0x2288; // EntitySpottedState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsScoped = 0x22A0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResumeZoom = 0x22A1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsDefusing = 0x22A2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsGrabbingHostage = 0x22A3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress = 0x22A4; // CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEmitSoundTime = 0x22A8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInNoDefuseArea = 0x22AC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWhichBombZone = 0x22B0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iShotsFired = 0x22B4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlinchStack = 0x22B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVelocityModifier = 0x22BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHitHeading = 0x22C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitBodyPart = 0x22C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWaitForNoAttack = 0x22C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ignoreLadderJumpTime = 0x22CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bKilledByHeadshot = 0x22D1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ArmorValue = 0x22D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unCurrentEquipmentValue = 0x22D8; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue = 0x22DA; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue = 0x22DC; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastKillerIndex = 0x22E0; // CEntityIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOldIsScoped = 0x22E4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasDeathInfo = 0x22E5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDeathInfoTime = 0x22E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDeathInfoOrigin = 0x22EC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_grenadeParameterStashTime = 0x22F8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGrenadeParametersStashed = 0x22FC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angStashedShootAngles = 0x2300; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStashedGrenadeThrowPosition = 0x230C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStashedVelocity = 0x2318; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angShootAngleHistory = 0x2324; // QAngle[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecThrowPositionHistory = 0x233C; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecVelocityHistory = 0x2354; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredictedDamageTags = 0x2370; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrevHighestReceivedDamageTagTick = 0x23C0; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHighestAppliedDamageTagTick = 0x23C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_RagdollProp + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_boneIndexAttached (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointBoneSpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace (Vector) + namespace C_RagdollPropAttached { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneIndexAttached = 0xF48; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex = 0xF4C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachmentPointBoneSpace = 0xF50; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace = 0xF5C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffset = 0xF68; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parentTime = 0xF74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasParent = 0xF78; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounces (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin (Vector) + namespace C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInitialPosition = 0x10B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInitialVelocity = 0x10C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBounces = 0x10D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExplodeEffectIndex = 0x10D8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin = 0x10E0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin = 0x10E4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpawnTime = 0x10F0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vecLastTrailLinePos = 0x10F4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flNextTrailLineTime = 0x1100; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExplodeEffectBegan = 0x1104; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanCreateGrenadeTrail = 0x1105; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapshotTrajectoryEffectIndex = 0x1108; // ParticleIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSnapshotTrajectoryParticleSnapshot = 0x1110; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_arrTrajectoryTrailPoints = 0x1118; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_arrTrajectoryTrailPointCreationTimes = 0x1130; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTrajectoryTrailEffectCreationTime = 0x1148; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSidePredicted (bool) + namespace C_BaseTrigger { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0xCC8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientSidePredicted = 0xCC9; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_SequenceCompleteTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + namespace C_WeaponBaseItem { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SequenceCompleteTimer = 0x1A70; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRedraw = 0x1A88; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOtherEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMagnitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurfaceProp (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinition) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDamageType (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPenetrate (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaterial (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBox (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColor (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentName (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectName (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplosionType (uint8) + namespace CEffectData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOrigin = 0x8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vStart = 0x14; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vNormal = 0x20; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAngles = 0x2C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEntity = 0x38; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOtherEntity = 0x3C; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMagnitude = 0x44; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSurfaceProp = 0x4C; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEffectIndex = 0x50; // CWeakHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDamageType = 0x58; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPenetrate = 0x5C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaterial = 0x5E; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitBox = 0x60; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColor = 0x62; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fFlags = 0x63; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachmentIndex = 0x64; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachmentName = 0x68; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEffectName = 0x6C; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExplosionType = 0x6E; // uint8 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SensorGrenadeProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_MolotovGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szDisplayText (string_t) + namespace C_BaseButton { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_glowEntity = 0xCC8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_usable = 0xCCC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szDisplayText = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewModel (CHandle) + namespace CCSPlayer_ViewModelServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hViewModel = 0x40; // CHandle[3] + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoParticleTarget { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallVelocity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInCrouch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCrouchState (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInDuckJump (bool) + namespace CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStepSoundTime = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFallVelocity = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInCrouch = 0x1E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCrouchState = 0x1E4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime = 0x1E8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDucked = 0x1EC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDucking = 0x1ED; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInDuckJump = 0x1EE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_groundNormal = 0x1F0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSurfaceFriction = 0x1FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_surfaceProps = 0x200; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStepside = 0x210; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponAug { + } + // Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOpaque (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoDepth (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderBackface (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseOffScreenIndicator (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExcludeFromSaveGames (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGrabbable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOnlyRenderToTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisableMipGen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplicitImageLayout (int32) + namespace C_PointClientUIWorldPanel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceRecreateNextUpdate = 0xD00; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMoveViewToPlayerNextThink = 0xD01; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCheckCSSClasses = 0xD02; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_anchorDeltaTransform = 0xD10; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOffScreenIndicator = 0xEA8; // CPointOffScreenIndicatorUi* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreInput = 0xED0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLit = 0xED1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport = 0xED2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWidth = 0xED4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeight = 0xED8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDPI = 0xEDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInteractDistance = 0xEE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepthOffset = 0xEE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unOwnerContext = 0xEE8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unHorizontalAlign = 0xEEC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unVerticalAlign = 0xEF0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unOrientation = 0xEF4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds = 0xEF8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCSSClasses = 0xF00; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOpaque = 0xF18; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoDepth = 0xF19; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderBackface = 0xF1A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseOffScreenIndicator = 0xF1B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExcludeFromSaveGames = 0xF1C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGrabbable = 0xF1D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyRenderToTexture = 0xF1E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableMipGen = 0xF1F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExplicitImageLayout = 0xF20; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSMinimapBoundary { + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusTimeLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sDMBonusWeapon (CUtlString) + namespace CCSGameModeRules_Deathmatch { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDMBonusStartTime = 0x30; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDMBonusTimeLength = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sDMBonusWeapon = 0x38; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_EndOfMatchCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SoundOpvarSetAABBEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTotalPausedTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPauseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGamePaused (bool) + namespace C_GameRules { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTotalPausedTicks = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPauseStartTick = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGamePaused = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WorldModelNametag { + } + // Parent: C_BasePropDoor + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_PropDoorRotating { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayerControllers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamname (char) + namespace C_Team { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aPlayerControllers = 0x548; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aPlayers = 0x560; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iScore = 0x578; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTeamname = 0x57C; // char[129] + } + // Parent: C_SoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMax (Vector) + namespace C_SoundAreaEntityOrientedBox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMin = 0x570; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMax = 0x57C; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLoop (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFPS (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPositionKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRotationKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMax (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartFrame (float) + namespace C_TextureBasedAnimatable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0xCC8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFPS = 0xCCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPositionKeys = 0xCD0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hRotationKeys = 0xCD8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAnimationBoundsMin = 0xCE0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAnimationBoundsMax = 0xCEC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0xCF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFrame = 0xCFC; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WorldModelStattrak { + } + // Parent: C_LightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_LightOrthoEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WaterServices + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CCSPlayer_WaterServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWaterJumpTime = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecWaterJumpVel = 0x44; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSwimSoundTime = 0x50; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CSkyboxReference { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldGroupId = 0x548; // WorldGroupId_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSkyCamera = 0x54C; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_TonemapController2 + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_TonemapController2Alias_env_tonemap_controller2 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAlwaysUpdate (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightFOV (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSimpleProjection (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightOnlyTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCameraSpace (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLinearAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flQuadraticAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bVolumetric (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVolumetricIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNoiseStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashlightTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumPlanes (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPlaneOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTransitionTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAmbient (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotlightTextureName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSpotlightTextureFrame (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowQuality (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProjectionSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlipHorizontal (bool) + namespace CProjectedTextureBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetEntity = 0xC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bState = 0x10; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAlwaysUpdate = 0x11; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightFOV = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableShadows = 0x18; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSimpleProjection = 0x19; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightOnlyTarget = 0x1A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightWorld = 0x1B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCameraSpace = 0x1C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessScale = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightColor = 0x24; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIntensity = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearAttenuation = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flQuadraticAttenuation = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVolumetric = 0x34; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVolumetricIntensity = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseStrength = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashlightTime = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumPlanes = 0x44; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlaneOffset = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flColorTransitionTime = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAmbient = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SpotlightTextureName = 0x54; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = 0x254; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowQuality = 0x258; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNearZ = 0x25C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFarZ = 0x260; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flProjectionSize = 0x264; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotation = 0x268; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlipHorizontal = 0x26C; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unMusicID (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rank (MedalRank_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots (ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t) + namespace CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unMusicID = 0x40; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rank = 0x44; // MedalRank_t[6] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel = 0x5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher = 0x64; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly = 0x68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel = 0x6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots = 0x70; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: C_PathParticleRope + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_PathParticleRopeAlias_path_particle_rope_clientside { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_UseServices { + } + // Parent: C_PredictedViewModel + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWeaponParity (uint32) + namespace C_CSGOViewModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy = 0xF68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeaponParity = 0xF6C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldWeaponParity = 0xF70; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastKnownAssociatedWeaponEntIndex = 0xF74; // CEntityIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNeedToQueueHighResComposite = 0xF78; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLoweredWeaponOffset = 0xFC8; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CScriptComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scriptClassName = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + namespace C_EnvLightProbeVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture = 0x1528; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture = 0x1530; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture = 0x1538; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture = 0x1540; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxMins = 0x1548; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxMaxs = 0x1554; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x1560; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x1564; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nPriority = 0x1568; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x156C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX = 0x1570; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY = 0x1574; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ = 0x1578; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX = 0x157C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY = 0x1580; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ = 0x1584; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x1591; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + namespace C_ViewmodelAttachmentModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldFrontFaceCullLeftHanded = 0xED0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_player_controller { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_Flashbang { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBumpMine { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDeaths (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAssists (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEquipmentValue (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMoneySaved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKillReward (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLiveTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHeadShotKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObjective (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashEarned (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iUtilityDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemiesFlashed (int) + namespace CSPerRoundStats_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iKills = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDeaths = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAssists = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDamage = 0x3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEquipmentValue = 0x40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMoneySaved = 0x44; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iKillReward = 0x48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLiveTime = 0x4C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHeadShotKills = 0x50; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iObjective = 0x54; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCashEarned = 0x58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iUtilityDamage = 0x5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemiesFlashed = 0x60; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTimerPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerEndTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowInHUD (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerInitialLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerMaxLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAutoCountdown (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSetupTimeLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInCaptureWatchState (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTotalTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStopWatchTimer (bool) + namespace C_TeamRoundTimer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTimerPaused = 0x548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeRemaining = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimerEndTime = 0x550; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsDisabled = 0x554; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShowInHUD = 0x555; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTimerLength = 0x558; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTimerInitialLength = 0x55C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTimerMaxLength = 0x560; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoCountdown = 0x564; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetupTimeLength = 0x568; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nState = 0x56C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartPaused = 0x570; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInCaptureWatchState = 0x571; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTotalTime = 0x574; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStopWatchTimer = 0x578; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFireFinished = 0x579; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire5MinRemain = 0x57A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire4MinRemain = 0x57B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire3MinRemain = 0x57C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire2MinRemain = 0x57D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire1MinRemain = 0x57E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire30SecRemain = 0x57F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire10SecRemain = 0x580; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire5SecRemain = 0x581; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire4SecRemain = 0x582; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire3SecRemain = 0x583; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire2SecRemain = 0x584; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFire1SecRemain = 0x585; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldTimerLength = 0x588; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldTimerState = 0x58C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nItemDefIndex (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCount (uint16) + namespace WeaponPurchaseCount_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nItemDefIndex = 0x30; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCount = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SmokeGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponGalilAR { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WorldModelGloves { + } + // Parent: C_ModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_EnvProjectedTexture { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CPathSimple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pathString = 0x598; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CPlayer_CameraServices + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOV (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOVStart (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hZoomOwner (CHandle) + namespace CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFOV = 0x210; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFOVStart = 0x214; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFOVTime = 0x218; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFOVRate = 0x21C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hZoomOwner = 0x220; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastShotFOV = 0x224; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_PointClientUIWorldPanel + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CPointOffScreenIndicatorUi { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBeenEnabled = 0xF30; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHide = 0xF31; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSeenTargetTime = 0xF34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTargetPanel = 0xF38; // C_PointClientUIWorldPanel* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_entity { + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_zoomLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBurstShotsRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNeedsBoltAction (bool) + namespace C_CSWeaponBaseGun { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_zoomLevel = 0x1A70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBurstShotsRemaining = 0x1A74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSilencerBodygroup = 0x1A78; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_silencedModelIndex = 0x1A88; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inPrecache = 0x1A8C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNeedsBoltAction = 0x1A8D; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxData (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxSlotToken (CUtlStringToken) + namespace C_SkyCamera { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skyboxData = 0x548; // sky3dparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skyboxSlotToken = 0x5D8; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAngles = 0x5DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNext = 0x5E0; // C_SkyCamera* + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_World { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDissolveType (EntityDisolveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDissolverOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMagnitude (uint32) + namespace C_EntityDissolve { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0xCD0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInStart = 0xCD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInLength = 0xCD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutModelStart = 0xCDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutModelLength = 0xCE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutStart = 0xCE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutLength = 0xCE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextSparkTime = 0xCEC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDissolveType = 0xCF0; // EntityDisolveType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDissolverOrigin = 0xCF4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMagnitude = 0xD00; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCoreExplode = 0xD04; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLinkedToServerEnt = 0xD05; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSObserver_UseServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCtrl (CHandle) + namespace C_fogplayerparams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCtrl = 0x8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTransitionTime = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OldColor = 0x10; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldStart = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldEnd = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldMaxDensity = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldHDRColorScale = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldFarZ = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NewColor = 0x28; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNewStart = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNewEnd = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNewMaxDensity = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNewHDRColorScale = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNewFarZ = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BasePlayerPawn + // Fields count: 65 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pPingServices (CCSPlayer_PingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pViewModelServices (CPlayer_ViewModelServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPlayerState (CSPlayerState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGunGameImmunity (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovUseTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovDamageTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iThrowGrenadeCounter (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iProgressBarDuration (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProgressBarStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashMaxAlpha (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_cycleLatch (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalController (CHandle) + namespace C_CSPlayerPawnBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPingServices = 0x12B0; // CCSPlayer_PingServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pViewModelServices = 0x12B8; // CPlayer_ViewModelServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRenderingClipPlane = 0x12C0; // float32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastClipPlaneSetupFrame = 0x12D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastClipCameraPos = 0x12D4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastClipCameraForward = 0x12E0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClipHitStaticWorld = 0x12EC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCachedPlaneIsValid = 0x12ED; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pClippingWeapon = 0x12F0; // C_CSWeaponBase* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_previousPlayerState = 0x12F8; // CSPlayerState + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPlayerState = 0x12FC; // CSPlayerState + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsRescuing = 0x1300; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime = 0x1304; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTimeLast = 0x1308; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGunGameImmunity = 0x130C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn = 0x130D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMolotovUseTime = 0x1310; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMolotovDamageTime = 0x1314; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iThrowGrenadeCounter = 0x1318; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastSpawnTimeIndex = 0x131C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iProgressBarDuration = 0x1320; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flProgressBarStartTime = 0x1324; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecIntroStartEyePosition = 0x1328; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecIntroStartPlayerForward = 0x1334; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flClientDeathTime = 0x1340; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScreenTearFrameCaptured = 0x1344; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashBangTime = 0x1348; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashScreenshotAlpha = 0x134C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashOverlayAlpha = 0x1350; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlashBuildUp = 0x1354; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlashDspHasBeenCleared = 0x1355; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlashScreenshotHasBeenGrabbed = 0x1356; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashMaxAlpha = 0x1358; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashDuration = 0x135C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHealthBarRenderMaskIndex = 0x1360; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHealthFadeValue = 0x1364; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHealthFadeAlpha = 0x1368; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDeathCCWeight = 0x1378; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevRoundEndTime = 0x137C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevMatchEndTime = 0x1380; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angEyeAngles = 0x1388; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNextThinkPushAway = 0x13A0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldAutobuyDMWeapons = 0x13A4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldAutobuyNow = 0x13A5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iIDEntIndex = 0x13A8; // CEntityIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_delayTargetIDTimer = 0x13B0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTargetItemEntIdx = 0x13C8; // CEntityIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iOldIDEntIndex = 0x13CC; // CEntityIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_holdTargetIDTimer = 0x13D0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentMusicStartTime = 0x13EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMusicRoundStartTime = 0x13F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDeferStartMusicOnWarmup = 0x13F4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_cycleLatch = 0x13F8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_serverIntendedCycle = 0x13FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastSmokeOverlayAlpha = 0x1400; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastSmokeAge = 0x1404; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLastSmokeOverlayColor = 0x1408; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerSmokedFx = 0x1414; // ParticleIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerInfernoBodyFx = 0x1418; // ParticleIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerInfernoFootFx = 0x141C; // ParticleIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextMagDropTime = 0x1420; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastMagDropAttachmentIndex = 0x1424; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastAliveLocalVelocity = 0x1428; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGuardianShouldSprayCustomXMark = 0x1450; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOriginalController = 0x1458; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_WeaponBaseItem + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_Item_Healthshot { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 29 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iWindSeed (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_windRadius (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGustDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGustDirChange (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_location (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInitialWindDir (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialWindSpeed (float32) + namespace C_EnvWindShared { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iWindSeed = 0xC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMinWind = 0x10; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxWind = 0x12; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_windRadius = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMinGust = 0x18; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxGust = 0x1A; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinGustDelay = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxGustDelay = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGustDuration = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iGustDirChange = 0x28; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_location = 0x2C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszGustSound = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iWindDir = 0x3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindSpeed = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_currentWindVector = 0x44; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CurrentSwayVector = 0x50; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PrevSwayVector = 0x5C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInitialWindDir = 0x68; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialWindSpeed = 0x6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVariationTime = 0x70; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSwayTime = 0x74; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSimTime = 0x78; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSwitchTime = 0x7C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAveWindSpeed = 0x80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGusting = 0x84; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindAngleVariation = 0x88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindSpeedVariation = 0x8C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEntIndex = 0x90; // CEntityIndex + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPostSettings (HPostProcessingStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureCompensation (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExposureControl (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + namespace C_PostProcessingVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPostSettings = 0xCE0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeDuration = 0xCE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinLogExposure = 0xCEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLogExposure = 0xCF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinExposure = 0xCF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxExposure = 0xCF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureCompensation = 0xCFC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp = 0xD00; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown = 0xD04; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange = 0xD08; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMaster = 0xD0C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExposureControl = 0xD0D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRate = 0xD10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapPercentTarget = 0xD14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels = 0xD18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapMinAvgLum = 0xD1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPing (CHandle) + namespace CCSPlayer_PingServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerPing = 0x40; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_FlashlightServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CServerOnlyModelEntity { + } + // Parent: CAttributeManager + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_Item (CEconItemView) + namespace C_AttributeContainer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Item = 0x50; // C_EconItemView + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iExternalItemProviderRegisteredToken = 0x498; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ullRegisteredAsItemID = 0x4A0; // uint64 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + namespace C_FuncRotating { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlags (uint32) + namespace C_BaseFire { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartScale = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleTime = 0x550; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x554; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTickBase (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKnownTeamMismatch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iConnected (PlayerConnectedState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszPlayerName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_steamID (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredFOV (uint32) + // MNetworkReplayCompatField + namespace CBasePlayerController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFinalPredictedTick = 0x550; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CommandContext = 0x558; // C_CommandContext + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x600; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTickBase = 0x608; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPawn = 0x60C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bKnownTeamMismatch = 0x610; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPredictedPawn = 0x614; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x618; // CSplitScreenSlot + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSplitOwner = 0x61C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x620; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHLTV = 0x638; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iConnected = 0x63C; // PlayerConnectedState + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPlayerName = 0x640; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_steamID = 0x6C8; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsLocalPlayerController = 0x6D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDesiredFOV = 0x6D4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CPointTemplateAPI { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDecoyShotTick (int) + namespace C_DecoyProjectile { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDecoyShotTick = 0x1150; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nClientLastKnownDecoyShotTick = 0x1154; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeParticleEffectSpawn = 0x1178; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WaterBullet { + } + // Parent: C_CSPlayerPawn + // Fields count: 3 + namespace C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animgraph = 0x23C8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animgraphCharacterModeString = 0x23D0; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialModelScale = 0x23D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSkeletonAnimationController + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animGraphNetworkedVars (CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqFixedCycle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimLoopMode (AnimLoopMode_t) + namespace CBaseAnimGraphController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animGraphNetworkedVars = 0x18; // CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSequenceFinished = 0x14A8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSoundSyncTime = 0x14AC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nActiveIKChainMask = 0x14B0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x14B4; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSeqStartTime = 0x14B8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSeqFixedCycle = 0x14BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAnimLoopMode = 0x14C0; // AnimLoopMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlaybackRate = 0x14C4; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNotifyState = 0x14D0; // SequenceFinishNotifyState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkedAnimationInputsChanged = 0x14D2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkedSequenceChanged = 0x14D3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLastUpdateSkipped = 0x14D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevAnimUpdateTime = 0x14D8; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartedArming (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fArmedTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlacedAnimation (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlantingViaUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + namespace C_C4 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szScreenText = 0x1A70; // char[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_activeLightParticleIndex = 0x1A90; // ParticleIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eActiveLightEffect = 0x1A94; // C4LightEffect_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartedArming = 0x1A98; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fArmedTime = 0x1A9C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombPlacedAnimation = 0x1AA0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlantingViaUse = 0x1AA1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entitySpottedState = 0x1AA8; // EntitySpottedState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpotRules = 0x1AC0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayedArmingBeeps = 0x1AC4; // bool[7] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombPlanted = 0x1ACB; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceBone (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pRagdollPose (PhysicsRagdollPose_t*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollClientSide (bool) + namespace CBaseAnimGraph { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory = 0xD40; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSuppressAnimEventSounds = 0xD42; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled = 0xD50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSlopeDistance = 0xD54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLastSlopeCheckPos = 0xD58; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimationUpdateScheduled = 0xD64; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecForce = 0xD68; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceBone = 0xD74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pClientsideRagdoll = 0xD78; // CBaseAnimGraph* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBuiltRagdoll = 0xD80; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pRagdollPose = 0xD98; // PhysicsRagdollPose_t* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRagdollClientSide = 0xDA0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasAnimatedMaterialAttributes = 0xDB0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_Melee { + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBreachChargeProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_PointEntity { + } + // Parent: C_GameRules + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_MultiplayRules { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CBasePlayerControllerAPI { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flParticleSpacing (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Position (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentIn (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentOut (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Color (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_PinEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_RadiusScale (float) + namespace C_PathParticleRope { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartActive = 0x548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSimulationTime = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEffectName = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_Name = 0x558; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flParticleSpacing = 0x570; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSlack = 0x574; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x578; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorTint = 0x57C; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEffectState = 0x580; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEffectIndex = 0x588; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_Position = 0x590; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_TangentIn = 0x5A8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_TangentOut = 0x5C0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_Color = 0x5D8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_PinEnabled = 0x5F0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_RadiusScale = 0x608; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_CCSWeaponBaseVData { + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + namespace C_SoundEventAABBEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMins = 0x548; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxs = 0x554; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponP90 { + } + // Parent: C_EconEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip1 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip2 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pReserveAmmo (int) + namespace C_BasePlayerWeapon { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick = 0x15B0; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio = 0x15B4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick = 0x15B8; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio = 0x15BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iClip1 = 0x15C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iClip2 = 0x15C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pReserveAmmo = 0x15C8; // int32[2] + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBasePlayerWeaponVData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szWorldModel = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBuiltRightHanded = 0x108; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowFlipping = 0x109; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sMuzzleAttachment = 0x110; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMuzzleFlashParticle = 0x118; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFlags = 0x1F8; // ItemFlagTypes_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrimaryAmmoType = 0x1F9; // AmmoIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSecondaryAmmoType = 0x1FA; // AmmoIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxClip1 = 0x1FC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxClip2 = 0x200; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDefaultClip1 = 0x204; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDefaultClip2 = 0x208; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iWeight = 0x20C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoSwitchTo = 0x210; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoSwitchFrom = 0x211; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRumbleEffect = 0x214; // RumbleEffect_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLinkedCooldowns = 0x218; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aShootSounds = 0x220; // CUtlOrderedMap + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSlot = 0x248; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPosition = 0x24C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_poolOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_waterLevel (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_x (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_y (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_z (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angle (float32) + namespace C_Fish { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pos = 0xED0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vel = 0xEDC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angles = 0xEE8; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localLifeState = 0xEF4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_deathDepth = 0xEF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_deathAngle = 0xEFC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_buoyancy = 0xF00; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wiggleTimer = 0xF08; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wigglePhase = 0xF20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wiggleRate = 0xF24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_actualPos = 0xF28; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_actualAngles = 0xF34; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poolOrigin = 0xF40; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_waterLevel = 0xF4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_gotUpdate = 0xF50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_x = 0xF54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_y = 0xF58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_z = 0xF5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angle = 0xF60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_errorHistory = 0xF64; // float32[20] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_errorHistoryIndex = 0xFB4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_errorHistoryCount = 0xFB8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_averageError = 0xFBC; // float32 + } + // Parent: IntervalTimer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValues (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nValueCounts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBucketCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInterval (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFinalValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCompressionType (TimelineCompression_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStopped (bool) + namespace CTimeline { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValues = 0x10; // float32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nValueCounts = 0x110; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBucketCount = 0x210; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterval = 0x214; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFinalValue = 0x218; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCompressionType = 0x21C; // TimelineCompression_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStopped = 0x220; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponAWP { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWeaponServices (CPlayer_WeaponServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pItemServices (CPlayer_ItemServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pAutoaimServices (CPlayer_AutoaimServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pObserverServices (CPlayer_ObserverServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWaterServices (CPlayer_WaterServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pUseServices (CPlayer_UseServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pFlashlightServices (CPlayer_FlashlightServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pCameraServices (CPlayer_CameraServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pMovementServices (CPlayer_MovementServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ServerViewAngleChanges (ViewAngleServerChange_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHideHUD (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skybox3d (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDeathTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hController (CHandle) + namespace C_BasePlayerPawn { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pWeaponServices = 0x10F8; // CPlayer_WeaponServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pItemServices = 0x1100; // CPlayer_ItemServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pAutoaimServices = 0x1108; // CPlayer_AutoaimServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pObserverServices = 0x1110; // CPlayer_ObserverServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pWaterServices = 0x1118; // CPlayer_WaterServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pUseServices = 0x1120; // CPlayer_UseServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pFlashlightServices = 0x1128; // CPlayer_FlashlightServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pCameraServices = 0x1130; // CPlayer_CameraServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pMovementServices = 0x1138; // CPlayer_MovementServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ServerViewAngleChanges = 0x1148; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHighestConsumedServerViewAngleChangeIndex = 0x1198; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t v_angle = 0x119C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t v_anglePrevious = 0x11A8; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHideHUD = 0x11B4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skybox3d = 0x11B8; // sky3dparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDeathTime = 0x1248; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPredictionError = 0x124C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPredictionErrorTime = 0x1258; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastCameraSetupLocalOrigin = 0x125C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastCameraSetupTime = 0x1268; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFOVSensitivityAdjust = 0x126C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMouseSensitivity = 0x1270; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOldOrigin = 0x1274; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldSimulationTime = 0x1280; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastExecutedCommandNumber = 0x1284; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastExecutedCommandTick = 0x1288; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hController = 0x128C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsSwappingToPredictableController = 0x1290; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iReapplyProvisionParity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOuter (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ProviderType (attributeprovidertypes_t) + namespace CAttributeManager { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Providers = 0x8; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iReapplyProvisionParity = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOuter = 0x24; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreventLoopback = 0x28; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ProviderType = 0x2C; // attributeprovidertypes_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CachedResults = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CLogicalEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeedOffset (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastTeleportTime (float) + namespace CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetBoolVariables = 0x8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetByteVariables = 0x20; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetUInt16Variables = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetIntVariables = 0x50; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetUInt32Variables = 0x68; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetUInt64Variables = 0x80; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetFloatVariables = 0x98; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetVectorVariables = 0xB0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetQuaternionVariables = 0xC8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables = 0xE0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables = 0xF8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables = 0x110; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables = 0x128; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables = 0x140; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables = 0x158; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables = 0x170; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables = 0x188; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables = 0x1A0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables = 0x1B8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables = 0x1D0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoolVariablesCount = 0x1E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount = 0x1EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeedOffset = 0x1F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastTeleportTime = 0x1F4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFluidDensity (float) + namespace C_TriggerBuoyancy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BuoyancyHelper = 0xCD0; // CBuoyancyHelper + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFluidDensity = 0xCF0; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 41 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScrollSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeFlags (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSegments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hStartPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEndPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEndAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Subdiv (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeLength (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Slack (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TextureScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLockedPoints (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nChangeCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Width (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints (bool) + namespace C_RopeKeyframe { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LinksTouchingSomething = 0xCD0; // CBitVec<10> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLinksTouchingSomething = 0xCD4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyWind = 0xCD8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fPrevLockedPoints = 0xCDC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iForcePointMoveCounter = 0xCE0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPrevEndPointPos = 0xCE4; // bool[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrevEndPointPos = 0xCE8; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurScroll = 0xD00; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScrollSpeed = 0xD04; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RopeFlags = 0xD08; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex = 0xD10; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightValues = 0xF88; // Vector[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSegments = 0x1000; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hStartPoint = 0x1004; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEndPoint = 0x1008; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iStartAttachment = 0x100C; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEndAttachment = 0x100D; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Subdiv = 0x100E; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RopeLength = 0x1010; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Slack = 0x1012; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TextureScale = 0x1014; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLockedPoints = 0x1018; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChangeCount = 0x1019; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Width = 0x101C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PhysicsDelegate = 0x1020; // C_RopeKeyframe::CPhysicsDelegate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMaterial = 0x1030; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TextureHeight = 0x1038; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecImpulse = 0x103C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPreviousImpulse = 0x1048; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentGustTimer = 0x1054; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentGustLifetime = 0x1058; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeToNextGust = 0x105C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vWindDir = 0x1060; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vColorMod = 0x106C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCachedEndPointAttachmentPos = 0x1078; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCachedEndPointAttachmentAngle = 0x1090; // QAngle[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints = 0x10A8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEndPointAttachmentPositionsDirty = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEndPointAttachmentAnglesDirty = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNewDataThisFrame = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPhysicsInitted = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGradientFogTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogVerticalExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + namespace C_GradientFog { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hGradientFogTexture = 0x548; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogStartDistance = 0x550; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogEndDistance = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHeightFogEnabled = 0x558; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogStartHeight = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogEndHeight = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFarZ = 0x564; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxOpacity = 0x568; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogFalloffExponent = 0x56C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogVerticalExponent = 0x570; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fogColor = 0x574; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogStrength = 0x578; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeTime = 0x57C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x580; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsEnabled = 0x581; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGradientFogNeedsTextures = 0x582; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpotted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpottedByMask (uint32) + namespace EntitySpottedState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpotted = 0x8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpottedByMask = 0xC; // uint32[2] + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPath + // Fields count: 7 + namespace C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVariant = 0x5B0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDofEnabled = 0x5B4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofNearBlurry = 0x5B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofNearCrisp = 0x5BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofFarCrisp = 0x5C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofFarBlurry = 0x5C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofTiltToGround = 0x5C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CCSPlayer_CameraServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDeathCamTilt = 0x228; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_TeamSelectCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_EconEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace C_EconWearable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceSkin = 0x15B0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAlwaysAllow = 0x15B4; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CSPerRoundStats_t + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy5Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy4Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy3Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyKnifeKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyTaserKills (int) + namespace CSMatchStats_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemy5Ks = 0x68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemy4Ks = 0x6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemy3Ks = 0x70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemyKnifeKills = 0x74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemyTaserKills = 0x78; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_BaseToggle { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFalloffShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeightFogDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fIndirectLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSunLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideSunLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideNoiseStrength (bool) + namespace C_EnvVolumetricFogVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMins = 0x54C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMaxs = 0x558; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x564; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStrength = 0x568; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFalloffShape = 0x56C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFalloffExponent = 0x570; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeightFogDepth = 0x574; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth = 0x578; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fIndirectLightStrength = 0x57C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSunLightStrength = 0x580; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNoiseStrength = 0x584; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength = 0x588; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideSunLightStrength = 0x589; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideNoiseStrength = 0x58A; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWaterSplasher { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_ModelPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSObserver_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFire + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameModelIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex (int32) + namespace C_FireSmoke { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlameModelIndex = 0x558; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex = 0x55C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleRegister = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleStart = 0x564; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleEnd = 0x568; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleTimeStart = 0x56C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleTimeEnd = 0x570; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flChildFlameSpread = 0x574; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flClipPerc = 0x588; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClipTested = 0x58C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFadingOut = 0x58D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tParticleSpawn = 0x590; // TimedEvent + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pFireOverlay = 0x598; // CFireOverlay* + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponRevolver { + } + // Parent: C_Sprite + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_FireFromAboveSprite { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + namespace C_EnvCombinedLightProbeVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_Color = 0x15A8; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_flBrightness = 0x15AC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hCubemapTexture = 0x15B0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture = 0x15B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture = 0x15C0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture = 0x15C8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture = 0x15D0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture = 0x15D8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxMins = 0x15E0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxMaxs = 0x15EC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x15F8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x15FC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex = 0x1600; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nPriority = 0x1604; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x1608; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist = 0x160C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists = 0x1610; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX = 0x161C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY = 0x1620; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ = 0x1624; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX = 0x1628; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY = 0x162C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ = 0x1630; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x1649; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SoundOpvarSetOBBWindEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (ModelConfigHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Name (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntityNames (string_t) + namespace ActiveModelConfig_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Handle = 0x28; // ModelConfigHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AssociatedEntities = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AssociatedEntityNames = 0x50; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponMP5SD { + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_DynamicPropAlias_dynamic_prop { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalHitsOnServer (int32) + namespace CCSPlayer_BulletServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_totalHitsOnServer = 0x40; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CLogicRelay { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTrigger = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnSpawn = 0x570; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x598; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWaitForRefire = 0x599; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTriggerOnce = 0x59A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFastRetrigger = 0x59B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPassthoughCaller = 0x59C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_PointCamera + // Fields count: 1 + namespace C_PointCameraVFOV { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVerticalFOV = 0x5A8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ItemServices + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeavyArmor (bool) + namespace CCSPlayer_ItemServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasDefuser = 0x40; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasHelmet = 0x41; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasHeavyArmor = 0x42; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 51 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColorMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTemperature (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLuminaireShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleString (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_QueuedLightStyleStrings (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleEvents (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleTargets (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShape (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirt (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirtNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSizeParams (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vShear (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowMapSize (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bContactShadow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounceLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBounceScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAlternateColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAlternateColorBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFog (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + namespace C_BarnLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0xCC8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorMode = 0xCCC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0xCD0; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flColorTemperature = 0xCD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightness = 0xCD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessScale = 0xCDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDirectLight = 0xCE0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBakedShadowIndex = 0xCE4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLuminaireShape = 0xCE8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLuminaireSize = 0xCEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLuminaireAnisotropy = 0xCF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightStyleString = 0xCF8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightStyleStartTime = 0xD00; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_QueuedLightStyleStrings = 0xD08; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightStyleEvents = 0xD20; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightStyleTargets = 0xD38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_StyleEvent = 0xD50; // CEntityIOOutput[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLightCookie = 0xDF0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShape = 0xDF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSoftX = 0xDFC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSoftY = 0xE00; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSkirt = 0xE04; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSkirtNear = 0xE08; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSizeParams = 0xE0C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0xE18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vShear = 0xE1C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps = 0xE28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize = 0xE2C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCastShadows = 0xE38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowMapSize = 0xE3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowPriority = 0xE40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bContactShadow = 0xE44; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBounceLight = 0xE48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBounceScale = 0xE4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinRoughness = 0xE50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAlternateColor = 0xE54; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAlternateColorBrightness = 0xE60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFog = 0xE64; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogStrength = 0xE68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFogShadows = 0xE6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogScale = 0xE70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeSizeStart = 0xE74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeSizeEnd = 0xE78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowFadeSizeStart = 0xE7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd = 0xE80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid = 0xE84; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins = 0xE88; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs = 0xE94; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin = 0xEA0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles = 0xEAC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent = 0xEB8; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMin (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMax (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + namespace C_TonemapController2 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAutoExposureMin = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAutoExposureMax = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapPercentTarget = 0x550; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapMinAvgLum = 0x558; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange = 0x564; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponG3SG1 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFuncWater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BuoyancyHelper = 0xCC8; // CBuoyancyHelper + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SoundOpvarSetAutoRoomEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackPaintKit (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallbackWear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackStatTrak (int) + namespace C_EconEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlexDelayTime = 0x1078; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlexDelayedWeight = 0x1080; // float32* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAttributesInitialized = 0x1088; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttributeManager = 0x1090; // C_AttributeContainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow = 0x1538; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh = 0x153C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallbackPaintKit = 0x1540; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallbackSeed = 0x1544; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFallbackWear = 0x1548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallbackStatTrak = 0x154C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientside = 0x1550; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bParticleSystemsCreated = 0x1551; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAttachedParticles = 0x1558; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hViewmodelAttachment = 0x1570; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iOldTeam = 0x1574; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAttachmentDirty = 0x1578; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUnloadedModelIndex = 0x157C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumOwnerValidationRetries = 0x1580; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOldProvidee = 0x1590; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAttachedModels = 0x1598; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponSG556 { + } + // Parent: C_BarnLight + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + namespace C_RectLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShowLight = 0xF10; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_szSnapshotFileName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFreezeTransitionDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStopType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPreSimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vServerControlPoints (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iServerControlPointAssignments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPointEnts (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSave (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoFreeze (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoRamp (bool) + namespace C_ParticleSystem { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szSnapshotFileName = 0xCC8; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0xEC8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFrozen = 0xEC9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFreezeTransitionDuration = 0xECC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStopType = 0xED0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause = 0xED4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEffectIndex = 0xED8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0xEE0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreSimTime = 0xEE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vServerControlPoints = 0xEE8; // Vector[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iServerControlPointAssignments = 0xF18; // uint8[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hControlPointEnts = 0xF1C; // CHandle[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoSave = 0x101C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoFreeze = 0x101D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoRamp = 0x101E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartActive = 0x101F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEffectName = 0x1020; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszControlPointNames = 0x1028; // CUtlSymbolLarge[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDataCP = 0x1228; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDataCPValue = 0x122C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTintCP = 0x1238; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clrTint = 0x123C; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOldActive = 0x1260; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOldFrozen = 0x1261; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_TeamPreviewModel { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponGlock { + } + // Parent: C_GameRulesProxy + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameRules (C_CSGameRules*) + namespace C_CSGameRulesProxy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pGameRules = 0x548; // C_CSGameRules* + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObserverMode (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverTarget (CHandle) + namespace CPlayer_ObserverServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iObserverMode = 0x40; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hObserverTarget = 0x44; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iObserverLastMode = 0x48; // ObserverMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForcedObserverMode = 0x4C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flObserverChaseDistance = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flObserverChaseDistanceCalcTime = 0x54; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponZoneRepulsor { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_WaterServices { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEnd { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + namespace SequenceHistory_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x0; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSeqStartTime = 0x4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSeqFixedCycle = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSeqLoopMode = 0xC; // AnimLoopMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlaybackRate = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCyclesPerSecond = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + namespace C_Multimeter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetC4 = 0xED8; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace C_CsmFovOverride { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_cameraName = 0x548; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCsmFovOverrideValue = 0x550; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hDecalMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderOrder (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnCharacters (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWater (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthSortBias (float) + namespace C_EnvDecal { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDecalMaterial = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWidth = 0xCD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeight = 0xCD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepth = 0xCD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderOrder = 0xCDC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProjectOnWorld = 0xCE0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProjectOnCharacters = 0xCE1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProjectOnWater = 0xCE2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepthSortBias = 0xCE4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGameModeRules_Noop { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCurWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_netlookupFilename (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSide (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExclusive (bool) + namespace C_ColorCorrection { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOrigin = 0x548; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MinFalloff = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaxFalloff = 0x558; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInDuration = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutDuration = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxWeight = 0x564; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurWeight = 0x568; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_netlookupFilename = 0x56C; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x76C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMaster = 0x76D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientSide = 0x76E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExclusive = 0x76F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabledOnClient = 0x770; // bool[1] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurWeightOnClient = 0x774; // float32[1] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFadingIn = 0x778; // bool[1] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeStartWeight = 0x77C; // float32[1] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeStartTime = 0x780; // float32[1] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeDuration = 0x784; // float32[1] + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CHostageRescueZoneShim { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hModel (HModelStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MeshGroupMask (MeshGroupMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIdealMotionType (int8) + namespace CModelState { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hModel = 0xA0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ModelName = 0xA8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed = 0xE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MeshGroupMask = 0x198; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIdealMotionType = 0x21A; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceLOD = 0x21B; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nClothUpdateFlags = 0x21C; // int8 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponP250 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace C_EconEntity__AttachedModelData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iModelDisplayFlags = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Attributes (CEconItemAttribute) + namespace CAttributeList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Attributes = 0x8; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pManager = 0x58; // CAttributeManager* + } + // Parent: C_MultiplayRules + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_TeamplayRules { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_CounterTerroristWingmanIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponNOVA { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_HEGrenadeProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsUsable (bool) + namespace C_BaseDoor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsUsable = 0xCC8; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CGrenadeTracer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTracerDuration = 0xCE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0xCEC; // GrenadeType_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlantedHere (bool) + namespace CBombTarget { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombPlantedHere = 0xCD0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActivator (EHANDLE) + namespace C_PointClientUIDialog { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActivator = 0xCF8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartEnabled = 0xCFC; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_WeaponSequence (CUtlString) + namespace CCSGameModeRules_ArmsRace { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WeaponSequence = 0x30; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerDamagerName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerRecipientName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamagerXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RecipientXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActualHealthRemoved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumHits (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLastBulletUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsOtherEnemy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_killType (EKillTypes_t) + namespace CDamageRecord { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayerDamager = 0x28; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayerRecipient = 0x2C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerControllerDamager = 0x30; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerControllerRecipient = 0x34; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szPlayerDamagerName = 0x38; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szPlayerRecipientName = 0x40; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DamagerXuid = 0x48; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RecipientXuid = 0x50; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDamage = 0x58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iActualHealthRemoved = 0x5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumHits = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLastBulletUpdate = 0x64; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsOtherEnemy = 0x68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_killType = 0x69; // EKillTypes_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_InfoLadderDismount { + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSendUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamageList (CDamageRecord) + namespace CCSPlayerController_DamageServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSendUpdate = 0x40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DamageList = 0x48; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CRenderComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x10; // CNetworkVarChainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsRenderingWithViewModels = 0x50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSplitscreenFlags = 0x54; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableRendering = 0x60; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInterpolationReadyToDraw = 0xB0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + namespace C_SoundEventOBBEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMins = 0x548; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxs = 0x554; // Vector + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 66 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SecondaryColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloff (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTheta (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPhi (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascades (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowWidth (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowHeight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderDiffuse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderSpecular (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderTransmissive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStyle (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Pattern (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUsesBakedShadowing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlicker (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrecomputedMaxRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogLightingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogContributionStength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearClipPlane (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkyIntensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyAmbientBounce (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseSecondaryColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMixedShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + namespace CLightComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x38; // CNetworkVarChainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x75; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SecondaryColor = 0x79; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightness = 0x80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessScale = 0x84; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessMult = 0x88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0x8C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFalloff = 0x90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttenuation0 = 0x94; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttenuation1 = 0x98; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttenuation2 = 0x9C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTheta = 0xA0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPhi = 0xA4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLightCookie = 0xA8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCascades = 0xB0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCastShadows = 0xB4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowWidth = 0xB8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowHeight = 0xBC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderDiffuse = 0xC0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderSpecular = 0xC4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderTransmissive = 0xC8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOrthoLightWidth = 0xCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOrthoLightHeight = 0xD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStyle = 0xD4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Pattern = 0xD8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects = 0xE0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade = 0xE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade = 0xE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 = 0xEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 = 0xF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 = 0xF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 = 0xF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 = 0xFC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 = 0x100; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 = 0x104; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 = 0x108; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUsesBakedShadowing = 0x10C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowPriority = 0x110; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBakedShadowIndex = 0x114; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderToCubemaps = 0x118; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDirectLight = 0x11C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndirectLight = 0x120; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeMinDist = 0x124; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeMaxDist = 0x128; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowFadeMinDist = 0x12C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowFadeMaxDist = 0x130; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x134; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlicker = 0x135; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid = 0x136; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins = 0x138; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs = 0x144; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin = 0x150; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles = 0x15C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent = 0x168; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrecomputedMaxRange = 0x174; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFogLightingMode = 0x178; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogContributionStength = 0x17C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNearClipPlane = 0x180; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SkyColor = 0x184; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSkyIntensity = 0x188; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SkyAmbientBounce = 0x18C; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseSecondaryColor = 0x190; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMixedShadows = 0x191; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightStyleStartTime = 0x194; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCapsuleLength = 0x198; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinRoughness = 0x19C; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_CounterTerroristTeamIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEntityComponent { + } + // Parent: IEconItemInterface + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemDefinitionIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityQuality (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityLevel (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInventoryPosition (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitialized (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeList (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCustomName (char) + namespace C_EconItemView { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInventoryImageRgbaRequested = 0x60; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInventoryImageTriedCache = 0x61; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInventoryImageRgbaWidth = 0x80; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInventoryImageRgbaHeight = 0x84; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCurrentLoadCachedFileName = 0x88; // char[260] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRestoreCustomMaterialAfterPrecache = 0x1B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iItemDefinitionIndex = 0x1BA; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEntityQuality = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEntityLevel = 0x1C0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iItemID = 0x1C8; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iItemIDHigh = 0x1D0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iItemIDLow = 0x1D4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAccountID = 0x1D8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInventoryPosition = 0x1DC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInitialized = 0x1E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisallowSOC = 0x1E9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsStoreItem = 0x1EA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsTradeItem = 0x1EB; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEntityQuantity = 0x1EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRarityOverride = 0x1F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iQualityOverride = 0x1F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unClientFlags = 0x1F8; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unOverrideStyle = 0x1F9; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttributeList = 0x210; // CAttributeList + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes = 0x270; // CAttributeList + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCustomName = 0x2D0; // char[161] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCustomNameOverride = 0x371; // char[161] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInitializedTags = 0x440; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSendHandle (bool) + namespace C_HandleTest { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Handle = 0x548; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSendHandle = 0x54C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared) + namespace C_EnvWindClientside { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EnvWindShared = 0x548; // C_EnvWindShared + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponMAC10 { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisplayHealth (float) + namespace C_WeaponShield { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDisplayHealth = 0x1A90; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_PointClientUIWorldPanel + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + namespace C_PointClientUIWorldTextPanel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_messageText = 0xF30; // char[512] + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSPlayer_UseServices { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nToggleButtonDownMask (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxspeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen (float32) + namespace CPlayer_MovementServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nImpulse = 0x40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nButtons = 0x48; // CInButtonState + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQueuedButtonDownMask = 0x68; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQueuedButtonChangeMask = 0x70; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nButtonDoublePressed = 0x78; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pButtonPressedCmdNumber = 0x80; // uint32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastCommandNumberProcessed = 0x180; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nToggleButtonDownMask = 0x188; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxspeed = 0x198; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen = 0x19C; // float32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForwardMove = 0x1AC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLeftMove = 0x1B0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUpMove = 0x1B4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastMovementImpulses = 0x1B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOldViewAngles = 0x1C4; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBasePlayerVData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sModelName = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeadDamageMultiplier = 0x108; // CSkillFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flChestDamageMultiplier = 0x118; // CSkillFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStomachDamageMultiplier = 0x128; // CSkillFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flArmDamageMultiplier = 0x138; // CSkillFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLegDamageMultiplier = 0x148; // CSkillFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHoldBreathTime = 0x158; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDrowningDamageInterval = 0x15C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDrowningDamageInitial = 0x160; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDrowningDamageMax = 0x164; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWaterSpeed = 0x168; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUseRange = 0x16C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUseAngleTolerance = 0x170; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCrouchTime = 0x174; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTotalCashSpent (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashSpentThisRound (int) + namespace CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAccount = 0x40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iStartAccount = 0x44; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTotalCashSpent = 0x48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCashSpentThisRound = 0x4C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace C_EnvWindShared__WindVariationEvent_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindAngleVariation = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindSpeedVariation = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponUSPSilencer { + } + // Parent: C_Sprite + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CSpriteOriented { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupStart { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponFamas { + } + // Parent: C_ParticleSystem + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadiusScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSelfIllumScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTextureOverride (HRenderTextureStrong) + namespace C_EnvParticleGlow { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScale = 0x1278; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x127C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSelfIllumScale = 0x1280; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorTint = 0x1284; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTextureOverride = 0x1288; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SoundEventEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewModel + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_PreviewModelAlias_csgo_item_previewmodel { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSSEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrOverlay (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bmaxColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHazeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHaze (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHdr (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZScale (float32) + namespace C_Sun { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fxSSSunFlareEffectIndex = 0xCC8; // ParticleIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fxSunFlareEffectIndex = 0xCCC; // ParticleIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fdistNormalize = 0xCD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSunPos = 0xCD4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDirection = 0xCE0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEffectName = 0xCF0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSSEffectName = 0xCF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clrOverlay = 0xD00; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOn = 0xD04; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bmaxColor = 0xD05; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSize = 0xD08; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHazeScale = 0xD0C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotation = 0xD10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHDRColorScale = 0xD14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaHaze = 0xD18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScale = 0xD1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaHdr = 0xD20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFarZScale = 0xD24; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint { + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_perRoundStats (CSPerRoundStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_matchStats (CSMatchStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt (uint32) + namespace CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_perRoundStats = 0x40; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matchStats = 0x90; // CSMatchStats_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumRoundKills = 0x110; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots = 0x114; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt = 0x118; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bvDisabledHitGroups (uint32) + namespace CHitboxComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bvDisabledHitGroups = 0x24; // uint32[1] + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxWeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FadeDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Weight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lookupFilename (char) + namespace C_ColorCorrectionVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastEnterWeight = 0xCD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastEnterTime = 0xCD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastExitWeight = 0xCD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastExitTime = 0xCDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0xCE0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaxWeight = 0xCE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FadeDuration = 0xCE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Weight = 0xCEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookupFilename = 0xCF0; // char[512] + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_PrecipitationBlocker { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 6 + namespace C_BulletHitModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matLocal = 0xED0; // matrix3x4_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBoneIndex = 0xF00; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerParent = 0xF04; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHit = 0xF08; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeCreated = 0xF0C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStartPos = 0xF10; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDraftType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWinningCoinToss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWithFirstChoice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteMapIdsList (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAccountIDs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId4 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId5 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStartingSide0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCurrentPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseDurationTicks (int) + namespace C_MapVetoPickController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDraftType = 0x558; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTeamWinningCoinToss = 0x55C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTeamWithFirstChoice = 0x560; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVoteMapIdsList = 0x660; // int32[7] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAccountIDs = 0x67C; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId0 = 0x77C; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId1 = 0x87C; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId2 = 0x97C; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId3 = 0xA7C; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId4 = 0xB7C; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId5 = 0xC7C; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartingSide0 = 0xD7C; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCurrentPhase = 0xE7C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPhaseStartTick = 0xE80; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPhaseDurationTicks = 0xE84; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPostDataUpdateTick = 0xE88; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabledHud = 0xE8C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton + namespace CSharedGapTypeQueryRegistration { + } + // Parent: C_BarnLight + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInnerAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOuterAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + namespace C_OmniLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInnerAngle = 0xF10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOuterAngle = 0xF14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShowLight = 0xF18; // bool + } + // Parent: C_Inferno + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_FireCrackerBlast { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponMP9 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchases (WeaponPurchaseCount_t) + namespace WeaponPurchaseTracker_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weaponPurchases = 0x8; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBlockersPresent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundInProgress (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFirstSecondHalfRound (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBombSite (int) + namespace C_RetakeGameRules { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMatchSeed = 0xF8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBlockersPresent = 0xFC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRoundInProgress = 0xFD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFirstSecondHalfRound = 0x100; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBombSite = 0x104; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + namespace EngineCountdownTimer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_duration = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timestamp = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timescale = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSPlayer_GlowServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + namespace C_BaseFlex__Emphasized_Phoneme { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sClassName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAmount = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRequired = 0x1C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBasechecked = 0x1D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bValid = 0x1E; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + namespace IntervalTimer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timestamp = 0x8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWorldGroupId = 0xC; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponSSG08 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderDir (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoRideSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFakeLadder (bool) + namespace C_FuncLadder { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLadderDir = 0xCC8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Dismounts = 0xCD8; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLocalTop = 0xCF0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop = 0xCFC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom = 0xD08; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAutoRideSpeed = 0xD14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0xD18; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFakeLadder = 0xD19; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasSlack = 0xD1A; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetAABBEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SoundOpvarSetOBBEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWeapons (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActiveWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLastWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAmmo (uint16) + namespace CPlayer_WeaponServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMyWeapons = 0x40; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActiveWeapon = 0x58; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLastWeapon = 0x5C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAmmo = 0x60; // uint16[32] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CAttributeManager__cached_attribute_float_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flIn = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t iAttribHook = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flOut = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DmgRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDetonateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDamage (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hThrower (CHandle) + namespace C_BaseGrenade { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasWarnedAI = 0x1068; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsSmokeGrenade = 0x1069; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsLive = 0x106A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DmgRadius = 0x106C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDetonateTime = 0x1070; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWarnAITime = 0x1074; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamage = 0x1078; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszBounceSound = 0x1080; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ExplosionSound = 0x1088; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hThrower = 0x1094; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextAttack = 0x10AC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOriginalThrower = 0x10B0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CCSGameModeRules { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsAs (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsWith (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsExclude (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntityId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHierarchyId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionFunctionMask (uint8) + namespace VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInteractsAs = 0x8; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInteractsWith = 0x10; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInteractsExclude = 0x18; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntityId = 0x20; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOwnerId = 0x24; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHierarchyId = 0x28; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionGroup = 0x2A; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionFunctionMask = 0x2B; // uint8 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 32 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIndirectStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisoTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScatterTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistanceTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableIndirect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIndirectUseLPVs (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogIndirectTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceRefreshCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNoiseScale (Vector) + namespace C_EnvVolumetricFogController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScattering = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnisotropy = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeSpeed = 0x550; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDrawDistance = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInStart = 0x558; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInEnd = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIndirectStrength = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndirectTextureDimX = 0x564; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndirectTextureDimY = 0x568; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndirectTextureDimZ = 0x56C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMins = 0x570; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMaxs = 0x57C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x588; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartAnisoTime = 0x58C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartScatterTime = 0x590; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartDrawDistanceTime = 0x594; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartAnisotropy = 0x598; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartScattering = 0x59C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartDrawDistance = 0x5A0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultAnisotropy = 0x5A4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultScattering = 0x5A8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultDrawDistance = 0x5AC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x5B0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableIndirect = 0x5B1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIndirectUseLPVs = 0x5B2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsMaster = 0x5B3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFogIndirectTexture = 0x5B8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceRefreshCount = 0x5C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNoiseSpeed = 0x5C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNoiseStrength = 0x5C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vNoiseScale = 0x5CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstTime = 0x5D8; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponTec9 { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTimeInCommentary (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszCommentaryFile (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszTitle (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSpeakers (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumberMax (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bListenedTo (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewPosition (CHandle) + namespace C_PointCommentaryNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0xED8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasActive = 0xED9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0xEDC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0xEE0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTimeInCommentary = 0xEE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszCommentaryFile = 0xEE8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTitle = 0xEF0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSpeakers = 0xEF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNodeNumber = 0xF00; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNodeNumberMax = 0xF04; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bListenedTo = 0xF08; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hViewPosition = 0xF18; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRestartAfterRestore = 0xF1C; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSObserver_CameraServices { + } + // Parent: CCSPointScriptEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSClientPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: localSound (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: localBits (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeEntityListIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: soundEventHash (uint32) + namespace audioparams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t localSound = 0x8; // Vector[8] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t soundscapeIndex = 0x68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t localBits = 0x6C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t soundscapeEntityListIndex = 0x70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t soundEventHash = 0x74; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + namespace C_InfoVisibilityBox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMode = 0x54C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxSize = 0x550; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x55C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_Sprite + // Fields count: 2 + namespace C_FireSprite { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMoveDir = 0xDD8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFadeFromAbove = 0xDE4; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_TeamIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 8 + namespace C_Precipitation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDensity = 0xCD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flParticleInnerDist = 0xCE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pParticleDef = 0xCE8; // char* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tParticlePrecipTraceTimer = 0xD10; // TimedEvent[1] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveParticlePrecipEmitter = 0xD18; // bool[1] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bParticlePrecipInitialized = 0xD19; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasSimulatedSinceLastSceneObjectUpdate = 0xD1A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAvailableSheetSequencesMaxIndex = 0xD1C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPrecipitationVData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szParticlePrecipitationEffect = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInnerDistance = 0x108; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachType = 0x10C; // ParticleAttachment_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBatchSameVolumeType = 0x110; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRTEnvCP = 0x114; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRTEnvCPComponent = 0x118; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szModifier = 0x120; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CBuoyancyHelper { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFluidDensity = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DialogXMLName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelClassName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelID (string_t) + namespace C_BaseClientUIEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0xCD0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DialogXMLName = 0xCD8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PanelClassName = 0xCE0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PanelID = 0xCE8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace C_FuncTrackTrain { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLongAxis = 0xCC8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0xCCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLineLength = 0xCD0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisRound (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + namespace CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLastWeaponBeforeC4AutoSwitch = 0x40; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsRescuing = 0x44; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch = 0x48; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weaponPurchasesThisRound = 0xA0; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nModelID (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_solid (ShardSolid_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShatterPanelMode (ShatterPanelMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelSize (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionA (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionB (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelVertices (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlassHalfThickness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasParent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bParentFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SurfacePropStringToken (CUtlStringToken) + namespace shard_model_desc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nModelID = 0x8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMaterial = 0x10; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_solid = 0x18; // ShardSolid_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ShatterPanelMode = 0x19; // ShatterPanelMode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPanelSize = 0x1C; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStressPositionA = 0x24; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStressPositionB = 0x2C; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPanelVertices = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlassHalfThickness = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasParent = 0x54; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bParentFrozen = 0x55; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SurfacePropStringToken = 0x58; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace C_SceneEntity__QueuedEvents_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t starttime = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CBaseProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bModelOverrodeBlockLOS = 0xED0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iShapeType = 0xED4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bConformToCollisionBounds = 0xED8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mPreferredCatchTransform = 0xEDC; // matrix3x4_t + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_PreviewPlayerAlias_csgo_player_previewmodel { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_observer { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 12 + namespace CPointTemplate { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszWorldName = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSource2EntityLumpName = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEntityFilterName = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeoutInterval = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAsynchronouslySpawnEntities = 0x564; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputOnSpawned = 0x568; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clientOnlyEntityBehavior = 0x590; // PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ownerSpawnGroupType = 0x594; // PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_createdSpawnGroupHandles = 0x598; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SpawnedEntityHandles = 0x5B0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ScriptSpawnCallback = 0x5C8; // HSCRIPT + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ScriptCallbackScope = 0x5D0; // HSCRIPT + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponHKP2000 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTripWireFire { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 6 + namespace C_CSGO_PreviewModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animgraph = 0x1068; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animgraphCharacterModeString = 0x1070; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_defaultAnim = 0x1078; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDefaultAnimLoopMode = 0x1080; // AnimLoopMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialModelScale = 0x1084; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sInitialWeaponState = 0x1088; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CInfoDynamicShadowHint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nImportance = 0x550; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLightChoice = 0x554; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLight = 0x558; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CTakeDamageInfoAPI { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace C_BaseEntityAPI { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponXM1014 { + } + // Parent: C_ParticleSystem + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_MapPreviewParticleSystem { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowType (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowTeam (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRange (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRangeMin (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowColorOverride (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlashing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight (bool) + namespace CGlowProperty { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fGlowColor = 0x8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iGlowType = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iGlowTeam = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowRange = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowRangeMin = 0x3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_glowColorOverride = 0x40; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlashing = 0x44; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlowTime = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlowStartTime = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight = 0x50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGlowing = 0x51; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_gravityScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearForce (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrequency (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDampingRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAt (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCollapseToForcePoint (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForceDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible (bool) + namespace C_TriggerPhysics { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_gravityScale = 0xCD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_linearLimit = 0xCD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_linearDamping = 0xCD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angularLimit = 0xCDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angularDamping = 0xCE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_linearForce = 0xCE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrequency = 0xCE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDampingRatio = 0xCEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLinearForcePointAt = 0xCF0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCollapseToForcePoint = 0xCFC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld = 0xD00; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLinearForceDirection = 0xD0C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible = 0xD18; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostage (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostageProp (CHandle) + namespace CCSPlayer_HostageServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCarriedHostage = 0x40; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCarriedHostageProp = 0x44; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBreachCharge { + } + // Parent: C_LightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_LightDirectionalEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flDiffuseScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + namespace C_EnvCubemap { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hCubemapTexture = 0x5C8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture = 0x5D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius = 0x5D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins = 0x5D8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs = 0x5E4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x5F0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x5F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex = 0x5F8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nPriority = 0x5FC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist = 0x600; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists = 0x604; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_flDiffuseScale = 0x610; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x614; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap = 0x615; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap = 0x616; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap = 0x617; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap = 0x618; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x628; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseViewModel + // Fields count: 3 + namespace C_PredictedViewModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPredictedLagOffset = 0xF38; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpeed = 0xF44; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_currentSpeed = 0xF50; // QAngle + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponBizon { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_AK47 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUpdateOnClient (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInputType (ValueRemapperInputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineStart (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineEnd (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaximumChangePerSecond (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisengageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEngageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRequiresUseKey (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOutputType (ValueRemapperOutputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOutputEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHapticsType (ValueRemapperHapticsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMomentumType (ValueRemapperMomentumType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMomentumModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSnapValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRatchetType (ValueRemapperRatchetType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInputOffset (float) + namespace C_PointValueRemapper { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabledOld = 0x549; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUpdateOnClient = 0x54A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputType = 0x54C; // ValueRemapperInputType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hRemapLineStart = 0x550; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hRemapLineEnd = 0x554; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaximumChangePerSecond = 0x558; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDisengageDistance = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEngageDistance = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRequiresUseKey = 0x564; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputType = 0x568; // ValueRemapperOutputType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOutputEntities = 0x570; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHapticsType = 0x588; // ValueRemapperHapticsType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMomentumType = 0x58C; // ValueRemapperMomentumType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMomentumModifier = 0x590; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSnapValue = 0x594; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentMomentum = 0x598; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRatchetType = 0x59C; // ValueRemapperRatchetType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRatchetOffset = 0x5A0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputOffset = 0x5A4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEngaged = 0x5A8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstUpdate = 0x5A9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreviousValue = 0x5AC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreviousUpdateTickTime = 0x5B0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPreviousTestPoint = 0x5B4; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_Knife { + } + // Parent: C_EnvCubemap + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_EnvCubemapBox { + } + // Parent: C_Item + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwningPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_KillingPlayer (CHandle) + namespace C_ItemDogtags { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwningPlayer = 0x16B0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_KillingPlayer = 0x16B4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_EndOfMatchCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOpvarIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAutoCompare (bool) + namespace C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszStackName = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOperatorName = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOpvarName = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iOpvarIndex = 0x560; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAutoCompare = 0x564; // bool + } + // Parent: C_Breakable + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_PhysBox { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries (SellbackPurchaseEntry_t) + namespace CCSPlayer_BuyServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries = 0x40; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SensorGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFireTime (GameTime_t) + namespace C_WeaponTaser { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fFireTime = 0x1A90; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastAttackTick = 0x1A94; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUninterruptableActivity (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + namespace C_Fists { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct = 0x1A70; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUninterruptableActivity = 0x1A74; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + } + // Parent: C_PhysicsProp + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_PhysicsPropMultiplayer { + } + // Parent: CInfoDynamicShadowHint + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CInfoDynamicShadowHintBox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMins = 0x560; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMaxs = 0x56C; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SoundOpvarSetPathCornerEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLODBias (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCubemapSourceType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSkyEntity (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeightFogEnd (bool) + namespace C_EnvCubemapFog { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndDistance = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartDistance = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogFalloffExponent = 0x550; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHeightFogEnabled = 0x554; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogHeightWidth = 0x558; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogHeightEnd = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogHeightStart = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogHeightExponent = 0x564; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLODBias = 0x568; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x56C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x56D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxOpacity = 0x570; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCubemapSourceType = 0x574; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSkyMaterial = 0x578; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSkyEntity = 0x580; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFogCubemapTexture = 0x588; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasHeightFogEnd = 0x590; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstTime = 0x591; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponSawedoff { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_collisionAttribute (VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usSolidFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSolidType (SolidType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_triggerBloat (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurroundType (SurroundingBoundsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEnablePhysics (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter1 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter2 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleRadius (float) + namespace CCollisionProperty { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_collisionAttribute = 0x10; // VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMins = 0x40; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMaxs = 0x4C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_usSolidFlags = 0x5A; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSolidType = 0x5B; // SolidType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_triggerBloat = 0x5C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSurroundType = 0x5D; // SurroundingBoundsType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroup = 0x5E; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEnablePhysics = 0x5F; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBoundingRadius = 0x60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins = 0x64; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs = 0x70; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSurroundingMaxs = 0x7C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSurroundingMins = 0x88; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCapsuleCenter1 = 0x94; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCapsuleCenter2 = 0xA0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCapsuleRadius = 0xAC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrevCycle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCycle (float32) + namespace CNetworkedSequenceOperation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x8; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevCycle = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCycle = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWeight = 0x14; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSequenceChangeNetworked = 0x1C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDiscontinuity = 0x1D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevCycleFromDiscontinuity = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevCycleForAnimEventDetection = 0x24; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_ModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUniqueID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTraceID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rtGcTime (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLeft (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayer (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitbox (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreationTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTintID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVersion (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubSignature (uint8) + namespace C_PlayerSprayDecal { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUniqueID = 0xCC8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unAccountID = 0xCCC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unTraceID = 0xCD0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rtGcTime = 0xCD4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecEndPos = 0xCD8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStart = 0xCE4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLeft = 0xCF0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecNormal = 0xCFC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayer = 0xD08; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntity = 0xD0C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitbox = 0xD10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCreationTime = 0xD14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTintID = 0xD18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVersion = 0xD1C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ubSignature = 0xD1D; // uint8[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SprayRenderHelper = 0xDA8; // CPlayerSprayDecalRenderHelper + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ID (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Values (Vector4D) + namespace EntityRenderAttribute_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ID = 0x30; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Values = 0x34; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: C_PhysicsProp + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShardDesc (shard_model_desc_t) + namespace C_ShatterGlassShardPhysics { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ShardDesc = 0x1050; // shard_model_desc_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponElite { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CLightComponent (CLightComponent::Storage_t) + namespace C_LightEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CLightComponent = 0xCC8; // CLightComponent* + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVisibilityStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogDistanceMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + namespace C_PlayerVisibility { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVisibilityStrength = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogDistanceMultiplier = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier = 0x550; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeTime = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x558; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsEnabled = 0x559; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: dirPrimary (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: start (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: end (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: farz (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: exponent (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: HDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactor (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactorLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: startLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: endLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensityLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: lerptime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: blendtobackground (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: scattering (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: locallightscale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: enable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: blend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoReflectionFog (bool) + namespace fogparams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dirPrimary = 0x8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t colorPrimary = 0x14; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t colorSecondary = 0x18; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t colorPrimaryLerpTo = 0x1C; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t colorSecondaryLerpTo = 0x20; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t start = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t end = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t farz = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t maxdensity = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t exponent = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t HDRColorScale = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t skyboxFogFactor = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t skyboxFogFactorLerpTo = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t startLerpTo = 0x44; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t endLerpTo = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t maxdensityLerpTo = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t lerptime = 0x50; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t duration = 0x54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t blendtobackground = 0x58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t scattering = 0x5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t locallightscale = 0x60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t enable = 0x64; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t blend = 0x65; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoReflectionFog = 0x66; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPadding = 0x67; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flexWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_blinktoggle (bool) + namespace C_BaseFlex { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flexWeight = 0xEE0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLookTargetPosition = 0xEF8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blinktoggle = 0xF10; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastFlexUpdateFrameCount = 0xF70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CachedViewTarget = 0xF74; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextSceneEventId = 0xF80; // SceneEventId_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBlink = 0xF84; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blinktime = 0xF88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_prevblinktoggle = 0xF8C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iJawOpen = 0xF90; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJawOpenAmount = 0xF94; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlinkAmount = 0xF98; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMouthAttachment = 0xF9C; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEyeAttachment = 0xF9D; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetFlexWeightsOnModelChange = 0xF9E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEyeOcclusionRendererBone = 0xFB8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mEyeOcclusionRendererCameraToBoneTransform = 0xFBC; // matrix3x4_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vEyeOcclusionRendererHalfExtent = 0xFEC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PhonemeClasses = 0x1008; // C_BaseFlex::Emphasized_Phoneme[3] + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount (int8) + namespace C_RagdollManager { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount = 0x548; // int8 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColorLightingOnly (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + namespace C_EnvSky { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSkyMaterial = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly = 0xCD0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0xCD8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTintColor = 0xCD9; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTintColorLightingOnly = 0xCDD; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessScale = 0xCE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFogType = 0xCE8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMinStart = 0xCEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMinEnd = 0xCF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxStart = 0xCF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxEnd = 0xCF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0xCFC; // bool + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoTarget { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_TeamIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BreakableProp + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAnimGraph (bool) + namespace C_DynamicProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox = 0x1040; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAnimGraph = 0x1041; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputAnimBegun = 0x1048; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputAnimOver = 0x1070; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputAnimLoopCycleOver = 0x1098; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAnimReachedStart = 0x10C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAnimReachedEnd = 0x10E8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszIdleAnim = 0x1110; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIdleAnimLoopMode = 0x1118; // AnimLoopMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandomizeCycle = 0x111C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x111D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFiredStartEndOutput = 0x111E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceNpcExclude = 0x111F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCreateNonSolid = 0x1120; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsOverrideProp = 0x1121; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInitialGlowState = 0x1124; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowRange = 0x1128; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowRangeMin = 0x112C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_glowColor = 0x1130; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowTeam = 0x1134; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCachedFrameCount = 0x1138; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCachedRenderMins = 0x113C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCachedRenderMaxs = 0x1148; // Vector + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 10 + namespace CPropDataComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDmgModBullet = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDmgModClub = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDmgModExplosive = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDmgModFire = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPhysicsDamageTableName = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszBasePropData = 0x28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInteractions = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpawnMotionDisabled = 0x34; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDisableTakePhysicsDamageSpawnFlag = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMotionDisabledSpawnFlag = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponSCAR20 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_DecoyGrenade { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_player { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAABBDirection (int) + namespace CCitadelSoundOpvarSetOBB { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszStackName = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOperatorName = 0x568; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOpvarName = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceInnerMins = 0x578; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceInnerMaxs = 0x584; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceOuterMins = 0x590; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceOuterMaxs = 0x59C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAABBDirection = 0x5A8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unDefIdx (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCost (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPrevArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrevHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hItem (CEntityHandle) + namespace SellbackPurchaseEntry_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unDefIdx = 0x30; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCost = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrevArmor = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPrevHelmet = 0x3C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hItem = 0x40; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: C_GameRules + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_SingleplayRules { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 25 + namespace C_LocalTempEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flags = 0xED0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t die = 0xED4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrameMax = 0xED8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t x = 0xEDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t y = 0xEE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t fadeSpeed = 0xEE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t bounceFactor = 0xEE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t hitSound = 0xEEC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t priority = 0xEF0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t tentOffset = 0xEF4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTempEntAngVelocity = 0xF00; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t tempent_renderamt = 0xF0C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecNormal = 0xF10; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpriteScale = 0xF1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlickerFrame = 0xF20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrameRate = 0xF24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrame = 0xF28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pszImpactEffect = 0xF30; // char* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pszParticleEffect = 0xF38; // char* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bParticleCollision = 0xF40; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLastCollisionFrame = 0xF44; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLastCollisionOrigin = 0xF48; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTempEntVelocity = 0xF54; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPrevAbsOrigin = 0xF60; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTempEntAcceleration = 0xF6C; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace C_EnvWindShared__WindAveEvent_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartWindSpeed = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAveWindSpeed = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsIncGrenade (bool) + namespace C_MolotovProjectile { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsIncGrenade = 0x1150; // bool + } + // Parent: C_LightDirectionalEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_LightEnvironmentEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponUMP45 { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLayoutFileName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RenderAttrName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TargetEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTargetChangeCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + namespace CInfoOffscreenPanoramaTexture { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nResolutionX = 0x54C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nResolutionY = 0x550; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szLayoutFileName = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RenderAttrName = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetEntities = 0x568; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTargetChangeCount = 0x580; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCSSClasses = 0x588; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCheckCSSClasses = 0x700; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Flags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyle (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Exponent (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_InnerAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OuterAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotRadius (float32) + namespace C_DynamicLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Flags = 0xCC8; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightStyle = 0xCC9; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Radius = 0xCCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Exponent = 0xCD0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InnerAngle = 0xCD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OuterAngle = 0xCD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SpotRadius = 0xCDC; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BasePlayerWeapon + // Fields count: 72 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFireSequenceStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEvent (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType (WeaponAttackType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iState (CSWeaponState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeWeaponIdle (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponMode (CSWeaponMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAccuracyPenalty (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRecoilIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRecoilIndex (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBurstMode (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInReload (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bReloadVisuallyComplete (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDroppedAtTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHauledBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSilencerOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOriginalTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMostRecentTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDroppedNearBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPrevOwner (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDropTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLastShotTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iIronSightMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumEmptyAttacks (int) + namespace C_CSWeaponBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFireSequenceStartTime = 0x1624; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange = 0x1628; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFireSequenceStartTimeAck = 0x162C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ePlayerFireEvent = 0x1630; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType = 0x1634; // WeaponAttackType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_seqIdle = 0x1638; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_seqFirePrimary = 0x163C; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_seqFireSecondary = 0x1640; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_thirdPersonFireSequences = 0x1648; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCurrentThirdPersonSequence = 0x1660; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSilencerBoneIndex = 0x1664; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_thirdPersonSequences = 0x1668; // HSequence[7] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ClientPreviousWeaponState = 0x16A0; // CSWeaponState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iState = 0x16A4; // CSWeaponState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCrosshairDistance = 0x16A8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAmmoLastCheck = 0x16AC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAlpha = 0x16B0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iScopeTextureID = 0x16B4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCrosshairTextureID = 0x16B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGunAccuracyPositionDeprecated = 0x16BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastEmptySoundCmdNum = 0x16C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nViewModelIndex = 0x16C4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReloadsWithClips = 0x16C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeWeaponIdle = 0x16CC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFireOnEmpty = 0x16D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerPickup = 0x16D8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weaponMode = 0x1700; // CSWeaponMode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTurningInaccuracyDelta = 0x1704; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTurningInaccuracyEyeDirLast = 0x1708; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTurningInaccuracy = 0x1714; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAccuracyPenalty = 0x1718; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastAccuracyUpdateTime = 0x171C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAccuracySmoothedForZoom = 0x1720; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fScopeZoomEndTime = 0x1724; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRecoilIndex = 0x1728; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoilIndex = 0x172C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBurstMode = 0x1730; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastBurstModeChangeTime = 0x1734; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks = 0x1738; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac = 0x173C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInReload = 0x1740; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReloadVisuallyComplete = 0x1741; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDroppedAtTime = 0x1744; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHauledBack = 0x1748; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSilencerOn = 0x1749; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete = 0x174C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iOriginalTeamNumber = 0x1750; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMostRecentTeamNumber = 0x1754; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDroppedNearBuyZone = 0x1758; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextAttackRenderTimeOffset = 0x175C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClearWeaponIdentifyingUGC = 0x17F8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVisualsDataSet = 0x17F9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOldFirstPersonSpectatedState = 0x17FA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUIWeapon = 0x17FB; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCustomEconReloadEventId = 0x17FC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPrevOwner = 0x1808; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDropTick = 0x180C; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_donated = 0x182C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLastShotTime = 0x1830; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasOwnedByCT = 0x1834; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasOwnedByTerrorist = 0x1835; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_gunHeat = 0x1838; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_smokeAttachments = 0x183C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastSmokeTime = 0x1840; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextClientFireBulletTime = 0x1844; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextClientFireBulletTime_Repredict = 0x1848; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_IronSightController = 0x1920; // C_IronSightController + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iIronSightMode = 0x19D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastLOSTraceFailureTime = 0x19E0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumEmptyAttacks = 0x19E4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastMagDropRequestTime = 0x1A60; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWatTickOffset = 0x1A64; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_TriggerVolume { + } + // Parent: C_FuncBrush + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool) + namespace C_FuncElectrifiedVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAmbientEffect = 0xCC8; // ParticleIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EffectName = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bState = 0xCD8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WeaponServices + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextAttack (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLookingAtWeapon (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon (bool) + namespace CCSPlayer_WeaponServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextAttack = 0xB8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsLookingAtWeapon = 0xBC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon = 0xBD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldShootPositionHistoryCount = 0xC0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldInputHistoryCount = 0x458; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeStartDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeEndDist (float32) + namespace C_EnvDetailController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeStartDist = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeEndDist = 0x54C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEntityInstance + // Fields count: 82 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_CBodyComponent (CBodyComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lifeState (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTakesDamage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTakeDamageFlags (TakeDamageFlags_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlatform (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubInterpolationFrame (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSubclassID (EntitySubclassID_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSimulationTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSideRagdoll (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_spawnflags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextThinkTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecBaseVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEffectEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwnerEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveCollide (MoveCollide_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveType (MoveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWaterLevel (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEffects (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGroundEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGroundBodyIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFriction (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flElasticity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGravityScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimatedEveryTick (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBloodType (BloodType) + namespace C_BaseEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CBodyComponent = 0x38; // CBodyComponent* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NetworkTransmitComponent = 0x40; // CNetworkTransmitComponent + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastThinkTick = 0x300; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pGameSceneNode = 0x308; // CGameSceneNode* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pRenderComponent = 0x310; // CRenderComponent* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pCollision = 0x318; // CCollisionProperty* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxHealth = 0x320; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHealth = 0x324; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lifeState = 0x328; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTakesDamage = 0x329; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTakeDamageFlags = 0x330; // TakeDamageFlags_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlatform = 0x338; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ubInterpolationFrame = 0x339; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSceneObjectController = 0x33C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNoInterpolationTick = 0x340; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVisibilityNoInterpolationTick = 0x344; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flProxyRandomValue = 0x348; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEFlags = 0x34C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWaterType = 0x350; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInterpolateEvenWithNoModel = 0x351; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPredictionEligible = 0x352; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyLayerMatchIDToModel = 0x353; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tokLayerMatchID = 0x354; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSubclassID = 0x358; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSimulationTick = 0x368; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCurrentThinkContext = 0x36C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aThinkFunctions = 0x370; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabledContextThinks = 0x388; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnimTime = 0x38C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSimulationTime = 0x390; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSceneObjectOverrideFlags = 0x394; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasSuccessfullyInterpolated = 0x395; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasAddedVarsToInterpolation = 0x396; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderEvenWhenNotSuccessfullyInterpolated = 0x397; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInterpolationLatchDirtyFlags = 0x398; // int32[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ListEntry = 0x3A0; // uint16[11] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCreateTime = 0x3B8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpeed = 0x3BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EntClientFlags = 0x3C0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientSideRagdoll = 0x3C2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTeamNum = 0x3C3; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spawnflags = 0x3C4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextThinkTick = 0x3C8; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fFlags = 0x3CC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAbsVelocity = 0x3D0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecVelocity = 0x3E0; // CNetworkVelocityVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecBaseVelocity = 0x410; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEffectEntity = 0x41C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwnerEntity = 0x420; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MoveCollide = 0x424; // MoveCollide_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MoveType = 0x425; // MoveType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nActualMoveType = 0x426; // MoveType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWaterLevel = 0x428; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fEffects = 0x42C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hGroundEntity = 0x430; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGroundBodyIndex = 0x434; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFriction = 0x438; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flElasticity = 0x43C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGravityScale = 0x440; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeScale = 0x444; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimatedEveryTick = 0x448; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime = 0x44C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hThink = 0x450; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fBBoxVisFlags = 0x460; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPredictable = 0x461; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderWithViewModels = 0x462; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSplitUserPlayerPredictionSlot = 0x464; // CSplitScreenSlot + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstPredictableCommand = 0x468; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastPredictableCommand = 0x46C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOldMoveParent = 0x470; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Particles = 0x478; // CParticleProperty + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPredictedScriptFloats = 0x4A0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPredictedScriptFloatIDs = 0x4B8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextScriptVarRecordID = 0x4E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAngVelocity = 0x4F8; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DataChangeEventRef = 0x504; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dependencies = 0x508; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCreationTick = 0x520; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimTimeChanged = 0x52D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSimulationTimeChanged = 0x52E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sUniqueHammerID = 0x538; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBloodType = 0x540; // BloodType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nameStringableIndex (int32) + namespace CEntityIdentity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameStringableIndex = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_designerName = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x30; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldGroupId = 0x38; // WorldGroupId_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fDataObjectTypes = 0x3C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathIndex = 0x40; // ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPrev = 0x58; // CEntityIdentity* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNext = 0x60; // CEntityIdentity* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPrevByClass = 0x68; // CEntityIdentity* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNextByClass = 0x70; // CEntityIdentity* + } + // Parent: C_BreakableProp + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAwake (bool) + namespace C_PhysicsProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAwake = 0x1040; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseProp + // Fields count: 26 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CPropDataComponent (CPropDataComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_noGhostCollision (bool) + namespace C_BreakableProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CPropDataComponent = 0xF10; // CPropDataComponent + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBreak = 0xF50; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHealthChanged = 0xF78; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTakeDamage = 0xFA0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_impactEnergyScale = 0xFC8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMinHealthDmg = 0xFCC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPressureDelay = 0xFD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefBurstScale = 0xFD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDefBurstOffset = 0xFD8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBreaker = 0xFE4; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PerformanceMode = 0xFE8; // PerformanceMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreventDamageBeforeTime = 0xFEC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBreakPiecesOrCommands = 0xFF0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explodeDamage = 0xFF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explodeRadius = 0xFF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explosionDelay = 0x1000; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explosionBuildupSound = 0x1008; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explosionCustomEffect = 0x1010; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explosionCustomSound = 0x1018; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explosionModifier = 0x1020; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPhysicsAttacker = 0x1028; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime = 0x102C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultFadeScale = 0x1030; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLastAttacker = 0x1034; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFlareEnt = 0x1038; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noGhostCollision = 0x103C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + namespace C_FuncMoveLinear { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrameRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumBeamEnts (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBaseMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHaloIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamType (BeamType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEndWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFadeLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHaloScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAmplitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStartFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nClipStyle (BeamClipStyle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTurnedOff (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + namespace C_Beam { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrameRate = 0xCC8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHDRColorScale = 0xCCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFireTime = 0xCD0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamage = 0xCD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumBeamEnts = 0xCD8; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_queryHandleHalo = 0xCDC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBaseMaterial = 0xD00; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHaloIndex = 0xD08; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBeamType = 0xD10; // BeamType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBeamFlags = 0xD14; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAttachEntity = 0xD18; // CHandle[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachIndex = 0xD40; // AttachmentHandle_t[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fWidth = 0xD4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fEndWidth = 0xD50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fFadeLength = 0xD54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fHaloScale = 0xD58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAmplitude = 0xD5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fStartFrame = 0xD60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeed = 0xD64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrame = 0xD68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nClipStyle = 0xD6C; // BeamClipStyle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTurnedOff = 0xD70; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecEndPos = 0xD74; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEndEntity = 0xD80; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandom (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOrdinal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sWeaponName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_xuid (XUID) + // NetworkVarNames: m_agentItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glovesItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponItem (CEconItemView) + namespace C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVariant = 0x548; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandom = 0x54C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOrdinal = 0x550; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sWeaponName = 0x558; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_xuid = 0x560; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_agentItem = 0x568; // C_EconItemView + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_glovesItem = 0x9B0; // C_EconItemView + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weaponItem = 0xDF8; // C_EconItemView + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_DynamicPropAlias_prop_dynamic_override { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOverlayNames (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOverlayTimes (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredOverlay (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsActive (bool) + namespace C_EnvScreenOverlay { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOverlayNames = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOverlayTimes = 0x598; // float32[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x5C0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDesiredOverlay = 0x5C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsActive = 0x5C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasActive = 0x5C9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCachedDesiredOverlay = 0x5CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCurrentOverlay = 0x5D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentOverlayTime = 0x5D4; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerWeaponVData + // Fields count: 92 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + namespace CCSWeaponBaseVData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WeaponType = 0x250; // CSWeaponType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WeaponCategory = 0x254; // CSWeaponCategory + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szViewModel = 0x258; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szPlayerModel = 0x338; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szWorldDroppedModel = 0x418; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szAimsightLensMaskModel = 0x4F8; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMagazineModel = 0x5D8; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szHeatEffect = 0x6B8; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szEjectBrassEffect = 0x798; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMuzzleFlashParticleAlt = 0x878; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticle = 0x958; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticleAlt = 0xA38; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTracerParticle = 0xB18; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GearSlot = 0xBF8; // gear_slot_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GearSlotPosition = 0xBFC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DefaultLoadoutSlot = 0xC00; // loadout_slot_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sWrongTeamMsg = 0xC08; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrice = 0xC10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nKillAward = 0xC14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrimaryReserveAmmoMax = 0xC18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSecondaryReserveAmmoMax = 0xC1C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMeleeWeapon = 0xC20; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBurstMode = 0xC21; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsRevolver = 0xC22; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotShootUnderwater = 0xC23; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szName = 0xC28; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szAnimExtension = 0xC30; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eSilencerType = 0xC38; // CSWeaponSilencerType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCrosshairMinDistance = 0xC3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCrosshairDeltaDistance = 0xC40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsFullAuto = 0xC44; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumBullets = 0xC48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCycleTime = 0xC4C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSpeed = 0xC54; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpread = 0xC5C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyCrouch = 0xC64; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyStand = 0xC6C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyJump = 0xC74; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyLand = 0xC7C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyLadder = 0xC84; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyFire = 0xC8C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyMove = 0xC94; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoilAngle = 0xC9C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoilAngleVariance = 0xCA4; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoilMagnitude = 0xCAC; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoilMagnitudeVariance = 0xCB4; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTracerFrequency = 0xCBC; // CFiringModeInt + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyJumpInitial = 0xCC4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyJumpApex = 0xCC8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyReload = 0xCCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRecoilSeed = 0xCD0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpreadSeed = 0xCD4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeToIdleAfterFire = 0xCD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIdleInterval = 0xCDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttackMovespeedFactor = 0xCE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeatPerShot = 0xCE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyPitchShift = 0xCE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyAltSoundThreshold = 0xCEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBotAudibleRange = 0xCF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szUseRadioSubtitle = 0xCF8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUnzoomsAfterShot = 0xD00; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHideViewModelWhenZoomed = 0xD01; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nZoomLevels = 0xD04; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nZoomFOV1 = 0xD08; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nZoomFOV2 = 0xD0C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZoomTime0 = 0xD10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZoomTime1 = 0xD14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZoomTime2 = 0xD18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed = 0xD1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed = 0xD20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIronSightFOV = 0xD24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIronSightPivotForward = 0xD28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIronSightLooseness = 0xD2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angPivotAngle = 0xD30; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecIronSightEyePos = 0xD3C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDamage = 0xD48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeadshotMultiplier = 0xD4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flArmorRatio = 0xD50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPenetration = 0xD54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0xD58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRangeModifier = 0xD5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlinchVelocityModifierLarge = 0xD60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlinchVelocityModifierSmall = 0xD64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoveryTimeCrouch = 0xD68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoveryTimeStand = 0xD6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoveryTimeCrouchFinal = 0xD70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoveryTimeStandFinal = 0xD74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRecoveryTransitionStartBullet = 0xD78; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRecoveryTransitionEndBullet = 0xD7C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flThrowVelocity = 0xD80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSmokeColor = 0xD84; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szAnimClass = 0xD90; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: C_ModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FontName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFullbright (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWorldUnitsPerPx (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFontSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyHorizontal (PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyVertical (PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nReorientMode (PointWorldTextReorientMode_t) + namespace C_PointWorldText { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceRecreateNextUpdate = 0xCD0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_messageText = 0xCE0; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FontName = 0xEE0; // char[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0xF20; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFullbright = 0xF21; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWorldUnitsPerPx = 0xF24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFontSize = 0xF28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepthOffset = 0xF2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0xF30; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nJustifyHorizontal = 0xF34; // PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nJustifyVertical = 0xF38; // PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nReorientMode = 0xF3C; // PointWorldTextReorientMode_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBumpMineProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerController + // Fields count: 62 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInGameMoneyServices (CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInventoryServices (CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pDamageServices (CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPing (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCrosshairCodes (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPendingTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceTeamTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompTeammateColor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEverPlayedOnTeam (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClan (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCoachingTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominated (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominatingMe (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRanking (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveWins (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankType (int8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchNextMapVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unActiveQuestId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQuestProgressReason (QuestProgress::Reason) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unPlayerTvControlFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDisconnectionTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bControllingBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasControlledBotThisRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanControlObservedBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnIsAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnHealth (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeStart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeEnd (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnBotDifficulty (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecKills (EKillTypes_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMvpNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eMvpReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitMVPs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMVPs (int) + namespace CCSPlayerController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x700; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInventoryServices = 0x708; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x710; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pDamageServices = 0x718; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPing = 0x720; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x724; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x728; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x730; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceTeamTime = 0x734; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x738; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x73C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime = 0x740; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClan = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sSanitizedPlayerName = 0x750; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCoachingTeam = 0x758; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominated = 0x760; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x768; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x770; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x774; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x778; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x77C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x780; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x784; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x788; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unActiveQuestId = 0x78C; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x790; // QuestProgress::Reason + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x794; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDraftIndex = 0x7C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x7C4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x7C8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x7CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x7CD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x7CE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x7CF; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScoreReported = 0x7D1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bControllingBot = 0x7E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7E1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7E2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7E4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7EC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hObserverPawn = 0x7F0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7F4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnHealth = 0x7F8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnArmor = 0x7FC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x800; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x801; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x802; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x804; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x808; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x80C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x810; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iScore = 0x814; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecKills = 0x818; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMvpNoMusic = 0x830; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eMvpReason = 0x834; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMusicKitID = 0x838; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMusicKitMVPs = 0x83C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMVPs = 0x840; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlayerNameDirty = 0x844; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponFiveSeven { + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_eDoorState (DoorState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLocked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaster (CHandle) + namespace C_BasePropDoor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eDoorState = 0x1168; // DoorState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelChanged = 0x116C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocked = 0x116D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_closedPosition = 0x1170; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_closedAngles = 0x117C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMaster = 0x1188; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vWhereToSetLightingOrigin = 0x118C; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_TeamSelectTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BreakableProp + // Fields count: 6 + namespace C_PhysPropClientside { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTouchDelta = 0x1040; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fDeathTime = 0x1044; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inertiaScale = 0x1048; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDamagePosition = 0x104C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDamageDirection = 0x1058; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDamageType = 0x1064; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_TeamSelectCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSoundAreaType (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPos (Vector) + namespace C_SoundAreaEntityBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasEnabled = 0x550; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundAreaType = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPos = 0x560; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fog (fogparams_t) + namespace C_FogController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fog = 0x548; // fogparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAngles = 0x5B0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iChangedVariables = 0x5B4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_ItemServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_FuncBrush { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_worldName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_layerName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldLayerVisible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEntitiesSpawned (bool) + namespace CInfoWorldLayer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputOnEntitiesSpawned = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldName = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_layerName = 0x578; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWorldLayerVisible = 0x580; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEntitiesSpawned = 0x581; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCreateAsChildSpawnGroup = 0x582; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLayerSpawnGroup = 0x584; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWorldLayerActuallyVisible = 0x588; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_NetTestBaseCombatCharacter { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + namespace C_ViewmodelWeapon { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldModel = 0xED0; // char* + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 2 + namespace C_PhysMagnet { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aAttachedObjectsFromServer = 0xED0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aAttachedObjects = 0xEE8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTargetSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionStartTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionDurationTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTransitionStartSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hConveyorModels (EHANDLE) + namespace C_FuncConveyor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace = 0xCD0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTargetSpeed = 0xCDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTransitionStartTick = 0xCE0; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTransitionDurationTicks = 0xCE4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTransitionStartSpeed = 0xCE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hConveyorModels = 0xCF0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentConveyorOffset = 0xD08; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentConveyorSpeed = 0xD0C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pEntity (CEntityIdentity*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CScriptComponent (CScriptComponent::Storage_t) + namespace CEntityInstance { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPrivateVScripts = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pEntity = 0x10; // CEntityIdentity* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CScriptComponent = 0x28; // CScriptComponent* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVisibleinPVS = 0x30; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + namespace ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t unClass = 0x28; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t unSlot = 0x2A; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t unItemDefIdx = 0x2C; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimationParity (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimationStartTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + namespace C_BaseViewModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastFacing = 0xED8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nViewModelIndex = 0xEE4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAnimationParity = 0xEE8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnimationStartTime = 0xEEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hWeapon = 0xEF0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sVMName = 0xEF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sAnimationPrefix = 0xF00; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hWeaponModel = 0xF08; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCameraAttachment = 0xF0C; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastCameraAngles = 0xF10; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_previousElapsedDuration = 0xF1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_previousCycle = 0xF20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldAnimationParity = 0xF24; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOldLayerSequence = 0xF28; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_oldLayer = 0xF2C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_oldLayerStartTime = 0xF30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hControlPanel = 0xF34; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CHostageRescueZoneShim + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponNegev { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hParent (CGameSceneNodeHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecOrigin (CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angRotation (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hierarchyAttachName (CUtlStringToken) + namespace CGameSceneNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nodeToWorld = 0x10; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOwner = 0x30; // CEntityInstance* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pParent = 0x38; // CGameSceneNode* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pChild = 0x40; // CGameSceneNode* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNextSibling = 0x48; // CGameSceneNode* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParent = 0x78; // CGameSceneNodeHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOrigin = 0x88; // CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angRotation = 0xC0; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0xCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAbsOrigin = 0xD0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angAbsRotation = 0xDC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAbsScale = 0xE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParentAttachmentOrBone = 0xEC; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDebugAbsOriginChanges = 0xEE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDormant = 0xEF; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceParentToBeNetworked = 0xF0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirtyHierarchy = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirtyBoneMergeInfo = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkedPositionChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkedAnglesChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkedScaleChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWillBeCallingPostDataUpdate = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBoneMergeFlex = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLatchAbsOrigin = 0x0; // bitfield:2 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirtyBoneMergeBoneToRoot = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHierarchicalDepth = 0xF3; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHierarchyType = 0xF4; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDoNotSetAnimTimeInInvalidatePhysicsCount = 0xF5; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0xF8; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hierarchyAttachName = 0x138; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZOffset = 0x13C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flClientLocalScale = 0x140; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRenderOrigin = 0x144; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_MolotovGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_IncendiaryGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTablet { + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + namespace CCSPointScript { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pParent = 0xF8; // CCSPointScriptEntity* + } + // Parent: C_CSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + namespace C_CSObserverPawn { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDetectParentChange = 0x1460; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntAttached (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCheapEffect (bool) + namespace C_EntityFlame { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEntAttached = 0x548; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOldAttached = 0x570; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCheapEffect = 0x574; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTripWireFireProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_Breakable { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ObserverServices + // Fields count: 8 + namespace CCSObserver_ObserverServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLastObserverTarget = 0x58; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecObserverInterpolateOffset = 0x5C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecObserverInterpStartPos = 0x68; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flObsInterp_PathLength = 0x74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qObsInterp_OrientationStart = 0x80; // Quaternion + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qObsInterp_OrientationTravelDir = 0x90; // Quaternion + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_obsInterpState = 0xA0; // ObserverInterpState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bObserverInterpolationNeedsDeferredSetup = 0xA4; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_TintController { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_AutoaimServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_reuseTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vel (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isRescued (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHostageState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHandsHaveBeenCut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hHostageGrabber (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRescueStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGrabSuccessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDropStartTime (GameTime_t) + namespace C_Hostage { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entitySpottedState = 0x10F8; // EntitySpottedState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leader = 0x1110; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_reuseTimer = 0x1118; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vel = 0x1130; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRescued = 0x113C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jumpedThisFrame = 0x113D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHostageState = 0x1140; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHandsHaveBeenCut = 0x1144; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hHostageGrabber = 0x1148; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLastGrabTime = 0x114C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecGrabbedPos = 0x1150; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRescueStartTime = 0x115C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGrabSuccessTime = 0x1160; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDropStartTime = 0x1164; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDeadOrRescuedTime = 0x1168; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blinkTimer = 0x1170; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAt = 0x1188; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAroundTimer = 0x1198; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isInit = 0x11B0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eyeAttachment = 0x11B1; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_chestAttachment = 0x11B2; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPredictionOwner = 0x11B8; // CBasePlayerController* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNewestAlphaThinkTime = 0x11C0; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSpriteMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachedToEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteFramerate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBrightness (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldSpaceScale (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + namespace C_Sprite { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSpriteMaterial = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAttachedToEntity = 0xCD0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachment = 0xCD4; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpriteFramerate = 0xCD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrame = 0xCDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDieTime = 0xCE0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBrightness = 0xCF0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessDuration = 0xCF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpriteScale = 0xCF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleDuration = 0xCFC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWorldSpaceScale = 0xD00; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlowProxySize = 0xD04; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHDRColorScale = 0xD08; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastTime = 0xD0C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxFrame = 0xD10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartScale = 0xD14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDestScale = 0xD18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleTimeStart = 0xD1C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartBrightness = 0xD20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDestBrightness = 0xD24; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessTimeStart = 0xD28; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOldSpriteMaterial = 0xD30; // CWeakHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpriteWidth = 0xDD0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpriteHeight = 0xDD4; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_WeaponM4A1Silencer { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 29 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombTicking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBombSite (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSourceSoundscapeHash (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flC4Blow (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCannotBeDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasExploded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBeingDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseCountDown (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBombDefuser (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + namespace C_PlantedC4 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombTicking = 0xED0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBombSite = 0xED4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSourceSoundscapeHash = 0xED8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entitySpottedState = 0xEE0; // EntitySpottedState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextGlow = 0xEF8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextBeep = 0xEFC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flC4Blow = 0xF00; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotBeDefused = 0xF04; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasExploded = 0xF05; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimerLength = 0xF08; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBeingDefused = 0xF0C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTriggerWarning = 0xF10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExplodeWarning = 0xF14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bC4Activated = 0xF18; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTenSecWarning = 0xF19; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefuseLength = 0xF1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefuseCountDown = 0xF20; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombDefused = 0xF24; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBombDefuser = 0xF28; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hControlPanel = 0xF2C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDefuserMultimeter = 0xF30; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextRadarFlashTime = 0xF34; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRadarFlash = 0xF38; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pBombDefuser = 0xF3C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLastDefuseTime = 0xF40; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPredictionOwner = 0xF48; // CBasePlayerController* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecC4ExplodeSpectatePos = 0xF50; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecC4ExplodeSpectateAng = 0xF5C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flC4ExplodeSpectateDuration = 0xF68; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBlendWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRagdollSource (EHANDLE) + namespace C_RagdollProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ragPos = 0xED8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ragAngles = 0xEF0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendWeight = 0xF08; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hRagdollSource = 0xF0C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEyeAttachment = 0xF10; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendWeightCurrent = 0xF14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_parentPhysicsBoneIndices = 0xF18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldSpaceBoneComputationOrder = 0xF30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + namespace C_CSGO_TerroristTeamIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActiveIssueIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOnlyTeamToVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteOptionCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPotentialVotes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsYesNoVote (bool) + namespace C_VoteController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iActiveIssueIndex = 0x558; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iOnlyTeamToVote = 0x55C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVoteOptionCount = 0x560; // int32[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPotentialVotes = 0x574; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVotesDirty = 0x578; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTypeDirty = 0x579; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsYesNoVote = 0x57A; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nType (FixAngleSet_t) + // NetworkVarNames: qAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: nIndex (uint32) + namespace ViewAngleServerChange_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nType = 0x30; // FixAngleSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t qAngle = 0x34; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nIndex = 0x40; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + namespace C_Chicken { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hHolidayHatAddon = 0x1160; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jumpedThisFrame = 0x1164; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leader = 0x1168; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttributeManager = 0x1170; // C_AttributeContainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAttributesInitialized = 0x1618; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hWaterWakeParticles = 0x161C; // ParticleIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPreviewModel = 0x1620; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Transforms (CTransform) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (EHANDLE) + namespace PhysicsRagdollPose_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Transforms = 0x30; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwner = 0x48; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirty = 0x68; // bool + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/client.dll.json b/output/client.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a9a1cd --- /dev/null +++ b/output/client.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,14286 @@ +{ + "client.dll": { + "classes": { + "ActiveModelConfig_t": { + "fields": { + "m_AssociatedEntities": 56, + "m_AssociatedEntityNames": 80, + "m_Handle": 40, + "m_Name": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "m_Handle", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "ModelConfigHandle_t" + }, + { + "name": "m_Name", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "string_t" + }, + { + "name": "m_AssociatedEntities", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "CHandle" + }, + { + "name": "m_AssociatedEntityNames", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "string_t" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables": { + "fields": { + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables": 248, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables": 272, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables": 392, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables": 464, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables": 320, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables": 440, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables": 296, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables": 344, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables": 368, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables": 416, + "m_PredNetBoolVariables": 8, + "m_PredNetByteVariables": 32, + "m_PredNetFloatVariables": 152, + "m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables": 224, + "m_PredNetIntVariables": 80, + "m_PredNetQuaternionVariables": 200, + "m_PredNetUInt16Variables": 56, + "m_PredNetUInt32Variables": 104, + "m_PredNetUInt64Variables": 128, + "m_PredNetVectorVariables": 176, + "m_flLastTeleportTime": 500, + "m_nBoolVariablesCount": 488, + "m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount": 492, + "m_nRandomSeedOffset": 496 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "m_PredNetBoolVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint32" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetByteVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "byte" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetUInt16Variables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint16" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetIntVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int32" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetUInt32Variables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint32" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetUInt64Variables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint64" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetFloatVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "float" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetVectorVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "Vector" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetQuaternionVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "Quaternion" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "CGlobalSymbol" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint32" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "byte" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint16" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int32" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint32" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint64" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "float" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "Vector" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "Quaternion" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "CGlobalSymbol" + }, + { + "name": "m_nBoolVariablesCount", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_nRandomSeedOffset", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_flLastTeleportTime", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "float" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAttributeList": { + "fields": { + "m_Attributes": 8, + "m_pManager": 88 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "m_Attributes", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "CEconItemAttribute" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAttributeManager": { + "fields": { + "m_CachedResults": 48, + "m_ProviderType": 44, + "m_Providers": 8, + "m_bPreventLoopback": 40, + "m_hOuter": 36, + "m_iReapplyProvisionParity": 32 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "m_iReapplyProvisionParity", + 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"CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_TARGET_MATERIAL": 0, + "CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_VARIABLE_FROM_TARGET_ATTR": 4 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "CompositeMaterialInputLooseVariableType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_BOOLEAN": 0, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_COLOR4": 9, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT1": 5, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT2": 6, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT3": 7, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT4": 8, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER1": 1, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER2": 2, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER3": 3, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER4": 4, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_PANORAMA_RENDER": 14, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_RESOURCE_MATERIAL": 12, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_RESOURCE_TEXTURE": 13, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_STRING": 10, + "LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_SYSTEMVAR": 11 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "CompositeMaterialInputTextureType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_AO": 6, + "INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_COLOR": 2, + "INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_DEFAULT": 0, + "INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_MASKS": 3, + "INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMALMAP": 1, + "INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_PEARLESCENCE_MASK": 5, + "INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_ROUGHNESS": 4 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "CompositeMaterialMatchFilterType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_EQUALS": 3, + "MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS": 0, + "MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_NAME_SUBSTR": 2, + "MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_PROPERTY_EQUALS": 5, + "MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_PROPERTY_EXISTS": 4, + "MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_SHADER": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "CompositeMaterialVarSystemVar_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "COMPMATSYSVAR_COMPOSITETIME": 0, + "COMPMATSYSVAR_EMPTY_RESOURCE_SPACER": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/client.dll.rs b/output/client.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2adce3 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/client.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,6739 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: client.dll + // Classes count: 415 + // Enums count: 7 + pub mod client_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 15 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CompositeMaterialInputLooseVariableType_t { + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_BOOLEAN = 0x0, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER1 = 0x1, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER2 = 0x2, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER3 = 0x3, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_INTEGER4 = 0x4, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT1 = 0x5, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT2 = 0x6, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT3 = 0x7, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT4 = 0x8, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_COLOR4 = 0x9, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_STRING = 0xA, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_SYSTEMVAR = 0xB, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_RESOURCE_MATERIAL = 0xC, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_RESOURCE_TEXTURE = 0xD, + LOOSE_VARIABLE_TYPE_PANORAMA_RENDER = 0xE + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CompositeMaterialInputTextureType_t { + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMALMAP = 0x1, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_COLOR = 0x2, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_MASKS = 0x3, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_ROUGHNESS = 0x4, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_PEARLESCENCE_MASK = 0x5, + INPUT_TEXTURE_TYPE_AO = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CompositeMaterialInputContainerSourceType_t { + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_TARGET_MATERIAL = 0x0, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_MATERIAL_FROM_TARGET_ATTR = 0x1, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_SPECIFIC_MATERIAL = 0x2, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_LOOSE_VARIABLES = 0x3, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_VARIABLE_FROM_TARGET_ATTR = 0x4, + CONTAINER_SOURCE_TYPE_TARGET_INSTANCE_MATERIAL = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CompMatPropertyMutatorType_t { + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_INIT = 0x0, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_COPY_MATCHING_KEYS = 0x1, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_COPY_KEYS_WITH_SUFFIX = 0x2, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_COPY_PROPERTY = 0x3, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_SET_VALUE = 0x4, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_GENERATE_TEXTURE = 0x5, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_CONDITIONAL_MUTATORS = 0x6, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_POP_INPUT_QUEUE = 0x7, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_DRAW_TEXT = 0x8, + COMP_MAT_PROPERTY_MUTATOR_RANDOM_ROLL_INPUT_VARIABLES = 0x9 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CompositeMaterialVarSystemVar_t { + COMPMATSYSVAR_COMPOSITETIME = 0x0, + COMPMATSYSVAR_EMPTY_RESOURCE_SPACER = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CompositeMaterialMatchFilterType_t { + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS = 0x0, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_SHADER = 0x1, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_NAME_SUBSTR = 0x2, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_ATTRIBUTE_EQUALS = 0x3, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_PROPERTY_EXISTS = 0x4, + MATCH_FILTER_MATERIAL_PROPERTY_EQUALS = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CompMatPropertyMutatorConditionType_t { + COMP_MAT_MUTATOR_CONDITION_INPUT_CONTAINER_EXISTS = 0x0, + COMP_MAT_MUTATOR_CONDITION_INPUT_CONTAINER_VALUE_EXISTS = 0x1, + COMP_MAT_MUTATOR_CONDITION_INPUT_CONTAINER_VALUE_EQUALS = 0x2 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_HEGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_FuncMover { + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_TriggerLerpObject { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid + // Fields count: 37 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxFallVelocity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckAmount (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDuckOverride (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDesiresDuck (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastDuckTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOldJumpPressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpUntil (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpVel (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nButtonDownMaskPrev (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStamina (float) + pub mod CCSPlayer_MovementServices { + pub const m_flMaxFallVelocity: usize = 0x218; // float32 + pub const m_vecLadderNormal: usize = 0x21C; // Vector + pub const m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex: usize = 0x228; // int32 + pub const m_flDuckAmount: usize = 0x22C; // float32 + pub const m_flDuckSpeed: usize = 0x230; // float32 + pub const m_bDuckOverride: usize = 0x234; // bool + pub const m_bDesiresDuck: usize = 0x235; // bool + pub const m_flDuckOffset: usize = 0x238; // float32 + pub const m_nDuckTimeMsecs: usize = 0x23C; // uint32 + pub const m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs: usize = 0x240; // uint32 + pub const m_nJumpTimeMsecs: usize = 0x244; // uint32 + pub const m_flLastDuckTime: usize = 0x248; // float32 + pub const m_vecLastPositionAtFullCrouchSpeed: usize = 0x258; // Vector2D + pub const m_duckUntilOnGround: usize = 0x260; // bool + pub const m_bHasWalkMovedSinceLastJump: usize = 0x261; // bool + pub const m_bInStuckTest: usize = 0x262; // bool + pub const m_flStuckCheckTime: usize = 0x270; // float32[64][2] + pub const m_nTraceCount: usize = 0x470; // int32 + pub const m_StuckLast: usize = 0x474; // int32 + pub const m_bSpeedCropped: usize = 0x478; // bool + pub const m_nOldWaterLevel: usize = 0x47C; // int32 + pub const m_flWaterEntryTime: usize = 0x480; // float32 + pub const m_vecForward: usize = 0x484; // Vector + pub const m_vecLeft: usize = 0x490; // Vector + pub const m_vecUp: usize = 0x49C; // Vector + pub const m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand: usize = 0x4A8; // int32 + pub const m_bOldJumpPressed: usize = 0x4AC; // bool + pub const m_flJumpPressedTime: usize = 0x4B0; // float32 + pub const m_flJumpUntil: usize = 0x4B4; // float32 + pub const m_flJumpVel: usize = 0x4B8; // float32 + pub const m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen: usize = 0x4BC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nButtonDownMaskPrev: usize = 0x4C0; // uint64 + pub const m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_flStamina: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_flHeightAtJumpStart: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxJumpHeightThisJump: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: scale (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: origin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: fog (fogparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupID (WorldGroupId_t) + pub mod sky3dparams_t { + pub const scale: usize = 0x8; // int16 + pub const origin: usize = 0xC; // Vector + pub const bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar: usize = 0x18; // bool + pub const flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const fog: usize = 0x20; // fogparams_t + pub const m_nWorldGroupID: usize = 0x88; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponM4A1 { + } + // Parent: C_EconEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod C_Item { + pub const m_pReticleHintTextName: usize = 0x15B0; // char[256] + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCornerPairsNetworked (SoundeventPathCornerPairNetworked_t) + pub mod C_SoundEventPathCornerEntity { + pub const m_vecCornerPairsNetworked: usize = 0x548; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponM249 { + } + // Parent: C_TeamplayRules + // Fields count: 100 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFreezePeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWarmupPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodEnd (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodStart (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bServerPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTerroristTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCTTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTerroristTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTechnicalTimeOut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMatchWaitingForResume (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMatchStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fRoundStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRestartRoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGameRestart (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGameStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_gamePhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalRoundsPlayed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOvertimePlaying (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostagesRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnyHostageReached (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBombTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsValveDS (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLogoMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iSpectatorSlotCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MatchDevice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMatchStarted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextMapInMapgroup (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventStage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szMatchStatTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTournamentPredictionsPct (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDroppingItems (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQuestEligible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHltvActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrProhibitedItemIndices (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numBestOfMaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDropped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlanted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundWinStatus (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundWinReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_RoundResults (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextRespawnWave (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nServerQuestID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameModeRules (CCSGameModeRules*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakeRules (CRetakeGameRules) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTeamIntroPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundEndReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndTimerTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndFunFactToken (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot (CPlayerSlot) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndMessage (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndPlayerCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndLegacy (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundStartRoundNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundStartCount (uint8) + pub mod C_CSGameRules { + pub const m_bFreezePeriod: usize = 0x40; // bool + pub const m_bWarmupPeriod: usize = 0x41; // bool + pub const m_fWarmupPeriodEnd: usize = 0x44; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fWarmupPeriodStart: usize = 0x48; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bServerPaused: usize = 0x4C; // bool + pub const m_bTerroristTimeOutActive: usize = 0x4D; // bool + pub const m_bCTTimeOutActive: usize = 0x4E; // bool + pub const m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_flCTTimeOutRemaining: usize = 0x54; // float32 + pub const m_nTerroristTimeOuts: usize = 0x58; // int32 + pub const m_nCTTimeOuts: usize = 0x5C; // int32 + pub const m_bTechnicalTimeOut: usize = 0x60; // bool + pub const m_bMatchWaitingForResume: usize = 0x61; // bool + pub const m_iRoundTime: usize = 0x64; // int32 + pub const m_fMatchStartTime: usize = 0x68; // float32 + pub const m_fRoundStartTime: usize = 0x6C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flRestartRoundTime: usize = 0x70; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bGameRestart: usize = 0x74; // bool + pub const m_flGameStartTime: usize = 0x78; // float32 + pub const m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts: usize = 0x7C; // float32 + pub const m_gamePhase: usize = 0x80; // int32 + pub const m_totalRoundsPlayed: usize = 0x84; // int32 + pub const m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase: usize = 0x88; // int32 + pub const m_nOvertimePlaying: usize = 0x8C; // int32 + pub const m_iHostagesRemaining: usize = 0x90; // int32 + pub const m_bAnyHostageReached: usize = 0x94; // bool + pub const m_bMapHasBombTarget: usize = 0x95; // bool + pub const m_bMapHasRescueZone: usize = 0x96; // bool + pub const m_bMapHasBuyZone: usize = 0x97; // bool + pub const m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking: usize = 0x98; // bool + pub const m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode: usize = 0x9C; // int32 + pub const m_bIsValveDS: usize = 0xA0; // bool + pub const m_bLogoMap: usize = 0xA1; // bool + pub const m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer: usize = 0xA2; // bool + pub const m_iSpectatorSlotCount: usize = 0xA4; // int32 + pub const m_MatchDevice: usize = 0xA8; // int32 + pub const m_bHasMatchStarted: usize = 0xAC; // bool + pub const m_nNextMapInMapgroup: usize = 0xB0; // int32 + pub const m_szTournamentEventName: usize = 0xB4; // char[512] + pub const m_szTournamentEventStage: usize = 0x2B4; // char[512] + pub const m_szMatchStatTxt: usize = 0x4B4; // char[512] + pub const m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt: usize = 0x6B4; // char[512] + pub const m_nTournamentPredictionsPct: usize = 0x8B4; // int32 + pub const m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime: usize = 0x8B8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime: usize = 0x8BC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bIsDroppingItems: usize = 0x8C0; // bool + pub const m_bIsQuestEligible: usize = 0x8C1; // bool + pub const m_bIsHltvActive: usize = 0x8C2; // bool + pub const m_arrProhibitedItemIndices: usize = 0x8C4; // uint16[100] + pub const m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts: usize = 0x98C; // uint32[4] + pub const m_numBestOfMaps: usize = 0x99C; // int32 + pub const m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed: usize = 0x9A0; // int32 + pub const m_bBombDropped: usize = 0x9A4; // bool + pub const m_bBombPlanted: usize = 0x9A5; // bool + pub const m_iRoundWinStatus: usize = 0x9A8; // int32 + pub const m_eRoundWinReason: usize = 0x9AC; // int32 + pub const m_bTCantBuy: usize = 0x9B0; // bool + pub const m_bCTCantBuy: usize = 0x9B1; // bool + pub const m_iMatchStats_RoundResults: usize = 0x9B4; // int32[30] + pub const m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT: usize = 0xA2C; // int32[30] + pub const m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T: usize = 0xAA4; // int32[30] + pub const m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes: usize = 0xB1C; // float32[32] + pub const m_flNextRespawnWave: usize = 0xB9C; // GameTime_t[32] + pub const m_nServerQuestID: usize = 0xC1C; // int32 + pub const m_vMinimapMins: usize = 0xC20; // Vector + pub const m_vMinimapMaxs: usize = 0xC2C; // Vector + pub const m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights: usize = 0xC38; // float32[8] + pub const m_bSpawnedTerrorHuntHeavy: usize = 0xC58; // bool + pub const m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes: usize = 0xC5C; // int32[10] + pub const m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions: usize = 0xC84; // int32[10] + pub const m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner: usize = 0xCAC; // int32 + pub const m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses: usize = 0xCB0; // int32 + pub const m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses: usize = 0xCB4; // int32 + pub const m_bMarkClientStopRecordAtRoundEnd: usize = 0xCD0; // bool + pub const m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason: usize = 0xD28; // int32 + pub const m_bHasTriggeredRoundStartMusic: usize = 0xD2C; // bool + pub const m_bSwitchingTeamsAtRoundReset: usize = 0xD2D; // bool + pub const m_pGameModeRules: usize = 0xD48; // CCSGameModeRules* + pub const m_RetakeRules: usize = 0xD50; // C_RetakeGameRules + pub const m_nMatchEndCount: usize = 0xE68; // uint8 + pub const m_nTTeamIntroVariant: usize = 0xE6C; // int32 + pub const m_nCTTeamIntroVariant: usize = 0xE70; // int32 + pub const m_bTeamIntroPeriod: usize = 0xE74; // bool + pub const m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam: usize = 0xE78; // int32 + pub const m_eRoundEndReason: usize = 0xE7C; // int32 + pub const m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend: usize = 0xE80; // bool + pub const m_iRoundEndTimerTime: usize = 0xE84; // int32 + pub const m_sRoundEndFunFactToken: usize = 0xE88; // CUtlString + pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot: usize = 0xE90; // CPlayerSlot + pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactData1: usize = 0xE94; // int32 + pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactData2: usize = 0xE98; // int32 + pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactData3: usize = 0xE9C; // int32 + pub const m_sRoundEndMessage: usize = 0xEA0; // CUtlString + pub const m_iRoundEndPlayerCount: usize = 0xEA8; // int32 + pub const m_bRoundEndNoMusic: usize = 0xEAC; // bool + pub const m_iRoundEndLegacy: usize = 0xEB0; // int32 + pub const m_nRoundEndCount: usize = 0xEB4; // uint8 + pub const m_iRoundStartRoundNumber: usize = 0xEB8; // int32 + pub const m_nRoundStartCount: usize = 0xEBC; // uint8 + pub const m_flLastPerfSampleTime: usize = 0x4EC8; // float64 + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skeletonInstance (CSkeletonInstance) + pub mod CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance { + pub const m_skeletonInstance: usize = 0x50; // CSkeletonInstance + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponCZ75a { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 31 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CRenderComponent (CRenderComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CHitboxComponent (CHitboxComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderMode (RenderMode_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderFX (RenderFx_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrRender (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecRenderAttributes (EntityRenderAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Collision (CCollisionProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Glow (CGlowProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowBackfaceMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMinDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMaxDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nObjectCulling (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAddDecal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalForwardAxis (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealBloodRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealHeightRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo (CHandle) + pub mod C_BaseModelEntity { + pub const m_CRenderComponent: usize = 0xA18; // CRenderComponent* + pub const m_CHitboxComponent: usize = 0xA20; // CHitboxComponent + pub const m_bInitModelEffects: usize = 0xA68; // bool + pub const m_bIsStaticProp: usize = 0xA69; // bool + pub const m_nLastAddDecal: usize = 0xA6C; // int32 + pub const m_nDecalsAdded: usize = 0xA70; // int32 + pub const m_iOldHealth: usize = 0xA74; // int32 + pub const m_nRenderMode: usize = 0xA78; // RenderMode_t + pub const m_nRenderFX: usize = 0xA79; // RenderFx_t + pub const m_bAllowFadeInView: usize = 0xA7A; // bool + pub const m_clrRender: usize = 0xA7B; // Color + pub const m_vecRenderAttributes: usize = 0xA80; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + pub const m_bRenderToCubemaps: usize = 0xAE8; // bool + pub const m_Collision: usize = 0xAF0; // CCollisionProperty + pub const m_Glow: usize = 0xBA0; // CGlowProperty + pub const m_flGlowBackfaceMult: usize = 0xBF8; // float32 + pub const m_fadeMinDist: usize = 0xBFC; // float32 + pub const m_fadeMaxDist: usize = 0xC00; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeScale: usize = 0xC04; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowStrength: usize = 0xC08; // float32 + pub const m_nObjectCulling: usize = 0xC0C; // uint8 + pub const m_nAddDecal: usize = 0xC10; // int32 + pub const m_vDecalPosition: usize = 0xC14; // Vector + pub const m_vDecalForwardAxis: usize = 0xC20; // Vector + pub const m_flDecalHealBloodRate: usize = 0xC2C; // float32 + pub const m_flDecalHealHeightRate: usize = 0xC30; // float32 + pub const m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo: usize = 0xC38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_vecViewOffset: usize = 0xC50; // CNetworkViewOffsetVector + pub const m_pClientAlphaProperty: usize = 0xC80; // CClientAlphaProperty* + pub const m_ClientOverrideTint: usize = 0xC88; // Color + pub const m_bUseClientOverrideTint: usize = 0xC8C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_source (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_destination (string_t) + pub mod C_FootstepControl { + pub const m_source: usize = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_destination: usize = 0xCD8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + pub mod C_PointClientUIHUD { + pub const m_bCheckCSSClasses: usize = 0xD00; // bool + pub const m_bIgnoreInput: usize = 0xE80; // bool + pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0xE84; // float32 + pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0xE88; // float32 + pub const m_flDPI: usize = 0xE8C; // float32 + pub const m_flInteractDistance: usize = 0xE90; // float32 + pub const m_flDepthOffset: usize = 0xE94; // float32 + pub const m_unOwnerContext: usize = 0xE98; // uint32 + pub const m_unHorizontalAlign: usize = 0xE9C; // uint32 + pub const m_unVerticalAlign: usize = 0xEA0; // uint32 + pub const m_unOrientation: usize = 0xEA4; // uint32 + pub const m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds: usize = 0xEA8; // bool + pub const m_vecCSSClasses: usize = 0xEB0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + pub mod C_SpotlightEnd { + pub const m_flLightScale: usize = 0xCC8; // float32 + pub const m_Radius: usize = 0xCCC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex (attrib_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRefundableCurrency (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSetBonus (bool) + pub mod CEconItemAttribute { + pub const m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex: usize = 0x30; // uint16 + pub const m_flValue: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flInitialValue: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_nRefundableCurrency: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + pub const m_bSetBonus: usize = 0x40; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_FOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Resolution (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFogEnable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseScreenAspectRatio (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAspectRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSky (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZFar (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanHLTVUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDofEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofTiltToGround (float) + pub mod C_PointCamera { + pub const m_FOV: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_Resolution: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_bFogEnable: usize = 0x550; // bool + pub const m_FogColor: usize = 0x551; // Color + pub const m_flFogStart: usize = 0x558; // float32 + pub const m_flFogEnd: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMaxDensity: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x564; // bool + pub const m_bUseScreenAspectRatio: usize = 0x565; // bool + pub const m_flAspectRatio: usize = 0x568; // float32 + pub const m_bNoSky: usize = 0x56C; // bool + pub const m_fBrightness: usize = 0x570; // float32 + pub const m_flZFar: usize = 0x574; // float32 + pub const m_flZNear: usize = 0x578; // float32 + pub const m_bCanHLTVUse: usize = 0x57C; // bool + pub const m_bDofEnabled: usize = 0x57D; // bool + pub const m_flDofNearBlurry: usize = 0x580; // float32 + pub const m_flDofNearCrisp: usize = 0x584; // float32 + pub const m_flDofFarCrisp: usize = 0x588; // float32 + pub const m_flDofFarBlurry: usize = 0x58C; // float32 + pub const m_flDofTiltToGround: usize = 0x590; // float32 + pub const m_TargetFOV: usize = 0x594; // float32 + pub const m_DegreesPerSecond: usize = 0x598; // float32 + pub const m_bIsOn: usize = 0x59C; // bool + pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x5A0; // C_PointCamera* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_weapon_cs_base { + } + // Parent: C_LightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_LightSpotEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared) + pub mod C_EnvWind { + pub const m_EnvWindShared: usize = 0x548; // C_EnvWindShared + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_GameRulesProxy { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWearables (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFieldOfView (float) + pub mod C_BaseCombatCharacter { + pub const m_hMyWearables: usize = 0x1068; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_leftFootAttachment: usize = 0x1080; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_rightFootAttachment: usize = 0x1081; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_nWaterWakeMode: usize = 0x1084; // C_BaseCombatCharacter::WaterWakeMode_t + pub const m_flWaterWorldZ: usize = 0x1088; // float32 + pub const m_flWaterNextTraceTime: usize = 0x108C; // float32 + pub const m_flFieldOfView: usize = 0x1090; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_FlashbangProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + pub mod C_SoundEventSphereEntity { + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x548; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_WingmanIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_DynamicPropAlias_cable_dynamic { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_InfoInstructorHintHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlayingBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMultiplayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAutogenerated (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceClientTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSceneStringIndex (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActorList (CHandle) + pub mod C_SceneEntity { + pub const m_bIsPlayingBack: usize = 0x550; // bool + pub const m_bPaused: usize = 0x551; // bool + pub const m_bMultiplayer: usize = 0x552; // bool + pub const m_bAutogenerated: usize = 0x553; // bool + pub const m_flForceClientTime: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_nSceneStringIndex: usize = 0x558; // uint16 + pub const m_bClientOnly: usize = 0x55A; // bool + pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0x55C; // CHandle + pub const m_hActorList: usize = 0x560; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_bWasPlaying: usize = 0x578; // bool + pub const m_QueuedEvents: usize = 0x588; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flCurrentTime: usize = 0x5A0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCsViewPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerFog (fogplayerparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hColorCorrectionCtrl (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTonemapController (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_audio (audioparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PostProcessingVolumes (CHandle) + pub mod CPlayer_CameraServices { + pub const m_vecCsViewPunchAngle: usize = 0x40; // QAngle + pub const m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick: usize = 0x4C; // GameTick_t + pub const m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_PlayerFog: usize = 0x58; // C_fogplayerparams_t + pub const m_hColorCorrectionCtrl: usize = 0x98; // CHandle + pub const m_hViewEntity: usize = 0x9C; // CHandle + pub const m_hTonemapController: usize = 0xA0; // CHandle + pub const m_audio: usize = 0xA8; // audioparams_t + pub const m_PostProcessingVolumes: usize = 0x120; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_flOldPlayerZ: usize = 0x138; // float32 + pub const m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ: usize = 0x13C; // float32 + pub const m_CurrentFog: usize = 0x140; // fogparams_t + pub const m_hOldFogController: usize = 0x1A8; // CHandle + pub const m_bOverrideFogColor: usize = 0x1AC; // bool[5] + pub const m_OverrideFogColor: usize = 0x1B1; // Color[5] + pub const m_bOverrideFogStartEnd: usize = 0x1C5; // bool[5] + pub const m_fOverrideFogStart: usize = 0x1CC; // float32[5] + pub const m_fOverrideFogEnd: usize = 0x1E0; // float32[5] + pub const m_hActivePostProcessingVolume: usize = 0x1F4; // CHandle + pub const m_angDemoViewAngles: usize = 0x1F8; // QAngle + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHeldByPlayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPinPulled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJumpThrow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bThrowAnimating (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fThrowTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrengthApproach (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fDropTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fPinPullTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJustPulledPin (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextHoldTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextHoldFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow (CHandle) + pub mod C_BaseCSGrenade { + pub const m_bClientPredictDelete: usize = 0x1A70; // bool + pub const m_bRedraw: usize = 0x1A71; // bool + pub const m_bIsHeldByPlayer: usize = 0x1A72; // bool + pub const m_bPinPulled: usize = 0x1A73; // bool + pub const m_bJumpThrow: usize = 0x1A74; // bool + pub const m_bThrowAnimating: usize = 0x1A75; // bool + pub const m_fThrowTime: usize = 0x1A78; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flThrowStrength: usize = 0x1A7C; // float32 + pub const m_flThrowStrengthApproach: usize = 0x1A80; // float32 + pub const m_fDropTime: usize = 0x1A84; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fPinPullTime: usize = 0x1A88; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bJustPulledPin: usize = 0x1A8C; // bool + pub const m_nNextHoldTick: usize = 0x1A90; // GameTick_t + pub const m_flNextHoldFrac: usize = 0x1A94; // float32 + pub const m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow: usize = 0x1A98; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_FuncBrush + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_targetCamera (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionEnum (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseUniqueColorTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_brushModelName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetCamera (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDraw3DSkybox (bool) + pub mod C_FuncMonitor { + pub const m_targetCamera: usize = 0xCC8; // CUtlString + pub const m_nResolutionEnum: usize = 0xCD0; // int32 + pub const m_bRenderShadows: usize = 0xCD4; // bool + pub const m_bUseUniqueColorTarget: usize = 0xCD5; // bool + pub const m_brushModelName: usize = 0xCD8; // CUtlString + pub const m_hTargetCamera: usize = 0xCE0; // CHandle + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xCE4; // bool + pub const m_bDraw3DSkybox: usize = 0xCE5; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_TriggerMultiple { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod C_RopeKeyframe__CPhysicsDelegate { + pub const m_pKeyframe: usize = 0x8; // C_RopeKeyframe* + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CBodyComponent { + pub const m_pSceneNode: usize = 0x8; // CGameSceneNode* + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x20; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: C_SoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + pub mod C_SoundAreaEntitySphere { + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x570; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSObserver_MovementServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHorizontalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVerticalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMinDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOuterMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + pub mod C_LightGlow { + pub const m_nHorizontalSize: usize = 0xCC8; // uint32 + pub const m_nVerticalSize: usize = 0xCCC; // uint32 + pub const m_nMinDist: usize = 0xCD0; // uint32 + pub const m_nMaxDist: usize = 0xCD4; // uint32 + pub const m_nOuterMaxDist: usize = 0xCD8; // uint32 + pub const m_flGlowProxySize: usize = 0xCDC; // float32 + pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0xCE0; // float32 + pub const m_GlowOverlay: usize = 0xCE8; // C_LightGlowOverlay + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + pub mod CountdownTimer { + pub const m_duration: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_timestamp: usize = 0xC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_timescale: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_nWorldGroupId: usize = 0x14; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + pub mod CGameSceneNodeHandle { + pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0x8; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_name: usize = 0xC; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nTagTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModSmall (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModLarge (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio (float) + pub mod PredictedDamageTag_t { + pub const nTagTick: usize = 0x30; // GameTick_t + pub const flFlinchModSmall: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const flFlinchModLarge: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 14 + pub mod C_ClientRagdoll { + pub const m_bFadeOut: usize = 0xED0; // bool + pub const m_bImportant: usize = 0xED1; // bool + pub const m_flEffectTime: usize = 0xED4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_gibDespawnTime: usize = 0xED8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iCurrentFriction: usize = 0xEDC; // int32 + pub const m_iMinFriction: usize = 0xEE0; // int32 + pub const m_iMaxFriction: usize = 0xEE4; // int32 + pub const m_iFrictionAnimState: usize = 0xEE8; // int32 + pub const m_bReleaseRagdoll: usize = 0xEEC; // bool + pub const m_iEyeAttachment: usize = 0xEED; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_bFadingOut: usize = 0xEEE; // bool + pub const m_flScaleEnd: usize = 0xEF0; // float32[10] + pub const m_flScaleTimeStart: usize = 0xF18; // GameTime_t[10] + pub const m_flScaleTimeEnd: usize = 0xF40; // GameTime_t[10] + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod C_GlobalLight { + pub const m_WindClothForceHandle: usize = 0xA10; // uint16 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHostageAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isHostageFollowingSomeone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostageEntityIDs (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterA (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterB (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted (bool) + pub mod C_CSPlayerResource { + pub const m_bHostageAlive: usize = 0x548; // bool[12] + pub const m_isHostageFollowingSomeone: usize = 0x554; // bool[12] + pub const m_iHostageEntityIDs: usize = 0x560; // CEntityIndex[12] + pub const m_bombsiteCenterA: usize = 0x590; // Vector + pub const m_bombsiteCenterB: usize = 0x59C; // Vector + pub const m_hostageRescueX: usize = 0x5A8; // int32[4] + pub const m_hostageRescueY: usize = 0x5B8; // int32[4] + pub const m_hostageRescueZ: usize = 0x5C8; // int32[4] + pub const m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted: usize = 0x5D8; // bool + pub const m_foundGoalPositions: usize = 0x5D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CGameSceneNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_modelState (CModelState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsAnimationEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseParentRenderBounds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_materialGroup (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitboxSet (uint8) + pub mod CSkeletonInstance { + pub const m_modelState: usize = 0x170; // CModelState + pub const m_bIsAnimationEnabled: usize = 0x3A0; // bool + pub const m_bUseParentRenderBounds: usize = 0x3A1; // bool + pub const m_bDisableSolidCollisionsForHierarchy: usize = 0x3A2; // bool + pub const m_bDirtyMotionType: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bIsGeneratingLatchedParentSpaceState: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_materialGroup: usize = 0x3A4; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_nHitboxSet: usize = 0x3A8; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animationController (CBaseAnimGraphController) + pub mod CBodyComponentBaseAnimGraph { + pub const m_animationController: usize = 0x460; // CBaseAnimGraphController + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_sceneNode (CGameSceneNode) + pub mod CBodyComponentPoint { + pub const m_sceneNode: usize = 0x50; // CGameSceneNode + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDidSmokeEffect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeDetonationPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_VoxelFrameData (CUtlVector) + pub mod C_SmokeGrenadeProjectile { + pub const m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin: usize = 0x1158; // int32 + pub const m_bDidSmokeEffect: usize = 0x115C; // bool + pub const m_nRandomSeed: usize = 0x1160; // int32 + pub const m_vSmokeColor: usize = 0x1164; // Vector + pub const m_vSmokeDetonationPos: usize = 0x1170; // Vector + pub const m_VoxelFrameData: usize = 0x1180; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bSmokeVolumeDataReceived: usize = 0x1198; // bool + pub const m_bSmokeEffectSpawned: usize = 0x1199; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SoundEventEntityAlias_snd_event_point { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPath { + pub const m_flZFar: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flZNear: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0x550; // bool + pub const m_bVerticalFOV: usize = 0x551; // bool + pub const m_bConstantSpeed: usize = 0x552; // bool + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_flPathLength: usize = 0x598; // float32 + pub const m_flPathDuration: usize = 0x59C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_WingmanIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_firePositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireParentPositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFireIsBurning (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_BurnNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInfernoType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireLifetime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInPostEffectTime (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireEffectTickBegin (int) + pub mod C_Inferno { + pub const m_nfxFireDamageEffect: usize = 0xD08; // ParticleIndex_t + pub const m_hInfernoPointsSnapshot: usize = 0xD10; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hInfernoFillerPointsSnapshot: usize = 0xD18; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hInfernoOutlinePointsSnapshot: usize = 0xD20; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hInfernoClimbingOutlinePointsSnapshot: usize = 0xD28; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hInfernoDecalsSnapshot: usize = 0xD30; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_firePositions: usize = 0xD38; // Vector[64] + pub const m_fireParentPositions: usize = 0x1038; // Vector[64] + pub const m_bFireIsBurning: usize = 0x1338; // bool[64] + pub const m_BurnNormal: usize = 0x1378; // Vector[64] + pub const m_fireCount: usize = 0x1678; // int32 + pub const m_nInfernoType: usize = 0x167C; // int32 + pub const m_nFireLifetime: usize = 0x1680; // float32 + pub const m_bInPostEffectTime: usize = 0x1684; // bool + pub const m_lastFireCount: usize = 0x1688; // int32 + pub const m_nFireEffectTickBegin: usize = 0x168C; // int32 + pub const m_drawableCount: usize = 0x8290; // int32 + pub const m_blosCheck: usize = 0x8294; // bool + pub const m_nlosperiod: usize = 0x8298; // int32 + pub const m_maxFireHalfWidth: usize = 0x829C; // float32 + pub const m_maxFireHeight: usize = 0x82A0; // float32 + pub const m_minBounds: usize = 0x82A4; // Vector + pub const m_maxBounds: usize = 0x82B0; // Vector + pub const m_flLastGrassBurnThink: usize = 0x82BC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_HostageCarriableProp { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_TerroristWingmanIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPingedEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUrgent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlaceName (char) + pub mod C_PlayerPing { + pub const m_hPlayer: usize = 0x578; // CHandle + pub const m_hPingedEntity: usize = 0x57C; // CHandle + pub const m_iType: usize = 0x580; // int32 + pub const m_bUrgent: usize = 0x584; // bool + pub const m_szPlaceName: usize = 0x585; // char[18] + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponMP7 { + } + // Parent: C_Team + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamMatchStat (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numMapVictories (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSurrendered (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreFirstHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreSecondHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreOvertime (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClanTeamname (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClanID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamFlagImage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamLogoImage (char) + pub mod C_CSTeam { + pub const m_szTeamMatchStat: usize = 0x600; // char[512] + pub const m_numMapVictories: usize = 0x800; // int32 + pub const m_bSurrendered: usize = 0x804; // bool + pub const m_scoreFirstHalf: usize = 0x808; // int32 + pub const m_scoreSecondHalf: usize = 0x80C; // int32 + pub const m_scoreOvertime: usize = 0x810; // int32 + pub const m_szClanTeamname: usize = 0x814; // char[129] + pub const m_iClanID: usize = 0x898; // uint32 + pub const m_szTeamFlagImage: usize = 0x89C; // char[8] + pub const m_szTeamLogoImage: usize = 0x8A4; // char[8] + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 10 + pub mod C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPathNode { + pub const m_szParentPathUniqueID: usize = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nPathIndex: usize = 0x550; // int32 + pub const m_vInTangentLocal: usize = 0x554; // Vector + pub const m_vOutTangentLocal: usize = 0x560; // Vector + pub const m_flFOV: usize = 0x56C; // float32 + pub const m_flCameraSpeed: usize = 0x570; // float32 + pub const m_flEaseIn: usize = 0x574; // float32 + pub const m_flEaseOut: usize = 0x578; // float32 + pub const m_vInTangentWorld: usize = 0x57C; // Vector + pub const m_vOutTangentWorld: usize = 0x588; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponMag7 { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_DEagle { + } + // Parent: C_CSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 103 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBulletServices (CCSPlayer_BulletServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pHostageServices (CCSPlayer_HostageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBuyServices (CCSPlayer_BuyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGlowServices (CCSPlayer_GlowServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices*) + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasFemaleVoice (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLastPlaceName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngleVel (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickBase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickFraction (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInHostageRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBombZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsBuyMenuOpen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeOfLastInjury (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSprayDecalTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOffering (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOfferingCard (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesMVPLastRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility (loadout_slot_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_EconGloves (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEconGlovesChanged (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRagdollDamageBone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamageForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamagePosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollServerOrigin (Vector) + // MNetworkReplayCompatField + // NetworkVarNames: m_qDeathEyeAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLeftHanded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSwitchedHandednessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelFOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_GunGameImmunityColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsWalking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsScoped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bResumeZoom (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDefusing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsGrabbingHostage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress (CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEmitSoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInNoDefuseArea (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWhichBombZone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iShotsFired (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlinchStack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVelocityModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHitHeading (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBodyPart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWaitForNoAttack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKilledByHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ArmorValue (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unCurrentEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLastKillerIndex (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredictedDamageTags (PredictedDamageTag_t) + pub mod C_CSPlayerPawn { + pub const m_pBulletServices: usize = 0x1468; // CCSPlayer_BulletServices* + pub const m_pHostageServices: usize = 0x1470; // CCSPlayer_HostageServices* + pub const m_pBuyServices: usize = 0x1478; // CCSPlayer_BuyServices* + pub const m_pGlowServices: usize = 0x1480; // CCSPlayer_GlowServices* + pub const m_pActionTrackingServices: usize = 0x1488; // CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices* + pub const m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime: usize = 0x1490; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flLastFiredWeaponTime: usize = 0x1494; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bHasFemaleVoice: usize = 0x1498; // bool + pub const m_flLandingTimeSeconds: usize = 0x149C; // float32 + pub const m_flOldFallVelocity: usize = 0x14A0; // float32 + pub const m_szLastPlaceName: usize = 0x14A4; // char[18] + pub const m_bPrevDefuser: usize = 0x14B6; // bool + pub const m_bPrevHelmet: usize = 0x14B7; // bool + pub const m_nPrevArmorVal: usize = 0x14B8; // int32 + pub const m_nPrevGrenadeAmmoCount: usize = 0x14BC; // int32 + pub const m_unPreviousWeaponHash: usize = 0x14C0; // uint32 + pub const m_unWeaponHash: usize = 0x14C4; // uint32 + pub const m_bInBuyZone: usize = 0x14C8; // bool + pub const m_bPreviouslyInBuyZone: usize = 0x14C9; // bool + pub const m_aimPunchAngle: usize = 0x14CC; // QAngle + pub const m_aimPunchAngleVel: usize = 0x14D8; // QAngle + pub const m_aimPunchTickBase: usize = 0x14E4; // int32 + pub const m_aimPunchTickFraction: usize = 0x14E8; // float32 + pub const m_aimPunchCache: usize = 0x14F0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bInLanding: usize = 0x1510; // bool + pub const m_flLandingStartTime: usize = 0x1514; // float32 + pub const m_bInHostageRescueZone: usize = 0x1518; // bool + pub const m_bInBombZone: usize = 0x1519; // bool + pub const m_bIsBuyMenuOpen: usize = 0x151A; // bool + pub const m_flTimeOfLastInjury: usize = 0x151C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flNextSprayDecalTime: usize = 0x1520; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iRetakesOffering: usize = 0x1650; // int32 + pub const m_iRetakesOfferingCard: usize = 0x1654; // int32 + pub const m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit: usize = 0x1658; // bool + pub const m_bRetakesMVPLastRound: usize = 0x1659; // bool + pub const m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem: usize = 0x165C; // int32 + pub const m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility: usize = 0x1660; // loadout_slot_t + pub const m_bNeedToReApplyGloves: usize = 0x1680; // bool + pub const m_EconGloves: usize = 0x1688; // C_EconItemView + pub const m_nEconGlovesChanged: usize = 0x1AD0; // uint8 + pub const m_bMustSyncRagdollState: usize = 0x1AD1; // bool + pub const m_nRagdollDamageBone: usize = 0x1AD4; // int32 + pub const m_vRagdollDamageForce: usize = 0x1AD8; // Vector + pub const m_vRagdollDamagePosition: usize = 0x1AE4; // Vector + pub const m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName: usize = 0x1AF0; // char[64] + pub const m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot: usize = 0x1B30; // bool + pub const m_vRagdollServerOrigin: usize = 0x1B34; // Vector + pub const m_bLastHeadBoneTransformIsValid: usize = 0x2148; // bool + pub const m_lastLandTime: usize = 0x214C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bOnGroundLastTick: usize = 0x2150; // bool + pub const m_qDeathEyeAngles: usize = 0x216C; // QAngle + pub const m_bSkipOneHeadConstraintUpdate: usize = 0x2178; // bool + pub const m_bLeftHanded: usize = 0x2179; // bool + pub const m_fSwitchedHandednessTime: usize = 0x217C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flViewmodelOffsetX: usize = 0x2180; // float32 + pub const m_flViewmodelOffsetY: usize = 0x2184; // float32 + pub const m_flViewmodelOffsetZ: usize = 0x2188; // float32 + pub const m_flViewmodelFOV: usize = 0x218C; // float32 + pub const m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices: usize = 0x2190; // uint32[5] + pub const m_GunGameImmunityColor: usize = 0x21C8; // Color + pub const m_vecBulletHitModels: usize = 0x2218; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bIsWalking: usize = 0x2230; // bool + pub const m_thirdPersonHeading: usize = 0x2238; // QAngle + pub const m_flSlopeDropOffset: usize = 0x2250; // float32 + pub const m_flSlopeDropHeight: usize = 0x2260; // float32 + pub const m_vHeadConstraintOffset: usize = 0x2270; // Vector + pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0x2288; // EntitySpottedState_t + pub const m_bIsScoped: usize = 0x22A0; // bool + pub const m_bResumeZoom: usize = 0x22A1; // bool + pub const m_bIsDefusing: usize = 0x22A2; // bool + pub const m_bIsGrabbingHostage: usize = 0x22A3; // bool + pub const m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress: usize = 0x22A4; // CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t + pub const m_flEmitSoundTime: usize = 0x22A8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bInNoDefuseArea: usize = 0x22AC; // bool + pub const m_nWhichBombZone: usize = 0x22B0; // int32 + pub const m_iShotsFired: usize = 0x22B4; // int32 + pub const m_flFlinchStack: usize = 0x22B8; // float32 + pub const m_flVelocityModifier: usize = 0x22BC; // float32 + pub const m_flHitHeading: usize = 0x22C0; // float32 + pub const m_nHitBodyPart: usize = 0x22C4; // int32 + pub const m_bWaitForNoAttack: usize = 0x22C8; // bool + pub const m_ignoreLadderJumpTime: usize = 0x22CC; // float32 + pub const m_bKilledByHeadshot: usize = 0x22D1; // bool + pub const m_ArmorValue: usize = 0x22D4; // int32 + pub const m_unCurrentEquipmentValue: usize = 0x22D8; // uint16 + pub const m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue: usize = 0x22DA; // uint16 + pub const m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue: usize = 0x22DC; // uint16 + pub const m_nLastKillerIndex: usize = 0x22E0; // CEntityIndex + pub const m_bOldIsScoped: usize = 0x22E4; // bool + pub const m_bHasDeathInfo: usize = 0x22E5; // bool + pub const m_flDeathInfoTime: usize = 0x22E8; // float32 + pub const m_vecDeathInfoOrigin: usize = 0x22EC; // Vector + pub const m_grenadeParameterStashTime: usize = 0x22F8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bGrenadeParametersStashed: usize = 0x22FC; // bool + pub const m_angStashedShootAngles: usize = 0x2300; // QAngle + pub const m_vecStashedGrenadeThrowPosition: usize = 0x230C; // Vector + pub const m_vecStashedVelocity: usize = 0x2318; // Vector + pub const m_angShootAngleHistory: usize = 0x2324; // QAngle[2] + pub const m_vecThrowPositionHistory: usize = 0x233C; // Vector[2] + pub const m_vecVelocityHistory: usize = 0x2354; // Vector[2] + pub const m_PredictedDamageTags: usize = 0x2370; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + pub const m_nPrevHighestReceivedDamageTagTick: usize = 0x23C0; // GameTick_t + pub const m_nHighestAppliedDamageTagTick: usize = 0x23C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_RagdollProp + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_boneIndexAttached (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointBoneSpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace (Vector) + pub mod C_RagdollPropAttached { + pub const m_boneIndexAttached: usize = 0xF48; // uint32 + pub const m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex: usize = 0xF4C; // uint32 + pub const m_attachmentPointBoneSpace: usize = 0xF50; // Vector + pub const m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace: usize = 0xF5C; // Vector + pub const m_vecOffset: usize = 0xF68; // Vector + pub const m_parentTime: usize = 0xF74; // float32 + pub const m_bHasParent: usize = 0xF78; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounces (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin (Vector) + pub mod C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile { + pub const m_vInitialPosition: usize = 0x10B8; // Vector + pub const m_vInitialVelocity: usize = 0x10C4; // Vector + pub const m_nBounces: usize = 0x10D0; // int32 + pub const m_nExplodeEffectIndex: usize = 0x10D8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin: usize = 0x10E0; // int32 + pub const m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin: usize = 0x10E4; // Vector + pub const m_flSpawnTime: usize = 0x10F0; // GameTime_t + pub const vecLastTrailLinePos: usize = 0x10F4; // Vector + pub const flNextTrailLineTime: usize = 0x1100; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bExplodeEffectBegan: usize = 0x1104; // bool + pub const m_bCanCreateGrenadeTrail: usize = 0x1105; // bool + pub const m_nSnapshotTrajectoryEffectIndex: usize = 0x1108; // ParticleIndex_t + pub const m_hSnapshotTrajectoryParticleSnapshot: usize = 0x1110; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_arrTrajectoryTrailPoints: usize = 0x1118; // CUtlVector + pub const m_arrTrajectoryTrailPointCreationTimes: usize = 0x1130; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flTrajectoryTrailEffectCreationTime: usize = 0x1148; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSidePredicted (bool) + pub mod C_BaseTrigger { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0xCC8; // bool + pub const m_bClientSidePredicted: usize = 0xCC9; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_SequenceCompleteTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + pub mod C_WeaponBaseItem { + pub const m_SequenceCompleteTimer: usize = 0x1A70; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_bRedraw: usize = 0x1A88; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOtherEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMagnitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurfaceProp (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinition) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDamageType (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPenetrate (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaterial (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBox (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColor (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentName (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectName (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplosionType (uint8) + pub mod CEffectData { + pub const m_vOrigin: usize = 0x8; // Vector + pub const m_vStart: usize = 0x14; // Vector + pub const m_vNormal: usize = 0x20; // Vector + pub const m_vAngles: usize = 0x2C; // QAngle + pub const m_hEntity: usize = 0x38; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_hOtherEntity: usize = 0x3C; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_flMagnitude: usize = 0x44; // float32 + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_nSurfaceProp: usize = 0x4C; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_nEffectIndex: usize = 0x50; // CWeakHandle + pub const m_nDamageType: usize = 0x58; // uint32 + pub const m_nPenetrate: usize = 0x5C; // uint8 + pub const m_nMaterial: usize = 0x5E; // uint16 + pub const m_nHitBox: usize = 0x60; // uint16 + pub const m_nColor: usize = 0x62; // uint8 + pub const m_fFlags: usize = 0x63; // uint8 + pub const m_nAttachmentIndex: usize = 0x64; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_nAttachmentName: usize = 0x68; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_iEffectName: usize = 0x6C; // uint16 + pub const m_nExplosionType: usize = 0x6E; // uint8 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SensorGrenadeProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_MolotovGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szDisplayText (string_t) + pub mod C_BaseButton { + pub const m_glowEntity: usize = 0xCC8; // CHandle + pub const m_usable: usize = 0xCCC; // bool + pub const m_szDisplayText: usize = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewModel (CHandle) + pub mod CCSPlayer_ViewModelServices { + pub const m_hViewModel: usize = 0x40; // CHandle[3] + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoParticleTarget { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallVelocity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInCrouch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCrouchState (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInDuckJump (bool) + pub mod CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid { + pub const m_flStepSoundTime: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flFallVelocity: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_bInCrouch: usize = 0x1E0; // bool + pub const m_nCrouchState: usize = 0x1E4; // uint32 + pub const m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime: usize = 0x1E8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bDucked: usize = 0x1EC; // bool + pub const m_bDucking: usize = 0x1ED; // bool + pub const m_bInDuckJump: usize = 0x1EE; // bool + pub const m_groundNormal: usize = 0x1F0; // Vector + pub const m_flSurfaceFriction: usize = 0x1FC; // float32 + pub const m_surfaceProps: usize = 0x200; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_nStepside: usize = 0x210; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponAug { + } + // Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOpaque (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoDepth (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderBackface (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseOffScreenIndicator (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExcludeFromSaveGames (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGrabbable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOnlyRenderToTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisableMipGen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplicitImageLayout (int32) + pub mod C_PointClientUIWorldPanel { + pub const m_bForceRecreateNextUpdate: usize = 0xD00; // bool + pub const m_bMoveViewToPlayerNextThink: usize = 0xD01; // bool + pub const m_bCheckCSSClasses: usize = 0xD02; // bool + pub const m_anchorDeltaTransform: usize = 0xD10; // CTransform + pub const m_pOffScreenIndicator: usize = 0xEA8; // CPointOffScreenIndicatorUi* + pub const m_bIgnoreInput: usize = 0xED0; // bool + pub const m_bLit: usize = 0xED1; // bool + pub const m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport: usize = 0xED2; // bool + pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0xED4; // float32 + pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0xED8; // float32 + pub const m_flDPI: usize = 0xEDC; // float32 + pub const m_flInteractDistance: usize = 0xEE0; // float32 + pub const m_flDepthOffset: usize = 0xEE4; // float32 + pub const m_unOwnerContext: usize = 0xEE8; // uint32 + pub const m_unHorizontalAlign: usize = 0xEEC; // uint32 + pub const m_unVerticalAlign: usize = 0xEF0; // uint32 + pub const m_unOrientation: usize = 0xEF4; // uint32 + pub const m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds: usize = 0xEF8; // bool + pub const m_vecCSSClasses: usize = 0xF00; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_bOpaque: usize = 0xF18; // bool + pub const m_bNoDepth: usize = 0xF19; // bool + pub const m_bRenderBackface: usize = 0xF1A; // bool + pub const m_bUseOffScreenIndicator: usize = 0xF1B; // bool + pub const m_bExcludeFromSaveGames: usize = 0xF1C; // bool + pub const m_bGrabbable: usize = 0xF1D; // bool + pub const m_bOnlyRenderToTexture: usize = 0xF1E; // bool + pub const m_bDisableMipGen: usize = 0xF1F; // bool + pub const m_nExplicitImageLayout: usize = 0xF20; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSMinimapBoundary { + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusTimeLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sDMBonusWeapon (CUtlString) + pub mod CCSGameModeRules_Deathmatch { + pub const m_flDMBonusStartTime: usize = 0x30; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDMBonusTimeLength: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_sDMBonusWeapon: usize = 0x38; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_EndOfMatchCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetAABBEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTotalPausedTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPauseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGamePaused (bool) + pub mod C_GameRules { + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + pub const m_nTotalPausedTicks: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_nPauseStartTick: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_bGamePaused: usize = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WorldModelNametag { + } + // Parent: C_BasePropDoor + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_PropDoorRotating { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayerControllers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamname (char) + pub mod C_Team { + pub const m_aPlayerControllers: usize = 0x548; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_aPlayers: usize = 0x560; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_iScore: usize = 0x578; // int32 + pub const m_szTeamname: usize = 0x57C; // char[129] + } + // Parent: C_SoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMax (Vector) + pub mod C_SoundAreaEntityOrientedBox { + pub const m_vMin: usize = 0x570; // Vector + pub const m_vMax: usize = 0x57C; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLoop (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFPS (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPositionKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRotationKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMax (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartFrame (float) + pub mod C_TextureBasedAnimatable { + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0xCC8; // bool + pub const m_flFPS: usize = 0xCCC; // float32 + pub const m_hPositionKeys: usize = 0xCD0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hRotationKeys: usize = 0xCD8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_vAnimationBoundsMin: usize = 0xCE0; // Vector + pub const m_vAnimationBoundsMax: usize = 0xCEC; // Vector + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0xCF8; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFrame: usize = 0xCFC; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WorldModelStattrak { + } + // Parent: C_LightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_LightOrthoEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WaterServices + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CCSPlayer_WaterServices { + pub const m_flWaterJumpTime: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_vecWaterJumpVel: usize = 0x44; // Vector + pub const m_flSwimSoundTime: usize = 0x50; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CSkyboxReference { + pub const m_worldGroupId: usize = 0x548; // WorldGroupId_t + pub const m_hSkyCamera: usize = 0x54C; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_TonemapController2 + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_TonemapController2Alias_env_tonemap_controller2 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAlwaysUpdate (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightFOV (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSimpleProjection (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightOnlyTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCameraSpace (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLinearAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flQuadraticAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bVolumetric (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVolumetricIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNoiseStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashlightTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumPlanes (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPlaneOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTransitionTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAmbient (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotlightTextureName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSpotlightTextureFrame (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowQuality (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProjectionSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlipHorizontal (bool) + pub mod CProjectedTextureBase { + pub const m_hTargetEntity: usize = 0xC; // CHandle + pub const m_bState: usize = 0x10; // bool + pub const m_bAlwaysUpdate: usize = 0x11; // bool + pub const m_flLightFOV: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableShadows: usize = 0x18; // bool + pub const m_bSimpleProjection: usize = 0x19; // bool + pub const m_bLightOnlyTarget: usize = 0x1A; // bool + pub const m_bLightWorld: usize = 0x1B; // bool + pub const m_bCameraSpace: usize = 0x1C; // bool + pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_LightColor: usize = 0x24; // Color + pub const m_flIntensity: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearAttenuation: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_flQuadraticAttenuation: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_bVolumetric: usize = 0x34; // bool + pub const m_flVolumetricIntensity: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseStrength: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_flFlashlightTime: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_nNumPlanes: usize = 0x44; // uint32 + pub const m_flPlaneOffset: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_flColorTransitionTime: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const m_flAmbient: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_SpotlightTextureName: usize = 0x54; // char[512] + pub const m_nSpotlightTextureFrame: usize = 0x254; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowQuality: usize = 0x258; // uint32 + pub const m_flNearZ: usize = 0x25C; // float32 + pub const m_flFarZ: usize = 0x260; // float32 + pub const m_flProjectionSize: usize = 0x264; // float32 + pub const m_flRotation: usize = 0x268; // float32 + pub const m_bFlipHorizontal: usize = 0x26C; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unMusicID (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rank (MedalRank_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots (ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t) + pub mod CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices { + pub const m_unMusicID: usize = 0x40; // uint16 + pub const m_rank: usize = 0x44; // MedalRank_t[6] + pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel: usize = 0x5C; // int32 + pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher: usize = 0x64; // int32 + pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly: usize = 0x68; // int32 + pub const m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel: usize = 0x6C; // int32 + pub const m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots: usize = 0x70; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: C_PathParticleRope + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_PathParticleRopeAlias_path_particle_rope_clientside { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_UseServices { + } + // Parent: C_PredictedViewModel + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWeaponParity (uint32) + pub mod C_CSGOViewModel { + pub const m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy: usize = 0xF68; // bool + pub const m_nWeaponParity: usize = 0xF6C; // uint32 + pub const m_nOldWeaponParity: usize = 0xF70; // uint32 + pub const m_nLastKnownAssociatedWeaponEntIndex: usize = 0xF74; // CEntityIndex + pub const m_bNeedToQueueHighResComposite: usize = 0xF78; // bool + pub const m_vLoweredWeaponOffset: usize = 0xFC8; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CScriptComponent { + pub const m_scriptClassName: usize = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod C_EnvLightProbeVolume { + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture: usize = 0x1528; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture: usize = 0x1530; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture: usize = 0x1538; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture: usize = 0x1540; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_vBoxMins: usize = 0x1548; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x1554; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_bMoveable: usize = 0x1560; // bool + pub const m_Entity_nHandshake: usize = 0x1564; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nPriority: usize = 0x1568; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x156C; // bool + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX: usize = 0x1570; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY: usize = 0x1574; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ: usize = 0x1578; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX: usize = 0x157C; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY: usize = 0x1580; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ: usize = 0x1584; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_bEnabled: usize = 0x1591; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod C_ViewmodelAttachmentModel { + pub const m_bShouldFrontFaceCullLeftHanded: usize = 0xED0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_player_controller { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_Flashbang { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBumpMine { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDeaths (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAssists (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEquipmentValue (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMoneySaved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKillReward (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLiveTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHeadShotKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObjective (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashEarned (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iUtilityDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemiesFlashed (int) + pub mod CSPerRoundStats_t { + pub const m_iKills: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_iDeaths: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_iAssists: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_iDamage: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + pub const m_iEquipmentValue: usize = 0x40; // int32 + pub const m_iMoneySaved: usize = 0x44; // int32 + pub const m_iKillReward: usize = 0x48; // int32 + pub const m_iLiveTime: usize = 0x4C; // int32 + pub const m_iHeadShotKills: usize = 0x50; // int32 + pub const m_iObjective: usize = 0x54; // int32 + pub const m_iCashEarned: usize = 0x58; // int32 + pub const m_iUtilityDamage: usize = 0x5C; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemiesFlashed: usize = 0x60; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTimerPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerEndTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowInHUD (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerInitialLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTimerMaxLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAutoCountdown (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSetupTimeLength (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInCaptureWatchState (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTotalTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStopWatchTimer (bool) + pub mod C_TeamRoundTimer { + pub const m_bTimerPaused: usize = 0x548; // bool + pub const m_flTimeRemaining: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_flTimerEndTime: usize = 0x550; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bIsDisabled: usize = 0x554; // bool + pub const m_bShowInHUD: usize = 0x555; // bool + pub const m_nTimerLength: usize = 0x558; // int32 + pub const m_nTimerInitialLength: usize = 0x55C; // int32 + pub const m_nTimerMaxLength: usize = 0x560; // int32 + pub const m_bAutoCountdown: usize = 0x564; // bool + pub const m_nSetupTimeLength: usize = 0x568; // int32 + pub const m_nState: usize = 0x56C; // int32 + pub const m_bStartPaused: usize = 0x570; // bool + pub const m_bInCaptureWatchState: usize = 0x571; // bool + pub const m_flTotalTime: usize = 0x574; // float32 + pub const m_bStopWatchTimer: usize = 0x578; // bool + pub const m_bFireFinished: usize = 0x579; // bool + pub const m_bFire5MinRemain: usize = 0x57A; // bool + pub const m_bFire4MinRemain: usize = 0x57B; // bool + pub const m_bFire3MinRemain: usize = 0x57C; // bool + pub const m_bFire2MinRemain: usize = 0x57D; // bool + pub const m_bFire1MinRemain: usize = 0x57E; // bool + pub const m_bFire30SecRemain: usize = 0x57F; // bool + pub const m_bFire10SecRemain: usize = 0x580; // bool + pub const m_bFire5SecRemain: usize = 0x581; // bool + pub const m_bFire4SecRemain: usize = 0x582; // bool + pub const m_bFire3SecRemain: usize = 0x583; // bool + pub const m_bFire2SecRemain: usize = 0x584; // bool + pub const m_bFire1SecRemain: usize = 0x585; // bool + pub const m_nOldTimerLength: usize = 0x588; // int32 + pub const m_nOldTimerState: usize = 0x58C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nItemDefIndex (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCount (uint16) + pub mod WeaponPurchaseCount_t { + pub const m_nItemDefIndex: usize = 0x30; // uint16 + pub const m_nCount: usize = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SmokeGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponGalilAR { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WorldModelGloves { + } + // Parent: C_ModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_EnvProjectedTexture { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CPathSimple { + pub const m_pathString: usize = 0x598; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CPlayer_CameraServices + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOV (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOVStart (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hZoomOwner (CHandle) + pub mod CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { + pub const m_iFOV: usize = 0x210; // uint32 + pub const m_iFOVStart: usize = 0x214; // uint32 + pub const m_flFOVTime: usize = 0x218; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flFOVRate: usize = 0x21C; // float32 + pub const m_hZoomOwner: usize = 0x220; // CHandle + pub const m_flLastShotFOV: usize = 0x224; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_PointClientUIWorldPanel + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CPointOffScreenIndicatorUi { + pub const m_bBeenEnabled: usize = 0xF30; // bool + pub const m_bHide: usize = 0xF31; // bool + pub const m_flSeenTargetTime: usize = 0xF34; // float32 + pub const m_pTargetPanel: usize = 0xF38; // C_PointClientUIWorldPanel* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_entity { + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_zoomLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBurstShotsRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNeedsBoltAction (bool) + pub mod C_CSWeaponBaseGun { + pub const m_zoomLevel: usize = 0x1A70; // int32 + pub const m_iBurstShotsRemaining: usize = 0x1A74; // int32 + pub const m_iSilencerBodygroup: usize = 0x1A78; // int32 + pub const m_silencedModelIndex: usize = 0x1A88; // int32 + pub const m_inPrecache: usize = 0x1A8C; // bool + pub const m_bNeedsBoltAction: usize = 0x1A8D; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxData (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxSlotToken (CUtlStringToken) + pub mod C_SkyCamera { + pub const m_skyboxData: usize = 0x548; // sky3dparams_t + pub const m_skyboxSlotToken: usize = 0x5D8; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_bUseAngles: usize = 0x5DC; // bool + pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x5E0; // C_SkyCamera* + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_World { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDissolveType (EntityDisolveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDissolverOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMagnitude (uint32) + pub mod C_EntityDissolve { + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0xCD0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flFadeInStart: usize = 0xCD4; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeInLength: usize = 0xCD8; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutModelStart: usize = 0xCDC; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutModelLength: usize = 0xCE0; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutStart: usize = 0xCE4; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutLength: usize = 0xCE8; // float32 + pub const m_flNextSparkTime: usize = 0xCEC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nDissolveType: usize = 0xCF0; // EntityDisolveType_t + pub const m_vDissolverOrigin: usize = 0xCF4; // Vector + pub const m_nMagnitude: usize = 0xD00; // uint32 + pub const m_bCoreExplode: usize = 0xD04; // bool + pub const m_bLinkedToServerEnt: usize = 0xD05; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSObserver_UseServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCtrl (CHandle) + pub mod C_fogplayerparams_t { + pub const m_hCtrl: usize = 0x8; // CHandle + pub const m_flTransitionTime: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_OldColor: usize = 0x10; // Color + pub const m_flOldStart: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flOldEnd: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flOldMaxDensity: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flOldHDRColorScale: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flOldFarZ: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_NewColor: usize = 0x28; // Color + pub const m_flNewStart: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_flNewEnd: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_flNewMaxDensity: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flNewHDRColorScale: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flNewFarZ: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BasePlayerPawn + // Fields count: 65 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pPingServices (CCSPlayer_PingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pViewModelServices (CPlayer_ViewModelServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPlayerState (CSPlayerState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGunGameImmunity (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovUseTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovDamageTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iThrowGrenadeCounter (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iProgressBarDuration (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProgressBarStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashMaxAlpha (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_cycleLatch (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalController (CHandle) + pub mod C_CSPlayerPawnBase { + pub const m_pPingServices: usize = 0x12B0; // CCSPlayer_PingServices* + pub const m_pViewModelServices: usize = 0x12B8; // CPlayer_ViewModelServices* + pub const m_fRenderingClipPlane: usize = 0x12C0; // float32[4] + pub const m_nLastClipPlaneSetupFrame: usize = 0x12D0; // int32 + pub const m_vecLastClipCameraPos: usize = 0x12D4; // Vector + pub const m_vecLastClipCameraForward: usize = 0x12E0; // Vector + pub const m_bClipHitStaticWorld: usize = 0x12EC; // bool + pub const m_bCachedPlaneIsValid: usize = 0x12ED; // bool + pub const m_pClippingWeapon: usize = 0x12F0; // C_CSWeaponBase* + pub const m_previousPlayerState: usize = 0x12F8; // CSPlayerState + pub const m_iPlayerState: usize = 0x12FC; // CSPlayerState + pub const m_bIsRescuing: usize = 0x1300; // bool + pub const m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime: usize = 0x1304; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTimeLast: usize = 0x1308; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bGunGameImmunity: usize = 0x130C; // bool + pub const m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn: usize = 0x130D; // bool + pub const m_fMolotovUseTime: usize = 0x1310; // float32 + pub const m_fMolotovDamageTime: usize = 0x1314; // float32 + pub const m_iThrowGrenadeCounter: usize = 0x1318; // int32 + pub const m_flLastSpawnTimeIndex: usize = 0x131C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iProgressBarDuration: usize = 0x1320; // int32 + pub const m_flProgressBarStartTime: usize = 0x1324; // float32 + pub const m_vecIntroStartEyePosition: usize = 0x1328; // Vector + pub const m_vecIntroStartPlayerForward: usize = 0x1334; // Vector + pub const m_flClientDeathTime: usize = 0x1340; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bScreenTearFrameCaptured: usize = 0x1344; // bool + pub const m_flFlashBangTime: usize = 0x1348; // float32 + pub const m_flFlashScreenshotAlpha: usize = 0x134C; // float32 + pub const m_flFlashOverlayAlpha: usize = 0x1350; // float32 + pub const m_bFlashBuildUp: usize = 0x1354; // bool + pub const m_bFlashDspHasBeenCleared: usize = 0x1355; // bool + pub const m_bFlashScreenshotHasBeenGrabbed: usize = 0x1356; // bool + pub const m_flFlashMaxAlpha: usize = 0x1358; // float32 + pub const m_flFlashDuration: usize = 0x135C; // float32 + pub const m_iHealthBarRenderMaskIndex: usize = 0x1360; // int32 + pub const m_flHealthFadeValue: usize = 0x1364; // float32 + pub const m_flHealthFadeAlpha: usize = 0x1368; // float32 + pub const m_flDeathCCWeight: usize = 0x1378; // float32 + pub const m_flPrevRoundEndTime: usize = 0x137C; // float32 + pub const m_flPrevMatchEndTime: usize = 0x1380; // float32 + pub const m_angEyeAngles: usize = 0x1388; // QAngle + pub const m_fNextThinkPushAway: usize = 0x13A0; // float32 + pub const m_bShouldAutobuyDMWeapons: usize = 0x13A4; // bool + pub const m_bShouldAutobuyNow: usize = 0x13A5; // bool + pub const m_iIDEntIndex: usize = 0x13A8; // CEntityIndex + pub const m_delayTargetIDTimer: usize = 0x13B0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_iTargetItemEntIdx: usize = 0x13C8; // CEntityIndex + pub const m_iOldIDEntIndex: usize = 0x13CC; // CEntityIndex + pub const m_holdTargetIDTimer: usize = 0x13D0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_flCurrentMusicStartTime: usize = 0x13EC; // float32 + pub const m_flMusicRoundStartTime: usize = 0x13F0; // float32 + pub const m_bDeferStartMusicOnWarmup: usize = 0x13F4; // bool + pub const m_cycleLatch: usize = 0x13F8; // int32 + pub const m_serverIntendedCycle: usize = 0x13FC; // float32 + pub const m_flLastSmokeOverlayAlpha: usize = 0x1400; // float32 + pub const m_flLastSmokeAge: usize = 0x1404; // float32 + pub const m_vLastSmokeOverlayColor: usize = 0x1408; // Vector + pub const m_nPlayerSmokedFx: usize = 0x1414; // ParticleIndex_t + pub const m_nPlayerInfernoBodyFx: usize = 0x1418; // ParticleIndex_t + pub const m_nPlayerInfernoFootFx: usize = 0x141C; // ParticleIndex_t + pub const m_flNextMagDropTime: usize = 0x1420; // float32 + pub const m_nLastMagDropAttachmentIndex: usize = 0x1424; // int32 + pub const m_vecLastAliveLocalVelocity: usize = 0x1428; // Vector + pub const m_bGuardianShouldSprayCustomXMark: usize = 0x1450; // bool + pub const m_hOriginalController: usize = 0x1458; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_WeaponBaseItem + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_Item_Healthshot { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 29 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iWindSeed (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_windRadius (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGustDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGustDirChange (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_location (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInitialWindDir (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialWindSpeed (float32) + pub mod C_EnvWindShared { + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iWindSeed: usize = 0xC; // uint32 + pub const m_iMinWind: usize = 0x10; // uint16 + pub const m_iMaxWind: usize = 0x12; // uint16 + pub const m_windRadius: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_iMinGust: usize = 0x18; // uint16 + pub const m_iMaxGust: usize = 0x1A; // uint16 + pub const m_flMinGustDelay: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxGustDelay: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flGustDuration: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_iGustDirChange: usize = 0x28; // uint16 + pub const m_location: usize = 0x2C; // Vector + pub const m_iszGustSound: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_iWindDir: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + pub const m_flWindSpeed: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_currentWindVector: usize = 0x44; // Vector + pub const m_CurrentSwayVector: usize = 0x50; // Vector + pub const m_PrevSwayVector: usize = 0x5C; // Vector + pub const m_iInitialWindDir: usize = 0x68; // uint16 + pub const m_flInitialWindSpeed: usize = 0x6C; // float32 + pub const m_flVariationTime: usize = 0x70; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSwayTime: usize = 0x74; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSimTime: usize = 0x78; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSwitchTime: usize = 0x7C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flAveWindSpeed: usize = 0x80; // float32 + pub const m_bGusting: usize = 0x84; // bool + pub const m_flWindAngleVariation: usize = 0x88; // float32 + pub const m_flWindSpeedVariation: usize = 0x8C; // float32 + pub const m_iEntIndex: usize = 0x90; // CEntityIndex + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPostSettings (HPostProcessingStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureCompensation (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExposureControl (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + pub mod C_PostProcessingVolume { + pub const m_hPostSettings: usize = 0xCE0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flFadeDuration: usize = 0xCE8; // float32 + pub const m_flMinLogExposure: usize = 0xCEC; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxLogExposure: usize = 0xCF0; // float32 + pub const m_flMinExposure: usize = 0xCF4; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxExposure: usize = 0xCF8; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureCompensation: usize = 0xCFC; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp: usize = 0xD00; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown: usize = 0xD04; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange: usize = 0xD08; // float32 + pub const m_bMaster: usize = 0xD0C; // bool + pub const m_bExposureControl: usize = 0xD0D; // bool + pub const m_flRate: usize = 0xD10; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapPercentTarget: usize = 0xD14; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels: usize = 0xD18; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapMinAvgLum: usize = 0xD1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPing (CHandle) + pub mod CCSPlayer_PingServices { + pub const m_hPlayerPing: usize = 0x40; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_FlashlightServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CServerOnlyModelEntity { + } + // Parent: CAttributeManager + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_Item (CEconItemView) + pub mod C_AttributeContainer { + pub const m_Item: usize = 0x50; // C_EconItemView + pub const m_iExternalItemProviderRegisteredToken: usize = 0x498; // int32 + pub const m_ullRegisteredAsItemID: usize = 0x4A0; // uint64 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + pub mod C_FuncRotating { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlags (uint32) + pub mod C_BaseFire { + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flStartScale: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleTime: usize = 0x550; // float32 + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x554; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTickBase (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKnownTeamMismatch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iConnected (PlayerConnectedState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszPlayerName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_steamID (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredFOV (uint32) + // MNetworkReplayCompatField + pub mod CBasePlayerController { + pub const m_nFinalPredictedTick: usize = 0x550; // int32 + pub const m_CommandContext: usize = 0x558; // C_CommandContext + pub const m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles: usize = 0x600; // uint64 + pub const m_nTickBase: usize = 0x608; // uint32 + pub const m_hPawn: usize = 0x60C; // CHandle + pub const m_bKnownTeamMismatch: usize = 0x610; // bool + pub const m_hPredictedPawn: usize = 0x614; // CHandle + pub const m_nSplitScreenSlot: usize = 0x618; // CSplitScreenSlot + pub const m_hSplitOwner: usize = 0x61C; // CHandle + pub const m_hSplitScreenPlayers: usize = 0x620; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_bIsHLTV: usize = 0x638; // bool + pub const m_iConnected: usize = 0x63C; // PlayerConnectedState + pub const m_iszPlayerName: usize = 0x640; // char[128] + pub const m_steamID: usize = 0x6C8; // uint64 + pub const m_bIsLocalPlayerController: usize = 0x6D0; // bool + pub const m_iDesiredFOV: usize = 0x6D4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CPointTemplateAPI { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDecoyShotTick (int) + pub mod C_DecoyProjectile { + pub const m_nDecoyShotTick: usize = 0x1150; // int32 + pub const m_nClientLastKnownDecoyShotTick: usize = 0x1154; // int32 + pub const m_flTimeParticleEffectSpawn: usize = 0x1178; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WaterBullet { + } + // Parent: C_CSPlayerPawn + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer { + pub const m_animgraph: usize = 0x23C8; // CUtlString + pub const m_animgraphCharacterModeString: usize = 0x23D0; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_flInitialModelScale: usize = 0x23D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSkeletonAnimationController + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animGraphNetworkedVars (CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqFixedCycle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimLoopMode (AnimLoopMode_t) + pub mod CBaseAnimGraphController { + pub const m_animGraphNetworkedVars: usize = 0x18; // CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables + pub const m_bSequenceFinished: usize = 0x14A8; // bool + pub const m_flSoundSyncTime: usize = 0x14AC; // float32 + pub const m_nActiveIKChainMask: usize = 0x14B0; // uint32 + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x14B4; // HSequence + pub const m_flSeqStartTime: usize = 0x14B8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSeqFixedCycle: usize = 0x14BC; // float32 + pub const m_nAnimLoopMode: usize = 0x14C0; // AnimLoopMode_t + pub const m_flPlaybackRate: usize = 0x14C4; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + pub const m_nNotifyState: usize = 0x14D0; // SequenceFinishNotifyState_t + pub const m_bNetworkedAnimationInputsChanged: usize = 0x14D2; // bool + pub const m_bNetworkedSequenceChanged: usize = 0x14D3; // bool + pub const m_bLastUpdateSkipped: usize = 0x14D4; // bool + pub const m_flPrevAnimUpdateTime: usize = 0x14D8; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartedArming (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fArmedTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlacedAnimation (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlantingViaUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + pub mod C_C4 { + pub const m_szScreenText: usize = 0x1A70; // char[32] + pub const m_activeLightParticleIndex: usize = 0x1A90; // ParticleIndex_t + pub const m_eActiveLightEffect: usize = 0x1A94; // C4LightEffect_t + pub const m_bStartedArming: usize = 0x1A98; // bool + pub const m_fArmedTime: usize = 0x1A9C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bBombPlacedAnimation: usize = 0x1AA0; // bool + pub const m_bIsPlantingViaUse: usize = 0x1AA1; // bool + pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0x1AA8; // EntitySpottedState_t + pub const m_nSpotRules: usize = 0x1AC0; // int32 + pub const m_bPlayedArmingBeeps: usize = 0x1AC4; // bool[7] + pub const m_bBombPlanted: usize = 0x1ACB; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceBone (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pRagdollPose (PhysicsRagdollPose_t*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollClientSide (bool) + pub mod CBaseAnimGraph { + pub const m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory: usize = 0xD40; // bool + pub const m_bSuppressAnimEventSounds: usize = 0xD42; // bool + pub const m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled: usize = 0xD50; // bool + pub const m_flMaxSlopeDistance: usize = 0xD54; // float32 + pub const m_vLastSlopeCheckPos: usize = 0xD58; // Vector + pub const m_bAnimationUpdateScheduled: usize = 0xD64; // bool + pub const m_vecForce: usize = 0xD68; // Vector + pub const m_nForceBone: usize = 0xD74; // int32 + pub const m_pClientsideRagdoll: usize = 0xD78; // CBaseAnimGraph* + pub const m_bBuiltRagdoll: usize = 0xD80; // bool + pub const m_pRagdollPose: usize = 0xD98; // PhysicsRagdollPose_t* + pub const m_bRagdollClientSide: usize = 0xDA0; // bool + pub const m_bHasAnimatedMaterialAttributes: usize = 0xDB0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_Melee { + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBreachChargeProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_PointEntity { + } + // Parent: C_GameRules + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_MultiplayRules { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CBasePlayerControllerAPI { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flParticleSpacing (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Position (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentIn (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentOut (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Color (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_PinEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_RadiusScale (float) + pub mod C_PathParticleRope { + pub const m_bStartActive: usize = 0x548; // bool + pub const m_flMaxSimulationTime: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_iszEffectName: usize = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_PathNodes_Name: usize = 0x558; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flParticleSpacing: usize = 0x570; // float32 + pub const m_flSlack: usize = 0x574; // float32 + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x578; // float32 + pub const m_ColorTint: usize = 0x57C; // Color + pub const m_nEffectState: usize = 0x580; // int32 + pub const m_iEffectIndex: usize = 0x588; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_PathNodes_Position: usize = 0x590; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PathNodes_TangentIn: usize = 0x5A8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PathNodes_TangentOut: usize = 0x5C0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PathNodes_Color: usize = 0x5D8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PathNodes_PinEnabled: usize = 0x5F0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PathNodes_RadiusScale: usize = 0x608; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_CCSWeaponBaseVData { + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + pub mod C_SoundEventAABBEntity { + pub const m_vMins: usize = 0x548; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxs: usize = 0x554; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponP90 { + } + // Parent: C_EconEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip1 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip2 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pReserveAmmo (int) + pub mod C_BasePlayerWeapon { + pub const m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick: usize = 0x15B0; // GameTick_t + pub const m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio: usize = 0x15B4; // float32 + pub const m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick: usize = 0x15B8; // GameTick_t + pub const m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio: usize = 0x15BC; // float32 + pub const m_iClip1: usize = 0x15C0; // int32 + pub const m_iClip2: usize = 0x15C4; // int32 + pub const m_pReserveAmmo: usize = 0x15C8; // int32[2] + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBasePlayerWeaponVData { + pub const m_szWorldModel: usize = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_bBuiltRightHanded: usize = 0x108; // bool + pub const m_bAllowFlipping: usize = 0x109; // bool + pub const m_sMuzzleAttachment: usize = 0x110; // CUtlString + pub const m_szMuzzleFlashParticle: usize = 0x118; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_iFlags: usize = 0x1F8; // ItemFlagTypes_t + pub const m_nPrimaryAmmoType: usize = 0x1F9; // AmmoIndex_t + pub const m_nSecondaryAmmoType: usize = 0x1FA; // AmmoIndex_t + pub const m_iMaxClip1: usize = 0x1FC; // int32 + pub const m_iMaxClip2: usize = 0x200; // int32 + pub const m_iDefaultClip1: usize = 0x204; // int32 + pub const m_iDefaultClip2: usize = 0x208; // int32 + pub const m_iWeight: usize = 0x20C; // int32 + pub const m_bAutoSwitchTo: usize = 0x210; // bool + pub const m_bAutoSwitchFrom: usize = 0x211; // bool + pub const m_iRumbleEffect: usize = 0x214; // RumbleEffect_t + pub const m_bLinkedCooldowns: usize = 0x218; // bool + pub const m_aShootSounds: usize = 0x220; // CUtlOrderedMap + pub const m_iSlot: usize = 0x248; // int32 + pub const m_iPosition: usize = 0x24C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_poolOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_waterLevel (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_x (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_y (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_z (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angle (float32) + pub mod C_Fish { + pub const m_pos: usize = 0xED0; // Vector + pub const m_vel: usize = 0xEDC; // Vector + pub const m_angles: usize = 0xEE8; // QAngle + pub const m_localLifeState: usize = 0xEF4; // int32 + pub const m_deathDepth: usize = 0xEF8; // float32 + pub const m_deathAngle: usize = 0xEFC; // float32 + pub const m_buoyancy: usize = 0xF00; // float32 + pub const m_wiggleTimer: usize = 0xF08; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_wigglePhase: usize = 0xF20; // float32 + pub const m_wiggleRate: usize = 0xF24; // float32 + pub const m_actualPos: usize = 0xF28; // Vector + pub const m_actualAngles: usize = 0xF34; // QAngle + pub const m_poolOrigin: usize = 0xF40; // Vector + pub const m_waterLevel: usize = 0xF4C; // float32 + pub const m_gotUpdate: usize = 0xF50; // bool + pub const m_x: usize = 0xF54; // float32 + pub const m_y: usize = 0xF58; // float32 + pub const m_z: usize = 0xF5C; // float32 + pub const m_angle: usize = 0xF60; // float32 + pub const m_errorHistory: usize = 0xF64; // float32[20] + pub const m_errorHistoryIndex: usize = 0xFB4; // int32 + pub const m_errorHistoryCount: usize = 0xFB8; // int32 + pub const m_averageError: usize = 0xFBC; // float32 + } + // Parent: IntervalTimer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValues (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nValueCounts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBucketCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInterval (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFinalValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCompressionType (TimelineCompression_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStopped (bool) + pub mod CTimeline { + pub const m_flValues: usize = 0x10; // float32[64] + pub const m_nValueCounts: usize = 0x110; // int32[64] + pub const m_nBucketCount: usize = 0x210; // int32 + pub const m_flInterval: usize = 0x214; // float32 + pub const m_flFinalValue: usize = 0x218; // float32 + pub const m_nCompressionType: usize = 0x21C; // TimelineCompression_t + pub const m_bStopped: usize = 0x220; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponAWP { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWeaponServices (CPlayer_WeaponServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pItemServices (CPlayer_ItemServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pAutoaimServices (CPlayer_AutoaimServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pObserverServices (CPlayer_ObserverServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWaterServices (CPlayer_WaterServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pUseServices (CPlayer_UseServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pFlashlightServices (CPlayer_FlashlightServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pCameraServices (CPlayer_CameraServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pMovementServices (CPlayer_MovementServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ServerViewAngleChanges (ViewAngleServerChange_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHideHUD (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skybox3d (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDeathTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hController (CHandle) + pub mod C_BasePlayerPawn { + pub const m_pWeaponServices: usize = 0x10F8; // CPlayer_WeaponServices* + pub const m_pItemServices: usize = 0x1100; // CPlayer_ItemServices* + pub const m_pAutoaimServices: usize = 0x1108; // CPlayer_AutoaimServices* + pub const m_pObserverServices: usize = 0x1110; // CPlayer_ObserverServices* + pub const m_pWaterServices: usize = 0x1118; // CPlayer_WaterServices* + pub const m_pUseServices: usize = 0x1120; // CPlayer_UseServices* + pub const m_pFlashlightServices: usize = 0x1128; // CPlayer_FlashlightServices* + pub const m_pCameraServices: usize = 0x1130; // CPlayer_CameraServices* + pub const m_pMovementServices: usize = 0x1138; // CPlayer_MovementServices* + pub const m_ServerViewAngleChanges: usize = 0x1148; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + pub const m_nHighestConsumedServerViewAngleChangeIndex: usize = 0x1198; // uint32 + pub const v_angle: usize = 0x119C; // QAngle + pub const v_anglePrevious: usize = 0x11A8; // QAngle + pub const m_iHideHUD: usize = 0x11B4; // uint32 + pub const m_skybox3d: usize = 0x11B8; // sky3dparams_t + pub const m_flDeathTime: usize = 0x1248; // GameTime_t + pub const m_vecPredictionError: usize = 0x124C; // Vector + pub const m_flPredictionErrorTime: usize = 0x1258; // GameTime_t + pub const m_vecLastCameraSetupLocalOrigin: usize = 0x125C; // Vector + pub const m_flLastCameraSetupTime: usize = 0x1268; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flFOVSensitivityAdjust: usize = 0x126C; // float32 + pub const m_flMouseSensitivity: usize = 0x1270; // float32 + pub const m_vOldOrigin: usize = 0x1274; // Vector + pub const m_flOldSimulationTime: usize = 0x1280; // float32 + pub const m_nLastExecutedCommandNumber: usize = 0x1284; // int32 + pub const m_nLastExecutedCommandTick: usize = 0x1288; // int32 + pub const m_hController: usize = 0x128C; // CHandle + pub const m_bIsSwappingToPredictableController: usize = 0x1290; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iReapplyProvisionParity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOuter (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ProviderType (attributeprovidertypes_t) + pub mod CAttributeManager { + pub const m_Providers: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_iReapplyProvisionParity: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_hOuter: usize = 0x24; // CHandle + pub const m_bPreventLoopback: usize = 0x28; // bool + pub const m_ProviderType: usize = 0x2C; // attributeprovidertypes_t + pub const m_CachedResults: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CLogicalEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeedOffset (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastTeleportTime (float) + pub mod CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables { + pub const m_PredNetBoolVariables: usize = 0x8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetByteVariables: usize = 0x20; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetUInt16Variables: usize = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetIntVariables: usize = 0x50; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetUInt32Variables: usize = 0x68; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetUInt64Variables: usize = 0x80; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetFloatVariables: usize = 0x98; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetVectorVariables: usize = 0xB0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetQuaternionVariables: usize = 0xC8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables: usize = 0xE0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables: usize = 0xF8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables: usize = 0x110; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables: usize = 0x128; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables: usize = 0x140; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables: usize = 0x158; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables: usize = 0x170; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables: usize = 0x188; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables: usize = 0x1A0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables: usize = 0x1B8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables: usize = 0x1D0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_nBoolVariablesCount: usize = 0x1E8; // int32 + pub const m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount: usize = 0x1EC; // int32 + pub const m_nRandomSeedOffset: usize = 0x1F0; // int32 + pub const m_flLastTeleportTime: usize = 0x1F4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFluidDensity (float) + pub mod C_TriggerBuoyancy { + pub const m_BuoyancyHelper: usize = 0xCD0; // CBuoyancyHelper + pub const m_flFluidDensity: usize = 0xCF0; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 41 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScrollSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeFlags (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSegments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hStartPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEndPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEndAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Subdiv (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeLength (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Slack (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TextureScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLockedPoints (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nChangeCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Width (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints (bool) + pub mod C_RopeKeyframe { + pub const m_LinksTouchingSomething: usize = 0xCD0; // CBitVec<10> + pub const m_nLinksTouchingSomething: usize = 0xCD4; // int32 + pub const m_bApplyWind: usize = 0xCD8; // bool + pub const m_fPrevLockedPoints: usize = 0xCDC; // int32 + pub const m_iForcePointMoveCounter: usize = 0xCE0; // int32 + pub const m_bPrevEndPointPos: usize = 0xCE4; // bool[2] + pub const m_vPrevEndPointPos: usize = 0xCE8; // Vector[2] + pub const m_flCurScroll: usize = 0xD00; // float32 + pub const m_flScrollSpeed: usize = 0xD04; // float32 + pub const m_RopeFlags: usize = 0xD08; // uint16 + pub const m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex: usize = 0xD10; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_LightValues: usize = 0xF88; // Vector[10] + pub const m_nSegments: usize = 0x1000; // uint8 + pub const m_hStartPoint: usize = 0x1004; // CHandle + pub const m_hEndPoint: usize = 0x1008; // CHandle + pub const m_iStartAttachment: usize = 0x100C; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_iEndAttachment: usize = 0x100D; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_Subdiv: usize = 0x100E; // uint8 + pub const m_RopeLength: usize = 0x1010; // int16 + pub const m_Slack: usize = 0x1012; // int16 + pub const m_TextureScale: usize = 0x1014; // float32 + pub const m_fLockedPoints: usize = 0x1018; // uint8 + pub const m_nChangeCount: usize = 0x1019; // uint8 + pub const m_Width: usize = 0x101C; // float32 + pub const m_PhysicsDelegate: usize = 0x1020; // C_RopeKeyframe::CPhysicsDelegate + pub const m_hMaterial: usize = 0x1030; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_TextureHeight: usize = 0x1038; // int32 + pub const m_vecImpulse: usize = 0x103C; // Vector + pub const m_vecPreviousImpulse: usize = 0x1048; // Vector + pub const m_flCurrentGustTimer: usize = 0x1054; // float32 + pub const m_flCurrentGustLifetime: usize = 0x1058; // float32 + pub const m_flTimeToNextGust: usize = 0x105C; // float32 + pub const m_vWindDir: usize = 0x1060; // Vector + pub const m_vColorMod: usize = 0x106C; // Vector + pub const m_vCachedEndPointAttachmentPos: usize = 0x1078; // Vector[2] + pub const m_vCachedEndPointAttachmentAngle: usize = 0x1090; // QAngle[2] + pub const m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints: usize = 0x10A8; // bool + pub const m_bEndPointAttachmentPositionsDirty: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bEndPointAttachmentAnglesDirty: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bNewDataThisFrame: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bPhysicsInitted: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGradientFogTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogVerticalExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + pub mod C_GradientFog { + pub const m_hGradientFogTexture: usize = 0x548; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flFogStartDistance: usize = 0x550; // float32 + pub const m_flFogEndDistance: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_bHeightFogEnabled: usize = 0x558; // bool + pub const m_flFogStartHeight: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_flFogEndHeight: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_flFarZ: usize = 0x564; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMaxOpacity: usize = 0x568; // float32 + pub const m_flFogFalloffExponent: usize = 0x56C; // float32 + pub const m_flFogVerticalExponent: usize = 0x570; // float32 + pub const m_fogColor: usize = 0x574; // Color + pub const m_flFogStrength: usize = 0x578; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeTime: usize = 0x57C; // float32 + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x580; // bool + pub const m_bIsEnabled: usize = 0x581; // bool + pub const m_bGradientFogNeedsTextures: usize = 0x582; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpotted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpottedByMask (uint32) + pub mod EntitySpottedState_t { + pub const m_bSpotted: usize = 0x8; // bool + pub const m_bSpottedByMask: usize = 0xC; // uint32[2] + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPath + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera { + pub const m_nVariant: usize = 0x5B0; // int32 + pub const m_bDofEnabled: usize = 0x5B4; // bool + pub const m_flDofNearBlurry: usize = 0x5B8; // float32 + pub const m_flDofNearCrisp: usize = 0x5BC; // float32 + pub const m_flDofFarCrisp: usize = 0x5C0; // float32 + pub const m_flDofFarBlurry: usize = 0x5C4; // float32 + pub const m_flDofTiltToGround: usize = 0x5C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CCSPlayer_CameraServices { + pub const m_flDeathCamTilt: usize = 0x228; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_TeamSelectCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_EconEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod C_EconWearable { + pub const m_nForceSkin: usize = 0x15B0; // int32 + pub const m_bAlwaysAllow: usize = 0x15B4; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CSPerRoundStats_t + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy5Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy4Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy3Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyKnifeKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyTaserKills (int) + pub mod CSMatchStats_t { + pub const m_iEnemy5Ks: usize = 0x68; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemy4Ks: usize = 0x6C; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemy3Ks: usize = 0x70; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemyKnifeKills: usize = 0x74; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemyTaserKills: usize = 0x78; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_BaseToggle { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFalloffShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeightFogDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fIndirectLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSunLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideSunLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideNoiseStrength (bool) + pub mod C_EnvVolumetricFogVolume { + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x548; // bool + pub const m_vBoxMins: usize = 0x54C; // Vector + pub const m_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x558; // Vector + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x564; // bool + pub const m_flStrength: usize = 0x568; // float32 + pub const m_nFalloffShape: usize = 0x56C; // int32 + pub const m_flFalloffExponent: usize = 0x570; // float32 + pub const m_flHeightFogDepth: usize = 0x574; // float32 + pub const m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth: usize = 0x578; // float32 + pub const m_fIndirectLightStrength: usize = 0x57C; // float32 + pub const m_fSunLightStrength: usize = 0x580; // float32 + pub const m_fNoiseStrength: usize = 0x584; // float32 + pub const m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength: usize = 0x588; // bool + pub const m_bOverrideSunLightStrength: usize = 0x589; // bool + pub const m_bOverrideNoiseStrength: usize = 0x58A; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWaterSplasher { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_ModelPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSObserver_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFire + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameModelIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex (int32) + pub mod C_FireSmoke { + pub const m_nFlameModelIndex: usize = 0x558; // int32 + pub const m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex: usize = 0x55C; // int32 + pub const m_flScaleRegister: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleStart: usize = 0x564; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleEnd: usize = 0x568; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleTimeStart: usize = 0x56C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flScaleTimeEnd: usize = 0x570; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flChildFlameSpread: usize = 0x574; // float32 + pub const m_flClipPerc: usize = 0x588; // float32 + pub const m_bClipTested: usize = 0x58C; // bool + pub const m_bFadingOut: usize = 0x58D; // bool + pub const m_tParticleSpawn: usize = 0x590; // TimedEvent + pub const m_pFireOverlay: usize = 0x598; // CFireOverlay* + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponRevolver { + } + // Parent: C_Sprite + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_FireFromAboveSprite { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod C_EnvCombinedLightProbeVolume { + pub const m_Entity_Color: usize = 0x15A8; // Color + pub const m_Entity_flBrightness: usize = 0x15AC; // float32 + pub const m_Entity_hCubemapTexture: usize = 0x15B0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture: usize = 0x15B8; // bool + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture: usize = 0x15C0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture: usize = 0x15C8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture: usize = 0x15D0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture: usize = 0x15D8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_vBoxMins: usize = 0x15E0; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x15EC; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_bMoveable: usize = 0x15F8; // bool + pub const m_Entity_nHandshake: usize = 0x15FC; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex: usize = 0x1600; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nPriority: usize = 0x1604; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x1608; // bool + pub const m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist: usize = 0x160C; // float32 + pub const m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists: usize = 0x1610; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX: usize = 0x161C; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY: usize = 0x1620; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ: usize = 0x1624; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX: usize = 0x1628; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY: usize = 0x162C; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ: usize = 0x1630; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_bEnabled: usize = 0x1649; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetOBBWindEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (ModelConfigHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Name (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntityNames (string_t) + pub mod ActiveModelConfig_t { + pub const m_Handle: usize = 0x28; // ModelConfigHandle_t + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_AssociatedEntities: usize = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_AssociatedEntityNames: usize = 0x50; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponMP5SD { + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_DynamicPropAlias_dynamic_prop { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalHitsOnServer (int32) + pub mod CCSPlayer_BulletServices { + pub const m_totalHitsOnServer: usize = 0x40; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CLogicRelay { + pub const m_OnTrigger: usize = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnSpawn: usize = 0x570; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x598; // bool + pub const m_bWaitForRefire: usize = 0x599; // bool + pub const m_bTriggerOnce: usize = 0x59A; // bool + pub const m_bFastRetrigger: usize = 0x59B; // bool + pub const m_bPassthoughCaller: usize = 0x59C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_PointCamera + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod C_PointCameraVFOV { + pub const m_flVerticalFOV: usize = 0x5A8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ItemServices + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeavyArmor (bool) + pub mod CCSPlayer_ItemServices { + pub const m_bHasDefuser: usize = 0x40; // bool + pub const m_bHasHelmet: usize = 0x41; // bool + pub const m_bHasHeavyArmor: usize = 0x42; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 51 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColorMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTemperature (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLuminaireShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleString (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_QueuedLightStyleStrings (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleEvents (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleTargets (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShape (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirt (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirtNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSizeParams (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vShear (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowMapSize (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bContactShadow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounceLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBounceScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAlternateColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAlternateColorBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFog (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + pub mod C_BarnLight { + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xCC8; // bool + pub const m_nColorMode: usize = 0xCCC; // int32 + pub const m_Color: usize = 0xCD0; // Color + pub const m_flColorTemperature: usize = 0xCD4; // float32 + pub const m_flBrightness: usize = 0xCD8; // float32 + pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0xCDC; // float32 + pub const m_nDirectLight: usize = 0xCE0; // int32 + pub const m_nBakedShadowIndex: usize = 0xCE4; // int32 + pub const m_nLuminaireShape: usize = 0xCE8; // int32 + pub const m_flLuminaireSize: usize = 0xCEC; // float32 + pub const m_flLuminaireAnisotropy: usize = 0xCF0; // float32 + pub const m_LightStyleString: usize = 0xCF8; // CUtlString + pub const m_flLightStyleStartTime: usize = 0xD00; // GameTime_t + pub const m_QueuedLightStyleStrings: usize = 0xD08; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_LightStyleEvents: usize = 0xD20; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_LightStyleTargets: usize = 0xD38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_StyleEvent: usize = 0xD50; // CEntityIOOutput[4] + pub const m_hLightCookie: usize = 0xDF0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flShape: usize = 0xDF8; // float32 + pub const m_flSoftX: usize = 0xDFC; // float32 + pub const m_flSoftY: usize = 0xE00; // float32 + pub const m_flSkirt: usize = 0xE04; // float32 + pub const m_flSkirtNear: usize = 0xE08; // float32 + pub const m_vSizeParams: usize = 0xE0C; // Vector + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0xE18; // float32 + pub const m_vShear: usize = 0xE1C; // Vector + pub const m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps: usize = 0xE28; // int32 + pub const m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize: usize = 0xE2C; // Vector + pub const m_nCastShadows: usize = 0xE38; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowMapSize: usize = 0xE3C; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowPriority: usize = 0xE40; // int32 + pub const m_bContactShadow: usize = 0xE44; // bool + pub const m_nBounceLight: usize = 0xE48; // int32 + pub const m_flBounceScale: usize = 0xE4C; // float32 + pub const m_flMinRoughness: usize = 0xE50; // float32 + pub const m_vAlternateColor: usize = 0xE54; // Vector + pub const m_fAlternateColorBrightness: usize = 0xE60; // float32 + pub const m_nFog: usize = 0xE64; // int32 + pub const m_flFogStrength: usize = 0xE68; // float32 + pub const m_nFogShadows: usize = 0xE6C; // int32 + pub const m_flFogScale: usize = 0xE70; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeSizeStart: usize = 0xE74; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeSizeEnd: usize = 0xE78; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowFadeSizeStart: usize = 0xE7C; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd: usize = 0xE80; // float32 + pub const m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid: usize = 0xE84; // bool + pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins: usize = 0xE88; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs: usize = 0xE94; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin: usize = 0xEA0; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles: usize = 0xEAC; // QAngle + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent: usize = 0xEB8; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMin (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMax (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + pub mod C_TonemapController2 { + pub const m_flAutoExposureMin: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flAutoExposureMax: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapPercentTarget: usize = 0x550; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapMinAvgLum: usize = 0x558; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange: usize = 0x564; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponG3SG1 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFuncWater { + pub const m_BuoyancyHelper: usize = 0xCC8; // CBuoyancyHelper + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetAutoRoomEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackPaintKit (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallbackWear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackStatTrak (int) + pub mod C_EconEntity { + pub const m_flFlexDelayTime: usize = 0x1078; // float32 + pub const m_flFlexDelayedWeight: usize = 0x1080; // float32* + pub const m_bAttributesInitialized: usize = 0x1088; // bool + pub const m_AttributeManager: usize = 0x1090; // C_AttributeContainer + pub const m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow: usize = 0x1538; // uint32 + pub const m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh: usize = 0x153C; // uint32 + pub const m_nFallbackPaintKit: usize = 0x1540; // int32 + pub const m_nFallbackSeed: usize = 0x1544; // int32 + pub const m_flFallbackWear: usize = 0x1548; // float32 + pub const m_nFallbackStatTrak: usize = 0x154C; // int32 + pub const m_bClientside: usize = 0x1550; // bool + pub const m_bParticleSystemsCreated: usize = 0x1551; // bool + pub const m_vecAttachedParticles: usize = 0x1558; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hViewmodelAttachment: usize = 0x1570; // CHandle + pub const m_iOldTeam: usize = 0x1574; // int32 + pub const m_bAttachmentDirty: usize = 0x1578; // bool + pub const m_nUnloadedModelIndex: usize = 0x157C; // int32 + pub const m_iNumOwnerValidationRetries: usize = 0x1580; // int32 + pub const m_hOldProvidee: usize = 0x1590; // CHandle + pub const m_vecAttachedModels: usize = 0x1598; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponSG556 { + } + // Parent: C_BarnLight + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + pub mod C_RectLight { + pub const m_bShowLight: usize = 0xF10; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_szSnapshotFileName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFreezeTransitionDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStopType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPreSimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vServerControlPoints (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iServerControlPointAssignments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPointEnts (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSave (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoFreeze (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoRamp (bool) + pub mod C_ParticleSystem { + pub const m_szSnapshotFileName: usize = 0xCC8; // char[512] + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0xEC8; // bool + pub const m_bFrozen: usize = 0xEC9; // bool + pub const m_flFreezeTransitionDuration: usize = 0xECC; // float32 + pub const m_nStopType: usize = 0xED0; // int32 + pub const m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause: usize = 0xED4; // bool + pub const m_iEffectIndex: usize = 0xED8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0xEE0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flPreSimTime: usize = 0xEE4; // float32 + pub const m_vServerControlPoints: usize = 0xEE8; // Vector[4] + pub const m_iServerControlPointAssignments: usize = 0xF18; // uint8[4] + pub const m_hControlPointEnts: usize = 0xF1C; // CHandle[64] + pub const m_bNoSave: usize = 0x101C; // bool + pub const m_bNoFreeze: usize = 0x101D; // bool + pub const m_bNoRamp: usize = 0x101E; // bool + pub const m_bStartActive: usize = 0x101F; // bool + pub const m_iszEffectName: usize = 0x1020; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszControlPointNames: usize = 0x1028; // CUtlSymbolLarge[64] + pub const m_nDataCP: usize = 0x1228; // int32 + pub const m_vecDataCPValue: usize = 0x122C; // Vector + pub const m_nTintCP: usize = 0x1238; // int32 + pub const m_clrTint: usize = 0x123C; // Color + pub const m_bOldActive: usize = 0x1260; // bool + pub const m_bOldFrozen: usize = 0x1261; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_TeamPreviewModel { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponGlock { + } + // Parent: C_GameRulesProxy + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameRules (C_CSGameRules*) + pub mod C_CSGameRulesProxy { + pub const m_pGameRules: usize = 0x548; // C_CSGameRules* + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObserverMode (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverTarget (CHandle) + pub mod CPlayer_ObserverServices { + pub const m_iObserverMode: usize = 0x40; // uint8 + pub const m_hObserverTarget: usize = 0x44; // CHandle + pub const m_iObserverLastMode: usize = 0x48; // ObserverMode_t + pub const m_bForcedObserverMode: usize = 0x4C; // bool + pub const m_flObserverChaseDistance: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_flObserverChaseDistanceCalcTime: usize = 0x54; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponZoneRepulsor { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_WaterServices { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEnd { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod SequenceHistory_t { + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x0; // HSequence + pub const m_flSeqStartTime: usize = 0x4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSeqFixedCycle: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_nSeqLoopMode: usize = 0xC; // AnimLoopMode_t + pub const m_flPlaybackRate: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flCyclesPerSecond: usize = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod C_Multimeter { + pub const m_hTargetC4: usize = 0xED8; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod C_CsmFovOverride { + pub const m_cameraName: usize = 0x548; // CUtlString + pub const m_flCsmFovOverrideValue: usize = 0x550; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hDecalMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderOrder (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnCharacters (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWater (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthSortBias (float) + pub mod C_EnvDecal { + pub const m_hDecalMaterial: usize = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0xCD0; // float32 + pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0xCD4; // float32 + pub const m_flDepth: usize = 0xCD8; // float32 + pub const m_nRenderOrder: usize = 0xCDC; // uint32 + pub const m_bProjectOnWorld: usize = 0xCE0; // bool + pub const m_bProjectOnCharacters: usize = 0xCE1; // bool + pub const m_bProjectOnWater: usize = 0xCE2; // bool + pub const m_flDepthSortBias: usize = 0xCE4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGameModeRules_Noop { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCurWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_netlookupFilename (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSide (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExclusive (bool) + pub mod C_ColorCorrection { + pub const m_vecOrigin: usize = 0x548; // Vector + pub const m_MinFalloff: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_MaxFalloff: usize = 0x558; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeInDuration: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutDuration: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxWeight: usize = 0x564; // float32 + pub const m_flCurWeight: usize = 0x568; // float32 + pub const m_netlookupFilename: usize = 0x56C; // char[512] + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x76C; // bool + pub const m_bMaster: usize = 0x76D; // bool + pub const m_bClientSide: usize = 0x76E; // bool + pub const m_bExclusive: usize = 0x76F; // bool + pub const m_bEnabledOnClient: usize = 0x770; // bool[1] + pub const m_flCurWeightOnClient: usize = 0x774; // float32[1] + pub const m_bFadingIn: usize = 0x778; // bool[1] + pub const m_flFadeStartWeight: usize = 0x77C; // float32[1] + pub const m_flFadeStartTime: usize = 0x780; // float32[1] + pub const m_flFadeDuration: usize = 0x784; // float32[1] + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CHostageRescueZoneShim { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hModel (HModelStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MeshGroupMask (MeshGroupMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIdealMotionType (int8) + pub mod CModelState { + pub const m_hModel: usize = 0xA0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_ModelName: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed: usize = 0xE8; // bool + pub const m_MeshGroupMask: usize = 0x198; // uint64 + pub const m_nIdealMotionType: usize = 0x21A; // int8 + pub const m_nForceLOD: usize = 0x21B; // int8 + pub const m_nClothUpdateFlags: usize = 0x21C; // int8 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponP250 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod C_EconEntity__AttachedModelData_t { + pub const m_iModelDisplayFlags: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Attributes (CEconItemAttribute) + pub mod CAttributeList { + pub const m_Attributes: usize = 0x8; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + pub const m_pManager: usize = 0x58; // CAttributeManager* + } + // Parent: C_MultiplayRules + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_TeamplayRules { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_CounterTerroristWingmanIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponNOVA { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_HEGrenadeProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsUsable (bool) + pub mod C_BaseDoor { + pub const m_bIsUsable: usize = 0xCC8; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CGrenadeTracer { + pub const m_flTracerDuration: usize = 0xCE8; // float32 + pub const m_nType: usize = 0xCEC; // GrenadeType_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlantedHere (bool) + pub mod CBombTarget { + pub const m_bBombPlantedHere: usize = 0xCD0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActivator (EHANDLE) + pub mod C_PointClientUIDialog { + pub const m_hActivator: usize = 0xCF8; // CHandle + pub const m_bStartEnabled: usize = 0xCFC; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_WeaponSequence (CUtlString) + pub mod CCSGameModeRules_ArmsRace { + pub const m_WeaponSequence: usize = 0x30; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerDamagerName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerRecipientName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamagerXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RecipientXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActualHealthRemoved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumHits (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLastBulletUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsOtherEnemy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_killType (EKillTypes_t) + pub mod CDamageRecord { + pub const m_PlayerDamager: usize = 0x28; // CHandle + pub const m_PlayerRecipient: usize = 0x2C; // CHandle + pub const m_hPlayerControllerDamager: usize = 0x30; // CHandle + pub const m_hPlayerControllerRecipient: usize = 0x34; // CHandle + pub const m_szPlayerDamagerName: usize = 0x38; // CUtlString + pub const m_szPlayerRecipientName: usize = 0x40; // CUtlString + pub const m_DamagerXuid: usize = 0x48; // uint64 + pub const m_RecipientXuid: usize = 0x50; // uint64 + pub const m_iDamage: usize = 0x58; // int32 + pub const m_iActualHealthRemoved: usize = 0x5C; // int32 + pub const m_iNumHits: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_iLastBulletUpdate: usize = 0x64; // int32 + pub const m_bIsOtherEnemy: usize = 0x68; // bool + pub const m_killType: usize = 0x69; // EKillTypes_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_InfoLadderDismount { + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSendUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamageList (CDamageRecord) + pub mod CCSPlayerController_DamageServices { + pub const m_nSendUpdate: usize = 0x40; // int32 + pub const m_DamageList: usize = 0x48; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CRenderComponent { + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x10; // CNetworkVarChainer + pub const m_bIsRenderingWithViewModels: usize = 0x50; // bool + pub const m_nSplitscreenFlags: usize = 0x54; // uint32 + pub const m_bEnableRendering: usize = 0x60; // bool + pub const m_bInterpolationReadyToDraw: usize = 0xB0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + pub mod C_SoundEventOBBEntity { + pub const m_vMins: usize = 0x548; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxs: usize = 0x554; // Vector + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 66 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SecondaryColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloff (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTheta (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPhi (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascades (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowWidth (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowHeight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderDiffuse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderSpecular (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderTransmissive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStyle (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Pattern (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUsesBakedShadowing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlicker (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrecomputedMaxRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogLightingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogContributionStength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearClipPlane (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkyIntensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyAmbientBounce (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseSecondaryColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMixedShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + pub mod CLightComponent { + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x38; // CNetworkVarChainer + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x75; // Color + pub const m_SecondaryColor: usize = 0x79; // Color + pub const m_flBrightness: usize = 0x80; // float32 + pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0x84; // float32 + pub const m_flBrightnessMult: usize = 0x88; // float32 + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0x8C; // float32 + pub const m_flFalloff: usize = 0x90; // float32 + pub const m_flAttenuation0: usize = 0x94; // float32 + pub const m_flAttenuation1: usize = 0x98; // float32 + pub const m_flAttenuation2: usize = 0x9C; // float32 + pub const m_flTheta: usize = 0xA0; // float32 + pub const m_flPhi: usize = 0xA4; // float32 + pub const m_hLightCookie: usize = 0xA8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nCascades: usize = 0xB0; // int32 + pub const m_nCastShadows: usize = 0xB4; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowWidth: usize = 0xB8; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowHeight: usize = 0xBC; // int32 + pub const m_bRenderDiffuse: usize = 0xC0; // bool + pub const m_nRenderSpecular: usize = 0xC4; // int32 + pub const m_bRenderTransmissive: usize = 0xC8; // bool + pub const m_flOrthoLightWidth: usize = 0xCC; // float32 + pub const m_flOrthoLightHeight: usize = 0xD0; // float32 + pub const m_nStyle: usize = 0xD4; // int32 + pub const m_Pattern: usize = 0xD8; // CUtlString + pub const m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects: usize = 0xE0; // int32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade: usize = 0xE4; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade: usize = 0xE8; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance0: usize = 0xEC; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance1: usize = 0xF0; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance2: usize = 0xF4; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance3: usize = 0xF8; // float32 + pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution0: usize = 0xFC; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution1: usize = 0x100; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution2: usize = 0x104; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution3: usize = 0x108; // int32 + pub const m_bUsesBakedShadowing: usize = 0x10C; // bool + pub const m_nShadowPriority: usize = 0x110; // int32 + pub const m_nBakedShadowIndex: usize = 0x114; // int32 + pub const m_bRenderToCubemaps: usize = 0x118; // bool + pub const m_nDirectLight: usize = 0x11C; // int32 + pub const m_nIndirectLight: usize = 0x120; // int32 + pub const m_flFadeMinDist: usize = 0x124; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeMaxDist: usize = 0x128; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowFadeMinDist: usize = 0x12C; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowFadeMaxDist: usize = 0x130; // float32 + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x134; // bool + pub const m_bFlicker: usize = 0x135; // bool + pub const m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid: usize = 0x136; // bool + pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins: usize = 0x138; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs: usize = 0x144; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin: usize = 0x150; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles: usize = 0x15C; // QAngle + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent: usize = 0x168; // Vector + pub const m_flPrecomputedMaxRange: usize = 0x174; // float32 + pub const m_nFogLightingMode: usize = 0x178; // int32 + pub const m_flFogContributionStength: usize = 0x17C; // float32 + pub const m_flNearClipPlane: usize = 0x180; // float32 + pub const m_SkyColor: usize = 0x184; // Color + pub const m_flSkyIntensity: usize = 0x188; // float32 + pub const m_SkyAmbientBounce: usize = 0x18C; // Color + pub const m_bUseSecondaryColor: usize = 0x190; // bool + pub const m_bMixedShadows: usize = 0x191; // bool + pub const m_flLightStyleStartTime: usize = 0x194; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flCapsuleLength: usize = 0x198; // float32 + pub const m_flMinRoughness: usize = 0x19C; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_CounterTerroristTeamIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEntityComponent { + } + // Parent: IEconItemInterface + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemDefinitionIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityQuality (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityLevel (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInventoryPosition (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitialized (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeList (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCustomName (char) + pub mod C_EconItemView { + pub const m_bInventoryImageRgbaRequested: usize = 0x60; // bool + pub const m_bInventoryImageTriedCache: usize = 0x61; // bool + pub const m_nInventoryImageRgbaWidth: usize = 0x80; // int32 + pub const m_nInventoryImageRgbaHeight: usize = 0x84; // int32 + pub const m_szCurrentLoadCachedFileName: usize = 0x88; // char[260] + pub const m_bRestoreCustomMaterialAfterPrecache: usize = 0x1B8; // bool + pub const m_iItemDefinitionIndex: usize = 0x1BA; // uint16 + pub const m_iEntityQuality: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_iEntityLevel: usize = 0x1C0; // uint32 + pub const m_iItemID: usize = 0x1C8; // uint64 + pub const m_iItemIDHigh: usize = 0x1D0; // uint32 + pub const m_iItemIDLow: usize = 0x1D4; // uint32 + pub const m_iAccountID: usize = 0x1D8; // uint32 + pub const m_iInventoryPosition: usize = 0x1DC; // uint32 + pub const m_bInitialized: usize = 0x1E8; // bool + pub const m_bDisallowSOC: usize = 0x1E9; // bool + pub const m_bIsStoreItem: usize = 0x1EA; // bool + pub const m_bIsTradeItem: usize = 0x1EB; // bool + pub const m_iEntityQuantity: usize = 0x1EC; // int32 + pub const m_iRarityOverride: usize = 0x1F0; // int32 + pub const m_iQualityOverride: usize = 0x1F4; // int32 + pub const m_unClientFlags: usize = 0x1F8; // uint8 + pub const m_unOverrideStyle: usize = 0x1F9; // uint8 + pub const m_AttributeList: usize = 0x210; // CAttributeList + pub const m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes: usize = 0x270; // CAttributeList + pub const m_szCustomName: usize = 0x2D0; // char[161] + pub const m_szCustomNameOverride: usize = 0x371; // char[161] + pub const m_bInitializedTags: usize = 0x440; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSendHandle (bool) + pub mod C_HandleTest { + pub const m_Handle: usize = 0x548; // CHandle + pub const m_bSendHandle: usize = 0x54C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared) + pub mod C_EnvWindClientside { + pub const m_EnvWindShared: usize = 0x548; // C_EnvWindShared + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponMAC10 { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisplayHealth (float) + pub mod C_WeaponShield { + pub const m_flDisplayHealth: usize = 0x1A90; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_PointClientUIWorldPanel + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + pub mod C_PointClientUIWorldTextPanel { + pub const m_messageText: usize = 0xF30; // char[512] + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSPlayer_UseServices { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nToggleButtonDownMask (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxspeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen (float32) + pub mod CPlayer_MovementServices { + pub const m_nImpulse: usize = 0x40; // int32 + pub const m_nButtons: usize = 0x48; // CInButtonState + pub const m_nQueuedButtonDownMask: usize = 0x68; // uint64 + pub const m_nQueuedButtonChangeMask: usize = 0x70; // uint64 + pub const m_nButtonDoublePressed: usize = 0x78; // uint64 + pub const m_pButtonPressedCmdNumber: usize = 0x80; // uint32[64] + pub const m_nLastCommandNumberProcessed: usize = 0x180; // uint32 + pub const m_nToggleButtonDownMask: usize = 0x188; // uint64 + pub const m_flMaxspeed: usize = 0x198; // float32 + pub const m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen: usize = 0x19C; // float32[4] + pub const m_flForwardMove: usize = 0x1AC; // float32 + pub const m_flLeftMove: usize = 0x1B0; // float32 + pub const m_flUpMove: usize = 0x1B4; // float32 + pub const m_vecLastMovementImpulses: usize = 0x1B8; // Vector + pub const m_vecOldViewAngles: usize = 0x1C4; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBasePlayerVData { + pub const m_sModelName: usize = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_flHeadDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x108; // CSkillFloat + pub const m_flChestDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x118; // CSkillFloat + pub const m_flStomachDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x128; // CSkillFloat + pub const m_flArmDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x138; // CSkillFloat + pub const m_flLegDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x148; // CSkillFloat + pub const m_flHoldBreathTime: usize = 0x158; // float32 + pub const m_flDrowningDamageInterval: usize = 0x15C; // float32 + pub const m_nDrowningDamageInitial: usize = 0x160; // int32 + pub const m_nDrowningDamageMax: usize = 0x164; // int32 + pub const m_nWaterSpeed: usize = 0x168; // int32 + pub const m_flUseRange: usize = 0x16C; // float32 + pub const m_flUseAngleTolerance: usize = 0x170; // float32 + pub const m_flCrouchTime: usize = 0x174; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTotalCashSpent (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashSpentThisRound (int) + pub mod CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices { + pub const m_iAccount: usize = 0x40; // int32 + pub const m_iStartAccount: usize = 0x44; // int32 + pub const m_iTotalCashSpent: usize = 0x48; // int32 + pub const m_iCashSpentThisRound: usize = 0x4C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod C_EnvWindShared__WindVariationEvent_t { + pub const m_flWindAngleVariation: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flWindSpeedVariation: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponUSPSilencer { + } + // Parent: C_Sprite + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CSpriteOriented { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupStart { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponFamas { + } + // Parent: C_ParticleSystem + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadiusScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSelfIllumScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTextureOverride (HRenderTextureStrong) + pub mod C_EnvParticleGlow { + pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0x1278; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x127C; // float32 + pub const m_flSelfIllumScale: usize = 0x1280; // float32 + pub const m_ColorTint: usize = 0x1284; // Color + pub const m_hTextureOverride: usize = 0x1288; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SoundEventEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewModel + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_PreviewModelAlias_csgo_item_previewmodel { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSSEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrOverlay (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bmaxColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHazeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHaze (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHdr (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZScale (float32) + pub mod C_Sun { + pub const m_fxSSSunFlareEffectIndex: usize = 0xCC8; // ParticleIndex_t + pub const m_fxSunFlareEffectIndex: usize = 0xCCC; // ParticleIndex_t + pub const m_fdistNormalize: usize = 0xCD0; // float32 + pub const m_vSunPos: usize = 0xCD4; // Vector + pub const m_vDirection: usize = 0xCE0; // Vector + pub const m_iszEffectName: usize = 0xCF0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSSEffectName: usize = 0xCF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_clrOverlay: usize = 0xD00; // Color + pub const m_bOn: usize = 0xD04; // bool + pub const m_bmaxColor: usize = 0xD05; // bool + pub const m_flSize: usize = 0xD08; // float32 + pub const m_flHazeScale: usize = 0xD0C; // float32 + pub const m_flRotation: usize = 0xD10; // float32 + pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0xD14; // float32 + pub const m_flAlphaHaze: usize = 0xD18; // float32 + pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0xD1C; // float32 + pub const m_flAlphaHdr: usize = 0xD20; // float32 + pub const m_flFarZScale: usize = 0xD24; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_EndOfMatchLineupEndpoint { + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_perRoundStats (CSPerRoundStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_matchStats (CSMatchStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt (uint32) + pub mod CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { + pub const m_perRoundStats: usize = 0x40; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + pub const m_matchStats: usize = 0x90; // CSMatchStats_t + pub const m_iNumRoundKills: usize = 0x110; // int32 + pub const m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots: usize = 0x114; // int32 + pub const m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt: usize = 0x118; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bvDisabledHitGroups (uint32) + pub mod CHitboxComponent { + pub const m_bvDisabledHitGroups: usize = 0x24; // uint32[1] + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxWeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FadeDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Weight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lookupFilename (char) + pub mod C_ColorCorrectionVolume { + pub const m_LastEnterWeight: usize = 0xCD0; // float32 + pub const m_LastEnterTime: usize = 0xCD4; // float32 + pub const m_LastExitWeight: usize = 0xCD8; // float32 + pub const m_LastExitTime: usize = 0xCDC; // float32 + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xCE0; // bool + pub const m_MaxWeight: usize = 0xCE4; // float32 + pub const m_FadeDuration: usize = 0xCE8; // float32 + pub const m_Weight: usize = 0xCEC; // float32 + pub const m_lookupFilename: usize = 0xCF0; // char[512] + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_PrecipitationBlocker { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod C_BulletHitModel { + pub const m_matLocal: usize = 0xED0; // matrix3x4_t + pub const m_iBoneIndex: usize = 0xF00; // int32 + pub const m_hPlayerParent: usize = 0xF04; // CHandle + pub const m_bIsHit: usize = 0xF08; // bool + pub const m_flTimeCreated: usize = 0xF0C; // float32 + pub const m_vecStartPos: usize = 0xF10; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDraftType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWinningCoinToss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWithFirstChoice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteMapIdsList (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAccountIDs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId4 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId5 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStartingSide0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCurrentPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseDurationTicks (int) + pub mod C_MapVetoPickController { + pub const m_nDraftType: usize = 0x558; // int32 + pub const m_nTeamWinningCoinToss: usize = 0x55C; // int32 + pub const m_nTeamWithFirstChoice: usize = 0x560; // int32[64] + pub const m_nVoteMapIdsList: usize = 0x660; // int32[7] + pub const m_nAccountIDs: usize = 0x67C; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId0: usize = 0x77C; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId1: usize = 0x87C; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId2: usize = 0x97C; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId3: usize = 0xA7C; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId4: usize = 0xB7C; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId5: usize = 0xC7C; // int32[64] + pub const m_nStartingSide0: usize = 0xD7C; // int32[64] + pub const m_nCurrentPhase: usize = 0xE7C; // int32 + pub const m_nPhaseStartTick: usize = 0xE80; // int32 + pub const m_nPhaseDurationTicks: usize = 0xE84; // int32 + pub const m_nPostDataUpdateTick: usize = 0xE88; // int32 + pub const m_bDisabledHud: usize = 0xE8C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton + pub mod CSharedGapTypeQueryRegistration { + } + // Parent: C_BarnLight + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInnerAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOuterAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + pub mod C_OmniLight { + pub const m_flInnerAngle: usize = 0xF10; // float32 + pub const m_flOuterAngle: usize = 0xF14; // float32 + pub const m_bShowLight: usize = 0xF18; // bool + } + // Parent: C_Inferno + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_FireCrackerBlast { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponMP9 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchases (WeaponPurchaseCount_t) + pub mod WeaponPurchaseTracker_t { + pub const m_weaponPurchases: usize = 0x8; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBlockersPresent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundInProgress (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFirstSecondHalfRound (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBombSite (int) + pub mod C_RetakeGameRules { + pub const m_nMatchSeed: usize = 0xF8; // int32 + pub const m_bBlockersPresent: usize = 0xFC; // bool + pub const m_bRoundInProgress: usize = 0xFD; // bool + pub const m_iFirstSecondHalfRound: usize = 0x100; // int32 + pub const m_iBombSite: usize = 0x104; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + pub mod EngineCountdownTimer { + pub const m_duration: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_timestamp: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_timescale: usize = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSPlayer_GlowServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod C_BaseFlex__Emphasized_Phoneme { + pub const m_sClassName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_flAmount: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_bRequired: usize = 0x1C; // bool + pub const m_bBasechecked: usize = 0x1D; // bool + pub const m_bValid: usize = 0x1E; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + pub mod IntervalTimer { + pub const m_timestamp: usize = 0x8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nWorldGroupId: usize = 0xC; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponSSG08 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderDir (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoRideSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFakeLadder (bool) + pub mod C_FuncLadder { + pub const m_vecLadderDir: usize = 0xCC8; // Vector + pub const m_Dismounts: usize = 0xCD8; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_vecLocalTop: usize = 0xCF0; // Vector + pub const m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop: usize = 0xCFC; // Vector + pub const m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom: usize = 0xD08; // Vector + pub const m_flAutoRideSpeed: usize = 0xD14; // float32 + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0xD18; // bool + pub const m_bFakeLadder: usize = 0xD19; // bool + pub const m_bHasSlack: usize = 0xD1A; // bool + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetAABBEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetOBBEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWeapons (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActiveWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLastWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAmmo (uint16) + pub mod CPlayer_WeaponServices { + pub const m_hMyWeapons: usize = 0x40; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_hActiveWeapon: usize = 0x58; // CHandle + pub const m_hLastWeapon: usize = 0x5C; // CHandle + pub const m_iAmmo: usize = 0x60; // uint16[32] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CAttributeManager__cached_attribute_float_t { + pub const flIn: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const iAttribHook: usize = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const flOut: usize = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DmgRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDetonateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDamage (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hThrower (CHandle) + pub mod C_BaseGrenade { + pub const m_bHasWarnedAI: usize = 0x1068; // bool + pub const m_bIsSmokeGrenade: usize = 0x1069; // bool + pub const m_bIsLive: usize = 0x106A; // bool + pub const m_DmgRadius: usize = 0x106C; // float32 + pub const m_flDetonateTime: usize = 0x1070; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flWarnAITime: usize = 0x1074; // float32 + pub const m_flDamage: usize = 0x1078; // float32 + pub const m_iszBounceSound: usize = 0x1080; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_ExplosionSound: usize = 0x1088; // CUtlString + pub const m_hThrower: usize = 0x1094; // CHandle + pub const m_flNextAttack: usize = 0x10AC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_hOriginalThrower: usize = 0x10B0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CCSGameModeRules { + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsAs (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsWith (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsExclude (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntityId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHierarchyId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionFunctionMask (uint8) + pub mod VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t { + pub const m_nInteractsAs: usize = 0x8; // uint64 + pub const m_nInteractsWith: usize = 0x10; // uint64 + pub const m_nInteractsExclude: usize = 0x18; // uint64 + pub const m_nEntityId: usize = 0x20; // uint32 + pub const m_nOwnerId: usize = 0x24; // uint32 + pub const m_nHierarchyId: usize = 0x28; // uint16 + pub const m_nCollisionGroup: usize = 0x2A; // uint8 + pub const m_nCollisionFunctionMask: usize = 0x2B; // uint8 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 32 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIndirectStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisoTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScatterTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistanceTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableIndirect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIndirectUseLPVs (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogIndirectTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceRefreshCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNoiseScale (Vector) + pub mod C_EnvVolumetricFogController { + pub const m_flScattering: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flAnisotropy: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeSpeed: usize = 0x550; // float32 + pub const m_flDrawDistance: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeInStart: usize = 0x558; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeInEnd: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_flIndirectStrength: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_nIndirectTextureDimX: usize = 0x564; // int32 + pub const m_nIndirectTextureDimY: usize = 0x568; // int32 + pub const m_nIndirectTextureDimZ: usize = 0x56C; // int32 + pub const m_vBoxMins: usize = 0x570; // Vector + pub const m_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x57C; // Vector + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x588; // bool + pub const m_flStartAnisoTime: usize = 0x58C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flStartScatterTime: usize = 0x590; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flStartDrawDistanceTime: usize = 0x594; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flStartAnisotropy: usize = 0x598; // float32 + pub const m_flStartScattering: usize = 0x59C; // float32 + pub const m_flStartDrawDistance: usize = 0x5A0; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultAnisotropy: usize = 0x5A4; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultScattering: usize = 0x5A8; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultDrawDistance: usize = 0x5AC; // float32 + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x5B0; // bool + pub const m_bEnableIndirect: usize = 0x5B1; // bool + pub const m_bIndirectUseLPVs: usize = 0x5B2; // bool + pub const m_bIsMaster: usize = 0x5B3; // bool + pub const m_hFogIndirectTexture: usize = 0x5B8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nForceRefreshCount: usize = 0x5C0; // int32 + pub const m_fNoiseSpeed: usize = 0x5C4; // float32 + pub const m_fNoiseStrength: usize = 0x5C8; // float32 + pub const m_vNoiseScale: usize = 0x5CC; // Vector + pub const m_bFirstTime: usize = 0x5D8; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponTec9 { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTimeInCommentary (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszCommentaryFile (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszTitle (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSpeakers (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumberMax (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bListenedTo (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewPosition (CHandle) + pub mod C_PointCommentaryNode { + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0xED8; // bool + pub const m_bWasActive: usize = 0xED9; // bool + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0xEDC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0xEE0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flStartTimeInCommentary: usize = 0xEE4; // float32 + pub const m_iszCommentaryFile: usize = 0xEE8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszTitle: usize = 0xEF0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSpeakers: usize = 0xEF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iNodeNumber: usize = 0xF00; // int32 + pub const m_iNodeNumberMax: usize = 0xF04; // int32 + pub const m_bListenedTo: usize = 0xF08; // bool + pub const m_hViewPosition: usize = 0xF18; // CHandle + pub const m_bRestartAfterRestore: usize = 0xF1C; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSObserver_CameraServices { + } + // Parent: CCSPointScriptEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSClientPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: localSound (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: localBits (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeEntityListIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: soundEventHash (uint32) + pub mod audioparams_t { + pub const localSound: usize = 0x8; // Vector[8] + pub const soundscapeIndex: usize = 0x68; // int32 + pub const localBits: usize = 0x6C; // uint8 + pub const soundscapeEntityListIndex: usize = 0x70; // int32 + pub const soundEventHash: usize = 0x74; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod C_InfoVisibilityBox { + pub const m_nMode: usize = 0x54C; // int32 + pub const m_vBoxSize: usize = 0x550; // Vector + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x55C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_Sprite + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod C_FireSprite { + pub const m_vecMoveDir: usize = 0xDD8; // Vector + pub const m_bFadeFromAbove: usize = 0xDE4; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_TeamIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod C_Precipitation { + pub const m_flDensity: usize = 0xCD0; // float32 + pub const m_flParticleInnerDist: usize = 0xCE0; // float32 + pub const m_pParticleDef: usize = 0xCE8; // char* + pub const m_tParticlePrecipTraceTimer: usize = 0xD10; // TimedEvent[1] + pub const m_bActiveParticlePrecipEmitter: usize = 0xD18; // bool[1] + pub const m_bParticlePrecipInitialized: usize = 0xD19; // bool + pub const m_bHasSimulatedSinceLastSceneObjectUpdate: usize = 0xD1A; // bool + pub const m_nAvailableSheetSequencesMaxIndex: usize = 0xD1C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPrecipitationVData { + pub const m_szParticlePrecipitationEffect: usize = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_flInnerDistance: usize = 0x108; // float32 + pub const m_nAttachType: usize = 0x10C; // ParticleAttachment_t + pub const m_bBatchSameVolumeType: usize = 0x110; // bool + pub const m_nRTEnvCP: usize = 0x114; // int32 + pub const m_nRTEnvCPComponent: usize = 0x118; // int32 + pub const m_szModifier: usize = 0x120; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CBuoyancyHelper { + pub const m_flFluidDensity: usize = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DialogXMLName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelClassName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelID (string_t) + pub mod C_BaseClientUIEntity { + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xCD0; // bool + pub const m_DialogXMLName: usize = 0xCD8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_PanelClassName: usize = 0xCE0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_PanelID: usize = 0xCE8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod C_FuncTrackTrain { + pub const m_nLongAxis: usize = 0xCC8; // int32 + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0xCCC; // float32 + pub const m_flLineLength: usize = 0xCD0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisRound (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + pub mod CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices { + pub const m_hLastWeaponBeforeC4AutoSwitch: usize = 0x40; // CHandle + pub const m_bIsRescuing: usize = 0x44; // bool + pub const m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch: usize = 0x48; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + pub const m_weaponPurchasesThisRound: usize = 0xA0; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nModelID (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_solid (ShardSolid_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShatterPanelMode (ShatterPanelMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelSize (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionA (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionB (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelVertices (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlassHalfThickness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasParent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bParentFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SurfacePropStringToken (CUtlStringToken) + pub mod shard_model_desc_t { + pub const m_nModelID: usize = 0x8; // int32 + pub const m_hMaterial: usize = 0x10; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_solid: usize = 0x18; // ShardSolid_t + pub const m_ShatterPanelMode: usize = 0x19; // ShatterPanelMode + pub const m_vecPanelSize: usize = 0x1C; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecStressPositionA: usize = 0x24; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecStressPositionB: usize = 0x2C; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecPanelVertices: usize = 0x38; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_flGlassHalfThickness: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_bHasParent: usize = 0x54; // bool + pub const m_bParentFrozen: usize = 0x55; // bool + pub const m_SurfacePropStringToken: usize = 0x58; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod C_SceneEntity__QueuedEvents_t { + pub const starttime: usize = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CBaseProp { + pub const m_bModelOverrodeBlockLOS: usize = 0xED0; // bool + pub const m_iShapeType: usize = 0xED4; // int32 + pub const m_bConformToCollisionBounds: usize = 0xED8; // bool + pub const m_mPreferredCatchTransform: usize = 0xEDC; // matrix3x4_t + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_PreviewPlayerAlias_csgo_player_previewmodel { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_observer { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 12 + pub mod CPointTemplate { + pub const m_iszWorldName: usize = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSource2EntityLumpName: usize = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszEntityFilterName: usize = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flTimeoutInterval: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_bAsynchronouslySpawnEntities: usize = 0x564; // bool + pub const m_pOutputOnSpawned: usize = 0x568; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_clientOnlyEntityBehavior: usize = 0x590; // PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t + pub const m_ownerSpawnGroupType: usize = 0x594; // PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t + pub const m_createdSpawnGroupHandles: usize = 0x598; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SpawnedEntityHandles: usize = 0x5B0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ScriptSpawnCallback: usize = 0x5C8; // HSCRIPT + pub const m_ScriptCallbackScope: usize = 0x5D0; // HSCRIPT + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponHKP2000 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTripWireFire { + } + // Parent: C_BaseFlex + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod C_CSGO_PreviewModel { + pub const m_animgraph: usize = 0x1068; // CUtlString + pub const m_animgraphCharacterModeString: usize = 0x1070; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_defaultAnim: usize = 0x1078; // CUtlString + pub const m_nDefaultAnimLoopMode: usize = 0x1080; // AnimLoopMode_t + pub const m_flInitialModelScale: usize = 0x1084; // float32 + pub const m_sInitialWeaponState: usize = 0x1088; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CInfoDynamicShadowHint { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x548; // bool + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_nImportance: usize = 0x550; // int32 + pub const m_nLightChoice: usize = 0x554; // int32 + pub const m_hLight: usize = 0x558; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CTakeDamageInfoAPI { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod C_BaseEntityAPI { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponXM1014 { + } + // Parent: C_ParticleSystem + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_MapPreviewParticleSystem { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowType (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowTeam (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRange (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRangeMin (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowColorOverride (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlashing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight (bool) + pub mod CGlowProperty { + pub const m_fGlowColor: usize = 0x8; // Vector + pub const m_iGlowType: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_iGlowTeam: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_nGlowRange: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_nGlowRangeMin: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + pub const m_glowColorOverride: usize = 0x40; // Color + pub const m_bFlashing: usize = 0x44; // bool + pub const m_flGlowTime: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_flGlowStartTime: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight: usize = 0x50; // bool + pub const m_bGlowing: usize = 0x51; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseTrigger + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_gravityScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearForce (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrequency (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDampingRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAt (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCollapseToForcePoint (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForceDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible (bool) + pub mod C_TriggerPhysics { + pub const m_gravityScale: usize = 0xCD0; // float32 + pub const m_linearLimit: usize = 0xCD4; // float32 + pub const m_linearDamping: usize = 0xCD8; // float32 + pub const m_angularLimit: usize = 0xCDC; // float32 + pub const m_angularDamping: usize = 0xCE0; // float32 + pub const m_linearForce: usize = 0xCE4; // float32 + pub const m_flFrequency: usize = 0xCE8; // float32 + pub const m_flDampingRatio: usize = 0xCEC; // float32 + pub const m_vecLinearForcePointAt: usize = 0xCF0; // Vector + pub const m_bCollapseToForcePoint: usize = 0xCFC; // bool + pub const m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld: usize = 0xD00; // Vector + pub const m_vecLinearForceDirection: usize = 0xD0C; // Vector + pub const m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible: usize = 0xD18; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostage (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostageProp (CHandle) + pub mod CCSPlayer_HostageServices { + pub const m_hCarriedHostage: usize = 0x40; // CHandle + pub const m_hCarriedHostageProp: usize = 0x44; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBreachCharge { + } + // Parent: C_LightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_LightDirectionalEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flDiffuseScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod C_EnvCubemap { + pub const m_Entity_hCubemapTexture: usize = 0x5C8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture: usize = 0x5D0; // bool + pub const m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius: usize = 0x5D4; // float32 + pub const m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins: usize = 0x5D8; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs: usize = 0x5E4; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_bMoveable: usize = 0x5F0; // bool + pub const m_Entity_nHandshake: usize = 0x5F4; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex: usize = 0x5F8; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nPriority: usize = 0x5FC; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist: usize = 0x600; // float32 + pub const m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists: usize = 0x604; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_flDiffuseScale: usize = 0x610; // float32 + pub const m_Entity_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x614; // bool + pub const m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap: usize = 0x615; // bool + pub const m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap: usize = 0x616; // bool + pub const m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap: usize = 0x617; // bool + pub const m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap: usize = 0x618; // bool + pub const m_Entity_bEnabled: usize = 0x628; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseViewModel + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod C_PredictedViewModel { + pub const m_vPredictedLagOffset: usize = 0xF38; // Vector + pub const m_targetSpeed: usize = 0xF44; // QAngle + pub const m_currentSpeed: usize = 0xF50; // QAngle + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponBizon { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_AK47 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUpdateOnClient (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInputType (ValueRemapperInputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineStart (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineEnd (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaximumChangePerSecond (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisengageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEngageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRequiresUseKey (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOutputType (ValueRemapperOutputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOutputEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHapticsType (ValueRemapperHapticsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMomentumType (ValueRemapperMomentumType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMomentumModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSnapValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRatchetType (ValueRemapperRatchetType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInputOffset (float) + pub mod C_PointValueRemapper { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x548; // bool + pub const m_bDisabledOld: usize = 0x549; // bool + pub const m_bUpdateOnClient: usize = 0x54A; // bool + pub const m_nInputType: usize = 0x54C; // ValueRemapperInputType_t + pub const m_hRemapLineStart: usize = 0x550; // CHandle + pub const m_hRemapLineEnd: usize = 0x554; // CHandle + pub const m_flMaximumChangePerSecond: usize = 0x558; // float32 + pub const m_flDisengageDistance: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_flEngageDistance: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_bRequiresUseKey: usize = 0x564; // bool + pub const m_nOutputType: usize = 0x568; // ValueRemapperOutputType_t + pub const m_hOutputEntities: usize = 0x570; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_nHapticsType: usize = 0x588; // ValueRemapperHapticsType_t + pub const m_nMomentumType: usize = 0x58C; // ValueRemapperMomentumType_t + pub const m_flMomentumModifier: usize = 0x590; // float32 + pub const m_flSnapValue: usize = 0x594; // float32 + pub const m_flCurrentMomentum: usize = 0x598; // float32 + pub const m_nRatchetType: usize = 0x59C; // ValueRemapperRatchetType_t + pub const m_flRatchetOffset: usize = 0x5A0; // float32 + pub const m_flInputOffset: usize = 0x5A4; // float32 + pub const m_bEngaged: usize = 0x5A8; // bool + pub const m_bFirstUpdate: usize = 0x5A9; // bool + pub const m_flPreviousValue: usize = 0x5AC; // float32 + pub const m_flPreviousUpdateTickTime: usize = 0x5B0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_vecPreviousTestPoint: usize = 0x5B4; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_Knife { + } + // Parent: C_EnvCubemap + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_EnvCubemapBox { + } + // Parent: C_Item + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwningPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_KillingPlayer (CHandle) + pub mod C_ItemDogtags { + pub const m_OwningPlayer: usize = 0x16B0; // CHandle + pub const m_KillingPlayer: usize = 0x16B4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_EndOfMatchCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOpvarIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAutoCompare (bool) + pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase { + pub const m_iszStackName: usize = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOperatorName: usize = 0x550; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOpvarName: usize = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iOpvarIndex: usize = 0x560; // int32 + pub const m_bUseAutoCompare: usize = 0x564; // bool + } + // Parent: C_Breakable + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_PhysBox { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries (SellbackPurchaseEntry_t) + pub mod CCSPlayer_BuyServices { + pub const m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries: usize = 0x40; // C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SensorGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFireTime (GameTime_t) + pub mod C_WeaponTaser { + pub const m_fFireTime: usize = 0x1A90; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nLastAttackTick: usize = 0x1A94; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUninterruptableActivity (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + pub mod C_Fists { + pub const m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct: usize = 0x1A70; // bool + pub const m_nUninterruptableActivity: usize = 0x1A74; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + } + // Parent: C_PhysicsProp + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_PhysicsPropMultiplayer { + } + // Parent: CInfoDynamicShadowHint + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CInfoDynamicShadowHintBox { + pub const m_vBoxMins: usize = 0x560; // Vector + pub const m_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x56C; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_SoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SoundOpvarSetPathCornerEntity { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLODBias (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCubemapSourceType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSkyEntity (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeightFogEnd (bool) + pub mod C_EnvCubemapFog { + pub const m_flEndDistance: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flStartDistance: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_flFogFalloffExponent: usize = 0x550; // float32 + pub const m_bHeightFogEnabled: usize = 0x554; // bool + pub const m_flFogHeightWidth: usize = 0x558; // float32 + pub const m_flFogHeightEnd: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_flFogHeightStart: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_flFogHeightExponent: usize = 0x564; // float32 + pub const m_flLODBias: usize = 0x568; // float32 + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x56C; // bool + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x56D; // bool + pub const m_flFogMaxOpacity: usize = 0x570; // float32 + pub const m_nCubemapSourceType: usize = 0x574; // int32 + pub const m_hSkyMaterial: usize = 0x578; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_iszSkyEntity: usize = 0x580; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hFogCubemapTexture: usize = 0x588; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_bHasHeightFogEnd: usize = 0x590; // bool + pub const m_bFirstTime: usize = 0x591; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponSawedoff { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_collisionAttribute (VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usSolidFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSolidType (SolidType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_triggerBloat (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurroundType (SurroundingBoundsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEnablePhysics (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter1 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter2 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleRadius (float) + pub mod CCollisionProperty { + pub const m_collisionAttribute: usize = 0x10; // VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t + pub const m_vecMins: usize = 0x40; // Vector + pub const m_vecMaxs: usize = 0x4C; // Vector + pub const m_usSolidFlags: usize = 0x5A; // uint8 + pub const m_nSolidType: usize = 0x5B; // SolidType_t + pub const m_triggerBloat: usize = 0x5C; // uint8 + pub const m_nSurroundType: usize = 0x5D; // SurroundingBoundsType_t + pub const m_CollisionGroup: usize = 0x5E; // uint8 + pub const m_nEnablePhysics: usize = 0x5F; // uint8 + pub const m_flBoundingRadius: usize = 0x60; // float32 + pub const m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins: usize = 0x64; // Vector + pub const m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs: usize = 0x70; // Vector + pub const m_vecSurroundingMaxs: usize = 0x7C; // Vector + pub const m_vecSurroundingMins: usize = 0x88; // Vector + pub const m_vCapsuleCenter1: usize = 0x94; // Vector + pub const m_vCapsuleCenter2: usize = 0xA0; // Vector + pub const m_flCapsuleRadius: usize = 0xAC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrevCycle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCycle (float32) + pub mod CNetworkedSequenceOperation { + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x8; // HSequence + pub const m_flPrevCycle: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flCycle: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flWeight: usize = 0x14; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + pub const m_bSequenceChangeNetworked: usize = 0x1C; // bool + pub const m_bDiscontinuity: usize = 0x1D; // bool + pub const m_flPrevCycleFromDiscontinuity: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flPrevCycleForAnimEventDetection: usize = 0x24; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_ModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUniqueID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTraceID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rtGcTime (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLeft (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayer (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitbox (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreationTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTintID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVersion (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubSignature (uint8) + pub mod C_PlayerSprayDecal { + pub const m_nUniqueID: usize = 0xCC8; // int32 + pub const m_unAccountID: usize = 0xCCC; // uint32 + pub const m_unTraceID: usize = 0xCD0; // uint32 + pub const m_rtGcTime: usize = 0xCD4; // uint32 + pub const m_vecEndPos: usize = 0xCD8; // Vector + pub const m_vecStart: usize = 0xCE4; // Vector + pub const m_vecLeft: usize = 0xCF0; // Vector + pub const m_vecNormal: usize = 0xCFC; // Vector + pub const m_nPlayer: usize = 0xD08; // int32 + pub const m_nEntity: usize = 0xD0C; // int32 + pub const m_nHitbox: usize = 0xD10; // int32 + pub const m_flCreationTime: usize = 0xD14; // float32 + pub const m_nTintID: usize = 0xD18; // int32 + pub const m_nVersion: usize = 0xD1C; // uint8 + pub const m_ubSignature: usize = 0xD1D; // uint8[128] + pub const m_SprayRenderHelper: usize = 0xDA8; // CPlayerSprayDecalRenderHelper + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ID (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Values (Vector4D) + pub mod EntityRenderAttribute_t { + pub const m_ID: usize = 0x30; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_Values: usize = 0x34; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: C_PhysicsProp + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShardDesc (shard_model_desc_t) + pub mod C_ShatterGlassShardPhysics { + pub const m_ShardDesc: usize = 0x1050; // shard_model_desc_t + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponElite { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CLightComponent (CLightComponent::Storage_t) + pub mod C_LightEntity { + pub const m_CLightComponent: usize = 0xCC8; // CLightComponent* + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVisibilityStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogDistanceMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + pub mod C_PlayerVisibility { + pub const m_flVisibilityStrength: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flFogDistanceMultiplier: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier: usize = 0x550; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeTime: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x558; // bool + pub const m_bIsEnabled: usize = 0x559; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: dirPrimary (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: start (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: end (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: farz (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: exponent (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: HDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactor (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactorLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: startLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: endLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensityLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: lerptime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: blendtobackground (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: scattering (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: locallightscale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: enable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: blend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoReflectionFog (bool) + pub mod fogparams_t { + pub const dirPrimary: usize = 0x8; // Vector + pub const colorPrimary: usize = 0x14; // Color + pub const colorSecondary: usize = 0x18; // Color + pub const colorPrimaryLerpTo: usize = 0x1C; // Color + pub const colorSecondaryLerpTo: usize = 0x20; // Color + pub const start: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const end: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const farz: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const maxdensity: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const exponent: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const HDRColorScale: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const skyboxFogFactor: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const skyboxFogFactorLerpTo: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const startLerpTo: usize = 0x44; // float32 + pub const endLerpTo: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const maxdensityLerpTo: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const lerptime: usize = 0x50; // GameTime_t + pub const duration: usize = 0x54; // float32 + pub const blendtobackground: usize = 0x58; // float32 + pub const scattering: usize = 0x5C; // float32 + pub const locallightscale: usize = 0x60; // float32 + pub const enable: usize = 0x64; // bool + pub const blend: usize = 0x65; // bool + pub const m_bNoReflectionFog: usize = 0x66; // bool + pub const m_bPadding: usize = 0x67; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flexWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_blinktoggle (bool) + pub mod C_BaseFlex { + pub const m_flexWeight: usize = 0xEE0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_vLookTargetPosition: usize = 0xEF8; // Vector + pub const m_blinktoggle: usize = 0xF10; // bool + pub const m_nLastFlexUpdateFrameCount: usize = 0xF70; // int32 + pub const m_CachedViewTarget: usize = 0xF74; // Vector + pub const m_nNextSceneEventId: usize = 0xF80; // SceneEventId_t + pub const m_iBlink: usize = 0xF84; // int32 + pub const m_blinktime: usize = 0xF88; // float32 + pub const m_prevblinktoggle: usize = 0xF8C; // bool + pub const m_iJawOpen: usize = 0xF90; // int32 + pub const m_flJawOpenAmount: usize = 0xF94; // float32 + pub const m_flBlinkAmount: usize = 0xF98; // float32 + pub const m_iMouthAttachment: usize = 0xF9C; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_iEyeAttachment: usize = 0xF9D; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_bResetFlexWeightsOnModelChange: usize = 0xF9E; // bool + pub const m_nEyeOcclusionRendererBone: usize = 0xFB8; // int32 + pub const m_mEyeOcclusionRendererCameraToBoneTransform: usize = 0xFBC; // matrix3x4_t + pub const m_vEyeOcclusionRendererHalfExtent: usize = 0xFEC; // Vector + pub const m_PhonemeClasses: usize = 0x1008; // C_BaseFlex::Emphasized_Phoneme[3] + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount (int8) + pub mod C_RagdollManager { + pub const m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount: usize = 0x548; // int8 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColorLightingOnly (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod C_EnvSky { + pub const m_hSkyMaterial: usize = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly: usize = 0xCD0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0xCD8; // bool + pub const m_vTintColor: usize = 0xCD9; // Color + pub const m_vTintColorLightingOnly: usize = 0xCDD; // Color + pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0xCE4; // float32 + pub const m_nFogType: usize = 0xCE8; // int32 + pub const m_flFogMinStart: usize = 0xCEC; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMinEnd: usize = 0xCF0; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMaxStart: usize = 0xCF4; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMaxEnd: usize = 0xCF8; // float32 + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xCFC; // bool + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoTarget { + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_TeamIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BreakableProp + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAnimGraph (bool) + pub mod C_DynamicProp { + pub const m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox: usize = 0x1040; // bool + pub const m_bUseAnimGraph: usize = 0x1041; // bool + pub const m_pOutputAnimBegun: usize = 0x1048; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_pOutputAnimOver: usize = 0x1070; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_pOutputAnimLoopCycleOver: usize = 0x1098; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnAnimReachedStart: usize = 0x10C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnAnimReachedEnd: usize = 0x10E8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iszIdleAnim: usize = 0x1110; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nIdleAnimLoopMode: usize = 0x1118; // AnimLoopMode_t + pub const m_bRandomizeCycle: usize = 0x111C; // bool + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x111D; // bool + pub const m_bFiredStartEndOutput: usize = 0x111E; // bool + pub const m_bForceNpcExclude: usize = 0x111F; // bool + pub const m_bCreateNonSolid: usize = 0x1120; // bool + pub const m_bIsOverrideProp: usize = 0x1121; // bool + pub const m_iInitialGlowState: usize = 0x1124; // int32 + pub const m_nGlowRange: usize = 0x1128; // int32 + pub const m_nGlowRangeMin: usize = 0x112C; // int32 + pub const m_glowColor: usize = 0x1130; // Color + pub const m_nGlowTeam: usize = 0x1134; // int32 + pub const m_iCachedFrameCount: usize = 0x1138; // int32 + pub const m_vecCachedRenderMins: usize = 0x113C; // Vector + pub const m_vecCachedRenderMaxs: usize = 0x1148; // Vector + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 10 + pub mod CPropDataComponent { + pub const m_flDmgModBullet: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flDmgModClub: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flDmgModExplosive: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flDmgModFire: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_iszPhysicsDamageTableName: usize = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszBasePropData: usize = 0x28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nInteractions: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_bSpawnMotionDisabled: usize = 0x34; // bool + pub const m_nDisableTakePhysicsDamageSpawnFlag: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_nMotionDisabledSpawnFlag: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponSCAR20 { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_DecoyGrenade { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_player { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAABBDirection (int) + pub mod CCitadelSoundOpvarSetOBB { + pub const m_iszStackName: usize = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOperatorName: usize = 0x568; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOpvarName: usize = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_vDistanceInnerMins: usize = 0x578; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceInnerMaxs: usize = 0x584; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceOuterMins: usize = 0x590; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceOuterMaxs: usize = 0x59C; // Vector + pub const m_nAABBDirection: usize = 0x5A8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unDefIdx (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCost (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPrevArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrevHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hItem (CEntityHandle) + pub mod SellbackPurchaseEntry_t { + pub const m_unDefIdx: usize = 0x30; // uint16 + pub const m_nCost: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_nPrevArmor: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_bPrevHelmet: usize = 0x3C; // bool + pub const m_hItem: usize = 0x40; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: C_GameRules + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_SingleplayRules { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 25 + pub mod C_LocalTempEntity { + pub const flags: usize = 0xED0; // int32 + pub const die: usize = 0xED4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flFrameMax: usize = 0xED8; // float32 + pub const x: usize = 0xEDC; // float32 + pub const y: usize = 0xEE0; // float32 + pub const fadeSpeed: usize = 0xEE4; // float32 + pub const bounceFactor: usize = 0xEE8; // float32 + pub const hitSound: usize = 0xEEC; // int32 + pub const priority: usize = 0xEF0; // int32 + pub const tentOffset: usize = 0xEF4; // Vector + pub const m_vecTempEntAngVelocity: usize = 0xF00; // QAngle + pub const tempent_renderamt: usize = 0xF0C; // int32 + pub const m_vecNormal: usize = 0xF10; // Vector + pub const m_flSpriteScale: usize = 0xF1C; // float32 + pub const m_nFlickerFrame: usize = 0xF20; // int32 + pub const m_flFrameRate: usize = 0xF24; // float32 + pub const m_flFrame: usize = 0xF28; // float32 + pub const m_pszImpactEffect: usize = 0xF30; // char* + pub const m_pszParticleEffect: usize = 0xF38; // char* + pub const m_bParticleCollision: usize = 0xF40; // bool + pub const m_iLastCollisionFrame: usize = 0xF44; // int32 + pub const m_vLastCollisionOrigin: usize = 0xF48; // Vector + pub const m_vecTempEntVelocity: usize = 0xF54; // Vector + pub const m_vecPrevAbsOrigin: usize = 0xF60; // Vector + pub const m_vecTempEntAcceleration: usize = 0xF6C; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod C_EnvWindShared__WindAveEvent_t { + pub const m_flStartWindSpeed: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flAveWindSpeed: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsIncGrenade (bool) + pub mod C_MolotovProjectile { + pub const m_bIsIncGrenade: usize = 0x1150; // bool + } + // Parent: C_LightDirectionalEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_LightEnvironmentEntity { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponUMP45 { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLayoutFileName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RenderAttrName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TargetEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTargetChangeCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + pub mod CInfoOffscreenPanoramaTexture { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x548; // bool + pub const m_nResolutionX: usize = 0x54C; // int32 + pub const m_nResolutionY: usize = 0x550; // int32 + pub const m_szLayoutFileName: usize = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_RenderAttrName: usize = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_TargetEntities: usize = 0x568; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_nTargetChangeCount: usize = 0x580; // int32 + pub const m_vecCSSClasses: usize = 0x588; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_bCheckCSSClasses: usize = 0x700; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Flags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyle (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Exponent (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_InnerAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OuterAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotRadius (float32) + pub mod C_DynamicLight { + pub const m_Flags: usize = 0xCC8; // uint8 + pub const m_LightStyle: usize = 0xCC9; // uint8 + pub const m_Radius: usize = 0xCCC; // float32 + pub const m_Exponent: usize = 0xCD0; // int32 + pub const m_InnerAngle: usize = 0xCD4; // float32 + pub const m_OuterAngle: usize = 0xCD8; // float32 + pub const m_SpotRadius: usize = 0xCDC; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BasePlayerWeapon + // Fields count: 72 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFireSequenceStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEvent (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType (WeaponAttackType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iState (CSWeaponState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeWeaponIdle (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponMode (CSWeaponMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAccuracyPenalty (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRecoilIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRecoilIndex (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBurstMode (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInReload (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bReloadVisuallyComplete (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDroppedAtTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHauledBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSilencerOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOriginalTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMostRecentTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDroppedNearBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPrevOwner (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDropTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLastShotTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iIronSightMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumEmptyAttacks (int) + pub mod C_CSWeaponBase { + pub const m_flFireSequenceStartTime: usize = 0x1624; // float32 + pub const m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange: usize = 0x1628; // int32 + pub const m_nFireSequenceStartTimeAck: usize = 0x162C; // int32 + pub const m_ePlayerFireEvent: usize = 0x1630; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + pub const m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType: usize = 0x1634; // WeaponAttackType_t + pub const m_seqIdle: usize = 0x1638; // HSequence + pub const m_seqFirePrimary: usize = 0x163C; // HSequence + pub const m_seqFireSecondary: usize = 0x1640; // HSequence + pub const m_thirdPersonFireSequences: usize = 0x1648; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hCurrentThirdPersonSequence: usize = 0x1660; // HSequence + pub const m_nSilencerBoneIndex: usize = 0x1664; // int32 + pub const m_thirdPersonSequences: usize = 0x1668; // HSequence[7] + pub const m_ClientPreviousWeaponState: usize = 0x16A0; // CSWeaponState_t + pub const m_iState: usize = 0x16A4; // CSWeaponState_t + pub const m_flCrosshairDistance: usize = 0x16A8; // float32 + pub const m_iAmmoLastCheck: usize = 0x16AC; // int32 + pub const m_iAlpha: usize = 0x16B0; // int32 + pub const m_iScopeTextureID: usize = 0x16B4; // int32 + pub const m_iCrosshairTextureID: usize = 0x16B8; // int32 + pub const m_flGunAccuracyPositionDeprecated: usize = 0x16BC; // float32 + pub const m_nLastEmptySoundCmdNum: usize = 0x16C0; // int32 + pub const m_nViewModelIndex: usize = 0x16C4; // uint32 + pub const m_bReloadsWithClips: usize = 0x16C8; // bool + pub const m_flTimeWeaponIdle: usize = 0x16CC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bFireOnEmpty: usize = 0x16D0; // bool + pub const m_OnPlayerPickup: usize = 0x16D8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_weaponMode: usize = 0x1700; // CSWeaponMode + pub const m_flTurningInaccuracyDelta: usize = 0x1704; // float32 + pub const m_vecTurningInaccuracyEyeDirLast: usize = 0x1708; // Vector + pub const m_flTurningInaccuracy: usize = 0x1714; // float32 + pub const m_fAccuracyPenalty: usize = 0x1718; // float32 + pub const m_flLastAccuracyUpdateTime: usize = 0x171C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fAccuracySmoothedForZoom: usize = 0x1720; // float32 + pub const m_fScopeZoomEndTime: usize = 0x1724; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iRecoilIndex: usize = 0x1728; // int32 + pub const m_flRecoilIndex: usize = 0x172C; // float32 + pub const m_bBurstMode: usize = 0x1730; // bool + pub const m_flLastBurstModeChangeTime: usize = 0x1734; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks: usize = 0x1738; // GameTick_t + pub const m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac: usize = 0x173C; // float32 + pub const m_bInReload: usize = 0x1740; // bool + pub const m_bReloadVisuallyComplete: usize = 0x1741; // bool + pub const m_flDroppedAtTime: usize = 0x1744; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bIsHauledBack: usize = 0x1748; // bool + pub const m_bSilencerOn: usize = 0x1749; // bool + pub const m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete: usize = 0x174C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iOriginalTeamNumber: usize = 0x1750; // int32 + pub const m_iMostRecentTeamNumber: usize = 0x1754; // int32 + pub const m_bDroppedNearBuyZone: usize = 0x1758; // bool + pub const m_flNextAttackRenderTimeOffset: usize = 0x175C; // float32 + pub const m_bClearWeaponIdentifyingUGC: usize = 0x17F8; // bool + pub const m_bVisualsDataSet: usize = 0x17F9; // bool + pub const m_bOldFirstPersonSpectatedState: usize = 0x17FA; // bool + pub const m_bUIWeapon: usize = 0x17FB; // bool + pub const m_nCustomEconReloadEventId: usize = 0x17FC; // int32 + pub const m_hPrevOwner: usize = 0x1808; // CHandle + pub const m_nDropTick: usize = 0x180C; // GameTick_t + pub const m_donated: usize = 0x182C; // bool + pub const m_fLastShotTime: usize = 0x1830; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bWasOwnedByCT: usize = 0x1834; // bool + pub const m_bWasOwnedByTerrorist: usize = 0x1835; // bool + pub const m_gunHeat: usize = 0x1838; // float32 + pub const m_smokeAttachments: usize = 0x183C; // uint32 + pub const m_lastSmokeTime: usize = 0x1840; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flNextClientFireBulletTime: usize = 0x1844; // float32 + pub const m_flNextClientFireBulletTime_Repredict: usize = 0x1848; // float32 + pub const m_IronSightController: usize = 0x1920; // C_IronSightController + pub const m_iIronSightMode: usize = 0x19D0; // int32 + pub const m_flLastLOSTraceFailureTime: usize = 0x19E0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iNumEmptyAttacks: usize = 0x19E4; // int32 + pub const m_flLastMagDropRequestTime: usize = 0x1A60; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flWatTickOffset: usize = 0x1A64; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_TriggerVolume { + } + // Parent: C_FuncBrush + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool) + pub mod C_FuncElectrifiedVolume { + pub const m_nAmbientEffect: usize = 0xCC8; // ParticleIndex_t + pub const m_EffectName: usize = 0xCD0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bState: usize = 0xCD8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WeaponServices + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextAttack (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLookingAtWeapon (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon (bool) + pub mod CCSPlayer_WeaponServices { + pub const m_flNextAttack: usize = 0xB8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bIsLookingAtWeapon: usize = 0xBC; // bool + pub const m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon: usize = 0xBD; // bool + pub const m_nOldShootPositionHistoryCount: usize = 0xC0; // uint32 + pub const m_nOldInputHistoryCount: usize = 0x458; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeStartDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeEndDist (float32) + pub mod C_EnvDetailController { + pub const m_flFadeStartDist: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeEndDist: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEntityInstance + // Fields count: 82 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_CBodyComponent (CBodyComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lifeState (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTakesDamage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTakeDamageFlags (TakeDamageFlags_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlatform (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubInterpolationFrame (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSubclassID (EntitySubclassID_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSimulationTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSideRagdoll (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_spawnflags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextThinkTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecBaseVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEffectEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwnerEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveCollide (MoveCollide_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveType (MoveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWaterLevel (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEffects (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGroundEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGroundBodyIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFriction (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flElasticity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGravityScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimatedEveryTick (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBloodType (BloodType) + pub mod C_BaseEntity { + pub const m_CBodyComponent: usize = 0x38; // CBodyComponent* + pub const m_NetworkTransmitComponent: usize = 0x40; // CNetworkTransmitComponent + pub const m_nLastThinkTick: usize = 0x300; // GameTick_t + pub const m_pGameSceneNode: usize = 0x308; // CGameSceneNode* + pub const m_pRenderComponent: usize = 0x310; // CRenderComponent* + pub const m_pCollision: usize = 0x318; // CCollisionProperty* + pub const m_iMaxHealth: usize = 0x320; // int32 + pub const m_iHealth: usize = 0x324; // int32 + pub const m_lifeState: usize = 0x328; // uint8 + pub const m_bTakesDamage: usize = 0x329; // bool + pub const m_nTakeDamageFlags: usize = 0x330; // TakeDamageFlags_t + pub const m_bIsPlatform: usize = 0x338; // bool + pub const m_ubInterpolationFrame: usize = 0x339; // uint8 + pub const m_hSceneObjectController: usize = 0x33C; // CHandle + pub const m_nNoInterpolationTick: usize = 0x340; // int32 + pub const m_nVisibilityNoInterpolationTick: usize = 0x344; // int32 + pub const m_flProxyRandomValue: usize = 0x348; // float32 + pub const m_iEFlags: usize = 0x34C; // int32 + pub const m_nWaterType: usize = 0x350; // uint8 + pub const m_bInterpolateEvenWithNoModel: usize = 0x351; // bool + pub const m_bPredictionEligible: usize = 0x352; // bool + pub const m_bApplyLayerMatchIDToModel: usize = 0x353; // bool + pub const m_tokLayerMatchID: usize = 0x354; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_nSubclassID: usize = 0x358; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_nSimulationTick: usize = 0x368; // int32 + pub const m_iCurrentThinkContext: usize = 0x36C; // int32 + pub const m_aThinkFunctions: usize = 0x370; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bDisabledContextThinks: usize = 0x388; // bool + pub const m_flAnimTime: usize = 0x38C; // float32 + pub const m_flSimulationTime: usize = 0x390; // float32 + pub const m_nSceneObjectOverrideFlags: usize = 0x394; // uint8 + pub const m_bHasSuccessfullyInterpolated: usize = 0x395; // bool + pub const m_bHasAddedVarsToInterpolation: usize = 0x396; // bool + pub const m_bRenderEvenWhenNotSuccessfullyInterpolated: usize = 0x397; // bool + pub const m_nInterpolationLatchDirtyFlags: usize = 0x398; // int32[2] + pub const m_ListEntry: usize = 0x3A0; // uint16[11] + pub const m_flCreateTime: usize = 0x3B8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSpeed: usize = 0x3BC; // float32 + pub const m_EntClientFlags: usize = 0x3C0; // uint16 + pub const m_bClientSideRagdoll: usize = 0x3C2; // bool + pub const m_iTeamNum: usize = 0x3C3; // uint8 + pub const m_spawnflags: usize = 0x3C4; // uint32 + pub const m_nNextThinkTick: usize = 0x3C8; // GameTick_t + pub const m_fFlags: usize = 0x3CC; // uint32 + pub const m_vecAbsVelocity: usize = 0x3D0; // Vector + pub const m_vecVelocity: usize = 0x3E0; // CNetworkVelocityVector + pub const m_vecBaseVelocity: usize = 0x410; // Vector + pub const m_hEffectEntity: usize = 0x41C; // CHandle + pub const m_hOwnerEntity: usize = 0x420; // CHandle + pub const m_MoveCollide: usize = 0x424; // MoveCollide_t + pub const m_MoveType: usize = 0x425; // MoveType_t + pub const m_nActualMoveType: usize = 0x426; // MoveType_t + pub const m_flWaterLevel: usize = 0x428; // float32 + pub const m_fEffects: usize = 0x42C; // uint32 + pub const m_hGroundEntity: usize = 0x430; // CHandle + pub const m_nGroundBodyIndex: usize = 0x434; // int32 + pub const m_flFriction: usize = 0x438; // float32 + pub const m_flElasticity: usize = 0x43C; // float32 + pub const m_flGravityScale: usize = 0x440; // float32 + pub const m_flTimeScale: usize = 0x444; // float32 + pub const m_bAnimatedEveryTick: usize = 0x448; // bool + pub const m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime: usize = 0x44C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_hThink: usize = 0x450; // uint16 + pub const m_fBBoxVisFlags: usize = 0x460; // uint8 + pub const m_bPredictable: usize = 0x461; // bool + pub const m_bRenderWithViewModels: usize = 0x462; // bool + pub const m_nSplitUserPlayerPredictionSlot: usize = 0x464; // CSplitScreenSlot + pub const m_nFirstPredictableCommand: usize = 0x468; // int32 + pub const m_nLastPredictableCommand: usize = 0x46C; // int32 + pub const m_hOldMoveParent: usize = 0x470; // CHandle + pub const m_Particles: usize = 0x478; // CParticleProperty + pub const m_vecPredictedScriptFloats: usize = 0x4A0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_vecPredictedScriptFloatIDs: usize = 0x4B8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nNextScriptVarRecordID: usize = 0x4E8; // int32 + pub const m_vecAngVelocity: usize = 0x4F8; // QAngle + pub const m_DataChangeEventRef: usize = 0x504; // int32 + pub const m_dependencies: usize = 0x508; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nCreationTick: usize = 0x520; // int32 + pub const m_bAnimTimeChanged: usize = 0x52D; // bool + pub const m_bSimulationTimeChanged: usize = 0x52E; // bool + pub const m_sUniqueHammerID: usize = 0x538; // CUtlString + pub const m_nBloodType: usize = 0x540; // BloodType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nameStringableIndex (int32) + pub mod CEntityIdentity { + pub const m_nameStringableIndex: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_name: usize = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_designerName: usize = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x30; // uint32 + pub const m_worldGroupId: usize = 0x38; // WorldGroupId_t + pub const m_fDataObjectTypes: usize = 0x3C; // uint32 + pub const m_PathIndex: usize = 0x40; // ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t + pub const m_pPrev: usize = 0x58; // CEntityIdentity* + pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x60; // CEntityIdentity* + pub const m_pPrevByClass: usize = 0x68; // CEntityIdentity* + pub const m_pNextByClass: usize = 0x70; // CEntityIdentity* + } + // Parent: C_BreakableProp + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAwake (bool) + pub mod C_PhysicsProp { + pub const m_bAwake: usize = 0x1040; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseProp + // Fields count: 26 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CPropDataComponent (CPropDataComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_noGhostCollision (bool) + pub mod C_BreakableProp { + pub const m_CPropDataComponent: usize = 0xF10; // CPropDataComponent + pub const m_OnBreak: usize = 0xF50; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnHealthChanged: usize = 0xF78; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnTakeDamage: usize = 0xFA0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_impactEnergyScale: usize = 0xFC8; // float32 + pub const m_iMinHealthDmg: usize = 0xFCC; // int32 + pub const m_flPressureDelay: usize = 0xFD0; // float32 + pub const m_flDefBurstScale: usize = 0xFD4; // float32 + pub const m_vDefBurstOffset: usize = 0xFD8; // Vector + pub const m_hBreaker: usize = 0xFE4; // CHandle + pub const m_PerformanceMode: usize = 0xFE8; // PerformanceMode_t + pub const m_flPreventDamageBeforeTime: usize = 0xFEC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bHasBreakPiecesOrCommands: usize = 0xFF0; // bool + pub const m_explodeDamage: usize = 0xFF4; // float32 + pub const m_explodeRadius: usize = 0xFF8; // float32 + pub const m_explosionDelay: usize = 0x1000; // float32 + pub const m_explosionBuildupSound: usize = 0x1008; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_explosionCustomEffect: usize = 0x1010; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_explosionCustomSound: usize = 0x1018; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_explosionModifier: usize = 0x1020; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hPhysicsAttacker: usize = 0x1028; // CHandle + pub const m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime: usize = 0x102C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDefaultFadeScale: usize = 0x1030; // float32 + pub const m_hLastAttacker: usize = 0x1034; // CHandle + pub const m_hFlareEnt: usize = 0x1038; // CHandle + pub const m_noGhostCollision: usize = 0x103C; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseToggle + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + pub mod C_FuncMoveLinear { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrameRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumBeamEnts (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBaseMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHaloIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamType (BeamType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEndWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFadeLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHaloScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAmplitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStartFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nClipStyle (BeamClipStyle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTurnedOff (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + pub mod C_Beam { + pub const m_flFrameRate: usize = 0xCC8; // float32 + pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0xCCC; // float32 + pub const m_flFireTime: usize = 0xCD0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDamage: usize = 0xCD4; // float32 + pub const m_nNumBeamEnts: usize = 0xCD8; // uint8 + pub const m_queryHandleHalo: usize = 0xCDC; // int32 + pub const m_hBaseMaterial: usize = 0xD00; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nHaloIndex: usize = 0xD08; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nBeamType: usize = 0xD10; // BeamType_t + pub const m_nBeamFlags: usize = 0xD14; // uint32 + pub const m_hAttachEntity: usize = 0xD18; // CHandle[10] + pub const m_nAttachIndex: usize = 0xD40; // AttachmentHandle_t[10] + pub const m_fWidth: usize = 0xD4C; // float32 + pub const m_fEndWidth: usize = 0xD50; // float32 + pub const m_fFadeLength: usize = 0xD54; // float32 + pub const m_fHaloScale: usize = 0xD58; // float32 + pub const m_fAmplitude: usize = 0xD5C; // float32 + pub const m_fStartFrame: usize = 0xD60; // float32 + pub const m_fSpeed: usize = 0xD64; // float32 + pub const m_flFrame: usize = 0xD68; // float32 + pub const m_nClipStyle: usize = 0xD6C; // BeamClipStyle_t + pub const m_bTurnedOff: usize = 0xD70; // bool + pub const m_vecEndPos: usize = 0xD74; // Vector + pub const m_hEndEntity: usize = 0xD80; // CHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandom (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOrdinal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sWeaponName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_xuid (XUID) + // NetworkVarNames: m_agentItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glovesItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponItem (CEconItemView) + pub mod C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition { + pub const m_nVariant: usize = 0x548; // int32 + pub const m_nRandom: usize = 0x54C; // int32 + pub const m_nOrdinal: usize = 0x550; // int32 + pub const m_sWeaponName: usize = 0x558; // CUtlString + pub const m_xuid: usize = 0x560; // uint64 + pub const m_agentItem: usize = 0x568; // C_EconItemView + pub const m_glovesItem: usize = 0x9B0; // C_EconItemView + pub const m_weaponItem: usize = 0xDF8; // C_EconItemView + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_DynamicPropAlias_prop_dynamic_override { + } + // Parent: C_PointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOverlayNames (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOverlayTimes (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredOverlay (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsActive (bool) + pub mod C_EnvScreenOverlay { + pub const m_iszOverlayNames: usize = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge[10] + pub const m_flOverlayTimes: usize = 0x598; // float32[10] + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x5C0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iDesiredOverlay: usize = 0x5C4; // int32 + pub const m_bIsActive: usize = 0x5C8; // bool + pub const m_bWasActive: usize = 0x5C9; // bool + pub const m_iCachedDesiredOverlay: usize = 0x5CC; // int32 + pub const m_iCurrentOverlay: usize = 0x5D0; // int32 + pub const m_flCurrentOverlayTime: usize = 0x5D4; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerWeaponVData + // Fields count: 92 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + pub mod CCSWeaponBaseVData { + pub const m_WeaponType: usize = 0x250; // CSWeaponType + pub const m_WeaponCategory: usize = 0x254; // CSWeaponCategory + pub const m_szViewModel: usize = 0x258; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szPlayerModel: usize = 0x338; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szWorldDroppedModel: usize = 0x418; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szAimsightLensMaskModel: usize = 0x4F8; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szMagazineModel: usize = 0x5D8; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szHeatEffect: usize = 0x6B8; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szEjectBrassEffect: usize = 0x798; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szMuzzleFlashParticleAlt: usize = 0x878; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticle: usize = 0x958; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticleAlt: usize = 0xA38; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szTracerParticle: usize = 0xB18; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_GearSlot: usize = 0xBF8; // gear_slot_t + pub const m_GearSlotPosition: usize = 0xBFC; // int32 + pub const m_DefaultLoadoutSlot: usize = 0xC00; // loadout_slot_t + pub const m_sWrongTeamMsg: usize = 0xC08; // CUtlString + pub const m_nPrice: usize = 0xC10; // int32 + pub const m_nKillAward: usize = 0xC14; // int32 + pub const m_nPrimaryReserveAmmoMax: usize = 0xC18; // int32 + pub const m_nSecondaryReserveAmmoMax: usize = 0xC1C; // int32 + pub const m_bMeleeWeapon: usize = 0xC20; // bool + pub const m_bHasBurstMode: usize = 0xC21; // bool + pub const m_bIsRevolver: usize = 0xC22; // bool + pub const m_bCannotShootUnderwater: usize = 0xC23; // bool + pub const m_szName: usize = 0xC28; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_szAnimExtension: usize = 0xC30; // CUtlString + pub const m_eSilencerType: usize = 0xC38; // CSWeaponSilencerType + pub const m_nCrosshairMinDistance: usize = 0xC3C; // int32 + pub const m_nCrosshairDeltaDistance: usize = 0xC40; // int32 + pub const m_bIsFullAuto: usize = 0xC44; // bool + pub const m_nNumBullets: usize = 0xC48; // int32 + pub const m_flCycleTime: usize = 0xC4C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flMaxSpeed: usize = 0xC54; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flSpread: usize = 0xC5C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyCrouch: usize = 0xC64; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyStand: usize = 0xC6C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyJump: usize = 0xC74; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyLand: usize = 0xC7C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyLadder: usize = 0xC84; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyFire: usize = 0xC8C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyMove: usize = 0xC94; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flRecoilAngle: usize = 0xC9C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flRecoilAngleVariance: usize = 0xCA4; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flRecoilMagnitude: usize = 0xCAC; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flRecoilMagnitudeVariance: usize = 0xCB4; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_nTracerFrequency: usize = 0xCBC; // CFiringModeInt + pub const m_flInaccuracyJumpInitial: usize = 0xCC4; // float32 + pub const m_flInaccuracyJumpApex: usize = 0xCC8; // float32 + pub const m_flInaccuracyReload: usize = 0xCCC; // float32 + pub const m_nRecoilSeed: usize = 0xCD0; // int32 + pub const m_nSpreadSeed: usize = 0xCD4; // int32 + pub const m_flTimeToIdleAfterFire: usize = 0xCD8; // float32 + pub const m_flIdleInterval: usize = 0xCDC; // float32 + pub const m_flAttackMovespeedFactor: usize = 0xCE0; // float32 + pub const m_flHeatPerShot: usize = 0xCE4; // float32 + pub const m_flInaccuracyPitchShift: usize = 0xCE8; // float32 + pub const m_flInaccuracyAltSoundThreshold: usize = 0xCEC; // float32 + pub const m_flBotAudibleRange: usize = 0xCF0; // float32 + pub const m_szUseRadioSubtitle: usize = 0xCF8; // CUtlString + pub const m_bUnzoomsAfterShot: usize = 0xD00; // bool + pub const m_bHideViewModelWhenZoomed: usize = 0xD01; // bool + pub const m_nZoomLevels: usize = 0xD04; // int32 + pub const m_nZoomFOV1: usize = 0xD08; // int32 + pub const m_nZoomFOV2: usize = 0xD0C; // int32 + pub const m_flZoomTime0: usize = 0xD10; // float32 + pub const m_flZoomTime1: usize = 0xD14; // float32 + pub const m_flZoomTime2: usize = 0xD18; // float32 + pub const m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed: usize = 0xD1C; // float32 + pub const m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed: usize = 0xD20; // float32 + pub const m_flIronSightFOV: usize = 0xD24; // float32 + pub const m_flIronSightPivotForward: usize = 0xD28; // float32 + pub const m_flIronSightLooseness: usize = 0xD2C; // float32 + pub const m_angPivotAngle: usize = 0xD30; // QAngle + pub const m_vecIronSightEyePos: usize = 0xD3C; // Vector + pub const m_nDamage: usize = 0xD48; // int32 + pub const m_flHeadshotMultiplier: usize = 0xD4C; // float32 + pub const m_flArmorRatio: usize = 0xD50; // float32 + pub const m_flPenetration: usize = 0xD54; // float32 + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0xD58; // float32 + pub const m_flRangeModifier: usize = 0xD5C; // float32 + pub const m_flFlinchVelocityModifierLarge: usize = 0xD60; // float32 + pub const m_flFlinchVelocityModifierSmall: usize = 0xD64; // float32 + pub const m_flRecoveryTimeCrouch: usize = 0xD68; // float32 + pub const m_flRecoveryTimeStand: usize = 0xD6C; // float32 + pub const m_flRecoveryTimeCrouchFinal: usize = 0xD70; // float32 + pub const m_flRecoveryTimeStandFinal: usize = 0xD74; // float32 + pub const m_nRecoveryTransitionStartBullet: usize = 0xD78; // int32 + pub const m_nRecoveryTransitionEndBullet: usize = 0xD7C; // int32 + pub const m_flThrowVelocity: usize = 0xD80; // float32 + pub const m_vSmokeColor: usize = 0xD84; // Vector + pub const m_szAnimClass: usize = 0xD90; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: C_ModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FontName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFullbright (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWorldUnitsPerPx (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFontSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyHorizontal (PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyVertical (PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nReorientMode (PointWorldTextReorientMode_t) + pub mod C_PointWorldText { + pub const m_bForceRecreateNextUpdate: usize = 0xCD0; // bool + pub const m_messageText: usize = 0xCE0; // char[512] + pub const m_FontName: usize = 0xEE0; // char[64] + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xF20; // bool + pub const m_bFullbright: usize = 0xF21; // bool + pub const m_flWorldUnitsPerPx: usize = 0xF24; // float32 + pub const m_flFontSize: usize = 0xF28; // float32 + pub const m_flDepthOffset: usize = 0xF2C; // float32 + pub const m_Color: usize = 0xF30; // Color + pub const m_nJustifyHorizontal: usize = 0xF34; // PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t + pub const m_nJustifyVertical: usize = 0xF38; // PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t + pub const m_nReorientMode: usize = 0xF3C; // PointWorldTextReorientMode_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBumpMineProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerController + // Fields count: 62 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInGameMoneyServices (CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInventoryServices (CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pDamageServices (CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPing (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCrosshairCodes (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPendingTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceTeamTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompTeammateColor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEverPlayedOnTeam (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClan (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCoachingTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominated (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominatingMe (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRanking (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveWins (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankType (int8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchNextMapVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unActiveQuestId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQuestProgressReason (QuestProgress::Reason) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unPlayerTvControlFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDisconnectionTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bControllingBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasControlledBotThisRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanControlObservedBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnIsAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnHealth (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeStart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeEnd (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnBotDifficulty (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecKills (EKillTypes_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMvpNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eMvpReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitMVPs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMVPs (int) + pub mod CCSPlayerController { + pub const m_pInGameMoneyServices: usize = 0x700; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices* + pub const m_pInventoryServices: usize = 0x708; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices* + pub const m_pActionTrackingServices: usize = 0x710; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices* + pub const m_pDamageServices: usize = 0x718; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices* + pub const m_iPing: usize = 0x720; // uint32 + pub const m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute: usize = 0x724; // bool + pub const m_szCrosshairCodes: usize = 0x728; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iPendingTeamNum: usize = 0x730; // uint8 + pub const m_flForceTeamTime: usize = 0x734; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iCompTeammateColor: usize = 0x738; // int32 + pub const m_bEverPlayedOnTeam: usize = 0x73C; // bool + pub const m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime: usize = 0x740; // GameTime_t + pub const m_szClan: usize = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_sSanitizedPlayerName: usize = 0x750; // CUtlString + pub const m_iCoachingTeam: usize = 0x758; // int32 + pub const m_nPlayerDominated: usize = 0x760; // uint64 + pub const m_nPlayerDominatingMe: usize = 0x768; // uint64 + pub const m_iCompetitiveRanking: usize = 0x770; // int32 + pub const m_iCompetitiveWins: usize = 0x774; // int32 + pub const m_iCompetitiveRankType: usize = 0x778; // int8 + pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win: usize = 0x77C; // int32 + pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss: usize = 0x780; // int32 + pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie: usize = 0x784; // int32 + pub const m_nEndMatchNextMapVote: usize = 0x788; // int32 + pub const m_unActiveQuestId: usize = 0x78C; // uint16 + pub const m_nQuestProgressReason: usize = 0x790; // QuestProgress::Reason + pub const m_unPlayerTvControlFlags: usize = 0x794; // uint32 + pub const m_iDraftIndex: usize = 0x7C0; // int32 + pub const m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp: usize = 0x7C4; // uint32 + pub const m_uiAbandonRecordedReason: usize = 0x7C8; // uint32 + pub const m_bCannotBeKicked: usize = 0x7CC; // bool + pub const m_bEverFullyConnected: usize = 0x7CD; // bool + pub const m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender: usize = 0x7CE; // bool + pub const m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender: usize = 0x7CF; // bool + pub const m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted: usize = 0x7D0; // bool + pub const m_bScoreReported: usize = 0x7D1; // bool + pub const m_nDisconnectionTick: usize = 0x7D4; // int32 + pub const m_bControllingBot: usize = 0x7E0; // bool + pub const m_bHasControlledBotThisRound: usize = 0x7E1; // bool + pub const m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound: usize = 0x7E2; // bool + pub const m_nBotsControlledThisRound: usize = 0x7E4; // int32 + pub const m_bCanControlObservedBot: usize = 0x7E8; // bool + pub const m_hPlayerPawn: usize = 0x7EC; // CHandle + pub const m_hObserverPawn: usize = 0x7F0; // CHandle + pub const m_bPawnIsAlive: usize = 0x7F4; // bool + pub const m_iPawnHealth: usize = 0x7F8; // uint32 + pub const m_iPawnArmor: usize = 0x7FC; // int32 + pub const m_bPawnHasDefuser: usize = 0x800; // bool + pub const m_bPawnHasHelmet: usize = 0x801; // bool + pub const m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex: usize = 0x802; // uint16 + pub const m_iPawnLifetimeStart: usize = 0x804; // int32 + pub const m_iPawnLifetimeEnd: usize = 0x808; // int32 + pub const m_iPawnBotDifficulty: usize = 0x80C; // int32 + pub const m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn: usize = 0x810; // CHandle + pub const m_iScore: usize = 0x814; // int32 + pub const m_vecKills: usize = 0x818; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_bMvpNoMusic: usize = 0x830; // bool + pub const m_eMvpReason: usize = 0x834; // int32 + pub const m_iMusicKitID: usize = 0x838; // int32 + pub const m_iMusicKitMVPs: usize = 0x83C; // int32 + pub const m_iMVPs: usize = 0x840; // int32 + pub const m_bIsPlayerNameDirty: usize = 0x844; // bool + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponFiveSeven { + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_eDoorState (DoorState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLocked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaster (CHandle) + pub mod C_BasePropDoor { + pub const m_eDoorState: usize = 0x1168; // DoorState_t + pub const m_modelChanged: usize = 0x116C; // bool + pub const m_bLocked: usize = 0x116D; // bool + pub const m_closedPosition: usize = 0x1170; // Vector + pub const m_closedAngles: usize = 0x117C; // QAngle + pub const m_hMaster: usize = 0x1188; // CHandle + pub const m_vWhereToSetLightingOrigin: usize = 0x118C; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_TeamSelectTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: C_BreakableProp + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod C_PhysPropClientside { + pub const m_flTouchDelta: usize = 0x1040; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fDeathTime: usize = 0x1044; // GameTime_t + pub const m_inertiaScale: usize = 0x1048; // float32 + pub const m_vecDamagePosition: usize = 0x104C; // Vector + pub const m_vecDamageDirection: usize = 0x1058; // Vector + pub const m_nDamageType: usize = 0x1064; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_TeamSelectCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSoundAreaType (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPos (Vector) + pub mod C_SoundAreaEntityBase { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x548; // bool + pub const m_bWasEnabled: usize = 0x550; // bool + pub const m_iszSoundAreaType: usize = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_vPos: usize = 0x560; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fog (fogparams_t) + pub mod C_FogController { + pub const m_fog: usize = 0x548; // fogparams_t + pub const m_bUseAngles: usize = 0x5B0; // bool + pub const m_iChangedVariables: usize = 0x5B4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_ItemServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_FuncBrush { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_worldName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_layerName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldLayerVisible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEntitiesSpawned (bool) + pub mod CInfoWorldLayer { + pub const m_pOutputOnEntitiesSpawned: usize = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_worldName: usize = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_layerName: usize = 0x578; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bWorldLayerVisible: usize = 0x580; // bool + pub const m_bEntitiesSpawned: usize = 0x581; // bool + pub const m_bCreateAsChildSpawnGroup: usize = 0x582; // bool + pub const m_hLayerSpawnGroup: usize = 0x584; // uint32 + pub const m_bWorldLayerActuallyVisible: usize = 0x588; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_NetTestBaseCombatCharacter { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod C_ViewmodelWeapon { + pub const m_worldModel: usize = 0xED0; // char* + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod C_PhysMagnet { + pub const m_aAttachedObjectsFromServer: usize = 0xED0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_aAttachedObjects: usize = 0xEE8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTargetSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionStartTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionDurationTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTransitionStartSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hConveyorModels (EHANDLE) + pub mod C_FuncConveyor { + pub const m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace: usize = 0xCD0; // Vector + pub const m_flTargetSpeed: usize = 0xCDC; // float32 + pub const m_nTransitionStartTick: usize = 0xCE0; // GameTick_t + pub const m_nTransitionDurationTicks: usize = 0xCE4; // int32 + pub const m_flTransitionStartSpeed: usize = 0xCE8; // float32 + pub const m_hConveyorModels: usize = 0xCF0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_flCurrentConveyorOffset: usize = 0xD08; // float32 + pub const m_flCurrentConveyorSpeed: usize = 0xD0C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pEntity (CEntityIdentity*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CScriptComponent (CScriptComponent::Storage_t) + pub mod CEntityInstance { + pub const m_iszPrivateVScripts: usize = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_pEntity: usize = 0x10; // CEntityIdentity* + pub const m_CScriptComponent: usize = 0x28; // CScriptComponent* + pub const m_bVisibleinPVS: usize = 0x30; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t { + pub const unClass: usize = 0x28; // uint16 + pub const unSlot: usize = 0x2A; // uint16 + pub const unItemDefIdx: usize = 0x2C; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimationParity (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimationStartTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + pub mod C_BaseViewModel { + pub const m_vecLastFacing: usize = 0xED8; // Vector + pub const m_nViewModelIndex: usize = 0xEE4; // uint32 + pub const m_nAnimationParity: usize = 0xEE8; // uint32 + pub const m_flAnimationStartTime: usize = 0xEEC; // float32 + pub const m_hWeapon: usize = 0xEF0; // CHandle + pub const m_sVMName: usize = 0xEF8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_sAnimationPrefix: usize = 0xF00; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hWeaponModel: usize = 0xF08; // CHandle + pub const m_iCameraAttachment: usize = 0xF0C; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_vecLastCameraAngles: usize = 0xF10; // QAngle + pub const m_previousElapsedDuration: usize = 0xF1C; // float32 + pub const m_previousCycle: usize = 0xF20; // float32 + pub const m_nOldAnimationParity: usize = 0xF24; // int32 + pub const m_hOldLayerSequence: usize = 0xF28; // HSequence + pub const m_oldLayer: usize = 0xF2C; // int32 + pub const m_oldLayerStartTime: usize = 0xF30; // float32 + pub const m_hControlPanel: usize = 0xF34; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CHostageRescueZoneShim + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponNegev { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hParent (CGameSceneNodeHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecOrigin (CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angRotation (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hierarchyAttachName (CUtlStringToken) + pub mod CGameSceneNode { + pub const m_nodeToWorld: usize = 0x10; // CTransform + pub const m_pOwner: usize = 0x30; // CEntityInstance* + pub const m_pParent: usize = 0x38; // CGameSceneNode* + pub const m_pChild: usize = 0x40; // CGameSceneNode* + pub const m_pNextSibling: usize = 0x48; // CGameSceneNode* + pub const m_hParent: usize = 0x78; // CGameSceneNodeHandle + pub const m_vecOrigin: usize = 0x88; // CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector + pub const m_angRotation: usize = 0xC0; // QAngle + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0xCC; // float32 + pub const m_vecAbsOrigin: usize = 0xD0; // Vector + pub const m_angAbsRotation: usize = 0xDC; // QAngle + pub const m_flAbsScale: usize = 0xE8; // float32 + pub const m_nParentAttachmentOrBone: usize = 0xEC; // int16 + pub const m_bDebugAbsOriginChanges: usize = 0xEE; // bool + pub const m_bDormant: usize = 0xEF; // bool + pub const m_bForceParentToBeNetworked: usize = 0xF0; // bool + pub const m_bDirtyHierarchy: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bDirtyBoneMergeInfo: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bNetworkedPositionChanged: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bNetworkedAnglesChanged: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bNetworkedScaleChanged: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bWillBeCallingPostDataUpdate: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bBoneMergeFlex: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_nLatchAbsOrigin: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:2 + pub const m_bDirtyBoneMergeBoneToRoot: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_nHierarchicalDepth: usize = 0xF3; // uint8 + pub const m_nHierarchyType: usize = 0xF4; // uint8 + pub const m_nDoNotSetAnimTimeInInvalidatePhysicsCount: usize = 0xF5; // uint8 + pub const m_name: usize = 0xF8; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_hierarchyAttachName: usize = 0x138; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_flZOffset: usize = 0x13C; // float32 + pub const m_flClientLocalScale: usize = 0x140; // float32 + pub const m_vRenderOrigin: usize = 0x144; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_MolotovGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_IncendiaryGrenade { + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTablet { + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + pub mod CCSPointScript { + pub const m_pParent: usize = 0xF8; // CCSPointScriptEntity* + } + // Parent: C_CSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + pub mod C_CSObserverPawn { + pub const m_hDetectParentChange: usize = 0x1460; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntAttached (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCheapEffect (bool) + pub mod C_EntityFlame { + pub const m_hEntAttached: usize = 0x548; // CHandle + pub const m_hOldAttached: usize = 0x570; // CHandle + pub const m_bCheapEffect: usize = 0x574; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTripWireFireProjectile { + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_Breakable { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ObserverServices + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod CCSObserver_ObserverServices { + pub const m_hLastObserverTarget: usize = 0x58; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_vecObserverInterpolateOffset: usize = 0x5C; // Vector + pub const m_vecObserverInterpStartPos: usize = 0x68; // Vector + pub const m_flObsInterp_PathLength: usize = 0x74; // float32 + pub const m_qObsInterp_OrientationStart: usize = 0x80; // Quaternion + pub const m_qObsInterp_OrientationTravelDir: usize = 0x90; // Quaternion + pub const m_obsInterpState: usize = 0xA0; // ObserverInterpState_t + pub const m_bObserverInterpolationNeedsDeferredSetup: usize = 0xA4; // bool + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_TintController { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_AutoaimServices { + } + // Parent: C_BaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_reuseTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vel (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isRescued (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHostageState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHandsHaveBeenCut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hHostageGrabber (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRescueStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGrabSuccessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDropStartTime (GameTime_t) + pub mod C_Hostage { + pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0x10F8; // EntitySpottedState_t + pub const m_leader: usize = 0x1110; // CHandle + pub const m_reuseTimer: usize = 0x1118; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_vel: usize = 0x1130; // Vector + pub const m_isRescued: usize = 0x113C; // bool + pub const m_jumpedThisFrame: usize = 0x113D; // bool + pub const m_nHostageState: usize = 0x1140; // int32 + pub const m_bHandsHaveBeenCut: usize = 0x1144; // bool + pub const m_hHostageGrabber: usize = 0x1148; // CHandle + pub const m_fLastGrabTime: usize = 0x114C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_vecGrabbedPos: usize = 0x1150; // Vector + pub const m_flRescueStartTime: usize = 0x115C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flGrabSuccessTime: usize = 0x1160; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDropStartTime: usize = 0x1164; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDeadOrRescuedTime: usize = 0x1168; // GameTime_t + pub const m_blinkTimer: usize = 0x1170; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_lookAt: usize = 0x1188; // Vector + pub const m_lookAroundTimer: usize = 0x1198; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_isInit: usize = 0x11B0; // bool + pub const m_eyeAttachment: usize = 0x11B1; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_chestAttachment: usize = 0x11B2; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_pPredictionOwner: usize = 0x11B8; // CBasePlayerController* + pub const m_fNewestAlphaThinkTime: usize = 0x11C0; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: C_BaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSpriteMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachedToEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteFramerate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBrightness (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldSpaceScale (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + pub mod C_Sprite { + pub const m_hSpriteMaterial: usize = 0xCC8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hAttachedToEntity: usize = 0xCD0; // CHandle + pub const m_nAttachment: usize = 0xCD4; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_flSpriteFramerate: usize = 0xCD8; // float32 + pub const m_flFrame: usize = 0xCDC; // float32 + pub const m_flDieTime: usize = 0xCE0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nBrightness: usize = 0xCF0; // uint32 + pub const m_flBrightnessDuration: usize = 0xCF4; // float32 + pub const m_flSpriteScale: usize = 0xCF8; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleDuration: usize = 0xCFC; // float32 + pub const m_bWorldSpaceScale: usize = 0xD00; // bool + pub const m_flGlowProxySize: usize = 0xD04; // float32 + pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0xD08; // float32 + pub const m_flLastTime: usize = 0xD0C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flMaxFrame: usize = 0xD10; // float32 + pub const m_flStartScale: usize = 0xD14; // float32 + pub const m_flDestScale: usize = 0xD18; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleTimeStart: usize = 0xD1C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nStartBrightness: usize = 0xD20; // int32 + pub const m_nDestBrightness: usize = 0xD24; // int32 + pub const m_flBrightnessTimeStart: usize = 0xD28; // GameTime_t + pub const m_hOldSpriteMaterial: usize = 0xD30; // CWeakHandle + pub const m_nSpriteWidth: usize = 0xDD0; // int32 + pub const m_nSpriteHeight: usize = 0xDD4; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_CSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_WeaponM4A1Silencer { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 29 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombTicking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBombSite (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSourceSoundscapeHash (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flC4Blow (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCannotBeDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasExploded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBeingDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseCountDown (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBombDefuser (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + pub mod C_PlantedC4 { + pub const m_bBombTicking: usize = 0xED0; // bool + pub const m_nBombSite: usize = 0xED4; // int32 + pub const m_nSourceSoundscapeHash: usize = 0xED8; // int32 + pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0xEE0; // EntitySpottedState_t + pub const m_flNextGlow: usize = 0xEF8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flNextBeep: usize = 0xEFC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flC4Blow: usize = 0xF00; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bCannotBeDefused: usize = 0xF04; // bool + pub const m_bHasExploded: usize = 0xF05; // bool + pub const m_flTimerLength: usize = 0xF08; // float32 + pub const m_bBeingDefused: usize = 0xF0C; // bool + pub const m_bTriggerWarning: usize = 0xF10; // float32 + pub const m_bExplodeWarning: usize = 0xF14; // float32 + pub const m_bC4Activated: usize = 0xF18; // bool + pub const m_bTenSecWarning: usize = 0xF19; // bool + pub const m_flDefuseLength: usize = 0xF1C; // float32 + pub const m_flDefuseCountDown: usize = 0xF20; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bBombDefused: usize = 0xF24; // bool + pub const m_hBombDefuser: usize = 0xF28; // CHandle + pub const m_hControlPanel: usize = 0xF2C; // CHandle + pub const m_hDefuserMultimeter: usize = 0xF30; // CHandle + pub const m_flNextRadarFlashTime: usize = 0xF34; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bRadarFlash: usize = 0xF38; // bool + pub const m_pBombDefuser: usize = 0xF3C; // CHandle + pub const m_fLastDefuseTime: usize = 0xF40; // GameTime_t + pub const m_pPredictionOwner: usize = 0xF48; // CBasePlayerController* + pub const m_vecC4ExplodeSpectatePos: usize = 0xF50; // Vector + pub const m_vecC4ExplodeSpectateAng: usize = 0xF5C; // QAngle + pub const m_flC4ExplodeSpectateDuration: usize = 0xF68; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBlendWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRagdollSource (EHANDLE) + pub mod C_RagdollProp { + pub const m_ragPos: usize = 0xED8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_ragAngles: usize = 0xEF0; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_flBlendWeight: usize = 0xF08; // float32 + pub const m_hRagdollSource: usize = 0xF0C; // CHandle + pub const m_iEyeAttachment: usize = 0xF10; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_flBlendWeightCurrent: usize = 0xF14; // float32 + pub const m_parentPhysicsBoneIndices: usize = 0xF18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_worldSpaceBoneComputationOrder: usize = 0xF30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod C_CSGO_TerroristTeamIntroCamera { + } + // Parent: C_BaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActiveIssueIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOnlyTeamToVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteOptionCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPotentialVotes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsYesNoVote (bool) + pub mod C_VoteController { + pub const m_iActiveIssueIndex: usize = 0x558; // int32 + pub const m_iOnlyTeamToVote: usize = 0x55C; // int32 + pub const m_nVoteOptionCount: usize = 0x560; // int32[5] + pub const m_nPotentialVotes: usize = 0x574; // int32 + pub const m_bVotesDirty: usize = 0x578; // bool + pub const m_bTypeDirty: usize = 0x579; // bool + pub const m_bIsYesNoVote: usize = 0x57A; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nType (FixAngleSet_t) + // NetworkVarNames: qAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: nIndex (uint32) + pub mod ViewAngleServerChange_t { + pub const nType: usize = 0x30; // FixAngleSet_t + pub const qAngle: usize = 0x34; // QAngle + pub const nIndex: usize = 0x40; // uint32 + } + // Parent: C_DynamicProp + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + pub mod C_Chicken { + pub const m_hHolidayHatAddon: usize = 0x1160; // CHandle + pub const m_jumpedThisFrame: usize = 0x1164; // bool + pub const m_leader: usize = 0x1168; // CHandle + pub const m_AttributeManager: usize = 0x1170; // C_AttributeContainer + pub const m_bAttributesInitialized: usize = 0x1618; // bool + pub const m_hWaterWakeParticles: usize = 0x161C; // ParticleIndex_t + pub const m_bIsPreviewModel: usize = 0x1620; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Transforms (CTransform) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (EHANDLE) + pub mod PhysicsRagdollPose_t { + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + pub const m_Transforms: usize = 0x30; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0x48; // CHandle + pub const m_bDirty: usize = 0x68; // bool + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/client_dll.cs b/output/client_dll.cs index d402d83..0db70ed 100644 --- a/output/client_dll.cs +++ b/output/client_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: client.dll diff --git a/output/client_dll.hpp b/output/client_dll.hpp index df7c796..dd333fc 100644 --- a/output/client_dll.hpp +++ b/output/client_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/client_dll.rs b/output/client_dll.rs index 25ce7b9..154226c 100644 --- a/output/client_dll.rs +++ b/output/client_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/engine2.dll.cs b/output/engine2.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31b6e83 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/engine2.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: engine2.dll + // Classes count: 44 + // Enums count: 4 + public static class Engine2Dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum EntityDormancyType_t : uint { + ENTITY_NOT_DORMANT = 0x0, + ENTITY_DORMANT = 0x1, + ENTITY_SUSPENDED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum EntityIOTargetType_t : uint { + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_ENTITYNAME = 0x2, + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_EHANDLE = 0x6, + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_ENTITYNAME_OR_CLASSNAME = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum SpawnDebugOverrideState_t : uint { + SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NONE = 0x0, + SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_FORCE_ENABLED = 0x1, + SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_FORCE_DISABLED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum SpawnDebugRestrictionOverrideState_t : uint { + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_NONE = 0x0, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_MANAGER_DISTANCE_REQS = 0x1, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TEMPLATE_DISTANCE_LOS_REQS = 0x2, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TEMPLATE_COOLDOWN_LIMITS = 0x4, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TARGET_COOLDOWN_LIMITS = 0x8 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventClientPostSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + public static class EventSimpleLoopFrameUpdate_t { + public const nint m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + public const nint m_flRealTime = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrameTime = 0x2C; // float32 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 4 + public static class EventPostAdvanceTick_t { + public const nint m_nCurrentTick = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_nCurrentTickThisFrame = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_nTotalTicksThisFrame = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_nTotalTicks = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CEntityIOOutput { + public const nint m_Value = 0x18; // CVariantBase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class EventClientSceneSystemThreadStateChange_t { + public const nint m_bThreadsActive = 0x0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + public static class EventClientOutput_t { + public const nint m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + public const nint m_flRenderTime = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_flRealTime = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_bRenderOnly = 0x34; // bool + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventServerPostSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CEntityComponentHelper { + public const nint m_flags = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_pInfo = 0x10; // EntComponentInfo_t* + public const nint m_nPriority = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_pNext = 0x20; // CEntityComponentHelper* + } + // Parent: EventAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventClientAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EntInput_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CNetworkVarChainer { + public const nint m_PathIndex = 0x20; // ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventClientSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + public static class EventClientPostOutput_t { + public const nint m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + public const nint m_flRenderTime = 0x28; // float64 + public const nint m_flRenderFrameTime = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_bRenderOnly = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class EventClientPollInput_t { + public const nint m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + public const nint m_flRealTime = 0x28; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class EventPreDataUpdate_t { + public const nint m_nCount = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + public static class EventClientProcessGameInput_t { + public const nint m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + public const nint m_flRealTime = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrameTime = 0x2C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class EventFrameBoundary_t { + public const nint m_flFrameTime = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class EventAppShutdown_t { + public const nint m_nDummy0 = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventServerSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: EventPostAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventServerPostAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class EventProfileStorageAvailable_t { + public const nint m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x0; // CSplitScreenSlot + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class EventPostDataUpdate_t { + public const nint m_nCount = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventClientPreSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventClientPauseSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventClientProcessNetworking_t { + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 4 + public static class EventAdvanceTick_t { + public const nint m_nCurrentTick = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_nCurrentTickThisFrame = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_nTotalTicksThisFrame = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_nTotalTicks = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventSplitScreenStateChanged_t { + } + // Parent: EventPostAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventClientPostAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CVariantDefaultAllocator { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventModInitialized_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + public static class EventClientPreOutput_t { + public const nint m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + public const nint m_flRenderTime = 0x28; // float64 + public const nint m_flRenderFrameTime = 0x30; // float64 + public const nint m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded = 0x38; // float64 + public const nint m_flRealTime = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_bRenderOnly = 0x44; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + public static class EventClientFrameSimulate_t { + public const nint m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + public const nint m_flRealTime = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrameTime = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_bScheduleSendTickPacket = 0x30; // bool + } + // Parent: EventAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventServerAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + public static class EventSetTime_t { + public const nint m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + public const nint m_nClientOutputFrames = 0x28; // int32 + public const nint m_flRealTime = 0x30; // float64 + public const nint m_flRenderTime = 0x38; // float64 + public const nint m_flRenderFrameTime = 0x40; // float64 + public const nint m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded = 0x48; // float64 + public const nint m_flRenderFrameTimeUnscaled = 0x50; // float64 + public const nint m_flTickRemainder = 0x58; // float64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EntOutput_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + public static class EventSimulate_t { + public const nint m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + public const nint m_bFirstTick = 0x28; // bool + public const nint m_bLastTick = 0x29; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventClientAdvanceNonRenderedFrame_t { + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventServerProcessNetworking_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEmptyEntityInstance { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + public static class EntComponentInfo_t { + public const nint m_pName = 0x0; // char* + public const nint m_pCPPClassname = 0x8; // char* + public const nint m_pNetworkDataReferencedDescription = 0x10; // char* + public const nint m_pNetworkDataReferencedPtrPropDescription = 0x18; // char* + public const nint m_nRuntimeIndex = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x24; // uint32 + public const nint m_pBaseClassComponentHelper = 0x60; // CEntityComponentHelper* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + public static class EngineLoopState_t { + public const nint m_nPlatWindowWidth = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_nPlatWindowHeight = 0x1C; // int32 + public const nint m_nRenderWidth = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_nRenderHeight = 0x24; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class EventClientPollNetworking_t { + public const nint m_nTickCount = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + public static class EventClientProcessInput_t { + public const nint m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + public const nint m_flRealTime = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_flTickInterval = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_flTickStartTime = 0x30; // float64 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + public static class EventServerPollNetworking_t { + } + } +} diff --git a/output/engine2.dll.hpp b/output/engine2.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91484c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/engine2.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: engine2.dll + // Classes count: 44 + // Enums count: 4 + namespace engine2_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class EntityDormancyType_t : uint32_t { + ENTITY_NOT_DORMANT = 0x0, + ENTITY_DORMANT = 0x1, + ENTITY_SUSPENDED = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class EntityIOTargetType_t : uint32_t { + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_ENTITYNAME = 0x2, + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_EHANDLE = 0x6, + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_ENTITYNAME_OR_CLASSNAME = 0x7 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class SpawnDebugOverrideState_t : uint32_t { + SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NONE = 0x0, + SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_FORCE_ENABLED = 0x1, + SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_FORCE_DISABLED = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class SpawnDebugRestrictionOverrideState_t : uint32_t { + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_NONE = 0x0, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_MANAGER_DISTANCE_REQS = 0x1, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TEMPLATE_DISTANCE_LOS_REQS = 0x2, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TEMPLATE_COOLDOWN_LIMITS = 0x4, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TARGET_COOLDOWN_LIMITS = 0x8 + }; + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventClientPostSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + namespace EventSimpleLoopFrameUpdate_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRealTime = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrameTime = 0x2C; // float32 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 4 + namespace EventPostAdvanceTick_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCurrentTick = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCurrentTickThisFrame = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTotalTicksThisFrame = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTotalTicks = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CEntityIOOutput { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x18; // CVariantBase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace EventClientSceneSystemThreadStateChange_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bThreadsActive = 0x0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + namespace EventClientOutput_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderTime = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRealTime = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderOnly = 0x34; // bool + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventServerPostSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CEntityComponentHelper { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInfo = 0x10; // EntComponentInfo_t* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPriority = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNext = 0x20; // CEntityComponentHelper* + } + // Parent: EventAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventClientAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EntInput_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CNetworkVarChainer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathIndex = 0x20; // ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventClientSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + namespace EventClientPostOutput_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderTime = 0x28; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderFrameTime = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderOnly = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace EventClientPollInput_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRealTime = 0x28; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace EventPreDataUpdate_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCount = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + namespace EventClientProcessGameInput_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRealTime = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrameTime = 0x2C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace EventFrameBoundary_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrameTime = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace EventAppShutdown_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDummy0 = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventServerSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: EventPostAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventServerPostAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace EventProfileStorageAvailable_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x0; // CSplitScreenSlot + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace EventPostDataUpdate_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCount = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventClientPreSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventClientPauseSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventClientProcessNetworking_t { + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 4 + namespace EventAdvanceTick_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCurrentTick = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCurrentTickThisFrame = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTotalTicksThisFrame = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTotalTicks = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventSplitScreenStateChanged_t { + } + // Parent: EventPostAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventClientPostAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CVariantDefaultAllocator { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventModInitialized_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + namespace EventClientPreOutput_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderTime = 0x28; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderFrameTime = 0x30; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded = 0x38; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRealTime = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderOnly = 0x44; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + namespace EventClientFrameSimulate_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRealTime = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrameTime = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScheduleSendTickPacket = 0x30; // bool + } + // Parent: EventAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventServerAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + namespace EventSetTime_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nClientOutputFrames = 0x28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRealTime = 0x30; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderTime = 0x38; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderFrameTime = 0x40; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded = 0x48; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRenderFrameTimeUnscaled = 0x50; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTickRemainder = 0x58; // float64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EntOutput_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + namespace EventSimulate_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstTick = 0x28; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLastTick = 0x29; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventClientAdvanceNonRenderedFrame_t { + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventServerProcessNetworking_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEmptyEntityInstance { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + namespace EntComponentInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pName = 0x0; // char* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pCPPClassname = 0x8; // char* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNetworkDataReferencedDescription = 0x10; // char* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNetworkDataReferencedPtrPropDescription = 0x18; // char* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRuntimeIndex = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x24; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pBaseClassComponentHelper = 0x60; // CEntityComponentHelper* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + namespace EngineLoopState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlatWindowWidth = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlatWindowHeight = 0x1C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderWidth = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderHeight = 0x24; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace EventClientPollNetworking_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTickCount = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + namespace EventClientProcessInput_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LoopState = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRealTime = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTickInterval = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTickStartTime = 0x30; // float64 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + namespace EventServerPollNetworking_t { + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/engine2.dll.json b/output/engine2.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5588a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/engine2.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +{ + "engine2.dll": { + "classes": { + "CEmptyEntityInstance": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "CEntityComponentHelper": { + "fields": { + "m_flags": 8, + "m_nPriority": 24, + "m_pInfo": 16, + "m_pNext": 32 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "CEntityIOOutput": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 24 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "CNetworkVarChainer": { + "fields": { + "m_PathIndex": 32 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "CVariantDefaultAllocator": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EngineLoopState_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nPlatWindowHeight": 28, + "m_nPlatWindowWidth": 24, + "m_nRenderHeight": 36, + "m_nRenderWidth": 32 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EntComponentInfo_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nFlags": 36, + "m_nRuntimeIndex": 32, + "m_pBaseClassComponentHelper": 96, + "m_pCPPClassname": 8, + "m_pName": 0, + "m_pNetworkDataReferencedDescription": 16, + "m_pNetworkDataReferencedPtrPropDescription": 24 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EntInput_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EntOutput_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventAdvanceTick_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nCurrentTick": 48, + "m_nCurrentTickThisFrame": 52, + "m_nTotalTicks": 60, + "m_nTotalTicksThisFrame": 56 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventSimulate_t" + }, + "EventAppShutdown_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nDummy0": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientAdvanceNonRenderedFrame_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientAdvanceTick_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventAdvanceTick_t" + }, + "EventClientFrameSimulate_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LoopState": 0, + "m_bScheduleSendTickPacket": 48, + "m_flFrameTime": 44, + "m_flRealTime": 40 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientOutput_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LoopState": 0, + "m_bRenderOnly": 52, + "m_flRealTime": 44, + "m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded": 48, + "m_flRenderTime": 40 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientPauseSimulate_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventSimulate_t" + }, + "EventClientPollInput_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LoopState": 0, + "m_flRealTime": 40 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientPollNetworking_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nTickCount": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientPostAdvanceTick_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventPostAdvanceTick_t" + }, + "EventClientPostOutput_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LoopState": 0, + "m_bRenderOnly": 56, + "m_flRenderFrameTime": 48, + "m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded": 52, + "m_flRenderTime": 40 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientPostSimulate_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventSimulate_t" + }, + "EventClientPreOutput_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LoopState": 0, + "m_bRenderOnly": 68, + "m_flRealTime": 64, + "m_flRenderFrameTime": 48, + "m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded": 56, + "m_flRenderTime": 40 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientPreSimulate_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventSimulate_t" + }, + "EventClientProcessGameInput_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LoopState": 0, + "m_flFrameTime": 44, + "m_flRealTime": 40 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientProcessInput_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LoopState": 0, + "m_flRealTime": 40, + "m_flTickInterval": 44, + "m_flTickStartTime": 48 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientProcessNetworking_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientSceneSystemThreadStateChange_t": { + "fields": { + "m_bThreadsActive": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventClientSimulate_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventSimulate_t" + }, + "EventFrameBoundary_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flFrameTime": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventModInitialized_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventPostAdvanceTick_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nCurrentTick": 48, + "m_nCurrentTickThisFrame": 52, + "m_nTotalTicks": 60, + "m_nTotalTicksThisFrame": 56 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventSimulate_t" + }, + "EventPostDataUpdate_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nCount": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventPreDataUpdate_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nCount": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventProfileStorageAvailable_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nSplitScreenSlot": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventServerAdvanceTick_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventAdvanceTick_t" + }, + "EventServerPollNetworking_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventSimulate_t" + }, + "EventServerPostAdvanceTick_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventPostAdvanceTick_t" + }, + "EventServerPostSimulate_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventSimulate_t" + }, + "EventServerProcessNetworking_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventSimulate_t" + }, + "EventServerSimulate_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "EventSimulate_t" + }, + "EventSetTime_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LoopState": 0, + "m_flRealTime": 48, + "m_flRenderFrameTime": 64, + "m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded": 72, + "m_flRenderFrameTimeUnscaled": 80, + "m_flRenderTime": 56, + "m_flTickRemainder": 88, + "m_nClientOutputFrames": 40 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventSimpleLoopFrameUpdate_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LoopState": 0, + "m_flFrameTime": 44, + "m_flRealTime": 40 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventSimulate_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LoopState": 0, + "m_bFirstTick": 40, + "m_bLastTick": 41 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EventSplitScreenStateChanged_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + } + }, + "enums": { + "EntityDormancyType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "ENTITY_DORMANT": 1, + "ENTITY_NOT_DORMANT": 0, + "ENTITY_SUSPENDED": 2 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "EntityIOTargetType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "ENTITY_IO_TARGET_EHANDLE": 6, + "ENTITY_IO_TARGET_ENTITYNAME": 2, + "ENTITY_IO_TARGET_ENTITYNAME_OR_CLASSNAME": 7, + "ENTITY_IO_TARGET_INVALID": -1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "SpawnDebugOverrideState_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_FORCE_DISABLED": 2, + "SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_FORCE_ENABLED": 1, + "SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NONE": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "SpawnDebugRestrictionOverrideState_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_MANAGER_DISTANCE_REQS": 1, + "SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TARGET_COOLDOWN_LIMITS": 8, + "SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TEMPLATE_COOLDOWN_LIMITS": 4, + "SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TEMPLATE_DISTANCE_LOS_REQS": 2, + "SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_NONE": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/engine2.dll.rs b/output/engine2.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b729df3 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/engine2.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: engine2.dll + // Classes count: 44 + // Enums count: 4 + pub mod engine2_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EntityDormancyType_t { + ENTITY_NOT_DORMANT = 0x0, + ENTITY_DORMANT = 0x1, + ENTITY_SUSPENDED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EntityIOTargetType_t { + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_INVALID = u32::MAX, + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_ENTITYNAME = 0x2, + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_EHANDLE = 0x6, + ENTITY_IO_TARGET_ENTITYNAME_OR_CLASSNAME = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SpawnDebugOverrideState_t { + SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NONE = 0x0, + SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_FORCE_ENABLED = 0x1, + SPAWN_DEBUG_OVERRIDE_FORCE_DISABLED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SpawnDebugRestrictionOverrideState_t { + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_NONE = 0x0, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_MANAGER_DISTANCE_REQS = 0x1, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TEMPLATE_DISTANCE_LOS_REQS = 0x2, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TEMPLATE_COOLDOWN_LIMITS = 0x4, + SPAWN_DEBUG_RESTRICT_IGNORE_TARGET_COOLDOWN_LIMITS = 0x8 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventClientPostSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod EventSimpleLoopFrameUpdate_t { + pub const m_LoopState: usize = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + pub const m_flRealTime: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_flFrameTime: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod EventPostAdvanceTick_t { + pub const m_nCurrentTick: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_nCurrentTickThisFrame: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_nTotalTicksThisFrame: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_nTotalTicks: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CEntityIOOutput { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x18; // CVariantBase + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod EventClientSceneSystemThreadStateChange_t { + pub const m_bThreadsActive: usize = 0x0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod EventClientOutput_t { + pub const m_LoopState: usize = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + pub const m_flRenderTime: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_flRealTime: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_bRenderOnly: usize = 0x34; // bool + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventServerPostSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CEntityComponentHelper { + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_pInfo: usize = 0x10; // EntComponentInfo_t* + pub const m_nPriority: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x20; // CEntityComponentHelper* + } + // Parent: EventAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventClientAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EntInput_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CNetworkVarChainer { + pub const m_PathIndex: usize = 0x20; // ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventClientSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod EventClientPostOutput_t { + pub const m_LoopState: usize = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + pub const m_flRenderTime: usize = 0x28; // float64 + pub const m_flRenderFrameTime: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_bRenderOnly: usize = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod EventClientPollInput_t { + pub const m_LoopState: usize = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + pub const m_flRealTime: usize = 0x28; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod EventPreDataUpdate_t { + pub const m_nCount: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod EventClientProcessGameInput_t { + pub const m_LoopState: usize = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + pub const m_flRealTime: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_flFrameTime: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod EventFrameBoundary_t { + pub const m_flFrameTime: usize = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod EventAppShutdown_t { + pub const m_nDummy0: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventServerSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: EventPostAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventServerPostAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod EventProfileStorageAvailable_t { + pub const m_nSplitScreenSlot: usize = 0x0; // CSplitScreenSlot + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod EventPostDataUpdate_t { + pub const m_nCount: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventClientPreSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventClientPauseSimulate_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventClientProcessNetworking_t { + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod EventAdvanceTick_t { + pub const m_nCurrentTick: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_nCurrentTickThisFrame: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_nTotalTicksThisFrame: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_nTotalTicks: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventSplitScreenStateChanged_t { + } + // Parent: EventPostAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventClientPostAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CVariantDefaultAllocator { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventModInitialized_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod EventClientPreOutput_t { + pub const m_LoopState: usize = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + pub const m_flRenderTime: usize = 0x28; // float64 + pub const m_flRenderFrameTime: usize = 0x30; // float64 + pub const m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded: usize = 0x38; // float64 + pub const m_flRealTime: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_bRenderOnly: usize = 0x44; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod EventClientFrameSimulate_t { + pub const m_LoopState: usize = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + pub const m_flRealTime: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_flFrameTime: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_bScheduleSendTickPacket: usize = 0x30; // bool + } + // Parent: EventAdvanceTick_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventServerAdvanceTick_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod EventSetTime_t { + pub const m_LoopState: usize = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + pub const m_nClientOutputFrames: usize = 0x28; // int32 + pub const m_flRealTime: usize = 0x30; // float64 + pub const m_flRenderTime: usize = 0x38; // float64 + pub const m_flRenderFrameTime: usize = 0x40; // float64 + pub const m_flRenderFrameTimeUnbounded: usize = 0x48; // float64 + pub const m_flRenderFrameTimeUnscaled: usize = 0x50; // float64 + pub const m_flTickRemainder: usize = 0x58; // float64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EntOutput_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod EventSimulate_t { + pub const m_LoopState: usize = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + pub const m_bFirstTick: usize = 0x28; // bool + pub const m_bLastTick: usize = 0x29; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventClientAdvanceNonRenderedFrame_t { + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventServerProcessNetworking_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEmptyEntityInstance { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod EntComponentInfo_t { + pub const m_pName: usize = 0x0; // char* + pub const m_pCPPClassname: usize = 0x8; // char* + pub const m_pNetworkDataReferencedDescription: usize = 0x10; // char* + pub const m_pNetworkDataReferencedPtrPropDescription: usize = 0x18; // char* + pub const m_nRuntimeIndex: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x24; // uint32 + pub const m_pBaseClassComponentHelper: usize = 0x60; // CEntityComponentHelper* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod EngineLoopState_t { + pub const m_nPlatWindowWidth: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_nPlatWindowHeight: usize = 0x1C; // int32 + pub const m_nRenderWidth: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_nRenderHeight: usize = 0x24; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod EventClientPollNetworking_t { + pub const m_nTickCount: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod EventClientProcessInput_t { + pub const m_LoopState: usize = 0x0; // EngineLoopState_t + pub const m_flRealTime: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_flTickInterval: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_flTickStartTime: usize = 0x30; // float64 + } + // Parent: EventSimulate_t + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod EventServerPollNetworking_t { + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/engine2_dll.cs b/output/engine2_dll.cs index 410c071..6562d86 100644 --- a/output/engine2_dll.cs +++ b/output/engine2_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: engine2.dll diff --git a/output/engine2_dll.hpp b/output/engine2_dll.hpp index a66ecca..22e9a01 100644 --- a/output/engine2_dll.hpp +++ b/output/engine2_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/engine2_dll.rs b/output/engine2_dll.rs index f49951d..58f39f8 100644 --- a/output/engine2_dll.rs +++ b/output/engine2_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/host.dll.cs b/output/host.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..027926e --- /dev/null +++ b/output/host.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: host.dll + // Classes count: 2 + // Enums count: 0 + public static class HostDll { + // Parent: CAnimScriptBase + // Fields count: 1 + public static class EmptyTestScript { + public const nint m_hTest = 0x10; // CAnimScriptParam + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CAnimScriptBase { + public const nint m_bIsValid = 0x8; // bool + } + } +} diff --git a/output/host.dll.hpp b/output/host.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6036d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/host.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: host.dll + // Classes count: 2 + // Enums count: 0 + namespace host_dll { + // Parent: CAnimScriptBase + // Fields count: 1 + namespace EmptyTestScript { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTest = 0x10; // CAnimScriptParam + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CAnimScriptBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsValid = 0x8; // bool + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/host.dll.json b/output/host.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..114932b --- /dev/null +++ b/output/host.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "host.dll": { + "classes": { + "CAnimScriptBase": { + "fields": { + "m_bIsValid": 8 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "EmptyTestScript": { + "fields": { + "m_hTest": 16 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "CAnimScriptBase" + } + }, + "enums": {} + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/host.dll.rs b/output/host.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf16894 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/host.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: host.dll + // Classes count: 2 + // Enums count: 0 + pub mod host_dll { + // Parent: CAnimScriptBase + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod EmptyTestScript { + pub const m_hTest: usize = 0x10; // CAnimScriptParam + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CAnimScriptBase { + pub const m_bIsValid: usize = 0x8; // bool + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/host_dll.cs b/output/host_dll.cs index 06f3350..b82ce3f 100644 --- a/output/host_dll.cs +++ b/output/host_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: host.dll diff --git a/output/host_dll.hpp b/output/host_dll.hpp index 53107e7..e4fea22 100644 --- a/output/host_dll.hpp +++ b/output/host_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/host_dll.rs b/output/host_dll.rs index 1073ecd..7a25280 100644 --- a/output/host_dll.rs +++ b/output/host_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/info.json b/output/info.json index 7779423..9064033 100644 --- a/output/info.json +++ b/output/info.json @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ { - "build_number": 14027, - "timestamp": "2024-08-19T23:33:08.462588500+00:00" + "build_number": 14028, + "timestamp": "2024-08-21T00:00:00.519767300+00:00" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/interfaces.cs b/output/interfaces.cs index adc9348..7c443e1 100644 --- a/output/interfaces.cs +++ b/output/interfaces.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Interfaces { // Module: animationsystem.dll @@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ namespace CS2Dumper.Interfaces { } // Module: client.dll public static class ClientDll { - public const nint ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x17CC650; - public const nint EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x1789D80; - public const nint GameClientExports001 = 0x17C9308; - public const nint LegacyGameUI001 = 0x17E8E10; - public const nint Source2Client002 = 0x19C4E50; - public const nint Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x19657F0; - public const nint Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x17D46B0; - public const nint Source2ClientUI001 = 0x17E7890; + public const nint ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x17CB650; + public const nint EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x1788D80; + public const nint GameClientExports001 = 0x17C8308; + public const nint LegacyGameUI001 = 0x17E7E10; + public const nint Source2Client002 = 0x19C3E50; + public const nint Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x19647F0; + public const nint Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x17D36B0; + public const nint Source2ClientUI001 = 0x17E6890; } // Module: engine2.dll public static class Engine2Dll { @@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ namespace CS2Dumper.Interfaces { } // Module: soundsystem.dll public static class SoundsystemDll { - public const nint SoundOpSystem001 = 0x3353A0; - public const nint SoundOpSystemEdit001 = 0x335270; - public const nint SoundSystem001 = 0x334E40; - public const nint VMixEditTool001 = 0x48288DEA; + public const nint SoundOpSystem001 = 0x335390; + public const nint SoundOpSystemEdit001 = 0x335260; + public const nint SoundSystem001 = 0x334E30; + public const nint VMixEditTool001 = 0x48288DBA; } // Module: steamaudio.dll public static class SteamaudioDll { diff --git a/output/interfaces.hpp b/output/interfaces.hpp index ddc0bb1..208d576 100644 --- a/output/interfaces.hpp +++ b/output/interfaces.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ namespace cs2_dumper { } // Module: client.dll namespace client_dll { - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x17CC650; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x1789D80; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t GameClientExports001 = 0x17C9308; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t LegacyGameUI001 = 0x17E8E10; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2Client002 = 0x19C4E50; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x19657F0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x17D46B0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientUI001 = 0x17E7890; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x17CB650; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x1788D80; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t GameClientExports001 = 0x17C8308; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t LegacyGameUI001 = 0x17E7E10; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2Client002 = 0x19C3E50; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x19647F0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x17D36B0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientUI001 = 0x17E6890; } // Module: engine2.dll namespace engine2_dll { @@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ namespace cs2_dumper { } // Module: soundsystem.dll namespace soundsystem_dll { - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t SoundOpSystem001 = 0x3353A0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t SoundOpSystemEdit001 = 0x335270; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t SoundSystem001 = 0x334E40; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t VMixEditTool001 = 0x48288DEA; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t SoundOpSystem001 = 0x335390; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t SoundOpSystemEdit001 = 0x335260; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t SoundSystem001 = 0x334E30; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t VMixEditTool001 = 0x48288DBA; } // Module: steamaudio.dll namespace steamaudio_dll { diff --git a/output/interfaces.json b/output/interfaces.json index 9fab70d..3e3d2c5 100644 --- a/output/interfaces.json +++ b/output/interfaces.json @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ "AnimationSystem_001": 5799664 }, "client.dll": { - "ClientToolsInfo_001": 24954448, - "EmptyWorldService001_Client": 24681856, - "GameClientExports001": 24941320, - "LegacyGameUI001": 25071120, - "Source2Client002": 27020880, - "Source2ClientConfig001": 26630128, - "Source2ClientPrediction001": 24987312, - "Source2ClientUI001": 25065616 + "ClientToolsInfo_001": 24950352, + "EmptyWorldService001_Client": 24677760, + "GameClientExports001": 24937224, + "LegacyGameUI001": 25067024, + "Source2Client002": 27016784, + "Source2ClientConfig001": 26626032, + "Source2ClientPrediction001": 24983216, + "Source2ClientUI001": 25061520 }, "engine2.dll": { "BenchmarkService001": 5461520, @@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ "customnavsystem001": 19593848 }, "soundsystem.dll": { - "SoundOpSystem001": 3363744, - "SoundOpSystemEdit001": 3363440, - "SoundSystem001": 3362368, - "VMixEditTool001": 1210617322 + "SoundOpSystem001": 3363728, + "SoundOpSystemEdit001": 3363424, + "SoundSystem001": 3362352, + "VMixEditTool001": 1210617274 }, "steamaudio.dll": { "SteamAudio001": 2447184 diff --git a/output/interfaces.rs b/output/interfaces.rs index 9ce449e..6b51833 100644 --- a/output/interfaces.rs +++ b/output/interfaces.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, unused)] @@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ pub mod cs2_dumper { } // Module: client.dll pub mod client_dll { - pub const ClientToolsInfo_001: usize = 0x17CC650; - pub const EmptyWorldService001_Client: usize = 0x1789D80; - pub const GameClientExports001: usize = 0x17C9308; - pub const LegacyGameUI001: usize = 0x17E8E10; - pub const Source2Client002: usize = 0x19C4E50; - pub const Source2ClientConfig001: usize = 0x19657F0; - pub const Source2ClientPrediction001: usize = 0x17D46B0; - pub const Source2ClientUI001: usize = 0x17E7890; + pub const ClientToolsInfo_001: usize = 0x17CB650; + pub const EmptyWorldService001_Client: usize = 0x1788D80; + pub const GameClientExports001: usize = 0x17C8308; + pub const LegacyGameUI001: usize = 0x17E7E10; + pub const Source2Client002: usize = 0x19C3E50; + pub const Source2ClientConfig001: usize = 0x19647F0; + pub const Source2ClientPrediction001: usize = 0x17D36B0; + pub const Source2ClientUI001: usize = 0x17E6890; } // Module: engine2.dll pub mod engine2_dll { @@ -173,10 +173,10 @@ pub mod cs2_dumper { } // Module: soundsystem.dll pub mod soundsystem_dll { - pub const SoundOpSystem001: usize = 0x3353A0; - pub const SoundOpSystemEdit001: usize = 0x335270; - pub const SoundSystem001: usize = 0x334E40; - pub const VMixEditTool001: usize = 0x48288DEA; + pub const SoundOpSystem001: usize = 0x335390; + pub const SoundOpSystemEdit001: usize = 0x335260; + pub const SoundSystem001: usize = 0x334E30; + pub const VMixEditTool001: usize = 0x48288DBA; } // Module: steamaudio.dll pub mod steamaudio_dll { diff --git a/output/materialsystem2.dll.cs b/output/materialsystem2.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9085b03 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/materialsystem2.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: materialsystem2.dll + // Classes count: 13 + // Enums count: 5 + public static class Materialsystem2Dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum VertJustification_e : uint { + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_TOP = 0x0, + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER = 0x1, + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_BOTTOM = 0x2, + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_NONE = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum LayoutPositionType_e : uint { + LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_VIEWPORT_RELATIVE = 0x0, + LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_FRACTIONAL = 0x1, + LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_NONE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ViewFadeMode_t : uint { + VIEW_FADE_CONSTANT_COLOR = 0x0, + VIEW_FADE_MODULATE = 0x1, + VIEW_FADE_MOD2X = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum BloomBlendMode_t : uint { + BLOOM_BLEND_ADD = 0x0, + BLOOM_BLEND_SCREEN = 0x1, + BLOOM_BLEND_BLUR = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum HorizJustification_e : uint { + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT = 0x0, + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER = 0x1, + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT = 0x2, + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_NONE = 0x3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialParam_t { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialParamVector_t { + public const nint m_value = 0x8; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialParamString_t { + public const nint m_value = 0x8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PostProcessingResource_t { + public const nint m_bHasTonemapParams = 0x0; // bool + public const nint m_toneMapParams = 0x4; // PostProcessingTonemapParameters_t + public const nint m_bHasBloomParams = 0x40; // bool + public const nint m_bloomParams = 0x44; // PostProcessingBloomParameters_t + public const nint m_bHasVignetteParams = 0xB4; // bool + public const nint m_vignetteParams = 0xB8; // PostProcessingVignetteParameters_t + public const nint m_bHasLocalContrastParams = 0xDC; // bool + public const nint m_localConstrastParams = 0xE0; // PostProcessingLocalContrastParameters_t + public const nint m_nColorCorrectionVolumeDim = 0xF4; // int32 + public const nint m_colorCorrectionVolumeData = 0xF8; // CUtlBinaryBlock + public const nint m_bHasColorCorrection = 0x110; // bool + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialParamInt_t { + public const nint m_nValue = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PostProcessingVignetteParameters_t { + public const nint m_flVignetteStrength = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_vCenter = 0x4; // Vector2D + public const nint m_flRadius = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flRoundness = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flFeather = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_vColorTint = 0x18; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PostProcessingLocalContrastParameters_t { + public const nint m_flLocalContrastStrength = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flLocalContrastEdgeStrength = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flLocalContrastVignetteStart = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flLocalContrastVignetteEnd = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flLocalContrastVignetteBlur = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PostProcessingTonemapParameters_t { + public const nint m_flExposureBias = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flShoulderStrength = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearStrength = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearAngle = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flToeStrength = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flToeNum = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flToeDenom = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flWhitePoint = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flLuminanceSource = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureBiasShadows = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureBiasHighlights = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinShadowLum = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxShadowLum = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinHighlightLum = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxHighlightLum = 0x38; // float32 + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialParamBuffer_t { + public const nint m_value = 0x8; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialResourceData_t { + public const nint m_materialName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_shaderName = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_intParams = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_floatParams = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_vectorParams = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_textureParams = 0x58; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_dynamicParams = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_dynamicTextureParams = 0x88; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_intAttributes = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_floatAttributes = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_vectorAttributes = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_textureAttributes = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_stringAttributes = 0x100; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_renderAttributesUsed = 0x118; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PostProcessingBloomParameters_t { + public const nint m_blendMode = 0x0; // BloomBlendMode_t + public const nint m_flBloomStrength = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flScreenBloomStrength = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flBlurBloomStrength = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flBloomThreshold = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flBloomThresholdWidth = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flSkyboxBloomStrength = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flBloomStartValue = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flBlurWeight = 0x20; // float32[5] + public const nint m_vBlurTint = 0x34; // Vector[5] + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialParamFloat_t { + public const nint m_flValue = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialParamTexture_t { + public const nint m_pValue = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + } + } +} diff --git a/output/materialsystem2.dll.hpp b/output/materialsystem2.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76fa999 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/materialsystem2.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: materialsystem2.dll + // Classes count: 13 + // Enums count: 5 + namespace materialsystem2_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class VertJustification_e : uint32_t { + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_TOP = 0x0, + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER = 0x1, + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_BOTTOM = 0x2, + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_NONE = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class LayoutPositionType_e : uint32_t { + LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_VIEWPORT_RELATIVE = 0x0, + LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_FRACTIONAL = 0x1, + LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_NONE = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ViewFadeMode_t : uint32_t { + VIEW_FADE_CONSTANT_COLOR = 0x0, + VIEW_FADE_MODULATE = 0x1, + VIEW_FADE_MOD2X = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class BloomBlendMode_t : uint32_t { + BLOOM_BLEND_ADD = 0x0, + BLOOM_BLEND_SCREEN = 0x1, + BLOOM_BLEND_BLUR = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class HorizJustification_e : uint32_t { + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT = 0x0, + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER = 0x1, + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT = 0x2, + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_NONE = 0x3 + }; + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialParam_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialParamVector_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_value = 0x8; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialParamString_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_value = 0x8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PostProcessingResource_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasTonemapParams = 0x0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_toneMapParams = 0x4; // PostProcessingTonemapParameters_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBloomParams = 0x40; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bloomParams = 0x44; // PostProcessingBloomParameters_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasVignetteParams = 0xB4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vignetteParams = 0xB8; // PostProcessingVignetteParameters_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasLocalContrastParams = 0xDC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localConstrastParams = 0xE0; // PostProcessingLocalContrastParameters_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorCorrectionVolumeDim = 0xF4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_colorCorrectionVolumeData = 0xF8; // CUtlBinaryBlock + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasColorCorrection = 0x110; // bool + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialParamInt_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nValue = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PostProcessingVignetteParameters_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVignetteStrength = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCenter = 0x4; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRoundness = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeather = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vColorTint = 0x18; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PostProcessingLocalContrastParameters_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLocalContrastStrength = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLocalContrastEdgeStrength = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLocalContrastVignetteStart = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLocalContrastVignetteEnd = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLocalContrastVignetteBlur = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PostProcessingTonemapParameters_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureBias = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShoulderStrength = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearStrength = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearAngle = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flToeStrength = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flToeNum = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flToeDenom = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWhitePoint = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLuminanceSource = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureBiasShadows = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureBiasHighlights = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinShadowLum = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxShadowLum = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinHighlightLum = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxHighlightLum = 0x38; // float32 + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialParamBuffer_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_value = 0x8; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialResourceData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_materialName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_shaderName = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_intParams = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_floatParams = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vectorParams = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_textureParams = 0x58; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dynamicParams = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dynamicTextureParams = 0x88; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_intAttributes = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_floatAttributes = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vectorAttributes = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_textureAttributes = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stringAttributes = 0x100; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_renderAttributesUsed = 0x118; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PostProcessingBloomParameters_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blendMode = 0x0; // BloomBlendMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBloomStrength = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScreenBloomStrength = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlurBloomStrength = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBloomThreshold = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBloomThresholdWidth = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSkyboxBloomStrength = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBloomStartValue = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlurWeight = 0x20; // float32[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBlurTint = 0x34; // Vector[5] + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialParamFloat_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValue = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialParamTexture_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pValue = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/materialsystem2.dll.json b/output/materialsystem2.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f68ee85 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/materialsystem2.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +{ + "materialsystem2.dll": { + "classes": { + "MaterialParamBuffer_t": { + "fields": { + "m_value": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "MaterialParam_t" + }, + "MaterialParamFloat_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flValue": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "MaterialParam_t" + }, + "MaterialParamInt_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nValue": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "MaterialParam_t" + }, + "MaterialParamString_t": { + "fields": { + "m_value": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "MaterialParam_t" + }, + "MaterialParamTexture_t": { + "fields": { + "m_pValue": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "MaterialParam_t" + }, + "MaterialParamVector_t": { + "fields": { + "m_value": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "MaterialParam_t" + }, + "MaterialParam_t": { + "fields": { + "m_name": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "MaterialResourceData_t": { + "fields": { + "m_dynamicParams": 112, + "m_dynamicTextureParams": 136, + "m_floatAttributes": 184, + "m_floatParams": 40, + "m_intAttributes": 160, + "m_intParams": 16, + "m_materialName": 0, + "m_renderAttributesUsed": 280, + "m_shaderName": 8, + "m_stringAttributes": 256, + "m_textureAttributes": 232, + "m_textureParams": 88, + "m_vectorAttributes": 208, + "m_vectorParams": 64 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "PostProcessingBloomParameters_t": { + "fields": { + "m_blendMode": 0, + "m_flBloomStartValue": 28, + "m_flBloomStrength": 4, + "m_flBloomThreshold": 16, + "m_flBloomThresholdWidth": 20, + "m_flBlurBloomStrength": 12, + "m_flBlurWeight": 32, + "m_flScreenBloomStrength": 8, + "m_flSkyboxBloomStrength": 24, + "m_vBlurTint": 52 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "PostProcessingLocalContrastParameters_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flLocalContrastEdgeStrength": 4, + "m_flLocalContrastStrength": 0, + "m_flLocalContrastVignetteBlur": 16, + "m_flLocalContrastVignetteEnd": 12, + "m_flLocalContrastVignetteStart": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "PostProcessingResource_t": { + "fields": { + "m_bHasBloomParams": 64, + "m_bHasColorCorrection": 272, + "m_bHasLocalContrastParams": 220, + "m_bHasTonemapParams": 0, + "m_bHasVignetteParams": 180, + "m_bloomParams": 68, + "m_colorCorrectionVolumeData": 248, + "m_localConstrastParams": 224, + "m_nColorCorrectionVolumeDim": 244, + "m_toneMapParams": 4, + "m_vignetteParams": 184 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "PostProcessingTonemapParameters_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flExposureBias": 0, + "m_flExposureBiasHighlights": 40, + "m_flExposureBiasShadows": 36, + "m_flLinearAngle": 12, + "m_flLinearStrength": 8, + "m_flLuminanceSource": 32, + "m_flMaxHighlightLum": 56, + "m_flMaxShadowLum": 48, + "m_flMinHighlightLum": 52, + "m_flMinShadowLum": 44, + "m_flShoulderStrength": 4, + "m_flToeDenom": 24, + "m_flToeNum": 20, + "m_flToeStrength": 16, + "m_flWhitePoint": 28 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "PostProcessingVignetteParameters_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flFeather": 20, + "m_flRadius": 12, + "m_flRoundness": 16, + "m_flVignetteStrength": 0, + "m_vCenter": 4, + "m_vColorTint": 24 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + } + }, + "enums": { + "BloomBlendMode_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "BLOOM_BLEND_ADD": 0, + "BLOOM_BLEND_BLUR": 2, + "BLOOM_BLEND_SCREEN": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "HorizJustification_e": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER": 1, + "HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT": 0, + "HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_NONE": 3, + "HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT": 2 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "LayoutPositionType_e": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_FRACTIONAL": 1, + "LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_NONE": 2, + "LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_VIEWPORT_RELATIVE": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "VertJustification_e": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "VERT_JUSTIFICATION_BOTTOM": 2, + "VERT_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER": 1, + "VERT_JUSTIFICATION_NONE": 3, + "VERT_JUSTIFICATION_TOP": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "ViewFadeMode_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "VIEW_FADE_CONSTANT_COLOR": 0, + "VIEW_FADE_MOD2X": 2, + "VIEW_FADE_MODULATE": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/materialsystem2.dll.rs b/output/materialsystem2.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95414b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/materialsystem2.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: materialsystem2.dll + // Classes count: 13 + // Enums count: 5 + pub mod materialsystem2_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VertJustification_e { + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_TOP = 0x0, + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER = 0x1, + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_BOTTOM = 0x2, + VERT_JUSTIFICATION_NONE = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum LayoutPositionType_e { + LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_VIEWPORT_RELATIVE = 0x0, + LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_FRACTIONAL = 0x1, + LAYOUTPOSITIONTYPE_NONE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ViewFadeMode_t { + VIEW_FADE_CONSTANT_COLOR = 0x0, + VIEW_FADE_MODULATE = 0x1, + VIEW_FADE_MOD2X = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BloomBlendMode_t { + BLOOM_BLEND_ADD = 0x0, + BLOOM_BLEND_SCREEN = 0x1, + BLOOM_BLEND_BLUR = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum HorizJustification_e { + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT = 0x0, + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER = 0x1, + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT = 0x2, + HORIZ_JUSTIFICATION_NONE = 0x3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialParam_t { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialParamVector_t { + pub const m_value: usize = 0x8; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialParamString_t { + pub const m_value: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PostProcessingResource_t { + pub const m_bHasTonemapParams: usize = 0x0; // bool + pub const m_toneMapParams: usize = 0x4; // PostProcessingTonemapParameters_t + pub const m_bHasBloomParams: usize = 0x40; // bool + pub const m_bloomParams: usize = 0x44; // PostProcessingBloomParameters_t + pub const m_bHasVignetteParams: usize = 0xB4; // bool + pub const m_vignetteParams: usize = 0xB8; // PostProcessingVignetteParameters_t + pub const m_bHasLocalContrastParams: usize = 0xDC; // bool + pub const m_localConstrastParams: usize = 0xE0; // PostProcessingLocalContrastParameters_t + pub const m_nColorCorrectionVolumeDim: usize = 0xF4; // int32 + pub const m_colorCorrectionVolumeData: usize = 0xF8; // CUtlBinaryBlock + pub const m_bHasColorCorrection: usize = 0x110; // bool + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialParamInt_t { + pub const m_nValue: usize = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PostProcessingVignetteParameters_t { + pub const m_flVignetteStrength: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_vCenter: usize = 0x4; // Vector2D + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flRoundness: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flFeather: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_vColorTint: usize = 0x18; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PostProcessingLocalContrastParameters_t { + pub const m_flLocalContrastStrength: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flLocalContrastEdgeStrength: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flLocalContrastVignetteStart: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flLocalContrastVignetteEnd: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flLocalContrastVignetteBlur: usize = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PostProcessingTonemapParameters_t { + pub const m_flExposureBias: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flShoulderStrength: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearStrength: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearAngle: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flToeStrength: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flToeNum: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flToeDenom: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flWhitePoint: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flLuminanceSource: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureBiasShadows: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureBiasHighlights: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_flMinShadowLum: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxShadowLum: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_flMinHighlightLum: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxHighlightLum: usize = 0x38; // float32 + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialParamBuffer_t { + pub const m_value: usize = 0x8; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialResourceData_t { + pub const m_materialName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_shaderName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_intParams: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_floatParams: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_vectorParams: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_textureParams: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + pub const m_dynamicParams: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_dynamicTextureParams: usize = 0x88; // CUtlVector + pub const m_intAttributes: usize = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_floatAttributes: usize = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_vectorAttributes: usize = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_textureAttributes: usize = 0xE8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_stringAttributes: usize = 0x100; // CUtlVector + pub const m_renderAttributesUsed: usize = 0x118; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PostProcessingBloomParameters_t { + pub const m_blendMode: usize = 0x0; // BloomBlendMode_t + pub const m_flBloomStrength: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flScreenBloomStrength: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flBlurBloomStrength: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flBloomThreshold: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flBloomThresholdWidth: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flSkyboxBloomStrength: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flBloomStartValue: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flBlurWeight: usize = 0x20; // float32[5] + pub const m_vBlurTint: usize = 0x34; // Vector[5] + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialParamFloat_t { + pub const m_flValue: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: MaterialParam_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialParamTexture_t { + pub const m_pValue: usize = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/materialsystem2_dll.cs b/output/materialsystem2_dll.cs index f38b650..799e7bc 100644 --- a/output/materialsystem2_dll.cs +++ b/output/materialsystem2_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: materialsystem2.dll diff --git a/output/materialsystem2_dll.hpp b/output/materialsystem2_dll.hpp index 10cc47d..0bff2e9 100644 --- a/output/materialsystem2_dll.hpp +++ b/output/materialsystem2_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/materialsystem2_dll.rs b/output/materialsystem2_dll.rs index dffe287..7e4acdb 100644 --- a/output/materialsystem2_dll.rs +++ b/output/materialsystem2_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/networksystem.dll.cs b/output/networksystem.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae6d3f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/networksystem.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: networksystem.dll + // Classes count: 1 + // Enums count: 0 + public static class NetworksystemDll { + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + } +} diff --git a/output/networksystem.dll.hpp b/output/networksystem.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e386b16 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/networksystem.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: networksystem.dll + // Classes count: 1 + // Enums count: 0 + namespace networksystem_dll { + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/networksystem.dll.json b/output/networksystem.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f64ee0b --- /dev/null +++ b/output/networksystem.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "networksystem.dll": { + "classes": { + "ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + } + }, + "enums": {} + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/networksystem.dll.rs b/output/networksystem.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e89b207 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/networksystem.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: networksystem.dll + // Classes count: 1 + // Enums count: 0 + pub mod networksystem_dll { + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/networksystem_dll.cs b/output/networksystem_dll.cs index c5a387a..9c1ddc3 100644 --- a/output/networksystem_dll.cs +++ b/output/networksystem_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: networksystem.dll diff --git a/output/networksystem_dll.hpp b/output/networksystem_dll.hpp index 44d7bfa..dd17cc1 100644 --- a/output/networksystem_dll.hpp +++ b/output/networksystem_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/networksystem_dll.rs b/output/networksystem_dll.rs index 8dd6ea6..838bd48 100644 --- a/output/networksystem_dll.rs +++ b/output/networksystem_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/offsets.cs b/output/offsets.cs index 1092474..e93d04e 100644 --- a/output/offsets.cs +++ b/output/offsets.cs @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Offsets { // Module: client.dll public static class ClientDll { - public const nint dwCSGOInput = 0x19D4B78; - public const nint dwEntityList = 0x1969518; - public const nint dwGameEntitySystem = 0x1A891A8; + public const nint dwCSGOInput = 0x19D3B78; + public const nint dwEntityList = 0x1968518; + public const nint dwGameEntitySystem = 0x1A881A8; public const nint dwGameEntitySystem_highestEntityIndex = 0x1510; - public const nint dwGameRules = 0x19C6508; - public const nint dwGlobalVars = 0x17C8518; - public const nint dwGlowManager = 0x19C6528; - public const nint dwLocalPlayerController = 0x19B9178; - public const nint dwLocalPlayerPawn = 0x17D4810; - public const nint dwPlantedC4 = 0x19CFED8; - public const nint dwPrediction = 0x17D46B0; - public const nint dwSensitivity = 0x19C7AE8; + public const nint dwGameRules = 0x19C5508; + public const nint dwGlobalVars = 0x17C7518; + public const nint dwGlowManager = 0x19C5528; + public const nint dwLocalPlayerController = 0x19B8178; + public const nint dwLocalPlayerPawn = 0x17D3810; + public const nint dwPlantedC4 = 0x19CEED8; + public const nint dwPrediction = 0x17D36B0; + public const nint dwSensitivity = 0x19C6AE8; public const nint dwSensitivity_sensitivity = 0x40; - public const nint dwViewAngles = 0x19DA8F8; - public const nint dwViewMatrix = 0x19CB4A0; - public const nint dwViewRender = 0x19CBC30; - public const nint dwWeaponC4 = 0x196D520; + public const nint dwViewAngles = 0x19D98F8; + public const nint dwViewMatrix = 0x19CA4A0; + public const nint dwViewRender = 0x19CAC30; + public const nint dwWeaponC4 = 0x196C520; } // Module: engine2.dll public static class Engine2Dll { @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace CS2Dumper.Offsets { } // Module: soundsystem.dll public static class SoundsystemDll { - public const nint dwSoundSystem = 0x334E40; + public const nint dwSoundSystem = 0x334E30; public const nint dwSoundSystem_engineViewData = 0x7C; } } diff --git a/output/offsets.hpp b/output/offsets.hpp index 29a0cee..e73fbdb 100644 --- a/output/offsets.hpp +++ b/output/offsets.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once @@ -9,23 +9,23 @@ namespace cs2_dumper { namespace offsets { // Module: client.dll namespace client_dll { - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwCSGOInput = 0x19D4B78; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwEntityList = 0x1969518; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGameEntitySystem = 0x1A891A8; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwCSGOInput = 0x19D3B78; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwEntityList = 0x1968518; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGameEntitySystem = 0x1A881A8; constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGameEntitySystem_highestEntityIndex = 0x1510; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGameRules = 0x19C6508; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGlobalVars = 0x17C8518; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGlowManager = 0x19C6528; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwLocalPlayerController = 0x19B9178; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwLocalPlayerPawn = 0x17D4810; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwPlantedC4 = 0x19CFED8; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwPrediction = 0x17D46B0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwSensitivity = 0x19C7AE8; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGameRules = 0x19C5508; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGlobalVars = 0x17C7518; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGlowManager = 0x19C5528; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwLocalPlayerController = 0x19B8178; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwLocalPlayerPawn = 0x17D3810; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwPlantedC4 = 0x19CEED8; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwPrediction = 0x17D36B0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwSensitivity = 0x19C6AE8; constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwSensitivity_sensitivity = 0x40; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewAngles = 0x19DA8F8; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewMatrix = 0x19CB4A0; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewRender = 0x19CBC30; - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwWeaponC4 = 0x196D520; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewAngles = 0x19D98F8; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewMatrix = 0x19CA4A0; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewRender = 0x19CAC30; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwWeaponC4 = 0x196C520; } // Module: engine2.dll namespace engine2_dll { @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace cs2_dumper { } // Module: soundsystem.dll namespace soundsystem_dll { - constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwSoundSystem = 0x334E40; + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwSoundSystem = 0x334E30; constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwSoundSystem_engineViewData = 0x7C; } } diff --git a/output/offsets.json b/output/offsets.json index b9eb6ff..8f0bd43 100644 --- a/output/offsets.json +++ b/output/offsets.json @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { "client.dll": { - "dwCSGOInput": 27085688, - "dwEntityList": 26645784, - "dwGameEntitySystem": 27824552, + "dwCSGOInput": 27081592, + "dwEntityList": 26641688, + "dwGameEntitySystem": 27820456, "dwGameEntitySystem_highestEntityIndex": 5392, - "dwGameRules": 27026696, - "dwGlobalVars": 24937752, - "dwGlowManager": 27026728, - "dwLocalPlayerController": 26972536, - "dwLocalPlayerPawn": 24987664, - "dwPlantedC4": 27066072, - "dwPrediction": 24987312, - "dwSensitivity": 27032296, + "dwGameRules": 27022600, + "dwGlobalVars": 24933656, + "dwGlowManager": 27022632, + "dwLocalPlayerController": 26968440, + "dwLocalPlayerPawn": 24983568, + "dwPlantedC4": 27061976, + "dwPrediction": 24983216, + "dwSensitivity": 27028200, "dwSensitivity_sensitivity": 64, - "dwViewAngles": 27109624, - "dwViewMatrix": 27047072, - "dwViewRender": 27049008, - "dwWeaponC4": 26662176 + "dwViewAngles": 27105528, + "dwViewMatrix": 27042976, + "dwViewRender": 27044912, + "dwWeaponC4": 26658080 }, "engine2.dll": { "dwBuildNumber": 5437428, @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ "dwGameTypes_mapName": 288 }, "soundsystem.dll": { - "dwSoundSystem": 3362368, + "dwSoundSystem": 3362352, "dwSoundSystem_engineViewData": 124 } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/offsets.rs b/output/offsets.rs index 6f6dbac..fbe361c 100644 --- a/output/offsets.rs +++ b/output/offsets.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, unused)] @@ -7,23 +7,23 @@ pub mod cs2_dumper { pub mod offsets { // Module: client.dll pub mod client_dll { - pub const dwCSGOInput: usize = 0x19D4B78; - pub const dwEntityList: usize = 0x1969518; - pub const dwGameEntitySystem: usize = 0x1A891A8; + pub const dwCSGOInput: usize = 0x19D3B78; + pub const dwEntityList: usize = 0x1968518; + pub const dwGameEntitySystem: usize = 0x1A881A8; pub const dwGameEntitySystem_highestEntityIndex: usize = 0x1510; - pub const dwGameRules: usize = 0x19C6508; - pub const dwGlobalVars: usize = 0x17C8518; - pub const dwGlowManager: usize = 0x19C6528; - pub const dwLocalPlayerController: usize = 0x19B9178; - pub const dwLocalPlayerPawn: usize = 0x17D4810; - pub const dwPlantedC4: usize = 0x19CFED8; - pub const dwPrediction: usize = 0x17D46B0; - pub const dwSensitivity: usize = 0x19C7AE8; + pub const dwGameRules: usize = 0x19C5508; + pub const dwGlobalVars: usize = 0x17C7518; + pub const dwGlowManager: usize = 0x19C5528; + pub const dwLocalPlayerController: usize = 0x19B8178; + pub const dwLocalPlayerPawn: usize = 0x17D3810; + pub const dwPlantedC4: usize = 0x19CEED8; + pub const dwPrediction: usize = 0x17D36B0; + pub const dwSensitivity: usize = 0x19C6AE8; pub const dwSensitivity_sensitivity: usize = 0x40; - pub const dwViewAngles: usize = 0x19DA8F8; - pub const dwViewMatrix: usize = 0x19CB4A0; - pub const dwViewRender: usize = 0x19CBC30; - pub const dwWeaponC4: usize = 0x196D520; + pub const dwViewAngles: usize = 0x19D98F8; + pub const dwViewMatrix: usize = 0x19CA4A0; + pub const dwViewRender: usize = 0x19CAC30; + pub const dwWeaponC4: usize = 0x196C520; } // Module: engine2.dll pub mod engine2_dll { @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ pub mod cs2_dumper { } // Module: soundsystem.dll pub mod soundsystem_dll { - pub const dwSoundSystem: usize = 0x334E40; + pub const dwSoundSystem: usize = 0x334E30; pub const dwSoundSystem_engineViewData: usize = 0x7C; } } diff --git a/output/panorama.dll.cs b/output/panorama.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb2b3c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/panorama.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: panorama.dll + // Classes count: 0 + // Enums count: 2 + public static class PanoramaDll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + public enum ELayoutNodeType : uint { + ROOT = 0x0, + STYLES = 0x1, + SCRIPT_BODY = 0x2, + SCRIPTS = 0x3, + SNIPPETS = 0x4, + INCLUDE = 0x5, + SNIPPET = 0x6, + PANEL = 0x7, + PANEL_ATTRIBUTE = 0x8, + PANEL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 0x9, + REFERENCE_CONTENT = 0xA, + REFERENCE_COMPILED = 0xB, + REFERENCE_PASSTHROUGH = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 16 + public enum EStyleNodeType : uint { + ROOT = 0x0, + EXPRESSION = 0x1, + PROPERTY = 0x2, + DEFINE = 0x3, + IMPORT = 0x4, + KEYFRAMES = 0x5, + KEYFRAME_SELECTOR = 0x6, + STYLE_SELECTOR = 0x7, + WHITESPACE = 0x8, + EXPRESSION_TEXT = 0x9, + EXPRESSION_URL = 0xA, + EXPRESSION_CONCAT = 0xB, + REFERENCE_CONTENT = 0xC, + REFERENCE_COMPILED = 0xD, + REFERENCE_PASSTHROUGH = 0xE, + COMPILER_CONDITIONAL = 0xF + } + } +} diff --git a/output/panorama.dll.hpp b/output/panorama.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d6db24 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/panorama.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: panorama.dll + // Classes count: 0 + // Enums count: 2 + namespace panorama_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + enum class ELayoutNodeType : uint32_t { + ROOT = 0x0, + STYLES = 0x1, + SCRIPT_BODY = 0x2, + SCRIPTS = 0x3, + SNIPPETS = 0x4, + INCLUDE = 0x5, + SNIPPET = 0x6, + PANEL = 0x7, + PANEL_ATTRIBUTE = 0x8, + PANEL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 0x9, + REFERENCE_CONTENT = 0xA, + REFERENCE_COMPILED = 0xB, + REFERENCE_PASSTHROUGH = 0xC + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 16 + enum class EStyleNodeType : uint32_t { + ROOT = 0x0, + EXPRESSION = 0x1, + PROPERTY = 0x2, + DEFINE = 0x3, + IMPORT = 0x4, + KEYFRAMES = 0x5, + KEYFRAME_SELECTOR = 0x6, + STYLE_SELECTOR = 0x7, + WHITESPACE = 0x8, + EXPRESSION_TEXT = 0x9, + EXPRESSION_URL = 0xA, + EXPRESSION_CONCAT = 0xB, + REFERENCE_CONTENT = 0xC, + REFERENCE_COMPILED = 0xD, + REFERENCE_PASSTHROUGH = 0xE, + COMPILER_CONDITIONAL = 0xF + }; + } + } +} diff --git a/output/panorama.dll.json b/output/panorama.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4998473 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/panorama.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +{ + "panorama.dll": { + "classes": {}, + "enums": { + "ELayoutNodeType": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "INCLUDE": 5, + "PANEL": 7, + "PANEL_ATTRIBUTE": 8, + "PANEL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE": 9, + "REFERENCE_COMPILED": 11, + "REFERENCE_CONTENT": 10, + "REFERENCE_PASSTHROUGH": 12, + "ROOT": 0, + "SCRIPTS": 3, + "SCRIPT_BODY": 2, + "SNIPPET": 6, + "SNIPPETS": 4, + "STYLES": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "EStyleNodeType": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "COMPILER_CONDITIONAL": 15, + "DEFINE": 3, + "EXPRESSION": 1, + "EXPRESSION_CONCAT": 11, + "EXPRESSION_TEXT": 9, + "EXPRESSION_URL": 10, + "IMPORT": 4, + "KEYFRAMES": 5, + "KEYFRAME_SELECTOR": 6, + "PROPERTY": 2, + "REFERENCE_COMPILED": 13, + "REFERENCE_CONTENT": 12, + "REFERENCE_PASSTHROUGH": 14, + "ROOT": 0, + "STYLE_SELECTOR": 7, + "WHITESPACE": 8 + }, + "type": "uint32" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/panorama.dll.rs b/output/panorama.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a37be0c --- /dev/null +++ b/output/panorama.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: panorama.dll + // Classes count: 0 + // Enums count: 2 + pub mod panorama_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ELayoutNodeType { + ROOT = 0x0, + STYLES = 0x1, + SCRIPT_BODY = 0x2, + SCRIPTS = 0x3, + SNIPPETS = 0x4, + INCLUDE = 0x5, + SNIPPET = 0x6, + PANEL = 0x7, + PANEL_ATTRIBUTE = 0x8, + PANEL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 0x9, + REFERENCE_CONTENT = 0xA, + REFERENCE_COMPILED = 0xB, + REFERENCE_PASSTHROUGH = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 16 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EStyleNodeType { + ROOT = 0x0, + EXPRESSION = 0x1, + PROPERTY = 0x2, + DEFINE = 0x3, + IMPORT = 0x4, + KEYFRAMES = 0x5, + KEYFRAME_SELECTOR = 0x6, + STYLE_SELECTOR = 0x7, + WHITESPACE = 0x8, + EXPRESSION_TEXT = 0x9, + EXPRESSION_URL = 0xA, + EXPRESSION_CONCAT = 0xB, + REFERENCE_CONTENT = 0xC, + REFERENCE_COMPILED = 0xD, + REFERENCE_PASSTHROUGH = 0xE, + COMPILER_CONDITIONAL = 0xF + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/panorama_dll.cs b/output/panorama_dll.cs index 4605af0..ea0ac95 100644 --- a/output/panorama_dll.cs +++ b/output/panorama_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: panorama.dll diff --git a/output/panorama_dll.hpp b/output/panorama_dll.hpp index 468ad24..35bdf38 100644 --- a/output/panorama_dll.hpp +++ b/output/panorama_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/panorama_dll.rs b/output/panorama_dll.rs index 91d4a32..8a22a87 100644 --- a/output/panorama_dll.rs +++ b/output/panorama_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/particles.dll.cs b/output/particles.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..347de74 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/particles.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,6613 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: particles.dll + // Classes count: 445 + // Enums count: 76 + public static class ParticlesDll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum ParticleSetMethod_t : uint { + PARTICLE_SET_REPLACE_VALUE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SET_SCALE_INITIAL_VALUE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_SET_ADD_TO_INITIAL_VALUE = 0x2, + PARTICLE_SET_RAMP_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x3, + PARTICLE_SET_SCALE_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x4, + PARTICLE_SET_ADD_TO_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum Detail2Combo_t : uint { + DETAIL_2_COMBO_UNINITIALIZED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_OFF = 0x0, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_ADD = 0x1, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_ADD_SELF_ILLUM = 0x2, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_MOD2X = 0x3, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_MUL = 0x4, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_CROSSFADE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum MissingParentInheritBehavior_t : uint { + MISSING_PARENT_DO_NOTHING = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + MISSING_PARENT_KILL = 0x0, + MISSING_PARENT_FIND_NEW = 0x1, + MISSING_PARENT_SAME_INDEX = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum ParticleFloatBiasType_t : uint { + PF_BIAS_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_STANDARD = 0x0, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_GAIN = 0x1, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL = 0x2, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t : uint { + PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_KILL = 0x1, + PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_TRACE_END = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum PFuncVisualizationType_t : uint { + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_SPHERE_WIREFRAME = 0x0, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_SPHERE_SOLID = 0x1, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_BOX = 0x2, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_RING = 0x3, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_PLANE = 0x4, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_LINE = 0x5, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_CYLINDER = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ParticleVRHandChoiceList_t : uint { + PARTICLE_VRHAND_LEFT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_VRHAND_RIGHT = 0x1, + PARTICLE_VRHAND_CP = 0x2, + PARTICLE_VRHAND_CP_OBJECT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ParticleReplicationMode_t : uint { + PARTICLE_REPLICATIONMODE_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_REPLICATIONMODE_REPLICATE_FOR_EACH_PARENT_PARTICLE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum PetGroundType_t : uint { + PET_GROUND_NONE = 0x0, + PET_GROUND_GRID = 0x1, + PET_GROUND_PLANE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum InheritableBoolType_t : uint { + INHERITABLE_BOOL_INHERIT = 0x0, + INHERITABLE_BOOL_FALSE = 0x1, + INHERITABLE_BOOL_TRUE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 24 + public enum ParticleFloatType_t : uint { + PF_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PF_TYPE_LITERAL = 0x0, + PF_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x1, + PF_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM = 0x2, + PF_TYPE_RANDOM_BIASED = 0x3, + PF_TYPE_COLLECTION_AGE = 0x4, + PF_TYPE_ENDCAP_AGE = 0x5, + PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_COMPONENT = 0x6, + PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_CHANGE_AGE = 0x7, + PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_SPEED = 0x8, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_DETAIL_LEVEL = 0x9, + PF_TYPE_CONCURRENT_DEF_COUNT = 0xA, + PF_TYPE_CLOSEST_CAMERA_DISTANCE = 0xB, + PF_TYPE_RENDERER_CAMERA_DISTANCE = 0xC, + PF_TYPE_RENDERER_CAMERA_DOT_PRODUCT = 0xD, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NOISE = 0xE, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_AGE = 0xF, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_AGE_NORMALIZED = 0x10, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_FLOAT = 0x11, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_VECTOR_COMPONENT = 0x12, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_SPEED = 0x13, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NUMBER = 0x14, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NUMBER_NORMALIZED = 0x15, + PF_TYPE_COUNT = 0x16 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum ParticlePostProcessPriorityGroup_t : uint { + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_LEVEL_VOLUME = 0x0, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_LEVEL_OVERRIDE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_EFFECT = 0x2, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_STATE_LOW = 0x3, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_STATE_HIGH = 0x4, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GLOBAL_UI = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum PFNoiseTurbulence_t : uint { + PF_NOISE_TURB_NONE = 0x0, + PF_NOISE_TURB_HIGHLIGHT = 0x1, + PF_NOISE_TURB_FEEDBACK = 0x2, + PF_NOISE_TURB_LOOPY = 0x3, + PF_NOISE_TURB_CONTRAST = 0x4, + PF_NOISE_TURB_ALTERNATE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum ParticleColorBlendMode_t : uint { + PARTICLEBLEND_DEFAULT = 0x0, + PARTICLEBLEND_OVERLAY = 0x1, + PARTICLEBLEND_DARKEN = 0x2, + PARTICLEBLEND_LIGHTEN = 0x3, + PARTICLEBLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + public enum ParticleColorBlendType_t : uint { + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x0, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MULTIPLY2X = 0x1, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_DIVIDE = 0x2, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_SUBTRACT = 0x4, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MOD2X = 0x5, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_SCREEN = 0x6, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MAX = 0x7, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MIN = 0x8, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_REPLACE = 0x9, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_AVERAGE = 0xA, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_NEGATE = 0xB, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_LUMINANCE = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum DetailCombo_t : uint { + DETAIL_COMBO_OFF = 0x0, + DETAIL_COMBO_ADD = 0x1, + DETAIL_COMBO_ADD_SELF_ILLUM = 0x2, + DETAIL_COMBO_MOD2X = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + public enum ScalarExpressionType_t : uint { + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_ADD = 0x0, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT = 0x1, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MUL = 0x2, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE = 0x3, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1 = 0x4, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MIN = 0x5, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MAX = 0x6, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MOD = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 14 + public enum SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t : uint { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NONE = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PARTICLE_AGE = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_ANIMATION_FRAME = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_EXTRA_DATA1 = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_EXTRA_DATA2 = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PARTICLE_ALPHA = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_RADIUS = 0x6, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_ROLL = 0x7, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_YAW = 0x8, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PITCH = 0x9, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_RANDOM = 0xA, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NEG_RANDOM = 0xB, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_RANDOM_TIME = 0xC, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NEG_RANDOM_TIME = 0xD + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum BlurFilterType_t : uint { + BLURFILTER_GAUSSIAN = 0x0, + BLURFILTER_BOX = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t : uint { + LIGHT_STYLE_OLD = 0x0, + LIGHT_STYLE_NEW = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleParentSetMode_t : uint { + PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_NO = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_IMMEDIATE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_ROOT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum ParticleModelType_t : uint { + PM_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, + PM_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE_MODEL = 0x1, + PM_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE_EHANDLE = 0x2, + PM_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT = 0x3, + PM_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleLightingQuality_t : uint { + PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_PARTICLE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_VERTEX = 0x1, + PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_PIXEL = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum PFNoiseType_t : uint { + PF_NOISE_TYPE_PERLIN = 0x0, + PF_NOISE_TYPE_SIMPLEX = 0x1, + PF_NOISE_TYPE_WORLEY = 0x2, + PF_NOISE_TYPE_CURL = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 11 + public enum EventTypeSelection_t : uint { + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_SPAWNED = 0x1, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_KILLED = 0x2, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_COLLISION = 0x4, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_FIRST_COLLISION = 0x8, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_COLLISION_STOPPED = 0x10, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_KILLED_ON_COLLISION = 0x20, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_1 = 0x40, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_2 = 0x80, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_3 = 0x100, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_4 = 0x200 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ParticleMassMode_t : uint { + PARTICLE_MASSMODE_RADIUS_CUBED = 0x0, + PARTICLE_MASSMODE_RADIUS_SQUARED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleDirectionNoiseType_t : uint { + PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_PERLIN = 0x0, + PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_CURL = 0x1, + PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_WORLEY_BASIC = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ParticleHitboxBiasType_t : uint { + PARTICLE_HITBOX_BIAS_ENTITY = 0x0, + PARTICLE_HITBOX_BIAS_HITBOX = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum ParticleControlPointAxis_t : uint { + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_X = 0x0, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_Y = 0x1, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_Z = 0x2, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_X = 0x3, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Y = 0x4, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Z = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 12 + public enum ParticlePinDistance_t : uint { + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_NONE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_NEIGHBOR = 0x0, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_FARTHEST = 0x1, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_FIRST = 0x2, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_LAST = 0x3, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CENTER = 0x5, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP = 0x6, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP_PAIR_EITHER = 0x7, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP_PAIR_BOTH = 0x8, + PARTICLE_PIN_SPEED = 0x9, + PARTICLE_PIN_COLLECTION_AGE = 0xA, + PARTICLE_PIN_FLOAT_VALUE = 0xB + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum VectorFloatExpressionType_t : uint { + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DOTPRODUCT = 0x0, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCE = 0x1, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCESQR = 0x2, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTH = 0x3, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTHSQR = 0x4, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_NOISE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleFogType_t : uint { + PARTICLE_FOG_GAME_DEFAULT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_FOG_ENABLED = 0x1, + PARTICLE_FOG_DISABLED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + public enum VectorExpressionType_t : uint { + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_ADD = 0x0, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT = 0x1, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MUL = 0x2, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE = 0x3, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1 = 0x4, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MIN = 0x5, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MAX = 0x6, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_CROSSPRODUCT = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleRotationLockType_t : uint { + PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_ROTATIONS = 0x1, + PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_NORMAL = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum HitboxLerpType_t : uint { + HITBOX_LERP_LIFETIME = 0x0, + HITBOX_LERP_CONSTANT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum AnimationType_t : uint { + ANIMATION_TYPE_FIXED_RATE = 0x0, + ANIMATION_TYPE_FIT_LIFETIME = 0x1, + ANIMATION_TYPE_MANUAL_FRAMES = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ParticleAttrBoxFlags_t : uint { + PARTICLE_ATTR_BOX_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ATTR_BOX_FLAGS_WATER = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum ParticleTopology_t : uint { + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_POINTS = 0x0, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_LINES = 0x1, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_TRIS = 0x2, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_QUADS = 0x3, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_CUBES = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleLightBehaviorChoiceList_t : uint { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ModelHitboxType_t : uint { + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_STANDARD = 0x0, + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_RAW_BONES = 0x1, + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_RENDERBOUNDS = 0x2, + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_SNAPSHOT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + public enum ParticleFloatMapType_t : uint { + PF_MAP_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PF_MAP_TYPE_DIRECT = 0x0, + PF_MAP_TYPE_MULT = 0x1, + PF_MAP_TYPE_REMAP = 0x2, + PF_MAP_TYPE_REMAP_BIASED = 0x3, + PF_MAP_TYPE_CURVE = 0x4, + PF_MAP_TYPE_NOTCHED = 0x5, + PF_MAP_TYPE_COUNT = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ParticleTraceSet_t : uint { + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_ALL = 0x0, + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC = 0x1, + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC_AND_KEYFRAMED = 0x2, + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_DYNAMIC = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum ParticleTextureLayerBlendType_t : uint { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_MOD2X = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_REPLACE = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_SUBTRACT = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_AVERAGE = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_LUMINANCE = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleSelection_t : uint { + PARTICLE_SELECTION_FIRST = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SELECTION_LAST = 0x1, + PARTICLE_SELECTION_NUMBER = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ParticleFloatInputMode_t : uint { + PF_INPUT_MODE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PF_INPUT_MODE_CLAMPED = 0x0, + PF_INPUT_MODE_LOOPED = 0x1, + PF_INPUT_MODE_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum SnapshotIndexType_t : uint { + SNAPSHOT_INDEX_INCREMENT = 0x0, + SNAPSHOT_INDEX_DIRECT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum ParticleOutputBlendMode_t : uint { + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_ALPHA = 0x0, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_ADD = 0x1, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_BLEND_ADD = 0x2, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_HALF_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_NEG_HALF_BLEND_ADD = 0x4, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_MOD2X = 0x5, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ParticleLightnintBranchBehavior_t : uint { + PARTICLE_LIGHTNING_BRANCH_CURRENT_DIR = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHTNING_BRANCH_ENDPOINT_DIR = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum MaterialProxyType_t : uint { + MATERIAL_PROXY_STATUS_EFFECT = 0x0, + MATERIAL_PROXY_TINT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleDepthFeatheringMode_t : uint { + PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_OFF = 0x0, + PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_ON_OPTIONAL = 0x1, + PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_ON_REQUIRED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ParticleFloatRandomMode_t : uint { + PF_RANDOM_MODE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PF_RANDOM_MODE_CONSTANT = 0x0, + PF_RANDOM_MODE_VARYING = 0x1, + PF_RANDOM_MODE_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum PFNoiseModifier_t : uint { + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_NONE = 0x0, + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_LINES = 0x1, + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_CLUMPS = 0x2, + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_RINGS = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 19 + public enum ParticleVecType_t : uint { + PVEC_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PVEC_TYPE_LITERAL = 0x0, + PVEC_TYPE_LITERAL_COLOR = 0x1, + PVEC_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x2, + PVEC_TYPE_PARTICLE_VECTOR = 0x3, + PVEC_TYPE_PARTICLE_VELOCITY = 0x4, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_VALUE = 0x5, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_POSITION = 0x6, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_DIR = 0x7, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_RANDOM_DIR = 0x8, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPONENTS = 0x9, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_CLAMPED = 0xA, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_OPEN = 0xB, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_GRADIENT = 0xC, + PVEC_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM = 0xD, + PVEC_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_OFFSET = 0xE, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_DELTA = 0xF, + PVEC_TYPE_CLOSEST_CAMERA_POSITION = 0x10, + PVEC_TYPE_COUNT = 0x11 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ParticleLightUnitChoiceList_t : uint { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_CANDELAS = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_LUMENS = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleFalloffFunction_t : uint { + PARTICLE_FALLOFF_CONSTANT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_FALLOFF_LINEAR = 0x1, + PARTICLE_FALLOFF_EXPONENTIAL = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleSequenceCropOverride_t : uint { + PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_FORCE_OFF = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_FORCE_ON = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ParticleDetailLevel_t : uint { + PARTICLEDETAIL_LOW = 0x0, + PARTICLEDETAIL_MEDIUM = 0x1, + PARTICLEDETAIL_HIGH = 0x2, + PARTICLEDETAIL_ULTRA = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum BBoxVolumeType_t : uint { + BBOX_VOLUME = 0x0, + BBOX_DIMENSIONS = 0x1, + BBOX_MINS_MAXS = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + public enum SpriteCardTextureType_t : uint { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ZOOM = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_1D_COLOR_LOOKUP = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION_ZOOM = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC = 0x6, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_A = 0x7, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_B = 0x8, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_C = 0x9 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ParticleAlphaReferenceType_t : uint { + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_ALPHA_ALPHA = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_OPAQUE_ALPHA = 0x1, + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_ALPHA_OPAQUE = 0x2, + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_OPAQUE_OPAQUE = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 15 + public enum SpriteCardTextureChannel_t : uint { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGBA = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_A = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_ALPHAMASK = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_RGBMASK = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGBA_RGBALPHA = 0x6, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_A_RGBALPHA = 0x7, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A_RGBALPHA = 0x8, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_R = 0x9, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_G = 0xA, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_B = 0xB, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RALPHA = 0xC, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_GALPHA = 0xD, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_BALPHA = 0xE + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum ParticleTransformType_t : uint { + PT_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, + PT_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x1, + PT_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT = 0x2, + PT_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_RANGE = 0x3, + PT_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum RenderModelSubModelFieldType_t : uint { + SUBMODEL_AS_BODYGROUP_SUBMODEL = 0x0, + SUBMODEL_AS_MESHGROUP_INDEX = 0x1, + SUBMODEL_AS_MESHGROUP_MASK = 0x2, + SUBMODEL_IGNORED_USE_MODEL_DEFAULT_MESHGROUP_MASK = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ParticleHitboxDataSelection_t : uint { + PARTICLE_HITBOX_AVERAGE_SPEED = 0x0, + PARTICLE_HITBOX_COUNT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t : uint { + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREEN_ALIGNED = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREEN_Z_ALIGNED = 0x1, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_WORLD_Z_ALIGNED = 0x2, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL = 0x3, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL = 0x4, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_FULL_3AXIS_ROTATION = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum ParticleCollisionMode_t : uint { + COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE = 0x3, + COLLISION_MODE_USE_NEAREST_TRACE = 0x2, + COLLISION_MODE_PER_FRAME_PLANESET = 0x1, + COLLISION_MODE_INITIAL_TRACE_DOWN = 0x0, + COLLISION_MODE_DISABLED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ParticleSortingChoiceList_t : uint { + PARTICLE_SORTING_NEAREST = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SORTING_CREATION_TIME = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleEndcapMode_t : uint { + PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ALWAYS_ON = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ENDCAP_OFF = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ENDCAP_ON = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ClosestPointTestType_t : uint { + PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_BOX = 0x0, + PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_CAPSULE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_HYBRID = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum ParticleImpulseType_t : uint { + IMPULSE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, + IMPULSE_TYPE_GENERIC = 0x1, + IMPULSE_TYPE_ROPE = 0x2, + IMPULSE_TYPE_EXPLOSION = 0x4, + IMPULSE_TYPE_EXPLOSION_UNDERWATER = 0x8, + IMPULSE_TYPE_PARTICLE_SYSTEM = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum SpriteCardShaderType_t : uint { + SPRITECARD_SHADER_BASE = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_SHADER_CUSTOM = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ParticleOmni2LightTypeChoiceList_t : uint { + PARTICLE_OMNI2_LIGHT_TYPE_POINT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_OMNI2_LIGHT_TYPE_SPHERE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ParticleLightFogLightingMode_t : uint { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_DYNAMIC = 0x2, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_DYNAMIC_NOSHADOWS = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ParticleLightTypeChoiceList_t : uint { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_POINT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT = 0x1, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX = 0x2, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_CAPSULE = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ParticleOrientationSetMode_t : uint { + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SET_FROM_VELOCITY = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SET_FROM_ROTATIONS = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum TextureRepetitionMode_t : uint { + TEXTURE_REPETITION_PARTICLE = 0x0, + TEXTURE_REPETITION_PATH = 0x1 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapGravityToVector { + public const nint m_vInput1 = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x810; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x814; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bNormalizedOutput = 0x818; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_Decay { + public const nint m_bRopeDecay = 0x1B8; // bool + public const nint m_bForcePreserveParticleOrder = 0x1B9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderDeferredLight { + public const nint m_bUseAlphaTestWindow = 0x208; // bool + public const nint m_bUseTexture = 0x209; // bool + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x20C; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlphaScale = 0x210; // float32 + public const nint m_nAlpha2Field = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecColorScale = 0x218; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nColorBlendType = 0x870; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + public const nint m_flLightDistance = 0x874; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFalloff = 0x878; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistanceFalloff = 0x87C; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpotFoV = 0x880; // float32 + public const nint m_nAlphaTestPointField = 0x884; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nAlphaTestRangeField = 0x888; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nAlphaTestSharpnessField = 0x88C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_hTexture = 0x890; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nHSVShiftControlPoint = 0x898; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapSpeedtoCP { + public const nint m_nInControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nField = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseDeltaV = 0x1DC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapTransformToVelocity { + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CollisionGroupContext_t { + public const nint m_nCollisionGroupNumber = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + public static class CParticleModelInput { + public const nint m_nType = 0x10; // ParticleModelType_t + public const nint m_NamedValue = 0x18; // CParticleNamedValueRef + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x58; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleFunctionPreEmission { + public const nint m_bRunOnce = 0x1B8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_FadeOutSimple { + public const nint m_flFadeOutTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SpringToVectorConstraint { + public const nint m_flRestLength = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flMinDistance = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxDistance = 0x468; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flRestingLength = 0x5C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_vecAnchorVector = 0x718; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CBaseRendererSource2 + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderRopes { + public const nint m_bEnableFadingAndClamping = 0x2718; // bool + public const nint m_flMinSize = 0x271C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxSize = 0x2720; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFadeSize = 0x2724; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndFadeSize = 0x2728; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFadeDot = 0x272C; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndFadeDot = 0x2730; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusTaper = 0x2734; // float32 + public const nint m_nMinTesselation = 0x2738; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxTesselation = 0x273C; // int32 + public const nint m_flTessScale = 0x2740; // float32 + public const nint m_flTextureVWorldSize = 0x2748; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flTextureVScrollRate = 0x28A0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flTextureVOffset = 0x29F8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_nTextureVParamsCP = 0x2B50; // int32 + public const nint m_bClampV = 0x2B54; // bool + public const nint m_nScaleCP1 = 0x2B58; // int32 + public const nint m_nScaleCP2 = 0x2B5C; // int32 + public const nint m_flScaleVSizeByControlPointDistance = 0x2B60; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleVScrollByControlPointDistance = 0x2B64; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleVOffsetByControlPointDistance = 0x2B68; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseScalarForTextureCoordinate = 0x2B6D; // bool + public const nint m_nScalarFieldForTextureCoordinate = 0x2B70; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flScalarAttributeTextureCoordScale = 0x2B74; // float32 + public const nint m_bReverseOrder = 0x2B78; // bool + public const nint m_bClosedLoop = 0x2B79; // bool + public const nint m_nOrientationType = 0x2B7C; // ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t + public const nint m_nVectorFieldForOrientation = 0x2B80; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bDrawAsOpaque = 0x2B84; // bool + public const nint m_bGenerateNormals = 0x2B85; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_StatusEffectCitadel { + public const nint m_flSFXColorWarpAmount = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXNormalAmount = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXMetalnessAmount = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXRoughnessAmount = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSelfIllumAmount = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSScale = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSScrollX = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSScrollY = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSScrollZ = 0x1E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSOffsetX = 0x1E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSOffsetY = 0x1E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSOffsetZ = 0x1EC; // float32 + public const nint m_nDetailCombo = 0x1F0; // DetailCombo_t + public const nint m_flSFXSDetailAmount = 0x1F4; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSDetailScale = 0x1F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSDetailScrollX = 0x1FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSDetailScrollY = 0x200; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSDetailScrollZ = 0x204; // float32 + public const nint m_flSFXSUseModelUVs = 0x208; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderSound { + public const nint m_flDurationScale = 0x208; // float32 + public const nint m_flSndLvlScale = 0x20C; // float32 + public const nint m_flPitchScale = 0x210; // float32 + public const nint m_flVolumeScale = 0x214; // float32 + public const nint m_nSndLvlField = 0x218; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nDurationField = 0x21C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nPitchField = 0x220; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nVolumeField = 0x224; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nChannel = 0x228; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPReference = 0x22C; // int32 + public const nint m_pszSoundName = 0x230; // char[256] + public const nint m_bSuppressStopSoundEvent = 0x330; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleVisibilityInputs { + public const nint m_flCameraBias = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_nCPin = 0x4; // int32 + public const nint m_flProxyRadius = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputPixelVisFade = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoPixelVisibilityFallback = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistanceInputMin = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistanceInputMax = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flDotInputMin = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_flDotInputMax = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_bDotCPAngles = 0x2C; // bool + public const nint m_bDotCameraAngles = 0x2D; // bool + public const nint m_flAlphaScaleMin = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlphaScaleMax = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusScaleMin = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusScaleMax = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusScaleFOVBase = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_bRightEye = 0x44; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointsToParticle { + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nNumControlPoints = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bSetOrientation = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_nOrientationMode = 0x1CC; // ParticleOrientationSetMode_t + public const nint m_nSetParent = 0x1D0; // ParticleParentSetMode_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapSDFDistanceToVectorAttribute { + public const nint m_nVectorFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nVectorFieldInput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flMinDistance = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxDistance = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_vValueBelowMin = 0x470; // Vector + public const nint m_vValueAtMin = 0x47C; // Vector + public const nint m_vValueAtMax = 0x488; // Vector + public const nint m_vValueAboveMax = 0x494; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapCPVelocityToVector { + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_bNormalize = 0x1C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_PointVectorAtNextParticle { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ParticlePreviewBodyGroup_t { + public const nint m_bodyGroupName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nValue = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_OscillateScalarSimple { + public const nint m_Rate = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_Frequency = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_nField = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flOscMult = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOscAdd = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_StatusEffect { + public const nint m_nDetail2Combo = 0x1C0; // Detail2Combo_t + public const nint m_flDetail2Rotation = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDetail2Scale = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDetail2BlendFactor = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flColorWarpIntensity = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDiffuseWarpBlendToFull = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flEnvMapIntensity = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flAmbientScale = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_specularColor = 0x1E0; // Color + public const nint m_flSpecularScale = 0x1E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpecularExponent = 0x1E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpecularExponentBlendToFull = 0x1EC; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpecularBlendToFull = 0x1F0; // float32 + public const nint m_rimLightColor = 0x1F4; // Color + public const nint m_flRimLightScale = 0x1F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flReflectionsTintByBaseBlendToNone = 0x1FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMetalnessBlendToFull = 0x200; // float32 + public const nint m_flSelfIllumBlendToFull = 0x204; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RtEnvCull { + public const nint m_vecTestDir = 0x1C0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecTestNormal = 0x1CC; // Vector + public const nint m_bUseVelocity = 0x1D8; // bool + public const nint m_bCullOnMiss = 0x1D9; // bool + public const nint m_bLifeAdjust = 0x1DA; // bool + public const nint m_RtEnvName = 0x1DB; // char[128] + public const nint m_nRTEnvCP = 0x25C; // int32 + public const nint m_nComponent = 0x260; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ConstrainDistance { + public const nint m_fMinDistance = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_fMaxDistance = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x468; // int32 + public const nint m_CenterOffset = 0x46C; // Vector + public const nint m_bGlobalCenter = 0x478; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomVector { + public const nint m_vecMin = 0x1C0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecMax = 0x1CC; // Vector + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1D8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_randomnessParameters = 0x1DC; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitialVelocityNoise { + public const nint m_vecAbsVal = 0x1C0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecAbsValInv = 0x1CC; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOffsetLoc = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_flOffset = 0x830; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_vecOutputMin = 0x988; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecOutputMax = 0xFE0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_flNoiseScale = 0x1638; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flNoiseScaleLoc = 0x1790; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x18E8; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_bIgnoreDt = 0x1950; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ParticleChildrenInfo_t { + public const nint m_ChildRef = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flDelay = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_bEndCap = 0xC; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableChild = 0xD; // bool + public const nint m_nDetailLevel = 0x10; // ParticleDetailLevel_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapScalarOnceTimed { + public const nint m_bProportional = 0x1B8; // bool + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flRemapTime = 0x1D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelSequence { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_PlaneCull { + public const nint m_nPlaneControlPoint = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_vecPlaneDirection = 0x1BC; // Vector + public const nint m_bLocalSpace = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_flPlaneOffset = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_VelocityRandom { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_fSpeedMin = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_fSpeedMax = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMin = 0x478; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMax = 0xAD0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_bIgnoreDT = 0x1128; // bool + public const nint m_randomnessParameters = 0x112C; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ModelDampenMovement { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_bBoundBox = 0x1BC; // bool + public const nint m_bOutside = 0x1BD; // bool + public const nint m_bUseBones = 0x1BE; // bool + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0x1BF; // char[128] + public const nint m_vecPosOffset = 0x240; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_fDrag = 0x898; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_TwistAroundAxis { + public const nint m_fForceAmount = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_TwistAxis = 0x1CC; // Vector + public const nint m_bLocalSpace = 0x1D8; // bool + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1DC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_TeleportBeam { + public const nint m_nCPPosition = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPVelocity = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPMisc = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPColor = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPInvalidColor = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPExtraArcData = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_vGravity = 0x1D0; // Vector + public const nint m_flArcMaxDuration = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flSegmentBreak = 0x1E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flArcSpeed = 0x1E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlpha = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapExternalWindToCP { + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPOutput = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_vecScale = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_bSetMagnitude = 0x820; // bool + public const nint m_nOutVectorField = 0x824; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 62 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBaseRendererSource2 { + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flAlphaScale = 0x360; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flRollScale = 0x4B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_nAlpha2Field = 0x610; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecColorScale = 0x618; // CParticleCollectionRendererVecInput + public const nint m_nColorBlendType = 0xC70; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + public const nint m_nShaderType = 0xC74; // SpriteCardShaderType_t + public const nint m_strShaderOverride = 0xC78; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flCenterXOffset = 0xC80; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flCenterYOffset = 0xDD8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flBumpStrength = 0xF30; // float32 + public const nint m_nCropTextureOverride = 0xF34; // ParticleSequenceCropOverride_t + public const nint m_vecTexturesInput = 0xF38; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flAnimationRate = 0xF50; // float32 + public const nint m_nAnimationType = 0xF54; // AnimationType_t + public const nint m_bAnimateInFPS = 0xF58; // bool + public const nint m_flSelfIllumAmount = 0xF60; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flDiffuseAmount = 0x10B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flDiffuseClamp = 0x1210; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_nLightingControlPoint = 0x1368; // int32 + public const nint m_nSelfIllumPerParticle = 0x136C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nOutputBlendMode = 0x1370; // ParticleOutputBlendMode_t + public const nint m_bGammaCorrectVertexColors = 0x1374; // bool + public const nint m_bSaturateColorPreAlphaBlend = 0x1375; // bool + public const nint m_flAddSelfAmount = 0x1378; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flDesaturation = 0x14D0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flOverbrightFactor = 0x1628; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_nHSVShiftControlPoint = 0x1780; // int32 + public const nint m_nFogType = 0x1784; // ParticleFogType_t + public const nint m_flFogAmount = 0x1788; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_bTintByFOW = 0x18E0; // bool + public const nint m_bTintByGlobalLight = 0x18E1; // bool + public const nint m_nPerParticleAlphaReference = 0x18E4; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + public const nint m_nPerParticleAlphaRefWindow = 0x18E8; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + public const nint m_nAlphaReferenceType = 0x18EC; // ParticleAlphaReferenceType_t + public const nint m_flAlphaReferenceSoftness = 0x18F0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToZero = 0x1A48; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToOne = 0x1BA0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_bRefract = 0x1CF8; // bool + public const nint m_bRefractSolid = 0x1CF9; // bool + public const nint m_flRefractAmount = 0x1D00; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_nRefractBlurRadius = 0x1E58; // int32 + public const nint m_nRefractBlurType = 0x1E5C; // BlurFilterType_t + public const nint m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass = 0x1E60; // bool + public const nint m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass = 0x1E61; // bool + public const nint m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering = 0x1E62; // bool + public const nint m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay = 0x1E63; // bool + public const nint m_stencilTestID = 0x1E64; // char[128] + public const nint m_bStencilTestExclude = 0x1EE4; // bool + public const nint m_stencilWriteID = 0x1EE5; // char[128] + public const nint m_bWriteStencilOnDepthPass = 0x1F65; // bool + public const nint m_bWriteStencilOnDepthFail = 0x1F66; // bool + public const nint m_bReverseZBuffering = 0x1F67; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableZBuffering = 0x1F68; // bool + public const nint m_nFeatheringMode = 0x1F6C; // ParticleDepthFeatheringMode_t + public const nint m_flFeatheringMinDist = 0x1F70; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flFeatheringMaxDist = 0x20C8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flFeatheringFilter = 0x2220; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flDepthBias = 0x2378; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_nSortMethod = 0x24D0; // ParticleSortingChoiceList_t + public const nint m_bBlendFramesSeq0 = 0x24D4; // bool + public const nint m_bMaxLuminanceBlendingSequence0 = 0x24D5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSpinUpdateBase { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_OrientTo2dDirection { + public const nint m_flRotOffset = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpinStrength = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapDotProductToCP { + public const nint m_nInputCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nInputCP2 = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutVectorField = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar { + public const nint m_hModel = 0x1F0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_outputMinName = 0x1F8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_outputMaxName = 0x200; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bModelFromRenderer = 0x208; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrailRenderer + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderTrails { + public const nint m_bEnableFadingAndClamping = 0x29E0; // bool + public const nint m_flStartFadeDot = 0x29E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndFadeDot = 0x29E8; // float32 + public const nint m_nPrevPntSource = 0x29EC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flMaxLength = 0x29F0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinLength = 0x29F4; // float32 + public const nint m_bIgnoreDT = 0x29F8; // bool + public const nint m_flConstrainRadiusToLengthRatio = 0x29FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flLengthScale = 0x2A00; // float32 + public const nint m_flLengthFadeInTime = 0x2A04; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusHeadTaper = 0x2A08; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_vecHeadColorScale = 0x2B60; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_flHeadAlphaScale = 0x31B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flRadiusTaper = 0x3310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_vecTailColorScale = 0x3468; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_flTailAlphaScale = 0x3AC0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nHorizCropField = 0x3C18; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nVertCropField = 0x3C1C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flForwardShift = 0x3C20; // float32 + public const nint m_bFlipUVBasedOnPitchYaw = 0x3C24; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointPositionToTimeOfDayValue { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_pszTimeOfDayParameter = 0x1C4; // char[128] + public const nint m_vecDefaultValue = 0x244; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DecayMaintainCount { + public const nint m_nParticlesToMaintain = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_flDecayDelay = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_nSnapshotControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_bLifespanDecay = 0x1C4; // bool + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bKillNewest = 0x320; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomModelSequence { + public const nint m_ActivityName = 0x1C0; // char[256] + public const nint m_SequenceName = 0x2C0; // char[256] + public const nint m_hModel = 0x3C0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleVecInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + public static class CPerParticleVecInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ExternalGameImpulseForce { + public const nint m_flForceScale = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_bRopes = 0x320; // bool + public const nint m_bRopesZOnly = 0x321; // bool + public const nint m_bExplosions = 0x322; // bool + public const nint m_bParticles = 0x323; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapAverageHitboxSpeedtoCP { + public const nint m_nInControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nField = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nHitboxDataType = 0x1CC; // ParticleHitboxDataSelection_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nHeightControlPointNumber = 0x730; // int32 + public const nint m_vecComparisonVelocity = 0x738; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0xD90; // char[128] + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomAlpha { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nAlphaMin = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nAlphaMax = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_flAlphaRandExponent = 0x1D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_NormalizeVector { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1BC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_FadeInSimple { + public const nint m_flFadeInTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RepeatedTriggerChildGroup { + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flClusterRefireTime = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flClusterSize = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flClusterCooldown = 0x478; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bLimitChildCount = 0x5D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderTonemapController { + public const nint m_flTonemapLevel = 0x208; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapWeight = 0x20C; // float32 + public const nint m_nTonemapLevelField = 0x210; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nTonemapWeightField = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapVelocityToVector { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_bNormalize = 0x1C0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_SetHitboxToClosest { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nDesiredHitbox = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_vecHitBoxScale = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0x820; // char[128] + public const nint m_bUseBones = 0x8A0; // bool + public const nint m_bUseClosestPointOnHitbox = 0x8A1; // bool + public const nint m_nTestType = 0x8A4; // ClosestPointTestType_t + public const nint m_flHybridRatio = 0x8A8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bUpdatePosition = 0xA00; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RingWave { + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_flParticlesPerOrbit = 0x228; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flInitialRadius = 0x380; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flThickness = 0x4D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInitialSpeedMin = 0x630; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInitialSpeedMax = 0x788; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flRoll = 0x8E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flPitch = 0xA38; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flYaw = 0xB90; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_bEvenDistribution = 0xCE8; // bool + public const nint m_bXYVelocityOnly = 0xCE9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomTrailLength { + public const nint m_flMinLength = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxLength = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flLengthRandExponent = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_bOldCode = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DistanceBetweenTransforms { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_TransformStart = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_TransformEnd = 0x228; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x290; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x3E8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x540; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x698; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x7F0; // float32 + public const nint m_flLOSScale = 0x7F4; // float32 + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x7F8; // char[128] + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x878; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_bLOS = 0x87C; // bool + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x880; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DecayOffscreen { + public const nint m_flOffscreenTime = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMaxVersion + // MParticleReplacementOp + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateSequentialPath { + public const nint m_fMaxDistance = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flNumToAssign = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bLoop = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_bCPPairs = 0x1C9; // bool + public const nint m_bSaveOffset = 0x1CA; // bool + public const nint m_PathParams = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_EndCapTimedDecay { + public const nint m_flDecayTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase { + public const nint m_nCP0 = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nCP1 = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_flMinInputValue = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxInputValue = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bInfiniteLine = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ContinuousEmitter { + public const nint m_flEmissionDuration = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flEmitRate = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flEmissionScale = 0x5C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flScalePerParentParticle = 0x5CC; // float32 + public const nint m_bInitFromKilledParentParticles = 0x5D0; // bool + public const nint m_nEventType = 0x5D4; // EventTypeSelection_t + public const nint m_nSnapshotControlPoint = 0x5D8; // int32 + public const nint m_nLimitPerUpdate = 0x5DC; // int32 + public const nint m_bForceEmitOnFirstUpdate = 0x5E0; // bool + public const nint m_bForceEmitOnLastUpdate = 0x5E1; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_OscillateVectorSimple { + public const nint m_Rate = 0x1B8; // Vector + public const nint m_Frequency = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_nField = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flOscMult = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOscAdd = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_bOffset = 0x1DC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_SequenceLifeTime { + public const nint m_flFramerate = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_MoveBetweenPoints { + public const nint m_flSpeedMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flSpeedMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flEndSpread = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flStartOffset = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flEndOffset = 0x720; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nEndControlPointNumber = 0x878; // int32 + public const nint m_bTrailBias = 0x87C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1E0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x1E4; // bool + public const nint m_flRemapBias = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetUserEvent { + public const nint m_flInput = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flRisingEdge = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nRisingEventType = 0x468; // EventTypeSelection_t + public const nint m_flFallingEdge = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nFallingEventType = 0x5C8; // EventTypeSelection_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_QuantizeFloat { + public const nint m_InputValue = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + public static class CParticleCollectionBindingInstance { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_BasicMovement { + public const nint m_Gravity = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_fDrag = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_massControls = 0x968; // CParticleMassCalculationParameters + public const nint m_nMaxConstraintPasses = 0xD78; // int32 + public const nint m_bUseNewCode = 0xD7C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement { + public const nint m_hModel = 0x1C0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_names = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bShuffle = 0x1E0; // bool + public const nint m_bLinear = 0x1E1; // bool + public const nint m_bModelFromRenderer = 0x1E2; // bool + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1E4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitFromParentKilled { + public const nint m_nAttributeToCopy = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nEventType = 0x1C4; // EventTypeSelection_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_Callback { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleFunction { + public const nint m_flOpStrength = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nOpEndCapState = 0x160; // ParticleEndcapMode_t + public const nint m_flOpStartFadeInTime = 0x164; // float32 + public const nint m_flOpEndFadeInTime = 0x168; // float32 + public const nint m_flOpStartFadeOutTime = 0x16C; // float32 + public const nint m_flOpEndFadeOutTime = 0x170; // float32 + public const nint m_flOpFadeOscillatePeriod = 0x174; // float32 + public const nint m_bNormalizeToStopTime = 0x178; // bool + public const nint m_flOpTimeOffsetMin = 0x17C; // float32 + public const nint m_flOpTimeOffsetMax = 0x180; // float32 + public const nint m_nOpTimeOffsetSeed = 0x184; // int32 + public const nint m_nOpTimeScaleSeed = 0x188; // int32 + public const nint m_flOpTimeScaleMin = 0x18C; // float32 + public const nint m_flOpTimeScaleMax = 0x190; // float32 + public const nint m_bDisableOperator = 0x196; // bool + public const nint m_Notes = 0x198; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_GlobalLight { + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_bClampLowerRange = 0x1BC; // bool + public const nint m_bClampUpperRange = 0x1BD; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_OffsetVectorToVector { + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecOutputMin = 0x1C8; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOutputMax = 0x1D4; // Vector + public const nint m_randomnessParameters = 0x1E0; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetPerChildControlPointFromAttribute { + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nNumControlPoints = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nParticleIncrement = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_bNumBasedOnParticleCount = 0x1CC; // bool + public const nint m_nAttributeToRead = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nCPField = 0x1D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetParentControlPointsToChildCP { + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nChildControlPoint = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nNumControlPoints = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_bSetOrientation = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SDFForce { + public const nint m_flForceScale = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_BoxConstraint { + public const nint m_vecMin = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_vecMax = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nCP = 0xE68; // int32 + public const nint m_bLocalSpace = 0xE6C; // bool + public const nint m_bAccountForRadius = 0xE6D; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreatePhyllotaxis { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nScaleCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nComponent = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_fRadCentCore = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_fRadPerPoint = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_fRadPerPointTo = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_fpointAngle = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_fsizeOverall = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_fRadBias = 0x1E0; // float32 + public const nint m_fMinRad = 0x1E4; // float32 + public const nint m_fDistBias = 0x1E8; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseLocalCoords = 0x1EC; // bool + public const nint m_bUseWithContEmit = 0x1ED; // bool + public const nint m_bUseOrigRadius = 0x1EE; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_AttractToControlPoint { + public const nint m_vecComponentScale = 0x1C8; // Vector + public const nint m_fForceAmount = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_fFalloffPower = 0x330; // float32 + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x338; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_fForceAmountMin = 0x3A0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_bApplyMinForce = 0x4F8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomLifeTime { + public const nint m_fLifetimeMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_fLifetimeMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_fLifetimeRandExponent = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelSequenceScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_VelocityRadialRandom { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_fSpeedMin = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_fSpeedMax = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_vecLocalCoordinateSystemSpeedScale = 0x478; // Vector + public const nint m_bIgnoreDelta = 0x485; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomRadius { + public const nint m_flRadiusMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusRandExponent = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_Orient2DRelToCP { + public const nint m_flRotOffset = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpinStrength = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class TextureControls_t { + public const nint m_flFinalTextureScaleU = 0x0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flFinalTextureScaleV = 0x158; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flFinalTextureOffsetU = 0x2B0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flFinalTextureOffsetV = 0x408; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flFinalTextureUVRotation = 0x560; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flZoomScale = 0x6B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flDistortion = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_bRandomizeOffsets = 0x968; // bool + public const nint m_bClampUVs = 0x969; // bool + public const nint m_nPerParticleBlend = 0x96C; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + public const nint m_nPerParticleScale = 0x970; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + public const nint m_nPerParticleOffsetU = 0x974; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + public const nint m_nPerParticleOffsetV = 0x978; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + public const nint m_nPerParticleRotation = 0x97C; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + public const nint m_nPerParticleZoom = 0x980; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + public const nint m_nPerParticleDistortion = 0x984; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ControlPointReference_t { + public const nint m_controlPointNameString = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_vOffsetFromControlPoint = 0x4; // Vector + public const nint m_bOffsetInLocalSpace = 0x10; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointToVectorExpression { + public const nint m_nExpression = 0x1C0; // VectorExpressionType_t + public const nint m_nOutputCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_vInput1 = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_vInput2 = 0x820; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_bNormalizedOutput = 0xE78; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LightningSnapshotGenerator { + public const nint m_nCPSnapshot = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPStartPnt = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPEndPnt = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_flSegments = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flOffset = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flOffsetDecay = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flRecalcRate = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flUVScale = 0x730; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flUVOffset = 0x888; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flSplitRate = 0x9E0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flBranchTwist = 0xB38; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nBranchBehavior = 0xC90; // ParticleLightnintBranchBehavior_t + public const nint m_flRadiusStart = 0xC98; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flRadiusEnd = 0xDF0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flDedicatedPool = 0xF48; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupOnceTimed { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapSpeedToScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1E0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bPerParticle = 0x1E4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapQAnglesToRotation { + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_PositionWarp { + public const nint m_vecWarpMin = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_vecWarpMax = 0x818; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nScaleControlPointNumber = 0xE70; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0xE74; // int32 + public const nint m_nRadiusComponent = 0xE78; // int32 + public const nint m_flWarpTime = 0xE7C; // float32 + public const nint m_flWarpStartTime = 0xE80; // float32 + public const nint m_flPrevPosScale = 0xE84; // float32 + public const nint m_bInvertWarp = 0xE88; // bool + public const nint m_bUseCount = 0xE89; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SDFConstraint { + public const nint m_flMinDist = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxDist = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nMaxIterations = 0x468; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointFieldToScalarExpression { + public const nint m_nExpression = 0x1C0; // ScalarExpressionType_t + public const nint m_flInput1 = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flInput2 = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputRemap = 0x478; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputCP = 0x5D0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutVectorField = 0x5D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleFunctionForce { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomVectorComponent { + public const nint m_flMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nComponent = 0x1CC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMaxVersion + // MParticleReplacementOp + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_InheritFromParentParticles { + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nIncrement = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_bRandomDistribution = 0x1C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_SetVectorAttributeToVectorExpression { + public const nint m_nExpression = 0x1C0; // VectorExpressionType_t + public const nint m_vInput1 = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vInput2 = 0x820; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0xE78; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0xE7C; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bNormalizedOutput = 0xE80; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapTransformVisibilityToVector { + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1B8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x22C; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x230; // float32 + public const nint m_vecOutputMin = 0x234; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOutputMax = 0x240; // Vector + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x24C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DirectionBetweenVecsToVec { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecPoint1 = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecPoint2 = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MovementLoopInsideSphere { + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_flDistance = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_vecScale = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nDistSqrAttr = 0x970; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderSimpleModelCollection { + public const nint m_bCenterOffset = 0x208; // bool + public const nint m_hModel = 0x210; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_modelInput = 0x218; // CParticleModelInput + public const nint m_nLOD = 0x278; // int32 + public const nint m_bDisableShadows = 0x27C; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableMotionBlur = 0x27D; // bool + public const nint m_bAcceptsDecals = 0x27E; // bool + public const nint m_nAngularVelocityField = 0x280; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_QuantizeCPComponent { + public const nint m_flInputValue = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nCPOutput = 0x318; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutVectorField = 0x31C; // int32 + public const nint m_flQuantizeValue = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_PlayEndCapWhenFinished { + public const nint m_bFireOnEmissionEnd = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_bIncludeChildren = 0x1C1; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitFloatCollection { + public const nint m_InputValue = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPathParameters { + public const nint m_nStartControlPointNumber = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_nEndControlPointNumber = 0x4; // int32 + public const nint m_nBulgeControl = 0x8; // int32 + public const nint m_flBulge = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMidPoint = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_vStartPointOffset = 0x14; // Vector + public const nint m_vMidPointOffset = 0x20; // Vector + public const nint m_vEndOffset = 0x2C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapScalarEndCap { + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateFromPlaneCache { + public const nint m_vecOffsetMin = 0x1C0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOffsetMax = 0x1CC; // Vector + public const nint m_bUseNormal = 0x1D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ControlPointToRadialScreenSpace { + public const nint m_nCPIn = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_nCPOut = 0x1D0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPOutField = 0x1D4; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPSSPosOut = 0x1D8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CSpinUpdateBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SpinUpdate { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_NormalOffset { + public const nint m_OffsetMin = 0x1C0; // Vector + public const nint m_OffsetMax = 0x1CC; // Vector + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1D8; // int32 + public const nint m_bLocalCoords = 0x1DC; // bool + public const nint m_bNormalize = 0x1DD; // bool + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentToVector { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vMinOutputValue = 0x1D4; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxOutputValue = 0x1E0; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderAsModels { + public const nint m_ModelList = 0x208; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flModelScale = 0x224; // float32 + public const nint m_bFitToModelSize = 0x228; // bool + public const nint m_bNonUniformScaling = 0x229; // bool + public const nint m_nXAxisScalingAttribute = 0x22C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nYAxisScalingAttribute = 0x230; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nZAxisScalingAttribute = 0x234; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSizeCullBloat = 0x238; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreationNoise { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bAbsVal = 0x1C4; // bool + public const nint m_bAbsValInv = 0x1C5; // bool + public const nint m_flOffset = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseScale = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseScaleLoc = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_vecOffsetLoc = 0x1DC; // Vector + public const nint m_flWorldTimeScale = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CGeneralSpin + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_Spin { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ParticleNamedValueConfiguration_t { + public const nint m_ConfigName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_ConfigValue = 0x8; // KeyValues3 + public const nint m_iAttachType = 0x18; // ParticleAttachment_t + public const nint m_BoundEntityPath = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_strEntityScope = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_strAttachmentName = 0x30; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + public static class CParticleVecInput { + public const nint m_nType = 0x10; // ParticleVecType_t + public const nint m_vLiteralValue = 0x14; // Vector + public const nint m_LiteralColor = 0x20; // Color + public const nint m_NamedValue = 0x28; // CParticleNamedValueRef + public const nint m_bFollowNamedValue = 0x68; // bool + public const nint m_nVectorAttribute = 0x6C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vVectorAttributeScale = 0x70; // Vector + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x7C; // int32 + public const nint m_nDeltaControlPoint = 0x80; // int32 + public const nint m_vCPValueScale = 0x84; // Vector + public const nint m_vCPRelativePosition = 0x90; // Vector + public const nint m_vCPRelativeDir = 0x9C; // Vector + public const nint m_FloatComponentX = 0xA8; // CParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_FloatComponentY = 0x200; // CParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_FloatComponentZ = 0x358; // CParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_FloatInterp = 0x4B0; // CParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInterpInput0 = 0x608; // float32 + public const nint m_flInterpInput1 = 0x60C; // float32 + public const nint m_vInterpOutput0 = 0x610; // Vector + public const nint m_vInterpOutput1 = 0x61C; // Vector + public const nint m_Gradient = 0x628; // CColorGradient + public const nint m_vRandomMin = 0x640; // Vector + public const nint m_vRandomMax = 0x64C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_InstantaneousEmitter { + public const nint m_nParticlesToEmit = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flInitFromKilledParentParticles = 0x470; // float32 + public const nint m_nEventType = 0x474; // EventTypeSelection_t + public const nint m_flParentParticleScale = 0x478; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nMaxEmittedPerFrame = 0x5D0; // int32 + public const nint m_nSnapshotControlPoint = 0x5D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ConstrainLineLength { + public const nint m_flMinDistance = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxDistance = 0x1BC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_LifespanFromVelocity { + public const nint m_vecComponentScale = 0x1C0; // Vector + public const nint m_flTraceOffset = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flTraceTolerance = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_nMaxPlanes = 0x1D8; // int32 + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x1E0; // char[128] + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x260; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_bIncludeWater = 0x270; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseRendererSource2 + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBaseTrailRenderer { + public const nint m_nOrientationType = 0x2718; // ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t + public const nint m_nOrientationControlPoint = 0x271C; // int32 + public const nint m_flMinSize = 0x2720; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxSize = 0x2724; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFadeSize = 0x2728; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flEndFadeSize = 0x2880; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_bClampV = 0x29D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_VelocityFromCP { + public const nint m_velocityInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_transformInput = 0x818; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_flVelocityScale = 0x880; // float32 + public const nint m_bDirectionOnly = 0x884; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointOrientation { + public const nint m_bUseWorldLocation = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_bRandomize = 0x1C2; // bool + public const nint m_bSetOnce = 0x1C3; // bool + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nHeadLocation = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_vecRotation = 0x1CC; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecRotationB = 0x1D8; // QAngle + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x1E8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MovementSkinnedPositionFromCPSnapshot { + public const nint m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_bRandom = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_nRandomSeed = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bSetNormal = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_bSetRadius = 0x1C9; // bool + public const nint m_nIndexType = 0x1CC; // SnapshotIndexType_t + public const nint m_flReadIndex = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flIncrement = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nFullLoopIncrement = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nSnapShotStartPoint = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x730; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_OscillateVector { + public const nint m_RateMin = 0x1B8; // Vector + public const nint m_RateMax = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_FrequencyMin = 0x1D0; // Vector + public const nint m_FrequencyMax = 0x1DC; // Vector + public const nint m_nField = 0x1E8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bProportional = 0x1EC; // bool + public const nint m_bProportionalOp = 0x1ED; // bool + public const nint m_bOffset = 0x1EE; // bool + public const nint m_flStartTime_min = 0x1F0; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime_max = 0x1F4; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_min = 0x1F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_max = 0x1FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOscMult = 0x200; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOscAdd = 0x358; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flRateScale = 0x4B0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_PositionLock { + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_flStartTime_min = 0x220; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime_max = 0x224; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime_exp = 0x228; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_min = 0x22C; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_max = 0x230; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_exp = 0x234; // float32 + public const nint m_flRange = 0x238; // float32 + public const nint m_flRangeBias = 0x240; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flJumpThreshold = 0x398; // float32 + public const nint m_flPrevPosScale = 0x39C; // float32 + public const nint m_bLockRot = 0x3A0; // bool + public const nint m_vecScale = 0x3A8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0xA00; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutputPrev = 0xA04; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderVRHapticEvent { + public const nint m_nHand = 0x208; // ParticleVRHandChoiceList_t + public const nint m_nOutputHandCP = 0x20C; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x210; // int32 + public const nint m_flAmplitude = 0x218; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointToImpactPoint { + public const nint m_nCPOut = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPIn = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_flUpdateRate = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flTraceLength = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flStartOffset = 0x328; // float32 + public const nint m_flOffset = 0x32C; // float32 + public const nint m_vecTraceDir = 0x330; // Vector + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x33C; // char[128] + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x3BC; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_bSetToEndpoint = 0x3C0; // bool + public const nint m_bTraceToClosestSurface = 0x3C1; // bool + public const nint m_bIncludeWater = 0x3C2; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_InterpolateRadius { + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndScale = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bEaseInAndOut = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_flBias = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class ParticleAttributeIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ReinitializeScalarEndCap { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_TurbulenceForce { + public const nint m_flNoiseCoordScale0 = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseCoordScale1 = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseCoordScale2 = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseCoordScale3 = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_vecNoiseAmount0 = 0x1D8; // Vector + public const nint m_vecNoiseAmount1 = 0x1E4; // Vector + public const nint m_vecNoiseAmount2 = 0x1F0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecNoiseAmount3 = 0x1FC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed { + public const nint m_hModel = 0x1B8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_inNames = 0x1C0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_outNames = 0x1D8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_fallbackNames = 0x1F0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bModelFromRenderer = 0x208; // bool + public const nint m_bProportional = 0x209; // bool + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x210; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flRemapTime = 0x214; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointToPlayer { + public const nint m_nCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_bOrientToEyes = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_EndCapTimedFreeze { + public const nint m_flFreezeTime = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderGpuImplicit { + public const nint m_bUsePerParticleRadius = 0x208; // bool + public const nint m_nVertexCountKb = 0x20C; // uint32 + public const nint m_nIndexCountKb = 0x210; // uint32 + public const nint m_fGridSize = 0x218; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_fRadiusScale = 0x370; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_fIsosurfaceThreshold = 0x4C8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_nScaleCP = 0x620; // int32 + public const nint m_hMaterial = 0x628; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: IParticleEffect + // Fields count: 32 + public static class CNewParticleEffect { + public const nint m_pNext = 0x10; // CNewParticleEffect* + public const nint m_pPrev = 0x18; // CNewParticleEffect* + public const nint m_pParticles = 0x20; // IParticleCollection* + public const nint m_pDebugName = 0x28; // char* + public const nint m_bDontRemove = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bRemove = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bNeedsBBoxUpdate = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bIsFirstFrame = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bAutoUpdateBBox = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bAllocated = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bSimulate = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bShouldPerformCullCheck = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bForceNoDraw = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bShouldSave = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bDisableAggregation = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bShouldSimulateDuringGamePaused = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bShouldCheckFoW = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_vSortOrigin = 0x40; // Vector + public const nint m_flScale = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint m_hOwner = 0x50; // PARTICLE_EHANDLE__* + public const nint m_pOwningParticleProperty = 0x58; // CParticleProperty* + public const nint m_flFreezeTransitionStart = 0x70; // float32 + public const nint m_flFreezeTransitionDuration = 0x74; // float32 + public const nint m_flFreezeTransitionOverride = 0x78; // float32 + public const nint m_bFreezeTransitionActive = 0x7C; // bool + public const nint m_bFreezeTargetState = 0x7D; // bool + public const nint m_bCanFreeze = 0x7E; // bool + public const nint m_LastMin = 0x80; // Vector + public const nint m_LastMax = 0x8C; // Vector + public const nint m_nSplitScreenUser = 0x98; // CSplitScreenSlot + public const nint m_vecAggregationCenter = 0x9C; // Vector + public const nint m_RefCount = 0xC0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetRandomControlPointPosition { + public const nint m_bUseWorldLocation = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_bOrient = 0x1C1; // bool + public const nint m_nCP1 = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nHeadLocation = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_flReRandomRate = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_vecCPMinPos = 0x328; // Vector + public const nint m_vecCPMaxPos = 0x334; // Vector + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x340; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapTransformVisibilityToScalar { + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1B8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x22C; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x230; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x234; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x238; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x23C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapControlPointDirectionToVector { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleFunctionOperator { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DragRelativeToPlane { + public const nint m_flDragAtPlane = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flFalloff = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bDirectional = 0x468; // bool + public const nint m_vecPlaneNormal = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0xAC8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetCPtoVector { + public const nint m_nCPInput = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ParticleNamedValueSource_t { + public const nint m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_IsPublic = 0x8; // bool + public const nint m_ValueType = 0xC; // PulseValueType_t + public const nint m_DefaultConfig = 0x10; // ParticleNamedValueConfiguration_t + public const nint m_NamedConfigs = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CGeneralRandomRotation + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomYaw { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SnapshotRigidSkinToBones { + public const nint m_bTransformNormals = 0x1B8; // bool + public const nint m_bTransformRadii = 0x1B9; // bool + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1BC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetSingleControlPointPosition { + public const nint m_bSetOnce = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_nCP1 = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_transformInput = 0x820; // CParticleTransformInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_DistanceToNeighborCull { + public const nint m_flDistance = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapCPtoScalar { + public const nint m_nCPInput = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nField = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInterpRate = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1E0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleFunctionRenderer { + public const nint VisibilityInputs = 0x1B8; // CParticleVisibilityInputs + public const nint m_bCannotBeRefracted = 0x200; // bool + public const nint m_bSkipRenderingOnMobile = 0x201; // bool + } + // Parent: IParticleSystemDefinition + // Fields count: 65 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleSystemDefinition { + public const nint m_nBehaviorVersion = 0x8; // int32 + public const nint m_PreEmissionOperators = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Emitters = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Initializers = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Operators = 0x58; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ForceGenerators = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Constraints = 0x88; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Renderers = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Children = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nFirstMultipleOverride_BackwardCompat = 0x178; // int32 + public const nint m_nInitialParticles = 0x210; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxParticles = 0x214; // int32 + public const nint m_nGroupID = 0x218; // int32 + public const nint m_BoundingBoxMin = 0x21C; // Vector + public const nint m_BoundingBoxMax = 0x228; // Vector + public const nint m_flDepthSortBias = 0x234; // float32 + public const nint m_nSortOverridePositionCP = 0x238; // int32 + public const nint m_bInfiniteBounds = 0x23C; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableNamedValues = 0x23D; // bool + public const nint m_NamedValueDomain = 0x240; // CUtlString + public const nint m_NamedValueLocals = 0x248; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ConstantColor = 0x260; // Color + public const nint m_ConstantNormal = 0x264; // Vector + public const nint m_flConstantRadius = 0x270; // float32 + public const nint m_flConstantRotation = 0x274; // float32 + public const nint m_flConstantRotationSpeed = 0x278; // float32 + public const nint m_flConstantLifespan = 0x27C; // float32 + public const nint m_nConstantSequenceNumber = 0x280; // int32 + public const nint m_nConstantSequenceNumber1 = 0x284; // int32 + public const nint m_nSnapshotControlPoint = 0x288; // int32 + public const nint m_hSnapshot = 0x290; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pszCullReplacementName = 0x298; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flCullRadius = 0x2A0; // float32 + public const nint m_flCullFillCost = 0x2A4; // float32 + public const nint m_nCullControlPoint = 0x2A8; // int32 + public const nint m_hFallback = 0x2B0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nFallbackMaxCount = 0x2B8; // int32 + public const nint m_hLowViolenceDef = 0x2C0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hReferenceReplacement = 0x2C8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flPreSimulationTime = 0x2D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flStopSimulationAfterTime = 0x2D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaximumTimeStep = 0x2D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaximumSimTime = 0x2DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinimumSimTime = 0x2E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinimumTimeStep = 0x2E4; // float32 + public const nint m_nMinimumFrames = 0x2E8; // int32 + public const nint m_nMinCPULevel = 0x2EC; // int32 + public const nint m_nMinGPULevel = 0x2F0; // int32 + public const nint m_flNoDrawTimeToGoToSleep = 0x2F4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxDrawDistance = 0x2F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFadeDistance = 0x2FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxCreationDistance = 0x300; // float32 + public const nint m_nAggregationMinAvailableParticles = 0x304; // int32 + public const nint m_flAggregateRadius = 0x308; // float32 + public const nint m_bShouldBatch = 0x30C; // bool + public const nint m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToRenderBounds = 0x30D; // bool + public const nint m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToSnapshot = 0x30E; // bool + public const nint m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToCollisionHulls = 0x30F; // bool + public const nint m_nViewModelEffect = 0x310; // InheritableBoolType_t + public const nint m_bScreenSpaceEffect = 0x314; // bool + public const nint m_pszTargetLayerID = 0x318; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nSkipRenderControlPoint = 0x320; // int32 + public const nint m_nAllowRenderControlPoint = 0x324; // int32 + public const nint m_bShouldSort = 0x328; // bool + public const nint m_controlPointConfigurations = 0x370; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupEndCap { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransformsVector { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_vecOutputMin = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOutputMax = 0x1D0; // Vector + public const nint m_TransformStart = 0x1E0; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_TransformEnd = 0x248; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x2B0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x2B4; // bool + public const nint m_bRadialCheck = 0x2B5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate { + public const nint m_flRotateRateDegrees = 0x208; // float32 + public const nint m_flForwardDegrees = 0x20C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_UpdateLightSource { + public const nint m_vColorTint = 0x1B8; // Color + public const nint m_flBrightnessScale = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinimumLightingRadius = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaximumLightingRadius = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flPositionDampingConstant = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateWithinBox { + public const nint m_vecMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecMax = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0xE70; // int32 + public const nint m_bLocalSpace = 0xE74; // bool + public const nint m_randomnessParameters = 0xE78; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ChooseRandomChildrenInGroup { + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flNumberOfChildren = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ControlpointLight { + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_nControlPoint1 = 0x640; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPoint2 = 0x644; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPoint3 = 0x648; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPoint4 = 0x64C; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCPOffset1 = 0x650; // Vector + public const nint m_vecCPOffset2 = 0x65C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecCPOffset3 = 0x668; // Vector + public const nint m_vecCPOffset4 = 0x674; // Vector + public const nint m_LightFiftyDist1 = 0x680; // float32 + public const nint m_LightZeroDist1 = 0x684; // float32 + public const nint m_LightFiftyDist2 = 0x688; // float32 + public const nint m_LightZeroDist2 = 0x68C; // float32 + public const nint m_LightFiftyDist3 = 0x690; // float32 + public const nint m_LightZeroDist3 = 0x694; // float32 + public const nint m_LightFiftyDist4 = 0x698; // float32 + public const nint m_LightZeroDist4 = 0x69C; // float32 + public const nint m_LightColor1 = 0x6A0; // Color + public const nint m_LightColor2 = 0x6A4; // Color + public const nint m_LightColor3 = 0x6A8; // Color + public const nint m_LightColor4 = 0x6AC; // Color + public const nint m_bLightType1 = 0x6B0; // bool + public const nint m_bLightType2 = 0x6B1; // bool + public const nint m_bLightType3 = 0x6B2; // bool + public const nint m_bLightType4 = 0x6B3; // bool + public const nint m_bLightDynamic1 = 0x6B4; // bool + public const nint m_bLightDynamic2 = 0x6B5; // bool + public const nint m_bLightDynamic3 = 0x6B6; // bool + public const nint m_bLightDynamic4 = 0x6B7; // bool + public const nint m_bUseNormal = 0x6B8; // bool + public const nint m_bUseHLambert = 0x6B9; // bool + public const nint m_bClampLowerRange = 0x6BE; // bool + public const nint m_bClampUpperRange = 0x6BF; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_VectorFieldSnapshot { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nAttributeToWrite = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nLocalSpaceCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_vecScale = 0x320; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_flBoundaryDampening = 0x978; // float32 + public const nint m_bSetVelocity = 0x97C; // bool + public const nint m_bLockToSurface = 0x97D; // bool + public const nint m_flGridSpacing = 0x980; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_CylindricalDistanceToTransform { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_TransformStart = 0x720; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_TransformEnd = 0x788; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x7F0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x7F4; // bool + public const nint m_bAdditive = 0x7F5; // bool + public const nint m_bCapsule = 0x7F6; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_PositionPlaceOnGround { + public const nint m_flOffset = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x470; // char[128] + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x4F0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_nTraceMissBehavior = 0x500; // ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t + public const nint m_bIncludeWater = 0x504; // bool + public const nint m_bSetNormal = 0x505; // bool + public const nint m_bSetPXYZOnly = 0x506; // bool + public const nint m_bTraceAlongNormal = 0x507; // bool + public const nint m_bOffsetonColOnly = 0x508; // bool + public const nint m_flOffsetByRadiusFactor = 0x50C; // float32 + public const nint m_nPreserveOffsetCP = 0x510; // int32 + public const nint m_nIgnoreCP = 0x514; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomScalar { + public const nint m_flMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flExponent = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1CC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderPostProcessing { + public const nint m_flPostProcessStrength = 0x208; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_hPostTexture = 0x360; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nPriority = 0x368; // ParticlePostProcessPriorityGroup_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 27 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_WorldTraceConstraint { + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCpOffset = 0x1BC; // Vector + public const nint m_nCollisionMode = 0x1C8; // ParticleCollisionMode_t + public const nint m_nCollisionModeMin = 0x1CC; // ParticleCollisionMode_t + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x1D0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x1D4; // char[128] + public const nint m_bWorldOnly = 0x254; // bool + public const nint m_bBrushOnly = 0x255; // bool + public const nint m_bIncludeWater = 0x256; // bool + public const nint m_nIgnoreCP = 0x258; // int32 + public const nint m_flCpMovementTolerance = 0x25C; // float32 + public const nint m_flRetestRate = 0x260; // float32 + public const nint m_flTraceTolerance = 0x264; // float32 + public const nint m_flCollisionConfirmationSpeed = 0x268; // float32 + public const nint m_nMaxTracesPerFrame = 0x26C; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x270; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flBounceAmount = 0x3C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flSlideAmount = 0x520; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flRandomDirScale = 0x678; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_bDecayBounce = 0x7D0; // bool + public const nint m_bKillonContact = 0x7D1; // bool + public const nint m_flMinSpeed = 0x7D4; // float32 + public const nint m_bSetNormal = 0x7D8; // bool + public const nint m_nStickOnCollisionField = 0x7DC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flStopSpeed = 0x7E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nEntityStickDataField = 0x938; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nEntityStickNormalField = 0x93C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleVecInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + public static class CParticleCollectionVecInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderBlobs { + public const nint m_cubeWidth = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_cutoffRadius = 0x360; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_renderRadius = 0x4B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_nVertexCountKb = 0x610; // uint32 + public const nint m_nIndexCountKb = 0x614; // uint32 + public const nint m_nScaleCP = 0x618; // int32 + public const nint m_MaterialVars = 0x620; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hMaterial = 0x650; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_OscillateScalar { + public const nint m_RateMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_RateMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_FrequencyMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_FrequencyMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_nField = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bProportional = 0x1CC; // bool + public const nint m_bProportionalOp = 0x1CD; // bool + public const nint m_flStartTime_min = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime_max = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_min = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_max = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOscMult = 0x1E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOscAdd = 0x1E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_FadeOut { + public const nint m_flFadeOutTimeMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutTimeMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutTimeExp = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeBias = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bProportional = 0x200; // bool + public const nint m_bEaseInAndOut = 0x201; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomSequence { + public const nint m_nSequenceMin = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nSequenceMax = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bShuffle = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_bLinear = 0x1C9; // bool + public const nint m_WeightedList = 0x1D0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RampScalarSplineSimple { + public const nint m_Rate = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_nField = 0x1F0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bEaseOut = 0x1F4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_DistanceCull { + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flDistance = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bCullInside = 0x320; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_CollideWithParentParticles { + public const nint m_flParentRadiusScale = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitFromVectorFieldSnapshot { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nLocalSpaceCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nWeightUpdateCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_bUseVerticalVelocity = 0x1CC; // bool + public const nint m_vecScale = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetVectorAttributeToVectorExpression { + public const nint m_nExpression = 0x1B8; // VectorExpressionType_t + public const nint m_vInput1 = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vInput2 = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0xE70; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0xE74; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bNormalizedOutput = 0xE78; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_AddVectorToVector { + public const nint m_vecScale = 0x1C0; // Vector + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1CC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vOffsetMin = 0x1D4; // Vector + public const nint m_vOffsetMax = 0x1E0; // Vector + public const nint m_randomnessParameters = 0x1EC; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapInitialVisibilityScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapTransformOrientationToYaw { + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x220; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flRotOffset = 0x224; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpinStrength = 0x228; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderStatusEffect { + public const nint m_pTextureColorWarp = 0x208; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureDetail2 = 0x210; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureDiffuseWarp = 0x218; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureFresnelColorWarp = 0x220; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureFresnelWarp = 0x228; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureSpecularWarp = 0x230; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureEnvMap = 0x238; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RandomForce { + public const nint m_MinForce = 0x1C8; // Vector + public const nint m_MaxForce = 0x1D4; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapParticleCountOnScalarEndCap { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nInputMin = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nInputMax = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_bBackwards = 0x1CC; // bool + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ParticlePreviewState_t { + public const nint m_previewModel = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nModSpecificData = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_groundType = 0xC; // PetGroundType_t + public const nint m_sequenceName = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nFireParticleOnSequenceFrame = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_hitboxSetName = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_materialGroupName = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_vecBodyGroups = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flPlaybackSpeed = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_flParticleSimulationRate = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint m_bShouldDrawHitboxes = 0x50; // bool + public const nint m_bShouldDrawAttachments = 0x51; // bool + public const nint m_bShouldDrawAttachmentNames = 0x52; // bool + public const nint m_bShouldDrawControlPointAxes = 0x53; // bool + public const nint m_bAnimationNonLooping = 0x54; // bool + public const nint m_vecPreviewGravity = 0x58; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LocalAccelerationForce { + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nScaleCP = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_vecAccel = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ModelCull { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_bBoundBox = 0x1BC; // bool + public const nint m_bCullOutside = 0x1BD; // bool + public const nint m_bUseBones = 0x1BE; // bool + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0x1BF; // char[128] + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetFloat { + public const nint m_InputValue = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x314; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_Lerp = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapTransformToVector { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vInputMin = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_vInputMax = 0x1D0; // Vector + public const nint m_vOutputMin = 0x1DC; // Vector + public const nint m_vOutputMax = 0x1E8; // Vector + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1F8; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_LocalSpaceTransform = 0x260; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x2C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x2CC; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x2D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bOffset = 0x2D4; // bool + public const nint m_bAccelerate = 0x2D5; // bool + public const nint m_flRemapBias = 0x2D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SDFLighting { + public const nint m_vLightingDir = 0x1B8; // Vector + public const nint m_vTint_0 = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_vTint_1 = 0x1D0; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentToScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flMinOutputValue = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxOutputValue = 0x1D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + public static class CParticleRemapFloatInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapVectortoCP { + public const nint m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nParticleNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetFromCPSnapshot { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nAttributeToRead = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nAttributeToWrite = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nLocalSpaceCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bRandom = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_bReverse = 0x1C9; // bool + public const nint m_nRandomSeed = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_nSnapShotStartPoint = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nSnapShotIncrement = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x480; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_bSubSample = 0x5D8; // bool + public const nint m_bPrev = 0x5D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DistanceBetweenCPsToCP { + public const nint m_nStartCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nEndCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputCPField = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_bSetOnce = 0x1D0; // bool + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x1E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flLOSScale = 0x1E8; // float32 + public const nint m_bLOS = 0x1EC; // bool + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x1ED; // char[128] + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x270; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_nSetParent = 0x274; // ParticleParentSetMode_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointToHand { + public const nint m_nCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nHand = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C8; // Vector + public const nint m_bOrientToHand = 0x1D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ConstrainDistanceToPath { + public const nint m_fMinDistance = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxDistance0 = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxDistanceMid = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxDistance1 = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_PathParameters = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + public const nint m_flTravelTime = 0x210; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldScale = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nManualTField = 0x218; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DistanceCull { + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_vecPointOffset = 0x1BC; // Vector + public const nint m_flDistance = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_bCullInside = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapSDFDistanceToScalarAttribute { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nVectorFieldInput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flMinDistance = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxDistance = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flValueBelowMin = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flValueAtMin = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flValueAtMax = 0x720; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flValueAboveMax = 0x878; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateAlongPath { + public const nint m_fMaxDistance = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_PathParams = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + public const nint m_bUseRandomCPs = 0x210; // bool + public const nint m_vEndOffset = 0x214; // Vector + public const nint m_bSaveOffset = 0x220; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointsToModelParticles { + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0x1B8; // char[128] + public const nint m_AttachmentName = 0x238; // char[128] + public const nint m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x2B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nNumControlPoints = 0x2BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x2C0; // int32 + public const nint m_bSkin = 0x2C4; // bool + public const nint m_bAttachment = 0x2C5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ColorInterpolateRandom { + public const nint m_ColorFadeMin = 0x1B8; // Color + public const nint m_ColorFadeMax = 0x1D4; // Color + public const nint m_flFadeStartTime = 0x1E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeEndTime = 0x1E8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1EC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bEaseInOut = 0x1F0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelSequenceToScalar { + } + // Parent: C_OP_RenderPoints + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderLights { + public const nint m_flAnimationRate = 0x210; // float32 + public const nint m_nAnimationType = 0x214; // AnimationType_t + public const nint m_bAnimateInFPS = 0x218; // bool + public const nint m_flMinSize = 0x21C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxSize = 0x220; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFadeSize = 0x224; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndFadeSize = 0x228; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DecayClampCount { + public const nint m_nCount = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters { + public const nint m_bDistributeEvenly = 0x0; // bool + public const nint m_nSeed = 0x4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_ColorLitPerParticle { + public const nint m_ColorMin = 0x1D8; // Color + public const nint m_ColorMax = 0x1DC; // Color + public const nint m_TintMin = 0x1E0; // Color + public const nint m_TintMax = 0x1E4; // Color + public const nint m_flTintPerc = 0x1E8; // float32 + public const nint m_nTintBlendMode = 0x1EC; // ParticleColorBlendMode_t + public const nint m_flLightAmplification = 0x1F0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderPoints { + public const nint m_hMaterial = 0x208; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_SetAttributeToScalarExpression { + public const nint m_nExpression = 0x1C0; // ScalarExpressionType_t + public const nint m_flInput1 = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInput2 = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputRemap = 0x478; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x5D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x5D4; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateOnGrid { + public const nint m_nXCount = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nYCount = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nZCount = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nXSpacing = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nYSpacing = 0x720; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nZSpacing = 0x878; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x9D0; // int32 + public const nint m_bLocalSpace = 0x9D4; // bool + public const nint m_bCenter = 0x9D5; // bool + public const nint m_bHollow = 0x9D6; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RampCPLinearRandom { + public const nint m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_vecRateMin = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_vecRateMax = 0x1D0; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_VelocityMatchingForce { + public const nint m_flDirScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpdScale = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_nCPBroadcast = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomAlphaWindowThreshold { + public const nint m_flMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flExponent = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateOnModelAtHeight { + public const nint m_bUseBones = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_bForceZ = 0x1C1; // bool + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nHeightCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_bUseWaterHeight = 0x1CC; // bool + public const nint m_flDesiredHeight = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_vecHitBoxScale = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_vecDirectionBias = 0x980; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nBiasType = 0xFD8; // ParticleHitboxBiasType_t + public const nint m_bLocalCoords = 0xFDC; // bool + public const nint m_bPreferMovingBoxes = 0xFDD; // bool + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0xFDE; // char[128] + public const nint m_flHitboxVelocityScale = 0x1060; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxBoneVelocity = 0x11B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + public static class CParticleVariableRef { + public const nint m_variableName = 0x0; // CKV3MemberNameWithStorage + public const nint m_variableType = 0x38; // PulseValueType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RestartAfterDuration { + public const nint m_flDurationMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDurationMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPField = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_bOnlyChildren = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderClothForce { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapVisibilityScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x1D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMinVersion + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateSequentialPathV2 { + public const nint m_fMaxDistance = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flNumToAssign = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bLoop = 0x470; // bool + public const nint m_bCPPairs = 0x471; // bool + public const nint m_bSaveOffset = 0x472; // bool + public const nint m_PathParams = 0x480; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VecInputMaterialVariable_t { + public const nint m_strVariable = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_vecInput = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapInitialDirectionToTransformToVector { + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flScale = 0x22C; // float32 + public const nint m_flOffsetRot = 0x230; // float32 + public const nint m_vecOffsetAxis = 0x234; // Vector + public const nint m_bNormalize = 0x240; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMinVersion + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LockToSavedSequentialPathV2 { + public const nint m_flFadeStart = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeEnd = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_bCPPairs = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_PathParams = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_NormalLock { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapTransformOrientationToRotations { + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_vecRotation = 0x228; // Vector + public const nint m_bUseQuat = 0x234; // bool + public const nint m_bWriteNormal = 0x235; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_Cull { + public const nint m_flCullPerc = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flCullStart = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flCullEnd = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flCullExp = 0x1C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomYawFlip { + public const nint m_flPercent = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapSDFGradientToVectorAttribute { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SequenceWeightedList_t { + public const nint m_nSequence = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_flRelativeWeight = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ReadFromNeighboringParticle { + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nIncrement = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_DistanceCheck = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderText { + public const nint m_OutlineColor = 0x208; // Color + public const nint m_DefaultText = 0x210; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LerpToInitialPosition { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nCacheField = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flScale = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_vecScale = 0x478; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CGeneralRandomRotation + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomRotation { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LerpEndCapVector { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecOutput = 0x1BC; // Vector + public const nint m_flLerpTime = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_VelocityDecay { + public const nint m_flMinVelocity = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetCPOrientationToPointAtCP { + public const nint m_nInputCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_b2DOrientation = 0x320; // bool + public const nint m_bAvoidSingularity = 0x321; // bool + public const nint m_bPointAway = 0x322; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LockToPointList { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_pointList = 0x1C0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bPlaceAlongPath = 0x1D8; // bool + public const nint m_bClosedLoop = 0x1D9; // bool + public const nint m_nNumPointsAlongPath = 0x1DC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MovementPlaceOnGround { + public const nint m_flOffset = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x310; // float32 + public const nint m_flTolerance = 0x314; // float32 + public const nint m_flTraceOffset = 0x318; // float32 + public const nint m_flLerpRate = 0x31C; // float32 + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x320; // char[128] + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x3A0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_nRefCP1 = 0x3A4; // int32 + public const nint m_nRefCP2 = 0x3A8; // int32 + public const nint m_nLerpCP = 0x3AC; // int32 + public const nint m_nTraceMissBehavior = 0x3B8; // ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t + public const nint m_bIncludeShotHull = 0x3BC; // bool + public const nint m_bIncludeWater = 0x3BD; // bool + public const nint m_bSetNormal = 0x3C0; // bool + public const nint m_bScaleOffset = 0x3C1; // bool + public const nint m_nPreserveOffsetCP = 0x3C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nIgnoreCP = 0x3C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetCPOrientationToDirection { + public const nint m_nInputControlPoint = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapCrossProductOfTwoVectorsToVector { + public const nint m_InputVec1 = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_InputVec2 = 0x810; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0xE68; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bNormalize = 0xE6C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapTransformOrientationToRotations { + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_vecRotation = 0x220; // Vector + public const nint m_bUseQuat = 0x22C; // bool + public const nint m_bWriteNormal = 0x22D; // bool + } + // Parent: CGeneralRandomRotation + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomRotationSpeed { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMinVersion + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_InheritFromParentParticlesV2 { + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nIncrement = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_bRandomDistribution = 0x1C4; // bool + public const nint m_nMissingParentBehavior = 0x1C8; // MissingParentInheritBehavior_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomSecondSequence { + public const nint m_nSequenceMin = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nSequenceMax = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetFloatCollection { + public const nint m_InputValue = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x314; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_Lerp = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PointDefinition_t { + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_bLocalCoords = 0x4; // bool + public const nint m_vOffset = 0x8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointPositionToRandomActiveCP { + public const nint m_nCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nHeadLocationMin = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nHeadLocationMax = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_flResetRate = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_Diffusion { + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nVoxelGridResolution = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_AgeNoise { + public const nint m_bAbsVal = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_bAbsValInv = 0x1C1; // bool + public const nint m_flOffset = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flAgeMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flAgeMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseScale = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseScaleLoc = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_vecOffsetLoc = 0x1D8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapVectorComponentToScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nComponent = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CGeneralRandomRotation { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flDegrees = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDegreesMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDegreesMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flRotationRandExponent = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_bRandomlyFlipDirection = 0x1D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DistanceBetweenVecs { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecPoint1 = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecPoint2 = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0xE70; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0xFC8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1120; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1278; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x13D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bDeltaTime = 0x13D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DampenToCP { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_flRange = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_CalculateVectorAttribute { + public const nint m_vStartValue = 0x1B8; // Vector + public const nint m_nFieldInput1 = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputScale1 = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldInput2 = 0x1CC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputScale2 = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_nControlPointInput1 = 0x1D4; // ControlPointReference_t + public const nint m_flControlPointScale1 = 0x1E8; // float32 + public const nint m_nControlPointInput2 = 0x1EC; // ControlPointReference_t + public const nint m_flControlPointScale2 = 0x200; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x204; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vFinalOutputScale = 0x208; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + public static class CParticleTransformInput { + public const nint m_nType = 0x10; // ParticleTransformType_t + public const nint m_NamedValue = 0x18; // CParticleNamedValueRef + public const nint m_bFollowNamedValue = 0x58; // bool + public const nint m_bSupportsDisabled = 0x59; // bool + public const nint m_bUseOrientation = 0x5A; // bool + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x5C; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPointRangeMax = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_flEndCPGrowthTime = 0x64; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LockToBone { + public const nint m_modelInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleModelInput + public const nint m_transformInput = 0x218; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_flLifeTimeFadeStart = 0x280; // float32 + public const nint m_flLifeTimeFadeEnd = 0x284; // float32 + public const nint m_flJumpThreshold = 0x288; // float32 + public const nint m_flPrevPosScale = 0x28C; // float32 + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0x290; // char[128] + public const nint m_bRigid = 0x310; // bool + public const nint m_bUseBones = 0x311; // bool + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x314; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutputPrev = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nRotationSetType = 0x31C; // ParticleRotationLockType_t + public const nint m_bRigidRotationLock = 0x320; // bool + public const nint m_vecRotation = 0x328; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_flRotLerp = 0x980; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapNamedModelBodyPartOnceTimed { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MovementMaintainOffset { + public const nint m_vecOffset = 0x1B8; // Vector + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bRadiusScale = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetVec { + public const nint m_InputValue = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x810; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x814; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_Lerp = 0x818; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_bNormalizedOutput = 0x970; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateFromParentParticles { + public const nint m_flVelocityScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flIncrement = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bRandomDistribution = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_nRandomSeed = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_bSubFrame = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class IParticleEffect { + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelBodyPart { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PARTICLE_EHANDLE__ { + public const nint unused = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderOmni2Light { + public const nint m_nLightType = 0x208; // ParticleOmni2LightTypeChoiceList_t + public const nint m_vColorBlend = 0x210; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nColorBlendType = 0x868; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + public const nint m_nBrightnessUnit = 0x86C; // ParticleLightUnitChoiceList_t + public const nint m_flBrightnessLumens = 0x870; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flBrightnessCandelas = 0x9C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_bCastShadows = 0xB20; // bool + public const nint m_flLuminaireRadius = 0xB28; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flSkirt = 0xC80; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flRange = 0xDD8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInnerConeAngle = 0xF30; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOuterConeAngle = 0x1088; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_hLightCookie = 0x11E0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_bSphericalCookie = 0x11E8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ConnectParentParticleToNearest { + public const nint m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nSecondControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_bUseRadius = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flParentRadiusScale = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + public static class CPerParticleFloatInput { + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelBodyPartScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitSkinnedPositionFromCPSnapshot { + public const nint m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bRandom = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_nRandomSeed = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_bRigid = 0x1D0; // bool + public const nint m_bSetNormal = 0x1D1; // bool + public const nint m_bIgnoreDt = 0x1D2; // bool + public const nint m_flMinNormalVelocity = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxNormalVelocity = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_nIndexType = 0x1DC; // SnapshotIndexType_t + public const nint m_flReadIndex = 0x1E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flIncrement = 0x338; // float32 + public const nint m_nFullLoopIncrement = 0x33C; // int32 + public const nint m_nSnapShotStartPoint = 0x340; // int32 + public const nint m_flBoneVelocity = 0x344; // float32 + public const nint m_flBoneVelocityMax = 0x348; // float32 + public const nint m_bCopyColor = 0x34C; // bool + public const nint m_bCopyAlpha = 0x34D; // bool + public const nint m_bSetRadius = 0x34E; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LagCompensation { + public const nint m_nDesiredVelocityCP = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nLatencyCP = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nLatencyCPField = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nDesiredVelocityCPField = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_CollideWithSelf { + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flMinimumSpeed = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_Noise { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_fl4NoiseScale = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bAdditive = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_flNoiseAnimationTimeScale = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_FadeAndKillForTracers { + public const nint m_flStartFadeInTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndFadeInTime = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFadeOutTime = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndFadeOutTime = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartAlpha = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndAlpha = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ColorAdjustHSL { + public const nint m_flHueAdjust = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flSaturationAdjust = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flLightnessAdjust = 0x468; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleMassCalculationParameters { + public const nint m_nMassMode = 0x0; // ParticleMassMode_t + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flNominalRadius = 0x160; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flScale = 0x2B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SequenceFromModel { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutputAnim = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1D4; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_AlphaDecay { + public const nint m_flMinAlpha = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapDensityGradientToVectorAttribute { + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitVec { + public const nint m_InputValue = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x818; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x81C; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bNormalizedOutput = 0x820; // bool + public const nint m_bWritePreviousPosition = 0x821; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_SetHitboxToModel { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nForceInModel = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bEvenDistribution = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_nDesiredHitbox = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_vecHitBoxScale = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_vecDirectionBias = 0x828; // Vector + public const nint m_bMaintainHitbox = 0x834; // bool + public const nint m_bUseBones = 0x835; // bool + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0x836; // char[128] + public const nint m_flShellSize = 0x8B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MovementMoveAlongSkinnedCPSnapshot { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_bSetNormal = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_bSetRadius = 0x1C1; // bool + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flTValue = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LerpScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flOutput = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x318; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x31C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitialRepulsionVelocity { + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x1C0; // char[128] + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x240; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_vecOutputMin = 0x244; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOutputMax = 0x250; // Vector + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x25C; // int32 + public const nint m_bPerParticle = 0x260; // bool + public const nint m_bTranslate = 0x261; // bool + public const nint m_bProportional = 0x262; // bool + public const nint m_flTraceLength = 0x264; // float32 + public const nint m_bPerParticleTR = 0x268; // bool + public const nint m_bInherit = 0x269; // bool + public const nint m_nChildCP = 0x26C; // int32 + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x270; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ClampScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointToHMD { + public const nint m_nCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_bOrientToHMD = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DifferencePreviousParticle { + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x1D4; // bool + public const nint m_bSetPreviousParticle = 0x1D5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointFieldFromVectorExpression { + public const nint m_nExpression = 0x1C0; // VectorFloatExpressionType_t + public const nint m_vecInput1 = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_vecInput2 = 0x820; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_flOutputRemap = 0xE78; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputCP = 0xFD0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutVectorField = 0xFD4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransforms { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_TransformStart = 0x1D0; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_TransformEnd = 0x238; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x2A0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x2A4; // bool + public const nint m_bRadialCheck = 0x2A5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_PlaneCull { + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flDistance = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bCullInside = 0x320; // bool + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapNamedModelSequenceEndCap { + } + // Parent: CParticleCollectionFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + public static class CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitFromCPSnapshot { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nAttributeToRead = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nAttributeToWrite = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nLocalSpaceCP = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_bRandom = 0x1D0; // bool + public const nint m_bReverse = 0x1D1; // bool + public const nint m_nSnapShotIncrement = 0x1D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nManualSnapshotIndex = 0x330; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nRandomSeed = 0x488; // int32 + public const nint m_bLocalSpaceAngles = 0x48C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 22 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderCables { + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flAlphaScale = 0x360; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_vecColorScale = 0x4B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nColorBlendType = 0xB10; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + public const nint m_hMaterial = 0xB18; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nTextureRepetitionMode = 0xB20; // TextureRepetitionMode_t + public const nint m_flTextureRepeatsPerSegment = 0xB28; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flTextureRepeatsCircumference = 0xC80; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flColorMapOffsetV = 0xDD8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flColorMapOffsetU = 0xF30; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flNormalMapOffsetV = 0x1088; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flNormalMapOffsetU = 0x11E0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bDrawCableCaps = 0x1338; // bool + public const nint m_flCapRoundness = 0x133C; // float32 + public const nint m_flCapOffsetAmount = 0x1340; // float32 + public const nint m_flTessScale = 0x1344; // float32 + public const nint m_nMinTesselation = 0x1348; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxTesselation = 0x134C; // int32 + public const nint m_nRoundness = 0x1350; // int32 + public const nint m_LightingTransform = 0x1358; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_MaterialFloatVars = 0x13C0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_MaterialVecVars = 0x13F0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InheritVelocity { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flVelocityScale = 0x1C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointToWaterSurface { + public const nint m_nSourceCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nDestCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nFlowCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nActiveCP = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_nActiveCPField = 0x1D0; // int32 + public const nint m_flRetestRate = 0x1D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bAdaptiveThreshold = 0x330; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_PositionOffset { + public const nint m_OffsetMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_OffsetMax = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0xE70; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_bLocalCoords = 0xED8; // bool + public const nint m_bProportional = 0xED9; // bool + public const nint m_randomnessParameters = 0xEDC; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_NormalAlignToCP { + public const nint m_transformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nControlPointAxis = 0x228; // ParticleControlPointAxis_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ShapeMatchingConstraint { + public const nint m_flShapeRestorationTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetChildControlPoints { + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nNumControlPoints = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bReverse = 0x320; // bool + public const nint m_bSetOrientation = 0x321; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ChladniWave { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_vecWaveLength = 0x720; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecHarmonics = 0xD78; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x13D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_nLocalSpaceControlPoint = 0x13D4; // int32 + public const nint m_b3D = 0x13D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapDirectionToCPToVector { + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOffsetRot = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_vecOffsetAxis = 0x1C8; // Vector + public const nint m_bNormalize = 0x1D4; // bool + public const nint m_nFieldStrength = 0x1D8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DriveCPFromGlobalSoundFloat { + public const nint m_nOutputControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_StackName = 0x1D8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_OperatorName = 0x1E0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_FieldName = 0x1E8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RtEnvCull { + public const nint m_vecTestDir = 0x1B8; // Vector + public const nint m_vecTestNormal = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_bCullOnMiss = 0x1D0; // bool + public const nint m_bStickInsteadOfCull = 0x1D1; // bool + public const nint m_RtEnvName = 0x1D2; // char[128] + public const nint m_nRTEnvCP = 0x254; // int32 + public const nint m_nComponent = 0x258; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_PinParticleToCP { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_vecOffset = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_bOffsetLocal = 0x818; // bool + public const nint m_nParticleSelection = 0x81C; // ParticleSelection_t + public const nint m_nParticleNumber = 0x820; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nPinBreakType = 0x978; // ParticlePinDistance_t + public const nint m_flBreakDistance = 0x980; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flBreakSpeed = 0xAD8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flAge = 0xC30; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nBreakControlPointNumber = 0xD88; // int32 + public const nint m_nBreakControlPointNumber2 = 0xD8C; // int32 + public const nint m_flBreakValue = 0xD90; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0xEE8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapCPtoVector { + public const nint m_nCPInput = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nLocalSpaceCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_vInputMin = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_vInputMax = 0x1D0; // Vector + public const nint m_vOutputMin = 0x1DC; // Vector + public const nint m_vOutputMax = 0x1E8; // Vector + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1F4; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x1F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInterpRate = 0x1FC; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x200; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bOffset = 0x204; // bool + public const nint m_bAccelerate = 0x205; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateParticleImpulse { + public const nint m_InputRadius = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_InputMagnitude = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nFalloffFunction = 0x470; // ParticleFalloffFunction_t + public const nint m_InputFalloffExp = 0x478; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nImpulseType = 0x5D0; // ParticleImpulseType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DensityForce { + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flForceScale = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flTargetDensity = 0x1D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateInEpitrochoid { + public const nint m_nComponent1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nComponent2 = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1C8; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_flParticleDensity = 0x230; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOffset = 0x388; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flRadius1 = 0x4E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flRadius2 = 0x638; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_bUseCount = 0x790; // bool + public const nint m_bUseLocalCoords = 0x791; // bool + public const nint m_bOffsetExistingPos = 0x792; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ConstrainDistanceToUserSpecifiedPath { + public const nint m_fMinDistance = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxDistance = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimeScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_bLoopedPath = 0x1C4; // bool + public const nint m_pointList = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointPositions { + public const nint m_bUseWorldLocation = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_bOrient = 0x1C1; // bool + public const nint m_bSetOnce = 0x1C2; // bool + public const nint m_nCP1 = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nCP2 = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nCP3 = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_nCP4 = 0x1D0; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1D4; // Vector + public const nint m_vecCP2Pos = 0x1E0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecCP3Pos = 0x1EC; // Vector + public const nint m_vecCP4Pos = 0x1F8; // Vector + public const nint m_nHeadLocation = 0x204; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetFloatAttributeToVectorExpression { + public const nint m_nExpression = 0x1B8; // VectorFloatExpressionType_t + public const nint m_vInput1 = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vInput2 = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_flOutputRemap = 0xE70; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0xFC8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0xFCC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MovementRotateParticleAroundAxis { + public const nint m_vecRotAxis = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_flRotRate = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x968; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_bLocalSpace = 0x9D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_IntraParticleForce { + public const nint m_flAttractionMinDistance = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttractionMaxDistance = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttractionMaxStrength = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flRepulsionMinDistance = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flRepulsionMaxDistance = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flRepulsionMaxStrength = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseAABB = 0x1E0; // bool + public const nint m_bThreadIt = 0x1E1; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitFloat { + public const nint m_InputValue = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x31C; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_InputStrength = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateOnModel { + public const nint m_modelInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleModelInput + public const nint m_transformInput = 0x220; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nForceInModel = 0x288; // int32 + public const nint m_bScaleToVolume = 0x28C; // bool + public const nint m_bEvenDistribution = 0x28D; // bool + public const nint m_nDesiredHitbox = 0x290; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nHitboxValueFromControlPointIndex = 0x3E8; // int32 + public const nint m_vecHitBoxScale = 0x3F0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_flBoneVelocity = 0xA48; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxBoneVelocity = 0xA4C; // float32 + public const nint m_vecDirectionBias = 0xA50; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0x10A8; // char[128] + public const nint m_bLocalCoords = 0x1128; // bool + public const nint m_bUseBones = 0x1129; // bool + public const nint m_bUseMesh = 0x112A; // bool + public const nint m_flShellSize = 0x1130; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_InheritFromPeerSystem { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nIncrement = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nGroupID = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_PerParticleForce { + public const nint m_flForceScale = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_vForce = 0x320; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_nCP = 0x978; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomNamedModelMeshGroup { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderProjected { + public const nint m_bProjectCharacter = 0x208; // bool + public const nint m_bProjectWorld = 0x209; // bool + public const nint m_bProjectWater = 0x20A; // bool + public const nint m_bFlipHorizontal = 0x20B; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableProjectedDepthControls = 0x20C; // bool + public const nint m_flMinProjectionDepth = 0x210; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxProjectionDepth = 0x214; // float32 + public const nint m_vecProjectedMaterials = 0x218; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flMaterialSelection = 0x230; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flAnimationTimeScale = 0x388; // float32 + public const nint m_bOrientToNormal = 0x38C; // bool + public const nint m_MaterialVars = 0x390; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x3A8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flAlphaScale = 0x500; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flRollScale = 0x658; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nAlpha2Field = 0x7B0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecColorScale = 0x7B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nColorBlendType = 0xE10; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MaxVelocity { + public const nint m_flMaxVelocity = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinVelocity = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_nOverrideCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOverrideCPField = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_VelocityFromNormal { + public const nint m_fSpeedMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_fSpeedMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bIgnoreDt = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MaintainEmitter { + public const nint m_nParticlesToMaintain = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x318; // float32 + public const nint m_flEmissionDuration = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flEmissionRate = 0x478; // float32 + public const nint m_nSnapshotControlPoint = 0x47C; // int32 + public const nint m_bEmitInstantaneously = 0x480; // bool + public const nint m_bFinalEmitOnStop = 0x481; // bool + public const nint m_flScale = 0x488; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_PositionOffsetToCP { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumberStart = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPointNumberEnd = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bLocalCoords = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapInitialTransformDirectionToRotation { + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flOffsetRot = 0x22C; // float32 + public const nint m_nComponent = 0x230; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_FadeAndKill { + public const nint m_flStartFadeInTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndFadeInTime = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFadeOutTime = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndFadeOutTime = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartAlpha = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndAlpha = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_bForcePreserveParticleOrder = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PARTICLE_WORLD_HANDLE__ { + public const nint unused = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ColorInterpolate { + public const nint m_ColorFade = 0x1B8; // Color + public const nint m_flFadeStartTime = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeEndTime = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bEaseInOut = 0x1D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RampScalarSpline { + public const nint m_RateMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_RateMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime_min = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime_max = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_min = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_max = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flBias = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_nField = 0x200; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bProportionalOp = 0x204; // bool + public const nint m_bEaseOut = 0x205; // bool + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapNamedModelSequenceOnceTimed { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointFromObjectScale { + public const nint m_nCPInput = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPOutput = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MaintainSequentialPath { + public const nint m_fMaxDistance = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flNumToAssign = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flCohesionStrength = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flTolerance = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bLoop = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_bUseParticleCount = 0x1C9; // bool + public const nint m_PathParams = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapNamedModelBodyPartEndCap { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_StopAfterCPDuration { + public const nint m_flDuration = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bDestroyImmediately = 0x318; // bool + public const nint m_bPlayEndCap = 0x319; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CGeneralSpin { + public const nint m_nSpinRateDegrees = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nSpinRateMinDegrees = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_fSpinRateStopTime = 0x1C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMaxVersion + // MParticleReplacementOp + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LockToSavedSequentialPath { + public const nint m_flFadeStart = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeEnd = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_bCPPairs = 0x1C4; // bool + public const nint m_PathParams = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar { + public const nint m_hModel = 0x1C0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_names = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_values = 0x1E0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1F8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1FC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x200; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bModelFromRenderer = 0x204; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ClampVector { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecOutputMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecOutputMax = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderStatusEffectCitadel { + public const nint m_pTextureColorWarp = 0x208; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureNormal = 0x210; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureMetalness = 0x218; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureRoughness = 0x220; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureSelfIllum = 0x228; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTextureDetail = 0x230; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapCPtoScalar { + public const nint m_nCPInput = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nField = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x1E0; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1E4; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_flRemapBias = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class IParticleSystemDefinition { + } + // Parent: CParticleFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + public static class CParticleCollectionFloatInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_WindForce { + public const nint m_vForce = 0x1C8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetVariable { + public const nint m_variableReference = 0x1C0; // CParticleVariableRef + public const nint m_transformInput = 0x200; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_positionOffset = 0x268; // Vector + public const nint m_rotationOffset = 0x274; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecInput = 0x280; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_floatInput = 0x8D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 29 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderStandardLight { + public const nint m_nLightType = 0x208; // ParticleLightTypeChoiceList_t + public const nint m_vecColorScale = 0x210; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nColorBlendType = 0x868; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + public const nint m_flIntensity = 0x870; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bCastShadows = 0x9C8; // bool + public const nint m_flTheta = 0x9D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flPhi = 0xB28; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flRadiusMultiplier = 0xC80; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nAttenuationStyle = 0xDD8; // StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t + public const nint m_flFalloffLinearity = 0xDE0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flFiftyPercentFalloff = 0xF38; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flZeroPercentFalloff = 0x1090; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bRenderDiffuse = 0x11E8; // bool + public const nint m_bRenderSpecular = 0x11E9; // bool + public const nint m_lightCookie = 0x11F0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nPriority = 0x11F8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFogLightingMode = 0x11FC; // ParticleLightFogLightingMode_t + public const nint m_flFogContribution = 0x1200; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_nCapsuleLightBehavior = 0x1358; // ParticleLightBehaviorChoiceList_t + public const nint m_flCapsuleLength = 0x135C; // float32 + public const nint m_bReverseOrder = 0x1360; // bool + public const nint m_bClosedLoop = 0x1361; // bool + public const nint m_nPrevPntSource = 0x1364; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flMaxLength = 0x1368; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinLength = 0x136C; // float32 + public const nint m_bIgnoreDT = 0x1370; // bool + public const nint m_flConstrainRadiusToLengthRatio = 0x1374; // float32 + public const nint m_flLengthScale = 0x1378; // float32 + public const nint m_flLengthFadeInTime = 0x137C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_DistanceToTransform { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_TransformStart = 0x720; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_bLOS = 0x788; // bool + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x789; // char[128] + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x80C; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x810; // float32 + public const nint m_flLOSScale = 0x814; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x818; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x81C; // bool + public const nint m_bAdditive = 0x81D; // bool + public const nint m_vecComponentScale = 0x820; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapControlPointOrientationToRotation { + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flOffsetRot = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_nComponent = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointToCenter { + public const nint m_nCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_nSetParent = 0x1D0; // ParticleParentSetMode_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapAverageScalarValuetoCP { + public const nint m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutVectorField = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nField = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapDotProductToScalar { + public const nint m_nInputCP1 = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nInputCP2 = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseParticleVelocity = 0x1D4; // bool + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1D8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x1DC; // bool + public const nint m_bUseParticleNormal = 0x1DD; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapCPtoCP { + public const nint m_nInputControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputControlPoint = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nInputField = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_bDerivative = 0x1E0; // bool + public const nint m_flInterpRate = 0x1E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointRotation { + public const nint m_vecRotAxis = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_flRotRate = 0x818; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nCP = 0x970; // int32 + public const nint m_nLocalCP = 0x974; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_CurlNoiseForce { + public const nint m_nNoiseType = 0x1C8; // ParticleDirectionNoiseType_t + public const nint m_vecNoiseFreq = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecNoiseScale = 0x828; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecOffset = 0xE80; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecOffsetRate = 0x14D8; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_flWorleySeed = 0x1B30; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flWorleyJitter = 0x1C88; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_Orient2DRelToCP { + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flRotOffset = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetSimulationRate { + public const nint m_flSimulationScale = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_FadeIn { + public const nint m_flFadeInTimeMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeInTimeMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeInTimeExp = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_bProportional = 0x1C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderScreenShake { + public const nint m_flDurationScale = 0x208; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x20C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrequencyScale = 0x210; // float32 + public const nint m_flAmplitudeScale = 0x214; // float32 + public const nint m_nRadiusField = 0x218; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nDurationField = 0x21C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFrequencyField = 0x220; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nAmplitudeField = 0x224; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFilterCP = 0x228; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapBoundingVolumetoCP { + public const nint m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_HSVShiftToCP { + public const nint m_nColorCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nColorGemEnableCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_DefaultHSVColor = 0x1CC; // Color + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_GlobalScale { + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_nScaleControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_bScaleRadius = 0x1CC; // bool + public const nint m_bScalePosition = 0x1CD; // bool + public const nint m_bScaleVelocity = 0x1CE; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RadiusFromCPObject { + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitialVelocityFromHitbox { + public const nint m_flVelocityMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flVelocityMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0x1CC; // char[128] + public const nint m_bUseBones = 0x24C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LerpVector { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecOutput = 0x1BC; // Vector + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointFieldToWater { + public const nint m_nSourceCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nDestCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPField = 0x1C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class TextureGroup_t { + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x0; // bool + public const nint m_bReplaceTextureWithGradient = 0x1; // bool + public const nint m_hTexture = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Gradient = 0x10; // CColorGradient + public const nint m_nTextureType = 0x28; // SpriteCardTextureType_t + public const nint m_nTextureChannels = 0x2C; // SpriteCardTextureChannel_t + public const nint m_nTextureBlendMode = 0x30; // ParticleTextureLayerBlendType_t + public const nint m_flTextureBlend = 0x38; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_TextureControls = 0x190; // TextureControls_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_TimeVaryingForce { + public const nint m_flStartLerpTime = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_StartingForce = 0x1CC; // Vector + public const nint m_flEndLerpTime = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_EndingForce = 0x1DC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetCPOrientationToGroundNormal { + public const nint m_flInterpRate = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flTolerance = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flTraceOffset = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x1C8; // char[128] + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x248; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_nInputCP = 0x24C; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputCP = 0x250; // int32 + public const nint m_bIncludeWater = 0x260; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SnapshotSkinToBones { + public const nint m_bTransformNormals = 0x1B8; // bool + public const nint m_bTransformRadii = 0x1B9; // bool + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_flLifeTimeFadeStart = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flLifeTimeFadeEnd = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flJumpThreshold = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flPrevPosScale = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateWithinSphereTransform { + public const nint m_fRadiusMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_fRadiusMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_vecDistanceBias = 0x470; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecDistanceBiasAbs = 0xAC8; // Vector + public const nint m_TransformInput = 0xAD8; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_fSpeedMin = 0xB40; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_fSpeedMax = 0xC98; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_fSpeedRandExp = 0xDF0; // float32 + public const nint m_bLocalCoords = 0xDF4; // bool + public const nint m_flEndCPGrowthTime = 0xDF8; // float32 + public const nint m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMin = 0xE00; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMax = 0x1458; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1AB0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldVelocity = 0x1AB4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RadiusDecay { + public const nint m_flMinRadius = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelBodyPartToScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapScalarToVector { + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_vecOutputMin = 0x1D0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOutputMax = 0x1DC; // Vector + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x1EC; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1F0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1F4; // int32 + public const nint m_bLocalCoords = 0x1F8; // bool + public const nint m_flRemapBias = 0x1FC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitialSequenceFromModel { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutputAnim = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1DC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_NoiseEmitter { + public const nint m_flEmissionDuration = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flEmissionScale = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_nScaleControlPoint = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_nScaleControlPointField = 0x1D0; // int32 + public const nint m_nWorldNoisePoint = 0x1D4; // int32 + public const nint m_bAbsVal = 0x1D8; // bool + public const nint m_bAbsValInv = 0x1D9; // bool + public const nint m_flOffset = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseScale = 0x1E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flWorldNoiseScale = 0x1EC; // float32 + public const nint m_vecOffsetLoc = 0x1F0; // Vector + public const nint m_flWorldTimeScale = 0x1FC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleFunctionInitializer { + public const nint m_nAssociatedEmitterIndex = 0x1B8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SelectivelyEnableChildren { + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nFirstChild = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nNumChildrenToEnable = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bPlayEndcapOnStop = 0x5C8; // bool + public const nint m_bDestroyImmediately = 0x5C9; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ModelReference_t { + public const nint m_model = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flRelativeProbabilityOfSpawn = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_PlanarConstraint { + public const nint m_PointOnPlane = 0x1B8; // Vector + public const nint m_PlaneNormal = 0x1C4; // Vector + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1D0; // int32 + public const nint m_bGlobalOrigin = 0x1D4; // bool + public const nint m_bGlobalNormal = 0x1D5; // bool + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaximumDistanceToCP = 0x330; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bUseOldCode = 0x488; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateFromCPs { + public const nint m_nIncrement = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nMinCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nDynamicCPCount = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LockPoints { + public const nint m_nMinCol = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxCol = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nMinRow = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxRow = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_flBlendValue = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_CreateSpiralSphere { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOverrideCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nDensity = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_flInitialRadius = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInitialSpeedMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInitialSpeedMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseParticleCount = 0x1D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_CPVelocityForce { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap { + public const nint m_hModel = 0x1B8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_inNames = 0x1C0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_outNames = 0x1D8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_fallbackNames = 0x1F0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bModelFromRenderer = 0x208; // bool + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x210; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_ScaleVelocity { + public const nint m_vecScale = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MoveToHitbox { + public const nint m_modelInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleModelInput + public const nint m_transformInput = 0x218; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_flLifeTimeLerpStart = 0x284; // float32 + public const nint m_flLifeTimeLerpEnd = 0x288; // float32 + public const nint m_flPrevPosScale = 0x28C; // float32 + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0x290; // char[128] + public const nint m_bUseBones = 0x310; // bool + public const nint m_nLerpType = 0x314; // HitboxLerpType_t + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 46 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + public static class CParticleFloatInput { + public const nint m_nType = 0x10; // ParticleFloatType_t + public const nint m_nMapType = 0x14; // ParticleFloatMapType_t + public const nint m_flLiteralValue = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_NamedValue = 0x20; // CParticleNamedValueRef + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_nScalarAttribute = 0x64; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nVectorAttribute = 0x68; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nVectorComponent = 0x6C; // int32 + public const nint m_flRandomMin = 0x70; // float32 + public const nint m_flRandomMax = 0x74; // float32 + public const nint m_bHasRandomSignFlip = 0x78; // bool + public const nint m_nRandomSeed = 0x7C; // int32 + public const nint m_nRandomMode = 0x80; // ParticleFloatRandomMode_t + public const nint m_flLOD0 = 0x88; // float32 + public const nint m_flLOD1 = 0x8C; // float32 + public const nint m_flLOD2 = 0x90; // float32 + public const nint m_flLOD3 = 0x94; // float32 + public const nint m_nNoiseInputVectorAttribute = 0x98; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flNoiseOutputMin = 0x9C; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseOutputMax = 0xA0; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseScale = 0xA4; // float32 + public const nint m_vecNoiseOffsetRate = 0xA8; // Vector + public const nint m_flNoiseOffset = 0xB4; // float32 + public const nint m_nNoiseOctaves = 0xB8; // int32 + public const nint m_nNoiseTurbulence = 0xBC; // PFNoiseTurbulence_t + public const nint m_nNoiseType = 0xC0; // PFNoiseType_t + public const nint m_nNoiseModifier = 0xC4; // PFNoiseModifier_t + public const nint m_flNoiseTurbulenceScale = 0xC8; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseTurbulenceMix = 0xCC; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoiseImgPreviewScale = 0xD0; // float32 + public const nint m_bNoiseImgPreviewLive = 0xD4; // bool + public const nint m_flNoCameraFallback = 0xE0; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseBoundsCenter = 0xE4; // bool + public const nint m_nInputMode = 0xE8; // ParticleFloatInputMode_t + public const nint m_flMultFactor = 0xEC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInput0 = 0xF0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInput1 = 0xF4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutput0 = 0xF8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutput1 = 0xFC; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotchedRangeMin = 0x100; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotchedRangeMax = 0x104; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotchedOutputOutside = 0x108; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotchedOutputInside = 0x10C; // float32 + public const nint m_nBiasType = 0x110; // ParticleFloatBiasType_t + public const nint m_flBiasParameter = 0x114; // float32 + public const nint m_Curve = 0x118; // CPiecewiseCurve + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_PointList { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_pointList = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bPlaceAlongPath = 0x1E0; // bool + public const nint m_bClosedLoop = 0x1E1; // bool + public const nint m_nNumPointsAlongPath = 0x1E4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LerpToOtherAttribute { + public const nint m_flInterpolation = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nFieldInputFrom = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x314; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RandomColor { + public const nint m_ColorMin = 0x1DC; // Color + public const nint m_ColorMax = 0x1E0; // Color + public const nint m_TintMin = 0x1E4; // Color + public const nint m_TintMax = 0x1E8; // Color + public const nint m_flTintPerc = 0x1EC; // float32 + public const nint m_flUpdateThreshold = 0x1F0; // float32 + public const nint m_nTintCP = 0x1F4; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1F8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nTintBlendMode = 0x1FC; // ParticleColorBlendMode_t + public const nint m_flLightAmplification = 0x200; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetGravityToCP { + public const nint m_nCPInput = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPOutput = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bSetOrientation = 0x320; // bool + public const nint m_bSetZDown = 0x321; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nInputMin = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nInputMax = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nScaleControlPoint = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_nScaleControlPointField = 0x1D0; // int32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1DC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x1E0; // bool + public const nint m_bInvert = 0x1E1; // bool + public const nint m_bWrap = 0x1E2; // bool + public const nint m_flRemapBias = 0x1E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InheritFromParentParticles { + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nIncrement = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_bRandomDistribution = 0x1CC; // bool + public const nint m_nRandomSeed = 0x1D0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RampScalarLinearSimple { + public const nint m_Rate = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_nField = 0x1F0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_ChaoticAttractor { + public const nint m_flAParm = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flBParm = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flCParm = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDParm = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpeedMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpeedMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_nBaseCP = 0x1DC; // int32 + public const nint m_bUniformSpeed = 0x1E0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_MovementRigidAttachToCP { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nScaleControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nScaleCPField = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bOffsetLocal = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderFlattenGrass { + public const nint m_flFlattenStrength = 0x208; // float32 + public const nint m_nStrengthFieldOverride = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x210; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderLightBeam { + public const nint m_vColorBlend = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nColorBlendType = 0x860; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + public const nint m_flBrightnessLumensPerMeter = 0x868; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bCastShadows = 0x9C0; // bool + public const nint m_flSkirt = 0x9C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flRange = 0xB20; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flThickness = 0xC78; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_EnableChildrenFromParentParticleCount { + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFirstChild = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nNumChildrenToEnable = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bDisableChildren = 0x320; // bool + public const nint m_bPlayEndcapOnStop = 0x321; // bool + public const nint m_bDestroyImmediately = 0x322; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_DistanceToCPInit { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x478; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x5D0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nStartCP = 0x728; // int32 + public const nint m_bLOS = 0x72C; // bool + public const nint m_CollisionGroupName = 0x72D; // char[128] + public const nint m_nTraceSet = 0x7B0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + public const nint m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x7B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flLOSScale = 0x910; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x914; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x918; // bool + public const nint m_vecDistanceScale = 0x91C; // Vector + public const nint m_flRemapBias = 0x928; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CReplicationParameters { + public const nint m_nReplicationMode = 0x0; // ParticleReplicationMode_t + public const nint m_bScaleChildParticleRadii = 0x4; // bool + public const nint m_flMinRandomRadiusScale = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxRandomRadiusScale = 0x160; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_vMinRandomDisplacement = 0x2B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_vMaxRandomDisplacement = 0x910; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_flModellingScale = 0xF68; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_EndCapDecay { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ForceBasedOnDistanceToPlane { + public const nint m_flMinDist = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_vecForceAtMinDist = 0x1CC; // Vector + public const nint m_flMaxDist = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_vecForceAtMaxDist = 0x1DC; // Vector + public const nint m_vecPlaneNormal = 0x1E8; // Vector + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1F4; // int32 + public const nint m_flExponent = 0x1F8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapDensityToVector { + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flDensityMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDensityMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_vecOutputMin = 0x1C8; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOutputMax = 0x1D4; // Vector + public const nint m_bUseParentDensity = 0x1E0; // bool + public const nint m_nVoxelGridResolution = 0x1E4; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ParticleControlPointConfiguration_t { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_drivers = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_previewState = 0x20; // ParticlePreviewState_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_SetRigidAttachment { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFieldInput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bLocalSpace = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialVariable_t { + public const nint m_strVariable = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nVariableField = 0x8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flScale = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleFunctionConstraint { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapSpeed { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1CC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bIgnoreDelta = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 54 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderModels { + public const nint m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass = 0x208; // bool + public const nint m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass = 0x209; // bool + public const nint m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering = 0x20A; // bool + public const nint m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay = 0x20B; // bool + public const nint m_ModelList = 0x210; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nBodyGroupField = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSubModelField = 0x22C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bIgnoreNormal = 0x230; // bool + public const nint m_bOrientZ = 0x231; // bool + public const nint m_bCenterOffset = 0x232; // bool + public const nint m_vecLocalOffset = 0x238; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecLocalRotation = 0x890; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_bIgnoreRadius = 0xEE8; // bool + public const nint m_nModelScaleCP = 0xEEC; // int32 + public const nint m_vecComponentScale = 0xEF0; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_bLocalScale = 0x1548; // bool + public const nint m_nSizeCullBloat = 0x154C; // int32 + public const nint m_bAnimated = 0x1550; // bool + public const nint m_flAnimationRate = 0x1558; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_bScaleAnimationRate = 0x16B0; // bool + public const nint m_bForceLoopingAnimation = 0x16B1; // bool + public const nint m_bResetAnimOnStop = 0x16B2; // bool + public const nint m_bManualAnimFrame = 0x16B3; // bool + public const nint m_nAnimationScaleField = 0x16B4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nAnimationField = 0x16B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nManualFrameField = 0x16BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_ActivityName = 0x16C0; // char[256] + public const nint m_SequenceName = 0x17C0; // char[256] + public const nint m_bEnableClothSimulation = 0x18C0; // bool + public const nint m_ClothEffectName = 0x18C1; // char[64] + public const nint m_hOverrideMaterial = 0x1908; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_bOverrideTranslucentMaterials = 0x1910; // bool + public const nint m_nSkin = 0x1918; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_MaterialVars = 0x1A70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flManualModelSelection = 0x1A88; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_modelInput = 0x1BE0; // CParticleModelInput + public const nint m_nLOD = 0x1C40; // int32 + public const nint m_EconSlotName = 0x1C44; // char[256] + public const nint m_bOriginalModel = 0x1D44; // bool + public const nint m_bSuppressTint = 0x1D45; // bool + public const nint m_nSubModelFieldType = 0x1D48; // RenderModelSubModelFieldType_t + public const nint m_bDisableShadows = 0x1D4C; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableDepthPrepass = 0x1D4D; // bool + public const nint m_bAcceptsDecals = 0x1D4E; // bool + public const nint m_bForceDrawInterlevedWithSiblings = 0x1D4F; // bool + public const nint m_bDoNotDrawInParticlePass = 0x1D50; // bool + public const nint m_bAllowApproximateTransforms = 0x1D51; // bool + public const nint m_szRenderAttribute = 0x1D52; // char[260] + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0x1E58; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flAlphaScale = 0x1FB0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flRollScale = 0x2108; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nAlpha2Field = 0x2260; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecColorScale = 0x2268; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nColorBlendType = 0x28C0; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CParticleFunctionEmitter { + public const nint m_nEmitterIndex = 0x1B8; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupToScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointOrientationToCPVelocity { + public const nint m_nCPInput = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPOutput = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RopeSpringConstraint { + public const nint m_flRestLength = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flMinDistance = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxDistance = 0x468; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flAdjustmentScale = 0x5C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInitialRestingLength = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_PositionWarpScalar { + public const nint m_vecWarpMin = 0x1C0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecWarpMax = 0x1CC; // Vector + public const nint m_InputValue = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flPrevPosScale = 0x330; // float32 + public const nint m_nScaleControlPointNumber = 0x334; // int32 + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x338; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ForceControlPointStub { + public const nint m_ControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_VectorNoise { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecOutputMin = 0x1BC; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOutputMax = 0x1C8; // Vector + public const nint m_fl4NoiseScale = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_bAdditive = 0x1D8; // bool + public const nint m_bOffset = 0x1D9; // bool + public const nint m_flNoiseAnimationTimeScale = 0x1DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class IParticleCollection { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapParticleCountToScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nInputMin = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nInputMax = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x720; // bool + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x724; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_QuantizeFloat { + public const nint m_InputValue = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RemapModelVolumetoCP { + public const nint m_nBBoxType = 0x1C0; // BBoxVolumeType_t + public const nint m_nInControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutControlPointMaxNumber = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_nField = 0x1D0; // int32 + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMin = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputMax = 0x1E0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetToCP { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_vecOffset = 0x1BC; // Vector + public const nint m_bOffsetLocal = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ParticleControlPointDriver_t { + public const nint m_iControlPoint = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_iAttachType = 0x4; // ParticleAttachment_t + public const nint m_attachmentName = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_vecOffset = 0x10; // Vector + public const nint m_angOffset = 0x1C; // QAngle + public const nint m_entityName = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ParentVortices { + public const nint m_flForceScale = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_vecTwistAxis = 0x1CC; // Vector + public const nint m_bFlipBasedOnYaw = 0x1D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetControlPointToCPVelocity { + public const nint m_nCPInput = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPOutputVel = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bNormalize = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_nCPOutputMag = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPField = 0x1D0; // int32 + public const nint m_vecComparisonVelocity = 0x1D8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ClientPhysics { + public const nint m_strPhysicsType = 0x208; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bKillParticles = 0x210; // bool + public const nint m_bDeleteSim = 0x211; // bool + public const nint m_nControlPoint = 0x214; // int32 + public const nint m_nColorBlendType = 0x218; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: CGeneralSpin + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SpinYaw { + } + // Parent: PointDefinition_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PointDefinitionWithTimeValues_t { + public const nint m_flTimeDuration = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RenderProjectedMaterial_t { + public const nint m_hMaterial = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_ExternalWindForce { + public const nint m_vecSamplePosition = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_vecScale = 0x820; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_bSampleWind = 0xE78; // bool + public const nint m_bSampleWater = 0xE79; // bool + public const nint m_bDampenNearWaterPlane = 0xE7A; // bool + public const nint m_bSampleGravity = 0xE7B; // bool + public const nint m_vecGravityForce = 0xE80; // CPerParticleVecInput + public const nint m_bUseBasicMovementGravity = 0x14D8; // bool + public const nint m_flLocalGravityScale = 0x14E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flLocalBuoyancyScale = 0x1638; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_vecBuoyancyForce = 0x1790; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_ModelCull { + public const nint m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_bBoundBox = 0x1C4; // bool + public const nint m_bCullOutside = 0x1C5; // bool + public const nint m_bUseBones = 0x1C6; // bool + public const nint m_HitboxSetName = 0x1C7; // char[128] + } + // Parent: CBaseRendererSource2 + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderSprites { + public const nint m_nSequenceOverride = 0x2718; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_nOrientationType = 0x2870; // ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t + public const nint m_nOrientationControlPoint = 0x2874; // int32 + public const nint m_bUseYawWithNormalAligned = 0x2878; // bool + public const nint m_flMinSize = 0x2880; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flMaxSize = 0x29D8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flAlphaAdjustWithSizeAdjust = 0x2B30; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flStartFadeSize = 0x2C88; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flEndFadeSize = 0x2DE0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flStartFadeDot = 0x2F38; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndFadeDot = 0x2F3C; // float32 + public const nint m_bDistanceAlpha = 0x2F40; // bool + public const nint m_bSoftEdges = 0x2F41; // bool + public const nint m_flEdgeSoftnessStart = 0x2F44; // float32 + public const nint m_flEdgeSoftnessEnd = 0x2F48; // float32 + public const nint m_bOutline = 0x2F4C; // bool + public const nint m_OutlineColor = 0x2F4D; // Color + public const nint m_nOutlineAlpha = 0x2F54; // int32 + public const nint m_flOutlineStart0 = 0x2F58; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutlineStart1 = 0x2F5C; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutlineEnd0 = 0x2F60; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutlineEnd1 = 0x2F64; // float32 + public const nint m_nLightingMode = 0x2F68; // ParticleLightingQuality_t + public const nint m_flLightingTessellation = 0x2F70; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_flLightingDirectionality = 0x30C8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + public const nint m_bParticleShadows = 0x3220; // bool + public const nint m_flShadowDensity = 0x3224; // float32 + public const nint m_replicationParameters = 0x3228; // CReplicationParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransformLerpCPs { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_TransformStart = 0x1C8; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_TransformEnd = 0x230; // CParticleTransformInput + public const nint m_nOutputStartCP = 0x298; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputStartField = 0x29C; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputEndCP = 0x2A0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOutputEndField = 0x2A4; // int32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x2A8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + public const nint m_bActiveRange = 0x2AC; // bool + public const nint m_bRadialCheck = 0x2AD; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetPerChildControlPoint { + public const nint m_nChildGroupID = 0x1B8; // int32 + public const nint m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + public const nint m_nNumControlPoints = 0x1C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nParticleIncrement = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_bSetOrientation = 0x478; // bool + public const nint m_nOrientationField = 0x47C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bNumBasedOnParticleCount = 0x480; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderTreeShake { + public const nint m_flPeakStrength = 0x208; // float32 + public const nint m_nPeakStrengthFieldOverride = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x210; // float32 + public const nint m_nRadiusFieldOverride = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flShakeDuration = 0x218; // float32 + public const nint m_flTransitionTime = 0x21C; // float32 + public const nint m_flTwistAmount = 0x220; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadialAmount = 0x224; // float32 + public const nint m_flControlPointOrientationAmount = 0x228; // float32 + public const nint m_nControlPointForLinearDirection = 0x22C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_WorldCollideConstraint { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_SetAttributeToScalarExpression { + public const nint m_nExpression = 0x1B8; // ScalarExpressionType_t + public const nint m_flInput1 = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flInput2 = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_flOutputRemap = 0x470; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x5C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x5CC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_CycleScalar { + public const nint m_nDestField = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flStartValue = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndValue = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flCycleTime = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bDoNotRepeatCycle = 0x1C8; // bool + public const nint m_bSynchronizeParticles = 0x1C9; // bool + public const nint m_nCPScale = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPFieldMin = 0x1D0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCPFieldMax = 0x1D4; // int32 + public const nint m_nSetMethod = 0x1D8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RenderMaterialProxy { + public const nint m_nMaterialControlPoint = 0x208; // int32 + public const nint m_nProxyType = 0x20C; // MaterialProxyType_t + public const nint m_MaterialVars = 0x210; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hOverrideMaterial = 0x228; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flMaterialOverrideEnabled = 0x230; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + public const nint m_vecColorScale = 0x388; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_flAlpha = 0x9E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + public const nint m_nColorBlendType = 0xB38; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FloatInputMaterialVariable_t { + public const nint m_strVariable = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flInput = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleCollectionVecInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + public static class CParticleCollectionRendererVecInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RampScalarLinear { + public const nint m_RateMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_RateMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime_min = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime_max = 0x1C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_min = 0x1C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime_max = 0x1CC; // float32 + public const nint m_nField = 0x1F0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_bProportionalOp = 0x1F4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_RotateVector { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_vecRotAxisMin = 0x1BC; // Vector + public const nint m_vecRotAxisMax = 0x1C8; // Vector + public const nint m_flRotRateMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flRotRateMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_bNormalize = 0x1DC; // bool + public const nint m_flScale = 0x1E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_InitVecCollection { + public const nint m_InputValue = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + public const nint m_nOutputField = 0x818; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelMeshGroupScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_INIT_SequenceFromCP { + public const nint m_bKillUnused = 0x1C0; // bool + public const nint m_bRadiusScale = 0x1C1; // bool + public const nint m_nCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_vecOffset = 0x1C8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_CPOffsetToPercentageBetweenCPs { + public const nint m_flInputMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputBias = 0x1C0; // float32 + public const nint m_nStartCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nEndCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nOffsetCP = 0x1CC; // int32 + public const nint m_nOuputCP = 0x1D0; // int32 + public const nint m_nInputCP = 0x1D4; // int32 + public const nint m_bRadialCheck = 0x1D8; // bool + public const nint m_bScaleOffset = 0x1D9; // bool + public const nint m_vecOffset = 0x1DC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class C_OP_LerpEndCapScalar { + public const nint m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + public const nint m_flOutput = 0x1BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flLerpTime = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CParticleProperty { + } + } +} diff --git a/output/particles.dll.hpp b/output/particles.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c49a263 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/particles.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,6619 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: particles.dll + // Classes count: 445 + // Enums count: 76 + namespace particles_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class ParticleSetMethod_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_SET_REPLACE_VALUE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SET_SCALE_INITIAL_VALUE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_SET_ADD_TO_INITIAL_VALUE = 0x2, + PARTICLE_SET_RAMP_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x3, + PARTICLE_SET_SCALE_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x4, + PARTICLE_SET_ADD_TO_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class Detail2Combo_t : uint32_t { + DETAIL_2_COMBO_UNINITIALIZED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_OFF = 0x0, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_ADD = 0x1, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_ADD_SELF_ILLUM = 0x2, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_MOD2X = 0x3, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_MUL = 0x4, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_CROSSFADE = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class MissingParentInheritBehavior_t : uint32_t { + MISSING_PARENT_DO_NOTHING = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + MISSING_PARENT_KILL = 0x0, + MISSING_PARENT_FIND_NEW = 0x1, + MISSING_PARENT_SAME_INDEX = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class ParticleFloatBiasType_t : uint32_t { + PF_BIAS_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_STANDARD = 0x0, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_GAIN = 0x1, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL = 0x2, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_KILL = 0x1, + PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_TRACE_END = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class PFuncVisualizationType_t : uint32_t { + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_SPHERE_WIREFRAME = 0x0, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_SPHERE_SOLID = 0x1, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_BOX = 0x2, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_RING = 0x3, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_PLANE = 0x4, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_LINE = 0x5, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_CYLINDER = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ParticleVRHandChoiceList_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_VRHAND_LEFT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_VRHAND_RIGHT = 0x1, + PARTICLE_VRHAND_CP = 0x2, + PARTICLE_VRHAND_CP_OBJECT = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ParticleReplicationMode_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_REPLICATIONMODE_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_REPLICATIONMODE_REPLICATE_FOR_EACH_PARENT_PARTICLE = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class PetGroundType_t : uint32_t { + PET_GROUND_NONE = 0x0, + PET_GROUND_GRID = 0x1, + PET_GROUND_PLANE = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class InheritableBoolType_t : uint32_t { + INHERITABLE_BOOL_INHERIT = 0x0, + INHERITABLE_BOOL_FALSE = 0x1, + INHERITABLE_BOOL_TRUE = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 24 + enum class ParticleFloatType_t : uint32_t { + PF_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PF_TYPE_LITERAL = 0x0, + PF_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x1, + PF_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM = 0x2, + PF_TYPE_RANDOM_BIASED = 0x3, + PF_TYPE_COLLECTION_AGE = 0x4, + PF_TYPE_ENDCAP_AGE = 0x5, + PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_COMPONENT = 0x6, + PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_CHANGE_AGE = 0x7, + PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_SPEED = 0x8, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_DETAIL_LEVEL = 0x9, + PF_TYPE_CONCURRENT_DEF_COUNT = 0xA, + PF_TYPE_CLOSEST_CAMERA_DISTANCE = 0xB, + PF_TYPE_RENDERER_CAMERA_DISTANCE = 0xC, + PF_TYPE_RENDERER_CAMERA_DOT_PRODUCT = 0xD, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NOISE = 0xE, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_AGE = 0xF, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_AGE_NORMALIZED = 0x10, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_FLOAT = 0x11, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_VECTOR_COMPONENT = 0x12, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_SPEED = 0x13, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NUMBER = 0x14, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NUMBER_NORMALIZED = 0x15, + PF_TYPE_COUNT = 0x16 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class ParticlePostProcessPriorityGroup_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_LEVEL_VOLUME = 0x0, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_LEVEL_OVERRIDE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_EFFECT = 0x2, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_STATE_LOW = 0x3, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_STATE_HIGH = 0x4, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GLOBAL_UI = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class PFNoiseTurbulence_t : uint32_t { + PF_NOISE_TURB_NONE = 0x0, + PF_NOISE_TURB_HIGHLIGHT = 0x1, + PF_NOISE_TURB_FEEDBACK = 0x2, + PF_NOISE_TURB_LOOPY = 0x3, + PF_NOISE_TURB_CONTRAST = 0x4, + PF_NOISE_TURB_ALTERNATE = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class ParticleColorBlendMode_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLEBLEND_DEFAULT = 0x0, + PARTICLEBLEND_OVERLAY = 0x1, + PARTICLEBLEND_DARKEN = 0x2, + PARTICLEBLEND_LIGHTEN = 0x3, + PARTICLEBLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + enum class ParticleColorBlendType_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x0, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MULTIPLY2X = 0x1, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_DIVIDE = 0x2, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_SUBTRACT = 0x4, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MOD2X = 0x5, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_SCREEN = 0x6, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MAX = 0x7, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MIN = 0x8, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_REPLACE = 0x9, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_AVERAGE = 0xA, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_NEGATE = 0xB, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_LUMINANCE = 0xC + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class DetailCombo_t : uint32_t { + DETAIL_COMBO_OFF = 0x0, + DETAIL_COMBO_ADD = 0x1, + DETAIL_COMBO_ADD_SELF_ILLUM = 0x2, + DETAIL_COMBO_MOD2X = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + enum class ScalarExpressionType_t : uint32_t { + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_ADD = 0x0, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT = 0x1, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MUL = 0x2, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE = 0x3, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1 = 0x4, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MIN = 0x5, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MAX = 0x6, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MOD = 0x7 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 14 + enum class SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t : uint32_t { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NONE = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PARTICLE_AGE = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_ANIMATION_FRAME = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_EXTRA_DATA1 = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_EXTRA_DATA2 = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PARTICLE_ALPHA = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_RADIUS = 0x6, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_ROLL = 0x7, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_YAW = 0x8, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PITCH = 0x9, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_RANDOM = 0xA, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NEG_RANDOM = 0xB, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_RANDOM_TIME = 0xC, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NEG_RANDOM_TIME = 0xD + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class BlurFilterType_t : uint32_t { + BLURFILTER_GAUSSIAN = 0x0, + BLURFILTER_BOX = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t : uint32_t { + LIGHT_STYLE_OLD = 0x0, + LIGHT_STYLE_NEW = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleParentSetMode_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_NO = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_IMMEDIATE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_ROOT = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class ParticleModelType_t : uint32_t { + PM_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, + PM_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE_MODEL = 0x1, + PM_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE_EHANDLE = 0x2, + PM_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT = 0x3, + PM_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleLightingQuality_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_PARTICLE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_VERTEX = 0x1, + PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_PIXEL = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class PFNoiseType_t : uint32_t { + PF_NOISE_TYPE_PERLIN = 0x0, + PF_NOISE_TYPE_SIMPLEX = 0x1, + PF_NOISE_TYPE_WORLEY = 0x2, + PF_NOISE_TYPE_CURL = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 11 + enum class EventTypeSelection_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_SPAWNED = 0x1, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_KILLED = 0x2, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_COLLISION = 0x4, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_FIRST_COLLISION = 0x8, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_COLLISION_STOPPED = 0x10, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_KILLED_ON_COLLISION = 0x20, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_1 = 0x40, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_2 = 0x80, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_3 = 0x100, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_4 = 0x200 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ParticleMassMode_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_MASSMODE_RADIUS_CUBED = 0x0, + PARTICLE_MASSMODE_RADIUS_SQUARED = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleDirectionNoiseType_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_PERLIN = 0x0, + PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_CURL = 0x1, + PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_WORLEY_BASIC = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ParticleHitboxBiasType_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_HITBOX_BIAS_ENTITY = 0x0, + PARTICLE_HITBOX_BIAS_HITBOX = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class ParticleControlPointAxis_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_X = 0x0, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_Y = 0x1, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_Z = 0x2, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_X = 0x3, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Y = 0x4, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Z = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 12 + enum class ParticlePinDistance_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_NONE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_NEIGHBOR = 0x0, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_FARTHEST = 0x1, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_FIRST = 0x2, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_LAST = 0x3, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CENTER = 0x5, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP = 0x6, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP_PAIR_EITHER = 0x7, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP_PAIR_BOTH = 0x8, + PARTICLE_PIN_SPEED = 0x9, + PARTICLE_PIN_COLLECTION_AGE = 0xA, + PARTICLE_PIN_FLOAT_VALUE = 0xB + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class VectorFloatExpressionType_t : uint32_t { + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DOTPRODUCT = 0x0, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCE = 0x1, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCESQR = 0x2, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTH = 0x3, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTHSQR = 0x4, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_NOISE = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleFogType_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_FOG_GAME_DEFAULT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_FOG_ENABLED = 0x1, + PARTICLE_FOG_DISABLED = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + enum class VectorExpressionType_t : uint32_t { + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_ADD = 0x0, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT = 0x1, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MUL = 0x2, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE = 0x3, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1 = 0x4, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MIN = 0x5, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MAX = 0x6, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_CROSSPRODUCT = 0x7 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleRotationLockType_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_ROTATIONS = 0x1, + PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_NORMAL = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class HitboxLerpType_t : uint32_t { + HITBOX_LERP_LIFETIME = 0x0, + HITBOX_LERP_CONSTANT = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class AnimationType_t : uint32_t { + ANIMATION_TYPE_FIXED_RATE = 0x0, + ANIMATION_TYPE_FIT_LIFETIME = 0x1, + ANIMATION_TYPE_MANUAL_FRAMES = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ParticleAttrBoxFlags_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_ATTR_BOX_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ATTR_BOX_FLAGS_WATER = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class ParticleTopology_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_POINTS = 0x0, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_LINES = 0x1, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_TRIS = 0x2, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_QUADS = 0x3, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_CUBES = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleLightBehaviorChoiceList_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ModelHitboxType_t : uint32_t { + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_STANDARD = 0x0, + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_RAW_BONES = 0x1, + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_RENDERBOUNDS = 0x2, + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_SNAPSHOT = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + enum class ParticleFloatMapType_t : uint32_t { + PF_MAP_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PF_MAP_TYPE_DIRECT = 0x0, + PF_MAP_TYPE_MULT = 0x1, + PF_MAP_TYPE_REMAP = 0x2, + PF_MAP_TYPE_REMAP_BIASED = 0x3, + PF_MAP_TYPE_CURVE = 0x4, + PF_MAP_TYPE_NOTCHED = 0x5, + PF_MAP_TYPE_COUNT = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ParticleTraceSet_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_ALL = 0x0, + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC = 0x1, + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC_AND_KEYFRAMED = 0x2, + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_DYNAMIC = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class ParticleTextureLayerBlendType_t : uint32_t { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_MOD2X = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_REPLACE = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_SUBTRACT = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_AVERAGE = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_LUMINANCE = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleSelection_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_SELECTION_FIRST = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SELECTION_LAST = 0x1, + PARTICLE_SELECTION_NUMBER = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ParticleFloatInputMode_t : uint32_t { + PF_INPUT_MODE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PF_INPUT_MODE_CLAMPED = 0x0, + PF_INPUT_MODE_LOOPED = 0x1, + PF_INPUT_MODE_COUNT = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class SnapshotIndexType_t : uint32_t { + SNAPSHOT_INDEX_INCREMENT = 0x0, + SNAPSHOT_INDEX_DIRECT = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class ParticleOutputBlendMode_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_ALPHA = 0x0, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_ADD = 0x1, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_BLEND_ADD = 0x2, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_HALF_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_NEG_HALF_BLEND_ADD = 0x4, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_MOD2X = 0x5, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ParticleLightnintBranchBehavior_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHTNING_BRANCH_CURRENT_DIR = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHTNING_BRANCH_ENDPOINT_DIR = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class MaterialProxyType_t : uint32_t { + MATERIAL_PROXY_STATUS_EFFECT = 0x0, + MATERIAL_PROXY_TINT = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleDepthFeatheringMode_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_OFF = 0x0, + PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_ON_OPTIONAL = 0x1, + PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_ON_REQUIRED = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ParticleFloatRandomMode_t : uint32_t { + PF_RANDOM_MODE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PF_RANDOM_MODE_CONSTANT = 0x0, + PF_RANDOM_MODE_VARYING = 0x1, + PF_RANDOM_MODE_COUNT = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class PFNoiseModifier_t : uint32_t { + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_NONE = 0x0, + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_LINES = 0x1, + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_CLUMPS = 0x2, + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_RINGS = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 19 + enum class ParticleVecType_t : uint32_t { + PVEC_TYPE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PVEC_TYPE_LITERAL = 0x0, + PVEC_TYPE_LITERAL_COLOR = 0x1, + PVEC_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x2, + PVEC_TYPE_PARTICLE_VECTOR = 0x3, + PVEC_TYPE_PARTICLE_VELOCITY = 0x4, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_VALUE = 0x5, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_POSITION = 0x6, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_DIR = 0x7, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_RANDOM_DIR = 0x8, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPONENTS = 0x9, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_CLAMPED = 0xA, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_OPEN = 0xB, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_GRADIENT = 0xC, + PVEC_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM = 0xD, + PVEC_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_OFFSET = 0xE, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_DELTA = 0xF, + PVEC_TYPE_CLOSEST_CAMERA_POSITION = 0x10, + PVEC_TYPE_COUNT = 0x11 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ParticleLightUnitChoiceList_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_CANDELAS = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_LUMENS = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleFalloffFunction_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_FALLOFF_CONSTANT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_FALLOFF_LINEAR = 0x1, + PARTICLE_FALLOFF_EXPONENTIAL = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleSequenceCropOverride_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_FORCE_OFF = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_FORCE_ON = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ParticleDetailLevel_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLEDETAIL_LOW = 0x0, + PARTICLEDETAIL_MEDIUM = 0x1, + PARTICLEDETAIL_HIGH = 0x2, + PARTICLEDETAIL_ULTRA = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class BBoxVolumeType_t : uint32_t { + BBOX_VOLUME = 0x0, + BBOX_DIMENSIONS = 0x1, + BBOX_MINS_MAXS = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + enum class SpriteCardTextureType_t : uint32_t { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ZOOM = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_1D_COLOR_LOOKUP = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION_ZOOM = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC = 0x6, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_A = 0x7, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_B = 0x8, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_C = 0x9 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ParticleAlphaReferenceType_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_ALPHA_ALPHA = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_OPAQUE_ALPHA = 0x1, + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_ALPHA_OPAQUE = 0x2, + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_OPAQUE_OPAQUE = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 15 + enum class SpriteCardTextureChannel_t : uint32_t { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGBA = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_A = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_ALPHAMASK = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_RGBMASK = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGBA_RGBALPHA = 0x6, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_A_RGBALPHA = 0x7, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A_RGBALPHA = 0x8, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_R = 0x9, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_G = 0xA, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_B = 0xB, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RALPHA = 0xC, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_GALPHA = 0xD, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_BALPHA = 0xE + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class ParticleTransformType_t : uint32_t { + PT_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, + PT_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x1, + PT_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT = 0x2, + PT_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_RANGE = 0x3, + PT_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class RenderModelSubModelFieldType_t : uint32_t { + SUBMODEL_AS_BODYGROUP_SUBMODEL = 0x0, + SUBMODEL_AS_MESHGROUP_INDEX = 0x1, + SUBMODEL_AS_MESHGROUP_MASK = 0x2, + SUBMODEL_IGNORED_USE_MODEL_DEFAULT_MESHGROUP_MASK = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ParticleHitboxDataSelection_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_HITBOX_AVERAGE_SPEED = 0x0, + PARTICLE_HITBOX_COUNT = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREEN_ALIGNED = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREEN_Z_ALIGNED = 0x1, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_WORLD_Z_ALIGNED = 0x2, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL = 0x3, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL = 0x4, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_FULL_3AXIS_ROTATION = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class ParticleCollisionMode_t : uint32_t { + COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE = 0x3, + COLLISION_MODE_USE_NEAREST_TRACE = 0x2, + COLLISION_MODE_PER_FRAME_PLANESET = 0x1, + COLLISION_MODE_INITIAL_TRACE_DOWN = 0x0, + COLLISION_MODE_DISABLED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ParticleSortingChoiceList_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_SORTING_NEAREST = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SORTING_CREATION_TIME = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleEndcapMode_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ALWAYS_ON = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ENDCAP_OFF = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ENDCAP_ON = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ClosestPointTestType_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_BOX = 0x0, + PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_CAPSULE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_HYBRID = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class ParticleImpulseType_t : uint32_t { + IMPULSE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, + IMPULSE_TYPE_GENERIC = 0x1, + IMPULSE_TYPE_ROPE = 0x2, + IMPULSE_TYPE_EXPLOSION = 0x4, + IMPULSE_TYPE_EXPLOSION_UNDERWATER = 0x8, + IMPULSE_TYPE_PARTICLE_SYSTEM = 0x10 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class SpriteCardShaderType_t : uint32_t { + SPRITECARD_SHADER_BASE = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_SHADER_CUSTOM = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ParticleOmni2LightTypeChoiceList_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_OMNI2_LIGHT_TYPE_POINT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_OMNI2_LIGHT_TYPE_SPHERE = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ParticleLightFogLightingMode_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_DYNAMIC = 0x2, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_DYNAMIC_NOSHADOWS = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ParticleLightTypeChoiceList_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_POINT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT = 0x1, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX = 0x2, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_CAPSULE = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ParticleOrientationSetMode_t : uint32_t { + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SET_FROM_VELOCITY = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SET_FROM_ROTATIONS = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class TextureRepetitionMode_t : uint32_t { + TEXTURE_REPETITION_PARTICLE = 0x0, + TEXTURE_REPETITION_PATH = 0x1 + }; + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapGravityToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInput1 = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x810; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x814; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalizedOutput = 0x818; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_Decay { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRopeDecay = 0x1B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForcePreserveParticleOrder = 0x1B9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderDeferredLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAlphaTestWindow = 0x208; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseTexture = 0x209; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x20C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScale = 0x210; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAlpha2Field = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecColorScale = 0x218; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorBlendType = 0x870; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightDistance = 0x874; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFalloff = 0x878; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceFalloff = 0x87C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpotFoV = 0x880; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAlphaTestPointField = 0x884; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAlphaTestRangeField = 0x888; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAlphaTestSharpnessField = 0x88C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTexture = 0x890; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHSVShiftControlPoint = 0x898; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapSpeedtoCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseDeltaV = 0x1DC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapTransformToVelocity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CollisionGroupContext_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionGroupNumber = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + namespace CParticleModelInput { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x10; // ParticleModelType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NamedValue = 0x18; // CParticleNamedValueRef + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x58; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleFunctionPreEmission { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRunOnce = 0x1B8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_FadeOutSimple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SpringToVectorConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRestLength = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinDistance = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDistance = 0x468; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRestingLength = 0x5C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAnchorVector = 0x718; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CBaseRendererSource2 + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderRopes { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableFadingAndClamping = 0x2718; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinSize = 0x271C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSize = 0x2720; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeSize = 0x2724; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeSize = 0x2728; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeDot = 0x272C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeDot = 0x2730; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusTaper = 0x2734; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinTesselation = 0x2738; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxTesselation = 0x273C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTessScale = 0x2740; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTextureVWorldSize = 0x2748; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTextureVScrollRate = 0x28A0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTextureVOffset = 0x29F8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTextureVParamsCP = 0x2B50; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClampV = 0x2B54; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleCP1 = 0x2B58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleCP2 = 0x2B5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleVSizeByControlPointDistance = 0x2B60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleVScrollByControlPointDistance = 0x2B64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleVOffsetByControlPointDistance = 0x2B68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseScalarForTextureCoordinate = 0x2B6D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScalarFieldForTextureCoordinate = 0x2B70; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScalarAttributeTextureCoordScale = 0x2B74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReverseOrder = 0x2B78; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClosedLoop = 0x2B79; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOrientationType = 0x2B7C; // ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVectorFieldForOrientation = 0x2B80; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDrawAsOpaque = 0x2B84; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGenerateNormals = 0x2B85; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_StatusEffectCitadel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXColorWarpAmount = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXNormalAmount = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXMetalnessAmount = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXRoughnessAmount = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSelfIllumAmount = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSScale = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSScrollX = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSScrollY = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSScrollZ = 0x1E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSOffsetX = 0x1E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSOffsetY = 0x1E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSOffsetZ = 0x1EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDetailCombo = 0x1F0; // DetailCombo_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSDetailAmount = 0x1F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSDetailScale = 0x1F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSDetailScrollX = 0x1FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSDetailScrollY = 0x200; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSDetailScrollZ = 0x204; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSFXSUseModelUVs = 0x208; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderSound { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDurationScale = 0x208; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSndLvlScale = 0x20C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPitchScale = 0x210; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVolumeScale = 0x214; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSndLvlField = 0x218; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDurationField = 0x21C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPitchField = 0x220; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVolumeField = 0x224; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChannel = 0x228; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPReference = 0x22C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pszSoundName = 0x230; // char[256] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSuppressStopSoundEvent = 0x330; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleVisibilityInputs { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCameraBias = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPin = 0x4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flProxyRadius = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputPixelVisFade = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoPixelVisibilityFallback = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceInputMin = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceInputMax = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDotInputMin = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDotInputMax = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDotCPAngles = 0x2C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDotCameraAngles = 0x2D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScaleMin = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScaleMax = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScaleMin = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScaleMax = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScaleFOVBase = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRightEye = 0x44; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointsToParticle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumControlPoints = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetOrientation = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOrientationMode = 0x1CC; // ParticleOrientationSetMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetParent = 0x1D0; // ParticleParentSetMode_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapSDFDistanceToVectorAttribute { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVectorFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVectorFieldInput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinDistance = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDistance = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vValueBelowMin = 0x470; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vValueAtMin = 0x47C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vValueAtMax = 0x488; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vValueAboveMax = 0x494; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapCPVelocityToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalize = 0x1C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_PointVectorAtNextParticle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ParticlePreviewBodyGroup_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bodyGroupName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nValue = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_OscillateScalarSimple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Rate = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Frequency = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOscMult = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOscAdd = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_StatusEffect { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDetail2Combo = 0x1C0; // Detail2Combo_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDetail2Rotation = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDetail2Scale = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDetail2BlendFactor = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flColorWarpIntensity = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDiffuseWarpBlendToFull = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEnvMapIntensity = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAmbientScale = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_specularColor = 0x1E0; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpecularScale = 0x1E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpecularExponent = 0x1E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpecularExponentBlendToFull = 0x1EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpecularBlendToFull = 0x1F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rimLightColor = 0x1F4; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRimLightScale = 0x1F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReflectionsTintByBaseBlendToNone = 0x1FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMetalnessBlendToFull = 0x200; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSelfIllumBlendToFull = 0x204; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RtEnvCull { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTestDir = 0x1C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTestNormal = 0x1CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseVelocity = 0x1D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCullOnMiss = 0x1D9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLifeAdjust = 0x1DA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RtEnvName = 0x1DB; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRTEnvCP = 0x25C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nComponent = 0x260; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ConstrainDistance { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMinDistance = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMaxDistance = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x468; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CenterOffset = 0x46C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGlobalCenter = 0x478; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMin = 0x1C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMax = 0x1CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1D8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_randomnessParameters = 0x1DC; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitialVelocityNoise { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAbsVal = 0x1C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAbsValInv = 0x1CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffsetLoc = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffset = 0x830; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMin = 0x988; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMax = 0xFE0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseScale = 0x1638; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseScaleLoc = 0x1790; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x18E8; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreDt = 0x1950; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ParticleChildrenInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ChildRef = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDelay = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEndCap = 0xC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableChild = 0xD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDetailLevel = 0x10; // ParticleDetailLevel_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapScalarOnceTimed { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportional = 0x1B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRemapTime = 0x1D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomNamedModelSequence { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_PlaneCull { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlaneControlPoint = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPlaneDirection = 0x1BC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalSpace = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlaneOffset = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_VelocityRandom { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeedMin = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeedMax = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMin = 0x478; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMax = 0xAD0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreDT = 0x1128; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_randomnessParameters = 0x112C; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ModelDampenMovement { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBoundBox = 0x1BC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOutside = 0x1BD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBones = 0x1BE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0x1BF; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPosOffset = 0x240; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fDrag = 0x898; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_TwistAroundAxis { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fForceAmount = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TwistAxis = 0x1CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalSpace = 0x1D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1DC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_TeleportBeam { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPPosition = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPVelocity = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPMisc = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPColor = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPInvalidColor = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPExtraArcData = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vGravity = 0x1D0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flArcMaxDuration = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSegmentBreak = 0x1E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flArcSpeed = 0x1E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlpha = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapExternalWindToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPOutput = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecScale = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetMagnitude = 0x820; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutVectorField = 0x824; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 62 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBaseRendererSource2 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScale = 0x360; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRollScale = 0x4B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAlpha2Field = 0x610; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecColorScale = 0x618; // CParticleCollectionRendererVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorBlendType = 0xC70; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShaderType = 0xC74; // SpriteCardShaderType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strShaderOverride = 0xC78; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCenterXOffset = 0xC80; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCenterYOffset = 0xDD8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBumpStrength = 0xF30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCropTextureOverride = 0xF34; // ParticleSequenceCropOverride_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTexturesInput = 0xF38; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnimationRate = 0xF50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAnimationType = 0xF54; // AnimationType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimateInFPS = 0xF58; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSelfIllumAmount = 0xF60; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDiffuseAmount = 0x10B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDiffuseClamp = 0x1210; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLightingControlPoint = 0x1368; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSelfIllumPerParticle = 0x136C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputBlendMode = 0x1370; // ParticleOutputBlendMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGammaCorrectVertexColors = 0x1374; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSaturateColorPreAlphaBlend = 0x1375; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAddSelfAmount = 0x1378; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDesaturation = 0x14D0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOverbrightFactor = 0x1628; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHSVShiftControlPoint = 0x1780; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFogType = 0x1784; // ParticleFogType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogAmount = 0x1788; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTintByFOW = 0x18E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTintByGlobalLight = 0x18E1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPerParticleAlphaReference = 0x18E4; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPerParticleAlphaRefWindow = 0x18E8; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAlphaReferenceType = 0x18EC; // ParticleAlphaReferenceType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaReferenceSoftness = 0x18F0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToZero = 0x1A48; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToOne = 0x1BA0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRefract = 0x1CF8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRefractSolid = 0x1CF9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRefractAmount = 0x1D00; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRefractBlurRadius = 0x1E58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRefractBlurType = 0x1E5C; // BlurFilterType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass = 0x1E60; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass = 0x1E61; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering = 0x1E62; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay = 0x1E63; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stencilTestID = 0x1E64; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStencilTestExclude = 0x1EE4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stencilWriteID = 0x1EE5; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWriteStencilOnDepthPass = 0x1F65; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWriteStencilOnDepthFail = 0x1F66; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReverseZBuffering = 0x1F67; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableZBuffering = 0x1F68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFeatheringMode = 0x1F6C; // ParticleDepthFeatheringMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeatheringMinDist = 0x1F70; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeatheringMaxDist = 0x20C8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeatheringFilter = 0x2220; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepthBias = 0x2378; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSortMethod = 0x24D0; // ParticleSortingChoiceList_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBlendFramesSeq0 = 0x24D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMaxLuminanceBlendingSequence0 = 0x24D5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSpinUpdateBase { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_OrientTo2dDirection { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotOffset = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpinStrength = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapDotProductToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputCP2 = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutVectorField = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hModel = 0x1F0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_outputMinName = 0x1F8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_outputMaxName = 0x200; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bModelFromRenderer = 0x208; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrailRenderer + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderTrails { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableFadingAndClamping = 0x29E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeDot = 0x29E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeDot = 0x29E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrevPntSource = 0x29EC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLength = 0x29F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinLength = 0x29F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreDT = 0x29F8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flConstrainRadiusToLengthRatio = 0x29FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLengthScale = 0x2A00; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLengthFadeInTime = 0x2A04; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusHeadTaper = 0x2A08; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecHeadColorScale = 0x2B60; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeadAlphaScale = 0x31B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusTaper = 0x3310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTailColorScale = 0x3468; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTailAlphaScale = 0x3AC0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHorizCropField = 0x3C18; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVertCropField = 0x3C1C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForwardShift = 0x3C20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlipUVBasedOnPitchYaw = 0x3C24; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointPositionToTimeOfDayValue { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pszTimeOfDayParameter = 0x1C4; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDefaultValue = 0x244; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DecayMaintainCount { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParticlesToMaintain = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecayDelay = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLifespanDecay = 0x1C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bKillNewest = 0x320; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomModelSequence { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ActivityName = 0x1C0; // char[256] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SequenceName = 0x2C0; // char[256] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hModel = 0x3C0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleVecInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + namespace CPerParticleVecInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ExternalGameImpulseForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceScale = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRopes = 0x320; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRopesZOnly = 0x321; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExplosions = 0x322; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bParticles = 0x323; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapAverageHitboxSpeedtoCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitboxDataType = 0x1CC; // ParticleHitboxDataSelection_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHeightControlPointNumber = 0x730; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecComparisonVelocity = 0x738; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0xD90; // char[128] + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomAlpha { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAlphaMin = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAlphaMax = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaRandExponent = 0x1D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_NormalizeVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1BC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_FadeInSimple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RepeatedTriggerChildGroup { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flClusterRefireTime = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flClusterSize = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flClusterCooldown = 0x478; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLimitChildCount = 0x5D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderTonemapController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapLevel = 0x208; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapWeight = 0x20C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTonemapLevelField = 0x210; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTonemapWeightField = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapVelocityToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalize = 0x1C0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_SetHitboxToClosest { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDesiredHitbox = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecHitBoxScale = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0x820; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBones = 0x8A0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseClosestPointOnHitbox = 0x8A1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTestType = 0x8A4; // ClosestPointTestType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHybridRatio = 0x8A8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUpdatePosition = 0xA00; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RingWave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flParticlesPerOrbit = 0x228; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialRadius = 0x380; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flThickness = 0x4D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialSpeedMin = 0x630; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialSpeedMax = 0x788; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRoll = 0x8E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPitch = 0xA38; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flYaw = 0xB90; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEvenDistribution = 0xCE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bXYVelocityOnly = 0xCE9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomTrailLength { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinLength = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLength = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLengthRandExponent = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOldCode = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DistanceBetweenTransforms { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformStart = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformEnd = 0x228; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x290; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x3E8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x540; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x698; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x7F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLOSScale = 0x7F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x7F8; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x878; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLOS = 0x87C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x880; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DecayOffscreen { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffscreenTime = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMaxVersion + // MParticleReplacementOp + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateSequentialPath { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMaxDistance = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNumToAssign = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCPPairs = 0x1C9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSaveOffset = 0x1CA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathParams = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_EndCapTimedDecay { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecayTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP0 = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP1 = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinInputValue = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxInputValue = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInfiniteLine = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ContinuousEmitter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEmissionDuration = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEmitRate = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEmissionScale = 0x5C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScalePerParentParticle = 0x5CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInitFromKilledParentParticles = 0x5D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEventType = 0x5D4; // EventTypeSelection_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint = 0x5D8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLimitPerUpdate = 0x5DC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceEmitOnFirstUpdate = 0x5E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceEmitOnLastUpdate = 0x5E1; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_OscillateVectorSimple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Rate = 0x1B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Frequency = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOscMult = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOscAdd = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffset = 0x1DC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_SequenceLifeTime { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFramerate = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_MoveBetweenPoints { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpeedMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpeedMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndSpread = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartOffset = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndOffset = 0x720; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndControlPointNumber = 0x878; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTrailBias = 0x87C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1E0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x1E4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRemapBias = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetUserEvent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInput = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRisingEdge = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRisingEventType = 0x468; // EventTypeSelection_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFallingEdge = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallingEventType = 0x5C8; // EventTypeSelection_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_QuantizeFloat { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputValue = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + namespace CParticleCollectionBindingInstance { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_BasicMovement { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Gravity = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fDrag = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_massControls = 0x968; // CParticleMassCalculationParameters + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxConstraintPasses = 0xD78; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseNewCode = 0xD7C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hModel = 0x1C0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_names = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShuffle = 0x1E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLinear = 0x1E1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bModelFromRenderer = 0x1E2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1E4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitFromParentKilled { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttributeToCopy = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEventType = 0x1C4; // EventTypeSelection_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_Callback { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleFunction { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpStrength = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOpEndCapState = 0x160; // ParticleEndcapMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpStartFadeInTime = 0x164; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpEndFadeInTime = 0x168; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpStartFadeOutTime = 0x16C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpEndFadeOutTime = 0x170; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpFadeOscillatePeriod = 0x174; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalizeToStopTime = 0x178; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpTimeOffsetMin = 0x17C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpTimeOffsetMax = 0x180; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOpTimeOffsetSeed = 0x184; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOpTimeScaleSeed = 0x188; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpTimeScaleMin = 0x18C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpTimeScaleMax = 0x190; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableOperator = 0x196; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Notes = 0x198; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_GlobalLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClampLowerRange = 0x1BC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClampUpperRange = 0x1BD; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_OffsetVectorToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMin = 0x1C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMax = 0x1D4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_randomnessParameters = 0x1E0; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetPerChildControlPointFromAttribute { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumControlPoints = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParticleIncrement = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNumBasedOnParticleCount = 0x1CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttributeToRead = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPField = 0x1D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetParentControlPointsToChildCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildControlPoint = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumControlPoints = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetOrientation = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SDFForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceScale = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_BoxConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMin = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMax = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0xE68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalSpace = 0xE6C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAccountForRadius = 0xE6D; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreatePhyllotaxis { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nComponent = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRadCentCore = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRadPerPoint = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRadPerPointTo = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fpointAngle = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fsizeOverall = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRadBias = 0x1E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMinRad = 0x1E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fDistBias = 0x1E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseLocalCoords = 0x1EC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseWithContEmit = 0x1ED; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseOrigRadius = 0x1EE; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_AttractToControlPoint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecComponentScale = 0x1C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fForceAmount = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fFalloffPower = 0x330; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x338; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fForceAmountMin = 0x3A0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyMinForce = 0x4F8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomLifeTime { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLifetimeMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLifetimeMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLifetimeRandExponent = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelSequenceScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_VelocityRadialRandom { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeedMin = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeedMax = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLocalCoordinateSystemSpeedScale = 0x478; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreDelta = 0x485; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomRadius { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusRandExponent = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_Orient2DRelToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotOffset = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpinStrength = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace TextureControls_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFinalTextureScaleU = 0x0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFinalTextureScaleV = 0x158; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFinalTextureOffsetU = 0x2B0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFinalTextureOffsetV = 0x408; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFinalTextureUVRotation = 0x560; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZoomScale = 0x6B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistortion = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandomizeOffsets = 0x968; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClampUVs = 0x969; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPerParticleBlend = 0x96C; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPerParticleScale = 0x970; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPerParticleOffsetU = 0x974; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPerParticleOffsetV = 0x978; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPerParticleRotation = 0x97C; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPerParticleZoom = 0x980; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPerParticleDistortion = 0x984; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ControlPointReference_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_controlPointNameString = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOffsetFromControlPoint = 0x4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffsetInLocalSpace = 0x10; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointToVectorExpression { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExpression = 0x1C0; // VectorExpressionType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInput1 = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInput2 = 0x820; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalizedOutput = 0xE78; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LightningSnapshotGenerator { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPSnapshot = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPStartPnt = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPEndPnt = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSegments = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffset = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffsetDecay = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecalcRate = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUVScale = 0x730; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUVOffset = 0x888; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSplitRate = 0x9E0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBranchTwist = 0xB38; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBranchBehavior = 0xC90; // ParticleLightnintBranchBehavior_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusStart = 0xC98; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusEnd = 0xDF0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDedicatedPool = 0xF48; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupOnceTimed { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapSpeedToScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1E0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPerParticle = 0x1E4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapQAnglesToRotation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_PositionWarp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecWarpMin = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecWarpMax = 0x818; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleControlPointNumber = 0xE70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0xE74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRadiusComponent = 0xE78; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWarpTime = 0xE7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWarpStartTime = 0xE80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevPosScale = 0xE84; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInvertWarp = 0xE88; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseCount = 0xE89; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SDFConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinDist = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDist = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxIterations = 0x468; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointFieldToScalarExpression { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExpression = 0x1C0; // ScalarExpressionType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInput1 = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInput2 = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputRemap = 0x478; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputCP = 0x5D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutVectorField = 0x5D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleFunctionForce { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomVectorComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nComponent = 0x1CC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMaxVersion + // MParticleReplacementOp + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_InheritFromParentParticles { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIncrement = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandomDistribution = 0x1C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_SetVectorAttributeToVectorExpression { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExpression = 0x1C0; // VectorExpressionType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInput1 = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInput2 = 0x820; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0xE78; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0xE7C; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalizedOutput = 0xE80; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapTransformVisibilityToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1B8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x22C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x230; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMin = 0x234; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMax = 0x240; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x24C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DirectionBetweenVecsToVec { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPoint1 = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPoint2 = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MovementLoopInsideSphere { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistance = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecScale = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDistSqrAttr = 0x970; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderSimpleModelCollection { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCenterOffset = 0x208; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hModel = 0x210; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelInput = 0x218; // CParticleModelInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLOD = 0x278; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableShadows = 0x27C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableMotionBlur = 0x27D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAcceptsDecals = 0x27E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAngularVelocityField = 0x280; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_QuantizeCPComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputValue = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPOutput = 0x318; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutVectorField = 0x31C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flQuantizeValue = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_PlayEndCapWhenFinished { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFireOnEmissionEnd = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIncludeChildren = 0x1C1; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitFloatCollection { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputValue = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPathParameters { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartControlPointNumber = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndControlPointNumber = 0x4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBulgeControl = 0x8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBulge = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMidPoint = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vStartPointOffset = 0x14; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMidPointOffset = 0x20; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vEndOffset = 0x2C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapScalarEndCap { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateFromPlaneCache { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffsetMin = 0x1C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffsetMax = 0x1CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseNormal = 0x1D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ControlPointToRadialScreenSpace { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPIn = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPOut = 0x1D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPOutField = 0x1D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPSSPosOut = 0x1D8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CSpinUpdateBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SpinUpdate { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_NormalOffset { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OffsetMin = 0x1C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OffsetMax = 0x1CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1D8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalCoords = 0x1DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalize = 0x1DD; // bool + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinOutputValue = 0x1D4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxOutputValue = 0x1E0; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderAsModels { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ModelList = 0x208; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flModelScale = 0x224; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFitToModelSize = 0x228; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNonUniformScaling = 0x229; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nXAxisScalingAttribute = 0x22C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nYAxisScalingAttribute = 0x230; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nZAxisScalingAttribute = 0x234; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSizeCullBloat = 0x238; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreationNoise { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbsVal = 0x1C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbsValInv = 0x1C5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffset = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseScale = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseScaleLoc = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffsetLoc = 0x1DC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWorldTimeScale = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CGeneralSpin + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_Spin { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ParticleNamedValueConfiguration_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ConfigName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ConfigValue = 0x8; // KeyValues3 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAttachType = 0x18; // ParticleAttachment_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BoundEntityPath = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strEntityScope = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strAttachmentName = 0x30; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + namespace CParticleVecInput { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x10; // ParticleVecType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLiteralValue = 0x14; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LiteralColor = 0x20; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NamedValue = 0x28; // CParticleNamedValueRef + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFollowNamedValue = 0x68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVectorAttribute = 0x6C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vVectorAttributeScale = 0x70; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x7C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDeltaControlPoint = 0x80; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCPValueScale = 0x84; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCPRelativePosition = 0x90; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCPRelativeDir = 0x9C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FloatComponentX = 0xA8; // CParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FloatComponentY = 0x200; // CParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FloatComponentZ = 0x358; // CParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FloatInterp = 0x4B0; // CParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpInput0 = 0x608; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpInput1 = 0x60C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInterpOutput0 = 0x610; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInterpOutput1 = 0x61C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Gradient = 0x628; // CColorGradient + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRandomMin = 0x640; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRandomMax = 0x64C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_InstantaneousEmitter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParticlesToEmit = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitFromKilledParentParticles = 0x470; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEventType = 0x474; // EventTypeSelection_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flParentParticleScale = 0x478; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxEmittedPerFrame = 0x5D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint = 0x5D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ConstrainLineLength { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinDistance = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDistance = 0x1BC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_LifespanFromVelocity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecComponentScale = 0x1C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceOffset = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceTolerance = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxPlanes = 0x1D8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x1E0; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x260; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIncludeWater = 0x270; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseRendererSource2 + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBaseTrailRenderer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOrientationType = 0x2718; // ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOrientationControlPoint = 0x271C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinSize = 0x2720; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSize = 0x2724; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeSize = 0x2728; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeSize = 0x2880; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClampV = 0x29D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_VelocityFromCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_velocityInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transformInput = 0x818; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVelocityScale = 0x880; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirectionOnly = 0x884; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointOrientation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseWorldLocation = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandomize = 0x1C2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetOnce = 0x1C3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHeadLocation = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRotation = 0x1CC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRotationB = 0x1D8; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x1E8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MovementSkinnedPositionFromCPSnapshot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandom = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeed = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetNormal = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetRadius = 0x1C9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndexType = 0x1CC; // SnapshotIndexType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReadIndex = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIncrement = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFullLoopIncrement = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapShotStartPoint = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x730; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_OscillateVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RateMin = 0x1B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RateMax = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FrequencyMin = 0x1D0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FrequencyMax = 0x1DC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1E8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportional = 0x1EC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportionalOp = 0x1ED; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffset = 0x1EE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_min = 0x1F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_max = 0x1F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_min = 0x1F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_max = 0x1FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOscMult = 0x200; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOscAdd = 0x358; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRateScale = 0x4B0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_PositionLock { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_min = 0x220; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_max = 0x224; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_exp = 0x228; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_min = 0x22C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_max = 0x230; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_exp = 0x234; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0x238; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRangeBias = 0x240; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpThreshold = 0x398; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevPosScale = 0x39C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockRot = 0x3A0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecScale = 0x3A8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0xA00; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutputPrev = 0xA04; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderVRHapticEvent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHand = 0x208; // ParticleVRHandChoiceList_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputHandCP = 0x20C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x210; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAmplitude = 0x218; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointToImpactPoint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPOut = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPIn = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUpdateRate = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceLength = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartOffset = 0x328; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffset = 0x32C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTraceDir = 0x330; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x33C; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x3BC; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetToEndpoint = 0x3C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTraceToClosestSurface = 0x3C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIncludeWater = 0x3C2; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_InterpolateRadius { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndScale = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEaseInAndOut = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBias = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace ParticleAttributeIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ReinitializeScalarEndCap { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_TurbulenceForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseCoordScale0 = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseCoordScale1 = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseCoordScale2 = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseCoordScale3 = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecNoiseAmount0 = 0x1D8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecNoiseAmount1 = 0x1E4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecNoiseAmount2 = 0x1F0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecNoiseAmount3 = 0x1FC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hModel = 0x1B8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inNames = 0x1C0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_outNames = 0x1D8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fallbackNames = 0x1F0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bModelFromRenderer = 0x208; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportional = 0x209; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x210; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRemapTime = 0x214; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointToPlayer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOrientToEyes = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_EndCapTimedFreeze { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFreezeTime = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderGpuImplicit { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUsePerParticleRadius = 0x208; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVertexCountKb = 0x20C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndexCountKb = 0x210; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fGridSize = 0x218; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRadiusScale = 0x370; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fIsosurfaceThreshold = 0x4C8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleCP = 0x620; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMaterial = 0x628; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: IParticleEffect + // Fields count: 32 + namespace CNewParticleEffect { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNext = 0x10; // CNewParticleEffect* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPrev = 0x18; // CNewParticleEffect* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pParticles = 0x20; // IParticleCollection* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pDebugName = 0x28; // char* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDontRemove = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRemove = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNeedsBBoxUpdate = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsFirstFrame = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoUpdateBBox = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllocated = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSimulate = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldPerformCullCheck = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceNoDraw = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldSave = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableAggregation = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldSimulateDuringGamePaused = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldCheckFoW = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSortOrigin = 0x40; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwner = 0x50; // PARTICLE_EHANDLE__* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOwningParticleProperty = 0x58; // CParticleProperty* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFreezeTransitionStart = 0x70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFreezeTransitionDuration = 0x74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFreezeTransitionOverride = 0x78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFreezeTransitionActive = 0x7C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFreezeTargetState = 0x7D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanFreeze = 0x7E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastMin = 0x80; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastMax = 0x8C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSplitScreenUser = 0x98; // CSplitScreenSlot + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAggregationCenter = 0x9C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RefCount = 0xC0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetRandomControlPointPosition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseWorldLocation = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOrient = 0x1C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP1 = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHeadLocation = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReRandomRate = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCPMinPos = 0x328; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCPMaxPos = 0x334; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x340; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapTransformVisibilityToScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1B8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x22C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x230; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x234; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x238; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x23C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapControlPointDirectionToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleFunctionOperator { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DragRelativeToPlane { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDragAtPlane = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFalloff = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirectional = 0x468; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPlaneNormal = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0xAC8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetCPtoVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPInput = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ParticleNamedValueSource_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_IsPublic = 0x8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ValueType = 0xC; // PulseValueType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DefaultConfig = 0x10; // ParticleNamedValueConfiguration_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NamedConfigs = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CGeneralRandomRotation + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomYaw { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SnapshotRigidSkinToBones { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTransformNormals = 0x1B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTransformRadii = 0x1B9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1BC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetSingleControlPointPosition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetOnce = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP1 = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transformInput = 0x820; // CParticleTransformInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_DistanceToNeighborCull { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistance = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapCPtoScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPInput = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpRate = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1E0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleFunctionRenderer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t VisibilityInputs = 0x1B8; // CParticleVisibilityInputs + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotBeRefracted = 0x200; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSkipRenderingOnMobile = 0x201; // bool + } + // Parent: IParticleSystemDefinition + // Fields count: 65 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleSystemDefinition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBehaviorVersion = 0x8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PreEmissionOperators = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Emitters = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Initializers = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Operators = 0x58; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ForceGenerators = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Constraints = 0x88; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Renderers = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Children = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstMultipleOverride_BackwardCompat = 0x178; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInitialParticles = 0x210; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxParticles = 0x214; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGroupID = 0x218; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BoundingBoxMin = 0x21C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BoundingBoxMax = 0x228; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepthSortBias = 0x234; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSortOverridePositionCP = 0x238; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInfiniteBounds = 0x23C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableNamedValues = 0x23D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NamedValueDomain = 0x240; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NamedValueLocals = 0x248; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ConstantColor = 0x260; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ConstantNormal = 0x264; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flConstantRadius = 0x270; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flConstantRotation = 0x274; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flConstantRotationSpeed = 0x278; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flConstantLifespan = 0x27C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nConstantSequenceNumber = 0x280; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nConstantSequenceNumber1 = 0x284; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint = 0x288; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSnapshot = 0x290; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pszCullReplacementName = 0x298; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCullRadius = 0x2A0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCullFillCost = 0x2A4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCullControlPoint = 0x2A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFallback = 0x2B0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallbackMaxCount = 0x2B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLowViolenceDef = 0x2C0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hReferenceReplacement = 0x2C8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreSimulationTime = 0x2D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStopSimulationAfterTime = 0x2D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaximumTimeStep = 0x2D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaximumSimTime = 0x2DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinimumSimTime = 0x2E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinimumTimeStep = 0x2E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinimumFrames = 0x2E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinCPULevel = 0x2EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinGPULevel = 0x2F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoDrawTimeToGoToSleep = 0x2F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDrawDistance = 0x2F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeDistance = 0x2FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxCreationDistance = 0x300; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAggregationMinAvailableParticles = 0x304; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAggregateRadius = 0x308; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldBatch = 0x30C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToRenderBounds = 0x30D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToSnapshot = 0x30E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToCollisionHulls = 0x30F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nViewModelEffect = 0x310; // InheritableBoolType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScreenSpaceEffect = 0x314; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pszTargetLayerID = 0x318; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSkipRenderControlPoint = 0x320; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAllowRenderControlPoint = 0x324; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldSort = 0x328; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_controlPointConfigurations = 0x370; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupEndCap { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransformsVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMin = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMax = 0x1D0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformStart = 0x1E0; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformEnd = 0x248; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x2B0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x2B4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRadialCheck = 0x2B5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotateRateDegrees = 0x208; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForwardDegrees = 0x20C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_UpdateLightSource { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vColorTint = 0x1B8; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessScale = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinimumLightingRadius = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaximumLightingRadius = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPositionDampingConstant = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateWithinBox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMax = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0xE70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalSpace = 0xE74; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_randomnessParameters = 0xE78; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ChooseRandomChildrenInGroup { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNumberOfChildren = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ControlpointLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint1 = 0x640; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint2 = 0x644; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint3 = 0x648; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint4 = 0x64C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCPOffset1 = 0x650; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCPOffset2 = 0x65C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCPOffset3 = 0x668; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCPOffset4 = 0x674; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightFiftyDist1 = 0x680; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightZeroDist1 = 0x684; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightFiftyDist2 = 0x688; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightZeroDist2 = 0x68C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightFiftyDist3 = 0x690; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightZeroDist3 = 0x694; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightFiftyDist4 = 0x698; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightZeroDist4 = 0x69C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightColor1 = 0x6A0; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightColor2 = 0x6A4; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightColor3 = 0x6A8; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightColor4 = 0x6AC; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightType1 = 0x6B0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightType2 = 0x6B1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightType3 = 0x6B2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightType4 = 0x6B3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightDynamic1 = 0x6B4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightDynamic2 = 0x6B5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightDynamic3 = 0x6B6; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightDynamic4 = 0x6B7; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseNormal = 0x6B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseHLambert = 0x6B9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClampLowerRange = 0x6BE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClampUpperRange = 0x6BF; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_VectorFieldSnapshot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttributeToWrite = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalSpaceCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecScale = 0x320; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBoundaryDampening = 0x978; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetVelocity = 0x97C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLockToSurface = 0x97D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGridSpacing = 0x980; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_CylindricalDistanceToTransform { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformStart = 0x720; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformEnd = 0x788; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x7F0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x7F4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAdditive = 0x7F5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCapsule = 0x7F6; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_PositionPlaceOnGround { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffset = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x470; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x4F0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceMissBehavior = 0x500; // ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIncludeWater = 0x504; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetNormal = 0x505; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetPXYZOnly = 0x506; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTraceAlongNormal = 0x507; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffsetonColOnly = 0x508; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffsetByRadiusFactor = 0x50C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPreserveOffsetCP = 0x510; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIgnoreCP = 0x514; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExponent = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1CC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderPostProcessing { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPostProcessStrength = 0x208; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPostTexture = 0x360; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPriority = 0x368; // ParticlePostProcessPriorityGroup_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 27 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_WorldTraceConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCpOffset = 0x1BC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionMode = 0x1C8; // ParticleCollisionMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionModeMin = 0x1CC; // ParticleCollisionMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x1D0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x1D4; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWorldOnly = 0x254; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBrushOnly = 0x255; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIncludeWater = 0x256; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIgnoreCP = 0x258; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCpMovementTolerance = 0x25C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRetestRate = 0x260; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceTolerance = 0x264; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCollisionConfirmationSpeed = 0x268; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxTracesPerFrame = 0x26C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x270; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBounceAmount = 0x3C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSlideAmount = 0x520; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRandomDirScale = 0x678; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDecayBounce = 0x7D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bKillonContact = 0x7D1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinSpeed = 0x7D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetNormal = 0x7D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStickOnCollisionField = 0x7DC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStopSpeed = 0x7E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntityStickDataField = 0x938; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntityStickNormalField = 0x93C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleVecInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + namespace CParticleCollectionVecInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderBlobs { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_cubeWidth = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_cutoffRadius = 0x360; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_renderRadius = 0x4B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVertexCountKb = 0x610; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndexCountKb = 0x614; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleCP = 0x618; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaterialVars = 0x620; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMaterial = 0x650; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_OscillateScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RateMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RateMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FrequencyMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FrequencyMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportional = 0x1CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportionalOp = 0x1CD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_min = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_max = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_min = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_max = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOscMult = 0x1E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOscAdd = 0x1E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_FadeOut { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutTimeMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutTimeMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutTimeExp = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeBias = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportional = 0x200; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEaseInAndOut = 0x201; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomSequence { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSequenceMin = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSequenceMax = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShuffle = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLinear = 0x1C9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WeightedList = 0x1D0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RampScalarSplineSimple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Rate = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1F0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEaseOut = 0x1F4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_DistanceCull { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistance = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCullInside = 0x320; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_CollideWithParentParticles { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flParentRadiusScale = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitFromVectorFieldSnapshot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalSpaceCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeightUpdateCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseVerticalVelocity = 0x1CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecScale = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetVectorAttributeToVectorExpression { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExpression = 0x1B8; // VectorExpressionType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInput1 = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInput2 = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0xE70; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0xE74; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalizedOutput = 0xE78; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_AddVectorToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecScale = 0x1C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1CC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOffsetMin = 0x1D4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOffsetMax = 0x1E0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_randomnessParameters = 0x1EC; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapInitialVisibilityScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapTransformOrientationToYaw { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x220; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotOffset = 0x224; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpinStrength = 0x228; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderStatusEffect { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureColorWarp = 0x208; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureDetail2 = 0x210; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureDiffuseWarp = 0x218; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureFresnelColorWarp = 0x220; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureFresnelWarp = 0x228; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureSpecularWarp = 0x230; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureEnvMap = 0x238; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RandomForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MinForce = 0x1C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaxForce = 0x1D4; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapParticleCountOnScalarEndCap { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputMin = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputMax = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBackwards = 0x1CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ParticlePreviewState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_previewModel = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nModSpecificData = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_groundType = 0xC; // PetGroundType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sequenceName = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFireParticleOnSequenceFrame = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hitboxSetName = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_materialGroupName = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecBodyGroups = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlaybackSpeed = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flParticleSimulationRate = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldDrawHitboxes = 0x50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldDrawAttachments = 0x51; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldDrawAttachmentNames = 0x52; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldDrawControlPointAxes = 0x53; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimationNonLooping = 0x54; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPreviewGravity = 0x58; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LocalAccelerationForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleCP = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAccel = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ModelCull { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBoundBox = 0x1BC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCullOutside = 0x1BD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBones = 0x1BE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0x1BF; // char[128] + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetFloat { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputValue = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x314; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Lerp = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapTransformToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInputMin = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInputMax = 0x1D0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOutputMin = 0x1DC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOutputMax = 0x1E8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1F8; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LocalSpaceTransform = 0x260; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x2C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x2CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x2D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffset = 0x2D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAccelerate = 0x2D5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRemapBias = 0x2D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SDFLighting { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLightingDir = 0x1B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTint_0 = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTint_1 = 0x1D0; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentToScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinOutputValue = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxOutputValue = 0x1D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + namespace CParticleRemapFloatInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapVectortoCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParticleNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetFromCPSnapshot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttributeToRead = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttributeToWrite = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalSpaceCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandom = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReverse = 0x1C9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeed = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapShotStartPoint = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapShotIncrement = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x480; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSubSample = 0x5D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPrev = 0x5D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DistanceBetweenCPsToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputCPField = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetOnce = 0x1D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x1E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLOSScale = 0x1E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLOS = 0x1EC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x1ED; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x270; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetParent = 0x274; // ParticleParentSetMode_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointToHand { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHand = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOrientToHand = 0x1D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ConstrainDistanceToPath { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMinDistance = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDistance0 = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDistanceMid = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDistance1 = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathParameters = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTravelTime = 0x210; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldScale = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nManualTField = 0x218; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DistanceCull { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPointOffset = 0x1BC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistance = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCullInside = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapSDFDistanceToScalarAttribute { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVectorFieldInput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinDistance = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDistance = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValueBelowMin = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValueAtMin = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValueAtMax = 0x720; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValueAboveMax = 0x878; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateAlongPath { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMaxDistance = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathParams = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseRandomCPs = 0x210; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vEndOffset = 0x214; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSaveOffset = 0x220; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointsToModelParticles { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0x1B8; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttachmentName = 0x238; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x2B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumControlPoints = 0x2BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x2C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSkin = 0x2C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAttachment = 0x2C5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ColorInterpolateRandom { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorFadeMin = 0x1B8; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorFadeMax = 0x1D4; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeStartTime = 0x1E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeEndTime = 0x1E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1EC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEaseInOut = 0x1F0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapNamedModelSequenceToScalar { + } + // Parent: C_OP_RenderPoints + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderLights { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnimationRate = 0x210; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAnimationType = 0x214; // AnimationType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimateInFPS = 0x218; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinSize = 0x21C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSize = 0x220; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeSize = 0x224; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeSize = 0x228; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DecayClampCount { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCount = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDistributeEvenly = 0x0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSeed = 0x4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_ColorLitPerParticle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorMin = 0x1D8; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorMax = 0x1DC; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TintMin = 0x1E0; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TintMax = 0x1E4; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTintPerc = 0x1E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTintBlendMode = 0x1EC; // ParticleColorBlendMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightAmplification = 0x1F0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderPoints { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMaterial = 0x208; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_SetAttributeToScalarExpression { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExpression = 0x1C0; // ScalarExpressionType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInput1 = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInput2 = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputRemap = 0x478; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x5D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x5D4; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateOnGrid { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nXCount = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nYCount = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nZCount = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nXSpacing = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nYSpacing = 0x720; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nZSpacing = 0x878; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x9D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalSpace = 0x9D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCenter = 0x9D5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHollow = 0x9D6; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RampCPLinearRandom { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRateMin = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRateMax = 0x1D0; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_VelocityMatchingForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDirScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpdScale = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPBroadcast = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomAlphaWindowThreshold { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExponent = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateOnModelAtHeight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBones = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceZ = 0x1C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHeightCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseWaterHeight = 0x1CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDesiredHeight = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecHitBoxScale = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDirectionBias = 0x980; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBiasType = 0xFD8; // ParticleHitboxBiasType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalCoords = 0xFDC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreferMovingBoxes = 0xFDD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0xFDE; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHitboxVelocityScale = 0x1060; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxBoneVelocity = 0x11B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + namespace CParticleVariableRef { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_variableName = 0x0; // CKV3MemberNameWithStorage + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_variableType = 0x38; // PulseValueType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RestartAfterDuration { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDurationMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDurationMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPField = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyChildren = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderClothForce { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapVisibilityScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x1D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMinVersion + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateSequentialPathV2 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMaxDistance = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNumToAssign = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0x470; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCPPairs = 0x471; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSaveOffset = 0x472; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathParams = 0x480; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VecInputMaterialVariable_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strVariable = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecInput = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapInitialDirectionToTransformToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x22C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffsetRot = 0x230; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffsetAxis = 0x234; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalize = 0x240; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMinVersion + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LockToSavedSequentialPathV2 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeStart = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeEnd = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCPPairs = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathParams = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_NormalLock { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapTransformOrientationToRotations { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRotation = 0x228; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseQuat = 0x234; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWriteNormal = 0x235; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_Cull { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCullPerc = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCullStart = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCullEnd = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCullExp = 0x1C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomYawFlip { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPercent = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapSDFGradientToVectorAttribute { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SequenceWeightedList_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSequence = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRelativeWeight = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ReadFromNeighboringParticle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIncrement = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DistanceCheck = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderText { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutlineColor = 0x208; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DefaultText = 0x210; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LerpToInitialPosition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCacheField = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecScale = 0x478; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CGeneralRandomRotation + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomRotation { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LerpEndCapVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutput = 0x1BC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLerpTime = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_VelocityDecay { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinVelocity = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetCPOrientationToPointAtCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_b2DOrientation = 0x320; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAvoidSingularity = 0x321; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPointAway = 0x322; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LockToPointList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pointList = 0x1C0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlaceAlongPath = 0x1D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClosedLoop = 0x1D9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumPointsAlongPath = 0x1DC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MovementPlaceOnGround { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffset = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x310; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTolerance = 0x314; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceOffset = 0x318; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLerpRate = 0x31C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x320; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x3A0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRefCP1 = 0x3A4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRefCP2 = 0x3A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLerpCP = 0x3AC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceMissBehavior = 0x3B8; // ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIncludeShotHull = 0x3BC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIncludeWater = 0x3BD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetNormal = 0x3C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScaleOffset = 0x3C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPreserveOffsetCP = 0x3C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIgnoreCP = 0x3C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetCPOrientationToDirection { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputControlPoint = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapCrossProductOfTwoVectorsToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputVec1 = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputVec2 = 0x810; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0xE68; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalize = 0xE6C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapTransformOrientationToRotations { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRotation = 0x220; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseQuat = 0x22C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWriteNormal = 0x22D; // bool + } + // Parent: CGeneralRandomRotation + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomRotationSpeed { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMinVersion + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_InheritFromParentParticlesV2 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIncrement = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandomDistribution = 0x1C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMissingParentBehavior = 0x1C8; // MissingParentInheritBehavior_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomSecondSequence { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSequenceMin = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSequenceMax = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetFloatCollection { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputValue = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x314; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Lerp = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PointDefinition_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalCoords = 0x4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOffset = 0x8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointPositionToRandomActiveCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHeadLocationMin = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHeadLocationMax = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flResetRate = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_Diffusion { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVoxelGridResolution = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_AgeNoise { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbsVal = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbsValInv = 0x1C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffset = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAgeMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAgeMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseScale = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseScaleLoc = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffsetLoc = 0x1D8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapVectorComponentToScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nComponent = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CGeneralRandomRotation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDegrees = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDegreesMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDegreesMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotationRandExponent = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandomlyFlipDirection = 0x1D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DistanceBetweenVecs { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPoint1 = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPoint2 = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0xE70; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0xFC8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1120; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1278; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x13D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDeltaTime = 0x13D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DampenToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_CalculateVectorAttribute { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vStartValue = 0x1B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput1 = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputScale1 = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput2 = 0x1CC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputScale2 = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointInput1 = 0x1D4; // ControlPointReference_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flControlPointScale1 = 0x1E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointInput2 = 0x1EC; // ControlPointReference_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flControlPointScale2 = 0x200; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x204; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vFinalOutputScale = 0x208; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + namespace CParticleTransformInput { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x10; // ParticleTransformType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NamedValue = 0x18; // CParticleNamedValueRef + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFollowNamedValue = 0x58; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSupportsDisabled = 0x59; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseOrientation = 0x5A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointRangeMax = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndCPGrowthTime = 0x64; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LockToBone { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleModelInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transformInput = 0x218; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLifeTimeFadeStart = 0x280; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLifeTimeFadeEnd = 0x284; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpThreshold = 0x288; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevPosScale = 0x28C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0x290; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRigid = 0x310; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBones = 0x311; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x314; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutputPrev = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRotationSetType = 0x31C; // ParticleRotationLockType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRigidRotationLock = 0x320; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRotation = 0x328; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotLerp = 0x980; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapNamedModelBodyPartOnceTimed { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MovementMaintainOffset { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffset = 0x1B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRadiusScale = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetVec { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputValue = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x810; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x814; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Lerp = 0x818; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalizedOutput = 0x970; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateFromParentParticles { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVelocityScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIncrement = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandomDistribution = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeed = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSubFrame = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace IParticleEffect { + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomNamedModelBodyPart { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PARTICLE_EHANDLE__ { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t unused = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderOmni2Light { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLightType = 0x208; // ParticleOmni2LightTypeChoiceList_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vColorBlend = 0x210; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorBlendType = 0x868; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBrightnessUnit = 0x86C; // ParticleLightUnitChoiceList_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessLumens = 0x870; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessCandelas = 0x9C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCastShadows = 0xB20; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLuminaireRadius = 0xB28; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSkirt = 0xC80; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0xDD8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInnerConeAngle = 0xF30; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOuterConeAngle = 0x1088; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLightCookie = 0x11E0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSphericalCookie = 0x11E8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ConnectParentParticleToNearest { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSecondControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseRadius = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flParentRadiusScale = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + namespace CPerParticleFloatInput { + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelBodyPartScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitSkinnedPositionFromCPSnapshot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandom = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeed = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRigid = 0x1D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetNormal = 0x1D1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreDt = 0x1D2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinNormalVelocity = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxNormalVelocity = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndexType = 0x1DC; // SnapshotIndexType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReadIndex = 0x1E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIncrement = 0x338; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFullLoopIncrement = 0x33C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapShotStartPoint = 0x340; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBoneVelocity = 0x344; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBoneVelocityMax = 0x348; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCopyColor = 0x34C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCopyAlpha = 0x34D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetRadius = 0x34E; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LagCompensation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDesiredVelocityCP = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLatencyCP = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLatencyCPField = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDesiredVelocityCPField = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_CollideWithSelf { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinimumSpeed = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_Noise { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fl4NoiseScale = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAdditive = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseAnimationTimeScale = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_FadeAndKillForTracers { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeInTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeInTime = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeOutTime = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeOutTime = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartAlpha = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndAlpha = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ColorAdjustHSL { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHueAdjust = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSaturationAdjust = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightnessAdjust = 0x468; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleMassCalculationParameters { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMassMode = 0x0; // ParticleMassMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNominalRadius = 0x160; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x2B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SequenceFromModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutputAnim = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1D4; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_AlphaDecay { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinAlpha = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapDensityGradientToVectorAttribute { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitVec { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputValue = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x818; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x81C; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalizedOutput = 0x820; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWritePreviousPosition = 0x821; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_SetHitboxToModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceInModel = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEvenDistribution = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDesiredHitbox = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecHitBoxScale = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDirectionBias = 0x828; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMaintainHitbox = 0x834; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBones = 0x835; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0x836; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShellSize = 0x8B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MovementMoveAlongSkinnedCPSnapshot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetNormal = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetRadius = 0x1C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTValue = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LerpScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutput = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x318; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x31C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitialRepulsionVelocity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x1C0; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x240; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMin = 0x244; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMax = 0x250; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x25C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPerParticle = 0x260; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTranslate = 0x261; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportional = 0x262; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceLength = 0x264; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPerParticleTR = 0x268; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInherit = 0x269; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildCP = 0x26C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x270; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ClampScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointToHMD { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOrientToHMD = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DifferencePreviousParticle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x1D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetPreviousParticle = 0x1D5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointFieldFromVectorExpression { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExpression = 0x1C0; // VectorFloatExpressionType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecInput1 = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecInput2 = 0x820; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputRemap = 0xE78; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputCP = 0xFD0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutVectorField = 0xFD4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransforms { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformStart = 0x1D0; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformEnd = 0x238; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x2A0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x2A4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRadialCheck = 0x2A5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_PlaneCull { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistance = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCullInside = 0x320; // bool + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapNamedModelSequenceEndCap { + } + // Parent: CParticleCollectionFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + namespace CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitFromCPSnapshot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttributeToRead = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttributeToWrite = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalSpaceCP = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandom = 0x1D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReverse = 0x1D1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapShotIncrement = 0x1D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nManualSnapshotIndex = 0x330; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeed = 0x488; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalSpaceAngles = 0x48C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 22 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderCables { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScale = 0x360; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecColorScale = 0x4B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorBlendType = 0xB10; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMaterial = 0xB18; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTextureRepetitionMode = 0xB20; // TextureRepetitionMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTextureRepeatsPerSegment = 0xB28; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTextureRepeatsCircumference = 0xC80; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flColorMapOffsetV = 0xDD8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flColorMapOffsetU = 0xF30; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNormalMapOffsetV = 0x1088; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNormalMapOffsetU = 0x11E0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDrawCableCaps = 0x1338; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCapRoundness = 0x133C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCapOffsetAmount = 0x1340; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTessScale = 0x1344; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinTesselation = 0x1348; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxTesselation = 0x134C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRoundness = 0x1350; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightingTransform = 0x1358; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaterialFloatVars = 0x13C0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaterialVecVars = 0x13F0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InheritVelocity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVelocityScale = 0x1C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointToWaterSurface { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSourceCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDestCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlowCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nActiveCP = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nActiveCPField = 0x1D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRetestRate = 0x1D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAdaptiveThreshold = 0x330; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_PositionOffset { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OffsetMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OffsetMax = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0xE70; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalCoords = 0xED8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportional = 0xED9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_randomnessParameters = 0xEDC; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_NormalAlignToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointAxis = 0x228; // ParticleControlPointAxis_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ShapeMatchingConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShapeRestorationTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetChildControlPoints { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumControlPoints = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReverse = 0x320; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetOrientation = 0x321; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ChladniWave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecWaveLength = 0x720; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecHarmonics = 0xD78; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x13D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalSpaceControlPoint = 0x13D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_b3D = 0x13D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapDirectionToCPToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffsetRot = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffsetAxis = 0x1C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalize = 0x1D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldStrength = 0x1D8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DriveCPFromGlobalSoundFloat { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_StackName = 0x1D8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OperatorName = 0x1E0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FieldName = 0x1E8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RtEnvCull { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTestDir = 0x1B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTestNormal = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCullOnMiss = 0x1D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStickInsteadOfCull = 0x1D1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RtEnvName = 0x1D2; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRTEnvCP = 0x254; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nComponent = 0x258; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_PinParticleToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffset = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffsetLocal = 0x818; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParticleSelection = 0x81C; // ParticleSelection_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParticleNumber = 0x820; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPinBreakType = 0x978; // ParticlePinDistance_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakDistance = 0x980; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakSpeed = 0xAD8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAge = 0xC30; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBreakControlPointNumber = 0xD88; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBreakControlPointNumber2 = 0xD8C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakValue = 0xD90; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0xEE8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapCPtoVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPInput = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalSpaceCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInputMin = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInputMax = 0x1D0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOutputMin = 0x1DC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOutputMax = 0x1E8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x1F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpRate = 0x1FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x200; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffset = 0x204; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAccelerate = 0x205; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateParticleImpulse { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputRadius = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputMagnitude = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFalloffFunction = 0x470; // ParticleFalloffFunction_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputFalloffExp = 0x478; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nImpulseType = 0x5D0; // ParticleImpulseType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DensityForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceScale = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTargetDensity = 0x1D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateInEpitrochoid { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nComponent1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nComponent2 = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1C8; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flParticleDensity = 0x230; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffset = 0x388; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius1 = 0x4E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius2 = 0x638; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseCount = 0x790; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseLocalCoords = 0x791; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffsetExistingPos = 0x792; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ConstrainDistanceToUserSpecifiedPath { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMinDistance = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDistance = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoopedPath = 0x1C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pointList = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointPositions { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseWorldLocation = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOrient = 0x1C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetOnce = 0x1C2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP1 = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP2 = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP3 = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP4 = 0x1D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1D4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCP2Pos = 0x1E0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCP3Pos = 0x1EC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCP4Pos = 0x1F8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHeadLocation = 0x204; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetFloatAttributeToVectorExpression { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExpression = 0x1B8; // VectorFloatExpressionType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInput1 = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInput2 = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputRemap = 0xE70; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0xFC8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0xFCC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MovementRotateParticleAroundAxis { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRotAxis = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotRate = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x968; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalSpace = 0x9D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_IntraParticleForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttractionMinDistance = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttractionMaxDistance = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttractionMaxStrength = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRepulsionMinDistance = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRepulsionMaxDistance = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRepulsionMaxStrength = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAABB = 0x1E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bThreadIt = 0x1E1; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitFloat { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputValue = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x31C; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputStrength = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateOnModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleModelInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transformInput = 0x220; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceInModel = 0x288; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScaleToVolume = 0x28C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEvenDistribution = 0x28D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDesiredHitbox = 0x290; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitboxValueFromControlPointIndex = 0x3E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecHitBoxScale = 0x3F0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBoneVelocity = 0xA48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxBoneVelocity = 0xA4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDirectionBias = 0xA50; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0x10A8; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalCoords = 0x1128; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBones = 0x1129; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseMesh = 0x112A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShellSize = 0x1130; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_InheritFromPeerSystem { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIncrement = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGroupID = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_PerParticleForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceScale = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vForce = 0x320; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x978; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomNamedModelMeshGroup { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderProjected { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProjectCharacter = 0x208; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProjectWorld = 0x209; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProjectWater = 0x20A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlipHorizontal = 0x20B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableProjectedDepthControls = 0x20C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinProjectionDepth = 0x210; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxProjectionDepth = 0x214; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecProjectedMaterials = 0x218; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaterialSelection = 0x230; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnimationTimeScale = 0x388; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOrientToNormal = 0x38C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaterialVars = 0x390; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x3A8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScale = 0x500; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRollScale = 0x658; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAlpha2Field = 0x7B0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecColorScale = 0x7B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorBlendType = 0xE10; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MaxVelocity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxVelocity = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinVelocity = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOverrideCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOverrideCPField = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_VelocityFromNormal { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeedMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeedMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreDt = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MaintainEmitter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParticlesToMaintain = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x318; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEmissionDuration = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEmissionRate = 0x478; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSnapshotControlPoint = 0x47C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEmitInstantaneously = 0x480; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFinalEmitOnStop = 0x481; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x488; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_PositionOffsetToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumberStart = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumberEnd = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalCoords = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapInitialTransformDirectionToRotation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffsetRot = 0x22C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nComponent = 0x230; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_FadeAndKill { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeInTime = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeInTime = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeOutTime = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeOutTime = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartAlpha = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndAlpha = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForcePreserveParticleOrder = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PARTICLE_WORLD_HANDLE__ { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t unused = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ColorInterpolate { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorFade = 0x1B8; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeStartTime = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeEndTime = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEaseInOut = 0x1D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RampScalarSpline { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RateMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RateMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_min = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_max = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_min = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_max = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBias = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x200; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportionalOp = 0x204; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEaseOut = 0x205; // bool + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapNamedModelSequenceOnceTimed { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointFromObjectScale { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPInput = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPOutput = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MaintainSequentialPath { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMaxDistance = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNumToAssign = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCohesionStrength = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTolerance = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseParticleCount = 0x1C9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathParams = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapNamedModelBodyPartEndCap { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_StopAfterCPDuration { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDestroyImmediately = 0x318; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayEndCap = 0x319; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CGeneralSpin { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpinRateDegrees = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpinRateMinDegrees = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpinRateStopTime = 0x1C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMaxVersion + // MParticleReplacementOp + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LockToSavedSequentialPath { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeStart = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeEnd = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCPPairs = 0x1C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathParams = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hModel = 0x1C0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_names = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_values = 0x1E0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1F8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1FC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x200; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bModelFromRenderer = 0x204; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ClampVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMax = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderStatusEffectCitadel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureColorWarp = 0x208; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureNormal = 0x210; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureMetalness = 0x218; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureRoughness = 0x220; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureSelfIllum = 0x228; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTextureDetail = 0x230; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapCPtoScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPInput = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x1E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1E4; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRemapBias = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace IParticleSystemDefinition { + } + // Parent: CParticleFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + namespace CParticleCollectionFloatInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_WindForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vForce = 0x1C8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetVariable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_variableReference = 0x1C0; // CParticleVariableRef + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transformInput = 0x200; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_positionOffset = 0x268; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rotationOffset = 0x274; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecInput = 0x280; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_floatInput = 0x8D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 29 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderStandardLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLightType = 0x208; // ParticleLightTypeChoiceList_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecColorScale = 0x210; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorBlendType = 0x868; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIntensity = 0x870; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCastShadows = 0x9C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTheta = 0x9D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPhi = 0xB28; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusMultiplier = 0xC80; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttenuationStyle = 0xDD8; // StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFalloffLinearity = 0xDE0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFiftyPercentFalloff = 0xF38; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZeroPercentFalloff = 0x1090; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderDiffuse = 0x11E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderSpecular = 0x11E9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lightCookie = 0x11F0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPriority = 0x11F8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFogLightingMode = 0x11FC; // ParticleLightFogLightingMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogContribution = 0x1200; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCapsuleLightBehavior = 0x1358; // ParticleLightBehaviorChoiceList_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCapsuleLength = 0x135C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReverseOrder = 0x1360; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClosedLoop = 0x1361; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrevPntSource = 0x1364; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLength = 0x1368; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinLength = 0x136C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreDT = 0x1370; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flConstrainRadiusToLengthRatio = 0x1374; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLengthScale = 0x1378; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLengthFadeInTime = 0x137C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_DistanceToTransform { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformStart = 0x720; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLOS = 0x788; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x789; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x80C; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x810; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLOSScale = 0x814; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x818; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x81C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAdditive = 0x81D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecComponentScale = 0x820; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapControlPointOrientationToRotation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffsetRot = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nComponent = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointToCenter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP1 = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCP1Pos = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetParent = 0x1D0; // ParticleParentSetMode_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapAverageScalarValuetoCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutVectorField = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapDotProductToScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputCP1 = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputCP2 = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseParticleVelocity = 0x1D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1D8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x1DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseParticleNormal = 0x1DD; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapCPtoCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputControlPoint = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputField = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDerivative = 0x1E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpRate = 0x1E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointRotation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRotAxis = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotRate = 0x818; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x970; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLocalCP = 0x974; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_CurlNoiseForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNoiseType = 0x1C8; // ParticleDirectionNoiseType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecNoiseFreq = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecNoiseScale = 0x828; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffset = 0xE80; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffsetRate = 0x14D8; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWorleySeed = 0x1B30; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWorleyJitter = 0x1C88; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_Orient2DRelToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotOffset = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetSimulationRate { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSimulationScale = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_FadeIn { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInTimeMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInTimeMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInTimeExp = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportional = 0x1C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderScreenShake { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDurationScale = 0x208; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x20C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrequencyScale = 0x210; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAmplitudeScale = 0x214; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRadiusField = 0x218; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDurationField = 0x21C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFrequencyField = 0x220; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAmplitudeField = 0x224; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFilterCP = 0x228; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapBoundingVolumetoCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_HSVShiftToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorGemEnableCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DefaultHSVColor = 0x1CC; // Color + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_GlobalScale { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScaleRadius = 0x1CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScalePosition = 0x1CD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScaleVelocity = 0x1CE; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RadiusFromCPObject { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitialVelocityFromHitbox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVelocityMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVelocityMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0x1CC; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBones = 0x24C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LerpVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutput = 0x1BC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointFieldToWater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSourceCP = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDestCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPField = 0x1C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace TextureGroup_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReplaceTextureWithGradient = 0x1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTexture = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Gradient = 0x10; // CColorGradient + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTextureType = 0x28; // SpriteCardTextureType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTextureChannels = 0x2C; // SpriteCardTextureChannel_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTextureBlendMode = 0x30; // ParticleTextureLayerBlendType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTextureBlend = 0x38; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TextureControls = 0x190; // TextureControls_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_TimeVaryingForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartLerpTime = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_StartingForce = 0x1CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndLerpTime = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EndingForce = 0x1DC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetCPOrientationToGroundNormal { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpRate = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTolerance = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTraceOffset = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x1C8; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x248; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputCP = 0x24C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputCP = 0x250; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIncludeWater = 0x260; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SnapshotSkinToBones { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTransformNormals = 0x1B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTransformRadii = 0x1B9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLifeTimeFadeStart = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLifeTimeFadeEnd = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpThreshold = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevPosScale = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateWithinSphereTransform { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRadiusMin = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRadiusMax = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDistanceBias = 0x470; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDistanceBiasAbs = 0xAC8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformInput = 0xAD8; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeedMin = 0xB40; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeedMax = 0xC98; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeedRandExp = 0xDF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalCoords = 0xDF4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndCPGrowthTime = 0xDF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMin = 0xE00; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMax = 0x1458; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1AB0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldVelocity = 0x1AB4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RadiusDecay { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinRadius = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapNamedModelBodyPartToScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapScalarToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMin = 0x1D0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMax = 0x1DC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x1EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1F0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalCoords = 0x1F8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRemapBias = 0x1FC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitialSequenceFromModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutputAnim = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1DC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_NoiseEmitter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEmissionDuration = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEmissionScale = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleControlPoint = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleControlPointField = 0x1D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWorldNoisePoint = 0x1D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbsVal = 0x1D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbsValInv = 0x1D9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffset = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseScale = 0x1E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWorldNoiseScale = 0x1EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffsetLoc = 0x1F0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWorldTimeScale = 0x1FC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleFunctionInitializer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAssociatedEmitterIndex = 0x1B8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SelectivelyEnableChildren { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstChild = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumChildrenToEnable = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayEndcapOnStop = 0x5C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDestroyImmediately = 0x5C9; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ModelReference_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_model = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRelativeProbabilityOfSpawn = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_PlanarConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PointOnPlane = 0x1B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlaneNormal = 0x1C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGlobalOrigin = 0x1D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGlobalNormal = 0x1D5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaximumDistanceToCP = 0x330; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseOldCode = 0x488; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateFromCPs { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIncrement = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDynamicCPCount = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LockPoints { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinCol = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxCol = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinRow = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxRow = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendValue = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_CreateSpiralSphere { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOverrideCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDensity = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialRadius = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialSpeedMin = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialSpeedMax = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseParticleCount = 0x1D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_CPVelocityForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hModel = 0x1B8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inNames = 0x1C0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_outNames = 0x1D8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fallbackNames = 0x1F0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bModelFromRenderer = 0x208; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x210; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_ScaleVelocity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecScale = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MoveToHitbox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelInput = 0x1B8; // CParticleModelInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transformInput = 0x218; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLifeTimeLerpStart = 0x284; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLifeTimeLerpEnd = 0x288; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevPosScale = 0x28C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0x290; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBones = 0x310; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLerpType = 0x314; // HitboxLerpType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 46 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + namespace CParticleFloatInput { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x10; // ParticleFloatType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapType = 0x14; // ParticleFloatMapType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLiteralValue = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NamedValue = 0x20; // CParticleNamedValueRef + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScalarAttribute = 0x64; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVectorAttribute = 0x68; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVectorComponent = 0x6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRandomMin = 0x70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRandomMax = 0x74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasRandomSignFlip = 0x78; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeed = 0x7C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomMode = 0x80; // ParticleFloatRandomMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLOD0 = 0x88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLOD1 = 0x8C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLOD2 = 0x90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLOD3 = 0x94; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNoiseInputVectorAttribute = 0x98; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseOutputMin = 0x9C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseOutputMax = 0xA0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseScale = 0xA4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecNoiseOffsetRate = 0xA8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseOffset = 0xB4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNoiseOctaves = 0xB8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNoiseTurbulence = 0xBC; // PFNoiseTurbulence_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNoiseType = 0xC0; // PFNoiseType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNoiseModifier = 0xC4; // PFNoiseModifier_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseTurbulenceScale = 0xC8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseTurbulenceMix = 0xCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseImgPreviewScale = 0xD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoiseImgPreviewLive = 0xD4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoCameraFallback = 0xE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBoundsCenter = 0xE4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputMode = 0xE8; // ParticleFloatInputMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMultFactor = 0xEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInput0 = 0xF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInput1 = 0xF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutput0 = 0xF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutput1 = 0xFC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotchedRangeMin = 0x100; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotchedRangeMax = 0x104; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotchedOutputOutside = 0x108; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotchedOutputInside = 0x10C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBiasType = 0x110; // ParticleFloatBiasType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBiasParameter = 0x114; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Curve = 0x118; // CPiecewiseCurve + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_PointList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pointList = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlaceAlongPath = 0x1E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClosedLoop = 0x1E1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumPointsAlongPath = 0x1E4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LerpToOtherAttribute { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolation = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInputFrom = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x314; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RandomColor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorMin = 0x1DC; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorMax = 0x1E0; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TintMin = 0x1E4; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TintMax = 0x1E8; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTintPerc = 0x1EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUpdateThreshold = 0x1F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTintCP = 0x1F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1F8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTintBlendMode = 0x1FC; // ParticleColorBlendMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightAmplification = 0x200; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetGravityToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPInput = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPOutput = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetOrientation = 0x320; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetZDown = 0x321; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputMin = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputMax = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleControlPoint = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleControlPointField = 0x1D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1DC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x1E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInvert = 0x1E1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWrap = 0x1E2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRemapBias = 0x1E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InheritFromParentParticles { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIncrement = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandomDistribution = 0x1CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeed = 0x1D0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RampScalarLinearSimple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Rate = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1F0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_ChaoticAttractor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAParm = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBParm = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCParm = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDParm = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpeedMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpeedMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBaseCP = 0x1DC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUniformSpeed = 0x1E0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_MovementRigidAttachToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleCPField = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffsetLocal = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderFlattenGrass { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlattenStrength = 0x208; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStrengthFieldOverride = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x210; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderLightBeam { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vColorBlend = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorBlendType = 0x860; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessLumensPerMeter = 0x868; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCastShadows = 0x9C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSkirt = 0x9C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0xB20; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flThickness = 0xC78; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_EnableChildrenFromParentParticleCount { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstChild = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumChildrenToEnable = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableChildren = 0x320; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayEndcapOnStop = 0x321; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDestroyImmediately = 0x322; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_DistanceToCPInit { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x478; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x5D0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartCP = 0x728; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLOS = 0x72C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroupName = 0x72D; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceSet = 0x7B0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTraceLength = 0x7B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLOSScale = 0x910; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x914; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x918; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDistanceScale = 0x91C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRemapBias = 0x928; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CReplicationParameters { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nReplicationMode = 0x0; // ParticleReplicationMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScaleChildParticleRadii = 0x4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinRandomRadiusScale = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxRandomRadiusScale = 0x160; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinRandomDisplacement = 0x2B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxRandomDisplacement = 0x910; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flModellingScale = 0xF68; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_EndCapDecay { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ForceBasedOnDistanceToPlane { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinDist = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecForceAtMinDist = 0x1CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDist = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecForceAtMaxDist = 0x1DC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPlaneNormal = 0x1E8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExponent = 0x1F8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapDensityToVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDensityMin = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDensityMax = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMin = 0x1C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMax = 0x1D4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseParentDensity = 0x1E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVoxelGridResolution = 0x1E4; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ParticleControlPointConfiguration_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_drivers = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_previewState = 0x20; // ParticlePreviewState_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_SetRigidAttachment { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldInput = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalSpace = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialVariable_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strVariable = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVariableField = 0x8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleFunctionConstraint { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapSpeed { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1CC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreDelta = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 54 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderModels { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass = 0x208; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass = 0x209; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering = 0x20A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay = 0x20B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ModelList = 0x210; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBodyGroupField = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSubModelField = 0x22C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreNormal = 0x230; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOrientZ = 0x231; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCenterOffset = 0x232; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLocalOffset = 0x238; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLocalRotation = 0x890; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreRadius = 0xEE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nModelScaleCP = 0xEEC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecComponentScale = 0xEF0; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalScale = 0x1548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSizeCullBloat = 0x154C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimated = 0x1550; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnimationRate = 0x1558; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScaleAnimationRate = 0x16B0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceLoopingAnimation = 0x16B1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetAnimOnStop = 0x16B2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bManualAnimFrame = 0x16B3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAnimationScaleField = 0x16B4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAnimationField = 0x16B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nManualFrameField = 0x16BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ActivityName = 0x16C0; // char[256] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SequenceName = 0x17C0; // char[256] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableClothSimulation = 0x18C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ClothEffectName = 0x18C1; // char[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOverrideMaterial = 0x1908; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideTranslucentMaterials = 0x1910; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSkin = 0x1918; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaterialVars = 0x1A70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flManualModelSelection = 0x1A88; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelInput = 0x1BE0; // CParticleModelInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLOD = 0x1C40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EconSlotName = 0x1C44; // char[256] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOriginalModel = 0x1D44; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSuppressTint = 0x1D45; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSubModelFieldType = 0x1D48; // RenderModelSubModelFieldType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableShadows = 0x1D4C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableDepthPrepass = 0x1D4D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAcceptsDecals = 0x1D4E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceDrawInterlevedWithSiblings = 0x1D4F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDoNotDrawInParticlePass = 0x1D50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowApproximateTransforms = 0x1D51; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szRenderAttribute = 0x1D52; // char[260] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0x1E58; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScale = 0x1FB0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRollScale = 0x2108; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAlpha2Field = 0x2260; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecColorScale = 0x2268; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorBlendType = 0x28C0; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CParticleFunctionEmitter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEmitterIndex = 0x1B8; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupToScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointOrientationToCPVelocity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPInput = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPOutput = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RopeSpringConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRestLength = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinDistance = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDistance = 0x468; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAdjustmentScale = 0x5C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialRestingLength = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_PositionWarpScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecWarpMin = 0x1C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecWarpMax = 0x1CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputValue = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevPosScale = 0x330; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleControlPointNumber = 0x334; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x338; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ForceControlPointStub { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ControlPoint = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_VectorNoise { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMin = 0x1BC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOutputMax = 0x1C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fl4NoiseScale = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAdditive = 0x1D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffset = 0x1D9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseAnimationTimeScale = 0x1DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace IParticleCollection { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapParticleCountToScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputMin = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputMax = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x720; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x724; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_QuantizeFloat { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputValue = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RemapModelVolumetoCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBBoxType = 0x1C0; // BBoxVolumeType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInControlPointNumber = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutControlPointNumber = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutControlPointMaxNumber = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMin = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputMax = 0x1E0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetToCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffset = 0x1BC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOffsetLocal = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ParticleControlPointDriver_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iControlPoint = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAttachType = 0x4; // ParticleAttachment_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachmentName = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffset = 0x10; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angOffset = 0x1C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entityName = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ParentVortices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceScale = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTwistAxis = 0x1CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlipBasedOnYaw = 0x1D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetControlPointToCPVelocity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPInput = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPOutputVel = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalize = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPOutputMag = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPField = 0x1D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecComparisonVelocity = 0x1D8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ClientPhysics { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strPhysicsType = 0x208; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bKillParticles = 0x210; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDeleteSim = 0x211; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPoint = 0x214; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorBlendType = 0x218; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: CGeneralSpin + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SpinYaw { + } + // Parent: PointDefinition_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PointDefinitionWithTimeValues_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeDuration = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RenderProjectedMaterial_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMaterial = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_ExternalWindForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSamplePosition = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecScale = 0x820; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSampleWind = 0xE78; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSampleWater = 0xE79; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDampenNearWaterPlane = 0xE7A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSampleGravity = 0xE7B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecGravityForce = 0xE80; // CPerParticleVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBasicMovementGravity = 0x14D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLocalGravityScale = 0x14E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLocalBuoyancyScale = 0x1638; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecBuoyancyForce = 0x1790; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_ModelCull { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointNumber = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBoundBox = 0x1C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCullOutside = 0x1C5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseBones = 0x1C6; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HitboxSetName = 0x1C7; // char[128] + } + // Parent: CBaseRendererSource2 + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderSprites { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSequenceOverride = 0x2718; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOrientationType = 0x2870; // ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOrientationControlPoint = 0x2874; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseYawWithNormalAligned = 0x2878; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinSize = 0x2880; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSize = 0x29D8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaAdjustWithSizeAdjust = 0x2B30; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeSize = 0x2C88; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeSize = 0x2DE0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeDot = 0x2F38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndFadeDot = 0x2F3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDistanceAlpha = 0x2F40; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSoftEdges = 0x2F41; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEdgeSoftnessStart = 0x2F44; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEdgeSoftnessEnd = 0x2F48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOutline = 0x2F4C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutlineColor = 0x2F4D; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutlineAlpha = 0x2F54; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutlineStart0 = 0x2F58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutlineStart1 = 0x2F5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutlineEnd0 = 0x2F60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutlineEnd1 = 0x2F64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLightingMode = 0x2F68; // ParticleLightingQuality_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightingTessellation = 0x2F70; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightingDirectionality = 0x30C8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bParticleShadows = 0x3220; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowDensity = 0x3224; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_replicationParameters = 0x3228; // CReplicationParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransformLerpCPs { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformStart = 0x1C8; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TransformEnd = 0x230; // CParticleTransformInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputStartCP = 0x298; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputStartField = 0x29C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputEndCP = 0x2A0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputEndField = 0x2A4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x2A8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActiveRange = 0x2AC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRadialCheck = 0x2AD; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetPerChildControlPoint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildGroupID = 0x1B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstControlPoint = 0x1BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumControlPoints = 0x1C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParticleIncrement = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstSourcePoint = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetOrientation = 0x478; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOrientationField = 0x47C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNumBasedOnParticleCount = 0x480; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderTreeShake { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPeakStrength = 0x208; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPeakStrengthFieldOverride = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x210; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRadiusFieldOverride = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShakeDuration = 0x218; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTransitionTime = 0x21C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTwistAmount = 0x220; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadialAmount = 0x224; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flControlPointOrientationAmount = 0x228; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nControlPointForLinearDirection = 0x22C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_WorldCollideConstraint { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_SetAttributeToScalarExpression { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExpression = 0x1B8; // ScalarExpressionType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInput1 = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInput2 = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputRemap = 0x470; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x5C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x5CC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_CycleScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDestField = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartValue = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndValue = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCycleTime = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDoNotRepeatCycle = 0x1C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSynchronizeParticles = 0x1C9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPScale = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPFieldMin = 0x1D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCPFieldMax = 0x1D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSetMethod = 0x1D8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RenderMaterialProxy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaterialControlPoint = 0x208; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nProxyType = 0x20C; // MaterialProxyType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaterialVars = 0x210; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOverrideMaterial = 0x228; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaterialOverrideEnabled = 0x230; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecColorScale = 0x388; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlpha = 0x9E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorBlendType = 0xB38; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FloatInputMaterialVariable_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strVariable = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInput = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleCollectionVecInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + namespace CParticleCollectionRendererVecInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RampScalarLinear { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RateMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RateMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_min = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime_max = 0x1C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_min = 0x1C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime_max = 0x1CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nField = 0x1F0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProportionalOp = 0x1F4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_RotateVector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRotAxisMin = 0x1BC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRotAxisMax = 0x1C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotRateMin = 0x1D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotRateMax = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNormalize = 0x1DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x1E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_InitVecCollection { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InputValue = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputField = 0x818; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelMeshGroupScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_INIT_SequenceFromCP { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bKillUnused = 0x1C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRadiusScale = 0x1C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffset = 0x1C8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_CPOffsetToPercentageBetweenCPs { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMin = 0x1B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputMax = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputBias = 0x1C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartCP = 0x1C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndCP = 0x1C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOffsetCP = 0x1CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOuputCP = 0x1D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputCP = 0x1D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRadialCheck = 0x1D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScaleOffset = 0x1D9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOffset = 0x1DC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace C_OP_LerpEndCapScalar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFieldOutput = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutput = 0x1BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLerpTime = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CParticleProperty { + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/particles.dll.json b/output/particles.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff001f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/particles.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,8568 @@ +{ + "particles.dll": { + "classes": { + "CBaseRendererSource2": { + "fields": { + "m_bAnimateInFPS": 3928, + "m_bBlendFramesSeq0": 9428, + "m_bDisableZBuffering": 8040, + "m_bGammaCorrectVertexColors": 4980, + "m_bMaxLuminanceBlendingSequence0": 9429, + "m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay": 7779, + "m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass": 7776, + "m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass": 7777, + "m_bRefract": 7416, + "m_bRefractSolid": 7417, + "m_bReverseZBuffering": 8039, + "m_bSaturateColorPreAlphaBlend": 4981, + "m_bStencilTestExclude": 7908, + "m_bTintByFOW": 6368, + "m_bTintByGlobalLight": 6369, + "m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering": 7778, + "m_bWriteStencilOnDepthFail": 8038, + "m_bWriteStencilOnDepthPass": 8037, + "m_flAddSelfAmount": 4984, + "m_flAlphaReferenceSoftness": 6384, + "m_flAlphaScale": 864, + "m_flAnimationRate": 3920, + "m_flBumpStrength": 3888, + "m_flCenterXOffset": 3200, + "m_flCenterYOffset": 3544, + "m_flDepthBias": 9080, + "m_flDesaturation": 5328, + "m_flDiffuseAmount": 4280, + "m_flDiffuseClamp": 4624, + "m_flFeatheringFilter": 8736, + "m_flFeatheringMaxDist": 8392, + "m_flFeatheringMinDist": 8048, + "m_flFogAmount": 6024, + "m_flOverbrightFactor": 5672, + "m_flRadiusScale": 520, + "m_flRefractAmount": 7424, + "m_flRollScale": 1208, + "m_flSelfIllumAmount": 3936, + "m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToOne": 7072, + "m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToZero": 6728, + "m_nAlpha2Field": 1552, + "m_nAlphaReferenceType": 6380, + "m_nAnimationType": 3924, + "m_nColorBlendType": 3184, + "m_nCropTextureOverride": 3892, + "m_nFeatheringMode": 8044, + "m_nFogType": 6020, + "m_nHSVShiftControlPoint": 6016, + "m_nLightingControlPoint": 4968, + "m_nOutputBlendMode": 4976, + "m_nPerParticleAlphaRefWindow": 6376, + "m_nPerParticleAlphaReference": 6372, + "m_nRefractBlurRadius": 7768, + "m_nRefractBlurType": 7772, + "m_nSelfIllumPerParticle": 4972, + "m_nShaderType": 3188, + "m_nSortMethod": 9424, + "m_stencilTestID": 7780, + "m_stencilWriteID": 7909, + "m_strShaderOverride": 3192, + "m_vecColorScale": 1560, + "m_vecTexturesInput": 3896 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CParticleFunctionRenderer" + }, + "CBaseTrailRenderer": { + "fields": { + "m_bClampV": 10712, + "m_flEndFadeSize": 10368, + "m_flMaxSize": 10020, + "m_flMinSize": 10016, + "m_flStartFadeSize": 10024, + "m_nOrientationControlPoint": 10012, + "m_nOrientationType": 10008 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CBaseRendererSource2" + }, + "CGeneralRandomRotation": { + "fields": { + "m_bRandomlyFlipDirection": 468, + "m_flDegrees": 452, + "m_flDegreesMax": 460, + "m_flDegreesMin": 456, + "m_flRotationRandExponent": 464, + "m_nFieldOutput": 448 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CParticleFunctionInitializer" + }, + "CGeneralSpin": { + "fields": { + "m_fSpinRateStopTime": 452, + "m_nSpinRateDegrees": 440, + "m_nSpinRateMinDegrees": 444 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CParticleFunctionOperator" + }, + "CNewParticleEffect": { + "fields": { + "m_LastMax": 140, + "m_LastMin": 128, + "m_RefCount": 192, + "m_bAllocated": 0, + "m_bAutoUpdateBBox": 0, + "m_bCanFreeze": 126, + "m_bDisableAggregation": 0, + "m_bDontRemove": 0, + "m_bForceNoDraw": 0, + "m_bFreezeTargetState": 125, + "m_bFreezeTransitionActive": 124, + "m_bIsFirstFrame": 0, + "m_bNeedsBBoxUpdate": 0, + "m_bRemove": 0, + "m_bShouldCheckFoW": 0, + "m_bShouldPerformCullCheck": 0, + "m_bShouldSave": 0, + "m_bShouldSimulateDuringGamePaused": 0, + "m_bSimulate": 0, + "m_flFreezeTransitionDuration": 116, + "m_flFreezeTransitionOverride": 120, + "m_flFreezeTransitionStart": 112, + "m_flScale": 76, + "m_hOwner": 80, + "m_nSplitScreenUser": 152, + "m_pDebugName": 40, + "m_pNext": 16, + "m_pOwningParticleProperty": 88, + "m_pParticles": 32, + "m_pPrev": 24, + "m_vSortOrigin": 64, + "m_vecAggregationCenter": 156 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "IParticleEffect" + }, + "CParticleCollectionBindingInstance": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MPulseInstanceDomainInfo", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPulseDomainHookInfo", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPulseLibraryBindings", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CBasePulseGraphInstance" + }, + "CParticleCollectionFloatInput": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyCustomEditor", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CParticleFloatInput" + }, + "CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyCustomEditor", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": 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"SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A_RGBALPHA": 8, + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_RGBMASK": 5 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "SpriteCardTextureType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_1D_COLOR_LOOKUP": 2, + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC": 6, + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE": 0, + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP": 5, + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_A": 7, + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_B": 8, + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_C": 9, + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION": 3, + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION_ZOOM": 4, + "SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ZOOM": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "LIGHT_STYLE_NEW": 1, + "LIGHT_STYLE_OLD": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "TextureRepetitionMode_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "TEXTURE_REPETITION_PARTICLE": 0, + "TEXTURE_REPETITION_PATH": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "VectorExpressionType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "VECTOR_EXPRESSION_ADD": 0, + "VECTOR_EXPRESSION_CROSSPRODUCT": 7, + "VECTOR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE": 3, + "VECTOR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1": 4, + "VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MAX": 6, + "VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MIN": 5, + "VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MUL": 2, + "VECTOR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT": 1, + "VECTOR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED": -1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "VectorFloatExpressionType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCE": 1, + "VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCESQR": 2, + "VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DOTPRODUCT": 0, + "VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTH": 3, + "VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTHSQR": 4, + "VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_NOISE": 5, + "VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED": -1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/particles.dll.rs b/output/particles.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3633ddc --- /dev/null +++ b/output/particles.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,6692 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: particles.dll + // Classes count: 445 + // Enums count: 76 + pub mod particles_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleSetMethod_t { + PARTICLE_SET_REPLACE_VALUE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SET_SCALE_INITIAL_VALUE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_SET_ADD_TO_INITIAL_VALUE = 0x2, + PARTICLE_SET_RAMP_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x3, + PARTICLE_SET_SCALE_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x4, + PARTICLE_SET_ADD_TO_CURRENT_VALUE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum Detail2Combo_t { + DETAIL_2_COMBO_UNINITIALIZED = u32::MAX, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_OFF = 0x0, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_ADD = 0x1, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_ADD_SELF_ILLUM = 0x2, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_MOD2X = 0x3, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_MUL = 0x4, + DETAIL_2_COMBO_CROSSFADE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum MissingParentInheritBehavior_t { + MISSING_PARENT_DO_NOTHING = u32::MAX, + MISSING_PARENT_KILL = 0x0, + MISSING_PARENT_FIND_NEW = 0x1, + MISSING_PARENT_SAME_INDEX = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleFloatBiasType_t { + PF_BIAS_TYPE_INVALID = u32::MAX, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_STANDARD = 0x0, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_GAIN = 0x1, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL = 0x2, + PF_BIAS_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t { + PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_KILL = 0x1, + PARTICLE_TRACE_MISS_BEHAVIOR_TRACE_END = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PFuncVisualizationType_t { + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_SPHERE_WIREFRAME = 0x0, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_SPHERE_SOLID = 0x1, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_BOX = 0x2, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_RING = 0x3, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_PLANE = 0x4, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_LINE = 0x5, + PFUNC_VISUALIZATION_CYLINDER = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleVRHandChoiceList_t { + PARTICLE_VRHAND_LEFT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_VRHAND_RIGHT = 0x1, + PARTICLE_VRHAND_CP = 0x2, + PARTICLE_VRHAND_CP_OBJECT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleReplicationMode_t { + PARTICLE_REPLICATIONMODE_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_REPLICATIONMODE_REPLICATE_FOR_EACH_PARENT_PARTICLE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PetGroundType_t { + PET_GROUND_NONE = 0x0, + PET_GROUND_GRID = 0x1, + PET_GROUND_PLANE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum InheritableBoolType_t { + INHERITABLE_BOOL_INHERIT = 0x0, + INHERITABLE_BOOL_FALSE = 0x1, + INHERITABLE_BOOL_TRUE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 24 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleFloatType_t { + PF_TYPE_INVALID = u32::MAX, + PF_TYPE_LITERAL = 0x0, + PF_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x1, + PF_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM = 0x2, + PF_TYPE_RANDOM_BIASED = 0x3, + PF_TYPE_COLLECTION_AGE = 0x4, + PF_TYPE_ENDCAP_AGE = 0x5, + PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_COMPONENT = 0x6, + PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_CHANGE_AGE = 0x7, + PF_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_SPEED = 0x8, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_DETAIL_LEVEL = 0x9, + PF_TYPE_CONCURRENT_DEF_COUNT = 0xA, + PF_TYPE_CLOSEST_CAMERA_DISTANCE = 0xB, + PF_TYPE_RENDERER_CAMERA_DISTANCE = 0xC, + PF_TYPE_RENDERER_CAMERA_DOT_PRODUCT = 0xD, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NOISE = 0xE, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_AGE = 0xF, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_AGE_NORMALIZED = 0x10, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_FLOAT = 0x11, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_VECTOR_COMPONENT = 0x12, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_SPEED = 0x13, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NUMBER = 0x14, + PF_TYPE_PARTICLE_NUMBER_NORMALIZED = 0x15, + PF_TYPE_COUNT = 0x16 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticlePostProcessPriorityGroup_t { + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_LEVEL_VOLUME = 0x0, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_LEVEL_OVERRIDE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_EFFECT = 0x2, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_STATE_LOW = 0x3, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GAMEPLAY_STATE_HIGH = 0x4, + PARTICLE_POST_PROCESS_PRIORITY_GLOBAL_UI = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PFNoiseTurbulence_t { + PF_NOISE_TURB_NONE = 0x0, + PF_NOISE_TURB_HIGHLIGHT = 0x1, + PF_NOISE_TURB_FEEDBACK = 0x2, + PF_NOISE_TURB_LOOPY = 0x3, + PF_NOISE_TURB_CONTRAST = 0x4, + PF_NOISE_TURB_ALTERNATE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleColorBlendMode_t { + PARTICLEBLEND_DEFAULT = 0x0, + PARTICLEBLEND_OVERLAY = 0x1, + PARTICLEBLEND_DARKEN = 0x2, + PARTICLEBLEND_LIGHTEN = 0x3, + PARTICLEBLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleColorBlendType_t { + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x0, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MULTIPLY2X = 0x1, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_DIVIDE = 0x2, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_SUBTRACT = 0x4, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MOD2X = 0x5, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_SCREEN = 0x6, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MAX = 0x7, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_MIN = 0x8, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_REPLACE = 0x9, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_AVERAGE = 0xA, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_NEGATE = 0xB, + PARTICLE_COLOR_BLEND_LUMINANCE = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum DetailCombo_t { + DETAIL_COMBO_OFF = 0x0, + DETAIL_COMBO_ADD = 0x1, + DETAIL_COMBO_ADD_SELF_ILLUM = 0x2, + DETAIL_COMBO_MOD2X = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ScalarExpressionType_t { + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = u32::MAX, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_ADD = 0x0, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT = 0x1, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MUL = 0x2, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE = 0x3, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1 = 0x4, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MIN = 0x5, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MAX = 0x6, + SCALAR_EXPRESSION_MOD = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 14 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NONE = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PARTICLE_AGE = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_ANIMATION_FRAME = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_EXTRA_DATA1 = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_EXTRA_DATA2 = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PARTICLE_ALPHA = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_SHADER_RADIUS = 0x6, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_ROLL = 0x7, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_YAW = 0x8, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_PITCH = 0x9, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_RANDOM = 0xA, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NEG_RANDOM = 0xB, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_RANDOM_TIME = 0xC, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_PP_SCALE_NEG_RANDOM_TIME = 0xD + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BlurFilterType_t { + BLURFILTER_GAUSSIAN = 0x0, + BLURFILTER_BOX = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t { + LIGHT_STYLE_OLD = 0x0, + LIGHT_STYLE_NEW = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleParentSetMode_t { + PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_NO = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SET_PARENT_IMMEDIATE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleModelType_t { + PM_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, + PM_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE_MODEL = 0x1, + PM_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE_EHANDLE = 0x2, + PM_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT = 0x3, + PM_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleLightingQuality_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_PARTICLE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_VERTEX = 0x1, + PARTICLE_LIGHTING_PER_PIXEL = u32::MAX + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PFNoiseType_t { + PF_NOISE_TYPE_PERLIN = 0x0, + PF_NOISE_TYPE_SIMPLEX = 0x1, + PF_NOISE_TYPE_WORLEY = 0x2, + PF_NOISE_TYPE_CURL = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 11 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EventTypeSelection_t { + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_SPAWNED = 0x1, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_KILLED = 0x2, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_COLLISION = 0x4, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_FIRST_COLLISION = 0x8, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_COLLISION_STOPPED = 0x10, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_KILLED_ON_COLLISION = 0x20, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_1 = 0x40, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_2 = 0x80, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_3 = 0x100, + PARTICLE_EVENT_TYPE_MASK_USER_4 = 0x200 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleMassMode_t { + PARTICLE_MASSMODE_RADIUS_CUBED = 0x0, + PARTICLE_MASSMODE_RADIUS_SQUARED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleDirectionNoiseType_t { + PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_PERLIN = 0x0, + PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_CURL = 0x1, + PARTICLE_DIR_NOISE_WORLEY_BASIC = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleHitboxBiasType_t { + PARTICLE_HITBOX_BIAS_ENTITY = 0x0, + PARTICLE_HITBOX_BIAS_HITBOX = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleControlPointAxis_t { + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_X = 0x0, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_Y = 0x1, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_Z = 0x2, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_X = 0x3, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Y = 0x4, + PARTICLE_CP_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Z = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 12 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticlePinDistance_t { + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_NONE = u32::MAX, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_NEIGHBOR = 0x0, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_FARTHEST = 0x1, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_FIRST = 0x2, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_LAST = 0x3, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CENTER = 0x5, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP = 0x6, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP_PAIR_EITHER = 0x7, + PARTICLE_PIN_DISTANCE_CP_PAIR_BOTH = 0x8, + PARTICLE_PIN_SPEED = 0x9, + PARTICLE_PIN_COLLECTION_AGE = 0xA, + PARTICLE_PIN_FLOAT_VALUE = 0xB + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VectorFloatExpressionType_t { + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = u32::MAX, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DOTPRODUCT = 0x0, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCE = 0x1, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_DISTANCESQR = 0x2, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTH = 0x3, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_LENGTHSQR = 0x4, + VECTOR_FLOAT_EXPRESSION_INPUT1_NOISE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleFogType_t { + PARTICLE_FOG_GAME_DEFAULT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_FOG_ENABLED = 0x1, + PARTICLE_FOG_DISABLED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VectorExpressionType_t { + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_UNINITIALIZED = u32::MAX, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_ADD = 0x0, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_SUBTRACT = 0x1, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MUL = 0x2, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_DIVIDE = 0x3, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_INPUT_1 = 0x4, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MIN = 0x5, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_MAX = 0x6, + VECTOR_EXPRESSION_CROSSPRODUCT = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleRotationLockType_t { + PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_ROTATIONS = 0x1, + PARTICLE_ROTATION_LOCK_NORMAL = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum HitboxLerpType_t { + HITBOX_LERP_LIFETIME = 0x0, + HITBOX_LERP_CONSTANT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AnimationType_t { + ANIMATION_TYPE_FIXED_RATE = 0x0, + ANIMATION_TYPE_FIT_LIFETIME = 0x1, + ANIMATION_TYPE_MANUAL_FRAMES = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleAttrBoxFlags_t { + PARTICLE_ATTR_BOX_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ATTR_BOX_FLAGS_WATER = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleTopology_t { + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_POINTS = 0x0, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_LINES = 0x1, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_TRIS = 0x2, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_QUADS = 0x3, + PARTICLE_TOPOLOGY_CUBES = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleLightBehaviorChoiceList_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_FOLLOW_DIRECTION = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_ROPE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_BEHAVIOR_TRAILS = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ModelHitboxType_t { + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_STANDARD = 0x0, + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_RAW_BONES = 0x1, + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_RENDERBOUNDS = 0x2, + MODEL_HITBOX_TYPE_SNAPSHOT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleFloatMapType_t { + PF_MAP_TYPE_INVALID = u32::MAX, + PF_MAP_TYPE_DIRECT = 0x0, + PF_MAP_TYPE_MULT = 0x1, + PF_MAP_TYPE_REMAP = 0x2, + PF_MAP_TYPE_REMAP_BIASED = 0x3, + PF_MAP_TYPE_CURVE = 0x4, + PF_MAP_TYPE_NOTCHED = 0x5, + PF_MAP_TYPE_COUNT = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleTraceSet_t { + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_ALL = 0x0, + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC = 0x1, + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_STATIC_AND_KEYFRAMED = 0x2, + PARTICLE_TRACE_SET_DYNAMIC = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleTextureLayerBlendType_t { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_MOD2X = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_REPLACE = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_SUBTRACT = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_AVERAGE = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_BLEND_LUMINANCE = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleSelection_t { + PARTICLE_SELECTION_FIRST = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SELECTION_LAST = 0x1, + PARTICLE_SELECTION_NUMBER = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleFloatInputMode_t { + PF_INPUT_MODE_INVALID = u32::MAX, + PF_INPUT_MODE_CLAMPED = 0x0, + PF_INPUT_MODE_LOOPED = 0x1, + PF_INPUT_MODE_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SnapshotIndexType_t { + SNAPSHOT_INDEX_INCREMENT = 0x0, + SNAPSHOT_INDEX_DIRECT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleOutputBlendMode_t { + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_ALPHA = 0x0, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_ADD = 0x1, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_BLEND_ADD = 0x2, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_HALF_BLEND_ADD = 0x3, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_NEG_HALF_BLEND_ADD = 0x4, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_MOD2X = 0x5, + PARTICLE_OUTPUT_BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleLightnintBranchBehavior_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHTNING_BRANCH_CURRENT_DIR = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHTNING_BRANCH_ENDPOINT_DIR = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum MaterialProxyType_t { + MATERIAL_PROXY_STATUS_EFFECT = 0x0, + MATERIAL_PROXY_TINT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleDepthFeatheringMode_t { + PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_OFF = 0x0, + PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_ON_OPTIONAL = 0x1, + PARTICLE_DEPTH_FEATHERING_ON_REQUIRED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleFloatRandomMode_t { + PF_RANDOM_MODE_INVALID = u32::MAX, + PF_RANDOM_MODE_CONSTANT = 0x0, + PF_RANDOM_MODE_VARYING = 0x1, + PF_RANDOM_MODE_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PFNoiseModifier_t { + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_NONE = 0x0, + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_LINES = 0x1, + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_CLUMPS = 0x2, + PF_NOISE_MODIFIER_RINGS = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 19 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleVecType_t { + PVEC_TYPE_INVALID = u32::MAX, + PVEC_TYPE_LITERAL = 0x0, + PVEC_TYPE_LITERAL_COLOR = 0x1, + PVEC_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x2, + PVEC_TYPE_PARTICLE_VECTOR = 0x3, + PVEC_TYPE_PARTICLE_VELOCITY = 0x4, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_VALUE = 0x5, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_POSITION = 0x6, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_DIR = 0x7, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_RELATIVE_RANDOM_DIR = 0x8, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPONENTS = 0x9, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_CLAMPED = 0xA, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_OPEN = 0xB, + PVEC_TYPE_FLOAT_INTERP_GRADIENT = 0xC, + PVEC_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM = 0xD, + PVEC_TYPE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_OFFSET = 0xE, + PVEC_TYPE_CP_DELTA = 0xF, + PVEC_TYPE_CLOSEST_CAMERA_POSITION = 0x10, + PVEC_TYPE_COUNT = 0x11 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleLightUnitChoiceList_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_CANDELAS = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_UNIT_LUMENS = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleFalloffFunction_t { + PARTICLE_FALLOFF_CONSTANT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_FALLOFF_LINEAR = 0x1, + PARTICLE_FALLOFF_EXPONENTIAL = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleSequenceCropOverride_t { + PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT = u32::MAX, + PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_FORCE_OFF = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SEQUENCE_CROP_OVERRIDE_FORCE_ON = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleDetailLevel_t { + PARTICLEDETAIL_LOW = 0x0, + PARTICLEDETAIL_MEDIUM = 0x1, + PARTICLEDETAIL_HIGH = 0x2, + PARTICLEDETAIL_ULTRA = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BBoxVolumeType_t { + BBOX_VOLUME = 0x0, + BBOX_DIMENSIONS = 0x1, + BBOX_MINS_MAXS = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SpriteCardTextureType_t { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ZOOM = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_1D_COLOR_LOOKUP = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_UVDISTORTION_ZOOM = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_NORMALMAP = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_ANIMMOTIONVEC = 0x6, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_A = 0x7, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_B = 0x8, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_C = 0x9 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleAlphaReferenceType_t { + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_ALPHA_ALPHA = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_OPAQUE_ALPHA = 0x1, + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_ALPHA_OPAQUE = 0x2, + PARTICLE_ALPHA_REFERENCE_OPAQUE_OPAQUE = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 15 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SpriteCardTextureChannel_t { + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGBA = 0x1, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_A = 0x2, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A = 0x3, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_ALPHAMASK = 0x4, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_RGBMASK = 0x5, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGBA_RGBALPHA = 0x6, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_A_RGBALPHA = 0x7, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RGB_A_RGBALPHA = 0x8, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_R = 0x9, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_G = 0xA, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_B = 0xB, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_RALPHA = 0xC, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_GALPHA = 0xD, + SPRITECARD_TEXTURE_CHANNEL_MIX_BALPHA = 0xE + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleTransformType_t { + PT_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, + PT_TYPE_NAMED_VALUE = 0x1, + PT_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT = 0x2, + PT_TYPE_CONTROL_POINT_RANGE = 0x3, + PT_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum RenderModelSubModelFieldType_t { + SUBMODEL_AS_BODYGROUP_SUBMODEL = 0x0, + SUBMODEL_AS_MESHGROUP_INDEX = 0x1, + SUBMODEL_AS_MESHGROUP_MASK = 0x2, + SUBMODEL_IGNORED_USE_MODEL_DEFAULT_MESHGROUP_MASK = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleHitboxDataSelection_t { + PARTICLE_HITBOX_AVERAGE_SPEED = 0x0, + PARTICLE_HITBOX_COUNT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t { + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREEN_ALIGNED = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREEN_Z_ALIGNED = 0x1, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_WORLD_Z_ALIGNED = 0x2, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_ALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL = 0x3, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SCREENALIGN_TO_PARTICLE_NORMAL = 0x4, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_FULL_3AXIS_ROTATION = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleCollisionMode_t { + COLLISION_MODE_PER_PARTICLE_TRACE = 0x3, + COLLISION_MODE_USE_NEAREST_TRACE = 0x2, + COLLISION_MODE_PER_FRAME_PLANESET = 0x1, + COLLISION_MODE_INITIAL_TRACE_DOWN = 0x0, + COLLISION_MODE_DISABLED = u32::MAX + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleSortingChoiceList_t { + PARTICLE_SORTING_NEAREST = 0x0, + PARTICLE_SORTING_CREATION_TIME = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleEndcapMode_t { + PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ALWAYS_ON = u32::MAX, + PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ENDCAP_OFF = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ENDCAP_ENDCAP_ON = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ClosestPointTestType_t { + PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_BOX = 0x0, + PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_CAPSULE = 0x1, + PARTICLE_CLOSEST_TYPE_HYBRID = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleImpulseType_t { + IMPULSE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, + IMPULSE_TYPE_GENERIC = 0x1, + IMPULSE_TYPE_ROPE = 0x2, + IMPULSE_TYPE_EXPLOSION = 0x4, + IMPULSE_TYPE_EXPLOSION_UNDERWATER = 0x8, + IMPULSE_TYPE_PARTICLE_SYSTEM = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SpriteCardShaderType_t { + SPRITECARD_SHADER_BASE = 0x0, + SPRITECARD_SHADER_CUSTOM = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleOmni2LightTypeChoiceList_t { + PARTICLE_OMNI2_LIGHT_TYPE_POINT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_OMNI2_LIGHT_TYPE_SPHERE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleLightFogLightingMode_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_NONE = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_DYNAMIC = 0x2, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_FOG_LIGHTING_MODE_DYNAMIC_NOSHADOWS = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleLightTypeChoiceList_t { + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_POINT = 0x0, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT = 0x1, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_FX = 0x2, + PARTICLE_LIGHT_TYPE_CAPSULE = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ParticleOrientationSetMode_t { + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SET_FROM_VELOCITY = 0x0, + PARTICLE_ORIENTATION_SET_FROM_ROTATIONS = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum TextureRepetitionMode_t { + TEXTURE_REPETITION_PARTICLE = 0x0, + TEXTURE_REPETITION_PATH = 0x1 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapGravityToVector { + pub const m_vInput1: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x810; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x814; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bNormalizedOutput: usize = 0x818; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_Decay { + pub const m_bRopeDecay: usize = 0x1B8; // bool + pub const m_bForcePreserveParticleOrder: usize = 0x1B9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderDeferredLight { + pub const m_bUseAlphaTestWindow: usize = 0x208; // bool + pub const m_bUseTexture: usize = 0x209; // bool + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x20C; // float32 + pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0x210; // float32 + pub const m_nAlpha2Field: usize = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecColorScale: usize = 0x218; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nColorBlendType: usize = 0x870; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + pub const m_flLightDistance: usize = 0x874; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFalloff: usize = 0x878; // float32 + pub const m_flDistanceFalloff: usize = 0x87C; // float32 + pub const m_flSpotFoV: usize = 0x880; // float32 + pub const m_nAlphaTestPointField: usize = 0x884; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nAlphaTestRangeField: usize = 0x888; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nAlphaTestSharpnessField: usize = 0x88C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_hTexture: usize = 0x890; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nHSVShiftControlPoint: usize = 0x898; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapSpeedtoCP { + pub const m_nInControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nOutControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_bUseDeltaV: usize = 0x1DC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapTransformToVelocity { + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CollisionGroupContext_t { + pub const m_nCollisionGroupNumber: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + pub mod CParticleModelInput { + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x10; // ParticleModelType_t + pub const m_NamedValue: usize = 0x18; // CParticleNamedValueRef + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x58; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleFunctionPreEmission { + pub const m_bRunOnce: usize = 0x1B8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_FadeOutSimple { + pub const m_flFadeOutTime: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SpringToVectorConstraint { + pub const m_flRestLength: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flMinDistance: usize = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxDistance: usize = 0x468; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flRestingLength: usize = 0x5C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_vecAnchorVector: usize = 0x718; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CBaseRendererSource2 + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderRopes { + pub const m_bEnableFadingAndClamping: usize = 0x2718; // bool + pub const m_flMinSize: usize = 0x271C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxSize: usize = 0x2720; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFadeSize: usize = 0x2724; // float32 + pub const m_flEndFadeSize: usize = 0x2728; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFadeDot: usize = 0x272C; // float32 + pub const m_flEndFadeDot: usize = 0x2730; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusTaper: usize = 0x2734; // float32 + pub const m_nMinTesselation: usize = 0x2738; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxTesselation: usize = 0x273C; // int32 + pub const m_flTessScale: usize = 0x2740; // float32 + pub const m_flTextureVWorldSize: usize = 0x2748; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flTextureVScrollRate: usize = 0x28A0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flTextureVOffset: usize = 0x29F8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_nTextureVParamsCP: usize = 0x2B50; // int32 + pub const m_bClampV: usize = 0x2B54; // bool + pub const m_nScaleCP1: usize = 0x2B58; // int32 + pub const m_nScaleCP2: usize = 0x2B5C; // int32 + pub const m_flScaleVSizeByControlPointDistance: usize = 0x2B60; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleVScrollByControlPointDistance: usize = 0x2B64; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleVOffsetByControlPointDistance: usize = 0x2B68; // float32 + pub const m_bUseScalarForTextureCoordinate: usize = 0x2B6D; // bool + pub const m_nScalarFieldForTextureCoordinate: usize = 0x2B70; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flScalarAttributeTextureCoordScale: usize = 0x2B74; // float32 + pub const m_bReverseOrder: usize = 0x2B78; // bool + pub const m_bClosedLoop: usize = 0x2B79; // bool + pub const m_nOrientationType: usize = 0x2B7C; // ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t + pub const m_nVectorFieldForOrientation: usize = 0x2B80; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bDrawAsOpaque: usize = 0x2B84; // bool + pub const m_bGenerateNormals: usize = 0x2B85; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_StatusEffectCitadel { + pub const m_flSFXColorWarpAmount: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXNormalAmount: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXMetalnessAmount: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXRoughnessAmount: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSelfIllumAmount: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSScale: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSScrollX: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSScrollY: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSScrollZ: usize = 0x1E0; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSOffsetX: usize = 0x1E4; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSOffsetY: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSOffsetZ: usize = 0x1EC; // float32 + pub const m_nDetailCombo: usize = 0x1F0; // DetailCombo_t + pub const m_flSFXSDetailAmount: usize = 0x1F4; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSDetailScale: usize = 0x1F8; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSDetailScrollX: usize = 0x1FC; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSDetailScrollY: usize = 0x200; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSDetailScrollZ: usize = 0x204; // float32 + pub const m_flSFXSUseModelUVs: usize = 0x208; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderSound { + pub const m_flDurationScale: usize = 0x208; // float32 + pub const m_flSndLvlScale: usize = 0x20C; // float32 + pub const m_flPitchScale: usize = 0x210; // float32 + pub const m_flVolumeScale: usize = 0x214; // float32 + pub const m_nSndLvlField: usize = 0x218; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nDurationField: usize = 0x21C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nPitchField: usize = 0x220; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nVolumeField: usize = 0x224; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nChannel: usize = 0x228; // int32 + pub const m_nCPReference: usize = 0x22C; // int32 + pub const m_pszSoundName: usize = 0x230; // char[256] + pub const m_bSuppressStopSoundEvent: usize = 0x330; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleVisibilityInputs { + pub const m_flCameraBias: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_nCPin: usize = 0x4; // int32 + pub const m_flProxyRadius: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flInputPixelVisFade: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flNoPixelVisibilityFallback: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flDistanceInputMin: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flDistanceInputMax: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flDotInputMin: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_flDotInputMax: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_bDotCPAngles: usize = 0x2C; // bool + pub const m_bDotCameraAngles: usize = 0x2D; // bool + pub const m_flAlphaScaleMin: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_flAlphaScaleMax: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusScaleMin: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusScaleMax: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusScaleFOVBase: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_bRightEye: usize = 0x44; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointsToParticle { + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFirstControlPoint: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_nNumControlPoints: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nFirstSourcePoint: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_bSetOrientation: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_nOrientationMode: usize = 0x1CC; // ParticleOrientationSetMode_t + pub const m_nSetParent: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleParentSetMode_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapSDFDistanceToVectorAttribute { + pub const m_nVectorFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nVectorFieldInput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flMinDistance: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxDistance: usize = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_vValueBelowMin: usize = 0x470; // Vector + pub const m_vValueAtMin: usize = 0x47C; // Vector + pub const m_vValueAtMax: usize = 0x488; // Vector + pub const m_vValueAboveMax: usize = 0x494; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapCPVelocityToVector { + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_bNormalize: usize = 0x1C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_PointVectorAtNextParticle { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ParticlePreviewBodyGroup_t { + pub const m_bodyGroupName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nValue: usize = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_OscillateScalarSimple { + pub const m_Rate: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_Frequency: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flOscMult: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flOscAdd: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_StatusEffect { + pub const m_nDetail2Combo: usize = 0x1C0; // Detail2Combo_t + pub const m_flDetail2Rotation: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flDetail2Scale: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flDetail2BlendFactor: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flColorWarpIntensity: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flDiffuseWarpBlendToFull: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flEnvMapIntensity: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flAmbientScale: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_specularColor: usize = 0x1E0; // Color + pub const m_flSpecularScale: usize = 0x1E4; // float32 + pub const m_flSpecularExponent: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + pub const m_flSpecularExponentBlendToFull: usize = 0x1EC; // float32 + pub const m_flSpecularBlendToFull: usize = 0x1F0; // float32 + pub const m_rimLightColor: usize = 0x1F4; // Color + pub const m_flRimLightScale: usize = 0x1F8; // float32 + pub const m_flReflectionsTintByBaseBlendToNone: usize = 0x1FC; // float32 + pub const m_flMetalnessBlendToFull: usize = 0x200; // float32 + pub const m_flSelfIllumBlendToFull: usize = 0x204; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RtEnvCull { + pub const m_vecTestDir: usize = 0x1C0; // Vector + pub const m_vecTestNormal: usize = 0x1CC; // Vector + pub const m_bUseVelocity: usize = 0x1D8; // bool + pub const m_bCullOnMiss: usize = 0x1D9; // bool + pub const m_bLifeAdjust: usize = 0x1DA; // bool + pub const m_RtEnvName: usize = 0x1DB; // char[128] + pub const m_nRTEnvCP: usize = 0x25C; // int32 + pub const m_nComponent: usize = 0x260; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ConstrainDistance { + pub const m_fMinDistance: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_fMaxDistance: usize = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x468; // int32 + pub const m_CenterOffset: usize = 0x46C; // Vector + pub const m_bGlobalCenter: usize = 0x478; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomVector { + pub const m_vecMin: usize = 0x1C0; // Vector + pub const m_vecMax: usize = 0x1CC; // Vector + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1D8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_randomnessParameters: usize = 0x1DC; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitialVelocityNoise { + pub const m_vecAbsVal: usize = 0x1C0; // Vector + pub const m_vecAbsValInv: usize = 0x1CC; // Vector + pub const m_vecOffsetLoc: usize = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_flOffset: usize = 0x830; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_vecOutputMin: usize = 0x988; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecOutputMax: usize = 0xFE0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_flNoiseScale: usize = 0x1638; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flNoiseScaleLoc: usize = 0x1790; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x18E8; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_bIgnoreDt: usize = 0x1950; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ParticleChildrenInfo_t { + pub const m_ChildRef: usize = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flDelay: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_bEndCap: usize = 0xC; // bool + pub const m_bDisableChild: usize = 0xD; // bool + pub const m_nDetailLevel: usize = 0x10; // ParticleDetailLevel_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapScalarOnceTimed { + pub const m_bProportional: usize = 0x1B8; // bool + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flRemapTime: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomNamedModelSequence { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_PlaneCull { + pub const m_nPlaneControlPoint: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_vecPlaneDirection: usize = 0x1BC; // Vector + pub const m_bLocalSpace: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_flPlaneOffset: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_VelocityRandom { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_fSpeedMin: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_fSpeedMax: usize = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMin: usize = 0x478; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMax: usize = 0xAD0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_bIgnoreDT: usize = 0x1128; // bool + pub const m_randomnessParameters: usize = 0x112C; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ModelDampenMovement { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_bBoundBox: usize = 0x1BC; // bool + pub const m_bOutside: usize = 0x1BD; // bool + pub const m_bUseBones: usize = 0x1BE; // bool + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0x1BF; // char[128] + pub const m_vecPosOffset: usize = 0x240; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_fDrag: usize = 0x898; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_TwistAroundAxis { + pub const m_fForceAmount: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_TwistAxis: usize = 0x1CC; // Vector + pub const m_bLocalSpace: usize = 0x1D8; // bool + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1DC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_TeleportBeam { + pub const m_nCPPosition: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nCPVelocity: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_nCPMisc: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPColor: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nCPInvalidColor: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nCPExtraArcData: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_vGravity: usize = 0x1D0; // Vector + pub const m_flArcMaxDuration: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_flSegmentBreak: usize = 0x1E0; // float32 + pub const m_flArcSpeed: usize = 0x1E4; // float32 + pub const m_flAlpha: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapExternalWindToCP { + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_vecScale: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_bSetMagnitude: usize = 0x820; // bool + pub const m_nOutVectorField: usize = 0x824; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 62 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBaseRendererSource2 { + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0x360; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flRollScale: usize = 0x4B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_nAlpha2Field: usize = 0x610; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecColorScale: usize = 0x618; // CParticleCollectionRendererVecInput + pub const m_nColorBlendType: usize = 0xC70; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + pub const m_nShaderType: usize = 0xC74; // SpriteCardShaderType_t + pub const m_strShaderOverride: usize = 0xC78; // CUtlString + pub const m_flCenterXOffset: usize = 0xC80; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flCenterYOffset: usize = 0xDD8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flBumpStrength: usize = 0xF30; // float32 + pub const m_nCropTextureOverride: usize = 0xF34; // ParticleSequenceCropOverride_t + pub const m_vecTexturesInput: usize = 0xF38; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flAnimationRate: usize = 0xF50; // float32 + pub const m_nAnimationType: usize = 0xF54; // AnimationType_t + pub const m_bAnimateInFPS: usize = 0xF58; // bool + pub const m_flSelfIllumAmount: usize = 0xF60; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flDiffuseAmount: usize = 0x10B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flDiffuseClamp: usize = 0x1210; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_nLightingControlPoint: usize = 0x1368; // int32 + pub const m_nSelfIllumPerParticle: usize = 0x136C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nOutputBlendMode: usize = 0x1370; // ParticleOutputBlendMode_t + pub const m_bGammaCorrectVertexColors: usize = 0x1374; // bool + pub const m_bSaturateColorPreAlphaBlend: usize = 0x1375; // bool + pub const m_flAddSelfAmount: usize = 0x1378; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flDesaturation: usize = 0x14D0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flOverbrightFactor: usize = 0x1628; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_nHSVShiftControlPoint: usize = 0x1780; // int32 + pub const m_nFogType: usize = 0x1784; // ParticleFogType_t + pub const m_flFogAmount: usize = 0x1788; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_bTintByFOW: usize = 0x18E0; // bool + pub const m_bTintByGlobalLight: usize = 0x18E1; // bool + pub const m_nPerParticleAlphaReference: usize = 0x18E4; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + pub const m_nPerParticleAlphaRefWindow: usize = 0x18E8; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + pub const m_nAlphaReferenceType: usize = 0x18EC; // ParticleAlphaReferenceType_t + pub const m_flAlphaReferenceSoftness: usize = 0x18F0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToZero: usize = 0x1A48; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flSourceAlphaValueToMapToOne: usize = 0x1BA0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_bRefract: usize = 0x1CF8; // bool + pub const m_bRefractSolid: usize = 0x1CF9; // bool + pub const m_flRefractAmount: usize = 0x1D00; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_nRefractBlurRadius: usize = 0x1E58; // int32 + pub const m_nRefractBlurType: usize = 0x1E5C; // BlurFilterType_t + pub const m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass: usize = 0x1E60; // bool + pub const m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass: usize = 0x1E61; // bool + pub const m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering: usize = 0x1E62; // bool + pub const m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay: usize = 0x1E63; // bool + pub const m_stencilTestID: usize = 0x1E64; // char[128] + pub const m_bStencilTestExclude: usize = 0x1EE4; // bool + pub const m_stencilWriteID: usize = 0x1EE5; // char[128] + pub const m_bWriteStencilOnDepthPass: usize = 0x1F65; // bool + pub const m_bWriteStencilOnDepthFail: usize = 0x1F66; // bool + pub const m_bReverseZBuffering: usize = 0x1F67; // bool + pub const m_bDisableZBuffering: usize = 0x1F68; // bool + pub const m_nFeatheringMode: usize = 0x1F6C; // ParticleDepthFeatheringMode_t + pub const m_flFeatheringMinDist: usize = 0x1F70; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flFeatheringMaxDist: usize = 0x20C8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flFeatheringFilter: usize = 0x2220; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flDepthBias: usize = 0x2378; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_nSortMethod: usize = 0x24D0; // ParticleSortingChoiceList_t + pub const m_bBlendFramesSeq0: usize = 0x24D4; // bool + pub const m_bMaxLuminanceBlendingSequence0: usize = 0x24D5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSpinUpdateBase { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_OrientTo2dDirection { + pub const m_flRotOffset: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flSpinStrength: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapDotProductToCP { + pub const m_nInputCP1: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nInputCP2: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputCP: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nOutVectorField: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar { + pub const m_hModel: usize = 0x1F0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_outputMinName: usize = 0x1F8; // CUtlString + pub const m_outputMaxName: usize = 0x200; // CUtlString + pub const m_bModelFromRenderer: usize = 0x208; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrailRenderer + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderTrails { + pub const m_bEnableFadingAndClamping: usize = 0x29E0; // bool + pub const m_flStartFadeDot: usize = 0x29E4; // float32 + pub const m_flEndFadeDot: usize = 0x29E8; // float32 + pub const m_nPrevPntSource: usize = 0x29EC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flMaxLength: usize = 0x29F0; // float32 + pub const m_flMinLength: usize = 0x29F4; // float32 + pub const m_bIgnoreDT: usize = 0x29F8; // bool + pub const m_flConstrainRadiusToLengthRatio: usize = 0x29FC; // float32 + pub const m_flLengthScale: usize = 0x2A00; // float32 + pub const m_flLengthFadeInTime: usize = 0x2A04; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusHeadTaper: usize = 0x2A08; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_vecHeadColorScale: usize = 0x2B60; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_flHeadAlphaScale: usize = 0x31B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flRadiusTaper: usize = 0x3310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_vecTailColorScale: usize = 0x3468; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_flTailAlphaScale: usize = 0x3AC0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nHorizCropField: usize = 0x3C18; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nVertCropField: usize = 0x3C1C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flForwardShift: usize = 0x3C20; // float32 + pub const m_bFlipUVBasedOnPitchYaw: usize = 0x3C24; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointPositionToTimeOfDayValue { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_pszTimeOfDayParameter: usize = 0x1C4; // char[128] + pub const m_vecDefaultValue: usize = 0x244; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DecayMaintainCount { + pub const m_nParticlesToMaintain: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_flDecayDelay: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_nSnapshotControlPoint: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_bLifespanDecay: usize = 0x1C4; // bool + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bKillNewest: usize = 0x320; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomModelSequence { + pub const m_ActivityName: usize = 0x1C0; // char[256] + pub const m_SequenceName: usize = 0x2C0; // char[256] + pub const m_hModel: usize = 0x3C0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleVecInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + pub mod CPerParticleVecInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ExternalGameImpulseForce { + pub const m_flForceScale: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_bRopes: usize = 0x320; // bool + pub const m_bRopesZOnly: usize = 0x321; // bool + pub const m_bExplosions: usize = 0x322; // bool + pub const m_bParticles: usize = 0x323; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapAverageHitboxSpeedtoCP { + pub const m_nInControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nOutControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nHitboxDataType: usize = 0x1CC; // ParticleHitboxDataSelection_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nHeightControlPointNumber: usize = 0x730; // int32 + pub const m_vecComparisonVelocity: usize = 0x738; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0xD90; // char[128] + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomAlpha { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nAlphaMin: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nAlphaMax: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_flAlphaRandExponent: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_NormalizeVector { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_FadeInSimple { + pub const m_flFadeInTime: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RepeatedTriggerChildGroup { + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_flClusterRefireTime: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flClusterSize: usize = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flClusterCooldown: usize = 0x478; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bLimitChildCount: usize = 0x5D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderTonemapController { + pub const m_flTonemapLevel: usize = 0x208; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapWeight: usize = 0x20C; // float32 + pub const m_nTonemapLevelField: usize = 0x210; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nTonemapWeightField: usize = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapVelocityToVector { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_bNormalize: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_SetHitboxToClosest { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nDesiredHitbox: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_vecHitBoxScale: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0x820; // char[128] + pub const m_bUseBones: usize = 0x8A0; // bool + pub const m_bUseClosestPointOnHitbox: usize = 0x8A1; // bool + pub const m_nTestType: usize = 0x8A4; // ClosestPointTestType_t + pub const m_flHybridRatio: usize = 0x8A8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bUpdatePosition: usize = 0xA00; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RingWave { + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_flParticlesPerOrbit: usize = 0x228; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flInitialRadius: usize = 0x380; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flThickness: usize = 0x4D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInitialSpeedMin: usize = 0x630; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInitialSpeedMax: usize = 0x788; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flRoll: usize = 0x8E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flPitch: usize = 0xA38; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flYaw: usize = 0xB90; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_bEvenDistribution: usize = 0xCE8; // bool + pub const m_bXYVelocityOnly: usize = 0xCE9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomTrailLength { + pub const m_flMinLength: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxLength: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flLengthRandExponent: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapScalar { + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_bOldCode: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DistanceBetweenTransforms { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_TransformStart: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_TransformEnd: usize = 0x228; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x290; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x3E8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x540; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x698; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxTraceLength: usize = 0x7F0; // float32 + pub const m_flLOSScale: usize = 0x7F4; // float32 + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x7F8; // char[128] + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x878; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_bLOS: usize = 0x87C; // bool + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x880; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DecayOffscreen { + pub const m_flOffscreenTime: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMaxVersion + // MParticleReplacementOp + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateSequentialPath { + pub const m_fMaxDistance: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flNumToAssign: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_bCPPairs: usize = 0x1C9; // bool + pub const m_bSaveOffset: usize = 0x1CA; // bool + pub const m_PathParams: usize = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_EndCapTimedDecay { + pub const m_flDecayTime: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase { + pub const m_nCP0: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nCP1: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_flMinInputValue: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxInputValue: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_bInfiniteLine: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ContinuousEmitter { + pub const m_flEmissionDuration: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flEmitRate: usize = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flEmissionScale: usize = 0x5C8; // float32 + pub const m_flScalePerParentParticle: usize = 0x5CC; // float32 + pub const m_bInitFromKilledParentParticles: usize = 0x5D0; // bool + pub const m_nEventType: usize = 0x5D4; // EventTypeSelection_t + pub const m_nSnapshotControlPoint: usize = 0x5D8; // int32 + pub const m_nLimitPerUpdate: usize = 0x5DC; // int32 + pub const m_bForceEmitOnFirstUpdate: usize = 0x5E0; // bool + pub const m_bForceEmitOnLastUpdate: usize = 0x5E1; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_OscillateVectorSimple { + pub const m_Rate: usize = 0x1B8; // Vector + pub const m_Frequency: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flOscMult: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flOscAdd: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_bOffset: usize = 0x1DC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_SequenceLifeTime { + pub const m_flFramerate: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_MoveBetweenPoints { + pub const m_flSpeedMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flSpeedMax: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flEndSpread: usize = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flStartOffset: usize = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flEndOffset: usize = 0x720; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nEndControlPointNumber: usize = 0x878; // int32 + pub const m_bTrailBias: usize = 0x87C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapScalar { + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1E0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x1E4; // bool + pub const m_flRemapBias: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetUserEvent { + pub const m_flInput: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flRisingEdge: usize = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nRisingEventType: usize = 0x468; // EventTypeSelection_t + pub const m_flFallingEdge: usize = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nFallingEventType: usize = 0x5C8; // EventTypeSelection_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_QuantizeFloat { + pub const m_InputValue: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + pub mod CParticleCollectionBindingInstance { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_BasicMovement { + pub const m_Gravity: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_fDrag: usize = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_massControls: usize = 0x968; // CParticleMassCalculationParameters + pub const m_nMaxConstraintPasses: usize = 0xD78; // int32 + pub const m_bUseNewCode: usize = 0xD7C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement { + pub const m_hModel: usize = 0x1C0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_names: usize = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bShuffle: usize = 0x1E0; // bool + pub const m_bLinear: usize = 0x1E1; // bool + pub const m_bModelFromRenderer: usize = 0x1E2; // bool + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1E4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitFromParentKilled { + pub const m_nAttributeToCopy: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nEventType: usize = 0x1C4; // EventTypeSelection_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_Callback { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleFunction { + pub const m_flOpStrength: usize = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nOpEndCapState: usize = 0x160; // ParticleEndcapMode_t + pub const m_flOpStartFadeInTime: usize = 0x164; // float32 + pub const m_flOpEndFadeInTime: usize = 0x168; // float32 + pub const m_flOpStartFadeOutTime: usize = 0x16C; // float32 + pub const m_flOpEndFadeOutTime: usize = 0x170; // float32 + pub const m_flOpFadeOscillatePeriod: usize = 0x174; // float32 + pub const m_bNormalizeToStopTime: usize = 0x178; // bool + pub const m_flOpTimeOffsetMin: usize = 0x17C; // float32 + pub const m_flOpTimeOffsetMax: usize = 0x180; // float32 + pub const m_nOpTimeOffsetSeed: usize = 0x184; // int32 + pub const m_nOpTimeScaleSeed: usize = 0x188; // int32 + pub const m_flOpTimeScaleMin: usize = 0x18C; // float32 + pub const m_flOpTimeScaleMax: usize = 0x190; // float32 + pub const m_bDisableOperator: usize = 0x196; // bool + pub const m_Notes: usize = 0x198; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_GlobalLight { + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_bClampLowerRange: usize = 0x1BC; // bool + pub const m_bClampUpperRange: usize = 0x1BD; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_OffsetVectorToVector { + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecOutputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // Vector + pub const m_vecOutputMax: usize = 0x1D4; // Vector + pub const m_randomnessParameters: usize = 0x1E0; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetPerChildControlPointFromAttribute { + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFirstControlPoint: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_nNumControlPoints: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nParticleIncrement: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nFirstSourcePoint: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_bNumBasedOnParticleCount: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + pub const m_nAttributeToRead: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nCPField: usize = 0x1D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetParentControlPointsToChildCP { + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nChildControlPoint: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nNumControlPoints: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nFirstSourcePoint: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_bSetOrientation: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SDFForce { + pub const m_flForceScale: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_BoxConstraint { + pub const m_vecMin: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_vecMax: usize = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0xE68; // int32 + pub const m_bLocalSpace: usize = 0xE6C; // bool + pub const m_bAccountForRadius: usize = 0xE6D; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreatePhyllotaxis { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nScaleCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nComponent: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_fRadCentCore: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_fRadPerPoint: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_fRadPerPointTo: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_fpointAngle: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_fsizeOverall: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_fRadBias: usize = 0x1E0; // float32 + pub const m_fMinRad: usize = 0x1E4; // float32 + pub const m_fDistBias: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + pub const m_bUseLocalCoords: usize = 0x1EC; // bool + pub const m_bUseWithContEmit: usize = 0x1ED; // bool + pub const m_bUseOrigRadius: usize = 0x1EE; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_AttractToControlPoint { + pub const m_vecComponentScale: usize = 0x1C8; // Vector + pub const m_fForceAmount: usize = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_fFalloffPower: usize = 0x330; // float32 + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x338; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_fForceAmountMin: usize = 0x3A0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_bApplyMinForce: usize = 0x4F8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomLifeTime { + pub const m_fLifetimeMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_fLifetimeMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_fLifetimeRandExponent: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelSequenceScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_VelocityRadialRandom { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_fSpeedMin: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_fSpeedMax: usize = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_vecLocalCoordinateSystemSpeedScale: usize = 0x478; // Vector + pub const m_bIgnoreDelta: usize = 0x485; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomRadius { + pub const m_flRadiusMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusRandExponent: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_Orient2DRelToCP { + pub const m_flRotOffset: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flSpinStrength: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod TextureControls_t { + pub const m_flFinalTextureScaleU: usize = 0x0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flFinalTextureScaleV: usize = 0x158; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flFinalTextureOffsetU: usize = 0x2B0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flFinalTextureOffsetV: usize = 0x408; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flFinalTextureUVRotation: usize = 0x560; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flZoomScale: usize = 0x6B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flDistortion: usize = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_bRandomizeOffsets: usize = 0x968; // bool + pub const m_bClampUVs: usize = 0x969; // bool + pub const m_nPerParticleBlend: usize = 0x96C; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + pub const m_nPerParticleScale: usize = 0x970; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + pub const m_nPerParticleOffsetU: usize = 0x974; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + pub const m_nPerParticleOffsetV: usize = 0x978; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + pub const m_nPerParticleRotation: usize = 0x97C; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + pub const m_nPerParticleZoom: usize = 0x980; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + pub const m_nPerParticleDistortion: usize = 0x984; // SpriteCardPerParticleScale_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ControlPointReference_t { + pub const m_controlPointNameString: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_vOffsetFromControlPoint: usize = 0x4; // Vector + pub const m_bOffsetInLocalSpace: usize = 0x10; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointToVectorExpression { + pub const m_nExpression: usize = 0x1C0; // VectorExpressionType_t + pub const m_nOutputCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_vInput1: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_vInput2: usize = 0x820; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_bNormalizedOutput: usize = 0xE78; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LightningSnapshotGenerator { + pub const m_nCPSnapshot: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPStartPnt: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nCPEndPnt: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_flSegments: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flOffset: usize = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flOffsetDecay: usize = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flRecalcRate: usize = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flUVScale: usize = 0x730; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flUVOffset: usize = 0x888; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flSplitRate: usize = 0x9E0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flBranchTwist: usize = 0xB38; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nBranchBehavior: usize = 0xC90; // ParticleLightnintBranchBehavior_t + pub const m_flRadiusStart: usize = 0xC98; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flRadiusEnd: usize = 0xDF0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flDedicatedPool: usize = 0xF48; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupOnceTimed { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapSpeedToScalar { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1E0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bPerParticle: usize = 0x1E4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapQAnglesToRotation { + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_PositionWarp { + pub const m_vecWarpMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_vecWarpMax: usize = 0x818; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nScaleControlPointNumber: usize = 0xE70; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0xE74; // int32 + pub const m_nRadiusComponent: usize = 0xE78; // int32 + pub const m_flWarpTime: usize = 0xE7C; // float32 + pub const m_flWarpStartTime: usize = 0xE80; // float32 + pub const m_flPrevPosScale: usize = 0xE84; // float32 + pub const m_bInvertWarp: usize = 0xE88; // bool + pub const m_bUseCount: usize = 0xE89; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SDFConstraint { + pub const m_flMinDist: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxDist: usize = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nMaxIterations: usize = 0x468; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointFieldToScalarExpression { + pub const m_nExpression: usize = 0x1C0; // ScalarExpressionType_t + pub const m_flInput1: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flInput2: usize = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputRemap: usize = 0x478; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputCP: usize = 0x5D0; // int32 + pub const m_nOutVectorField: usize = 0x5D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleFunctionForce { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomVectorComponent { + pub const m_flMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nComponent: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMaxVersion + // MParticleReplacementOp + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_InheritFromParentParticles { + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nIncrement: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_bRandomDistribution: usize = 0x1C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_SetVectorAttributeToVectorExpression { + pub const m_nExpression: usize = 0x1C0; // VectorExpressionType_t + pub const m_vInput1: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vInput2: usize = 0x820; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0xE78; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0xE7C; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bNormalizedOutput: usize = 0xE80; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapTransformVisibilityToVector { + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x22C; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x230; // float32 + pub const m_vecOutputMin: usize = 0x234; // Vector + pub const m_vecOutputMax: usize = 0x240; // Vector + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x24C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DirectionBetweenVecsToVec { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecPoint1: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecPoint2: usize = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MovementLoopInsideSphere { + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_flDistance: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_vecScale: usize = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nDistSqrAttr: usize = 0x970; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderSimpleModelCollection { + pub const m_bCenterOffset: usize = 0x208; // bool + pub const m_hModel: usize = 0x210; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_modelInput: usize = 0x218; // CParticleModelInput + pub const m_nLOD: usize = 0x278; // int32 + pub const m_bDisableShadows: usize = 0x27C; // bool + pub const m_bDisableMotionBlur: usize = 0x27D; // bool + pub const m_bAcceptsDecals: usize = 0x27E; // bool + pub const m_nAngularVelocityField: usize = 0x280; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_QuantizeCPComponent { + pub const m_flInputValue: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nCPOutput: usize = 0x318; // int32 + pub const m_nOutVectorField: usize = 0x31C; // int32 + pub const m_flQuantizeValue: usize = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_PlayEndCapWhenFinished { + pub const m_bFireOnEmissionEnd: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_bIncludeChildren: usize = 0x1C1; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitFloatCollection { + pub const m_InputValue: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPathParameters { + pub const m_nStartControlPointNumber: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_nEndControlPointNumber: usize = 0x4; // int32 + pub const m_nBulgeControl: usize = 0x8; // int32 + pub const m_flBulge: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flMidPoint: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_vStartPointOffset: usize = 0x14; // Vector + pub const m_vMidPointOffset: usize = 0x20; // Vector + pub const m_vEndOffset: usize = 0x2C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapScalarEndCap { + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateFromPlaneCache { + pub const m_vecOffsetMin: usize = 0x1C0; // Vector + pub const m_vecOffsetMax: usize = 0x1CC; // Vector + pub const m_bUseNormal: usize = 0x1D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ControlPointToRadialScreenSpace { + pub const m_nCPIn: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_vecCP1Pos: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_nCPOut: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPOutField: usize = 0x1D4; // int32 + pub const m_nCPSSPosOut: usize = 0x1D8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CSpinUpdateBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SpinUpdate { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_NormalOffset { + pub const m_OffsetMin: usize = 0x1C0; // Vector + pub const m_OffsetMax: usize = 0x1CC; // Vector + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1D8; // int32 + pub const m_bLocalCoords: usize = 0x1DC; // bool + pub const m_bNormalize: usize = 0x1DD; // bool + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentToVector { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vMinOutputValue: usize = 0x1D4; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxOutputValue: usize = 0x1E0; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderAsModels { + pub const m_ModelList: usize = 0x208; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flModelScale: usize = 0x224; // float32 + pub const m_bFitToModelSize: usize = 0x228; // bool + pub const m_bNonUniformScaling: usize = 0x229; // bool + pub const m_nXAxisScalingAttribute: usize = 0x22C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nYAxisScalingAttribute: usize = 0x230; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nZAxisScalingAttribute: usize = 0x234; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSizeCullBloat: usize = 0x238; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreationNoise { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bAbsVal: usize = 0x1C4; // bool + pub const m_bAbsValInv: usize = 0x1C5; // bool + pub const m_flOffset: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseScale: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseScaleLoc: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_vecOffsetLoc: usize = 0x1DC; // Vector + pub const m_flWorldTimeScale: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CGeneralSpin + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_Spin { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ParticleNamedValueConfiguration_t { + pub const m_ConfigName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_ConfigValue: usize = 0x8; // KeyValues3 + pub const m_iAttachType: usize = 0x18; // ParticleAttachment_t + pub const m_BoundEntityPath: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_strEntityScope: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_strAttachmentName: usize = 0x30; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + pub mod CParticleVecInput { + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x10; // ParticleVecType_t + pub const m_vLiteralValue: usize = 0x14; // Vector + pub const m_LiteralColor: usize = 0x20; // Color + pub const m_NamedValue: usize = 0x28; // CParticleNamedValueRef + pub const m_bFollowNamedValue: usize = 0x68; // bool + pub const m_nVectorAttribute: usize = 0x6C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vVectorAttributeScale: usize = 0x70; // Vector + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x7C; // int32 + pub const m_nDeltaControlPoint: usize = 0x80; // int32 + pub const m_vCPValueScale: usize = 0x84; // Vector + pub const m_vCPRelativePosition: usize = 0x90; // Vector + pub const m_vCPRelativeDir: usize = 0x9C; // Vector + pub const m_FloatComponentX: usize = 0xA8; // CParticleFloatInput + pub const m_FloatComponentY: usize = 0x200; // CParticleFloatInput + pub const m_FloatComponentZ: usize = 0x358; // CParticleFloatInput + pub const m_FloatInterp: usize = 0x4B0; // CParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInterpInput0: usize = 0x608; // float32 + pub const m_flInterpInput1: usize = 0x60C; // float32 + pub const m_vInterpOutput0: usize = 0x610; // Vector + pub const m_vInterpOutput1: usize = 0x61C; // Vector + pub const m_Gradient: usize = 0x628; // CColorGradient + pub const m_vRandomMin: usize = 0x640; // Vector + pub const m_vRandomMax: usize = 0x64C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_InstantaneousEmitter { + pub const m_nParticlesToEmit: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flInitFromKilledParentParticles: usize = 0x470; // float32 + pub const m_nEventType: usize = 0x474; // EventTypeSelection_t + pub const m_flParentParticleScale: usize = 0x478; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nMaxEmittedPerFrame: usize = 0x5D0; // int32 + pub const m_nSnapshotControlPoint: usize = 0x5D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ConstrainLineLength { + pub const m_flMinDistance: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxDistance: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_LifespanFromVelocity { + pub const m_vecComponentScale: usize = 0x1C0; // Vector + pub const m_flTraceOffset: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxTraceLength: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flTraceTolerance: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_nMaxPlanes: usize = 0x1D8; // int32 + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x1E0; // char[128] + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x260; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_bIncludeWater: usize = 0x270; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseRendererSource2 + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBaseTrailRenderer { + pub const m_nOrientationType: usize = 0x2718; // ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t + pub const m_nOrientationControlPoint: usize = 0x271C; // int32 + pub const m_flMinSize: usize = 0x2720; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxSize: usize = 0x2724; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFadeSize: usize = 0x2728; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flEndFadeSize: usize = 0x2880; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_bClampV: usize = 0x29D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_VelocityFromCP { + pub const m_velocityInput: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_transformInput: usize = 0x818; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_flVelocityScale: usize = 0x880; // float32 + pub const m_bDirectionOnly: usize = 0x884; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointOrientation { + pub const m_bUseWorldLocation: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_bRandomize: usize = 0x1C2; // bool + pub const m_bSetOnce: usize = 0x1C3; // bool + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nHeadLocation: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_vecRotation: usize = 0x1CC; // QAngle + pub const m_vecRotationB: usize = 0x1D8; // QAngle + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x1E8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MovementSkinnedPositionFromCPSnapshot { + pub const m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_bRandom: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_nRandomSeed: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_bSetNormal: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_bSetRadius: usize = 0x1C9; // bool + pub const m_nIndexType: usize = 0x1CC; // SnapshotIndexType_t + pub const m_flReadIndex: usize = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flIncrement: usize = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nFullLoopIncrement: usize = 0x480; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nSnapShotStartPoint: usize = 0x5D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x730; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_OscillateVector { + pub const m_RateMin: usize = 0x1B8; // Vector + pub const m_RateMax: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_FrequencyMin: usize = 0x1D0; // Vector + pub const m_FrequencyMax: usize = 0x1DC; // Vector + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1E8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bProportional: usize = 0x1EC; // bool + pub const m_bProportionalOp: usize = 0x1ED; // bool + pub const m_bOffset: usize = 0x1EE; // bool + pub const m_flStartTime_min: usize = 0x1F0; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime_max: usize = 0x1F4; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_min: usize = 0x1F8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_max: usize = 0x1FC; // float32 + pub const m_flOscMult: usize = 0x200; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOscAdd: usize = 0x358; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flRateScale: usize = 0x4B0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_PositionLock { + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_flStartTime_min: usize = 0x220; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime_max: usize = 0x224; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime_exp: usize = 0x228; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_min: usize = 0x22C; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_max: usize = 0x230; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_exp: usize = 0x234; // float32 + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0x238; // float32 + pub const m_flRangeBias: usize = 0x240; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flJumpThreshold: usize = 0x398; // float32 + pub const m_flPrevPosScale: usize = 0x39C; // float32 + pub const m_bLockRot: usize = 0x3A0; // bool + pub const m_vecScale: usize = 0x3A8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0xA00; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutputPrev: usize = 0xA04; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderVRHapticEvent { + pub const m_nHand: usize = 0x208; // ParticleVRHandChoiceList_t + pub const m_nOutputHandCP: usize = 0x20C; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x210; // int32 + pub const m_flAmplitude: usize = 0x218; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointToImpactPoint { + pub const m_nCPOut: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPIn: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_flUpdateRate: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flTraceLength: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flStartOffset: usize = 0x328; // float32 + pub const m_flOffset: usize = 0x32C; // float32 + pub const m_vecTraceDir: usize = 0x330; // Vector + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x33C; // char[128] + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x3BC; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_bSetToEndpoint: usize = 0x3C0; // bool + pub const m_bTraceToClosestSurface: usize = 0x3C1; // bool + pub const m_bIncludeWater: usize = 0x3C2; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_InterpolateRadius { + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flStartScale: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flEndScale: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_bEaseInAndOut: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_flBias: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod ParticleAttributeIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ReinitializeScalarEndCap { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_TurbulenceForce { + pub const m_flNoiseCoordScale0: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseCoordScale1: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseCoordScale2: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseCoordScale3: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_vecNoiseAmount0: usize = 0x1D8; // Vector + pub const m_vecNoiseAmount1: usize = 0x1E4; // Vector + pub const m_vecNoiseAmount2: usize = 0x1F0; // Vector + pub const m_vecNoiseAmount3: usize = 0x1FC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed { + pub const m_hModel: usize = 0x1B8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_inNames: usize = 0x1C0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_outNames: usize = 0x1D8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_fallbackNames: usize = 0x1F0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bModelFromRenderer: usize = 0x208; // bool + pub const m_bProportional: usize = 0x209; // bool + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x210; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flRemapTime: usize = 0x214; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointToPlayer { + pub const m_nCP1: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_vecCP1Pos: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_bOrientToEyes: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_EndCapTimedFreeze { + pub const m_flFreezeTime: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderGpuImplicit { + pub const m_bUsePerParticleRadius: usize = 0x208; // bool + pub const m_nVertexCountKb: usize = 0x20C; // uint32 + pub const m_nIndexCountKb: usize = 0x210; // uint32 + pub const m_fGridSize: usize = 0x218; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_fRadiusScale: usize = 0x370; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_fIsosurfaceThreshold: usize = 0x4C8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_nScaleCP: usize = 0x620; // int32 + pub const m_hMaterial: usize = 0x628; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: IParticleEffect + // Fields count: 32 + pub mod CNewParticleEffect { + pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x10; // CNewParticleEffect* + pub const m_pPrev: usize = 0x18; // CNewParticleEffect* + pub const m_pParticles: usize = 0x20; // IParticleCollection* + pub const m_pDebugName: usize = 0x28; // char* + pub const m_bDontRemove: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bRemove: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bNeedsBBoxUpdate: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bIsFirstFrame: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bAutoUpdateBBox: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bAllocated: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bSimulate: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bShouldPerformCullCheck: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bForceNoDraw: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bShouldSave: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bDisableAggregation: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bShouldSimulateDuringGamePaused: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bShouldCheckFoW: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_vSortOrigin: usize = 0x40; // Vector + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0x50; // PARTICLE_EHANDLE__* + pub const m_pOwningParticleProperty: usize = 0x58; // CParticleProperty* + pub const m_flFreezeTransitionStart: usize = 0x70; // float32 + pub const m_flFreezeTransitionDuration: usize = 0x74; // float32 + pub const m_flFreezeTransitionOverride: usize = 0x78; // float32 + pub const m_bFreezeTransitionActive: usize = 0x7C; // bool + pub const m_bFreezeTargetState: usize = 0x7D; // bool + pub const m_bCanFreeze: usize = 0x7E; // bool + pub const m_LastMin: usize = 0x80; // Vector + pub const m_LastMax: usize = 0x8C; // Vector + pub const m_nSplitScreenUser: usize = 0x98; // CSplitScreenSlot + pub const m_vecAggregationCenter: usize = 0x9C; // Vector + pub const m_RefCount: usize = 0xC0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetRandomControlPointPosition { + pub const m_bUseWorldLocation: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_bOrient: usize = 0x1C1; // bool + pub const m_nCP1: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nHeadLocation: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_flReRandomRate: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_vecCPMinPos: usize = 0x328; // Vector + pub const m_vecCPMaxPos: usize = 0x334; // Vector + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x340; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapTransformVisibilityToScalar { + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x22C; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x230; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x234; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x238; // float32 + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x23C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapControlPointDirectionToVector { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleFunctionOperator { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DragRelativeToPlane { + pub const m_flDragAtPlane: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flFalloff: usize = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bDirectional: usize = 0x468; // bool + pub const m_vecPlaneNormal: usize = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0xAC8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetCPtoVector { + pub const m_nCPInput: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ParticleNamedValueSource_t { + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_IsPublic: usize = 0x8; // bool + pub const m_ValueType: usize = 0xC; // PulseValueType_t + pub const m_DefaultConfig: usize = 0x10; // ParticleNamedValueConfiguration_t + pub const m_NamedConfigs: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CGeneralRandomRotation + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomYaw { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SnapshotRigidSkinToBones { + pub const m_bTransformNormals: usize = 0x1B8; // bool + pub const m_bTransformRadii: usize = 0x1B9; // bool + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetSingleControlPointPosition { + pub const m_bSetOnce: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_nCP1: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_vecCP1Pos: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_transformInput: usize = 0x820; // CParticleTransformInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_DistanceToNeighborCull { + pub const m_flDistance: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapCPtoScalar { + pub const m_nCPInput: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flInterpRate: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1E0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleFunctionRenderer { + pub const VisibilityInputs: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleVisibilityInputs + pub const m_bCannotBeRefracted: usize = 0x200; // bool + pub const m_bSkipRenderingOnMobile: usize = 0x201; // bool + } + // Parent: IParticleSystemDefinition + // Fields count: 65 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleSystemDefinition { + pub const m_nBehaviorVersion: usize = 0x8; // int32 + pub const m_PreEmissionOperators: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Emitters: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Initializers: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Operators: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ForceGenerators: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Constraints: usize = 0x88; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Renderers: usize = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Children: usize = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nFirstMultipleOverride_BackwardCompat: usize = 0x178; // int32 + pub const m_nInitialParticles: usize = 0x210; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxParticles: usize = 0x214; // int32 + pub const m_nGroupID: usize = 0x218; // int32 + pub const m_BoundingBoxMin: usize = 0x21C; // Vector + pub const m_BoundingBoxMax: usize = 0x228; // Vector + pub const m_flDepthSortBias: usize = 0x234; // float32 + pub const m_nSortOverridePositionCP: usize = 0x238; // int32 + pub const m_bInfiniteBounds: usize = 0x23C; // bool + pub const m_bEnableNamedValues: usize = 0x23D; // bool + pub const m_NamedValueDomain: usize = 0x240; // CUtlString + pub const m_NamedValueLocals: usize = 0x248; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ConstantColor: usize = 0x260; // Color + pub const m_ConstantNormal: usize = 0x264; // Vector + pub const m_flConstantRadius: usize = 0x270; // float32 + pub const m_flConstantRotation: usize = 0x274; // float32 + pub const m_flConstantRotationSpeed: usize = 0x278; // float32 + pub const m_flConstantLifespan: usize = 0x27C; // float32 + pub const m_nConstantSequenceNumber: usize = 0x280; // int32 + pub const m_nConstantSequenceNumber1: usize = 0x284; // int32 + pub const m_nSnapshotControlPoint: usize = 0x288; // int32 + pub const m_hSnapshot: usize = 0x290; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pszCullReplacementName: usize = 0x298; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flCullRadius: usize = 0x2A0; // float32 + pub const m_flCullFillCost: usize = 0x2A4; // float32 + pub const m_nCullControlPoint: usize = 0x2A8; // int32 + pub const m_hFallback: usize = 0x2B0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nFallbackMaxCount: usize = 0x2B8; // int32 + pub const m_hLowViolenceDef: usize = 0x2C0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hReferenceReplacement: usize = 0x2C8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flPreSimulationTime: usize = 0x2D0; // float32 + pub const m_flStopSimulationAfterTime: usize = 0x2D4; // float32 + pub const m_flMaximumTimeStep: usize = 0x2D8; // float32 + pub const m_flMaximumSimTime: usize = 0x2DC; // float32 + pub const m_flMinimumSimTime: usize = 0x2E0; // float32 + pub const m_flMinimumTimeStep: usize = 0x2E4; // float32 + pub const m_nMinimumFrames: usize = 0x2E8; // int32 + pub const m_nMinCPULevel: usize = 0x2EC; // int32 + pub const m_nMinGPULevel: usize = 0x2F0; // int32 + pub const m_flNoDrawTimeToGoToSleep: usize = 0x2F4; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxDrawDistance: usize = 0x2F8; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFadeDistance: usize = 0x2FC; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxCreationDistance: usize = 0x300; // float32 + pub const m_nAggregationMinAvailableParticles: usize = 0x304; // int32 + pub const m_flAggregateRadius: usize = 0x308; // float32 + pub const m_bShouldBatch: usize = 0x30C; // bool + pub const m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToRenderBounds: usize = 0x30D; // bool + pub const m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToSnapshot: usize = 0x30E; // bool + pub const m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToCollisionHulls: usize = 0x30F; // bool + pub const m_nViewModelEffect: usize = 0x310; // InheritableBoolType_t + pub const m_bScreenSpaceEffect: usize = 0x314; // bool + pub const m_pszTargetLayerID: usize = 0x318; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nSkipRenderControlPoint: usize = 0x320; // int32 + pub const m_nAllowRenderControlPoint: usize = 0x324; // int32 + pub const m_bShouldSort: usize = 0x328; // bool + pub const m_controlPointConfigurations: usize = 0x370; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupEndCap { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransformsVector { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_vecOutputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_vecOutputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // Vector + pub const m_TransformStart: usize = 0x1E0; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_TransformEnd: usize = 0x248; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x2B0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x2B4; // bool + pub const m_bRadialCheck: usize = 0x2B5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderScreenVelocityRotate { + pub const m_flRotateRateDegrees: usize = 0x208; // float32 + pub const m_flForwardDegrees: usize = 0x20C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_UpdateLightSource { + pub const m_vColorTint: usize = 0x1B8; // Color + pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flMinimumLightingRadius: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flMaximumLightingRadius: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flPositionDampingConstant: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateWithinBox { + pub const m_vecMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecMax: usize = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0xE70; // int32 + pub const m_bLocalSpace: usize = 0xE74; // bool + pub const m_randomnessParameters: usize = 0xE78; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ChooseRandomChildrenInGroup { + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_flNumberOfChildren: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ControlpointLight { + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_nControlPoint1: usize = 0x640; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPoint2: usize = 0x644; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPoint3: usize = 0x648; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPoint4: usize = 0x64C; // int32 + pub const m_vecCPOffset1: usize = 0x650; // Vector + pub const m_vecCPOffset2: usize = 0x65C; // Vector + pub const m_vecCPOffset3: usize = 0x668; // Vector + pub const m_vecCPOffset4: usize = 0x674; // Vector + pub const m_LightFiftyDist1: usize = 0x680; // float32 + pub const m_LightZeroDist1: usize = 0x684; // float32 + pub const m_LightFiftyDist2: usize = 0x688; // float32 + pub const m_LightZeroDist2: usize = 0x68C; // float32 + pub const m_LightFiftyDist3: usize = 0x690; // float32 + pub const m_LightZeroDist3: usize = 0x694; // float32 + pub const m_LightFiftyDist4: usize = 0x698; // float32 + pub const m_LightZeroDist4: usize = 0x69C; // float32 + pub const m_LightColor1: usize = 0x6A0; // Color + pub const m_LightColor2: usize = 0x6A4; // Color + pub const m_LightColor3: usize = 0x6A8; // Color + pub const m_LightColor4: usize = 0x6AC; // Color + pub const m_bLightType1: usize = 0x6B0; // bool + pub const m_bLightType2: usize = 0x6B1; // bool + pub const m_bLightType3: usize = 0x6B2; // bool + pub const m_bLightType4: usize = 0x6B3; // bool + pub const m_bLightDynamic1: usize = 0x6B4; // bool + pub const m_bLightDynamic2: usize = 0x6B5; // bool + pub const m_bLightDynamic3: usize = 0x6B6; // bool + pub const m_bLightDynamic4: usize = 0x6B7; // bool + pub const m_bUseNormal: usize = 0x6B8; // bool + pub const m_bUseHLambert: usize = 0x6B9; // bool + pub const m_bClampLowerRange: usize = 0x6BE; // bool + pub const m_bClampUpperRange: usize = 0x6BF; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_VectorFieldSnapshot { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nAttributeToWrite: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nLocalSpaceCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_vecScale: usize = 0x320; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_flBoundaryDampening: usize = 0x978; // float32 + pub const m_bSetVelocity: usize = 0x97C; // bool + pub const m_bLockToSurface: usize = 0x97D; // bool + pub const m_flGridSpacing: usize = 0x980; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_CylindricalDistanceToTransform { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_TransformStart: usize = 0x720; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_TransformEnd: usize = 0x788; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x7F0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x7F4; // bool + pub const m_bAdditive: usize = 0x7F5; // bool + pub const m_bCapsule: usize = 0x7F6; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_PositionPlaceOnGround { + pub const m_flOffset: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxTraceLength: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x470; // char[128] + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x4F0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_nTraceMissBehavior: usize = 0x500; // ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t + pub const m_bIncludeWater: usize = 0x504; // bool + pub const m_bSetNormal: usize = 0x505; // bool + pub const m_bSetPXYZOnly: usize = 0x506; // bool + pub const m_bTraceAlongNormal: usize = 0x507; // bool + pub const m_bOffsetonColOnly: usize = 0x508; // bool + pub const m_flOffsetByRadiusFactor: usize = 0x50C; // float32 + pub const m_nPreserveOffsetCP: usize = 0x510; // int32 + pub const m_nIgnoreCP: usize = 0x514; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomScalar { + pub const m_flMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flExponent: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1CC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderPostProcessing { + pub const m_flPostProcessStrength: usize = 0x208; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_hPostTexture: usize = 0x360; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nPriority: usize = 0x368; // ParticlePostProcessPriorityGroup_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 27 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_WorldTraceConstraint { + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_vecCpOffset: usize = 0x1BC; // Vector + pub const m_nCollisionMode: usize = 0x1C8; // ParticleCollisionMode_t + pub const m_nCollisionModeMin: usize = 0x1CC; // ParticleCollisionMode_t + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x1D4; // char[128] + pub const m_bWorldOnly: usize = 0x254; // bool + pub const m_bBrushOnly: usize = 0x255; // bool + pub const m_bIncludeWater: usize = 0x256; // bool + pub const m_nIgnoreCP: usize = 0x258; // int32 + pub const m_flCpMovementTolerance: usize = 0x25C; // float32 + pub const m_flRetestRate: usize = 0x260; // float32 + pub const m_flTraceTolerance: usize = 0x264; // float32 + pub const m_flCollisionConfirmationSpeed: usize = 0x268; // float32 + pub const m_nMaxTracesPerFrame: usize = 0x26C; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x270; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flBounceAmount: usize = 0x3C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flSlideAmount: usize = 0x520; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flRandomDirScale: usize = 0x678; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_bDecayBounce: usize = 0x7D0; // bool + pub const m_bKillonContact: usize = 0x7D1; // bool + pub const m_flMinSpeed: usize = 0x7D4; // float32 + pub const m_bSetNormal: usize = 0x7D8; // bool + pub const m_nStickOnCollisionField: usize = 0x7DC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flStopSpeed: usize = 0x7E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nEntityStickDataField: usize = 0x938; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nEntityStickNormalField: usize = 0x93C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleVecInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + pub mod CParticleCollectionVecInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderBlobs { + pub const m_cubeWidth: usize = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_cutoffRadius: usize = 0x360; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_renderRadius: usize = 0x4B8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_nVertexCountKb: usize = 0x610; // uint32 + pub const m_nIndexCountKb: usize = 0x614; // uint32 + pub const m_nScaleCP: usize = 0x618; // int32 + pub const m_MaterialVars: usize = 0x620; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hMaterial: usize = 0x650; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_OscillateScalar { + pub const m_RateMin: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_RateMax: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_FrequencyMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_FrequencyMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bProportional: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + pub const m_bProportionalOp: usize = 0x1CD; // bool + pub const m_flStartTime_min: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime_max: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_min: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_max: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_flOscMult: usize = 0x1E0; // float32 + pub const m_flOscAdd: usize = 0x1E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_FadeOut { + pub const m_flFadeOutTimeMin: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutTimeMax: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutTimeExp: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeBias: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_bProportional: usize = 0x200; // bool + pub const m_bEaseInAndOut: usize = 0x201; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomSequence { + pub const m_nSequenceMin: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nSequenceMax: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_bShuffle: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_bLinear: usize = 0x1C9; // bool + pub const m_WeightedList: usize = 0x1D0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RampScalarSplineSimple { + pub const m_Rate: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1F0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bEaseOut: usize = 0x1F4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_DistanceCull { + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_flDistance: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bCullInside: usize = 0x320; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_CollideWithParentParticles { + pub const m_flParentRadiusScale: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitFromVectorFieldSnapshot { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nLocalSpaceCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nWeightUpdateCP: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_bUseVerticalVelocity: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + pub const m_vecScale: usize = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetVectorAttributeToVectorExpression { + pub const m_nExpression: usize = 0x1B8; // VectorExpressionType_t + pub const m_vInput1: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vInput2: usize = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0xE70; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0xE74; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bNormalizedOutput: usize = 0xE78; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_AddVectorToVector { + pub const m_vecScale: usize = 0x1C0; // Vector + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1CC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vOffsetMin: usize = 0x1D4; // Vector + pub const m_vOffsetMax: usize = 0x1E0; // Vector + pub const m_randomnessParameters: usize = 0x1EC; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapInitialVisibilityScalar { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapTransformOrientationToYaw { + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x220; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flRotOffset: usize = 0x224; // float32 + pub const m_flSpinStrength: usize = 0x228; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderStatusEffect { + pub const m_pTextureColorWarp: usize = 0x208; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureDetail2: usize = 0x210; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureDiffuseWarp: usize = 0x218; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureFresnelColorWarp: usize = 0x220; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureFresnelWarp: usize = 0x228; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureSpecularWarp: usize = 0x230; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureEnvMap: usize = 0x238; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RandomForce { + pub const m_MinForce: usize = 0x1C8; // Vector + pub const m_MaxForce: usize = 0x1D4; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapParticleCountOnScalarEndCap { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nInputMin: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_nInputMax: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_bBackwards: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ParticlePreviewState_t { + pub const m_previewModel: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nModSpecificData: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_groundType: usize = 0xC; // PetGroundType_t + pub const m_sequenceName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const m_nFireParticleOnSequenceFrame: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_hitboxSetName: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_materialGroupName: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_vecBodyGroups: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flPlaybackSpeed: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_flParticleSimulationRate: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const m_bShouldDrawHitboxes: usize = 0x50; // bool + pub const m_bShouldDrawAttachments: usize = 0x51; // bool + pub const m_bShouldDrawAttachmentNames: usize = 0x52; // bool + pub const m_bShouldDrawControlPointAxes: usize = 0x53; // bool + pub const m_bAnimationNonLooping: usize = 0x54; // bool + pub const m_vecPreviewGravity: usize = 0x58; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LocalAccelerationForce { + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nScaleCP: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_vecAccel: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ModelCull { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_bBoundBox: usize = 0x1BC; // bool + pub const m_bCullOutside: usize = 0x1BD; // bool + pub const m_bUseBones: usize = 0x1BE; // bool + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0x1BF; // char[128] + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetFloat { + pub const m_InputValue: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x314; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_Lerp: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapTransformToVector { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vInputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_vInputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // Vector + pub const m_vOutputMin: usize = 0x1DC; // Vector + pub const m_vOutputMax: usize = 0x1E8; // Vector + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1F8; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_LocalSpaceTransform: usize = 0x260; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x2C8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x2CC; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x2D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bOffset: usize = 0x2D4; // bool + pub const m_bAccelerate: usize = 0x2D5; // bool + pub const m_flRemapBias: usize = 0x2D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SDFLighting { + pub const m_vLightingDir: usize = 0x1B8; // Vector + pub const m_vTint_0: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_vTint_1: usize = 0x1D0; // Vector + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapDistanceToLineSegmentToScalar { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flMinOutputValue: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxOutputValue: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + pub mod CParticleRemapFloatInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapVectortoCP { + pub const m_nOutControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nParticleNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetFromCPSnapshot { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nAttributeToRead: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nAttributeToWrite: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nLocalSpaceCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_bRandom: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_bReverse: usize = 0x1C9; // bool + pub const m_nRandomSeed: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_nSnapShotStartPoint: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nSnapShotIncrement: usize = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x480; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_bSubSample: usize = 0x5D8; // bool + pub const m_bPrev: usize = 0x5D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DistanceBetweenCPsToCP { + pub const m_nStartCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nEndCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputCP: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputCPField: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_bSetOnce: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1E0; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxTraceLength: usize = 0x1E4; // float32 + pub const m_flLOSScale: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + pub const m_bLOS: usize = 0x1EC; // bool + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x1ED; // char[128] + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x270; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_nSetParent: usize = 0x274; // ParticleParentSetMode_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointToHand { + pub const m_nCP1: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nHand: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_vecCP1Pos: usize = 0x1C8; // Vector + pub const m_bOrientToHand: usize = 0x1D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ConstrainDistanceToPath { + pub const m_fMinDistance: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxDistance0: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxDistanceMid: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxDistance1: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_PathParameters: usize = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + pub const m_flTravelTime: usize = 0x210; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldScale: usize = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nManualTField: usize = 0x218; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DistanceCull { + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_vecPointOffset: usize = 0x1BC; // Vector + pub const m_flDistance: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_bCullInside: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapSDFDistanceToScalarAttribute { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nVectorFieldInput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flMinDistance: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxDistance: usize = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flValueBelowMin: usize = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flValueAtMin: usize = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flValueAtMax: usize = 0x720; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flValueAboveMax: usize = 0x878; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateAlongPath { + pub const m_fMaxDistance: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_PathParams: usize = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + pub const m_bUseRandomCPs: usize = 0x210; // bool + pub const m_vEndOffset: usize = 0x214; // Vector + pub const m_bSaveOffset: usize = 0x220; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointsToModelParticles { + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0x1B8; // char[128] + pub const m_AttachmentName: usize = 0x238; // char[128] + pub const m_nFirstControlPoint: usize = 0x2B8; // int32 + pub const m_nNumControlPoints: usize = 0x2BC; // int32 + pub const m_nFirstSourcePoint: usize = 0x2C0; // int32 + pub const m_bSkin: usize = 0x2C4; // bool + pub const m_bAttachment: usize = 0x2C5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ColorInterpolateRandom { + pub const m_ColorFadeMin: usize = 0x1B8; // Color + pub const m_ColorFadeMax: usize = 0x1D4; // Color + pub const m_flFadeStartTime: usize = 0x1E4; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeEndTime: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1EC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bEaseInOut: usize = 0x1F0; // bool + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapNamedModelSequenceToScalar { + } + // Parent: C_OP_RenderPoints + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderLights { + pub const m_flAnimationRate: usize = 0x210; // float32 + pub const m_nAnimationType: usize = 0x214; // AnimationType_t + pub const m_bAnimateInFPS: usize = 0x218; // bool + pub const m_flMinSize: usize = 0x21C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxSize: usize = 0x220; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFadeSize: usize = 0x224; // float32 + pub const m_flEndFadeSize: usize = 0x228; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DecayClampCount { + pub const m_nCount: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters { + pub const m_bDistributeEvenly: usize = 0x0; // bool + pub const m_nSeed: usize = 0x4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_ColorLitPerParticle { + pub const m_ColorMin: usize = 0x1D8; // Color + pub const m_ColorMax: usize = 0x1DC; // Color + pub const m_TintMin: usize = 0x1E0; // Color + pub const m_TintMax: usize = 0x1E4; // Color + pub const m_flTintPerc: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + pub const m_nTintBlendMode: usize = 0x1EC; // ParticleColorBlendMode_t + pub const m_flLightAmplification: usize = 0x1F0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderPoints { + pub const m_hMaterial: usize = 0x208; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_SetAttributeToScalarExpression { + pub const m_nExpression: usize = 0x1C0; // ScalarExpressionType_t + pub const m_flInput1: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInput2: usize = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputRemap: usize = 0x478; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x5D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x5D4; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateOnGrid { + pub const m_nXCount: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nYCount: usize = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nZCount: usize = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nXSpacing: usize = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nYSpacing: usize = 0x720; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nZSpacing: usize = 0x878; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x9D0; // int32 + pub const m_bLocalSpace: usize = 0x9D4; // bool + pub const m_bCenter: usize = 0x9D5; // bool + pub const m_bHollow: usize = 0x9D6; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RampCPLinearRandom { + pub const m_nOutControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_vecRateMin: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_vecRateMax: usize = 0x1D0; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_VelocityMatchingForce { + pub const m_flDirScale: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flSpdScale: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_nCPBroadcast: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomAlphaWindowThreshold { + pub const m_flMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flExponent: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateOnModelAtHeight { + pub const m_bUseBones: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_bForceZ: usize = 0x1C1; // bool + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nHeightCP: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_bUseWaterHeight: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + pub const m_flDesiredHeight: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_vecHitBoxScale: usize = 0x328; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_vecDirectionBias: usize = 0x980; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nBiasType: usize = 0xFD8; // ParticleHitboxBiasType_t + pub const m_bLocalCoords: usize = 0xFDC; // bool + pub const m_bPreferMovingBoxes: usize = 0xFDD; // bool + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0xFDE; // char[128] + pub const m_flHitboxVelocityScale: usize = 0x1060; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxBoneVelocity: usize = 0x11B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + pub mod CParticleVariableRef { + pub const m_variableName: usize = 0x0; // CKV3MemberNameWithStorage + pub const m_variableType: usize = 0x38; // PulseValueType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RestartAfterDuration { + pub const m_flDurationMin: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flDurationMax: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPField: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_bOnlyChildren: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderClothForce { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapVisibilityScalar { + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMinVersion + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateSequentialPathV2 { + pub const m_fMaxDistance: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flNumToAssign: usize = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0x470; // bool + pub const m_bCPPairs: usize = 0x471; // bool + pub const m_bSaveOffset: usize = 0x472; // bool + pub const m_PathParams: usize = 0x480; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VecInputMaterialVariable_t { + pub const m_strVariable: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_vecInput: usize = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapInitialDirectionToTransformToVector { + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x22C; // float32 + pub const m_flOffsetRot: usize = 0x230; // float32 + pub const m_vecOffsetAxis: usize = 0x234; // Vector + pub const m_bNormalize: usize = 0x240; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMinVersion + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LockToSavedSequentialPathV2 { + pub const m_flFadeStart: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeEnd: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_bCPPairs: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_PathParams: usize = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_NormalLock { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapTransformOrientationToRotations { + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_vecRotation: usize = 0x228; // Vector + pub const m_bUseQuat: usize = 0x234; // bool + pub const m_bWriteNormal: usize = 0x235; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_Cull { + pub const m_flCullPerc: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flCullStart: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flCullEnd: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flCullExp: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomYawFlip { + pub const m_flPercent: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapSDFGradientToVectorAttribute { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SequenceWeightedList_t { + pub const m_nSequence: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_flRelativeWeight: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ReadFromNeighboringParticle { + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nIncrement: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_DistanceCheck: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderText { + pub const m_OutlineColor: usize = 0x208; // Color + pub const m_DefaultText: usize = 0x210; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LerpToInitialPosition { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nCacheField: usize = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_vecScale: usize = 0x478; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CGeneralRandomRotation + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomRotation { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LerpEndCapVector { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // Vector + pub const m_flLerpTime: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_VelocityDecay { + pub const m_flMinVelocity: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetCPOrientationToPointAtCP { + pub const m_nInputCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_b2DOrientation: usize = 0x320; // bool + pub const m_bAvoidSingularity: usize = 0x321; // bool + pub const m_bPointAway: usize = 0x322; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LockToPointList { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_pointList: usize = 0x1C0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bPlaceAlongPath: usize = 0x1D8; // bool + pub const m_bClosedLoop: usize = 0x1D9; // bool + pub const m_nNumPointsAlongPath: usize = 0x1DC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MovementPlaceOnGround { + pub const m_flOffset: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxTraceLength: usize = 0x310; // float32 + pub const m_flTolerance: usize = 0x314; // float32 + pub const m_flTraceOffset: usize = 0x318; // float32 + pub const m_flLerpRate: usize = 0x31C; // float32 + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x320; // char[128] + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x3A0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_nRefCP1: usize = 0x3A4; // int32 + pub const m_nRefCP2: usize = 0x3A8; // int32 + pub const m_nLerpCP: usize = 0x3AC; // int32 + pub const m_nTraceMissBehavior: usize = 0x3B8; // ParticleTraceMissBehavior_t + pub const m_bIncludeShotHull: usize = 0x3BC; // bool + pub const m_bIncludeWater: usize = 0x3BD; // bool + pub const m_bSetNormal: usize = 0x3C0; // bool + pub const m_bScaleOffset: usize = 0x3C1; // bool + pub const m_nPreserveOffsetCP: usize = 0x3C4; // int32 + pub const m_nIgnoreCP: usize = 0x3C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetCPOrientationToDirection { + pub const m_nInputControlPoint: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputControlPoint: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapCrossProductOfTwoVectorsToVector { + pub const m_InputVec1: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_InputVec2: usize = 0x810; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0xE68; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bNormalize: usize = 0xE6C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapTransformOrientationToRotations { + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_vecRotation: usize = 0x220; // Vector + pub const m_bUseQuat: usize = 0x22C; // bool + pub const m_bWriteNormal: usize = 0x22D; // bool + } + // Parent: CGeneralRandomRotation + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomRotationSpeed { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMinVersion + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_InheritFromParentParticlesV2 { + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nIncrement: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_bRandomDistribution: usize = 0x1C4; // bool + pub const m_nMissingParentBehavior: usize = 0x1C8; // MissingParentInheritBehavior_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomSecondSequence { + pub const m_nSequenceMin: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nSequenceMax: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetFloatCollection { + pub const m_InputValue: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x314; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_Lerp: usize = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PointDefinition_t { + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_bLocalCoords: usize = 0x4; // bool + pub const m_vOffset: usize = 0x8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointPositionToRandomActiveCP { + pub const m_nCP1: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nHeadLocationMin: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nHeadLocationMax: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_flResetRate: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_Diffusion { + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nVoxelGridResolution: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_AgeNoise { + pub const m_bAbsVal: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_bAbsValInv: usize = 0x1C1; // bool + pub const m_flOffset: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flAgeMin: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flAgeMax: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseScale: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseScaleLoc: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_vecOffsetLoc: usize = 0x1D8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapVectorComponentToScalar { + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nComponent: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CGeneralRandomRotation { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flDegrees: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flDegreesMin: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flDegreesMax: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flRotationRandExponent: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_bRandomlyFlipDirection: usize = 0x1D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DistanceBetweenVecs { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecPoint1: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecPoint2: usize = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0xE70; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0xFC8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1120; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1278; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x13D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bDeltaTime: usize = 0x13D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DampenToCP { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_CalculateVectorAttribute { + pub const m_vStartValue: usize = 0x1B8; // Vector + pub const m_nFieldInput1: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputScale1: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldInput2: usize = 0x1CC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputScale2: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_nControlPointInput1: usize = 0x1D4; // ControlPointReference_t + pub const m_flControlPointScale1: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + pub const m_nControlPointInput2: usize = 0x1EC; // ControlPointReference_t + pub const m_flControlPointScale2: usize = 0x200; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x204; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vFinalOutputScale: usize = 0x208; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + pub mod CParticleTransformInput { + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x10; // ParticleTransformType_t + pub const m_NamedValue: usize = 0x18; // CParticleNamedValueRef + pub const m_bFollowNamedValue: usize = 0x58; // bool + pub const m_bSupportsDisabled: usize = 0x59; // bool + pub const m_bUseOrientation: usize = 0x5A; // bool + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x5C; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPointRangeMax: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_flEndCPGrowthTime: usize = 0x64; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LockToBone { + pub const m_modelInput: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleModelInput + pub const m_transformInput: usize = 0x218; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_flLifeTimeFadeStart: usize = 0x280; // float32 + pub const m_flLifeTimeFadeEnd: usize = 0x284; // float32 + pub const m_flJumpThreshold: usize = 0x288; // float32 + pub const m_flPrevPosScale: usize = 0x28C; // float32 + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0x290; // char[128] + pub const m_bRigid: usize = 0x310; // bool + pub const m_bUseBones: usize = 0x311; // bool + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x314; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutputPrev: usize = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nRotationSetType: usize = 0x31C; // ParticleRotationLockType_t + pub const m_bRigidRotationLock: usize = 0x320; // bool + pub const m_vecRotation: usize = 0x328; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_flRotLerp: usize = 0x980; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapNamedModelBodyPartOnceTimed { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MovementMaintainOffset { + pub const m_vecOffset: usize = 0x1B8; // Vector + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_bRadiusScale: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetVec { + pub const m_InputValue: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x810; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x814; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_Lerp: usize = 0x818; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_bNormalizedOutput: usize = 0x970; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateFromParentParticles { + pub const m_flVelocityScale: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flIncrement: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_bRandomDistribution: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_nRandomSeed: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_bSubFrame: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod IParticleEffect { + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomNamedModelBodyPart { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PARTICLE_EHANDLE__ { + pub const unused: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderOmni2Light { + pub const m_nLightType: usize = 0x208; // ParticleOmni2LightTypeChoiceList_t + pub const m_vColorBlend: usize = 0x210; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nColorBlendType: usize = 0x868; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + pub const m_nBrightnessUnit: usize = 0x86C; // ParticleLightUnitChoiceList_t + pub const m_flBrightnessLumens: usize = 0x870; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flBrightnessCandelas: usize = 0x9C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_bCastShadows: usize = 0xB20; // bool + pub const m_flLuminaireRadius: usize = 0xB28; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flSkirt: usize = 0xC80; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0xDD8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInnerConeAngle: usize = 0xF30; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOuterConeAngle: usize = 0x1088; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_hLightCookie: usize = 0x11E0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_bSphericalCookie: usize = 0x11E8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ConnectParentParticleToNearest { + pub const m_nFirstControlPoint: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nSecondControlPoint: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_bUseRadius: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flParentRadiusScale: usize = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + pub mod CPerParticleFloatInput { + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelBodyPartScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 19 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitSkinnedPositionFromCPSnapshot { + pub const m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_bRandom: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_nRandomSeed: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_bRigid: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + pub const m_bSetNormal: usize = 0x1D1; // bool + pub const m_bIgnoreDt: usize = 0x1D2; // bool + pub const m_flMinNormalVelocity: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxNormalVelocity: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_nIndexType: usize = 0x1DC; // SnapshotIndexType_t + pub const m_flReadIndex: usize = 0x1E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flIncrement: usize = 0x338; // float32 + pub const m_nFullLoopIncrement: usize = 0x33C; // int32 + pub const m_nSnapShotStartPoint: usize = 0x340; // int32 + pub const m_flBoneVelocity: usize = 0x344; // float32 + pub const m_flBoneVelocityMax: usize = 0x348; // float32 + pub const m_bCopyColor: usize = 0x34C; // bool + pub const m_bCopyAlpha: usize = 0x34D; // bool + pub const m_bSetRadius: usize = 0x34E; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LagCompensation { + pub const m_nDesiredVelocityCP: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nLatencyCP: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_nLatencyCPField: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nDesiredVelocityCPField: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_CollideWithSelf { + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flMinimumSpeed: usize = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_Noise { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_fl4NoiseScale: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_bAdditive: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_flNoiseAnimationTimeScale: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_FadeAndKillForTracers { + pub const m_flStartFadeInTime: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndFadeInTime: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFadeOutTime: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flEndFadeOutTime: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flStartAlpha: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndAlpha: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ColorAdjustHSL { + pub const m_flHueAdjust: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flSaturationAdjust: usize = 0x310; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flLightnessAdjust: usize = 0x468; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleMassCalculationParameters { + pub const m_nMassMode: usize = 0x0; // ParticleMassMode_t + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flNominalRadius: usize = 0x160; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x2B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SequenceFromModel { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutputAnim: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1D4; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_AlphaDecay { + pub const m_flMinAlpha: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapDensityGradientToVectorAttribute { + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitVec { + pub const m_InputValue: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x818; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x81C; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bNormalizedOutput: usize = 0x820; // bool + pub const m_bWritePreviousPosition: usize = 0x821; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_SetHitboxToModel { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nForceInModel: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_bEvenDistribution: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_nDesiredHitbox: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_vecHitBoxScale: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_vecDirectionBias: usize = 0x828; // Vector + pub const m_bMaintainHitbox: usize = 0x834; // bool + pub const m_bUseBones: usize = 0x835; // bool + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0x836; // char[128] + pub const m_flShellSize: usize = 0x8B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MovementMoveAlongSkinnedCPSnapshot { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nSnapshotControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_bSetNormal: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_bSetRadius: usize = 0x1C1; // bool + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flTValue: usize = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LerpScalar { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x318; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x31C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitialRepulsionVelocity { + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x1C0; // char[128] + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x240; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_vecOutputMin: usize = 0x244; // Vector + pub const m_vecOutputMax: usize = 0x250; // Vector + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x25C; // int32 + pub const m_bPerParticle: usize = 0x260; // bool + pub const m_bTranslate: usize = 0x261; // bool + pub const m_bProportional: usize = 0x262; // bool + pub const m_flTraceLength: usize = 0x264; // float32 + pub const m_bPerParticleTR: usize = 0x268; // bool + pub const m_bInherit: usize = 0x269; // bool + pub const m_nChildCP: usize = 0x26C; // int32 + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x270; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ClampScalar { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointToHMD { + pub const m_nCP1: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_vecCP1Pos: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_bOrientToHMD: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DifferencePreviousParticle { + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x1D4; // bool + pub const m_bSetPreviousParticle: usize = 0x1D5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointFieldFromVectorExpression { + pub const m_nExpression: usize = 0x1C0; // VectorFloatExpressionType_t + pub const m_vecInput1: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_vecInput2: usize = 0x820; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_flOutputRemap: usize = 0xE78; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputCP: usize = 0xFD0; // int32 + pub const m_nOutVectorField: usize = 0xFD4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransforms { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_TransformStart: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_TransformEnd: usize = 0x238; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x2A0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x2A4; // bool + pub const m_bRadialCheck: usize = 0x2A5; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_PlaneCull { + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_flDistance: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bCullInside: usize = 0x320; // bool + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapNamedModelSequenceEndCap { + } + // Parent: CParticleCollectionFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + pub mod CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitFromCPSnapshot { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nAttributeToRead: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nAttributeToWrite: usize = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nLocalSpaceCP: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_bRandom: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + pub const m_bReverse: usize = 0x1D1; // bool + pub const m_nSnapShotIncrement: usize = 0x1D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nManualSnapshotIndex: usize = 0x330; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nRandomSeed: usize = 0x488; // int32 + pub const m_bLocalSpaceAngles: usize = 0x48C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 22 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderCables { + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0x360; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_vecColorScale: usize = 0x4B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nColorBlendType: usize = 0xB10; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + pub const m_hMaterial: usize = 0xB18; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nTextureRepetitionMode: usize = 0xB20; // TextureRepetitionMode_t + pub const m_flTextureRepeatsPerSegment: usize = 0xB28; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flTextureRepeatsCircumference: usize = 0xC80; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flColorMapOffsetV: usize = 0xDD8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flColorMapOffsetU: usize = 0xF30; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flNormalMapOffsetV: usize = 0x1088; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flNormalMapOffsetU: usize = 0x11E0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bDrawCableCaps: usize = 0x1338; // bool + pub const m_flCapRoundness: usize = 0x133C; // float32 + pub const m_flCapOffsetAmount: usize = 0x1340; // float32 + pub const m_flTessScale: usize = 0x1344; // float32 + pub const m_nMinTesselation: usize = 0x1348; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxTesselation: usize = 0x134C; // int32 + pub const m_nRoundness: usize = 0x1350; // int32 + pub const m_LightingTransform: usize = 0x1358; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_MaterialFloatVars: usize = 0x13C0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_MaterialVecVars: usize = 0x13F0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InheritVelocity { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_flVelocityScale: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointToWaterSurface { + pub const m_nSourceCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nDestCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nFlowCP: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nActiveCP: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_nActiveCPField: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + pub const m_flRetestRate: usize = 0x1D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bAdaptiveThreshold: usize = 0x330; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_PositionOffset { + pub const m_OffsetMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_OffsetMax: usize = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0xE70; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_bLocalCoords: usize = 0xED8; // bool + pub const m_bProportional: usize = 0xED9; // bool + pub const m_randomnessParameters: usize = 0xEDC; // CRandomNumberGeneratorParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_NormalAlignToCP { + pub const m_transformInput: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nControlPointAxis: usize = 0x228; // ParticleControlPointAxis_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ShapeMatchingConstraint { + pub const m_flShapeRestorationTime: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetChildControlPoints { + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFirstControlPoint: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_nNumControlPoints: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nFirstSourcePoint: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bReverse: usize = 0x320; // bool + pub const m_bSetOrientation: usize = 0x321; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ChladniWave { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_vecWaveLength: usize = 0x720; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecHarmonics: usize = 0xD78; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x13D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_nLocalSpaceControlPoint: usize = 0x13D4; // int32 + pub const m_b3D: usize = 0x13D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapDirectionToCPToVector { + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flOffsetRot: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_vecOffsetAxis: usize = 0x1C8; // Vector + pub const m_bNormalize: usize = 0x1D4; // bool + pub const m_nFieldStrength: usize = 0x1D8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DriveCPFromGlobalSoundFloat { + pub const m_nOutputControlPoint: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_StackName: usize = 0x1D8; // CUtlString + pub const m_OperatorName: usize = 0x1E0; // CUtlString + pub const m_FieldName: usize = 0x1E8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RtEnvCull { + pub const m_vecTestDir: usize = 0x1B8; // Vector + pub const m_vecTestNormal: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_bCullOnMiss: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + pub const m_bStickInsteadOfCull: usize = 0x1D1; // bool + pub const m_RtEnvName: usize = 0x1D2; // char[128] + pub const m_nRTEnvCP: usize = 0x254; // int32 + pub const m_nComponent: usize = 0x258; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_PinParticleToCP { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_vecOffset: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_bOffsetLocal: usize = 0x818; // bool + pub const m_nParticleSelection: usize = 0x81C; // ParticleSelection_t + pub const m_nParticleNumber: usize = 0x820; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nPinBreakType: usize = 0x978; // ParticlePinDistance_t + pub const m_flBreakDistance: usize = 0x980; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flBreakSpeed: usize = 0xAD8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flAge: usize = 0xC30; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nBreakControlPointNumber: usize = 0xD88; // int32 + pub const m_nBreakControlPointNumber2: usize = 0xD8C; // int32 + pub const m_flBreakValue: usize = 0xD90; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0xEE8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapCPtoVector { + pub const m_nCPInput: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nLocalSpaceCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_vInputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_vInputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // Vector + pub const m_vOutputMin: usize = 0x1DC; // Vector + pub const m_vOutputMax: usize = 0x1E8; // Vector + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1F4; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x1F8; // float32 + pub const m_flInterpRate: usize = 0x1FC; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x200; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bOffset: usize = 0x204; // bool + pub const m_bAccelerate: usize = 0x205; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateParticleImpulse { + pub const m_InputRadius: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_InputMagnitude: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nFalloffFunction: usize = 0x470; // ParticleFalloffFunction_t + pub const m_InputFalloffExp: usize = 0x478; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nImpulseType: usize = 0x5D0; // ParticleImpulseType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DensityForce { + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flForceScale: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flTargetDensity: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateInEpitrochoid { + pub const m_nComponent1: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nComponent2: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_flParticleDensity: usize = 0x230; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOffset: usize = 0x388; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flRadius1: usize = 0x4E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flRadius2: usize = 0x638; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_bUseCount: usize = 0x790; // bool + pub const m_bUseLocalCoords: usize = 0x791; // bool + pub const m_bOffsetExistingPos: usize = 0x792; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ConstrainDistanceToUserSpecifiedPath { + pub const m_fMinDistance: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxDistance: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flTimeScale: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_bLoopedPath: usize = 0x1C4; // bool + pub const m_pointList: usize = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointPositions { + pub const m_bUseWorldLocation: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_bOrient: usize = 0x1C1; // bool + pub const m_bSetOnce: usize = 0x1C2; // bool + pub const m_nCP1: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nCP2: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nCP3: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_nCP4: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + pub const m_vecCP1Pos: usize = 0x1D4; // Vector + pub const m_vecCP2Pos: usize = 0x1E0; // Vector + pub const m_vecCP3Pos: usize = 0x1EC; // Vector + pub const m_vecCP4Pos: usize = 0x1F8; // Vector + pub const m_nHeadLocation: usize = 0x204; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetFloatAttributeToVectorExpression { + pub const m_nExpression: usize = 0x1B8; // VectorFloatExpressionType_t + pub const m_vInput1: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vInput2: usize = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_flOutputRemap: usize = 0xE70; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0xFC8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0xFCC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MovementRotateParticleAroundAxis { + pub const m_vecRotAxis: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_flRotRate: usize = 0x810; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x968; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_bLocalSpace: usize = 0x9D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_IntraParticleForce { + pub const m_flAttractionMinDistance: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flAttractionMaxDistance: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flAttractionMaxStrength: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flRepulsionMinDistance: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flRepulsionMaxDistance: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flRepulsionMaxStrength: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_bUseAABB: usize = 0x1E0; // bool + pub const m_bThreadIt: usize = 0x1E1; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitFloat { + pub const m_InputValue: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x31C; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_InputStrength: usize = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateOnModel { + pub const m_modelInput: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleModelInput + pub const m_transformInput: usize = 0x220; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nForceInModel: usize = 0x288; // int32 + pub const m_bScaleToVolume: usize = 0x28C; // bool + pub const m_bEvenDistribution: usize = 0x28D; // bool + pub const m_nDesiredHitbox: usize = 0x290; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nHitboxValueFromControlPointIndex: usize = 0x3E8; // int32 + pub const m_vecHitBoxScale: usize = 0x3F0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_flBoneVelocity: usize = 0xA48; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxBoneVelocity: usize = 0xA4C; // float32 + pub const m_vecDirectionBias: usize = 0xA50; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0x10A8; // char[128] + pub const m_bLocalCoords: usize = 0x1128; // bool + pub const m_bUseBones: usize = 0x1129; // bool + pub const m_bUseMesh: usize = 0x112A; // bool + pub const m_flShellSize: usize = 0x1130; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_InheritFromPeerSystem { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nIncrement: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nGroupID: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_PerParticleForce { + pub const m_flForceScale: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_vForce: usize = 0x320; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x978; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RandomNamedModelElement + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomNamedModelMeshGroup { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderProjected { + pub const m_bProjectCharacter: usize = 0x208; // bool + pub const m_bProjectWorld: usize = 0x209; // bool + pub const m_bProjectWater: usize = 0x20A; // bool + pub const m_bFlipHorizontal: usize = 0x20B; // bool + pub const m_bEnableProjectedDepthControls: usize = 0x20C; // bool + pub const m_flMinProjectionDepth: usize = 0x210; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxProjectionDepth: usize = 0x214; // float32 + pub const m_vecProjectedMaterials: usize = 0x218; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flMaterialSelection: usize = 0x230; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flAnimationTimeScale: usize = 0x388; // float32 + pub const m_bOrientToNormal: usize = 0x38C; // bool + pub const m_MaterialVars: usize = 0x390; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x3A8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0x500; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flRollScale: usize = 0x658; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nAlpha2Field: usize = 0x7B0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecColorScale: usize = 0x7B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nColorBlendType: usize = 0xE10; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MaxVelocity { + pub const m_flMaxVelocity: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flMinVelocity: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_nOverrideCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nOverrideCPField: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_VelocityFromNormal { + pub const m_fSpeedMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_fSpeedMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_bIgnoreDt: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MaintainEmitter { + pub const m_nParticlesToMaintain: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x318; // float32 + pub const m_flEmissionDuration: usize = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flEmissionRate: usize = 0x478; // float32 + pub const m_nSnapshotControlPoint: usize = 0x47C; // int32 + pub const m_bEmitInstantaneously: usize = 0x480; // bool + pub const m_bFinalEmitOnStop: usize = 0x481; // bool + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x488; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_PositionOffsetToCP { + pub const m_nControlPointNumberStart: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPointNumberEnd: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_bLocalCoords: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapInitialTransformDirectionToRotation { + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flOffsetRot: usize = 0x22C; // float32 + pub const m_nComponent: usize = 0x230; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_FadeAndKill { + pub const m_flStartFadeInTime: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndFadeInTime: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFadeOutTime: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flEndFadeOutTime: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flStartAlpha: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndAlpha: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_bForcePreserveParticleOrder: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PARTICLE_WORLD_HANDLE__ { + pub const unused: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ColorInterpolate { + pub const m_ColorFade: usize = 0x1B8; // Color + pub const m_flFadeStartTime: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeEndTime: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bEaseInOut: usize = 0x1D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RampScalarSpline { + pub const m_RateMin: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_RateMax: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime_min: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime_max: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_min: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_max: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flBias: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x200; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bProportionalOp: usize = 0x204; // bool + pub const m_bEaseOut: usize = 0x205; // bool + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementOnceTimed + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapNamedModelSequenceOnceTimed { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointFromObjectScale { + pub const m_nCPInput: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MaintainSequentialPath { + pub const m_fMaxDistance: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flNumToAssign: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flCohesionStrength: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flTolerance: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_bUseParticleCount: usize = 0x1C9; // bool + pub const m_PathParams: usize = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapNamedModelBodyPartEndCap { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_StopAfterCPDuration { + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bDestroyImmediately: usize = 0x318; // bool + pub const m_bPlayEndCap: usize = 0x319; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CGeneralSpin { + pub const m_nSpinRateDegrees: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nSpinRateMinDegrees: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_fSpinRateStopTime: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MParticleMaxVersion + // MParticleReplacementOp + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LockToSavedSequentialPath { + pub const m_flFadeStart: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeEnd: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_bCPPairs: usize = 0x1C4; // bool + pub const m_PathParams: usize = 0x1D0; // CPathParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar { + pub const m_hModel: usize = 0x1C0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_names: usize = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_values: usize = 0x1E0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1F8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1FC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x200; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bModelFromRenderer: usize = 0x204; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ClampVector { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecOutputMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecOutputMax: usize = 0x818; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderStatusEffectCitadel { + pub const m_pTextureColorWarp: usize = 0x208; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureNormal: usize = 0x210; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureMetalness: usize = 0x218; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureRoughness: usize = 0x220; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureSelfIllum: usize = 0x228; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTextureDetail: usize = 0x230; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapCPtoScalar { + pub const m_nCPInput: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x1E0; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1E4; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_flRemapBias: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod IParticleSystemDefinition { + } + // Parent: CParticleFloatInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + pub mod CParticleCollectionFloatInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_WindForce { + pub const m_vForce: usize = 0x1C8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetVariable { + pub const m_variableReference: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleVariableRef + pub const m_transformInput: usize = 0x200; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_positionOffset: usize = 0x268; // Vector + pub const m_rotationOffset: usize = 0x274; // QAngle + pub const m_vecInput: usize = 0x280; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_floatInput: usize = 0x8D8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 29 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderStandardLight { + pub const m_nLightType: usize = 0x208; // ParticleLightTypeChoiceList_t + pub const m_vecColorScale: usize = 0x210; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nColorBlendType: usize = 0x868; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + pub const m_flIntensity: usize = 0x870; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bCastShadows: usize = 0x9C8; // bool + pub const m_flTheta: usize = 0x9D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flPhi: usize = 0xB28; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flRadiusMultiplier: usize = 0xC80; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nAttenuationStyle: usize = 0xDD8; // StandardLightingAttenuationStyle_t + pub const m_flFalloffLinearity: usize = 0xDE0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flFiftyPercentFalloff: usize = 0xF38; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flZeroPercentFalloff: usize = 0x1090; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bRenderDiffuse: usize = 0x11E8; // bool + pub const m_bRenderSpecular: usize = 0x11E9; // bool + pub const m_lightCookie: usize = 0x11F0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nPriority: usize = 0x11F8; // int32 + pub const m_nFogLightingMode: usize = 0x11FC; // ParticleLightFogLightingMode_t + pub const m_flFogContribution: usize = 0x1200; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_nCapsuleLightBehavior: usize = 0x1358; // ParticleLightBehaviorChoiceList_t + pub const m_flCapsuleLength: usize = 0x135C; // float32 + pub const m_bReverseOrder: usize = 0x1360; // bool + pub const m_bClosedLoop: usize = 0x1361; // bool + pub const m_nPrevPntSource: usize = 0x1364; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flMaxLength: usize = 0x1368; // float32 + pub const m_flMinLength: usize = 0x136C; // float32 + pub const m_bIgnoreDT: usize = 0x1370; // bool + pub const m_flConstrainRadiusToLengthRatio: usize = 0x1374; // float32 + pub const m_flLengthScale: usize = 0x1378; // float32 + pub const m_flLengthFadeInTime: usize = 0x137C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_DistanceToTransform { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x470; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x5C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_TransformStart: usize = 0x720; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_bLOS: usize = 0x788; // bool + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x789; // char[128] + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x80C; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_flMaxTraceLength: usize = 0x810; // float32 + pub const m_flLOSScale: usize = 0x814; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x818; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x81C; // bool + pub const m_bAdditive: usize = 0x81D; // bool + pub const m_vecComponentScale: usize = 0x820; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapControlPointOrientationToRotation { + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flOffsetRot: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_nComponent: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointToCenter { + pub const m_nCP1: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_vecCP1Pos: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_nSetParent: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleParentSetMode_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapAverageScalarValuetoCP { + pub const m_nOutControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nOutVectorField: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapDotProductToScalar { + pub const m_nInputCP1: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nInputCP2: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_bUseParticleVelocity: usize = 0x1D4; // bool + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1D8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x1DC; // bool + pub const m_bUseParticleNormal: usize = 0x1DD; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapCPtoCP { + pub const m_nInputControlPoint: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputControlPoint: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nInputField: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_bDerivative: usize = 0x1E0; // bool + pub const m_flInterpRate: usize = 0x1E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointRotation { + pub const m_vecRotAxis: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_flRotRate: usize = 0x818; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x970; // int32 + pub const m_nLocalCP: usize = 0x974; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_CurlNoiseForce { + pub const m_nNoiseType: usize = 0x1C8; // ParticleDirectionNoiseType_t + pub const m_vecNoiseFreq: usize = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecNoiseScale: usize = 0x828; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecOffset: usize = 0xE80; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecOffsetRate: usize = 0x14D8; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_flWorleySeed: usize = 0x1B30; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flWorleyJitter: usize = 0x1C88; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_Orient2DRelToCP { + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flRotOffset: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetSimulationRate { + pub const m_flSimulationScale: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_FadeIn { + pub const m_flFadeInTimeMin: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeInTimeMax: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeInTimeExp: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_bProportional: usize = 0x1C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderScreenShake { + pub const m_flDurationScale: usize = 0x208; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x20C; // float32 + pub const m_flFrequencyScale: usize = 0x210; // float32 + pub const m_flAmplitudeScale: usize = 0x214; // float32 + pub const m_nRadiusField: usize = 0x218; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nDurationField: usize = 0x21C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFrequencyField: usize = 0x220; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nAmplitudeField: usize = 0x224; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFilterCP: usize = 0x228; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapBoundingVolumetoCP { + pub const m_nOutControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_HSVShiftToCP { + pub const m_nColorCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nColorGemEnableCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputCP: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_DefaultHSVColor: usize = 0x1CC; // Color + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_GlobalScale { + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_nScaleControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_bScaleRadius: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + pub const m_bScalePosition: usize = 0x1CD; // bool + pub const m_bScaleVelocity: usize = 0x1CE; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RadiusFromCPObject { + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitialVelocityFromHitbox { + pub const m_flVelocityMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flVelocityMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0x1CC; // char[128] + pub const m_bUseBones: usize = 0x24C; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LerpVector { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // Vector + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1D0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointFieldToWater { + pub const m_nSourceCP: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nDestCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nCPField: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod TextureGroup_t { + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x0; // bool + pub const m_bReplaceTextureWithGradient: usize = 0x1; // bool + pub const m_hTexture: usize = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Gradient: usize = 0x10; // CColorGradient + pub const m_nTextureType: usize = 0x28; // SpriteCardTextureType_t + pub const m_nTextureChannels: usize = 0x2C; // SpriteCardTextureChannel_t + pub const m_nTextureBlendMode: usize = 0x30; // ParticleTextureLayerBlendType_t + pub const m_flTextureBlend: usize = 0x38; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_TextureControls: usize = 0x190; // TextureControls_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_TimeVaryingForce { + pub const m_flStartLerpTime: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_StartingForce: usize = 0x1CC; // Vector + pub const m_flEndLerpTime: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_EndingForce: usize = 0x1DC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetCPOrientationToGroundNormal { + pub const m_flInterpRate: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxTraceLength: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flTolerance: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flTraceOffset: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x1C8; // char[128] + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x248; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_nInputCP: usize = 0x24C; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputCP: usize = 0x250; // int32 + pub const m_bIncludeWater: usize = 0x260; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SnapshotSkinToBones { + pub const m_bTransformNormals: usize = 0x1B8; // bool + pub const m_bTransformRadii: usize = 0x1B9; // bool + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_flLifeTimeFadeStart: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flLifeTimeFadeEnd: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flJumpThreshold: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flPrevPosScale: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateWithinSphereTransform { + pub const m_fRadiusMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_fRadiusMax: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_vecDistanceBias: usize = 0x470; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecDistanceBiasAbs: usize = 0xAC8; // Vector + pub const m_TransformInput: usize = 0xAD8; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_fSpeedMin: usize = 0xB40; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_fSpeedMax: usize = 0xC98; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_fSpeedRandExp: usize = 0xDF0; // float32 + pub const m_bLocalCoords: usize = 0xDF4; // bool + pub const m_flEndCPGrowthTime: usize = 0xDF8; // float32 + pub const m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMin: usize = 0xE00; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_LocalCoordinateSystemSpeedMax: usize = 0x1458; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1AB0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldVelocity: usize = 0x1AB4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RadiusDecay { + pub const m_flMinRadius: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapNamedModelBodyPartToScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapScalarToVector { + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_vecOutputMin: usize = 0x1D0; // Vector + pub const m_vecOutputMax: usize = 0x1DC; // Vector + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x1EC; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1F0; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1F4; // int32 + pub const m_bLocalCoords: usize = 0x1F8; // bool + pub const m_flRemapBias: usize = 0x1FC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitialSequenceFromModel { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutputAnim: usize = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1DC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionEmitter + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_NoiseEmitter { + pub const m_flEmissionDuration: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flEmissionScale: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_nScaleControlPoint: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_nScaleControlPointField: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + pub const m_nWorldNoisePoint: usize = 0x1D4; // int32 + pub const m_bAbsVal: usize = 0x1D8; // bool + pub const m_bAbsValInv: usize = 0x1D9; // bool + pub const m_flOffset: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1E0; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1E4; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseScale: usize = 0x1E8; // float32 + pub const m_flWorldNoiseScale: usize = 0x1EC; // float32 + pub const m_vecOffsetLoc: usize = 0x1F0; // Vector + pub const m_flWorldTimeScale: usize = 0x1FC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleFunctionInitializer { + pub const m_nAssociatedEmitterIndex: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SelectivelyEnableChildren { + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nFirstChild: usize = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nNumChildrenToEnable: usize = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bPlayEndcapOnStop: usize = 0x5C8; // bool + pub const m_bDestroyImmediately: usize = 0x5C9; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ModelReference_t { + pub const m_model: usize = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flRelativeProbabilityOfSpawn: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_PlanarConstraint { + pub const m_PointOnPlane: usize = 0x1B8; // Vector + pub const m_PlaneNormal: usize = 0x1C4; // Vector + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + pub const m_bGlobalOrigin: usize = 0x1D4; // bool + pub const m_bGlobalNormal: usize = 0x1D5; // bool + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flMaximumDistanceToCP: usize = 0x330; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bUseOldCode: usize = 0x488; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateFromCPs { + pub const m_nIncrement: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nMinCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxCP: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nDynamicCPCount: usize = 0x1D0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LockPoints { + pub const m_nMinCol: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxCol: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_nMinRow: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxRow: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_flBlendValue: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_CreateSpiralSphere { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nOverrideCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nDensity: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_flInitialRadius: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flInitialSpeedMin: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flInitialSpeedMax: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_bUseParticleCount: usize = 0x1D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_CPVelocityForce { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1D0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapNamedModelElementEndCap { + pub const m_hModel: usize = 0x1B8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_inNames: usize = 0x1C0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_outNames: usize = 0x1D8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_fallbackNames: usize = 0x1F0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bModelFromRenderer: usize = 0x208; // bool + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x210; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_ScaleVelocity { + pub const m_vecScale: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MoveToHitbox { + pub const m_modelInput: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleModelInput + pub const m_transformInput: usize = 0x218; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_flLifeTimeLerpStart: usize = 0x284; // float32 + pub const m_flLifeTimeLerpEnd: usize = 0x288; // float32 + pub const m_flPrevPosScale: usize = 0x28C; // float32 + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0x290; // char[128] + pub const m_bUseBones: usize = 0x310; // bool + pub const m_nLerpType: usize = 0x314; // HitboxLerpType_t + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleInput + // Fields count: 46 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MParticleCustomFieldDefaultValue + pub mod CParticleFloatInput { + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x10; // ParticleFloatType_t + pub const m_nMapType: usize = 0x14; // ParticleFloatMapType_t + pub const m_flLiteralValue: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_NamedValue: usize = 0x20; // CParticleNamedValueRef + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_nScalarAttribute: usize = 0x64; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nVectorAttribute: usize = 0x68; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nVectorComponent: usize = 0x6C; // int32 + pub const m_flRandomMin: usize = 0x70; // float32 + pub const m_flRandomMax: usize = 0x74; // float32 + pub const m_bHasRandomSignFlip: usize = 0x78; // bool + pub const m_nRandomSeed: usize = 0x7C; // int32 + pub const m_nRandomMode: usize = 0x80; // ParticleFloatRandomMode_t + pub const m_flLOD0: usize = 0x88; // float32 + pub const m_flLOD1: usize = 0x8C; // float32 + pub const m_flLOD2: usize = 0x90; // float32 + pub const m_flLOD3: usize = 0x94; // float32 + pub const m_nNoiseInputVectorAttribute: usize = 0x98; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flNoiseOutputMin: usize = 0x9C; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseOutputMax: usize = 0xA0; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseScale: usize = 0xA4; // float32 + pub const m_vecNoiseOffsetRate: usize = 0xA8; // Vector + pub const m_flNoiseOffset: usize = 0xB4; // float32 + pub const m_nNoiseOctaves: usize = 0xB8; // int32 + pub const m_nNoiseTurbulence: usize = 0xBC; // PFNoiseTurbulence_t + pub const m_nNoiseType: usize = 0xC0; // PFNoiseType_t + pub const m_nNoiseModifier: usize = 0xC4; // PFNoiseModifier_t + pub const m_flNoiseTurbulenceScale: usize = 0xC8; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseTurbulenceMix: usize = 0xCC; // float32 + pub const m_flNoiseImgPreviewScale: usize = 0xD0; // float32 + pub const m_bNoiseImgPreviewLive: usize = 0xD4; // bool + pub const m_flNoCameraFallback: usize = 0xE0; // float32 + pub const m_bUseBoundsCenter: usize = 0xE4; // bool + pub const m_nInputMode: usize = 0xE8; // ParticleFloatInputMode_t + pub const m_flMultFactor: usize = 0xEC; // float32 + pub const m_flInput0: usize = 0xF0; // float32 + pub const m_flInput1: usize = 0xF4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutput0: usize = 0xF8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutput1: usize = 0xFC; // float32 + pub const m_flNotchedRangeMin: usize = 0x100; // float32 + pub const m_flNotchedRangeMax: usize = 0x104; // float32 + pub const m_flNotchedOutputOutside: usize = 0x108; // float32 + pub const m_flNotchedOutputInside: usize = 0x10C; // float32 + pub const m_nBiasType: usize = 0x110; // ParticleFloatBiasType_t + pub const m_flBiasParameter: usize = 0x114; // float32 + pub const m_Curve: usize = 0x118; // CPiecewiseCurve + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_PointList { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_pointList: usize = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bPlaceAlongPath: usize = 0x1E0; // bool + pub const m_bClosedLoop: usize = 0x1E1; // bool + pub const m_nNumPointsAlongPath: usize = 0x1E4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LerpToOtherAttribute { + pub const m_flInterpolation: usize = 0x1B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nFieldInputFrom: usize = 0x310; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x314; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RandomColor { + pub const m_ColorMin: usize = 0x1DC; // Color + pub const m_ColorMax: usize = 0x1E0; // Color + pub const m_TintMin: usize = 0x1E4; // Color + pub const m_TintMax: usize = 0x1E8; // Color + pub const m_flTintPerc: usize = 0x1EC; // float32 + pub const m_flUpdateThreshold: usize = 0x1F0; // float32 + pub const m_nTintCP: usize = 0x1F4; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1F8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nTintBlendMode: usize = 0x1FC; // ParticleColorBlendMode_t + pub const m_flLightAmplification: usize = 0x200; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetGravityToCP { + pub const m_nCPInput: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bSetOrientation: usize = 0x320; // bool + pub const m_bSetZDown: usize = 0x321; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToScalar { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nInputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nInputMax: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nScaleControlPoint: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_nScaleControlPointField: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1DC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x1E0; // bool + pub const m_bInvert: usize = 0x1E1; // bool + pub const m_bWrap: usize = 0x1E2; // bool + pub const m_flRemapBias: usize = 0x1E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InheritFromParentParticles { + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nIncrement: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_bRandomDistribution: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + pub const m_nRandomSeed: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RampScalarLinearSimple { + pub const m_Rate: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1F0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_ChaoticAttractor { + pub const m_flAParm: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flBParm: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flCParm: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flDParm: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1D0; // float32 + pub const m_flSpeedMin: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flSpeedMax: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_nBaseCP: usize = 0x1DC; // int32 + pub const m_bUniformSpeed: usize = 0x1E0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_MovementRigidAttachToCP { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nScaleControlPoint: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_nScaleCPField: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bOffsetLocal: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderFlattenGrass { + pub const m_flFlattenStrength: usize = 0x208; // float32 + pub const m_nStrengthFieldOverride: usize = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x210; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderLightBeam { + pub const m_vColorBlend: usize = 0x208; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nColorBlendType: usize = 0x860; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + pub const m_flBrightnessLumensPerMeter: usize = 0x868; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bCastShadows: usize = 0x9C0; // bool + pub const m_flSkirt: usize = 0x9C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0xB20; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flThickness: usize = 0xC78; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_EnableChildrenFromParentParticleCount { + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nFirstChild: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nNumChildrenToEnable: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bDisableChildren: usize = 0x320; // bool + pub const m_bPlayEndcapOnStop: usize = 0x321; // bool + pub const m_bDestroyImmediately: usize = 0x322; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_DistanceToCPInit { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x320; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x478; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x5D0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nStartCP: usize = 0x728; // int32 + pub const m_bLOS: usize = 0x72C; // bool + pub const m_CollisionGroupName: usize = 0x72D; // char[128] + pub const m_nTraceSet: usize = 0x7B0; // ParticleTraceSet_t + pub const m_flMaxTraceLength: usize = 0x7B8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flLOSScale: usize = 0x910; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x914; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x918; // bool + pub const m_vecDistanceScale: usize = 0x91C; // Vector + pub const m_flRemapBias: usize = 0x928; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CReplicationParameters { + pub const m_nReplicationMode: usize = 0x0; // ParticleReplicationMode_t + pub const m_bScaleChildParticleRadii: usize = 0x4; // bool + pub const m_flMinRandomRadiusScale: usize = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxRandomRadiusScale: usize = 0x160; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_vMinRandomDisplacement: usize = 0x2B8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_vMaxRandomDisplacement: usize = 0x910; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_flModellingScale: usize = 0xF68; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_EndCapDecay { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ForceBasedOnDistanceToPlane { + pub const m_flMinDist: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_vecForceAtMinDist: usize = 0x1CC; // Vector + pub const m_flMaxDist: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_vecForceAtMaxDist: usize = 0x1DC; // Vector + pub const m_vecPlaneNormal: usize = 0x1E8; // Vector + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1F4; // int32 + pub const m_flExponent: usize = 0x1F8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapDensityToVector { + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flDensityMin: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flDensityMax: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_vecOutputMin: usize = 0x1C8; // Vector + pub const m_vecOutputMax: usize = 0x1D4; // Vector + pub const m_bUseParentDensity: usize = 0x1E0; // bool + pub const m_nVoxelGridResolution: usize = 0x1E4; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ParticleControlPointConfiguration_t { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_drivers: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_previewState: usize = 0x20; // ParticlePreviewState_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_SetRigidAttachment { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nFieldInput: usize = 0x1C4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bLocalSpace: usize = 0x1CC; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialVariable_t { + pub const m_strVariable: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nVariableField: usize = 0x8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleFunctionConstraint { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapSpeed { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1CC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bIgnoreDelta: usize = 0x1D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 54 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderModels { + pub const m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsBloomPass: usize = 0x208; // bool + pub const m_bOnlyRenderInEffectsWaterPass: usize = 0x209; // bool + pub const m_bUseMixedResolutionRendering: usize = 0x20A; // bool + pub const m_bOnlyRenderInEffecsGameOverlay: usize = 0x20B; // bool + pub const m_ModelList: usize = 0x210; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nBodyGroupField: usize = 0x228; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSubModelField: usize = 0x22C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bIgnoreNormal: usize = 0x230; // bool + pub const m_bOrientZ: usize = 0x231; // bool + pub const m_bCenterOffset: usize = 0x232; // bool + pub const m_vecLocalOffset: usize = 0x238; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecLocalRotation: usize = 0x890; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_bIgnoreRadius: usize = 0xEE8; // bool + pub const m_nModelScaleCP: usize = 0xEEC; // int32 + pub const m_vecComponentScale: usize = 0xEF0; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_bLocalScale: usize = 0x1548; // bool + pub const m_nSizeCullBloat: usize = 0x154C; // int32 + pub const m_bAnimated: usize = 0x1550; // bool + pub const m_flAnimationRate: usize = 0x1558; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_bScaleAnimationRate: usize = 0x16B0; // bool + pub const m_bForceLoopingAnimation: usize = 0x16B1; // bool + pub const m_bResetAnimOnStop: usize = 0x16B2; // bool + pub const m_bManualAnimFrame: usize = 0x16B3; // bool + pub const m_nAnimationScaleField: usize = 0x16B4; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nAnimationField: usize = 0x16B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nManualFrameField: usize = 0x16BC; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_ActivityName: usize = 0x16C0; // char[256] + pub const m_SequenceName: usize = 0x17C0; // char[256] + pub const m_bEnableClothSimulation: usize = 0x18C0; // bool + pub const m_ClothEffectName: usize = 0x18C1; // char[64] + pub const m_hOverrideMaterial: usize = 0x1908; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_bOverrideTranslucentMaterials: usize = 0x1910; // bool + pub const m_nSkin: usize = 0x1918; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_MaterialVars: usize = 0x1A70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flManualModelSelection: usize = 0x1A88; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_modelInput: usize = 0x1BE0; // CParticleModelInput + pub const m_nLOD: usize = 0x1C40; // int32 + pub const m_EconSlotName: usize = 0x1C44; // char[256] + pub const m_bOriginalModel: usize = 0x1D44; // bool + pub const m_bSuppressTint: usize = 0x1D45; // bool + pub const m_nSubModelFieldType: usize = 0x1D48; // RenderModelSubModelFieldType_t + pub const m_bDisableShadows: usize = 0x1D4C; // bool + pub const m_bDisableDepthPrepass: usize = 0x1D4D; // bool + pub const m_bAcceptsDecals: usize = 0x1D4E; // bool + pub const m_bForceDrawInterlevedWithSiblings: usize = 0x1D4F; // bool + pub const m_bDoNotDrawInParticlePass: usize = 0x1D50; // bool + pub const m_bAllowApproximateTransforms: usize = 0x1D51; // bool + pub const m_szRenderAttribute: usize = 0x1D52; // char[260] + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0x1E58; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0x1FB0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flRollScale: usize = 0x2108; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nAlpha2Field: usize = 0x2260; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecColorScale: usize = 0x2268; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nColorBlendType: usize = 0x28C0; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunction + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CParticleFunctionEmitter { + pub const m_nEmitterIndex: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapNamedModelElementToScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapNamedModelMeshGroupToScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointOrientationToCPVelocity { + pub const m_nCPInput: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPOutput: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RopeSpringConstraint { + pub const m_flRestLength: usize = 0x1B8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flMinDistance: usize = 0x310; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxDistance: usize = 0x468; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flAdjustmentScale: usize = 0x5C0; // float32 + pub const m_flInitialRestingLength: usize = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_PositionWarpScalar { + pub const m_vecWarpMin: usize = 0x1C0; // Vector + pub const m_vecWarpMax: usize = 0x1CC; // Vector + pub const m_InputValue: usize = 0x1D8; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flPrevPosScale: usize = 0x330; // float32 + pub const m_nScaleControlPointNumber: usize = 0x334; // int32 + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x338; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ForceControlPointStub { + pub const m_ControlPoint: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_VectorNoise { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecOutputMin: usize = 0x1BC; // Vector + pub const m_vecOutputMax: usize = 0x1C8; // Vector + pub const m_fl4NoiseScale: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_bAdditive: usize = 0x1D8; // bool + pub const m_bOffset: usize = 0x1D9; // bool + pub const m_flNoiseAnimationTimeScale: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod IParticleCollection { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapParticleCountToScalar { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nInputMin: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nInputMax: usize = 0x318; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x470; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x5C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x720; // bool + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x724; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_QuantizeFloat { + pub const m_InputValue: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x318; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RemapModelVolumetoCP { + pub const m_nBBoxType: usize = 0x1C0; // BBoxVolumeType_t + pub const m_nInControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nOutControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nOutControlPointMaxNumber: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMin: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputMax: usize = 0x1E0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetToCP { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_vecOffset: usize = 0x1BC; // Vector + pub const m_bOffsetLocal: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ParticleControlPointDriver_t { + pub const m_iControlPoint: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_iAttachType: usize = 0x4; // ParticleAttachment_t + pub const m_attachmentName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_vecOffset: usize = 0x10; // Vector + pub const m_angOffset: usize = 0x1C; // QAngle + pub const m_entityName: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ParentVortices { + pub const m_flForceScale: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_vecTwistAxis: usize = 0x1CC; // Vector + pub const m_bFlipBasedOnYaw: usize = 0x1D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionPreEmission + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetControlPointToCPVelocity { + pub const m_nCPInput: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPOutputVel: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_bNormalize: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_nCPOutputMag: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_nCPField: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + pub const m_vecComparisonVelocity: usize = 0x1D8; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ClientPhysics { + pub const m_strPhysicsType: usize = 0x208; // CUtlString + pub const m_bKillParticles: usize = 0x210; // bool + pub const m_bDeleteSim: usize = 0x211; // bool + pub const m_nControlPoint: usize = 0x214; // int32 + pub const m_nColorBlendType: usize = 0x218; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: CGeneralSpin + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SpinYaw { + } + // Parent: PointDefinition_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PointDefinitionWithTimeValues_t { + pub const m_flTimeDuration: usize = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RenderProjectedMaterial_t { + pub const m_hMaterial: usize = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionForce + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_ExternalWindForce { + pub const m_vecSamplePosition: usize = 0x1C8; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_vecScale: usize = 0x820; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_bSampleWind: usize = 0xE78; // bool + pub const m_bSampleWater: usize = 0xE79; // bool + pub const m_bDampenNearWaterPlane: usize = 0xE7A; // bool + pub const m_bSampleGravity: usize = 0xE7B; // bool + pub const m_vecGravityForce: usize = 0xE80; // CPerParticleVecInput + pub const m_bUseBasicMovementGravity: usize = 0x14D8; // bool + pub const m_flLocalGravityScale: usize = 0x14E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flLocalBuoyancyScale: usize = 0x1638; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_vecBuoyancyForce: usize = 0x1790; // CPerParticleVecInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_ModelCull { + pub const m_nControlPointNumber: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_bBoundBox: usize = 0x1C4; // bool + pub const m_bCullOutside: usize = 0x1C5; // bool + pub const m_bUseBones: usize = 0x1C6; // bool + pub const m_HitboxSetName: usize = 0x1C7; // char[128] + } + // Parent: CBaseRendererSource2 + // Fields count: 28 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderSprites { + pub const m_nSequenceOverride: usize = 0x2718; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_nOrientationType: usize = 0x2870; // ParticleOrientationChoiceList_t + pub const m_nOrientationControlPoint: usize = 0x2874; // int32 + pub const m_bUseYawWithNormalAligned: usize = 0x2878; // bool + pub const m_flMinSize: usize = 0x2880; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flMaxSize: usize = 0x29D8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flAlphaAdjustWithSizeAdjust: usize = 0x2B30; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flStartFadeSize: usize = 0x2C88; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flEndFadeSize: usize = 0x2DE0; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flStartFadeDot: usize = 0x2F38; // float32 + pub const m_flEndFadeDot: usize = 0x2F3C; // float32 + pub const m_bDistanceAlpha: usize = 0x2F40; // bool + pub const m_bSoftEdges: usize = 0x2F41; // bool + pub const m_flEdgeSoftnessStart: usize = 0x2F44; // float32 + pub const m_flEdgeSoftnessEnd: usize = 0x2F48; // float32 + pub const m_bOutline: usize = 0x2F4C; // bool + pub const m_OutlineColor: usize = 0x2F4D; // Color + pub const m_nOutlineAlpha: usize = 0x2F54; // int32 + pub const m_flOutlineStart0: usize = 0x2F58; // float32 + pub const m_flOutlineStart1: usize = 0x2F5C; // float32 + pub const m_flOutlineEnd0: usize = 0x2F60; // float32 + pub const m_flOutlineEnd1: usize = 0x2F64; // float32 + pub const m_nLightingMode: usize = 0x2F68; // ParticleLightingQuality_t + pub const m_flLightingTessellation: usize = 0x2F70; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_flLightingDirectionality: usize = 0x30C8; // CParticleCollectionRendererFloatInput + pub const m_bParticleShadows: usize = 0x3220; // bool + pub const m_flShadowDensity: usize = 0x3224; // float32 + pub const m_replicationParameters: usize = 0x3228; // CReplicationParameters + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_PercentageBetweenTransformLerpCPs { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_TransformStart: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_TransformEnd: usize = 0x230; // CParticleTransformInput + pub const m_nOutputStartCP: usize = 0x298; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputStartField: usize = 0x29C; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputEndCP: usize = 0x2A0; // int32 + pub const m_nOutputEndField: usize = 0x2A4; // int32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x2A8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + pub const m_bActiveRange: usize = 0x2AC; // bool + pub const m_bRadialCheck: usize = 0x2AD; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetPerChildControlPoint { + pub const m_nChildGroupID: usize = 0x1B8; // int32 + pub const m_nFirstControlPoint: usize = 0x1BC; // int32 + pub const m_nNumControlPoints: usize = 0x1C0; // int32 + pub const m_nParticleIncrement: usize = 0x1C8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_nFirstSourcePoint: usize = 0x320; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_bSetOrientation: usize = 0x478; // bool + pub const m_nOrientationField: usize = 0x47C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bNumBasedOnParticleCount: usize = 0x480; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderTreeShake { + pub const m_flPeakStrength: usize = 0x208; // float32 + pub const m_nPeakStrengthFieldOverride: usize = 0x20C; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x210; // float32 + pub const m_nRadiusFieldOverride: usize = 0x214; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flShakeDuration: usize = 0x218; // float32 + pub const m_flTransitionTime: usize = 0x21C; // float32 + pub const m_flTwistAmount: usize = 0x220; // float32 + pub const m_flRadialAmount: usize = 0x224; // float32 + pub const m_flControlPointOrientationAmount: usize = 0x228; // float32 + pub const m_nControlPointForLinearDirection: usize = 0x22C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionConstraint + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_WorldCollideConstraint { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_SetAttributeToScalarExpression { + pub const m_nExpression: usize = 0x1B8; // ScalarExpressionType_t + pub const m_flInput1: usize = 0x1C0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flInput2: usize = 0x318; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_flOutputRemap: usize = 0x470; // CParticleRemapFloatInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x5C8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x5CC; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_CycleScalar { + pub const m_nDestField: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flStartValue: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flEndValue: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flCycleTime: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_bDoNotRepeatCycle: usize = 0x1C8; // bool + pub const m_bSynchronizeParticles: usize = 0x1C9; // bool + pub const m_nCPScale: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_nCPFieldMin: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + pub const m_nCPFieldMax: usize = 0x1D4; // int32 + pub const m_nSetMethod: usize = 0x1D8; // ParticleSetMethod_t + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionRenderer + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RenderMaterialProxy { + pub const m_nMaterialControlPoint: usize = 0x208; // int32 + pub const m_nProxyType: usize = 0x20C; // MaterialProxyType_t + pub const m_MaterialVars: usize = 0x210; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hOverrideMaterial: usize = 0x228; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flMaterialOverrideEnabled: usize = 0x230; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + pub const m_vecColorScale: usize = 0x388; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_flAlpha: usize = 0x9E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + pub const m_nColorBlendType: usize = 0xB38; // ParticleColorBlendType_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FloatInputMaterialVariable_t { + pub const m_strVariable: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_flInput: usize = 0x8; // CParticleCollectionFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleCollectionVecInput + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyCustomEditor + pub mod CParticleCollectionRendererVecInput { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RampScalarLinear { + pub const m_RateMin: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_RateMax: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime_min: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime_max: usize = 0x1C4; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_min: usize = 0x1C8; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime_max: usize = 0x1CC; // float32 + pub const m_nField: usize = 0x1F0; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_bProportionalOp: usize = 0x1F4; // bool + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_RotateVector { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_vecRotAxisMin: usize = 0x1BC; // Vector + pub const m_vecRotAxisMax: usize = 0x1C8; // Vector + pub const m_flRotRateMin: usize = 0x1D4; // float32 + pub const m_flRotRateMax: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_bNormalize: usize = 0x1DC; // bool + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x1E0; // CPerParticleFloatInput + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_InitVecCollection { + pub const m_InputValue: usize = 0x1C0; // CParticleCollectionVecInput + pub const m_nOutputField: usize = 0x818; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + } + // Parent: C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelElementScalar + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_RemapParticleCountToNamedModelMeshGroupScalar { + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionInitializer + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_INIT_SequenceFromCP { + pub const m_bKillUnused: usize = 0x1C0; // bool + pub const m_bRadiusScale: usize = 0x1C1; // bool + pub const m_nCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_vecOffset: usize = 0x1C8; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_CPOffsetToPercentageBetweenCPs { + pub const m_flInputMin: usize = 0x1B8; // float32 + pub const m_flInputMax: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flInputBias: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + pub const m_nStartCP: usize = 0x1C4; // int32 + pub const m_nEndCP: usize = 0x1C8; // int32 + pub const m_nOffsetCP: usize = 0x1CC; // int32 + pub const m_nOuputCP: usize = 0x1D0; // int32 + pub const m_nInputCP: usize = 0x1D4; // int32 + pub const m_bRadialCheck: usize = 0x1D8; // bool + pub const m_bScaleOffset: usize = 0x1D9; // bool + pub const m_vecOffset: usize = 0x1DC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CParticleFunctionOperator + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod C_OP_LerpEndCapScalar { + pub const m_nFieldOutput: usize = 0x1B8; // ParticleAttributeIndex_t + pub const m_flOutput: usize = 0x1BC; // float32 + pub const m_flLerpTime: usize = 0x1C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CParticleProperty { + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/particles_dll.cs b/output/particles_dll.cs index 8454241..fc513ff 100644 --- a/output/particles_dll.cs +++ b/output/particles_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: particles.dll diff --git a/output/particles_dll.hpp b/output/particles_dll.hpp index d78f57f..6d185bf 100644 --- a/output/particles_dll.hpp +++ b/output/particles_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/particles_dll.rs b/output/particles_dll.rs index 343a261..6c645fd 100644 --- a/output/particles_dll.rs +++ b/output/particles_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/pulse_system.dll.cs b/output/pulse_system.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c725d42 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/pulse_system.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,1208 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: pulse_system.dll + // Classes count: 108 + // Enums count: 9 + public static class PulseSystemDll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum EPulseGraphExecutionHistoryFlag : uint { + NO_FLAGS = 0x0, + CURSOR_ADD_TAG = 0x1, + CURSOR_REMOVE_TAG = 0x2, + CURSOR_RETIRED = 0x4, + REQUIREMENT_PASS = 0x8, + REQUIREMENT_FAIL = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum PulseTestEnumShape_t : uint { + CIRCLE = 0x64, + SQUARE = 0xC8, + TRIANGLE = 0x12C + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum PulseMethodCallMode_t : uint { + SYNC_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION = 0x0, + ASYNC_FIRE_AND_FORGET = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum PulseCursorExecResult_t : uint { + Succeeded = 0x0, + Canceled = 0x1, + Failed = 0x2, + OngoingNotify = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 20 + public enum PulseValueType_t : uint { + PVAL_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PVAL_BOOL = 0x0, + PVAL_INT = 0x1, + PVAL_FLOAT = 0x2, + PVAL_STRING = 0x3, + PVAL_VEC3 = 0x4, + PVAL_TRANSFORM = 0x5, + PVAL_COLOR_RGB = 0x6, + PVAL_EHANDLE = 0x7, + PVAL_RESOURCE = 0x8, + PVAL_SNDEVT_GUID = 0x9, + PVAL_ENTITY_NAME = 0xA, + PVAL_OPAQUE_HANDLE = 0xB, + PVAL_TYPESAFE_INT = 0xC, + PVAL_CURSOR_FLOW = 0xD, + PVAL_ANY = 0xE, + PVAL_SCHEMA_ENUM = 0xF, + PVAL_PANORAMA_PANEL_HANDLE = 0x10, + PVAL_TEST_HANDLE = 0x11, + PVAL_COUNT = 0x12 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 73 + public enum PulseInstructionCode_t : ushort { + INVALID = 0x0, + IMMEDIATE_HALT = 0x1, + RETURN_VOID = 0x2, + RETURN_VALUE = 0x3, + NOP = 0x4, + JUMP = 0x5, + JUMP_COND = 0x6, + CHUNK_LEAP = 0x7, + CHUNK_LEAP_COND = 0x8, + PULSE_CALL_SYNC = 0x9, + PULSE_CALL_ASYNC_FIRE = 0xA, + CELL_INVOKE = 0xB, + LIBRARY_INVOKE = 0xC, + SET_VAR = 0xD, + GET_VAR = 0xE, + GET_CONST = 0xF, + GET_DOMAIN_VALUE = 0x10, + COPY = 0x11, + NOT = 0x12, + NEGATE = 0x13, + ADD = 0x14, + SUB = 0x15, + MUL = 0x16, + DIV = 0x17, + MOD = 0x18, + LT = 0x19, + LTE = 0x1A, + EQ = 0x1B, + NE = 0x1C, + AND = 0x1D, + OR = 0x1E, + CONVERT_VALUE = 0x1F, + REINTERPRET_INSTANCE = 0x20, + GET_BLACKBOARD_REFERENCE = 0x21, + SET_BLACKBOARD_REFERENCE = 0x22, + REQUIREMENT_RESULT = 0x23, + LAST_SERIALIZED_CODE = 0x24, + NEGATE_INT = 0x25, + NEGATE_FLOAT = 0x26, + ADD_INT = 0x27, + ADD_FLOAT = 0x28, + ADD_STRING = 0x29, + SUB_INT = 0x2A, + SUB_FLOAT = 0x2B, + MUL_INT = 0x2C, + MUL_FLOAT = 0x2D, + DIV_INT = 0x2E, + DIV_FLOAT = 0x2F, + MOD_INT = 0x30, + MOD_FLOAT = 0x31, + LT_INT = 0x32, + LT_FLOAT = 0x33, + LTE_INT = 0x34, + LTE_FLOAT = 0x35, + EQ_BOOL = 0x36, + EQ_INT = 0x37, + EQ_FLOAT = 0x38, + EQ_STRING = 0x39, + EQ_ENTITY_NAME = 0x3A, + EQ_EHANDLE = 0x3B, + EQ_PANEL_HANDLE = 0x3C, + EQ_OPAQUE_HANDLE = 0x3D, + EQ_TEST_HANDLE = 0x3E, + NE_BOOL = 0x3F, + NE_INT = 0x40, + NE_FLOAT = 0x41, + NE_STRING = 0x42, + NE_ENTITY_NAME = 0x43, + NE_EHANDLE = 0x44, + NE_PANEL_HANDLE = 0x45, + NE_OPAQUE_HANDLE = 0x46, + NE_TEST_HANDLE = 0x47, + GET_CONST_INLINE_STORAGE = 0x48 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum PulseTestEnumColor_t : uint { + BLACK = 0x0, + WHITE = 0x1, + RED = 0x2, + GREEN = 0x3, + BLUE = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum PulseCursorCancelPriority_t : uint { + None = 0x0, + CancelOnSucceeded = 0x1, + SoftCancel = 0x2, + HardCancel = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum PulseDomainValueType_t : uint { + INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ENTITY_NAME = 0x0, + PANEL_ID = 0x1, + COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Step_PublicOutput { + public const nint m_OutputIndex = 0x48; // PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CPulseCell_Val_TestDomainFindEntityByName { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CPulseTestFuncs_LibraryA { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainDestroyFakeEntity { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Test_MultiOutflow_WithParams { + public const nint m_Out1 = 0x48; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + public const nint m_Out2 = 0x78; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeEntrypointIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeDomainValueIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulse_Chunk { + public const nint m_Instructions = 0x0; // CUtlLeanVector + public const nint m_Registers = 0x10; // CUtlLeanVector + public const nint m_InstructionEditorIDs = 0x20; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleOrdered__InstanceState_t { + public const nint m_nNextIndex = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase { + public const nint m_nCursorsAllowedToWait = 0x48; // int32 + public const nint m_WaitComplete = 0x50; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CPulseTestScriptLib { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_Timeline__TimelineEvent_t { + public const nint m_flTimeFromPrevious = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_bPauseForPreviousEvents = 0x4; // bool + public const nint m_bCallModeSync = 0x5; // bool + public const nint m_EventOutflow = 0x8; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CPulse_OutflowConnection { + public const nint m_SourceOutflowName = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nDestChunk = 0x8; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + public const nint m_nInstruction = 0xC; // int32 + public const nint m_OutflowRegisterMap = 0x10; // PulseRegisterMap_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseCursorID_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + public static class CBasePulseGraphInstance { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_Base { + public const nint m_nEditorNodeID = 0x8; // PulseDocNodeID_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_Test_MultiOutflow_WithParams_Yielding__CursorState_t { + public const nint nTestStep = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CPulseTestFuncs_DerivedDomain { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PulseGraphExecutionHistoryCursorDesc_t { + public const nint vecAncestorCursorIDs = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint nSpawnNodeID = 0x18; // PulseDocNodeID_t + public const nint nRetiredAtNodeID = 0x1C; // PulseDocNodeID_t + public const nint flLastReferenced = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint nLastValidEntryIdx = 0x24; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Inflow_Yield { + public const nint m_UnyieldResume = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Inflow_GraphHook { + public const nint m_HookName = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + public static class CPulseCell_Inflow_Wait { + public const nint m_WakeResume = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseExecCursor + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CTestDomainDerived_Cursor { + public const nint m_nCursorValueA = 0xA0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCursorValueB = 0xA4; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PulseRegisterMap_t { + public const nint m_Inparams = 0x0; // KeyValues3 + public const nint m_Outparams = 0x10; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + public static class CPulseCell_CursorQueue { + public const nint m_nCursorsAllowedToRunParallel = 0x80; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Base + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_BaseRequirement { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PulseNodeDynamicOutflows_t { + public const nint m_Outflows = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CPulseCell_Value_TestValue50 { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Test_MultiInflow_WithDefault { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton + public static class CPulseTestGapTypeQueryRegistration { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Outflow_StringSwitch { + public const nint m_DefaultCaseOutflow = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + public const nint m_CaseOutflows = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Test_NoInflow { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_FireCursors { + public const nint m_Outflows = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bWaitForChildOutflows = 0x60; // bool + public const nint m_OnFinished = 0x68; // CPulse_ResumePoint + public const nint m_OnCanceled = 0x98; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleShuffled__InstanceState_t { + public const nint m_Shuffle = 0x0; // CUtlVectorFixedGrowable + public const nint m_nNextShuffle = 0x20; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Base + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_BaseValue { + } + // Parent: CPulse_OutflowConnection + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPulse_ResumePoint { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleRandom { + public const nint m_Outputs = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Inflow_EventHandler { + public const nint m_EventName = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_BaseLerp__CursorState_t { + public const nint m_StartTime = 0x0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_EndTime = 0x4; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulse_PublicOutput { + public const nint m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_Description = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_ParamType = 0x10; // CPulseValueFullType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CPulseCursorFuncs { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Timeline { + public const nint m_TimelineEvents = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bWaitForChildOutflows = 0x60; // bool + public const nint m_OnFinished = 0x68; // CPulse_ResumePoint + public const nint m_OnCanceled = 0x98; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulse_OutputConnection { + public const nint m_SourceOutput = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_TargetEntity = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_TargetInput = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_Param = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseRequirement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseRequirementPass + public static class CPulseCell_LimitCount { + public const nint m_nLimitCount = 0x48; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PulseGraphExecutionHistoryNodeDesc_t { + public const nint strCellDesc = 0x0; // CBufferString + public const nint strBindingName = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPulse_ResumePoint + // Fields count: 0 + public static class SignatureOutflow_Resume { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class FakeEntity_tAPI { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Step_CallExternalMethod { + public const nint m_MethodName = 0x48; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_GameBlackboard = 0x50; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_ExpectedArgs = 0x58; // CUtlLeanVector + public const nint m_nAsyncCallMode = 0x68; // PulseMethodCallMode_t + public const nint m_OnFinished = 0x70; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CPulseGraphInstance_TurtleGraphics { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Base + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_BaseFlow { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PulseGraphExecutionHistoryEntry_t { + public const nint nCursorID = 0x0; // PulseCursorID_t + public const nint nEditorID = 0x4; // PulseDocNodeID_t + public const nint flExecTime = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint unFlags = 0xC; // uint32 + public const nint tagName = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseCursorYieldToken_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseGraphExecutionHistory { + public const nint m_nInstanceID = 0x0; // PulseGraphInstanceID_t + public const nint m_strFileName = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_vecHistory = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_mapCellDesc = 0x28; // CUtlOrderedMap + public const nint m_mapCursorDesc = 0x50; // CUtlOrderedMap + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_TestWaitWithCursorState { + public const nint m_WakeResume = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + public const nint m_WakeCancel = 0x78; // CPulse_ResumePoint + public const nint m_WakeFail = 0xA8; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Inflow_ObservableVariableListener { + public const nint m_BlackboardReference = 0x70; // CPulse_BlackboardReference + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PGDInstruction_t { + public const nint m_nCode = 0x0; // PulseInstructionCode_t + public const nint m_nVar = 0x4; // PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t + public const nint m_nReg0 = 0x8; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + public const nint m_nReg1 = 0xA; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + public const nint m_nReg2 = 0xC; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + public const nint m_nInvokeBindingIndex = 0x10; // PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t + public const nint m_nChunk = 0x14; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + public const nint m_nDestInstruction = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_nCallInfoIndex = 0x1C; // PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t + public const nint m_nConstIdx = 0x20; // PulseRuntimeConstantIndex_t + public const nint m_nDomainValueIdx = 0x22; // PulseRuntimeDomainValueIndex_t + public const nint m_nBlackboardReferenceIdx = 0x24; // PulseRuntimeBlackboardReferenceIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulse_InvokeBinding { + public const nint m_RegisterMap = 0x0; // PulseRegisterMap_t + public const nint m_FuncName = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nCellIndex = 0x28; // PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t + public const nint m_nSrcChunk = 0x2C; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + public const nint m_nSrcInstruction = 0x30; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulse_Variable { + public const nint m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_Description = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_Type = 0x10; // CPulseValueFullType + public const nint m_DefaultValue = 0x20; // KeyValues3 + public const nint m_bIsPublic = 0x32; // bool + public const nint m_bIsObservable = 0x33; // bool + public const nint m_nEditorNodeID = 0x34; // PulseDocNodeID_t + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Inflow_Method { + public const nint m_MethodName = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_Description = 0x78; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bIsPublic = 0x80; // bool + public const nint m_ReturnType = 0x88; // CPulseValueFullType + public const nint m_Args = 0x98; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + public static class CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain { + public const nint m_bIsRunningUnitTests = 0xF8; // bool + public const nint m_bExplicitTimeStepping = 0xF9; // bool + public const nint m_bExpectingToDestroyWithYieldedCursors = 0xFA; // bool + public const nint m_nNextValidateIndex = 0xFC; // int32 + public const nint m_Tracepoints = 0x100; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bTestYesOrNoPath = 0x118; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class FakeEntityDerivedB_tAPI { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PulseNodeDynamicOutflows_t__DynamicOutflow_t { + public const nint m_OutflowID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_Connection = 0x8; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleShuffled { + public const nint m_Outputs = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase__CursorState_t { + public const nint m_TagName = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_TestWaitWithCursorState__CursorState_t { + public const nint flWaitValue = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint bFailOnCancel = 0x4; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulse_DomainValue { + public const nint m_nType = 0x0; // PulseDomainValueType_t + public const nint m_Value = 0x8; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_ExpectedRuntimeType = 0x10; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainCreateFakeEntity { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPulseEditorHeaderText + public static class CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainEntFire { + public const nint m_Input = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CPulseMathlib { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeBlackboardReferenceIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: CPulse_OutflowConnection + // Fields count: 0 + public static class SignatureOutflow_Continue { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Test_MultiOutflow_WithParams_Yielding { + public const nint m_Out1 = 0x48; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + public const nint m_AsyncChild1 = 0x78; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + public const nint m_AsyncChild2 = 0xA8; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + public const nint m_YieldResume1 = 0xD8; // SignatureOutflow_Resume + public const nint m_YieldResume2 = 0x108; // SignatureOutflow_Resume + } + // Parent: CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain_Derived { + public const nint m_nInstanceValueX = 0x120; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Inflow_EntOutputHandler { + public const nint m_SourceEntity = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_SourceOutput = 0x78; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_TargetInput = 0x80; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_ExpectedParamType = 0x88; // CPulseValueFullType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeConstantIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class FakeEntityDerivedA_tAPI { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainTracepoint { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseDocNodeID_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulse_BlackboardReference { + public const nint m_hBlackboardResource = 0x0; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_BlackboardResource = 0xE0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nNodeID = 0xE8; // PulseDocNodeID_t + public const nint m_NodeName = 0xF0; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_LimitCount__InstanceState_t { + public const nint m_nCurrentCount = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + public static class CPulseCell_Val_TestDomainGetEntityName { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulse_CallInfo { + public const nint m_PortName = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nEditorNodeID = 0x8; // PulseDocNodeID_t + public const nint m_RegisterMap = 0x10; // PulseRegisterMap_t + public const nint m_CallMethodID = 0x30; // PulseDocNodeID_t + public const nint m_nSrcChunk = 0x34; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + public const nint m_nSrcInstruction = 0x38; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulse_RegisterInfo { + public const nint m_nReg = 0x0; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + public const nint m_Type = 0x8; // CPulseValueFullType + public const nint m_OriginName = 0x18; // CKV3MemberNameWithStorage + public const nint m_nWrittenByInstruction = 0x50; // int32 + public const nint m_nLastReadByInstruction = 0x54; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPulseExecCursor { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseGraphInstanceID_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Outflow_IntSwitch { + public const nint m_DefaultCaseOutflow = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + public const nint m_CaseOutflows = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseGraphDef { + public const nint m_DomainIdentifier = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_ParentMapName = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_ParentXmlName = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_vecGameBlackboards = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Chunks = 0x38; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Cells = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Vars = 0x68; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_PublicOutputs = 0x80; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_InvokeBindings = 0x98; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_CallInfos = 0xB0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Constants = 0xC8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_DomainValues = 0xE0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_BlackboardReferences = 0xF8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_OutputConnections = 0x110; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Test_MultiInflow_NoDefault { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulse_Constant { + public const nint m_Type = 0x0; // CPulseValueFullType + public const nint m_Value = 0x10; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + public static class CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTag { + public const nint m_bTagSelfWhenComplete = 0x80; // bool + public const nint m_nDesiredKillPriority = 0x84; // PulseCursorCancelPriority_t + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint { + public const nint m_EntryChunk = 0x48; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + public const nint m_RegisterMap = 0x50; // PulseRegisterMap_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseCell_BaseLerp { + public const nint m_WakeResume = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CPulseCell_Outflow_TestExplicitYesNo { + public const nint m_Yes = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + public const nint m_No = 0x78; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CPulseCell_Outflow_TestRandomYesNo { + public const nint m_Yes = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + public const nint m_No = 0x78; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Step_DebugLog { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + public static class CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleOrdered { + public const nint m_Outputs = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPulseRuntimeMethodArg { + public const nint m_Name = 0x0; // CKV3MemberNameWithStorage + public const nint m_Description = 0x38; // CUtlString + public const nint m_Type = 0x40; // CPulseValueFullType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class PulseRuntimeStateOffset_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + public static class CPulseCell_Value_RandomInt { + } + // Parent: CPulseExecCursor + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CPulseTurtleGraphicsCursor { + public const nint m_Color = 0xA0; // Color + public const nint m_vPos = 0xA4; // Vector2D + public const nint m_flHeadingDeg = 0xAC; // float32 + public const nint m_bPenUp = 0xB0; // bool + } + } +} diff --git a/output/pulse_system.dll.hpp b/output/pulse_system.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f6e92e --- /dev/null +++ b/output/pulse_system.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,1214 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: pulse_system.dll + // Classes count: 108 + // Enums count: 9 + namespace pulse_system_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class EPulseGraphExecutionHistoryFlag : uint32_t { + NO_FLAGS = 0x0, + CURSOR_ADD_TAG = 0x1, + CURSOR_REMOVE_TAG = 0x2, + CURSOR_RETIRED = 0x4, + REQUIREMENT_PASS = 0x8, + REQUIREMENT_FAIL = 0x10 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class PulseTestEnumShape_t : uint32_t { + CIRCLE = 0x64, + SQUARE = 0xC8, + TRIANGLE = 0x12C + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class PulseMethodCallMode_t : uint32_t { + SYNC_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION = 0x0, + ASYNC_FIRE_AND_FORGET = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class PulseCursorExecResult_t : uint32_t { + Succeeded = 0x0, + Canceled = 0x1, + Failed = 0x2, + OngoingNotify = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 20 + enum class PulseValueType_t : uint32_t { + PVAL_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PVAL_BOOL = 0x0, + PVAL_INT = 0x1, + PVAL_FLOAT = 0x2, + PVAL_STRING = 0x3, + PVAL_VEC3 = 0x4, + PVAL_TRANSFORM = 0x5, + PVAL_COLOR_RGB = 0x6, + PVAL_EHANDLE = 0x7, + PVAL_RESOURCE = 0x8, + PVAL_SNDEVT_GUID = 0x9, + PVAL_ENTITY_NAME = 0xA, + PVAL_OPAQUE_HANDLE = 0xB, + PVAL_TYPESAFE_INT = 0xC, + PVAL_CURSOR_FLOW = 0xD, + PVAL_ANY = 0xE, + PVAL_SCHEMA_ENUM = 0xF, + PVAL_PANORAMA_PANEL_HANDLE = 0x10, + PVAL_TEST_HANDLE = 0x11, + PVAL_COUNT = 0x12 + }; + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 73 + enum class PulseInstructionCode_t : uint16_t { + INVALID = 0x0, + IMMEDIATE_HALT = 0x1, + RETURN_VOID = 0x2, + RETURN_VALUE = 0x3, + NOP = 0x4, + JUMP = 0x5, + JUMP_COND = 0x6, + CHUNK_LEAP = 0x7, + CHUNK_LEAP_COND = 0x8, + PULSE_CALL_SYNC = 0x9, + PULSE_CALL_ASYNC_FIRE = 0xA, + CELL_INVOKE = 0xB, + LIBRARY_INVOKE = 0xC, + SET_VAR = 0xD, + GET_VAR = 0xE, + GET_CONST = 0xF, + GET_DOMAIN_VALUE = 0x10, + COPY = 0x11, + NOT = 0x12, + NEGATE = 0x13, + ADD = 0x14, + SUB = 0x15, + MUL = 0x16, + DIV = 0x17, + MOD = 0x18, + LT = 0x19, + LTE = 0x1A, + EQ = 0x1B, + NE = 0x1C, + AND = 0x1D, + OR = 0x1E, + CONVERT_VALUE = 0x1F, + REINTERPRET_INSTANCE = 0x20, + GET_BLACKBOARD_REFERENCE = 0x21, + SET_BLACKBOARD_REFERENCE = 0x22, + REQUIREMENT_RESULT = 0x23, + LAST_SERIALIZED_CODE = 0x24, + NEGATE_INT = 0x25, + NEGATE_FLOAT = 0x26, + ADD_INT = 0x27, + ADD_FLOAT = 0x28, + ADD_STRING = 0x29, + SUB_INT = 0x2A, + SUB_FLOAT = 0x2B, + MUL_INT = 0x2C, + MUL_FLOAT = 0x2D, + DIV_INT = 0x2E, + DIV_FLOAT = 0x2F, + MOD_INT = 0x30, + MOD_FLOAT = 0x31, + LT_INT = 0x32, + LT_FLOAT = 0x33, + LTE_INT = 0x34, + LTE_FLOAT = 0x35, + EQ_BOOL = 0x36, + EQ_INT = 0x37, + EQ_FLOAT = 0x38, + EQ_STRING = 0x39, + EQ_ENTITY_NAME = 0x3A, + EQ_EHANDLE = 0x3B, + EQ_PANEL_HANDLE = 0x3C, + EQ_OPAQUE_HANDLE = 0x3D, + EQ_TEST_HANDLE = 0x3E, + NE_BOOL = 0x3F, + NE_INT = 0x40, + NE_FLOAT = 0x41, + NE_STRING = 0x42, + NE_ENTITY_NAME = 0x43, + NE_EHANDLE = 0x44, + NE_PANEL_HANDLE = 0x45, + NE_OPAQUE_HANDLE = 0x46, + NE_TEST_HANDLE = 0x47, + GET_CONST_INLINE_STORAGE = 0x48 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class PulseTestEnumColor_t : uint32_t { + BLACK = 0x0, + WHITE = 0x1, + RED = 0x2, + GREEN = 0x3, + BLUE = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class PulseCursorCancelPriority_t : uint32_t { + None = 0x0, + CancelOnSucceeded = 0x1, + SoftCancel = 0x2, + HardCancel = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class PulseDomainValueType_t : uint32_t { + INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ENTITY_NAME = 0x0, + PANEL_ID = 0x1, + COUNT = 0x2 + }; + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Step_PublicOutput { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutputIndex = 0x48; // PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CPulseCell_Val_TestDomainFindEntityByName { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CPulseTestFuncs_LibraryA { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainDestroyFakeEntity { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Test_MultiOutflow_WithParams { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Out1 = 0x48; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Out2 = 0x78; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeEntrypointIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeDomainValueIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulse_Chunk { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Instructions = 0x0; // CUtlLeanVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Registers = 0x10; // CUtlLeanVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InstructionEditorIDs = 0x20; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleOrdered__InstanceState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextIndex = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCursorsAllowedToWait = 0x48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WaitComplete = 0x50; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CPulseTestScriptLib { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_Timeline__TimelineEvent_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeFromPrevious = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPauseForPreviousEvents = 0x4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCallModeSync = 0x5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EventOutflow = 0x8; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CPulse_OutflowConnection { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SourceOutflowName = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDestChunk = 0x8; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInstruction = 0xC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutflowRegisterMap = 0x10; // PulseRegisterMap_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseCursorID_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + namespace CBasePulseGraphInstance { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_Base { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEditorNodeID = 0x8; // PulseDocNodeID_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_Test_MultiOutflow_WithParams_Yielding__CursorState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nTestStep = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CPulseTestFuncs_DerivedDomain { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PulseGraphExecutionHistoryCursorDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vecAncestorCursorIDs = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nSpawnNodeID = 0x18; // PulseDocNodeID_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nRetiredAtNodeID = 0x1C; // PulseDocNodeID_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flLastReferenced = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nLastValidEntryIdx = 0x24; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Inflow_Yield { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_UnyieldResume = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Inflow_GraphHook { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HookName = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + namespace CPulseCell_Inflow_Wait { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WakeResume = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseExecCursor + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CTestDomainDerived_Cursor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCursorValueA = 0xA0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCursorValueB = 0xA4; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PulseRegisterMap_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Inparams = 0x0; // KeyValues3 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Outparams = 0x10; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + namespace CPulseCell_CursorQueue { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCursorsAllowedToRunParallel = 0x80; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Base + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_BaseRequirement { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PulseNodeDynamicOutflows_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Outflows = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CPulseCell_Value_TestValue50 { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Test_MultiInflow_WithDefault { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton + namespace CPulseTestGapTypeQueryRegistration { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Outflow_StringSwitch { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DefaultCaseOutflow = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CaseOutflows = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Test_NoInflow { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_FireCursors { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Outflows = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWaitForChildOutflows = 0x60; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFinished = 0x68; // CPulse_ResumePoint + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCanceled = 0x98; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleShuffled__InstanceState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Shuffle = 0x0; // CUtlVectorFixedGrowable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextShuffle = 0x20; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Base + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_BaseValue { + } + // Parent: CPulse_OutflowConnection + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPulse_ResumePoint { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleRandom { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Outputs = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Inflow_EventHandler { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EventName = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_BaseLerp__CursorState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_StartTime = 0x0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EndTime = 0x4; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulse_PublicOutput { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Description = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ParamType = 0x10; // CPulseValueFullType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CPulseCursorFuncs { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Timeline { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TimelineEvents = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWaitForChildOutflows = 0x60; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFinished = 0x68; // CPulse_ResumePoint + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCanceled = 0x98; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulse_OutputConnection { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SourceOutput = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetEntity = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetInput = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Param = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseRequirement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseRequirementPass + namespace CPulseCell_LimitCount { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLimitCount = 0x48; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PulseGraphExecutionHistoryNodeDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t strCellDesc = 0x0; // CBufferString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t strBindingName = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPulse_ResumePoint + // Fields count: 0 + namespace SignatureOutflow_Resume { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace FakeEntity_tAPI { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Step_CallExternalMethod { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MethodName = 0x48; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GameBlackboard = 0x50; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ExpectedArgs = 0x58; // CUtlLeanVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAsyncCallMode = 0x68; // PulseMethodCallMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFinished = 0x70; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CPulseGraphInstance_TurtleGraphics { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Base + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_BaseFlow { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PulseGraphExecutionHistoryEntry_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCursorID = 0x0; // PulseCursorID_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nEditorID = 0x4; // PulseDocNodeID_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flExecTime = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t unFlags = 0xC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t tagName = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseCursorYieldToken_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseGraphExecutionHistory { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInstanceID = 0x0; // PulseGraphInstanceID_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strFileName = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecHistory = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mapCellDesc = 0x28; // CUtlOrderedMap + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mapCursorDesc = 0x50; // CUtlOrderedMap + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_TestWaitWithCursorState { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WakeResume = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WakeCancel = 0x78; // CPulse_ResumePoint + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WakeFail = 0xA8; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Inflow_ObservableVariableListener { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BlackboardReference = 0x70; // CPulse_BlackboardReference + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PGDInstruction_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCode = 0x0; // PulseInstructionCode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVar = 0x4; // PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nReg0 = 0x8; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nReg1 = 0xA; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nReg2 = 0xC; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInvokeBindingIndex = 0x10; // PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChunk = 0x14; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDestInstruction = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCallInfoIndex = 0x1C; // PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nConstIdx = 0x20; // PulseRuntimeConstantIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDomainValueIdx = 0x22; // PulseRuntimeDomainValueIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBlackboardReferenceIdx = 0x24; // PulseRuntimeBlackboardReferenceIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulse_InvokeBinding { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RegisterMap = 0x0; // PulseRegisterMap_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FuncName = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCellIndex = 0x28; // PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSrcChunk = 0x2C; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSrcInstruction = 0x30; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulse_Variable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Description = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Type = 0x10; // CPulseValueFullType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DefaultValue = 0x20; // KeyValues3 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPublic = 0x32; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsObservable = 0x33; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEditorNodeID = 0x34; // PulseDocNodeID_t + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Inflow_Method { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MethodName = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Description = 0x78; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPublic = 0x80; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ReturnType = 0x88; // CPulseValueFullType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Args = 0x98; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + namespace CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsRunningUnitTests = 0xF8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExplicitTimeStepping = 0xF9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExpectingToDestroyWithYieldedCursors = 0xFA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextValidateIndex = 0xFC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Tracepoints = 0x100; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTestYesOrNoPath = 0x118; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace FakeEntityDerivedB_tAPI { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PulseNodeDynamicOutflows_t__DynamicOutflow_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutflowID = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Connection = 0x8; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleShuffled { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Outputs = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase__CursorState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TagName = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_TestWaitWithCursorState__CursorState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flWaitValue = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t bFailOnCancel = 0x4; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulse_DomainValue { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x0; // PulseDomainValueType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x8; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ExpectedRuntimeType = 0x10; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainCreateFakeEntity { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPulseEditorHeaderText + namespace CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainEntFire { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Input = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CPulseMathlib { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeBlackboardReferenceIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: CPulse_OutflowConnection + // Fields count: 0 + namespace SignatureOutflow_Continue { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Test_MultiOutflow_WithParams_Yielding { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Out1 = 0x48; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AsyncChild1 = 0x78; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AsyncChild2 = 0xA8; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_YieldResume1 = 0xD8; // SignatureOutflow_Resume + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_YieldResume2 = 0x108; // SignatureOutflow_Resume + } + // Parent: CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain_Derived { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInstanceValueX = 0x120; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Inflow_EntOutputHandler { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SourceEntity = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SourceOutput = 0x78; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetInput = 0x80; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ExpectedParamType = 0x88; // CPulseValueFullType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeConstantIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace FakeEntityDerivedA_tAPI { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainTracepoint { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseDocNodeID_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulse_BlackboardReference { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBlackboardResource = 0x0; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BlackboardResource = 0xE0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNodeID = 0xE8; // PulseDocNodeID_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NodeName = 0xF0; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_LimitCount__InstanceState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCurrentCount = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + namespace CPulseCell_Val_TestDomainGetEntityName { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulse_CallInfo { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PortName = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEditorNodeID = 0x8; // PulseDocNodeID_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RegisterMap = 0x10; // PulseRegisterMap_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CallMethodID = 0x30; // PulseDocNodeID_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSrcChunk = 0x34; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSrcInstruction = 0x38; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulse_RegisterInfo { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nReg = 0x0; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Type = 0x8; // CPulseValueFullType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OriginName = 0x18; // CKV3MemberNameWithStorage + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWrittenByInstruction = 0x50; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastReadByInstruction = 0x54; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPulseExecCursor { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseGraphInstanceID_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Outflow_IntSwitch { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DefaultCaseOutflow = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CaseOutflows = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseGraphDef { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DomainIdentifier = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ParentMapName = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ParentXmlName = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecGameBlackboards = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Chunks = 0x38; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Cells = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Vars = 0x68; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PublicOutputs = 0x80; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InvokeBindings = 0x98; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CallInfos = 0xB0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Constants = 0xC8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DomainValues = 0xE0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BlackboardReferences = 0xF8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutputConnections = 0x110; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Test_MultiInflow_NoDefault { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulse_Constant { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Type = 0x0; // CPulseValueFullType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x10; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + namespace CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTagSelfWhenComplete = 0x80; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDesiredKillPriority = 0x84; // PulseCursorCancelPriority_t + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EntryChunk = 0x48; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RegisterMap = 0x50; // PulseRegisterMap_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseCell_BaseLerp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WakeResume = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CPulseCell_Outflow_TestExplicitYesNo { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Yes = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_No = 0x78; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CPulseCell_Outflow_TestRandomYesNo { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Yes = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_No = 0x78; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Step_DebugLog { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + namespace CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleOrdered { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Outputs = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPulseRuntimeMethodArg { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x0; // CKV3MemberNameWithStorage + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Description = 0x38; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Type = 0x40; // CPulseValueFullType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace PulseRuntimeStateOffset_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + namespace CPulseCell_Value_RandomInt { + } + // Parent: CPulseExecCursor + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CPulseTurtleGraphicsCursor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0xA0; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPos = 0xA4; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeadingDeg = 0xAC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPenUp = 0xB0; // bool + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/pulse_system.dll.json b/output/pulse_system.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f0c752 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/pulse_system.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,2035 @@ +{ + "pulse_system.dll": { + "classes": { + "CBasePulseGraphInstance": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MPulseInstanceDomainInfo", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CPulseCell_Base": { + "fields": { + "m_nEditorNodeID": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CPulseCell_BaseFlow": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CPulseCell_Base" + }, + "CPulseCell_BaseLerp": { + "fields": { + "m_WakeResume": 72 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow" + }, + "CPulseCell_BaseLerp__CursorState_t": { + "fields": { + "m_EndTime": 4, + "m_StartTime": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CPulseCell_BaseRequirement": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CPulseCell_Base" + }, + "CPulseCell_BaseValue": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CPulseCell_Base" + }, + "CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": 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"MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CPulseTestScriptLib": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MPulseLibraryBindings", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CPulseTurtleGraphicsCursor": { + "fields": { + "m_Color": 160, + "m_bPenUp": 176, + "m_flHeadingDeg": 172, + "m_vPos": 164 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MPulseLibraryBindings", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CPulseExecCursor" + }, + "CPulse_BlackboardReference": { + "fields": { + "m_BlackboardResource": 224, + "m_NodeName": 240, + "m_hBlackboardResource": 0, + "m_nNodeID": 232 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CPulse_CallInfo": { + "fields": { + "m_CallMethodID": 48, + "m_PortName": 0, + "m_RegisterMap": 16, + "m_nEditorNodeID": 8, + "m_nSrcChunk": 52, + "m_nSrcInstruction": 56 + }, + 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"CPulse_OutflowConnection" + }, + "CPulse_Variable": { + "fields": { + "m_DefaultValue": 32, + "m_Description": 8, + "m_Name": 0, + "m_Type": 16, + "m_bIsObservable": 51, + "m_bIsPublic": 50, + "m_nEditorNodeID": 52 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CTestDomainDerived_Cursor": { + "fields": { + "m_nCursorValueA": 160, + "m_nCursorValueB": 164 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MPulseLibraryBindings", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CPulseExecCursor" + }, + "FakeEntityDerivedA_tAPI": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MPulseProvideFeatureTag", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPulseLibraryBindings", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FakeEntityDerivedB_tAPI": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MPulseProvideFeatureTag", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPulseLibraryBindings", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + 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"PulseNodeDynamicOutflows_t__DynamicOutflow_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Connection": 8, + "m_OutflowID": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRegisterMap_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Inparams": 0, + "m_Outparams": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeBlackboardReferenceIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeConstantIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeDomainValueIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeEntrypointIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeStateOffset_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "SignatureOutflow_Continue": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "CPulse_OutflowConnection" + }, + "SignatureOutflow_Resume": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "CPulse_ResumePoint" + } + }, + "enums": { + "EPulseGraphExecutionHistoryFlag": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "CURSOR_ADD_TAG": 1, + "CURSOR_REMOVE_TAG": 2, + "CURSOR_RETIRED": 4, + "NO_FLAGS": 0, + "REQUIREMENT_FAIL": 16, + "REQUIREMENT_PASS": 8 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "PulseCursorCancelPriority_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "CancelOnSucceeded": 1, + "HardCancel": 3, + "None": 0, + "SoftCancel": 2 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "PulseCursorExecResult_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "Canceled": 1, + "Failed": 2, + "OngoingNotify": 3, + "Succeeded": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "PulseDomainValueType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "COUNT": 2, + "ENTITY_NAME": 0, + "INVALID": -1, + "PANEL_ID": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "PulseInstructionCode_t": { + "alignment": 2, + "members": { + "ADD": 20, + "ADD_FLOAT": 40, + "ADD_INT": 39, + "ADD_STRING": 41, + "AND": 29, + "CELL_INVOKE": 11, + "CHUNK_LEAP": 7, + "CHUNK_LEAP_COND": 8, + "CONVERT_VALUE": 31, + "COPY": 17, + "DIV": 23, + "DIV_FLOAT": 47, + "DIV_INT": 46, + "EQ": 27, + "EQ_BOOL": 54, + "EQ_EHANDLE": 59, + "EQ_ENTITY_NAME": 58, + "EQ_FLOAT": 56, + "EQ_INT": 55, + "EQ_OPAQUE_HANDLE": 61, + "EQ_PANEL_HANDLE": 60, + "EQ_STRING": 57, + "EQ_TEST_HANDLE": 62, + "GET_BLACKBOARD_REFERENCE": 33, + "GET_CONST": 15, + "GET_CONST_INLINE_STORAGE": 72, + "GET_DOMAIN_VALUE": 16, + "GET_VAR": 14, + "IMMEDIATE_HALT": 1, + "INVALID": 0, + "JUMP": 5, + "JUMP_COND": 6, + "LAST_SERIALIZED_CODE": 36, + "LIBRARY_INVOKE": 12, + "LT": 25, + "LTE": 26, + "LTE_FLOAT": 53, + "LTE_INT": 52, + "LT_FLOAT": 51, + "LT_INT": 50, + "MOD": 24, + "MOD_FLOAT": 49, + "MOD_INT": 48, + "MUL": 22, + "MUL_FLOAT": 45, + "MUL_INT": 44, + "NE": 28, + "NEGATE": 19, + "NEGATE_FLOAT": 38, + "NEGATE_INT": 37, + "NE_BOOL": 63, + "NE_EHANDLE": 68, + "NE_ENTITY_NAME": 67, + "NE_FLOAT": 65, + "NE_INT": 64, + "NE_OPAQUE_HANDLE": 70, + "NE_PANEL_HANDLE": 69, + "NE_STRING": 66, + "NE_TEST_HANDLE": 71, + "NOP": 4, + "NOT": 18, + "OR": 30, + "PULSE_CALL_ASYNC_FIRE": 10, + "PULSE_CALL_SYNC": 9, + "REINTERPRET_INSTANCE": 32, + "REQUIREMENT_RESULT": 35, + "RETURN_VALUE": 3, + "RETURN_VOID": 2, + "SET_BLACKBOARD_REFERENCE": 34, + "SET_VAR": 13, + "SUB": 21, + "SUB_FLOAT": 43, + "SUB_INT": 42 + }, + "type": "uint16" + }, + "PulseMethodCallMode_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "ASYNC_FIRE_AND_FORGET": 1, + "SYNC_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "PulseTestEnumColor_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "BLACK": 0, + "BLUE": 4, + "GREEN": 3, + "RED": 2, + "WHITE": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "PulseTestEnumShape_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "CIRCLE": 100, + "SQUARE": 200, + "TRIANGLE": 300 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "PulseValueType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "PVAL_ANY": 14, + "PVAL_BOOL": 0, + "PVAL_COLOR_RGB": 6, + "PVAL_COUNT": 18, + "PVAL_CURSOR_FLOW": 13, + "PVAL_EHANDLE": 7, + "PVAL_ENTITY_NAME": 10, + "PVAL_FLOAT": 2, + "PVAL_INT": 1, + "PVAL_INVALID": -1, + "PVAL_OPAQUE_HANDLE": 11, + "PVAL_PANORAMA_PANEL_HANDLE": 16, + "PVAL_RESOURCE": 8, + "PVAL_SCHEMA_ENUM": 15, + "PVAL_SNDEVT_GUID": 9, + "PVAL_STRING": 3, + "PVAL_TEST_HANDLE": 17, + "PVAL_TRANSFORM": 5, + "PVAL_TYPESAFE_INT": 12, + "PVAL_VEC3": 4 + }, + "type": "uint32" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/pulse_system.dll.rs b/output/pulse_system.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0cc24b --- /dev/null +++ b/output/pulse_system.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,1221 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: pulse_system.dll + // Classes count: 108 + // Enums count: 9 + pub mod pulse_system_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EPulseGraphExecutionHistoryFlag { + NO_FLAGS = 0x0, + CURSOR_ADD_TAG = 0x1, + CURSOR_REMOVE_TAG = 0x2, + CURSOR_RETIRED = 0x4, + REQUIREMENT_PASS = 0x8, + REQUIREMENT_FAIL = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PulseTestEnumShape_t { + CIRCLE = 0x64, + SQUARE = 0xC8, + TRIANGLE = 0x12C + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PulseMethodCallMode_t { + SYNC_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION = 0x0, + ASYNC_FIRE_AND_FORGET = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PulseCursorExecResult_t { + Succeeded = 0x0, + Canceled = 0x1, + Failed = 0x2, + OngoingNotify = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 20 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PulseValueType_t { + PVAL_INVALID = u32::MAX, + PVAL_BOOL = 0x0, + PVAL_INT = 0x1, + PVAL_FLOAT = 0x2, + PVAL_STRING = 0x3, + PVAL_VEC3 = 0x4, + PVAL_TRANSFORM = 0x5, + PVAL_COLOR_RGB = 0x6, + PVAL_EHANDLE = 0x7, + PVAL_RESOURCE = 0x8, + PVAL_SNDEVT_GUID = 0x9, + PVAL_ENTITY_NAME = 0xA, + PVAL_OPAQUE_HANDLE = 0xB, + PVAL_TYPESAFE_INT = 0xC, + PVAL_CURSOR_FLOW = 0xD, + PVAL_ANY = 0xE, + PVAL_SCHEMA_ENUM = 0xF, + PVAL_PANORAMA_PANEL_HANDLE = 0x10, + PVAL_TEST_HANDLE = 0x11, + PVAL_COUNT = 0x12 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 73 + #[repr(u16)] + pub enum PulseInstructionCode_t { + INVALID = 0x0, + IMMEDIATE_HALT = 0x1, + RETURN_VOID = 0x2, + RETURN_VALUE = 0x3, + NOP = 0x4, + JUMP = 0x5, + JUMP_COND = 0x6, + CHUNK_LEAP = 0x7, + CHUNK_LEAP_COND = 0x8, + PULSE_CALL_SYNC = 0x9, + PULSE_CALL_ASYNC_FIRE = 0xA, + CELL_INVOKE = 0xB, + LIBRARY_INVOKE = 0xC, + SET_VAR = 0xD, + GET_VAR = 0xE, + GET_CONST = 0xF, + GET_DOMAIN_VALUE = 0x10, + COPY = 0x11, + NOT = 0x12, + NEGATE = 0x13, + ADD = 0x14, + SUB = 0x15, + MUL = 0x16, + DIV = 0x17, + MOD = 0x18, + LT = 0x19, + LTE = 0x1A, + EQ = 0x1B, + NE = 0x1C, + AND = 0x1D, + OR = 0x1E, + CONVERT_VALUE = 0x1F, + REINTERPRET_INSTANCE = 0x20, + GET_BLACKBOARD_REFERENCE = 0x21, + SET_BLACKBOARD_REFERENCE = 0x22, + REQUIREMENT_RESULT = 0x23, + LAST_SERIALIZED_CODE = 0x24, + NEGATE_INT = 0x25, + NEGATE_FLOAT = 0x26, + ADD_INT = 0x27, + ADD_FLOAT = 0x28, + ADD_STRING = 0x29, + SUB_INT = 0x2A, + SUB_FLOAT = 0x2B, + MUL_INT = 0x2C, + MUL_FLOAT = 0x2D, + DIV_INT = 0x2E, + DIV_FLOAT = 0x2F, + MOD_INT = 0x30, + MOD_FLOAT = 0x31, + LT_INT = 0x32, + LT_FLOAT = 0x33, + LTE_INT = 0x34, + LTE_FLOAT = 0x35, + EQ_BOOL = 0x36, + EQ_INT = 0x37, + EQ_FLOAT = 0x38, + EQ_STRING = 0x39, + EQ_ENTITY_NAME = 0x3A, + EQ_EHANDLE = 0x3B, + EQ_PANEL_HANDLE = 0x3C, + EQ_OPAQUE_HANDLE = 0x3D, + EQ_TEST_HANDLE = 0x3E, + NE_BOOL = 0x3F, + NE_INT = 0x40, + NE_FLOAT = 0x41, + NE_STRING = 0x42, + NE_ENTITY_NAME = 0x43, + NE_EHANDLE = 0x44, + NE_PANEL_HANDLE = 0x45, + NE_OPAQUE_HANDLE = 0x46, + NE_TEST_HANDLE = 0x47, + GET_CONST_INLINE_STORAGE = 0x48 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PulseTestEnumColor_t { + BLACK = 0x0, + WHITE = 0x1, + RED = 0x2, + GREEN = 0x3, + BLUE = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PulseCursorCancelPriority_t { + None = 0x0, + CancelOnSucceeded = 0x1, + SoftCancel = 0x2, + HardCancel = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PulseDomainValueType_t { + INVALID = u32::MAX, + ENTITY_NAME = 0x0, + PANEL_ID = 0x1, + COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Step_PublicOutput { + pub const m_OutputIndex: usize = 0x48; // PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CPulseCell_Val_TestDomainFindEntityByName { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CPulseTestFuncs_LibraryA { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainDestroyFakeEntity { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Test_MultiOutflow_WithParams { + pub const m_Out1: usize = 0x48; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + pub const m_Out2: usize = 0x78; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeEntrypointIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeDomainValueIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulse_Chunk { + pub const m_Instructions: usize = 0x0; // CUtlLeanVector + pub const m_Registers: usize = 0x10; // CUtlLeanVector + pub const m_InstructionEditorIDs: usize = 0x20; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleOrdered__InstanceState_t { + pub const m_nNextIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase { + pub const m_nCursorsAllowedToWait: usize = 0x48; // int32 + pub const m_WaitComplete: usize = 0x50; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CPulseTestScriptLib { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_Timeline__TimelineEvent_t { + pub const m_flTimeFromPrevious: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_bPauseForPreviousEvents: usize = 0x4; // bool + pub const m_bCallModeSync: usize = 0x5; // bool + pub const m_EventOutflow: usize = 0x8; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CPulse_OutflowConnection { + pub const m_SourceOutflowName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nDestChunk: usize = 0x8; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + pub const m_nInstruction: usize = 0xC; // int32 + pub const m_OutflowRegisterMap: usize = 0x10; // PulseRegisterMap_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseCursorID_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + pub mod CBasePulseGraphInstance { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_Base { + pub const m_nEditorNodeID: usize = 0x8; // PulseDocNodeID_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_Test_MultiOutflow_WithParams_Yielding__CursorState_t { + pub const nTestStep: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CPulseTestFuncs_DerivedDomain { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PulseGraphExecutionHistoryCursorDesc_t { + pub const vecAncestorCursorIDs: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const nSpawnNodeID: usize = 0x18; // PulseDocNodeID_t + pub const nRetiredAtNodeID: usize = 0x1C; // PulseDocNodeID_t + pub const flLastReferenced: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const nLastValidEntryIdx: usize = 0x24; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Inflow_Yield { + pub const m_UnyieldResume: usize = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Inflow_GraphHook { + pub const m_HookName: usize = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + pub mod CPulseCell_Inflow_Wait { + pub const m_WakeResume: usize = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseExecCursor + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CTestDomainDerived_Cursor { + pub const m_nCursorValueA: usize = 0xA0; // int32 + pub const m_nCursorValueB: usize = 0xA4; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PulseRegisterMap_t { + pub const m_Inparams: usize = 0x0; // KeyValues3 + pub const m_Outparams: usize = 0x10; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + pub mod CPulseCell_CursorQueue { + pub const m_nCursorsAllowedToRunParallel: usize = 0x80; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Base + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_BaseRequirement { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PulseNodeDynamicOutflows_t { + pub const m_Outflows: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CPulseCell_Value_TestValue50 { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Test_MultiInflow_WithDefault { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton + pub mod CPulseTestGapTypeQueryRegistration { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Outflow_StringSwitch { + pub const m_DefaultCaseOutflow: usize = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + pub const m_CaseOutflows: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Test_NoInflow { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_FireCursors { + pub const m_Outflows: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bWaitForChildOutflows: usize = 0x60; // bool + pub const m_OnFinished: usize = 0x68; // CPulse_ResumePoint + pub const m_OnCanceled: usize = 0x98; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleShuffled__InstanceState_t { + pub const m_Shuffle: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVectorFixedGrowable + pub const m_nNextShuffle: usize = 0x20; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Base + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_BaseValue { + } + // Parent: CPulse_OutflowConnection + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPulse_ResumePoint { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleRandom { + pub const m_Outputs: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Inflow_EventHandler { + pub const m_EventName: usize = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_BaseLerp__CursorState_t { + pub const m_StartTime: usize = 0x0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_EndTime: usize = 0x4; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulse_PublicOutput { + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_Description: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_ParamType: usize = 0x10; // CPulseValueFullType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CPulseCursorFuncs { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Timeline { + pub const m_TimelineEvents: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bWaitForChildOutflows: usize = 0x60; // bool + pub const m_OnFinished: usize = 0x68; // CPulse_ResumePoint + pub const m_OnCanceled: usize = 0x98; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulse_OutputConnection { + pub const m_SourceOutput: usize = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_TargetEntity: usize = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_TargetInput: usize = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_Param: usize = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseRequirement + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseRequirementPass + pub mod CPulseCell_LimitCount { + pub const m_nLimitCount: usize = 0x48; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PulseGraphExecutionHistoryNodeDesc_t { + pub const strCellDesc: usize = 0x0; // CBufferString + pub const strBindingName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPulse_ResumePoint + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod SignatureOutflow_Resume { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod FakeEntity_tAPI { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Step_CallExternalMethod { + pub const m_MethodName: usize = 0x48; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_GameBlackboard: usize = 0x50; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_ExpectedArgs: usize = 0x58; // CUtlLeanVector + pub const m_nAsyncCallMode: usize = 0x68; // PulseMethodCallMode_t + pub const m_OnFinished: usize = 0x70; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CPulseGraphInstance_TurtleGraphics { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Base + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_BaseFlow { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PulseGraphExecutionHistoryEntry_t { + pub const nCursorID: usize = 0x0; // PulseCursorID_t + pub const nEditorID: usize = 0x4; // PulseDocNodeID_t + pub const flExecTime: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const unFlags: usize = 0xC; // uint32 + pub const tagName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseCursorYieldToken_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseGraphExecutionHistory { + pub const m_nInstanceID: usize = 0x0; // PulseGraphInstanceID_t + pub const m_strFileName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_vecHistory: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_mapCellDesc: usize = 0x28; // CUtlOrderedMap + pub const m_mapCursorDesc: usize = 0x50; // CUtlOrderedMap + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_TestWaitWithCursorState { + pub const m_WakeResume: usize = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + pub const m_WakeCancel: usize = 0x78; // CPulse_ResumePoint + pub const m_WakeFail: usize = 0xA8; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Inflow_ObservableVariableListener { + pub const m_BlackboardReference: usize = 0x70; // CPulse_BlackboardReference + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PGDInstruction_t { + pub const m_nCode: usize = 0x0; // PulseInstructionCode_t + pub const m_nVar: usize = 0x4; // PulseRuntimeVarIndex_t + pub const m_nReg0: usize = 0x8; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + pub const m_nReg1: usize = 0xA; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + pub const m_nReg2: usize = 0xC; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + pub const m_nInvokeBindingIndex: usize = 0x10; // PulseRuntimeInvokeIndex_t + pub const m_nChunk: usize = 0x14; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + pub const m_nDestInstruction: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_nCallInfoIndex: usize = 0x1C; // PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t + pub const m_nConstIdx: usize = 0x20; // PulseRuntimeConstantIndex_t + pub const m_nDomainValueIdx: usize = 0x22; // PulseRuntimeDomainValueIndex_t + pub const m_nBlackboardReferenceIdx: usize = 0x24; // PulseRuntimeBlackboardReferenceIndex_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulse_InvokeBinding { + pub const m_RegisterMap: usize = 0x0; // PulseRegisterMap_t + pub const m_FuncName: usize = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nCellIndex: usize = 0x28; // PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t + pub const m_nSrcChunk: usize = 0x2C; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + pub const m_nSrcInstruction: usize = 0x30; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulse_Variable { + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_Description: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_Type: usize = 0x10; // CPulseValueFullType + pub const m_DefaultValue: usize = 0x20; // KeyValues3 + pub const m_bIsPublic: usize = 0x32; // bool + pub const m_bIsObservable: usize = 0x33; // bool + pub const m_nEditorNodeID: usize = 0x34; // PulseDocNodeID_t + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Inflow_Method { + pub const m_MethodName: usize = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_Description: usize = 0x78; // CUtlString + pub const m_bIsPublic: usize = 0x80; // bool + pub const m_ReturnType: usize = 0x88; // CPulseValueFullType + pub const m_Args: usize = 0x98; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + pub mod CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain { + pub const m_bIsRunningUnitTests: usize = 0xF8; // bool + pub const m_bExplicitTimeStepping: usize = 0xF9; // bool + pub const m_bExpectingToDestroyWithYieldedCursors: usize = 0xFA; // bool + pub const m_nNextValidateIndex: usize = 0xFC; // int32 + pub const m_Tracepoints: usize = 0x100; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bTestYesOrNoPath: usize = 0x118; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod FakeEntityDerivedB_tAPI { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PulseNodeDynamicOutflows_t__DynamicOutflow_t { + pub const m_OutflowID: usize = 0x0; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_Connection: usize = 0x8; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleShuffled { + pub const m_Outputs: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeOutputIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase__CursorState_t { + pub const m_TagName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_TestWaitWithCursorState__CursorState_t { + pub const flWaitValue: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const bFailOnCancel: usize = 0x4; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulse_DomainValue { + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x0; // PulseDomainValueType_t + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x8; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_ExpectedRuntimeType: usize = 0x10; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainCreateFakeEntity { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPulseEditorHeaderText + pub mod CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainEntFire { + pub const m_Input: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CPulseMathlib { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeBlackboardReferenceIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: CPulse_OutflowConnection + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod SignatureOutflow_Continue { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Test_MultiOutflow_WithParams_Yielding { + pub const m_Out1: usize = 0x48; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + pub const m_AsyncChild1: usize = 0x78; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + pub const m_AsyncChild2: usize = 0xA8; // SignatureOutflow_Continue + pub const m_YieldResume1: usize = 0xD8; // SignatureOutflow_Resume + pub const m_YieldResume2: usize = 0x108; // SignatureOutflow_Resume + } + // Parent: CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CPulseGraphInstance_TestDomain_Derived { + pub const m_nInstanceValueX: usize = 0x120; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Inflow_EntOutputHandler { + pub const m_SourceEntity: usize = 0x70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_SourceOutput: usize = 0x78; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_TargetInput: usize = 0x80; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_ExpectedParamType: usize = 0x88; // CPulseValueFullType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeConstantIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod FakeEntityDerivedA_tAPI { + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CPulseCell_Step_TestDomainTracepoint { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseDocNodeID_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulse_BlackboardReference { + pub const m_hBlackboardResource: usize = 0x0; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_BlackboardResource: usize = 0xE0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nNodeID: usize = 0xE8; // PulseDocNodeID_t + pub const m_NodeName: usize = 0xF0; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_LimitCount__InstanceState_t { + pub const m_nCurrentCount: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + pub mod CPulseCell_Val_TestDomainGetEntityName { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulse_CallInfo { + pub const m_PortName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nEditorNodeID: usize = 0x8; // PulseDocNodeID_t + pub const m_RegisterMap: usize = 0x10; // PulseRegisterMap_t + pub const m_CallMethodID: usize = 0x30; // PulseDocNodeID_t + pub const m_nSrcChunk: usize = 0x34; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + pub const m_nSrcInstruction: usize = 0x38; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulse_RegisterInfo { + pub const m_nReg: usize = 0x0; // PulseRuntimeRegisterIndex_t + pub const m_Type: usize = 0x8; // CPulseValueFullType + pub const m_OriginName: usize = 0x18; // CKV3MemberNameWithStorage + pub const m_nWrittenByInstruction: usize = 0x50; // int32 + pub const m_nLastReadByInstruction: usize = 0x54; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeCellIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPulseExecCursor { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseGraphInstanceID_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Outflow_IntSwitch { + pub const m_DefaultCaseOutflow: usize = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + pub const m_CaseOutflows: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseGraphDef { + pub const m_DomainIdentifier: usize = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_ParentMapName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_ParentXmlName: usize = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_vecGameBlackboards: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Chunks: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Cells: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Vars: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + pub const m_PublicOutputs: usize = 0x80; // CUtlVector + pub const m_InvokeBindings: usize = 0x98; // CUtlVector + pub const m_CallInfos: usize = 0xB0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Constants: usize = 0xC8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_DomainValues: usize = 0xE0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_BlackboardReferences: usize = 0xF8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_OutputConnections: usize = 0x110; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Test_MultiInflow_NoDefault { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulse_Constant { + pub const m_Type: usize = 0x0; // CPulseValueFullType + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x10; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTagBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + pub mod CPulseCell_WaitForCursorsWithTag { + pub const m_bTagSelfWhenComplete: usize = 0x80; // bool + pub const m_nDesiredKillPriority: usize = 0x84; // PulseCursorCancelPriority_t + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_Inflow_BaseEntrypoint { + pub const m_EntryChunk: usize = 0x48; // PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t + pub const m_RegisterMap: usize = 0x50; // PulseRegisterMap_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeCallInfoIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseYieldingInflow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseCell_BaseLerp { + pub const m_WakeResume: usize = 0x48; // CPulse_ResumePoint + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CPulseCell_Outflow_TestExplicitYesNo { + pub const m_Yes: usize = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + pub const m_No: usize = 0x78; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CPulseCell_Outflow_TestRandomYesNo { + pub const m_Yes: usize = 0x48; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + pub const m_No: usize = 0x78; // CPulse_OutflowConnection + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Step_DebugLog { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeChunkIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseFlow + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + pub mod CPulseCell_Outflow_CycleOrdered { + pub const m_Outputs: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPulseRuntimeMethodArg { + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x0; // CKV3MemberNameWithStorage + pub const m_Description: usize = 0x38; // CUtlString + pub const m_Type: usize = 0x40; // CPulseValueFullType + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod PulseRuntimeStateOffset_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CPulseCell_BaseValue + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MCellForDomain + // MPulseCellMethodBindings + // MPulseCellOutflowHookInfo + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + // MPulseEditorHeaderIcon + pub mod CPulseCell_Value_RandomInt { + } + // Parent: CPulseExecCursor + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CPulseTurtleGraphicsCursor { + pub const m_Color: usize = 0xA0; // Color + pub const m_vPos: usize = 0xA4; // Vector2D + pub const m_flHeadingDeg: usize = 0xAC; // float32 + pub const m_bPenUp: usize = 0xB0; // bool + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/pulse_system_dll.cs b/output/pulse_system_dll.cs index fd9f1dd..151d63e 100644 --- a/output/pulse_system_dll.cs +++ b/output/pulse_system_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: pulse_system.dll diff --git a/output/pulse_system_dll.hpp b/output/pulse_system_dll.hpp index 73948d1..a9ee3b8 100644 --- a/output/pulse_system_dll.hpp +++ b/output/pulse_system_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/pulse_system_dll.rs b/output/pulse_system_dll.rs index 0c5ea70..632f8ae 100644 --- a/output/pulse_system_dll.rs +++ b/output/pulse_system_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.cs b/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f06ed6 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: rendersystemdx11.dll + // Classes count: 3 + // Enums count: 5 + public static class Rendersystemdx11Dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + public enum RenderPrimitiveType_t : uint { + RENDER_PRIM_POINTS = 0x0, + RENDER_PRIM_LINES = 0x1, + RENDER_PRIM_LINES_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x2, + RENDER_PRIM_LINE_STRIP = 0x3, + RENDER_PRIM_LINE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x4, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES = 0x5, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x6, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x7, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x8, + RENDER_PRIM_INSTANCED_QUADS = 0x9, + RENDER_PRIM_HETEROGENOUS = 0xA, + RENDER_PRIM_COMPUTE_SHADER = 0xB, + RENDER_PRIM_TYPE_COUNT = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + public enum RenderBufferFlags_t : uint { + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER = 0x1, + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_INDEX_BUFFER = 0x2, + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_RESOURCE = 0x4, + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_UNORDERED_ACCESS = 0x8, + RENDER_BUFFER_BYTEADDRESS_BUFFER = 0x10, + RENDER_BUFFER_STRUCTURED_BUFFER = 0x20, + RENDER_BUFFER_APPEND_CONSUME_BUFFER = 0x40, + RENDER_BUFFER_UAV_COUNTER = 0x80, + RENDER_BUFFER_UAV_DRAW_INDIRECT_ARGS = 0x100, + RENDER_BUFFER_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE = 0x200, + RENDER_BUFFER_SHADER_BINDING_TABLE = 0x400, + RENDER_BUFFER_PER_FRAME_WRITE_ONCE = 0x800, + RENDER_BUFFER_POOL_ALLOCATED = 0x1000 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 8 + public enum RenderMultisampleType_t : byte { + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_NONE = 0x0, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_2X = 0x1, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_4X = 0x2, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_6X = 0x3, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_8X = 0x4, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_16X = 0x5, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_TYPE_COUNT = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum InputLayoutVariation_t : uint { + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_DEFAULT = 0x0, + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_STREAM1_INSTANCEID = 0x1, + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_STREAM1_INSTANCEID_MORPH_VERT_ID = 0x2, + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_MAX = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum RenderSlotType_t : uint { + RENDER_SLOT_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + RENDER_SLOT_PER_VERTEX = 0x0, + RENDER_SLOT_PER_INSTANCE = 0x1 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + public static class VsInputSignatureElement_t { + public const nint m_pName = 0x0; // char[64] + public const nint m_pSemantic = 0x40; // char[64] + public const nint m_pD3DSemanticName = 0x80; // char[64] + public const nint m_nD3DSemanticIndex = 0xC0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class VsInputSignature_t { + public const nint m_elems = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + public static class RenderInputLayoutField_t { + public const nint m_pSemanticName = 0x0; // uint8[32] + public const nint m_nSemanticIndex = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_Format = 0x24; // uint32 + public const nint m_nOffset = 0x28; // int32 + public const nint m_nSlot = 0x2C; // int32 + public const nint m_nSlotType = 0x30; // RenderSlotType_t + public const nint m_nInstanceStepRate = 0x34; // int32 + } + } +} diff --git a/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.hpp b/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d343ef --- /dev/null +++ b/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: rendersystemdx11.dll + // Classes count: 3 + // Enums count: 5 + namespace rendersystemdx11_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + enum class RenderPrimitiveType_t : uint32_t { + RENDER_PRIM_POINTS = 0x0, + RENDER_PRIM_LINES = 0x1, + RENDER_PRIM_LINES_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x2, + RENDER_PRIM_LINE_STRIP = 0x3, + RENDER_PRIM_LINE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x4, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES = 0x5, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x6, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x7, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x8, + RENDER_PRIM_INSTANCED_QUADS = 0x9, + RENDER_PRIM_HETEROGENOUS = 0xA, + RENDER_PRIM_COMPUTE_SHADER = 0xB, + RENDER_PRIM_TYPE_COUNT = 0xC + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + enum class RenderBufferFlags_t : uint32_t { + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER = 0x1, + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_INDEX_BUFFER = 0x2, + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_RESOURCE = 0x4, + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_UNORDERED_ACCESS = 0x8, + RENDER_BUFFER_BYTEADDRESS_BUFFER = 0x10, + RENDER_BUFFER_STRUCTURED_BUFFER = 0x20, + RENDER_BUFFER_APPEND_CONSUME_BUFFER = 0x40, + RENDER_BUFFER_UAV_COUNTER = 0x80, + RENDER_BUFFER_UAV_DRAW_INDIRECT_ARGS = 0x100, + RENDER_BUFFER_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE = 0x200, + RENDER_BUFFER_SHADER_BINDING_TABLE = 0x400, + RENDER_BUFFER_PER_FRAME_WRITE_ONCE = 0x800, + RENDER_BUFFER_POOL_ALLOCATED = 0x1000 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 8 + enum class RenderMultisampleType_t : uint8_t { + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_NONE = 0x0, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_2X = 0x1, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_4X = 0x2, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_6X = 0x3, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_8X = 0x4, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_16X = 0x5, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_TYPE_COUNT = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class InputLayoutVariation_t : uint32_t { + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_DEFAULT = 0x0, + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_STREAM1_INSTANCEID = 0x1, + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_STREAM1_INSTANCEID_MORPH_VERT_ID = 0x2, + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_MAX = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class RenderSlotType_t : uint32_t { + RENDER_SLOT_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + RENDER_SLOT_PER_VERTEX = 0x0, + RENDER_SLOT_PER_INSTANCE = 0x1 + }; + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + namespace VsInputSignatureElement_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pName = 0x0; // char[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pSemantic = 0x40; // char[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pD3DSemanticName = 0x80; // char[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nD3DSemanticIndex = 0xC0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace VsInputSignature_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_elems = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + namespace RenderInputLayoutField_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pSemanticName = 0x0; // uint8[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSemanticIndex = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Format = 0x24; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOffset = 0x28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSlot = 0x2C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSlotType = 0x30; // RenderSlotType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInstanceStepRate = 0x34; // int32 + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.json b/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..318e103 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +{ + "rendersystemdx11.dll": { + "classes": { + "RenderInputLayoutField_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Format": 36, + "m_nInstanceStepRate": 52, + "m_nOffset": 40, + "m_nSemanticIndex": 32, + "m_nSlot": 44, + "m_nSlotType": 48, + "m_pSemanticName": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "VsInputSignatureElement_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nD3DSemanticIndex": 192, + "m_pD3DSemanticName": 128, + "m_pName": 0, + "m_pSemantic": 64 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "VsInputSignature_t": { + "fields": { + "m_elems": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + } + }, + "enums": { + "InputLayoutVariation_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_DEFAULT": 0, + "INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_MAX": 3, + "INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_STREAM1_INSTANCEID": 1, + "INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_STREAM1_INSTANCEID_MORPH_VERT_ID": 2 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "RenderBufferFlags_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "RENDER_BUFFER_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE": 512, + "RENDER_BUFFER_APPEND_CONSUME_BUFFER": 64, + "RENDER_BUFFER_BYTEADDRESS_BUFFER": 16, + "RENDER_BUFFER_PER_FRAME_WRITE_ONCE": 2048, + "RENDER_BUFFER_POOL_ALLOCATED": 4096, + "RENDER_BUFFER_SHADER_BINDING_TABLE": 1024, + "RENDER_BUFFER_STRUCTURED_BUFFER": 32, + "RENDER_BUFFER_UAV_COUNTER": 128, + "RENDER_BUFFER_UAV_DRAW_INDIRECT_ARGS": 256, + "RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_INDEX_BUFFER": 2, + "RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_RESOURCE": 4, + "RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_UNORDERED_ACCESS": 8, + "RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "RenderMultisampleType_t": { + "alignment": 1, + "members": { + "RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_16X": 5, + "RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_2X": 1, + "RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_4X": 2, + "RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_6X": 3, + "RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_8X": 4, + "RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_INVALID": -1, + "RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_NONE": 0, + "RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_TYPE_COUNT": 6 + }, + "type": "uint8" + }, + "RenderPrimitiveType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "RENDER_PRIM_COMPUTE_SHADER": 11, + "RENDER_PRIM_HETEROGENOUS": 10, + "RENDER_PRIM_INSTANCED_QUADS": 9, + "RENDER_PRIM_LINES": 1, + "RENDER_PRIM_LINES_WITH_ADJACENCY": 2, + "RENDER_PRIM_LINE_STRIP": 3, + "RENDER_PRIM_LINE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY": 4, + "RENDER_PRIM_POINTS": 0, + "RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES": 5, + "RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES_WITH_ADJACENCY": 6, + "RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP": 7, + "RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY": 8, + "RENDER_PRIM_TYPE_COUNT": 12 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "RenderSlotType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "RENDER_SLOT_INVALID": -1, + "RENDER_SLOT_PER_INSTANCE": 1, + "RENDER_SLOT_PER_VERTEX": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.rs b/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..160ca4d --- /dev/null +++ b/output/rendersystemdx11.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: rendersystemdx11.dll + // Classes count: 3 + // Enums count: 5 + pub mod rendersystemdx11_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum RenderPrimitiveType_t { + RENDER_PRIM_POINTS = 0x0, + RENDER_PRIM_LINES = 0x1, + RENDER_PRIM_LINES_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x2, + RENDER_PRIM_LINE_STRIP = 0x3, + RENDER_PRIM_LINE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x4, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES = 0x5, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x6, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x7, + RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY = 0x8, + RENDER_PRIM_INSTANCED_QUADS = 0x9, + RENDER_PRIM_HETEROGENOUS = 0xA, + RENDER_PRIM_COMPUTE_SHADER = 0xB, + RENDER_PRIM_TYPE_COUNT = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum RenderBufferFlags_t { + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER = 0x1, + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_INDEX_BUFFER = 0x2, + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_SHADER_RESOURCE = 0x4, + RENDER_BUFFER_USAGE_UNORDERED_ACCESS = 0x8, + RENDER_BUFFER_BYTEADDRESS_BUFFER = 0x10, + RENDER_BUFFER_STRUCTURED_BUFFER = 0x20, + RENDER_BUFFER_APPEND_CONSUME_BUFFER = 0x40, + RENDER_BUFFER_UAV_COUNTER = 0x80, + RENDER_BUFFER_UAV_DRAW_INDIRECT_ARGS = 0x100, + RENDER_BUFFER_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE = 0x200, + RENDER_BUFFER_SHADER_BINDING_TABLE = 0x400, + RENDER_BUFFER_PER_FRAME_WRITE_ONCE = 0x800, + RENDER_BUFFER_POOL_ALLOCATED = 0x1000 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 8 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum RenderMultisampleType_t { + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_INVALID = u8::MAX, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_NONE = 0x0, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_2X = 0x1, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_4X = 0x2, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_6X = 0x3, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_8X = 0x4, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_16X = 0x5, + RENDER_MULTISAMPLE_TYPE_COUNT = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum InputLayoutVariation_t { + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_DEFAULT = 0x0, + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_STREAM1_INSTANCEID = 0x1, + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_STREAM1_INSTANCEID_MORPH_VERT_ID = 0x2, + INPUT_LAYOUT_VARIATION_MAX = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum RenderSlotType_t { + RENDER_SLOT_INVALID = u32::MAX, + RENDER_SLOT_PER_VERTEX = 0x0, + RENDER_SLOT_PER_INSTANCE = 0x1 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod VsInputSignatureElement_t { + pub const m_pName: usize = 0x0; // char[64] + pub const m_pSemantic: usize = 0x40; // char[64] + pub const m_pD3DSemanticName: usize = 0x80; // char[64] + pub const m_nD3DSemanticIndex: usize = 0xC0; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod VsInputSignature_t { + pub const m_elems: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod RenderInputLayoutField_t { + pub const m_pSemanticName: usize = 0x0; // uint8[32] + pub const m_nSemanticIndex: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_Format: usize = 0x24; // uint32 + pub const m_nOffset: usize = 0x28; // int32 + pub const m_nSlot: usize = 0x2C; // int32 + pub const m_nSlotType: usize = 0x30; // RenderSlotType_t + pub const m_nInstanceStepRate: usize = 0x34; // int32 + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.cs b/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.cs index da2e2ea..6272ef3 100644 --- a/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.cs +++ b/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: rendersystemdx11.dll diff --git a/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.hpp b/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.hpp index bfd6caf..5a4c542 100644 --- a/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.hpp +++ b/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.rs b/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.rs index fd4fbfb..f34479a 100644 --- a/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.rs +++ b/output/rendersystemdx11_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/resourcesystem.dll.cs b/output/resourcesystem.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba8115d --- /dev/null +++ b/output/resourcesystem.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,457 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: resourcesystem.dll + // Classes count: 58 + // Enums count: 2 + public static class ResourcesystemDll { + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + public enum FuseVariableType_t : byte { + INVALID = 0x0, + BOOL = 0x1, + INT8 = 0x2, + INT16 = 0x3, + INT32 = 0x4, + UINT8 = 0x5, + UINT16 = 0x6, + UINT32 = 0x7, + FLOAT32 = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 2 + public enum FuseVariableAccess_t : byte { + WRITABLE = 0x0, + READ_ONLY = 0x1 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCResponseRulesList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCDotaItemDefinitionResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCMorphSetData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCChoreoSceneFileData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCVSoundStackScriptList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class PackedAABB_t { + public const nint m_nPackedMin = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nPackedMax = 0x4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCVPhysXSurfacePropertiesList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeManifestTestResource_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ConstantInfo_t { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nameToken = 0x8; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_flValue = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class FuseFunctionIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCGcExportableExternalData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeIAnimGraphModelBinding { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCJavaScriptResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFuseSymbolTable { + public const nint m_constants = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_variables = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_functions = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_constantMap = 0x48; // CUtlHashtable + public const nint m_variableMap = 0x68; // CUtlHashtable + public const nint m_functionMap = 0x88; // CUtlHashtable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCRenderMesh { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCVoxelVisibility { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class TestResource_t { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCPhysAggregateData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCNmClip { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeWorld_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeProceduralTestResource_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class AABB_t { + public const nint m_vMinBounds = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxBounds = 0xC; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VariableInfo_t { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nameToken = 0x8; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_nIndex = 0xC; // FuseVariableIndex_t + public const nint m_nNumComponents = 0xE; // uint8 + public const nint m_eVarType = 0xF; // FuseVariableType_t + public const nint m_eAccess = 0x10; // FuseVariableAccess_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + public static class FourQuaternions { + public const nint x = 0x0; // fltx4 + public const nint y = 0x10; // fltx4 + public const nint z = 0x20; // fltx4 + public const nint w = 0x30; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaLayout { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCTypeScriptResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCNmSkeleton { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeTestResource_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCAnimationGroup { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCVSoundEventScriptList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCVoiceContainerBase { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaStyle { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCWorldNode { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCNmGraphVariation { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCCSGOEconItem { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCNmGraphDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCSmartProp { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFuseProgram { + public const nint m_programBuffer = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_variablesRead = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_variablesWritten = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nMaxTempVarsUsed = 0x48; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCCompositeMaterialKit { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCVMixListResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCAnimData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeIVectorGraphic { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaDynamicImages { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeIPulseGraphDef { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FunctionInfo_t { + public const nint m_name = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nameToken = 0x10; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_nParamCount = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_nIndex = 0x18; // FuseFunctionIndex_t + public const nint m_bIsPure = 0x1A; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCVDataResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCModel { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCDOTANovelsList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class FuseVariableIndex_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCSequenceGroupData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ManifestTestResource_t { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_child = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCEntityLump { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCDOTAPatchNotesList { + } + } +} diff --git a/output/resourcesystem.dll.hpp b/output/resourcesystem.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c43d3a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/resourcesystem.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,463 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: resourcesystem.dll + // Classes count: 58 + // Enums count: 2 + namespace resourcesystem_dll { + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + enum class FuseVariableType_t : uint8_t { + INVALID = 0x0, + BOOL = 0x1, + INT8 = 0x2, + INT16 = 0x3, + INT32 = 0x4, + UINT8 = 0x5, + UINT16 = 0x6, + UINT32 = 0x7, + FLOAT32 = 0x8 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 2 + enum class FuseVariableAccess_t : uint8_t { + WRITABLE = 0x0, + READ_ONLY = 0x1 + }; + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCResponseRulesList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCDotaItemDefinitionResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCMorphSetData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCChoreoSceneFileData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCVSoundStackScriptList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace PackedAABB_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPackedMin = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPackedMax = 0x4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCVPhysXSurfacePropertiesList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeManifestTestResource_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ConstantInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameToken = 0x8; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValue = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace FuseFunctionIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCGcExportableExternalData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeIAnimGraphModelBinding { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCJavaScriptResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFuseSymbolTable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_constants = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_variables = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_functions = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_constantMap = 0x48; // CUtlHashtable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_variableMap = 0x68; // CUtlHashtable + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_functionMap = 0x88; // CUtlHashtable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCRenderMesh { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCVoxelVisibility { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace TestResource_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCPhysAggregateData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCNmClip { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeWorld_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeProceduralTestResource_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace AABB_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinBounds = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxBounds = 0xC; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VariableInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameToken = 0x8; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndex = 0xC; // FuseVariableIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumComponents = 0xE; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eVarType = 0xF; // FuseVariableType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eAccess = 0x10; // FuseVariableAccess_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + namespace FourQuaternions { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t x = 0x0; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t y = 0x10; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t z = 0x20; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t w = 0x30; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaLayout { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCTypeScriptResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCNmSkeleton { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeTestResource_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCAnimationGroup { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCVSoundEventScriptList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCVoiceContainerBase { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaStyle { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCWorldNode { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCNmGraphVariation { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCCSGOEconItem { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCNmGraphDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCSmartProp { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFuseProgram { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_programBuffer = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_variablesRead = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_variablesWritten = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxTempVarsUsed = 0x48; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCCompositeMaterialKit { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCVMixListResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCAnimData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeIVectorGraphic { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaDynamicImages { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeIPulseGraphDef { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FunctionInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameToken = 0x10; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParamCount = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndex = 0x18; // FuseFunctionIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPure = 0x1A; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCVDataResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCModel { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCDOTANovelsList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace FuseVariableIndex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCSequenceGroupData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ManifestTestResource_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_child = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCEntityLump { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCDOTAPatchNotesList { + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/resourcesystem.dll.json b/output/resourcesystem.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec60da6 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/resourcesystem.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,635 @@ +{ + "resourcesystem.dll": { + "classes": { + "AABB_t": { + "fields": { + "m_vMaxBounds": 12, + "m_vMinBounds": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "CFuseProgram": { + "fields": { + "m_nMaxTempVarsUsed": 72, + "m_programBuffer": 0, + "m_variablesRead": 24, + "m_variablesWritten": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CFuseSymbolTable": { + "fields": { + "m_constantMap": 72, + "m_constants": 0, + "m_functionMap": 136, + "m_functions": 48, + "m_variableMap": 104, + "m_variables": 24 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "ConstantInfo_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flValue": 12, + "m_name": 0, + "m_nameToken": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FourQuaternions": { + "fields": { + "w": 48, + "x": 0, + "y": 16, + "z": 32 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "FunctionInfo_t": { + "fields": { + "m_bIsPure": 26, + "m_nIndex": 24, + "m_nParamCount": 20, + "m_name": 8, + "m_nameToken": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FuseFunctionIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "FuseVariableIndex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCAnimData": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCAnimationGroup": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCCSGOEconItem": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCChoreoSceneFileData": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCCompositeMaterialKit": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCDOTANovelsList": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCDOTAPatchNotesList": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCDotaItemDefinitionResource": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCEntityLump": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + 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"Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCRenderMesh": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCResponseRulesList": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCSequenceGroupData": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCSmartProp": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + 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"name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCVoiceContainerBase": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCVoxelVisibility": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCWorldNode": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeIAnimGraphModelBinding": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeIPulseGraphDef": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeIVectorGraphic": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeManifestTestResource_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeProceduralTestResource_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeTestResource_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeWorld_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "ManifestTestResource_t": { + "fields": { + "m_child": 8, + "m_name": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "PackedAABB_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nPackedMax": 4, + "m_nPackedMin": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "TestResource_t": { + "fields": { + "m_name": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "VariableInfo_t": { + "fields": { + "m_eAccess": 16, + "m_eVarType": 15, + "m_nIndex": 12, + "m_nNumComponents": 14, + "m_name": 0, + "m_nameToken": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + } + }, + "enums": { + "FuseVariableAccess_t": { + "alignment": 1, + "members": { + "READ_ONLY": 1, + "WRITABLE": 0 + }, + "type": "uint8" + }, + "FuseVariableType_t": { + "alignment": 1, + "members": { + "BOOL": 1, + "FLOAT32": 8, + "INT16": 3, + "INT32": 4, + "INT8": 2, + "INVALID": 0, + "UINT16": 6, + "UINT32": 7, + "UINT8": 5 + }, + "type": "uint8" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/resourcesystem.dll.rs b/output/resourcesystem.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9dc2a6b --- /dev/null +++ b/output/resourcesystem.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,463 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: resourcesystem.dll + // Classes count: 58 + // Enums count: 2 + pub mod resourcesystem_dll { + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum FuseVariableType_t { + INVALID = 0x0, + BOOL = 0x1, + INT8 = 0x2, + INT16 = 0x3, + INT32 = 0x4, + UINT8 = 0x5, + UINT16 = 0x6, + UINT32 = 0x7, + FLOAT32 = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum FuseVariableAccess_t { + WRITABLE = 0x0, + READ_ONLY = 0x1 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCResponseRulesList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCDotaItemDefinitionResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCMorphSetData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCChoreoSceneFileData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCVSoundStackScriptList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod PackedAABB_t { + pub const m_nPackedMin: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_nPackedMax: usize = 0x4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCVPhysXSurfacePropertiesList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeManifestTestResource_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ConstantInfo_t { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nameToken: usize = 0x8; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_flValue: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod FuseFunctionIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCGcExportableExternalData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeIAnimGraphModelBinding { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCJavaScriptResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFuseSymbolTable { + pub const m_constants: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_variables: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_functions: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_constantMap: usize = 0x48; // CUtlHashtable + pub const m_variableMap: usize = 0x68; // CUtlHashtable + pub const m_functionMap: usize = 0x88; // CUtlHashtable + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCRenderMesh { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCVoxelVisibility { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod TestResource_t { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCPhysAggregateData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCNmClip { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeWorld_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeProceduralTestResource_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod AABB_t { + pub const m_vMinBounds: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxBounds: usize = 0xC; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VariableInfo_t { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nameToken: usize = 0x8; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_nIndex: usize = 0xC; // FuseVariableIndex_t + pub const m_nNumComponents: usize = 0xE; // uint8 + pub const m_eVarType: usize = 0xF; // FuseVariableType_t + pub const m_eAccess: usize = 0x10; // FuseVariableAccess_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod FourQuaternions { + pub const x: usize = 0x0; // fltx4 + pub const y: usize = 0x10; // fltx4 + pub const z: usize = 0x20; // fltx4 + pub const w: usize = 0x30; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaLayout { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCTypeScriptResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCNmSkeleton { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeTestResource_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCAnimationGroup { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCVSoundEventScriptList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCVoiceContainerBase { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaStyle { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCWorldNode { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCNmGraphVariation { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCCSGOEconItem { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCNmGraphDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCSmartProp { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFuseProgram { + pub const m_programBuffer: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_variablesRead: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_variablesWritten: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nMaxTempVarsUsed: usize = 0x48; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCCompositeMaterialKit { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCVMixListResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCAnimData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeIVectorGraphic { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCPanoramaDynamicImages { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeIPulseGraphDef { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FunctionInfo_t { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_nameToken: usize = 0x10; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_nParamCount: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_nIndex: usize = 0x18; // FuseFunctionIndex_t + pub const m_bIsPure: usize = 0x1A; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCVDataResource { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCModel { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCDOTANovelsList { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod FuseVariableIndex_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCSequenceGroupData { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ManifestTestResource_t { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_child: usize = 0x8; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCEntityLump { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCDOTAPatchNotesList { + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/resourcesystem_dll.cs b/output/resourcesystem_dll.cs index 3551e58..86406a8 100644 --- a/output/resourcesystem_dll.cs +++ b/output/resourcesystem_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: resourcesystem.dll diff --git a/output/resourcesystem_dll.hpp b/output/resourcesystem_dll.hpp index 63241aa..9568a8c 100644 --- a/output/resourcesystem_dll.hpp +++ b/output/resourcesystem_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/scenesystem.dll.cs b/output/scenesystem.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ff305a --- /dev/null +++ b/output/scenesystem.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: scenesystem.dll + // Classes count: 9 + // Enums count: 1 + public static class ScenesystemDll { + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + public enum DisableShadows_t : byte { + kDisableShadows_None = 0x0, + kDisableShadows_All = 0x1, + kDisableShadows_Baked = 0x2, + kDisableShadows_Realtime = 0x3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSSDSMsg_ViewTarget { + public const nint m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_TextureId = 0x8; // uint64 + public const nint m_nWidth = 0x10; // int32 + public const nint m_nHeight = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_nRequestedWidth = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_nRequestedHeight = 0x1C; // int32 + public const nint m_nNumMipLevels = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_nDepth = 0x24; // int32 + public const nint m_nMultisampleNumSamples = 0x28; // int32 + public const nint m_nFormat = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SceneViewId_t { + public const nint m_nViewId = 0x0; // uint64 + public const nint m_nFrameCount = 0x8; // uint64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSSDSEndFrameViewInfo { + public const nint m_nViewId = 0x0; // uint64 + public const nint m_ViewName = 0x8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CSSDSMsg_LayerBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSSDSMsg_PostLayer { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSSDSMsg_LayerBase { + public const nint m_viewId = 0x0; // SceneViewId_t + public const nint m_ViewName = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nLayerIndex = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_nLayerId = 0x20; // uint64 + public const nint m_LayerName = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_displayText = 0x30; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CSSDSMsg_LayerBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSSDSMsg_PreLayer { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSSDSMsg_ViewTargetList { + public const nint m_viewId = 0x0; // SceneViewId_t + public const nint m_ViewName = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint m_Targets = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSSDSMsg_ViewRender { + public const nint m_viewId = 0x0; // SceneViewId_t + public const nint m_ViewName = 0x10; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSSDSMsg_EndFrame { + public const nint m_Views = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + } +} diff --git a/output/scenesystem.dll.hpp b/output/scenesystem.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1f3b79 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/scenesystem.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: scenesystem.dll + // Classes count: 9 + // Enums count: 1 + namespace scenesystem_dll { + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + enum class DisableShadows_t : uint8_t { + kDisableShadows_None = 0x0, + kDisableShadows_All = 0x1, + kDisableShadows_Baked = 0x2, + kDisableShadows_Realtime = 0x3 + }; + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSSDSMsg_ViewTarget { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TextureId = 0x8; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWidth = 0x10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHeight = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRequestedWidth = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRequestedHeight = 0x1C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumMipLevels = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDepth = 0x24; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMultisampleNumSamples = 0x28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFormat = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SceneViewId_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nViewId = 0x0; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFrameCount = 0x8; // uint64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSSDSEndFrameViewInfo { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nViewId = 0x0; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ViewName = 0x8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CSSDSMsg_LayerBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSSDSMsg_PostLayer { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSSDSMsg_LayerBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_viewId = 0x0; // SceneViewId_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ViewName = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLayerIndex = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLayerId = 0x20; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LayerName = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_displayText = 0x30; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CSSDSMsg_LayerBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSSDSMsg_PreLayer { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSSDSMsg_ViewTargetList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_viewId = 0x0; // SceneViewId_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ViewName = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Targets = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSSDSMsg_ViewRender { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_viewId = 0x0; // SceneViewId_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ViewName = 0x10; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSSDSMsg_EndFrame { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Views = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/scenesystem.dll.json b/output/scenesystem.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75a0ff7 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/scenesystem.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +{ + "scenesystem.dll": { + "classes": { + "CSSDSEndFrameViewInfo": { + "fields": { + "m_ViewName": 8, + "m_nViewId": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSSDSMsg_EndFrame": { + "fields": { + "m_Views": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSSDSMsg_LayerBase": { + "fields": { + "m_LayerName": 40, + "m_ViewName": 16, + "m_displayText": 48, + "m_nLayerId": 32, + "m_nLayerIndex": 24, + "m_viewId": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSSDSMsg_PostLayer": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CSSDSMsg_LayerBase" + }, + "CSSDSMsg_PreLayer": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CSSDSMsg_LayerBase" + }, + "CSSDSMsg_ViewRender": { + "fields": { + "m_ViewName": 16, + "m_viewId": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSSDSMsg_ViewTarget": { + "fields": { + "m_Name": 0, + "m_TextureId": 8, + "m_nDepth": 36, + "m_nFormat": 44, + "m_nHeight": 20, + "m_nMultisampleNumSamples": 40, + "m_nNumMipLevels": 32, + "m_nRequestedHeight": 28, + "m_nRequestedWidth": 24, + "m_nWidth": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSSDSMsg_ViewTargetList": { + "fields": { + "m_Targets": 24, + "m_ViewName": 16, + "m_viewId": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "SceneViewId_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nFrameCount": 8, + "m_nViewId": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + } + }, + "enums": { + "DisableShadows_t": { + "alignment": 1, + "members": { + "kDisableShadows_All": 1, + "kDisableShadows_Baked": 2, + "kDisableShadows_None": 0, + "kDisableShadows_Realtime": 3 + }, + "type": "uint8" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/scenesystem.dll.rs b/output/scenesystem.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3b2d5f --- /dev/null +++ b/output/scenesystem.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: scenesystem.dll + // Classes count: 9 + // Enums count: 1 + pub mod scenesystem_dll { + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum DisableShadows_t { + kDisableShadows_None = 0x0, + kDisableShadows_All = 0x1, + kDisableShadows_Baked = 0x2, + kDisableShadows_Realtime = 0x3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSSDSMsg_ViewTarget { + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_TextureId: usize = 0x8; // uint64 + pub const m_nWidth: usize = 0x10; // int32 + pub const m_nHeight: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_nRequestedWidth: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_nRequestedHeight: usize = 0x1C; // int32 + pub const m_nNumMipLevels: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_nDepth: usize = 0x24; // int32 + pub const m_nMultisampleNumSamples: usize = 0x28; // int32 + pub const m_nFormat: usize = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SceneViewId_t { + pub const m_nViewId: usize = 0x0; // uint64 + pub const m_nFrameCount: usize = 0x8; // uint64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSSDSEndFrameViewInfo { + pub const m_nViewId: usize = 0x0; // uint64 + pub const m_ViewName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CSSDSMsg_LayerBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSSDSMsg_PostLayer { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSSDSMsg_LayerBase { + pub const m_viewId: usize = 0x0; // SceneViewId_t + pub const m_ViewName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const m_nLayerIndex: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_nLayerId: usize = 0x20; // uint64 + pub const m_LayerName: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_displayText: usize = 0x30; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CSSDSMsg_LayerBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSSDSMsg_PreLayer { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSSDSMsg_ViewTargetList { + pub const m_viewId: usize = 0x0; // SceneViewId_t + pub const m_ViewName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const m_Targets: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSSDSMsg_ViewRender { + pub const m_viewId: usize = 0x0; // SceneViewId_t + pub const m_ViewName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSSDSMsg_EndFrame { + pub const m_Views: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/scenesystem_dll.cs b/output/scenesystem_dll.cs index bb18f07..f0e2aea 100644 --- a/output/scenesystem_dll.cs +++ b/output/scenesystem_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: scenesystem.dll diff --git a/output/scenesystem_dll.hpp b/output/scenesystem_dll.hpp index e533595..9c7bf0d 100644 --- a/output/scenesystem_dll.hpp +++ b/output/scenesystem_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/scenesystem_dll.rs b/output/scenesystem_dll.rs index 9e3eec6..452b236 100644 --- a/output/scenesystem_dll.rs +++ b/output/scenesystem_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/schemasystem.dll.cs b/output/schemasystem.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f03b13c --- /dev/null +++ b/output/schemasystem.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: schemasystem.dll + // Classes count: 7 + // Enums count: 2 + public static class SchemasystemDll { + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 81 + public enum fieldtype_t : byte { + FIELD_VOID = 0x0, + FIELD_FLOAT32 = 0x1, + FIELD_STRING = 0x2, + FIELD_VECTOR = 0x3, + FIELD_QUATERNION = 0x4, + FIELD_INT32 = 0x5, + FIELD_BOOLEAN = 0x6, + FIELD_INT16 = 0x7, + FIELD_CHARACTER = 0x8, + FIELD_COLOR32 = 0x9, + FIELD_EMBEDDED = 0xA, + FIELD_CUSTOM = 0xB, + FIELD_CLASSPTR = 0xC, + FIELD_EHANDLE = 0xD, + FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR = 0xE, + FIELD_TIME = 0xF, + FIELD_TICK = 0x10, + FIELD_SOUNDNAME = 0x11, + FIELD_INPUT = 0x12, + FIELD_FUNCTION = 0x13, + FIELD_VMATRIX = 0x14, + FIELD_VMATRIX_WORLDSPACE = 0x15, + FIELD_MATRIX3X4_WORLDSPACE = 0x16, + FIELD_INTERVAL = 0x17, + FIELD_UNUSED = 0x18, + FIELD_VECTOR2D = 0x19, + FIELD_INT64 = 0x1A, + FIELD_VECTOR4D = 0x1B, + FIELD_RESOURCE = 0x1C, + FIELD_TYPEUNKNOWN = 0x1D, + FIELD_CSTRING = 0x1E, + FIELD_HSCRIPT = 0x1F, + FIELD_VARIANT = 0x20, + FIELD_UINT64 = 0x21, + FIELD_FLOAT64 = 0x22, + FIELD_POSITIVEINTEGER_OR_NULL = 0x23, + FIELD_HSCRIPT_NEW_INSTANCE = 0x24, + FIELD_UINT32 = 0x25, + FIELD_UTLSTRINGTOKEN = 0x26, + FIELD_QANGLE = 0x27, + FIELD_NETWORK_ORIGIN_CELL_QUANTIZED_VECTOR = 0x28, + FIELD_HMATERIAL = 0x29, + FIELD_HMODEL = 0x2A, + FIELD_NETWORK_QUANTIZED_VECTOR = 0x2B, + FIELD_NETWORK_QUANTIZED_FLOAT = 0x2C, + FIELD_DIRECTION_VECTOR_WORLDSPACE = 0x2D, + FIELD_QANGLE_WORLDSPACE = 0x2E, + FIELD_QUATERNION_WORLDSPACE = 0x2F, + FIELD_HSCRIPT_LIGHTBINDING = 0x30, + FIELD_V8_VALUE = 0x31, + FIELD_V8_OBJECT = 0x32, + FIELD_V8_ARRAY = 0x33, + FIELD_V8_CALLBACK_INFO = 0x34, + FIELD_UTLSTRING = 0x35, + FIELD_NETWORK_ORIGIN_CELL_QUANTIZED_POSITION_VECTOR = 0x36, + FIELD_HRENDERTEXTURE = 0x37, + FIELD_HPARTICLESYSTEMDEFINITION = 0x38, + FIELD_UINT8 = 0x39, + FIELD_UINT16 = 0x3A, + FIELD_CTRANSFORM = 0x3B, + FIELD_CTRANSFORM_WORLDSPACE = 0x3C, + FIELD_HPOSTPROCESSING = 0x3D, + FIELD_MATRIX3X4 = 0x3E, + FIELD_SHIM = 0x3F, + FIELD_CMOTIONTRANSFORM = 0x40, + FIELD_CMOTIONTRANSFORM_WORLDSPACE = 0x41, + FIELD_ATTACHMENT_HANDLE = 0x42, + FIELD_AMMO_INDEX = 0x43, + FIELD_CONDITION_ID = 0x44, + FIELD_AI_SCHEDULE_BITS = 0x45, + FIELD_MODIFIER_HANDLE = 0x46, + FIELD_ROTATION_VECTOR = 0x47, + FIELD_ROTATION_VECTOR_WORLDSPACE = 0x48, + FIELD_HVDATA = 0x49, + FIELD_SCALE32 = 0x4A, + FIELD_STRING_AND_TOKEN = 0x4B, + FIELD_ENGINE_TIME = 0x4C, + FIELD_ENGINE_TICK = 0x4D, + FIELD_WORLD_GROUP_ID = 0x4E, + FIELD_GLOBALSYMBOL = 0x4F, + FIELD_TYPECOUNT = 0x50 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ThreeState_t : uint { + TRS_FALSE = 0x0, + TRS_TRUE = 0x1, + TRS_NONE = 0x2 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeCResourceManifestInternal { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 22 + public static class CSchemaSystemInternalRegistration { + public const nint m_Vector2D = 0x0; // Vector2D + public const nint m_Vector = 0x8; // Vector + public const nint m_VectorAligned = 0x20; // VectorAligned + public const nint m_Quaternion = 0x30; // Quaternion + public const nint m_QAngle = 0x40; // QAngle + public const nint m_RotationVector = 0x4C; // RotationVector + public const nint m_RadianEuler = 0x58; // RadianEuler + public const nint m_DegreeEuler = 0x64; // DegreeEuler + public const nint m_QuaternionStorage = 0x70; // QuaternionStorage + public const nint m_matrix3x4_t = 0x80; // matrix3x4_t + public const nint m_matrix3x4a_t = 0xB0; // matrix3x4a_t + public const nint m_Color = 0xE0; // Color + public const nint m_Vector4D = 0xE4; // Vector4D + public const nint m_CTransform = 0x100; // CTransform + public const nint m_pKeyValues = 0x120; // KeyValues* + public const nint m_CUtlBinaryBlock = 0x128; // CUtlBinaryBlock + public const nint m_CUtlString = 0x140; // CUtlString + public const nint m_CUtlSymbol = 0x148; // CUtlSymbol + public const nint m_stringToken = 0x14C; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_stringTokenWithStorage = 0x150; // CUtlStringTokenWithStorage + public const nint m_ResourceTypes = 0x168; // CResourceArray> + public const nint m_KV3 = 0x170; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicDerivedA { + public const nint m_nDerivedA = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase { + public const nint m_nBase = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicDerivedB { + public const nint m_nDerivedB = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class ResourceId_t { + public const nint m_Value = 0x0; // uint64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CExampleSchemaVData_Monomorphic { + public const nint m_nExample1 = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_nExample2 = 0x4; // int32 + } + } +} diff --git a/output/schemasystem.dll.hpp b/output/schemasystem.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..529838f --- /dev/null +++ b/output/schemasystem.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: schemasystem.dll + // Classes count: 7 + // Enums count: 2 + namespace schemasystem_dll { + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 81 + enum class fieldtype_t : uint8_t { + FIELD_VOID = 0x0, + FIELD_FLOAT32 = 0x1, + FIELD_STRING = 0x2, + FIELD_VECTOR = 0x3, + FIELD_QUATERNION = 0x4, + FIELD_INT32 = 0x5, + FIELD_BOOLEAN = 0x6, + FIELD_INT16 = 0x7, + FIELD_CHARACTER = 0x8, + FIELD_COLOR32 = 0x9, + FIELD_EMBEDDED = 0xA, + FIELD_CUSTOM = 0xB, + FIELD_CLASSPTR = 0xC, + FIELD_EHANDLE = 0xD, + FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR = 0xE, + FIELD_TIME = 0xF, + FIELD_TICK = 0x10, + FIELD_SOUNDNAME = 0x11, + FIELD_INPUT = 0x12, + FIELD_FUNCTION = 0x13, + FIELD_VMATRIX = 0x14, + FIELD_VMATRIX_WORLDSPACE = 0x15, + FIELD_MATRIX3X4_WORLDSPACE = 0x16, + FIELD_INTERVAL = 0x17, + FIELD_UNUSED = 0x18, + FIELD_VECTOR2D = 0x19, + FIELD_INT64 = 0x1A, + FIELD_VECTOR4D = 0x1B, + FIELD_RESOURCE = 0x1C, + FIELD_TYPEUNKNOWN = 0x1D, + FIELD_CSTRING = 0x1E, + FIELD_HSCRIPT = 0x1F, + FIELD_VARIANT = 0x20, + FIELD_UINT64 = 0x21, + FIELD_FLOAT64 = 0x22, + FIELD_POSITIVEINTEGER_OR_NULL = 0x23, + FIELD_HSCRIPT_NEW_INSTANCE = 0x24, + FIELD_UINT32 = 0x25, + FIELD_UTLSTRINGTOKEN = 0x26, + FIELD_QANGLE = 0x27, + FIELD_NETWORK_ORIGIN_CELL_QUANTIZED_VECTOR = 0x28, + FIELD_HMATERIAL = 0x29, + FIELD_HMODEL = 0x2A, + FIELD_NETWORK_QUANTIZED_VECTOR = 0x2B, + FIELD_NETWORK_QUANTIZED_FLOAT = 0x2C, + FIELD_DIRECTION_VECTOR_WORLDSPACE = 0x2D, + FIELD_QANGLE_WORLDSPACE = 0x2E, + FIELD_QUATERNION_WORLDSPACE = 0x2F, + FIELD_HSCRIPT_LIGHTBINDING = 0x30, + FIELD_V8_VALUE = 0x31, + FIELD_V8_OBJECT = 0x32, + FIELD_V8_ARRAY = 0x33, + FIELD_V8_CALLBACK_INFO = 0x34, + FIELD_UTLSTRING = 0x35, + FIELD_NETWORK_ORIGIN_CELL_QUANTIZED_POSITION_VECTOR = 0x36, + FIELD_HRENDERTEXTURE = 0x37, + FIELD_HPARTICLESYSTEMDEFINITION = 0x38, + FIELD_UINT8 = 0x39, + FIELD_UINT16 = 0x3A, + FIELD_CTRANSFORM = 0x3B, + FIELD_CTRANSFORM_WORLDSPACE = 0x3C, + FIELD_HPOSTPROCESSING = 0x3D, + FIELD_MATRIX3X4 = 0x3E, + FIELD_SHIM = 0x3F, + FIELD_CMOTIONTRANSFORM = 0x40, + FIELD_CMOTIONTRANSFORM_WORLDSPACE = 0x41, + FIELD_ATTACHMENT_HANDLE = 0x42, + FIELD_AMMO_INDEX = 0x43, + FIELD_CONDITION_ID = 0x44, + FIELD_AI_SCHEDULE_BITS = 0x45, + FIELD_MODIFIER_HANDLE = 0x46, + FIELD_ROTATION_VECTOR = 0x47, + FIELD_ROTATION_VECTOR_WORLDSPACE = 0x48, + FIELD_HVDATA = 0x49, + FIELD_SCALE32 = 0x4A, + FIELD_STRING_AND_TOKEN = 0x4B, + FIELD_ENGINE_TIME = 0x4C, + FIELD_ENGINE_TICK = 0x4D, + FIELD_WORLD_GROUP_ID = 0x4E, + FIELD_GLOBALSYMBOL = 0x4F, + FIELD_TYPECOUNT = 0x50 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ThreeState_t : uint32_t { + TRS_FALSE = 0x0, + TRS_TRUE = 0x1, + TRS_NONE = 0x2 + }; + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeCResourceManifestInternal { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 22 + namespace CSchemaSystemInternalRegistration { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Vector2D = 0x0; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Vector = 0x8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_VectorAligned = 0x20; // VectorAligned + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Quaternion = 0x30; // Quaternion + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_QAngle = 0x40; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RotationVector = 0x4C; // RotationVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RadianEuler = 0x58; // RadianEuler + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DegreeEuler = 0x64; // DegreeEuler + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_QuaternionStorage = 0x70; // QuaternionStorage + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matrix3x4_t = 0x80; // matrix3x4_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matrix3x4a_t = 0xB0; // matrix3x4a_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0xE0; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Vector4D = 0xE4; // Vector4D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CTransform = 0x100; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pKeyValues = 0x120; // KeyValues* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CUtlBinaryBlock = 0x128; // CUtlBinaryBlock + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CUtlString = 0x140; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CUtlSymbol = 0x148; // CUtlSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stringToken = 0x14C; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stringTokenWithStorage = 0x150; // CUtlStringTokenWithStorage + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ResourceTypes = 0x168; // CResourceArray> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_KV3 = 0x170; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicDerivedA { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDerivedA = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBase = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicDerivedB { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDerivedB = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace ResourceId_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Value = 0x0; // uint64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CExampleSchemaVData_Monomorphic { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExample1 = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExample2 = 0x4; // int32 + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/schemasystem.dll.json b/output/schemasystem.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aadc4cf --- /dev/null +++ b/output/schemasystem.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +{ + "schemasystem.dll": { + "classes": { + "CExampleSchemaVData_Monomorphic": { + "fields": { + "m_nExample1": 0, + "m_nExample2": 4 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase": { + "fields": { + "m_nBase": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicDerivedA": { + "fields": { + "m_nDerivedA": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase" + }, + "CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicDerivedB": { + "fields": { + "m_nDerivedB": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase" + }, + "CSchemaSystemInternalRegistration": { + "fields": { + "m_CTransform": 256, + "m_CUtlBinaryBlock": 296, + "m_CUtlString": 320, + "m_CUtlSymbol": 328, + "m_Color": 224, + "m_DegreeEuler": 100, + "m_KV3": 368, + "m_QAngle": 64, + "m_Quaternion": 48, + "m_QuaternionStorage": 112, + "m_RadianEuler": 88, + "m_ResourceTypes": 360, + "m_RotationVector": 76, + "m_Vector": 8, + "m_Vector2D": 0, + "m_Vector4D": 228, + "m_VectorAligned": 32, + "m_matrix3x4_t": 128, + "m_matrix3x4a_t": 176, + "m_pKeyValues": 288, + "m_stringToken": 332, + "m_stringTokenWithStorage": 336 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeCResourceManifestInternal": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "ResourceId_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Value": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + } + }, + "enums": { + "ThreeState_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "TRS_FALSE": 0, + "TRS_NONE": 2, + "TRS_TRUE": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "fieldtype_t": { + "alignment": 1, + "members": { + "FIELD_AI_SCHEDULE_BITS": 69, + "FIELD_AMMO_INDEX": 67, + "FIELD_ATTACHMENT_HANDLE": 66, + "FIELD_BOOLEAN": 6, + "FIELD_CHARACTER": 8, + "FIELD_CLASSPTR": 12, + "FIELD_CMOTIONTRANSFORM": 64, + "FIELD_CMOTIONTRANSFORM_WORLDSPACE": 65, + "FIELD_COLOR32": 9, + "FIELD_CONDITION_ID": 68, + "FIELD_CSTRING": 30, + "FIELD_CTRANSFORM": 59, + "FIELD_CTRANSFORM_WORLDSPACE": 60, + "FIELD_CUSTOM": 11, + "FIELD_DIRECTION_VECTOR_WORLDSPACE": 45, + "FIELD_EHANDLE": 13, + "FIELD_EMBEDDED": 10, + "FIELD_ENGINE_TICK": 77, + "FIELD_ENGINE_TIME": 76, + "FIELD_FLOAT32": 1, + "FIELD_FLOAT64": 34, + "FIELD_FUNCTION": 19, + "FIELD_GLOBALSYMBOL": 79, + "FIELD_HMATERIAL": 41, + "FIELD_HMODEL": 42, + "FIELD_HPARTICLESYSTEMDEFINITION": 56, + "FIELD_HPOSTPROCESSING": 61, + "FIELD_HRENDERTEXTURE": 55, + "FIELD_HSCRIPT": 31, + "FIELD_HSCRIPT_LIGHTBINDING": 48, + "FIELD_HSCRIPT_NEW_INSTANCE": 36, + "FIELD_HVDATA": 73, + "FIELD_INPUT": 18, + "FIELD_INT16": 7, + "FIELD_INT32": 5, + "FIELD_INT64": 26, + "FIELD_INTERVAL": 23, + "FIELD_MATRIX3X4": 62, + "FIELD_MATRIX3X4_WORLDSPACE": 22, + "FIELD_MODIFIER_HANDLE": 70, + "FIELD_NETWORK_ORIGIN_CELL_QUANTIZED_POSITION_VECTOR": 54, + "FIELD_NETWORK_ORIGIN_CELL_QUANTIZED_VECTOR": 40, + "FIELD_NETWORK_QUANTIZED_FLOAT": 44, + "FIELD_NETWORK_QUANTIZED_VECTOR": 43, + "FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR": 14, + "FIELD_POSITIVEINTEGER_OR_NULL": 35, + "FIELD_QANGLE": 39, + "FIELD_QANGLE_WORLDSPACE": 46, + "FIELD_QUATERNION": 4, + "FIELD_QUATERNION_WORLDSPACE": 47, + "FIELD_RESOURCE": 28, + "FIELD_ROTATION_VECTOR": 71, + "FIELD_ROTATION_VECTOR_WORLDSPACE": 72, + "FIELD_SCALE32": 74, + "FIELD_SHIM": 63, + "FIELD_SOUNDNAME": 17, + "FIELD_STRING": 2, + "FIELD_STRING_AND_TOKEN": 75, + "FIELD_TICK": 16, + "FIELD_TIME": 15, + "FIELD_TYPECOUNT": 80, + "FIELD_TYPEUNKNOWN": 29, + "FIELD_UINT16": 58, + "FIELD_UINT32": 37, + "FIELD_UINT64": 33, + "FIELD_UINT8": 57, + "FIELD_UNUSED": 24, + "FIELD_UTLSTRING": 53, + "FIELD_UTLSTRINGTOKEN": 38, + "FIELD_V8_ARRAY": 51, + "FIELD_V8_CALLBACK_INFO": 52, + "FIELD_V8_OBJECT": 50, + "FIELD_V8_VALUE": 49, + "FIELD_VARIANT": 32, + "FIELD_VECTOR": 3, + "FIELD_VECTOR2D": 25, + "FIELD_VECTOR4D": 27, + "FIELD_VMATRIX": 20, + "FIELD_VMATRIX_WORLDSPACE": 21, + "FIELD_VOID": 0, + "FIELD_WORLD_GROUP_ID": 78 + }, + "type": "uint8" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/schemasystem.dll.rs b/output/schemasystem.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..add41f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/schemasystem.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: schemasystem.dll + // Classes count: 7 + // Enums count: 2 + pub mod schemasystem_dll { + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 81 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum fieldtype_t { + FIELD_VOID = 0x0, + FIELD_FLOAT32 = 0x1, + FIELD_STRING = 0x2, + FIELD_VECTOR = 0x3, + FIELD_QUATERNION = 0x4, + FIELD_INT32 = 0x5, + FIELD_BOOLEAN = 0x6, + FIELD_INT16 = 0x7, + FIELD_CHARACTER = 0x8, + FIELD_COLOR32 = 0x9, + FIELD_EMBEDDED = 0xA, + FIELD_CUSTOM = 0xB, + FIELD_CLASSPTR = 0xC, + FIELD_EHANDLE = 0xD, + FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR = 0xE, + FIELD_TIME = 0xF, + FIELD_TICK = 0x10, + FIELD_SOUNDNAME = 0x11, + FIELD_INPUT = 0x12, + FIELD_FUNCTION = 0x13, + FIELD_VMATRIX = 0x14, + FIELD_VMATRIX_WORLDSPACE = 0x15, + FIELD_MATRIX3X4_WORLDSPACE = 0x16, + FIELD_INTERVAL = 0x17, + FIELD_UNUSED = 0x18, + FIELD_VECTOR2D = 0x19, + FIELD_INT64 = 0x1A, + FIELD_VECTOR4D = 0x1B, + FIELD_RESOURCE = 0x1C, + FIELD_TYPEUNKNOWN = 0x1D, + FIELD_CSTRING = 0x1E, + FIELD_HSCRIPT = 0x1F, + FIELD_VARIANT = 0x20, + FIELD_UINT64 = 0x21, + FIELD_FLOAT64 = 0x22, + FIELD_POSITIVEINTEGER_OR_NULL = 0x23, + FIELD_HSCRIPT_NEW_INSTANCE = 0x24, + FIELD_UINT32 = 0x25, + FIELD_UTLSTRINGTOKEN = 0x26, + FIELD_QANGLE = 0x27, + FIELD_NETWORK_ORIGIN_CELL_QUANTIZED_VECTOR = 0x28, + FIELD_HMATERIAL = 0x29, + FIELD_HMODEL = 0x2A, + FIELD_NETWORK_QUANTIZED_VECTOR = 0x2B, + FIELD_NETWORK_QUANTIZED_FLOAT = 0x2C, + FIELD_DIRECTION_VECTOR_WORLDSPACE = 0x2D, + FIELD_QANGLE_WORLDSPACE = 0x2E, + FIELD_QUATERNION_WORLDSPACE = 0x2F, + FIELD_HSCRIPT_LIGHTBINDING = 0x30, + FIELD_V8_VALUE = 0x31, + FIELD_V8_OBJECT = 0x32, + FIELD_V8_ARRAY = 0x33, + FIELD_V8_CALLBACK_INFO = 0x34, + FIELD_UTLSTRING = 0x35, + FIELD_NETWORK_ORIGIN_CELL_QUANTIZED_POSITION_VECTOR = 0x36, + FIELD_HRENDERTEXTURE = 0x37, + FIELD_HPARTICLESYSTEMDEFINITION = 0x38, + FIELD_UINT8 = 0x39, + FIELD_UINT16 = 0x3A, + FIELD_CTRANSFORM = 0x3B, + FIELD_CTRANSFORM_WORLDSPACE = 0x3C, + FIELD_HPOSTPROCESSING = 0x3D, + FIELD_MATRIX3X4 = 0x3E, + FIELD_SHIM = 0x3F, + FIELD_CMOTIONTRANSFORM = 0x40, + FIELD_CMOTIONTRANSFORM_WORLDSPACE = 0x41, + FIELD_ATTACHMENT_HANDLE = 0x42, + FIELD_AMMO_INDEX = 0x43, + FIELD_CONDITION_ID = 0x44, + FIELD_AI_SCHEDULE_BITS = 0x45, + FIELD_MODIFIER_HANDLE = 0x46, + FIELD_ROTATION_VECTOR = 0x47, + FIELD_ROTATION_VECTOR_WORLDSPACE = 0x48, + FIELD_HVDATA = 0x49, + FIELD_SCALE32 = 0x4A, + FIELD_STRING_AND_TOKEN = 0x4B, + FIELD_ENGINE_TIME = 0x4C, + FIELD_ENGINE_TICK = 0x4D, + FIELD_WORLD_GROUP_ID = 0x4E, + FIELD_GLOBALSYMBOL = 0x4F, + FIELD_TYPECOUNT = 0x50 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ThreeState_t { + TRS_FALSE = 0x0, + TRS_TRUE = 0x1, + TRS_NONE = 0x2 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeCResourceManifestInternal { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 22 + pub mod CSchemaSystemInternalRegistration { + pub const m_Vector2D: usize = 0x0; // Vector2D + pub const m_Vector: usize = 0x8; // Vector + pub const m_VectorAligned: usize = 0x20; // VectorAligned + pub const m_Quaternion: usize = 0x30; // Quaternion + pub const m_QAngle: usize = 0x40; // QAngle + pub const m_RotationVector: usize = 0x4C; // RotationVector + pub const m_RadianEuler: usize = 0x58; // RadianEuler + pub const m_DegreeEuler: usize = 0x64; // DegreeEuler + pub const m_QuaternionStorage: usize = 0x70; // QuaternionStorage + pub const m_matrix3x4_t: usize = 0x80; // matrix3x4_t + pub const m_matrix3x4a_t: usize = 0xB0; // matrix3x4a_t + pub const m_Color: usize = 0xE0; // Color + pub const m_Vector4D: usize = 0xE4; // Vector4D + pub const m_CTransform: usize = 0x100; // CTransform + pub const m_pKeyValues: usize = 0x120; // KeyValues* + pub const m_CUtlBinaryBlock: usize = 0x128; // CUtlBinaryBlock + pub const m_CUtlString: usize = 0x140; // CUtlString + pub const m_CUtlSymbol: usize = 0x148; // CUtlSymbol + pub const m_stringToken: usize = 0x14C; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_stringTokenWithStorage: usize = 0x150; // CUtlStringTokenWithStorage + pub const m_ResourceTypes: usize = 0x168; // CResourceArray> + pub const m_KV3: usize = 0x170; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicDerivedA { + pub const m_nDerivedA: usize = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase { + pub const m_nBase: usize = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CExampleSchemaVData_PolymorphicDerivedB { + pub const m_nDerivedB: usize = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod ResourceId_t { + pub const m_Value: usize = 0x0; // uint64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CExampleSchemaVData_Monomorphic { + pub const m_nExample1: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_nExample2: usize = 0x4; // int32 + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/schemasystem_dll.cs b/output/schemasystem_dll.cs index c76c880..766cbb9 100644 --- a/output/schemasystem_dll.cs +++ b/output/schemasystem_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: schemasystem.dll diff --git a/output/schemasystem_dll.hpp b/output/schemasystem_dll.hpp index dc28abd..79015a8 100644 --- a/output/schemasystem_dll.hpp +++ b/output/schemasystem_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/schemasystem_dll.rs b/output/schemasystem_dll.rs index 1f9dedf..2f4bdf3 100644 --- a/output/schemasystem_dll.rs +++ b/output/schemasystem_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/server.dll.cs b/output/server.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42f4303 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/server.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,10966 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: server.dll + // Classes count: 651 + // Enums count: 131 + public static class ServerDll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e : uint { + DOOR_ROTATING_OPEN_BOTH_WAYS = 0x0, + DOOR_ROTATING_OPEN_FORWARD = 0x1, + DOOR_ROTATING_OPEN_BACKWARD = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum SceneOnPlayerDeath_t : uint { + SCENE_ONPLAYERDEATH_DO_NOTHING = 0x0, + SCENE_ONPLAYERDEATH_CANCEL = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum LessonPanelLayoutFileTypes_t : uint { + LAYOUT_HAND_DEFAULT = 0x0, + LAYOUT_WORLD_DEFAULT = 0x1, + LAYOUT_CUSTOM = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum TimelineCompression_t : uint { + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_SUM = 0x0, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_COUNT_PER_INTERVAL = 0x1, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_AVERAGE = 0x2, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_AVERAGE_BLEND = 0x3, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_TOTAL = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum SubclassVDataChangeType_t : uint { + SUBCLASS_VDATA_CREATED = 0x0, + SUBCLASS_VDATA_SUBCLASS_CHANGED = 0x1, + SUBCLASS_VDATA_RELOADED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum C4LightEffect_t : uint { + eLightEffectNone = 0x0, + eLightEffectDropped = 0x1, + eLightEffectThirdPersonHeld = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum StanceType_t : uint { + STANCE_CURRENT = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + STANCE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + STANCE_CROUCHING = 0x1, + STANCE_PRONE = 0x2, + NUM_STANCES = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum Explosions : uint { + expRandom = 0x0, + expDirected = 0x1, + expUsePrecise = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + public enum PreviewCharacterMode : uint { + DIORAMA = 0x0, + MAIN_MENU = 0x1, + BUY_MENU = 0x2, + TEAM_SELECT = 0x3, + END_OF_MATCH = 0x4, + INVENTORY_INSPECT = 0x5, + WALKING = 0x6, + TEAM_INTRO = 0x7, + WINGMAN_INTRO = 0x8, + BANNER = 0x9 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ObserverInterpState_t : uint { + OBSERVER_INTERP_NONE = 0x0, + OBSERVER_INTERP_TRAVELING = 0x1, + OBSERVER_INTERP_SETTLING = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum WorldTextPanelOrientation_t : uint { + WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT = 0x0, + WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_FACEUSER = 0x1, + WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_FACEUSER_UPRIGHT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum WorldTextPanelHorizontalAlign_t : uint { + WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT = 0x0, + WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x1, + WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + public enum SequenceFinishNotifyState_t : byte { + eDoNotNotify = 0x0, + eNotifyWhenFinished = 0x1, + eNotifyTriggered = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum SoundEventStartType_t : uint { + SOUNDEVENT_START_PLAYER = 0x0, + SOUNDEVENT_START_WORLD = 0x1, + SOUNDEVENT_START_ENTITY = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum TrainOrientationType_t : uint { + TrainOrientation_Fixed = 0x0, + TrainOrientation_AtPathTracks = 0x1, + TrainOrientation_LinearBlend = 0x2, + TrainOrientation_EaseInEaseOut = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum CSWeaponCategory : uint { + WEAPONCATEGORY_OTHER = 0x0, + WEAPONCATEGORY_MELEE = 0x1, + WEAPONCATEGORY_SECONDARY = 0x2, + WEAPONCATEGORY_SMG = 0x3, + WEAPONCATEGORY_RIFLE = 0x4, + WEAPONCATEGORY_HEAVY = 0x5, + WEAPONCATEGORY_COUNT = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + public enum BeginDeathLifeStateTransition_t : byte { + NO_CHANGE_IN_LIFESTATE = 0x0, + TRANSITION_TO_LIFESTATE_DYING = 0x1, + TRANSITION_TO_LIFESTATE_DEAD = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 12 + public enum SoundTypes_t : ushort { + SOUND_NONE = 0x0, + SOUND_COMBAT = 0x1, + SOUND_PLAYER = 0x2, + SOUND_DANGER = 0x3, + SOUND_BULLET_IMPACT = 0x4, + SOUND_THUMPER = 0x5, + SOUND_PHYSICS_DANGER = 0x6, + SOUND_MOVE_AWAY = 0x7, + SOUND_PLAYER_VEHICLE = 0x8, + SOUND_GLASS_BREAK = 0x9, + SOUND_PHYSICS_OBJECT = 0xA, + NUM_AI_SOUND_TYPES = 0xB + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 24 + public enum PlayerAnimEvent_t : uint { + PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_PRIMARY = 0x0, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_SECONDARY = 0x1, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_GRENADE_PULL_PIN = 0x2, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_THROW_GRENADE = 0x3, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_JUMP = 0x4, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD = 0x5, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_CLEAR_FIRING = 0x6, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_DEPLOY = 0x7, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_SILENCER_STATE = 0x8, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_SILENCER_TOGGLE = 0x9, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_THROW_GRENADE_UNDERHAND = 0xA, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_CATCH_WEAPON = 0xB, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_LOOKATWEAPON_REQUEST = 0xC, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD_CANCEL_LOOKATWEAPON = 0xD, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_HAULBACK = 0xE, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_IDLE = 0xF, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_STRIKE_HIT = 0x10, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_STRIKE_MISS = 0x11, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_BACKSTAB = 0x12, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_DRYFIRE = 0x13, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIDGET = 0x14, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELEASE = 0x15, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_TAUNT = 0x16, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_COUNT = 0x17 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + public enum ItemFlagTypes_t : byte { + ITEM_FLAG_NONE = 0x0, + ITEM_FLAG_CAN_SELECT_WITHOUT_AMMO = 0x1, + ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTORELOAD = 0x2, + ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTOSWITCHEMPTY = 0x4, + ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD = 0x8, + ITEM_FLAG_EXHAUSTIBLE = 0x10, + ITEM_FLAG_DOHITLOCATIONDMG = 0x20, + ITEM_FLAG_NOAMMOPICKUPS = 0x40, + ITEM_FLAG_NOITEMPICKUP = 0x80 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ShatterPanelMode : byte { + SHATTER_GLASS = 0x0, + SHATTER_DRYWALL = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 10 + public enum SurroundingBoundsType_t : byte { + USE_OBB_COLLISION_BOUNDS = 0x0, + USE_BEST_COLLISION_BOUNDS = 0x1, + USE_HITBOXES = 0x2, + USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS = 0x3, + USE_GAME_CODE = 0x4, + USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_BOUNDS = 0x5, + USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_ORIENTED_BOUNDS = 0x6, + USE_COLLISION_BOUNDS_NEVER_VPHYSICS = 0x7, + USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_SEQUENCE_BOUNDS = 0x8, + SURROUNDING_TYPE_BIT_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum LifeState_t : uint { + LIFE_ALIVE = 0x0, + LIFE_DYING = 0x1, + LIFE_DEAD = 0x2, + LIFE_RESPAWNABLE = 0x3, + LIFE_RESPAWNING = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum NPCFollowFormation_t : uint { + Default = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + CloseCircle = 0x0, + WideCircle = 0x1, + MediumCircle = 0x5, + Sidekick = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum CSWeaponMode : uint { + Primary_Mode = 0x0, + Secondary_Mode = 0x1, + WeaponMode_MAX = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + public enum OnFrame : byte { + ONFRAME_UNKNOWN = 0x0, + ONFRAME_TRUE = 0x1, + ONFRAME_FALSE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 12 + public enum Materials : uint { + matGlass = 0x0, + matWood = 0x1, + matMetal = 0x2, + matFlesh = 0x3, + matCinderBlock = 0x4, + matCeilingTile = 0x5, + matComputer = 0x6, + matUnbreakableGlass = 0x7, + matRocks = 0x8, + matWeb = 0x9, + matNone = 0xA, + matLastMaterial = 0xB + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + public enum BloodType : uint { + None = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ColorRed = 0x0, + ColorYellow = 0x1, + ColorGreen = 0x2, + ColorRedLVL2 = 0x3, + ColorRedLVL3 = 0x4, + ColorRedLVL4 = 0x5, + ColorRedLVL5 = 0x6, + ColorRedLVL6 = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum ScriptedMoveTo_t : uint { + eWait = 0x0, + eMoveWithGait = 0x3, + eTeleport = 0x4, + eWaitFacing = 0x5, + eObsoleteBackCompat1 = 0x1, + eObsoleteBackCompat2 = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum AnimLoopMode_t : uint { + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_NOT_LOOPING = 0x0, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_LOOPING = 0x1, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_USE_SEQUENCE_SETTINGS = 0x2, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 9 + public enum SoundFlags_t : ushort { + SOUND_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + SOUND_FLAG_GUNFIRE = 0x1, + SOUND_FLAG_COMBINE_ONLY = 0x2, + SOUND_FLAG_REACT_TO_SOURCE = 0x4, + SOUND_FLAG_EXPLOSION = 0x8, + SOUND_FLAG_EXCLUDE_COMBINE = 0x10, + SOUND_FLAG_DANGER_APPROACH = 0x20, + SOUND_FLAG_ALLIES_ONLY = 0x40, + SOUND_FLAG_PANIC_NPCS = 0x80 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + public enum Class_T : uint { + CLASS_NONE = 0x0, + CLASS_PLAYER = 0x1, + CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY = 0x2, + CLASS_BOMB = 0x3, + CLASS_FOOT_CONTACT_SHADOW = 0x4, + CLASS_WEAPON = 0x5, + CLASS_WATER_SPLASHER = 0x6, + CLASS_WEAPON_VIEWMODEL = 0x7, + CLASS_DOOR = 0x8, + NUM_CLASSIFY_CLASSES = 0x9 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum filter_t : uint { + FILTER_AND = 0x0, + FILTER_OR = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum CSWeaponSilencerType : uint { + WEAPONSILENCER_NONE = 0x0, + WEAPONSILENCER_DETACHABLE = 0x1, + WEAPONSILENCER_INTEGRATED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 17 + public enum BaseExplosionTypes_t : uint { + EXPLOSION_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_GRENADE = 0x1, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_MOLOTOV = 0x2, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_FIREWORKS = 0x3, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_GASCAN = 0x4, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_GASCYLINDER = 0x5, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_EXPLOSIVEBARREL = 0x6, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_ELECTRICAL = 0x7, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_EMP = 0x8, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_SHRAPNEL = 0x9, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMOKEGRENADE = 0xA, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_FLASHBANG = 0xB, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_TRIPMINE = 0xC, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_ICE = 0xD, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_NONE = 0xE, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_CUSTOM = 0xF, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_COUNT = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 44 + public enum GameAnimEventIndex_t : uint { + AE_EMPTY = 0x0, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND = 0x1, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_ATTACHMENT = 0x2, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_POSITION = 0x3, + AE_SV_PLAYSOUND = 0x4, + AE_CL_STOPSOUND = 0x5, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_LOOPING = 0x6, + AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x7, + AE_CL_STOP_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x8, + AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT_CFG = 0x9, + AE_SV_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT_CFG = 0xA, + AE_SV_STOP_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0xB, + AE_FOOTSTEP = 0xC, + AE_RAGDOLL = 0xD, + AE_CL_STOP_RAGDOLL_CONTROL = 0xE, + AE_CL_ENABLE_BODYGROUP = 0xF, + AE_CL_DISABLE_BODYGROUP = 0x10, + AE_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE = 0x11, + AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE_CMODEL_WPN = 0x12, + AE_WEAPON_PERFORM_ATTACK = 0x13, + AE_FIRE_INPUT = 0x14, + AE_CL_CLOTH_ATTR = 0x15, + AE_CL_CLOTH_GROUND_OFFSET = 0x16, + AE_CL_CLOTH_STIFFEN = 0x17, + AE_CL_CLOTH_EFFECT = 0x18, + AE_CL_CREATE_ANIM_SCOPE_PROP = 0x19, + AE_SV_IKLOCK = 0x1A, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH = 0x1B, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_LOOKAT = 0x1C, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_AIMAT = 0x1D, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_IKLOCKLEFTARM = 0x1E, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_IKLOCKRIGHTARM = 0x1F, + AE_CL_WEAPON_TRANSITION_INTO_HAND = 0x20, + AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_TO_CLIP = 0x21, + AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_TO_NEXTCLIP = 0x22, + AE_SV_SHOW_SILENCER = 0x23, + AE_SV_ATTACH_SILENCER_COMPLETE = 0x24, + AE_SV_HIDE_SILENCER = 0x25, + AE_SV_DETACH_SILENCER_COMPLETE = 0x26, + AE_CL_EJECT_MAG = 0x27, + AE_WPN_COMPLETE_RELOAD = 0x28, + AE_WPN_HEALTHSHOT_INJECT = 0x29, + AE_CL_C4_SCREEN_TEXT = 0x2A, + AE_GRENADE_THROW_COMPLETE = 0x2B + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + public enum FixAngleSet_t : byte { + None = 0x0, + Absolute = 0x1, + Relative = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum IChoreoServices__ScriptState_t : uint { + SCRIPT_PLAYING = 0x0, + SCRIPT_WAIT = 0x1, + SCRIPT_POST_IDLE = 0x2, + SCRIPT_CLEANUP = 0x3, + SCRIPT_MOVE_TO_MARK = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum CommandEntitySpecType_t : uint { + SPEC_SEARCH = 0x0, + SPEC_TYPES_COUNT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum Touch_t : uint { + touch_none = 0x0, + touch_player_only = 0x1, + touch_npc_only = 0x2, + touch_player_or_npc = 0x3, + touch_player_or_npc_or_physicsprop = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum TrainVelocityType_t : uint { + TrainVelocity_Instantaneous = 0x0, + TrainVelocity_LinearBlend = 0x1, + TrainVelocity_EaseInEaseOut = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 20 + public enum CSWeaponType : uint { + WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE = 0x0, + WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL = 0x1, + WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN = 0x2, + WEAPONTYPE_RIFLE = 0x3, + WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN = 0x4, + WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE = 0x5, + WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN = 0x6, + WEAPONTYPE_C4 = 0x7, + WEAPONTYPE_TASER = 0x8, + WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE = 0x9, + WEAPONTYPE_EQUIPMENT = 0xA, + WEAPONTYPE_STACKABLEITEM = 0xB, + WEAPONTYPE_FISTS = 0xC, + WEAPONTYPE_BREACHCHARGE = 0xD, + WEAPONTYPE_BUMPMINE = 0xE, + WEAPONTYPE_TABLET = 0xF, + WEAPONTYPE_MELEE = 0x10, + WEAPONTYPE_SHIELD = 0x11, + WEAPONTYPE_ZONE_REPULSOR = 0x12, + WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x13 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum EntFinderMethod_t : uint { + ENT_FIND_METHOD_NEAREST = 0x0, + ENT_FIND_METHOD_FARTHEST = 0x1, + ENT_FIND_METHOD_RANDOM = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum PropDoorRotatingSpawnPos_t : uint { + DOOR_SPAWN_CLOSED = 0x0, + DOOR_SPAWN_OPEN_FORWARD = 0x1, + DOOR_SPAWN_OPEN_BACK = 0x2, + DOOR_SPAWN_AJAR = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ShardSolid_t : byte { + SHARD_SOLID = 0x0, + SHARD_DEBRIS = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum PulseNPCCondition_t : uint { + COND_SEE_PLAYER = 0x1, + COND_LOST_PLAYER = 0x2, + COND_HEAR_PLAYER = 0x3, + COND_PLAYER_PUSHING = 0x4, + COND_NO_PRIMARY_AMMO = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 13 + public enum RenderMode_t : byte { + kRenderNormal = 0x0, + kRenderTransColor = 0x1, + kRenderTransTexture = 0x2, + kRenderGlow = 0x3, + kRenderTransAlpha = 0x4, + kRenderTransAdd = 0x5, + kRenderEnvironmental = 0x6, + kRenderTransAddFrameBlend = 0x7, + kRenderTransAlphaAdd = 0x8, + kRenderWorldGlow = 0x9, + kRenderNone = 0xA, + kRenderDevVisualizer = 0xB, + kRenderModeCount = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ForcedCrouchState_t : uint { + FORCEDCROUCH_NONE = 0x0, + FORCEDCROUCH_CROUCHED = 0x1, + FORCEDCROUCH_UNCROUCHED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum PerformanceMode_t : uint { + PM_NORMAL = 0x0, + PM_NO_GIBS = 0x1, + PM_FULL_GIBS = 0x2, + PM_REDUCED_GIBS = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + public enum TOGGLE_STATE : uint { + TS_AT_TOP = 0x0, + TS_AT_BOTTOM = 0x1, + TS_GOING_UP = 0x2, + TS_GOING_DOWN = 0x3, + DOOR_OPEN = 0x0, + DOOR_CLOSED = 0x1, + DOOR_OPENING = 0x2, + DOOR_CLOSING = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 74 + public enum loadout_slot_t : uint { + LOADOUT_SLOT_PROMOTED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE, + LOADOUT_SLOT_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MELEE = 0x0, + LOADOUT_SLOT_C4 = 0x1, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_AUTO_BUY_WEAPON = 0x0, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_AUTO_BUY_WEAPON = 0x1, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY0 = 0x2, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY1 = 0x3, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY2 = 0x4, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY3 = 0x5, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY4 = 0x6, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY5 = 0x7, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG0 = 0x8, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG1 = 0x9, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG2 = 0xA, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG3 = 0xB, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG4 = 0xC, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG5 = 0xD, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE0 = 0xE, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE1 = 0xF, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE2 = 0x10, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE3 = 0x11, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE4 = 0x12, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE5 = 0x13, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY0 = 0x14, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY1 = 0x15, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY2 = 0x16, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY3 = 0x17, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY4 = 0x18, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY5 = 0x19, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_WHEEL_WEAPON = 0x2, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_WHEEL_WEAPON = 0x19, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_PRIMARY_WEAPON = 0x8, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_PRIMARY_WEAPON = 0x19, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_WHEEL_GRENADE = 0x1A, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE0 = 0x1A, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE1 = 0x1B, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE2 = 0x1C, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE3 = 0x1D, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE4 = 0x1E, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE5 = 0x1F, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_WHEEL_GRENADE = 0x1F, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT0 = 0x20, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT1 = 0x21, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT2 = 0x22, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT3 = 0x23, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT4 = 0x24, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT5 = 0x25, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_WHEEL_EQUIPMENT = 0x20, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_WHEEL_EQUIPMENT = 0x25, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_CUSTOMPLAYER = 0x26, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_CUSTOMHEAD = 0x27, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_FACEMASK = 0x28, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_HANDS = 0x29, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_COSMETIC = 0x29, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_COSMETIC = 0x29, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_EYEWEAR = 0x2A, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_HAT = 0x2B, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_LOWERBODY = 0x2C, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_TORSO = 0x2D, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_APPEARANCE = 0x2E, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC0 = 0x2F, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC1 = 0x30, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC2 = 0x31, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC3 = 0x32, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC4 = 0x33, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC5 = 0x34, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC6 = 0x35, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MUSICKIT = 0x36, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FLAIR0 = 0x37, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SPRAY0 = 0x38, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_ALL_CHARACTER = 0x36, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_ALL_CHARACTER = 0x38, + LOADOUT_SLOT_COUNT = 0x39 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 20 + public enum NavAttributeEnum : uint { + NAV_MESH_AVOID = 0x80, + NAV_MESH_STAIRS = 0x1000, + NAV_MESH_NON_ZUP = 0x8000, + NAV_MESH_SHORT_HEIGHT = 0x10000, + NAV_MESH_NON_ZUP_TRANSITION = 0x20000, + NAV_MESH_CROUCH = 0x10000, + NAV_MESH_JUMP = 0x2, + NAV_MESH_PRECISE = 0x4, + NAV_MESH_NO_JUMP = 0x8, + NAV_MESH_STOP = 0x10, + NAV_MESH_RUN = 0x20, + NAV_MESH_WALK = 0x40, + NAV_MESH_TRANSIENT = 0x100, + NAV_MESH_DONT_HIDE = 0x200, + NAV_MESH_STAND = 0x400, + NAV_MESH_NO_HOSTAGES = 0x800, + NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE = 0x2000, + NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP = 0x4000, + NAV_ATTR_FIRST_GAME_INDEX = 0x13, + NAV_ATTR_LAST_INDEX = 0x1F + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum MoveLinearAuthoredPos_t : uint { + MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_START_POSITION = 0x0, + MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_OPEN_POSITION = 0x1, + MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_CLOSED_POSITION = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ValueRemapperMomentumType_t : uint { + MomentumType_None = 0x0, + MomentumType_Friction = 0x1, + MomentumType_SpringTowardSnapValue = 0x2, + MomentumType_SpringAwayFromSnapValue = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 12 + public enum Hull_t : uint { + HULL_HUMAN = 0x0, + HULL_SMALL_CENTERED = 0x1, + HULL_WIDE_HUMAN = 0x2, + HULL_TINY = 0x3, + HULL_MEDIUM = 0x4, + HULL_TINY_CENTERED = 0x5, + HULL_LARGE = 0x6, + HULL_LARGE_CENTERED = 0x7, + HULL_MEDIUM_TALL = 0x8, + HULL_SMALL = 0x9, + NUM_HULLS = 0xA, + HULL_NONE = 0xB + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum PreviewWeaponState : uint { + DROPPED = 0x0, + HOLSTERED = 0x1, + DEPLOYED = 0x2, + PLANTED = 0x3, + INSPECT = 0x4, + ICON = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + public enum EInButtonState : uint { + IN_BUTTON_UP = 0x0, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN = 0x1, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP = 0x2, + IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN = 0x3, + IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN_UP = 0x4, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP_DOWN = 0x5, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP_DOWN_UP = 0x6, + IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN_UP_DOWN = 0x7, + IN_BUTTON_STATE_COUNT = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum BeamClipStyle_t : uint { + kNOCLIP = 0x0, + kGEOCLIP = 0x1, + kMODELCLIP = 0x2, + kBEAMCLIPSTYLE_NUMBITS = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum WeaponAttackType_t : uint { + eInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ePrimary = 0x0, + eSecondary = 0x1, + eCount = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 18 + public enum CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t : uint { + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_None = 0x0, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_DefusingDefault = 0x1, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_DefusingWithKit = 0x2, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_HostageGrabbing = 0x3, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_HostageDropping = 0x4, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_OpeningSafe = 0x5, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingParachute = 0x6, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingHeavyArmor = 0x7, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingContract = 0x8, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingTabletUpgrade = 0x9, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_TakingOffHeavyArmor = 0xA, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_PayingToOpenDoor = 0xB, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_CancelingSpawnRappelling = 0xC, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingExoJump = 0xD, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_PickingUpBumpMine = 0xE, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_MapLongUseEntity_Pickup = 0xF, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_MapLongUseEntity_Place = 0x10, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_MaxCount = 0x11 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum CSWeaponState_t : uint { + WEAPON_NOT_CARRIED = 0x0, + WEAPON_IS_CARRIED_BY_PLAYER = 0x1, + WEAPON_IS_ACTIVE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum CommandExecMode_t : uint { + EXEC_MANUAL = 0x0, + EXEC_LEVELSTART = 0x1, + EXEC_PERIODIC = 0x2, + EXEC_MODES_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + public enum ShatterDamageCause : byte { + SHATTERDAMAGE_BULLET = 0x0, + SHATTERDAMAGE_MELEE = 0x1, + SHATTERDAMAGE_THROWN = 0x2, + SHATTERDAMAGE_SCRIPT = 0x3, + SHATTERDAMAGE_EXPLOSIVE = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ScriptedOnDeath_t : uint { + SS_ONDEATH_NOT_APPLICABLE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + SS_ONDEATH_UNDEFINED = 0x0, + SS_ONDEATH_RAGDOLL = 0x1, + SS_ONDEATH_ANIMATED_DEATH = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ChoreoLookAtSpeed_t : uint { + eInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + eSlow = 0x0, + eMedium = 0x1, + eFast = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ScriptedMoveType_t : uint { + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_NONE = 0x0, + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_TO_WITH_DURATION = 0x1, + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_TO_WITH_MOVESPEED = 0x2, + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_SWEEP_TO_AT_MOVEMENT_SPEED = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 17 + public enum gear_slot_t : uint { + GEAR_SLOT_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + GEAR_SLOT_RIFLE = 0x0, + GEAR_SLOT_PISTOL = 0x1, + GEAR_SLOT_KNIFE = 0x2, + GEAR_SLOT_GRENADES = 0x3, + GEAR_SLOT_C4 = 0x4, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT6 = 0x5, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT7 = 0x6, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT8 = 0x7, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT9 = 0x8, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT10 = 0x9, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT11 = 0xA, + GEAR_SLOT_BOOSTS = 0xB, + GEAR_SLOT_UTILITY = 0xC, + GEAR_SLOT_COUNT = 0xD, + GEAR_SLOT_FIRST = 0x0, + GEAR_SLOT_LAST = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + public enum CSPlayerState : uint { + STATE_ACTIVE = 0x0, + STATE_WELCOME = 0x1, + STATE_PICKINGTEAM = 0x2, + STATE_PICKINGCLASS = 0x3, + STATE_DEATH_ANIM = 0x4, + STATE_DEATH_WAIT_FOR_KEY = 0x5, + STATE_OBSERVER_MODE = 0x6, + STATE_GUNGAME_RESPAWN = 0x7, + STATE_DORMANT = 0x8, + NUM_PLAYER_STATES = 0x9 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ScriptedConflictResponse_t : uint { + SS_CONFLICT_ENQUEUE = 0x0, + SS_CONFLICT_INTERRUPT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 7 + public enum WaterLevel_t : byte { + WL_NotInWater = 0x0, + WL_Feet = 0x1, + WL_Knees = 0x2, + WL_Waist = 0x3, + WL_Chest = 0x4, + WL_FullyUnderwater = 0x5, + WL_Count = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum WorldTextPanelVerticalAlign_t : uint { + WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP = 0x0, + WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x1, + WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum AmmoPosition_t : uint { + AMMO_POSITION_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + AMMO_POSITION_PRIMARY = 0x0, + AMMO_POSITION_SECONDARY = 0x1, + AMMO_POSITION_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 23 + public enum PreviewEOMCelebration : uint { + WALKUP = 0x0, + PUNCHING = 0x1, + SWAGGER = 0x2, + DROPDOWN = 0x3, + STRETCH = 0x4, + SWAT_FEMALE = 0x5, + MASK_F = 0x6, + GUERILLA = 0x7, + GUERILLA02 = 0x8, + GENDARMERIE = 0x9, + SCUBA_FEMALE = 0xA, + SCUBA_MALE = 0xB, + AVA_DEFEAT = 0xC, + GENDARMERIE_DEFEAT = 0xD, + MAE_DEFEAT = 0xE, + RICKSAW_DEFEAT = 0xF, + SCUBA_FEMALE_DEFEAT = 0x10, + SCUBA_MALE_DEFEAT = 0x11, + CRASSWATER_DEFEAT = 0x12, + DARRYL_DEFEAT = 0x13, + DOCTOR_DEFEAT = 0x14, + MUHLIK_DEFEAT = 0x15, + VYPA_DEFEAT = 0x16 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum EntityDisolveType_t : uint { + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_NORMAL = 0x0, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_ELECTRICAL = 0x1, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_ELECTRICAL_LIGHT = 0x2, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_CORE = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 8 + // Members count: 21 + public enum InputBitMask_t : ulong { + IN_NONE = 0x0, + IN_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + IN_ATTACK = 0x1, + IN_JUMP = 0x2, + IN_DUCK = 0x4, + IN_FORWARD = 0x8, + IN_BACK = 0x10, + IN_USE = 0x20, + IN_TURNLEFT = 0x80, + IN_TURNRIGHT = 0x100, + IN_MOVELEFT = 0x200, + IN_MOVERIGHT = 0x400, + IN_ATTACK2 = 0x800, + IN_RELOAD = 0x2000, + IN_SPEED = 0x10000, + IN_JOYAUTOSPRINT = 0x20000, + IN_FIRST_MOD_SPECIFIC_BIT = 0x100000000, + IN_USEORRELOAD = 0x100000000, + IN_SCORE = 0x200000000, + IN_ZOOM = 0x400000000, + IN_LOOK_AT_WEAPON = 0x800000000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 14 + public enum HitGroup_t : uint { + HITGROUP_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + HITGROUP_GENERIC = 0x0, + HITGROUP_HEAD = 0x1, + HITGROUP_CHEST = 0x2, + HITGROUP_STOMACH = 0x3, + HITGROUP_LEFTARM = 0x4, + HITGROUP_RIGHTARM = 0x5, + HITGROUP_LEFTLEG = 0x6, + HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG = 0x7, + HITGROUP_NECK = 0x8, + HITGROUP_UNUSED = 0x9, + HITGROUP_GEAR = 0xA, + HITGROUP_SPECIAL = 0xB, + HITGROUP_COUNT = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum ChickenActivity : uint { + IDLE = 0x0, + SQUAT = 0x1, + WALK = 0x2, + RUN = 0x3, + GLIDE = 0x4, + LAND = 0x5, + PANIC = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum PointWorldTextReorientMode_t : uint { + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_REORIENT_NONE = 0x0, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_REORIENT_AROUND_UP = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 8 + // Members count: 40 + public enum DebugOverlayBits_t : ulong { + OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT = 0x1, + OVERLAY_NAME_BIT = 0x2, + OVERLAY_BBOX_BIT = 0x4, + OVERLAY_PIVOT_BIT = 0x8, + OVERLAY_MESSAGE_BIT = 0x10, + OVERLAY_ABSBOX_BIT = 0x20, + OVERLAY_RBOX_BIT = 0x40, + OVERLAY_SHOW_BLOCKSLOS = 0x80, + OVERLAY_ATTACHMENTS_BIT = 0x100, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_ATTACHMENTS_BIT = 0x200, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_PIVOT_BIT = 0x400, + OVERLAY_SKELETON_BIT = 0x800, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_SKELETON_BIT = 0x1000, + OVERLAY_TRIGGER_BOUNDS_BIT = 0x2000, + OVERLAY_HITBOX_BIT = 0x4000, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_HITBOX_BIT = 0x8000, + OVERLAY_AUTOAIM_BIT = 0x10000, + OVERLAY_NPC_SELECTED_BIT = 0x20000, + OVERLAY_JOINT_INFO_BIT = 0x40000, + OVERLAY_NPC_ROUTE_BIT = 0x80000, + OVERLAY_VISIBILITY_TRACES_BIT = 0x100000, + OVERLAY_NPC_ENEMIES_BIT = 0x400000, + OVERLAY_NPC_CONDITIONS_BIT = 0x800000, + OVERLAY_NPC_COMBAT_BIT = 0x1000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_TASK_BIT = 0x2000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_BODYLOCATIONS = 0x4000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_VIEWCONE_BIT = 0x8000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_KILL_BIT = 0x10000000, + OVERLAY_WC_CHANGE_ENTITY = 0x20000000, + OVERLAY_BUDDHA_MODE = 0x40000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_STEERING_REGULATIONS = 0x80000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_TASK_TEXT_BIT = 0x100000000, + OVERLAY_PROP_DEBUG = 0x200000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_RELATION_BIT = 0x400000000, + OVERLAY_VIEWOFFSET = 0x800000000, + OVERLAY_VCOLLIDE_WIREFRAME_BIT = 0x1000000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_SCRIPTED_COMMANDS_BIT = 0x2000000000, + OVERLAY_ACTORNAME_BIT = 0x4000000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_CONDITIONS_TEXT_BIT = 0x8000000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_ABILITY_RANGE_DEBUG_BIT = 0x10000000000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum AmmoFlags_t : uint { + AMMO_FORCE_DROP_IF_CARRIED = 0x1, + AMMO_RESERVE_STAYS_WITH_WEAPON = 0x2, + AMMO_FLAG_MAX = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum HierarchyType_t : uint { + HIERARCHY_NONE = 0x0, + HIERARCHY_BONE_MERGE = 0x1, + HIERARCHY_ATTACHMENT = 0x2, + HIERARCHY_ABSORIGIN = 0x3, + HIERARCHY_BONE = 0x4, + HIERARCHY_TYPE_COUNT = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum doorCheck_e : uint { + DOOR_CHECK_FORWARD = 0x0, + DOOR_CHECK_BACKWARD = 0x1, + DOOR_CHECK_FULL = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum BeamType_t : uint { + BEAM_INVALID = 0x0, + BEAM_POINTS = 0x1, + BEAM_ENTPOINT = 0x2, + BEAM_ENTS = 0x3, + BEAM_HOSE = 0x4, + BEAM_SPLINE = 0x5, + BEAM_LASER = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum EntitySubclassScope_t : uint { + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_NONE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_PRECIPITATION = 0x0, + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_PLAYER_WEAPONS = 0x1, + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t : uint { + CREATE_FOR_CURRENTLY_CONNECTED_CLIENTS_ONLY = 0x0, + CREATE_FOR_CLIENTS_WHO_CONNECT_LATER = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + public enum ShatterGlassStressType : byte { + SHATTERGLASS_BLUNT = 0x0, + SHATTERGLASS_BALLISTIC = 0x1, + SHATTERGLASS_PULSE = 0x2, + SHATTERDRYWALL_CHUNKS = 0x3, + SHATTERGLASS_EXPLOSIVE = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum TrackOrientationType_t : uint { + TrackOrientation_Fixed = 0x0, + TrackOrientation_FacePath = 0x1, + TrackOrientation_FacePathAngles = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum WeaponSwitchReason_t : uint { + eDrawn = 0x0, + eEquipped = 0x1, + eUserInitiatedSwitchToLast = 0x2, + eUserInitiatedSwitchHands = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ValueRemapperRatchetType_t : uint { + RatchetType_Absolute = 0x0, + RatchetType_EachEngage = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum NavDirType : uint { + NORTH = 0x0, + EAST = 0x1, + SOUTH = 0x2, + WEST = 0x3, + NUM_NAV_DIR_TYPE_DIRECTIONS = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum CRR_Response__ResponseEnum_t : uint { + MAX_RESPONSE_NAME = 0xC0, + MAX_RULE_NAME = 0x80 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum MoveMountingAmount_t : uint { + MOVE_MOUNT_NONE = 0x0, + MOVE_MOUNT_LOW = 0x1, + MOVE_MOUNT_HIGH = 0x2, + MOVE_MOUNT_MAXCOUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 20 + public enum RenderFx_t : byte { + kRenderFxNone = 0x0, + kRenderFxPulseSlow = 0x1, + kRenderFxPulseFast = 0x2, + kRenderFxPulseSlowWide = 0x3, + kRenderFxPulseFastWide = 0x4, + kRenderFxFadeSlow = 0x5, + kRenderFxFadeFast = 0x6, + kRenderFxSolidSlow = 0x7, + kRenderFxSolidFast = 0x8, + kRenderFxStrobeSlow = 0x9, + kRenderFxStrobeFast = 0xA, + kRenderFxStrobeFaster = 0xB, + kRenderFxFlickerSlow = 0xC, + kRenderFxFlickerFast = 0xD, + kRenderFxNoDissipation = 0xE, + kRenderFxFadeOut = 0xF, + kRenderFxFadeIn = 0x10, + kRenderFxPulseFastWider = 0x11, + kRenderFxGlowShell = 0x12, + kRenderFxMax = 0x13 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 35 + public enum vote_create_failed_t : uint { + VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC = 0x0, + VOTE_FAILED_TRANSITIONING_PLAYERS = 0x1, + VOTE_FAILED_RATE_EXCEEDED = 0x2, + VOTE_FAILED_YES_MUST_EXCEED_NO = 0x3, + VOTE_FAILED_QUORUM_FAILURE = 0x4, + VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED = 0x5, + VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NOT_FOUND = 0x6, + VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NAME_REQUIRED = 0x7, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENTLY = 0x8, + VOTE_FAILED_TEAM_CANT_CALL = 0x9, + VOTE_FAILED_WAITINGFORPLAYERS = 0xA, + VOTE_FAILED_PLAYERNOTFOUND = 0xB, + VOTE_FAILED_CANNOT_KICK_ADMIN = 0xC, + VOTE_FAILED_SCRAMBLE_IN_PROGRESS = 0xD, + VOTE_FAILED_SPECTATOR = 0xE, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_KICK = 0xF, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_CHANGEMAP = 0x10, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SWAPTEAMS = 0x11, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SCRAMBLETEAMS = 0x12, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_RESTART = 0x13, + VOTE_FAILED_SWAP_IN_PROGRESS = 0x14, + VOTE_FAILED_DISABLED = 0x15, + VOTE_FAILED_NEXTLEVEL_SET = 0x16, + VOTE_FAILED_TOO_EARLY_SURRENDER = 0x17, + VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_PAUSED = 0x18, + VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_NOT_PAUSED = 0x19, + VOTE_FAILED_NOT_IN_WARMUP = 0x1A, + VOTE_FAILED_NOT_10_PLAYERS = 0x1B, + VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_ACTIVE = 0x1C, + VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_INACTIVE = 0x1D, + VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_EXHAUSTED = 0x1E, + VOTE_FAILED_CANT_ROUND_END = 0x1F, + VOTE_FAILED_REMATCH = 0x20, + VOTE_FAILED_CONTINUE = 0x21, + VOTE_FAILED_MAX = 0x22 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 27 + public enum RumbleEffect_t : uint { + RUMBLE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + RUMBLE_STOP_ALL = 0x0, + RUMBLE_PISTOL = 0x1, + RUMBLE_357 = 0x2, + RUMBLE_SMG1 = 0x3, + RUMBLE_AR2 = 0x4, + RUMBLE_SHOTGUN_SINGLE = 0x5, + RUMBLE_SHOTGUN_DOUBLE = 0x6, + RUMBLE_AR2_ALT_FIRE = 0x7, + RUMBLE_RPG_MISSILE = 0x8, + RUMBLE_CROWBAR_SWING = 0x9, + RUMBLE_AIRBOAT_GUN = 0xA, + RUMBLE_JEEP_ENGINE_LOOP = 0xB, + RUMBLE_FLAT_LEFT = 0xC, + RUMBLE_FLAT_RIGHT = 0xD, + RUMBLE_FLAT_BOTH = 0xE, + RUMBLE_DMG_LOW = 0xF, + RUMBLE_DMG_MED = 0x10, + RUMBLE_DMG_HIGH = 0x11, + RUMBLE_FALL_LONG = 0x12, + RUMBLE_FALL_SHORT = 0x13, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_OPEN = 0x14, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_PUNT = 0x15, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_LOW = 0x16, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_MEDIUM = 0x17, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_HIGH = 0x18, + NUM_RUMBLE_EFFECTS = 0x19 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum LatchDirtyPermission_t : uint { + LATCH_DIRTY_DISALLOW = 0x0, + LATCH_DIRTY_SERVER_CONTROLLED = 0x1, + LATCH_DIRTY_CLIENT_SIMULATED = 0x2, + LATCH_DIRTY_PREDICTION = 0x3, + LATCH_DIRTY_FRAMESIMULATE = 0x4, + LATCH_DIRTY_PARTICLE_SIMULATE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum DoorState_t : uint { + DOOR_STATE_CLOSED = 0x0, + DOOR_STATE_OPENING = 0x1, + DOOR_STATE_OPEN = 0x2, + DOOR_STATE_CLOSING = 0x3, + DOOR_STATE_AJAR = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ChoreoLookAtMode_t : uint { + eInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + eChest = 0x0, + eHead = 0x1, + eEyesOnly = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum ChatIgnoreType_t : uint { + CHAT_IGNORE_NONE = 0x0, + CHAT_IGNORE_ALL = 0x1, + CHAT_IGNORE_TEAM = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum PlayerConnectedState : uint { + PlayerNeverConnected = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PlayerConnected = 0x0, + PlayerConnecting = 0x1, + PlayerReconnecting = 0x2, + PlayerDisconnecting = 0x3, + PlayerDisconnected = 0x4, + PlayerReserved = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum SimpleConstraintSoundProfile__SimpleConstraintsSoundProfileKeypoints_t : uint { + kMIN_THRESHOLD = 0x0, + kMIN_FULL = 0x1, + kHIGHWATER = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 1 + public enum navproperties_t : uint { + NAV_IGNORE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + public enum SolidType_t : byte { + SOLID_NONE = 0x0, + SOLID_BSP = 0x1, + SOLID_BBOX = 0x2, + SOLID_OBB = 0x3, + SOLID_SPHERE = 0x4, + SOLID_POINT = 0x5, + SOLID_VPHYSICS = 0x6, + SOLID_CAPSULE = 0x7, + SOLID_LAST = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 24 + public enum DamageTypes_t : uint { + DMG_GENERIC = 0x0, + DMG_CRUSH = 0x1, + DMG_BULLET = 0x2, + DMG_SLASH = 0x4, + DMG_BURN = 0x8, + DMG_VEHICLE = 0x10, + DMG_FALL = 0x20, + DMG_BLAST = 0x40, + DMG_CLUB = 0x80, + DMG_SHOCK = 0x100, + DMG_SONIC = 0x200, + DMG_ENERGYBEAM = 0x400, + DMG_DROWN = 0x4000, + DMG_POISON = 0x8000, + DMG_RADIATION = 0x10000, + DMG_DROWNRECOVER = 0x20000, + DMG_ACID = 0x40000, + DMG_PHYSGUN = 0x100000, + DMG_DISSOLVE = 0x200000, + DMG_BLAST_SURFACE = 0x400000, + DMG_BUCKSHOT = 0x1000000, + DMG_LASTGENERICFLAG = 0x1000000, + DMG_HEADSHOT = 0x2000000, + DMG_DANGERZONE = 0x4000000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t : uint { + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_BOTTOM = 0x0, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_CENTER = 0x1, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_TOP = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum attributeprovidertypes_t : uint { + PROVIDER_GENERIC = 0x0, + PROVIDER_WEAPON = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 6 + public enum MoveCollide_t : byte { + MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_BOUNCE = 0x1, + MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_CUSTOM = 0x2, + MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_SLIDE = 0x3, + MOVECOLLIDE_COUNT = 0x4, + MOVECOLLIDE_MAX_BITS = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum IChoreoServices__ChoreoState_t : uint { + STATE_PRE_SCRIPT = 0x0, + STATE_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT = 0x1, + STATE_WALK_TO_MARK = 0x2, + STATE_SYNCHRONIZE_SCRIPT = 0x3, + STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT = 0x4, + STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE = 0x5, + STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE_DONE = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum ValueRemapperOutputType_t : uint { + OutputType_AnimationCycle = 0x0, + OutputType_RotationX = 0x1, + OutputType_RotationY = 0x2, + OutputType_RotationZ = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t : uint { + INSERT_INTO_POINT_TEMPLATE_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x0, + INSERT_INTO_CURRENTLY_ACTIVE_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x1, + INSERT_INTO_NEWLY_CREATED_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum eSplinePushType : uint { + k_eSplinePushAlong = 0x0, + k_eSplinePushAway = 0x1, + k_eSplinePushTowards = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t : uint { + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_LEFT = 0x0, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_CENTER = 0x1, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum ShakeCommand_t : uint { + SHAKE_START = 0x0, + SHAKE_STOP = 0x1, + SHAKE_AMPLITUDE = 0x2, + SHAKE_FREQUENCY = 0x3, + SHAKE_START_RUMBLEONLY = 0x4, + SHAKE_START_NORUMBLE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum TRAIN_CODE : uint { + TRAIN_SAFE = 0x0, + TRAIN_BLOCKING = 0x1, + TRAIN_FOLLOWING = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum BrushSolidities_e : uint { + BRUSHSOLID_TOGGLE = 0x0, + BRUSHSOLID_NEVER = 0x1, + BRUSHSOLID_ALWAYS = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + public enum QuestProgress__Reason : uint { + QUEST_NONINITIALIZED = 0x0, + QUEST_OK = 0x1, + QUEST_NOT_ENOUGH_PLAYERS = 0x2, + QUEST_WARMUP = 0x3, + QUEST_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_STEAM = 0x4, + QUEST_NONOFFICIAL_SERVER = 0x5, + QUEST_NO_ENTITLEMENT = 0x6, + QUEST_NO_QUEST = 0x7, + QUEST_PLAYER_IS_BOT = 0x8, + QUEST_WRONG_MAP = 0x9, + QUEST_WRONG_MODE = 0xA, + QUEST_NOT_SYNCED_WITH_SERVER = 0xB, + QUEST_REASON_MAX = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ModifyDamageReturn_t : uint { + CONTINUE_TO_APPLY_DAMAGE = 0x0, + ABORT_DO_NOT_APPLY_DAMAGE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ShadowType_t : uint { + SHADOWS_NONE = 0x0, + SHADOWS_SIMPLE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + public enum GrenadeType_t : uint { + GRENADE_TYPE_EXPLOSIVE = 0x0, + GRENADE_TYPE_FLASH = 0x1, + GRENADE_TYPE_FIRE = 0x2, + GRENADE_TYPE_DECOY = 0x3, + GRENADE_TYPE_SMOKE = 0x4, + GRENADE_TYPE_SENSOR = 0x5, + GRENADE_TYPE_SNOWBALL = 0x6, + GRENADE_TYPE_TOTAL = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ValueRemapperInputType_t : uint { + InputType_PlayerShootPosition = 0x0, + InputType_PlayerShootPositionAroundAxis = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 8 + public enum EKillTypes_t : byte { + KILL_NONE = 0x0, + KILL_DEFAULT = 0x1, + KILL_HEADSHOT = 0x2, + KILL_BLAST = 0x3, + KILL_BURN = 0x4, + KILL_SLASH = 0x5, + KILL_SHOCK = 0x6, + KILLTYPE_COUNT = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 25 + public enum WeaponSound_t : uint { + WEAPON_SOUND_EMPTY = 0x0, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_EMPTY = 0x1, + WEAPON_SOUND_SINGLE = 0x2, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_ATTACK = 0x3, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_MISS = 0x4, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT = 0x5, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_WORLD = 0x6, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_PLAYER = 0x7, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_NPC = 0x8, + WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL1 = 0x9, + WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL2 = 0xA, + WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL3 = 0xB, + WEAPON_SOUND_NEARLYEMPTY = 0xC, + WEAPON_SOUND_IMPACT = 0xD, + WEAPON_SOUND_REFLECT = 0xE, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_IMPACT = 0xF, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_REFLECT = 0x10, + WEAPON_SOUND_RELOAD = 0x11, + WEAPON_SOUND_SINGLE_ACCURATE = 0x12, + WEAPON_SOUND_ZOOM_IN = 0x13, + WEAPON_SOUND_ZOOM_OUT = 0x14, + WEAPON_SOUND_MOUSE_PRESSED = 0x15, + WEAPON_SOUND_DROP = 0x16, + WEAPON_SOUND_RADIO_USE = 0x17, + WEAPON_SOUND_NUM_TYPES = 0x18 + } + // Alignment: 8 + // Members count: 16 + public enum TakeDamageFlags_t : ulong { + DFLAG_NONE = 0x0, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_HEALTH_CHANGES = 0x1, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_PHYSICS_FORCE = 0x2, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_EFFECTS = 0x4, + DFLAG_PREVENT_DEATH = 0x8, + DFLAG_FORCE_DEATH = 0x10, + DFLAG_ALWAYS_GIB = 0x20, + DFLAG_NEVER_GIB = 0x40, + DFLAG_REMOVE_NO_RAGDOLL = 0x80, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_DAMAGE_MODIFICATION = 0x100, + DFLAG_ALWAYS_FIRE_DAMAGE_EVENTS = 0x200, + DFLAG_RADIUS_DMG = 0x400, + DFLAG_FORCEREDUCEARMOR_DMG = 0x800, + DMG_LASTDFLAG = 0x800, + DFLAG_IGNORE_ARMOR = 0x1000, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_UTILREMOVE = 0x2000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum ValueRemapperHapticsType_t : uint { + HaticsType_Default = 0x0, + HaticsType_None = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + public enum Disposition_t : uint { + D_ER = 0x0, + D_HT = 0x1, + D_FR = 0x2, + D_LI = 0x3, + D_NU = 0x4, + D_ERROR = 0x0, + D_HATE = 0x1, + D_FEAR = 0x2, + D_LIKE = 0x3, + D_NEUTRAL = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum CanPlaySequence_t : uint { + CANNOT_PLAY = 0x0, + CAN_PLAY_NOW = 0x1, + CAN_PLAY_ENQUEUED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum MedalRank_t : uint { + MEDAL_RANK_NONE = 0x0, + MEDAL_RANK_BRONZE = 0x1, + MEDAL_RANK_SILVER = 0x2, + MEDAL_RANK_GOLD = 0x3, + MEDAL_RANK_COUNT = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + public enum ObserverMode_t : uint { + OBS_MODE_NONE = 0x0, + OBS_MODE_FIXED = 0x1, + OBS_MODE_IN_EYE = 0x2, + OBS_MODE_CHASE = 0x3, + OBS_MODE_ROAMING = 0x4, + OBS_MODE_DIRECTED = 0x5, + NUM_OBSERVER_MODES = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum FuncDoorSpawnPos_t : uint { + FUNC_DOOR_SPAWN_CLOSED = 0x0, + FUNC_DOOR_SPAWN_OPEN = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum EOverrideBlockLOS_t : uint { + BLOCK_LOS_DEFAULT = 0x0, + BLOCK_LOS_FORCE_FALSE = 0x1, + BLOCK_LOS_FORCE_TRUE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 14 + public enum MoveType_t : byte { + MOVETYPE_NONE = 0x0, + MOVETYPE_OBSOLETE = 0x1, + MOVETYPE_WALK = 0x2, + MOVETYPE_FLY = 0x3, + MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY = 0x4, + MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS = 0x5, + MOVETYPE_PUSH = 0x6, + MOVETYPE_NOCLIP = 0x7, + MOVETYPE_OBSERVER = 0x8, + MOVETYPE_LADDER = 0x9, + MOVETYPE_CUSTOM = 0xA, + MOVETYPE_LAST = 0xB, + MOVETYPE_INVALID = 0xB, + MOVETYPE_MAX_BITS = 0x5 + } + // Parent: CBaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CHostageExpresserShim { + public const nint m_pExpresser = 0xA08; // CAI_Expresser* + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CTriggerSoundscape { + public const nint m_hSoundscape = 0x8E0; // CHandle + public const nint m_SoundscapeName = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_spectators = 0x8F0; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CBreakableProp + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAnimGraph (bool) + public static class CDynamicProp { + public const nint m_bCreateNavObstacle = 0xA88; // bool + public const nint m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox = 0xA89; // bool + public const nint m_bUseAnimGraph = 0xA8A; // bool + public const nint m_pOutputAnimBegun = 0xA90; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_pOutputAnimOver = 0xAB8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_pOutputAnimLoopCycleOver = 0xAE0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnAnimReachedStart = 0xB08; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnAnimReachedEnd = 0xB30; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iszIdleAnim = 0xB58; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nIdleAnimLoopMode = 0xB60; // AnimLoopMode_t + public const nint m_bRandomizeCycle = 0xB64; // bool + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0xB65; // bool + public const nint m_bFiredStartEndOutput = 0xB66; // bool + public const nint m_bForceNpcExclude = 0xB67; // bool + public const nint m_bCreateNonSolid = 0xB68; // bool + public const nint m_bIsOverrideProp = 0xB69; // bool + public const nint m_iInitialGlowState = 0xB6C; // int32 + public const nint m_nGlowRange = 0xB70; // int32 + public const nint m_nGlowRangeMin = 0xB74; // int32 + public const nint m_glowColor = 0xB78; // Color + public const nint m_nGlowTeam = 0xB7C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFuncIllusionary { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid + // Fields count: 39 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxFallVelocity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckAmount (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDuckOverride (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDesiresDuck (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastDuckTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOldJumpPressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpUntil (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpVel (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nButtonDownMaskPrev (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStamina (float) + public static class CCSPlayer_MovementServices { + public const nint m_flMaxFallVelocity = 0x228; // float32 + public const nint m_vecLadderNormal = 0x22C; // Vector + public const nint m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex = 0x238; // int32 + public const nint m_flDuckAmount = 0x23C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDuckSpeed = 0x240; // float32 + public const nint m_bDuckOverride = 0x244; // bool + public const nint m_bDesiresDuck = 0x245; // bool + public const nint m_flDuckOffset = 0x248; // float32 + public const nint m_nDuckTimeMsecs = 0x24C; // uint32 + public const nint m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs = 0x250; // uint32 + public const nint m_nJumpTimeMsecs = 0x254; // uint32 + public const nint m_flLastDuckTime = 0x258; // float32 + public const nint m_vecLastPositionAtFullCrouchSpeed = 0x268; // Vector2D + public const nint m_duckUntilOnGround = 0x270; // bool + public const nint m_bHasWalkMovedSinceLastJump = 0x271; // bool + public const nint m_bInStuckTest = 0x272; // bool + public const nint m_flStuckCheckTime = 0x280; // float32[64][2] + public const nint m_nTraceCount = 0x480; // int32 + public const nint m_StuckLast = 0x484; // int32 + public const nint m_bSpeedCropped = 0x488; // bool + public const nint m_nOldWaterLevel = 0x48C; // int32 + public const nint m_flWaterEntryTime = 0x490; // float32 + public const nint m_vecForward = 0x494; // Vector + public const nint m_vecLeft = 0x4A0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecUp = 0x4AC; // Vector + public const nint m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand = 0x4B8; // int32 + public const nint m_bMadeFootstepNoise = 0x4BC; // bool + public const nint m_iFootsteps = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_bOldJumpPressed = 0x4C4; // bool + public const nint m_flJumpPressedTime = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flJumpUntil = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flJumpVel = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen = 0x4D4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nButtonDownMaskPrev = 0x4D8; // uint64 + public const nint m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime = 0x4E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed = 0x4E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flStamina = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeightAtJumpStart = 0x4EC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxJumpHeightThisJump = 0x4F0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: scale (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: origin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: fog (fogparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupID (WorldGroupId_t) + public static class sky3dparams_t { + public const nint scale = 0x8; // int16 + public const nint origin = 0xC; // Vector + public const nint bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar = 0x18; // bool + public const nint flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint fog = 0x20; // fogparams_t + public const nint m_nWorldGroupID = 0x88; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUninterruptableActivity (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + public static class CFists { + public const nint m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct = 0xE98; // bool + public const nint m_nUninterruptableActivity = 0xE9C; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + public const nint m_bRestorePrevWep = 0xEA0; // bool + public const nint m_hWeaponBeforePrevious = 0xEA4; // CHandle + public const nint m_hWeaponPrevious = 0xEA8; // CHandle + public const nint m_bDelayedHardPunchIncoming = 0xEAC; // bool + public const nint m_bDestroyAfterTaunt = 0xEAD; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CTriggerRemove { + public const nint m_OnRemove = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFilterName { + public const nint m_iFilterName = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CProjectedDecal { + public const nint m_nTexture = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flDistance = 0x4C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CFuncTrackChange + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFuncTrackAuto { + } + // Parent: CBreakable + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPushable { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTriggerTripWire { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CTriggerMultiple { + public const nint m_OnTrigger = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skeletonInstance (CSkeletonInstance) + public static class CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance { + public const nint m_skeletonInstance = 0x50; // CSkeletonInstance + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CTriggerPush { + public const nint m_angPushEntitySpace = 0x8E0; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecPushDirEntitySpace = 0x8EC; // Vector + public const nint m_bTriggerOnStartTouch = 0x8F8; // bool + public const nint m_bUsePathSimple = 0x8F9; // bool + public const nint m_iszPathSimpleName = 0x900; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_PathSimple = 0x908; // CPathSimple* + public const nint m_splinePushType = 0x910; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 3 + public static class FilterHealth { + public const nint m_bAdrenalineActive = 0x518; // bool + public const nint m_iHealthMin = 0x51C; // int32 + public const nint m_iHealthMax = 0x520; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_TeamSelectCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CTriggerProximity { + public const nint m_hMeasureTarget = 0x8E0; // CHandle + public const nint m_iszMeasureTarget = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_fRadius = 0x8F0; // float32 + public const nint m_nTouchers = 0x8F4; // int32 + public const nint m_NearestEntityDistance = 0x8F8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CFuncBrush + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EffectName (string_t) + public static class CFuncElectrifiedVolume { + public const nint m_EffectName = 0x730; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_EffectInterpenetrateName = 0x738; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_EffectZapName = 0x740; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszEffectSource = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CBaseDMStart { + public const nint m_Master = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CGameRulesProxy + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameRules (CCSGameRules*) + public static class CCSGameRulesProxy { + public const nint m_pGameRules = 0x4C0; // CCSGameRules* + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CTriggerBrush { + public const nint m_OnStartTouch = 0x710; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnEndTouch = 0x738; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnUse = 0x760; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iInputFilter = 0x788; // int32 + public const nint m_iDontMessageParent = 0x78C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBeam + // Fields count: 19 + public static class CEnvBeam { + public const nint m_active = 0x7B0; // int32 + public const nint m_spriteTexture = 0x7B8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_iszStartEntity = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszEndEntity = 0x7C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_life = 0x7D0; // float32 + public const nint m_boltWidth = 0x7D4; // float32 + public const nint m_noiseAmplitude = 0x7D8; // float32 + public const nint m_speed = 0x7DC; // int32 + public const nint m_restrike = 0x7E0; // float32 + public const nint m_iszSpriteName = 0x7E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_frameStart = 0x7F0; // int32 + public const nint m_vEndPointWorld = 0x7F4; // Vector + public const nint m_vEndPointRelative = 0x800; // Vector + public const nint m_radius = 0x80C; // float32 + public const nint m_TouchType = 0x810; // Touch_t + public const nint m_iFilterName = 0x818; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hFilter = 0x820; // CHandle + public const nint m_iszDecal = 0x828; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_OnTouchedByEntity = 0x830; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CTonemapTrigger { + public const nint m_tonemapControllerName = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hTonemapController = 0x8E8; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex (attrib_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRefundableCurrency (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSetBonus (bool) + public static class CEconItemAttribute { + public const nint m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex = 0x30; // uint16 + public const nint m_flValue = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flInitialValue = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_nRefundableCurrency = 0x3C; // int32 + public const nint m_bSetBonus = 0x40; // bool + } + // Parent: CWeaponBaseItem + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CItem_Healthshot { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFogTrigger { + public const nint m_fog = 0x8E0; // fogparams_t + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CLogicCollisionPair { + public const nint m_nameAttach1 = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nameAttach2 = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_supportMultipleEntitiesWithSameName = 0x4D0; // bool + public const nint m_disabled = 0x4D1; // bool + public const nint m_succeeded = 0x4D2; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_weapon_cs_base { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTriggerHostageReset { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CPointTeleport { + public const nint m_vSaveOrigin = 0x4C0; // Vector + public const nint m_vSaveAngles = 0x4CC; // QAngle + public const nint m_bTeleportParentedEntities = 0x4D8; // bool + public const nint m_bTeleportUseCurrentAngle = 0x4D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoInstructorHintBombTargetB { + } + // Parent: CBtNodeCondition + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CBtNodeConditionInactive { + public const nint m_flRoundStartThresholdSeconds = 0x78; // float32 + public const nint m_flSensorInactivityThresholdSeconds = 0x7C; // float32 + public const nint m_SensorInactivityTimer = 0x80; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponSawedoff { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFluidDensity (float) + public static class CTriggerBuoyancy { + public const nint m_BuoyancyHelper = 0x8E0; // CBuoyancyHelper + public const nint m_flFluidDensity = 0x900; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CMoverPathNode { + public const nint m_vInTangentLocal = 0x4C0; // Vector + public const nint m_vOutTangentLocal = 0x4CC; // Vector + public const nint m_szParentPathUniqueID = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_OnPassThrough = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_hMover = 0x508; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 12 + public static class CBtActionAim { + public const nint m_szSensorInputKey = 0x68; // CUtlString + public const nint m_szAimReadyKey = 0x80; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flZoomCooldownTimestamp = 0x88; // float32 + public const nint m_bDoneAiming = 0x8C; // bool + public const nint m_flLerpStartTime = 0x90; // float32 + public const nint m_flNextLookTargetLerpTime = 0x94; // float32 + public const nint m_flPenaltyReductionRatio = 0x98; // float32 + public const nint m_NextLookTarget = 0x9C; // QAngle + public const nint m_AimTimer = 0xA8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_SniperHoldTimer = 0xC0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_FocusIntervalTimer = 0xD8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_bAcquired = 0xF0; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_WingmanIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscape + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEnvSoundscapeTriggerable { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCsViewPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerFog (fogplayerparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hColorCorrectionCtrl (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTonemapController (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_audio (audioparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PostProcessingVolumes (CHandle) + public static class CPlayer_CameraServices { + public const nint m_vecCsViewPunchAngle = 0x40; // QAngle + public const nint m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick = 0x4C; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_PlayerFog = 0x58; // fogplayerparams_t + public const nint m_hColorCorrectionCtrl = 0x98; // CHandle + public const nint m_hViewEntity = 0x9C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTonemapController = 0xA0; // CHandle + public const nint m_audio = 0xA8; // audioparams_t + public const nint m_PostProcessingVolumes = 0x120; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_flOldPlayerZ = 0x138; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ = 0x13C; // float32 + public const nint m_hTriggerSoundscapeList = 0x158; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fog (fogparams_t) + public static class CFogController { + public const nint m_fog = 0x4C0; // fogparams_t + public const nint m_bUseAngles = 0x528; // bool + public const nint m_iChangedVariables = 0x52C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CBodyComponent { + public const nint m_pSceneNode = 0x8; // CGameSceneNode* + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x20; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDecoyShotTick (int) + public static class CDecoyProjectile { + public const nint m_nDecoyShotTick = 0xA98; // int32 + public const nint m_shotsRemaining = 0xA9C; // int32 + public const nint m_fExpireTime = 0xAA0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_decoyWeaponDefIndex = 0xAB0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEnableMotionFixup { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSObserver_MovementServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + public static class CountdownTimer { + public const nint m_duration = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_timestamp = 0xC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_timescale = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_nWorldGroupId = 0x14; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + public static class CGameSceneNodeHandle { + public const nint m_hOwner = 0x8; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_name = 0xC; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponMP9 { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CPhysicsEntitySolver { + public const nint m_hMovingEntity = 0x4C8; // CHandle + public const nint m_hPhysicsBlocker = 0x4CC; // CHandle + public const nint m_separationDuration = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_cancelTime = 0x4D4; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPingedEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUrgent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlaceName (char) + public static class CPlayerPing { + public const nint m_hPlayer = 0x4C8; // CHandle + public const nint m_hPingedEntity = 0x4CC; // CHandle + public const nint m_iType = 0x4D0; // int32 + public const nint m_bUrgent = 0x4D4; // bool + public const nint m_szPlaceName = 0x4D5; // char[18] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nTagTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModSmall (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModLarge (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio (float) + public static class PredictedDamageTag_t { + public const nint nTagTick = 0x30; // GameTick_t + public const nint flFlinchModSmall = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint flFlinchModLarge = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSPointScriptEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSServerPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: CGameSceneNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_modelState (CModelState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsAnimationEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseParentRenderBounds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_materialGroup (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitboxSet (uint8) + public static class CSkeletonInstance { + public const nint m_modelState = 0x170; // CModelState + public const nint m_bIsAnimationEnabled = 0x3A0; // bool + public const nint m_bUseParentRenderBounds = 0x3A1; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableSolidCollisionsForHierarchy = 0x3A2; // bool + public const nint m_bDirtyMotionType = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bIsGeneratingLatchedParentSpaceState = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_materialGroup = 0x3A4; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_nHitboxSet = 0x3A8; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoLandmark { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponMP7 { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponFiveSeven { + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animationController (CBaseAnimGraphController) + public static class CBodyComponentBaseAnimGraph { + public const nint m_animationController = 0x460; // CBaseAnimGraphController + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_sceneNode (CGameSceneNode) + public static class CBodyComponentPoint { + public const nint m_sceneNode = 0x50; // CGameSceneNode + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + public static class CEnvFireSensor { + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_bHeatAtLevel = 0x4C1; // bool + public const nint m_radius = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_targetLevel = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_targetTime = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_levelTime = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_OnHeatLevelStart = 0x4D8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnHeatLevelEnd = 0x500; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_WingmanIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CEnvWindShared__WindAveEvent_t { + public const nint m_flStartWindSpeed = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flAveWindSpeed = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CDynamicPropAlias_cable_dynamic { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CPointGamestatsCounter { + public const nint m_strStatisticName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 10 + public static class CEnvShake { + public const nint m_limitToEntity = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_Amplitude = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_Frequency = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_Duration = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_Radius = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_stopTime = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nextShake = 0x4DC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_currentAmp = 0x4E0; // float32 + public const nint m_maxForce = 0x4E4; // Vector + public const nint m_shakeCallback = 0x4F8; // CPhysicsShake + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPrecipitationBlocker { + } + // Parent: CPathKeyFrame + // Fields count: 11 + public static class CBaseMoveBehavior { + public const nint m_iPositionInterpolator = 0x520; // int32 + public const nint m_iRotationInterpolator = 0x524; // int32 + public const nint m_flAnimStartTime = 0x528; // float32 + public const nint m_flAnimEndTime = 0x52C; // float32 + public const nint m_flAverageSpeedAcrossFrame = 0x530; // float32 + public const nint m_pCurrentKeyFrame = 0x538; // CPathKeyFrame* + public const nint m_pTargetKeyFrame = 0x540; // CPathKeyFrame* + public const nint m_pPreKeyFrame = 0x548; // CPathKeyFrame* + public const nint m_pPostKeyFrame = 0x550; // CPathKeyFrame* + public const nint m_flTimeIntoFrame = 0x558; // float32 + public const nint m_iDirection = 0x55C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFuncNavObstruction { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x718; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CEnvTilt { + public const nint m_Duration = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_Radius = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_TiltTime = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_stopTime = 0x4CC; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHeldByPlayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPinPulled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJumpThrow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bThrowAnimating (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fThrowTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrengthApproach (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fDropTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fPinPullTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJustPulledPin (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextHoldTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextHoldFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow (CHandle) + public static class CBaseCSGrenade { + public const nint m_bRedraw = 0xE98; // bool + public const nint m_bIsHeldByPlayer = 0xE99; // bool + public const nint m_bPinPulled = 0xE9A; // bool + public const nint m_bJumpThrow = 0xE9B; // bool + public const nint m_bThrowAnimating = 0xE9C; // bool + public const nint m_fThrowTime = 0xEA0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flThrowStrength = 0xEA4; // float32 + public const nint m_flThrowStrengthApproach = 0xEA8; // float32 + public const nint m_fDropTime = 0xEAC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fPinPullTime = 0xEB0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bJustPulledPin = 0xEB4; // bool + public const nint m_nNextHoldTick = 0xEB8; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_flNextHoldFrac = 0xEBC; // float32 + public const nint m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow = 0xEC0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CItemGenericTriggerHelper { + public const nint m_hParentItem = 0x710; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CLogicBranchList { + public const nint m_nLogicBranchNames = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge[16] + public const nint m_LogicBranchList = 0x540; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_eLastState = 0x558; // CLogicBranchList::LogicBranchListenerLastState_t + public const nint m_OnAllTrue = 0x560; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnAllFalse = 0x588; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMixed = 0x5B0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCtrl (CHandle) + public static class fogplayerparams_t { + public const nint m_hCtrl = 0x8; // CHandle + public const nint m_flTransitionTime = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_OldColor = 0x10; // Color + public const nint m_flOldStart = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldEnd = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldMaxDensity = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldHDRColorScale = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldFarZ = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_NewColor = 0x28; // Color + public const nint m_flNewStart = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_flNewEnd = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_flNewMaxDensity = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flNewHDRColorScale = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flNewFarZ = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CItemDefuser + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CItemDefuserAlias_item_defuser { + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CRevertSaved { + public const nint m_loadTime = 0x710; // float32 + public const nint m_Duration = 0x714; // float32 + public const nint m_HoldTime = 0x718; // float32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 8 + public static class CMultiLightProxy { + public const nint m_iszLightNameFilter = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszLightClassFilter = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flLightRadiusFilter = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessDelta = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_bPerformScreenFade = 0x4D8; // bool + public const nint m_flTargetBrightnessMultiplier = 0x4DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flCurrentBrightnessMultiplier = 0x4E0; // float32 + public const nint m_vecLights = 0x4E8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOtherEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMagnitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurfaceProp (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinition) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDamageType (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPenetrate (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaterial (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBox (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColor (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentName (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectName (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplosionType (uint8) + public static class CEffectData { + public const nint m_vOrigin = 0x8; // Vector + public const nint m_vStart = 0x14; // Vector + public const nint m_vNormal = 0x20; // Vector + public const nint m_vAngles = 0x2C; // QAngle + public const nint m_hEntity = 0x38; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_hOtherEntity = 0x3C; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_flScale = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_flMagnitude = 0x44; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_nSurfaceProp = 0x4C; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_nEffectIndex = 0x50; // CWeakHandle + public const nint m_nDamageType = 0x58; // uint32 + public const nint m_nPenetrate = 0x5C; // uint8 + public const nint m_nMaterial = 0x5E; // uint16 + public const nint m_nHitBox = 0x60; // uint16 + public const nint m_nColor = 0x62; // uint8 + public const nint m_fFlags = 0x63; // uint8 + public const nint m_nAttachmentIndex = 0x64; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_nAttachmentName = 0x68; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_iEffectName = 0x6C; // uint16 + public const nint m_nExplosionType = 0x6E; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEntityBlocker { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CLogicCase { + public const nint m_nCase = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge[32] + public const nint m_nShuffleCases = 0x5C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nLastShuffleCase = 0x5C4; // int32 + public const nint m_uchShuffleCaseMap = 0x5C8; // uint8[32] + public const nint m_OnCase = 0x5E8; // CEntityIOOutput[32] + public const nint m_OnDefault = 0xAE8; // CEntityOutputTemplate> + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CItemDefuser { + public const nint m_entitySpottedState = 0x9C0; // EntitySpottedState_t + public const nint m_nSpotRules = 0x9D8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CRuleEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CRuleBrushEntity { + } + // Parent: CInferno + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFireCrackerBlast { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 13 + public static class CSoundEventEntity { + public const nint m_bStartOnSpawn = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_bToLocalPlayer = 0x4C1; // bool + public const nint m_bStopOnNew = 0x4C2; // bool + public const nint m_bSaveRestore = 0x4C3; // bool + public const nint m_bSavedIsPlaying = 0x4C4; // bool + public const nint m_flSavedElapsedTime = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_iszSourceEntityName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszAttachmentName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_onGUIDChanged = 0x4E0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_onSoundFinished = 0x508; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iszSoundName = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hSource = 0x568; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_nEntityIndexSelection = 0x56C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewModel (CHandle) + public static class CCSPlayer_ViewModelServices { + public const nint m_hViewModel = 0x40; // CHandle[3] + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_SequenceCompleteTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + public static class CWeaponBaseItem { + public const nint m_SequenceCompleteTimer = 0xE98; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_bRedraw = 0xEB0; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoParticleTarget { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 32 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIndirectStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisoTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScatterTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistanceTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableIndirect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIndirectUseLPVs (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogIndirectTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceRefreshCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNoiseScale (Vector) + public static class CEnvVolumetricFogController { + public const nint m_flScattering = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flAnisotropy = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeSpeed = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDrawDistance = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeInStart = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeInEnd = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flIndirectStrength = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_nIndirectTextureDimX = 0x4DC; // int32 + public const nint m_nIndirectTextureDimY = 0x4E0; // int32 + public const nint m_nIndirectTextureDimZ = 0x4E4; // int32 + public const nint m_vBoxMins = 0x4E8; // Vector + public const nint m_vBoxMaxs = 0x4F4; // Vector + public const nint m_bActive = 0x500; // bool + public const nint m_flStartAnisoTime = 0x504; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flStartScatterTime = 0x508; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flStartDrawDistanceTime = 0x50C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flStartAnisotropy = 0x510; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartScattering = 0x514; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartDrawDistance = 0x518; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultAnisotropy = 0x51C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultScattering = 0x520; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultDrawDistance = 0x524; // float32 + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x528; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableIndirect = 0x529; // bool + public const nint m_bIndirectUseLPVs = 0x52A; // bool + public const nint m_bIsMaster = 0x52B; // bool + public const nint m_hFogIndirectTexture = 0x530; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nForceRefreshCount = 0x538; // int32 + public const nint m_fNoiseSpeed = 0x53C; // float32 + public const nint m_fNoiseStrength = 0x540; // float32 + public const nint m_vNoiseScale = 0x544; // Vector + public const nint m_bFirstTime = 0x550; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallVelocity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInCrouch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCrouchState (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInDuckJump (bool) + public static class CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid { + public const nint m_flStepSoundTime = 0x1D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFallVelocity = 0x1DC; // float32 + public const nint m_bInCrouch = 0x1E0; // bool + public const nint m_nCrouchState = 0x1E4; // uint32 + public const nint m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime = 0x1E8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bDucked = 0x1EC; // bool + public const nint m_bDucking = 0x1ED; // bool + public const nint m_bInDuckJump = 0x1EE; // bool + public const nint m_groundNormal = 0x1F0; // Vector + public const nint m_flSurfaceFriction = 0x1FC; // float32 + public const nint m_surfaceProps = 0x200; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_nStepside = 0x210; // int32 + public const nint m_iTargetVolume = 0x214; // int32 + public const nint m_vecSmoothedVelocity = 0x218; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CPhysicsPropRespawnable { + public const nint m_vOriginalSpawnOrigin = 0xBE8; // Vector + public const nint m_vOriginalSpawnAngles = 0xBF4; // QAngle + public const nint m_vOriginalMins = 0xC00; // Vector + public const nint m_vOriginalMaxs = 0xC0C; // Vector + public const nint m_flRespawnDuration = 0xC18; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscapeProxy + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEnvSoundscapeProxyAlias_snd_soundscape_proxy { + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CPhysBallSocket { + public const nint m_flJointFriction = 0x538; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableSwingLimit = 0x53C; // bool + public const nint m_flSwingLimit = 0x540; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableTwistLimit = 0x544; // bool + public const nint m_flMinTwistAngle = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxTwistAngle = 0x54C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusTimeLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sDMBonusWeapon (CUtlString) + public static class CCSGameModeRules_Deathmatch { + public const nint m_flDMBonusStartTime = 0x30; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDMBonusTimeLength = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_sDMBonusWeapon = 0x38; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CItemAssaultSuit + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CItemHeavyAssaultSuit { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CInfoPlayerStart { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 8 + public static class CSoundOpvarSetOBBWindEntity { + public const nint m_vMins = 0x558; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxs = 0x564; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceMins = 0x570; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceMaxs = 0x57C; // Vector + public const nint m_flWindMin = 0x588; // float32 + public const nint m_flWindMax = 0x58C; // float32 + public const nint m_flWindMapMin = 0x590; // float32 + public const nint m_flWindMapMax = 0x594; // float32 + } + // Parent: CRagdollProp + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_boneIndexAttached (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointBoneSpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace (Vector) + public static class CRagdollPropAttached { + public const nint m_boneIndexAttached = 0xA88; // uint32 + public const nint m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex = 0xA8C; // uint32 + public const nint m_attachmentPointBoneSpace = 0xA90; // Vector + public const nint m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace = 0xA9C; // Vector + public const nint m_bShouldDetach = 0xAA8; // bool + public const nint m_bShouldDeleteAttachedActivationRecord = 0xAB8; // bool + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwningPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_KillingPlayer (CHandle) + public static class CItemDogtags { + public const nint m_OwningPlayer = 0x9C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_KillingPlayer = 0x9C4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 32 + public static class CItemGeneric { + public const nint m_bHasTriggerRadius = 0x9C8; // bool + public const nint m_bHasPickupRadius = 0x9C9; // bool + public const nint m_flPickupRadiusSqr = 0x9CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flTriggerRadiusSqr = 0x9D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastPickupCheck = 0x9D4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bPlayerCounterListenerAdded = 0x9D8; // bool + public const nint m_bPlayerInTriggerRadius = 0x9D9; // bool + public const nint m_hSpawnParticleEffect = 0x9E0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pAmbientSoundEffect = 0x9E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bAutoStartAmbientSound = 0x9F0; // bool + public const nint m_pSpawnScriptFunction = 0x9F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hPickupParticleEffect = 0xA00; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pPickupSoundEffect = 0xA08; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_pPickupScriptFunction = 0xA10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hTimeoutParticleEffect = 0xA18; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_pTimeoutSoundEffect = 0xA20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_pTimeoutScriptFunction = 0xA28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_pPickupFilterName = 0xA30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hPickupFilter = 0xA38; // CHandle + public const nint m_OnPickup = 0xA40; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnTimeout = 0xA68; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnTriggerStartTouch = 0xA90; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnTriggerTouch = 0xAB8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnTriggerEndTouch = 0xAE0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_pAllowPickupScriptFunction = 0xB08; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flPickupRadius = 0xB10; // float32 + public const nint m_flTriggerRadius = 0xB14; // float32 + public const nint m_pTriggerSoundEffect = 0xB18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bGlowWhenInTrigger = 0xB20; // bool + public const nint m_glowColor = 0xB21; // Color + public const nint m_bUseable = 0xB25; // bool + public const nint m_hTriggerHelper = 0xB28; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CLightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CLightSpotEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WaterServices + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CCSPlayer_WaterServices { + public const nint m_NextDrownDamageTime = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_nDrownDmgRate = 0x44; // int32 + public const nint m_AirFinishedTime = 0x48; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flWaterJumpTime = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint m_vecWaterJumpVel = 0x50; // Vector + public const nint m_flSwimSoundTime = 0x5C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CSkyboxReference { + public const nint m_worldGroupId = 0x4C0; // WorldGroupId_t + public const nint m_hSkyCamera = 0x4C4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBasePropDoor + // Fields count: 17 + public static class CPropDoorRotating { + public const nint m_vecAxis = 0xE10; // Vector + public const nint m_flDistance = 0xE1C; // float32 + public const nint m_eSpawnPosition = 0xE20; // PropDoorRotatingSpawnPos_t + public const nint m_eOpenDirection = 0xE24; // PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e + public const nint m_eCurrentOpenDirection = 0xE28; // PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e + public const nint m_flAjarAngle = 0xE2C; // float32 + public const nint m_angRotationAjarDeprecated = 0xE30; // QAngle + public const nint m_angRotationClosed = 0xE3C; // QAngle + public const nint m_angRotationOpenForward = 0xE48; // QAngle + public const nint m_angRotationOpenBack = 0xE54; // QAngle + public const nint m_angGoal = 0xE60; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecForwardBoundsMin = 0xE6C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecForwardBoundsMax = 0xE78; // Vector + public const nint m_vecBackBoundsMin = 0xE84; // Vector + public const nint m_vecBackBoundsMax = 0xE90; // Vector + public const nint m_bAjarDoorShouldntAlwaysOpen = 0xE9C; // bool + public const nint m_hEntityBlocker = 0xEA0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeFlags (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Slack (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Width (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TextureScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSegments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Subdiv (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nChangeCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeLength (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLockedPoints (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScrollSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hStartPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEndPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEndAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + public static class CRopeKeyframe { + public const nint m_RopeFlags = 0x718; // uint16 + public const nint m_iNextLinkName = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_Slack = 0x728; // int16 + public const nint m_Width = 0x72C; // float32 + public const nint m_TextureScale = 0x730; // float32 + public const nint m_nSegments = 0x734; // uint8 + public const nint m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints = 0x735; // bool + public const nint m_strRopeMaterialModel = 0x738; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex = 0x740; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Subdiv = 0x748; // uint8 + public const nint m_nChangeCount = 0x749; // uint8 + public const nint m_RopeLength = 0x74A; // int16 + public const nint m_fLockedPoints = 0x74C; // uint8 + public const nint m_bCreatedFromMapFile = 0x74D; // bool + public const nint m_flScrollSpeed = 0x750; // float32 + public const nint m_bStartPointValid = 0x754; // bool + public const nint m_bEndPointValid = 0x755; // bool + public const nint m_hStartPoint = 0x758; // CHandle + public const nint m_hEndPoint = 0x75C; // CHandle + public const nint m_iStartAttachment = 0x760; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_iEndAttachment = 0x761; // AttachmentHandle_t + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 52 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColorMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTemperature (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLuminaireShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleString (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_QueuedLightStyleStrings (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleEvents (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleTargets (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShape (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirt (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirtNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSizeParams (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vShear (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowMapSize (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bContactShadow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounceLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBounceScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAlternateColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAlternateColorBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFog (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + public static class CBarnLight { + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x710; // bool + public const nint m_nColorMode = 0x714; // int32 + public const nint m_Color = 0x718; // Color + public const nint m_flColorTemperature = 0x71C; // float32 + public const nint m_flBrightness = 0x720; // float32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessScale = 0x724; // float32 + public const nint m_nDirectLight = 0x728; // int32 + public const nint m_nBakedShadowIndex = 0x72C; // int32 + public const nint m_nLuminaireShape = 0x730; // int32 + public const nint m_flLuminaireSize = 0x734; // float32 + public const nint m_flLuminaireAnisotropy = 0x738; // float32 + public const nint m_LightStyleString = 0x740; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flLightStyleStartTime = 0x748; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_QueuedLightStyleStrings = 0x750; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_LightStyleEvents = 0x768; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_LightStyleTargets = 0x780; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_StyleEvent = 0x798; // CEntityIOOutput[4] + public const nint m_hLightCookie = 0x858; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flShape = 0x860; // float32 + public const nint m_flSoftX = 0x864; // float32 + public const nint m_flSoftY = 0x868; // float32 + public const nint m_flSkirt = 0x86C; // float32 + public const nint m_flSkirtNear = 0x870; // float32 + public const nint m_vSizeParams = 0x874; // Vector + public const nint m_flRange = 0x880; // float32 + public const nint m_vShear = 0x884; // Vector + public const nint m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps = 0x890; // int32 + public const nint m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize = 0x894; // Vector + public const nint m_nCastShadows = 0x8A0; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowMapSize = 0x8A4; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowPriority = 0x8A8; // int32 + public const nint m_bContactShadow = 0x8AC; // bool + public const nint m_nBounceLight = 0x8B0; // int32 + public const nint m_flBounceScale = 0x8B4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinRoughness = 0x8B8; // float32 + public const nint m_vAlternateColor = 0x8BC; // Vector + public const nint m_fAlternateColorBrightness = 0x8C8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFog = 0x8CC; // int32 + public const nint m_flFogStrength = 0x8D0; // float32 + public const nint m_nFogShadows = 0x8D4; // int32 + public const nint m_flFogScale = 0x8D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeSizeStart = 0x8DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeSizeEnd = 0x8E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowFadeSizeStart = 0x8E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd = 0x8E8; // float32 + public const nint m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid = 0x8EC; // bool + public const nint m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins = 0x8F0; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs = 0x8FC; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin = 0x908; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles = 0x914; // QAngle + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent = 0x920; // Vector + public const nint m_bPvsModifyEntity = 0x92C; // bool + } + // Parent: SpawnPoint + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoDeathmatchSpawn { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CEnvViewPunch { + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_angViewPunch = 0x4C4; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CDEagle { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CPathCorner { + public const nint m_flWait = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_OnPass = 0x4C8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unMusicID (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rank (MedalRank_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots (ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t) + public static class CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices { + public const nint m_unMusicID = 0x40; // uint16 + public const nint m_rank = 0x44; // MedalRank_t[6] + public const nint m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel = 0x5C; // int32 + public const nint m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher = 0x64; // int32 + public const nint m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly = 0x68; // int32 + public const nint m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel = 0x6C; // int32 + public const nint m_unEquippedPlayerSprayIDs = 0xF48; // uint32[1] + public const nint m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots = 0xF50; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CAttributeManager + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_Item (CEconItemView) + public static class CAttributeContainer { + public const nint m_Item = 0x50; // CEconItemView + } + // Parent: CHostage + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CHostageAlias_info_hostage_spawn { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CMultiSource { + public const nint m_rgEntities = 0x4C0; // CHandle[32] + public const nint m_rgTriggered = 0x540; // int32[32] + public const nint m_OnTrigger = 0x5C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iTotal = 0x5E8; // int32 + public const nint m_globalstate = 0x5F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CLogicNavigation { + public const nint m_isOn = 0x4C8; // bool + public const nint m_navProperty = 0x4CC; // navproperties_t + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + public static class CEnvEntityMaker { + public const nint m_vecEntityMins = 0x4C0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecEntityMaxs = 0x4CC; // Vector + public const nint m_hCurrentInstance = 0x4D8; // CHandle + public const nint m_hCurrentBlocker = 0x4DC; // CHandle + public const nint m_vecBlockerOrigin = 0x4E0; // Vector + public const nint m_angPostSpawnDirection = 0x4EC; // QAngle + public const nint m_flPostSpawnDirectionVariance = 0x4F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flPostSpawnSpeed = 0x4FC; // float32 + public const nint m_bPostSpawnUseAngles = 0x500; // bool + public const nint m_iszTemplate = 0x508; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_pOutputOnSpawned = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_pOutputOnFailedSpawn = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CLogicEventListener { + public const nint m_strEventName = 0x4D0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bIsEnabled = 0x4D8; // bool + public const nint m_nTeam = 0x4DC; // int32 + public const nint m_OnEventFired = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CFilterMultiple { + public const nint m_nFilterType = 0x518; // filter_t + public const nint m_iFilterName = 0x520; // CUtlSymbolLarge[10] + public const nint m_hFilter = 0x570; // CHandle[10] + public const nint m_nFilterCount = 0x598; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_UseServices { + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + // MPulseDomainOptInGameBlackboard + // MPulseDomainOptInValueType + public static class CPulseGraphInstance_ServerEntity { + public const nint m_pComponent = 0x100; // CPulseGraphComponentBase* + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CScriptComponent { + public const nint m_scriptClassName = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CPhysicsWire { + public const nint m_nDensity = 0x4C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPropDoorRotating + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CPropDoorRotatingBreakable { + public const nint m_bBreakable = 0xEA8; // bool + public const nint m_isAbleToCloseAreaPortals = 0xEA9; // bool + public const nint m_currentDamageState = 0xEAC; // int32 + public const nint m_damageStates = 0xEB0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_player_controller { + } + // Parent: CBaseFire + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameModelIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex (int32) + public static class CFireSmoke { + public const nint m_nFlameModelIndex = 0x4D0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex = 0x4D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBumpMine { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHorizontalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVerticalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMinDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOuterMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + public static class CLightGlow { + public const nint m_nHorizontalSize = 0x710; // uint32 + public const nint m_nVerticalSize = 0x714; // uint32 + public const nint m_nMinDist = 0x718; // uint32 + public const nint m_nMaxDist = 0x71C; // uint32 + public const nint m_nOuterMaxDist = 0x720; // uint32 + public const nint m_flGlowProxySize = 0x724; // float32 + public const nint m_flHDRColorScale = 0x728; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDeaths (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAssists (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEquipmentValue (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMoneySaved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKillReward (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLiveTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHeadShotKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObjective (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashEarned (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iUtilityDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemiesFlashed (int) + public static class CSPerRoundStats_t { + public const nint m_iKills = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_iDeaths = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_iAssists = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_iDamage = 0x3C; // int32 + public const nint m_iEquipmentValue = 0x40; // int32 + public const nint m_iMoneySaved = 0x44; // int32 + public const nint m_iKillReward = 0x48; // int32 + public const nint m_iLiveTime = 0x4C; // int32 + public const nint m_iHeadShotKills = 0x50; // int32 + public const nint m_iObjective = 0x54; // int32 + public const nint m_iCashEarned = 0x58; // int32 + public const nint m_iUtilityDamage = 0x5C; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemiesFlashed = 0x60; // int32 + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 37 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_eDoorState (DoorState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLocked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaster (CHandle) + public static class CBasePropDoor { + public const nint m_flAutoReturnDelay = 0xB90; // float32 + public const nint m_hDoorList = 0xB98; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_nHardwareType = 0xBB0; // int32 + public const nint m_bNeedsHardware = 0xBB4; // bool + public const nint m_eDoorState = 0xBB8; // DoorState_t + public const nint m_bLocked = 0xBBC; // bool + public const nint m_closedPosition = 0xBC0; // Vector + public const nint m_closedAngles = 0xBCC; // QAngle + public const nint m_hBlocker = 0xBD8; // CHandle + public const nint m_bFirstBlocked = 0xBDC; // bool + public const nint m_ls = 0xBE0; // locksound_t + public const nint m_bForceClosed = 0xC00; // bool + public const nint m_vecLatchWorldPosition = 0xC04; // Vector + public const nint m_hActivator = 0xC10; // CHandle + public const nint m_SoundMoving = 0xC20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_SoundOpen = 0xC28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_SoundClose = 0xC30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_SoundLock = 0xC38; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_SoundUnlock = 0xC40; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_SoundLatch = 0xC48; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_SoundPound = 0xC50; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_SoundJiggle = 0xC58; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_SoundLockedAnim = 0xC60; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_numCloseAttempts = 0xC68; // int32 + public const nint m_nPhysicsMaterial = 0xC6C; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_SlaveName = 0xC70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hMaster = 0xC78; // CHandle + public const nint m_OnBlockedClosing = 0xC80; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnBlockedOpening = 0xCA8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnUnblockedClosing = 0xCD0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnUnblockedOpening = 0xCF8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFullyClosed = 0xD20; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFullyOpen = 0xD48; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnClose = 0xD70; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnOpen = 0xD98; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnLockedUse = 0xDC0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnAjarOpen = 0xDE8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount (int8) + public static class CRagdollManager { + public const nint m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount = 0x4C0; // int8 + public const nint m_iMaxRagdollCount = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_bSaveImportant = 0x4C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 12 + public static class CTriggerFan { + public const nint m_vFanOrigin = 0x8E0; // Vector + public const nint m_vFanEnd = 0x8EC; // Vector + public const nint m_vNoise = 0x8F8; // Vector + public const nint m_flForce = 0x904; // float32 + public const nint m_flRopeForceScale = 0x908; // float32 + public const nint m_flPlayerForce = 0x90C; // float32 + public const nint m_flRampTime = 0x910; // float32 + public const nint m_bFalloff = 0x914; // bool + public const nint m_bPushPlayer = 0x915; // bool + public const nint m_bRampDown = 0x916; // bool + public const nint m_bAddNoise = 0x917; // bool + public const nint m_RampTimer = 0x918; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CMolotovGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CIncendiaryGrenade { + } + // Parent: CPathCorner + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPathCornerCrash { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSendHandle (bool) + public static class CHandleTest { + public const nint m_Handle = 0x4C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_bSendHandle = 0x4C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + public static class CSoundOpvarSetEntity { + public const nint m_iszStackName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOperatorName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOpvarName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nOpvarType = 0x4E0; // int32 + public const nint m_nOpvarIndex = 0x4E4; // int32 + public const nint m_flOpvarValue = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_OpvarValueString = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bSetOnSpawn = 0x4F8; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nItemDefIndex (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCount (uint16) + public static class WeaponPurchaseCount_t { + public const nint m_nItemDefIndex = 0x30; // uint16 + public const nint m_nCount = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CNavSpaceInfo { + public const nint m_bCreateFlightSpace = 0x4C0; // bool + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CLogicAchievement { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_iszAchievementEventID = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_OnFired = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CPathSimple { + public const nint m_pathString = 0x510; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CBtActionParachutePositioning { + public const nint m_ActionTimer = 0x58; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CPlayer_CameraServices + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOV (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOVStart (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hZoomOwner (CHandle) + public static class CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { + public const nint m_iFOV = 0x170; // uint32 + public const nint m_iFOVStart = 0x174; // uint32 + public const nint m_flFOVTime = 0x178; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flFOVRate = 0x17C; // float32 + public const nint m_hZoomOwner = 0x180; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTriggerFogList = 0x188; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_hLastFogTrigger = 0x1A0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTouchExpansionComponent { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 8 + public static class CItem { + public const nint m_OnPlayerTouch = 0x8F0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnPlayerPickup = 0x918; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bActivateWhenAtRest = 0x940; // bool + public const nint m_OnCacheInteraction = 0x948; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnGlovePulled = 0x970; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_vOriginalSpawnOrigin = 0x998; // Vector + public const nint m_vOriginalSpawnAngles = 0x9A4; // QAngle + public const nint m_bPhysStartAsleep = 0x9B0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DialogXMLName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelClassName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelID (string_t) + public static class CBaseClientUIEntity { + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x710; // bool + public const nint m_DialogXMLName = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_PanelClassName = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_PanelID = 0x728; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_CustomOutput0 = 0x730; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_CustomOutput1 = 0x758; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_CustomOutput2 = 0x780; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_CustomOutput3 = 0x7A8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_CustomOutput4 = 0x7D0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_CustomOutput5 = 0x7F8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_CustomOutput6 = 0x820; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_CustomOutput7 = 0x848; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_CustomOutput8 = 0x870; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_CustomOutput9 = 0x898; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hDecalMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderOrder (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnCharacters (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWater (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthSortBias (float) + public static class CEnvDecal { + public const nint m_hDecalMaterial = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flWidth = 0x718; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeight = 0x71C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDepth = 0x720; // float32 + public const nint m_nRenderOrder = 0x724; // uint32 + public const nint m_bProjectOnWorld = 0x728; // bool + public const nint m_bProjectOnCharacters = 0x729; // bool + public const nint m_bProjectOnWater = 0x72A; // bool + public const nint m_flDepthSortBias = 0x72C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_entity { + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 11 + public static class CLogicAuto { + public const nint m_OnMapSpawn = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnDemoMapSpawn = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnNewGame = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnLoadGame = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMapTransition = 0x560; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnBackgroundMap = 0x588; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMultiNewMap = 0x5B0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMultiNewRound = 0x5D8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnVREnabled = 0x600; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnVRNotEnabled = 0x628; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_globalstate = 0x650; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOpvarIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAutoCompare (bool) + public static class CSoundOpvarSetPointBase { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_hSource = 0x4C4; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_iszSourceEntityName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_vLastPosition = 0x528; // Vector + public const nint m_iszStackName = 0x538; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOperatorName = 0x540; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOpvarName = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iOpvarIndex = 0x550; // int32 + public const nint m_bUseAutoCompare = 0x554; // bool + } + // Parent: CLightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CLightDirectionalEntity { + } + // Parent: CLogicNPCCounterAABB + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CLogicNPCCounterOBB { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSObserver_UseServices { + } + // Parent: CFuncPlatRot + // Fields count: 9 + public static class CFuncTrackChange { + public const nint m_trackTop = 0x7D8; // CPathTrack* + public const nint m_trackBottom = 0x7E0; // CPathTrack* + public const nint m_train = 0x7E8; // CFuncTrackTrain* + public const nint m_trackTopName = 0x7F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_trackBottomName = 0x7F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_trainName = 0x800; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_code = 0x808; // TRAIN_CODE + public const nint m_targetState = 0x80C; // int32 + public const nint m_use = 0x810; // int32 + } + // Parent: CRuleBrushEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CGamePlayerZone { + public const nint m_OnPlayerInZone = 0x718; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnPlayerOutZone = 0x740; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_PlayersInCount = 0x768; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_PlayersOutCount = 0x790; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CRuleEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CRulePointEntity { + public const nint m_Score = 0x718; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CMessageEntity { + public const nint m_radius = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_messageText = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_drawText = 0x4D0; // bool + public const nint m_bDeveloperOnly = 0x4D1; // bool + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x4D2; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CSmokeGrenade { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimationParity (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimationStartTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + public static class CBaseViewModel { + public const nint m_vecLastFacing = 0x8F0; // Vector + public const nint m_nViewModelIndex = 0x8FC; // uint32 + public const nint m_nAnimationParity = 0x900; // uint32 + public const nint m_flAnimationStartTime = 0x904; // float32 + public const nint m_hWeapon = 0x908; // CHandle + public const nint m_sVMName = 0x910; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_sAnimationPrefix = 0x918; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hOldLayerSequence = 0x920; // HSequence + public const nint m_oldLayer = 0x924; // int32 + public const nint m_oldLayerStartTime = 0x928; // float32 + public const nint m_hControlPanel = 0x92C; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPing (CHandle) + public static class CCSPlayer_PingServices { + public const nint m_flPlayerPingTokens = 0x40; // GameTime_t[5] + public const nint m_hPlayerPing = 0x54; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_FlashlightServices { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CServerOnlyModelEntity { + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CBtActionCombatPositioning { + public const nint m_szSensorInputKey = 0x68; // CUtlString + public const nint m_szIsAttackingKey = 0x80; // CUtlString + public const nint m_ActionTimer = 0x88; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_bCrouching = 0xA0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlags (uint32) + public static class CBaseFire { + public const nint m_flScale = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartScale = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleTime = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x4CC; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponMAC10 { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponGlock { + } + // Parent: CBaseViewModel + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPredictedViewModel { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CTriggerActiveWeaponDetect { + public const nint m_OnTouchedActiveWeapon = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iszWeaponClassName = 0x908; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 18 + public static class CEnvMicrophone { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_hMeasureTarget = 0x4C4; // CHandle + public const nint m_nSoundType = 0x4C8; // SoundTypes_t + public const nint m_nSoundFlags = 0x4CA; // SoundFlags_t + public const nint m_flSensitivity = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flSmoothFactor = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxRange = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_iszSpeakerName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hSpeaker = 0x4E0; // CHandle + public const nint m_bAvoidFeedback = 0x4E4; // bool + public const nint m_iSpeakerDSPPreset = 0x4E8; // int32 + public const nint m_iszListenFilter = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hListenFilter = 0x4F8; // CHandle + public const nint m_SoundLevel = 0x500; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnRoutedSound = 0x528; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnHeardSound = 0x550; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_szLastSound = 0x578; // char[256] + public const nint m_iLastRoutedFrame = 0x678; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 11 + public static class CInfoSpawnGroupLoadUnload { + public const nint m_OnSpawnGroupLoadStarted = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnSpawnGroupLoadFinished = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnSpawnGroupUnloadStarted = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnSpawnGroupUnloadFinished = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iszSpawnGroupName = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSpawnGroupFilterName = 0x568; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszLandmarkName = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_sFixedSpawnGroupName = 0x578; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flTimeoutInterval = 0x580; // float32 + public const nint m_bStreamingStarted = 0x584; // bool + public const nint m_bUnloadingStarted = 0x585; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTickBase (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKnownTeamMismatch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iConnected (PlayerConnectedState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszPlayerName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_steamID (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredFOV (uint32) + public static class CBasePlayerController { + public const nint m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x4C8; // uint64 + public const nint m_nTickBase = 0x4D0; // uint32 + public const nint m_hPawn = 0x500; // CHandle + public const nint m_bKnownTeamMismatch = 0x504; // bool + public const nint m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x508; // CSplitScreenSlot + public const nint m_hSplitOwner = 0x50C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x510; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_bIsHLTV = 0x528; // bool + public const nint m_iConnected = 0x52C; // PlayerConnectedState + public const nint m_iszPlayerName = 0x530; // char[128] + public const nint m_szNetworkIDString = 0x5B0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_fLerpTime = 0x5B8; // float32 + public const nint m_bLagCompensation = 0x5BC; // bool + public const nint m_bPredict = 0x5BD; // bool + public const nint m_bAutoKickDisabled = 0x5BE; // bool + public const nint m_bIsLowViolence = 0x5BF; // bool + public const nint m_bGamePaused = 0x5C0; // bool + public const nint m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = 0x700; // ChatIgnoreType_t + public const nint m_flLastPlayerTalkTime = 0x704; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastEntitySteadyState = 0x708; // float32 + public const nint m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState = 0x70C; // int32 + public const nint m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts = 0x710; // bool + public const nint m_steamID = 0x720; // uint64 + public const nint m_iDesiredFOV = 0x728; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CPointTemplateAPI { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CKnife { + public const nint m_bFirstAttack = 0xE98; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 37 + public static class CFuncTrackTrain { + public const nint m_ppath = 0x710; // CHandle + public const nint m_length = 0x714; // float32 + public const nint m_vPosPrev = 0x718; // Vector + public const nint m_angPrev = 0x724; // QAngle + public const nint m_controlMins = 0x730; // Vector + public const nint m_controlMaxs = 0x73C; // Vector + public const nint m_lastBlockPos = 0x748; // Vector + public const nint m_lastBlockTick = 0x754; // int32 + public const nint m_flVolume = 0x758; // float32 + public const nint m_flBank = 0x75C; // float32 + public const nint m_oldSpeed = 0x760; // float32 + public const nint m_flBlockDamage = 0x764; // float32 + public const nint m_height = 0x768; // float32 + public const nint m_maxSpeed = 0x76C; // float32 + public const nint m_dir = 0x770; // float32 + public const nint m_iszSoundMove = 0x778; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSoundMovePing = 0x780; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSoundStart = 0x788; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSoundStop = 0x790; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_strPathTarget = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flMoveSoundMinDuration = 0x7A0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMoveSoundMaxDuration = 0x7A4; // float32 + public const nint m_flNextMoveSoundTime = 0x7A8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flMoveSoundMinPitch = 0x7AC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMoveSoundMaxPitch = 0x7B0; // float32 + public const nint m_eOrientationType = 0x7B4; // TrainOrientationType_t + public const nint m_eVelocityType = 0x7B8; // TrainVelocityType_t + public const nint m_OnStart = 0x7C8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnNext = 0x7F0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnArrivedAtDestinationNode = 0x818; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bManualSpeedChanges = 0x840; // bool + public const nint m_flDesiredSpeed = 0x844; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpeedChangeTime = 0x848; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flAccelSpeed = 0x84C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDecelSpeed = 0x850; // float32 + public const nint m_bAccelToSpeed = 0x854; // bool + public const nint m_flNextMPSoundTime = 0x858; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyModelEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CFogVolume { + public const nint m_fogName = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_postProcessName = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_colorCorrectionName = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x730; // bool + public const nint m_bInFogVolumesList = 0x731; // bool + } + // Parent: SpawnPoint + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoPlayerCounterterrorist { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 19 + public static class CFire { + public const nint m_hEffect = 0x710; // CHandle + public const nint m_hOwner = 0x714; // CHandle + public const nint m_nFireType = 0x718; // int32 + public const nint m_flFuel = 0x71C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDamageTime = 0x720; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_lastDamage = 0x724; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flFireSize = 0x728; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastNavUpdateTime = 0x72C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flHeatLevel = 0x730; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeatAbsorb = 0x734; // float32 + public const nint m_flDamageScale = 0x738; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxHeat = 0x73C; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastHeatLevel = 0x740; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttackTime = 0x744; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x748; // bool + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x749; // bool + public const nint m_bDidActivate = 0x74A; // bool + public const nint m_OnIgnited = 0x750; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnExtinguished = 0x778; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CSkeletonAnimationController + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animGraphNetworkedVars (CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqFixedCycle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimLoopMode (AnimLoopMode_t) + public static class CBaseAnimGraphController { + public const nint m_animGraphNetworkedVars = 0x18; // CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables + public const nint m_bSequenceFinished = 0x220; // bool + public const nint m_flSoundSyncTime = 0x224; // float32 + public const nint m_nActiveIKChainMask = 0x228; // uint32 + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x22C; // HSequence + public const nint m_flSeqStartTime = 0x230; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSeqFixedCycle = 0x234; // float32 + public const nint m_nAnimLoopMode = 0x238; // AnimLoopMode_t + public const nint m_flPlaybackRate = 0x23C; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + public const nint m_nNotifyState = 0x248; // SequenceFinishNotifyState_t + public const nint m_bNetworkedAnimationInputsChanged = 0x24A; // bool + public const nint m_bNetworkedSequenceChanged = 0x24B; // bool + public const nint m_bLastUpdateSkipped = 0x24C; // bool + public const nint m_flPrevAnimUpdateTime = 0x250; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponBizon { + } + // Parent: CBasePlatTrain + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFuncPlat { + public const nint m_sNoise = 0x7B8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 48 + public static class CGenericConstraint { + public const nint m_nLinearMotionX = 0x540; // JointMotion_t + public const nint m_nLinearMotionY = 0x544; // JointMotion_t + public const nint m_nLinearMotionZ = 0x548; // JointMotion_t + public const nint m_flLinearFrequencyX = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearFrequencyY = 0x550; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearFrequencyZ = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearDampingRatioX = 0x558; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearDampingRatioY = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearDampingRatioZ = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxLinearImpulseX = 0x564; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxLinearImpulseY = 0x568; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxLinearImpulseZ = 0x56C; // float32 + public const nint m_flBreakAfterTimeX = 0x570; // float32 + public const nint m_flBreakAfterTimeY = 0x574; // float32 + public const nint m_flBreakAfterTimeZ = 0x578; // float32 + public const nint m_flBreakAfterTimeStartTimeX = 0x57C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flBreakAfterTimeStartTimeY = 0x580; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flBreakAfterTimeStartTimeZ = 0x584; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flBreakAfterTimeThresholdX = 0x588; // float32 + public const nint m_flBreakAfterTimeThresholdY = 0x58C; // float32 + public const nint m_flBreakAfterTimeThresholdZ = 0x590; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotifyForceX = 0x594; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotifyForceY = 0x598; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotifyForceZ = 0x59C; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotifyForceMinTimeX = 0x5A0; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotifyForceMinTimeY = 0x5A4; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotifyForceMinTimeZ = 0x5A8; // float32 + public const nint m_flNotifyForceLastTimeX = 0x5AC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flNotifyForceLastTimeY = 0x5B0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flNotifyForceLastTimeZ = 0x5B4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bAxisNotifiedX = 0x5B8; // bool + public const nint m_bAxisNotifiedY = 0x5B9; // bool + public const nint m_bAxisNotifiedZ = 0x5BA; // bool + public const nint m_nAngularMotionX = 0x5BC; // JointMotion_t + public const nint m_nAngularMotionY = 0x5C0; // JointMotion_t + public const nint m_nAngularMotionZ = 0x5C4; // JointMotion_t + public const nint m_flAngularFrequencyX = 0x5C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularFrequencyY = 0x5CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularFrequencyZ = 0x5D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularDampingRatioX = 0x5D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularDampingRatioY = 0x5D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularDampingRatioZ = 0x5DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxAngularImpulseX = 0x5E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxAngularImpulseY = 0x5E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxAngularImpulseZ = 0x5E8; // float32 + public const nint m_NotifyForceReachedX = 0x5F0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_NotifyForceReachedY = 0x618; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_NotifyForceReachedZ = 0x640; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CDecoyGrenade { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponG3SG1 { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceBone (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pRagdollPose (PhysicsRagdollPose_t*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollClientSide (bool) + public static class CBaseAnimGraph { + public const nint m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory = 0x788; // bool + public const nint m_pChoreoServices = 0x790; // IChoreoServices* + public const nint m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled = 0x798; // bool + public const nint m_flMaxSlopeDistance = 0x79C; // float32 + public const nint m_vLastSlopeCheckPos = 0x7A0; // Vector + public const nint m_bAnimationUpdateScheduled = 0x7AC; // bool + public const nint m_vecForce = 0x7B0; // Vector + public const nint m_nForceBone = 0x7BC; // int32 + public const nint m_pRagdollPose = 0x7D0; // PhysicsRagdollPose_t* + public const nint m_bRagdollClientSide = 0x7D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPhysForce + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CPhysTorque { + public const nint m_axis = 0x520; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBreachChargeProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 27 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRagdollSource (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBlendWeight (float32) + public static class CRagdollProp { + public const nint m_ragdoll = 0x8F0; // ragdoll_t + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x928; // bool + public const nint m_ragPos = 0x930; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_ragAngles = 0x948; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_hRagdollSource = 0x960; // CHandle + public const nint m_lastUpdateTickCount = 0x964; // uint32 + public const nint m_allAsleep = 0x968; // bool + public const nint m_bFirstCollisionAfterLaunch = 0x969; // bool + public const nint m_hDamageEntity = 0x96C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hKiller = 0x970; // CHandle + public const nint m_hPhysicsAttacker = 0x974; // CHandle + public const nint m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime = 0x978; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flFadeOutStartTime = 0x97C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flFadeTime = 0x980; // float32 + public const nint m_vecLastOrigin = 0x984; // Vector + public const nint m_flAwakeTime = 0x990; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flLastOriginChangeTime = 0x994; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_strOriginClassName = 0x998; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_strSourceClassName = 0x9A0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bHasBeenPhysgunned = 0x9A8; // bool + public const nint m_bShouldTeleportPhysics = 0x9A9; // bool + public const nint m_flBlendWeight = 0x9AC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultFadeScale = 0x9B0; // float32 + public const nint m_ragdollMins = 0x9B8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ragdollMaxs = 0x9D0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bShouldDeleteActivationRecord = 0x9E8; // bool + public const nint m_bValidatePoweredRagdollPose = 0xA48; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CItemSoda { + } + // Parent: CEnvCubemap + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEnvCubemapBox { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CBasePlayerControllerAPI { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_CCSWeaponBaseVData { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeStartDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeEndDist (float32) + public static class CEnvDetailController { + public const nint m_flFadeStartDist = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeEndDist = 0x4C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CTriggerOnce + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTestOcclusion (bool) + public static class CTriggerLook { + public const nint m_hLookTarget = 0x908; // CHandle + public const nint m_flFieldOfView = 0x90C; // float32 + public const nint m_flLookTime = 0x910; // float32 + public const nint m_flLookTimeTotal = 0x914; // float32 + public const nint m_flLookTimeLast = 0x918; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flTimeoutDuration = 0x91C; // float32 + public const nint m_bTimeoutFired = 0x920; // bool + public const nint m_bIsLooking = 0x921; // bool + public const nint m_b2DFOV = 0x922; // bool + public const nint m_bUseVelocity = 0x923; // bool + public const nint m_bTestOcclusion = 0x924; // bool + public const nint m_OnTimeout = 0x928; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnStartLook = 0x950; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnEndLook = 0x978; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoTeleportDestination { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 11 + public static class CMathRemap { + public const nint m_flInMin = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInMax = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOut1 = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOut2 = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOldInValue = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x4D4; // bool + public const nint m_OutValue = 0x4D8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnRoseAboveMin = 0x500; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnRoseAboveMax = 0x528; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFellBelowMin = 0x550; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFellBelowMax = 0x578; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CInstructorEventEntity { + public const nint m_iszName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszHintTargetEntity = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hTargetPlayer = 0x4D0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGradientFogTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogVerticalExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + public static class CGradientFog { + public const nint m_hGradientFogTexture = 0x4C0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flFogStartDistance = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogEndDistance = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_bHeightFogEnabled = 0x4D0; // bool + public const nint m_flFogStartHeight = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogEndHeight = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFarZ = 0x4DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMaxOpacity = 0x4E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogFalloffExponent = 0x4E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogVerticalExponent = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_fogColor = 0x4EC; // Color + public const nint m_flFogStrength = 0x4F0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeTime = 0x4F4; // float32 + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x4F8; // bool + public const nint m_bIsEnabled = 0x4F9; // bool + public const nint m_bGradientFogNeedsTextures = 0x4FA; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_source (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_destination (string_t) + public static class CFootstepControl { + public const nint m_source = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_destination = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CTriggerVolume { + public const nint m_iFilterName = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hFilter = 0x718; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoInstructorHintHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscape + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEnvSoundscapeAlias_snd_soundscape { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CFishPool { + public const nint m_fishCount = 0x4D0; // int32 + public const nint m_maxRange = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_swimDepth = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_waterLevel = 0x4DC; // float32 + public const nint m_isDormant = 0x4E0; // bool + public const nint m_fishes = 0x4E8; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_visTimer = 0x500; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPointClientCommand { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFuncVPhysicsClip { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x710; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CCSPlayer_RadioServices { + public const nint m_flGotHostageTalkTimer = 0x40; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDefusingTalkTimer = 0x44; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flC4PlantTalkTimer = 0x48; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flRadioTokenSlots = 0x4C; // GameTime_t[3] + public const nint m_bIgnoreRadio = 0x58; // bool + } + // Parent: CSceneEntity + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CInstancedSceneEntity { + public const nint m_hOwner = 0xA20; // CHandle + public const nint m_bHadOwner = 0xA24; // bool + public const nint m_flPostSpeakDelay = 0xA28; // float32 + public const nint m_flPreDelay = 0xA2C; // float32 + public const nint m_bIsBackground = 0xA30; // bool + public const nint m_bRemoveOnCompletion = 0xA31; // bool + public const nint m_hTarget = 0xA34; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CEnvHudHint { + public const nint m_iszMessage = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 22 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_szSnapshotFileName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFreezeTransitionDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStopType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPreSimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vServerControlPoints (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iServerControlPointAssignments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPointEnts (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSave (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoFreeze (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoRamp (bool) + public static class CParticleSystem { + public const nint m_szSnapshotFileName = 0x710; // char[512] + public const nint m_bActive = 0x910; // bool + public const nint m_bFrozen = 0x911; // bool + public const nint m_flFreezeTransitionDuration = 0x914; // float32 + public const nint m_nStopType = 0x918; // int32 + public const nint m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause = 0x91C; // bool + public const nint m_iEffectIndex = 0x920; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x928; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flPreSimTime = 0x92C; // float32 + public const nint m_vServerControlPoints = 0x930; // Vector[4] + public const nint m_iServerControlPointAssignments = 0x960; // uint8[4] + public const nint m_hControlPointEnts = 0x964; // CHandle[64] + public const nint m_bNoSave = 0xA64; // bool + public const nint m_bNoFreeze = 0xA65; // bool + public const nint m_bNoRamp = 0xA66; // bool + public const nint m_bStartActive = 0xA67; // bool + public const nint m_iszEffectName = 0xA68; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszControlPointNames = 0xA70; // CUtlSymbolLarge[64] + public const nint m_nDataCP = 0xC70; // int32 + public const nint m_vecDataCPValue = 0xC74; // Vector + public const nint m_nTintCP = 0xC80; // int32 + public const nint m_clrTint = 0xC84; // Color + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBasePlayerWeaponVData { + public const nint m_szWorldModel = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_bBuiltRightHanded = 0x108; // bool + public const nint m_bAllowFlipping = 0x109; // bool + public const nint m_sMuzzleAttachment = 0x110; // CUtlString + public const nint m_szMuzzleFlashParticle = 0x118; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_iFlags = 0x1F8; // ItemFlagTypes_t + public const nint m_nPrimaryAmmoType = 0x1F9; // AmmoIndex_t + public const nint m_nSecondaryAmmoType = 0x1FA; // AmmoIndex_t + public const nint m_iMaxClip1 = 0x1FC; // int32 + public const nint m_iMaxClip2 = 0x200; // int32 + public const nint m_iDefaultClip1 = 0x204; // int32 + public const nint m_iDefaultClip2 = 0x208; // int32 + public const nint m_iWeight = 0x20C; // int32 + public const nint m_bAutoSwitchTo = 0x210; // bool + public const nint m_bAutoSwitchFrom = 0x211; // bool + public const nint m_iRumbleEffect = 0x214; // RumbleEffect_t + public const nint m_bLinkedCooldowns = 0x218; // bool + public const nint m_aShootSounds = 0x220; // CUtlOrderedMap + public const nint m_iSlot = 0x248; // int32 + public const nint m_iPosition = 0x24C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + public static class CCSObserverPawn { + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CScriptItem { + public const nint m_MoveTypeOverride = 0x9C0; // MoveType_t + } + // Parent: IntervalTimer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValues (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nValueCounts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBucketCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInterval (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFinalValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCompressionType (TimelineCompression_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStopped (bool) + public static class CTimeline { + public const nint m_flValues = 0x10; // float32[64] + public const nint m_nValueCounts = 0x110; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nBucketCount = 0x210; // int32 + public const nint m_flInterval = 0x214; // float32 + public const nint m_flFinalValue = 0x218; // float32 + public const nint m_nCompressionType = 0x21C; // TimelineCompression_t + public const nint m_bStopped = 0x220; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponSG556 { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 10 + public static class CAmbientGeneric { + public const nint m_radius = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxRadius = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_iSoundLevel = 0x4C8; // soundlevel_t + public const nint m_dpv = 0x4CC; // dynpitchvol_t + public const nint m_fActive = 0x530; // bool + public const nint m_fLooping = 0x531; // bool + public const nint m_iszSound = 0x538; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_sSourceEntName = 0x540; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hSoundSource = 0x548; // CHandle + public const nint m_nSoundSourceEntIndex = 0x54C; // CEntityIndex + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Flags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyle (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Exponent (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_InnerAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OuterAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotRadius (float32) + public static class CDynamicLight { + public const nint m_ActualFlags = 0x710; // uint8 + public const nint m_Flags = 0x711; // uint8 + public const nint m_LightStyle = 0x712; // uint8 + public const nint m_On = 0x713; // bool + public const nint m_Radius = 0x714; // float32 + public const nint m_Exponent = 0x718; // int32 + public const nint m_InnerAngle = 0x71C; // float32 + public const nint m_OuterAngle = 0x720; // float32 + public const nint m_SpotRadius = 0x724; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponP90 { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTriggerToggleSave { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPrecipitation { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPointServerCommand { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iReapplyProvisionParity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOuter (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ProviderType (attributeprovidertypes_t) + public static class CAttributeManager { + public const nint m_Providers = 0x8; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_iReapplyProvisionParity = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_hOuter = 0x24; // CHandle + public const nint m_bPreventLoopback = 0x28; // bool + public const nint m_ProviderType = 0x2C; // attributeprovidertypes_t + public const nint m_CachedResults = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CLogicalEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeedOffset (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastTeleportTime (float) + public static class CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables { + public const nint m_PredNetBoolVariables = 0x8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetByteVariables = 0x20; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetUInt16Variables = 0x38; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetIntVariables = 0x50; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetUInt32Variables = 0x68; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetUInt64Variables = 0x80; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetFloatVariables = 0x98; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetVectorVariables = 0xB0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetQuaternionVariables = 0xC8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables = 0xE0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables = 0xF8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables = 0x110; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables = 0x128; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables = 0x140; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables = 0x158; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables = 0x170; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables = 0x188; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables = 0x1A0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables = 0x1B8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables = 0x1D0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_nBoolVariablesCount = 0x1E8; // int32 + public const nint m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount = 0x1EC; // int32 + public const nint m_nRandomSeedOffset = 0x1F0; // int32 + public const nint m_flLastTeleportTime = 0x1F4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBreakableProp + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAwake (bool) + public static class CPhysicsProp { + public const nint m_MotionEnabled = 0xA88; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnAwakened = 0xAB0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnAwake = 0xAD8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnAsleep = 0xB00; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnPlayerUse = 0xB28; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnOutOfWorld = 0xB50; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnPlayerPickup = 0xB78; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bForceNavIgnore = 0xBA0; // bool + public const nint m_bNoNavmeshBlocker = 0xBA1; // bool + public const nint m_bForceNpcExclude = 0xBA2; // bool + public const nint m_massScale = 0xBA4; // float32 + public const nint m_inertiaScale = 0xBA8; // float32 + public const nint m_buoyancyScale = 0xBAC; // float32 + public const nint m_damageType = 0xBB0; // int32 + public const nint m_damageToEnableMotion = 0xBB4; // int32 + public const nint m_flForceToEnableMotion = 0xBB8; // float32 + public const nint m_bThrownByPlayer = 0xBBC; // bool + public const nint m_bDroppedByPlayer = 0xBBD; // bool + public const nint m_bTouchedByPlayer = 0xBBE; // bool + public const nint m_bFirstCollisionAfterLaunch = 0xBBF; // bool + public const nint m_iExploitableByPlayer = 0xBC0; // int32 + public const nint m_bHasBeenAwakened = 0xBC4; // bool + public const nint m_bIsOverrideProp = 0xBC5; // bool + public const nint m_fNextCheckDisableMotionContactsTime = 0xBC8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iInitialGlowState = 0xBCC; // int32 + public const nint m_nGlowRange = 0xBD0; // int32 + public const nint m_nGlowRangeMin = 0xBD4; // int32 + public const nint m_glowColor = 0xBD8; // Color + public const nint m_bShouldAutoConvertBackFromDebris = 0xBDC; // bool + public const nint m_bMuteImpactEffects = 0xBDD; // bool + public const nint m_bAcceptDamageFromHeldObjects = 0xBE4; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableUseOutput = 0xBE5; // bool + public const nint m_bAwake = 0xBE6; // bool + } + // Parent: CFuncWall + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFuncWallToggle { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpotted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpottedByMask (uint32) + public static class EntitySpottedState_t { + public const nint m_bSpotted = 0x8; // bool + public const nint m_bSpottedByMask = 0xC; // uint32[2] + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CSensorGrenadeProjectile { + public const nint m_fExpireTime = 0xA90; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fNextDetectPlayerSound = 0xA94; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_hDisplayGrenade = 0xA98; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSPlayer_CameraServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CSPerRoundStats_t + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy5Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy4Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy3Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyKnifeKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyTaserKills (int) + public static class CSMatchStats_t { + public const nint m_iEnemy5Ks = 0x68; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemy4Ks = 0x6C; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemy3Ks = 0x70; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemyKnifeKills = 0x74; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemyTaserKills = 0x78; // int32 + public const nint m_iEnemy2Ks = 0x7C; // int32 + public const nint m_iUtility_Count = 0x80; // int32 + public const nint m_iUtility_Successes = 0x84; // int32 + public const nint m_iUtility_Enemies = 0x88; // int32 + public const nint m_iFlash_Count = 0x8C; // int32 + public const nint m_iFlash_Successes = 0x90; // int32 + public const nint m_nHealthPointsRemovedTotal = 0x94; // int32 + public const nint m_nHealthPointsDealtTotal = 0x98; // int32 + public const nint m_nShotsFiredTotal = 0x9C; // int32 + public const nint m_nShotsOnTargetTotal = 0xA0; // int32 + public const nint m_i1v1Count = 0xA4; // int32 + public const nint m_i1v1Wins = 0xA8; // int32 + public const nint m_i1v2Count = 0xAC; // int32 + public const nint m_i1v2Wins = 0xB0; // int32 + public const nint m_iEntryCount = 0xB4; // int32 + public const nint m_iEntryWins = 0xB8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CFuncLadder + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFuncLadderAlias_func_useableladder { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 14 + public static class CTriggerSndSosOpvar { + public const nint m_hTouchingPlayers = 0x8E0; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_flPosition = 0x8F8; // Vector + public const nint m_flCenterSize = 0x904; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinVal = 0x908; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxVal = 0x90C; // float32 + public const nint m_opvarName = 0x910; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_stackName = 0x918; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_operatorName = 0x920; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bVolIs2D = 0x928; // bool + public const nint m_opvarNameChar = 0x929; // char[256] + public const nint m_stackNameChar = 0xA29; // char[256] + public const nint m_operatorNameChar = 0xB29; // char[256] + public const nint m_VecNormPos = 0xC2C; // Vector + public const nint m_flNormCenterSize = 0xC38; // float32 + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CItemAssaultSuit { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 70 + public static class CScriptedSequence { + public const nint m_iszEntry = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszPreIdle = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszPlay = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszPostIdle = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszModifierToAddOnPlay = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszNextScript = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszEntity = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSyncGroup = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nMoveTo = 0x500; // ScriptedMoveTo_t + public const nint m_nMoveToGait = 0x504; // MovementGait_t + public const nint m_bIsPlayingPreIdle = 0x505; // bool + public const nint m_bIsPlayingEntry = 0x506; // bool + public const nint m_bIsPlayingAction = 0x507; // bool + public const nint m_bIsPlayingPostIdle = 0x508; // bool + public const nint m_bDontRotateOther = 0x509; // bool + public const nint m_bIsRepeatable = 0x50A; // bool + public const nint m_bShouldLeaveCorpse = 0x50B; // bool + public const nint m_bStartOnSpawn = 0x50C; // bool + public const nint m_bDisallowInterrupts = 0x50D; // bool + public const nint m_bCanOverrideNPCState = 0x50E; // bool + public const nint m_bDontTeleportAtEnd = 0x50F; // bool + public const nint m_bHighPriority = 0x510; // bool + public const nint m_bHideDebugComplaints = 0x511; // bool + public const nint m_bContinueOnDeath = 0x512; // bool + public const nint m_bLoopPreIdleSequence = 0x513; // bool + public const nint m_bLoopActionSequence = 0x514; // bool + public const nint m_bLoopPostIdleSequence = 0x515; // bool + public const nint m_bSynchPostIdles = 0x516; // bool + public const nint m_bIgnoreLookAt = 0x517; // bool + public const nint m_bIgnoreGravity = 0x518; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableNPCCollisions = 0x519; // bool + public const nint m_bKeepAnimgraphLockedPost = 0x51A; // bool + public const nint m_bDontAddModifiers = 0x51B; // bool + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x51C; // float32 + public const nint m_flRepeat = 0x520; // float32 + public const nint m_flPlayAnimFadeInTime = 0x524; // float32 + public const nint m_flMoveInterpTime = 0x528; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngRate = 0x52C; // float32 + public const nint m_nNotReadySequenceCount = 0x530; // int32 + public const nint m_startTime = 0x534; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bWaitForBeginSequence = 0x538; // bool + public const nint m_saved_effects = 0x53C; // int32 + public const nint m_savedFlags = 0x540; // int32 + public const nint m_savedCollisionGroup = 0x544; // int32 + public const nint m_bInterruptable = 0x548; // bool + public const nint m_sequenceStarted = 0x549; // bool + public const nint m_bPositionRelativeToOtherEntity = 0x54A; // bool + public const nint m_hTargetEnt = 0x54C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hNextCine = 0x550; // CHandle + public const nint m_bThinking = 0x554; // bool + public const nint m_bInitiatedSelfDelete = 0x555; // bool + public const nint m_bIsTeleportingDueToMoveTo = 0x556; // bool + public const nint m_bAllowCustomInterruptConditions = 0x557; // bool + public const nint m_hForcedTarget = 0x558; // CHandle + public const nint m_bDontCancelOtherSequences = 0x55C; // bool + public const nint m_bForceSynch = 0x55D; // bool + public const nint m_bPreventUpdateYawOnFinish = 0x55E; // bool + public const nint m_bEnsureOnNavmeshOnFinish = 0x55F; // bool + public const nint m_onDeathBehavior = 0x560; // ScriptedOnDeath_t + public const nint m_ConflictResponse = 0x564; // ScriptedConflictResponse_t + public const nint m_OnBeginSequence = 0x568; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnActionStartOrLoop = 0x590; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnEndSequence = 0x5B8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnPostIdleEndSequence = 0x5E0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnCancelSequence = 0x608; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnCancelFailedSequence = 0x630; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnScriptEvent = 0x658; // CEntityIOOutput[8] + public const nint m_matOtherToMain = 0x7A0; // CTransform + public const nint m_hInteractionMainEntity = 0x7C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_iPlayerDeathBehavior = 0x7C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponNegev { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponGalilAR { + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAlwaysUpdate (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightFOV (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSimpleProjection (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightOnlyTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCameraSpace (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLinearAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flQuadraticAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bVolumetric (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNoiseStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashlightTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumPlanes (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPlaneOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVolumetricIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTransitionTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAmbient (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotlightTextureName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSpotlightTextureFrame (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowQuality (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProjectionSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlipHorizontal (bool) + public static class CEnvProjectedTexture { + public const nint m_hTargetEntity = 0x710; // CHandle + public const nint m_bState = 0x714; // bool + public const nint m_bAlwaysUpdate = 0x715; // bool + public const nint m_flLightFOV = 0x718; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableShadows = 0x71C; // bool + public const nint m_bSimpleProjection = 0x71D; // bool + public const nint m_bLightOnlyTarget = 0x71E; // bool + public const nint m_bLightWorld = 0x71F; // bool + public const nint m_bCameraSpace = 0x720; // bool + public const nint m_flBrightnessScale = 0x724; // float32 + public const nint m_LightColor = 0x728; // Color + public const nint m_flIntensity = 0x72C; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearAttenuation = 0x730; // float32 + public const nint m_flQuadraticAttenuation = 0x734; // float32 + public const nint m_bVolumetric = 0x738; // bool + public const nint m_flNoiseStrength = 0x73C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlashlightTime = 0x740; // float32 + public const nint m_nNumPlanes = 0x744; // uint32 + public const nint m_flPlaneOffset = 0x748; // float32 + public const nint m_flVolumetricIntensity = 0x74C; // float32 + public const nint m_flColorTransitionTime = 0x750; // float32 + public const nint m_flAmbient = 0x754; // float32 + public const nint m_SpotlightTextureName = 0x758; // char[512] + public const nint m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = 0x958; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowQuality = 0x95C; // uint32 + public const nint m_flNearZ = 0x960; // float32 + public const nint m_flFarZ = 0x964; // float32 + public const nint m_flProjectionSize = 0x968; // float32 + public const nint m_flRotation = 0x96C; // float32 + public const nint m_bFlipHorizontal = 0x970; // bool + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CDynamicPropAlias_prop_dynamic_override { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CSceneListManager { + public const nint m_hListManagers = 0x4C0; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_iszScenes = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge[16] + public const nint m_hScenes = 0x558; // CHandle[16] + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CSplineConstraint { + public const nint m_vAnchorOffsetRestore = 0x580; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSObserver_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CDynamicPropAlias_dynamic_prop { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (ModelConfigHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Name (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntityNames (string_t) + public static class ActiveModelConfig_t { + public const nint m_Handle = 0x28; // ModelConfigHandle_t + public const nint m_Name = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_AssociatedEntities = 0x38; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_AssociatedEntityNames = 0x50; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPhysicsPropMultiplayer { + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CBasePlatTrain { + public const nint m_NoiseMoving = 0x790; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_NoiseArrived = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_volume = 0x7A8; // float32 + public const nint m_flTWidth = 0x7AC; // float32 + public const nint m_flTLength = 0x7B0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeTagged + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CSimpleMarkupVolumeTagged { + } + // Parent: SpawnPoint + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoPlayerTerrorist { + } + // Parent: CPhysHinge + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPhysHingeAlias_phys_hinge_local { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CTankTargetChange { + public const nint m_newTarget = 0x4C0; // CVariantBase + public const nint m_newTargetName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CLogicCompare { + public const nint m_flInValue = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flCompareValue = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_OnLessThan = 0x4C8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnEqualTo = 0x4F0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnNotEqualTo = 0x518; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnGreaterThan = 0x540; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalHitsOnServer (int32) + public static class CCSPlayer_BulletServices { + public const nint m_totalHitsOnServer = 0x40; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CLogicRelay { + public const nint m_OnTrigger = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnSpawn = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x510; // bool + public const nint m_bWaitForRefire = 0x511; // bool + public const nint m_bTriggerOnce = 0x512; // bool + public const nint m_bFastRetrigger = 0x513; // bool + public const nint m_bPassthoughCaller = 0x514; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ItemServices + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeavyArmor (bool) + public static class CCSPlayer_ItemServices { + public const nint m_bHasDefuser = 0x40; // bool + public const nint m_bHasHelmet = 0x41; // bool + public const nint m_bHasHeavyArmor = 0x42; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CKeepUpright { + public const nint m_worldGoalAxis = 0x4C8; // Vector + public const nint m_localTestAxis = 0x4D4; // Vector + public const nint m_nameAttach = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_attachedObject = 0x4F0; // CHandle + public const nint m_angularLimit = 0x4F4; // float32 + public const nint m_bActive = 0x4F8; // bool + public const nint m_bDampAllRotation = 0x4F9; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CModelPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFuncWater { + public const nint m_BuoyancyHelper = 0x710; // CBuoyancyHelper + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CFuncTimescale { + public const nint m_flDesiredTimescale = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flAcceleration = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinBlendRate = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flBlendDeltaMultiplier = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_isStarted = 0x4D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 14 + public static class CBtActionMoveTo { + public const nint m_szDestinationInputKey = 0x60; // CUtlString + public const nint m_szHidingSpotInputKey = 0x68; // CUtlString + public const nint m_szThreatInputKey = 0x70; // CUtlString + public const nint m_vecDestination = 0x78; // Vector + public const nint m_bAutoLookAdjust = 0x84; // bool + public const nint m_bComputePath = 0x85; // bool + public const nint m_flDamagingAreasPenaltyCost = 0x88; // float32 + public const nint m_CheckApproximateCornersTimer = 0x90; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_CheckHighPriorityItem = 0xA8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_RepathTimer = 0xC0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_flArrivalEpsilon = 0xD8; // float32 + public const nint m_flAdditionalArrivalEpsilon2D = 0xDC; // float32 + public const nint m_flHidingSpotCheckDistanceThreshold = 0xE0; // float32 + public const nint m_flNearestAreaDistanceThreshold = 0xE4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMin (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMax (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + public static class CTonemapController2 { + public const nint m_flAutoExposureMin = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flAutoExposureMax = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapPercentTarget = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapMinAvgLum = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange = 0x4DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPulseExecCursor + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CPulseServerCursor { + } + // Parent: CRopeKeyframe + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CRopeKeyframeAlias_move_rope { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + public static class CEnvInstructorVRHint { + public const nint m_iszName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszHintTargetEntity = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iTimeout = 0x4D0; // int32 + public const nint m_iszCaption = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszStartSound = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iLayoutFileType = 0x4E8; // int32 + public const nint m_iszCustomLayoutFile = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iAttachType = 0x4F8; // int32 + public const nint m_flHeightOffset = 0x4FC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponXM1014 { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CPlatTrigger { + public const nint m_pPlatform = 0x710; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 31 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iWindSeed (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_windRadius (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGustDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGustDirChange (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_location (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInitialWindDir (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialWindSpeed (float32) + public static class CEnvWindShared { + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iWindSeed = 0xC; // uint32 + public const nint m_iMinWind = 0x10; // uint16 + public const nint m_iMaxWind = 0x12; // uint16 + public const nint m_windRadius = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_iMinGust = 0x18; // uint16 + public const nint m_iMaxGust = 0x1A; // uint16 + public const nint m_flMinGustDelay = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxGustDelay = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flGustDuration = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_iGustDirChange = 0x28; // uint16 + public const nint m_location = 0x2C; // Vector + public const nint m_iszGustSound = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_iWindDir = 0x3C; // int32 + public const nint m_flWindSpeed = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_currentWindVector = 0x44; // Vector + public const nint m_CurrentSwayVector = 0x50; // Vector + public const nint m_PrevSwayVector = 0x5C; // Vector + public const nint m_iInitialWindDir = 0x68; // uint16 + public const nint m_flInitialWindSpeed = 0x6C; // float32 + public const nint m_OnGustStart = 0x70; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnGustEnd = 0x98; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_flVariationTime = 0xC0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSwayTime = 0xC4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSimTime = 0xC8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSwitchTime = 0xCC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flAveWindSpeed = 0xD0; // float32 + public const nint m_bGusting = 0xD4; // bool + public const nint m_flWindAngleVariation = 0xD8; // float32 + public const nint m_flWindSpeedVariation = 0xDC; // float32 + public const nint m_iEntIndex = 0xE0; // CEntityIndex + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CMolotovGrenade { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CPointHurt { + public const nint m_nDamage = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_bitsDamageType = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDelay = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_strTarget = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_pActivator = 0x4D8; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 44 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUpdateOnClient (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInputType (ValueRemapperInputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineStart (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineEnd (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaximumChangePerSecond (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisengageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEngageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRequiresUseKey (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOutputType (ValueRemapperOutputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOutputEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHapticsType (ValueRemapperHapticsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMomentumType (ValueRemapperMomentumType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMomentumModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSnapValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRatchetType (ValueRemapperRatchetType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInputOffset (float) + public static class CPointValueRemapper { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_bUpdateOnClient = 0x4C1; // bool + public const nint m_nInputType = 0x4C4; // ValueRemapperInputType_t + public const nint m_iszRemapLineStartName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszRemapLineEndName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hRemapLineStart = 0x4D8; // CHandle + public const nint m_hRemapLineEnd = 0x4DC; // CHandle + public const nint m_flMaximumChangePerSecond = 0x4E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDisengageDistance = 0x4E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flEngageDistance = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_bRequiresUseKey = 0x4EC; // bool + public const nint m_nOutputType = 0x4F0; // ValueRemapperOutputType_t + public const nint m_iszOutputEntityName = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOutputEntity2Name = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOutputEntity3Name = 0x508; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOutputEntity4Name = 0x510; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hOutputEntities = 0x518; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_nHapticsType = 0x530; // ValueRemapperHapticsType_t + public const nint m_nMomentumType = 0x534; // ValueRemapperMomentumType_t + public const nint m_flMomentumModifier = 0x538; // float32 + public const nint m_flSnapValue = 0x53C; // float32 + public const nint m_flCurrentMomentum = 0x540; // float32 + public const nint m_nRatchetType = 0x544; // ValueRemapperRatchetType_t + public const nint m_flRatchetOffset = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputOffset = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_bEngaged = 0x550; // bool + public const nint m_bFirstUpdate = 0x551; // bool + public const nint m_flPreviousValue = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_flPreviousUpdateTickTime = 0x558; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_vecPreviousTestPoint = 0x55C; // Vector + public const nint m_hUsingPlayer = 0x568; // CHandle + public const nint m_flCustomOutputValue = 0x56C; // float32 + public const nint m_iszSoundEngage = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSoundDisengage = 0x578; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSoundReachedValueZero = 0x580; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSoundReachedValueOne = 0x588; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSoundMovingLoop = 0x590; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_Position = 0x5A0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_PositionDelta = 0x5C8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnReachedValueZero = 0x5F0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnReachedValueOne = 0x618; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnReachedValueCustom = 0x640; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnEngage = 0x668; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnDisengage = 0x690; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicNPCCounter + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CLogicNPCCounterAABB { + public const nint m_vDistanceOuterMins = 0x800; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceOuterMaxs = 0x80C; // Vector + public const nint m_vOuterMins = 0x818; // Vector + public const nint m_vOuterMaxs = 0x824; // Vector + } + // Parent: CLightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CLightOrthoEntity { + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscapeTriggerable + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEnvSoundscapeTriggerableAlias_snd_soundscape_triggerable { + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 23 + public static class CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity { + public const nint m_OnEnter = 0x558; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnExit = 0x580; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bAutoDisable = 0x5A8; // bool + public const nint m_flDistanceMin = 0x5EC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistanceMax = 0x5F0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistanceMapMin = 0x5F4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistanceMapMax = 0x5F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOcclusionRadius = 0x5FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOcclusionMin = 0x600; // float32 + public const nint m_flOcclusionMax = 0x604; // float32 + public const nint m_flValSetOnDisable = 0x608; // float32 + public const nint m_bSetValueOnDisable = 0x60C; // bool + public const nint m_nSimulationMode = 0x610; // int32 + public const nint m_nVisibilitySamples = 0x614; // int32 + public const nint m_vDynamicProxyPoint = 0x618; // Vector + public const nint m_flDynamicMaximumOcclusion = 0x624; // float32 + public const nint m_hDynamicEntity = 0x628; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_iszDynamicEntityName = 0x630; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flPathingDistanceNormFactor = 0x638; // float32 + public const nint m_vPathingSourcePos = 0x63C; // Vector + public const nint m_vPathingListenerPos = 0x648; // Vector + public const nint m_vPathingDirection = 0x654; // Vector + public const nint m_nPathingSourceIndex = 0x660; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxData (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxSlotToken (CUtlStringToken) + public static class CSkyCamera { + public const nint m_skyboxData = 0x4C0; // sky3dparams_t + public const nint m_skyboxSlotToken = 0x550; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_bUseAngles = 0x554; // bool + public const nint m_pNext = 0x558; // CSkyCamera* + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CGameMoney { + public const nint m_OnMoneySpent = 0x720; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMoneySpentFail = 0x748; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_nMoney = 0x770; // int32 + public const nint m_strAwardText = 0x778; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CLogicPlayerProxy { + public const nint m_hPlayer = 0x4C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_PlayerHasAmmo = 0x4C8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_PlayerHasNoAmmo = 0x4F0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_PlayerDied = 0x518; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_RequestedPlayerHealth = 0x540; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObserverMode (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverTarget (CHandle) + public static class CPlayer_ObserverServices { + public const nint m_iObserverMode = 0x40; // uint8 + public const nint m_hObserverTarget = 0x44; // CHandle + public const nint m_iObserverLastMode = 0x48; // ObserverMode_t + public const nint m_bForcedObserverMode = 0x4C; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponZoneRepulsor { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CPhysImpact { + public const nint m_damage = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_distance = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_directionEntityName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + public static class CEnvCombinedLightProbeVolume { + public const nint m_Entity_Color = 0x1520; // Color + public const nint m_Entity_flBrightness = 0x1524; // float32 + public const nint m_Entity_hCubemapTexture = 0x1528; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture = 0x1530; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture = 0x1538; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture = 0x1540; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture = 0x1548; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture = 0x1550; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxMins = 0x1558; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxMaxs = 0x1564; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x1570; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x1574; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex = 0x1578; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nPriority = 0x157C; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x1580; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist = 0x1584; // float32 + public const nint m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists = 0x1588; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX = 0x1594; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY = 0x1598; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ = 0x159C; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX = 0x15A0; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY = 0x15A4; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ = 0x15A8; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x15C1; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_WaterServices { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponM249 { + } + // Parent: CParticleSystem + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadiusScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSelfIllumScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTextureOverride (HRenderTextureStrong) + public static class CEnvParticleGlow { + public const nint m_flAlphaScale = 0xC88; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadiusScale = 0xC8C; // float32 + public const nint m_flSelfIllumScale = 0xC90; // float32 + public const nint m_ColorTint = 0xC94; // Color + public const nint m_hTextureOverride = 0xC98; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFuncVehicleClip { + } + // Parent: CSoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + public static class CSoundAreaEntitySphere { + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x4E0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CFuncBrush + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_targetCamera (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionEnum (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseUniqueColorTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_brushModelName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetCamera (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDraw3DSkybox (bool) + public static class CFuncMonitor { + public const nint m_targetCamera = 0x730; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nResolutionEnum = 0x738; // int32 + public const nint m_bRenderShadows = 0x73C; // bool + public const nint m_bUseUniqueColorTarget = 0x73D; // bool + public const nint m_brushModelName = 0x740; // CUtlString + public const nint m_hTargetCamera = 0x748; // CHandle + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x74C; // bool + public const nint m_bDraw3DSkybox = 0x74D; // bool + public const nint m_bStartEnabled = 0x74E; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEnvFunnel { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + public static class SequenceHistory_t { + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x0; // HSequence + public const nint m_flSeqStartTime = 0x4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flSeqFixedCycle = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_nSeqLoopMode = 0xC; // AnimLoopMode_t + public const nint m_flPlaybackRate = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flCyclesPerSecond = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGameModeRules_Noop { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 16 + public static class CPointAngularVelocitySensor { + public const nint m_hTargetEntity = 0x4C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_flThreshold = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_nLastCompareResult = 0x4C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nLastFireResult = 0x4CC; // int32 + public const nint m_flFireTime = 0x4D0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flFireInterval = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastAngVelocity = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_lastOrientation = 0x4DC; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecAxis = 0x4E8; // Vector + public const nint m_bUseHelper = 0x4F4; // bool + public const nint m_AngularVelocity = 0x4F8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnLessThan = 0x520; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnLessThanOrEqualTo = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnGreaterThan = 0x570; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnGreaterThanOrEqualTo = 0x598; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnEqualTo = 0x5C0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsIncGrenade (bool) + public static class CMolotovProjectile { + public const nint m_bIsIncGrenade = 0xA90; // bool + public const nint m_bDetonated = 0xA9C; // bool + public const nint m_stillTimer = 0xAA0; // IntervalTimer + public const nint m_bHasBouncedOffPlayer = 0xB80; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CHostageRescueZoneShim { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPointPulse { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 24 + public static class CEnvInstructorHint { + public const nint m_iszName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszReplace_Key = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszHintTargetEntity = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iTimeout = 0x4D8; // int32 + public const nint m_iDisplayLimit = 0x4DC; // int32 + public const nint m_iszIcon_Onscreen = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszIcon_Offscreen = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszCaption = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszActivatorCaption = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_Color = 0x500; // Color + public const nint m_fIconOffset = 0x504; // float32 + public const nint m_fRange = 0x508; // float32 + public const nint m_iPulseOption = 0x50C; // uint8 + public const nint m_iAlphaOption = 0x50D; // uint8 + public const nint m_iShakeOption = 0x50E; // uint8 + public const nint m_bStatic = 0x50F; // bool + public const nint m_bNoOffscreen = 0x510; // bool + public const nint m_bForceCaption = 0x511; // bool + public const nint m_iInstanceType = 0x514; // int32 + public const nint m_bSuppressRest = 0x518; // bool + public const nint m_iszBinding = 0x520; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bAllowNoDrawTarget = 0x528; // bool + public const nint m_bAutoStart = 0x529; // bool + public const nint m_bLocalPlayerOnly = 0x52A; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CEnvTracer { + public const nint m_vecEnd = 0x4C0; // Vector + public const nint m_flDelay = 0x4CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CInfoGameEventProxy { + public const nint m_iszEventName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flRange = 0x4C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_FOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Resolution (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFogEnable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseScreenAspectRatio (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAspectRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSky (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZFar (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanHLTVUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDofEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofTiltToGround (float) + public static class CPointCamera { + public const nint m_FOV = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_Resolution = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bFogEnable = 0x4C8; // bool + public const nint m_FogColor = 0x4C9; // Color + public const nint m_flFogStart = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogEnd = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMaxDensity = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_bActive = 0x4DC; // bool + public const nint m_bUseScreenAspectRatio = 0x4DD; // bool + public const nint m_flAspectRatio = 0x4E0; // float32 + public const nint m_bNoSky = 0x4E4; // bool + public const nint m_fBrightness = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flZFar = 0x4EC; // float32 + public const nint m_flZNear = 0x4F0; // float32 + public const nint m_bCanHLTVUse = 0x4F4; // bool + public const nint m_bDofEnabled = 0x4F5; // bool + public const nint m_flDofNearBlurry = 0x4F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofNearCrisp = 0x4FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofFarCrisp = 0x500; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofFarBlurry = 0x504; // float32 + public const nint m_flDofTiltToGround = 0x508; // float32 + public const nint m_TargetFOV = 0x50C; // float32 + public const nint m_DegreesPerSecond = 0x510; // float32 + public const nint m_bIsOn = 0x514; // bool + public const nint m_pNext = 0x518; // CPointCamera* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hModel (HModelStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MeshGroupMask (MeshGroupMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIdealMotionType (int8) + public static class CModelState { + public const nint m_hModel = 0xA0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_ModelName = 0xA8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed = 0xE8; // bool + public const nint m_MeshGroupMask = 0x198; // uint64 + public const nint m_nIdealMotionType = 0x21A; // int8 + public const nint m_nForceLOD = 0x21B; // int8 + public const nint m_nClothUpdateFlags = 0x21C; // int8 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderDir (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoRideSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFakeLadder (bool) + public static class CFuncLadder { + public const nint m_vecLadderDir = 0x710; // Vector + public const nint m_Dismounts = 0x720; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_vecLocalTop = 0x738; // Vector + public const nint m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop = 0x744; // Vector + public const nint m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom = 0x750; // Vector + public const nint m_flAutoRideSpeed = 0x75C; // float32 + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x760; // bool + public const nint m_bFakeLadder = 0x761; // bool + public const nint m_bHasSlack = 0x762; // bool + public const nint m_surfacePropName = 0x768; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_OnPlayerGotOnLadder = 0x770; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnPlayerGotOffLadder = 0x798; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 8 + public static class CPathKeyFrame { + public const nint m_Origin = 0x4C0; // Vector + public const nint m_Angles = 0x4CC; // QAngle + public const nint m_qAngle = 0x4E0; // Quaternion + public const nint m_iNextKey = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flNextTime = 0x4F8; // float32 + public const nint m_pNextKey = 0x500; // CPathKeyFrame* + public const nint m_pPrevKey = 0x508; // CPathKeyFrame* + public const nint m_flMoveSpeed = 0x510; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CFuncInteractionLayerClip { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x710; // bool + public const nint m_iszInteractsAs = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszInteractsWith = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Attributes (CEconItemAttribute) + public static class CAttributeList { + public const nint m_Attributes = 0x8; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + public const nint m_pManager = 0x58; // CAttributeManager* + } + // Parent: CGameRules + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CMultiplayRules { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponRevolver { + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 1 + public static class COrnamentProp { + public const nint m_initialOwner = 0xB80; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CLogicGameEvent { + public const nint m_iszEventName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CEnvMuzzleFlash { + public const nint m_flScale = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_iszParentAttachment = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUniqueID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTraceID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rtGcTime (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLeft (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayer (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitbox (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreationTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTintID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVersion (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubSignature (uint8) + public static class CPlayerSprayDecal { + public const nint m_nUniqueID = 0x710; // int32 + public const nint m_unAccountID = 0x714; // uint32 + public const nint m_unTraceID = 0x718; // uint32 + public const nint m_rtGcTime = 0x71C; // uint32 + public const nint m_vecEndPos = 0x720; // Vector + public const nint m_vecStart = 0x72C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecLeft = 0x738; // Vector + public const nint m_vecNormal = 0x744; // Vector + public const nint m_nPlayer = 0x750; // int32 + public const nint m_nEntity = 0x754; // int32 + public const nint m_nHitbox = 0x758; // int32 + public const nint m_flCreationTime = 0x75C; // float32 + public const nint m_nTintID = 0x760; // int32 + public const nint m_nVersion = 0x764; // uint8 + public const nint m_ubSignature = 0x765; // uint8[128] + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlantedHere (bool) + public static class CBombTarget { + public const nint m_OnBombExplode = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnBombPlanted = 0x908; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnBombDefused = 0x930; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bIsBombSiteB = 0x958; // bool + public const nint m_bIsHeistBombTarget = 0x959; // bool + public const nint m_bBombPlantedHere = 0x95A; // bool + public const nint m_szMountTarget = 0x960; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hInstructorHint = 0x968; // CHandle + public const nint m_nBombSiteDesignation = 0x96C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + public static class CPhysicsSpring { + public const nint m_flFrequency = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDampingRatio = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flRestLength = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_nameAttachStart = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nameAttachEnd = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_start = 0x4E8; // Vector + public const nint m_end = 0x4F4; // Vector + public const nint m_teleportTick = 0x500; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + public static class CEnvLightProbeVolume { + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture = 0x14A0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture = 0x14A8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture = 0x14B0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture = 0x14B8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxMins = 0x14C0; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxMaxs = 0x14CC; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x14D8; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x14DC; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nPriority = 0x14E0; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x14E4; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX = 0x14E8; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY = 0x14EC; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ = 0x14F0; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX = 0x14F4; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY = 0x14F8; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ = 0x14FC; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x1509; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_WeaponSequence (CUtlString) + public static class CCSGameModeRules_ArmsRace { + public const nint m_WeaponSequence = 0x30; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CTriggerPush + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CScriptTriggerPush { + public const nint m_vExtent = 0x918; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CEnvEntityIgniter { + public const nint m_flLifetime = 0x4C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFuncWall { + public const nint m_nState = 0x710; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerDamagerName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerRecipientName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamagerXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RecipientXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActualHealthRemoved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumHits (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLastBulletUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsOtherEnemy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_killType (EKillTypes_t) + public static class CDamageRecord { + public const nint m_PlayerDamager = 0x28; // CHandle + public const nint m_PlayerRecipient = 0x2C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hPlayerControllerDamager = 0x30; // CHandle + public const nint m_hPlayerControllerRecipient = 0x34; // CHandle + public const nint m_szPlayerDamagerName = 0x38; // CUtlString + public const nint m_szPlayerRecipientName = 0x40; // CUtlString + public const nint m_DamagerXuid = 0x48; // uint64 + public const nint m_RecipientXuid = 0x50; // uint64 + public const nint m_iDamage = 0x58; // int32 + public const nint m_iActualHealthRemoved = 0x5C; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumHits = 0x60; // int32 + public const nint m_iLastBulletUpdate = 0x64; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsOtherEnemy = 0x68; // bool + public const nint m_killType = 0x69; // EKillTypes_t + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CLogicAutosave { + public const nint m_bForceNewLevelUnit = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_minHitPoints = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_minHitPointsToCommit = 0x4C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSendUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamageList (CDamageRecord) + public static class CCSPlayerController_DamageServices { + public const nint m_nSendUpdate = 0x40; // int32 + public const nint m_DamageList = 0x48; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CRenderComponent { + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x10; // CNetworkVarChainer + public const nint m_bIsRenderingWithViewModels = 0x50; // bool + public const nint m_nSplitscreenFlags = 0x54; // uint32 + public const nint m_bEnableRendering = 0x60; // bool + public const nint m_bInterpolationReadyToDraw = 0xB0; // bool + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCornerPairsNetworked (SoundeventPathCornerPairNetworked_t) + public static class CSoundEventPathCornerEntity { + public const nint m_iszPathCorner = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iCountMax = 0x578; // int32 + public const nint m_flDistanceMax = 0x57C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistMaxSqr = 0x580; // float32 + public const nint m_flDotProductMax = 0x584; // float32 + public const nint m_bPlaying = 0x588; // bool + public const nint m_vecCornerPairsNetworked = 0x5B0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscape + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CEnvSoundscapeProxy { + public const nint m_MainSoundscapeName = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 67 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SecondaryColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloff (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTheta (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPhi (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascades (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowWidth (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowHeight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderDiffuse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderSpecular (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderTransmissive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStyle (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Pattern (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUsesBakedShadowing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlicker (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrecomputedMaxRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogLightingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogContributionStength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearClipPlane (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkyIntensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyAmbientBounce (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseSecondaryColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMixedShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + public static class CLightComponent { + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x38; // CNetworkVarChainer + public const nint m_Color = 0x75; // Color + public const nint m_SecondaryColor = 0x79; // Color + public const nint m_flBrightness = 0x80; // float32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessScale = 0x84; // float32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessMult = 0x88; // float32 + public const nint m_flRange = 0x8C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFalloff = 0x90; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttenuation0 = 0x94; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttenuation1 = 0x98; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttenuation2 = 0x9C; // float32 + public const nint m_flTheta = 0xA0; // float32 + public const nint m_flPhi = 0xA4; // float32 + public const nint m_hLightCookie = 0xA8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nCascades = 0xB0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCastShadows = 0xB4; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowWidth = 0xB8; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowHeight = 0xBC; // int32 + public const nint m_bRenderDiffuse = 0xC0; // bool + public const nint m_nRenderSpecular = 0xC4; // int32 + public const nint m_bRenderTransmissive = 0xC8; // bool + public const nint m_flOrthoLightWidth = 0xCC; // float32 + public const nint m_flOrthoLightHeight = 0xD0; // float32 + public const nint m_nStyle = 0xD4; // int32 + public const nint m_Pattern = 0xD8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects = 0xE0; // int32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade = 0xE4; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade = 0xE8; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 = 0xEC; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 = 0xF0; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 = 0xF4; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 = 0xF8; // float32 + public const nint m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 = 0xFC; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 = 0x100; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 = 0x104; // int32 + public const nint m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 = 0x108; // int32 + public const nint m_bUsesBakedShadowing = 0x10C; // bool + public const nint m_nShadowPriority = 0x110; // int32 + public const nint m_nBakedShadowIndex = 0x114; // int32 + public const nint m_bRenderToCubemaps = 0x118; // bool + public const nint m_nDirectLight = 0x11C; // int32 + public const nint m_nIndirectLight = 0x120; // int32 + public const nint m_flFadeMinDist = 0x124; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeMaxDist = 0x128; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowFadeMinDist = 0x12C; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowFadeMaxDist = 0x130; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x134; // bool + public const nint m_bFlicker = 0x135; // bool + public const nint m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid = 0x136; // bool + public const nint m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins = 0x138; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs = 0x144; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin = 0x150; // Vector + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles = 0x15C; // QAngle + public const nint m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent = 0x168; // Vector + public const nint m_flPrecomputedMaxRange = 0x174; // float32 + public const nint m_nFogLightingMode = 0x178; // int32 + public const nint m_flFogContributionStength = 0x17C; // float32 + public const nint m_flNearClipPlane = 0x180; // float32 + public const nint m_SkyColor = 0x184; // Color + public const nint m_flSkyIntensity = 0x188; // float32 + public const nint m_SkyAmbientBounce = 0x18C; // Color + public const nint m_bUseSecondaryColor = 0x190; // bool + public const nint m_bMixedShadows = 0x191; // bool + public const nint m_flLightStyleStartTime = 0x194; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flCapsuleLength = 0x198; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinRoughness = 0x19C; // float32 + public const nint m_bPvsModifyEntity = 0x1B0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDidSmokeEffect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeDetonationPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_VoxelFrameData (CUtlVector) + public static class CSmokeGrenadeProjectile { + public const nint m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin = 0xAA8; // int32 + public const nint m_bDidSmokeEffect = 0xAAC; // bool + public const nint m_nRandomSeed = 0xAB0; // int32 + public const nint m_vSmokeColor = 0xAB4; // Vector + public const nint m_vSmokeDetonationPos = 0xAC0; // Vector + public const nint m_VoxelFrameData = 0xAD0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flLastBounce = 0xAE8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fllastSimulationTime = 0xAEC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bExplodeFromInferno = 0x2D70; // bool + } + // Parent: CTriggerMultiple + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CScriptTriggerMultiple { + public const nint m_vExtent = 0x908; // Vector + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CSoundOpvarSetAutoRoomEntity { + public const nint m_traceResults = 0x668; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flSize = 0x698; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeightTolerance = 0x69C; // float32 + public const nint m_flSizeSqr = 0x6A0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CEntityComponent { + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + public static class FilterDamageType { + public const nint m_iDamageType = 0x518; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBot + // Fields count: 139 + public static class CCSBot { + public const nint m_eyePosition = 0x108; // Vector + public const nint m_name = 0x114; // char[64] + public const nint m_combatRange = 0x154; // float32 + public const nint m_isRogue = 0x158; // bool + public const nint m_rogueTimer = 0x160; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_diedLastRound = 0x17C; // bool + public const nint m_safeTime = 0x180; // float32 + public const nint m_wasSafe = 0x184; // bool + public const nint m_blindFire = 0x18C; // bool + public const nint m_surpriseTimer = 0x190; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_bAllowActive = 0x1A8; // bool + public const nint m_isFollowing = 0x1A9; // bool + public const nint m_leader = 0x1AC; // CHandle + public const nint m_followTimestamp = 0x1B0; // float32 + public const nint m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0x1B4; // float32 + public const nint m_hurryTimer = 0x1B8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_alertTimer = 0x1D0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_sneakTimer = 0x1E8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_panicTimer = 0x200; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_stateTimestamp = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_isAttacking = 0x4D4; // bool + public const nint m_isOpeningDoor = 0x4D5; // bool + public const nint m_taskEntity = 0x4DC; // CHandle + public const nint m_goalPosition = 0x4EC; // Vector + public const nint m_goalEntity = 0x4F8; // CHandle + public const nint m_avoid = 0x4FC; // CHandle + public const nint m_avoidTimestamp = 0x500; // float32 + public const nint m_isStopping = 0x504; // bool + public const nint m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn = 0x505; // bool + public const nint m_stillTimer = 0x508; // IntervalTimer + public const nint m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl = 0x518; // bool + public const nint m_pathIndex = 0x5610; // int32 + public const nint m_areaEnteredTimestamp = 0x5614; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_repathTimer = 0x5618; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_avoidFriendTimer = 0x5630; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_isFriendInTheWay = 0x5648; // bool + public const nint m_politeTimer = 0x5650; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_isWaitingBehindFriend = 0x5668; // bool + public const nint m_pathLadderEnd = 0x5694; // float32 + public const nint m_mustRunTimer = 0x56E0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_waitTimer = 0x56F8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_updateTravelDistanceTimer = 0x5710; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_playerTravelDistance = 0x5728; // float32[64] + public const nint m_travelDistancePhase = 0x5828; // uint8 + public const nint m_hostageEscortCount = 0x59C0; // uint8 + public const nint m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = 0x59C4; // float32 + public const nint m_desiredTeam = 0x59C8; // int32 + public const nint m_hasJoined = 0x59CC; // bool + public const nint m_isWaitingForHostage = 0x59CD; // bool + public const nint m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer = 0x59D0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_waitForHostageTimer = 0x59E8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_noisePosition = 0x5A00; // Vector + public const nint m_noiseTravelDistance = 0x5A0C; // float32 + public const nint m_noiseTimestamp = 0x5A10; // float32 + public const nint m_noiseSource = 0x5A18; // CCSPlayerPawn* + public const nint m_noiseBendTimer = 0x5A30; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_bentNoisePosition = 0x5A48; // Vector + public const nint m_bendNoisePositionValid = 0x5A54; // bool + public const nint m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = 0x5A58; // float32 + public const nint m_lookAheadAngle = 0x5A5C; // float32 + public const nint m_forwardAngle = 0x5A60; // float32 + public const nint m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp = 0x5A64; // float32 + public const nint m_lookAtSpot = 0x5A6C; // Vector + public const nint m_lookAtSpotDuration = 0x5A7C; // float32 + public const nint m_lookAtSpotTimestamp = 0x5A80; // float32 + public const nint m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance = 0x5A84; // float32 + public const nint m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose = 0x5A88; // bool + public const nint m_lookAtSpotAttack = 0x5A89; // bool + public const nint m_lookAtDesc = 0x5A90; // char* + public const nint m_peripheralTimestamp = 0x5A98; // float32 + public const nint m_approachPointCount = 0x5C20; // uint8 + public const nint m_approachPointViewPosition = 0x5C24; // Vector + public const nint m_viewSteadyTimer = 0x5C30; // IntervalTimer + public const nint m_tossGrenadeTimer = 0x5C48; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_isAvoidingGrenade = 0x5C68; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_spotCheckTimestamp = 0x5C88; // float32 + public const nint m_checkedHidingSpotCount = 0x6090; // int32 + public const nint m_lookPitch = 0x6094; // float32 + public const nint m_lookPitchVel = 0x6098; // float32 + public const nint m_lookYaw = 0x609C; // float32 + public const nint m_lookYawVel = 0x60A0; // float32 + public const nint m_targetSpot = 0x60A4; // Vector + public const nint m_targetSpotVelocity = 0x60B0; // Vector + public const nint m_targetSpotPredicted = 0x60BC; // Vector + public const nint m_aimError = 0x60C8; // QAngle + public const nint m_aimGoal = 0x60D4; // QAngle + public const nint m_targetSpotTime = 0x60E0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_aimFocus = 0x60E4; // float32 + public const nint m_aimFocusInterval = 0x60E8; // float32 + public const nint m_aimFocusNextUpdate = 0x60EC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_ignoreEnemiesTimer = 0x60F8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_enemy = 0x6110; // CHandle + public const nint m_isEnemyVisible = 0x6114; // bool + public const nint m_visibleEnemyParts = 0x6115; // uint8 + public const nint m_lastEnemyPosition = 0x6118; // Vector + public const nint m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x6124; // float32 + public const nint m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x6128; // float32 + public const nint m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = 0x612C; // float32 + public const nint m_enemyDeathTimestamp = 0x6130; // float32 + public const nint m_friendDeathTimestamp = 0x6134; // float32 + public const nint m_isLastEnemyDead = 0x6138; // bool + public const nint m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0x613C; // int32 + public const nint m_bomber = 0x6348; // CHandle + public const nint m_nearbyFriendCount = 0x634C; // int32 + public const nint m_closestVisibleFriend = 0x6350; // CHandle + public const nint m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = 0x6354; // CHandle + public const nint m_attentionInterval = 0x6358; // IntervalTimer + public const nint m_attacker = 0x6368; // CHandle + public const nint m_attackedTimestamp = 0x636C; // float32 + public const nint m_burnedByFlamesTimer = 0x6370; // IntervalTimer + public const nint m_lastVictimID = 0x6380; // int32 + public const nint m_isAimingAtEnemy = 0x6384; // bool + public const nint m_isRapidFiring = 0x6385; // bool + public const nint m_equipTimer = 0x6388; // IntervalTimer + public const nint m_zoomTimer = 0x6398; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0x63B0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer = 0x63B8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_bIsSleeping = 0x63D0; // bool + public const nint m_isEnemySniperVisible = 0x63D1; // bool + public const nint m_sawEnemySniperTimer = 0x63D8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_enemyQueueIndex = 0x6490; // uint8 + public const nint m_enemyQueueCount = 0x6491; // uint8 + public const nint m_enemyQueueAttendIndex = 0x6492; // uint8 + public const nint m_isStuck = 0x6493; // bool + public const nint m_stuckTimestamp = 0x6494; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_stuckSpot = 0x6498; // Vector + public const nint m_wiggleTimer = 0x64A8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_stuckJumpTimer = 0x64C0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp = 0x64D8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_avgVel = 0x64DC; // float32[10] + public const nint m_avgVelIndex = 0x6504; // int32 + public const nint m_avgVelCount = 0x6508; // int32 + public const nint m_lastOrigin = 0x650C; // Vector + public const nint m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp = 0x651C; // float32 + public const nint m_lastRadioSentTimestamp = 0x6520; // float32 + public const nint m_radioSubject = 0x6524; // CHandle + public const nint m_radioPosition = 0x6528; // Vector + public const nint m_voiceEndTimestamp = 0x6534; // float32 + public const nint m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame = 0x6540; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CPhysMotor { + public const nint m_nameAttach = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hAttachedObject = 0x4C8; // CHandle + public const nint m_spinUp = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_additionalAcceleration = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_angularAcceleration = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_lastTime = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_motor = 0x4F0; // CMotorController + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSoundAreaType (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPos (Vector) + public static class CSoundAreaEntityBase { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_iszSoundAreaType = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_vPos = 0x4D0; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CCSPlayer_UseServices { + public const nint m_hLastKnownUseEntity = 0x40; // CHandle + public const nint m_flLastUseTimeStamp = 0x44; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flTimeLastUsedWindow = 0x48; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CItemKevlar { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 14 + public static class CTriggerHurt { + public const nint m_flOriginalDamage = 0x8E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDamage = 0x8E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDamageCap = 0x8E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastDmgTime = 0x8EC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flForgivenessDelay = 0x8F0; // float32 + public const nint m_bitsDamageInflict = 0x8F4; // int32 + public const nint m_damageModel = 0x8F8; // int32 + public const nint m_bNoDmgForce = 0x8FC; // bool + public const nint m_vDamageForce = 0x900; // Vector + public const nint m_thinkAlways = 0x90C; // bool + public const nint m_hurtThinkPeriod = 0x910; // float32 + public const nint m_OnHurt = 0x918; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnHurtPlayer = 0x940; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_hurtEntities = 0x968; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 13 + public static class CPhysConstraint { + public const nint m_nameAttach1 = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nameAttach2 = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hAttach1 = 0x4D8; // CHandle + public const nint m_hAttach2 = 0x4DC; // CHandle + public const nint m_nameAttachment1 = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nameAttachment2 = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_breakSound = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_forceLimit = 0x4F8; // float32 + public const nint m_torqueLimit = 0x4FC; // float32 + public const nint m_teleportTick = 0x500; // uint32 + public const nint m_minTeleportDistance = 0x504; // float32 + public const nint m_bSnapObjectPositions = 0x508; // bool + public const nint m_OnBreak = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDraftType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWinningCoinToss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWithFirstChoice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteMapIdsList (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAccountIDs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId4 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId5 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStartingSide0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCurrentPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseDurationTicks (int) + public static class CMapVetoPickController { + public const nint m_bPlayedIntroVcd = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_bNeedToPlayFiveSecondsRemaining = 0x4C1; // bool + public const nint m_dblPreMatchDraftSequenceTime = 0x4E0; // float64 + public const nint m_bPreMatchDraftStateChanged = 0x4E8; // bool + public const nint m_nDraftType = 0x4EC; // int32 + public const nint m_nTeamWinningCoinToss = 0x4F0; // int32 + public const nint m_nTeamWithFirstChoice = 0x4F4; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nVoteMapIdsList = 0x5F4; // int32[7] + public const nint m_nAccountIDs = 0x610; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId0 = 0x710; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId1 = 0x810; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId2 = 0x910; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId3 = 0xA10; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId4 = 0xB10; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nMapId5 = 0xC10; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nStartingSide0 = 0xD10; // int32[64] + public const nint m_nCurrentPhase = 0xE10; // int32 + public const nint m_nPhaseStartTick = 0xE14; // int32 + public const nint m_nPhaseDurationTicks = 0xE18; // int32 + public const nint m_OnMapVetoed = 0xE20; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnMapPicked = 0xE48; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnSidesPicked = 0xE70; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnNewPhaseStarted = 0xE98; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnLevelTransition = 0xEC0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSMinimapBoundary { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CSoundEnt { + public const nint m_iFreeSound = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_iActiveSound = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_cLastActiveSounds = 0x4C8; // int32 + public const nint m_SoundPool = 0x4CC; // CSound[128] + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoSpawnGroupLandmark { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nToggleButtonDownMask (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxspeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen (float32) + public static class CPlayer_MovementServices { + public const nint m_nImpulse = 0x40; // int32 + public const nint m_nButtons = 0x48; // CInButtonState + public const nint m_nQueuedButtonDownMask = 0x68; // uint64 + public const nint m_nQueuedButtonChangeMask = 0x70; // uint64 + public const nint m_nButtonDoublePressed = 0x78; // uint64 + public const nint m_pButtonPressedCmdNumber = 0x80; // uint32[64] + public const nint m_nLastCommandNumberProcessed = 0x180; // uint32 + public const nint m_nToggleButtonDownMask = 0x188; // uint64 + public const nint m_flMaxspeed = 0x198; // float32 + public const nint m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen = 0x19C; // float32[4] + public const nint m_flForwardMove = 0x1AC; // float32 + public const nint m_flLeftMove = 0x1B0; // float32 + public const nint m_flUpMove = 0x1B4; // float32 + public const nint m_vecLastMovementImpulses = 0x1B8; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOldViewAngles = 0x1C4; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CTriggerSave { + public const nint m_bForceNewLevelUnit = 0x8E0; // bool + public const nint m_fDangerousTimer = 0x8E4; // float32 + public const nint m_minHitPoints = 0x8E8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 11 + public static class CPhysWheelConstraint { + public const nint m_flSuspensionFrequency = 0x538; // float32 + public const nint m_flSuspensionDampingRatio = 0x53C; // float32 + public const nint m_flSuspensionHeightOffset = 0x540; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableSuspensionLimit = 0x544; // bool + public const nint m_flMinSuspensionOffset = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxSuspensionOffset = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableSteeringLimit = 0x550; // bool + public const nint m_flMinSteeringAngle = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxSteeringAngle = 0x558; // float32 + public const nint m_flSteeringAxisFriction = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpinAxisFriction = 0x560; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CPhysFixed { + public const nint m_flLinearFrequency = 0x538; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearDampingRatio = 0x53C; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularFrequency = 0x540; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularDampingRatio = 0x544; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableLinearConstraint = 0x548; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableAngularConstraint = 0x549; // bool + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CBasePlayerVData { + public const nint m_sModelName = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_flHeadDamageMultiplier = 0x108; // CSkillFloat + public const nint m_flChestDamageMultiplier = 0x118; // CSkillFloat + public const nint m_flStomachDamageMultiplier = 0x128; // CSkillFloat + public const nint m_flArmDamageMultiplier = 0x138; // CSkillFloat + public const nint m_flLegDamageMultiplier = 0x148; // CSkillFloat + public const nint m_flHoldBreathTime = 0x158; // float32 + public const nint m_flDrowningDamageInterval = 0x15C; // float32 + public const nint m_nDrowningDamageInitial = 0x160; // int32 + public const nint m_nDrowningDamageMax = 0x164; // int32 + public const nint m_nWaterSpeed = 0x168; // int32 + public const nint m_flUseRange = 0x16C; // float32 + public const nint m_flUseAngleTolerance = 0x170; // float32 + public const nint m_flCrouchTime = 0x174; // float32 + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 11 + public static class CEnvSoundscape { + public const nint m_OnPlay = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_soundscapeName = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_soundEventName = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bOverrideWithEvent = 0x500; // bool + public const nint m_soundscapeIndex = 0x504; // int32 + public const nint m_soundscapeEntityListId = 0x508; // int32 + public const nint m_soundEventHash = 0x50C; // uint32 + public const nint m_positionNames = 0x510; // CUtlSymbolLarge[8] + public const nint m_hProxySoundscape = 0x550; // CHandle + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x554; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTotalCashSpent (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashSpentThisRound (int) + public static class CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices { + public const nint m_bReceivesMoneyNextRound = 0x40; // bool + public const nint m_iMoneyEarnedForNextRound = 0x44; // int32 + public const nint m_iAccount = 0x48; // int32 + public const nint m_iStartAccount = 0x4C; // int32 + public const nint m_iTotalCashSpent = 0x50; // int32 + public const nint m_iCashSpentThisRound = 0x54; // int32 + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CSpriteOriented { + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetAABBEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CSoundOpvarSetOBBEntity { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponM4A1 { + } + // Parent: CBeam + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CEnvLaser { + public const nint m_iszLaserTarget = 0x7B0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_pSprite = 0x7B8; // CSprite* + public const nint m_iszSpriteName = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_firePosition = 0x7C8; // Vector + public const nint m_flStartFrame = 0x7D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCommentaryViewPosition { + } + // Parent: CTonemapController2 + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTonemapController2Alias_env_tonemap_controller2 { + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CPhysPulley { + public const nint m_position2 = 0x538; // Vector + public const nint m_offset = 0x544; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_addLength = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_gearRatio = 0x560; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CGameRulesProxy { + } + // Parent: CEconEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip1 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip2 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pReserveAmmo (int) + public static class CBasePlayerWeapon { + public const nint m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick = 0xC70; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio = 0xC74; // float32 + public const nint m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick = 0xC78; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio = 0xC7C; // float32 + public const nint m_iClip1 = 0xC80; // int32 + public const nint m_iClip2 = 0xC84; // int32 + public const nint m_pReserveAmmo = 0xC88; // int32[2] + public const nint m_OnPlayerUse = 0xC90; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_perRoundStats (CSPerRoundStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_matchStats (CSMatchStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt (uint32) + public static class CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { + public const nint m_perRoundStats = 0x40; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + public const nint m_matchStats = 0xB0; // CSMatchStats_t + public const nint m_iNumRoundKills = 0x170; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots = 0x174; // int32 + public const nint m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt = 0x178; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bvDisabledHitGroups (uint32) + public static class CHitboxComponent { + public const nint m_bvDisabledHitGroups = 0x24; // uint32[1] + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBaseFlexAlias_funCBaseFlex { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_x (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_y (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_z (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_poolOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_waterLevel (float32) + public static class CFish { + public const nint m_pool = 0x8E8; // CHandle + public const nint m_id = 0x8EC; // uint32 + public const nint m_x = 0x8F0; // float32 + public const nint m_y = 0x8F4; // float32 + public const nint m_z = 0x8F8; // float32 + public const nint m_angle = 0x8FC; // float32 + public const nint m_angleChange = 0x900; // float32 + public const nint m_forward = 0x904; // Vector + public const nint m_perp = 0x910; // Vector + public const nint m_poolOrigin = 0x91C; // Vector + public const nint m_waterLevel = 0x928; // float32 + public const nint m_speed = 0x92C; // float32 + public const nint m_desiredSpeed = 0x930; // float32 + public const nint m_calmSpeed = 0x934; // float32 + public const nint m_panicSpeed = 0x938; // float32 + public const nint m_avoidRange = 0x93C; // float32 + public const nint m_turnTimer = 0x940; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_turnClockwise = 0x958; // bool + public const nint m_goTimer = 0x960; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_moveTimer = 0x978; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_panicTimer = 0x990; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_disperseTimer = 0x9A8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_proximityTimer = 0x9C0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_visible = 0x9D8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CEnvFireSource { + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_radius = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_damage = 0x4C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoLadderDismount { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_strStartTouchEventName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_strEndTouchEventName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_strTriggerID (CUtlString) + public static class CTriggerGameEvent { + public const nint m_strStartTouchEventName = 0x8E0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_strEndTouchEventName = 0x8E8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_strTriggerID = 0x8F0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 10 + public static class CPhysSlideConstraint { + public const nint m_axisEnd = 0x540; // Vector + public const nint m_slideFriction = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_systemLoadScale = 0x550; // float32 + public const nint m_initialOffset = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableLinearConstraint = 0x558; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableAngularConstraint = 0x559; // bool + public const nint m_flMotorFrequency = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMotorDampingRatio = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseEntityPivot = 0x564; // bool + public const nint m_soundInfo = 0x568; // ConstraintSoundInfo + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CDebugHistory { + public const nint m_nNpcEvents = 0x1F4500; // int32 + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoData { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CHostageCarriableProp { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CLightComponent (CLightComponent::Storage_t) + public static class CLightEntity { + public const nint m_CLightComponent = 0x710; // CLightComponent* + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + public static class CFuncRotating { + public const nint m_OnStopped = 0x710; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnStarted = 0x738; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnReachedStart = 0x760; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_localRotationVector = 0x788; // RotationVector + public const nint m_flFanFriction = 0x794; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttenuation = 0x798; // float32 + public const nint m_flVolume = 0x79C; // float32 + public const nint m_flTargetSpeed = 0x7A0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxSpeed = 0x7A4; // float32 + public const nint m_flBlockDamage = 0x7A8; // float32 + public const nint m_NoiseRunning = 0x7B0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bReversed = 0x7B8; // bool + public const nint m_bAccelDecel = 0x7B9; // bool + public const nint m_prevLocalAngles = 0x7C4; // QAngle + public const nint m_angStart = 0x7D0; // QAngle + public const nint m_bStopAtStartPos = 0x7DC; // bool + public const nint m_vecClientOrigin = 0x7E0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecClientAngles = 0x7EC; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounces (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin (Vector) + public static class CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile { + public const nint m_vInitialPosition = 0xA20; // Vector + public const nint m_vInitialVelocity = 0xA2C; // Vector + public const nint m_nBounces = 0xA38; // int32 + public const nint m_nExplodeEffectIndex = 0xA40; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin = 0xA48; // int32 + public const nint m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin = 0xA4C; // Vector + public const nint m_flSpawnTime = 0xA58; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_unOGSExtraFlags = 0xA5C; // uint8 + public const nint m_bDetonationRecorded = 0xA5D; // bool + public const nint m_nItemIndex = 0xA5E; // uint16 + public const nint m_vecOriginalSpawnLocation = 0xA60; // Vector + public const nint m_flLastBounceSoundTime = 0xA6C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_vecGrenadeSpin = 0xA70; // RotationVector + public const nint m_vecLastHitSurfaceNormal = 0xA7C; // Vector + public const nint m_nTicksAtZeroVelocity = 0xA88; // int32 + public const nint m_bHasEverHitPlayer = 0xA8C; // bool + public const nint m_bClearFromPlayers = 0xA8D; // bool + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CCSPlace { + public const nint m_name = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFuncTrainControls { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDissolveType (EntityDisolveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDissolverOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMagnitude (uint32) + public static class CEntityDissolve { + public const nint m_flFadeInStart = 0x710; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeInLength = 0x714; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutModelStart = 0x718; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutModelLength = 0x71C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutStart = 0x720; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutLength = 0x724; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x728; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nDissolveType = 0x72C; // EntityDisolveType_t + public const nint m_vDissolverOrigin = 0x730; // Vector + public const nint m_nMagnitude = 0x73C; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + public static class CPointAngleSensor { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_nLookAtName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hTargetEntity = 0x4D0; // CHandle + public const nint m_hLookAtEntity = 0x4D4; // CHandle + public const nint m_flDuration = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDotTolerance = 0x4DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFacingTime = 0x4E0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bFired = 0x4E4; // bool + public const nint m_OnFacingLookat = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnNotFacingLookat = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_TargetDir = 0x538; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_FacingPercentage = 0x560; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + public static class CSoundEventOBBEntity { + public const nint m_vMins = 0x570; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxs = 0x57C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBtNodeDecorator + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CBtNodeCondition { + public const nint m_bNegated = 0x58; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton + public static class CSharedGapTypeQueryRegistration { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFalloffShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeightFogDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fIndirectLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSunLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideSunLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideNoiseStrength (bool) + public static class CEnvVolumetricFogVolume { + public const nint m_bActive = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_vBoxMins = 0x4C4; // Vector + public const nint m_vBoxMaxs = 0x4D0; // Vector + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x4DC; // bool + public const nint m_flStrength = 0x4E0; // float32 + public const nint m_nFalloffShape = 0x4E4; // int32 + public const nint m_flFalloffExponent = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeightFogDepth = 0x4EC; // float32 + public const nint m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth = 0x4F0; // float32 + public const nint m_fIndirectLightStrength = 0x4F4; // float32 + public const nint m_fSunLightStrength = 0x4F8; // float32 + public const nint m_fNoiseStrength = 0x4FC; // float32 + public const nint m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength = 0x500; // bool + public const nint m_bOverrideSunLightStrength = 0x501; // bool + public const nint m_bOverrideNoiseStrength = 0x502; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrameRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumBeamEnts (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBaseMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHaloIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamType (BeamType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEndWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFadeLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHaloScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAmplitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStartFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nClipStyle (BeamClipStyle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTurnedOff (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + public static class CBeam { + public const nint m_flFrameRate = 0x710; // float32 + public const nint m_flHDRColorScale = 0x714; // float32 + public const nint m_flFireTime = 0x718; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDamage = 0x71C; // float32 + public const nint m_nNumBeamEnts = 0x720; // uint8 + public const nint m_hBaseMaterial = 0x728; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nHaloIndex = 0x730; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nBeamType = 0x738; // BeamType_t + public const nint m_nBeamFlags = 0x73C; // uint32 + public const nint m_hAttachEntity = 0x740; // CHandle[10] + public const nint m_nAttachIndex = 0x768; // AttachmentHandle_t[10] + public const nint m_fWidth = 0x774; // float32 + public const nint m_fEndWidth = 0x778; // float32 + public const nint m_fFadeLength = 0x77C; // float32 + public const nint m_fHaloScale = 0x780; // float32 + public const nint m_fAmplitude = 0x784; // float32 + public const nint m_fStartFrame = 0x788; // float32 + public const nint m_fSpeed = 0x78C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrame = 0x790; // float32 + public const nint m_nClipStyle = 0x794; // BeamClipStyle_t + public const nint m_bTurnedOff = 0x798; // bool + public const nint m_vecEndPos = 0x79C; // Vector + public const nint m_hEndEntity = 0x7A8; // CHandle + public const nint m_nDissolveType = 0x7AC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CRenderComponent (CRenderComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CHitboxComponent (CHitboxComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderMode (RenderMode_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderFX (RenderFx_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrRender (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecRenderAttributes (EntityRenderAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Collision (CCollisionProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Glow (CGlowProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowBackfaceMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMinDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMaxDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nObjectCulling (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAddDecal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalForwardAxis (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealBloodRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealHeightRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecViewOffset (CNetworkViewOffsetVector) + public static class CBaseModelEntity { + public const nint m_CRenderComponent = 0x4C0; // CRenderComponent* + public const nint m_CHitboxComponent = 0x4C8; // CHitboxComponent + public const nint m_flDissolveStartTime = 0x4F0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_OnIgnite = 0x4F8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_nRenderMode = 0x520; // RenderMode_t + public const nint m_nRenderFX = 0x521; // RenderFx_t + public const nint m_bAllowFadeInView = 0x522; // bool + public const nint m_clrRender = 0x523; // Color + public const nint m_vecRenderAttributes = 0x528; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + public const nint m_bRenderToCubemaps = 0x578; // bool + public const nint m_Collision = 0x580; // CCollisionProperty + public const nint m_Glow = 0x630; // CGlowProperty + public const nint m_flGlowBackfaceMult = 0x688; // float32 + public const nint m_fadeMinDist = 0x68C; // float32 + public const nint m_fadeMaxDist = 0x690; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeScale = 0x694; // float32 + public const nint m_flShadowStrength = 0x698; // float32 + public const nint m_nObjectCulling = 0x69C; // uint8 + public const nint m_nAddDecal = 0x6A0; // int32 + public const nint m_vDecalPosition = 0x6A4; // Vector + public const nint m_vDecalForwardAxis = 0x6B0; // Vector + public const nint m_flDecalHealBloodRate = 0x6BC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDecalHealHeightRate = 0x6C0; // float32 + public const nint m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo = 0x6C8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_vecViewOffset = 0x6E0; // CNetworkViewOffsetVector + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 12 + public static class CPhysMagnet { + public const nint m_OnMagnetAttach = 0x8E8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMagnetDetach = 0x910; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_massScale = 0x938; // float32 + public const nint m_forceLimit = 0x93C; // float32 + public const nint m_torqueLimit = 0x940; // float32 + public const nint m_MagnettedEntities = 0x948; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bActive = 0x960; // bool + public const nint m_bHasHitSomething = 0x961; // bool + public const nint m_flTotalMass = 0x964; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x968; // float32 + public const nint m_flNextSuckTime = 0x96C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iMaxObjectsAttached = 0x970; // int32 + } + // Parent: CSceneEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CSceneEntityAlias_logic_choreographed_scene { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CFuncNavBlocker { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x710; // bool + public const nint m_nBlockedTeamNumber = 0x714; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CRagdollMagnet { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_radius = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_force = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_axis = 0x4CC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CFuncBrush { + public const nint m_iSolidity = 0x710; // BrushSolidities_e + public const nint m_iDisabled = 0x714; // int32 + public const nint m_bSolidBsp = 0x718; // bool + public const nint m_iszExcludedClass = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bInvertExclusion = 0x728; // bool + public const nint m_bScriptedMovement = 0x729; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CPointProximitySensor { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_hTargetEntity = 0x4C4; // CHandle + public const nint m_Distance = 0x4C8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchases (WeaponPurchaseCount_t) + public static class WeaponPurchaseTracker_t { + public const nint m_weaponPurchases = 0x8; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFilterClass { + public const nint m_iFilterClass = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CMelee { + } + // Parent: CMultiplayRules + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTeamplayRules { + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFilterLOS { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + public static class EngineCountdownTimer { + public const nint m_duration = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_timestamp = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_timescale = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBreakable + // Fields count: 15 + public static class CPhysBox { + public const nint m_damageType = 0x7E8; // int32 + public const nint m_massScale = 0x7EC; // float32 + public const nint m_damageToEnableMotion = 0x7F0; // int32 + public const nint m_flForceToEnableMotion = 0x7F4; // float32 + public const nint m_angPreferredCarryAngles = 0x7F8; // QAngle + public const nint m_bNotSolidToWorld = 0x804; // bool + public const nint m_bEnableUseOutput = 0x805; // bool + public const nint m_iExploitableByPlayer = 0x808; // int32 + public const nint m_flTouchOutputPerEntityDelay = 0x80C; // float32 + public const nint m_OnDamaged = 0x810; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnAwakened = 0x838; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMotionEnabled = 0x860; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnPlayerUse = 0x888; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnStartTouch = 0x8B0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_hCarryingPlayer = 0x8D8; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DmgRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDetonateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDamage (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hThrower (CHandle) + public static class CBaseGrenade { + public const nint m_OnPlayerPickup = 0x980; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnExplode = 0x9A8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bHasWarnedAI = 0x9D0; // bool + public const nint m_bIsSmokeGrenade = 0x9D1; // bool + public const nint m_bIsLive = 0x9D2; // bool + public const nint m_DmgRadius = 0x9D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDetonateTime = 0x9D8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flWarnAITime = 0x9DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDamage = 0x9E0; // float32 + public const nint m_iszBounceSound = 0x9E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_ExplosionSound = 0x9F0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_hThrower = 0x9FC; // CHandle + public const nint m_flNextAttack = 0xA14; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_hOriginalThrower = 0xA18; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 13 + public static class CTimerEntity { + public const nint m_OnTimer = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnTimerHigh = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnTimerLow = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iDisabled = 0x538; // int32 + public const nint m_flInitialDelay = 0x53C; // float32 + public const nint m_flRefireTime = 0x540; // float32 + public const nint m_bUpDownState = 0x544; // bool + public const nint m_iUseRandomTime = 0x548; // int32 + public const nint m_bPauseAfterFiring = 0x54C; // bool + public const nint m_flLowerRandomBound = 0x550; // float32 + public const nint m_flUpperRandomBound = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_flRemainingTime = 0x558; // float32 + public const nint m_bPaused = 0x55C; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_TeamIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CHEGrenadeProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared) + public static class CEnvWind { + public const nint m_EnvWindShared = 0x4C0; // CEnvWindShared + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + public static class IntervalTimer { + public const nint m_timestamp = 0x8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nWorldGroupId = 0xC; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerWeapon + // Fields count: 64 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFireSequenceStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEvent (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType (WeaponAttackType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iState (CSWeaponState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeWeaponIdle (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponMode (CSWeaponMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAccuracyPenalty (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRecoilIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRecoilIndex (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBurstMode (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInReload (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bReloadVisuallyComplete (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDroppedAtTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHauledBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSilencerOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOriginalTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMostRecentTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDroppedNearBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPrevOwner (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDropTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLastShotTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iIronSightMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumEmptyAttacks (int) + public static class CCSWeaponBase { + public const nint m_bRemoveable = 0xCE0; // bool + public const nint m_flFireSequenceStartTime = 0xCE8; // float32 + public const nint m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange = 0xCEC; // int32 + public const nint m_nFireSequenceStartTimeAck = 0xCF0; // int32 + public const nint m_ePlayerFireEvent = 0xCF4; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + public const nint m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType = 0xCF8; // WeaponAttackType_t + public const nint m_seqIdle = 0xCFC; // HSequence + public const nint m_seqFirePrimary = 0xD00; // HSequence + public const nint m_seqFireSecondary = 0xD04; // HSequence + public const nint m_thirdPersonFireSequences = 0xD08; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_hCurrentThirdPersonSequence = 0xD20; // HSequence + public const nint m_nSilencerBoneIndex = 0xD24; // int32 + public const nint m_thirdPersonSequences = 0xD28; // HSequence[7] + public const nint m_bPlayerAmmoStockOnPickup = 0xD50; // bool + public const nint m_bRequireUseToTouch = 0xD51; // bool + public const nint m_iState = 0xD54; // CSWeaponState_t + public const nint m_flLastTimeInAir = 0xD58; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flLastDeployTime = 0xD5C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nLastEmptySoundCmdNum = 0xD60; // int32 + public const nint m_nViewModelIndex = 0xD64; // uint32 + public const nint m_bReloadsWithClips = 0xD68; // bool + public const nint m_flTimeWeaponIdle = 0xD88; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bFireOnEmpty = 0xD8C; // bool + public const nint m_OnPlayerPickup = 0xD90; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_weaponMode = 0xDB8; // CSWeaponMode + public const nint m_flTurningInaccuracyDelta = 0xDBC; // float32 + public const nint m_vecTurningInaccuracyEyeDirLast = 0xDC0; // Vector + public const nint m_flTurningInaccuracy = 0xDCC; // float32 + public const nint m_fAccuracyPenalty = 0xDD0; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastAccuracyUpdateTime = 0xDD4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fAccuracySmoothedForZoom = 0xDD8; // float32 + public const nint m_fScopeZoomEndTime = 0xDDC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iRecoilIndex = 0xDE0; // int32 + public const nint m_flRecoilIndex = 0xDE4; // float32 + public const nint m_bBurstMode = 0xDE8; // bool + public const nint m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks = 0xDEC; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac = 0xDF0; // float32 + public const nint m_bInReload = 0xDF4; // bool + public const nint m_bReloadVisuallyComplete = 0xDF5; // bool + public const nint m_flDroppedAtTime = 0xDF8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bIsHauledBack = 0xDFC; // bool + public const nint m_bSilencerOn = 0xDFD; // bool + public const nint m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete = 0xE00; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iOriginalTeamNumber = 0xE04; // int32 + public const nint m_iMostRecentTeamNumber = 0xE08; // int32 + public const nint m_bDroppedNearBuyZone = 0xE0C; // bool + public const nint m_flNextAttackRenderTimeOffset = 0xE10; // float32 + public const nint m_bCanBePickedUp = 0xE28; // bool + public const nint m_bUseCanOverrideNextOwnerTouchTime = 0xE29; // bool + public const nint m_nextOwnerTouchTime = 0xE2C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nextPrevOwnerTouchTime = 0xE30; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_hPrevOwner = 0xE38; // CHandle + public const nint m_nDropTick = 0xE3C; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_donated = 0xE5C; // bool + public const nint m_fLastShotTime = 0xE60; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bWasOwnedByCT = 0xE64; // bool + public const nint m_bWasOwnedByTerrorist = 0xE65; // bool + public const nint m_bFiredOutOfAmmoEvent = 0xE66; // bool + public const nint m_numRemoveUnownedWeaponThink = 0xE68; // int32 + public const nint m_IronSightController = 0xE70; // CIronSightController + public const nint m_iIronSightMode = 0xE88; // int32 + public const nint m_flLastLOSTraceFailureTime = 0xE8C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iNumEmptyAttacks = 0xE90; // int32 + public const nint m_flWatTickOffset = 0xE94; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CHandleDummy { + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 9 + public static class CRagdollConstraint { + public const nint m_xmin = 0x538; // float32 + public const nint m_xmax = 0x53C; // float32 + public const nint m_ymin = 0x540; // float32 + public const nint m_ymax = 0x544; // float32 + public const nint m_zmin = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_zmax = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_xfriction = 0x550; // float32 + public const nint m_yfriction = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_zfriction = 0x558; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + public static class CPhysExplosion { + public const nint m_bExplodeOnSpawn = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_flMagnitude = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDamage = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_radius = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_targetEntityName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flInnerRadius = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flPushScale = 0x4DC; // float32 + public const nint m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible = 0x4E0; // bool + public const nint m_OnPushedPlayer = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CPointPush { + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_flMagnitude = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInnerRadius = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flConeOfInfluence = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_iszFilterName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hFilter = 0x4E0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CCredits { + public const nint m_OnCreditsDone = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bRolledOutroCredits = 0x4E8; // bool + public const nint m_flLogoLength = 0x4EC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHostageAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isHostageFollowingSomeone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostageEntityIDs (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterA (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterB (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted (bool) + public static class CCSPlayerResource { + public const nint m_bHostageAlive = 0x4C0; // bool[12] + public const nint m_isHostageFollowingSomeone = 0x4CC; // bool[12] + public const nint m_iHostageEntityIDs = 0x4D8; // CEntityIndex[12] + public const nint m_bombsiteCenterA = 0x508; // Vector + public const nint m_bombsiteCenterB = 0x514; // Vector + public const nint m_hostageRescueX = 0x520; // int32[4] + public const nint m_hostageRescueY = 0x530; // int32[4] + public const nint m_hostageRescueZ = 0x540; // int32[4] + public const nint m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted = 0x550; // bool + public const nint m_foundGoalPositions = 0x551; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWeapons (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActiveWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLastWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAmmo (uint16) + public static class CPlayer_WeaponServices { + public const nint m_hMyWeapons = 0x40; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_hActiveWeapon = 0x58; // CHandle + public const nint m_hLastWeapon = 0x5C; // CHandle + public const nint m_iAmmo = 0x60; // uint16[32] + public const nint m_bPreventWeaponPickup = 0xA0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CAttributeManager__cached_attribute_float_t { + public const nint flIn = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint iAttribHook = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint flOut = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CTeam + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSurrendered (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamMatchStat (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numMapVictories (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreFirstHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreSecondHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreOvertime (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClanTeamname (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClanID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamFlagImage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamLogoImage (char) + public static class CCSTeam { + public const nint m_nLastRecievedShorthandedRoundBonus = 0x578; // int32 + public const nint m_nShorthandedRoundBonusStartRound = 0x57C; // int32 + public const nint m_bSurrendered = 0x580; // bool + public const nint m_szTeamMatchStat = 0x581; // char[512] + public const nint m_numMapVictories = 0x784; // int32 + public const nint m_scoreFirstHalf = 0x788; // int32 + public const nint m_scoreSecondHalf = 0x78C; // int32 + public const nint m_scoreOvertime = 0x790; // int32 + public const nint m_szClanTeamname = 0x794; // char[129] + public const nint m_iClanID = 0x818; // uint32 + public const nint m_szTeamFlagImage = 0x81C; // char[8] + public const nint m_szTeamLogoImage = 0x824; // char[8] + public const nint m_flNextResourceTime = 0x82C; // float32 + public const nint m_iLastUpdateSentAt = 0x830; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CCSGameModeRules { + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsAs (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsWith (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsExclude (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntityId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHierarchyId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionFunctionMask (uint8) + public static class VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t { + public const nint m_nInteractsAs = 0x8; // uint64 + public const nint m_nInteractsWith = 0x10; // uint64 + public const nint m_nInteractsExclude = 0x18; // uint64 + public const nint m_nEntityId = 0x20; // uint32 + public const nint m_nOwnerId = 0x24; // uint32 + public const nint m_nHierarchyId = 0x28; // uint16 + public const nint m_nCollisionGroup = 0x2A; // uint8 + public const nint m_nCollisionFunctionMask = 0x2B; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CTriggerMultiple + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CTriggerImpact { + public const nint m_flMagnitude = 0x908; // float32 + public const nint m_flNoise = 0x90C; // float32 + public const nint m_flViewkick = 0x910; // float32 + public const nint m_pOutputForce = 0x918; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrOverlay (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSSEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bmaxColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHazeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHaze (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHdr (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZScale (float32) + public static class CSun { + public const nint m_vDirection = 0x710; // Vector + public const nint m_clrOverlay = 0x71C; // Color + public const nint m_iszEffectName = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSSEffectName = 0x728; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bOn = 0x730; // bool + public const nint m_bmaxColor = 0x731; // bool + public const nint m_flSize = 0x734; // float32 + public const nint m_flRotation = 0x738; // float32 + public const nint m_flHazeScale = 0x73C; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlphaHaze = 0x740; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlphaHdr = 0x744; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlphaScale = 0x748; // float32 + public const nint m_flHDRColorScale = 0x74C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFarZScale = 0x750; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CTriggerDetectBulletFire { + public const nint m_bPlayerFireOnly = 0x8E0; // bool + public const nint m_OnDetectedBulletFire = 0x8E8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWorld { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CPointGiveAmmo { + public const nint m_pActivator = 0x4C0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CFuncMoveLinear + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFuncMoveLinearAlias_momentary_door { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flParticleSpacing (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Position (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentIn (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentOut (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Color (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_PinEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_RadiusScale (float) + public static class CPathParticleRope { + public const nint m_bStartActive = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_flMaxSimulationTime = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_iszEffectName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_PathNodes_Name = 0x4D0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flParticleSpacing = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSlack = 0x4EC; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x4F0; // float32 + public const nint m_ColorTint = 0x4F4; // Color + public const nint m_nEffectState = 0x4F8; // int32 + public const nint m_iEffectIndex = 0x500; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_PathNodes_Position = 0x508; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PathNodes_TangentIn = 0x520; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PathNodes_TangentOut = 0x538; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PathNodes_Color = 0x550; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PathNodes_PinEnabled = 0x568; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_PathNodes_RadiusScale = 0x580; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVisibilityStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogDistanceMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + public static class CPlayerVisibility { + public const nint m_flVisibilityStrength = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogDistanceMultiplier = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeTime = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x4D0; // bool + public const nint m_bIsEnabled = 0x4D1; // bool + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CServerOnlyPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CAK47 { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CTriggerTeleport { + public const nint m_iLandmark = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bUseLandmarkAngles = 0x8E8; // bool + public const nint m_bMirrorPlayer = 0x8E9; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSObserver_CameraServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_TeamIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 26 + public static class CFuncMover { + public const nint m_iszPathName = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hPathMover = 0x718; // CHandle + public const nint m_iszPathNodeStart = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_eMoveType = 0x728; // CFuncMover::Move_t + public const nint m_bIsReversing = 0x72C; // bool + public const nint m_vTarget = 0x730; // Vector + public const nint m_flStartSpeed = 0x73C; // float32 + public const nint m_flPathLocation = 0x740; // float32 + public const nint m_flT = 0x744; // float32 + public const nint m_nCurrentNodeIndex = 0x748; // int32 + public const nint m_nPreviousNodeIndex = 0x74C; // int32 + public const nint m_bFixedOrientation = 0x750; // bool + public const nint m_bFixedPitch = 0x751; // bool + public const nint m_eSolidType = 0x752; // SolidType_t + public const nint m_bIsMoving = 0x753; // bool + public const nint m_flTimeToReachMaxSpeed = 0x754; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimeToReachZeroSpeed = 0x758; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimeMovementStart = 0x75C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flTimeMovementStop = 0x760; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_hStopAtNode = 0x764; // CHandle + public const nint m_flPathLocationToBeginStop = 0x768; // float32 + public const nint m_bMatchPathNodeUp = 0x76C; // bool + public const nint m_bFacePlayer = 0x76D; // bool + public const nint m_flTimeStartRoll = 0x770; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_vOriginalUp = 0x774; // Vector + public const nint m_flTimeToRollToNewUp = 0x780; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: localSound (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: localBits (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeEntityListIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: soundEventHash (uint32) + public static class audioparams_t { + public const nint localSound = 0x8; // Vector[8] + public const nint soundscapeIndex = 0x68; // int32 + public const nint localBits = 0x6C; // uint8 + public const nint soundscapeEntityListIndex = 0x70; // int32 + public const nint soundEventHash = 0x74; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CHEGrenade { + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CGameEnd { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTriggerCallback { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CBubbling { + public const nint m_density = 0x710; // int32 + public const nint m_frequency = 0x714; // int32 + public const nint m_state = 0x718; // int32 + } + // Parent: CTeamplayRules + // Fields count: 189 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFreezePeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWarmupPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodEnd (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodStart (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bServerPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTerroristTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCTTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTerroristTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTechnicalTimeOut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMatchWaitingForResume (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMatchStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fRoundStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRestartRoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGameRestart (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGameStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_gamePhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalRoundsPlayed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOvertimePlaying (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostagesRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnyHostageReached (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBombTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsValveDS (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLogoMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iSpectatorSlotCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MatchDevice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMatchStarted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextMapInMapgroup (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventStage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szMatchStatTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTournamentPredictionsPct (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDroppingItems (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQuestEligible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHltvActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrProhibitedItemIndices (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numBestOfMaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDropped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlanted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundWinStatus (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundWinReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_RoundResults (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextRespawnWave (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nServerQuestID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameModeRules (CCSGameModeRules*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakeRules (CRetakeGameRules) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTeamIntroPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundEndReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndTimerTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndFunFactToken (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot (CPlayerSlot) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndMessage (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndPlayerCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndLegacy (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundStartRoundNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundStartCount (uint8) + public static class CCSGameRules { + public const nint m_bFreezePeriod = 0xC8; // bool + public const nint m_bWarmupPeriod = 0xC9; // bool + public const nint m_fWarmupPeriodEnd = 0xCC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fWarmupPeriodStart = 0xD0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bServerPaused = 0xD4; // bool + public const nint m_bTerroristTimeOutActive = 0xD5; // bool + public const nint m_bCTTimeOutActive = 0xD6; // bool + public const nint m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining = 0xD8; // float32 + public const nint m_flCTTimeOutRemaining = 0xDC; // float32 + public const nint m_nTerroristTimeOuts = 0xE0; // int32 + public const nint m_nCTTimeOuts = 0xE4; // int32 + public const nint m_bTechnicalTimeOut = 0xE8; // bool + public const nint m_bMatchWaitingForResume = 0xE9; // bool + public const nint m_iRoundTime = 0xEC; // int32 + public const nint m_fMatchStartTime = 0xF0; // float32 + public const nint m_fRoundStartTime = 0xF4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flRestartRoundTime = 0xF8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bGameRestart = 0xFC; // bool + public const nint m_flGameStartTime = 0x100; // float32 + public const nint m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts = 0x104; // float32 + public const nint m_gamePhase = 0x108; // int32 + public const nint m_totalRoundsPlayed = 0x10C; // int32 + public const nint m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase = 0x110; // int32 + public const nint m_nOvertimePlaying = 0x114; // int32 + public const nint m_iHostagesRemaining = 0x118; // int32 + public const nint m_bAnyHostageReached = 0x11C; // bool + public const nint m_bMapHasBombTarget = 0x11D; // bool + public const nint m_bMapHasRescueZone = 0x11E; // bool + public const nint m_bMapHasBuyZone = 0x11F; // bool + public const nint m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking = 0x120; // bool + public const nint m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode = 0x124; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsValveDS = 0x128; // bool + public const nint m_bLogoMap = 0x129; // bool + public const nint m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer = 0x12A; // bool + public const nint m_iSpectatorSlotCount = 0x12C; // int32 + public const nint m_MatchDevice = 0x130; // int32 + public const nint m_bHasMatchStarted = 0x134; // bool + public const nint m_nNextMapInMapgroup = 0x138; // int32 + public const nint m_szTournamentEventName = 0x13C; // char[512] + public const nint m_szTournamentEventStage = 0x33C; // char[512] + public const nint m_szMatchStatTxt = 0x53C; // char[512] + public const nint m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt = 0x73C; // char[512] + public const nint m_nTournamentPredictionsPct = 0x93C; // int32 + public const nint m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime = 0x940; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime = 0x944; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bIsDroppingItems = 0x948; // bool + public const nint m_bIsQuestEligible = 0x949; // bool + public const nint m_bIsHltvActive = 0x94A; // bool + public const nint m_arrProhibitedItemIndices = 0x94C; // uint16[100] + public const nint m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts = 0xA14; // uint32[4] + public const nint m_numBestOfMaps = 0xA24; // int32 + public const nint m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed = 0xA28; // int32 + public const nint m_bBombDropped = 0xA2C; // bool + public const nint m_bBombPlanted = 0xA2D; // bool + public const nint m_iRoundWinStatus = 0xA30; // int32 + public const nint m_eRoundWinReason = 0xA34; // int32 + public const nint m_bTCantBuy = 0xA38; // bool + public const nint m_bCTCantBuy = 0xA39; // bool + public const nint m_iMatchStats_RoundResults = 0xA3C; // int32[30] + public const nint m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT = 0xAB4; // int32[30] + public const nint m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T = 0xB2C; // int32[30] + public const nint m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes = 0xBA4; // float32[32] + public const nint m_flNextRespawnWave = 0xC24; // GameTime_t[32] + public const nint m_nServerQuestID = 0xCA4; // int32 + public const nint m_vMinimapMins = 0xCA8; // Vector + public const nint m_vMinimapMaxs = 0xCB4; // Vector + public const nint m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights = 0xCC0; // float32[8] + public const nint m_bSpawnedTerrorHuntHeavy = 0xCE0; // bool + public const nint m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes = 0xCE4; // int32[10] + public const nint m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions = 0xD0C; // int32[10] + public const nint m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner = 0xD34; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses = 0xD38; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses = 0xD3C; // int32 + public const nint m_bHasHostageBeenTouched = 0xD58; // bool + public const nint m_flIntermissionStartTime = 0xD5C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flIntermissionEndTime = 0xD60; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bLevelInitialized = 0xD64; // bool + public const nint m_iTotalRoundsPlayed = 0xD68; // int32 + public const nint m_iUnBalancedRounds = 0xD6C; // int32 + public const nint m_endMatchOnRoundReset = 0xD70; // bool + public const nint m_endMatchOnThink = 0xD71; // bool + public const nint m_iFreezeTime = 0xD74; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumTerrorist = 0xD78; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumCT = 0xD7C; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumSpawnableTerrorist = 0xD80; // int32 + public const nint m_iNumSpawnableCT = 0xD84; // int32 + public const nint m_arrSelectedHostageSpawnIndices = 0xD88; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nSpawnPointsRandomSeed = 0xDA0; // int32 + public const nint m_bFirstConnected = 0xDA4; // bool + public const nint m_bCompleteReset = 0xDA5; // bool + public const nint m_bPickNewTeamsOnReset = 0xDA6; // bool + public const nint m_bScrambleTeamsOnRestart = 0xDA7; // bool + public const nint m_bSwapTeamsOnRestart = 0xDA8; // bool + public const nint m_nEndMatchTiedVotes = 0xDB0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bNeedToAskPlayersForContinueVote = 0xDCC; // bool + public const nint m_numQueuedMatchmakingAccounts = 0xDD0; // uint32 + public const nint m_fAvgPlayerRank = 0xDD4; // float32 + public const nint m_pQueuedMatchmakingReservationString = 0xDD8; // char* + public const nint m_numTotalTournamentDrops = 0xDE0; // uint32 + public const nint m_numSpectatorsCountMax = 0xDE4; // uint32 + public const nint m_numSpectatorsCountMaxTV = 0xDE8; // uint32 + public const nint m_numSpectatorsCountMaxLnk = 0xDEC; // uint32 + public const nint m_bForceTeamChangeSilent = 0xDF8; // bool + public const nint m_bLoadingRoundBackupData = 0xDF9; // bool + public const nint m_nMatchInfoShowType = 0xE30; // int32 + public const nint m_flMatchInfoDecidedTime = 0xE34; // float32 + public const nint mTeamDMLastWinningTeamNumber = 0xE50; // int32 + public const nint mTeamDMLastThinkTime = 0xE54; // float32 + public const nint m_flTeamDMLastAnnouncementTime = 0xE58; // float32 + public const nint m_iAccountTerrorist = 0xE5C; // int32 + public const nint m_iAccountCT = 0xE60; // int32 + public const nint m_iSpawnPointCount_Terrorist = 0xE64; // int32 + public const nint m_iSpawnPointCount_CT = 0xE68; // int32 + public const nint m_iMaxNumTerrorists = 0xE6C; // int32 + public const nint m_iMaxNumCTs = 0xE70; // int32 + public const nint m_iLoserBonusMostRecentTeam = 0xE74; // int32 + public const nint m_tmNextPeriodicThink = 0xE78; // float32 + public const nint m_bVoiceWonMatchBragFired = 0xE7C; // bool + public const nint m_fWarmupNextChatNoticeTime = 0xE80; // float32 + public const nint m_iHostagesRescued = 0xE88; // int32 + public const nint m_iHostagesTouched = 0xE8C; // int32 + public const nint m_flNextHostageAnnouncement = 0xE90; // float32 + public const nint m_bNoTerroristsKilled = 0xE94; // bool + public const nint m_bNoCTsKilled = 0xE95; // bool + public const nint m_bNoEnemiesKilled = 0xE96; // bool + public const nint m_bCanDonateWeapons = 0xE97; // bool + public const nint m_firstKillTime = 0xE9C; // float32 + public const nint m_firstBloodTime = 0xEA4; // float32 + public const nint m_hostageWasInjured = 0xEC0; // bool + public const nint m_hostageWasKilled = 0xEC1; // bool + public const nint m_bVoteCalled = 0xED0; // bool + public const nint m_bServerVoteOnReset = 0xED1; // bool + public const nint m_flVoteCheckThrottle = 0xED4; // float32 + public const nint m_bBuyTimeEnded = 0xED8; // bool + public const nint m_nLastFreezeEndBeep = 0xEDC; // int32 + public const nint m_bTargetBombed = 0xEE0; // bool + public const nint m_bBombDefused = 0xEE1; // bool + public const nint m_bMapHasBombZone = 0xEE2; // bool + public const nint m_vecMainCTSpawnPos = 0xF30; // Vector + public const nint m_CTSpawnPointsMasterList = 0xF40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_TerroristSpawnPointsMasterList = 0xF58; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bRespawningAllRespawnablePlayers = 0xF70; // bool + public const nint m_iNextCTSpawnPoint = 0xF74; // int32 + public const nint m_flCTSpawnPointUsedTime = 0xF78; // float32 + public const nint m_iNextTerroristSpawnPoint = 0xF7C; // int32 + public const nint m_flTerroristSpawnPointUsedTime = 0xF80; // float32 + public const nint m_CTSpawnPoints = 0xF88; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_TerroristSpawnPoints = 0xFA0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bIsUnreservedGameServer = 0xFB8; // bool + public const nint m_fAutobalanceDisplayTime = 0xFBC; // float32 + public const nint m_bAllowWeaponSwitch = 0x1228; // bool + public const nint m_bRoundTimeWarningTriggered = 0x1229; // bool + public const nint m_phaseChangeAnnouncementTime = 0x122C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fNextUpdateTeamClanNamesTime = 0x1230; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastThinkTime = 0x1234; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fAccumulatedRoundOffDamage = 0x1238; // float32 + public const nint m_nShorthandedBonusLastEvalRound = 0x123C; // int32 + public const nint m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason = 0x14B8; // int32 + public const nint m_bHasTriggeredRoundStartMusic = 0x14BC; // bool + public const nint m_bSwitchingTeamsAtRoundReset = 0x14BD; // bool + public const nint m_pGameModeRules = 0x14D8; // CCSGameModeRules* + public const nint m_BtGlobalBlackboard = 0x14E0; // KeyValues3 + public const nint m_hPlayerResource = 0x1570; // CHandle + public const nint m_RetakeRules = 0x1578; // CRetakeGameRules + public const nint m_arrTeamUniqueKillWeaponsMatch = 0x1710; // CUtlVector[4] + public const nint m_bTeamLastKillUsedUniqueWeaponMatch = 0x1770; // bool[4] + public const nint m_nMatchEndCount = 0x1798; // uint8 + public const nint m_nTTeamIntroVariant = 0x179C; // int32 + public const nint m_nCTTeamIntroVariant = 0x17A0; // int32 + public const nint m_bTeamIntroPeriod = 0x17A4; // bool + public const nint m_fTeamIntroPeriodEnd = 0x17A8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bPlayedTeamIntroVO = 0x17AC; // bool + public const nint m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam = 0x17B0; // int32 + public const nint m_eRoundEndReason = 0x17B4; // int32 + public const nint m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend = 0x17B8; // bool + public const nint m_iRoundEndTimerTime = 0x17BC; // int32 + public const nint m_sRoundEndFunFactToken = 0x17C0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot = 0x17C8; // CPlayerSlot + public const nint m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 = 0x17CC; // int32 + public const nint m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 = 0x17D0; // int32 + public const nint m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 = 0x17D4; // int32 + public const nint m_sRoundEndMessage = 0x17D8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_iRoundEndPlayerCount = 0x17E0; // int32 + public const nint m_bRoundEndNoMusic = 0x17E4; // bool + public const nint m_iRoundEndLegacy = 0x17E8; // int32 + public const nint m_nRoundEndCount = 0x17EC; // uint8 + public const nint m_iRoundStartRoundNumber = 0x17F0; // int32 + public const nint m_nRoundStartCount = 0x17F4; // uint8 + public const nint m_flLastPerfSampleTime = 0x5800; // float64 + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPhysicsPropOverride { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CAI_ChangeHintGroup { + public const nint m_iSearchType = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_strSearchName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_strNewHintGroup = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x4D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FadeDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Weight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lookupFilename (char) + public static class CColorCorrectionVolume { + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x8E0; // bool + public const nint m_MaxWeight = 0x8E4; // float32 + public const nint m_FadeDuration = 0x8E8; // float32 + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x8EC; // bool + public const nint m_Weight = 0x8F0; // float32 + public const nint m_lookupFilename = 0x8F4; // char[512] + public const nint m_LastEnterWeight = 0xAF4; // float32 + public const nint m_LastEnterTime = 0xAF8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_LastExitWeight = 0xAFC; // float32 + public const nint m_LastExitTime = 0xB00; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CFilterEnemy { + public const nint m_iszEnemyName = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x520; // float32 + public const nint m_flOuterRadius = 0x524; // float32 + public const nint m_nMaxSquadmatesPerEnemy = 0x528; // int32 + public const nint m_iszPlayerName = 0x530; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CShower { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLODBias (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCubemapSourceType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSkyEntity (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeightFogEnd (bool) + public static class CEnvCubemapFog { + public const nint m_flEndDistance = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartDistance = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogFalloffExponent = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_bHeightFogEnabled = 0x4CC; // bool + public const nint m_flFogHeightWidth = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogHeightEnd = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogHeightStart = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogHeightExponent = 0x4DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flLODBias = 0x4E0; // float32 + public const nint m_bActive = 0x4E4; // bool + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x4E5; // bool + public const nint m_flFogMaxOpacity = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_nCubemapSourceType = 0x4EC; // int32 + public const nint m_hSkyMaterial = 0x4F0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_iszSkyEntity = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hFogCubemapTexture = 0x500; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_bHasHeightFogEnd = 0x508; // bool + public const nint m_bFirstTime = 0x509; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseButton + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPhysicalButton { + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 15 + public static class CEnvExplosion { + public const nint m_iMagnitude = 0x710; // int32 + public const nint m_flPlayerDamage = 0x714; // float32 + public const nint m_iRadiusOverride = 0x718; // int32 + public const nint m_flInnerRadius = 0x71C; // float32 + public const nint m_spriteScale = 0x720; // int32 + public const nint m_flDamageForce = 0x724; // float32 + public const nint m_hInflictor = 0x728; // CHandle + public const nint m_iCustomDamageType = 0x72C; // int32 + public const nint m_iszExplosionType = 0x738; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszCustomEffectName = 0x740; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszCustomSoundName = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iClassIgnore = 0x750; // Class_T + public const nint m_iClassIgnore2 = 0x754; // Class_T + public const nint m_iszEntityIgnoreName = 0x758; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hEntityIgnore = 0x760; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + public static class CSoundEventAABBEntity { + public const nint m_vMins = 0x570; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxs = 0x57C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CTriggerMultiple + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTriggerOnce { + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CPrecipitationVData { + public const nint m_szParticlePrecipitationEffect = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_flInnerDistance = 0x108; // float32 + public const nint m_nAttachType = 0x10C; // ParticleAttachment_t + public const nint m_bBatchSameVolumeType = 0x110; // bool + public const nint m_nRTEnvCP = 0x114; // int32 + public const nint m_nRTEnvCPComponent = 0x118; // int32 + public const nint m_szModifier = 0x120; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CLogicProximity { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszCommentaryFile (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewPosition (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTimeInCommentary (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszTitle (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSpeakers (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumberMax (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bListenedTo (bool) + public static class CPointCommentaryNode { + public const nint m_iszPreCommands = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszPostCommands = 0x8F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszCommentaryFile = 0x8F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszViewTarget = 0x900; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hViewTarget = 0x908; // CHandle + public const nint m_hViewTargetAngles = 0x90C; // CHandle + public const nint m_iszViewPosition = 0x910; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hViewPosition = 0x918; // CHandle + public const nint m_hViewPositionMover = 0x91C; // CHandle + public const nint m_bPreventMovement = 0x920; // bool + public const nint m_bUnderCrosshair = 0x921; // bool + public const nint m_bUnstoppable = 0x922; // bool + public const nint m_flFinishedTime = 0x924; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_vecFinishOrigin = 0x928; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOriginalAngles = 0x934; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecFinishAngles = 0x940; // QAngle + public const nint m_bPreventChangesWhileMoving = 0x94C; // bool + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x94D; // bool + public const nint m_vecTeleportOrigin = 0x950; // Vector + public const nint m_flAbortedPlaybackAt = 0x95C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_pOnCommentaryStarted = 0x960; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_pOnCommentaryStopped = 0x988; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bActive = 0x9B0; // bool + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x9B4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flStartTimeInCommentary = 0x9B8; // float32 + public const nint m_iszTitle = 0x9C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSpeakers = 0x9C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iNodeNumber = 0x9D0; // int32 + public const nint m_iNodeNumberMax = 0x9D4; // int32 + public const nint m_bListenedTo = 0x9D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOpaque (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoDepth (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderBackface (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseOffScreenIndicator (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExcludeFromSaveGames (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGrabbable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOnlyRenderToTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisableMipGen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplicitImageLayout (int32) + public static class CPointClientUIWorldPanel { + public const nint m_bIgnoreInput = 0x8C0; // bool + public const nint m_bLit = 0x8C1; // bool + public const nint m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport = 0x8C2; // bool + public const nint m_flWidth = 0x8C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeight = 0x8C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDPI = 0x8CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flInteractDistance = 0x8D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDepthOffset = 0x8D4; // float32 + public const nint m_unOwnerContext = 0x8D8; // uint32 + public const nint m_unHorizontalAlign = 0x8DC; // uint32 + public const nint m_unVerticalAlign = 0x8E0; // uint32 + public const nint m_unOrientation = 0x8E4; // uint32 + public const nint m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds = 0x8E8; // bool + public const nint m_vecCSSClasses = 0x8F0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_bOpaque = 0x908; // bool + public const nint m_bNoDepth = 0x909; // bool + public const nint m_bRenderBackface = 0x90A; // bool + public const nint m_bUseOffScreenIndicator = 0x90B; // bool + public const nint m_bExcludeFromSaveGames = 0x90C; // bool + public const nint m_bGrabbable = 0x90D; // bool + public const nint m_bOnlyRenderToTexture = 0x90E; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableMipGen = 0x90F; // bool + public const nint m_nExplicitImageLayout = 0x910; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFilterContext { + public const nint m_iFilterContext = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPathParticleRope + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPathParticleRopeAlias_path_particle_rope_clientside { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CBuoyancyHelper { + public const nint m_flFluidDensity = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFilterAttributeInt { + public const nint m_sAttributeName = 0x518; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisRound (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + public static class CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices { + public const nint m_hLastWeaponBeforeC4AutoSwitch = 0x200; // CHandle + public const nint m_bIsRescuing = 0x234; // bool + public const nint m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch = 0x238; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + public const nint m_weaponPurchasesThisRound = 0x290; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CAISound { + public const nint m_iSoundType = 0x4C0; // SoundTypes_t + public const nint m_iSoundFlags = 0x4C2; // SoundFlags_t + public const nint m_iVolume = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_iSoundIndex = 0x4C8; // int32 + public const nint m_flDuration = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_iszProxyEntityName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CPointEntityFinder { + public const nint m_hEntity = 0x4C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_iFilterName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hFilter = 0x4D0; // CHandle + public const nint m_iRefName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hReference = 0x4E0; // CHandle + public const nint m_FindMethod = 0x4E4; // EntFinderMethod_t + public const nint m_OnFoundEntity = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nModelID (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_solid (ShardSolid_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShatterPanelMode (ShatterPanelMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelSize (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionA (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionB (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelVertices (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlassHalfThickness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasParent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bParentFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SurfacePropStringToken (CUtlStringToken) + public static class shard_model_desc_t { + public const nint m_nModelID = 0x8; // int32 + public const nint m_hMaterial = 0x10; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_solid = 0x18; // ShardSolid_t + public const nint m_ShatterPanelMode = 0x19; // ShatterPanelMode + public const nint m_vecPanelSize = 0x1C; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecStressPositionA = 0x24; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecStressPositionB = 0x2C; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecPanelVertices = 0x38; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_flGlassHalfThickness = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_bHasParent = 0x54; // bool + public const nint m_bParentFrozen = 0x55; // bool + public const nint m_SurfacePropStringToken = 0x58; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CBaseProp { + public const nint m_bModelOverrodeBlockLOS = 0x8E8; // bool + public const nint m_iShapeType = 0x8EC; // int32 + public const nint m_bConformToCollisionBounds = 0x8F0; // bool + public const nint m_mPreferredCatchTransform = 0x8F4; // matrix3x4_t + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColorLightingOnly (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + public static class CEnvSky { + public const nint m_hSkyMaterial = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly = 0x718; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x720; // bool + public const nint m_vTintColor = 0x721; // Color + public const nint m_vTintColorLightingOnly = 0x725; // Color + public const nint m_flBrightnessScale = 0x72C; // float32 + public const nint m_nFogType = 0x730; // int32 + public const nint m_flFogMinStart = 0x734; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMinEnd = 0x738; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMaxStart = 0x73C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFogMaxEnd = 0x740; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x744; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CPointVelocitySensor { + public const nint m_hTargetEntity = 0x4C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_vecAxis = 0x4C4; // Vector + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x4D0; // bool + public const nint m_fPrevVelocity = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flAvgInterval = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_Velocity = 0x4E0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFilterMassGreater { + public const nint m_fFilterMass = 0x518; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + public static class FilterTeam { + public const nint m_iFilterTeam = 0x518; // int32 + } + // Parent: CFuncTrackTrain + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFuncTankTrain { + public const nint m_OnDeath = 0x860; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CNullEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_observer { + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeWithRef + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CMarkupVolumeTagged_NavGame { + public const nint m_bFloodFillAttribute = 0x768; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CBuyZone { + public const nint m_LegacyTeamNum = 0x8E0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 12 + public static class CPointTemplate { + public const nint m_iszWorldName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSource2EntityLumpName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszEntityFilterName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flTimeoutInterval = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_bAsynchronouslySpawnEntities = 0x4DC; // bool + public const nint m_pOutputOnSpawned = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_clientOnlyEntityBehavior = 0x508; // PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t + public const nint m_ownerSpawnGroupType = 0x50C; // PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t + public const nint m_createdSpawnGroupHandles = 0x510; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SpawnedEntityHandles = 0x528; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ScriptSpawnCallback = 0x540; // HSCRIPT + public const nint m_ScriptCallbackScope = 0x548; // HSCRIPT + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTripWireFire { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CPhysForce { + public const nint m_nameAttach = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_force = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_forceTime = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_attachedObject = 0x4D8; // CHandle + public const nint m_wasRestored = 0x4DC; // bool + public const nint m_integrator = 0x4E0; // CConstantForceController + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CLogicDistanceAutosave { + public const nint m_iszTargetEntity = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flDistanceToPlayer = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_bForceNewLevelUnit = 0x4CC; // bool + public const nint m_bCheckCough = 0x4CD; // bool + public const nint m_bThinkDangerous = 0x4CE; // bool + public const nint m_flDangerousTime = 0x4D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CInfoDynamicShadowHint { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_flRange = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_nImportance = 0x4C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nLightChoice = 0x4CC; // int32 + public const nint m_hLight = 0x4D0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + public static class CSoundOpvarSetAABBEntity { + public const nint m_vDistanceInnerMins = 0x668; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceInnerMaxs = 0x674; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceOuterMins = 0x680; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceOuterMaxs = 0x68C; // Vector + public const nint m_nAABBDirection = 0x698; // int32 + public const nint m_vInnerMins = 0x69C; // Vector + public const nint m_vInnerMaxs = 0x6A8; // Vector + public const nint m_vOuterMins = 0x6B4; // Vector + public const nint m_vOuterMaxs = 0x6C0; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CEnvWindShared__WindVariationEvent_t { + public const nint m_flWindAngleVariation = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flWindSpeedVariation = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CTakeDamageInfoAPI { + } + // Parent: CTriggerOnce + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CScriptTriggerOnce { + public const nint m_vExtent = 0x908; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CNavWalkable { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowType (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowTeam (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRange (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRangeMin (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowColorOverride (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlashing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight (bool) + public static class CGlowProperty { + public const nint m_fGlowColor = 0x8; // Vector + public const nint m_iGlowType = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_iGlowTeam = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_nGlowRange = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_nGlowRangeMin = 0x3C; // int32 + public const nint m_glowColorOverride = 0x40; // Color + public const nint m_bFlashing = 0x44; // bool + public const nint m_flGlowTime = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_flGlowStartTime = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight = 0x50; // bool + public const nint m_bGlowing = 0x51; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CFlashbangProjectile { + public const nint m_flTimeToDetonate = 0xA90; // float32 + public const nint m_numOpponentsHit = 0xA94; // uint8 + public const nint m_numTeammatesHit = 0xA95; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CPointClientUIWorldPanel + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + public static class CPointClientUIWorldTextPanel { + public const nint m_messageText = 0x918; // char[512] + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoInstructorHintTarget { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostage (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostageProp (CHandle) + public static class CCSPlayer_HostageServices { + public const nint m_hCarriedHostage = 0x40; // CHandle + public const nint m_hCarriedHostageProp = 0x44; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponSSG08 { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBreachCharge { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CLogicBranch { + public const nint m_bInValue = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_Listeners = 0x4C8; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_OnTrue = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFalse = 0x508; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponUMP45 { + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CSpriteAlias_env_glow { + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szDisplayText (string_t) + public static class CBaseButton { + public const nint m_angMoveEntitySpace = 0x790; // QAngle + public const nint m_fStayPushed = 0x79C; // bool + public const nint m_fRotating = 0x79D; // bool + public const nint m_ls = 0x7A0; // locksound_t + public const nint m_sUseSound = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_sLockedSound = 0x7C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_sUnlockedSound = 0x7D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_sOverrideAnticipationName = 0x7D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bLocked = 0x7E0; // bool + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x7E1; // bool + public const nint m_flUseLockedTime = 0x7E4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bSolidBsp = 0x7E8; // bool + public const nint m_OnDamaged = 0x7F0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnPressed = 0x818; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnUseLocked = 0x840; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnIn = 0x868; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnOut = 0x890; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_nState = 0x8B8; // int32 + public const nint m_hConstraint = 0x8BC; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_hConstraintParent = 0x8C0; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_bForceNpcExclude = 0x8C4; // bool + public const nint m_sGlowEntity = 0x8C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_glowEntity = 0x8D0; // CHandle + public const nint m_usable = 0x8D4; // bool + public const nint m_szDisplayText = 0x8D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CPhysLength { + public const nint m_offset = 0x538; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_vecAttach = 0x550; // Vector + public const nint m_addLength = 0x55C; // float32 + public const nint m_minLength = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_totalLength = 0x564; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnableCollision = 0x568; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 48 + public static class CLogicNPCCounter { + public const nint m_OnMinCountAll = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMaxCountAll = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFactorAll = 0x510; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnMinPlayerDistAll = 0x538; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnMinCount_1 = 0x560; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMaxCount_1 = 0x588; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFactor_1 = 0x5B0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnMinPlayerDist_1 = 0x5D8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnMinCount_2 = 0x600; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMaxCount_2 = 0x628; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFactor_2 = 0x650; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnMinPlayerDist_2 = 0x678; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnMinCount_3 = 0x6A0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnMaxCount_3 = 0x6C8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFactor_3 = 0x6F0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnMinPlayerDist_3 = 0x718; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_hSource = 0x740; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_iszSourceEntityName = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flDistanceMax = 0x750; // float32 + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x754; // bool + public const nint m_nMinCountAll = 0x758; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxCountAll = 0x75C; // int32 + public const nint m_nMinFactorAll = 0x760; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxFactorAll = 0x764; // int32 + public const nint m_iszNPCClassname_1 = 0x770; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nNPCState_1 = 0x778; // int32 + public const nint m_bInvertState_1 = 0x77C; // bool + public const nint m_nMinCount_1 = 0x780; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxCount_1 = 0x784; // int32 + public const nint m_nMinFactor_1 = 0x788; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxFactor_1 = 0x78C; // int32 + public const nint m_flDefaultDist_1 = 0x794; // float32 + public const nint m_iszNPCClassname_2 = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nNPCState_2 = 0x7A0; // int32 + public const nint m_bInvertState_2 = 0x7A4; // bool + public const nint m_nMinCount_2 = 0x7A8; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxCount_2 = 0x7AC; // int32 + public const nint m_nMinFactor_2 = 0x7B0; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxFactor_2 = 0x7B4; // int32 + public const nint m_flDefaultDist_2 = 0x7BC; // float32 + public const nint m_iszNPCClassname_3 = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nNPCState_3 = 0x7C8; // int32 + public const nint m_bInvertState_3 = 0x7CC; // bool + public const nint m_nMinCount_3 = 0x7D0; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxCount_3 = 0x7D4; // int32 + public const nint m_nMinFactor_3 = 0x7D8; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxFactor_3 = 0x7DC; // int32 + public const nint m_flDefaultDist_3 = 0x7E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPredictedViewModel + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWeaponParity (uint32) + public static class CCSGOViewModel { + public const nint m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy = 0x930; // bool + public const nint m_nWeaponParity = 0x934; // uint32 + public const nint m_nOldWeaponParity = 0x938; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisplayHealth (float) + public static class CWeaponShield { + public const nint m_flBulletDamageAbsorbed = 0xEB8; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastBulletHitSoundTime = 0xEBC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDisplayHealth = 0xEC0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CBlood { + public const nint m_vecSprayAngles = 0x4C0; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecSprayDir = 0x4CC; // Vector + public const nint m_flAmount = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_Color = 0x4DC; // BloodType + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeColor (Color) + public static class CEnvFade { + public const nint m_fadeColor = 0x4C0; // Color + public const nint m_Duration = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_HoldDuration = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_OnBeginFade = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseProp + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CPropDataComponent (CPropDataComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_noGhostCollision (bool) + public static class CBreakableProp { + public const nint m_CPropDataComponent = 0x930; // CPropDataComponent + public const nint m_OnBreak = 0x970; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnHealthChanged = 0x998; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnTakeDamage = 0x9C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_impactEnergyScale = 0x9E8; // float32 + public const nint m_iMinHealthDmg = 0x9EC; // int32 + public const nint m_preferredCarryAngles = 0x9F0; // QAngle + public const nint m_flPressureDelay = 0x9FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefBurstScale = 0xA00; // float32 + public const nint m_vDefBurstOffset = 0xA04; // Vector + public const nint m_hBreaker = 0xA10; // CHandle + public const nint m_PerformanceMode = 0xA14; // PerformanceMode_t + public const nint m_flPreventDamageBeforeTime = 0xA18; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bHasBreakPiecesOrCommands = 0xA1C; // bool + public const nint m_explodeDamage = 0xA20; // float32 + public const nint m_explodeRadius = 0xA24; // float32 + public const nint m_explosionDelay = 0xA2C; // float32 + public const nint m_explosionBuildupSound = 0xA30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_explosionCustomEffect = 0xA38; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_explosionCustomSound = 0xA40; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_explosionModifier = 0xA48; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hPhysicsAttacker = 0xA50; // CHandle + public const nint m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime = 0xA54; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bOriginalBlockLOS = 0xA58; // bool + public const nint m_flDefaultFadeScale = 0xA5C; // float32 + public const nint m_hLastAttacker = 0xA60; // CHandle + public const nint m_hFlareEnt = 0xA64; // CHandle + public const nint m_bUsePuntSound = 0xA68; // bool + public const nint m_iszPuntSound = 0xA70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_noGhostCollision = 0xA78; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries (SellbackPurchaseEntry_t) + public static class CCSPlayer_BuyServices { + public const nint m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries = 0xC8; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWearables (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFieldOfView (float) + public static class CBaseCombatCharacter { + public const nint m_bForceServerRagdoll = 0x978; // bool + public const nint m_hMyWearables = 0x980; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_flFieldOfView = 0x998; // float32 + public const nint m_impactEnergyScale = 0x99C; // float32 + public const nint m_LastHitGroup = 0x9A0; // HitGroup_t + public const nint m_bApplyStressDamage = 0x9A4; // bool + public const nint m_iDamageCount = 0x9E8; // int32 + public const nint m_pVecRelationships = 0x9F0; // CUtlVector* + public const nint m_strRelationships = 0x9F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_eHull = 0xA00; // Hull_t + public const nint m_nNavHullIdx = 0xA04; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_firePositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireParentPositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFireIsBurning (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_BurnNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInfernoType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireLifetime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInPostEffectTime (bool) + public static class CInferno { + public const nint m_firePositions = 0x720; // Vector[64] + public const nint m_fireParentPositions = 0xA20; // Vector[64] + public const nint m_bFireIsBurning = 0xD20; // bool[64] + public const nint m_BurnNormal = 0xD60; // Vector[64] + public const nint m_fireCount = 0x1060; // int32 + public const nint m_nInfernoType = 0x1064; // int32 + public const nint m_nFireEffectTickBegin = 0x1068; // int32 + public const nint m_nFireLifetime = 0x106C; // float32 + public const nint m_bInPostEffectTime = 0x1070; // bool + public const nint m_nFiresExtinguishCount = 0x1074; // int32 + public const nint m_bWasCreatedInSmoke = 0x1078; // bool + public const nint m_extent = 0x1280; // Extent + public const nint m_damageTimer = 0x1298; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_damageRampTimer = 0x12B0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_splashVelocity = 0x12C8; // Vector + public const nint m_InitialSplashVelocity = 0x12D4; // Vector + public const nint m_startPos = 0x12E0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecOriginalSpawnLocation = 0x12EC; // Vector + public const nint m_activeTimer = 0x12F8; // IntervalTimer + public const nint m_fireSpawnOffset = 0x1308; // int32 + public const nint m_nMaxFlames = 0x130C; // int32 + public const nint m_nSpreadCount = 0x1310; // int32 + public const nint m_BookkeepingTimer = 0x1318; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_NextSpreadTimer = 0x1330; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_nSourceItemDefIndex = 0x1348; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CEnvGlobal { + public const nint m_outCounter = 0x4C0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_globalstate = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_triggermode = 0x4F0; // int32 + public const nint m_initialstate = 0x4F4; // int32 + public const nint m_counter = 0x4F8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CBaseFilter { + public const nint m_bNegated = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_OnPass = 0x4C8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFail = 0x4F0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayerControllers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamname (char) + public static class CTeam { + public const nint m_aPlayerControllers = 0x4C0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_aPlayers = 0x4D8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_iScore = 0x4F0; // int32 + public const nint m_szTeamname = 0x4F4; // char[129] + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponUSPSilencer { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSpriteMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachedToEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteFramerate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBrightness (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldSpaceScale (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + public static class CSprite { + public const nint m_hSpriteMaterial = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hAttachedToEntity = 0x718; // CHandle + public const nint m_nAttachment = 0x71C; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_flSpriteFramerate = 0x720; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrame = 0x724; // float32 + public const nint m_flDieTime = 0x728; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nBrightness = 0x738; // uint32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessDuration = 0x73C; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpriteScale = 0x740; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleDuration = 0x744; // float32 + public const nint m_bWorldSpaceScale = 0x748; // bool + public const nint m_flGlowProxySize = 0x74C; // float32 + public const nint m_flHDRColorScale = 0x750; // float32 + public const nint m_flLastTime = 0x754; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flMaxFrame = 0x758; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartScale = 0x75C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDestScale = 0x760; // float32 + public const nint m_flScaleTimeStart = 0x764; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nStartBrightness = 0x768; // int32 + public const nint m_nDestBrightness = 0x76C; // int32 + public const nint m_flBrightnessTimeStart = 0x770; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nSpriteWidth = 0x774; // int32 + public const nint m_nSpriteHeight = 0x778; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTriggerGravity { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CServerRagdollTrigger { + } + // Parent: CInfoDynamicShadowHint + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CInfoDynamicShadowHintBox { + public const nint m_vBoxMins = 0x4D8; // Vector + public const nint m_vBoxMaxs = 0x4E4; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CPathMover { + public const nint m_vecPathNodes = 0x4C0; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_flPathLength = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_bClosedLoop = 0x4DC; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFlashbang { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponAug { + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 34 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + public static class CChicken { + public const nint m_AttributeManager = 0xBA0; // CAttributeContainer + public const nint m_sActivityFinishedTag = 0xE88; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_updateTimer = 0xE90; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_stuckAnchor = 0xEA8; // Vector + public const nint m_stuckTimer = 0xEB8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_collisionStuckTimer = 0xED0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_isOnGround = 0xEE8; // bool + public const nint m_vFallVelocity = 0xEEC; // Vector + public const nint m_desiredActivity = 0xEF8; // ChickenActivity + public const nint m_currentActivity = 0xEFC; // ChickenActivity + public const nint m_activityTimer = 0xF00; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_turnRate = 0xF18; // float32 + public const nint m_fleeFrom = 0xF1C; // CHandle + public const nint m_moveRateThrottleTimer = 0xF20; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_startleTimer = 0xF38; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_vocalizeTimer = 0xF50; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_flWhenZombified = 0xF68; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_jumpedThisFrame = 0xF6C; // bool + public const nint m_leader = 0xF70; // CHandle + public const nint m_reuseTimer = 0xF88; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_hasBeenUsed = 0xFA0; // bool + public const nint m_jumpTimer = 0xFA8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_flLastJumpTime = 0xFC0; // float32 + public const nint m_bInJump = 0xFC4; // bool + public const nint m_isWaitingForLeader = 0xFC5; // bool + public const nint m_repathTimer = 0x2FD0; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_inhibitDoorTimer = 0x2FE8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_inhibitObstacleAvoidanceTimer = 0x3078; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_vecPathGoal = 0x3098; // Vector + public const nint m_flActiveFollowStartTime = 0x30A4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_followMinuteTimer = 0x30A8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_vecLastEggPoopPosition = 0x30C0; // Vector + public const nint m_vecEggsPooped = 0x30D0; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_BlockDirectionTimer = 0x30F0; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CChangeLevel { + public const nint m_sMapName = 0x8E0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_sLandmarkName = 0x8E8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_OnChangeLevel = 0x8F0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bTouched = 0x918; // bool + public const nint m_bNoTouch = 0x919; // bool + public const nint m_bNewChapter = 0x91A; // bool + public const nint m_bOnChangeLevelFired = 0x91B; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 14 + public static class CTriggerLerpObject { + public const nint m_iszLerpTarget = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hLerpTarget = 0x8E8; // CHandle + public const nint m_iszLerpTargetAttachment = 0x8F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hLerpTargetAttachment = 0x8F8; // AttachmentHandle_t + public const nint m_flLerpDuration = 0x8FC; // float32 + public const nint m_bLerpRestoreMoveType = 0x900; // bool + public const nint m_bSingleLerpObject = 0x901; // bool + public const nint m_vecLerpingObjects = 0x908; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_iszLerpEffect = 0x920; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszLerpSound = 0x928; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bAttachTouchingObject = 0x930; // bool + public const nint m_hEntityToWaitForDisconnect = 0x934; // CHandle + public const nint m_OnLerpStarted = 0x938; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnLerpFinished = 0x960; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSidePredicted (bool) + public static class CBaseTrigger { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x790; // bool + public const nint m_iFilterName = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hFilter = 0x7A0; // CHandle + public const nint m_OnStartTouch = 0x7A8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnStartTouchAll = 0x7D0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnEndTouch = 0x7F8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnEndTouchAll = 0x820; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnTouching = 0x848; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnTouchingEachEntity = 0x870; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnNotTouching = 0x898; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_hTouchingEntities = 0x8C0; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_bClientSidePredicted = 0x8D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CLogicScript { + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackPaintKit (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallbackWear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackStatTrak (int) + public static class CEconEntity { + public const nint m_AttributeManager = 0x988; // CAttributeContainer + public const nint m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow = 0xC50; // uint32 + public const nint m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh = 0xC54; // uint32 + public const nint m_nFallbackPaintKit = 0xC58; // int32 + public const nint m_nFallbackSeed = 0xC5C; // int32 + public const nint m_flFallbackWear = 0xC60; // float32 + public const nint m_nFallbackStatTrak = 0xC64; // int32 + public const nint m_hOldProvidee = 0xC68; // CHandle + public const nint m_iOldOwnerClass = 0xC6C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_collisionAttribute (VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usSolidFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSolidType (SolidType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_triggerBloat (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurroundType (SurroundingBoundsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEnablePhysics (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter1 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter2 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleRadius (float) + public static class CCollisionProperty { + public const nint m_collisionAttribute = 0x10; // VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t + public const nint m_vecMins = 0x40; // Vector + public const nint m_vecMaxs = 0x4C; // Vector + public const nint m_usSolidFlags = 0x5A; // uint8 + public const nint m_nSolidType = 0x5B; // SolidType_t + public const nint m_triggerBloat = 0x5C; // uint8 + public const nint m_nSurroundType = 0x5D; // SurroundingBoundsType_t + public const nint m_CollisionGroup = 0x5E; // uint8 + public const nint m_nEnablePhysics = 0x5F; // uint8 + public const nint m_flBoundingRadius = 0x60; // float32 + public const nint m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins = 0x64; // Vector + public const nint m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs = 0x70; // Vector + public const nint m_vecSurroundingMaxs = 0x7C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecSurroundingMins = 0x88; // Vector + public const nint m_vCapsuleCenter1 = 0x94; // Vector + public const nint m_vCapsuleCenter2 = 0xA0; // Vector + public const nint m_flCapsuleRadius = 0xAC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CServerOnlyEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrevCycle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCycle (float32) + public static class CNetworkedSequenceOperation { + public const nint m_hSequence = 0x8; // HSequence + public const nint m_flPrevCycle = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flCycle = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flWeight = 0x14; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + public const nint m_bSequenceChangeNetworked = 0x1C; // bool + public const nint m_bDiscontinuity = 0x1D; // bool + public const nint m_flPrevCycleFromDiscontinuity = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flPrevCycleForAnimEventDetection = 0x24; // float32 + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FontName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFullbright (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWorldUnitsPerPx (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFontSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyHorizontal (PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyVertical (PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nReorientMode (PointWorldTextReorientMode_t) + public static class CPointWorldText { + public const nint m_messageText = 0x710; // char[512] + public const nint m_FontName = 0x910; // char[64] + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x950; // bool + public const nint m_bFullbright = 0x951; // bool + public const nint m_flWorldUnitsPerPx = 0x954; // float32 + public const nint m_flFontSize = 0x958; // float32 + public const nint m_flDepthOffset = 0x95C; // float32 + public const nint m_Color = 0x960; // Color + public const nint m_nJustifyHorizontal = 0x964; // PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t + public const nint m_nJustifyVertical = 0x968; // PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t + public const nint m_nReorientMode = 0x96C; // PointWorldTextReorientMode_t + } + // Parent: CSoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMax (Vector) + public static class CSoundAreaEntityOrientedBox { + public const nint m_vMin = 0x4E0; // Vector + public const nint m_vMax = 0x4EC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_gravityScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearForce (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrequency (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDampingRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAt (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCollapseToForcePoint (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForceDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible (bool) + public static class CTriggerPhysics { + public const nint m_gravityScale = 0x8F0; // float32 + public const nint m_linearLimit = 0x8F4; // float32 + public const nint m_linearDamping = 0x8F8; // float32 + public const nint m_angularLimit = 0x8FC; // float32 + public const nint m_angularDamping = 0x900; // float32 + public const nint m_linearForce = 0x904; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrequency = 0x908; // float32 + public const nint m_flDampingRatio = 0x90C; // float32 + public const nint m_vecLinearForcePointAt = 0x910; // Vector + public const nint m_bCollapseToForcePoint = 0x91C; // bool + public const nint m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld = 0x920; // Vector + public const nint m_vecLinearForceDirection = 0x92C; // Vector + public const nint m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible = 0x938; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ID (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Values (Vector4D) + public static class EntityRenderAttribute_t { + public const nint m_ID = 0x30; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_Values = 0x34; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPointBroadcastClientCommand { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 32 + public static class CFuncShatterglass { + public const nint m_hGlassMaterialDamaged = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hGlassMaterialUndamaged = 0x718; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hConcreteMaterialEdgeFace = 0x720; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hConcreteMaterialEdgeCaps = 0x728; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hConcreteMaterialEdgeFins = 0x730; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_matPanelTransform = 0x738; // matrix3x4_t + public const nint m_matPanelTransformWsTemp = 0x768; // matrix3x4_t + public const nint m_vecShatterGlassShards = 0x798; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_PanelSize = 0x7B0; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vecPanelNormalWs = 0x7B8; // Vector + public const nint m_nNumShardsEverCreated = 0x7C4; // int32 + public const nint m_flLastShatterSoundEmitTime = 0x7C8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flLastCleanupTime = 0x7CC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flInitAtTime = 0x7D0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flGlassThickness = 0x7D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flSpawnInvulnerability = 0x7D8; // float32 + public const nint m_bBreakSilent = 0x7DC; // bool + public const nint m_bBreakShardless = 0x7DD; // bool + public const nint m_bBroken = 0x7DE; // bool + public const nint m_bHasRateLimitedShards = 0x7DF; // bool + public const nint m_bGlassNavIgnore = 0x7E0; // bool + public const nint m_bGlassInFrame = 0x7E1; // bool + public const nint m_bStartBroken = 0x7E2; // bool + public const nint m_iInitialDamageType = 0x7E3; // uint8 + public const nint m_szDamagePositioningEntityName01 = 0x7E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_szDamagePositioningEntityName02 = 0x7F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_szDamagePositioningEntityName03 = 0x7F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_szDamagePositioningEntityName04 = 0x800; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_vInitialDamagePositions = 0x808; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_vExtraDamagePositions = 0x820; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_OnBroken = 0x838; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iSurfaceType = 0x861; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CBaseButton + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CRotButton { + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + public static class CSoundEventSphereEntity { + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x570; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponHKP2000 { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 26 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombTicking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flC4Blow (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBombSite (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSourceSoundscapeHash (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCannotBeDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasExploded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBeingDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseCountDown (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBombDefuser (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + public static class CPlantedC4 { + public const nint m_bBombTicking = 0x8E8; // bool + public const nint m_flC4Blow = 0x8EC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nBombSite = 0x8F0; // int32 + public const nint m_nSourceSoundscapeHash = 0x8F4; // int32 + public const nint m_OnBombDefused = 0x8F8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnBombBeginDefuse = 0x920; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnBombDefuseAborted = 0x948; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bCannotBeDefused = 0x970; // bool + public const nint m_entitySpottedState = 0x978; // EntitySpottedState_t + public const nint m_nSpotRules = 0x990; // int32 + public const nint m_bTrainingPlacedByPlayer = 0x994; // bool + public const nint m_bHasExploded = 0x995; // bool + public const nint m_flTimerLength = 0x998; // float32 + public const nint m_bBeingDefused = 0x99C; // bool + public const nint m_fLastDefuseTime = 0x9A4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDefuseLength = 0x9AC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefuseCountDown = 0x9B0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bBombDefused = 0x9B4; // bool + public const nint m_hBombDefuser = 0x9B8; // CHandle + public const nint m_hControlPanel = 0x9BC; // CHandle + public const nint m_iProgressBarTime = 0x9C0; // int32 + public const nint m_bVoiceAlertFired = 0x9C4; // bool + public const nint m_bVoiceAlertPlayed = 0x9C5; // bool[4] + public const nint m_flNextBotBeepTime = 0x9CC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_angCatchUpToPlayerEye = 0x9D4; // QAngle + public const nint m_flLastSpinDetectionTime = 0x9E0; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActivator (EHANDLE) + public static class CPointClientUIDialog { + public const nint m_hActivator = 0x8C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_bStartEnabled = 0x8C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CEnvSplash { + public const nint m_flScale = 0x4C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: dirPrimary (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: start (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: end (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: farz (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: exponent (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: HDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactor (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactorLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: startLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: endLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensityLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: lerptime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: blendtobackground (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: scattering (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: locallightscale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: enable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: blend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoReflectionFog (bool) + public static class fogparams_t { + public const nint dirPrimary = 0x8; // Vector + public const nint colorPrimary = 0x14; // Color + public const nint colorSecondary = 0x18; // Color + public const nint colorPrimaryLerpTo = 0x1C; // Color + public const nint colorSecondaryLerpTo = 0x20; // Color + public const nint start = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint end = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint farz = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint maxdensity = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint exponent = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint HDRColorScale = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint skyboxFogFactor = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint skyboxFogFactorLerpTo = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint startLerpTo = 0x44; // float32 + public const nint endLerpTo = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint maxdensityLerpTo = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint lerptime = 0x50; // GameTime_t + public const nint duration = 0x54; // float32 + public const nint blendtobackground = 0x58; // float32 + public const nint scattering = 0x5C; // float32 + public const nint locallightscale = 0x60; // float32 + public const nint enable = 0x64; // bool + public const nint blend = 0x65; // bool + public const nint m_bNoReflectionFog = 0x66; // bool + public const nint m_bPadding = 0x67; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponNOVA { + } + // Parent: CPointCamera + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CPointCameraVFOV { + public const nint m_flVerticalFOV = 0x520; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFireTime (GameTime_t) + public static class CWeaponTaser { + public const nint m_fFireTime = 0xEB8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nLastAttackTick = 0xEBC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWaterBullet { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CMarkupVolume { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x710; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CMessage { + public const nint m_iszMessage = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_MessageVolume = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_MessageAttenuation = 0x4CC; // int32 + public const nint m_Radius = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_sNoise = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_OnShowMessage = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + public static class CLogicGameEventListener { + public const nint m_OnEventFired = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iszGameEventName = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszGameEventItem = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x508; // bool + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x509; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CPropDataComponent (CPropDataComponent::Storage_t) + public static class CBreakable { + public const nint m_CPropDataComponent = 0x718; // CPropDataComponent + public const nint m_Material = 0x758; // Materials + public const nint m_hBreaker = 0x75C; // CHandle + public const nint m_Explosion = 0x760; // Explosions + public const nint m_iszSpawnObject = 0x768; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flPressureDelay = 0x770; // float32 + public const nint m_iMinHealthDmg = 0x774; // int32 + public const nint m_iszPropData = 0x778; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_impactEnergyScale = 0x780; // float32 + public const nint m_nOverrideBlockLOS = 0x784; // EOverrideBlockLOS_t + public const nint m_OnBreak = 0x788; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnHealthChanged = 0x7B0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_PerformanceMode = 0x7D8; // PerformanceMode_t + public const nint m_hPhysicsAttacker = 0x7DC; // CHandle + public const nint m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime = 0x7E0; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 16 + public static class CBaseToggle { + public const nint m_toggle_state = 0x710; // TOGGLE_STATE + public const nint m_flMoveDistance = 0x714; // float32 + public const nint m_flWait = 0x718; // float32 + public const nint m_flLip = 0x71C; // float32 + public const nint m_bAlwaysFireBlockedOutputs = 0x720; // bool + public const nint m_vecPosition1 = 0x724; // Vector + public const nint m_vecPosition2 = 0x730; // Vector + public const nint m_vecMoveAng = 0x73C; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecAngle1 = 0x748; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecAngle2 = 0x754; // QAngle + public const nint m_flHeight = 0x760; // float32 + public const nint m_hActivator = 0x764; // CHandle + public const nint m_vecFinalDest = 0x768; // Vector + public const nint m_vecFinalAngle = 0x774; // QAngle + public const nint m_movementType = 0x780; // int32 + public const nint m_sMaster = 0x788; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoTarget { + } + // Parent: CRotButton + // Fields count: 14 + public static class CMomentaryRotButton { + public const nint m_Position = 0x8E0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnUnpressed = 0x908; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFullyOpen = 0x930; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFullyClosed = 0x958; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnReachedPosition = 0x980; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_lastUsed = 0x9A8; // int32 + public const nint m_start = 0x9AC; // QAngle + public const nint m_end = 0x9B8; // QAngle + public const nint m_IdealYaw = 0x9C4; // float32 + public const nint m_sNoise = 0x9C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bUpdateTarget = 0x9D0; // bool + public const nint m_direction = 0x9D4; // int32 + public const nint m_returnSpeed = 0x9D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartPosition = 0x9DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 10 + public static class CPropDataComponent { + public const nint m_flDmgModBullet = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flDmgModClub = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flDmgModExplosive = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flDmgModFire = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_iszPhysicsDamageTableName = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszBasePropData = 0x28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nInteractions = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_bSpawnMotionDisabled = 0x34; // bool + public const nint m_nDisableTakePhysicsDamageSpawnFlag = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_nMotionDisabledSpawnFlag = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CGameText { + public const nint m_iszMessage = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_textParms = 0x728; // hudtextparms_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponMP5SD { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLoop (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFPS (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPositionKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRotationKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMax (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartFrame (float) + public static class CTextureBasedAnimatable { + public const nint m_bLoop = 0x710; // bool + public const nint m_flFPS = 0x714; // float32 + public const nint m_hPositionKeys = 0x718; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_hRotationKeys = 0x720; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_vAnimationBoundsMin = 0x728; // Vector + public const nint m_vAnimationBoundsMax = 0x734; // Vector + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x740; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFrame = 0x744; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeTagged + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CMarkupVolumeWithRef { + public const nint m_bUseRef = 0x750; // bool + public const nint m_vRefPos = 0x754; // Vector + public const nint m_flRefDot = 0x760; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPhysForce + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CPhysThruster { + public const nint m_localOrigin = 0x520; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CCSPointScriptExtensions_player { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAABBDirection (int) + public static class CCitadelSoundOpvarSetOBB { + public const nint m_iszStackName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOperatorName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszOpvarName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_vDistanceInnerMins = 0x4D8; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceInnerMaxs = 0x4E4; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceOuterMins = 0x4F0; // Vector + public const nint m_vDistanceOuterMaxs = 0x4FC; // Vector + public const nint m_nAABBDirection = 0x508; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unDefIdx (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCost (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPrevArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrevHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hItem (CEntityHandle) + public static class SellbackPurchaseEntry_t { + public const nint m_unDefIdx = 0x30; // uint16 + public const nint m_nCost = 0x34; // int32 + public const nint m_nPrevArmor = 0x38; // int32 + public const nint m_bPrevHelmet = 0x3C; // bool + public const nint m_hItem = 0x40; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponFamas { + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShardDesc (shard_model_desc_t) + public static class CShatterGlassShardPhysics { + public const nint m_bDebris = 0xBE8; // bool + public const nint m_hParentShard = 0xBEC; // uint32 + public const nint m_ShardDesc = 0xBF0; // shard_model_desc_t + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFilterModel { + public const nint m_iFilterModel = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerPawn + // Fields count: 22 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CTouchExpansionComponent (CTouchExpansionComponent::Storage_t) + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pPingServices (CCSPlayer_PingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pViewModelServices (CPlayer_ViewModelServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPlayerState (CSPlayerState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGunGameImmunity (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovDamageTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashMaxAlpha (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProgressBarStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iProgressBarDuration (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angEyeAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalController (CHandle) + public static class CCSPlayerPawnBase { + public const nint m_CTouchExpansionComponent = 0xBB0; // CTouchExpansionComponent + public const nint m_pPingServices = 0xC00; // CCSPlayer_PingServices* + public const nint m_pViewModelServices = 0xC08; // CPlayer_ViewModelServices* + public const nint m_blindUntilTime = 0xC10; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_blindStartTime = 0xC14; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iPlayerState = 0xC18; // CSPlayerState + public const nint m_bRespawning = 0xCC8; // bool + public const nint m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime = 0xCCC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bGunGameImmunity = 0xCD0; // bool + public const nint m_fMolotovDamageTime = 0xCD4; // float32 + public const nint m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn = 0xCD8; // bool + public const nint m_iNumSpawns = 0xCDC; // int32 + public const nint m_flIdleTimeSinceLastAction = 0xCE4; // float32 + public const nint m_fNextRadarUpdateTime = 0xCE8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlashDuration = 0xCEC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlashMaxAlpha = 0xCF0; // float32 + public const nint m_flProgressBarStartTime = 0xCF4; // float32 + public const nint m_iProgressBarDuration = 0xCF8; // int32 + public const nint m_angEyeAngles = 0xCFC; // QAngle + public const nint m_wasNotKilledNaturally = 0xD08; // bool + public const nint m_bCommittingSuicideOnTeamChange = 0xD09; // bool + public const nint m_hOriginalController = 0xD0C; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + public static class CPathTrack { + public const nint m_pnext = 0x4C0; // CPathTrack* + public const nint m_pprevious = 0x4C8; // CPathTrack* + public const nint m_paltpath = 0x4D0; // CPathTrack* + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_length = 0x4DC; // float32 + public const nint m_altName = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nIterVal = 0x4E8; // int32 + public const nint m_eOrientationType = 0x4EC; // TrackOrientationType_t + public const nint m_OnPass = 0x4F0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CLogicDistanceCheck { + public const nint m_iszEntityA = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszEntityB = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flZone1Distance = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flZone2Distance = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_InZone1 = 0x4D8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_InZone2 = 0x500; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_InZone3 = 0x528; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBarnLight + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInnerAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOuterAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + public static class COmniLight { + public const nint m_flInnerAngle = 0x938; // float32 + public const nint m_flOuterAngle = 0x93C; // float32 + public const nint m_bShowLight = 0x940; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLayoutFileName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RenderAttrName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TargetEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTargetChangeCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + public static class CInfoOffscreenPanoramaTexture { + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_nResolutionX = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nResolutionY = 0x4C8; // int32 + public const nint m_szLayoutFileName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_RenderAttrName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_TargetEntities = 0x4E0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_nTargetChangeCount = 0x4F8; // int32 + public const nint m_vecCSSClasses = 0x500; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_szTargetsName = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_AdditionalTargetEntities = 0x520; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + public static class CInfoVisibilityBox { + public const nint m_nMode = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_vBoxSize = 0x4C8; // Vector + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x4D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CGamePlayerEquip { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoTargetServerOnly { + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CSoundOpvarSetPathCornerEntity { + public const nint m_flDistMinSqr = 0x680; // float32 + public const nint m_flDistMaxSqr = 0x684; // float32 + public const nint m_iszPathCornerEntityName = 0x688; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WeaponServices + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextAttack (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLookingAtWeapon (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon (bool) + public static class CCSPlayer_WeaponServices { + public const nint m_flNextAttack = 0xA8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bIsLookingAtWeapon = 0xAC; // bool + public const nint m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon = 0xAD; // bool + public const nint m_hSavedWeapon = 0xB0; // CHandle + public const nint m_nTimeToMelee = 0xB4; // int32 + public const nint m_nTimeToSecondary = 0xB8; // int32 + public const nint m_nTimeToPrimary = 0xBC; // int32 + public const nint m_nTimeToSniperRifle = 0xC0; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsBeingGivenItem = 0xC4; // bool + public const nint m_bIsPickingUpItemWithUse = 0xC5; // bool + public const nint m_bPickedUpWeapon = 0xC6; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableAutoDeploy = 0xC7; // bool + public const nint m_bIsPickingUpGroundWeapon = 0xC8; // bool + public const nint m_nOldShootPositionHistoryCount = 0xCC; // uint32 + public const nint m_nOldInputHistoryCount = 0x468; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntAttached (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCheapEffect (bool) + public static class CEntityFlame { + public const nint m_hEntAttached = 0x4C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_bCheapEffect = 0x4C4; // bool + public const nint m_flSize = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_bUseHitboxes = 0x4CC; // bool + public const nint m_iNumHitboxFires = 0x4D0; // int32 + public const nint m_flHitboxFireScale = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flLifetime = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_hAttacker = 0x4DC; // CHandle + public const nint m_iDangerSound = 0x4E0; // int32 + public const nint m_flDirectDamagePerSecond = 0x4E4; // float32 + public const nint m_iCustomDamageType = 0x4E8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_zoomLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBurstShotsRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNeedsBoltAction (bool) + public static class CCSWeaponBaseGun { + public const nint m_zoomLevel = 0xE98; // int32 + public const nint m_iBurstShotsRemaining = 0xE9C; // int32 + public const nint m_silencedModelIndex = 0xEA8; // int32 + public const nint m_inPrecache = 0xEAC; // bool + public const nint m_bNeedsBoltAction = 0xEAD; // bool + public const nint m_bSkillReloadAvailable = 0xEAE; // bool + public const nint m_bSkillReloadLiftedReloadKey = 0xEAF; // bool + public const nint m_bSkillBoltInterruptAvailable = 0xEB0; // bool + public const nint m_bSkillBoltLiftedFireKey = 0xEB1; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + public static class CBot { + public const nint m_pController = 0x10; // CCSPlayerController* + public const nint m_pPlayer = 0x18; // CCSPlayerPawn* + public const nint m_bHasSpawned = 0x20; // bool + public const nint m_id = 0x24; // uint32 + public const nint m_isRunning = 0xC0; // bool + public const nint m_isCrouching = 0xC1; // bool + public const nint m_forwardSpeed = 0xC4; // float32 + public const nint m_leftSpeed = 0xC8; // float32 + public const nint m_verticalSpeed = 0xCC; // float32 + public const nint m_buttonFlags = 0xD0; // uint64 + public const nint m_jumpTimestamp = 0xD8; // float32 + public const nint m_viewForward = 0xDC; // Vector + public const nint m_postureStackIndex = 0xF8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nameStringableIndex (int32) + public static class CEntityIdentity { + public const nint m_nameStringableIndex = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_name = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_designerName = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flags = 0x30; // uint32 + public const nint m_worldGroupId = 0x38; // WorldGroupId_t + public const nint m_fDataObjectTypes = 0x3C; // uint32 + public const nint m_PathIndex = 0x40; // ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t + public const nint m_pPrev = 0x58; // CEntityIdentity* + public const nint m_pNext = 0x60; // CEntityIdentity* + public const nint m_pPrevByClass = 0x68; // CEntityIdentity* + public const nint m_pNextByClass = 0x70; // CEntityIdentity* + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CGunTarget { + public const nint m_on = 0x790; // bool + public const nint m_hTargetEnt = 0x794; // CHandle + public const nint m_OnDeath = 0x798; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CSoundEventParameter { + public const nint m_iszParamName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flFloatValue = 0x4D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPulseGraphInstance_ServerEntity + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + public static class CPulseGraphInstance_GameBlackboard { + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolume + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CMarkupVolumeTagged { + public const nint m_bIsGroup = 0x748; // bool + public const nint m_bGroupByPrefab = 0x749; // bool + public const nint m_bGroupByVolume = 0x74A; // bool + public const nint m_bGroupOtherGroups = 0x74B; // bool + public const nint m_bIsInGroup = 0x74C; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CTestEffect { + public const nint m_iLoop = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_iBeam = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_pBeam = 0x4C8; // CBeam*[24] + public const nint m_flBeamTime = 0x588; // GameTime_t[24] + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x5E8; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponM4A1Silencer { + } + // Parent: CFuncNavBlocker + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CScriptNavBlocker { + public const nint m_vExtent = 0x720; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CConstraintAnchor { + public const nint m_massScale = 0x8E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponTec9 { + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeTagged + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CMarkupVolumeTagged_Nav { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 66 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlayingBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMultiplayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAutogenerated (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceClientTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActorList (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSceneStringIndex (uint16) + public static class CSceneEntity { + public const nint m_iszSceneFile = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszResumeSceneFile = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszTarget1 = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszTarget2 = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszTarget3 = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszTarget4 = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszTarget5 = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszTarget6 = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszTarget7 = 0x508; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszTarget8 = 0x510; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hTarget1 = 0x518; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTarget2 = 0x51C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTarget3 = 0x520; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTarget4 = 0x524; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTarget5 = 0x528; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTarget6 = 0x52C; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTarget7 = 0x530; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTarget8 = 0x534; // CHandle + public const nint m_sTargetAttachment = 0x538; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bIsPlayingBack = 0x540; // bool + public const nint m_bPaused = 0x541; // bool + public const nint m_bMultiplayer = 0x542; // bool + public const nint m_bAutogenerated = 0x543; // bool + public const nint m_flForceClientTime = 0x544; // float32 + public const nint m_flCurrentTime = 0x548; // float32 + public const nint m_flFrameTime = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_bCancelAtNextInterrupt = 0x550; // bool + public const nint m_fPitch = 0x554; // float32 + public const nint m_bAutomated = 0x558; // bool + public const nint m_nAutomatedAction = 0x55C; // int32 + public const nint m_flAutomationDelay = 0x560; // float32 + public const nint m_flAutomationTime = 0x564; // float32 + public const nint m_hWaitingForThisResumeScene = 0x568; // CHandle + public const nint m_bWaitingForResumeScene = 0x56C; // bool + public const nint m_bPausedViaInput = 0x56D; // bool + public const nint m_bPauseAtNextInterrupt = 0x56E; // bool + public const nint m_bWaitingForActor = 0x56F; // bool + public const nint m_bWaitingForInterrupt = 0x570; // bool + public const nint m_bInterruptedActorsScenes = 0x571; // bool + public const nint m_bBreakOnNonIdle = 0x572; // bool + public const nint m_bSceneFinished = 0x573; // bool + public const nint m_hActorList = 0x578; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + public const nint m_hRemoveActorList = 0x590; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_nSceneFlushCounter = 0x5D8; // int32 + public const nint m_nSceneStringIndex = 0x5DC; // uint16 + public const nint m_OnStart = 0x5E0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnCompletion = 0x608; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnCanceled = 0x630; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnPaused = 0x658; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnResumed = 0x680; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnTrigger = 0x6A8; // CEntityIOOutput[16] + public const nint m_hInterruptScene = 0x9B8; // CHandle + public const nint m_nInterruptCount = 0x9BC; // int32 + public const nint m_bSceneMissing = 0x9C0; // bool + public const nint m_bInterrupted = 0x9C1; // bool + public const nint m_bCompletedEarly = 0x9C2; // bool + public const nint m_bInterruptSceneFinished = 0x9C3; // bool + public const nint m_bRestoring = 0x9C4; // bool + public const nint m_hNotifySceneCompletion = 0x9C8; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_hListManagers = 0x9E0; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_iszSoundName = 0x9F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iszSequenceName = 0xA00; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hActor = 0xA08; // CHandle + public const nint m_hActivator = 0xA0C; // CHandle + public const nint m_BusyActor = 0xA10; // int32 + public const nint m_iPlayerDeathBehavior = 0xA14; // SceneOnPlayerDeath_t + } + // Parent: CLightDirectionalEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CLightEnvironmentEntity { + } + // Parent: CLogicAutosave + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CLogicActiveAutosave { + public const nint m_TriggerHitPoints = 0x4D0; // int32 + public const nint m_flTimeToTrigger = 0x4D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDangerousTime = 0x4DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CEnvBeverage { + public const nint m_CanInDispenser = 0x4C0; // bool + public const nint m_nBeverageType = 0x4C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActiveIssueIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOnlyTeamToVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteOptionCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPotentialVotes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsYesNoVote (bool) + public static class CVoteController { + public const nint m_iActiveIssueIndex = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_iOnlyTeamToVote = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nVoteOptionCount = 0x4C8; // int32[5] + public const nint m_nPotentialVotes = 0x4DC; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsYesNoVote = 0x4E0; // bool + public const nint m_acceptingVotesTimer = 0x4E8; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_executeCommandTimer = 0x500; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_resetVoteTimer = 0x518; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_nVotesCast = 0x530; // int32[64] + public const nint m_playerHoldingVote = 0x630; // CPlayerSlot + public const nint m_playerOverrideForVote = 0x634; // CPlayerSlot + public const nint m_nHighestCountIndex = 0x638; // int32 + public const nint m_potentialIssues = 0x640; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_VoteOptions = 0x658; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponCZ75a { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponP250 { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flexWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vLookTargetPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_blinktoggle (bool) + public static class CBaseFlex { + public const nint m_flexWeight = 0x8E8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_vLookTargetPosition = 0x900; // Vector + public const nint m_blinktoggle = 0x90C; // bool + public const nint m_flAllowResponsesEndTime = 0x960; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flLastFlexAnimationTime = 0x964; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nNextSceneEventId = 0x968; // SceneEventId_t + public const nint m_bUpdateLayerPriorities = 0x96C; // bool + } + // Parent: CTriggerHurt + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CScriptTriggerHurt { + public const nint m_vExtent = 0x980; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerWeaponVData + // Fields count: 92 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + public static class CCSWeaponBaseVData { + public const nint m_WeaponType = 0x250; // CSWeaponType + public const nint m_WeaponCategory = 0x254; // CSWeaponCategory + public const nint m_szViewModel = 0x258; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szPlayerModel = 0x338; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szWorldDroppedModel = 0x418; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szAimsightLensMaskModel = 0x4F8; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szMagazineModel = 0x5D8; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szHeatEffect = 0x6B8; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szEjectBrassEffect = 0x798; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szMuzzleFlashParticleAlt = 0x878; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticle = 0x958; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticleAlt = 0xA38; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_szTracerParticle = 0xB18; // CResourceNameTyped> + public const nint m_GearSlot = 0xBF8; // gear_slot_t + public const nint m_GearSlotPosition = 0xBFC; // int32 + public const nint m_DefaultLoadoutSlot = 0xC00; // loadout_slot_t + public const nint m_sWrongTeamMsg = 0xC08; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nPrice = 0xC10; // int32 + public const nint m_nKillAward = 0xC14; // int32 + public const nint m_nPrimaryReserveAmmoMax = 0xC18; // int32 + public const nint m_nSecondaryReserveAmmoMax = 0xC1C; // int32 + public const nint m_bMeleeWeapon = 0xC20; // bool + public const nint m_bHasBurstMode = 0xC21; // bool + public const nint m_bIsRevolver = 0xC22; // bool + public const nint m_bCannotShootUnderwater = 0xC23; // bool + public const nint m_szName = 0xC28; // CGlobalSymbol + public const nint m_szAnimExtension = 0xC30; // CUtlString + public const nint m_eSilencerType = 0xC38; // CSWeaponSilencerType + public const nint m_nCrosshairMinDistance = 0xC3C; // int32 + public const nint m_nCrosshairDeltaDistance = 0xC40; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsFullAuto = 0xC44; // bool + public const nint m_nNumBullets = 0xC48; // int32 + public const nint m_flCycleTime = 0xC4C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flMaxSpeed = 0xC54; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flSpread = 0xC5C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyCrouch = 0xC64; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyStand = 0xC6C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyJump = 0xC74; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyLand = 0xC7C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyLadder = 0xC84; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyFire = 0xC8C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flInaccuracyMove = 0xC94; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flRecoilAngle = 0xC9C; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flRecoilAngleVariance = 0xCA4; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flRecoilMagnitude = 0xCAC; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_flRecoilMagnitudeVariance = 0xCB4; // CFiringModeFloat + public const nint m_nTracerFrequency = 0xCBC; // CFiringModeInt + public const nint m_flInaccuracyJumpInitial = 0xCC4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInaccuracyJumpApex = 0xCC8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInaccuracyReload = 0xCCC; // float32 + public const nint m_nRecoilSeed = 0xCD0; // int32 + public const nint m_nSpreadSeed = 0xCD4; // int32 + public const nint m_flTimeToIdleAfterFire = 0xCD8; // float32 + public const nint m_flIdleInterval = 0xCDC; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttackMovespeedFactor = 0xCE0; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeatPerShot = 0xCE4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInaccuracyPitchShift = 0xCE8; // float32 + public const nint m_flInaccuracyAltSoundThreshold = 0xCEC; // float32 + public const nint m_flBotAudibleRange = 0xCF0; // float32 + public const nint m_szUseRadioSubtitle = 0xCF8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bUnzoomsAfterShot = 0xD00; // bool + public const nint m_bHideViewModelWhenZoomed = 0xD01; // bool + public const nint m_nZoomLevels = 0xD04; // int32 + public const nint m_nZoomFOV1 = 0xD08; // int32 + public const nint m_nZoomFOV2 = 0xD0C; // int32 + public const nint m_flZoomTime0 = 0xD10; // float32 + public const nint m_flZoomTime1 = 0xD14; // float32 + public const nint m_flZoomTime2 = 0xD18; // float32 + public const nint m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed = 0xD1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed = 0xD20; // float32 + public const nint m_flIronSightFOV = 0xD24; // float32 + public const nint m_flIronSightPivotForward = 0xD28; // float32 + public const nint m_flIronSightLooseness = 0xD2C; // float32 + public const nint m_angPivotAngle = 0xD30; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecIronSightEyePos = 0xD3C; // Vector + public const nint m_nDamage = 0xD48; // int32 + public const nint m_flHeadshotMultiplier = 0xD4C; // float32 + public const nint m_flArmorRatio = 0xD50; // float32 + public const nint m_flPenetration = 0xD54; // float32 + public const nint m_flRange = 0xD58; // float32 + public const nint m_flRangeModifier = 0xD5C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlinchVelocityModifierLarge = 0xD60; // float32 + public const nint m_flFlinchVelocityModifierSmall = 0xD64; // float32 + public const nint m_flRecoveryTimeCrouch = 0xD68; // float32 + public const nint m_flRecoveryTimeStand = 0xD6C; // float32 + public const nint m_flRecoveryTimeCrouchFinal = 0xD70; // float32 + public const nint m_flRecoveryTimeStandFinal = 0xD74; // float32 + public const nint m_nRecoveryTransitionStartBullet = 0xD78; // int32 + public const nint m_nRecoveryTransitionEndBullet = 0xD7C; // int32 + public const nint m_flThrowVelocity = 0xD80; // float32 + public const nint m_vSmokeColor = 0xD84; // Vector + public const nint m_szAnimClass = 0xD90; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CMathColorBlend { + public const nint m_flInMin = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInMax = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_OutColor1 = 0x4C8; // Color + public const nint m_OutColor2 = 0x4CC; // Color + public const nint m_OutValue = 0x4D0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOverlayNames (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOverlayTimes (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredOverlay (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsActive (bool) + public static class CEnvScreenOverlay { + public const nint m_iszOverlayNames = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge[10] + public const nint m_flOverlayTimes = 0x510; // float32[10] + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x538; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iDesiredOverlay = 0x53C; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsActive = 0x540; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 118 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBulletServices (CCSPlayer_BulletServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pHostageServices (CCSPlayer_HostageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBuyServices (CCSPlayer_BuyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasFemaleVoice (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLastPlaceName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInHostageRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBombZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOffering (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOfferingCard (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesMVPLastRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility (loadout_slot_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngleVel (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickBase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickFraction (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsBuyMenuOpen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeOfLastInjury (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSprayDecalTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRagdollDamageBone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamageForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamagePosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollServerOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_EconGloves (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEconGlovesChanged (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_qDeathEyeAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLeftHanded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSwitchedHandednessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelFOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsWalking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLastKillerIndex (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsScoped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bResumeZoom (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDefusing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsGrabbingHostage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress (CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEmitSoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInNoDefuseArea (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWhichBombZone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iShotsFired (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlinchStack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVelocityModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHitHeading (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBodyPart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWaitForNoAttack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKilledByHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_thirdPersonHeading (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlopeDropOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlopeDropHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vHeadConstraintOffset (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ArmorValue (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unCurrentEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_GunGameImmunityColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredictedDamageTags (PredictedDamageTag_t) + public static class CCSPlayerPawn { + public const nint m_pBulletServices = 0xD18; // CCSPlayer_BulletServices* + public const nint m_pHostageServices = 0xD20; // CCSPlayer_HostageServices* + public const nint m_pBuyServices = 0xD28; // CCSPlayer_BuyServices* + public const nint m_pActionTrackingServices = 0xD30; // CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices* + public const nint m_pRadioServices = 0xD38; // CCSPlayer_RadioServices* + public const nint m_pDamageReactServices = 0xD40; // CCSPlayer_DamageReactServices* + public const nint m_nCharacterDefIndex = 0xD48; // uint16 + public const nint m_bHasFemaleVoice = 0xD4A; // bool + public const nint m_strVOPrefix = 0xD50; // CUtlString + public const nint m_szLastPlaceName = 0xD58; // char[18] + public const nint m_bInHostageResetZone = 0xE18; // bool + public const nint m_bInBuyZone = 0xE19; // bool + public const nint m_TouchingBuyZones = 0xE20; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_bWasInBuyZone = 0xE38; // bool + public const nint m_bInHostageRescueZone = 0xE39; // bool + public const nint m_bInBombZone = 0xE3A; // bool + public const nint m_bWasInHostageRescueZone = 0xE3B; // bool + public const nint m_iRetakesOffering = 0xE3C; // int32 + public const nint m_iRetakesOfferingCard = 0xE40; // int32 + public const nint m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit = 0xE44; // bool + public const nint m_bRetakesMVPLastRound = 0xE45; // bool + public const nint m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem = 0xE48; // int32 + public const nint m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility = 0xE4C; // loadout_slot_t + public const nint m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime = 0xE50; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flLandingTimeSeconds = 0xE54; // float32 + public const nint m_aimPunchAngle = 0xE58; // QAngle + public const nint m_aimPunchAngleVel = 0xE64; // QAngle + public const nint m_aimPunchTickBase = 0xE70; // int32 + public const nint m_aimPunchTickFraction = 0xE74; // float32 + public const nint m_aimPunchCache = 0xE78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_bIsBuyMenuOpen = 0xE90; // bool + public const nint m_xLastHeadBoneTransform = 0x14D0; // CTransform + public const nint m_bLastHeadBoneTransformIsValid = 0x14F0; // bool + public const nint m_lastLandTime = 0x14F4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bOnGroundLastTick = 0x14F8; // bool + public const nint m_iPlayerLocked = 0x14FC; // int32 + public const nint m_flTimeOfLastInjury = 0x1504; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flNextSprayDecalTime = 0x1508; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bNextSprayDecalTimeExpedited = 0x150C; // bool + public const nint m_nRagdollDamageBone = 0x1510; // int32 + public const nint m_vRagdollDamageForce = 0x1514; // Vector + public const nint m_vRagdollDamagePosition = 0x1520; // Vector + public const nint m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName = 0x152C; // char[64] + public const nint m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot = 0x156C; // bool + public const nint m_vRagdollServerOrigin = 0x1570; // Vector + public const nint m_EconGloves = 0x1580; // CEconItemView + public const nint m_nEconGlovesChanged = 0x17F8; // uint8 + public const nint m_qDeathEyeAngles = 0x17FC; // QAngle + public const nint m_bSkipOneHeadConstraintUpdate = 0x1808; // bool + public const nint m_bLeftHanded = 0x1809; // bool + public const nint m_fSwitchedHandednessTime = 0x180C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flViewmodelOffsetX = 0x1810; // float32 + public const nint m_flViewmodelOffsetY = 0x1814; // float32 + public const nint m_flViewmodelOffsetZ = 0x1818; // float32 + public const nint m_flViewmodelFOV = 0x181C; // float32 + public const nint m_bIsWalking = 0x1820; // bool + public const nint m_fLastGivenDefuserTime = 0x1824; // float32 + public const nint m_fLastGivenBombTime = 0x1828; // float32 + public const nint m_flDealtDamageToEnemyMostRecentTimestamp = 0x182C; // float32 + public const nint m_iDisplayHistoryBits = 0x1830; // uint32 + public const nint m_flLastAttackedTeammate = 0x1834; // float32 + public const nint m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0x1838; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bResetArmorNextSpawn = 0x183C; // bool + public const nint m_nLastKillerIndex = 0x1840; // CEntityIndex + public const nint m_entitySpottedState = 0x1848; // EntitySpottedState_t + public const nint m_nSpotRules = 0x1860; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsScoped = 0x1864; // bool + public const nint m_bResumeZoom = 0x1865; // bool + public const nint m_bIsDefusing = 0x1866; // bool + public const nint m_bIsGrabbingHostage = 0x1867; // bool + public const nint m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress = 0x1868; // CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t + public const nint m_flEmitSoundTime = 0x186C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bInNoDefuseArea = 0x1870; // bool + public const nint m_iBombSiteIndex = 0x1874; // CEntityIndex + public const nint m_nWhichBombZone = 0x1878; // int32 + public const nint m_bInBombZoneTrigger = 0x187C; // bool + public const nint m_bWasInBombZoneTrigger = 0x187D; // bool + public const nint m_iShotsFired = 0x1880; // int32 + public const nint m_flFlinchStack = 0x1884; // float32 + public const nint m_flVelocityModifier = 0x1888; // float32 + public const nint m_flHitHeading = 0x188C; // float32 + public const nint m_nHitBodyPart = 0x1890; // int32 + public const nint m_vecTotalBulletForce = 0x1894; // Vector + public const nint m_bWaitForNoAttack = 0x18A0; // bool + public const nint m_ignoreLadderJumpTime = 0x18A4; // float32 + public const nint m_bKilledByHeadshot = 0x18A8; // bool + public const nint m_LastHitBox = 0x18AC; // int32 + public const nint m_LastHealth = 0x18B0; // int32 + public const nint m_pBot = 0x18B8; // CCSBot* + public const nint m_bBotAllowActive = 0x18C0; // bool + public const nint m_thirdPersonHeading = 0x18C4; // QAngle + public const nint m_flSlopeDropOffset = 0x18D0; // float32 + public const nint m_flSlopeDropHeight = 0x18D4; // float32 + public const nint m_vHeadConstraintOffset = 0x18D8; // Vector + public const nint m_nLastPickupPriority = 0x18E4; // int32 + public const nint m_flLastPickupPriorityTime = 0x18E8; // float32 + public const nint m_ArmorValue = 0x18EC; // int32 + public const nint m_unCurrentEquipmentValue = 0x18F0; // uint16 + public const nint m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue = 0x18F2; // uint16 + public const nint m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue = 0x18F4; // uint16 + public const nint m_iLastWeaponFireUsercmd = 0x18F8; // int32 + public const nint m_bIsSpawning = 0x18FC; // bool + public const nint m_iDeathFlags = 0x1908; // int32 + public const nint m_bHasDeathInfo = 0x190C; // bool + public const nint m_flDeathInfoTime = 0x1910; // float32 + public const nint m_vecDeathInfoOrigin = 0x1914; // Vector + public const nint m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices = 0x1920; // uint32[5] + public const nint m_GunGameImmunityColor = 0x1934; // Color + public const nint m_grenadeParameterStashTime = 0x1938; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bGrenadeParametersStashed = 0x193C; // bool + public const nint m_angStashedShootAngles = 0x1940; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecStashedGrenadeThrowPosition = 0x194C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecStashedVelocity = 0x1958; // Vector + public const nint m_angShootAngleHistory = 0x1964; // QAngle[2] + public const nint m_vecThrowPositionHistory = 0x197C; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_vecVelocityHistory = 0x1994; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_PredictedDamageTags = 0x19B0; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + public const nint m_nHighestAppliedDamageTagTick = 0x1A00; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CBumpMineProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerController + // Fields count: 86 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInGameMoneyServices (CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInventoryServices (CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pDamageServices (CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPing (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCrosshairCodes (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPendingTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceTeamTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompTeammateColor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEverPlayedOnTeam (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClan (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCoachingTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominated (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominatingMe (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRanking (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveWins (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankType (int8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchNextMapVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unActiveQuestId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQuestProgressReason (QuestProgress::Reason) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unPlayerTvControlFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDisconnectionTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bControllingBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasControlledBotThisRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanControlObservedBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnIsAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnHealth (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeStart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeEnd (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnBotDifficulty (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecKills (EKillTypes_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMvpNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eMvpReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitMVPs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMVPs (int) + public static class CCSPlayerController { + public const nint m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x768; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices* + public const nint m_pInventoryServices = 0x770; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices* + public const nint m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x778; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices* + public const nint m_pDamageServices = 0x780; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices* + public const nint m_iPing = 0x788; // uint32 + public const nint m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x78C; // bool + public const nint m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x790; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x798; // uint8 + public const nint m_flForceTeamTime = 0x79C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x7A0; // int32 + public const nint m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x7A4; // bool + public const nint m_bAttemptedToGetColor = 0x7A5; // bool + public const nint m_iTeammatePreferredColor = 0x7A8; // int32 + public const nint m_bTeamChanged = 0x7AC; // bool + public const nint m_bInSwitchTeam = 0x7AD; // bool + public const nint m_bHasSeenJoinGame = 0x7AE; // bool + public const nint m_bJustBecameSpectator = 0x7AF; // bool + public const nint m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset = 0x7B0; // bool + public const nint m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset = 0x7B1; // bool + public const nint m_szClan = 0x7B8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_szClanName = 0x7C0; // char[32] + public const nint m_iCoachingTeam = 0x7E0; // int32 + public const nint m_nPlayerDominated = 0x7E8; // uint64 + public const nint m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x7F0; // uint64 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x7F8; // int32 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x7FC; // int32 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x800; // int8 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x804; // int32 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x808; // int32 + public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x80C; // int32 + public const nint m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x810; // int32 + public const nint m_unActiveQuestId = 0x814; // uint16 + public const nint m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x818; // QuestProgress::Reason + public const nint m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x81C; // uint32 + public const nint m_iDraftIndex = 0x848; // int32 + public const nint m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x84C; // uint32 + public const nint m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x850; // uint32 + public const nint m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x854; // bool + public const nint m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x855; // bool + public const nint m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x856; // bool + public const nint m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x857; // bool + public const nint m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x858; // bool + public const nint m_bScoreReported = 0x859; // bool + public const nint m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x85C; // int32 + public const nint m_bControllingBot = 0x868; // bool + public const nint m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x869; // bool + public const nint m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x86A; // bool + public const nint m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x86C; // int32 + public const nint m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x870; // bool + public const nint m_hPlayerPawn = 0x874; // CHandle + public const nint m_hObserverPawn = 0x878; // CHandle + public const nint m_DesiredObserverMode = 0x87C; // int32 + public const nint m_hDesiredObserverTarget = 0x880; // CEntityHandle + public const nint m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x884; // bool + public const nint m_iPawnHealth = 0x888; // uint32 + public const nint m_iPawnArmor = 0x88C; // int32 + public const nint m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x890; // bool + public const nint m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x891; // bool + public const nint m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x892; // uint16 + public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x894; // int32 + public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x898; // int32 + public const nint m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x89C; // int32 + public const nint m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x8A0; // CHandle + public const nint m_iScore = 0x8A4; // int32 + public const nint m_iRoundScore = 0x8A8; // int32 + public const nint m_iRoundsWon = 0x8AC; // int32 + public const nint m_vecKills = 0x8B0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_bMvpNoMusic = 0x8C8; // bool + public const nint m_eMvpReason = 0x8CC; // int32 + public const nint m_iMusicKitID = 0x8D0; // int32 + public const nint m_iMusicKitMVPs = 0x8D4; // int32 + public const nint m_iMVPs = 0x8D8; // int32 + public const nint m_nUpdateCounter = 0x8DC; // int32 + public const nint m_flSmoothedPing = 0x8E0; // float32 + public const nint m_lastHeldVoteTimer = 0xF988; // IntervalTimer + public const nint m_bShowHints = 0xF9A0; // bool + public const nint m_iNextTimeCheck = 0xF9A4; // int32 + public const nint m_bJustDidTeamKill = 0xF9A8; // bool + public const nint m_bPunishForTeamKill = 0xF9A9; // bool + public const nint m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning = 0xF9AA; // bool + public const nint m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound = 0xF9AB; // bool + public const nint m_dblLastReceivedPacketPlatFloatTime = 0xF9B0; // float64 + public const nint m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime = 0xF9B8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_LastTimePlayerWasDisconnectedForPawnsRemove = 0xF9BC; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nSuspiciousHitCount = 0xF9C0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nNonSuspiciousHitStreak = 0xF9C4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: IEconItemInterface + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemDefinitionIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityQuality (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityLevel (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInventoryPosition (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitialized (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeList (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCustomName (char) + public static class CEconItemView { + public const nint m_iItemDefinitionIndex = 0x38; // uint16 + public const nint m_iEntityQuality = 0x3C; // int32 + public const nint m_iEntityLevel = 0x40; // uint32 + public const nint m_iItemID = 0x48; // uint64 + public const nint m_iItemIDHigh = 0x50; // uint32 + public const nint m_iItemIDLow = 0x54; // uint32 + public const nint m_iAccountID = 0x58; // uint32 + public const nint m_iInventoryPosition = 0x5C; // uint32 + public const nint m_bInitialized = 0x68; // bool + public const nint m_AttributeList = 0x70; // CAttributeList + public const nint m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes = 0xD0; // CAttributeList + public const nint m_szCustomName = 0x130; // char[161] + public const nint m_szCustomNameOverride = 0x1D1; // char[161] + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CInfoInstructorHintBombTargetA { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponAWP { + } + // Parent: CBaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWeaponServices (CPlayer_WeaponServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pItemServices (CPlayer_ItemServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pAutoaimServices (CPlayer_AutoaimServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pObserverServices (CPlayer_ObserverServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWaterServices (CPlayer_WaterServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pUseServices (CPlayer_UseServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pFlashlightServices (CPlayer_FlashlightServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pCameraServices (CPlayer_CameraServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pMovementServices (CPlayer_MovementServices*) + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_ServerViewAngleChanges (ViewAngleServerChange_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHideHUD (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skybox3d (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDeathTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hController (CHandle) + public static class CBasePlayerPawn { + public const nint m_pWeaponServices = 0xA08; // CPlayer_WeaponServices* + public const nint m_pItemServices = 0xA10; // CPlayer_ItemServices* + public const nint m_pAutoaimServices = 0xA18; // CPlayer_AutoaimServices* + public const nint m_pObserverServices = 0xA20; // CPlayer_ObserverServices* + public const nint m_pWaterServices = 0xA28; // CPlayer_WaterServices* + public const nint m_pUseServices = 0xA30; // CPlayer_UseServices* + public const nint m_pFlashlightServices = 0xA38; // CPlayer_FlashlightServices* + public const nint m_pCameraServices = 0xA40; // CPlayer_CameraServices* + public const nint m_pMovementServices = 0xA48; // CPlayer_MovementServices* + public const nint m_ServerViewAngleChanges = 0xA58; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + public const nint m_nHighestGeneratedServerViewAngleChangeIndex = 0xAA8; // uint32 + public const nint v_angle = 0xAAC; // QAngle + public const nint v_anglePrevious = 0xAB8; // QAngle + public const nint m_iHideHUD = 0xAC4; // uint32 + public const nint m_skybox3d = 0xAC8; // sky3dparams_t + public const nint m_fTimeLastHurt = 0xB58; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDeathTime = 0xB5C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fNextSuicideTime = 0xB60; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_fInitHUD = 0xB64; // bool + public const nint m_pExpresser = 0xB68; // CAI_Expresser* + public const nint m_hController = 0xB70; // CHandle + public const nint m_fHltvReplayDelay = 0xB78; // float32 + public const nint m_fHltvReplayEnd = 0xB7C; // float32 + public const nint m_iHltvReplayEntity = 0xB80; // CEntityIndex + public const nint m_sndOpvarLatchData = 0xB88; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPostSettings (HPostProcessingStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureCompensation (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExposureControl (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + public static class CPostProcessingVolume { + public const nint m_hPostSettings = 0x8F0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flFadeDuration = 0x8F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinLogExposure = 0x8FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxLogExposure = 0x900; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinExposure = 0x904; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxExposure = 0x908; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureCompensation = 0x90C; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp = 0x910; // float32 + public const nint m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown = 0x914; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange = 0x918; // float32 + public const nint m_bMaster = 0x91C; // bool + public const nint m_bExposureControl = 0x91D; // bool + public const nint m_flRate = 0x920; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapPercentTarget = 0x924; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels = 0x928; // float32 + public const nint m_flTonemapMinAvgLum = 0x92C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + public static class CSpotlightEnd { + public const nint m_flLightScale = 0x710; // float32 + public const nint m_Radius = 0x714; // float32 + public const nint m_vSpotlightDir = 0x718; // Vector + public const nint m_vSpotlightOrg = 0x724; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CRuleEntity { + public const nint m_iszMaster = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CSensorGrenade { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandom (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOrdinal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sWeaponName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_xuid (XUID) + // NetworkVarNames: m_agentItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glovesItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponItem (CEconItemView) + public static class CCSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition { + public const nint m_nVariant = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_nRandom = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nOrdinal = 0x4C8; // int32 + public const nint m_sWeaponName = 0x4D0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_xuid = 0x4D8; // uint64 + public const nint m_agentItem = 0x4E0; // CEconItemView + public const nint m_glovesItem = 0x758; // CEconItemView + public const nint m_weaponItem = 0x9D0; // CEconItemView + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CTriggerDetectExplosion { + public const nint m_OnDetectedExplosion = 0x908; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CSoundStackSave { + public const nint m_iszStackName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 18 + public static class CPhysHinge { + public const nint m_soundInfo = 0x540; // ConstraintSoundInfo + public const nint m_NotifyMinLimitReached = 0x5C8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_NotifyMaxLimitReached = 0x5F0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bAtMinLimit = 0x618; // bool + public const nint m_bAtMaxLimit = 0x619; // bool + public const nint m_hinge = 0x61C; // constraint_hingeparams_t + public const nint m_hingeFriction = 0x65C; // float32 + public const nint m_systemLoadScale = 0x660; // float32 + public const nint m_bIsAxisLocal = 0x664; // bool + public const nint m_flMinRotation = 0x668; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxRotation = 0x66C; // float32 + public const nint m_flInitialRotation = 0x670; // float32 + public const nint m_flMotorFrequency = 0x674; // float32 + public const nint m_flMotorDampingRatio = 0x678; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngleSpeed = 0x67C; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngleSpeedThreshold = 0x680; // float32 + public const nint m_OnStartMoving = 0x688; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnStopMoving = 0x6B0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CGameRules + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CSingleplayRules { + public const nint m_bSinglePlayerGameEnding = 0xC0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CFilterProximity { + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x518; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEconEntity + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CEconWearable { + public const nint m_nForceSkin = 0xC70; // int32 + public const nint m_bAlwaysAllow = 0xC74; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_ItemServices { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTargetSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionStartTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionDurationTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTransitionStartSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hConveyorModels (EHANDLE) + public static class CFuncConveyor { + public const nint m_szConveyorModels = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flTransitionDurationSeconds = 0x718; // float32 + public const nint m_angMoveEntitySpace = 0x71C; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace = 0x728; // Vector + public const nint m_flTargetSpeed = 0x734; // float32 + public const nint m_nTransitionStartTick = 0x738; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_nTransitionDurationTicks = 0x73C; // int32 + public const nint m_flTransitionStartSpeed = 0x740; // float32 + public const nint m_hConveyorModels = 0x748; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponMag7 { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 11 + public static class CMathCounter { + public const nint m_flMin = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flMax = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_bHitMin = 0x4C8; // bool + public const nint m_bHitMax = 0x4C9; // bool + public const nint m_bDisabled = 0x4CA; // bool + public const nint m_OutValue = 0x4D0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnGetValue = 0x4F8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_OnHitMin = 0x520; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnHitMax = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnChangedFromMin = 0x570; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnChangedFromMax = 0x598; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_worldName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_layerName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldLayerVisible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEntitiesSpawned (bool) + public static class CInfoWorldLayer { + public const nint m_pOutputOnEntitiesSpawned = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_worldName = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_layerName = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_bWorldLayerVisible = 0x4F8; // bool + public const nint m_bEntitiesSpawned = 0x4F9; // bool + public const nint m_bCreateAsChildSpawnGroup = 0x4FA; // bool + public const nint m_hLayerSpawnGroup = 0x4FC; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBarnLight + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + public static class CRectLight { + public const nint m_bShowLight = 0x938; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSGO_TeamSelectTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseDoor + // Fields count: 1 + public static class CRotDoor { + public const nint m_bSolidBsp = 0x998; // bool + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CLogicLineToEntity { + public const nint m_Line = 0x4C0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + public const nint m_SourceName = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_StartEntity = 0x4F0; // CHandle + public const nint m_EndEntity = 0x4F4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTotalPausedTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPauseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGamePaused (bool) + public static class CGameRules { + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + public const nint m_szQuestName = 0x30; // char[128] + public const nint m_nQuestPhase = 0xB0; // int32 + public const nint m_nTotalPausedTicks = 0xB4; // int32 + public const nint m_nPauseStartTick = 0xB8; // int32 + public const nint m_bGamePaused = 0xBC; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pEntity (CEntityIdentity*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CScriptComponent (CScriptComponent::Storage_t) + public static class CEntityInstance { + public const nint m_iszPrivateVScripts = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_pEntity = 0x10; // CEntityIdentity* + public const nint m_CScriptComponent = 0x28; // CScriptComponent* + public const nint m_bVisibleinPVS = 0x30; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flDiffuseScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + public static class CEnvCubemap { + public const nint m_Entity_hCubemapTexture = 0x540; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture = 0x548; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius = 0x54C; // float32 + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins = 0x550; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs = 0x55C; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x568; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x56C; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex = 0x570; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_nPriority = 0x574; // int32 + public const nint m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist = 0x578; // float32 + public const nint m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists = 0x57C; // Vector + public const nint m_Entity_flDiffuseScale = 0x588; // float32 + public const nint m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x58C; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap = 0x58D; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap = 0x58E; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap = 0x58F; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap = 0x590; // bool + public const nint m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x5A0; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSPlayer_DamageReactServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + public static class ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t { + public const nint unClass = 0x28; // uint16 + public const nint unSlot = 0x2A; // uint16 + public const nint unItemDefIdx = 0x2C; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBlockersPresent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundInProgress (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFirstSecondHalfRound (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBombSite (int) + public static class CRetakeGameRules { + public const nint m_nMatchSeed = 0xF8; // int32 + public const nint m_bBlockersPresent = 0xFC; // bool + public const nint m_bRoundInProgress = 0xFD; // bool + public const nint m_iFirstSecondHalfRound = 0x100; // int32 + public const nint m_iBombSite = 0x104; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSide (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExclusive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCurWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_netlookupFilename (char) + public static class CColorCorrection { + public const nint m_flFadeInDuration = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeOutDuration = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFadeInWeight = 0x4C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartFadeOutWeight = 0x4CC; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimeStartFadeIn = 0x4D0; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flTimeStartFadeOut = 0x4D4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flMaxWeight = 0x4D8; // float32 + public const nint m_bStartDisabled = 0x4DC; // bool + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x4DD; // bool + public const nint m_bMaster = 0x4DE; // bool + public const nint m_bClientSide = 0x4DF; // bool + public const nint m_bExclusive = 0x4E0; // bool + public const nint m_MinFalloff = 0x4E4; // float32 + public const nint m_MaxFalloff = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flCurWeight = 0x4EC; // float32 + public const nint m_netlookupFilename = 0x4F0; // char[512] + public const nint m_lookupFilename = 0x6F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponElite { + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CSoundEventEntityAlias_snd_event_point { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + public static class CBaseEntityAPI { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartedArming (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fArmedTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlacedAnimation (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlantingViaUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + public static class CC4 { + public const nint m_vecLastValidPlayerHeldPosition = 0xE98; // Vector + public const nint m_vecLastValidDroppedPosition = 0xEA4; // Vector + public const nint m_bDoValidDroppedPositionCheck = 0xEB0; // bool + public const nint m_bStartedArming = 0xEB1; // bool + public const nint m_fArmedTime = 0xEB4; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bBombPlacedAnimation = 0xEB8; // bool + public const nint m_bIsPlantingViaUse = 0xEB9; // bool + public const nint m_entitySpottedState = 0xEC0; // EntitySpottedState_t + public const nint m_nSpotRules = 0xED8; // int32 + public const nint m_bPlayedArmingBeeps = 0xEDC; // bool[7] + public const nint m_bBombPlanted = 0xEE3; // bool + } + // Parent: CHostageRescueZoneShim + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CPointPrefab { + public const nint m_targetMapName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_forceWorldGroupID = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_associatedRelayTargetName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_fixupNames = 0x4D8; // bool + public const nint m_bLoadDynamic = 0x4D9; // bool + public const nint m_associatedRelayEntity = 0x4DC; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 27 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsUsable (bool) + public static class CBaseDoor { + public const nint m_angMoveEntitySpace = 0x7A0; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecMoveDirParentSpace = 0x7AC; // Vector + public const nint m_ls = 0x7B8; // locksound_t + public const nint m_bForceClosed = 0x7D8; // bool + public const nint m_bDoorGroup = 0x7D9; // bool + public const nint m_bLocked = 0x7DA; // bool + public const nint m_bIgnoreDebris = 0x7DB; // bool + public const nint m_eSpawnPosition = 0x7DC; // FuncDoorSpawnPos_t + public const nint m_flBlockDamage = 0x7E0; // float32 + public const nint m_NoiseMoving = 0x7E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_NoiseArrived = 0x7F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_NoiseMovingClosed = 0x7F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_NoiseArrivedClosed = 0x800; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_ChainTarget = 0x808; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_OnBlockedClosing = 0x810; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnBlockedOpening = 0x838; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnUnblockedClosing = 0x860; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnUnblockedOpening = 0x888; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFullyClosed = 0x8B0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFullyOpen = 0x8D8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnClose = 0x900; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnOpen = 0x928; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnLockedUse = 0x950; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bLoopMoveSound = 0x978; // bool + public const nint m_bCreateNavObstacle = 0x990; // bool + public const nint m_isChaining = 0x991; // bool + public const nint m_bIsUsable = 0x992; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hParent (CGameSceneNodeHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecOrigin (CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angRotation (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hierarchyAttachName (CUtlStringToken) + public static class CGameSceneNode { + public const nint m_nodeToWorld = 0x10; // CTransform + public const nint m_pOwner = 0x30; // CEntityInstance* + public const nint m_pParent = 0x38; // CGameSceneNode* + public const nint m_pChild = 0x40; // CGameSceneNode* + public const nint m_pNextSibling = 0x48; // CGameSceneNode* + public const nint m_hParent = 0x78; // CGameSceneNodeHandle + public const nint m_vecOrigin = 0x88; // CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector + public const nint m_angRotation = 0xC0; // QAngle + public const nint m_flScale = 0xCC; // float32 + public const nint m_vecAbsOrigin = 0xD0; // Vector + public const nint m_angAbsRotation = 0xDC; // QAngle + public const nint m_flAbsScale = 0xE8; // float32 + public const nint m_nParentAttachmentOrBone = 0xEC; // int16 + public const nint m_bDebugAbsOriginChanges = 0xEE; // bool + public const nint m_bDormant = 0xEF; // bool + public const nint m_bForceParentToBeNetworked = 0xF0; // bool + public const nint m_bDirtyHierarchy = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bDirtyBoneMergeInfo = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bNetworkedPositionChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bNetworkedAnglesChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bNetworkedScaleChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bWillBeCallingPostDataUpdate = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_bBoneMergeFlex = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_nLatchAbsOrigin = 0x0; // bitfield:2 + public const nint m_bDirtyBoneMergeBoneToRoot = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + public const nint m_nHierarchicalDepth = 0xF3; // uint8 + public const nint m_nHierarchyType = 0xF4; // uint8 + public const nint m_nDoNotSetAnimTimeInInvalidatePhysicsCount = 0xF5; // uint8 + public const nint m_name = 0xF8; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_hierarchyAttachName = 0x138; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_flZOffset = 0x13C; // float32 + public const nint m_flClientLocalScale = 0x140; // float32 + public const nint m_vRenderOrigin = 0x144; // Vector + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTablet { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 7 + public static class CTankTrainAI { + public const nint m_hTrain = 0x4C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTargetEntity = 0x4C4; // CHandle + public const nint m_soundPlaying = 0x4C8; // int32 + public const nint m_startSoundName = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_engineSoundName = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_movementSoundName = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_targetEntityName = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + public static class CGameGibManager { + public const nint m_bAllowNewGibs = 0x4E0; // bool + public const nint m_iCurrentMaxPieces = 0x4E4; // int32 + public const nint m_iMaxPieces = 0x4E8; // int32 + public const nint m_iLastFrame = 0x4EC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + public static class CCSPointScript { + public const nint m_pParent = 0xF8; // CCSPointScriptEntity* + } + // Parent: CRagdollProp + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CRagdollPropAlias_physics_prop_ragdoll { + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSSprite { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CFuncPropRespawnZone { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class SpawnPoint { + public const nint m_iPriority = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x4C4; // bool + public const nint m_nType = 0x4C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CWeaponSCAR20 { + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTripWireFireProjectile { + } + // Parent: CFuncPlat + // Fields count: 2 + public static class CFuncPlatRot { + public const nint m_end = 0x7C0; // QAngle + public const nint m_start = 0x7CC; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + public static class CEnvSpark { + public const nint m_flDelay = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_nMagnitude = 0x4C4; // int32 + public const nint m_nTrailLength = 0x4C8; // int32 + public const nint m_nType = 0x4CC; // int32 + public const nint m_OnSpark = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ObserverServices + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CCSObserver_ObserverServices { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CPlayer_AutoaimServices { + } + // Parent: CBasePlatTrain + // Fields count: 6 + public static class CFuncTrain { + public const nint m_hCurrentTarget = 0x7B8; // CHandle + public const nint m_activated = 0x7BC; // bool + public const nint m_hEnemy = 0x7C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_flBlockDamage = 0x7C4; // float32 + public const nint m_flNextBlockTime = 0x7C8; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_iszLastTarget = 0x7D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CHostageExpresserShim + // Fields count: 39 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_vel (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isRescued (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHostageState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_reuseTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHandsHaveBeenCut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hHostageGrabber (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRescueStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGrabSuccessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDropStartTime (GameTime_t) + public static class CHostage { + public const nint m_OnHostageBeginGrab = 0xA20; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFirstPickedUp = 0xA48; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnDroppedNotRescued = 0xA70; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnRescued = 0xA98; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_entitySpottedState = 0xAC0; // EntitySpottedState_t + public const nint m_nSpotRules = 0xAD8; // int32 + public const nint m_uiHostageSpawnExclusionGroupMask = 0xADC; // uint32 + public const nint m_nHostageSpawnRandomFactor = 0xAE0; // uint32 + public const nint m_bRemove = 0xAE4; // bool + public const nint m_vel = 0xAE8; // Vector + public const nint m_isRescued = 0xAF4; // bool + public const nint m_jumpedThisFrame = 0xAF5; // bool + public const nint m_nHostageState = 0xAF8; // int32 + public const nint m_leader = 0xAFC; // CHandle + public const nint m_lastLeader = 0xB00; // CHandle + public const nint m_reuseTimer = 0xB08; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_hasBeenUsed = 0xB20; // bool + public const nint m_accel = 0xB24; // Vector + public const nint m_isRunning = 0xB30; // bool + public const nint m_isCrouching = 0xB31; // bool + public const nint m_jumpTimer = 0xB38; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_isWaitingForLeader = 0xB50; // bool + public const nint m_repathTimer = 0x2B60; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_inhibitDoorTimer = 0x2B78; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_inhibitObstacleAvoidanceTimer = 0x2C08; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_wiggleTimer = 0x2C28; // CountdownTimer + public const nint m_isAdjusted = 0x2C44; // bool + public const nint m_bHandsHaveBeenCut = 0x2C45; // bool + public const nint m_hHostageGrabber = 0x2C48; // CHandle + public const nint m_fLastGrabTime = 0x2C4C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_vecPositionWhenStartedDroppingToGround = 0x2C50; // Vector + public const nint m_vecGrabbedPos = 0x2C5C; // Vector + public const nint m_flRescueStartTime = 0x2C68; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flGrabSuccessTime = 0x2C6C; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_flDropStartTime = 0x2C70; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_nApproachRewardPayouts = 0x2C74; // int32 + public const nint m_nPickupEventCount = 0x2C78; // int32 + public const nint m_vecSpawnGroundPos = 0x2C7C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecHostageResetPosition = 0x2C9C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 13 + public static class CNavLinkAreaEntity { + public const nint m_flWidth = 0x4C0; // float32 + public const nint m_vLocatorOffset = 0x4C4; // Vector + public const nint m_qLocatorAnglesOffset = 0x4D0; // QAngle + public const nint m_strMovementForward = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_strMovementReverse = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_nNavLinkIdForward = 0x4F0; // int32 + public const nint m_nNavLinkIdReverse = 0x4F4; // int32 + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x4F8; // bool + public const nint m_strFilterName = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hFilter = 0x508; // CHandle + public const nint m_OnNavLinkStart = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnNavLinkFinish = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bIsTerminus = 0x560; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + public static class CFuncMoveLinear { + public const nint m_authoredPosition = 0x790; // MoveLinearAuthoredPos_t + public const nint m_angMoveEntitySpace = 0x794; // QAngle + public const nint m_vecMoveDirParentSpace = 0x7A0; // Vector + public const nint m_soundStart = 0x7B0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_soundStop = 0x7B8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_currentSound = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flBlockDamage = 0x7C8; // float32 + public const nint m_flStartPosition = 0x7CC; // float32 + public const nint m_OnFullyOpen = 0x7D8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnFullyClosed = 0x800; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_bCreateMovableNavMesh = 0x828; // bool + public const nint m_bCreateNavObstacle = 0x829; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + public static class CCommentaryAuto { + public const nint m_OnCommentaryNewGame = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnCommentaryMidGame = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnCommentaryMultiplayerSpawn = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 8 + public static class CMapInfo { + public const nint m_iBuyingStatus = 0x4C0; // int32 + public const nint m_flBombRadius = 0x4C4; // float32 + public const nint m_iPetPopulation = 0x4C8; // int32 + public const nint m_bUseNormalSpawnsForDM = 0x4CC; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableAutoGeneratedDMSpawns = 0x4CD; // bool + public const nint m_flBotMaxVisionDistance = 0x4D0; // float32 + public const nint m_iHostageCount = 0x4D4; // int32 + public const nint m_bFadePlayerVisibilityFarZ = 0x4D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + public static class CTriggerBombReset { + } + // Parent: CEntityInstance + // Fields count: 77 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_CBodyComponent (CBodyComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lifeState (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTakesDamage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTakeDamageFlags (TakeDamageFlags_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlatform (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveCollide (MoveCollide_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveType (MoveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSubclassID (EntitySubclassID_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSimulationTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSideRagdoll (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubInterpolationFrame (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_spawnflags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextThinkTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecVelocity (CNetworkVelocityVector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecBaseVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEffectEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwnerEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEffects (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGroundEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGroundBodyIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFriction (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flElasticity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGravityScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWaterLevel (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimatedEveryTick (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBloodType (BloodType) + public static class CBaseEntity { + public const nint m_CBodyComponent = 0x38; // CBodyComponent* + public const nint m_NetworkTransmitComponent = 0x40; // CNetworkTransmitComponent + public const nint m_aThinkFunctions = 0x220; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_iCurrentThinkContext = 0x238; // int32 + public const nint m_nLastThinkTick = 0x23C; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_bDisabledContextThinks = 0x240; // bool + public const nint m_isSteadyState = 0x250; // CBitVec<64> + public const nint m_lastNetworkChange = 0x258; // float32 + public const nint m_ResponseContexts = 0x268; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_iszResponseContext = 0x280; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iHealth = 0x2A8; // int32 + public const nint m_iMaxHealth = 0x2AC; // int32 + public const nint m_lifeState = 0x2B0; // uint8 + public const nint m_flDamageAccumulator = 0x2B4; // float32 + public const nint m_bTakesDamage = 0x2B8; // bool + public const nint m_nTakeDamageFlags = 0x2C0; // TakeDamageFlags_t + public const nint m_bIsPlatform = 0x2C8; // bool + public const nint m_MoveCollide = 0x2CA; // MoveCollide_t + public const nint m_MoveType = 0x2CB; // MoveType_t + public const nint m_nActualMoveType = 0x2CC; // MoveType_t + public const nint m_nWaterTouch = 0x2CD; // uint8 + public const nint m_nSlimeTouch = 0x2CE; // uint8 + public const nint m_bRestoreInHierarchy = 0x2CF; // bool + public const nint m_target = 0x2D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hDamageFilter = 0x2D8; // CHandle + public const nint m_iszDamageFilterName = 0x2E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_flMoveDoneTime = 0x2E8; // float32 + public const nint m_nSubclassID = 0x2EC; // CUtlStringToken + public const nint m_flAnimTime = 0x2F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flSimulationTime = 0x2FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flCreateTime = 0x300; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_bClientSideRagdoll = 0x304; // bool + public const nint m_ubInterpolationFrame = 0x305; // uint8 + public const nint m_vPrevVPhysicsUpdatePos = 0x308; // Vector + public const nint m_iTeamNum = 0x314; // uint8 + public const nint m_iGlobalname = 0x318; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_iSentToClients = 0x320; // int32 + public const nint m_flSpeed = 0x324; // float32 + public const nint m_sUniqueHammerID = 0x328; // CUtlString + public const nint m_spawnflags = 0x330; // uint32 + public const nint m_nNextThinkTick = 0x334; // GameTick_t + public const nint m_nSimulationTick = 0x338; // int32 + public const nint m_OnKilled = 0x340; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_fFlags = 0x368; // uint32 + public const nint m_vecAbsVelocity = 0x36C; // Vector + public const nint m_vecVelocity = 0x378; // CNetworkVelocityVector + public const nint m_vecBaseVelocity = 0x3A8; // Vector + public const nint m_nPushEnumCount = 0x3B4; // int32 + public const nint m_pCollision = 0x3B8; // CCollisionProperty* + public const nint m_hEffectEntity = 0x3C0; // CHandle + public const nint m_hOwnerEntity = 0x3C4; // CHandle + public const nint m_fEffects = 0x3C8; // uint32 + public const nint m_hGroundEntity = 0x3CC; // CHandle + public const nint m_nGroundBodyIndex = 0x3D0; // int32 + public const nint m_flFriction = 0x3D4; // float32 + public const nint m_flElasticity = 0x3D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flGravityScale = 0x3DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimeScale = 0x3E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flWaterLevel = 0x3E4; // float32 + public const nint m_bAnimatedEveryTick = 0x3E8; // bool + public const nint m_bDisableLowViolence = 0x3E9; // bool + public const nint m_nWaterType = 0x3EA; // uint8 + public const nint m_iEFlags = 0x3EC; // int32 + public const nint m_OnUser1 = 0x3F0; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnUser2 = 0x418; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnUser3 = 0x440; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_OnUser4 = 0x468; // CEntityIOOutput + public const nint m_iInitialTeamNum = 0x490; // int32 + public const nint m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime = 0x494; // GameTime_t + public const nint m_vecAngVelocity = 0x498; // QAngle + public const nint m_bNetworkQuantizeOriginAndAngles = 0x4A4; // bool + public const nint m_bLagCompensate = 0x4A5; // bool + public const nint m_flOverriddenFriction = 0x4A8; // float32 + public const nint m_pBlocker = 0x4AC; // CHandle + public const nint m_flLocalTime = 0x4B0; // float32 + public const nint m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime = 0x4B4; // float32 + public const nint m_nBloodType = 0x4B8; // BloodType + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 9 + public static class CLogicMeasureMovement { + public const nint m_strMeasureTarget = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_strMeasureReference = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_strTargetReference = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + public const nint m_hMeasureTarget = 0x4D8; // CHandle + public const nint m_hMeasureReference = 0x4DC; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTarget = 0x4E0; // CHandle + public const nint m_hTargetReference = 0x4E4; // CHandle + public const nint m_flScale = 0x4E8; // float32 + public const nint m_nMeasureType = 0x4EC; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nType (FixAngleSet_t) + // NetworkVarNames: qAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: nIndex (uint32) + public static class ViewAngleServerChange_t { + public const nint nType = 0x30; // FixAngleSet_t + public const nint qAngle = 0x34; // QAngle + public const nint nIndex = 0x40; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Transforms (CTransform) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (EHANDLE) + public static class PhysicsRagdollPose_t { + public const nint __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + public const nint m_Transforms = 0x30; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + public const nint m_hOwner = 0x48; // CHandle + } + } +} diff --git a/output/server.dll.hpp b/output/server.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df097a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/server.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,10972 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: server.dll + // Classes count: 651 + // Enums count: 131 + namespace server_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e : uint32_t { + DOOR_ROTATING_OPEN_BOTH_WAYS = 0x0, + DOOR_ROTATING_OPEN_FORWARD = 0x1, + DOOR_ROTATING_OPEN_BACKWARD = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class SceneOnPlayerDeath_t : uint32_t { + SCENE_ONPLAYERDEATH_DO_NOTHING = 0x0, + SCENE_ONPLAYERDEATH_CANCEL = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class LessonPanelLayoutFileTypes_t : uint32_t { + LAYOUT_HAND_DEFAULT = 0x0, + LAYOUT_WORLD_DEFAULT = 0x1, + LAYOUT_CUSTOM = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class TimelineCompression_t : uint32_t { + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_SUM = 0x0, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_COUNT_PER_INTERVAL = 0x1, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_AVERAGE = 0x2, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_AVERAGE_BLEND = 0x3, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_TOTAL = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class SubclassVDataChangeType_t : uint32_t { + SUBCLASS_VDATA_CREATED = 0x0, + SUBCLASS_VDATA_SUBCLASS_CHANGED = 0x1, + SUBCLASS_VDATA_RELOADED = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class C4LightEffect_t : uint32_t { + eLightEffectNone = 0x0, + eLightEffectDropped = 0x1, + eLightEffectThirdPersonHeld = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class StanceType_t : uint32_t { + STANCE_CURRENT = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + STANCE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + STANCE_CROUCHING = 0x1, + STANCE_PRONE = 0x2, + NUM_STANCES = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class Explosions : uint32_t { + expRandom = 0x0, + expDirected = 0x1, + expUsePrecise = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + enum class PreviewCharacterMode : uint32_t { + DIORAMA = 0x0, + MAIN_MENU = 0x1, + BUY_MENU = 0x2, + TEAM_SELECT = 0x3, + END_OF_MATCH = 0x4, + INVENTORY_INSPECT = 0x5, + WALKING = 0x6, + TEAM_INTRO = 0x7, + WINGMAN_INTRO = 0x8, + BANNER = 0x9 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ObserverInterpState_t : uint32_t { + OBSERVER_INTERP_NONE = 0x0, + OBSERVER_INTERP_TRAVELING = 0x1, + OBSERVER_INTERP_SETTLING = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class WorldTextPanelOrientation_t : uint32_t { + WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT = 0x0, + WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_FACEUSER = 0x1, + WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_FACEUSER_UPRIGHT = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class WorldTextPanelHorizontalAlign_t : uint32_t { + WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT = 0x0, + WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x1, + WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + enum class SequenceFinishNotifyState_t : uint8_t { + eDoNotNotify = 0x0, + eNotifyWhenFinished = 0x1, + eNotifyTriggered = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class SoundEventStartType_t : uint32_t { + SOUNDEVENT_START_PLAYER = 0x0, + SOUNDEVENT_START_WORLD = 0x1, + SOUNDEVENT_START_ENTITY = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class TrainOrientationType_t : uint32_t { + TrainOrientation_Fixed = 0x0, + TrainOrientation_AtPathTracks = 0x1, + TrainOrientation_LinearBlend = 0x2, + TrainOrientation_EaseInEaseOut = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class CSWeaponCategory : uint32_t { + WEAPONCATEGORY_OTHER = 0x0, + WEAPONCATEGORY_MELEE = 0x1, + WEAPONCATEGORY_SECONDARY = 0x2, + WEAPONCATEGORY_SMG = 0x3, + WEAPONCATEGORY_RIFLE = 0x4, + WEAPONCATEGORY_HEAVY = 0x5, + WEAPONCATEGORY_COUNT = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + enum class BeginDeathLifeStateTransition_t : uint8_t { + NO_CHANGE_IN_LIFESTATE = 0x0, + TRANSITION_TO_LIFESTATE_DYING = 0x1, + TRANSITION_TO_LIFESTATE_DEAD = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 12 + enum class SoundTypes_t : uint16_t { + SOUND_NONE = 0x0, + SOUND_COMBAT = 0x1, + SOUND_PLAYER = 0x2, + SOUND_DANGER = 0x3, + SOUND_BULLET_IMPACT = 0x4, + SOUND_THUMPER = 0x5, + SOUND_PHYSICS_DANGER = 0x6, + SOUND_MOVE_AWAY = 0x7, + SOUND_PLAYER_VEHICLE = 0x8, + SOUND_GLASS_BREAK = 0x9, + SOUND_PHYSICS_OBJECT = 0xA, + NUM_AI_SOUND_TYPES = 0xB + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 24 + enum class PlayerAnimEvent_t : uint32_t { + PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_PRIMARY = 0x0, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_SECONDARY = 0x1, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_GRENADE_PULL_PIN = 0x2, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_THROW_GRENADE = 0x3, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_JUMP = 0x4, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD = 0x5, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_CLEAR_FIRING = 0x6, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_DEPLOY = 0x7, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_SILENCER_STATE = 0x8, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_SILENCER_TOGGLE = 0x9, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_THROW_GRENADE_UNDERHAND = 0xA, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_CATCH_WEAPON = 0xB, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_LOOKATWEAPON_REQUEST = 0xC, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD_CANCEL_LOOKATWEAPON = 0xD, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_HAULBACK = 0xE, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_IDLE = 0xF, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_STRIKE_HIT = 0x10, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_STRIKE_MISS = 0x11, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_BACKSTAB = 0x12, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_DRYFIRE = 0x13, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIDGET = 0x14, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELEASE = 0x15, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_TAUNT = 0x16, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_COUNT = 0x17 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + enum class ItemFlagTypes_t : uint8_t { + ITEM_FLAG_NONE = 0x0, + ITEM_FLAG_CAN_SELECT_WITHOUT_AMMO = 0x1, + ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTORELOAD = 0x2, + ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTOSWITCHEMPTY = 0x4, + ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD = 0x8, + ITEM_FLAG_EXHAUSTIBLE = 0x10, + ITEM_FLAG_DOHITLOCATIONDMG = 0x20, + ITEM_FLAG_NOAMMOPICKUPS = 0x40, + ITEM_FLAG_NOITEMPICKUP = 0x80 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ShatterPanelMode : uint8_t { + SHATTER_GLASS = 0x0, + SHATTER_DRYWALL = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 10 + enum class SurroundingBoundsType_t : uint8_t { + USE_OBB_COLLISION_BOUNDS = 0x0, + USE_BEST_COLLISION_BOUNDS = 0x1, + USE_HITBOXES = 0x2, + USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS = 0x3, + USE_GAME_CODE = 0x4, + USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_BOUNDS = 0x5, + USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_ORIENTED_BOUNDS = 0x6, + USE_COLLISION_BOUNDS_NEVER_VPHYSICS = 0x7, + USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_SEQUENCE_BOUNDS = 0x8, + SURROUNDING_TYPE_BIT_COUNT = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class LifeState_t : uint32_t { + LIFE_ALIVE = 0x0, + LIFE_DYING = 0x1, + LIFE_DEAD = 0x2, + LIFE_RESPAWNABLE = 0x3, + LIFE_RESPAWNING = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class NPCFollowFormation_t : uint32_t { + Default = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + CloseCircle = 0x0, + WideCircle = 0x1, + MediumCircle = 0x5, + Sidekick = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class CSWeaponMode : uint32_t { + Primary_Mode = 0x0, + Secondary_Mode = 0x1, + WeaponMode_MAX = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + enum class OnFrame : uint8_t { + ONFRAME_UNKNOWN = 0x0, + ONFRAME_TRUE = 0x1, + ONFRAME_FALSE = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 12 + enum class Materials : uint32_t { + matGlass = 0x0, + matWood = 0x1, + matMetal = 0x2, + matFlesh = 0x3, + matCinderBlock = 0x4, + matCeilingTile = 0x5, + matComputer = 0x6, + matUnbreakableGlass = 0x7, + matRocks = 0x8, + matWeb = 0x9, + matNone = 0xA, + matLastMaterial = 0xB + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + enum class BloodType : uint32_t { + None = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ColorRed = 0x0, + ColorYellow = 0x1, + ColorGreen = 0x2, + ColorRedLVL2 = 0x3, + ColorRedLVL3 = 0x4, + ColorRedLVL4 = 0x5, + ColorRedLVL5 = 0x6, + ColorRedLVL6 = 0x7 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class ScriptedMoveTo_t : uint32_t { + eWait = 0x0, + eMoveWithGait = 0x3, + eTeleport = 0x4, + eWaitFacing = 0x5, + eObsoleteBackCompat1 = 0x1, + eObsoleteBackCompat2 = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class AnimLoopMode_t : uint32_t { + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_NOT_LOOPING = 0x0, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_LOOPING = 0x1, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_USE_SEQUENCE_SETTINGS = 0x2, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_COUNT = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 9 + enum class SoundFlags_t : uint16_t { + SOUND_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + SOUND_FLAG_GUNFIRE = 0x1, + SOUND_FLAG_COMBINE_ONLY = 0x2, + SOUND_FLAG_REACT_TO_SOURCE = 0x4, + SOUND_FLAG_EXPLOSION = 0x8, + SOUND_FLAG_EXCLUDE_COMBINE = 0x10, + SOUND_FLAG_DANGER_APPROACH = 0x20, + SOUND_FLAG_ALLIES_ONLY = 0x40, + SOUND_FLAG_PANIC_NPCS = 0x80 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + enum class Class_T : uint32_t { + CLASS_NONE = 0x0, + CLASS_PLAYER = 0x1, + CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY = 0x2, + CLASS_BOMB = 0x3, + CLASS_FOOT_CONTACT_SHADOW = 0x4, + CLASS_WEAPON = 0x5, + CLASS_WATER_SPLASHER = 0x6, + CLASS_WEAPON_VIEWMODEL = 0x7, + CLASS_DOOR = 0x8, + NUM_CLASSIFY_CLASSES = 0x9 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class filter_t : uint32_t { + FILTER_AND = 0x0, + FILTER_OR = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class CSWeaponSilencerType : uint32_t { + WEAPONSILENCER_NONE = 0x0, + WEAPONSILENCER_DETACHABLE = 0x1, + WEAPONSILENCER_INTEGRATED = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 17 + enum class BaseExplosionTypes_t : uint32_t { + EXPLOSION_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_GRENADE = 0x1, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_MOLOTOV = 0x2, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_FIREWORKS = 0x3, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_GASCAN = 0x4, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_GASCYLINDER = 0x5, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_EXPLOSIVEBARREL = 0x6, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_ELECTRICAL = 0x7, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_EMP = 0x8, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_SHRAPNEL = 0x9, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMOKEGRENADE = 0xA, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_FLASHBANG = 0xB, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_TRIPMINE = 0xC, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_ICE = 0xD, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_NONE = 0xE, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_CUSTOM = 0xF, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_COUNT = 0x10 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 44 + enum class GameAnimEventIndex_t : uint32_t { + AE_EMPTY = 0x0, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND = 0x1, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_ATTACHMENT = 0x2, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_POSITION = 0x3, + AE_SV_PLAYSOUND = 0x4, + AE_CL_STOPSOUND = 0x5, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_LOOPING = 0x6, + AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x7, + AE_CL_STOP_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x8, + AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT_CFG = 0x9, + AE_SV_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT_CFG = 0xA, + AE_SV_STOP_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0xB, + AE_FOOTSTEP = 0xC, + AE_RAGDOLL = 0xD, + AE_CL_STOP_RAGDOLL_CONTROL = 0xE, + AE_CL_ENABLE_BODYGROUP = 0xF, + AE_CL_DISABLE_BODYGROUP = 0x10, + AE_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE = 0x11, + AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE_CMODEL_WPN = 0x12, + AE_WEAPON_PERFORM_ATTACK = 0x13, + AE_FIRE_INPUT = 0x14, + AE_CL_CLOTH_ATTR = 0x15, + AE_CL_CLOTH_GROUND_OFFSET = 0x16, + AE_CL_CLOTH_STIFFEN = 0x17, + AE_CL_CLOTH_EFFECT = 0x18, + AE_CL_CREATE_ANIM_SCOPE_PROP = 0x19, + AE_SV_IKLOCK = 0x1A, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH = 0x1B, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_LOOKAT = 0x1C, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_AIMAT = 0x1D, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_IKLOCKLEFTARM = 0x1E, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_IKLOCKRIGHTARM = 0x1F, + AE_CL_WEAPON_TRANSITION_INTO_HAND = 0x20, + AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_TO_CLIP = 0x21, + AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_TO_NEXTCLIP = 0x22, + AE_SV_SHOW_SILENCER = 0x23, + AE_SV_ATTACH_SILENCER_COMPLETE = 0x24, + AE_SV_HIDE_SILENCER = 0x25, + AE_SV_DETACH_SILENCER_COMPLETE = 0x26, + AE_CL_EJECT_MAG = 0x27, + AE_WPN_COMPLETE_RELOAD = 0x28, + AE_WPN_HEALTHSHOT_INJECT = 0x29, + AE_CL_C4_SCREEN_TEXT = 0x2A, + AE_GRENADE_THROW_COMPLETE = 0x2B + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + enum class FixAngleSet_t : uint8_t { + None = 0x0, + Absolute = 0x1, + Relative = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class IChoreoServices__ScriptState_t : uint32_t { + SCRIPT_PLAYING = 0x0, + SCRIPT_WAIT = 0x1, + SCRIPT_POST_IDLE = 0x2, + SCRIPT_CLEANUP = 0x3, + SCRIPT_MOVE_TO_MARK = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class CommandEntitySpecType_t : uint32_t { + SPEC_SEARCH = 0x0, + SPEC_TYPES_COUNT = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class Touch_t : uint32_t { + touch_none = 0x0, + touch_player_only = 0x1, + touch_npc_only = 0x2, + touch_player_or_npc = 0x3, + touch_player_or_npc_or_physicsprop = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class TrainVelocityType_t : uint32_t { + TrainVelocity_Instantaneous = 0x0, + TrainVelocity_LinearBlend = 0x1, + TrainVelocity_EaseInEaseOut = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 20 + enum class CSWeaponType : uint32_t { + WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE = 0x0, + WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL = 0x1, + WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN = 0x2, + WEAPONTYPE_RIFLE = 0x3, + WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN = 0x4, + WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE = 0x5, + WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN = 0x6, + WEAPONTYPE_C4 = 0x7, + WEAPONTYPE_TASER = 0x8, + WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE = 0x9, + WEAPONTYPE_EQUIPMENT = 0xA, + WEAPONTYPE_STACKABLEITEM = 0xB, + WEAPONTYPE_FISTS = 0xC, + WEAPONTYPE_BREACHCHARGE = 0xD, + WEAPONTYPE_BUMPMINE = 0xE, + WEAPONTYPE_TABLET = 0xF, + WEAPONTYPE_MELEE = 0x10, + WEAPONTYPE_SHIELD = 0x11, + WEAPONTYPE_ZONE_REPULSOR = 0x12, + WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x13 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class EntFinderMethod_t : uint32_t { + ENT_FIND_METHOD_NEAREST = 0x0, + ENT_FIND_METHOD_FARTHEST = 0x1, + ENT_FIND_METHOD_RANDOM = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class PropDoorRotatingSpawnPos_t : uint32_t { + DOOR_SPAWN_CLOSED = 0x0, + DOOR_SPAWN_OPEN_FORWARD = 0x1, + DOOR_SPAWN_OPEN_BACK = 0x2, + DOOR_SPAWN_AJAR = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ShardSolid_t : uint8_t { + SHARD_SOLID = 0x0, + SHARD_DEBRIS = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class PulseNPCCondition_t : uint32_t { + COND_SEE_PLAYER = 0x1, + COND_LOST_PLAYER = 0x2, + COND_HEAR_PLAYER = 0x3, + COND_PLAYER_PUSHING = 0x4, + COND_NO_PRIMARY_AMMO = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 13 + enum class RenderMode_t : uint8_t { + kRenderNormal = 0x0, + kRenderTransColor = 0x1, + kRenderTransTexture = 0x2, + kRenderGlow = 0x3, + kRenderTransAlpha = 0x4, + kRenderTransAdd = 0x5, + kRenderEnvironmental = 0x6, + kRenderTransAddFrameBlend = 0x7, + kRenderTransAlphaAdd = 0x8, + kRenderWorldGlow = 0x9, + kRenderNone = 0xA, + kRenderDevVisualizer = 0xB, + kRenderModeCount = 0xC + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ForcedCrouchState_t : uint32_t { + FORCEDCROUCH_NONE = 0x0, + FORCEDCROUCH_CROUCHED = 0x1, + FORCEDCROUCH_UNCROUCHED = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class PerformanceMode_t : uint32_t { + PM_NORMAL = 0x0, + PM_NO_GIBS = 0x1, + PM_FULL_GIBS = 0x2, + PM_REDUCED_GIBS = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + enum class TOGGLE_STATE : uint32_t { + TS_AT_TOP = 0x0, + TS_AT_BOTTOM = 0x1, + TS_GOING_UP = 0x2, + TS_GOING_DOWN = 0x3, + DOOR_OPEN = 0x0, + DOOR_CLOSED = 0x1, + DOOR_OPENING = 0x2, + DOOR_CLOSING = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 74 + enum class loadout_slot_t : uint32_t { + LOADOUT_SLOT_PROMOTED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE, + LOADOUT_SLOT_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MELEE = 0x0, + LOADOUT_SLOT_C4 = 0x1, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_AUTO_BUY_WEAPON = 0x0, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_AUTO_BUY_WEAPON = 0x1, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY0 = 0x2, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY1 = 0x3, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY2 = 0x4, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY3 = 0x5, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY4 = 0x6, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY5 = 0x7, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG0 = 0x8, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG1 = 0x9, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG2 = 0xA, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG3 = 0xB, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG4 = 0xC, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG5 = 0xD, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE0 = 0xE, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE1 = 0xF, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE2 = 0x10, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE3 = 0x11, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE4 = 0x12, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE5 = 0x13, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY0 = 0x14, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY1 = 0x15, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY2 = 0x16, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY3 = 0x17, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY4 = 0x18, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY5 = 0x19, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_WHEEL_WEAPON = 0x2, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_WHEEL_WEAPON = 0x19, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_PRIMARY_WEAPON = 0x8, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_PRIMARY_WEAPON = 0x19, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_WHEEL_GRENADE = 0x1A, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE0 = 0x1A, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE1 = 0x1B, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE2 = 0x1C, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE3 = 0x1D, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE4 = 0x1E, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE5 = 0x1F, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_WHEEL_GRENADE = 0x1F, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT0 = 0x20, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT1 = 0x21, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT2 = 0x22, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT3 = 0x23, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT4 = 0x24, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT5 = 0x25, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_WHEEL_EQUIPMENT = 0x20, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_WHEEL_EQUIPMENT = 0x25, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_CUSTOMPLAYER = 0x26, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_CUSTOMHEAD = 0x27, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_FACEMASK = 0x28, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_HANDS = 0x29, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_COSMETIC = 0x29, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_COSMETIC = 0x29, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_EYEWEAR = 0x2A, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_HAT = 0x2B, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_LOWERBODY = 0x2C, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_TORSO = 0x2D, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_APPEARANCE = 0x2E, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC0 = 0x2F, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC1 = 0x30, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC2 = 0x31, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC3 = 0x32, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC4 = 0x33, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC5 = 0x34, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC6 = 0x35, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MUSICKIT = 0x36, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FLAIR0 = 0x37, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SPRAY0 = 0x38, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_ALL_CHARACTER = 0x36, + LOADOUT_SLOT_LAST_ALL_CHARACTER = 0x38, + LOADOUT_SLOT_COUNT = 0x39 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 20 + enum class NavAttributeEnum : uint32_t { + NAV_MESH_AVOID = 0x80, + NAV_MESH_STAIRS = 0x1000, + NAV_MESH_NON_ZUP = 0x8000, + NAV_MESH_SHORT_HEIGHT = 0x10000, + NAV_MESH_NON_ZUP_TRANSITION = 0x20000, + NAV_MESH_CROUCH = 0x10000, + NAV_MESH_JUMP = 0x2, + NAV_MESH_PRECISE = 0x4, + NAV_MESH_NO_JUMP = 0x8, + NAV_MESH_STOP = 0x10, + NAV_MESH_RUN = 0x20, + NAV_MESH_WALK = 0x40, + NAV_MESH_TRANSIENT = 0x100, + NAV_MESH_DONT_HIDE = 0x200, + NAV_MESH_STAND = 0x400, + NAV_MESH_NO_HOSTAGES = 0x800, + NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE = 0x2000, + NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP = 0x4000, + NAV_ATTR_FIRST_GAME_INDEX = 0x13, + NAV_ATTR_LAST_INDEX = 0x1F + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class MoveLinearAuthoredPos_t : uint32_t { + MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_START_POSITION = 0x0, + MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_OPEN_POSITION = 0x1, + MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_CLOSED_POSITION = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ValueRemapperMomentumType_t : uint32_t { + MomentumType_None = 0x0, + MomentumType_Friction = 0x1, + MomentumType_SpringTowardSnapValue = 0x2, + MomentumType_SpringAwayFromSnapValue = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 12 + enum class Hull_t : uint32_t { + HULL_HUMAN = 0x0, + HULL_SMALL_CENTERED = 0x1, + HULL_WIDE_HUMAN = 0x2, + HULL_TINY = 0x3, + HULL_MEDIUM = 0x4, + HULL_TINY_CENTERED = 0x5, + HULL_LARGE = 0x6, + HULL_LARGE_CENTERED = 0x7, + HULL_MEDIUM_TALL = 0x8, + HULL_SMALL = 0x9, + NUM_HULLS = 0xA, + HULL_NONE = 0xB + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class PreviewWeaponState : uint32_t { + DROPPED = 0x0, + HOLSTERED = 0x1, + DEPLOYED = 0x2, + PLANTED = 0x3, + INSPECT = 0x4, + ICON = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + enum class EInButtonState : uint32_t { + IN_BUTTON_UP = 0x0, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN = 0x1, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP = 0x2, + IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN = 0x3, + IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN_UP = 0x4, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP_DOWN = 0x5, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP_DOWN_UP = 0x6, + IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN_UP_DOWN = 0x7, + IN_BUTTON_STATE_COUNT = 0x8 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class BeamClipStyle_t : uint32_t { + kNOCLIP = 0x0, + kGEOCLIP = 0x1, + kMODELCLIP = 0x2, + kBEAMCLIPSTYLE_NUMBITS = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class WeaponAttackType_t : uint32_t { + eInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ePrimary = 0x0, + eSecondary = 0x1, + eCount = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 18 + enum class CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t : uint32_t { + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_None = 0x0, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_DefusingDefault = 0x1, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_DefusingWithKit = 0x2, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_HostageGrabbing = 0x3, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_HostageDropping = 0x4, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_OpeningSafe = 0x5, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingParachute = 0x6, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingHeavyArmor = 0x7, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingContract = 0x8, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingTabletUpgrade = 0x9, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_TakingOffHeavyArmor = 0xA, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_PayingToOpenDoor = 0xB, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_CancelingSpawnRappelling = 0xC, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingExoJump = 0xD, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_PickingUpBumpMine = 0xE, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_MapLongUseEntity_Pickup = 0xF, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_MapLongUseEntity_Place = 0x10, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_MaxCount = 0x11 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class CSWeaponState_t : uint32_t { + WEAPON_NOT_CARRIED = 0x0, + WEAPON_IS_CARRIED_BY_PLAYER = 0x1, + WEAPON_IS_ACTIVE = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class CommandExecMode_t : uint32_t { + EXEC_MANUAL = 0x0, + EXEC_LEVELSTART = 0x1, + EXEC_PERIODIC = 0x2, + EXEC_MODES_COUNT = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + enum class ShatterDamageCause : uint8_t { + SHATTERDAMAGE_BULLET = 0x0, + SHATTERDAMAGE_MELEE = 0x1, + SHATTERDAMAGE_THROWN = 0x2, + SHATTERDAMAGE_SCRIPT = 0x3, + SHATTERDAMAGE_EXPLOSIVE = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ScriptedOnDeath_t : uint32_t { + SS_ONDEATH_NOT_APPLICABLE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + SS_ONDEATH_UNDEFINED = 0x0, + SS_ONDEATH_RAGDOLL = 0x1, + SS_ONDEATH_ANIMATED_DEATH = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ChoreoLookAtSpeed_t : uint32_t { + eInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + eSlow = 0x0, + eMedium = 0x1, + eFast = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ScriptedMoveType_t : uint32_t { + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_NONE = 0x0, + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_TO_WITH_DURATION = 0x1, + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_TO_WITH_MOVESPEED = 0x2, + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_SWEEP_TO_AT_MOVEMENT_SPEED = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 17 + enum class gear_slot_t : uint32_t { + GEAR_SLOT_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + GEAR_SLOT_RIFLE = 0x0, + GEAR_SLOT_PISTOL = 0x1, + GEAR_SLOT_KNIFE = 0x2, + GEAR_SLOT_GRENADES = 0x3, + GEAR_SLOT_C4 = 0x4, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT6 = 0x5, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT7 = 0x6, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT8 = 0x7, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT9 = 0x8, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT10 = 0x9, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT11 = 0xA, + GEAR_SLOT_BOOSTS = 0xB, + GEAR_SLOT_UTILITY = 0xC, + GEAR_SLOT_COUNT = 0xD, + GEAR_SLOT_FIRST = 0x0, + GEAR_SLOT_LAST = 0xC + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + enum class CSPlayerState : uint32_t { + STATE_ACTIVE = 0x0, + STATE_WELCOME = 0x1, + STATE_PICKINGTEAM = 0x2, + STATE_PICKINGCLASS = 0x3, + STATE_DEATH_ANIM = 0x4, + STATE_DEATH_WAIT_FOR_KEY = 0x5, + STATE_OBSERVER_MODE = 0x6, + STATE_GUNGAME_RESPAWN = 0x7, + STATE_DORMANT = 0x8, + NUM_PLAYER_STATES = 0x9 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ScriptedConflictResponse_t : uint32_t { + SS_CONFLICT_ENQUEUE = 0x0, + SS_CONFLICT_INTERRUPT = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 7 + enum class WaterLevel_t : uint8_t { + WL_NotInWater = 0x0, + WL_Feet = 0x1, + WL_Knees = 0x2, + WL_Waist = 0x3, + WL_Chest = 0x4, + WL_FullyUnderwater = 0x5, + WL_Count = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class WorldTextPanelVerticalAlign_t : uint32_t { + WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP = 0x0, + WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x1, + WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class AmmoPosition_t : uint32_t { + AMMO_POSITION_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + AMMO_POSITION_PRIMARY = 0x0, + AMMO_POSITION_SECONDARY = 0x1, + AMMO_POSITION_COUNT = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 23 + enum class PreviewEOMCelebration : uint32_t { + WALKUP = 0x0, + PUNCHING = 0x1, + SWAGGER = 0x2, + DROPDOWN = 0x3, + STRETCH = 0x4, + SWAT_FEMALE = 0x5, + MASK_F = 0x6, + GUERILLA = 0x7, + GUERILLA02 = 0x8, + GENDARMERIE = 0x9, + SCUBA_FEMALE = 0xA, + SCUBA_MALE = 0xB, + AVA_DEFEAT = 0xC, + GENDARMERIE_DEFEAT = 0xD, + MAE_DEFEAT = 0xE, + RICKSAW_DEFEAT = 0xF, + SCUBA_FEMALE_DEFEAT = 0x10, + SCUBA_MALE_DEFEAT = 0x11, + CRASSWATER_DEFEAT = 0x12, + DARRYL_DEFEAT = 0x13, + DOCTOR_DEFEAT = 0x14, + MUHLIK_DEFEAT = 0x15, + VYPA_DEFEAT = 0x16 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class EntityDisolveType_t : uint32_t { + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_NORMAL = 0x0, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_ELECTRICAL = 0x1, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_ELECTRICAL_LIGHT = 0x2, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_CORE = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 8 + // Members count: 21 + enum class InputBitMask_t : uint64_t { + IN_NONE = 0x0, + IN_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + IN_ATTACK = 0x1, + IN_JUMP = 0x2, + IN_DUCK = 0x4, + IN_FORWARD = 0x8, + IN_BACK = 0x10, + IN_USE = 0x20, + IN_TURNLEFT = 0x80, + IN_TURNRIGHT = 0x100, + IN_MOVELEFT = 0x200, + IN_MOVERIGHT = 0x400, + IN_ATTACK2 = 0x800, + IN_RELOAD = 0x2000, + IN_SPEED = 0x10000, + IN_JOYAUTOSPRINT = 0x20000, + IN_FIRST_MOD_SPECIFIC_BIT = 0x100000000, + IN_USEORRELOAD = 0x100000000, + IN_SCORE = 0x200000000, + IN_ZOOM = 0x400000000, + IN_LOOK_AT_WEAPON = 0x800000000 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 14 + enum class HitGroup_t : uint32_t { + HITGROUP_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + HITGROUP_GENERIC = 0x0, + HITGROUP_HEAD = 0x1, + HITGROUP_CHEST = 0x2, + HITGROUP_STOMACH = 0x3, + HITGROUP_LEFTARM = 0x4, + HITGROUP_RIGHTARM = 0x5, + HITGROUP_LEFTLEG = 0x6, + HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG = 0x7, + HITGROUP_NECK = 0x8, + HITGROUP_UNUSED = 0x9, + HITGROUP_GEAR = 0xA, + HITGROUP_SPECIAL = 0xB, + HITGROUP_COUNT = 0xC + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class ChickenActivity : uint32_t { + IDLE = 0x0, + SQUAT = 0x1, + WALK = 0x2, + RUN = 0x3, + GLIDE = 0x4, + LAND = 0x5, + PANIC = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class PointWorldTextReorientMode_t : uint32_t { + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_REORIENT_NONE = 0x0, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_REORIENT_AROUND_UP = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 8 + // Members count: 40 + enum class DebugOverlayBits_t : uint64_t { + OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT = 0x1, + OVERLAY_NAME_BIT = 0x2, + OVERLAY_BBOX_BIT = 0x4, + OVERLAY_PIVOT_BIT = 0x8, + OVERLAY_MESSAGE_BIT = 0x10, + OVERLAY_ABSBOX_BIT = 0x20, + OVERLAY_RBOX_BIT = 0x40, + OVERLAY_SHOW_BLOCKSLOS = 0x80, + OVERLAY_ATTACHMENTS_BIT = 0x100, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_ATTACHMENTS_BIT = 0x200, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_PIVOT_BIT = 0x400, + OVERLAY_SKELETON_BIT = 0x800, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_SKELETON_BIT = 0x1000, + OVERLAY_TRIGGER_BOUNDS_BIT = 0x2000, + OVERLAY_HITBOX_BIT = 0x4000, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_HITBOX_BIT = 0x8000, + OVERLAY_AUTOAIM_BIT = 0x10000, + OVERLAY_NPC_SELECTED_BIT = 0x20000, + OVERLAY_JOINT_INFO_BIT = 0x40000, + OVERLAY_NPC_ROUTE_BIT = 0x80000, + OVERLAY_VISIBILITY_TRACES_BIT = 0x100000, + OVERLAY_NPC_ENEMIES_BIT = 0x400000, + OVERLAY_NPC_CONDITIONS_BIT = 0x800000, + OVERLAY_NPC_COMBAT_BIT = 0x1000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_TASK_BIT = 0x2000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_BODYLOCATIONS = 0x4000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_VIEWCONE_BIT = 0x8000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_KILL_BIT = 0x10000000, + OVERLAY_WC_CHANGE_ENTITY = 0x20000000, + OVERLAY_BUDDHA_MODE = 0x40000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_STEERING_REGULATIONS = 0x80000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_TASK_TEXT_BIT = 0x100000000, + OVERLAY_PROP_DEBUG = 0x200000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_RELATION_BIT = 0x400000000, + OVERLAY_VIEWOFFSET = 0x800000000, + OVERLAY_VCOLLIDE_WIREFRAME_BIT = 0x1000000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_SCRIPTED_COMMANDS_BIT = 0x2000000000, + OVERLAY_ACTORNAME_BIT = 0x4000000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_CONDITIONS_TEXT_BIT = 0x8000000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_ABILITY_RANGE_DEBUG_BIT = 0x10000000000 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class AmmoFlags_t : uint32_t { + AMMO_FORCE_DROP_IF_CARRIED = 0x1, + AMMO_RESERVE_STAYS_WITH_WEAPON = 0x2, + AMMO_FLAG_MAX = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class HierarchyType_t : uint32_t { + HIERARCHY_NONE = 0x0, + HIERARCHY_BONE_MERGE = 0x1, + HIERARCHY_ATTACHMENT = 0x2, + HIERARCHY_ABSORIGIN = 0x3, + HIERARCHY_BONE = 0x4, + HIERARCHY_TYPE_COUNT = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class doorCheck_e : uint32_t { + DOOR_CHECK_FORWARD = 0x0, + DOOR_CHECK_BACKWARD = 0x1, + DOOR_CHECK_FULL = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class BeamType_t : uint32_t { + BEAM_INVALID = 0x0, + BEAM_POINTS = 0x1, + BEAM_ENTPOINT = 0x2, + BEAM_ENTS = 0x3, + BEAM_HOSE = 0x4, + BEAM_SPLINE = 0x5, + BEAM_LASER = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class EntitySubclassScope_t : uint32_t { + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_NONE = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_PRECIPITATION = 0x0, + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_PLAYER_WEAPONS = 0x1, + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_COUNT = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t : uint32_t { + CREATE_FOR_CURRENTLY_CONNECTED_CLIENTS_ONLY = 0x0, + CREATE_FOR_CLIENTS_WHO_CONNECT_LATER = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + enum class ShatterGlassStressType : uint8_t { + SHATTERGLASS_BLUNT = 0x0, + SHATTERGLASS_BALLISTIC = 0x1, + SHATTERGLASS_PULSE = 0x2, + SHATTERDRYWALL_CHUNKS = 0x3, + SHATTERGLASS_EXPLOSIVE = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class TrackOrientationType_t : uint32_t { + TrackOrientation_Fixed = 0x0, + TrackOrientation_FacePath = 0x1, + TrackOrientation_FacePathAngles = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class WeaponSwitchReason_t : uint32_t { + eDrawn = 0x0, + eEquipped = 0x1, + eUserInitiatedSwitchToLast = 0x2, + eUserInitiatedSwitchHands = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ValueRemapperRatchetType_t : uint32_t { + RatchetType_Absolute = 0x0, + RatchetType_EachEngage = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class NavDirType : uint32_t { + NORTH = 0x0, + EAST = 0x1, + SOUTH = 0x2, + WEST = 0x3, + NUM_NAV_DIR_TYPE_DIRECTIONS = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class CRR_Response__ResponseEnum_t : uint32_t { + MAX_RESPONSE_NAME = 0xC0, + MAX_RULE_NAME = 0x80 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class MoveMountingAmount_t : uint32_t { + MOVE_MOUNT_NONE = 0x0, + MOVE_MOUNT_LOW = 0x1, + MOVE_MOUNT_HIGH = 0x2, + MOVE_MOUNT_MAXCOUNT = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 20 + enum class RenderFx_t : uint8_t { + kRenderFxNone = 0x0, + kRenderFxPulseSlow = 0x1, + kRenderFxPulseFast = 0x2, + kRenderFxPulseSlowWide = 0x3, + kRenderFxPulseFastWide = 0x4, + kRenderFxFadeSlow = 0x5, + kRenderFxFadeFast = 0x6, + kRenderFxSolidSlow = 0x7, + kRenderFxSolidFast = 0x8, + kRenderFxStrobeSlow = 0x9, + kRenderFxStrobeFast = 0xA, + kRenderFxStrobeFaster = 0xB, + kRenderFxFlickerSlow = 0xC, + kRenderFxFlickerFast = 0xD, + kRenderFxNoDissipation = 0xE, + kRenderFxFadeOut = 0xF, + kRenderFxFadeIn = 0x10, + kRenderFxPulseFastWider = 0x11, + kRenderFxGlowShell = 0x12, + kRenderFxMax = 0x13 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 35 + enum class vote_create_failed_t : uint32_t { + VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC = 0x0, + VOTE_FAILED_TRANSITIONING_PLAYERS = 0x1, + VOTE_FAILED_RATE_EXCEEDED = 0x2, + VOTE_FAILED_YES_MUST_EXCEED_NO = 0x3, + VOTE_FAILED_QUORUM_FAILURE = 0x4, + VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED = 0x5, + VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NOT_FOUND = 0x6, + VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NAME_REQUIRED = 0x7, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENTLY = 0x8, + VOTE_FAILED_TEAM_CANT_CALL = 0x9, + VOTE_FAILED_WAITINGFORPLAYERS = 0xA, + VOTE_FAILED_PLAYERNOTFOUND = 0xB, + VOTE_FAILED_CANNOT_KICK_ADMIN = 0xC, + VOTE_FAILED_SCRAMBLE_IN_PROGRESS = 0xD, + VOTE_FAILED_SPECTATOR = 0xE, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_KICK = 0xF, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_CHANGEMAP = 0x10, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SWAPTEAMS = 0x11, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SCRAMBLETEAMS = 0x12, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_RESTART = 0x13, + VOTE_FAILED_SWAP_IN_PROGRESS = 0x14, + VOTE_FAILED_DISABLED = 0x15, + VOTE_FAILED_NEXTLEVEL_SET = 0x16, + VOTE_FAILED_TOO_EARLY_SURRENDER = 0x17, + VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_PAUSED = 0x18, + VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_NOT_PAUSED = 0x19, + VOTE_FAILED_NOT_IN_WARMUP = 0x1A, + VOTE_FAILED_NOT_10_PLAYERS = 0x1B, + VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_ACTIVE = 0x1C, + VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_INACTIVE = 0x1D, + VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_EXHAUSTED = 0x1E, + VOTE_FAILED_CANT_ROUND_END = 0x1F, + VOTE_FAILED_REMATCH = 0x20, + VOTE_FAILED_CONTINUE = 0x21, + VOTE_FAILED_MAX = 0x22 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 27 + enum class RumbleEffect_t : uint32_t { + RUMBLE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + RUMBLE_STOP_ALL = 0x0, + RUMBLE_PISTOL = 0x1, + RUMBLE_357 = 0x2, + RUMBLE_SMG1 = 0x3, + RUMBLE_AR2 = 0x4, + RUMBLE_SHOTGUN_SINGLE = 0x5, + RUMBLE_SHOTGUN_DOUBLE = 0x6, + RUMBLE_AR2_ALT_FIRE = 0x7, + RUMBLE_RPG_MISSILE = 0x8, + RUMBLE_CROWBAR_SWING = 0x9, + RUMBLE_AIRBOAT_GUN = 0xA, + RUMBLE_JEEP_ENGINE_LOOP = 0xB, + RUMBLE_FLAT_LEFT = 0xC, + RUMBLE_FLAT_RIGHT = 0xD, + RUMBLE_FLAT_BOTH = 0xE, + RUMBLE_DMG_LOW = 0xF, + RUMBLE_DMG_MED = 0x10, + RUMBLE_DMG_HIGH = 0x11, + RUMBLE_FALL_LONG = 0x12, + RUMBLE_FALL_SHORT = 0x13, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_OPEN = 0x14, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_PUNT = 0x15, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_LOW = 0x16, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_MEDIUM = 0x17, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_HIGH = 0x18, + NUM_RUMBLE_EFFECTS = 0x19 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class LatchDirtyPermission_t : uint32_t { + LATCH_DIRTY_DISALLOW = 0x0, + LATCH_DIRTY_SERVER_CONTROLLED = 0x1, + LATCH_DIRTY_CLIENT_SIMULATED = 0x2, + LATCH_DIRTY_PREDICTION = 0x3, + LATCH_DIRTY_FRAMESIMULATE = 0x4, + LATCH_DIRTY_PARTICLE_SIMULATE = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class DoorState_t : uint32_t { + DOOR_STATE_CLOSED = 0x0, + DOOR_STATE_OPENING = 0x1, + DOOR_STATE_OPEN = 0x2, + DOOR_STATE_CLOSING = 0x3, + DOOR_STATE_AJAR = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ChoreoLookAtMode_t : uint32_t { + eInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + eChest = 0x0, + eHead = 0x1, + eEyesOnly = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class ChatIgnoreType_t : uint32_t { + CHAT_IGNORE_NONE = 0x0, + CHAT_IGNORE_ALL = 0x1, + CHAT_IGNORE_TEAM = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class PlayerConnectedState : uint32_t { + PlayerNeverConnected = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + PlayerConnected = 0x0, + PlayerConnecting = 0x1, + PlayerReconnecting = 0x2, + PlayerDisconnecting = 0x3, + PlayerDisconnected = 0x4, + PlayerReserved = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class SimpleConstraintSoundProfile__SimpleConstraintsSoundProfileKeypoints_t : uint32_t { + kMIN_THRESHOLD = 0x0, + kMIN_FULL = 0x1, + kHIGHWATER = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 1 + enum class navproperties_t : uint32_t { + NAV_IGNORE = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + enum class SolidType_t : uint8_t { + SOLID_NONE = 0x0, + SOLID_BSP = 0x1, + SOLID_BBOX = 0x2, + SOLID_OBB = 0x3, + SOLID_SPHERE = 0x4, + SOLID_POINT = 0x5, + SOLID_VPHYSICS = 0x6, + SOLID_CAPSULE = 0x7, + SOLID_LAST = 0x8 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 24 + enum class DamageTypes_t : uint32_t { + DMG_GENERIC = 0x0, + DMG_CRUSH = 0x1, + DMG_BULLET = 0x2, + DMG_SLASH = 0x4, + DMG_BURN = 0x8, + DMG_VEHICLE = 0x10, + DMG_FALL = 0x20, + DMG_BLAST = 0x40, + DMG_CLUB = 0x80, + DMG_SHOCK = 0x100, + DMG_SONIC = 0x200, + DMG_ENERGYBEAM = 0x400, + DMG_DROWN = 0x4000, + DMG_POISON = 0x8000, + DMG_RADIATION = 0x10000, + DMG_DROWNRECOVER = 0x20000, + DMG_ACID = 0x40000, + DMG_PHYSGUN = 0x100000, + DMG_DISSOLVE = 0x200000, + DMG_BLAST_SURFACE = 0x400000, + DMG_BUCKSHOT = 0x1000000, + DMG_LASTGENERICFLAG = 0x1000000, + DMG_HEADSHOT = 0x2000000, + DMG_DANGERZONE = 0x4000000 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t : uint32_t { + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_BOTTOM = 0x0, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_CENTER = 0x1, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_TOP = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class attributeprovidertypes_t : uint32_t { + PROVIDER_GENERIC = 0x0, + PROVIDER_WEAPON = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 6 + enum class MoveCollide_t : uint8_t { + MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_BOUNCE = 0x1, + MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_CUSTOM = 0x2, + MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_SLIDE = 0x3, + MOVECOLLIDE_COUNT = 0x4, + MOVECOLLIDE_MAX_BITS = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class IChoreoServices__ChoreoState_t : uint32_t { + STATE_PRE_SCRIPT = 0x0, + STATE_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT = 0x1, + STATE_WALK_TO_MARK = 0x2, + STATE_SYNCHRONIZE_SCRIPT = 0x3, + STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT = 0x4, + STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE = 0x5, + STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE_DONE = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class ValueRemapperOutputType_t : uint32_t { + OutputType_AnimationCycle = 0x0, + OutputType_RotationX = 0x1, + OutputType_RotationY = 0x2, + OutputType_RotationZ = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t : uint32_t { + INSERT_INTO_POINT_TEMPLATE_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x0, + INSERT_INTO_CURRENTLY_ACTIVE_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x1, + INSERT_INTO_NEWLY_CREATED_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class eSplinePushType : uint32_t { + k_eSplinePushAlong = 0x0, + k_eSplinePushAway = 0x1, + k_eSplinePushTowards = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t : uint32_t { + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_LEFT = 0x0, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_CENTER = 0x1, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class ShakeCommand_t : uint32_t { + SHAKE_START = 0x0, + SHAKE_STOP = 0x1, + SHAKE_AMPLITUDE = 0x2, + SHAKE_FREQUENCY = 0x3, + SHAKE_START_RUMBLEONLY = 0x4, + SHAKE_START_NORUMBLE = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class TRAIN_CODE : uint32_t { + TRAIN_SAFE = 0x0, + TRAIN_BLOCKING = 0x1, + TRAIN_FOLLOWING = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class BrushSolidities_e : uint32_t { + BRUSHSOLID_TOGGLE = 0x0, + BRUSHSOLID_NEVER = 0x1, + BRUSHSOLID_ALWAYS = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + enum class QuestProgress__Reason : uint32_t { + QUEST_NONINITIALIZED = 0x0, + QUEST_OK = 0x1, + QUEST_NOT_ENOUGH_PLAYERS = 0x2, + QUEST_WARMUP = 0x3, + QUEST_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_STEAM = 0x4, + QUEST_NONOFFICIAL_SERVER = 0x5, + QUEST_NO_ENTITLEMENT = 0x6, + QUEST_NO_QUEST = 0x7, + QUEST_PLAYER_IS_BOT = 0x8, + QUEST_WRONG_MAP = 0x9, + QUEST_WRONG_MODE = 0xA, + QUEST_NOT_SYNCED_WITH_SERVER = 0xB, + QUEST_REASON_MAX = 0xC + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ModifyDamageReturn_t : uint32_t { + CONTINUE_TO_APPLY_DAMAGE = 0x0, + ABORT_DO_NOT_APPLY_DAMAGE = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ShadowType_t : uint32_t { + SHADOWS_NONE = 0x0, + SHADOWS_SIMPLE = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + enum class GrenadeType_t : uint32_t { + GRENADE_TYPE_EXPLOSIVE = 0x0, + GRENADE_TYPE_FLASH = 0x1, + GRENADE_TYPE_FIRE = 0x2, + GRENADE_TYPE_DECOY = 0x3, + GRENADE_TYPE_SMOKE = 0x4, + GRENADE_TYPE_SENSOR = 0x5, + GRENADE_TYPE_SNOWBALL = 0x6, + GRENADE_TYPE_TOTAL = 0x7 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ValueRemapperInputType_t : uint32_t { + InputType_PlayerShootPosition = 0x0, + InputType_PlayerShootPositionAroundAxis = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 8 + enum class EKillTypes_t : uint8_t { + KILL_NONE = 0x0, + KILL_DEFAULT = 0x1, + KILL_HEADSHOT = 0x2, + KILL_BLAST = 0x3, + KILL_BURN = 0x4, + KILL_SLASH = 0x5, + KILL_SHOCK = 0x6, + KILLTYPE_COUNT = 0x7 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 25 + enum class WeaponSound_t : uint32_t { + WEAPON_SOUND_EMPTY = 0x0, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_EMPTY = 0x1, + WEAPON_SOUND_SINGLE = 0x2, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_ATTACK = 0x3, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_MISS = 0x4, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT = 0x5, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_WORLD = 0x6, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_PLAYER = 0x7, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_NPC = 0x8, + WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL1 = 0x9, + WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL2 = 0xA, + WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL3 = 0xB, + WEAPON_SOUND_NEARLYEMPTY = 0xC, + WEAPON_SOUND_IMPACT = 0xD, + WEAPON_SOUND_REFLECT = 0xE, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_IMPACT = 0xF, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_REFLECT = 0x10, + WEAPON_SOUND_RELOAD = 0x11, + WEAPON_SOUND_SINGLE_ACCURATE = 0x12, + WEAPON_SOUND_ZOOM_IN = 0x13, + WEAPON_SOUND_ZOOM_OUT = 0x14, + WEAPON_SOUND_MOUSE_PRESSED = 0x15, + WEAPON_SOUND_DROP = 0x16, + WEAPON_SOUND_RADIO_USE = 0x17, + WEAPON_SOUND_NUM_TYPES = 0x18 + }; + // Alignment: 8 + // Members count: 16 + enum class TakeDamageFlags_t : uint64_t { + DFLAG_NONE = 0x0, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_HEALTH_CHANGES = 0x1, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_PHYSICS_FORCE = 0x2, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_EFFECTS = 0x4, + DFLAG_PREVENT_DEATH = 0x8, + DFLAG_FORCE_DEATH = 0x10, + DFLAG_ALWAYS_GIB = 0x20, + DFLAG_NEVER_GIB = 0x40, + DFLAG_REMOVE_NO_RAGDOLL = 0x80, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_DAMAGE_MODIFICATION = 0x100, + DFLAG_ALWAYS_FIRE_DAMAGE_EVENTS = 0x200, + DFLAG_RADIUS_DMG = 0x400, + DFLAG_FORCEREDUCEARMOR_DMG = 0x800, + DMG_LASTDFLAG = 0x800, + DFLAG_IGNORE_ARMOR = 0x1000, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_UTILREMOVE = 0x2000 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class ValueRemapperHapticsType_t : uint32_t { + HaticsType_Default = 0x0, + HaticsType_None = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + enum class Disposition_t : uint32_t { + D_ER = 0x0, + D_HT = 0x1, + D_FR = 0x2, + D_LI = 0x3, + D_NU = 0x4, + D_ERROR = 0x0, + D_HATE = 0x1, + D_FEAR = 0x2, + D_LIKE = 0x3, + D_NEUTRAL = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class CanPlaySequence_t : uint32_t { + CANNOT_PLAY = 0x0, + CAN_PLAY_NOW = 0x1, + CAN_PLAY_ENQUEUED = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class MedalRank_t : uint32_t { + MEDAL_RANK_NONE = 0x0, + MEDAL_RANK_BRONZE = 0x1, + MEDAL_RANK_SILVER = 0x2, + MEDAL_RANK_GOLD = 0x3, + MEDAL_RANK_COUNT = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + enum class ObserverMode_t : uint32_t { + OBS_MODE_NONE = 0x0, + OBS_MODE_FIXED = 0x1, + OBS_MODE_IN_EYE = 0x2, + OBS_MODE_CHASE = 0x3, + OBS_MODE_ROAMING = 0x4, + OBS_MODE_DIRECTED = 0x5, + NUM_OBSERVER_MODES = 0x6 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class FuncDoorSpawnPos_t : uint32_t { + FUNC_DOOR_SPAWN_CLOSED = 0x0, + FUNC_DOOR_SPAWN_OPEN = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class EOverrideBlockLOS_t : uint32_t { + BLOCK_LOS_DEFAULT = 0x0, + BLOCK_LOS_FORCE_FALSE = 0x1, + BLOCK_LOS_FORCE_TRUE = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 14 + enum class MoveType_t : uint8_t { + MOVETYPE_NONE = 0x0, + MOVETYPE_OBSOLETE = 0x1, + MOVETYPE_WALK = 0x2, + MOVETYPE_FLY = 0x3, + MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY = 0x4, + MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS = 0x5, + MOVETYPE_PUSH = 0x6, + MOVETYPE_NOCLIP = 0x7, + MOVETYPE_OBSERVER = 0x8, + MOVETYPE_LADDER = 0x9, + MOVETYPE_CUSTOM = 0xA, + MOVETYPE_LAST = 0xB, + MOVETYPE_INVALID = 0xB, + MOVETYPE_MAX_BITS = 0x5 + }; + // Parent: CBaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CHostageExpresserShim { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pExpresser = 0xA08; // CAI_Expresser* + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CTriggerSoundscape { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSoundscape = 0x8E0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundscapeName = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spectators = 0x8F0; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CBreakableProp + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAnimGraph (bool) + namespace CDynamicProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCreateNavObstacle = 0xA88; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox = 0xA89; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAnimGraph = 0xA8A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputAnimBegun = 0xA90; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputAnimOver = 0xAB8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputAnimLoopCycleOver = 0xAE0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAnimReachedStart = 0xB08; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAnimReachedEnd = 0xB30; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszIdleAnim = 0xB58; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIdleAnimLoopMode = 0xB60; // AnimLoopMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRandomizeCycle = 0xB64; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0xB65; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFiredStartEndOutput = 0xB66; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceNpcExclude = 0xB67; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCreateNonSolid = 0xB68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsOverrideProp = 0xB69; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInitialGlowState = 0xB6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowRange = 0xB70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowRangeMin = 0xB74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_glowColor = 0xB78; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowTeam = 0xB7C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFuncIllusionary { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid + // Fields count: 39 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxFallVelocity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckAmount (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDuckOverride (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDesiresDuck (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastDuckTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOldJumpPressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpUntil (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpVel (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nButtonDownMaskPrev (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStamina (float) + namespace CCSPlayer_MovementServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxFallVelocity = 0x228; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLadderNormal = 0x22C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex = 0x238; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuckAmount = 0x23C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuckSpeed = 0x240; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDuckOverride = 0x244; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDesiresDuck = 0x245; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuckOffset = 0x248; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDuckTimeMsecs = 0x24C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs = 0x250; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nJumpTimeMsecs = 0x254; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastDuckTime = 0x258; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastPositionAtFullCrouchSpeed = 0x268; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_duckUntilOnGround = 0x270; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasWalkMovedSinceLastJump = 0x271; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInStuckTest = 0x272; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStuckCheckTime = 0x280; // float32[64][2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTraceCount = 0x480; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_StuckLast = 0x484; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpeedCropped = 0x488; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldWaterLevel = 0x48C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWaterEntryTime = 0x490; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecForward = 0x494; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLeft = 0x4A0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecUp = 0x4AC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand = 0x4B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMadeFootstepNoise = 0x4BC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFootsteps = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOldJumpPressed = 0x4C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpPressedTime = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpUntil = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJumpVel = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen = 0x4D4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nButtonDownMaskPrev = 0x4D8; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime = 0x4E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed = 0x4E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStamina = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeightAtJumpStart = 0x4EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxJumpHeightThisJump = 0x4F0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: scale (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: origin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: fog (fogparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupID (WorldGroupId_t) + namespace sky3dparams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t scale = 0x8; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t origin = 0xC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar = 0x18; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t fog = 0x20; // fogparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWorldGroupID = 0x88; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUninterruptableActivity (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + namespace CFists { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct = 0xE98; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUninterruptableActivity = 0xE9C; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRestorePrevWep = 0xEA0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hWeaponBeforePrevious = 0xEA4; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hWeaponPrevious = 0xEA8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDelayedHardPunchIncoming = 0xEAC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDestroyAfterTaunt = 0xEAD; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CTriggerRemove { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnRemove = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFilterName { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFilterName = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CProjectedDecal { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTexture = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistance = 0x4C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CFuncTrackChange + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFuncTrackAuto { + } + // Parent: CBreakable + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPushable { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTriggerTripWire { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CTriggerMultiple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTrigger = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skeletonInstance (CSkeletonInstance) + namespace CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skeletonInstance = 0x50; // CSkeletonInstance + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CTriggerPush { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angPushEntitySpace = 0x8E0; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPushDirEntitySpace = 0x8EC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTriggerOnStartTouch = 0x8F8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUsePathSimple = 0x8F9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPathSimpleName = 0x900; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathSimple = 0x908; // CPathSimple* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_splinePushType = 0x910; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 3 + namespace FilterHealth { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAdrenalineActive = 0x518; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHealthMin = 0x51C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHealthMax = 0x520; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_TeamSelectCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CTriggerProximity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMeasureTarget = 0x8E0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszMeasureTarget = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRadius = 0x8F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTouchers = 0x8F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NearestEntityDistance = 0x8F8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CFuncBrush + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EffectName (string_t) + namespace CFuncElectrifiedVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EffectName = 0x730; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EffectInterpenetrateName = 0x738; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EffectZapName = 0x740; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEffectSource = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CBaseDMStart { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Master = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CGameRulesProxy + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameRules (CCSGameRules*) + namespace CCSGameRulesProxy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pGameRules = 0x4C0; // CCSGameRules* + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CTriggerBrush { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStartTouch = 0x710; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEndTouch = 0x738; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUse = 0x760; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInputFilter = 0x788; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDontMessageParent = 0x78C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBeam + // Fields count: 19 + namespace CEnvBeam { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_active = 0x7B0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spriteTexture = 0x7B8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszStartEntity = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEndEntity = 0x7C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_life = 0x7D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boltWidth = 0x7D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseAmplitude = 0x7D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_speed = 0x7DC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_restrike = 0x7E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSpriteName = 0x7E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_frameStart = 0x7F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vEndPointWorld = 0x7F4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vEndPointRelative = 0x800; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radius = 0x80C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TouchType = 0x810; // Touch_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFilterName = 0x818; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFilter = 0x820; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszDecal = 0x828; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTouchedByEntity = 0x830; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CTonemapTrigger { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tonemapControllerName = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTonemapController = 0x8E8; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex (attrib_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRefundableCurrency (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSetBonus (bool) + namespace CEconItemAttribute { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex = 0x30; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValue = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialValue = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRefundableCurrency = 0x3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetBonus = 0x40; // bool + } + // Parent: CWeaponBaseItem + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CItem_Healthshot { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFogTrigger { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fog = 0x8E0; // fogparams_t + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CLogicCollisionPair { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttach1 = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttach2 = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_supportMultipleEntitiesWithSameName = 0x4D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_disabled = 0x4D1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_succeeded = 0x4D2; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_weapon_cs_base { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTriggerHostageReset { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CPointTeleport { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSaveOrigin = 0x4C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSaveAngles = 0x4CC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTeleportParentedEntities = 0x4D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTeleportUseCurrentAngle = 0x4D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoInstructorHintBombTargetB { + } + // Parent: CBtNodeCondition + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CBtNodeConditionInactive { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRoundStartThresholdSeconds = 0x78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSensorInactivityThresholdSeconds = 0x7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SensorInactivityTimer = 0x80; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponSawedoff { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFluidDensity (float) + namespace CTriggerBuoyancy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BuoyancyHelper = 0x8E0; // CBuoyancyHelper + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFluidDensity = 0x900; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CMoverPathNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInTangentLocal = 0x4C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOutTangentLocal = 0x4CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szParentPathUniqueID = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPassThrough = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMover = 0x508; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 12 + namespace CBtActionAim { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szSensorInputKey = 0x68; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szAimReadyKey = 0x80; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZoomCooldownTimestamp = 0x88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDoneAiming = 0x8C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLerpStartTime = 0x90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextLookTargetLerpTime = 0x94; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPenaltyReductionRatio = 0x98; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NextLookTarget = 0x9C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AimTimer = 0xA8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SniperHoldTimer = 0xC0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FocusIntervalTimer = 0xD8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAcquired = 0xF0; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_WingmanIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscape + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEnvSoundscapeTriggerable { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCsViewPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerFog (fogplayerparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hColorCorrectionCtrl (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTonemapController (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_audio (audioparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PostProcessingVolumes (CHandle) + namespace CPlayer_CameraServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCsViewPunchAngle = 0x40; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick = 0x4C; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayerFog = 0x58; // fogplayerparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hColorCorrectionCtrl = 0x98; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hViewEntity = 0x9C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTonemapController = 0xA0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_audio = 0xA8; // audioparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PostProcessingVolumes = 0x120; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldPlayerZ = 0x138; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ = 0x13C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTriggerSoundscapeList = 0x158; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fog (fogparams_t) + namespace CFogController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fog = 0x4C0; // fogparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAngles = 0x528; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iChangedVariables = 0x52C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CBodyComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pSceneNode = 0x8; // CGameSceneNode* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x20; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDecoyShotTick (int) + namespace CDecoyProjectile { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDecoyShotTick = 0xA98; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_shotsRemaining = 0xA9C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fExpireTime = 0xAA0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_decoyWeaponDefIndex = 0xAB0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEnableMotionFixup { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSObserver_MovementServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + namespace CountdownTimer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_duration = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timestamp = 0xC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timescale = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWorldGroupId = 0x14; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + namespace CGameSceneNodeHandle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwner = 0x8; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0xC; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponMP9 { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CPhysicsEntitySolver { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMovingEntity = 0x4C8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPhysicsBlocker = 0x4CC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_separationDuration = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_cancelTime = 0x4D4; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPingedEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUrgent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlaceName (char) + namespace CPlayerPing { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayer = 0x4C8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPingedEntity = 0x4CC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iType = 0x4D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUrgent = 0x4D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szPlaceName = 0x4D5; // char[18] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nTagTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModSmall (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModLarge (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio (float) + namespace PredictedDamageTag_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nTagTick = 0x30; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flFlinchModSmall = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flFlinchModLarge = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSPointScriptEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSServerPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: CGameSceneNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_modelState (CModelState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsAnimationEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseParentRenderBounds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_materialGroup (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitboxSet (uint8) + namespace CSkeletonInstance { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modelState = 0x170; // CModelState + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsAnimationEnabled = 0x3A0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseParentRenderBounds = 0x3A1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableSolidCollisionsForHierarchy = 0x3A2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirtyMotionType = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsGeneratingLatchedParentSpaceState = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_materialGroup = 0x3A4; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitboxSet = 0x3A8; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoLandmark { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponMP7 { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponFiveSeven { + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animationController (CBaseAnimGraphController) + namespace CBodyComponentBaseAnimGraph { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animationController = 0x460; // CBaseAnimGraphController + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_sceneNode (CGameSceneNode) + namespace CBodyComponentPoint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sceneNode = 0x50; // CGameSceneNode + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + namespace CEnvFireSensor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHeatAtLevel = 0x4C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radius = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetLevel = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetTime = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_levelTime = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHeatLevelStart = 0x4D8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHeatLevelEnd = 0x500; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_WingmanIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CEnvWindShared__WindAveEvent_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartWindSpeed = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAveWindSpeed = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CDynamicPropAlias_cable_dynamic { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CPointGamestatsCounter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strStatisticName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 10 + namespace CEnvShake { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_limitToEntity = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Amplitude = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Frequency = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Duration = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Radius = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stopTime = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nextShake = 0x4DC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_currentAmp = 0x4E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_maxForce = 0x4E4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_shakeCallback = 0x4F8; // CPhysicsShake + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPrecipitationBlocker { + } + // Parent: CPathKeyFrame + // Fields count: 11 + namespace CBaseMoveBehavior { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPositionInterpolator = 0x520; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRotationInterpolator = 0x524; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnimStartTime = 0x528; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnimEndTime = 0x52C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAverageSpeedAcrossFrame = 0x530; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pCurrentKeyFrame = 0x538; // CPathKeyFrame* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTargetKeyFrame = 0x540; // CPathKeyFrame* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPreKeyFrame = 0x548; // CPathKeyFrame* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPostKeyFrame = 0x550; // CPathKeyFrame* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeIntoFrame = 0x558; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDirection = 0x55C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFuncNavObstruction { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x718; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CEnvTilt { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Duration = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Radius = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TiltTime = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stopTime = 0x4CC; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHeldByPlayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPinPulled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJumpThrow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bThrowAnimating (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fThrowTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrengthApproach (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fDropTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fPinPullTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJustPulledPin (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextHoldTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextHoldFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow (CHandle) + namespace CBaseCSGrenade { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRedraw = 0xE98; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHeldByPlayer = 0xE99; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPinPulled = 0xE9A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bJumpThrow = 0xE9B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bThrowAnimating = 0xE9C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fThrowTime = 0xEA0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flThrowStrength = 0xEA4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flThrowStrengthApproach = 0xEA8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fDropTime = 0xEAC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fPinPullTime = 0xEB0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bJustPulledPin = 0xEB4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextHoldTick = 0xEB8; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextHoldFrac = 0xEBC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow = 0xEC0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CItemGenericTriggerHelper { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParentItem = 0x710; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CLogicBranchList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLogicBranchNames = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge[16] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LogicBranchList = 0x540; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eLastState = 0x558; // CLogicBranchList::LogicBranchListenerLastState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAllTrue = 0x560; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAllFalse = 0x588; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMixed = 0x5B0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCtrl (CHandle) + namespace fogplayerparams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCtrl = 0x8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTransitionTime = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OldColor = 0x10; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldStart = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldEnd = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldMaxDensity = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldHDRColorScale = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldFarZ = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NewColor = 0x28; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNewStart = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNewEnd = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNewMaxDensity = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNewHDRColorScale = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNewFarZ = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CItemDefuser + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CItemDefuserAlias_item_defuser { + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CRevertSaved { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_loadTime = 0x710; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Duration = 0x714; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HoldTime = 0x718; // float32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 8 + namespace CMultiLightProxy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszLightNameFilter = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszLightClassFilter = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightRadiusFilter = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessDelta = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPerformScreenFade = 0x4D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTargetBrightnessMultiplier = 0x4DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentBrightnessMultiplier = 0x4E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLights = 0x4E8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOtherEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMagnitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurfaceProp (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinition) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDamageType (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPenetrate (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaterial (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBox (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColor (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentName (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectName (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplosionType (uint8) + namespace CEffectData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOrigin = 0x8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vStart = 0x14; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vNormal = 0x20; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAngles = 0x2C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEntity = 0x38; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOtherEntity = 0x3C; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMagnitude = 0x44; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSurfaceProp = 0x4C; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEffectIndex = 0x50; // CWeakHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDamageType = 0x58; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPenetrate = 0x5C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaterial = 0x5E; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitBox = 0x60; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColor = 0x62; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fFlags = 0x63; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachmentIndex = 0x64; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachmentName = 0x68; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEffectName = 0x6C; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExplosionType = 0x6E; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEntityBlocker { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CLogicCase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCase = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShuffleCases = 0x5C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastShuffleCase = 0x5C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_uchShuffleCaseMap = 0x5C8; // uint8[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCase = 0x5E8; // CEntityIOOutput[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnDefault = 0xAE8; // CEntityOutputTemplate> + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CItemDefuser { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entitySpottedState = 0x9C0; // EntitySpottedState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpotRules = 0x9D8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CRuleEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CRuleBrushEntity { + } + // Parent: CInferno + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFireCrackerBlast { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 13 + namespace CSoundEventEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartOnSpawn = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bToLocalPlayer = 0x4C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStopOnNew = 0x4C2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSaveRestore = 0x4C3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSavedIsPlaying = 0x4C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSavedElapsedTime = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSourceEntityName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszAttachmentName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_onGUIDChanged = 0x4E0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_onSoundFinished = 0x508; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundName = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSource = 0x568; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntityIndexSelection = 0x56C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewModel (CHandle) + namespace CCSPlayer_ViewModelServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hViewModel = 0x40; // CHandle[3] + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_SequenceCompleteTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + namespace CWeaponBaseItem { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SequenceCompleteTimer = 0xE98; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRedraw = 0xEB0; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoParticleTarget { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 32 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIndirectStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisoTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScatterTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistanceTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableIndirect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIndirectUseLPVs (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogIndirectTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceRefreshCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNoiseScale (Vector) + namespace CEnvVolumetricFogController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScattering = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnisotropy = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeSpeed = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDrawDistance = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInStart = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInEnd = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIndirectStrength = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndirectTextureDimX = 0x4DC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndirectTextureDimY = 0x4E0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndirectTextureDimZ = 0x4E4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMins = 0x4E8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMaxs = 0x4F4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x500; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartAnisoTime = 0x504; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartScatterTime = 0x508; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartDrawDistanceTime = 0x50C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartAnisotropy = 0x510; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartScattering = 0x514; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartDrawDistance = 0x518; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultAnisotropy = 0x51C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultScattering = 0x520; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultDrawDistance = 0x524; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x528; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableIndirect = 0x529; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIndirectUseLPVs = 0x52A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsMaster = 0x52B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFogIndirectTexture = 0x530; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceRefreshCount = 0x538; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNoiseSpeed = 0x53C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNoiseStrength = 0x540; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vNoiseScale = 0x544; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstTime = 0x550; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallVelocity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInCrouch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCrouchState (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInDuckJump (bool) + namespace CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStepSoundTime = 0x1D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFallVelocity = 0x1DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInCrouch = 0x1E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCrouchState = 0x1E4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime = 0x1E8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDucked = 0x1EC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDucking = 0x1ED; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInDuckJump = 0x1EE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_groundNormal = 0x1F0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSurfaceFriction = 0x1FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_surfaceProps = 0x200; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStepside = 0x210; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTargetVolume = 0x214; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSmoothedVelocity = 0x218; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CPhysicsPropRespawnable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOriginalSpawnOrigin = 0xBE8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOriginalSpawnAngles = 0xBF4; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOriginalMins = 0xC00; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOriginalMaxs = 0xC0C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRespawnDuration = 0xC18; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscapeProxy + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEnvSoundscapeProxyAlias_snd_soundscape_proxy { + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CPhysBallSocket { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flJointFriction = 0x538; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableSwingLimit = 0x53C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSwingLimit = 0x540; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableTwistLimit = 0x544; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinTwistAngle = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxTwistAngle = 0x54C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusTimeLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sDMBonusWeapon (CUtlString) + namespace CCSGameModeRules_Deathmatch { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDMBonusStartTime = 0x30; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDMBonusTimeLength = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sDMBonusWeapon = 0x38; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CItemAssaultSuit + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CItemHeavyAssaultSuit { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CInfoPlayerStart { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 8 + namespace CSoundOpvarSetOBBWindEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMins = 0x558; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxs = 0x564; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceMins = 0x570; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceMaxs = 0x57C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindMin = 0x588; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindMax = 0x58C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindMapMin = 0x590; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindMapMax = 0x594; // float32 + } + // Parent: CRagdollProp + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_boneIndexAttached (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointBoneSpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace (Vector) + namespace CRagdollPropAttached { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_boneIndexAttached = 0xA88; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex = 0xA8C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachmentPointBoneSpace = 0xA90; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace = 0xA9C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldDetach = 0xAA8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldDeleteAttachedActivationRecord = 0xAB8; // bool + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwningPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_KillingPlayer (CHandle) + namespace CItemDogtags { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwningPlayer = 0x9C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_KillingPlayer = 0x9C4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 32 + namespace CItemGeneric { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasTriggerRadius = 0x9C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasPickupRadius = 0x9C9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPickupRadiusSqr = 0x9CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTriggerRadiusSqr = 0x9D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPickupCheck = 0x9D4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayerCounterListenerAdded = 0x9D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayerInTriggerRadius = 0x9D9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSpawnParticleEffect = 0x9E0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pAmbientSoundEffect = 0x9E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoStartAmbientSound = 0x9F0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pSpawnScriptFunction = 0x9F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPickupParticleEffect = 0xA00; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPickupSoundEffect = 0xA08; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPickupScriptFunction = 0xA10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTimeoutParticleEffect = 0xA18; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTimeoutSoundEffect = 0xA20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTimeoutScriptFunction = 0xA28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPickupFilterName = 0xA30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPickupFilter = 0xA38; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPickup = 0xA40; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTimeout = 0xA68; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTriggerStartTouch = 0xA90; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTriggerTouch = 0xAB8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTriggerEndTouch = 0xAE0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pAllowPickupScriptFunction = 0xB08; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPickupRadius = 0xB10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTriggerRadius = 0xB14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pTriggerSoundEffect = 0xB18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGlowWhenInTrigger = 0xB20; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_glowColor = 0xB21; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseable = 0xB25; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTriggerHelper = 0xB28; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CLightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CLightSpotEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WaterServices + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CCSPlayer_WaterServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NextDrownDamageTime = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDrownDmgRate = 0x44; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AirFinishedTime = 0x48; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWaterJumpTime = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecWaterJumpVel = 0x50; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSwimSoundTime = 0x5C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CSkyboxReference { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldGroupId = 0x4C0; // WorldGroupId_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSkyCamera = 0x4C4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBasePropDoor + // Fields count: 17 + namespace CPropDoorRotating { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAxis = 0xE10; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistance = 0xE1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eSpawnPosition = 0xE20; // PropDoorRotatingSpawnPos_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eOpenDirection = 0xE24; // PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eCurrentOpenDirection = 0xE28; // PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAjarAngle = 0xE2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angRotationAjarDeprecated = 0xE30; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angRotationClosed = 0xE3C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angRotationOpenForward = 0xE48; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angRotationOpenBack = 0xE54; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angGoal = 0xE60; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecForwardBoundsMin = 0xE6C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecForwardBoundsMax = 0xE78; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecBackBoundsMin = 0xE84; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecBackBoundsMax = 0xE90; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAjarDoorShouldntAlwaysOpen = 0xE9C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEntityBlocker = 0xEA0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeFlags (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Slack (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Width (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TextureScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSegments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Subdiv (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nChangeCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeLength (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLockedPoints (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScrollSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hStartPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEndPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEndAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + namespace CRopeKeyframe { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RopeFlags = 0x718; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNextLinkName = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Slack = 0x728; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Width = 0x72C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TextureScale = 0x730; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSegments = 0x734; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints = 0x735; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strRopeMaterialModel = 0x738; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex = 0x740; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Subdiv = 0x748; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChangeCount = 0x749; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RopeLength = 0x74A; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLockedPoints = 0x74C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCreatedFromMapFile = 0x74D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScrollSpeed = 0x750; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartPointValid = 0x754; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEndPointValid = 0x755; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hStartPoint = 0x758; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEndPoint = 0x75C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iStartAttachment = 0x760; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEndAttachment = 0x761; // AttachmentHandle_t + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 52 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColorMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTemperature (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLuminaireShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleString (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_QueuedLightStyleStrings (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleEvents (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleTargets (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShape (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirt (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirtNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSizeParams (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vShear (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowMapSize (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bContactShadow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounceLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBounceScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAlternateColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAlternateColorBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFog (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + namespace CBarnLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x710; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nColorMode = 0x714; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x718; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flColorTemperature = 0x71C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightness = 0x720; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessScale = 0x724; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDirectLight = 0x728; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBakedShadowIndex = 0x72C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLuminaireShape = 0x730; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLuminaireSize = 0x734; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLuminaireAnisotropy = 0x738; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightStyleString = 0x740; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightStyleStartTime = 0x748; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_QueuedLightStyleStrings = 0x750; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightStyleEvents = 0x768; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightStyleTargets = 0x780; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_StyleEvent = 0x798; // CEntityIOOutput[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLightCookie = 0x858; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShape = 0x860; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSoftX = 0x864; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSoftY = 0x868; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSkirt = 0x86C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSkirtNear = 0x870; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSizeParams = 0x874; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0x880; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vShear = 0x884; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps = 0x890; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize = 0x894; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCastShadows = 0x8A0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowMapSize = 0x8A4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowPriority = 0x8A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bContactShadow = 0x8AC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBounceLight = 0x8B0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBounceScale = 0x8B4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinRoughness = 0x8B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAlternateColor = 0x8BC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAlternateColorBrightness = 0x8C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFog = 0x8CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogStrength = 0x8D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFogShadows = 0x8D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogScale = 0x8D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeSizeStart = 0x8DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeSizeEnd = 0x8E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowFadeSizeStart = 0x8E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd = 0x8E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid = 0x8EC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins = 0x8F0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs = 0x8FC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin = 0x908; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles = 0x914; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent = 0x920; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPvsModifyEntity = 0x92C; // bool + } + // Parent: SpawnPoint + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoDeathmatchSpawn { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CEnvViewPunch { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angViewPunch = 0x4C4; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CDEagle { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CPathCorner { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWait = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPass = 0x4C8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unMusicID (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rank (MedalRank_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots (ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t) + namespace CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unMusicID = 0x40; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rank = 0x44; // MedalRank_t[6] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel = 0x5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher = 0x64; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly = 0x68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel = 0x6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unEquippedPlayerSprayIDs = 0xF48; // uint32[1] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots = 0xF50; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CAttributeManager + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_Item (CEconItemView) + namespace CAttributeContainer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Item = 0x50; // CEconItemView + } + // Parent: CHostage + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CHostageAlias_info_hostage_spawn { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CMultiSource { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rgEntities = 0x4C0; // CHandle[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rgTriggered = 0x540; // int32[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTrigger = 0x5C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTotal = 0x5E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_globalstate = 0x5F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CLogicNavigation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isOn = 0x4C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_navProperty = 0x4CC; // navproperties_t + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + namespace CEnvEntityMaker { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecEntityMins = 0x4C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecEntityMaxs = 0x4CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCurrentInstance = 0x4D8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCurrentBlocker = 0x4DC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecBlockerOrigin = 0x4E0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angPostSpawnDirection = 0x4EC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPostSpawnDirectionVariance = 0x4F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPostSpawnSpeed = 0x4FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPostSpawnUseAngles = 0x500; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTemplate = 0x508; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputOnSpawned = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputOnFailedSpawn = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CLogicEventListener { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strEventName = 0x4D0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsEnabled = 0x4D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTeam = 0x4DC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEventFired = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CFilterMultiple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFilterType = 0x518; // filter_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFilterName = 0x520; // CUtlSymbolLarge[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFilter = 0x570; // CHandle[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFilterCount = 0x598; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_UseServices { + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + // MPulseDomainOptInGameBlackboard + // MPulseDomainOptInValueType + namespace CPulseGraphInstance_ServerEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pComponent = 0x100; // CPulseGraphComponentBase* + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CScriptComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scriptClassName = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CPhysicsWire { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDensity = 0x4C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPropDoorRotating + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CPropDoorRotatingBreakable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBreakable = 0xEA8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAbleToCloseAreaPortals = 0xEA9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_currentDamageState = 0xEAC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damageStates = 0xEB0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_player_controller { + } + // Parent: CBaseFire + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameModelIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex (int32) + namespace CFireSmoke { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlameModelIndex = 0x4D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex = 0x4D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBumpMine { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHorizontalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVerticalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMinDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOuterMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + namespace CLightGlow { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHorizontalSize = 0x710; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVerticalSize = 0x714; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinDist = 0x718; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxDist = 0x71C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOuterMaxDist = 0x720; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlowProxySize = 0x724; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHDRColorScale = 0x728; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDeaths (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAssists (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEquipmentValue (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMoneySaved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKillReward (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLiveTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHeadShotKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObjective (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashEarned (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iUtilityDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemiesFlashed (int) + namespace CSPerRoundStats_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iKills = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDeaths = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAssists = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDamage = 0x3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEquipmentValue = 0x40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMoneySaved = 0x44; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iKillReward = 0x48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLiveTime = 0x4C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHeadShotKills = 0x50; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iObjective = 0x54; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCashEarned = 0x58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iUtilityDamage = 0x5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemiesFlashed = 0x60; // int32 + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 37 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_eDoorState (DoorState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLocked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaster (CHandle) + namespace CBasePropDoor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAutoReturnDelay = 0xB90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDoorList = 0xB98; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHardwareType = 0xBB0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNeedsHardware = 0xBB4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eDoorState = 0xBB8; // DoorState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocked = 0xBBC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_closedPosition = 0xBC0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_closedAngles = 0xBCC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBlocker = 0xBD8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstBlocked = 0xBDC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ls = 0xBE0; // locksound_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceClosed = 0xC00; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLatchWorldPosition = 0xC04; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActivator = 0xC10; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundMoving = 0xC20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundOpen = 0xC28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundClose = 0xC30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundLock = 0xC38; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundUnlock = 0xC40; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundLatch = 0xC48; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundPound = 0xC50; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundJiggle = 0xC58; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundLockedAnim = 0xC60; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numCloseAttempts = 0xC68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPhysicsMaterial = 0xC6C; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SlaveName = 0xC70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMaster = 0xC78; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBlockedClosing = 0xC80; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBlockedOpening = 0xCA8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUnblockedClosing = 0xCD0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUnblockedOpening = 0xCF8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFullyClosed = 0xD20; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFullyOpen = 0xD48; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnClose = 0xD70; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnOpen = 0xD98; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnLockedUse = 0xDC0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAjarOpen = 0xDE8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount (int8) + namespace CRagdollManager { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount = 0x4C0; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxRagdollCount = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSaveImportant = 0x4C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 12 + namespace CTriggerFan { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vFanOrigin = 0x8E0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vFanEnd = 0x8EC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vNoise = 0x8F8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForce = 0x904; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRopeForceScale = 0x908; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlayerForce = 0x90C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRampTime = 0x910; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFalloff = 0x914; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPushPlayer = 0x915; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRampDown = 0x916; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAddNoise = 0x917; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RampTimer = 0x918; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CMolotovGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CIncendiaryGrenade { + } + // Parent: CPathCorner + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPathCornerCrash { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSendHandle (bool) + namespace CHandleTest { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Handle = 0x4C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSendHandle = 0x4C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + namespace CSoundOpvarSetEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszStackName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOperatorName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOpvarName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOpvarType = 0x4E0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOpvarIndex = 0x4E4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpvarValue = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OpvarValueString = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetOnSpawn = 0x4F8; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nItemDefIndex (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCount (uint16) + namespace WeaponPurchaseCount_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nItemDefIndex = 0x30; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCount = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CNavSpaceInfo { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCreateFlightSpace = 0x4C0; // bool + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CLogicAchievement { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszAchievementEventID = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFired = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CPathSimple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pathString = 0x510; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CBtActionParachutePositioning { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ActionTimer = 0x58; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CPlayer_CameraServices + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOV (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOVStart (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hZoomOwner (CHandle) + namespace CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFOV = 0x170; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFOVStart = 0x174; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFOVTime = 0x178; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFOVRate = 0x17C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hZoomOwner = 0x180; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTriggerFogList = 0x188; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLastFogTrigger = 0x1A0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTouchExpansionComponent { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 8 + namespace CItem { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerTouch = 0x8F0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerPickup = 0x918; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActivateWhenAtRest = 0x940; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCacheInteraction = 0x948; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnGlovePulled = 0x970; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOriginalSpawnOrigin = 0x998; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOriginalSpawnAngles = 0x9A4; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPhysStartAsleep = 0x9B0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DialogXMLName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelClassName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelID (string_t) + namespace CBaseClientUIEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x710; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DialogXMLName = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PanelClassName = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PanelID = 0x728; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CustomOutput0 = 0x730; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CustomOutput1 = 0x758; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CustomOutput2 = 0x780; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CustomOutput3 = 0x7A8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CustomOutput4 = 0x7D0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CustomOutput5 = 0x7F8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CustomOutput6 = 0x820; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CustomOutput7 = 0x848; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CustomOutput8 = 0x870; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CustomOutput9 = 0x898; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hDecalMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderOrder (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnCharacters (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWater (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthSortBias (float) + namespace CEnvDecal { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDecalMaterial = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWidth = 0x718; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeight = 0x71C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepth = 0x720; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderOrder = 0x724; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProjectOnWorld = 0x728; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProjectOnCharacters = 0x729; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bProjectOnWater = 0x72A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepthSortBias = 0x72C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_entity { + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 11 + namespace CLogicAuto { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMapSpawn = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnDemoMapSpawn = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnNewGame = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnLoadGame = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMapTransition = 0x560; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBackgroundMap = 0x588; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMultiNewMap = 0x5B0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMultiNewRound = 0x5D8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnVREnabled = 0x600; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnVRNotEnabled = 0x628; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_globalstate = 0x650; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOpvarIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAutoCompare (bool) + namespace CSoundOpvarSetPointBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSource = 0x4C4; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSourceEntityName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLastPosition = 0x528; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszStackName = 0x538; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOperatorName = 0x540; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOpvarName = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iOpvarIndex = 0x550; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAutoCompare = 0x554; // bool + } + // Parent: CLightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CLightDirectionalEntity { + } + // Parent: CLogicNPCCounterAABB + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CLogicNPCCounterOBB { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSObserver_UseServices { + } + // Parent: CFuncPlatRot + // Fields count: 9 + namespace CFuncTrackChange { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_trackTop = 0x7D8; // CPathTrack* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_trackBottom = 0x7E0; // CPathTrack* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_train = 0x7E8; // CFuncTrackTrain* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_trackTopName = 0x7F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_trackBottomName = 0x7F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_trainName = 0x800; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_code = 0x808; // TRAIN_CODE + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetState = 0x80C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_use = 0x810; // int32 + } + // Parent: CRuleBrushEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CGamePlayerZone { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerInZone = 0x718; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerOutZone = 0x740; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayersInCount = 0x768; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayersOutCount = 0x790; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CRuleEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CRulePointEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Score = 0x718; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CMessageEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radius = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_messageText = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_drawText = 0x4D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDeveloperOnly = 0x4D1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x4D2; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CSmokeGrenade { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimationParity (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimationStartTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + namespace CBaseViewModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastFacing = 0x8F0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nViewModelIndex = 0x8FC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAnimationParity = 0x900; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnimationStartTime = 0x904; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hWeapon = 0x908; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sVMName = 0x910; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sAnimationPrefix = 0x918; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOldLayerSequence = 0x920; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_oldLayer = 0x924; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_oldLayerStartTime = 0x928; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hControlPanel = 0x92C; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPing (CHandle) + namespace CCSPlayer_PingServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlayerPingTokens = 0x40; // GameTime_t[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerPing = 0x54; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_FlashlightServices { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CServerOnlyModelEntity { + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CBtActionCombatPositioning { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szSensorInputKey = 0x68; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szIsAttackingKey = 0x80; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ActionTimer = 0x88; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCrouching = 0xA0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlags (uint32) + namespace CBaseFire { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartScale = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleTime = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x4CC; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponMAC10 { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponGlock { + } + // Parent: CBaseViewModel + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPredictedViewModel { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CTriggerActiveWeaponDetect { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTouchedActiveWeapon = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszWeaponClassName = 0x908; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 18 + namespace CEnvMicrophone { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMeasureTarget = 0x4C4; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSoundType = 0x4C8; // SoundTypes_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSoundFlags = 0x4CA; // SoundFlags_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSensitivity = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSmoothFactor = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxRange = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSpeakerName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSpeaker = 0x4E0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAvoidFeedback = 0x4E4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSpeakerDSPPreset = 0x4E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszListenFilter = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hListenFilter = 0x4F8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundLevel = 0x500; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnRoutedSound = 0x528; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHeardSound = 0x550; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szLastSound = 0x578; // char[256] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLastRoutedFrame = 0x678; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 11 + namespace CInfoSpawnGroupLoadUnload { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnSpawnGroupLoadStarted = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnSpawnGroupLoadFinished = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnSpawnGroupUnloadStarted = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnSpawnGroupUnloadFinished = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSpawnGroupName = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSpawnGroupFilterName = 0x568; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszLandmarkName = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sFixedSpawnGroupName = 0x578; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeoutInterval = 0x580; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStreamingStarted = 0x584; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUnloadingStarted = 0x585; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTickBase (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKnownTeamMismatch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iConnected (PlayerConnectedState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszPlayerName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_steamID (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredFOV (uint32) + namespace CBasePlayerController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x4C8; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTickBase = 0x4D0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPawn = 0x500; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bKnownTeamMismatch = 0x504; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x508; // CSplitScreenSlot + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSplitOwner = 0x50C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x510; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHLTV = 0x528; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iConnected = 0x52C; // PlayerConnectedState + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPlayerName = 0x530; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szNetworkIDString = 0x5B0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLerpTime = 0x5B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLagCompensation = 0x5BC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPredict = 0x5BD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoKickDisabled = 0x5BE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsLowViolence = 0x5BF; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGamePaused = 0x5C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = 0x700; // ChatIgnoreType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPlayerTalkTime = 0x704; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastEntitySteadyState = 0x708; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState = 0x70C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts = 0x710; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_steamID = 0x720; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDesiredFOV = 0x728; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CPointTemplateAPI { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CKnife { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstAttack = 0xE98; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 37 + namespace CFuncTrackTrain { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ppath = 0x710; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_length = 0x714; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPosPrev = 0x718; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angPrev = 0x724; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_controlMins = 0x730; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_controlMaxs = 0x73C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastBlockPos = 0x748; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastBlockTick = 0x754; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVolume = 0x758; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBank = 0x75C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_oldSpeed = 0x760; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlockDamage = 0x764; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_height = 0x768; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_maxSpeed = 0x76C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dir = 0x770; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundMove = 0x778; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundMovePing = 0x780; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundStart = 0x788; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundStop = 0x790; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strPathTarget = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMoveSoundMinDuration = 0x7A0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMoveSoundMaxDuration = 0x7A4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextMoveSoundTime = 0x7A8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMoveSoundMinPitch = 0x7AC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMoveSoundMaxPitch = 0x7B0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eOrientationType = 0x7B4; // TrainOrientationType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eVelocityType = 0x7B8; // TrainVelocityType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStart = 0x7C8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnNext = 0x7F0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnArrivedAtDestinationNode = 0x818; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bManualSpeedChanges = 0x840; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDesiredSpeed = 0x844; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpeedChangeTime = 0x848; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAccelSpeed = 0x84C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecelSpeed = 0x850; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAccelToSpeed = 0x854; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextMPSoundTime = 0x858; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyModelEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CFogVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fogName = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_postProcessName = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_colorCorrectionName = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x730; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInFogVolumesList = 0x731; // bool + } + // Parent: SpawnPoint + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoPlayerCounterterrorist { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 19 + namespace CFire { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEffect = 0x710; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwner = 0x714; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFireType = 0x718; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFuel = 0x71C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamageTime = 0x720; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastDamage = 0x724; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFireSize = 0x728; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastNavUpdateTime = 0x72C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeatLevel = 0x730; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeatAbsorb = 0x734; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamageScale = 0x738; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxHeat = 0x73C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastHeatLevel = 0x740; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttackTime = 0x744; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x748; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x749; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDidActivate = 0x74A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnIgnited = 0x750; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnExtinguished = 0x778; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CSkeletonAnimationController + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animGraphNetworkedVars (CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqFixedCycle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimLoopMode (AnimLoopMode_t) + namespace CBaseAnimGraphController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_animGraphNetworkedVars = 0x18; // CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSequenceFinished = 0x220; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSoundSyncTime = 0x224; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nActiveIKChainMask = 0x228; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x22C; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSeqStartTime = 0x230; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSeqFixedCycle = 0x234; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAnimLoopMode = 0x238; // AnimLoopMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlaybackRate = 0x23C; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNotifyState = 0x248; // SequenceFinishNotifyState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkedAnimationInputsChanged = 0x24A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkedSequenceChanged = 0x24B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLastUpdateSkipped = 0x24C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevAnimUpdateTime = 0x250; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponBizon { + } + // Parent: CBasePlatTrain + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFuncPlat { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sNoise = 0x7B8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 48 + namespace CGenericConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLinearMotionX = 0x540; // JointMotion_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLinearMotionY = 0x544; // JointMotion_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLinearMotionZ = 0x548; // JointMotion_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearFrequencyX = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearFrequencyY = 0x550; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearFrequencyZ = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearDampingRatioX = 0x558; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearDampingRatioY = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearDampingRatioZ = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLinearImpulseX = 0x564; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLinearImpulseY = 0x568; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLinearImpulseZ = 0x56C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakAfterTimeX = 0x570; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakAfterTimeY = 0x574; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakAfterTimeZ = 0x578; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakAfterTimeStartTimeX = 0x57C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakAfterTimeStartTimeY = 0x580; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakAfterTimeStartTimeZ = 0x584; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakAfterTimeThresholdX = 0x588; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakAfterTimeThresholdY = 0x58C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBreakAfterTimeThresholdZ = 0x590; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotifyForceX = 0x594; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotifyForceY = 0x598; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotifyForceZ = 0x59C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotifyForceMinTimeX = 0x5A0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotifyForceMinTimeY = 0x5A4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotifyForceMinTimeZ = 0x5A8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotifyForceLastTimeX = 0x5AC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotifyForceLastTimeY = 0x5B0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNotifyForceLastTimeZ = 0x5B4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAxisNotifiedX = 0x5B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAxisNotifiedY = 0x5B9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAxisNotifiedZ = 0x5BA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAngularMotionX = 0x5BC; // JointMotion_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAngularMotionY = 0x5C0; // JointMotion_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAngularMotionZ = 0x5C4; // JointMotion_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularFrequencyX = 0x5C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularFrequencyY = 0x5CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularFrequencyZ = 0x5D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularDampingRatioX = 0x5D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularDampingRatioY = 0x5D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularDampingRatioZ = 0x5DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxAngularImpulseX = 0x5E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxAngularImpulseY = 0x5E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxAngularImpulseZ = 0x5E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NotifyForceReachedX = 0x5F0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NotifyForceReachedY = 0x618; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NotifyForceReachedZ = 0x640; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CDecoyGrenade { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponG3SG1 { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceBone (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pRagdollPose (PhysicsRagdollPose_t*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollClientSide (bool) + namespace CBaseAnimGraph { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory = 0x788; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pChoreoServices = 0x790; // IChoreoServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled = 0x798; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSlopeDistance = 0x79C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLastSlopeCheckPos = 0x7A0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimationUpdateScheduled = 0x7AC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecForce = 0x7B0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceBone = 0x7BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pRagdollPose = 0x7D0; // PhysicsRagdollPose_t* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRagdollClientSide = 0x7D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPhysForce + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CPhysTorque { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_axis = 0x520; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBreachChargeProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 27 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRagdollSource (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBlendWeight (float32) + namespace CRagdollProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ragdoll = 0x8F0; // ragdoll_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x928; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ragPos = 0x930; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ragAngles = 0x948; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hRagdollSource = 0x960; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastUpdateTickCount = 0x964; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_allAsleep = 0x968; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstCollisionAfterLaunch = 0x969; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDamageEntity = 0x96C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hKiller = 0x970; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPhysicsAttacker = 0x974; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime = 0x978; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutStartTime = 0x97C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeTime = 0x980; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastOrigin = 0x984; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAwakeTime = 0x990; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastOriginChangeTime = 0x994; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strOriginClassName = 0x998; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strSourceClassName = 0x9A0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBeenPhysgunned = 0x9A8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldTeleportPhysics = 0x9A9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendWeight = 0x9AC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultFadeScale = 0x9B0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ragdollMins = 0x9B8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ragdollMaxs = 0x9D0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldDeleteActivationRecord = 0x9E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bValidatePoweredRagdollPose = 0xA48; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CItemSoda { + } + // Parent: CEnvCubemap + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEnvCubemapBox { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CBasePlayerControllerAPI { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_CCSWeaponBaseVData { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeStartDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeEndDist (float32) + namespace CEnvDetailController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeStartDist = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeEndDist = 0x4C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CTriggerOnce + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTestOcclusion (bool) + namespace CTriggerLook { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLookTarget = 0x908; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFieldOfView = 0x90C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLookTime = 0x910; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLookTimeTotal = 0x914; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLookTimeLast = 0x918; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeoutDuration = 0x91C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTimeoutFired = 0x920; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsLooking = 0x921; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_b2DFOV = 0x922; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseVelocity = 0x923; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTestOcclusion = 0x924; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTimeout = 0x928; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStartLook = 0x950; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEndLook = 0x978; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoTeleportDestination { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 11 + namespace CMathRemap { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInMin = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInMax = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOut1 = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOut2 = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOldInValue = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x4D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutValue = 0x4D8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnRoseAboveMin = 0x500; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnRoseAboveMax = 0x528; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFellBelowMin = 0x550; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFellBelowMax = 0x578; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CInstructorEventEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszHintTargetEntity = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetPlayer = 0x4D0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGradientFogTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogVerticalExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + namespace CGradientFog { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hGradientFogTexture = 0x4C0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogStartDistance = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogEndDistance = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHeightFogEnabled = 0x4D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogStartHeight = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogEndHeight = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFarZ = 0x4DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxOpacity = 0x4E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogFalloffExponent = 0x4E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogVerticalExponent = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fogColor = 0x4EC; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogStrength = 0x4F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeTime = 0x4F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x4F8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsEnabled = 0x4F9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGradientFogNeedsTextures = 0x4FA; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_source (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_destination (string_t) + namespace CFootstepControl { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_source = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_destination = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CTriggerVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFilterName = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFilter = 0x718; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoInstructorHintHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscape + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEnvSoundscapeAlias_snd_soundscape { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CFishPool { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fishCount = 0x4D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_maxRange = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_swimDepth = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_waterLevel = 0x4DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isDormant = 0x4E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fishes = 0x4E8; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_visTimer = 0x500; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPointClientCommand { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFuncVPhysicsClip { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x710; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CCSPlayer_RadioServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGotHostageTalkTimer = 0x40; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefusingTalkTimer = 0x44; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flC4PlantTalkTimer = 0x48; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadioTokenSlots = 0x4C; // GameTime_t[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreRadio = 0x58; // bool + } + // Parent: CSceneEntity + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CInstancedSceneEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwner = 0xA20; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHadOwner = 0xA24; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPostSpeakDelay = 0xA28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreDelay = 0xA2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsBackground = 0xA30; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRemoveOnCompletion = 0xA31; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTarget = 0xA34; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CEnvHudHint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszMessage = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 22 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_szSnapshotFileName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFreezeTransitionDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStopType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPreSimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vServerControlPoints (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iServerControlPointAssignments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPointEnts (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSave (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoFreeze (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoRamp (bool) + namespace CParticleSystem { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szSnapshotFileName = 0x710; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x910; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFrozen = 0x911; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFreezeTransitionDuration = 0x914; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStopType = 0x918; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause = 0x91C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEffectIndex = 0x920; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x928; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreSimTime = 0x92C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vServerControlPoints = 0x930; // Vector[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iServerControlPointAssignments = 0x960; // uint8[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hControlPointEnts = 0x964; // CHandle[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoSave = 0xA64; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoFreeze = 0xA65; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoRamp = 0xA66; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartActive = 0xA67; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEffectName = 0xA68; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszControlPointNames = 0xA70; // CUtlSymbolLarge[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDataCP = 0xC70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDataCPValue = 0xC74; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTintCP = 0xC80; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clrTint = 0xC84; // Color + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBasePlayerWeaponVData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szWorldModel = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBuiltRightHanded = 0x108; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowFlipping = 0x109; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sMuzzleAttachment = 0x110; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMuzzleFlashParticle = 0x118; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFlags = 0x1F8; // ItemFlagTypes_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrimaryAmmoType = 0x1F9; // AmmoIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSecondaryAmmoType = 0x1FA; // AmmoIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxClip1 = 0x1FC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxClip2 = 0x200; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDefaultClip1 = 0x204; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDefaultClip2 = 0x208; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iWeight = 0x20C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoSwitchTo = 0x210; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoSwitchFrom = 0x211; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRumbleEffect = 0x214; // RumbleEffect_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLinkedCooldowns = 0x218; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aShootSounds = 0x220; // CUtlOrderedMap + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSlot = 0x248; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPosition = 0x24C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + namespace CCSObserverPawn { + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CScriptItem { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MoveTypeOverride = 0x9C0; // MoveType_t + } + // Parent: IntervalTimer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValues (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nValueCounts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBucketCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInterval (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFinalValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCompressionType (TimelineCompression_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStopped (bool) + namespace CTimeline { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValues = 0x10; // float32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nValueCounts = 0x110; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBucketCount = 0x210; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterval = 0x214; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFinalValue = 0x218; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCompressionType = 0x21C; // TimelineCompression_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStopped = 0x220; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponSG556 { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 10 + namespace CAmbientGeneric { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radius = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxRadius = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSoundLevel = 0x4C8; // soundlevel_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dpv = 0x4CC; // dynpitchvol_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fActive = 0x530; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLooping = 0x531; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSound = 0x538; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sSourceEntName = 0x540; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSoundSource = 0x548; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSoundSourceEntIndex = 0x54C; // CEntityIndex + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Flags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyle (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Exponent (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_InnerAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OuterAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotRadius (float32) + namespace CDynamicLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ActualFlags = 0x710; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Flags = 0x711; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightStyle = 0x712; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_On = 0x713; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Radius = 0x714; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Exponent = 0x718; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InnerAngle = 0x71C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OuterAngle = 0x720; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SpotRadius = 0x724; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponP90 { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTriggerToggleSave { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPrecipitation { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPointServerCommand { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iReapplyProvisionParity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOuter (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ProviderType (attributeprovidertypes_t) + namespace CAttributeManager { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Providers = 0x8; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iReapplyProvisionParity = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOuter = 0x24; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreventLoopback = 0x28; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ProviderType = 0x2C; // attributeprovidertypes_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CachedResults = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CLogicalEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeedOffset (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastTeleportTime (float) + namespace CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetBoolVariables = 0x8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetByteVariables = 0x20; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetUInt16Variables = 0x38; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetIntVariables = 0x50; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetUInt32Variables = 0x68; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetUInt64Variables = 0x80; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetFloatVariables = 0x98; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetVectorVariables = 0xB0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetQuaternionVariables = 0xC8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables = 0xE0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables = 0xF8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables = 0x110; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables = 0x128; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables = 0x140; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables = 0x158; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables = 0x170; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables = 0x188; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables = 0x1A0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables = 0x1B8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables = 0x1D0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoolVariablesCount = 0x1E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount = 0x1EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeedOffset = 0x1F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastTeleportTime = 0x1F4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBreakableProp + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAwake (bool) + namespace CPhysicsProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MotionEnabled = 0xA88; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAwakened = 0xAB0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAwake = 0xAD8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAsleep = 0xB00; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerUse = 0xB28; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnOutOfWorld = 0xB50; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerPickup = 0xB78; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceNavIgnore = 0xBA0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoNavmeshBlocker = 0xBA1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceNpcExclude = 0xBA2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_massScale = 0xBA4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inertiaScale = 0xBA8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_buoyancyScale = 0xBAC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damageType = 0xBB0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damageToEnableMotion = 0xBB4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceToEnableMotion = 0xBB8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bThrownByPlayer = 0xBBC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDroppedByPlayer = 0xBBD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTouchedByPlayer = 0xBBE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstCollisionAfterLaunch = 0xBBF; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iExploitableByPlayer = 0xBC0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBeenAwakened = 0xBC4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsOverrideProp = 0xBC5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNextCheckDisableMotionContactsTime = 0xBC8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInitialGlowState = 0xBCC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowRange = 0xBD0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowRangeMin = 0xBD4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_glowColor = 0xBD8; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldAutoConvertBackFromDebris = 0xBDC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMuteImpactEffects = 0xBDD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAcceptDamageFromHeldObjects = 0xBE4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableUseOutput = 0xBE5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAwake = 0xBE6; // bool + } + // Parent: CFuncWall + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFuncWallToggle { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpotted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpottedByMask (uint32) + namespace EntitySpottedState_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpotted = 0x8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpottedByMask = 0xC; // uint32[2] + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CSensorGrenadeProjectile { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fExpireTime = 0xA90; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNextDetectPlayerSound = 0xA94; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDisplayGrenade = 0xA98; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSPlayer_CameraServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CSPerRoundStats_t + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy5Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy4Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy3Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyKnifeKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyTaserKills (int) + namespace CSMatchStats_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemy5Ks = 0x68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemy4Ks = 0x6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemy3Ks = 0x70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemyKnifeKills = 0x74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemyTaserKills = 0x78; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEnemy2Ks = 0x7C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iUtility_Count = 0x80; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iUtility_Successes = 0x84; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iUtility_Enemies = 0x88; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFlash_Count = 0x8C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFlash_Successes = 0x90; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHealthPointsRemovedTotal = 0x94; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHealthPointsDealtTotal = 0x98; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShotsFiredTotal = 0x9C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShotsOnTargetTotal = 0xA0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_i1v1Count = 0xA4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_i1v1Wins = 0xA8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_i1v2Count = 0xAC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_i1v2Wins = 0xB0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEntryCount = 0xB4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEntryWins = 0xB8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CFuncLadder + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFuncLadderAlias_func_useableladder { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 14 + namespace CTriggerSndSosOpvar { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTouchingPlayers = 0x8E0; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPosition = 0x8F8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCenterSize = 0x904; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinVal = 0x908; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxVal = 0x90C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opvarName = 0x910; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stackName = 0x918; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_operatorName = 0x920; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVolIs2D = 0x928; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opvarNameChar = 0x929; // char[256] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stackNameChar = 0xA29; // char[256] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_operatorNameChar = 0xB29; // char[256] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_VecNormPos = 0xC2C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNormCenterSize = 0xC38; // float32 + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CItemAssaultSuit { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 70 + namespace CScriptedSequence { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEntry = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPreIdle = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPlay = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPostIdle = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszModifierToAddOnPlay = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszNextScript = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEntity = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSyncGroup = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMoveTo = 0x500; // ScriptedMoveTo_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMoveToGait = 0x504; // MovementGait_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlayingPreIdle = 0x505; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlayingEntry = 0x506; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlayingAction = 0x507; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlayingPostIdle = 0x508; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDontRotateOther = 0x509; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsRepeatable = 0x50A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldLeaveCorpse = 0x50B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartOnSpawn = 0x50C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisallowInterrupts = 0x50D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanOverrideNPCState = 0x50E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDontTeleportAtEnd = 0x50F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHighPriority = 0x510; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHideDebugComplaints = 0x511; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bContinueOnDeath = 0x512; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoopPreIdleSequence = 0x513; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoopActionSequence = 0x514; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoopPostIdleSequence = 0x515; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSynchPostIdles = 0x516; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreLookAt = 0x517; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreGravity = 0x518; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableNPCCollisions = 0x519; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bKeepAnimgraphLockedPost = 0x51A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDontAddModifiers = 0x51B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x51C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRepeat = 0x520; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlayAnimFadeInTime = 0x524; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMoveInterpTime = 0x528; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngRate = 0x52C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNotReadySequenceCount = 0x530; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startTime = 0x534; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWaitForBeginSequence = 0x538; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_saved_effects = 0x53C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_savedFlags = 0x540; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_savedCollisionGroup = 0x544; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInterruptable = 0x548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sequenceStarted = 0x549; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPositionRelativeToOtherEntity = 0x54A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetEnt = 0x54C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hNextCine = 0x550; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bThinking = 0x554; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInitiatedSelfDelete = 0x555; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsTeleportingDueToMoveTo = 0x556; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowCustomInterruptConditions = 0x557; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hForcedTarget = 0x558; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDontCancelOtherSequences = 0x55C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceSynch = 0x55D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreventUpdateYawOnFinish = 0x55E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnsureOnNavmeshOnFinish = 0x55F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_onDeathBehavior = 0x560; // ScriptedOnDeath_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ConflictResponse = 0x564; // ScriptedConflictResponse_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBeginSequence = 0x568; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnActionStartOrLoop = 0x590; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEndSequence = 0x5B8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPostIdleEndSequence = 0x5E0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCancelSequence = 0x608; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCancelFailedSequence = 0x630; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnScriptEvent = 0x658; // CEntityIOOutput[8] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matOtherToMain = 0x7A0; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hInteractionMainEntity = 0x7C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPlayerDeathBehavior = 0x7C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponNegev { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponGalilAR { + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAlwaysUpdate (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightFOV (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSimpleProjection (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightOnlyTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCameraSpace (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLinearAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flQuadraticAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bVolumetric (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNoiseStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashlightTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumPlanes (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPlaneOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVolumetricIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTransitionTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAmbient (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotlightTextureName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSpotlightTextureFrame (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowQuality (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProjectionSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlipHorizontal (bool) + namespace CEnvProjectedTexture { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetEntity = 0x710; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bState = 0x714; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAlwaysUpdate = 0x715; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightFOV = 0x718; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableShadows = 0x71C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSimpleProjection = 0x71D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightOnlyTarget = 0x71E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLightWorld = 0x71F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCameraSpace = 0x720; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessScale = 0x724; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LightColor = 0x728; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIntensity = 0x72C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearAttenuation = 0x730; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flQuadraticAttenuation = 0x734; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVolumetric = 0x738; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoiseStrength = 0x73C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashlightTime = 0x740; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumPlanes = 0x744; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlaneOffset = 0x748; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVolumetricIntensity = 0x74C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flColorTransitionTime = 0x750; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAmbient = 0x754; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SpotlightTextureName = 0x758; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = 0x958; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowQuality = 0x95C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNearZ = 0x960; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFarZ = 0x964; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flProjectionSize = 0x968; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotation = 0x96C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlipHorizontal = 0x970; // bool + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CDynamicPropAlias_prop_dynamic_override { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CSceneListManager { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hListManagers = 0x4C0; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszScenes = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge[16] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hScenes = 0x558; // CHandle[16] + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CSplineConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAnchorOffsetRestore = 0x580; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSObserver_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CDynamicPropAlias_dynamic_prop { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (ModelConfigHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Name (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntityNames (string_t) + namespace ActiveModelConfig_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Handle = 0x28; // ModelConfigHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AssociatedEntities = 0x38; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AssociatedEntityNames = 0x50; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPhysicsPropMultiplayer { + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CBasePlatTrain { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NoiseMoving = 0x790; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NoiseArrived = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_volume = 0x7A8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTWidth = 0x7AC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTLength = 0x7B0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeTagged + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CSimpleMarkupVolumeTagged { + } + // Parent: SpawnPoint + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoPlayerTerrorist { + } + // Parent: CPhysHinge + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPhysHingeAlias_phys_hinge_local { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CTankTargetChange { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_newTarget = 0x4C0; // CVariantBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_newTargetName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CLogicCompare { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInValue = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCompareValue = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnLessThan = 0x4C8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEqualTo = 0x4F0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnNotEqualTo = 0x518; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnGreaterThan = 0x540; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalHitsOnServer (int32) + namespace CCSPlayer_BulletServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_totalHitsOnServer = 0x40; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CLogicRelay { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTrigger = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnSpawn = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x510; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWaitForRefire = 0x511; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTriggerOnce = 0x512; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFastRetrigger = 0x513; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPassthoughCaller = 0x514; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ItemServices + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeavyArmor (bool) + namespace CCSPlayer_ItemServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasDefuser = 0x40; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasHelmet = 0x41; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasHeavyArmor = 0x42; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CKeepUpright { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldGoalAxis = 0x4C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localTestAxis = 0x4D4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttach = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachedObject = 0x4F0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angularLimit = 0x4F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x4F8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDampAllRotation = 0x4F9; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CModelPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFuncWater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BuoyancyHelper = 0x710; // CBuoyancyHelper + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CFuncTimescale { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDesiredTimescale = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAcceleration = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinBlendRate = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendDeltaMultiplier = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isStarted = 0x4D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 14 + namespace CBtActionMoveTo { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szDestinationInputKey = 0x60; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szHidingSpotInputKey = 0x68; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szThreatInputKey = 0x70; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDestination = 0x78; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoLookAdjust = 0x84; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bComputePath = 0x85; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamagingAreasPenaltyCost = 0x88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CheckApproximateCornersTimer = 0x90; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CheckHighPriorityItem = 0xA8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RepathTimer = 0xC0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flArrivalEpsilon = 0xD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAdditionalArrivalEpsilon2D = 0xDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHidingSpotCheckDistanceThreshold = 0xE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNearestAreaDistanceThreshold = 0xE4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMin (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMax (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + namespace CTonemapController2 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAutoExposureMin = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAutoExposureMax = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapPercentTarget = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapMinAvgLum = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange = 0x4DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPulseExecCursor + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CPulseServerCursor { + } + // Parent: CRopeKeyframe + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CRopeKeyframeAlias_move_rope { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + namespace CEnvInstructorVRHint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszHintTargetEntity = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTimeout = 0x4D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszCaption = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszStartSound = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLayoutFileType = 0x4E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszCustomLayoutFile = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAttachType = 0x4F8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeightOffset = 0x4FC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponXM1014 { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CPlatTrigger { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPlatform = 0x710; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 31 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iWindSeed (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_windRadius (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGustDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGustDirChange (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_location (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInitialWindDir (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialWindSpeed (float32) + namespace CEnvWindShared { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iWindSeed = 0xC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMinWind = 0x10; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxWind = 0x12; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_windRadius = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMinGust = 0x18; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxGust = 0x1A; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinGustDelay = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxGustDelay = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGustDuration = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iGustDirChange = 0x28; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_location = 0x2C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszGustSound = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iWindDir = 0x3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindSpeed = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_currentWindVector = 0x44; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CurrentSwayVector = 0x50; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PrevSwayVector = 0x5C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInitialWindDir = 0x68; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialWindSpeed = 0x6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnGustStart = 0x70; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnGustEnd = 0x98; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVariationTime = 0xC0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSwayTime = 0xC4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSimTime = 0xC8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSwitchTime = 0xCC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAveWindSpeed = 0xD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGusting = 0xD4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindAngleVariation = 0xD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindSpeedVariation = 0xDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEntIndex = 0xE0; // CEntityIndex + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CMolotovGrenade { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CPointHurt { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDamage = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bitsDamageType = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDelay = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strTarget = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pActivator = 0x4D8; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 44 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUpdateOnClient (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInputType (ValueRemapperInputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineStart (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineEnd (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaximumChangePerSecond (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisengageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEngageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRequiresUseKey (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOutputType (ValueRemapperOutputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOutputEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHapticsType (ValueRemapperHapticsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMomentumType (ValueRemapperMomentumType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMomentumModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSnapValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRatchetType (ValueRemapperRatchetType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInputOffset (float) + namespace CPointValueRemapper { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUpdateOnClient = 0x4C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInputType = 0x4C4; // ValueRemapperInputType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszRemapLineStartName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszRemapLineEndName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hRemapLineStart = 0x4D8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hRemapLineEnd = 0x4DC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaximumChangePerSecond = 0x4E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDisengageDistance = 0x4E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEngageDistance = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRequiresUseKey = 0x4EC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOutputType = 0x4F0; // ValueRemapperOutputType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOutputEntityName = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOutputEntity2Name = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOutputEntity3Name = 0x508; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOutputEntity4Name = 0x510; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOutputEntities = 0x518; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHapticsType = 0x530; // ValueRemapperHapticsType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMomentumType = 0x534; // ValueRemapperMomentumType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMomentumModifier = 0x538; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSnapValue = 0x53C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentMomentum = 0x540; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRatchetType = 0x544; // ValueRemapperRatchetType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRatchetOffset = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputOffset = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEngaged = 0x550; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstUpdate = 0x551; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreviousValue = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreviousUpdateTickTime = 0x558; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPreviousTestPoint = 0x55C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hUsingPlayer = 0x568; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCustomOutputValue = 0x56C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundEngage = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundDisengage = 0x578; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundReachedValueZero = 0x580; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundReachedValueOne = 0x588; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundMovingLoop = 0x590; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Position = 0x5A0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PositionDelta = 0x5C8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnReachedValueZero = 0x5F0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnReachedValueOne = 0x618; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnReachedValueCustom = 0x640; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEngage = 0x668; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnDisengage = 0x690; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicNPCCounter + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CLogicNPCCounterAABB { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceOuterMins = 0x800; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceOuterMaxs = 0x80C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOuterMins = 0x818; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOuterMaxs = 0x824; // Vector + } + // Parent: CLightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CLightOrthoEntity { + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscapeTriggerable + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEnvSoundscapeTriggerableAlias_snd_soundscape_triggerable { + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 23 + namespace CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEnter = 0x558; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnExit = 0x580; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoDisable = 0x5A8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceMin = 0x5EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceMax = 0x5F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceMapMin = 0x5F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceMapMax = 0x5F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOcclusionRadius = 0x5FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOcclusionMin = 0x600; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOcclusionMax = 0x604; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValSetOnDisable = 0x608; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSetValueOnDisable = 0x60C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSimulationMode = 0x610; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVisibilitySamples = 0x614; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDynamicProxyPoint = 0x618; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDynamicMaximumOcclusion = 0x624; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDynamicEntity = 0x628; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszDynamicEntityName = 0x630; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPathingDistanceNormFactor = 0x638; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPathingSourcePos = 0x63C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPathingListenerPos = 0x648; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPathingDirection = 0x654; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPathingSourceIndex = 0x660; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxData (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxSlotToken (CUtlStringToken) + namespace CSkyCamera { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skyboxData = 0x4C0; // sky3dparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skyboxSlotToken = 0x550; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseAngles = 0x554; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNext = 0x558; // CSkyCamera* + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CGameMoney { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMoneySpent = 0x720; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMoneySpentFail = 0x748; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMoney = 0x770; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strAwardText = 0x778; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CLogicPlayerProxy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayer = 0x4C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayerHasAmmo = 0x4C8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayerHasNoAmmo = 0x4F0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayerDied = 0x518; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RequestedPlayerHealth = 0x540; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObserverMode (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverTarget (CHandle) + namespace CPlayer_ObserverServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iObserverMode = 0x40; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hObserverTarget = 0x44; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iObserverLastMode = 0x48; // ObserverMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForcedObserverMode = 0x4C; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponZoneRepulsor { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CPhysImpact { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damage = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_distance = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_directionEntityName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + namespace CEnvCombinedLightProbeVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_Color = 0x1520; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_flBrightness = 0x1524; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hCubemapTexture = 0x1528; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture = 0x1530; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture = 0x1538; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture = 0x1540; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture = 0x1548; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture = 0x1550; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxMins = 0x1558; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxMaxs = 0x1564; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x1570; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x1574; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex = 0x1578; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nPriority = 0x157C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x1580; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist = 0x1584; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists = 0x1588; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX = 0x1594; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY = 0x1598; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ = 0x159C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX = 0x15A0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY = 0x15A4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ = 0x15A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x15C1; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_WaterServices { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponM249 { + } + // Parent: CParticleSystem + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadiusScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSelfIllumScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTextureOverride (HRenderTextureStrong) + namespace CEnvParticleGlow { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScale = 0xC88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadiusScale = 0xC8C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSelfIllumScale = 0xC90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorTint = 0xC94; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTextureOverride = 0xC98; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFuncVehicleClip { + } + // Parent: CSoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + namespace CSoundAreaEntitySphere { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x4E0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CFuncBrush + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_targetCamera (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionEnum (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseUniqueColorTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_brushModelName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetCamera (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDraw3DSkybox (bool) + namespace CFuncMonitor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetCamera = 0x730; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nResolutionEnum = 0x738; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderShadows = 0x73C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseUniqueColorTarget = 0x73D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_brushModelName = 0x740; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetCamera = 0x748; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x74C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDraw3DSkybox = 0x74D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartEnabled = 0x74E; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEnvFunnel { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + namespace SequenceHistory_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x0; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSeqStartTime = 0x4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSeqFixedCycle = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSeqLoopMode = 0xC; // AnimLoopMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlaybackRate = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCyclesPerSecond = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGameModeRules_Noop { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 16 + namespace CPointAngularVelocitySensor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetEntity = 0x4C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flThreshold = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastCompareResult = 0x4C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastFireResult = 0x4CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFireTime = 0x4D0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFireInterval = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastAngVelocity = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastOrientation = 0x4DC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAxis = 0x4E8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseHelper = 0x4F4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AngularVelocity = 0x4F8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnLessThan = 0x520; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnLessThanOrEqualTo = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnGreaterThan = 0x570; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnGreaterThanOrEqualTo = 0x598; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEqualTo = 0x5C0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsIncGrenade (bool) + namespace CMolotovProjectile { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsIncGrenade = 0xA90; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDetonated = 0xA9C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stillTimer = 0xAA0; // IntervalTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBouncedOffPlayer = 0xB80; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CHostageRescueZoneShim { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPointPulse { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 24 + namespace CEnvInstructorHint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszReplace_Key = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszHintTargetEntity = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTimeout = 0x4D8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDisplayLimit = 0x4DC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszIcon_Onscreen = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszIcon_Offscreen = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszCaption = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszActivatorCaption = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x500; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fIconOffset = 0x504; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRange = 0x508; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPulseOption = 0x50C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAlphaOption = 0x50D; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iShakeOption = 0x50E; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStatic = 0x50F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoOffscreen = 0x510; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceCaption = 0x511; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInstanceType = 0x514; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSuppressRest = 0x518; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszBinding = 0x520; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowNoDrawTarget = 0x528; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoStart = 0x529; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocalPlayerOnly = 0x52A; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CEnvTracer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecEnd = 0x4C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDelay = 0x4CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CInfoGameEventProxy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEventName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0x4C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_FOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Resolution (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFogEnable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseScreenAspectRatio (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAspectRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSky (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZFar (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanHLTVUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDofEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofTiltToGround (float) + namespace CPointCamera { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FOV = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Resolution = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFogEnable = 0x4C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FogColor = 0x4C9; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogStart = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogEnd = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxDensity = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x4DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseScreenAspectRatio = 0x4DD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAspectRatio = 0x4E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoSky = 0x4E4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fBrightness = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZFar = 0x4EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZNear = 0x4F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanHLTVUse = 0x4F4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDofEnabled = 0x4F5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofNearBlurry = 0x4F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofNearCrisp = 0x4FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofFarCrisp = 0x500; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofFarBlurry = 0x504; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDofTiltToGround = 0x508; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetFOV = 0x50C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DegreesPerSecond = 0x510; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsOn = 0x514; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNext = 0x518; // CPointCamera* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hModel (HModelStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MeshGroupMask (MeshGroupMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIdealMotionType (int8) + namespace CModelState { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hModel = 0xA0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ModelName = 0xA8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed = 0xE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MeshGroupMask = 0x198; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIdealMotionType = 0x21A; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceLOD = 0x21B; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nClothUpdateFlags = 0x21C; // int8 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderDir (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoRideSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFakeLadder (bool) + namespace CFuncLadder { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLadderDir = 0x710; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Dismounts = 0x720; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLocalTop = 0x738; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop = 0x744; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom = 0x750; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAutoRideSpeed = 0x75C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x760; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFakeLadder = 0x761; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasSlack = 0x762; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_surfacePropName = 0x768; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerGotOnLadder = 0x770; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerGotOffLadder = 0x798; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 8 + namespace CPathKeyFrame { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Origin = 0x4C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Angles = 0x4CC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qAngle = 0x4E0; // Quaternion + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNextKey = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextTime = 0x4F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNextKey = 0x500; // CPathKeyFrame* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPrevKey = 0x508; // CPathKeyFrame* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMoveSpeed = 0x510; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CFuncInteractionLayerClip { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x710; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszInteractsAs = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszInteractsWith = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Attributes (CEconItemAttribute) + namespace CAttributeList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Attributes = 0x8; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pManager = 0x58; // CAttributeManager* + } + // Parent: CGameRules + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CMultiplayRules { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponRevolver { + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 1 + namespace COrnamentProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_initialOwner = 0xB80; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CLogicGameEvent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEventName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CEnvMuzzleFlash { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszParentAttachment = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUniqueID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTraceID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rtGcTime (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLeft (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayer (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitbox (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreationTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTintID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVersion (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubSignature (uint8) + namespace CPlayerSprayDecal { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUniqueID = 0x710; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unAccountID = 0x714; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unTraceID = 0x718; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rtGcTime = 0x71C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecEndPos = 0x720; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStart = 0x72C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLeft = 0x738; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecNormal = 0x744; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayer = 0x750; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntity = 0x754; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitbox = 0x758; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCreationTime = 0x75C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTintID = 0x760; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVersion = 0x764; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ubSignature = 0x765; // uint8[128] + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlantedHere (bool) + namespace CBombTarget { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBombExplode = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBombPlanted = 0x908; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBombDefused = 0x930; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsBombSiteB = 0x958; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHeistBombTarget = 0x959; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombPlantedHere = 0x95A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMountTarget = 0x960; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hInstructorHint = 0x968; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBombSiteDesignation = 0x96C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + namespace CPhysicsSpring { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrequency = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDampingRatio = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRestLength = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttachStart = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttachEnd = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_start = 0x4E8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_end = 0x4F4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_teleportTick = 0x500; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + namespace CEnvLightProbeVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture = 0x14A0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture = 0x14A8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture = 0x14B0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture = 0x14B8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxMins = 0x14C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxMaxs = 0x14CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x14D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x14DC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nPriority = 0x14E0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x14E4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX = 0x14E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY = 0x14EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ = 0x14F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX = 0x14F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY = 0x14F8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ = 0x14FC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x1509; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_WeaponSequence (CUtlString) + namespace CCSGameModeRules_ArmsRace { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WeaponSequence = 0x30; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CTriggerPush + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CScriptTriggerPush { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vExtent = 0x918; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CEnvEntityIgniter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLifetime = 0x4C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFuncWall { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nState = 0x710; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerDamagerName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerRecipientName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamagerXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RecipientXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActualHealthRemoved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumHits (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLastBulletUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsOtherEnemy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_killType (EKillTypes_t) + namespace CDamageRecord { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayerDamager = 0x28; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PlayerRecipient = 0x2C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerControllerDamager = 0x30; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerControllerRecipient = 0x34; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szPlayerDamagerName = 0x38; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szPlayerRecipientName = 0x40; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DamagerXuid = 0x48; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RecipientXuid = 0x50; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDamage = 0x58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iActualHealthRemoved = 0x5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumHits = 0x60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLastBulletUpdate = 0x64; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsOtherEnemy = 0x68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_killType = 0x69; // EKillTypes_t + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CLogicAutosave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceNewLevelUnit = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_minHitPoints = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_minHitPointsToCommit = 0x4C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSendUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamageList (CDamageRecord) + namespace CCSPlayerController_DamageServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSendUpdate = 0x40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DamageList = 0x48; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CRenderComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x10; // CNetworkVarChainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsRenderingWithViewModels = 0x50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSplitscreenFlags = 0x54; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableRendering = 0x60; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInterpolationReadyToDraw = 0xB0; // bool + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCornerPairsNetworked (SoundeventPathCornerPairNetworked_t) + namespace CSoundEventPathCornerEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPathCorner = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCountMax = 0x578; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceMax = 0x57C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistMaxSqr = 0x580; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDotProductMax = 0x584; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlaying = 0x588; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCornerPairsNetworked = 0x5B0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscape + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CEnvSoundscapeProxy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MainSoundscapeName = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 67 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SecondaryColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloff (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTheta (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPhi (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascades (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowWidth (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowHeight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderDiffuse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderSpecular (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderTransmissive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStyle (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Pattern (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUsesBakedShadowing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlicker (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrecomputedMaxRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogLightingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogContributionStength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearClipPlane (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkyIntensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyAmbientBounce (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseSecondaryColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMixedShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + namespace CLightComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x38; // CNetworkVarChainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x75; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SecondaryColor = 0x79; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightness = 0x80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessScale = 0x84; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessMult = 0x88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0x8C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFalloff = 0x90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttenuation0 = 0x94; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttenuation1 = 0x98; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttenuation2 = 0x9C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTheta = 0xA0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPhi = 0xA4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLightCookie = 0xA8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCascades = 0xB0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCastShadows = 0xB4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowWidth = 0xB8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowHeight = 0xBC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderDiffuse = 0xC0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderSpecular = 0xC4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderTransmissive = 0xC8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOrthoLightWidth = 0xCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOrthoLightHeight = 0xD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStyle = 0xD4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Pattern = 0xD8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects = 0xE0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade = 0xE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade = 0xE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 = 0xEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 = 0xF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 = 0xF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 = 0xF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 = 0xFC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 = 0x100; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 = 0x104; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 = 0x108; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUsesBakedShadowing = 0x10C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShadowPriority = 0x110; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBakedShadowIndex = 0x114; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderToCubemaps = 0x118; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDirectLight = 0x11C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndirectLight = 0x120; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeMinDist = 0x124; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeMaxDist = 0x128; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowFadeMinDist = 0x12C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowFadeMaxDist = 0x130; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x134; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlicker = 0x135; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid = 0x136; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins = 0x138; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs = 0x144; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin = 0x150; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles = 0x15C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent = 0x168; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrecomputedMaxRange = 0x174; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFogLightingMode = 0x178; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogContributionStength = 0x17C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNearClipPlane = 0x180; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SkyColor = 0x184; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSkyIntensity = 0x188; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SkyAmbientBounce = 0x18C; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseSecondaryColor = 0x190; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMixedShadows = 0x191; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightStyleStartTime = 0x194; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCapsuleLength = 0x198; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinRoughness = 0x19C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPvsModifyEntity = 0x1B0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDidSmokeEffect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeDetonationPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_VoxelFrameData (CUtlVector) + namespace CSmokeGrenadeProjectile { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin = 0xAA8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDidSmokeEffect = 0xAAC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandomSeed = 0xAB0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSmokeColor = 0xAB4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSmokeDetonationPos = 0xAC0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_VoxelFrameData = 0xAD0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastBounce = 0xAE8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fllastSimulationTime = 0xAEC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExplodeFromInferno = 0x2D70; // bool + } + // Parent: CTriggerMultiple + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CScriptTriggerMultiple { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vExtent = 0x908; // Vector + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CSoundOpvarSetAutoRoomEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_traceResults = 0x668; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSize = 0x698; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeightTolerance = 0x69C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSizeSqr = 0x6A0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CEntityComponent { + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + namespace FilterDamageType { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDamageType = 0x518; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBot + // Fields count: 139 + namespace CCSBot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eyePosition = 0x108; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x114; // char[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_combatRange = 0x154; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRogue = 0x158; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rogueTimer = 0x160; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_diedLastRound = 0x17C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_safeTime = 0x180; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wasSafe = 0x184; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blindFire = 0x18C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_surpriseTimer = 0x190; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowActive = 0x1A8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isFollowing = 0x1A9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leader = 0x1AC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_followTimestamp = 0x1B0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0x1B4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hurryTimer = 0x1B8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_alertTimer = 0x1D0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sneakTimer = 0x1E8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_panicTimer = 0x200; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stateTimestamp = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAttacking = 0x4D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isOpeningDoor = 0x4D5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_taskEntity = 0x4DC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_goalPosition = 0x4EC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_goalEntity = 0x4F8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avoid = 0x4FC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avoidTimestamp = 0x500; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isStopping = 0x504; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn = 0x505; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stillTimer = 0x508; // IntervalTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl = 0x518; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pathIndex = 0x5610; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_areaEnteredTimestamp = 0x5614; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_repathTimer = 0x5618; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avoidFriendTimer = 0x5630; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isFriendInTheWay = 0x5648; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_politeTimer = 0x5650; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isWaitingBehindFriend = 0x5668; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pathLadderEnd = 0x5694; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mustRunTimer = 0x56E0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_waitTimer = 0x56F8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_updateTravelDistanceTimer = 0x5710; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_playerTravelDistance = 0x5728; // float32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_travelDistancePhase = 0x5828; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageEscortCount = 0x59C0; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = 0x59C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_desiredTeam = 0x59C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hasJoined = 0x59CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isWaitingForHostage = 0x59CD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer = 0x59D0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_waitForHostageTimer = 0x59E8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noisePosition = 0x5A00; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseTravelDistance = 0x5A0C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseTimestamp = 0x5A10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseSource = 0x5A18; // CCSPlayerPawn* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseBendTimer = 0x5A30; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bentNoisePosition = 0x5A48; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bendNoisePositionValid = 0x5A54; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = 0x5A58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAheadAngle = 0x5A5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forwardAngle = 0x5A60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp = 0x5A64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpot = 0x5A6C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotDuration = 0x5A7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotTimestamp = 0x5A80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance = 0x5A84; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose = 0x5A88; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotAttack = 0x5A89; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtDesc = 0x5A90; // char* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_peripheralTimestamp = 0x5A98; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_approachPointCount = 0x5C20; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_approachPointViewPosition = 0x5C24; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_viewSteadyTimer = 0x5C30; // IntervalTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tossGrenadeTimer = 0x5C48; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAvoidingGrenade = 0x5C68; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spotCheckTimestamp = 0x5C88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_checkedHidingSpotCount = 0x6090; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookPitch = 0x6094; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookPitchVel = 0x6098; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookYaw = 0x609C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookYawVel = 0x60A0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpot = 0x60A4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpotVelocity = 0x60B0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpotPredicted = 0x60BC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimError = 0x60C8; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimGoal = 0x60D4; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpotTime = 0x60E0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimFocus = 0x60E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimFocusInterval = 0x60E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimFocusNextUpdate = 0x60EC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ignoreEnemiesTimer = 0x60F8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemy = 0x6110; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isEnemyVisible = 0x6114; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_visibleEnemyParts = 0x6115; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastEnemyPosition = 0x6118; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x6124; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x6128; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = 0x612C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyDeathTimestamp = 0x6130; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_friendDeathTimestamp = 0x6134; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isLastEnemyDead = 0x6138; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0x613C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bomber = 0x6348; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nearbyFriendCount = 0x634C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_closestVisibleFriend = 0x6350; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = 0x6354; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attentionInterval = 0x6358; // IntervalTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attacker = 0x6368; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attackedTimestamp = 0x636C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_burnedByFlamesTimer = 0x6370; // IntervalTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastVictimID = 0x6380; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAimingAtEnemy = 0x6384; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRapidFiring = 0x6385; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_equipTimer = 0x6388; // IntervalTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_zoomTimer = 0x6398; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0x63B0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer = 0x63B8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsSleeping = 0x63D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isEnemySniperVisible = 0x63D1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sawEnemySniperTimer = 0x63D8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyQueueIndex = 0x6490; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyQueueCount = 0x6491; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyQueueAttendIndex = 0x6492; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isStuck = 0x6493; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckTimestamp = 0x6494; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckSpot = 0x6498; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wiggleTimer = 0x64A8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckJumpTimer = 0x64C0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp = 0x64D8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avgVel = 0x64DC; // float32[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avgVelIndex = 0x6504; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avgVelCount = 0x6508; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastOrigin = 0x650C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp = 0x651C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastRadioSentTimestamp = 0x6520; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radioSubject = 0x6524; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radioPosition = 0x6528; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_voiceEndTimestamp = 0x6534; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame = 0x6540; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CPhysMotor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttach = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAttachedObject = 0x4C8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spinUp = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_additionalAcceleration = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angularAcceleration = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastTime = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_motor = 0x4F0; // CMotorController + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSoundAreaType (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPos (Vector) + namespace CSoundAreaEntityBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundAreaType = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPos = 0x4D0; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CCSPlayer_UseServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLastKnownUseEntity = 0x40; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastUseTimeStamp = 0x44; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeLastUsedWindow = 0x48; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CItemKevlar { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 14 + namespace CTriggerHurt { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOriginalDamage = 0x8E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamage = 0x8E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamageCap = 0x8E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastDmgTime = 0x8EC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForgivenessDelay = 0x8F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bitsDamageInflict = 0x8F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damageModel = 0x8F8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoDmgForce = 0x8FC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDamageForce = 0x900; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_thinkAlways = 0x90C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hurtThinkPeriod = 0x910; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHurt = 0x918; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHurtPlayer = 0x940; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hurtEntities = 0x968; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 13 + namespace CPhysConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttach1 = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttach2 = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAttach1 = 0x4D8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAttach2 = 0x4DC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttachment1 = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttachment2 = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_breakSound = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forceLimit = 0x4F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_torqueLimit = 0x4FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_teleportTick = 0x500; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_minTeleportDistance = 0x504; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSnapObjectPositions = 0x508; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBreak = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDraftType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWinningCoinToss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWithFirstChoice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteMapIdsList (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAccountIDs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId4 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId5 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStartingSide0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCurrentPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseDurationTicks (int) + namespace CMapVetoPickController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayedIntroVcd = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNeedToPlayFiveSecondsRemaining = 0x4C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dblPreMatchDraftSequenceTime = 0x4E0; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreMatchDraftStateChanged = 0x4E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDraftType = 0x4EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTeamWinningCoinToss = 0x4F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTeamWithFirstChoice = 0x4F4; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVoteMapIdsList = 0x5F4; // int32[7] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAccountIDs = 0x610; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId0 = 0x710; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId1 = 0x810; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId2 = 0x910; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId3 = 0xA10; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId4 = 0xB10; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMapId5 = 0xC10; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartingSide0 = 0xD10; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCurrentPhase = 0xE10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPhaseStartTick = 0xE14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPhaseDurationTicks = 0xE18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMapVetoed = 0xE20; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMapPicked = 0xE48; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnSidesPicked = 0xE70; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnNewPhaseStarted = 0xE98; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnLevelTransition = 0xEC0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSMinimapBoundary { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CSoundEnt { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFreeSound = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iActiveSound = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_cLastActiveSounds = 0x4C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SoundPool = 0x4CC; // CSound[128] + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoSpawnGroupLandmark { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nToggleButtonDownMask (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxspeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen (float32) + namespace CPlayer_MovementServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nImpulse = 0x40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nButtons = 0x48; // CInButtonState + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQueuedButtonDownMask = 0x68; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQueuedButtonChangeMask = 0x70; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nButtonDoublePressed = 0x78; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pButtonPressedCmdNumber = 0x80; // uint32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastCommandNumberProcessed = 0x180; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nToggleButtonDownMask = 0x188; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxspeed = 0x198; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen = 0x19C; // float32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForwardMove = 0x1AC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLeftMove = 0x1B0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUpMove = 0x1B4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastMovementImpulses = 0x1B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOldViewAngles = 0x1C4; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CTriggerSave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceNewLevelUnit = 0x8E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fDangerousTimer = 0x8E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_minHitPoints = 0x8E8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 11 + namespace CPhysWheelConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSuspensionFrequency = 0x538; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSuspensionDampingRatio = 0x53C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSuspensionHeightOffset = 0x540; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableSuspensionLimit = 0x544; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinSuspensionOffset = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSuspensionOffset = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableSteeringLimit = 0x550; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinSteeringAngle = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSteeringAngle = 0x558; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSteeringAxisFriction = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpinAxisFriction = 0x560; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CPhysFixed { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearFrequency = 0x538; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearDampingRatio = 0x53C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularFrequency = 0x540; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularDampingRatio = 0x544; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableLinearConstraint = 0x548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableAngularConstraint = 0x549; // bool + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CBasePlayerVData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sModelName = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeadDamageMultiplier = 0x108; // CSkillFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flChestDamageMultiplier = 0x118; // CSkillFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStomachDamageMultiplier = 0x128; // CSkillFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flArmDamageMultiplier = 0x138; // CSkillFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLegDamageMultiplier = 0x148; // CSkillFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHoldBreathTime = 0x158; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDrowningDamageInterval = 0x15C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDrowningDamageInitial = 0x160; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDrowningDamageMax = 0x164; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWaterSpeed = 0x168; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUseRange = 0x16C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUseAngleTolerance = 0x170; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCrouchTime = 0x174; // float32 + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 11 + namespace CEnvSoundscape { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlay = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundscapeName = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundEventName = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideWithEvent = 0x500; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundscapeIndex = 0x504; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundscapeEntityListId = 0x508; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundEventHash = 0x50C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_positionNames = 0x510; // CUtlSymbolLarge[8] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hProxySoundscape = 0x550; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x554; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTotalCashSpent (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashSpentThisRound (int) + namespace CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReceivesMoneyNextRound = 0x40; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMoneyEarnedForNextRound = 0x44; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAccount = 0x48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iStartAccount = 0x4C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTotalCashSpent = 0x50; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCashSpentThisRound = 0x54; // int32 + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CSpriteOriented { + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetAABBEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CSoundOpvarSetOBBEntity { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponM4A1 { + } + // Parent: CBeam + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CEnvLaser { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszLaserTarget = 0x7B0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pSprite = 0x7B8; // CSprite* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSpriteName = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_firePosition = 0x7C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFrame = 0x7D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCommentaryViewPosition { + } + // Parent: CTonemapController2 + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTonemapController2Alias_env_tonemap_controller2 { + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CPhysPulley { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_position2 = 0x538; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_offset = 0x544; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_addLength = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_gearRatio = 0x560; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CGameRulesProxy { + } + // Parent: CEconEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip1 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip2 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pReserveAmmo (int) + namespace CBasePlayerWeapon { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick = 0xC70; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio = 0xC74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick = 0xC78; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio = 0xC7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iClip1 = 0xC80; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iClip2 = 0xC84; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pReserveAmmo = 0xC88; // int32[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerUse = 0xC90; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_perRoundStats (CSPerRoundStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_matchStats (CSMatchStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt (uint32) + namespace CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_perRoundStats = 0x40; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matchStats = 0xB0; // CSMatchStats_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumRoundKills = 0x170; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots = 0x174; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt = 0x178; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bvDisabledHitGroups (uint32) + namespace CHitboxComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bvDisabledHitGroups = 0x24; // uint32[1] + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBaseFlexAlias_funCBaseFlex { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_x (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_y (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_z (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_poolOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_waterLevel (float32) + namespace CFish { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pool = 0x8E8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x8EC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_x = 0x8F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_y = 0x8F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_z = 0x8F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angle = 0x8FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angleChange = 0x900; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forward = 0x904; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_perp = 0x910; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_poolOrigin = 0x91C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_waterLevel = 0x928; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_speed = 0x92C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_desiredSpeed = 0x930; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_calmSpeed = 0x934; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_panicSpeed = 0x938; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avoidRange = 0x93C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_turnTimer = 0x940; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_turnClockwise = 0x958; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_goTimer = 0x960; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_moveTimer = 0x978; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_panicTimer = 0x990; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_disperseTimer = 0x9A8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_proximityTimer = 0x9C0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_visible = 0x9D8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CEnvFireSource { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radius = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damage = 0x4C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoLadderDismount { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_strStartTouchEventName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_strEndTouchEventName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_strTriggerID (CUtlString) + namespace CTriggerGameEvent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strStartTouchEventName = 0x8E0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strEndTouchEventName = 0x8E8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strTriggerID = 0x8F0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 10 + namespace CPhysSlideConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_axisEnd = 0x540; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_slideFriction = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_systemLoadScale = 0x550; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_initialOffset = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableLinearConstraint = 0x558; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableAngularConstraint = 0x559; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMotorFrequency = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMotorDampingRatio = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseEntityPivot = 0x564; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundInfo = 0x568; // ConstraintSoundInfo + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CDebugHistory { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNpcEvents = 0x1F4500; // int32 + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoData { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CHostageCarriableProp { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CLightComponent (CLightComponent::Storage_t) + namespace CLightEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CLightComponent = 0x710; // CLightComponent* + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + namespace CFuncRotating { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStopped = 0x710; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStarted = 0x738; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnReachedStart = 0x760; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localRotationVector = 0x788; // RotationVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFanFriction = 0x794; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttenuation = 0x798; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVolume = 0x79C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTargetSpeed = 0x7A0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSpeed = 0x7A4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlockDamage = 0x7A8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NoiseRunning = 0x7B0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReversed = 0x7B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAccelDecel = 0x7B9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_prevLocalAngles = 0x7C4; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angStart = 0x7D0; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStopAtStartPos = 0x7DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecClientOrigin = 0x7E0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecClientAngles = 0x7EC; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounces (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin (Vector) + namespace CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInitialPosition = 0xA20; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInitialVelocity = 0xA2C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBounces = 0xA38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExplodeEffectIndex = 0xA40; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin = 0xA48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin = 0xA4C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpawnTime = 0xA58; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unOGSExtraFlags = 0xA5C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDetonationRecorded = 0xA5D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nItemIndex = 0xA5E; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOriginalSpawnLocation = 0xA60; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastBounceSoundTime = 0xA6C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecGrenadeSpin = 0xA70; // RotationVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastHitSurfaceNormal = 0xA7C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTicksAtZeroVelocity = 0xA88; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasEverHitPlayer = 0xA8C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClearFromPlayers = 0xA8D; // bool + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CCSPlace { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFuncTrainControls { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDissolveType (EntityDisolveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDissolverOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMagnitude (uint32) + namespace CEntityDissolve { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInStart = 0x710; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInLength = 0x714; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutModelStart = 0x718; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutModelLength = 0x71C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutStart = 0x720; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutLength = 0x724; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x728; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDissolveType = 0x72C; // EntityDisolveType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDissolverOrigin = 0x730; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMagnitude = 0x73C; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + namespace CPointAngleSensor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLookAtName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetEntity = 0x4D0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLookAtEntity = 0x4D4; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDotTolerance = 0x4DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFacingTime = 0x4E0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFired = 0x4E4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFacingLookat = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnNotFacingLookat = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetDir = 0x538; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FacingPercentage = 0x560; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + namespace CSoundEventOBBEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMins = 0x570; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxs = 0x57C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBtNodeDecorator + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CBtNodeCondition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNegated = 0x58; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton + namespace CSharedGapTypeQueryRegistration { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFalloffShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeightFogDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fIndirectLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSunLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideSunLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideNoiseStrength (bool) + namespace CEnvVolumetricFogVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMins = 0x4C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMaxs = 0x4D0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x4DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStrength = 0x4E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFalloffShape = 0x4E4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFalloffExponent = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeightFogDepth = 0x4EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth = 0x4F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fIndirectLightStrength = 0x4F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSunLightStrength = 0x4F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNoiseStrength = 0x4FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength = 0x500; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideSunLightStrength = 0x501; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOverrideNoiseStrength = 0x502; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrameRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumBeamEnts (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBaseMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHaloIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamType (BeamType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEndWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFadeLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHaloScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAmplitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStartFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nClipStyle (BeamClipStyle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTurnedOff (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + namespace CBeam { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrameRate = 0x710; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHDRColorScale = 0x714; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFireTime = 0x718; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamage = 0x71C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumBeamEnts = 0x720; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBaseMaterial = 0x728; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHaloIndex = 0x730; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBeamType = 0x738; // BeamType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBeamFlags = 0x73C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAttachEntity = 0x740; // CHandle[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachIndex = 0x768; // AttachmentHandle_t[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fWidth = 0x774; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fEndWidth = 0x778; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fFadeLength = 0x77C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fHaloScale = 0x780; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAmplitude = 0x784; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fStartFrame = 0x788; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSpeed = 0x78C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrame = 0x790; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nClipStyle = 0x794; // BeamClipStyle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTurnedOff = 0x798; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecEndPos = 0x79C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEndEntity = 0x7A8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDissolveType = 0x7AC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CRenderComponent (CRenderComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CHitboxComponent (CHitboxComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderMode (RenderMode_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderFX (RenderFx_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrRender (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecRenderAttributes (EntityRenderAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Collision (CCollisionProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Glow (CGlowProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowBackfaceMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMinDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMaxDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nObjectCulling (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAddDecal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalForwardAxis (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealBloodRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealHeightRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecViewOffset (CNetworkViewOffsetVector) + namespace CBaseModelEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CRenderComponent = 0x4C0; // CRenderComponent* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CHitboxComponent = 0x4C8; // CHitboxComponent + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDissolveStartTime = 0x4F0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnIgnite = 0x4F8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderMode = 0x520; // RenderMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderFX = 0x521; // RenderFx_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowFadeInView = 0x522; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clrRender = 0x523; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecRenderAttributes = 0x528; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderToCubemaps = 0x578; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Collision = 0x580; // CCollisionProperty + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Glow = 0x630; // CGlowProperty + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlowBackfaceMult = 0x688; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fadeMinDist = 0x68C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fadeMaxDist = 0x690; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeScale = 0x694; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flShadowStrength = 0x698; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nObjectCulling = 0x69C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAddDecal = 0x6A0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDecalPosition = 0x6A4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDecalForwardAxis = 0x6B0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecalHealBloodRate = 0x6BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecalHealHeightRate = 0x6C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo = 0x6C8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecViewOffset = 0x6E0; // CNetworkViewOffsetVector + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 12 + namespace CPhysMagnet { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMagnetAttach = 0x8E8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMagnetDetach = 0x910; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_massScale = 0x938; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forceLimit = 0x93C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_torqueLimit = 0x940; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MagnettedEntities = 0x948; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x960; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasHitSomething = 0x961; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTotalMass = 0x964; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x968; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextSuckTime = 0x96C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxObjectsAttached = 0x970; // int32 + } + // Parent: CSceneEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CSceneEntityAlias_logic_choreographed_scene { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CFuncNavBlocker { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x710; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBlockedTeamNumber = 0x714; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CRagdollMagnet { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radius = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_force = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_axis = 0x4CC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CFuncBrush { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSolidity = 0x710; // BrushSolidities_e + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDisabled = 0x714; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSolidBsp = 0x718; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszExcludedClass = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInvertExclusion = 0x728; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScriptedMovement = 0x729; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CPointProximitySensor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetEntity = 0x4C4; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Distance = 0x4C8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchases (WeaponPurchaseCount_t) + namespace WeaponPurchaseTracker_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weaponPurchases = 0x8; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFilterClass { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFilterClass = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CMelee { + } + // Parent: CMultiplayRules + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTeamplayRules { + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFilterLOS { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + namespace EngineCountdownTimer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_duration = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timestamp = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timescale = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBreakable + // Fields count: 15 + namespace CPhysBox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damageType = 0x7E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_massScale = 0x7EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damageToEnableMotion = 0x7F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceToEnableMotion = 0x7F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angPreferredCarryAngles = 0x7F8; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNotSolidToWorld = 0x804; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableUseOutput = 0x805; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iExploitableByPlayer = 0x808; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTouchOutputPerEntityDelay = 0x80C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnDamaged = 0x810; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnAwakened = 0x838; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMotionEnabled = 0x860; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerUse = 0x888; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStartTouch = 0x8B0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCarryingPlayer = 0x8D8; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DmgRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDetonateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDamage (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hThrower (CHandle) + namespace CBaseGrenade { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerPickup = 0x980; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnExplode = 0x9A8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasWarnedAI = 0x9D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsSmokeGrenade = 0x9D1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsLive = 0x9D2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DmgRadius = 0x9D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDetonateTime = 0x9D8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWarnAITime = 0x9DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamage = 0x9E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszBounceSound = 0x9E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ExplosionSound = 0x9F0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hThrower = 0x9FC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextAttack = 0xA14; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOriginalThrower = 0xA18; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 13 + namespace CTimerEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTimer = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTimerHigh = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTimerLow = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDisabled = 0x538; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialDelay = 0x53C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRefireTime = 0x540; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUpDownState = 0x544; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iUseRandomTime = 0x548; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPauseAfterFiring = 0x54C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLowerRandomBound = 0x550; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUpperRandomBound = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRemainingTime = 0x558; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPaused = 0x55C; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_TeamIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CHEGrenadeProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared) + namespace CEnvWind { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EnvWindShared = 0x4C0; // CEnvWindShared + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + namespace IntervalTimer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timestamp = 0x8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWorldGroupId = 0xC; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerWeapon + // Fields count: 64 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFireSequenceStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEvent (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType (WeaponAttackType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iState (CSWeaponState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeWeaponIdle (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponMode (CSWeaponMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAccuracyPenalty (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRecoilIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRecoilIndex (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBurstMode (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInReload (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bReloadVisuallyComplete (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDroppedAtTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHauledBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSilencerOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOriginalTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMostRecentTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDroppedNearBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPrevOwner (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDropTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLastShotTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iIronSightMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumEmptyAttacks (int) + namespace CCSWeaponBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRemoveable = 0xCE0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFireSequenceStartTime = 0xCE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange = 0xCEC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFireSequenceStartTimeAck = 0xCF0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ePlayerFireEvent = 0xCF4; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType = 0xCF8; // WeaponAttackType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_seqIdle = 0xCFC; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_seqFirePrimary = 0xD00; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_seqFireSecondary = 0xD04; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_thirdPersonFireSequences = 0xD08; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCurrentThirdPersonSequence = 0xD20; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSilencerBoneIndex = 0xD24; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_thirdPersonSequences = 0xD28; // HSequence[7] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayerAmmoStockOnPickup = 0xD50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRequireUseToTouch = 0xD51; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iState = 0xD54; // CSWeaponState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastTimeInAir = 0xD58; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastDeployTime = 0xD5C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastEmptySoundCmdNum = 0xD60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nViewModelIndex = 0xD64; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReloadsWithClips = 0xD68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeWeaponIdle = 0xD88; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFireOnEmpty = 0xD8C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPlayerPickup = 0xD90; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weaponMode = 0xDB8; // CSWeaponMode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTurningInaccuracyDelta = 0xDBC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTurningInaccuracyEyeDirLast = 0xDC0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTurningInaccuracy = 0xDCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAccuracyPenalty = 0xDD0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastAccuracyUpdateTime = 0xDD4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAccuracySmoothedForZoom = 0xDD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fScopeZoomEndTime = 0xDDC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRecoilIndex = 0xDE0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoilIndex = 0xDE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBurstMode = 0xDE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks = 0xDEC; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac = 0xDF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInReload = 0xDF4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bReloadVisuallyComplete = 0xDF5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDroppedAtTime = 0xDF8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHauledBack = 0xDFC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSilencerOn = 0xDFD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete = 0xE00; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iOriginalTeamNumber = 0xE04; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMostRecentTeamNumber = 0xE08; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDroppedNearBuyZone = 0xE0C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextAttackRenderTimeOffset = 0xE10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanBePickedUp = 0xE28; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseCanOverrideNextOwnerTouchTime = 0xE29; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nextOwnerTouchTime = 0xE2C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nextPrevOwnerTouchTime = 0xE30; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPrevOwner = 0xE38; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDropTick = 0xE3C; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_donated = 0xE5C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLastShotTime = 0xE60; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasOwnedByCT = 0xE64; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasOwnedByTerrorist = 0xE65; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFiredOutOfAmmoEvent = 0xE66; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numRemoveUnownedWeaponThink = 0xE68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_IronSightController = 0xE70; // CIronSightController + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iIronSightMode = 0xE88; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastLOSTraceFailureTime = 0xE8C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumEmptyAttacks = 0xE90; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWatTickOffset = 0xE94; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CHandleDummy { + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 9 + namespace CRagdollConstraint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_xmin = 0x538; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_xmax = 0x53C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ymin = 0x540; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ymax = 0x544; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_zmin = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_zmax = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_xfriction = 0x550; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_yfriction = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_zfriction = 0x558; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + namespace CPhysExplosion { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExplodeOnSpawn = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMagnitude = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamage = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radius = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetEntityName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInnerRadius = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPushScale = 0x4DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible = 0x4E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPushedPlayer = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CPointPush { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMagnitude = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInnerRadius = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flConeOfInfluence = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszFilterName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFilter = 0x4E0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CCredits { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCreditsDone = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRolledOutroCredits = 0x4E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLogoLength = 0x4EC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHostageAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isHostageFollowingSomeone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostageEntityIDs (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterA (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterB (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted (bool) + namespace CCSPlayerResource { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHostageAlive = 0x4C0; // bool[12] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isHostageFollowingSomeone = 0x4CC; // bool[12] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHostageEntityIDs = 0x4D8; // CEntityIndex[12] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bombsiteCenterA = 0x508; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bombsiteCenterB = 0x514; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageRescueX = 0x520; // int32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageRescueY = 0x530; // int32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageRescueZ = 0x540; // int32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted = 0x550; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_foundGoalPositions = 0x551; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWeapons (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActiveWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLastWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAmmo (uint16) + namespace CPlayer_WeaponServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMyWeapons = 0x40; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActiveWeapon = 0x58; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLastWeapon = 0x5C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAmmo = 0x60; // uint16[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreventWeaponPickup = 0xA0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CAttributeManager__cached_attribute_float_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flIn = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t iAttribHook = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flOut = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CTeam + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSurrendered (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamMatchStat (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numMapVictories (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreFirstHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreSecondHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreOvertime (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClanTeamname (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClanID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamFlagImage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamLogoImage (char) + namespace CCSTeam { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastRecievedShorthandedRoundBonus = 0x578; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShorthandedRoundBonusStartRound = 0x57C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSurrendered = 0x580; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTeamMatchStat = 0x581; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numMapVictories = 0x784; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scoreFirstHalf = 0x788; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scoreSecondHalf = 0x78C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_scoreOvertime = 0x790; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClanTeamname = 0x794; // char[129] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iClanID = 0x818; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTeamFlagImage = 0x81C; // char[8] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTeamLogoImage = 0x824; // char[8] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextResourceTime = 0x82C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLastUpdateSentAt = 0x830; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CCSGameModeRules { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsAs (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsWith (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsExclude (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntityId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHierarchyId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionFunctionMask (uint8) + namespace VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInteractsAs = 0x8; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInteractsWith = 0x10; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInteractsExclude = 0x18; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEntityId = 0x20; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOwnerId = 0x24; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHierarchyId = 0x28; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionGroup = 0x2A; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionFunctionMask = 0x2B; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CTriggerMultiple + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CTriggerImpact { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMagnitude = 0x908; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNoise = 0x90C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flViewkick = 0x910; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputForce = 0x918; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrOverlay (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSSEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bmaxColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHazeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHaze (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHdr (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZScale (float32) + namespace CSun { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDirection = 0x710; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clrOverlay = 0x71C; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEffectName = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSSEffectName = 0x728; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOn = 0x730; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bmaxColor = 0x731; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSize = 0x734; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRotation = 0x738; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHazeScale = 0x73C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaHaze = 0x740; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaHdr = 0x744; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlphaScale = 0x748; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHDRColorScale = 0x74C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFarZScale = 0x750; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CTriggerDetectBulletFire { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayerFireOnly = 0x8E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnDetectedBulletFire = 0x8E8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWorld { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CPointGiveAmmo { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pActivator = 0x4C0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CFuncMoveLinear + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFuncMoveLinearAlias_momentary_door { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flParticleSpacing (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Position (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentIn (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentOut (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Color (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_PinEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_RadiusScale (float) + namespace CPathParticleRope { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartActive = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSimulationTime = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEffectName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_Name = 0x4D0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flParticleSpacing = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSlack = 0x4EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x4F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ColorTint = 0x4F4; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEffectState = 0x4F8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEffectIndex = 0x500; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_Position = 0x508; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_TangentIn = 0x520; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_TangentOut = 0x538; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_Color = 0x550; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_PinEnabled = 0x568; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathNodes_RadiusScale = 0x580; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVisibilityStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogDistanceMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + namespace CPlayerVisibility { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVisibilityStrength = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogDistanceMultiplier = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeTime = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x4D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsEnabled = 0x4D1; // bool + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CServerOnlyPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CAK47 { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CTriggerTeleport { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLandmark = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseLandmarkAngles = 0x8E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMirrorPlayer = 0x8E9; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSObserver_CameraServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_TeamIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 26 + namespace CFuncMover { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPathName = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPathMover = 0x718; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPathNodeStart = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eMoveType = 0x728; // CFuncMover::Move_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsReversing = 0x72C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTarget = 0x730; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartSpeed = 0x73C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPathLocation = 0x740; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flT = 0x744; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCurrentNodeIndex = 0x748; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPreviousNodeIndex = 0x74C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFixedOrientation = 0x750; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFixedPitch = 0x751; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eSolidType = 0x752; // SolidType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsMoving = 0x753; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeToReachMaxSpeed = 0x754; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeToReachZeroSpeed = 0x758; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeMovementStart = 0x75C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeMovementStop = 0x760; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hStopAtNode = 0x764; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPathLocationToBeginStop = 0x768; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchPathNodeUp = 0x76C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFacePlayer = 0x76D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeStartRoll = 0x770; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOriginalUp = 0x774; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeToRollToNewUp = 0x780; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: localSound (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: localBits (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeEntityListIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: soundEventHash (uint32) + namespace audioparams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t localSound = 0x8; // Vector[8] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t soundscapeIndex = 0x68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t localBits = 0x6C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t soundscapeEntityListIndex = 0x70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t soundEventHash = 0x74; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CHEGrenade { + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CGameEnd { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTriggerCallback { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CBubbling { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_density = 0x710; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_frequency = 0x714; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_state = 0x718; // int32 + } + // Parent: CTeamplayRules + // Fields count: 189 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFreezePeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWarmupPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodEnd (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodStart (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bServerPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTerroristTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCTTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTerroristTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTechnicalTimeOut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMatchWaitingForResume (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMatchStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fRoundStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRestartRoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGameRestart (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGameStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_gamePhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalRoundsPlayed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOvertimePlaying (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostagesRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnyHostageReached (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBombTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsValveDS (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLogoMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iSpectatorSlotCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MatchDevice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMatchStarted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextMapInMapgroup (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventStage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szMatchStatTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTournamentPredictionsPct (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDroppingItems (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQuestEligible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHltvActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrProhibitedItemIndices (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numBestOfMaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDropped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlanted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundWinStatus (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundWinReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_RoundResults (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextRespawnWave (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nServerQuestID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameModeRules (CCSGameModeRules*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakeRules (CRetakeGameRules) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTeamIntroPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundEndReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndTimerTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndFunFactToken (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot (CPlayerSlot) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndMessage (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndPlayerCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndLegacy (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundStartRoundNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundStartCount (uint8) + namespace CCSGameRules { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFreezePeriod = 0xC8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWarmupPeriod = 0xC9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fWarmupPeriodEnd = 0xCC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fWarmupPeriodStart = 0xD0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bServerPaused = 0xD4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTerroristTimeOutActive = 0xD5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCTTimeOutActive = 0xD6; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining = 0xD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCTTimeOutRemaining = 0xDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTerroristTimeOuts = 0xE0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCTTimeOuts = 0xE4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTechnicalTimeOut = 0xE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchWaitingForResume = 0xE9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundTime = 0xEC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMatchStartTime = 0xF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRoundStartTime = 0xF4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRestartRoundTime = 0xF8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGameRestart = 0xFC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGameStartTime = 0x100; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts = 0x104; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_gamePhase = 0x108; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_totalRoundsPlayed = 0x10C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase = 0x110; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOvertimePlaying = 0x114; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHostagesRemaining = 0x118; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnyHostageReached = 0x11C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMapHasBombTarget = 0x11D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMapHasRescueZone = 0x11E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMapHasBuyZone = 0x11F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking = 0x120; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode = 0x124; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsValveDS = 0x128; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLogoMap = 0x129; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer = 0x12A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSpectatorSlotCount = 0x12C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MatchDevice = 0x130; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasMatchStarted = 0x134; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextMapInMapgroup = 0x138; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTournamentEventName = 0x13C; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTournamentEventStage = 0x33C; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMatchStatTxt = 0x53C; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt = 0x73C; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTournamentPredictionsPct = 0x93C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime = 0x940; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime = 0x944; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsDroppingItems = 0x948; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsQuestEligible = 0x949; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHltvActive = 0x94A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_arrProhibitedItemIndices = 0x94C; // uint16[100] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts = 0xA14; // uint32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numBestOfMaps = 0xA24; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed = 0xA28; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombDropped = 0xA2C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombPlanted = 0xA2D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundWinStatus = 0xA30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eRoundWinReason = 0xA34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTCantBuy = 0xA38; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCTCantBuy = 0xA39; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMatchStats_RoundResults = 0xA3C; // int32[30] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT = 0xAB4; // int32[30] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T = 0xB2C; // int32[30] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes = 0xBA4; // float32[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextRespawnWave = 0xC24; // GameTime_t[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nServerQuestID = 0xCA4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinimapMins = 0xCA8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinimapMaxs = 0xCB4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights = 0xCC0; // float32[8] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpawnedTerrorHuntHeavy = 0xCE0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes = 0xCE4; // int32[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions = 0xD0C; // int32[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner = 0xD34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses = 0xD38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses = 0xD3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasHostageBeenTouched = 0xD58; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIntermissionStartTime = 0xD5C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIntermissionEndTime = 0xD60; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLevelInitialized = 0xD64; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTotalRoundsPlayed = 0xD68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iUnBalancedRounds = 0xD6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_endMatchOnRoundReset = 0xD70; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_endMatchOnThink = 0xD71; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFreezeTime = 0xD74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumTerrorist = 0xD78; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumCT = 0xD7C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumSpawnableTerrorist = 0xD80; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumSpawnableCT = 0xD84; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_arrSelectedHostageSpawnIndices = 0xD88; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpawnPointsRandomSeed = 0xDA0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstConnected = 0xDA4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCompleteReset = 0xDA5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPickNewTeamsOnReset = 0xDA6; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScrambleTeamsOnRestart = 0xDA7; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSwapTeamsOnRestart = 0xDA8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchTiedVotes = 0xDB0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNeedToAskPlayersForContinueVote = 0xDCC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numQueuedMatchmakingAccounts = 0xDD0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAvgPlayerRank = 0xDD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pQueuedMatchmakingReservationString = 0xDD8; // char* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numTotalTournamentDrops = 0xDE0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numSpectatorsCountMax = 0xDE4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numSpectatorsCountMaxTV = 0xDE8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numSpectatorsCountMaxLnk = 0xDEC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceTeamChangeSilent = 0xDF8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoadingRoundBackupData = 0xDF9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMatchInfoShowType = 0xE30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMatchInfoDecidedTime = 0xE34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t mTeamDMLastWinningTeamNumber = 0xE50; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t mTeamDMLastThinkTime = 0xE54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTeamDMLastAnnouncementTime = 0xE58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAccountTerrorist = 0xE5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAccountCT = 0xE60; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSpawnPointCount_Terrorist = 0xE64; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSpawnPointCount_CT = 0xE68; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxNumTerrorists = 0xE6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxNumCTs = 0xE70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLoserBonusMostRecentTeam = 0xE74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tmNextPeriodicThink = 0xE78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVoiceWonMatchBragFired = 0xE7C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fWarmupNextChatNoticeTime = 0xE80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHostagesRescued = 0xE88; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHostagesTouched = 0xE8C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextHostageAnnouncement = 0xE90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoTerroristsKilled = 0xE94; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoCTsKilled = 0xE95; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoEnemiesKilled = 0xE96; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanDonateWeapons = 0xE97; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_firstKillTime = 0xE9C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_firstBloodTime = 0xEA4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageWasInjured = 0xEC0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageWasKilled = 0xEC1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVoteCalled = 0xED0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bServerVoteOnReset = 0xED1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVoteCheckThrottle = 0xED4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBuyTimeEnded = 0xED8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastFreezeEndBeep = 0xEDC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTargetBombed = 0xEE0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombDefused = 0xEE1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMapHasBombZone = 0xEE2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMainCTSpawnPos = 0xF30; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CTSpawnPointsMasterList = 0xF40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TerroristSpawnPointsMasterList = 0xF58; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRespawningAllRespawnablePlayers = 0xF70; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNextCTSpawnPoint = 0xF74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCTSpawnPointUsedTime = 0xF78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNextTerroristSpawnPoint = 0xF7C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTerroristSpawnPointUsedTime = 0xF80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CTSpawnPoints = 0xF88; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TerroristSpawnPoints = 0xFA0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsUnreservedGameServer = 0xFB8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAutobalanceDisplayTime = 0xFBC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowWeaponSwitch = 0x1228; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRoundTimeWarningTriggered = 0x1229; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_phaseChangeAnnouncementTime = 0x122C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNextUpdateTeamClanNamesTime = 0x1230; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastThinkTime = 0x1234; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fAccumulatedRoundOffDamage = 0x1238; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShorthandedBonusLastEvalRound = 0x123C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason = 0x14B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasTriggeredRoundStartMusic = 0x14BC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSwitchingTeamsAtRoundReset = 0x14BD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pGameModeRules = 0x14D8; // CCSGameModeRules* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BtGlobalBlackboard = 0x14E0; // KeyValues3 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerResource = 0x1570; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RetakeRules = 0x1578; // CRetakeGameRules + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_arrTeamUniqueKillWeaponsMatch = 0x1710; // CUtlVector[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTeamLastKillUsedUniqueWeaponMatch = 0x1770; // bool[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMatchEndCount = 0x1798; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTTeamIntroVariant = 0x179C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCTTeamIntroVariant = 0x17A0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTeamIntroPeriod = 0x17A4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fTeamIntroPeriodEnd = 0x17A8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayedTeamIntroVO = 0x17AC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam = 0x17B0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eRoundEndReason = 0x17B4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend = 0x17B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndTimerTime = 0x17BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sRoundEndFunFactToken = 0x17C0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot = 0x17C8; // CPlayerSlot + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 = 0x17CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 = 0x17D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 = 0x17D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sRoundEndMessage = 0x17D8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndPlayerCount = 0x17E0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRoundEndNoMusic = 0x17E4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundEndLegacy = 0x17E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRoundEndCount = 0x17EC; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundStartRoundNumber = 0x17F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRoundStartCount = 0x17F4; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPerfSampleTime = 0x5800; // float64 + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPhysicsPropOverride { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CAI_ChangeHintGroup { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSearchType = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strSearchName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strNewHintGroup = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x4D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FadeDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Weight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lookupFilename (char) + namespace CColorCorrectionVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x8E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaxWeight = 0x8E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FadeDuration = 0x8E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x8EC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Weight = 0x8F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookupFilename = 0x8F4; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastEnterWeight = 0xAF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastEnterTime = 0xAF8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastExitWeight = 0xAFC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastExitTime = 0xB00; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CFilterEnemy { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEnemyName = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x520; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOuterRadius = 0x524; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxSquadmatesPerEnemy = 0x528; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPlayerName = 0x530; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CShower { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLODBias (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCubemapSourceType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSkyEntity (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeightFogEnd (bool) + namespace CEnvCubemapFog { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndDistance = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartDistance = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogFalloffExponent = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHeightFogEnabled = 0x4CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogHeightWidth = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogHeightEnd = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogHeightStart = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogHeightExponent = 0x4DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLODBias = 0x4E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x4E4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x4E5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxOpacity = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCubemapSourceType = 0x4EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSkyMaterial = 0x4F0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSkyEntity = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFogCubemapTexture = 0x500; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasHeightFogEnd = 0x508; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFirstTime = 0x509; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseButton + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPhysicalButton { + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 15 + namespace CEnvExplosion { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMagnitude = 0x710; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPlayerDamage = 0x714; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRadiusOverride = 0x718; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInnerRadius = 0x71C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spriteScale = 0x720; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamageForce = 0x724; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hInflictor = 0x728; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCustomDamageType = 0x72C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszExplosionType = 0x738; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszCustomEffectName = 0x740; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszCustomSoundName = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iClassIgnore = 0x750; // Class_T + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iClassIgnore2 = 0x754; // Class_T + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEntityIgnoreName = 0x758; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEntityIgnore = 0x760; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + namespace CSoundEventAABBEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMins = 0x570; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxs = 0x57C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CTriggerMultiple + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTriggerOnce { + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CPrecipitationVData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szParticlePrecipitationEffect = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInnerDistance = 0x108; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachType = 0x10C; // ParticleAttachment_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBatchSameVolumeType = 0x110; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRTEnvCP = 0x114; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRTEnvCPComponent = 0x118; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szModifier = 0x120; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CLogicProximity { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszCommentaryFile (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewPosition (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTimeInCommentary (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszTitle (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSpeakers (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumberMax (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bListenedTo (bool) + namespace CPointCommentaryNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPreCommands = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPostCommands = 0x8F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszCommentaryFile = 0x8F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszViewTarget = 0x900; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hViewTarget = 0x908; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hViewTargetAngles = 0x90C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszViewPosition = 0x910; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hViewPosition = 0x918; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hViewPositionMover = 0x91C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreventMovement = 0x920; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUnderCrosshair = 0x921; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUnstoppable = 0x922; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFinishedTime = 0x924; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecFinishOrigin = 0x928; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOriginalAngles = 0x934; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecFinishAngles = 0x940; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPreventChangesWhileMoving = 0x94C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x94D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTeleportOrigin = 0x950; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAbortedPlaybackAt = 0x95C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOnCommentaryStarted = 0x960; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOnCommentaryStopped = 0x988; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bActive = 0x9B0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x9B4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTimeInCommentary = 0x9B8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTitle = 0x9C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSpeakers = 0x9C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNodeNumber = 0x9D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNodeNumberMax = 0x9D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bListenedTo = 0x9D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOpaque (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoDepth (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderBackface (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseOffScreenIndicator (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExcludeFromSaveGames (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGrabbable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOnlyRenderToTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisableMipGen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplicitImageLayout (int32) + namespace CPointClientUIWorldPanel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreInput = 0x8C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLit = 0x8C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport = 0x8C2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWidth = 0x8C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeight = 0x8C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDPI = 0x8CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInteractDistance = 0x8D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepthOffset = 0x8D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unOwnerContext = 0x8D8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unHorizontalAlign = 0x8DC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unVerticalAlign = 0x8E0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unOrientation = 0x8E4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds = 0x8E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCSSClasses = 0x8F0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOpaque = 0x908; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoDepth = 0x909; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRenderBackface = 0x90A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseOffScreenIndicator = 0x90B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExcludeFromSaveGames = 0x90C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGrabbable = 0x90D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyRenderToTexture = 0x90E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableMipGen = 0x90F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExplicitImageLayout = 0x910; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFilterContext { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFilterContext = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPathParticleRope + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPathParticleRopeAlias_path_particle_rope_clientside { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CBuoyancyHelper { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFluidDensity = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFilterAttributeInt { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sAttributeName = 0x518; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisRound (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + namespace CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLastWeaponBeforeC4AutoSwitch = 0x200; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsRescuing = 0x234; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch = 0x238; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weaponPurchasesThisRound = 0x290; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CAISound { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSoundType = 0x4C0; // SoundTypes_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSoundFlags = 0x4C2; // SoundFlags_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iVolume = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSoundIndex = 0x4C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszProxyEntityName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CPointEntityFinder { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEntity = 0x4C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFilterName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFilter = 0x4D0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRefName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hReference = 0x4E0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FindMethod = 0x4E4; // EntFinderMethod_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFoundEntity = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nModelID (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_solid (ShardSolid_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShatterPanelMode (ShatterPanelMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelSize (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionA (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionB (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelVertices (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlassHalfThickness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasParent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bParentFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SurfacePropStringToken (CUtlStringToken) + namespace shard_model_desc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nModelID = 0x8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMaterial = 0x10; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_solid = 0x18; // ShardSolid_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ShatterPanelMode = 0x19; // ShatterPanelMode + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPanelSize = 0x1C; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStressPositionA = 0x24; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStressPositionB = 0x2C; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPanelVertices = 0x38; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlassHalfThickness = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasParent = 0x54; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bParentFrozen = 0x55; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SurfacePropStringToken = 0x58; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CBaseProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bModelOverrodeBlockLOS = 0x8E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iShapeType = 0x8EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bConformToCollisionBounds = 0x8F0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mPreferredCatchTransform = 0x8F4; // matrix3x4_t + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColorLightingOnly (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + namespace CEnvSky { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSkyMaterial = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly = 0x718; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x720; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTintColor = 0x721; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTintColorLightingOnly = 0x725; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessScale = 0x72C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFogType = 0x730; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMinStart = 0x734; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMinEnd = 0x738; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxStart = 0x73C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFogMaxEnd = 0x740; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x744; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CPointVelocitySensor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetEntity = 0x4C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAxis = 0x4C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x4D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fPrevVelocity = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAvgInterval = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Velocity = 0x4E0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFilterMassGreater { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fFilterMass = 0x518; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + namespace FilterTeam { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFilterTeam = 0x518; // int32 + } + // Parent: CFuncTrackTrain + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFuncTankTrain { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnDeath = 0x860; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CNullEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_observer { + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeWithRef + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CMarkupVolumeTagged_NavGame { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFloodFillAttribute = 0x768; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CBuyZone { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LegacyTeamNum = 0x8E0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 12 + namespace CPointTemplate { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszWorldName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSource2EntityLumpName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEntityFilterName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeoutInterval = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAsynchronouslySpawnEntities = 0x4DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputOnSpawned = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clientOnlyEntityBehavior = 0x508; // PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ownerSpawnGroupType = 0x50C; // PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_createdSpawnGroupHandles = 0x510; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SpawnedEntityHandles = 0x528; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ScriptSpawnCallback = 0x540; // HSCRIPT + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ScriptCallbackScope = 0x548; // HSCRIPT + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTripWireFire { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CPhysForce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameAttach = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_force = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forceTime = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attachedObject = 0x4D8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wasRestored = 0x4DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_integrator = 0x4E0; // CConstantForceController + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CLogicDistanceAutosave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTargetEntity = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceToPlayer = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceNewLevelUnit = 0x4CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCheckCough = 0x4CD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bThinkDangerous = 0x4CE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDangerousTime = 0x4D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CInfoDynamicShadowHint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nImportance = 0x4C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLightChoice = 0x4CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLight = 0x4D0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + namespace CSoundOpvarSetAABBEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceInnerMins = 0x668; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceInnerMaxs = 0x674; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceOuterMins = 0x680; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceOuterMaxs = 0x68C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAABBDirection = 0x698; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInnerMins = 0x69C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInnerMaxs = 0x6A8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOuterMins = 0x6B4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOuterMaxs = 0x6C0; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CEnvWindShared__WindVariationEvent_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindAngleVariation = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindSpeedVariation = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CTakeDamageInfoAPI { + } + // Parent: CTriggerOnce + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CScriptTriggerOnce { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vExtent = 0x908; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CNavWalkable { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowType (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowTeam (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRange (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRangeMin (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowColorOverride (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlashing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight (bool) + namespace CGlowProperty { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fGlowColor = 0x8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iGlowType = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iGlowTeam = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowRange = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGlowRangeMin = 0x3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_glowColorOverride = 0x40; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFlashing = 0x44; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlowTime = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlowStartTime = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight = 0x50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGlowing = 0x51; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CFlashbangProjectile { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeToDetonate = 0xA90; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numOpponentsHit = 0xA94; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_numTeammatesHit = 0xA95; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CPointClientUIWorldPanel + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + namespace CPointClientUIWorldTextPanel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_messageText = 0x918; // char[512] + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoInstructorHintTarget { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostage (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostageProp (CHandle) + namespace CCSPlayer_HostageServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCarriedHostage = 0x40; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCarriedHostageProp = 0x44; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponSSG08 { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBreachCharge { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CLogicBranch { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInValue = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Listeners = 0x4C8; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTrue = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFalse = 0x508; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponUMP45 { + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CSpriteAlias_env_glow { + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szDisplayText (string_t) + namespace CBaseButton { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angMoveEntitySpace = 0x790; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fStayPushed = 0x79C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fRotating = 0x79D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ls = 0x7A0; // locksound_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sUseSound = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sLockedSound = 0x7C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sUnlockedSound = 0x7D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sOverrideAnticipationName = 0x7D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocked = 0x7E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x7E1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flUseLockedTime = 0x7E4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSolidBsp = 0x7E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnDamaged = 0x7F0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPressed = 0x818; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUseLocked = 0x840; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnIn = 0x868; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnOut = 0x890; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nState = 0x8B8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hConstraint = 0x8BC; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hConstraintParent = 0x8C0; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceNpcExclude = 0x8C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sGlowEntity = 0x8C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_glowEntity = 0x8D0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_usable = 0x8D4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szDisplayText = 0x8D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CPhysLength { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_offset = 0x538; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAttach = 0x550; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_addLength = 0x55C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_minLength = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_totalLength = 0x564; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableCollision = 0x568; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 48 + namespace CLogicNPCCounter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMinCountAll = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMaxCountAll = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFactorAll = 0x510; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMinPlayerDistAll = 0x538; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMinCount_1 = 0x560; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMaxCount_1 = 0x588; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFactor_1 = 0x5B0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMinPlayerDist_1 = 0x5D8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMinCount_2 = 0x600; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMaxCount_2 = 0x628; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFactor_2 = 0x650; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMinPlayerDist_2 = 0x678; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMinCount_3 = 0x6A0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMaxCount_3 = 0x6C8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFactor_3 = 0x6F0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnMinPlayerDist_3 = 0x718; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSource = 0x740; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSourceEntityName = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistanceMax = 0x750; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x754; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinCountAll = 0x758; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxCountAll = 0x75C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinFactorAll = 0x760; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxFactorAll = 0x764; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszNPCClassname_1 = 0x770; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNPCState_1 = 0x778; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInvertState_1 = 0x77C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinCount_1 = 0x780; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxCount_1 = 0x784; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinFactor_1 = 0x788; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxFactor_1 = 0x78C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultDist_1 = 0x794; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszNPCClassname_2 = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNPCState_2 = 0x7A0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInvertState_2 = 0x7A4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinCount_2 = 0x7A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxCount_2 = 0x7AC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinFactor_2 = 0x7B0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxFactor_2 = 0x7B4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultDist_2 = 0x7BC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszNPCClassname_3 = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNPCState_3 = 0x7C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInvertState_3 = 0x7CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinCount_3 = 0x7D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxCount_3 = 0x7D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinFactor_3 = 0x7D8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxFactor_3 = 0x7DC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultDist_3 = 0x7E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPredictedViewModel + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWeaponParity (uint32) + namespace CCSGOViewModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy = 0x930; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeaponParity = 0x934; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldWeaponParity = 0x938; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisplayHealth (float) + namespace CWeaponShield { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBulletDamageAbsorbed = 0xEB8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastBulletHitSoundTime = 0xEBC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDisplayHealth = 0xEC0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CBlood { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSprayAngles = 0x4C0; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSprayDir = 0x4CC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAmount = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x4DC; // BloodType + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeColor (Color) + namespace CEnvFade { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fadeColor = 0x4C0; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Duration = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_HoldDuration = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBeginFade = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseProp + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CPropDataComponent (CPropDataComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_noGhostCollision (bool) + namespace CBreakableProp { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CPropDataComponent = 0x930; // CPropDataComponent + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBreak = 0x970; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHealthChanged = 0x998; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTakeDamage = 0x9C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_impactEnergyScale = 0x9E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMinHealthDmg = 0x9EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_preferredCarryAngles = 0x9F0; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPressureDelay = 0x9FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefBurstScale = 0xA00; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDefBurstOffset = 0xA04; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBreaker = 0xA10; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PerformanceMode = 0xA14; // PerformanceMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreventDamageBeforeTime = 0xA18; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBreakPiecesOrCommands = 0xA1C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explodeDamage = 0xA20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explodeRadius = 0xA24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explosionDelay = 0xA2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explosionBuildupSound = 0xA30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explosionCustomEffect = 0xA38; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explosionCustomSound = 0xA40; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_explosionModifier = 0xA48; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPhysicsAttacker = 0xA50; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime = 0xA54; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOriginalBlockLOS = 0xA58; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultFadeScale = 0xA5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLastAttacker = 0xA60; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFlareEnt = 0xA64; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUsePuntSound = 0xA68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPuntSound = 0xA70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noGhostCollision = 0xA78; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries (SellbackPurchaseEntry_t) + namespace CCSPlayer_BuyServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries = 0xC8; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWearables (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFieldOfView (float) + namespace CBaseCombatCharacter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceServerRagdoll = 0x978; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMyWearables = 0x980; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFieldOfView = 0x998; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_impactEnergyScale = 0x99C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastHitGroup = 0x9A0; // HitGroup_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyStressDamage = 0x9A4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDamageCount = 0x9E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pVecRelationships = 0x9F0; // CUtlVector* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strRelationships = 0x9F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eHull = 0xA00; // Hull_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNavHullIdx = 0xA04; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_firePositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireParentPositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFireIsBurning (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_BurnNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInfernoType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireLifetime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInPostEffectTime (bool) + namespace CInferno { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_firePositions = 0x720; // Vector[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fireParentPositions = 0xA20; // Vector[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFireIsBurning = 0xD20; // bool[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BurnNormal = 0xD60; // Vector[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fireCount = 0x1060; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInfernoType = 0x1064; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFireEffectTickBegin = 0x1068; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFireLifetime = 0x106C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInPostEffectTime = 0x1070; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFiresExtinguishCount = 0x1074; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasCreatedInSmoke = 0x1078; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_extent = 0x1280; // Extent + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damageTimer = 0x1298; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_damageRampTimer = 0x12B0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_splashVelocity = 0x12C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InitialSplashVelocity = 0x12D4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startPos = 0x12E0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOriginalSpawnLocation = 0x12EC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_activeTimer = 0x12F8; // IntervalTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fireSpawnOffset = 0x1308; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxFlames = 0x130C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpreadCount = 0x1310; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BookkeepingTimer = 0x1318; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NextSpreadTimer = 0x1330; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSourceItemDefIndex = 0x1348; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CEnvGlobal { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_outCounter = 0x4C0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_globalstate = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_triggermode = 0x4F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_initialstate = 0x4F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_counter = 0x4F8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CBaseFilter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNegated = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPass = 0x4C8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFail = 0x4F0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayerControllers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamname (char) + namespace CTeam { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aPlayerControllers = 0x4C0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aPlayers = 0x4D8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iScore = 0x4F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTeamname = 0x4F4; // char[129] + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponUSPSilencer { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSpriteMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachedToEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteFramerate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBrightness (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldSpaceScale (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + namespace CSprite { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSpriteMaterial = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAttachedToEntity = 0x718; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAttachment = 0x71C; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpriteFramerate = 0x720; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrame = 0x724; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDieTime = 0x728; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBrightness = 0x738; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessDuration = 0x73C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpriteScale = 0x740; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleDuration = 0x744; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWorldSpaceScale = 0x748; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlowProxySize = 0x74C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHDRColorScale = 0x750; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastTime = 0x754; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxFrame = 0x758; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartScale = 0x75C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDestScale = 0x760; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScaleTimeStart = 0x764; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStartBrightness = 0x768; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDestBrightness = 0x76C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBrightnessTimeStart = 0x770; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpriteWidth = 0x774; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpriteHeight = 0x778; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTriggerGravity { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CServerRagdollTrigger { + } + // Parent: CInfoDynamicShadowHint + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CInfoDynamicShadowHintBox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMins = 0x4D8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxMaxs = 0x4E4; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CPathMover { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPathNodes = 0x4C0; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPathLength = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClosedLoop = 0x4DC; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFlashbang { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponAug { + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 34 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + namespace CChicken { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttributeManager = 0xBA0; // CAttributeContainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sActivityFinishedTag = 0xE88; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_updateTimer = 0xE90; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckAnchor = 0xEA8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckTimer = 0xEB8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_collisionStuckTimer = 0xED0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isOnGround = 0xEE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vFallVelocity = 0xEEC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_desiredActivity = 0xEF8; // ChickenActivity + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_currentActivity = 0xEFC; // ChickenActivity + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_activityTimer = 0xF00; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_turnRate = 0xF18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fleeFrom = 0xF1C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_moveRateThrottleTimer = 0xF20; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startleTimer = 0xF38; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vocalizeTimer = 0xF50; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWhenZombified = 0xF68; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jumpedThisFrame = 0xF6C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leader = 0xF70; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_reuseTimer = 0xF88; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hasBeenUsed = 0xFA0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jumpTimer = 0xFA8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastJumpTime = 0xFC0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInJump = 0xFC4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isWaitingForLeader = 0xFC5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_repathTimer = 0x2FD0; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inhibitDoorTimer = 0x2FE8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inhibitObstacleAvoidanceTimer = 0x3078; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPathGoal = 0x3098; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flActiveFollowStartTime = 0x30A4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_followMinuteTimer = 0x30A8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastEggPoopPosition = 0x30C0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecEggsPooped = 0x30D0; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BlockDirectionTimer = 0x30F0; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CChangeLevel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sMapName = 0x8E0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sLandmarkName = 0x8E8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnChangeLevel = 0x8F0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTouched = 0x918; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoTouch = 0x919; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNewChapter = 0x91A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnChangeLevelFired = 0x91B; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 14 + namespace CTriggerLerpObject { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszLerpTarget = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLerpTarget = 0x8E8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszLerpTargetAttachment = 0x8F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLerpTargetAttachment = 0x8F8; // AttachmentHandle_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLerpDuration = 0x8FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLerpRestoreMoveType = 0x900; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSingleLerpObject = 0x901; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLerpingObjects = 0x908; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszLerpEffect = 0x920; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszLerpSound = 0x928; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAttachTouchingObject = 0x930; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEntityToWaitForDisconnect = 0x934; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnLerpStarted = 0x938; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnLerpFinished = 0x960; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSidePredicted (bool) + namespace CBaseTrigger { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x790; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFilterName = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFilter = 0x7A0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStartTouch = 0x7A8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStartTouchAll = 0x7D0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEndTouch = 0x7F8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEndTouchAll = 0x820; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTouching = 0x848; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTouchingEachEntity = 0x870; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnNotTouching = 0x898; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTouchingEntities = 0x8C0; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientSidePredicted = 0x8D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CLogicScript { + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackPaintKit (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallbackWear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackStatTrak (int) + namespace CEconEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttributeManager = 0x988; // CAttributeContainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow = 0xC50; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh = 0xC54; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallbackPaintKit = 0xC58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallbackSeed = 0xC5C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFallbackWear = 0xC60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallbackStatTrak = 0xC64; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOldProvidee = 0xC68; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iOldOwnerClass = 0xC6C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_collisionAttribute (VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usSolidFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSolidType (SolidType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_triggerBloat (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurroundType (SurroundingBoundsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEnablePhysics (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter1 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter2 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleRadius (float) + namespace CCollisionProperty { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_collisionAttribute = 0x10; // VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMins = 0x40; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMaxs = 0x4C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_usSolidFlags = 0x5A; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSolidType = 0x5B; // SolidType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_triggerBloat = 0x5C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSurroundType = 0x5D; // SurroundingBoundsType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroup = 0x5E; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEnablePhysics = 0x5F; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBoundingRadius = 0x60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins = 0x64; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs = 0x70; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSurroundingMaxs = 0x7C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSurroundingMins = 0x88; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCapsuleCenter1 = 0x94; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCapsuleCenter2 = 0xA0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCapsuleRadius = 0xAC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CServerOnlyEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrevCycle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCycle (float32) + namespace CNetworkedSequenceOperation { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSequence = 0x8; // HSequence + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevCycle = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCycle = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWeight = 0x14; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSequenceChangeNetworked = 0x1C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDiscontinuity = 0x1D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevCycleFromDiscontinuity = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrevCycleForAnimEventDetection = 0x24; // float32 + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FontName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFullbright (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWorldUnitsPerPx (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFontSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyHorizontal (PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyVertical (PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nReorientMode (PointWorldTextReorientMode_t) + namespace CPointWorldText { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_messageText = 0x710; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FontName = 0x910; // char[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x950; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFullbright = 0x951; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWorldUnitsPerPx = 0x954; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFontSize = 0x958; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepthOffset = 0x95C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0x960; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nJustifyHorizontal = 0x964; // PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nJustifyVertical = 0x968; // PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nReorientMode = 0x96C; // PointWorldTextReorientMode_t + } + // Parent: CSoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMax (Vector) + namespace CSoundAreaEntityOrientedBox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMin = 0x4E0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMax = 0x4EC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_gravityScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearForce (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrequency (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDampingRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAt (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCollapseToForcePoint (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForceDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible (bool) + namespace CTriggerPhysics { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_gravityScale = 0x8F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_linearLimit = 0x8F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_linearDamping = 0x8F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angularLimit = 0x8FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angularDamping = 0x900; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_linearForce = 0x904; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrequency = 0x908; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDampingRatio = 0x90C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLinearForcePointAt = 0x910; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCollapseToForcePoint = 0x91C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld = 0x920; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLinearForceDirection = 0x92C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible = 0x938; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ID (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Values (Vector4D) + namespace EntityRenderAttribute_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ID = 0x30; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Values = 0x34; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPointBroadcastClientCommand { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 32 + namespace CFuncShatterglass { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hGlassMaterialDamaged = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hGlassMaterialUndamaged = 0x718; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hConcreteMaterialEdgeFace = 0x720; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hConcreteMaterialEdgeCaps = 0x728; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hConcreteMaterialEdgeFins = 0x730; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matPanelTransform = 0x738; // matrix3x4_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matPanelTransformWsTemp = 0x768; // matrix3x4_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecShatterGlassShards = 0x798; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PanelSize = 0x7B0; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPanelNormalWs = 0x7B8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumShardsEverCreated = 0x7C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastShatterSoundEmitTime = 0x7C8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastCleanupTime = 0x7CC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitAtTime = 0x7D0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlassThickness = 0x7D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpawnInvulnerability = 0x7D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBreakSilent = 0x7DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBreakShardless = 0x7DD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBroken = 0x7DE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasRateLimitedShards = 0x7DF; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGlassNavIgnore = 0x7E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGlassInFrame = 0x7E1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartBroken = 0x7E2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInitialDamageType = 0x7E3; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szDamagePositioningEntityName01 = 0x7E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szDamagePositioningEntityName02 = 0x7F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szDamagePositioningEntityName03 = 0x7F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szDamagePositioningEntityName04 = 0x800; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vInitialDamagePositions = 0x808; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vExtraDamagePositions = 0x820; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBroken = 0x838; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSurfaceType = 0x861; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CBaseButton + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CRotButton { + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + namespace CSoundEventSphereEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x570; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponHKP2000 { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 26 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombTicking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flC4Blow (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBombSite (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSourceSoundscapeHash (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCannotBeDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasExploded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBeingDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseCountDown (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBombDefuser (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + namespace CPlantedC4 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombTicking = 0x8E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flC4Blow = 0x8EC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBombSite = 0x8F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSourceSoundscapeHash = 0x8F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBombDefused = 0x8F8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBombBeginDefuse = 0x920; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBombDefuseAborted = 0x948; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotBeDefused = 0x970; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entitySpottedState = 0x978; // EntitySpottedState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpotRules = 0x990; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTrainingPlacedByPlayer = 0x994; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasExploded = 0x995; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimerLength = 0x998; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBeingDefused = 0x99C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLastDefuseTime = 0x9A4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefuseLength = 0x9AC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefuseCountDown = 0x9B0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombDefused = 0x9B4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBombDefuser = 0x9B8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hControlPanel = 0x9BC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iProgressBarTime = 0x9C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVoiceAlertFired = 0x9C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVoiceAlertPlayed = 0x9C5; // bool[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextBotBeepTime = 0x9CC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angCatchUpToPlayerEye = 0x9D4; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastSpinDetectionTime = 0x9E0; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActivator (EHANDLE) + namespace CPointClientUIDialog { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActivator = 0x8C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartEnabled = 0x8C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CEnvSplash { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x4C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: dirPrimary (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: start (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: end (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: farz (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: exponent (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: HDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactor (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactorLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: startLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: endLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensityLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: lerptime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: blendtobackground (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: scattering (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: locallightscale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: enable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: blend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoReflectionFog (bool) + namespace fogparams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dirPrimary = 0x8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t colorPrimary = 0x14; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t colorSecondary = 0x18; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t colorPrimaryLerpTo = 0x1C; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t colorSecondaryLerpTo = 0x20; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t start = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t end = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t farz = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t maxdensity = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t exponent = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t HDRColorScale = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t skyboxFogFactor = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t skyboxFogFactorLerpTo = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t startLerpTo = 0x44; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t endLerpTo = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t maxdensityLerpTo = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t lerptime = 0x50; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t duration = 0x54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t blendtobackground = 0x58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t scattering = 0x5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t locallightscale = 0x60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t enable = 0x64; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t blend = 0x65; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNoReflectionFog = 0x66; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPadding = 0x67; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponNOVA { + } + // Parent: CPointCamera + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CPointCameraVFOV { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVerticalFOV = 0x520; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFireTime (GameTime_t) + namespace CWeaponTaser { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fFireTime = 0xEB8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastAttackTick = 0xEBC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWaterBullet { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CMarkupVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x710; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CMessage { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszMessage = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MessageVolume = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MessageAttenuation = 0x4CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Radius = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sNoise = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnShowMessage = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + namespace CLogicGameEventListener { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnEventFired = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszGameEventName = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszGameEventItem = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x508; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x509; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CPropDataComponent (CPropDataComponent::Storage_t) + namespace CBreakable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CPropDataComponent = 0x718; // CPropDataComponent + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Material = 0x758; // Materials + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hBreaker = 0x75C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Explosion = 0x760; // Explosions + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSpawnObject = 0x768; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPressureDelay = 0x770; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMinHealthDmg = 0x774; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPropData = 0x778; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_impactEnergyScale = 0x780; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOverrideBlockLOS = 0x784; // EOverrideBlockLOS_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBreak = 0x788; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHealthChanged = 0x7B0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PerformanceMode = 0x7D8; // PerformanceMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPhysicsAttacker = 0x7DC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime = 0x7E0; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 16 + namespace CBaseToggle { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_toggle_state = 0x710; // TOGGLE_STATE + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMoveDistance = 0x714; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWait = 0x718; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLip = 0x71C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAlwaysFireBlockedOutputs = 0x720; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPosition1 = 0x724; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPosition2 = 0x730; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMoveAng = 0x73C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAngle1 = 0x748; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAngle2 = 0x754; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeight = 0x760; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActivator = 0x764; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecFinalDest = 0x768; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecFinalAngle = 0x774; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_movementType = 0x780; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sMaster = 0x788; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoTarget { + } + // Parent: CRotButton + // Fields count: 14 + namespace CMomentaryRotButton { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Position = 0x8E0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUnpressed = 0x908; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFullyOpen = 0x930; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFullyClosed = 0x958; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnReachedPosition = 0x980; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastUsed = 0x9A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_start = 0x9AC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_end = 0x9B8; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_IdealYaw = 0x9C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sNoise = 0x9C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUpdateTarget = 0x9D0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_direction = 0x9D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_returnSpeed = 0x9D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartPosition = 0x9DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 10 + namespace CPropDataComponent { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDmgModBullet = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDmgModClub = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDmgModExplosive = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDmgModFire = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPhysicsDamageTableName = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszBasePropData = 0x28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInteractions = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpawnMotionDisabled = 0x34; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDisableTakePhysicsDamageSpawnFlag = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMotionDisabledSpawnFlag = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CGameText { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszMessage = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_textParms = 0x728; // hudtextparms_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponMP5SD { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLoop (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFPS (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPositionKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRotationKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMax (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartFrame (float) + namespace CTextureBasedAnimatable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoop = 0x710; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFPS = 0x714; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPositionKeys = 0x718; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hRotationKeys = 0x720; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAnimationBoundsMin = 0x728; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAnimationBoundsMax = 0x734; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x740; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFrame = 0x744; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeTagged + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CMarkupVolumeWithRef { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseRef = 0x750; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRefPos = 0x754; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRefDot = 0x760; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPhysForce + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CPhysThruster { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_localOrigin = 0x520; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CCSPointScriptExtensions_player { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAABBDirection (int) + namespace CCitadelSoundOpvarSetOBB { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszStackName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOperatorName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOpvarName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceInnerMins = 0x4D8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceInnerMaxs = 0x4E4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceOuterMins = 0x4F0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDistanceOuterMaxs = 0x4FC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAABBDirection = 0x508; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unDefIdx (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCost (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPrevArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrevHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hItem (CEntityHandle) + namespace SellbackPurchaseEntry_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unDefIdx = 0x30; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCost = 0x34; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrevArmor = 0x38; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPrevHelmet = 0x3C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hItem = 0x40; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponFamas { + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShardDesc (shard_model_desc_t) + namespace CShatterGlassShardPhysics { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDebris = 0xBE8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParentShard = 0xBEC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ShardDesc = 0xBF0; // shard_model_desc_t + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFilterModel { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFilterModel = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerPawn + // Fields count: 22 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CTouchExpansionComponent (CTouchExpansionComponent::Storage_t) + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pPingServices (CCSPlayer_PingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pViewModelServices (CPlayer_ViewModelServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPlayerState (CSPlayerState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGunGameImmunity (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovDamageTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashMaxAlpha (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProgressBarStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iProgressBarDuration (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angEyeAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalController (CHandle) + namespace CCSPlayerPawnBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CTouchExpansionComponent = 0xBB0; // CTouchExpansionComponent + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPingServices = 0xC00; // CCSPlayer_PingServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pViewModelServices = 0xC08; // CPlayer_ViewModelServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blindUntilTime = 0xC10; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blindStartTime = 0xC14; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPlayerState = 0xC18; // CSPlayerState + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRespawning = 0xCC8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime = 0xCCC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGunGameImmunity = 0xCD0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMolotovDamageTime = 0xCD4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn = 0xCD8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumSpawns = 0xCDC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIdleTimeSinceLastAction = 0xCE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNextRadarUpdateTime = 0xCE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashDuration = 0xCEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashMaxAlpha = 0xCF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flProgressBarStartTime = 0xCF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iProgressBarDuration = 0xCF8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angEyeAngles = 0xCFC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wasNotKilledNaturally = 0xD08; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCommittingSuicideOnTeamChange = 0xD09; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOriginalController = 0xD0C; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + namespace CPathTrack { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pnext = 0x4C0; // CPathTrack* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pprevious = 0x4C8; // CPathTrack* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_paltpath = 0x4D0; // CPathTrack* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_length = 0x4DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_altName = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIterVal = 0x4E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eOrientationType = 0x4EC; // TrackOrientationType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPass = 0x4F0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CLogicDistanceCheck { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEntityA = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszEntityB = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZone1Distance = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZone2Distance = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InZone1 = 0x4D8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InZone2 = 0x500; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InZone3 = 0x528; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBarnLight + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInnerAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOuterAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + namespace COmniLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInnerAngle = 0x938; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOuterAngle = 0x93C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShowLight = 0x940; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLayoutFileName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RenderAttrName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TargetEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTargetChangeCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + namespace CInfoOffscreenPanoramaTexture { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nResolutionX = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nResolutionY = 0x4C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szLayoutFileName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RenderAttrName = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TargetEntities = 0x4E0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTargetChangeCount = 0x4F8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecCSSClasses = 0x500; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTargetsName = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AdditionalTargetEntities = 0x520; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + namespace CInfoVisibilityBox { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMode = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vBoxSize = 0x4C8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x4D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CGamePlayerEquip { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoTargetServerOnly { + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CSoundOpvarSetPathCornerEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistMinSqr = 0x680; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDistMaxSqr = 0x684; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPathCornerEntityName = 0x688; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WeaponServices + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextAttack (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLookingAtWeapon (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon (bool) + namespace CCSPlayer_WeaponServices { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextAttack = 0xA8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsLookingAtWeapon = 0xAC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon = 0xAD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSavedWeapon = 0xB0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTimeToMelee = 0xB4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTimeToSecondary = 0xB8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTimeToPrimary = 0xBC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTimeToSniperRifle = 0xC0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsBeingGivenItem = 0xC4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPickingUpItemWithUse = 0xC5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPickedUpWeapon = 0xC6; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableAutoDeploy = 0xC7; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPickingUpGroundWeapon = 0xC8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldShootPositionHistoryCount = 0xCC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldInputHistoryCount = 0x468; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntAttached (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCheapEffect (bool) + namespace CEntityFlame { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEntAttached = 0x4C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCheapEffect = 0x4C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSize = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseHitboxes = 0x4CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNumHitboxFires = 0x4D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHitboxFireScale = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLifetime = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hAttacker = 0x4DC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDangerSound = 0x4E0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDirectDamagePerSecond = 0x4E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCustomDamageType = 0x4E8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_zoomLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBurstShotsRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNeedsBoltAction (bool) + namespace CCSWeaponBaseGun { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_zoomLevel = 0xE98; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBurstShotsRemaining = 0xE9C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_silencedModelIndex = 0xEA8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inPrecache = 0xEAC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNeedsBoltAction = 0xEAD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSkillReloadAvailable = 0xEAE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSkillReloadLiftedReloadKey = 0xEAF; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSkillBoltInterruptAvailable = 0xEB0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSkillBoltLiftedFireKey = 0xEB1; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + namespace CBot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pController = 0x10; // CCSPlayerController* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPlayer = 0x18; // CCSPlayerPawn* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasSpawned = 0x20; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x24; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRunning = 0xC0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isCrouching = 0xC1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forwardSpeed = 0xC4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leftSpeed = 0xC8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_verticalSpeed = 0xCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_buttonFlags = 0xD0; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jumpTimestamp = 0xD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_viewForward = 0xDC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_postureStackIndex = 0xF8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nameStringableIndex (int32) + namespace CEntityIdentity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameStringableIndex = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_designerName = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x30; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldGroupId = 0x38; // WorldGroupId_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fDataObjectTypes = 0x3C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PathIndex = 0x40; // ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPrev = 0x58; // CEntityIdentity* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNext = 0x60; // CEntityIdentity* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPrevByClass = 0x68; // CEntityIdentity* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNextByClass = 0x70; // CEntityIdentity* + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CGunTarget { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_on = 0x790; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetEnt = 0x794; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnDeath = 0x798; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CSoundEventParameter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszParamName = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFloatValue = 0x4D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPulseGraphInstance_ServerEntity + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + namespace CPulseGraphInstance_GameBlackboard { + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolume + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CMarkupVolumeTagged { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsGroup = 0x748; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGroupByPrefab = 0x749; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGroupByVolume = 0x74A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGroupOtherGroups = 0x74B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsInGroup = 0x74C; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CTestEffect { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLoop = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBeam = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pBeam = 0x4C8; // CBeam*[24] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBeamTime = 0x588; // GameTime_t[24] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x5E8; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponM4A1Silencer { + } + // Parent: CFuncNavBlocker + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CScriptNavBlocker { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vExtent = 0x720; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CConstraintAnchor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_massScale = 0x8E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponTec9 { + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeTagged + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CMarkupVolumeTagged_Nav { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 66 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlayingBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMultiplayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAutogenerated (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceClientTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActorList (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSceneStringIndex (uint16) + namespace CSceneEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSceneFile = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszResumeSceneFile = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTarget1 = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTarget2 = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTarget3 = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTarget4 = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTarget5 = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTarget6 = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTarget7 = 0x508; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszTarget8 = 0x510; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTarget1 = 0x518; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTarget2 = 0x51C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTarget3 = 0x520; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTarget4 = 0x524; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTarget5 = 0x528; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTarget6 = 0x52C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTarget7 = 0x530; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTarget8 = 0x534; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sTargetAttachment = 0x538; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlayingBack = 0x540; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPaused = 0x541; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMultiplayer = 0x542; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutogenerated = 0x543; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceClientTime = 0x544; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurrentTime = 0x548; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrameTime = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCancelAtNextInterrupt = 0x550; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fPitch = 0x554; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutomated = 0x558; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAutomatedAction = 0x55C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAutomationDelay = 0x560; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAutomationTime = 0x564; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hWaitingForThisResumeScene = 0x568; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWaitingForResumeScene = 0x56C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPausedViaInput = 0x56D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPauseAtNextInterrupt = 0x56E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWaitingForActor = 0x56F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWaitingForInterrupt = 0x570; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInterruptedActorsScenes = 0x571; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBreakOnNonIdle = 0x572; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSceneFinished = 0x573; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActorList = 0x578; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hRemoveActorList = 0x590; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSceneFlushCounter = 0x5D8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSceneStringIndex = 0x5DC; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStart = 0x5E0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCompletion = 0x608; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCanceled = 0x630; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnPaused = 0x658; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnResumed = 0x680; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnTrigger = 0x6A8; // CEntityIOOutput[16] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hInterruptScene = 0x9B8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInterruptCount = 0x9BC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSceneMissing = 0x9C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInterrupted = 0x9C1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCompletedEarly = 0x9C2; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInterruptSceneFinished = 0x9C3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRestoring = 0x9C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hNotifySceneCompletion = 0x9C8; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hListManagers = 0x9E0; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSoundName = 0x9F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszSequenceName = 0xA00; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActor = 0xA08; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hActivator = 0xA0C; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BusyActor = 0xA10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPlayerDeathBehavior = 0xA14; // SceneOnPlayerDeath_t + } + // Parent: CLightDirectionalEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CLightEnvironmentEntity { + } + // Parent: CLogicAutosave + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CLogicActiveAutosave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TriggerHitPoints = 0x4D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeToTrigger = 0x4D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDangerousTime = 0x4DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CEnvBeverage { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CanInDispenser = 0x4C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBeverageType = 0x4C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActiveIssueIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOnlyTeamToVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteOptionCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPotentialVotes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsYesNoVote (bool) + namespace CVoteController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iActiveIssueIndex = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iOnlyTeamToVote = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVoteOptionCount = 0x4C8; // int32[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPotentialVotes = 0x4DC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsYesNoVote = 0x4E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_acceptingVotesTimer = 0x4E8; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_executeCommandTimer = 0x500; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_resetVoteTimer = 0x518; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVotesCast = 0x530; // int32[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_playerHoldingVote = 0x630; // CPlayerSlot + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_playerOverrideForVote = 0x634; // CPlayerSlot + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHighestCountIndex = 0x638; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_potentialIssues = 0x640; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_VoteOptions = 0x658; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponCZ75a { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponP250 { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flexWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vLookTargetPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_blinktoggle (bool) + namespace CBaseFlex { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flexWeight = 0x8E8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLookTargetPosition = 0x900; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blinktoggle = 0x90C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAllowResponsesEndTime = 0x960; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastFlexAnimationTime = 0x964; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextSceneEventId = 0x968; // SceneEventId_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUpdateLayerPriorities = 0x96C; // bool + } + // Parent: CTriggerHurt + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CScriptTriggerHurt { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vExtent = 0x980; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerWeaponVData + // Fields count: 92 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + namespace CCSWeaponBaseVData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WeaponType = 0x250; // CSWeaponType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WeaponCategory = 0x254; // CSWeaponCategory + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szViewModel = 0x258; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szPlayerModel = 0x338; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szWorldDroppedModel = 0x418; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szAimsightLensMaskModel = 0x4F8; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMagazineModel = 0x5D8; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szHeatEffect = 0x6B8; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szEjectBrassEffect = 0x798; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMuzzleFlashParticleAlt = 0x878; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticle = 0x958; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticleAlt = 0xA38; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szTracerParticle = 0xB18; // CResourceNameTyped> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GearSlot = 0xBF8; // gear_slot_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GearSlotPosition = 0xBFC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DefaultLoadoutSlot = 0xC00; // loadout_slot_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sWrongTeamMsg = 0xC08; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrice = 0xC10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nKillAward = 0xC14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPrimaryReserveAmmoMax = 0xC18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSecondaryReserveAmmoMax = 0xC1C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMeleeWeapon = 0xC20; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBurstMode = 0xC21; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsRevolver = 0xC22; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotShootUnderwater = 0xC23; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szName = 0xC28; // CGlobalSymbol + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szAnimExtension = 0xC30; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eSilencerType = 0xC38; // CSWeaponSilencerType + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCrosshairMinDistance = 0xC3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCrosshairDeltaDistance = 0xC40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsFullAuto = 0xC44; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumBullets = 0xC48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCycleTime = 0xC4C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxSpeed = 0xC54; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpread = 0xC5C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyCrouch = 0xC64; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyStand = 0xC6C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyJump = 0xC74; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyLand = 0xC7C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyLadder = 0xC84; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyFire = 0xC8C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyMove = 0xC94; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoilAngle = 0xC9C; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoilAngleVariance = 0xCA4; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoilMagnitude = 0xCAC; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoilMagnitudeVariance = 0xCB4; // CFiringModeFloat + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTracerFrequency = 0xCBC; // CFiringModeInt + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyJumpInitial = 0xCC4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyJumpApex = 0xCC8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyReload = 0xCCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRecoilSeed = 0xCD0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpreadSeed = 0xCD4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeToIdleAfterFire = 0xCD8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIdleInterval = 0xCDC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttackMovespeedFactor = 0xCE0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeatPerShot = 0xCE4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyPitchShift = 0xCE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInaccuracyAltSoundThreshold = 0xCEC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBotAudibleRange = 0xCF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szUseRadioSubtitle = 0xCF8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUnzoomsAfterShot = 0xD00; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHideViewModelWhenZoomed = 0xD01; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nZoomLevels = 0xD04; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nZoomFOV1 = 0xD08; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nZoomFOV2 = 0xD0C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZoomTime0 = 0xD10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZoomTime1 = 0xD14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZoomTime2 = 0xD18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed = 0xD1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed = 0xD20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIronSightFOV = 0xD24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIronSightPivotForward = 0xD28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flIronSightLooseness = 0xD2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angPivotAngle = 0xD30; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecIronSightEyePos = 0xD3C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDamage = 0xD48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeadshotMultiplier = 0xD4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flArmorRatio = 0xD50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPenetration = 0xD54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRange = 0xD58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRangeModifier = 0xD5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlinchVelocityModifierLarge = 0xD60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlinchVelocityModifierSmall = 0xD64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoveryTimeCrouch = 0xD68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoveryTimeStand = 0xD6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoveryTimeCrouchFinal = 0xD70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRecoveryTimeStandFinal = 0xD74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRecoveryTransitionStartBullet = 0xD78; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRecoveryTransitionEndBullet = 0xD7C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flThrowVelocity = 0xD80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSmokeColor = 0xD84; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szAnimClass = 0xD90; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CMathColorBlend { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInMin = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInMax = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutColor1 = 0x4C8; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutColor2 = 0x4CC; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutValue = 0x4D0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOverlayNames (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOverlayTimes (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredOverlay (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsActive (bool) + namespace CEnvScreenOverlay { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszOverlayNames = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOverlayTimes = 0x510; // float32[10] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x538; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDesiredOverlay = 0x53C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsActive = 0x540; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 118 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBulletServices (CCSPlayer_BulletServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pHostageServices (CCSPlayer_HostageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBuyServices (CCSPlayer_BuyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasFemaleVoice (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLastPlaceName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInHostageRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBombZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOffering (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOfferingCard (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesMVPLastRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility (loadout_slot_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngleVel (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickBase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickFraction (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsBuyMenuOpen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeOfLastInjury (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSprayDecalTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRagdollDamageBone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamageForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamagePosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollServerOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_EconGloves (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEconGlovesChanged (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_qDeathEyeAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLeftHanded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSwitchedHandednessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelFOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsWalking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLastKillerIndex (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsScoped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bResumeZoom (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDefusing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsGrabbingHostage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress (CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEmitSoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInNoDefuseArea (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWhichBombZone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iShotsFired (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlinchStack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVelocityModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHitHeading (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBodyPart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWaitForNoAttack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKilledByHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_thirdPersonHeading (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlopeDropOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlopeDropHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vHeadConstraintOffset (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ArmorValue (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unCurrentEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_GunGameImmunityColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredictedDamageTags (PredictedDamageTag_t) + namespace CCSPlayerPawn { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pBulletServices = 0xD18; // CCSPlayer_BulletServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pHostageServices = 0xD20; // CCSPlayer_HostageServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pBuyServices = 0xD28; // CCSPlayer_BuyServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pActionTrackingServices = 0xD30; // CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pRadioServices = 0xD38; // CCSPlayer_RadioServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pDamageReactServices = 0xD40; // CCSPlayer_DamageReactServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCharacterDefIndex = 0xD48; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasFemaleVoice = 0xD4A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strVOPrefix = 0xD50; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szLastPlaceName = 0xD58; // char[18] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInHostageResetZone = 0xE18; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInBuyZone = 0xE19; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TouchingBuyZones = 0xE20; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasInBuyZone = 0xE38; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInHostageRescueZone = 0xE39; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInBombZone = 0xE3A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasInHostageRescueZone = 0xE3B; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRetakesOffering = 0xE3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRetakesOfferingCard = 0xE40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit = 0xE44; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRetakesMVPLastRound = 0xE45; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem = 0xE48; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility = 0xE4C; // loadout_slot_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime = 0xE50; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLandingTimeSeconds = 0xE54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchAngle = 0xE58; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchAngleVel = 0xE64; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchTickBase = 0xE70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchTickFraction = 0xE74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchCache = 0xE78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsBuyMenuOpen = 0xE90; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_xLastHeadBoneTransform = 0x14D0; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLastHeadBoneTransformIsValid = 0x14F0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastLandTime = 0x14F4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnGroundLastTick = 0x14F8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPlayerLocked = 0x14FC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeOfLastInjury = 0x1504; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextSprayDecalTime = 0x1508; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNextSprayDecalTimeExpedited = 0x150C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRagdollDamageBone = 0x1510; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRagdollDamageForce = 0x1514; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRagdollDamagePosition = 0x1520; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName = 0x152C; // char[64] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot = 0x156C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRagdollServerOrigin = 0x1570; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EconGloves = 0x1580; // CEconItemView + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEconGlovesChanged = 0x17F8; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qDeathEyeAngles = 0x17FC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSkipOneHeadConstraintUpdate = 0x1808; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLeftHanded = 0x1809; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSwitchedHandednessTime = 0x180C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flViewmodelOffsetX = 0x1810; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flViewmodelOffsetY = 0x1814; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flViewmodelOffsetZ = 0x1818; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flViewmodelFOV = 0x181C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsWalking = 0x1820; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLastGivenDefuserTime = 0x1824; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLastGivenBombTime = 0x1828; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDealtDamageToEnemyMostRecentTimestamp = 0x182C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDisplayHistoryBits = 0x1830; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastAttackedTeammate = 0x1834; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0x1838; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResetArmorNextSpawn = 0x183C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastKillerIndex = 0x1840; // CEntityIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entitySpottedState = 0x1848; // EntitySpottedState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpotRules = 0x1860; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsScoped = 0x1864; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bResumeZoom = 0x1865; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsDefusing = 0x1866; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsGrabbingHostage = 0x1867; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress = 0x1868; // CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEmitSoundTime = 0x186C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInNoDefuseArea = 0x1870; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBombSiteIndex = 0x1874; // CEntityIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWhichBombZone = 0x1878; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInBombZoneTrigger = 0x187C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWasInBombZoneTrigger = 0x187D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iShotsFired = 0x1880; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlinchStack = 0x1884; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVelocityModifier = 0x1888; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHitHeading = 0x188C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHitBodyPart = 0x1890; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecTotalBulletForce = 0x1894; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWaitForNoAttack = 0x18A0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ignoreLadderJumpTime = 0x18A4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bKilledByHeadshot = 0x18A8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastHitBox = 0x18AC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastHealth = 0x18B0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pBot = 0x18B8; // CCSBot* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBotAllowActive = 0x18C0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_thirdPersonHeading = 0x18C4; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSlopeDropOffset = 0x18D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSlopeDropHeight = 0x18D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vHeadConstraintOffset = 0x18D8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastPickupPriority = 0x18E4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPickupPriorityTime = 0x18E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ArmorValue = 0x18EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unCurrentEquipmentValue = 0x18F0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue = 0x18F2; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue = 0x18F4; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLastWeaponFireUsercmd = 0x18F8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsSpawning = 0x18FC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDeathFlags = 0x1908; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasDeathInfo = 0x190C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDeathInfoTime = 0x1910; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecDeathInfoOrigin = 0x1914; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices = 0x1920; // uint32[5] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GunGameImmunityColor = 0x1934; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_grenadeParameterStashTime = 0x1938; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGrenadeParametersStashed = 0x193C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angStashedShootAngles = 0x1940; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStashedGrenadeThrowPosition = 0x194C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecStashedVelocity = 0x1958; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angShootAngleHistory = 0x1964; // QAngle[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecThrowPositionHistory = 0x197C; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecVelocityHistory = 0x1994; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_PredictedDamageTags = 0x19B0; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHighestAppliedDamageTagTick = 0x1A00; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CBumpMineProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerController + // Fields count: 86 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInGameMoneyServices (CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInventoryServices (CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pDamageServices (CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPing (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCrosshairCodes (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPendingTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceTeamTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompTeammateColor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEverPlayedOnTeam (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClan (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCoachingTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominated (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominatingMe (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRanking (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveWins (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankType (int8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchNextMapVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unActiveQuestId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQuestProgressReason (QuestProgress::Reason) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unPlayerTvControlFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDisconnectionTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bControllingBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasControlledBotThisRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanControlObservedBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnIsAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnHealth (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeStart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeEnd (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnBotDifficulty (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecKills (EKillTypes_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMvpNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eMvpReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitMVPs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMVPs (int) + namespace CCSPlayerController { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x768; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInventoryServices = 0x770; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x778; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pDamageServices = 0x780; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPing = 0x788; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x78C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x790; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x798; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceTeamTime = 0x79C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x7A0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x7A4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAttemptedToGetColor = 0x7A5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTeammatePreferredColor = 0x7A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTeamChanged = 0x7AC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInSwitchTeam = 0x7AD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasSeenJoinGame = 0x7AE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bJustBecameSpectator = 0x7AF; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset = 0x7B0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset = 0x7B1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClan = 0x7B8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClanName = 0x7C0; // char[32] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCoachingTeam = 0x7E0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominated = 0x7E8; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x7F0; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x7F8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x7FC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x800; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x804; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x808; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x80C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x810; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unActiveQuestId = 0x814; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x818; // QuestProgress::Reason + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x81C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDraftIndex = 0x848; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x84C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x850; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x854; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x855; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x856; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x857; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x858; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScoreReported = 0x859; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x85C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bControllingBot = 0x868; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x869; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x86A; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x86C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x870; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerPawn = 0x874; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hObserverPawn = 0x878; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DesiredObserverMode = 0x87C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDesiredObserverTarget = 0x880; // CEntityHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x884; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnHealth = 0x888; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnArmor = 0x88C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x890; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x891; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x892; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x894; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x898; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x89C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x8A0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iScore = 0x8A4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundScore = 0x8A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundsWon = 0x8AC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecKills = 0x8B0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMvpNoMusic = 0x8C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eMvpReason = 0x8CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMusicKitID = 0x8D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMusicKitMVPs = 0x8D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMVPs = 0x8D8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUpdateCounter = 0x8DC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSmoothedPing = 0x8E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastHeldVoteTimer = 0xF988; // IntervalTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShowHints = 0xF9A0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNextTimeCheck = 0xF9A4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bJustDidTeamKill = 0xF9A8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPunishForTeamKill = 0xF9A9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning = 0xF9AA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound = 0xF9AB; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dblLastReceivedPacketPlatFloatTime = 0xF9B0; // float64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime = 0xF9B8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastTimePlayerWasDisconnectedForPawnsRemove = 0xF9BC; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSuspiciousHitCount = 0xF9C0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNonSuspiciousHitStreak = 0xF9C4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: IEconItemInterface + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemDefinitionIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityQuality (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityLevel (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInventoryPosition (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitialized (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeList (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCustomName (char) + namespace CEconItemView { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iItemDefinitionIndex = 0x38; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEntityQuality = 0x3C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEntityLevel = 0x40; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iItemID = 0x48; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iItemIDHigh = 0x50; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iItemIDLow = 0x54; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iAccountID = 0x58; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInventoryPosition = 0x5C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInitialized = 0x68; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AttributeList = 0x70; // CAttributeList + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes = 0xD0; // CAttributeList + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCustomName = 0x130; // char[161] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCustomNameOverride = 0x1D1; // char[161] + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CInfoInstructorHintBombTargetA { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponAWP { + } + // Parent: CBaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWeaponServices (CPlayer_WeaponServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pItemServices (CPlayer_ItemServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pAutoaimServices (CPlayer_AutoaimServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pObserverServices (CPlayer_ObserverServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWaterServices (CPlayer_WaterServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pUseServices (CPlayer_UseServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pFlashlightServices (CPlayer_FlashlightServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pCameraServices (CPlayer_CameraServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pMovementServices (CPlayer_MovementServices*) + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_ServerViewAngleChanges (ViewAngleServerChange_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHideHUD (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skybox3d (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDeathTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hController (CHandle) + namespace CBasePlayerPawn { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pWeaponServices = 0xA08; // CPlayer_WeaponServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pItemServices = 0xA10; // CPlayer_ItemServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pAutoaimServices = 0xA18; // CPlayer_AutoaimServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pObserverServices = 0xA20; // CPlayer_ObserverServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pWaterServices = 0xA28; // CPlayer_WaterServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pUseServices = 0xA30; // CPlayer_UseServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pFlashlightServices = 0xA38; // CPlayer_FlashlightServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pCameraServices = 0xA40; // CPlayer_CameraServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pMovementServices = 0xA48; // CPlayer_MovementServices* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ServerViewAngleChanges = 0xA58; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHighestGeneratedServerViewAngleChangeIndex = 0xAA8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t v_angle = 0xAAC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t v_anglePrevious = 0xAB8; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHideHUD = 0xAC4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skybox3d = 0xAC8; // sky3dparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fTimeLastHurt = 0xB58; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDeathTime = 0xB5C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fNextSuicideTime = 0xB60; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fInitHUD = 0xB64; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pExpresser = 0xB68; // CAI_Expresser* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hController = 0xB70; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fHltvReplayDelay = 0xB78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fHltvReplayEnd = 0xB7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHltvReplayEntity = 0xB80; // CEntityIndex + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sndOpvarLatchData = 0xB88; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPostSettings (HPostProcessingStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureCompensation (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExposureControl (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + namespace CPostProcessingVolume { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPostSettings = 0x8F0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeDuration = 0x8F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinLogExposure = 0x8FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLogExposure = 0x900; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinExposure = 0x904; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxExposure = 0x908; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureCompensation = 0x90C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp = 0x910; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown = 0x914; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange = 0x918; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMaster = 0x91C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExposureControl = 0x91D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRate = 0x920; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapPercentTarget = 0x924; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels = 0x928; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTonemapMinAvgLum = 0x92C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + namespace CSpotlightEnd { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLightScale = 0x710; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Radius = 0x714; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSpotlightDir = 0x718; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSpotlightOrg = 0x724; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CRuleEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszMaster = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CSensorGrenade { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandom (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOrdinal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sWeaponName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_xuid (XUID) + // NetworkVarNames: m_agentItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glovesItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponItem (CEconItemView) + namespace CCSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVariant = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRandom = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOrdinal = 0x4C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sWeaponName = 0x4D0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_xuid = 0x4D8; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_agentItem = 0x4E0; // CEconItemView + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_glovesItem = 0x758; // CEconItemView + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_weaponItem = 0x9D0; // CEconItemView + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CTriggerDetectExplosion { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnDetectedExplosion = 0x908; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CSoundStackSave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszStackName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 18 + namespace CPhysHinge { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundInfo = 0x540; // ConstraintSoundInfo + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NotifyMinLimitReached = 0x5C8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NotifyMaxLimitReached = 0x5F0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAtMinLimit = 0x618; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAtMaxLimit = 0x619; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hinge = 0x61C; // constraint_hingeparams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hingeFriction = 0x65C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_systemLoadScale = 0x660; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsAxisLocal = 0x664; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinRotation = 0x668; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxRotation = 0x66C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInitialRotation = 0x670; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMotorFrequency = 0x674; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMotorDampingRatio = 0x678; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngleSpeed = 0x67C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngleSpeedThreshold = 0x680; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStartMoving = 0x688; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnStopMoving = 0x6B0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CGameRules + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CSingleplayRules { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSinglePlayerGameEnding = 0xC0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CFilterProximity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x518; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEconEntity + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CEconWearable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceSkin = 0xC70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAlwaysAllow = 0xC74; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_ItemServices { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTargetSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionStartTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionDurationTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTransitionStartSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hConveyorModels (EHANDLE) + namespace CFuncConveyor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szConveyorModels = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTransitionDurationSeconds = 0x718; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angMoveEntitySpace = 0x71C; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace = 0x728; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTargetSpeed = 0x734; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTransitionStartTick = 0x738; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTransitionDurationTicks = 0x73C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTransitionStartSpeed = 0x740; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hConveyorModels = 0x748; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponMag7 { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 11 + namespace CMathCounter { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMin = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMax = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHitMin = 0x4C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHitMax = 0x4C9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabled = 0x4CA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OutValue = 0x4D0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnGetValue = 0x4F8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHitMin = 0x520; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHitMax = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnChangedFromMin = 0x570; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnChangedFromMax = 0x598; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_worldName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_layerName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldLayerVisible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEntitiesSpawned (bool) + namespace CInfoWorldLayer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOutputOnEntitiesSpawned = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldName = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_layerName = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWorldLayerVisible = 0x4F8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEntitiesSpawned = 0x4F9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCreateAsChildSpawnGroup = 0x4FA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hLayerSpawnGroup = 0x4FC; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBarnLight + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + namespace CRectLight { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShowLight = 0x938; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSGO_TeamSelectTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseDoor + // Fields count: 1 + namespace CRotDoor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSolidBsp = 0x998; // bool + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CLogicLineToEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Line = 0x4C0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SourceName = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_StartEntity = 0x4F0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EndEntity = 0x4F4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTotalPausedTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPauseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGamePaused (bool) + namespace CGameRules { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szQuestName = 0x30; // char[128] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuestPhase = 0xB0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTotalPausedTicks = 0xB4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPauseStartTick = 0xB8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGamePaused = 0xBC; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pEntity (CEntityIdentity*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CScriptComponent (CScriptComponent::Storage_t) + namespace CEntityInstance { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPrivateVScripts = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pEntity = 0x10; // CEntityIdentity* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CScriptComponent = 0x28; // CScriptComponent* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bVisibleinPVS = 0x30; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flDiffuseScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + namespace CEnvCubemap { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_hCubemapTexture = 0x540; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture = 0x548; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius = 0x54C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins = 0x550; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs = 0x55C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bMoveable = 0x568; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nHandshake = 0x56C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex = 0x570; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_nPriority = 0x574; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist = 0x578; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists = 0x57C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_flDiffuseScale = 0x588; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bStartDisabled = 0x58C; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap = 0x58D; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap = 0x58E; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap = 0x58F; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap = 0x590; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Entity_bEnabled = 0x5A0; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSPlayer_DamageReactServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + namespace ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t unClass = 0x28; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t unSlot = 0x2A; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t unItemDefIdx = 0x2C; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBlockersPresent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundInProgress (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFirstSecondHalfRound (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBombSite (int) + namespace CRetakeGameRules { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMatchSeed = 0xF8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBlockersPresent = 0xFC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRoundInProgress = 0xFD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iFirstSecondHalfRound = 0x100; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBombSite = 0x104; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSide (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExclusive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCurWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_netlookupFilename (char) + namespace CColorCorrection { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeInDuration = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeOutDuration = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeInWeight = 0x4C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartFadeOutWeight = 0x4CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeStartFadeIn = 0x4D0; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeStartFadeOut = 0x4D4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxWeight = 0x4D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartDisabled = 0x4DC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x4DD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMaster = 0x4DE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientSide = 0x4DF; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bExclusive = 0x4E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MinFalloff = 0x4E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MaxFalloff = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCurWeight = 0x4EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_netlookupFilename = 0x4F0; // char[512] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookupFilename = 0x6F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponElite { + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CSoundEventEntityAlias_snd_event_point { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + namespace CBaseEntityAPI { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartedArming (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fArmedTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlacedAnimation (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlantingViaUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + namespace CC4 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastValidPlayerHeldPosition = 0xE98; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecLastValidDroppedPosition = 0xEA4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDoValidDroppedPositionCheck = 0xEB0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartedArming = 0xEB1; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fArmedTime = 0xEB4; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombPlacedAnimation = 0xEB8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlantingViaUse = 0xEB9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entitySpottedState = 0xEC0; // EntitySpottedState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpotRules = 0xED8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPlayedArmingBeeps = 0xEDC; // bool[7] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombPlanted = 0xEE3; // bool + } + // Parent: CHostageRescueZoneShim + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CPointPrefab { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetMapName = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forceWorldGroupID = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_associatedRelayTargetName = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fixupNames = 0x4D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoadDynamic = 0x4D9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_associatedRelayEntity = 0x4DC; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 27 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsUsable (bool) + namespace CBaseDoor { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angMoveEntitySpace = 0x7A0; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMoveDirParentSpace = 0x7AC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ls = 0x7B8; // locksound_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceClosed = 0x7D8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDoorGroup = 0x7D9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLocked = 0x7DA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIgnoreDebris = 0x7DB; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eSpawnPosition = 0x7DC; // FuncDoorSpawnPos_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlockDamage = 0x7E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NoiseMoving = 0x7E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NoiseArrived = 0x7F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NoiseMovingClosed = 0x7F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NoiseArrivedClosed = 0x800; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ChainTarget = 0x808; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBlockedClosing = 0x810; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnBlockedOpening = 0x838; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUnblockedClosing = 0x860; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUnblockedOpening = 0x888; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFullyClosed = 0x8B0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFullyOpen = 0x8D8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnClose = 0x900; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnOpen = 0x928; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnLockedUse = 0x950; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLoopMoveSound = 0x978; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCreateNavObstacle = 0x990; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isChaining = 0x991; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsUsable = 0x992; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hParent (CGameSceneNodeHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecOrigin (CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angRotation (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hierarchyAttachName (CUtlStringToken) + namespace CGameSceneNode { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nodeToWorld = 0x10; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pOwner = 0x30; // CEntityInstance* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pParent = 0x38; // CGameSceneNode* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pChild = 0x40; // CGameSceneNode* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pNextSibling = 0x48; // CGameSceneNode* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hParent = 0x78; // CGameSceneNodeHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOrigin = 0x88; // CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angRotation = 0xC0; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0xCC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAbsOrigin = 0xD0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angAbsRotation = 0xDC; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAbsScale = 0xE8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParentAttachmentOrBone = 0xEC; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDebugAbsOriginChanges = 0xEE; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDormant = 0xEF; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bForceParentToBeNetworked = 0xF0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirtyHierarchy = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirtyBoneMergeInfo = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkedPositionChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkedAnglesChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkedScaleChanged = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bWillBeCallingPostDataUpdate = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBoneMergeFlex = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLatchAbsOrigin = 0x0; // bitfield:2 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDirtyBoneMergeBoneToRoot = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHierarchicalDepth = 0xF3; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHierarchyType = 0xF4; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDoNotSetAnimTimeInInvalidatePhysicsCount = 0xF5; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0xF8; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hierarchyAttachName = 0x138; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flZOffset = 0x13C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flClientLocalScale = 0x140; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRenderOrigin = 0x144; // Vector + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTablet { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 7 + namespace CTankTrainAI { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTrain = 0x4C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetEntity = 0x4C4; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundPlaying = 0x4C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_startSoundName = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_engineSoundName = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_movementSoundName = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetEntityName = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + namespace CGameGibManager { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowNewGibs = 0x4E0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCurrentMaxPieces = 0x4E4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxPieces = 0x4E8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iLastFrame = 0x4EC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + namespace CCSPointScript { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pParent = 0xF8; // CCSPointScriptEntity* + } + // Parent: CRagdollProp + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CRagdollPropAlias_physics_prop_ragdoll { + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSSprite { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CFuncPropRespawnZone { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace SpawnPoint { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPriority = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x4C4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x4C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CWeaponSCAR20 { + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTripWireFireProjectile { + } + // Parent: CFuncPlat + // Fields count: 2 + namespace CFuncPlatRot { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_end = 0x7C0; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_start = 0x7CC; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + namespace CEnvSpark { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDelay = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMagnitude = 0x4C4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTrailLength = 0x4C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x4CC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnSpark = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ObserverServices + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CCSObserver_ObserverServices { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CPlayer_AutoaimServices { + } + // Parent: CBasePlatTrain + // Fields count: 6 + namespace CFuncTrain { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hCurrentTarget = 0x7B8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_activated = 0x7BC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEnemy = 0x7C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlockDamage = 0x7C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextBlockTime = 0x7C8; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszLastTarget = 0x7D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CHostageExpresserShim + // Fields count: 39 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_vel (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isRescued (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHostageState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_reuseTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHandsHaveBeenCut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hHostageGrabber (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRescueStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGrabSuccessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDropStartTime (GameTime_t) + namespace CHostage { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnHostageBeginGrab = 0xA20; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFirstPickedUp = 0xA48; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnDroppedNotRescued = 0xA70; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnRescued = 0xA98; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entitySpottedState = 0xAC0; // EntitySpottedState_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSpotRules = 0xAD8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_uiHostageSpawnExclusionGroupMask = 0xADC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHostageSpawnRandomFactor = 0xAE0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRemove = 0xAE4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vel = 0xAE8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRescued = 0xAF4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jumpedThisFrame = 0xAF5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nHostageState = 0xAF8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leader = 0xAFC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastLeader = 0xB00; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_reuseTimer = 0xB08; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hasBeenUsed = 0xB20; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_accel = 0xB24; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRunning = 0xB30; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isCrouching = 0xB31; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jumpTimer = 0xB38; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isWaitingForLeader = 0xB50; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_repathTimer = 0x2B60; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inhibitDoorTimer = 0x2B78; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inhibitObstacleAvoidanceTimer = 0x2C08; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wiggleTimer = 0x2C28; // CountdownTimer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAdjusted = 0x2C44; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHandsHaveBeenCut = 0x2C45; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hHostageGrabber = 0x2C48; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fLastGrabTime = 0x2C4C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecPositionWhenStartedDroppingToGround = 0x2C50; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecGrabbedPos = 0x2C5C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRescueStartTime = 0x2C68; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGrabSuccessTime = 0x2C6C; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDropStartTime = 0x2C70; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nApproachRewardPayouts = 0x2C74; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPickupEventCount = 0x2C78; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecSpawnGroundPos = 0x2C7C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecHostageResetPosition = 0x2C9C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 13 + namespace CNavLinkAreaEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWidth = 0x4C0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLocatorOffset = 0x4C4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qLocatorAnglesOffset = 0x4D0; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strMovementForward = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strMovementReverse = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNavLinkIdForward = 0x4F0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNavLinkIdReverse = 0x4F4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x4F8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strFilterName = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hFilter = 0x508; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnNavLinkStart = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnNavLinkFinish = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsTerminus = 0x560; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + namespace CFuncMoveLinear { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_authoredPosition = 0x790; // MoveLinearAuthoredPos_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_angMoveEntitySpace = 0x794; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecMoveDirParentSpace = 0x7A0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundStart = 0x7B0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundStop = 0x7B8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_currentSound = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlockDamage = 0x7C8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartPosition = 0x7CC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFullyOpen = 0x7D8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnFullyClosed = 0x800; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCreateMovableNavMesh = 0x828; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCreateNavObstacle = 0x829; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + namespace CCommentaryAuto { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCommentaryNewGame = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCommentaryMidGame = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnCommentaryMultiplayerSpawn = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 8 + namespace CMapInfo { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iBuyingStatus = 0x4C0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBombRadius = 0x4C4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPetPopulation = 0x4C8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bUseNormalSpawnsForDM = 0x4CC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableAutoGeneratedDMSpawns = 0x4CD; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBotMaxVisionDistance = 0x4D0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHostageCount = 0x4D4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bFadePlayerVisibilityFarZ = 0x4D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + namespace CTriggerBombReset { + } + // Parent: CEntityInstance + // Fields count: 77 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_CBodyComponent (CBodyComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lifeState (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTakesDamage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTakeDamageFlags (TakeDamageFlags_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlatform (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveCollide (MoveCollide_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveType (MoveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSubclassID (EntitySubclassID_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSimulationTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSideRagdoll (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubInterpolationFrame (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_spawnflags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextThinkTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecVelocity (CNetworkVelocityVector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecBaseVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEffectEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwnerEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEffects (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGroundEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGroundBodyIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFriction (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flElasticity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGravityScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWaterLevel (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimatedEveryTick (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBloodType (BloodType) + namespace CBaseEntity { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CBodyComponent = 0x38; // CBodyComponent* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NetworkTransmitComponent = 0x40; // CNetworkTransmitComponent + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aThinkFunctions = 0x220; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCurrentThinkContext = 0x238; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastThinkTick = 0x23C; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisabledContextThinks = 0x240; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isSteadyState = 0x250; // CBitVec<64> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastNetworkChange = 0x258; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ResponseContexts = 0x268; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszResponseContext = 0x280; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iHealth = 0x2A8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMaxHealth = 0x2AC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lifeState = 0x2B0; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamageAccumulator = 0x2B4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTakesDamage = 0x2B8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTakeDamageFlags = 0x2C0; // TakeDamageFlags_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlatform = 0x2C8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MoveCollide = 0x2CA; // MoveCollide_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MoveType = 0x2CB; // MoveType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nActualMoveType = 0x2CC; // MoveType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWaterTouch = 0x2CD; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSlimeTouch = 0x2CE; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRestoreInHierarchy = 0x2CF; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_target = 0x2D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDamageFilter = 0x2D8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszDamageFilterName = 0x2E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMoveDoneTime = 0x2E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSubclassID = 0x2EC; // CUtlStringToken + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAnimTime = 0x2F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSimulationTime = 0x2FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCreateTime = 0x300; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bClientSideRagdoll = 0x304; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ubInterpolationFrame = 0x305; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPrevVPhysicsUpdatePos = 0x308; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTeamNum = 0x314; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iGlobalname = 0x318; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iSentToClients = 0x320; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSpeed = 0x324; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sUniqueHammerID = 0x328; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spawnflags = 0x330; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNextThinkTick = 0x334; // GameTick_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSimulationTick = 0x338; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnKilled = 0x340; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fFlags = 0x368; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAbsVelocity = 0x36C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecVelocity = 0x378; // CNetworkVelocityVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecBaseVelocity = 0x3A8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPushEnumCount = 0x3B4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pCollision = 0x3B8; // CCollisionProperty* + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hEffectEntity = 0x3C0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwnerEntity = 0x3C4; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fEffects = 0x3C8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hGroundEntity = 0x3CC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGroundBodyIndex = 0x3D0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFriction = 0x3D4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flElasticity = 0x3D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGravityScale = 0x3DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeScale = 0x3E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWaterLevel = 0x3E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAnimatedEveryTick = 0x3E8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisableLowViolence = 0x3E9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWaterType = 0x3EA; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iEFlags = 0x3EC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUser1 = 0x3F0; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUser2 = 0x418; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUser3 = 0x440; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_OnUser4 = 0x468; // CEntityIOOutput + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iInitialTeamNum = 0x490; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime = 0x494; // GameTime_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecAngVelocity = 0x498; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bNetworkQuantizeOriginAndAngles = 0x4A4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bLagCompensate = 0x4A5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOverriddenFriction = 0x4A8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pBlocker = 0x4AC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLocalTime = 0x4B0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime = 0x4B4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBloodType = 0x4B8; // BloodType + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 9 + namespace CLogicMeasureMovement { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strMeasureTarget = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strMeasureReference = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strTargetReference = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMeasureTarget = 0x4D8; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hMeasureReference = 0x4DC; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTarget = 0x4E0; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hTargetReference = 0x4E4; // CHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x4E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMeasureType = 0x4EC; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nType (FixAngleSet_t) + // NetworkVarNames: qAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: nIndex (uint32) + namespace ViewAngleServerChange_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nType = 0x30; // FixAngleSet_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t qAngle = 0x34; // QAngle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nIndex = 0x40; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Transforms (CTransform) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (EHANDLE) + namespace PhysicsRagdollPose_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t __m_pChainEntity = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Transforms = 0x30; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwner = 0x48; // CHandle + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/server.dll.json b/output/server.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f999cb --- /dev/null +++ b/output/server.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,19131 @@ +{ + "server.dll": { + "classes": { + "ActiveModelConfig_t": { + "fields": { + "m_AssociatedEntities": 56, + "m_AssociatedEntityNames": 80, + "m_Handle": 40, + "m_Name": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "m_Handle", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "ModelConfigHandle_t" + }, + { + "name": "m_Name", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "string_t" + }, + { + "name": "m_AssociatedEntities", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "CHandle" + }, + { + "name": "m_AssociatedEntityNames", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "string_t" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAISound": { + "fields": { + "m_flDuration": 1228, + "m_iSoundFlags": 1218, + "m_iSoundIndex": 1224, + "m_iSoundType": 1216, + "m_iVolume": 1220, + "m_iszProxyEntityName": 1232 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "CPointEntity" + }, + "CAI_ChangeHintGroup": { + "fields": { + "m_flRadius": 1240, + "m_iSearchType": 1216, + "m_strNewHintGroup": 1232, + "m_strSearchName": 1224 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "CBaseEntity" + }, + "CAK47": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "CCSWeaponBaseGun" + }, + "CAmbientGeneric": { + "fields": { + "m_dpv": 1228, + "m_fActive": 1328, + "m_fLooping": 1329, + "m_flMaxRadius": 1220, + "m_hSoundSource": 1352, + "m_iSoundLevel": 1224, + "m_iszSound": 1336, + "m_nSoundSourceEntIndex": 1356, + "m_radius": 1216, + "m_sSourceEntName": 1344 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": "CPointEntity" + }, + "CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables": { + "fields": { + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables": 248, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables": 272, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables": 392, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables": 464, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables": 320, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables": 440, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables": 296, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables": 344, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables": 368, + "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables": 416, + "m_PredNetBoolVariables": 8, + "m_PredNetByteVariables": 32, + "m_PredNetFloatVariables": 152, + "m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables": 224, + "m_PredNetIntVariables": 80, + "m_PredNetQuaternionVariables": 200, + "m_PredNetUInt16Variables": 56, + 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"NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "Vector" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetQuaternionVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "Quaternion" + }, + { + "name": "m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "CGlobalSymbol" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint32" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "byte" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint16" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int32" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint32" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "uint64" + }, + { + "name": "m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + 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"NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "float" + }, + { + "name": "m_flBrightness", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "float" + }, + { + "name": "m_flBrightnessScale", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "float" + }, + { + "name": "m_nDirectLight", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_nBakedShadowIndex", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_nLuminaireShape", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_flLuminaireSize", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "float" + }, + { + "name": "m_flLuminaireAnisotropy", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "float" + }, + { + "name": "m_LightStyleString", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "CUtlString" + }, + { + "name": "m_flLightStyleStartTime", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "GameTime_t" + }, + { + "name": "m_QueuedLightStyleStrings", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "CUtlString" + }, + { + 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"m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "Vector" + }, + { + "name": "m_nCastShadows", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_nShadowMapSize", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_nShadowPriority", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_bContactShadow", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "bool" + }, + { + "name": "m_nBounceLight", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "int" + }, + { + "name": "m_flBounceScale", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "float" + }, + { + "name": "m_flMinRoughness", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "float" + }, + { + "name": "m_vAlternateColor", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "Vector" + }, + { + "name": "m_fAlternateColorBrightness", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": 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+ "type_name": "Vector" + }, + { + "name": "m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "Vector" + }, + { + "name": "m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "QAngle" + }, + { + "name": "m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "Vector" + } + ], + "parent": "CBaseModelEntity" + }, + "CBaseAnimGraph": { + "fields": { + "m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled": 1944, + "m_bAnimationUpdateScheduled": 1964, + "m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory": 1928, + "m_bRagdollClientSide": 2008, + "m_flMaxSlopeDistance": 1948, + "m_nForceBone": 1980, + "m_pChoreoServices": 1936, + "m_pRagdollPose": 2000, + "m_vLastSlopeCheckPos": 1952, + "m_vecForce": 1968 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MNetworkIncludeByName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": "bool" + }, + { + "name": "m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled", + "type": "NetworkVarNames", + "type_name": 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"VOTE_FAILED_REMATCH": 32, + "VOTE_FAILED_SCRAMBLE_IN_PROGRESS": 13, + "VOTE_FAILED_SPECTATOR": 14, + "VOTE_FAILED_SWAP_IN_PROGRESS": 20, + "VOTE_FAILED_TEAM_CANT_CALL": 9, + "VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_ACTIVE": 28, + "VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_EXHAUSTED": 30, + "VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_INACTIVE": 29, + "VOTE_FAILED_TOO_EARLY_SURRENDER": 23, + "VOTE_FAILED_TRANSITIONING_PLAYERS": 1, + "VOTE_FAILED_WAITINGFORPLAYERS": 10, + "VOTE_FAILED_YES_MUST_EXCEED_NO": 3 + }, + "type": "uint32" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/server.dll.rs b/output/server.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40ae8e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/server.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,11066 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: server.dll + // Classes count: 651 + // Enums count: 131 + pub mod server_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e { + DOOR_ROTATING_OPEN_BOTH_WAYS = 0x0, + DOOR_ROTATING_OPEN_FORWARD = 0x1, + DOOR_ROTATING_OPEN_BACKWARD = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SceneOnPlayerDeath_t { + SCENE_ONPLAYERDEATH_DO_NOTHING = 0x0, + SCENE_ONPLAYERDEATH_CANCEL = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum LessonPanelLayoutFileTypes_t { + LAYOUT_HAND_DEFAULT = 0x0, + LAYOUT_WORLD_DEFAULT = 0x1, + LAYOUT_CUSTOM = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum TimelineCompression_t { + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_SUM = 0x0, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_COUNT_PER_INTERVAL = 0x1, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_AVERAGE = 0x2, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_AVERAGE_BLEND = 0x3, + TIMELINE_COMPRESSION_TOTAL = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SubclassVDataChangeType_t { + SUBCLASS_VDATA_CREATED = 0x0, + SUBCLASS_VDATA_SUBCLASS_CHANGED = 0x1, + SUBCLASS_VDATA_RELOADED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum C4LightEffect_t { + eLightEffectNone = 0x0, + eLightEffectDropped = 0x1, + eLightEffectThirdPersonHeld = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum StanceType_t { + STANCE_CURRENT = u32::MAX, + STANCE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + STANCE_CROUCHING = 0x1, + STANCE_PRONE = 0x2, + NUM_STANCES = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum Explosions { + expRandom = 0x0, + expDirected = 0x1, + expUsePrecise = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PreviewCharacterMode { + DIORAMA = 0x0, + MAIN_MENU = 0x1, + BUY_MENU = 0x2, + TEAM_SELECT = 0x3, + END_OF_MATCH = 0x4, + INVENTORY_INSPECT = 0x5, + WALKING = 0x6, + TEAM_INTRO = 0x7, + WINGMAN_INTRO = 0x8, + BANNER = 0x9 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ObserverInterpState_t { + OBSERVER_INTERP_NONE = 0x0, + OBSERVER_INTERP_TRAVELING = 0x1, + OBSERVER_INTERP_SETTLING = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum WorldTextPanelOrientation_t { + WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT = 0x0, + WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_FACEUSER = 0x1, + WORLDTEXT_ORIENTATION_FACEUSER_UPRIGHT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum WorldTextPanelHorizontalAlign_t { + WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT = 0x0, + WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x1, + WORLDTEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum SequenceFinishNotifyState_t { + eDoNotNotify = 0x0, + eNotifyWhenFinished = 0x1, + eNotifyTriggered = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SoundEventStartType_t { + SOUNDEVENT_START_PLAYER = 0x0, + SOUNDEVENT_START_WORLD = 0x1, + SOUNDEVENT_START_ENTITY = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum TrainOrientationType_t { + TrainOrientation_Fixed = 0x0, + TrainOrientation_AtPathTracks = 0x1, + TrainOrientation_LinearBlend = 0x2, + TrainOrientation_EaseInEaseOut = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CSWeaponCategory { + WEAPONCATEGORY_OTHER = 0x0, + WEAPONCATEGORY_MELEE = 0x1, + WEAPONCATEGORY_SECONDARY = 0x2, + WEAPONCATEGORY_SMG = 0x3, + WEAPONCATEGORY_RIFLE = 0x4, + WEAPONCATEGORY_HEAVY = 0x5, + WEAPONCATEGORY_COUNT = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum BeginDeathLifeStateTransition_t { + NO_CHANGE_IN_LIFESTATE = 0x0, + TRANSITION_TO_LIFESTATE_DYING = 0x1, + TRANSITION_TO_LIFESTATE_DEAD = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 12 + #[repr(u16)] + pub enum SoundTypes_t { + SOUND_NONE = 0x0, + SOUND_COMBAT = 0x1, + SOUND_PLAYER = 0x2, + SOUND_DANGER = 0x3, + SOUND_BULLET_IMPACT = 0x4, + SOUND_THUMPER = 0x5, + SOUND_PHYSICS_DANGER = 0x6, + SOUND_MOVE_AWAY = 0x7, + SOUND_PLAYER_VEHICLE = 0x8, + SOUND_GLASS_BREAK = 0x9, + SOUND_PHYSICS_OBJECT = 0xA, + NUM_AI_SOUND_TYPES = 0xB + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 24 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PlayerAnimEvent_t { + PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_PRIMARY = 0x0, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIRE_GUN_SECONDARY = 0x1, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_GRENADE_PULL_PIN = 0x2, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_THROW_GRENADE = 0x3, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_JUMP = 0x4, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD = 0x5, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_CLEAR_FIRING = 0x6, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_DEPLOY = 0x7, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_SILENCER_STATE = 0x8, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_SILENCER_TOGGLE = 0x9, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_THROW_GRENADE_UNDERHAND = 0xA, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_CATCH_WEAPON = 0xB, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_LOOKATWEAPON_REQUEST = 0xC, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD_CANCEL_LOOKATWEAPON = 0xD, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_HAULBACK = 0xE, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_IDLE = 0xF, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_STRIKE_HIT = 0x10, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_STRIKE_MISS = 0x11, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_BACKSTAB = 0x12, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_DRYFIRE = 0x13, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_FIDGET = 0x14, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELEASE = 0x15, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_TAUNT = 0x16, + PLAYERANIMEVENT_COUNT = 0x17 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum ItemFlagTypes_t { + ITEM_FLAG_NONE = 0x0, + ITEM_FLAG_CAN_SELECT_WITHOUT_AMMO = 0x1, + ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTORELOAD = 0x2, + ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTOSWITCHEMPTY = 0x4, + ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD = 0x8, + ITEM_FLAG_EXHAUSTIBLE = 0x10, + ITEM_FLAG_DOHITLOCATIONDMG = 0x20, + ITEM_FLAG_NOAMMOPICKUPS = 0x40, + ITEM_FLAG_NOITEMPICKUP = 0x80 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum ShatterPanelMode { + SHATTER_GLASS = 0x0, + SHATTER_DRYWALL = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 10 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum SurroundingBoundsType_t { + USE_OBB_COLLISION_BOUNDS = 0x0, + USE_BEST_COLLISION_BOUNDS = 0x1, + USE_HITBOXES = 0x2, + USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS = 0x3, + USE_GAME_CODE = 0x4, + USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_BOUNDS = 0x5, + USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_ORIENTED_BOUNDS = 0x6, + USE_COLLISION_BOUNDS_NEVER_VPHYSICS = 0x7, + USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_SEQUENCE_BOUNDS = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum LifeState_t { + LIFE_ALIVE = 0x0, + LIFE_DYING = 0x1, + LIFE_DEAD = 0x2, + LIFE_RESPAWNABLE = 0x3, + LIFE_RESPAWNING = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum NPCFollowFormation_t { + Default = u32::MAX, + CloseCircle = 0x0, + WideCircle = 0x1, + MediumCircle = 0x5, + Sidekick = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CSWeaponMode { + Primary_Mode = 0x0, + Secondary_Mode = 0x1, + WeaponMode_MAX = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum OnFrame { + ONFRAME_UNKNOWN = 0x0, + ONFRAME_TRUE = 0x1, + ONFRAME_FALSE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 12 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum Materials { + matGlass = 0x0, + matWood = 0x1, + matMetal = 0x2, + matFlesh = 0x3, + matCinderBlock = 0x4, + matCeilingTile = 0x5, + matComputer = 0x6, + matUnbreakableGlass = 0x7, + matRocks = 0x8, + matWeb = 0x9, + matNone = 0xA, + matLastMaterial = 0xB + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BloodType { + None = u32::MAX, + ColorRed = 0x0, + ColorYellow = 0x1, + ColorGreen = 0x2, + ColorRedLVL2 = 0x3, + ColorRedLVL3 = 0x4, + ColorRedLVL4 = 0x5, + ColorRedLVL5 = 0x6, + ColorRedLVL6 = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ScriptedMoveTo_t { + eWait = 0x0, + eMoveWithGait = 0x3, + eTeleport = 0x4, + eWaitFacing = 0x5, + eObsoleteBackCompat1 = 0x1, + eObsoleteBackCompat2 = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AnimLoopMode_t { + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_INVALID = u32::MAX, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_NOT_LOOPING = 0x0, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_LOOPING = 0x1, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_USE_SEQUENCE_SETTINGS = 0x2, + ANIM_LOOP_MODE_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u16)] + pub enum SoundFlags_t { + SOUND_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, + SOUND_FLAG_GUNFIRE = 0x1, + SOUND_FLAG_COMBINE_ONLY = 0x2, + SOUND_FLAG_REACT_TO_SOURCE = 0x4, + SOUND_FLAG_EXPLOSION = 0x8, + SOUND_FLAG_EXCLUDE_COMBINE = 0x10, + SOUND_FLAG_DANGER_APPROACH = 0x20, + SOUND_FLAG_ALLIES_ONLY = 0x40, + SOUND_FLAG_PANIC_NPCS = 0x80 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum Class_T { + CLASS_NONE = 0x0, + CLASS_PLAYER = 0x1, + CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY = 0x2, + CLASS_BOMB = 0x3, + CLASS_FOOT_CONTACT_SHADOW = 0x4, + CLASS_WEAPON = 0x5, + CLASS_WATER_SPLASHER = 0x6, + CLASS_WEAPON_VIEWMODEL = 0x7, + CLASS_DOOR = 0x8, + NUM_CLASSIFY_CLASSES = 0x9 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum filter_t { + FILTER_AND = 0x0, + FILTER_OR = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CSWeaponSilencerType { + WEAPONSILENCER_NONE = 0x0, + WEAPONSILENCER_DETACHABLE = 0x1, + WEAPONSILENCER_INTEGRATED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 17 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BaseExplosionTypes_t { + EXPLOSION_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_GRENADE = 0x1, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_MOLOTOV = 0x2, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_FIREWORKS = 0x3, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_GASCAN = 0x4, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_GASCYLINDER = 0x5, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_EXPLOSIVEBARREL = 0x6, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_ELECTRICAL = 0x7, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_EMP = 0x8, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_SHRAPNEL = 0x9, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMOKEGRENADE = 0xA, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_FLASHBANG = 0xB, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_TRIPMINE = 0xC, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_ICE = 0xD, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_NONE = 0xE, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_CUSTOM = 0xF, + EXPLOSION_TYPE_COUNT = 0x10 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 44 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum GameAnimEventIndex_t { + AE_EMPTY = 0x0, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND = 0x1, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_ATTACHMENT = 0x2, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_POSITION = 0x3, + AE_SV_PLAYSOUND = 0x4, + AE_CL_STOPSOUND = 0x5, + AE_CL_PLAYSOUND_LOOPING = 0x6, + AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x7, + AE_CL_STOP_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0x8, + AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT_CFG = 0x9, + AE_SV_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT_CFG = 0xA, + AE_SV_STOP_PARTICLE_EFFECT = 0xB, + AE_FOOTSTEP = 0xC, + AE_RAGDOLL = 0xD, + AE_CL_STOP_RAGDOLL_CONTROL = 0xE, + AE_CL_ENABLE_BODYGROUP = 0xF, + AE_CL_DISABLE_BODYGROUP = 0x10, + AE_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE = 0x11, + AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE_CMODEL_WPN = 0x12, + AE_WEAPON_PERFORM_ATTACK = 0x13, + AE_FIRE_INPUT = 0x14, + AE_CL_CLOTH_ATTR = 0x15, + AE_CL_CLOTH_GROUND_OFFSET = 0x16, + AE_CL_CLOTH_STIFFEN = 0x17, + AE_CL_CLOTH_EFFECT = 0x18, + AE_CL_CREATE_ANIM_SCOPE_PROP = 0x19, + AE_SV_IKLOCK = 0x1A, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH = 0x1B, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_LOOKAT = 0x1C, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_AIMAT = 0x1D, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_IKLOCKLEFTARM = 0x1E, + AE_PULSE_GRAPH_IKLOCKRIGHTARM = 0x1F, + AE_CL_WEAPON_TRANSITION_INTO_HAND = 0x20, + AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_TO_CLIP = 0x21, + AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_TO_NEXTCLIP = 0x22, + AE_SV_SHOW_SILENCER = 0x23, + AE_SV_ATTACH_SILENCER_COMPLETE = 0x24, + AE_SV_HIDE_SILENCER = 0x25, + AE_SV_DETACH_SILENCER_COMPLETE = 0x26, + AE_CL_EJECT_MAG = 0x27, + AE_WPN_COMPLETE_RELOAD = 0x28, + AE_WPN_HEALTHSHOT_INJECT = 0x29, + AE_CL_C4_SCREEN_TEXT = 0x2A, + AE_GRENADE_THROW_COMPLETE = 0x2B + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum FixAngleSet_t { + None = 0x0, + Absolute = 0x1, + Relative = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum IChoreoServices__ScriptState_t { + SCRIPT_PLAYING = 0x0, + SCRIPT_WAIT = 0x1, + SCRIPT_POST_IDLE = 0x2, + SCRIPT_CLEANUP = 0x3, + SCRIPT_MOVE_TO_MARK = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CommandEntitySpecType_t { + SPEC_SEARCH = 0x0, + SPEC_TYPES_COUNT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum Touch_t { + touch_none = 0x0, + touch_player_only = 0x1, + touch_npc_only = 0x2, + touch_player_or_npc = 0x3, + touch_player_or_npc_or_physicsprop = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum TrainVelocityType_t { + TrainVelocity_Instantaneous = 0x0, + TrainVelocity_LinearBlend = 0x1, + TrainVelocity_EaseInEaseOut = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 20 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CSWeaponType { + WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE = 0x0, + WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL = 0x1, + WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN = 0x2, + WEAPONTYPE_RIFLE = 0x3, + WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN = 0x4, + WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE = 0x5, + WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN = 0x6, + WEAPONTYPE_C4 = 0x7, + WEAPONTYPE_TASER = 0x8, + WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE = 0x9, + WEAPONTYPE_EQUIPMENT = 0xA, + WEAPONTYPE_STACKABLEITEM = 0xB, + WEAPONTYPE_FISTS = 0xC, + WEAPONTYPE_BREACHCHARGE = 0xD, + WEAPONTYPE_BUMPMINE = 0xE, + WEAPONTYPE_TABLET = 0xF, + WEAPONTYPE_MELEE = 0x10, + WEAPONTYPE_SHIELD = 0x11, + WEAPONTYPE_ZONE_REPULSOR = 0x12, + WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x13 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EntFinderMethod_t { + ENT_FIND_METHOD_NEAREST = 0x0, + ENT_FIND_METHOD_FARTHEST = 0x1, + ENT_FIND_METHOD_RANDOM = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PropDoorRotatingSpawnPos_t { + DOOR_SPAWN_CLOSED = 0x0, + DOOR_SPAWN_OPEN_FORWARD = 0x1, + DOOR_SPAWN_OPEN_BACK = 0x2, + DOOR_SPAWN_AJAR = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum ShardSolid_t { + SHARD_SOLID = 0x0, + SHARD_DEBRIS = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PulseNPCCondition_t { + COND_SEE_PLAYER = 0x1, + COND_LOST_PLAYER = 0x2, + COND_HEAR_PLAYER = 0x3, + COND_PLAYER_PUSHING = 0x4, + COND_NO_PRIMARY_AMMO = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 13 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum RenderMode_t { + kRenderNormal = 0x0, + kRenderTransColor = 0x1, + kRenderTransTexture = 0x2, + kRenderGlow = 0x3, + kRenderTransAlpha = 0x4, + kRenderTransAdd = 0x5, + kRenderEnvironmental = 0x6, + kRenderTransAddFrameBlend = 0x7, + kRenderTransAlphaAdd = 0x8, + kRenderWorldGlow = 0x9, + kRenderNone = 0xA, + kRenderDevVisualizer = 0xB, + kRenderModeCount = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ForcedCrouchState_t { + FORCEDCROUCH_NONE = 0x0, + FORCEDCROUCH_CROUCHED = 0x1, + FORCEDCROUCH_UNCROUCHED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PerformanceMode_t { + PM_NORMAL = 0x0, + PM_NO_GIBS = 0x1, + PM_FULL_GIBS = 0x2, + PM_REDUCED_GIBS = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum TOGGLE_STATE { + TS_AT_TOP = 0x0, + TS_AT_BOTTOM = 0x1, + TS_GOING_UP = 0x2, + TS_GOING_DOWN = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 74 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum loadout_slot_t { + LOADOUT_SLOT_PROMOTED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE, + LOADOUT_SLOT_INVALID = u32::MAX, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MELEE = 0x0, + LOADOUT_SLOT_C4 = 0x1, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY0 = 0x2, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY1 = 0x3, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY2 = 0x4, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY3 = 0x5, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY4 = 0x6, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SECONDARY5 = 0x7, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG0 = 0x8, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG1 = 0x9, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG2 = 0xA, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG3 = 0xB, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG4 = 0xC, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SMG5 = 0xD, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE0 = 0xE, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE1 = 0xF, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE2 = 0x10, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE3 = 0x11, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE4 = 0x12, + LOADOUT_SLOT_RIFLE5 = 0x13, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY0 = 0x14, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY1 = 0x15, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY2 = 0x16, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY3 = 0x17, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY4 = 0x18, + LOADOUT_SLOT_HEAVY5 = 0x19, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FIRST_WHEEL_GRENADE = 0x1A, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE1 = 0x1B, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE2 = 0x1C, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE3 = 0x1D, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE4 = 0x1E, + LOADOUT_SLOT_GRENADE5 = 0x1F, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT0 = 0x20, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT1 = 0x21, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT2 = 0x22, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT3 = 0x23, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT4 = 0x24, + LOADOUT_SLOT_EQUIPMENT5 = 0x25, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_CUSTOMPLAYER = 0x26, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_CUSTOMHEAD = 0x27, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_FACEMASK = 0x28, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_HANDS = 0x29, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_EYEWEAR = 0x2A, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_HAT = 0x2B, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_LOWERBODY = 0x2C, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_TORSO = 0x2D, + LOADOUT_SLOT_CLOTHING_APPEARANCE = 0x2E, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC0 = 0x2F, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC1 = 0x30, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC2 = 0x31, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC3 = 0x32, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC4 = 0x33, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC5 = 0x34, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MISC6 = 0x35, + LOADOUT_SLOT_MUSICKIT = 0x36, + LOADOUT_SLOT_FLAIR0 = 0x37, + LOADOUT_SLOT_SPRAY0 = 0x38, + LOADOUT_SLOT_COUNT = 0x39 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 20 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum NavAttributeEnum { + NAV_MESH_AVOID = 0x80, + NAV_MESH_STAIRS = 0x1000, + NAV_MESH_NON_ZUP = 0x8000, + NAV_MESH_SHORT_HEIGHT = 0x10000, + NAV_MESH_NON_ZUP_TRANSITION = 0x20000, + NAV_MESH_JUMP = 0x2, + NAV_MESH_PRECISE = 0x4, + NAV_MESH_NO_JUMP = 0x8, + NAV_MESH_STOP = 0x10, + NAV_MESH_RUN = 0x20, + NAV_MESH_WALK = 0x40, + NAV_MESH_TRANSIENT = 0x100, + NAV_MESH_DONT_HIDE = 0x200, + NAV_MESH_STAND = 0x400, + NAV_MESH_NO_HOSTAGES = 0x800, + NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE = 0x2000, + NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP = 0x4000, + NAV_ATTR_FIRST_GAME_INDEX = 0x13, + NAV_ATTR_LAST_INDEX = 0x1F + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum MoveLinearAuthoredPos_t { + MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_START_POSITION = 0x0, + MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_OPEN_POSITION = 0x1, + MOVELINEAR_AUTHORED_AT_CLOSED_POSITION = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ValueRemapperMomentumType_t { + MomentumType_None = 0x0, + MomentumType_Friction = 0x1, + MomentumType_SpringTowardSnapValue = 0x2, + MomentumType_SpringAwayFromSnapValue = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 12 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum Hull_t { + HULL_HUMAN = 0x0, + HULL_SMALL_CENTERED = 0x1, + HULL_WIDE_HUMAN = 0x2, + HULL_TINY = 0x3, + HULL_MEDIUM = 0x4, + HULL_TINY_CENTERED = 0x5, + HULL_LARGE = 0x6, + HULL_LARGE_CENTERED = 0x7, + HULL_MEDIUM_TALL = 0x8, + HULL_SMALL = 0x9, + NUM_HULLS = 0xA, + HULL_NONE = 0xB + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PreviewWeaponState { + DROPPED = 0x0, + HOLSTERED = 0x1, + DEPLOYED = 0x2, + PLANTED = 0x3, + INSPECT = 0x4, + ICON = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EInButtonState { + IN_BUTTON_UP = 0x0, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN = 0x1, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP = 0x2, + IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN = 0x3, + IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN_UP = 0x4, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP_DOWN = 0x5, + IN_BUTTON_DOWN_UP_DOWN_UP = 0x6, + IN_BUTTON_UP_DOWN_UP_DOWN = 0x7, + IN_BUTTON_STATE_COUNT = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BeamClipStyle_t { + kNOCLIP = 0x0, + kGEOCLIP = 0x1, + kMODELCLIP = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum WeaponAttackType_t { + eInvalid = u32::MAX, + ePrimary = 0x0, + eSecondary = 0x1, + eCount = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 18 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t { + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_None = 0x0, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_DefusingDefault = 0x1, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_DefusingWithKit = 0x2, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_HostageGrabbing = 0x3, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_HostageDropping = 0x4, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_OpeningSafe = 0x5, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingParachute = 0x6, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingHeavyArmor = 0x7, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingContract = 0x8, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingTabletUpgrade = 0x9, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_TakingOffHeavyArmor = 0xA, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_PayingToOpenDoor = 0xB, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_CancelingSpawnRappelling = 0xC, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_EquippingExoJump = 0xD, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_PickingUpBumpMine = 0xE, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_MapLongUseEntity_Pickup = 0xF, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_MapLongUseEntity_Place = 0x10, + k_CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_MaxCount = 0x11 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CSWeaponState_t { + WEAPON_NOT_CARRIED = 0x0, + WEAPON_IS_CARRIED_BY_PLAYER = 0x1, + WEAPON_IS_ACTIVE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CommandExecMode_t { + EXEC_MANUAL = 0x0, + EXEC_LEVELSTART = 0x1, + EXEC_PERIODIC = 0x2, + EXEC_MODES_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum ShatterDamageCause { + SHATTERDAMAGE_BULLET = 0x0, + SHATTERDAMAGE_MELEE = 0x1, + SHATTERDAMAGE_THROWN = 0x2, + SHATTERDAMAGE_SCRIPT = 0x3, + SHATTERDAMAGE_EXPLOSIVE = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ScriptedOnDeath_t { + SS_ONDEATH_NOT_APPLICABLE = u32::MAX, + SS_ONDEATH_UNDEFINED = 0x0, + SS_ONDEATH_RAGDOLL = 0x1, + SS_ONDEATH_ANIMATED_DEATH = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ChoreoLookAtSpeed_t { + eInvalid = u32::MAX, + eSlow = 0x0, + eMedium = 0x1, + eFast = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ScriptedMoveType_t { + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_NONE = 0x0, + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_TO_WITH_DURATION = 0x1, + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_TO_WITH_MOVESPEED = 0x2, + SCRIPTED_MOVETYPE_SWEEP_TO_AT_MOVEMENT_SPEED = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 17 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum gear_slot_t { + GEAR_SLOT_INVALID = u32::MAX, + GEAR_SLOT_RIFLE = 0x0, + GEAR_SLOT_PISTOL = 0x1, + GEAR_SLOT_KNIFE = 0x2, + GEAR_SLOT_GRENADES = 0x3, + GEAR_SLOT_C4 = 0x4, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT6 = 0x5, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT7 = 0x6, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT8 = 0x7, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT9 = 0x8, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT10 = 0x9, + GEAR_SLOT_RESERVED_SLOT11 = 0xA, + GEAR_SLOT_BOOSTS = 0xB, + GEAR_SLOT_UTILITY = 0xC, + GEAR_SLOT_COUNT = 0xD + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CSPlayerState { + STATE_ACTIVE = 0x0, + STATE_WELCOME = 0x1, + STATE_PICKINGTEAM = 0x2, + STATE_PICKINGCLASS = 0x3, + STATE_DEATH_ANIM = 0x4, + STATE_DEATH_WAIT_FOR_KEY = 0x5, + STATE_OBSERVER_MODE = 0x6, + STATE_GUNGAME_RESPAWN = 0x7, + STATE_DORMANT = 0x8, + NUM_PLAYER_STATES = 0x9 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ScriptedConflictResponse_t { + SS_CONFLICT_ENQUEUE = 0x0, + SS_CONFLICT_INTERRUPT = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum WaterLevel_t { + WL_NotInWater = 0x0, + WL_Feet = 0x1, + WL_Knees = 0x2, + WL_Waist = 0x3, + WL_Chest = 0x4, + WL_FullyUnderwater = 0x5, + WL_Count = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum WorldTextPanelVerticalAlign_t { + WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP = 0x0, + WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x1, + WORLDTEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AmmoPosition_t { + AMMO_POSITION_INVALID = u32::MAX, + AMMO_POSITION_PRIMARY = 0x0, + AMMO_POSITION_SECONDARY = 0x1, + AMMO_POSITION_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 23 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PreviewEOMCelebration { + WALKUP = 0x0, + PUNCHING = 0x1, + SWAGGER = 0x2, + DROPDOWN = 0x3, + STRETCH = 0x4, + SWAT_FEMALE = 0x5, + MASK_F = 0x6, + GUERILLA = 0x7, + GUERILLA02 = 0x8, + GENDARMERIE = 0x9, + SCUBA_FEMALE = 0xA, + SCUBA_MALE = 0xB, + AVA_DEFEAT = 0xC, + GENDARMERIE_DEFEAT = 0xD, + MAE_DEFEAT = 0xE, + RICKSAW_DEFEAT = 0xF, + SCUBA_FEMALE_DEFEAT = 0x10, + SCUBA_MALE_DEFEAT = 0x11, + CRASSWATER_DEFEAT = 0x12, + DARRYL_DEFEAT = 0x13, + DOCTOR_DEFEAT = 0x14, + MUHLIK_DEFEAT = 0x15, + VYPA_DEFEAT = 0x16 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EntityDisolveType_t { + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_INVALID = u32::MAX, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_NORMAL = 0x0, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_ELECTRICAL = 0x1, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_ELECTRICAL_LIGHT = 0x2, + ENTITY_DISSOLVE_CORE = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 8 + // Members count: 21 + #[repr(u64)] + pub enum InputBitMask_t { + IN_NONE = 0x0, + IN_ALL = u64::MAX, + IN_ATTACK = 0x1, + IN_JUMP = 0x2, + IN_DUCK = 0x4, + IN_FORWARD = 0x8, + IN_BACK = 0x10, + IN_USE = 0x20, + IN_TURNLEFT = 0x80, + IN_TURNRIGHT = 0x100, + IN_MOVELEFT = 0x200, + IN_MOVERIGHT = 0x400, + IN_ATTACK2 = 0x800, + IN_RELOAD = 0x2000, + IN_SPEED = 0x10000, + IN_JOYAUTOSPRINT = 0x20000, + IN_FIRST_MOD_SPECIFIC_BIT = 0x100000000, + IN_SCORE = 0x200000000, + IN_ZOOM = 0x400000000, + IN_LOOK_AT_WEAPON = 0x800000000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 14 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum HitGroup_t { + HITGROUP_INVALID = u32::MAX, + HITGROUP_GENERIC = 0x0, + HITGROUP_HEAD = 0x1, + HITGROUP_CHEST = 0x2, + HITGROUP_STOMACH = 0x3, + HITGROUP_LEFTARM = 0x4, + HITGROUP_RIGHTARM = 0x5, + HITGROUP_LEFTLEG = 0x6, + HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG = 0x7, + HITGROUP_NECK = 0x8, + HITGROUP_UNUSED = 0x9, + HITGROUP_GEAR = 0xA, + HITGROUP_SPECIAL = 0xB, + HITGROUP_COUNT = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ChickenActivity { + IDLE = 0x0, + SQUAT = 0x1, + WALK = 0x2, + RUN = 0x3, + GLIDE = 0x4, + LAND = 0x5, + PANIC = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PointWorldTextReorientMode_t { + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_REORIENT_NONE = 0x0, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_REORIENT_AROUND_UP = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 8 + // Members count: 40 + #[repr(u64)] + pub enum DebugOverlayBits_t { + OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT = 0x1, + OVERLAY_NAME_BIT = 0x2, + OVERLAY_BBOX_BIT = 0x4, + OVERLAY_PIVOT_BIT = 0x8, + OVERLAY_MESSAGE_BIT = 0x10, + OVERLAY_ABSBOX_BIT = 0x20, + OVERLAY_RBOX_BIT = 0x40, + OVERLAY_SHOW_BLOCKSLOS = 0x80, + OVERLAY_ATTACHMENTS_BIT = 0x100, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_ATTACHMENTS_BIT = 0x200, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_PIVOT_BIT = 0x400, + OVERLAY_SKELETON_BIT = 0x800, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_SKELETON_BIT = 0x1000, + OVERLAY_TRIGGER_BOUNDS_BIT = 0x2000, + OVERLAY_HITBOX_BIT = 0x4000, + OVERLAY_INTERPOLATED_HITBOX_BIT = 0x8000, + OVERLAY_AUTOAIM_BIT = 0x10000, + OVERLAY_NPC_SELECTED_BIT = 0x20000, + OVERLAY_JOINT_INFO_BIT = 0x40000, + OVERLAY_NPC_ROUTE_BIT = 0x80000, + OVERLAY_VISIBILITY_TRACES_BIT = 0x100000, + OVERLAY_NPC_ENEMIES_BIT = 0x400000, + OVERLAY_NPC_CONDITIONS_BIT = 0x800000, + OVERLAY_NPC_COMBAT_BIT = 0x1000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_TASK_BIT = 0x2000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_BODYLOCATIONS = 0x4000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_VIEWCONE_BIT = 0x8000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_KILL_BIT = 0x10000000, + OVERLAY_WC_CHANGE_ENTITY = 0x20000000, + OVERLAY_BUDDHA_MODE = 0x40000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_STEERING_REGULATIONS = 0x80000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_TASK_TEXT_BIT = 0x100000000, + OVERLAY_PROP_DEBUG = 0x200000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_RELATION_BIT = 0x400000000, + OVERLAY_VIEWOFFSET = 0x800000000, + OVERLAY_VCOLLIDE_WIREFRAME_BIT = 0x1000000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_SCRIPTED_COMMANDS_BIT = 0x2000000000, + OVERLAY_ACTORNAME_BIT = 0x4000000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_CONDITIONS_TEXT_BIT = 0x8000000000, + OVERLAY_NPC_ABILITY_RANGE_DEBUG_BIT = 0x10000000000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum AmmoFlags_t { + AMMO_FORCE_DROP_IF_CARRIED = 0x1, + AMMO_RESERVE_STAYS_WITH_WEAPON = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum HierarchyType_t { + HIERARCHY_NONE = 0x0, + HIERARCHY_BONE_MERGE = 0x1, + HIERARCHY_ATTACHMENT = 0x2, + HIERARCHY_ABSORIGIN = 0x3, + HIERARCHY_BONE = 0x4, + HIERARCHY_TYPE_COUNT = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum doorCheck_e { + DOOR_CHECK_FORWARD = 0x0, + DOOR_CHECK_BACKWARD = 0x1, + DOOR_CHECK_FULL = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BeamType_t { + BEAM_INVALID = 0x0, + BEAM_POINTS = 0x1, + BEAM_ENTPOINT = 0x2, + BEAM_ENTS = 0x3, + BEAM_HOSE = 0x4, + BEAM_SPLINE = 0x5, + BEAM_LASER = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EntitySubclassScope_t { + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_NONE = u32::MAX, + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_PRECIPITATION = 0x0, + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_PLAYER_WEAPONS = 0x1, + SUBCLASS_SCOPE_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t { + CREATE_FOR_CURRENTLY_CONNECTED_CLIENTS_ONLY = 0x0, + CREATE_FOR_CLIENTS_WHO_CONNECT_LATER = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum ShatterGlassStressType { + SHATTERGLASS_BLUNT = 0x0, + SHATTERGLASS_BALLISTIC = 0x1, + SHATTERGLASS_PULSE = 0x2, + SHATTERDRYWALL_CHUNKS = 0x3, + SHATTERGLASS_EXPLOSIVE = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum TrackOrientationType_t { + TrackOrientation_Fixed = 0x0, + TrackOrientation_FacePath = 0x1, + TrackOrientation_FacePathAngles = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum WeaponSwitchReason_t { + eDrawn = 0x0, + eEquipped = 0x1, + eUserInitiatedSwitchToLast = 0x2, + eUserInitiatedSwitchHands = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ValueRemapperRatchetType_t { + RatchetType_Absolute = 0x0, + RatchetType_EachEngage = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum NavDirType { + NORTH = 0x0, + EAST = 0x1, + SOUTH = 0x2, + WEST = 0x3, + NUM_NAV_DIR_TYPE_DIRECTIONS = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CRR_Response__ResponseEnum_t { + MAX_RESPONSE_NAME = 0xC0, + MAX_RULE_NAME = 0x80 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum MoveMountingAmount_t { + MOVE_MOUNT_NONE = 0x0, + MOVE_MOUNT_LOW = 0x1, + MOVE_MOUNT_HIGH = 0x2, + MOVE_MOUNT_MAXCOUNT = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 20 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum RenderFx_t { + kRenderFxNone = 0x0, + kRenderFxPulseSlow = 0x1, + kRenderFxPulseFast = 0x2, + kRenderFxPulseSlowWide = 0x3, + kRenderFxPulseFastWide = 0x4, + kRenderFxFadeSlow = 0x5, + kRenderFxFadeFast = 0x6, + kRenderFxSolidSlow = 0x7, + kRenderFxSolidFast = 0x8, + kRenderFxStrobeSlow = 0x9, + kRenderFxStrobeFast = 0xA, + kRenderFxStrobeFaster = 0xB, + kRenderFxFlickerSlow = 0xC, + kRenderFxFlickerFast = 0xD, + kRenderFxNoDissipation = 0xE, + kRenderFxFadeOut = 0xF, + kRenderFxFadeIn = 0x10, + kRenderFxPulseFastWider = 0x11, + kRenderFxGlowShell = 0x12, + kRenderFxMax = 0x13 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 35 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum vote_create_failed_t { + VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC = 0x0, + VOTE_FAILED_TRANSITIONING_PLAYERS = 0x1, + VOTE_FAILED_RATE_EXCEEDED = 0x2, + VOTE_FAILED_YES_MUST_EXCEED_NO = 0x3, + VOTE_FAILED_QUORUM_FAILURE = 0x4, + VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED = 0x5, + VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NOT_FOUND = 0x6, + VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NAME_REQUIRED = 0x7, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENTLY = 0x8, + VOTE_FAILED_TEAM_CANT_CALL = 0x9, + VOTE_FAILED_WAITINGFORPLAYERS = 0xA, + VOTE_FAILED_PLAYERNOTFOUND = 0xB, + VOTE_FAILED_CANNOT_KICK_ADMIN = 0xC, + VOTE_FAILED_SCRAMBLE_IN_PROGRESS = 0xD, + VOTE_FAILED_SPECTATOR = 0xE, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_KICK = 0xF, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_CHANGEMAP = 0x10, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SWAPTEAMS = 0x11, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SCRAMBLETEAMS = 0x12, + VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_RESTART = 0x13, + VOTE_FAILED_SWAP_IN_PROGRESS = 0x14, + VOTE_FAILED_DISABLED = 0x15, + VOTE_FAILED_NEXTLEVEL_SET = 0x16, + VOTE_FAILED_TOO_EARLY_SURRENDER = 0x17, + VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_PAUSED = 0x18, + VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_NOT_PAUSED = 0x19, + VOTE_FAILED_NOT_IN_WARMUP = 0x1A, + VOTE_FAILED_NOT_10_PLAYERS = 0x1B, + VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_ACTIVE = 0x1C, + VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_INACTIVE = 0x1D, + VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_EXHAUSTED = 0x1E, + VOTE_FAILED_CANT_ROUND_END = 0x1F, + VOTE_FAILED_REMATCH = 0x20, + VOTE_FAILED_CONTINUE = 0x21, + VOTE_FAILED_MAX = 0x22 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 27 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum RumbleEffect_t { + RUMBLE_INVALID = u32::MAX, + RUMBLE_STOP_ALL = 0x0, + RUMBLE_PISTOL = 0x1, + RUMBLE_357 = 0x2, + RUMBLE_SMG1 = 0x3, + RUMBLE_AR2 = 0x4, + RUMBLE_SHOTGUN_SINGLE = 0x5, + RUMBLE_SHOTGUN_DOUBLE = 0x6, + RUMBLE_AR2_ALT_FIRE = 0x7, + RUMBLE_RPG_MISSILE = 0x8, + RUMBLE_CROWBAR_SWING = 0x9, + RUMBLE_AIRBOAT_GUN = 0xA, + RUMBLE_JEEP_ENGINE_LOOP = 0xB, + RUMBLE_FLAT_LEFT = 0xC, + RUMBLE_FLAT_RIGHT = 0xD, + RUMBLE_FLAT_BOTH = 0xE, + RUMBLE_DMG_LOW = 0xF, + RUMBLE_DMG_MED = 0x10, + RUMBLE_DMG_HIGH = 0x11, + RUMBLE_FALL_LONG = 0x12, + RUMBLE_FALL_SHORT = 0x13, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_OPEN = 0x14, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_PUNT = 0x15, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_LOW = 0x16, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_MEDIUM = 0x17, + RUMBLE_PHYSCANNON_HIGH = 0x18, + NUM_RUMBLE_EFFECTS = 0x19 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum LatchDirtyPermission_t { + LATCH_DIRTY_DISALLOW = 0x0, + LATCH_DIRTY_SERVER_CONTROLLED = 0x1, + LATCH_DIRTY_CLIENT_SIMULATED = 0x2, + LATCH_DIRTY_PREDICTION = 0x3, + LATCH_DIRTY_FRAMESIMULATE = 0x4, + LATCH_DIRTY_PARTICLE_SIMULATE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum DoorState_t { + DOOR_STATE_CLOSED = 0x0, + DOOR_STATE_OPENING = 0x1, + DOOR_STATE_OPEN = 0x2, + DOOR_STATE_CLOSING = 0x3, + DOOR_STATE_AJAR = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ChoreoLookAtMode_t { + eInvalid = u32::MAX, + eChest = 0x0, + eHead = 0x1, + eEyesOnly = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ChatIgnoreType_t { + CHAT_IGNORE_NONE = 0x0, + CHAT_IGNORE_ALL = 0x1, + CHAT_IGNORE_TEAM = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PlayerConnectedState { + PlayerNeverConnected = u32::MAX, + PlayerConnected = 0x0, + PlayerConnecting = 0x1, + PlayerReconnecting = 0x2, + PlayerDisconnecting = 0x3, + PlayerDisconnected = 0x4, + PlayerReserved = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SimpleConstraintSoundProfile__SimpleConstraintsSoundProfileKeypoints_t { + kMIN_THRESHOLD = 0x0, + kMIN_FULL = 0x1, + kHIGHWATER = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 1 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum navproperties_t { + NAV_IGNORE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum SolidType_t { + SOLID_NONE = 0x0, + SOLID_BSP = 0x1, + SOLID_BBOX = 0x2, + SOLID_OBB = 0x3, + SOLID_SPHERE = 0x4, + SOLID_POINT = 0x5, + SOLID_VPHYSICS = 0x6, + SOLID_CAPSULE = 0x7, + SOLID_LAST = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 24 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum DamageTypes_t { + DMG_GENERIC = 0x0, + DMG_CRUSH = 0x1, + DMG_BULLET = 0x2, + DMG_SLASH = 0x4, + DMG_BURN = 0x8, + DMG_VEHICLE = 0x10, + DMG_FALL = 0x20, + DMG_BLAST = 0x40, + DMG_CLUB = 0x80, + DMG_SHOCK = 0x100, + DMG_SONIC = 0x200, + DMG_ENERGYBEAM = 0x400, + DMG_DROWN = 0x4000, + DMG_POISON = 0x8000, + DMG_RADIATION = 0x10000, + DMG_DROWNRECOVER = 0x20000, + DMG_ACID = 0x40000, + DMG_PHYSGUN = 0x100000, + DMG_DISSOLVE = 0x200000, + DMG_BLAST_SURFACE = 0x400000, + DMG_BUCKSHOT = 0x1000000, + DMG_HEADSHOT = 0x2000000, + DMG_DANGERZONE = 0x4000000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t { + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_BOTTOM = 0x0, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_CENTER = 0x1, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_VERTICAL_TOP = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum attributeprovidertypes_t { + PROVIDER_GENERIC = 0x0, + PROVIDER_WEAPON = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum MoveCollide_t { + MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT = 0x0, + MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_BOUNCE = 0x1, + MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_CUSTOM = 0x2, + MOVECOLLIDE_FLY_SLIDE = 0x3, + MOVECOLLIDE_COUNT = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum IChoreoServices__ChoreoState_t { + STATE_PRE_SCRIPT = 0x0, + STATE_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT = 0x1, + STATE_WALK_TO_MARK = 0x2, + STATE_SYNCHRONIZE_SCRIPT = 0x3, + STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT = 0x4, + STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE = 0x5, + STATE_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE_DONE = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ValueRemapperOutputType_t { + OutputType_AnimationCycle = 0x0, + OutputType_RotationX = 0x1, + OutputType_RotationY = 0x2, + OutputType_RotationZ = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t { + INSERT_INTO_POINT_TEMPLATE_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x0, + INSERT_INTO_CURRENTLY_ACTIVE_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x1, + INSERT_INTO_NEWLY_CREATED_SPAWN_GROUP = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum eSplinePushType { + k_eSplinePushAlong = 0x0, + k_eSplinePushAway = 0x1, + k_eSplinePushTowards = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t { + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_LEFT = 0x0, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_CENTER = 0x1, + POINT_WORLD_TEXT_JUSTIFY_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ShakeCommand_t { + SHAKE_START = 0x0, + SHAKE_STOP = 0x1, + SHAKE_AMPLITUDE = 0x2, + SHAKE_FREQUENCY = 0x3, + SHAKE_START_RUMBLEONLY = 0x4, + SHAKE_START_NORUMBLE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum TRAIN_CODE { + TRAIN_SAFE = 0x0, + TRAIN_BLOCKING = 0x1, + TRAIN_FOLLOWING = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum BrushSolidities_e { + BRUSHSOLID_TOGGLE = 0x0, + BRUSHSOLID_NEVER = 0x1, + BRUSHSOLID_ALWAYS = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum QuestProgress__Reason { + QUEST_NONINITIALIZED = 0x0, + QUEST_OK = 0x1, + QUEST_NOT_ENOUGH_PLAYERS = 0x2, + QUEST_WARMUP = 0x3, + QUEST_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_STEAM = 0x4, + QUEST_NONOFFICIAL_SERVER = 0x5, + QUEST_NO_ENTITLEMENT = 0x6, + QUEST_NO_QUEST = 0x7, + QUEST_PLAYER_IS_BOT = 0x8, + QUEST_WRONG_MAP = 0x9, + QUEST_WRONG_MODE = 0xA, + QUEST_NOT_SYNCED_WITH_SERVER = 0xB, + QUEST_REASON_MAX = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ModifyDamageReturn_t { + CONTINUE_TO_APPLY_DAMAGE = 0x0, + ABORT_DO_NOT_APPLY_DAMAGE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ShadowType_t { + SHADOWS_NONE = 0x0, + SHADOWS_SIMPLE = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum GrenadeType_t { + GRENADE_TYPE_EXPLOSIVE = 0x0, + GRENADE_TYPE_FLASH = 0x1, + GRENADE_TYPE_FIRE = 0x2, + GRENADE_TYPE_DECOY = 0x3, + GRENADE_TYPE_SMOKE = 0x4, + GRENADE_TYPE_SENSOR = 0x5, + GRENADE_TYPE_SNOWBALL = 0x6, + GRENADE_TYPE_TOTAL = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ValueRemapperInputType_t { + InputType_PlayerShootPosition = 0x0, + InputType_PlayerShootPositionAroundAxis = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 8 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum EKillTypes_t { + KILL_NONE = 0x0, + KILL_DEFAULT = 0x1, + KILL_HEADSHOT = 0x2, + KILL_BLAST = 0x3, + KILL_BURN = 0x4, + KILL_SLASH = 0x5, + KILL_SHOCK = 0x6, + KILLTYPE_COUNT = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 25 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum WeaponSound_t { + WEAPON_SOUND_EMPTY = 0x0, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_EMPTY = 0x1, + WEAPON_SOUND_SINGLE = 0x2, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_ATTACK = 0x3, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_MISS = 0x4, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT = 0x5, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_WORLD = 0x6, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_PLAYER = 0x7, + WEAPON_SOUND_MELEE_HIT_NPC = 0x8, + WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL1 = 0x9, + WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL2 = 0xA, + WEAPON_SOUND_SPECIAL3 = 0xB, + WEAPON_SOUND_NEARLYEMPTY = 0xC, + WEAPON_SOUND_IMPACT = 0xD, + WEAPON_SOUND_REFLECT = 0xE, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_IMPACT = 0xF, + WEAPON_SOUND_SECONDARY_REFLECT = 0x10, + WEAPON_SOUND_RELOAD = 0x11, + WEAPON_SOUND_SINGLE_ACCURATE = 0x12, + WEAPON_SOUND_ZOOM_IN = 0x13, + WEAPON_SOUND_ZOOM_OUT = 0x14, + WEAPON_SOUND_MOUSE_PRESSED = 0x15, + WEAPON_SOUND_DROP = 0x16, + WEAPON_SOUND_RADIO_USE = 0x17, + WEAPON_SOUND_NUM_TYPES = 0x18 + } + // Alignment: 8 + // Members count: 16 + #[repr(u64)] + pub enum TakeDamageFlags_t { + DFLAG_NONE = 0x0, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_HEALTH_CHANGES = 0x1, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_PHYSICS_FORCE = 0x2, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_EFFECTS = 0x4, + DFLAG_PREVENT_DEATH = 0x8, + DFLAG_FORCE_DEATH = 0x10, + DFLAG_ALWAYS_GIB = 0x20, + DFLAG_NEVER_GIB = 0x40, + DFLAG_REMOVE_NO_RAGDOLL = 0x80, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_DAMAGE_MODIFICATION = 0x100, + DFLAG_ALWAYS_FIRE_DAMAGE_EVENTS = 0x200, + DFLAG_RADIUS_DMG = 0x400, + DFLAG_FORCEREDUCEARMOR_DMG = 0x800, + DFLAG_IGNORE_ARMOR = 0x1000, + DFLAG_SUPPRESS_UTILREMOVE = 0x2000 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ValueRemapperHapticsType_t { + HaticsType_Default = 0x0, + HaticsType_None = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 10 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum Disposition_t { + D_ER = 0x0, + D_HT = 0x1, + D_FR = 0x2, + D_LI = 0x3, + D_NU = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum CanPlaySequence_t { + CANNOT_PLAY = 0x0, + CAN_PLAY_NOW = 0x1, + CAN_PLAY_ENQUEUED = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum MedalRank_t { + MEDAL_RANK_NONE = 0x0, + MEDAL_RANK_BRONZE = 0x1, + MEDAL_RANK_SILVER = 0x2, + MEDAL_RANK_GOLD = 0x3, + MEDAL_RANK_COUNT = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 7 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ObserverMode_t { + OBS_MODE_NONE = 0x0, + OBS_MODE_FIXED = 0x1, + OBS_MODE_IN_EYE = 0x2, + OBS_MODE_CHASE = 0x3, + OBS_MODE_ROAMING = 0x4, + OBS_MODE_DIRECTED = 0x5, + NUM_OBSERVER_MODES = 0x6 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum FuncDoorSpawnPos_t { + FUNC_DOOR_SPAWN_CLOSED = 0x0, + FUNC_DOOR_SPAWN_OPEN = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum EOverrideBlockLOS_t { + BLOCK_LOS_DEFAULT = 0x0, + BLOCK_LOS_FORCE_FALSE = 0x1, + BLOCK_LOS_FORCE_TRUE = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 14 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum MoveType_t { + MOVETYPE_NONE = 0x0, + MOVETYPE_OBSOLETE = 0x1, + MOVETYPE_WALK = 0x2, + MOVETYPE_FLY = 0x3, + MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY = 0x4, + MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS = 0x5, + MOVETYPE_PUSH = 0x6, + MOVETYPE_NOCLIP = 0x7, + MOVETYPE_OBSERVER = 0x8, + MOVETYPE_LADDER = 0x9, + MOVETYPE_CUSTOM = 0xA, + MOVETYPE_LAST = 0xB + } + // Parent: CBaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CHostageExpresserShim { + pub const m_pExpresser: usize = 0xA08; // CAI_Expresser* + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CTriggerSoundscape { + pub const m_hSoundscape: usize = 0x8E0; // CHandle + pub const m_SoundscapeName: usize = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_spectators: usize = 0x8F0; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CBreakableProp + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAnimGraph (bool) + pub mod CDynamicProp { + pub const m_bCreateNavObstacle: usize = 0xA88; // bool + pub const m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox: usize = 0xA89; // bool + pub const m_bUseAnimGraph: usize = 0xA8A; // bool + pub const m_pOutputAnimBegun: usize = 0xA90; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_pOutputAnimOver: usize = 0xAB8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_pOutputAnimLoopCycleOver: usize = 0xAE0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnAnimReachedStart: usize = 0xB08; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnAnimReachedEnd: usize = 0xB30; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iszIdleAnim: usize = 0xB58; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nIdleAnimLoopMode: usize = 0xB60; // AnimLoopMode_t + pub const m_bRandomizeCycle: usize = 0xB64; // bool + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0xB65; // bool + pub const m_bFiredStartEndOutput: usize = 0xB66; // bool + pub const m_bForceNpcExclude: usize = 0xB67; // bool + pub const m_bCreateNonSolid: usize = 0xB68; // bool + pub const m_bIsOverrideProp: usize = 0xB69; // bool + pub const m_iInitialGlowState: usize = 0xB6C; // int32 + pub const m_nGlowRange: usize = 0xB70; // int32 + pub const m_nGlowRangeMin: usize = 0xB74; // int32 + pub const m_glowColor: usize = 0xB78; // Color + pub const m_nGlowTeam: usize = 0xB7C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFuncIllusionary { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid + // Fields count: 39 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxFallVelocity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckAmount (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDuckSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDuckOverride (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDesiresDuck (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJumpTimeMsecs (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastDuckTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOldJumpPressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpUntil (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flJumpVel (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nButtonDownMaskPrev (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStamina (float) + pub mod CCSPlayer_MovementServices { + pub const m_flMaxFallVelocity: usize = 0x228; // float32 + pub const m_vecLadderNormal: usize = 0x22C; // Vector + pub const m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex: usize = 0x238; // int32 + pub const m_flDuckAmount: usize = 0x23C; // float32 + pub const m_flDuckSpeed: usize = 0x240; // float32 + pub const m_bDuckOverride: usize = 0x244; // bool + pub const m_bDesiresDuck: usize = 0x245; // bool + pub const m_flDuckOffset: usize = 0x248; // float32 + pub const m_nDuckTimeMsecs: usize = 0x24C; // uint32 + pub const m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs: usize = 0x250; // uint32 + pub const m_nJumpTimeMsecs: usize = 0x254; // uint32 + pub const m_flLastDuckTime: usize = 0x258; // float32 + pub const m_vecLastPositionAtFullCrouchSpeed: usize = 0x268; // Vector2D + pub const m_duckUntilOnGround: usize = 0x270; // bool + pub const m_bHasWalkMovedSinceLastJump: usize = 0x271; // bool + pub const m_bInStuckTest: usize = 0x272; // bool + pub const m_flStuckCheckTime: usize = 0x280; // float32[64][2] + pub const m_nTraceCount: usize = 0x480; // int32 + pub const m_StuckLast: usize = 0x484; // int32 + pub const m_bSpeedCropped: usize = 0x488; // bool + pub const m_nOldWaterLevel: usize = 0x48C; // int32 + pub const m_flWaterEntryTime: usize = 0x490; // float32 + pub const m_vecForward: usize = 0x494; // Vector + pub const m_vecLeft: usize = 0x4A0; // Vector + pub const m_vecUp: usize = 0x4AC; // Vector + pub const m_nGameCodeHasMovedPlayerAfterCommand: usize = 0x4B8; // int32 + pub const m_bMadeFootstepNoise: usize = 0x4BC; // bool + pub const m_iFootsteps: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_bOldJumpPressed: usize = 0x4C4; // bool + pub const m_flJumpPressedTime: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flJumpUntil: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_flJumpVel: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen: usize = 0x4D4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nButtonDownMaskPrev: usize = 0x4D8; // uint64 + pub const m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime: usize = 0x4E0; // float32 + pub const m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed: usize = 0x4E4; // float32 + pub const m_flStamina: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_flHeightAtJumpStart: usize = 0x4EC; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxJumpHeightThisJump: usize = 0x4F0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: scale (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: origin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: fog (fogparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupID (WorldGroupId_t) + pub mod sky3dparams_t { + pub const scale: usize = 0x8; // int16 + pub const origin: usize = 0xC; // Vector + pub const bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar: usize = 0x18; // bool + pub const flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const fog: usize = 0x20; // fogparams_t + pub const m_nWorldGroupID: usize = 0x88; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUninterruptableActivity (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + pub mod CFists { + pub const m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct: usize = 0xE98; // bool + pub const m_nUninterruptableActivity: usize = 0xE9C; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + pub const m_bRestorePrevWep: usize = 0xEA0; // bool + pub const m_hWeaponBeforePrevious: usize = 0xEA4; // CHandle + pub const m_hWeaponPrevious: usize = 0xEA8; // CHandle + pub const m_bDelayedHardPunchIncoming: usize = 0xEAC; // bool + pub const m_bDestroyAfterTaunt: usize = 0xEAD; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CTriggerRemove { + pub const m_OnRemove: usize = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFilterName { + pub const m_iFilterName: usize = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CProjectedDecal { + pub const m_nTexture: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_flDistance: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CFuncTrackChange + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFuncTrackAuto { + } + // Parent: CBreakable + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPushable { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTriggerTripWire { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CTriggerMultiple { + pub const m_OnTrigger: usize = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skeletonInstance (CSkeletonInstance) + pub mod CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance { + pub const m_skeletonInstance: usize = 0x50; // CSkeletonInstance + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CTriggerPush { + pub const m_angPushEntitySpace: usize = 0x8E0; // QAngle + pub const m_vecPushDirEntitySpace: usize = 0x8EC; // Vector + pub const m_bTriggerOnStartTouch: usize = 0x8F8; // bool + pub const m_bUsePathSimple: usize = 0x8F9; // bool + pub const m_iszPathSimpleName: usize = 0x900; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_PathSimple: usize = 0x908; // CPathSimple* + pub const m_splinePushType: usize = 0x910; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod FilterHealth { + pub const m_bAdrenalineActive: usize = 0x518; // bool + pub const m_iHealthMin: usize = 0x51C; // int32 + pub const m_iHealthMax: usize = 0x520; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_TeamSelectCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CTriggerProximity { + pub const m_hMeasureTarget: usize = 0x8E0; // CHandle + pub const m_iszMeasureTarget: usize = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_fRadius: usize = 0x8F0; // float32 + pub const m_nTouchers: usize = 0x8F4; // int32 + pub const m_NearestEntityDistance: usize = 0x8F8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CFuncBrush + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EffectName (string_t) + pub mod CFuncElectrifiedVolume { + pub const m_EffectName: usize = 0x730; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_EffectInterpenetrateName: usize = 0x738; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_EffectZapName: usize = 0x740; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszEffectSource: usize = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CBaseDMStart { + pub const m_Master: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CGameRulesProxy + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameRules (CCSGameRules*) + pub mod CCSGameRulesProxy { + pub const m_pGameRules: usize = 0x4C0; // CCSGameRules* + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CTriggerBrush { + pub const m_OnStartTouch: usize = 0x710; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnEndTouch: usize = 0x738; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnUse: usize = 0x760; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iInputFilter: usize = 0x788; // int32 + pub const m_iDontMessageParent: usize = 0x78C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBeam + // Fields count: 19 + pub mod CEnvBeam { + pub const m_active: usize = 0x7B0; // int32 + pub const m_spriteTexture: usize = 0x7B8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_iszStartEntity: usize = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszEndEntity: usize = 0x7C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_life: usize = 0x7D0; // float32 + pub const m_boltWidth: usize = 0x7D4; // float32 + pub const m_noiseAmplitude: usize = 0x7D8; // float32 + pub const m_speed: usize = 0x7DC; // int32 + pub const m_restrike: usize = 0x7E0; // float32 + pub const m_iszSpriteName: usize = 0x7E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_frameStart: usize = 0x7F0; // int32 + pub const m_vEndPointWorld: usize = 0x7F4; // Vector + pub const m_vEndPointRelative: usize = 0x800; // Vector + pub const m_radius: usize = 0x80C; // float32 + pub const m_TouchType: usize = 0x810; // Touch_t + pub const m_iFilterName: usize = 0x818; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hFilter: usize = 0x820; // CHandle + pub const m_iszDecal: usize = 0x828; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_OnTouchedByEntity: usize = 0x830; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CTonemapTrigger { + pub const m_tonemapControllerName: usize = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hTonemapController: usize = 0x8E8; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex (attrib_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRefundableCurrency (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSetBonus (bool) + pub mod CEconItemAttribute { + pub const m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex: usize = 0x30; // uint16 + pub const m_flValue: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flInitialValue: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_nRefundableCurrency: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + pub const m_bSetBonus: usize = 0x40; // bool + } + // Parent: CWeaponBaseItem + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CItem_Healthshot { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFogTrigger { + pub const m_fog: usize = 0x8E0; // fogparams_t + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CLogicCollisionPair { + pub const m_nameAttach1: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nameAttach2: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_supportMultipleEntitiesWithSameName: usize = 0x4D0; // bool + pub const m_disabled: usize = 0x4D1; // bool + pub const m_succeeded: usize = 0x4D2; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_weapon_cs_base { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTriggerHostageReset { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CPointTeleport { + pub const m_vSaveOrigin: usize = 0x4C0; // Vector + pub const m_vSaveAngles: usize = 0x4CC; // QAngle + pub const m_bTeleportParentedEntities: usize = 0x4D8; // bool + pub const m_bTeleportUseCurrentAngle: usize = 0x4D9; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoInstructorHintBombTargetB { + } + // Parent: CBtNodeCondition + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CBtNodeConditionInactive { + pub const m_flRoundStartThresholdSeconds: usize = 0x78; // float32 + pub const m_flSensorInactivityThresholdSeconds: usize = 0x7C; // float32 + pub const m_SensorInactivityTimer: usize = 0x80; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponSawedoff { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFluidDensity (float) + pub mod CTriggerBuoyancy { + pub const m_BuoyancyHelper: usize = 0x8E0; // CBuoyancyHelper + pub const m_flFluidDensity: usize = 0x900; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CMoverPathNode { + pub const m_vInTangentLocal: usize = 0x4C0; // Vector + pub const m_vOutTangentLocal: usize = 0x4CC; // Vector + pub const m_szParentPathUniqueID: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_OnPassThrough: usize = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_hMover: usize = 0x508; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 12 + pub mod CBtActionAim { + pub const m_szSensorInputKey: usize = 0x68; // CUtlString + pub const m_szAimReadyKey: usize = 0x80; // CUtlString + pub const m_flZoomCooldownTimestamp: usize = 0x88; // float32 + pub const m_bDoneAiming: usize = 0x8C; // bool + pub const m_flLerpStartTime: usize = 0x90; // float32 + pub const m_flNextLookTargetLerpTime: usize = 0x94; // float32 + pub const m_flPenaltyReductionRatio: usize = 0x98; // float32 + pub const m_NextLookTarget: usize = 0x9C; // QAngle + pub const m_AimTimer: usize = 0xA8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_SniperHoldTimer: usize = 0xC0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_FocusIntervalTimer: usize = 0xD8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_bAcquired: usize = 0xF0; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_WingmanIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscape + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEnvSoundscapeTriggerable { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCsViewPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerFog (fogplayerparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hColorCorrectionCtrl (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTonemapController (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_audio (audioparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PostProcessingVolumes (CHandle) + pub mod CPlayer_CameraServices { + pub const m_vecCsViewPunchAngle: usize = 0x40; // QAngle + pub const m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick: usize = 0x4C; // GameTick_t + pub const m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_PlayerFog: usize = 0x58; // fogplayerparams_t + pub const m_hColorCorrectionCtrl: usize = 0x98; // CHandle + pub const m_hViewEntity: usize = 0x9C; // CHandle + pub const m_hTonemapController: usize = 0xA0; // CHandle + pub const m_audio: usize = 0xA8; // audioparams_t + pub const m_PostProcessingVolumes: usize = 0x120; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_flOldPlayerZ: usize = 0x138; // float32 + pub const m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ: usize = 0x13C; // float32 + pub const m_hTriggerSoundscapeList: usize = 0x158; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fog (fogparams_t) + pub mod CFogController { + pub const m_fog: usize = 0x4C0; // fogparams_t + pub const m_bUseAngles: usize = 0x528; // bool + pub const m_iChangedVariables: usize = 0x52C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CBodyComponent { + pub const m_pSceneNode: usize = 0x8; // CGameSceneNode* + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x20; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDecoyShotTick (int) + pub mod CDecoyProjectile { + pub const m_nDecoyShotTick: usize = 0xA98; // int32 + pub const m_shotsRemaining: usize = 0xA9C; // int32 + pub const m_fExpireTime: usize = 0xAA0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_decoyWeaponDefIndex: usize = 0xAB0; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEnableMotionFixup { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSObserver_MovementServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + pub mod CountdownTimer { + pub const m_duration: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_timestamp: usize = 0xC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_timescale: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_nWorldGroupId: usize = 0x14; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + pub mod CGameSceneNodeHandle { + pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0x8; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_name: usize = 0xC; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponMP9 { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CPhysicsEntitySolver { + pub const m_hMovingEntity: usize = 0x4C8; // CHandle + pub const m_hPhysicsBlocker: usize = 0x4CC; // CHandle + pub const m_separationDuration: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_cancelTime: usize = 0x4D4; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPingedEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUrgent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlaceName (char) + pub mod CPlayerPing { + pub const m_hPlayer: usize = 0x4C8; // CHandle + pub const m_hPingedEntity: usize = 0x4CC; // CHandle + pub const m_iType: usize = 0x4D0; // int32 + pub const m_bUrgent: usize = 0x4D4; // bool + pub const m_szPlaceName: usize = 0x4D5; // char[18] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nTagTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModSmall (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFlinchModLarge (float) + // NetworkVarNames: flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio (float) + pub mod PredictedDamageTag_t { + pub const nTagTick: usize = 0x30; // GameTick_t + pub const flFlinchModSmall: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const flFlinchModLarge: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const flFriendlyFireDamageReductionRatio: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSPointScriptEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSServerPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: CGameSceneNode + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_modelState (CModelState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsAnimationEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseParentRenderBounds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_materialGroup (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitboxSet (uint8) + pub mod CSkeletonInstance { + pub const m_modelState: usize = 0x170; // CModelState + pub const m_bIsAnimationEnabled: usize = 0x3A0; // bool + pub const m_bUseParentRenderBounds: usize = 0x3A1; // bool + pub const m_bDisableSolidCollisionsForHierarchy: usize = 0x3A2; // bool + pub const m_bDirtyMotionType: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bIsGeneratingLatchedParentSpaceState: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_materialGroup: usize = 0x3A4; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_nHitboxSet: usize = 0x3A8; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoLandmark { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponMP7 { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponFiveSeven { + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animationController (CBaseAnimGraphController) + pub mod CBodyComponentBaseAnimGraph { + pub const m_animationController: usize = 0x460; // CBaseAnimGraphController + } + // Parent: CBodyComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_sceneNode (CGameSceneNode) + pub mod CBodyComponentPoint { + pub const m_sceneNode: usize = 0x50; // CGameSceneNode + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod CEnvFireSensor { + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_bHeatAtLevel: usize = 0x4C1; // bool + pub const m_radius: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_targetLevel: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_targetTime: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_levelTime: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_OnHeatLevelStart: usize = 0x4D8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnHeatLevelEnd: usize = 0x500; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_WingmanIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CEnvWindShared__WindAveEvent_t { + pub const m_flStartWindSpeed: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flAveWindSpeed: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CDynamicPropAlias_cable_dynamic { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CPointGamestatsCounter { + pub const m_strStatisticName: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 10 + pub mod CEnvShake { + pub const m_limitToEntity: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_Amplitude: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_Frequency: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_Duration: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_Radius: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_stopTime: usize = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nextShake: usize = 0x4DC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_currentAmp: usize = 0x4E0; // float32 + pub const m_maxForce: usize = 0x4E4; // Vector + pub const m_shakeCallback: usize = 0x4F8; // CPhysicsShake + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPrecipitationBlocker { + } + // Parent: CPathKeyFrame + // Fields count: 11 + pub mod CBaseMoveBehavior { + pub const m_iPositionInterpolator: usize = 0x520; // int32 + pub const m_iRotationInterpolator: usize = 0x524; // int32 + pub const m_flAnimStartTime: usize = 0x528; // float32 + pub const m_flAnimEndTime: usize = 0x52C; // float32 + pub const m_flAverageSpeedAcrossFrame: usize = 0x530; // float32 + pub const m_pCurrentKeyFrame: usize = 0x538; // CPathKeyFrame* + pub const m_pTargetKeyFrame: usize = 0x540; // CPathKeyFrame* + pub const m_pPreKeyFrame: usize = 0x548; // CPathKeyFrame* + pub const m_pPostKeyFrame: usize = 0x550; // CPathKeyFrame* + pub const m_flTimeIntoFrame: usize = 0x558; // float32 + pub const m_iDirection: usize = 0x55C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFuncNavObstruction { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x718; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CEnvTilt { + pub const m_Duration: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_Radius: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_TiltTime: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_stopTime: usize = 0x4CC; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHeldByPlayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPinPulled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJumpThrow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bThrowAnimating (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fThrowTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flThrowStrengthApproach (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fDropTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fPinPullTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bJustPulledPin (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextHoldTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextHoldFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow (CHandle) + pub mod CBaseCSGrenade { + pub const m_bRedraw: usize = 0xE98; // bool + pub const m_bIsHeldByPlayer: usize = 0xE99; // bool + pub const m_bPinPulled: usize = 0xE9A; // bool + pub const m_bJumpThrow: usize = 0xE9B; // bool + pub const m_bThrowAnimating: usize = 0xE9C; // bool + pub const m_fThrowTime: usize = 0xEA0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flThrowStrength: usize = 0xEA4; // float32 + pub const m_flThrowStrengthApproach: usize = 0xEA8; // float32 + pub const m_fDropTime: usize = 0xEAC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fPinPullTime: usize = 0xEB0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bJustPulledPin: usize = 0xEB4; // bool + pub const m_nNextHoldTick: usize = 0xEB8; // GameTick_t + pub const m_flNextHoldFrac: usize = 0xEBC; // float32 + pub const m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow: usize = 0xEC0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CItemGenericTriggerHelper { + pub const m_hParentItem: usize = 0x710; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CLogicBranchList { + pub const m_nLogicBranchNames: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge[16] + pub const m_LogicBranchList: usize = 0x540; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_eLastState: usize = 0x558; // CLogicBranchList::LogicBranchListenerLastState_t + pub const m_OnAllTrue: usize = 0x560; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnAllFalse: usize = 0x588; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMixed: usize = 0x5B0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCtrl (CHandle) + pub mod fogplayerparams_t { + pub const m_hCtrl: usize = 0x8; // CHandle + pub const m_flTransitionTime: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_OldColor: usize = 0x10; // Color + pub const m_flOldStart: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flOldEnd: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flOldMaxDensity: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flOldHDRColorScale: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flOldFarZ: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_NewColor: usize = 0x28; // Color + pub const m_flNewStart: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_flNewEnd: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_flNewMaxDensity: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flNewHDRColorScale: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flNewFarZ: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CItemDefuser + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CItemDefuserAlias_item_defuser { + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CRevertSaved { + pub const m_loadTime: usize = 0x710; // float32 + pub const m_Duration: usize = 0x714; // float32 + pub const m_HoldTime: usize = 0x718; // float32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod CMultiLightProxy { + pub const m_iszLightNameFilter: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszLightClassFilter: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flLightRadiusFilter: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_flBrightnessDelta: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_bPerformScreenFade: usize = 0x4D8; // bool + pub const m_flTargetBrightnessMultiplier: usize = 0x4DC; // float32 + pub const m_flCurrentBrightnessMultiplier: usize = 0x4E0; // float32 + pub const m_vecLights: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOtherEntity (CEntityHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMagnitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurfaceProp (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinition) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDamageType (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPenetrate (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaterial (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBox (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColor (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachmentName (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectName (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplosionType (uint8) + pub mod CEffectData { + pub const m_vOrigin: usize = 0x8; // Vector + pub const m_vStart: usize = 0x14; // Vector + pub const m_vNormal: usize = 0x20; // Vector + pub const m_vAngles: usize = 0x2C; // QAngle + pub const m_hEntity: usize = 0x38; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_hOtherEntity: usize = 0x3C; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_flMagnitude: usize = 0x44; // float32 + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_nSurfaceProp: usize = 0x4C; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_nEffectIndex: usize = 0x50; // CWeakHandle + pub const m_nDamageType: usize = 0x58; // uint32 + pub const m_nPenetrate: usize = 0x5C; // uint8 + pub const m_nMaterial: usize = 0x5E; // uint16 + pub const m_nHitBox: usize = 0x60; // uint16 + pub const m_nColor: usize = 0x62; // uint8 + pub const m_fFlags: usize = 0x63; // uint8 + pub const m_nAttachmentIndex: usize = 0x64; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_nAttachmentName: usize = 0x68; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_iEffectName: usize = 0x6C; // uint16 + pub const m_nExplosionType: usize = 0x6E; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEntityBlocker { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CLogicCase { + pub const m_nCase: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge[32] + pub const m_nShuffleCases: usize = 0x5C0; // int32 + pub const m_nLastShuffleCase: usize = 0x5C4; // int32 + pub const m_uchShuffleCaseMap: usize = 0x5C8; // uint8[32] + pub const m_OnCase: usize = 0x5E8; // CEntityIOOutput[32] + pub const m_OnDefault: usize = 0xAE8; // CEntityOutputTemplate> + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CItemDefuser { + pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0x9C0; // EntitySpottedState_t + pub const m_nSpotRules: usize = 0x9D8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CRuleEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CRuleBrushEntity { + } + // Parent: CInferno + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFireCrackerBlast { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 13 + pub mod CSoundEventEntity { + pub const m_bStartOnSpawn: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_bToLocalPlayer: usize = 0x4C1; // bool + pub const m_bStopOnNew: usize = 0x4C2; // bool + pub const m_bSaveRestore: usize = 0x4C3; // bool + pub const m_bSavedIsPlaying: usize = 0x4C4; // bool + pub const m_flSavedElapsedTime: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_iszSourceEntityName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszAttachmentName: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_onGUIDChanged: usize = 0x4E0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_onSoundFinished: usize = 0x508; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iszSoundName: usize = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hSource: usize = 0x568; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_nEntityIndexSelection: usize = 0x56C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewModel (CHandle) + pub mod CCSPlayer_ViewModelServices { + pub const m_hViewModel: usize = 0x40; // CHandle[3] + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_SequenceCompleteTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRedraw (bool) + pub mod CWeaponBaseItem { + pub const m_SequenceCompleteTimer: usize = 0xE98; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_bRedraw: usize = 0xEB0; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoParticleTarget { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 32 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIndirectStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectTextureDimZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisoTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScatterTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistanceTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultScattering (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefaultDrawDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableIndirect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIndirectUseLPVs (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogIndirectTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceRefreshCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vNoiseScale (Vector) + pub mod CEnvVolumetricFogController { + pub const m_flScattering: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flAnisotropy: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeSpeed: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flDrawDistance: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeInStart: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeInEnd: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_flIndirectStrength: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_nIndirectTextureDimX: usize = 0x4DC; // int32 + pub const m_nIndirectTextureDimY: usize = 0x4E0; // int32 + pub const m_nIndirectTextureDimZ: usize = 0x4E4; // int32 + pub const m_vBoxMins: usize = 0x4E8; // Vector + pub const m_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x4F4; // Vector + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x500; // bool + pub const m_flStartAnisoTime: usize = 0x504; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flStartScatterTime: usize = 0x508; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flStartDrawDistanceTime: usize = 0x50C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flStartAnisotropy: usize = 0x510; // float32 + pub const m_flStartScattering: usize = 0x514; // float32 + pub const m_flStartDrawDistance: usize = 0x518; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultAnisotropy: usize = 0x51C; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultScattering: usize = 0x520; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultDrawDistance: usize = 0x524; // float32 + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x528; // bool + pub const m_bEnableIndirect: usize = 0x529; // bool + pub const m_bIndirectUseLPVs: usize = 0x52A; // bool + pub const m_bIsMaster: usize = 0x52B; // bool + pub const m_hFogIndirectTexture: usize = 0x530; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nForceRefreshCount: usize = 0x538; // int32 + pub const m_fNoiseSpeed: usize = 0x53C; // float32 + pub const m_fNoiseStrength: usize = 0x540; // float32 + pub const m_vNoiseScale: usize = 0x544; // Vector + pub const m_bFirstTime: usize = 0x550; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_MovementServices + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallVelocity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInCrouch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCrouchState (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDucking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInDuckJump (bool) + pub mod CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid { + pub const m_flStepSoundTime: usize = 0x1D8; // float32 + pub const m_flFallVelocity: usize = 0x1DC; // float32 + pub const m_bInCrouch: usize = 0x1E0; // bool + pub const m_nCrouchState: usize = 0x1E4; // uint32 + pub const m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime: usize = 0x1E8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bDucked: usize = 0x1EC; // bool + pub const m_bDucking: usize = 0x1ED; // bool + pub const m_bInDuckJump: usize = 0x1EE; // bool + pub const m_groundNormal: usize = 0x1F0; // Vector + pub const m_flSurfaceFriction: usize = 0x1FC; // float32 + pub const m_surfaceProps: usize = 0x200; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_nStepside: usize = 0x210; // int32 + pub const m_iTargetVolume: usize = 0x214; // int32 + pub const m_vecSmoothedVelocity: usize = 0x218; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CPhysicsPropRespawnable { + pub const m_vOriginalSpawnOrigin: usize = 0xBE8; // Vector + pub const m_vOriginalSpawnAngles: usize = 0xBF4; // QAngle + pub const m_vOriginalMins: usize = 0xC00; // Vector + pub const m_vOriginalMaxs: usize = 0xC0C; // Vector + pub const m_flRespawnDuration: usize = 0xC18; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscapeProxy + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEnvSoundscapeProxyAlias_snd_soundscape_proxy { + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CPhysBallSocket { + pub const m_flJointFriction: usize = 0x538; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableSwingLimit: usize = 0x53C; // bool + pub const m_flSwingLimit: usize = 0x540; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableTwistLimit: usize = 0x544; // bool + pub const m_flMinTwistAngle: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxTwistAngle: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDMBonusTimeLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sDMBonusWeapon (CUtlString) + pub mod CCSGameModeRules_Deathmatch { + pub const m_flDMBonusStartTime: usize = 0x30; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDMBonusTimeLength: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_sDMBonusWeapon: usize = 0x38; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CItemAssaultSuit + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CItemHeavyAssaultSuit { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CInfoPlayerStart { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod CSoundOpvarSetOBBWindEntity { + pub const m_vMins: usize = 0x558; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxs: usize = 0x564; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceMins: usize = 0x570; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceMaxs: usize = 0x57C; // Vector + pub const m_flWindMin: usize = 0x588; // float32 + pub const m_flWindMax: usize = 0x58C; // float32 + pub const m_flWindMapMin: usize = 0x590; // float32 + pub const m_flWindMapMax: usize = 0x594; // float32 + } + // Parent: CRagdollProp + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_boneIndexAttached (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointBoneSpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace (Vector) + pub mod CRagdollPropAttached { + pub const m_boneIndexAttached: usize = 0xA88; // uint32 + pub const m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex: usize = 0xA8C; // uint32 + pub const m_attachmentPointBoneSpace: usize = 0xA90; // Vector + pub const m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace: usize = 0xA9C; // Vector + pub const m_bShouldDetach: usize = 0xAA8; // bool + pub const m_bShouldDeleteAttachedActivationRecord: usize = 0xAB8; // bool + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwningPlayer (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_KillingPlayer (CHandle) + pub mod CItemDogtags { + pub const m_OwningPlayer: usize = 0x9C0; // CHandle + pub const m_KillingPlayer: usize = 0x9C4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 32 + pub mod CItemGeneric { + pub const m_bHasTriggerRadius: usize = 0x9C8; // bool + pub const m_bHasPickupRadius: usize = 0x9C9; // bool + pub const m_flPickupRadiusSqr: usize = 0x9CC; // float32 + pub const m_flTriggerRadiusSqr: usize = 0x9D0; // float32 + pub const m_flLastPickupCheck: usize = 0x9D4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bPlayerCounterListenerAdded: usize = 0x9D8; // bool + pub const m_bPlayerInTriggerRadius: usize = 0x9D9; // bool + pub const m_hSpawnParticleEffect: usize = 0x9E0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pAmbientSoundEffect: usize = 0x9E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bAutoStartAmbientSound: usize = 0x9F0; // bool + pub const m_pSpawnScriptFunction: usize = 0x9F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hPickupParticleEffect: usize = 0xA00; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pPickupSoundEffect: usize = 0xA08; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_pPickupScriptFunction: usize = 0xA10; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hTimeoutParticleEffect: usize = 0xA18; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_pTimeoutSoundEffect: usize = 0xA20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_pTimeoutScriptFunction: usize = 0xA28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_pPickupFilterName: usize = 0xA30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hPickupFilter: usize = 0xA38; // CHandle + pub const m_OnPickup: usize = 0xA40; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnTimeout: usize = 0xA68; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnTriggerStartTouch: usize = 0xA90; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnTriggerTouch: usize = 0xAB8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnTriggerEndTouch: usize = 0xAE0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_pAllowPickupScriptFunction: usize = 0xB08; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flPickupRadius: usize = 0xB10; // float32 + pub const m_flTriggerRadius: usize = 0xB14; // float32 + pub const m_pTriggerSoundEffect: usize = 0xB18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bGlowWhenInTrigger: usize = 0xB20; // bool + pub const m_glowColor: usize = 0xB21; // Color + pub const m_bUseable: usize = 0xB25; // bool + pub const m_hTriggerHelper: usize = 0xB28; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CLightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CLightSpotEntity { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WaterServices + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CCSPlayer_WaterServices { + pub const m_NextDrownDamageTime: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_nDrownDmgRate: usize = 0x44; // int32 + pub const m_AirFinishedTime: usize = 0x48; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flWaterJumpTime: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const m_vecWaterJumpVel: usize = 0x50; // Vector + pub const m_flSwimSoundTime: usize = 0x5C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CSkyboxReference { + pub const m_worldGroupId: usize = 0x4C0; // WorldGroupId_t + pub const m_hSkyCamera: usize = 0x4C4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBasePropDoor + // Fields count: 17 + pub mod CPropDoorRotating { + pub const m_vecAxis: usize = 0xE10; // Vector + pub const m_flDistance: usize = 0xE1C; // float32 + pub const m_eSpawnPosition: usize = 0xE20; // PropDoorRotatingSpawnPos_t + pub const m_eOpenDirection: usize = 0xE24; // PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e + pub const m_eCurrentOpenDirection: usize = 0xE28; // PropDoorRotatingOpenDirection_e + pub const m_flAjarAngle: usize = 0xE2C; // float32 + pub const m_angRotationAjarDeprecated: usize = 0xE30; // QAngle + pub const m_angRotationClosed: usize = 0xE3C; // QAngle + pub const m_angRotationOpenForward: usize = 0xE48; // QAngle + pub const m_angRotationOpenBack: usize = 0xE54; // QAngle + pub const m_angGoal: usize = 0xE60; // QAngle + pub const m_vecForwardBoundsMin: usize = 0xE6C; // Vector + pub const m_vecForwardBoundsMax: usize = 0xE78; // Vector + pub const m_vecBackBoundsMin: usize = 0xE84; // Vector + pub const m_vecBackBoundsMax: usize = 0xE90; // Vector + pub const m_bAjarDoorShouldntAlwaysOpen: usize = 0xE9C; // bool + pub const m_hEntityBlocker: usize = 0xEA0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeFlags (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Slack (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Width (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TextureScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSegments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Subdiv (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nChangeCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RopeLength (int16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLockedPoints (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScrollSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hStartPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEndPoint (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEndAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + pub mod CRopeKeyframe { + pub const m_RopeFlags: usize = 0x718; // uint16 + pub const m_iNextLinkName: usize = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_Slack: usize = 0x728; // int16 + pub const m_Width: usize = 0x72C; // float32 + pub const m_TextureScale: usize = 0x730; // float32 + pub const m_nSegments: usize = 0x734; // uint8 + pub const m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints: usize = 0x735; // bool + pub const m_strRopeMaterialModel: usize = 0x738; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex: usize = 0x740; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Subdiv: usize = 0x748; // uint8 + pub const m_nChangeCount: usize = 0x749; // uint8 + pub const m_RopeLength: usize = 0x74A; // int16 + pub const m_fLockedPoints: usize = 0x74C; // uint8 + pub const m_bCreatedFromMapFile: usize = 0x74D; // bool + pub const m_flScrollSpeed: usize = 0x750; // float32 + pub const m_bStartPointValid: usize = 0x754; // bool + pub const m_bEndPointValid: usize = 0x755; // bool + pub const m_hStartPoint: usize = 0x758; // CHandle + pub const m_hEndPoint: usize = 0x75C; // CHandle + pub const m_iStartAttachment: usize = 0x760; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_iEndAttachment: usize = 0x761; // AttachmentHandle_t + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 52 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nColorMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTemperature (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLuminaireShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLuminaireAnisotropy (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleString (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_QueuedLightStyleStrings (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleEvents (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyleTargets (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShape (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSoftY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirt (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkirtNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSizeParams (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vShear (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowMapSize (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bContactShadow (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounceLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBounceScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAlternateColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAlternateColorBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFog (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + pub mod CBarnLight { + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x710; // bool + pub const m_nColorMode: usize = 0x714; // int32 + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x718; // Color + pub const m_flColorTemperature: usize = 0x71C; // float32 + pub const m_flBrightness: usize = 0x720; // float32 + pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0x724; // float32 + pub const m_nDirectLight: usize = 0x728; // int32 + pub const m_nBakedShadowIndex: usize = 0x72C; // int32 + pub const m_nLuminaireShape: usize = 0x730; // int32 + pub const m_flLuminaireSize: usize = 0x734; // float32 + pub const m_flLuminaireAnisotropy: usize = 0x738; // float32 + pub const m_LightStyleString: usize = 0x740; // CUtlString + pub const m_flLightStyleStartTime: usize = 0x748; // GameTime_t + pub const m_QueuedLightStyleStrings: usize = 0x750; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_LightStyleEvents: usize = 0x768; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_LightStyleTargets: usize = 0x780; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_StyleEvent: usize = 0x798; // CEntityIOOutput[4] + pub const m_hLightCookie: usize = 0x858; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flShape: usize = 0x860; // float32 + pub const m_flSoftX: usize = 0x864; // float32 + pub const m_flSoftY: usize = 0x868; // float32 + pub const m_flSkirt: usize = 0x86C; // float32 + pub const m_flSkirtNear: usize = 0x870; // float32 + pub const m_vSizeParams: usize = 0x874; // Vector + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0x880; // float32 + pub const m_vShear: usize = 0x884; // Vector + pub const m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps: usize = 0x890; // int32 + pub const m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize: usize = 0x894; // Vector + pub const m_nCastShadows: usize = 0x8A0; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowMapSize: usize = 0x8A4; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowPriority: usize = 0x8A8; // int32 + pub const m_bContactShadow: usize = 0x8AC; // bool + pub const m_nBounceLight: usize = 0x8B0; // int32 + pub const m_flBounceScale: usize = 0x8B4; // float32 + pub const m_flMinRoughness: usize = 0x8B8; // float32 + pub const m_vAlternateColor: usize = 0x8BC; // Vector + pub const m_fAlternateColorBrightness: usize = 0x8C8; // float32 + pub const m_nFog: usize = 0x8CC; // int32 + pub const m_flFogStrength: usize = 0x8D0; // float32 + pub const m_nFogShadows: usize = 0x8D4; // int32 + pub const m_flFogScale: usize = 0x8D8; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeSizeStart: usize = 0x8DC; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeSizeEnd: usize = 0x8E0; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowFadeSizeStart: usize = 0x8E4; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd: usize = 0x8E8; // float32 + pub const m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid: usize = 0x8EC; // bool + pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins: usize = 0x8F0; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs: usize = 0x8FC; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin: usize = 0x908; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles: usize = 0x914; // QAngle + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent: usize = 0x920; // Vector + pub const m_bPvsModifyEntity: usize = 0x92C; // bool + } + // Parent: SpawnPoint + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoDeathmatchSpawn { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CEnvViewPunch { + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_angViewPunch: usize = 0x4C4; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CDEagle { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CPathCorner { + pub const m_flWait: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_OnPass: usize = 0x4C8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unMusicID (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rank (MedalRank_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots (ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t) + pub mod CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices { + pub const m_unMusicID: usize = 0x40; // uint16 + pub const m_rank: usize = 0x44; // MedalRank_t[6] + pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel: usize = 0x5C; // int32 + pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher: usize = 0x64; // int32 + pub const m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly: usize = 0x68; // int32 + pub const m_nPersonaDataXpTrailLevel: usize = 0x6C; // int32 + pub const m_unEquippedPlayerSprayIDs: usize = 0xF48; // uint32[1] + pub const m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots: usize = 0xF50; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CAttributeManager + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_Item (CEconItemView) + pub mod CAttributeContainer { + pub const m_Item: usize = 0x50; // CEconItemView + } + // Parent: CHostage + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CHostageAlias_info_hostage_spawn { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CMultiSource { + pub const m_rgEntities: usize = 0x4C0; // CHandle[32] + pub const m_rgTriggered: usize = 0x540; // int32[32] + pub const m_OnTrigger: usize = 0x5C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iTotal: usize = 0x5E8; // int32 + pub const m_globalstate: usize = 0x5F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CLogicNavigation { + pub const m_isOn: usize = 0x4C8; // bool + pub const m_navProperty: usize = 0x4CC; // navproperties_t + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + pub mod CEnvEntityMaker { + pub const m_vecEntityMins: usize = 0x4C0; // Vector + pub const m_vecEntityMaxs: usize = 0x4CC; // Vector + pub const m_hCurrentInstance: usize = 0x4D8; // CHandle + pub const m_hCurrentBlocker: usize = 0x4DC; // CHandle + pub const m_vecBlockerOrigin: usize = 0x4E0; // Vector + pub const m_angPostSpawnDirection: usize = 0x4EC; // QAngle + pub const m_flPostSpawnDirectionVariance: usize = 0x4F8; // float32 + pub const m_flPostSpawnSpeed: usize = 0x4FC; // float32 + pub const m_bPostSpawnUseAngles: usize = 0x500; // bool + pub const m_iszTemplate: usize = 0x508; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_pOutputOnSpawned: usize = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_pOutputOnFailedSpawn: usize = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CLogicEventListener { + pub const m_strEventName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlString + pub const m_bIsEnabled: usize = 0x4D8; // bool + pub const m_nTeam: usize = 0x4DC; // int32 + pub const m_OnEventFired: usize = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CFilterMultiple { + pub const m_nFilterType: usize = 0x518; // filter_t + pub const m_iFilterName: usize = 0x520; // CUtlSymbolLarge[10] + pub const m_hFilter: usize = 0x570; // CHandle[10] + pub const m_nFilterCount: usize = 0x598; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_UseServices { + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + // MPulseDomainOptInGameBlackboard + // MPulseDomainOptInValueType + pub mod CPulseGraphInstance_ServerEntity { + pub const m_pComponent: usize = 0x100; // CPulseGraphComponentBase* + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CScriptComponent { + pub const m_scriptClassName: usize = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CPhysicsWire { + pub const m_nDensity: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPropDoorRotating + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CPropDoorRotatingBreakable { + pub const m_bBreakable: usize = 0xEA8; // bool + pub const m_isAbleToCloseAreaPortals: usize = 0xEA9; // bool + pub const m_currentDamageState: usize = 0xEAC; // int32 + pub const m_damageStates: usize = 0xEB0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_player_controller { + } + // Parent: CBaseFire + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameModelIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex (int32) + pub mod CFireSmoke { + pub const m_nFlameModelIndex: usize = 0x4D0; // int32 + pub const m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex: usize = 0x4D4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBumpMine { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHorizontalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVerticalSize (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMinDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOuterMaxDist (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + pub mod CLightGlow { + pub const m_nHorizontalSize: usize = 0x710; // uint32 + pub const m_nVerticalSize: usize = 0x714; // uint32 + pub const m_nMinDist: usize = 0x718; // uint32 + pub const m_nMaxDist: usize = 0x71C; // uint32 + pub const m_nOuterMaxDist: usize = 0x720; // uint32 + pub const m_flGlowProxySize: usize = 0x724; // float32 + pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0x728; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDeaths (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAssists (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEquipmentValue (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMoneySaved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iKillReward (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLiveTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHeadShotKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObjective (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashEarned (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iUtilityDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemiesFlashed (int) + pub mod CSPerRoundStats_t { + pub const m_iKills: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_iDeaths: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_iAssists: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_iDamage: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + pub const m_iEquipmentValue: usize = 0x40; // int32 + pub const m_iMoneySaved: usize = 0x44; // int32 + pub const m_iKillReward: usize = 0x48; // int32 + pub const m_iLiveTime: usize = 0x4C; // int32 + pub const m_iHeadShotKills: usize = 0x50; // int32 + pub const m_iObjective: usize = 0x54; // int32 + pub const m_iCashEarned: usize = 0x58; // int32 + pub const m_iUtilityDamage: usize = 0x5C; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemiesFlashed: usize = 0x60; // int32 + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 37 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_eDoorState (DoorState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLocked (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_closedAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaster (CHandle) + pub mod CBasePropDoor { + pub const m_flAutoReturnDelay: usize = 0xB90; // float32 + pub const m_hDoorList: usize = 0xB98; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_nHardwareType: usize = 0xBB0; // int32 + pub const m_bNeedsHardware: usize = 0xBB4; // bool + pub const m_eDoorState: usize = 0xBB8; // DoorState_t + pub const m_bLocked: usize = 0xBBC; // bool + pub const m_closedPosition: usize = 0xBC0; // Vector + pub const m_closedAngles: usize = 0xBCC; // QAngle + pub const m_hBlocker: usize = 0xBD8; // CHandle + pub const m_bFirstBlocked: usize = 0xBDC; // bool + pub const m_ls: usize = 0xBE0; // locksound_t + pub const m_bForceClosed: usize = 0xC00; // bool + pub const m_vecLatchWorldPosition: usize = 0xC04; // Vector + pub const m_hActivator: usize = 0xC10; // CHandle + pub const m_SoundMoving: usize = 0xC20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_SoundOpen: usize = 0xC28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_SoundClose: usize = 0xC30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_SoundLock: usize = 0xC38; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_SoundUnlock: usize = 0xC40; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_SoundLatch: usize = 0xC48; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_SoundPound: usize = 0xC50; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_SoundJiggle: usize = 0xC58; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_SoundLockedAnim: usize = 0xC60; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_numCloseAttempts: usize = 0xC68; // int32 + pub const m_nPhysicsMaterial: usize = 0xC6C; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_SlaveName: usize = 0xC70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hMaster: usize = 0xC78; // CHandle + pub const m_OnBlockedClosing: usize = 0xC80; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnBlockedOpening: usize = 0xCA8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnUnblockedClosing: usize = 0xCD0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnUnblockedOpening: usize = 0xCF8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFullyClosed: usize = 0xD20; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFullyOpen: usize = 0xD48; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnClose: usize = 0xD70; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnOpen: usize = 0xD98; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnLockedUse: usize = 0xDC0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnAjarOpen: usize = 0xDE8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount (int8) + pub mod CRagdollManager { + pub const m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount: usize = 0x4C0; // int8 + pub const m_iMaxRagdollCount: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_bSaveImportant: usize = 0x4C8; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 12 + pub mod CTriggerFan { + pub const m_vFanOrigin: usize = 0x8E0; // Vector + pub const m_vFanEnd: usize = 0x8EC; // Vector + pub const m_vNoise: usize = 0x8F8; // Vector + pub const m_flForce: usize = 0x904; // float32 + pub const m_flRopeForceScale: usize = 0x908; // float32 + pub const m_flPlayerForce: usize = 0x90C; // float32 + pub const m_flRampTime: usize = 0x910; // float32 + pub const m_bFalloff: usize = 0x914; // bool + pub const m_bPushPlayer: usize = 0x915; // bool + pub const m_bRampDown: usize = 0x916; // bool + pub const m_bAddNoise: usize = 0x917; // bool + pub const m_RampTimer: usize = 0x918; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CMolotovGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CIncendiaryGrenade { + } + // Parent: CPathCorner + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPathCornerCrash { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSendHandle (bool) + pub mod CHandleTest { + pub const m_Handle: usize = 0x4C0; // CHandle + pub const m_bSendHandle: usize = 0x4C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod CSoundOpvarSetEntity { + pub const m_iszStackName: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOperatorName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOpvarName: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nOpvarType: usize = 0x4E0; // int32 + pub const m_nOpvarIndex: usize = 0x4E4; // int32 + pub const m_flOpvarValue: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_OpvarValueString: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bSetOnSpawn: usize = 0x4F8; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nItemDefIndex (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCount (uint16) + pub mod WeaponPurchaseCount_t { + pub const m_nItemDefIndex: usize = 0x30; // uint16 + pub const m_nCount: usize = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CNavSpaceInfo { + pub const m_bCreateFlightSpace: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CLogicAchievement { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_iszAchievementEventID: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_OnFired: usize = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CPathSimple { + pub const m_pathString: usize = 0x510; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CBtActionParachutePositioning { + pub const m_ActionTimer: usize = 0x58; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CPlayer_CameraServices + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOV (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFOVStart (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFOVRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hZoomOwner (CHandle) + pub mod CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { + pub const m_iFOV: usize = 0x170; // uint32 + pub const m_iFOVStart: usize = 0x174; // uint32 + pub const m_flFOVTime: usize = 0x178; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flFOVRate: usize = 0x17C; // float32 + pub const m_hZoomOwner: usize = 0x180; // CHandle + pub const m_hTriggerFogList: usize = 0x188; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_hLastFogTrigger: usize = 0x1A0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTouchExpansionComponent { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod CItem { + pub const m_OnPlayerTouch: usize = 0x8F0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnPlayerPickup: usize = 0x918; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bActivateWhenAtRest: usize = 0x940; // bool + pub const m_OnCacheInteraction: usize = 0x948; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnGlovePulled: usize = 0x970; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_vOriginalSpawnOrigin: usize = 0x998; // Vector + pub const m_vOriginalSpawnAngles: usize = 0x9A4; // QAngle + pub const m_bPhysStartAsleep: usize = 0x9B0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DialogXMLName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelClassName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PanelID (string_t) + pub mod CBaseClientUIEntity { + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x710; // bool + pub const m_DialogXMLName: usize = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_PanelClassName: usize = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_PanelID: usize = 0x728; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_CustomOutput0: usize = 0x730; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_CustomOutput1: usize = 0x758; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_CustomOutput2: usize = 0x780; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_CustomOutput3: usize = 0x7A8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_CustomOutput4: usize = 0x7D0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_CustomOutput5: usize = 0x7F8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_CustomOutput6: usize = 0x820; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_CustomOutput7: usize = 0x848; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_CustomOutput8: usize = 0x870; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_CustomOutput9: usize = 0x898; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hDecalMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderOrder (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnCharacters (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bProjectOnWater (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthSortBias (float) + pub mod CEnvDecal { + pub const m_hDecalMaterial: usize = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0x718; // float32 + pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0x71C; // float32 + pub const m_flDepth: usize = 0x720; // float32 + pub const m_nRenderOrder: usize = 0x724; // uint32 + pub const m_bProjectOnWorld: usize = 0x728; // bool + pub const m_bProjectOnCharacters: usize = 0x729; // bool + pub const m_bProjectOnWater: usize = 0x72A; // bool + pub const m_flDepthSortBias: usize = 0x72C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_entity { + } + // Parent: CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 11 + pub mod CLogicAuto { + pub const m_OnMapSpawn: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnDemoMapSpawn: usize = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnNewGame: usize = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnLoadGame: usize = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMapTransition: usize = 0x560; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnBackgroundMap: usize = 0x588; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMultiNewMap: usize = 0x5B0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMultiNewRound: usize = 0x5D8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnVREnabled: usize = 0x600; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnVRNotEnabled: usize = 0x628; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_globalstate: usize = 0x650; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOpvarIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseAutoCompare (bool) + pub mod CSoundOpvarSetPointBase { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_hSource: usize = 0x4C4; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_iszSourceEntityName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_vLastPosition: usize = 0x528; // Vector + pub const m_iszStackName: usize = 0x538; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOperatorName: usize = 0x540; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOpvarName: usize = 0x548; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iOpvarIndex: usize = 0x550; // int32 + pub const m_bUseAutoCompare: usize = 0x554; // bool + } + // Parent: CLightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CLightDirectionalEntity { + } + // Parent: CLogicNPCCounterAABB + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CLogicNPCCounterOBB { + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSObserver_UseServices { + } + // Parent: CFuncPlatRot + // Fields count: 9 + pub mod CFuncTrackChange { + pub const m_trackTop: usize = 0x7D8; // CPathTrack* + pub const m_trackBottom: usize = 0x7E0; // CPathTrack* + pub const m_train: usize = 0x7E8; // CFuncTrackTrain* + pub const m_trackTopName: usize = 0x7F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_trackBottomName: usize = 0x7F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_trainName: usize = 0x800; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_code: usize = 0x808; // TRAIN_CODE + pub const m_targetState: usize = 0x80C; // int32 + pub const m_use: usize = 0x810; // int32 + } + // Parent: CRuleBrushEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CGamePlayerZone { + pub const m_OnPlayerInZone: usize = 0x718; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnPlayerOutZone: usize = 0x740; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_PlayersInCount: usize = 0x768; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_PlayersOutCount: usize = 0x790; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CRuleEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CRulePointEntity { + pub const m_Score: usize = 0x718; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CMessageEntity { + pub const m_radius: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_messageText: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_drawText: usize = 0x4D0; // bool + pub const m_bDeveloperOnly: usize = 0x4D1; // bool + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x4D2; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CSmokeGrenade { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimationParity (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimationStartTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + pub mod CBaseViewModel { + pub const m_vecLastFacing: usize = 0x8F0; // Vector + pub const m_nViewModelIndex: usize = 0x8FC; // uint32 + pub const m_nAnimationParity: usize = 0x900; // uint32 + pub const m_flAnimationStartTime: usize = 0x904; // float32 + pub const m_hWeapon: usize = 0x908; // CHandle + pub const m_sVMName: usize = 0x910; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_sAnimationPrefix: usize = 0x918; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hOldLayerSequence: usize = 0x920; // HSequence + pub const m_oldLayer: usize = 0x924; // int32 + pub const m_oldLayerStartTime: usize = 0x928; // float32 + pub const m_hControlPanel: usize = 0x92C; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPing (CHandle) + pub mod CCSPlayer_PingServices { + pub const m_flPlayerPingTokens: usize = 0x40; // GameTime_t[5] + pub const m_hPlayerPing: usize = 0x54; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_FlashlightServices { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CServerOnlyModelEntity { + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CBtActionCombatPositioning { + pub const m_szSensorInputKey: usize = 0x68; // CUtlString + pub const m_szIsAttackingKey: usize = 0x80; // CUtlString + pub const m_ActionTimer: usize = 0x88; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_bCrouching: usize = 0xA0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFlags (uint32) + pub mod CBaseFire { + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flStartScale: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleTime: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x4CC; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponMAC10 { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponGlock { + } + // Parent: CBaseViewModel + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPredictedViewModel { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CTriggerActiveWeaponDetect { + pub const m_OnTouchedActiveWeapon: usize = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iszWeaponClassName: usize = 0x908; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 18 + pub mod CEnvMicrophone { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_hMeasureTarget: usize = 0x4C4; // CHandle + pub const m_nSoundType: usize = 0x4C8; // SoundTypes_t + pub const m_nSoundFlags: usize = 0x4CA; // SoundFlags_t + pub const m_flSensitivity: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_flSmoothFactor: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxRange: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_iszSpeakerName: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hSpeaker: usize = 0x4E0; // CHandle + pub const m_bAvoidFeedback: usize = 0x4E4; // bool + pub const m_iSpeakerDSPPreset: usize = 0x4E8; // int32 + pub const m_iszListenFilter: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hListenFilter: usize = 0x4F8; // CHandle + pub const m_SoundLevel: usize = 0x500; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnRoutedSound: usize = 0x528; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnHeardSound: usize = 0x550; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_szLastSound: usize = 0x578; // char[256] + pub const m_iLastRoutedFrame: usize = 0x678; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 11 + pub mod CInfoSpawnGroupLoadUnload { + pub const m_OnSpawnGroupLoadStarted: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnSpawnGroupLoadFinished: usize = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnSpawnGroupUnloadStarted: usize = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnSpawnGroupUnloadFinished: usize = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iszSpawnGroupName: usize = 0x560; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSpawnGroupFilterName: usize = 0x568; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszLandmarkName: usize = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_sFixedSpawnGroupName: usize = 0x578; // CUtlString + pub const m_flTimeoutInterval: usize = 0x580; // float32 + pub const m_bStreamingStarted: usize = 0x584; // bool + pub const m_bUnloadingStarted: usize = 0x585; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTickBase (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKnownTeamMismatch (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iConnected (PlayerConnectedState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszPlayerName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_steamID (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredFOV (uint32) + pub mod CBasePlayerController { + pub const m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles: usize = 0x4C8; // uint64 + pub const m_nTickBase: usize = 0x4D0; // uint32 + pub const m_hPawn: usize = 0x500; // CHandle + pub const m_bKnownTeamMismatch: usize = 0x504; // bool + pub const m_nSplitScreenSlot: usize = 0x508; // CSplitScreenSlot + pub const m_hSplitOwner: usize = 0x50C; // CHandle + pub const m_hSplitScreenPlayers: usize = 0x510; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_bIsHLTV: usize = 0x528; // bool + pub const m_iConnected: usize = 0x52C; // PlayerConnectedState + pub const m_iszPlayerName: usize = 0x530; // char[128] + pub const m_szNetworkIDString: usize = 0x5B0; // CUtlString + pub const m_fLerpTime: usize = 0x5B8; // float32 + pub const m_bLagCompensation: usize = 0x5BC; // bool + pub const m_bPredict: usize = 0x5BD; // bool + pub const m_bAutoKickDisabled: usize = 0x5BE; // bool + pub const m_bIsLowViolence: usize = 0x5BF; // bool + pub const m_bGamePaused: usize = 0x5C0; // bool + pub const m_iIgnoreGlobalChat: usize = 0x700; // ChatIgnoreType_t + pub const m_flLastPlayerTalkTime: usize = 0x704; // float32 + pub const m_flLastEntitySteadyState: usize = 0x708; // float32 + pub const m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState: usize = 0x70C; // int32 + pub const m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts: usize = 0x710; // bool + pub const m_steamID: usize = 0x720; // uint64 + pub const m_iDesiredFOV: usize = 0x728; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CPointTemplateAPI { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CKnife { + pub const m_bFirstAttack: usize = 0xE98; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 37 + pub mod CFuncTrackTrain { + pub const m_ppath: usize = 0x710; // CHandle + pub const m_length: usize = 0x714; // float32 + pub const m_vPosPrev: usize = 0x718; // Vector + pub const m_angPrev: usize = 0x724; // QAngle + pub const m_controlMins: usize = 0x730; // Vector + pub const m_controlMaxs: usize = 0x73C; // Vector + pub const m_lastBlockPos: usize = 0x748; // Vector + pub const m_lastBlockTick: usize = 0x754; // int32 + pub const m_flVolume: usize = 0x758; // float32 + pub const m_flBank: usize = 0x75C; // float32 + pub const m_oldSpeed: usize = 0x760; // float32 + pub const m_flBlockDamage: usize = 0x764; // float32 + pub const m_height: usize = 0x768; // float32 + pub const m_maxSpeed: usize = 0x76C; // float32 + pub const m_dir: usize = 0x770; // float32 + pub const m_iszSoundMove: usize = 0x778; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSoundMovePing: usize = 0x780; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSoundStart: usize = 0x788; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSoundStop: usize = 0x790; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_strPathTarget: usize = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flMoveSoundMinDuration: usize = 0x7A0; // float32 + pub const m_flMoveSoundMaxDuration: usize = 0x7A4; // float32 + pub const m_flNextMoveSoundTime: usize = 0x7A8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flMoveSoundMinPitch: usize = 0x7AC; // float32 + pub const m_flMoveSoundMaxPitch: usize = 0x7B0; // float32 + pub const m_eOrientationType: usize = 0x7B4; // TrainOrientationType_t + pub const m_eVelocityType: usize = 0x7B8; // TrainVelocityType_t + pub const m_OnStart: usize = 0x7C8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnNext: usize = 0x7F0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnArrivedAtDestinationNode: usize = 0x818; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bManualSpeedChanges: usize = 0x840; // bool + pub const m_flDesiredSpeed: usize = 0x844; // float32 + pub const m_flSpeedChangeTime: usize = 0x848; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flAccelSpeed: usize = 0x84C; // float32 + pub const m_flDecelSpeed: usize = 0x850; // float32 + pub const m_bAccelToSpeed: usize = 0x854; // bool + pub const m_flNextMPSoundTime: usize = 0x858; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyModelEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CFogVolume { + pub const m_fogName: usize = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_postProcessName: usize = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_colorCorrectionName: usize = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x730; // bool + pub const m_bInFogVolumesList: usize = 0x731; // bool + } + // Parent: SpawnPoint + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoPlayerCounterterrorist { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 19 + pub mod CFire { + pub const m_hEffect: usize = 0x710; // CHandle + pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0x714; // CHandle + pub const m_nFireType: usize = 0x718; // int32 + pub const m_flFuel: usize = 0x71C; // float32 + pub const m_flDamageTime: usize = 0x720; // GameTime_t + pub const m_lastDamage: usize = 0x724; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flFireSize: usize = 0x728; // float32 + pub const m_flLastNavUpdateTime: usize = 0x72C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flHeatLevel: usize = 0x730; // float32 + pub const m_flHeatAbsorb: usize = 0x734; // float32 + pub const m_flDamageScale: usize = 0x738; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxHeat: usize = 0x73C; // float32 + pub const m_flLastHeatLevel: usize = 0x740; // float32 + pub const m_flAttackTime: usize = 0x744; // float32 + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x748; // bool + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x749; // bool + pub const m_bDidActivate: usize = 0x74A; // bool + pub const m_OnIgnited: usize = 0x750; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnExtinguished: usize = 0x778; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CSkeletonAnimationController + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_animGraphNetworkedVars (CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSeqFixedCycle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAnimLoopMode (AnimLoopMode_t) + pub mod CBaseAnimGraphController { + pub const m_animGraphNetworkedVars: usize = 0x18; // CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables + pub const m_bSequenceFinished: usize = 0x220; // bool + pub const m_flSoundSyncTime: usize = 0x224; // float32 + pub const m_nActiveIKChainMask: usize = 0x228; // uint32 + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x22C; // HSequence + pub const m_flSeqStartTime: usize = 0x230; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSeqFixedCycle: usize = 0x234; // float32 + pub const m_nAnimLoopMode: usize = 0x238; // AnimLoopMode_t + pub const m_flPlaybackRate: usize = 0x23C; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + pub const m_nNotifyState: usize = 0x248; // SequenceFinishNotifyState_t + pub const m_bNetworkedAnimationInputsChanged: usize = 0x24A; // bool + pub const m_bNetworkedSequenceChanged: usize = 0x24B; // bool + pub const m_bLastUpdateSkipped: usize = 0x24C; // bool + pub const m_flPrevAnimUpdateTime: usize = 0x250; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSPointScriptEntity { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponBizon { + } + // Parent: CBasePlatTrain + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFuncPlat { + pub const m_sNoise: usize = 0x7B8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 48 + pub mod CGenericConstraint { + pub const m_nLinearMotionX: usize = 0x540; // JointMotion_t + pub const m_nLinearMotionY: usize = 0x544; // JointMotion_t + pub const m_nLinearMotionZ: usize = 0x548; // JointMotion_t + pub const m_flLinearFrequencyX: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearFrequencyY: usize = 0x550; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearFrequencyZ: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearDampingRatioX: usize = 0x558; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearDampingRatioY: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearDampingRatioZ: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxLinearImpulseX: usize = 0x564; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxLinearImpulseY: usize = 0x568; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxLinearImpulseZ: usize = 0x56C; // float32 + pub const m_flBreakAfterTimeX: usize = 0x570; // float32 + pub const m_flBreakAfterTimeY: usize = 0x574; // float32 + pub const m_flBreakAfterTimeZ: usize = 0x578; // float32 + pub const m_flBreakAfterTimeStartTimeX: usize = 0x57C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flBreakAfterTimeStartTimeY: usize = 0x580; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flBreakAfterTimeStartTimeZ: usize = 0x584; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flBreakAfterTimeThresholdX: usize = 0x588; // float32 + pub const m_flBreakAfterTimeThresholdY: usize = 0x58C; // float32 + pub const m_flBreakAfterTimeThresholdZ: usize = 0x590; // float32 + pub const m_flNotifyForceX: usize = 0x594; // float32 + pub const m_flNotifyForceY: usize = 0x598; // float32 + pub const m_flNotifyForceZ: usize = 0x59C; // float32 + pub const m_flNotifyForceMinTimeX: usize = 0x5A0; // float32 + pub const m_flNotifyForceMinTimeY: usize = 0x5A4; // float32 + pub const m_flNotifyForceMinTimeZ: usize = 0x5A8; // float32 + pub const m_flNotifyForceLastTimeX: usize = 0x5AC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flNotifyForceLastTimeY: usize = 0x5B0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flNotifyForceLastTimeZ: usize = 0x5B4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bAxisNotifiedX: usize = 0x5B8; // bool + pub const m_bAxisNotifiedY: usize = 0x5B9; // bool + pub const m_bAxisNotifiedZ: usize = 0x5BA; // bool + pub const m_nAngularMotionX: usize = 0x5BC; // JointMotion_t + pub const m_nAngularMotionY: usize = 0x5C0; // JointMotion_t + pub const m_nAngularMotionZ: usize = 0x5C4; // JointMotion_t + pub const m_flAngularFrequencyX: usize = 0x5C8; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularFrequencyY: usize = 0x5CC; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularFrequencyZ: usize = 0x5D0; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularDampingRatioX: usize = 0x5D4; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularDampingRatioY: usize = 0x5D8; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularDampingRatioZ: usize = 0x5DC; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxAngularImpulseX: usize = 0x5E0; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxAngularImpulseY: usize = 0x5E4; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxAngularImpulseZ: usize = 0x5E8; // float32 + pub const m_NotifyForceReachedX: usize = 0x5F0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_NotifyForceReachedY: usize = 0x618; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_NotifyForceReachedZ: usize = 0x640; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CDecoyGrenade { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponG3SG1 { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nForceBone (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pRagdollPose (PhysicsRagdollPose_t*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollClientSide (bool) + pub mod CBaseAnimGraph { + pub const m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory: usize = 0x788; // bool + pub const m_pChoreoServices: usize = 0x790; // IChoreoServices* + pub const m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled: usize = 0x798; // bool + pub const m_flMaxSlopeDistance: usize = 0x79C; // float32 + pub const m_vLastSlopeCheckPos: usize = 0x7A0; // Vector + pub const m_bAnimationUpdateScheduled: usize = 0x7AC; // bool + pub const m_vecForce: usize = 0x7B0; // Vector + pub const m_nForceBone: usize = 0x7BC; // int32 + pub const m_pRagdollPose: usize = 0x7D0; // PhysicsRagdollPose_t* + pub const m_bRagdollClientSide: usize = 0x7D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPhysForce + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CPhysTorque { + pub const m_axis: usize = 0x520; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBreachChargeProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 27 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ragAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRagdollSource (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBlendWeight (float32) + pub mod CRagdollProp { + pub const m_ragdoll: usize = 0x8F0; // ragdoll_t + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x928; // bool + pub const m_ragPos: usize = 0x930; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_ragAngles: usize = 0x948; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_hRagdollSource: usize = 0x960; // CHandle + pub const m_lastUpdateTickCount: usize = 0x964; // uint32 + pub const m_allAsleep: usize = 0x968; // bool + pub const m_bFirstCollisionAfterLaunch: usize = 0x969; // bool + pub const m_hDamageEntity: usize = 0x96C; // CHandle + pub const m_hKiller: usize = 0x970; // CHandle + pub const m_hPhysicsAttacker: usize = 0x974; // CHandle + pub const m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime: usize = 0x978; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flFadeOutStartTime: usize = 0x97C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flFadeTime: usize = 0x980; // float32 + pub const m_vecLastOrigin: usize = 0x984; // Vector + pub const m_flAwakeTime: usize = 0x990; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flLastOriginChangeTime: usize = 0x994; // GameTime_t + pub const m_strOriginClassName: usize = 0x998; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_strSourceClassName: usize = 0x9A0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bHasBeenPhysgunned: usize = 0x9A8; // bool + pub const m_bShouldTeleportPhysics: usize = 0x9A9; // bool + pub const m_flBlendWeight: usize = 0x9AC; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultFadeScale: usize = 0x9B0; // float32 + pub const m_ragdollMins: usize = 0x9B8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ragdollMaxs: usize = 0x9D0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bShouldDeleteActivationRecord: usize = 0x9E8; // bool + pub const m_bValidatePoweredRagdollPose: usize = 0xA48; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CItemSoda { + } + // Parent: CEnvCubemap + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEnvCubemapBox { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CBasePlayerControllerAPI { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_CCSWeaponBaseVData { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeStartDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeEndDist (float32) + pub mod CEnvDetailController { + pub const m_flFadeStartDist: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeEndDist: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CTriggerOnce + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTestOcclusion (bool) + pub mod CTriggerLook { + pub const m_hLookTarget: usize = 0x908; // CHandle + pub const m_flFieldOfView: usize = 0x90C; // float32 + pub const m_flLookTime: usize = 0x910; // float32 + pub const m_flLookTimeTotal: usize = 0x914; // float32 + pub const m_flLookTimeLast: usize = 0x918; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flTimeoutDuration: usize = 0x91C; // float32 + pub const m_bTimeoutFired: usize = 0x920; // bool + pub const m_bIsLooking: usize = 0x921; // bool + pub const m_b2DFOV: usize = 0x922; // bool + pub const m_bUseVelocity: usize = 0x923; // bool + pub const m_bTestOcclusion: usize = 0x924; // bool + pub const m_OnTimeout: usize = 0x928; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnStartLook: usize = 0x950; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnEndLook: usize = 0x978; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoTeleportDestination { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 11 + pub mod CMathRemap { + pub const m_flInMin: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flInMax: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_flOut1: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flOut2: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_flOldInValue: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x4D4; // bool + pub const m_OutValue: usize = 0x4D8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnRoseAboveMin: usize = 0x500; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnRoseAboveMax: usize = 0x528; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFellBelowMin: usize = 0x550; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFellBelowMax: usize = 0x578; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CInstructorEventEntity { + pub const m_iszName: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszHintTargetEntity: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hTargetPlayer: usize = 0x4D0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGradientFogTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStartHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEndHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogVerticalExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + pub mod CGradientFog { + pub const m_hGradientFogTexture: usize = 0x4C0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flFogStartDistance: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flFogEndDistance: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_bHeightFogEnabled: usize = 0x4D0; // bool + pub const m_flFogStartHeight: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_flFogEndHeight: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_flFarZ: usize = 0x4DC; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMaxOpacity: usize = 0x4E0; // float32 + pub const m_flFogFalloffExponent: usize = 0x4E4; // float32 + pub const m_flFogVerticalExponent: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_fogColor: usize = 0x4EC; // Color + pub const m_flFogStrength: usize = 0x4F0; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeTime: usize = 0x4F4; // float32 + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x4F8; // bool + pub const m_bIsEnabled: usize = 0x4F9; // bool + pub const m_bGradientFogNeedsTextures: usize = 0x4FA; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_source (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_destination (string_t) + pub mod CFootstepControl { + pub const m_source: usize = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_destination: usize = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CTriggerVolume { + pub const m_iFilterName: usize = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hFilter: usize = 0x718; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoInstructorHintHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscape + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEnvSoundscapeAlias_snd_soundscape { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CFishPool { + pub const m_fishCount: usize = 0x4D0; // int32 + pub const m_maxRange: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_swimDepth: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_waterLevel: usize = 0x4DC; // float32 + pub const m_isDormant: usize = 0x4E0; // bool + pub const m_fishes: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_visTimer: usize = 0x500; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPointClientCommand { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFuncVPhysicsClip { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x710; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CCSPlayer_RadioServices { + pub const m_flGotHostageTalkTimer: usize = 0x40; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDefusingTalkTimer: usize = 0x44; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flC4PlantTalkTimer: usize = 0x48; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flRadioTokenSlots: usize = 0x4C; // GameTime_t[3] + pub const m_bIgnoreRadio: usize = 0x58; // bool + } + // Parent: CSceneEntity + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CInstancedSceneEntity { + pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0xA20; // CHandle + pub const m_bHadOwner: usize = 0xA24; // bool + pub const m_flPostSpeakDelay: usize = 0xA28; // float32 + pub const m_flPreDelay: usize = 0xA2C; // float32 + pub const m_bIsBackground: usize = 0xA30; // bool + pub const m_bRemoveOnCompletion: usize = 0xA31; // bool + pub const m_hTarget: usize = 0xA34; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CEnvHudHint { + pub const m_iszMessage: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 22 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_szSnapshotFileName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFreezeTransitionDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStopType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPreSimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vServerControlPoints (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iServerControlPointAssignments (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPointEnts (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSave (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoFreeze (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoRamp (bool) + pub mod CParticleSystem { + pub const m_szSnapshotFileName: usize = 0x710; // char[512] + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x910; // bool + pub const m_bFrozen: usize = 0x911; // bool + pub const m_flFreezeTransitionDuration: usize = 0x914; // float32 + pub const m_nStopType: usize = 0x918; // int32 + pub const m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause: usize = 0x91C; // bool + pub const m_iEffectIndex: usize = 0x920; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x928; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flPreSimTime: usize = 0x92C; // float32 + pub const m_vServerControlPoints: usize = 0x930; // Vector[4] + pub const m_iServerControlPointAssignments: usize = 0x960; // uint8[4] + pub const m_hControlPointEnts: usize = 0x964; // CHandle[64] + pub const m_bNoSave: usize = 0xA64; // bool + pub const m_bNoFreeze: usize = 0xA65; // bool + pub const m_bNoRamp: usize = 0xA66; // bool + pub const m_bStartActive: usize = 0xA67; // bool + pub const m_iszEffectName: usize = 0xA68; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszControlPointNames: usize = 0xA70; // CUtlSymbolLarge[64] + pub const m_nDataCP: usize = 0xC70; // int32 + pub const m_vecDataCPValue: usize = 0xC74; // Vector + pub const m_nTintCP: usize = 0xC80; // int32 + pub const m_clrTint: usize = 0xC84; // Color + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 20 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBasePlayerWeaponVData { + pub const m_szWorldModel: usize = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_bBuiltRightHanded: usize = 0x108; // bool + pub const m_bAllowFlipping: usize = 0x109; // bool + pub const m_sMuzzleAttachment: usize = 0x110; // CUtlString + pub const m_szMuzzleFlashParticle: usize = 0x118; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_iFlags: usize = 0x1F8; // ItemFlagTypes_t + pub const m_nPrimaryAmmoType: usize = 0x1F9; // AmmoIndex_t + pub const m_nSecondaryAmmoType: usize = 0x1FA; // AmmoIndex_t + pub const m_iMaxClip1: usize = 0x1FC; // int32 + pub const m_iMaxClip2: usize = 0x200; // int32 + pub const m_iDefaultClip1: usize = 0x204; // int32 + pub const m_iDefaultClip2: usize = 0x208; // int32 + pub const m_iWeight: usize = 0x20C; // int32 + pub const m_bAutoSwitchTo: usize = 0x210; // bool + pub const m_bAutoSwitchFrom: usize = 0x211; // bool + pub const m_iRumbleEffect: usize = 0x214; // RumbleEffect_t + pub const m_bLinkedCooldowns: usize = 0x218; // bool + pub const m_aShootSounds: usize = 0x220; // CUtlOrderedMap + pub const m_iSlot: usize = 0x248; // int32 + pub const m_iPosition: usize = 0x24C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + pub mod CCSObserverPawn { + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CScriptItem { + pub const m_MoveTypeOverride: usize = 0x9C0; // MoveType_t + } + // Parent: IntervalTimer + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flValues (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nValueCounts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBucketCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInterval (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFinalValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCompressionType (TimelineCompression_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStopped (bool) + pub mod CTimeline { + pub const m_flValues: usize = 0x10; // float32[64] + pub const m_nValueCounts: usize = 0x110; // int32[64] + pub const m_nBucketCount: usize = 0x210; // int32 + pub const m_flInterval: usize = 0x214; // float32 + pub const m_flFinalValue: usize = 0x218; // float32 + pub const m_nCompressionType: usize = 0x21C; // TimelineCompression_t + pub const m_bStopped: usize = 0x220; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponSG556 { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 10 + pub mod CAmbientGeneric { + pub const m_radius: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxRadius: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_iSoundLevel: usize = 0x4C8; // soundlevel_t + pub const m_dpv: usize = 0x4CC; // dynpitchvol_t + pub const m_fActive: usize = 0x530; // bool + pub const m_fLooping: usize = 0x531; // bool + pub const m_iszSound: usize = 0x538; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_sSourceEntName: usize = 0x540; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hSoundSource: usize = 0x548; // CHandle + pub const m_nSoundSourceEntIndex: usize = 0x54C; // CEntityIndex + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Flags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightStyle (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Exponent (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_InnerAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OuterAngle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotRadius (float32) + pub mod CDynamicLight { + pub const m_ActualFlags: usize = 0x710; // uint8 + pub const m_Flags: usize = 0x711; // uint8 + pub const m_LightStyle: usize = 0x712; // uint8 + pub const m_On: usize = 0x713; // bool + pub const m_Radius: usize = 0x714; // float32 + pub const m_Exponent: usize = 0x718; // int32 + pub const m_InnerAngle: usize = 0x71C; // float32 + pub const m_OuterAngle: usize = 0x720; // float32 + pub const m_SpotRadius: usize = 0x724; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponP90 { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTriggerToggleSave { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPrecipitation { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPointServerCommand { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iReapplyProvisionParity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOuter (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ProviderType (attributeprovidertypes_t) + pub mod CAttributeManager { + pub const m_Providers: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_iReapplyProvisionParity: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_hOuter: usize = 0x24; // CHandle + pub const m_bPreventLoopback: usize = 0x28; // bool + pub const m_ProviderType: usize = 0x2C; // attributeprovidertypes_t + pub const m_CachedResults: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CLogicalEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables (byte) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables (Quaternion) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables (CGlobalSymbol) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeedOffset (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLastTeleportTime (float) + pub mod CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables { + pub const m_PredNetBoolVariables: usize = 0x8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetByteVariables: usize = 0x20; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetUInt16Variables: usize = 0x38; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetIntVariables: usize = 0x50; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetUInt32Variables: usize = 0x68; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetUInt64Variables: usize = 0x80; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetFloatVariables: usize = 0x98; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetVectorVariables: usize = 0xB0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetQuaternionVariables: usize = 0xC8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PredNetGlobalSymbolVariables: usize = 0xE0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables: usize = 0xF8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables: usize = 0x110; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables: usize = 0x128; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables: usize = 0x140; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables: usize = 0x158; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables: usize = 0x170; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables: usize = 0x188; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables: usize = 0x1A0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables: usize = 0x1B8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_OwnerOnlyPredNetGlobalSymbolVariables: usize = 0x1D0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_nBoolVariablesCount: usize = 0x1E8; // int32 + pub const m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount: usize = 0x1EC; // int32 + pub const m_nRandomSeedOffset: usize = 0x1F0; // int32 + pub const m_flLastTeleportTime: usize = 0x1F4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBreakableProp + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAwake (bool) + pub mod CPhysicsProp { + pub const m_MotionEnabled: usize = 0xA88; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnAwakened: usize = 0xAB0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnAwake: usize = 0xAD8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnAsleep: usize = 0xB00; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnPlayerUse: usize = 0xB28; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnOutOfWorld: usize = 0xB50; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnPlayerPickup: usize = 0xB78; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bForceNavIgnore: usize = 0xBA0; // bool + pub const m_bNoNavmeshBlocker: usize = 0xBA1; // bool + pub const m_bForceNpcExclude: usize = 0xBA2; // bool + pub const m_massScale: usize = 0xBA4; // float32 + pub const m_inertiaScale: usize = 0xBA8; // float32 + pub const m_buoyancyScale: usize = 0xBAC; // float32 + pub const m_damageType: usize = 0xBB0; // int32 + pub const m_damageToEnableMotion: usize = 0xBB4; // int32 + pub const m_flForceToEnableMotion: usize = 0xBB8; // float32 + pub const m_bThrownByPlayer: usize = 0xBBC; // bool + pub const m_bDroppedByPlayer: usize = 0xBBD; // bool + pub const m_bTouchedByPlayer: usize = 0xBBE; // bool + pub const m_bFirstCollisionAfterLaunch: usize = 0xBBF; // bool + pub const m_iExploitableByPlayer: usize = 0xBC0; // int32 + pub const m_bHasBeenAwakened: usize = 0xBC4; // bool + pub const m_bIsOverrideProp: usize = 0xBC5; // bool + pub const m_fNextCheckDisableMotionContactsTime: usize = 0xBC8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iInitialGlowState: usize = 0xBCC; // int32 + pub const m_nGlowRange: usize = 0xBD0; // int32 + pub const m_nGlowRangeMin: usize = 0xBD4; // int32 + pub const m_glowColor: usize = 0xBD8; // Color + pub const m_bShouldAutoConvertBackFromDebris: usize = 0xBDC; // bool + pub const m_bMuteImpactEffects: usize = 0xBDD; // bool + pub const m_bAcceptDamageFromHeldObjects: usize = 0xBE4; // bool + pub const m_bEnableUseOutput: usize = 0xBE5; // bool + pub const m_bAwake: usize = 0xBE6; // bool + } + // Parent: CFuncWall + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFuncWallToggle { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpotted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSpottedByMask (uint32) + pub mod EntitySpottedState_t { + pub const m_bSpotted: usize = 0x8; // bool + pub const m_bSpottedByMask: usize = 0xC; // uint32[2] + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CSensorGrenadeProjectile { + pub const m_fExpireTime: usize = 0xA90; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fNextDetectPlayerSound: usize = 0xA94; // GameTime_t + pub const m_hDisplayGrenade: usize = 0xA98; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSPlayer_CameraServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CSPerRoundStats_t + // Fields count: 21 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy5Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy4Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemy3Ks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyKnifeKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEnemyTaserKills (int) + pub mod CSMatchStats_t { + pub const m_iEnemy5Ks: usize = 0x68; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemy4Ks: usize = 0x6C; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemy3Ks: usize = 0x70; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemyKnifeKills: usize = 0x74; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemyTaserKills: usize = 0x78; // int32 + pub const m_iEnemy2Ks: usize = 0x7C; // int32 + pub const m_iUtility_Count: usize = 0x80; // int32 + pub const m_iUtility_Successes: usize = 0x84; // int32 + pub const m_iUtility_Enemies: usize = 0x88; // int32 + pub const m_iFlash_Count: usize = 0x8C; // int32 + pub const m_iFlash_Successes: usize = 0x90; // int32 + pub const m_nHealthPointsRemovedTotal: usize = 0x94; // int32 + pub const m_nHealthPointsDealtTotal: usize = 0x98; // int32 + pub const m_nShotsFiredTotal: usize = 0x9C; // int32 + pub const m_nShotsOnTargetTotal: usize = 0xA0; // int32 + pub const m_i1v1Count: usize = 0xA4; // int32 + pub const m_i1v1Wins: usize = 0xA8; // int32 + pub const m_i1v2Count: usize = 0xAC; // int32 + pub const m_i1v2Wins: usize = 0xB0; // int32 + pub const m_iEntryCount: usize = 0xB4; // int32 + pub const m_iEntryWins: usize = 0xB8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CFuncLadder + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFuncLadderAlias_func_useableladder { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 14 + pub mod CTriggerSndSosOpvar { + pub const m_hTouchingPlayers: usize = 0x8E0; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_flPosition: usize = 0x8F8; // Vector + pub const m_flCenterSize: usize = 0x904; // float32 + pub const m_flMinVal: usize = 0x908; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxVal: usize = 0x90C; // float32 + pub const m_opvarName: usize = 0x910; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_stackName: usize = 0x918; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_operatorName: usize = 0x920; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bVolIs2D: usize = 0x928; // bool + pub const m_opvarNameChar: usize = 0x929; // char[256] + pub const m_stackNameChar: usize = 0xA29; // char[256] + pub const m_operatorNameChar: usize = 0xB29; // char[256] + pub const m_VecNormPos: usize = 0xC2C; // Vector + pub const m_flNormCenterSize: usize = 0xC38; // float32 + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CItemAssaultSuit { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 70 + pub mod CScriptedSequence { + pub const m_iszEntry: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszPreIdle: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszPlay: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszPostIdle: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszModifierToAddOnPlay: usize = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszNextScript: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszEntity: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSyncGroup: usize = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nMoveTo: usize = 0x500; // ScriptedMoveTo_t + pub const m_nMoveToGait: usize = 0x504; // MovementGait_t + pub const m_bIsPlayingPreIdle: usize = 0x505; // bool + pub const m_bIsPlayingEntry: usize = 0x506; // bool + pub const m_bIsPlayingAction: usize = 0x507; // bool + pub const m_bIsPlayingPostIdle: usize = 0x508; // bool + pub const m_bDontRotateOther: usize = 0x509; // bool + pub const m_bIsRepeatable: usize = 0x50A; // bool + pub const m_bShouldLeaveCorpse: usize = 0x50B; // bool + pub const m_bStartOnSpawn: usize = 0x50C; // bool + pub const m_bDisallowInterrupts: usize = 0x50D; // bool + pub const m_bCanOverrideNPCState: usize = 0x50E; // bool + pub const m_bDontTeleportAtEnd: usize = 0x50F; // bool + pub const m_bHighPriority: usize = 0x510; // bool + pub const m_bHideDebugComplaints: usize = 0x511; // bool + pub const m_bContinueOnDeath: usize = 0x512; // bool + pub const m_bLoopPreIdleSequence: usize = 0x513; // bool + pub const m_bLoopActionSequence: usize = 0x514; // bool + pub const m_bLoopPostIdleSequence: usize = 0x515; // bool + pub const m_bSynchPostIdles: usize = 0x516; // bool + pub const m_bIgnoreLookAt: usize = 0x517; // bool + pub const m_bIgnoreGravity: usize = 0x518; // bool + pub const m_bDisableNPCCollisions: usize = 0x519; // bool + pub const m_bKeepAnimgraphLockedPost: usize = 0x51A; // bool + pub const m_bDontAddModifiers: usize = 0x51B; // bool + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x51C; // float32 + pub const m_flRepeat: usize = 0x520; // float32 + pub const m_flPlayAnimFadeInTime: usize = 0x524; // float32 + pub const m_flMoveInterpTime: usize = 0x528; // float32 + pub const m_flAngRate: usize = 0x52C; // float32 + pub const m_nNotReadySequenceCount: usize = 0x530; // int32 + pub const m_startTime: usize = 0x534; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bWaitForBeginSequence: usize = 0x538; // bool + pub const m_saved_effects: usize = 0x53C; // int32 + pub const m_savedFlags: usize = 0x540; // int32 + pub const m_savedCollisionGroup: usize = 0x544; // int32 + pub const m_bInterruptable: usize = 0x548; // bool + pub const m_sequenceStarted: usize = 0x549; // bool + pub const m_bPositionRelativeToOtherEntity: usize = 0x54A; // bool + pub const m_hTargetEnt: usize = 0x54C; // CHandle + pub const m_hNextCine: usize = 0x550; // CHandle + pub const m_bThinking: usize = 0x554; // bool + pub const m_bInitiatedSelfDelete: usize = 0x555; // bool + pub const m_bIsTeleportingDueToMoveTo: usize = 0x556; // bool + pub const m_bAllowCustomInterruptConditions: usize = 0x557; // bool + pub const m_hForcedTarget: usize = 0x558; // CHandle + pub const m_bDontCancelOtherSequences: usize = 0x55C; // bool + pub const m_bForceSynch: usize = 0x55D; // bool + pub const m_bPreventUpdateYawOnFinish: usize = 0x55E; // bool + pub const m_bEnsureOnNavmeshOnFinish: usize = 0x55F; // bool + pub const m_onDeathBehavior: usize = 0x560; // ScriptedOnDeath_t + pub const m_ConflictResponse: usize = 0x564; // ScriptedConflictResponse_t + pub const m_OnBeginSequence: usize = 0x568; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnActionStartOrLoop: usize = 0x590; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnEndSequence: usize = 0x5B8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnPostIdleEndSequence: usize = 0x5E0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnCancelSequence: usize = 0x608; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnCancelFailedSequence: usize = 0x630; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnScriptEvent: usize = 0x658; // CEntityIOOutput[8] + pub const m_matOtherToMain: usize = 0x7A0; // CTransform + pub const m_hInteractionMainEntity: usize = 0x7C0; // CHandle + pub const m_iPlayerDeathBehavior: usize = 0x7C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponNegev { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponGalilAR { + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bState (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAlwaysUpdate (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightFOV (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnableShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSimpleProjection (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightOnlyTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLightWorld (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCameraSpace (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_LightColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLinearAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flQuadraticAttenuation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bVolumetric (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNoiseStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashlightTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumPlanes (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPlaneOffset (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVolumetricIntensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flColorTransitionTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAmbient (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SpotlightTextureName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSpotlightTextureFrame (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowQuality (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZ (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProjectionSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlipHorizontal (bool) + pub mod CEnvProjectedTexture { + pub const m_hTargetEntity: usize = 0x710; // CHandle + pub const m_bState: usize = 0x714; // bool + pub const m_bAlwaysUpdate: usize = 0x715; // bool + pub const m_flLightFOV: usize = 0x718; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableShadows: usize = 0x71C; // bool + pub const m_bSimpleProjection: usize = 0x71D; // bool + pub const m_bLightOnlyTarget: usize = 0x71E; // bool + pub const m_bLightWorld: usize = 0x71F; // bool + pub const m_bCameraSpace: usize = 0x720; // bool + pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0x724; // float32 + pub const m_LightColor: usize = 0x728; // Color + pub const m_flIntensity: usize = 0x72C; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearAttenuation: usize = 0x730; // float32 + pub const m_flQuadraticAttenuation: usize = 0x734; // float32 + pub const m_bVolumetric: usize = 0x738; // bool + pub const m_flNoiseStrength: usize = 0x73C; // float32 + pub const m_flFlashlightTime: usize = 0x740; // float32 + pub const m_nNumPlanes: usize = 0x744; // uint32 + pub const m_flPlaneOffset: usize = 0x748; // float32 + pub const m_flVolumetricIntensity: usize = 0x74C; // float32 + pub const m_flColorTransitionTime: usize = 0x750; // float32 + pub const m_flAmbient: usize = 0x754; // float32 + pub const m_SpotlightTextureName: usize = 0x758; // char[512] + pub const m_nSpotlightTextureFrame: usize = 0x958; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowQuality: usize = 0x95C; // uint32 + pub const m_flNearZ: usize = 0x960; // float32 + pub const m_flFarZ: usize = 0x964; // float32 + pub const m_flProjectionSize: usize = 0x968; // float32 + pub const m_flRotation: usize = 0x96C; // float32 + pub const m_bFlipHorizontal: usize = 0x970; // bool + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CDynamicPropAlias_prop_dynamic_override { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CSceneListManager { + pub const m_hListManagers: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_iszScenes: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge[16] + pub const m_hScenes: usize = 0x558; // CHandle[16] + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CSplineConstraint { + pub const m_vAnchorOffsetRestore: usize = 0x580; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ViewModelServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSObserver_ViewModelServices { + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CDynamicPropAlias_dynamic_prop { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Handle (ModelConfigHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Name (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AssociatedEntityNames (string_t) + pub mod ActiveModelConfig_t { + pub const m_Handle: usize = 0x28; // ModelConfigHandle_t + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_AssociatedEntities: usize = 0x38; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_AssociatedEntityNames: usize = 0x50; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPhysicsPropMultiplayer { + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CBasePlatTrain { + pub const m_NoiseMoving: usize = 0x790; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_NoiseArrived: usize = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_volume: usize = 0x7A8; // float32 + pub const m_flTWidth: usize = 0x7AC; // float32 + pub const m_flTLength: usize = 0x7B0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeTagged + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CSimpleMarkupVolumeTagged { + } + // Parent: SpawnPoint + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoPlayerTerrorist { + } + // Parent: CPhysHinge + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPhysHingeAlias_phys_hinge_local { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CTankTargetChange { + pub const m_newTarget: usize = 0x4C0; // CVariantBase + pub const m_newTargetName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CLogicCompare { + pub const m_flInValue: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flCompareValue: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_OnLessThan: usize = 0x4C8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnEqualTo: usize = 0x4F0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnNotEqualTo: usize = 0x518; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnGreaterThan: usize = 0x540; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalHitsOnServer (int32) + pub mod CCSPlayer_BulletServices { + pub const m_totalHitsOnServer: usize = 0x40; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CLogicRelay { + pub const m_OnTrigger: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnSpawn: usize = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x510; // bool + pub const m_bWaitForRefire: usize = 0x511; // bool + pub const m_bTriggerOnce: usize = 0x512; // bool + pub const m_bFastRetrigger: usize = 0x513; // bool + pub const m_bPassthoughCaller: usize = 0x514; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ItemServices + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeavyArmor (bool) + pub mod CCSPlayer_ItemServices { + pub const m_bHasDefuser: usize = 0x40; // bool + pub const m_bHasHelmet: usize = 0x41; // bool + pub const m_bHasHeavyArmor: usize = 0x42; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CKeepUpright { + pub const m_worldGoalAxis: usize = 0x4C8; // Vector + pub const m_localTestAxis: usize = 0x4D4; // Vector + pub const m_nameAttach: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_attachedObject: usize = 0x4F0; // CHandle + pub const m_angularLimit: usize = 0x4F4; // float32 + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x4F8; // bool + pub const m_bDampAllRotation: usize = 0x4F9; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CModelPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFuncWater { + pub const m_BuoyancyHelper: usize = 0x710; // CBuoyancyHelper + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CFuncTimescale { + pub const m_flDesiredTimescale: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flAcceleration: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_flMinBlendRate: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flBlendDeltaMultiplier: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_isStarted: usize = 0x4D0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBtNode + // Fields count: 14 + pub mod CBtActionMoveTo { + pub const m_szDestinationInputKey: usize = 0x60; // CUtlString + pub const m_szHidingSpotInputKey: usize = 0x68; // CUtlString + pub const m_szThreatInputKey: usize = 0x70; // CUtlString + pub const m_vecDestination: usize = 0x78; // Vector + pub const m_bAutoLookAdjust: usize = 0x84; // bool + pub const m_bComputePath: usize = 0x85; // bool + pub const m_flDamagingAreasPenaltyCost: usize = 0x88; // float32 + pub const m_CheckApproximateCornersTimer: usize = 0x90; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_CheckHighPriorityItem: usize = 0xA8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_RepathTimer: usize = 0xC0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_flArrivalEpsilon: usize = 0xD8; // float32 + pub const m_flAdditionalArrivalEpsilon2D: usize = 0xDC; // float32 + pub const m_flHidingSpotCheckDistanceThreshold: usize = 0xE0; // float32 + pub const m_flNearestAreaDistanceThreshold: usize = 0xE4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMin (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoExposureMax (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + pub mod CTonemapController2 { + pub const m_flAutoExposureMin: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flAutoExposureMax: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapPercentTarget: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapMinAvgLum: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange: usize = 0x4DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPulseExecCursor + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CPulseServerCursor { + } + // Parent: CRopeKeyframe + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CRopeKeyframeAlias_move_rope { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + pub mod CEnvInstructorVRHint { + pub const m_iszName: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszHintTargetEntity: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iTimeout: usize = 0x4D0; // int32 + pub const m_iszCaption: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszStartSound: usize = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iLayoutFileType: usize = 0x4E8; // int32 + pub const m_iszCustomLayoutFile: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iAttachType: usize = 0x4F8; // int32 + pub const m_flHeightOffset: usize = 0x4FC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponXM1014 { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CPlatTrigger { + pub const m_pPlatform: usize = 0x710; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 31 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iWindSeed (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxWind (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_windRadius (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMinGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxGust (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxGustDelay (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGustDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGustDirChange (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_location (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInitialWindDir (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInitialWindSpeed (float32) + pub mod CEnvWindShared { + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iWindSeed: usize = 0xC; // uint32 + pub const m_iMinWind: usize = 0x10; // uint16 + pub const m_iMaxWind: usize = 0x12; // uint16 + pub const m_windRadius: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_iMinGust: usize = 0x18; // uint16 + pub const m_iMaxGust: usize = 0x1A; // uint16 + pub const m_flMinGustDelay: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxGustDelay: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flGustDuration: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_iGustDirChange: usize = 0x28; // uint16 + pub const m_location: usize = 0x2C; // Vector + pub const m_iszGustSound: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_iWindDir: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + pub const m_flWindSpeed: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_currentWindVector: usize = 0x44; // Vector + pub const m_CurrentSwayVector: usize = 0x50; // Vector + pub const m_PrevSwayVector: usize = 0x5C; // Vector + pub const m_iInitialWindDir: usize = 0x68; // uint16 + pub const m_flInitialWindSpeed: usize = 0x6C; // float32 + pub const m_OnGustStart: usize = 0x70; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnGustEnd: usize = 0x98; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_flVariationTime: usize = 0xC0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSwayTime: usize = 0xC4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSimTime: usize = 0xC8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSwitchTime: usize = 0xCC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flAveWindSpeed: usize = 0xD0; // float32 + pub const m_bGusting: usize = 0xD4; // bool + pub const m_flWindAngleVariation: usize = 0xD8; // float32 + pub const m_flWindSpeedVariation: usize = 0xDC; // float32 + pub const m_iEntIndex: usize = 0xE0; // CEntityIndex + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CMolotovGrenade { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CPointHurt { + pub const m_nDamage: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_bitsDamageType: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flDelay: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_strTarget: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_pActivator: usize = 0x4D8; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 44 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUpdateOnClient (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInputType (ValueRemapperInputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineStart (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRemapLineEnd (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaximumChangePerSecond (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisengageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEngageDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRequiresUseKey (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOutputType (ValueRemapperOutputType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOutputEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHapticsType (ValueRemapperHapticsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMomentumType (ValueRemapperMomentumType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMomentumModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSnapValue (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRatchetType (ValueRemapperRatchetType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInputOffset (float) + pub mod CPointValueRemapper { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_bUpdateOnClient: usize = 0x4C1; // bool + pub const m_nInputType: usize = 0x4C4; // ValueRemapperInputType_t + pub const m_iszRemapLineStartName: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszRemapLineEndName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hRemapLineStart: usize = 0x4D8; // CHandle + pub const m_hRemapLineEnd: usize = 0x4DC; // CHandle + pub const m_flMaximumChangePerSecond: usize = 0x4E0; // float32 + pub const m_flDisengageDistance: usize = 0x4E4; // float32 + pub const m_flEngageDistance: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_bRequiresUseKey: usize = 0x4EC; // bool + pub const m_nOutputType: usize = 0x4F0; // ValueRemapperOutputType_t + pub const m_iszOutputEntityName: usize = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOutputEntity2Name: usize = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOutputEntity3Name: usize = 0x508; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOutputEntity4Name: usize = 0x510; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hOutputEntities: usize = 0x518; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_nHapticsType: usize = 0x530; // ValueRemapperHapticsType_t + pub const m_nMomentumType: usize = 0x534; // ValueRemapperMomentumType_t + pub const m_flMomentumModifier: usize = 0x538; // float32 + pub const m_flSnapValue: usize = 0x53C; // float32 + pub const m_flCurrentMomentum: usize = 0x540; // float32 + pub const m_nRatchetType: usize = 0x544; // ValueRemapperRatchetType_t + pub const m_flRatchetOffset: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flInputOffset: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_bEngaged: usize = 0x550; // bool + pub const m_bFirstUpdate: usize = 0x551; // bool + pub const m_flPreviousValue: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_flPreviousUpdateTickTime: usize = 0x558; // GameTime_t + pub const m_vecPreviousTestPoint: usize = 0x55C; // Vector + pub const m_hUsingPlayer: usize = 0x568; // CHandle + pub const m_flCustomOutputValue: usize = 0x56C; // float32 + pub const m_iszSoundEngage: usize = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSoundDisengage: usize = 0x578; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSoundReachedValueZero: usize = 0x580; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSoundReachedValueOne: usize = 0x588; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSoundMovingLoop: usize = 0x590; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_Position: usize = 0x5A0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_PositionDelta: usize = 0x5C8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnReachedValueZero: usize = 0x5F0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnReachedValueOne: usize = 0x618; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnReachedValueCustom: usize = 0x640; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnEngage: usize = 0x668; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnDisengage: usize = 0x690; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicNPCCounter + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CLogicNPCCounterAABB { + pub const m_vDistanceOuterMins: usize = 0x800; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceOuterMaxs: usize = 0x80C; // Vector + pub const m_vOuterMins: usize = 0x818; // Vector + pub const m_vOuterMaxs: usize = 0x824; // Vector + } + // Parent: CLightEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CLightOrthoEntity { + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscapeTriggerable + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEnvSoundscapeTriggerableAlias_snd_soundscape_triggerable { + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointBase + // Fields count: 23 + pub mod CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity { + pub const m_OnEnter: usize = 0x558; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnExit: usize = 0x580; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bAutoDisable: usize = 0x5A8; // bool + pub const m_flDistanceMin: usize = 0x5EC; // float32 + pub const m_flDistanceMax: usize = 0x5F0; // float32 + pub const m_flDistanceMapMin: usize = 0x5F4; // float32 + pub const m_flDistanceMapMax: usize = 0x5F8; // float32 + pub const m_flOcclusionRadius: usize = 0x5FC; // float32 + pub const m_flOcclusionMin: usize = 0x600; // float32 + pub const m_flOcclusionMax: usize = 0x604; // float32 + pub const m_flValSetOnDisable: usize = 0x608; // float32 + pub const m_bSetValueOnDisable: usize = 0x60C; // bool + pub const m_nSimulationMode: usize = 0x610; // int32 + pub const m_nVisibilitySamples: usize = 0x614; // int32 + pub const m_vDynamicProxyPoint: usize = 0x618; // Vector + pub const m_flDynamicMaximumOcclusion: usize = 0x624; // float32 + pub const m_hDynamicEntity: usize = 0x628; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_iszDynamicEntityName: usize = 0x630; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flPathingDistanceNormFactor: usize = 0x638; // float32 + pub const m_vPathingSourcePos: usize = 0x63C; // Vector + pub const m_vPathingListenerPos: usize = 0x648; // Vector + pub const m_vPathingDirection: usize = 0x654; // Vector + pub const m_nPathingSourceIndex: usize = 0x660; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxData (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skyboxSlotToken (CUtlStringToken) + pub mod CSkyCamera { + pub const m_skyboxData: usize = 0x4C0; // sky3dparams_t + pub const m_skyboxSlotToken: usize = 0x550; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_bUseAngles: usize = 0x554; // bool + pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x558; // CSkyCamera* + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CGameMoney { + pub const m_OnMoneySpent: usize = 0x720; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMoneySpentFail: usize = 0x748; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_nMoney: usize = 0x770; // int32 + pub const m_strAwardText: usize = 0x778; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CLogicPlayerProxy { + pub const m_hPlayer: usize = 0x4C0; // CHandle + pub const m_PlayerHasAmmo: usize = 0x4C8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_PlayerHasNoAmmo: usize = 0x4F0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_PlayerDied: usize = 0x518; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_RequestedPlayerHealth: usize = 0x540; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iObserverMode (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverTarget (CHandle) + pub mod CPlayer_ObserverServices { + pub const m_iObserverMode: usize = 0x40; // uint8 + pub const m_hObserverTarget: usize = 0x44; // CHandle + pub const m_iObserverLastMode: usize = 0x48; // ObserverMode_t + pub const m_bForcedObserverMode: usize = 0x4C; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponZoneRepulsor { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CPhysImpact { + pub const m_damage: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_distance: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_directionEntityName: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod CEnvCombinedLightProbeVolume { + pub const m_Entity_Color: usize = 0x1520; // Color + pub const m_Entity_flBrightness: usize = 0x1524; // float32 + pub const m_Entity_hCubemapTexture: usize = 0x1528; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture: usize = 0x1530; // bool + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture: usize = 0x1538; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture: usize = 0x1540; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture: usize = 0x1548; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture: usize = 0x1550; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_vBoxMins: usize = 0x1558; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x1564; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_bMoveable: usize = 0x1570; // bool + pub const m_Entity_nHandshake: usize = 0x1574; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex: usize = 0x1578; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nPriority: usize = 0x157C; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x1580; // bool + pub const m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist: usize = 0x1584; // float32 + pub const m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists: usize = 0x1588; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX: usize = 0x1594; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY: usize = 0x1598; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ: usize = 0x159C; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX: usize = 0x15A0; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY: usize = 0x15A4; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ: usize = 0x15A8; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_bEnabled: usize = 0x15C1; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_WaterServices { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponM249 { + } + // Parent: CParticleSystem + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadiusScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSelfIllumScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTextureOverride (HRenderTextureStrong) + pub mod CEnvParticleGlow { + pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0xC88; // float32 + pub const m_flRadiusScale: usize = 0xC8C; // float32 + pub const m_flSelfIllumScale: usize = 0xC90; // float32 + pub const m_ColorTint: usize = 0xC94; // Color + pub const m_hTextureOverride: usize = 0xC98; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFuncVehicleClip { + } + // Parent: CSoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + pub mod CSoundAreaEntitySphere { + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x4E0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CFuncBrush + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_targetCamera (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionEnum (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseUniqueColorTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_brushModelName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hTargetCamera (EHANDLE) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDraw3DSkybox (bool) + pub mod CFuncMonitor { + pub const m_targetCamera: usize = 0x730; // CUtlString + pub const m_nResolutionEnum: usize = 0x738; // int32 + pub const m_bRenderShadows: usize = 0x73C; // bool + pub const m_bUseUniqueColorTarget: usize = 0x73D; // bool + pub const m_brushModelName: usize = 0x740; // CUtlString + pub const m_hTargetCamera: usize = 0x748; // CHandle + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x74C; // bool + pub const m_bDraw3DSkybox: usize = 0x74D; // bool + pub const m_bStartEnabled: usize = 0x74E; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEnvFunnel { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod SequenceHistory_t { + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x0; // HSequence + pub const m_flSeqStartTime: usize = 0x4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flSeqFixedCycle: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_nSeqLoopMode: usize = 0xC; // AnimLoopMode_t + pub const m_flPlaybackRate: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flCyclesPerSecond: usize = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGameModeRules_Noop { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 16 + pub mod CPointAngularVelocitySensor { + pub const m_hTargetEntity: usize = 0x4C0; // CHandle + pub const m_flThreshold: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_nLastCompareResult: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + pub const m_nLastFireResult: usize = 0x4CC; // int32 + pub const m_flFireTime: usize = 0x4D0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flFireInterval: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_flLastAngVelocity: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_lastOrientation: usize = 0x4DC; // QAngle + pub const m_vecAxis: usize = 0x4E8; // Vector + pub const m_bUseHelper: usize = 0x4F4; // bool + pub const m_AngularVelocity: usize = 0x4F8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnLessThan: usize = 0x520; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnLessThanOrEqualTo: usize = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnGreaterThan: usize = 0x570; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnGreaterThanOrEqualTo: usize = 0x598; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnEqualTo: usize = 0x5C0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsIncGrenade (bool) + pub mod CMolotovProjectile { + pub const m_bIsIncGrenade: usize = 0xA90; // bool + pub const m_bDetonated: usize = 0xA9C; // bool + pub const m_stillTimer: usize = 0xAA0; // IntervalTimer + pub const m_bHasBouncedOffPlayer: usize = 0xB80; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CHostageRescueZoneShim { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPointPulse { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 24 + pub mod CEnvInstructorHint { + pub const m_iszName: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszReplace_Key: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszHintTargetEntity: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iTimeout: usize = 0x4D8; // int32 + pub const m_iDisplayLimit: usize = 0x4DC; // int32 + pub const m_iszIcon_Onscreen: usize = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszIcon_Offscreen: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszCaption: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszActivatorCaption: usize = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x500; // Color + pub const m_fIconOffset: usize = 0x504; // float32 + pub const m_fRange: usize = 0x508; // float32 + pub const m_iPulseOption: usize = 0x50C; // uint8 + pub const m_iAlphaOption: usize = 0x50D; // uint8 + pub const m_iShakeOption: usize = 0x50E; // uint8 + pub const m_bStatic: usize = 0x50F; // bool + pub const m_bNoOffscreen: usize = 0x510; // bool + pub const m_bForceCaption: usize = 0x511; // bool + pub const m_iInstanceType: usize = 0x514; // int32 + pub const m_bSuppressRest: usize = 0x518; // bool + pub const m_iszBinding: usize = 0x520; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bAllowNoDrawTarget: usize = 0x528; // bool + pub const m_bAutoStart: usize = 0x529; // bool + pub const m_bLocalPlayerOnly: usize = 0x52A; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CEnvTracer { + pub const m_vecEnd: usize = 0x4C0; // Vector + pub const m_flDelay: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CInfoGameEventProxy { + pub const m_iszEventName: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_FOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Resolution (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFogEnable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FogColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseScreenAspectRatio (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAspectRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoSky (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZFar (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flZNear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanHLTVUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDofEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofNearCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarCrisp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofFarBlurry (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDofTiltToGround (float) + pub mod CPointCamera { + pub const m_FOV: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_Resolution: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_bFogEnable: usize = 0x4C8; // bool + pub const m_FogColor: usize = 0x4C9; // Color + pub const m_flFogStart: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_flFogEnd: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMaxDensity: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x4DC; // bool + pub const m_bUseScreenAspectRatio: usize = 0x4DD; // bool + pub const m_flAspectRatio: usize = 0x4E0; // float32 + pub const m_bNoSky: usize = 0x4E4; // bool + pub const m_fBrightness: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_flZFar: usize = 0x4EC; // float32 + pub const m_flZNear: usize = 0x4F0; // float32 + pub const m_bCanHLTVUse: usize = 0x4F4; // bool + pub const m_bDofEnabled: usize = 0x4F5; // bool + pub const m_flDofNearBlurry: usize = 0x4F8; // float32 + pub const m_flDofNearCrisp: usize = 0x4FC; // float32 + pub const m_flDofFarCrisp: usize = 0x500; // float32 + pub const m_flDofFarBlurry: usize = 0x504; // float32 + pub const m_flDofTiltToGround: usize = 0x508; // float32 + pub const m_TargetFOV: usize = 0x50C; // float32 + pub const m_DegreesPerSecond: usize = 0x510; // float32 + pub const m_bIsOn: usize = 0x514; // bool + pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x518; // CPointCamera* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hModel (HModelStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MeshGroupMask (MeshGroupMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIdealMotionType (int8) + pub mod CModelState { + pub const m_hModel: usize = 0xA0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_ModelName: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed: usize = 0xE8; // bool + pub const m_MeshGroupMask: usize = 0x198; // uint64 + pub const m_nIdealMotionType: usize = 0x21A; // int8 + pub const m_nForceLOD: usize = 0x21B; // int8 + pub const m_nClothUpdateFlags: usize = 0x21C; // int8 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLadderDir (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAutoRideSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFakeLadder (bool) + pub mod CFuncLadder { + pub const m_vecLadderDir: usize = 0x710; // Vector + pub const m_Dismounts: usize = 0x720; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_vecLocalTop: usize = 0x738; // Vector + pub const m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop: usize = 0x744; // Vector + pub const m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom: usize = 0x750; // Vector + pub const m_flAutoRideSpeed: usize = 0x75C; // float32 + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x760; // bool + pub const m_bFakeLadder: usize = 0x761; // bool + pub const m_bHasSlack: usize = 0x762; // bool + pub const m_surfacePropName: usize = 0x768; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_OnPlayerGotOnLadder: usize = 0x770; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnPlayerGotOffLadder: usize = 0x798; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod CPathKeyFrame { + pub const m_Origin: usize = 0x4C0; // Vector + pub const m_Angles: usize = 0x4CC; // QAngle + pub const m_qAngle: usize = 0x4E0; // Quaternion + pub const m_iNextKey: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flNextTime: usize = 0x4F8; // float32 + pub const m_pNextKey: usize = 0x500; // CPathKeyFrame* + pub const m_pPrevKey: usize = 0x508; // CPathKeyFrame* + pub const m_flMoveSpeed: usize = 0x510; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CFuncInteractionLayerClip { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x710; // bool + pub const m_iszInteractsAs: usize = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszInteractsWith: usize = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Attributes (CEconItemAttribute) + pub mod CAttributeList { + pub const m_Attributes: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + pub const m_pManager: usize = 0x58; // CAttributeManager* + } + // Parent: CGameRules + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CMultiplayRules { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponRevolver { + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod COrnamentProp { + pub const m_initialOwner: usize = 0xB80; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CLogicGameEvent { + pub const m_iszEventName: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CEnvMuzzleFlash { + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_iszParentAttachment: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nUniqueID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTraceID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_rtGcTime (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStart (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLeft (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayer (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntity (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitbox (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreationTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTintID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVersion (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubSignature (uint8) + pub mod CPlayerSprayDecal { + pub const m_nUniqueID: usize = 0x710; // int32 + pub const m_unAccountID: usize = 0x714; // uint32 + pub const m_unTraceID: usize = 0x718; // uint32 + pub const m_rtGcTime: usize = 0x71C; // uint32 + pub const m_vecEndPos: usize = 0x720; // Vector + pub const m_vecStart: usize = 0x72C; // Vector + pub const m_vecLeft: usize = 0x738; // Vector + pub const m_vecNormal: usize = 0x744; // Vector + pub const m_nPlayer: usize = 0x750; // int32 + pub const m_nEntity: usize = 0x754; // int32 + pub const m_nHitbox: usize = 0x758; // int32 + pub const m_flCreationTime: usize = 0x75C; // float32 + pub const m_nTintID: usize = 0x760; // int32 + pub const m_nVersion: usize = 0x764; // uint8 + pub const m_ubSignature: usize = 0x765; // uint8[128] + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlantedHere (bool) + pub mod CBombTarget { + pub const m_OnBombExplode: usize = 0x8E0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnBombPlanted: usize = 0x908; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnBombDefused: usize = 0x930; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bIsBombSiteB: usize = 0x958; // bool + pub const m_bIsHeistBombTarget: usize = 0x959; // bool + pub const m_bBombPlantedHere: usize = 0x95A; // bool + pub const m_szMountTarget: usize = 0x960; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hInstructorHint: usize = 0x968; // CHandle + pub const m_nBombSiteDesignation: usize = 0x96C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod CPhysicsSpring { + pub const m_flFrequency: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flDampingRatio: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_flRestLength: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_nameAttachStart: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nameAttachEnd: usize = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_start: usize = 0x4E8; // Vector + pub const m_end: usize = 0x4F4; // Vector + pub const m_teleportTick: usize = 0x500; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod CEnvLightProbeVolume { + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeTexture: usize = 0x14A0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture: usize = 0x14A8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture: usize = 0x14B0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture: usize = 0x14B8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_vBoxMins: usize = 0x14C0; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x14CC; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_bMoveable: usize = 0x14D8; // bool + pub const m_Entity_nHandshake: usize = 0x14DC; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nPriority: usize = 0x14E0; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x14E4; // bool + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeX: usize = 0x14E8; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeY: usize = 0x14EC; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeSizeZ: usize = 0x14F0; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasX: usize = 0x14F4; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasY: usize = 0x14F8; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nLightProbeAtlasZ: usize = 0x14FC; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_bEnabled: usize = 0x1509; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGameModeRules + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_WeaponSequence (CUtlString) + pub mod CCSGameModeRules_ArmsRace { + pub const m_WeaponSequence: usize = 0x30; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CTriggerPush + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CScriptTriggerPush { + pub const m_vExtent: usize = 0x918; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CEnvEntityIgniter { + pub const m_flLifetime: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFuncWall { + pub const m_nState: usize = 0x710; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PlayerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerDamager (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerControllerRecipient (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerDamagerName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szPlayerRecipientName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamagerXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RecipientXuid (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDamage (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActualHealthRemoved (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumHits (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iLastBulletUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsOtherEnemy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_killType (EKillTypes_t) + pub mod CDamageRecord { + pub const m_PlayerDamager: usize = 0x28; // CHandle + pub const m_PlayerRecipient: usize = 0x2C; // CHandle + pub const m_hPlayerControllerDamager: usize = 0x30; // CHandle + pub const m_hPlayerControllerRecipient: usize = 0x34; // CHandle + pub const m_szPlayerDamagerName: usize = 0x38; // CUtlString + pub const m_szPlayerRecipientName: usize = 0x40; // CUtlString + pub const m_DamagerXuid: usize = 0x48; // uint64 + pub const m_RecipientXuid: usize = 0x50; // uint64 + pub const m_iDamage: usize = 0x58; // int32 + pub const m_iActualHealthRemoved: usize = 0x5C; // int32 + pub const m_iNumHits: usize = 0x60; // int32 + pub const m_iLastBulletUpdate: usize = 0x64; // int32 + pub const m_bIsOtherEnemy: usize = 0x68; // bool + pub const m_killType: usize = 0x69; // EKillTypes_t + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CLogicAutosave { + pub const m_bForceNewLevelUnit: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_minHitPoints: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_minHitPointsToCommit: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSendUpdate (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DamageList (CDamageRecord) + pub mod CCSPlayerController_DamageServices { + pub const m_nSendUpdate: usize = 0x40; // int32 + pub const m_DamageList: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CRenderComponent { + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x10; // CNetworkVarChainer + pub const m_bIsRenderingWithViewModels: usize = 0x50; // bool + pub const m_nSplitscreenFlags: usize = 0x54; // uint32 + pub const m_bEnableRendering: usize = 0x60; // bool + pub const m_bInterpolationReadyToDraw: usize = 0xB0; // bool + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCornerPairsNetworked (SoundeventPathCornerPairNetworked_t) + pub mod CSoundEventPathCornerEntity { + pub const m_iszPathCorner: usize = 0x570; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iCountMax: usize = 0x578; // int32 + pub const m_flDistanceMax: usize = 0x57C; // float32 + pub const m_flDistMaxSqr: usize = 0x580; // float32 + pub const m_flDotProductMax: usize = 0x584; // float32 + pub const m_bPlaying: usize = 0x588; // bool + pub const m_vecCornerPairsNetworked: usize = 0x5B0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CEnvSoundscape + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CEnvSoundscapeProxy { + pub const m_MainSoundscapeName: usize = 0x558; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 67 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SecondaryColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloff (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAttenuation2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTheta (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPhi (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLightCookie (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascades (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCastShadows (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowWidth (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowHeight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderDiffuse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderSpecular (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderTransmissive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOrthoLightHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStyle (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Pattern (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUsesBakedShadowing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nShadowPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBakedShadowIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nIndirectLight (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMinDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowFadeMaxDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlicker (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrecomputedMaxRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogLightingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogContributionStength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNearClipPlane (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSkyIntensity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SkyAmbientBounce (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseSecondaryColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMixedShadows (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightStyleStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinRoughness (float) + pub mod CLightComponent { + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x38; // CNetworkVarChainer + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x75; // Color + pub const m_SecondaryColor: usize = 0x79; // Color + pub const m_flBrightness: usize = 0x80; // float32 + pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0x84; // float32 + pub const m_flBrightnessMult: usize = 0x88; // float32 + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0x8C; // float32 + pub const m_flFalloff: usize = 0x90; // float32 + pub const m_flAttenuation0: usize = 0x94; // float32 + pub const m_flAttenuation1: usize = 0x98; // float32 + pub const m_flAttenuation2: usize = 0x9C; // float32 + pub const m_flTheta: usize = 0xA0; // float32 + pub const m_flPhi: usize = 0xA4; // float32 + pub const m_hLightCookie: usize = 0xA8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nCascades: usize = 0xB0; // int32 + pub const m_nCastShadows: usize = 0xB4; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowWidth: usize = 0xB8; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowHeight: usize = 0xBC; // int32 + pub const m_bRenderDiffuse: usize = 0xC0; // bool + pub const m_nRenderSpecular: usize = 0xC4; // int32 + pub const m_bRenderTransmissive: usize = 0xC8; // bool + pub const m_flOrthoLightWidth: usize = 0xCC; // float32 + pub const m_flOrthoLightHeight: usize = 0xD0; // float32 + pub const m_nStyle: usize = 0xD4; // int32 + pub const m_Pattern: usize = 0xD8; // CUtlString + pub const m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects: usize = 0xE0; // int32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade: usize = 0xE4; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade: usize = 0xE8; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance0: usize = 0xEC; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance1: usize = 0xF0; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance2: usize = 0xF4; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowCascadeDistance3: usize = 0xF8; // float32 + pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution0: usize = 0xFC; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution1: usize = 0x100; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution2: usize = 0x104; // int32 + pub const m_nShadowCascadeResolution3: usize = 0x108; // int32 + pub const m_bUsesBakedShadowing: usize = 0x10C; // bool + pub const m_nShadowPriority: usize = 0x110; // int32 + pub const m_nBakedShadowIndex: usize = 0x114; // int32 + pub const m_bRenderToCubemaps: usize = 0x118; // bool + pub const m_nDirectLight: usize = 0x11C; // int32 + pub const m_nIndirectLight: usize = 0x120; // int32 + pub const m_flFadeMinDist: usize = 0x124; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeMaxDist: usize = 0x128; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowFadeMinDist: usize = 0x12C; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowFadeMaxDist: usize = 0x130; // float32 + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x134; // bool + pub const m_bFlicker: usize = 0x135; // bool + pub const m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid: usize = 0x136; // bool + pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins: usize = 0x138; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs: usize = 0x144; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin: usize = 0x150; // Vector + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles: usize = 0x15C; // QAngle + pub const m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent: usize = 0x168; // Vector + pub const m_flPrecomputedMaxRange: usize = 0x174; // float32 + pub const m_nFogLightingMode: usize = 0x178; // int32 + pub const m_flFogContributionStength: usize = 0x17C; // float32 + pub const m_flNearClipPlane: usize = 0x180; // float32 + pub const m_SkyColor: usize = 0x184; // Color + pub const m_flSkyIntensity: usize = 0x188; // float32 + pub const m_SkyAmbientBounce: usize = 0x18C; // Color + pub const m_bUseSecondaryColor: usize = 0x190; // bool + pub const m_bMixedShadows: usize = 0x191; // bool + pub const m_flLightStyleStartTime: usize = 0x194; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flCapsuleLength: usize = 0x198; // float32 + pub const m_flMinRoughness: usize = 0x19C; // float32 + pub const m_bPvsModifyEntity: usize = 0x1B0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDidSmokeEffect (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandomSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeColor (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vSmokeDetonationPos (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_VoxelFrameData (CUtlVector) + pub mod CSmokeGrenadeProjectile { + pub const m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin: usize = 0xAA8; // int32 + pub const m_bDidSmokeEffect: usize = 0xAAC; // bool + pub const m_nRandomSeed: usize = 0xAB0; // int32 + pub const m_vSmokeColor: usize = 0xAB4; // Vector + pub const m_vSmokeDetonationPos: usize = 0xAC0; // Vector + pub const m_VoxelFrameData: usize = 0xAD0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flLastBounce: usize = 0xAE8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fllastSimulationTime: usize = 0xAEC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bExplodeFromInferno: usize = 0x2D70; // bool + } + // Parent: CTriggerMultiple + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CScriptTriggerMultiple { + pub const m_vExtent: usize = 0x908; // Vector + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CSoundOpvarSetAutoRoomEntity { + pub const m_traceResults: usize = 0x668; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flSize: usize = 0x698; // float32 + pub const m_flHeightTolerance: usize = 0x69C; // float32 + pub const m_flSizeSqr: usize = 0x6A0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CEntityComponent { + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod FilterDamageType { + pub const m_iDamageType: usize = 0x518; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBot + // Fields count: 139 + pub mod CCSBot { + pub const m_eyePosition: usize = 0x108; // Vector + pub const m_name: usize = 0x114; // char[64] + pub const m_combatRange: usize = 0x154; // float32 + pub const m_isRogue: usize = 0x158; // bool + pub const m_rogueTimer: usize = 0x160; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_diedLastRound: usize = 0x17C; // bool + pub const m_safeTime: usize = 0x180; // float32 + pub const m_wasSafe: usize = 0x184; // bool + pub const m_blindFire: usize = 0x18C; // bool + pub const m_surpriseTimer: usize = 0x190; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_bAllowActive: usize = 0x1A8; // bool + pub const m_isFollowing: usize = 0x1A9; // bool + pub const m_leader: usize = 0x1AC; // CHandle + pub const m_followTimestamp: usize = 0x1B0; // float32 + pub const m_allowAutoFollowTime: usize = 0x1B4; // float32 + pub const m_hurryTimer: usize = 0x1B8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_alertTimer: usize = 0x1D0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_sneakTimer: usize = 0x1E8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_panicTimer: usize = 0x200; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_stateTimestamp: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_isAttacking: usize = 0x4D4; // bool + pub const m_isOpeningDoor: usize = 0x4D5; // bool + pub const m_taskEntity: usize = 0x4DC; // CHandle + pub const m_goalPosition: usize = 0x4EC; // Vector + pub const m_goalEntity: usize = 0x4F8; // CHandle + pub const m_avoid: usize = 0x4FC; // CHandle + pub const m_avoidTimestamp: usize = 0x500; // float32 + pub const m_isStopping: usize = 0x504; // bool + pub const m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn: usize = 0x505; // bool + pub const m_stillTimer: usize = 0x508; // IntervalTimer + pub const m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl: usize = 0x518; // bool + pub const m_pathIndex: usize = 0x5610; // int32 + pub const m_areaEnteredTimestamp: usize = 0x5614; // GameTime_t + pub const m_repathTimer: usize = 0x5618; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_avoidFriendTimer: usize = 0x5630; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_isFriendInTheWay: usize = 0x5648; // bool + pub const m_politeTimer: usize = 0x5650; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_isWaitingBehindFriend: usize = 0x5668; // bool + pub const m_pathLadderEnd: usize = 0x5694; // float32 + pub const m_mustRunTimer: usize = 0x56E0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_waitTimer: usize = 0x56F8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_updateTravelDistanceTimer: usize = 0x5710; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_playerTravelDistance: usize = 0x5728; // float32[64] + pub const m_travelDistancePhase: usize = 0x5828; // uint8 + pub const m_hostageEscortCount: usize = 0x59C0; // uint8 + pub const m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp: usize = 0x59C4; // float32 + pub const m_desiredTeam: usize = 0x59C8; // int32 + pub const m_hasJoined: usize = 0x59CC; // bool + pub const m_isWaitingForHostage: usize = 0x59CD; // bool + pub const m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer: usize = 0x59D0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_waitForHostageTimer: usize = 0x59E8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_noisePosition: usize = 0x5A00; // Vector + pub const m_noiseTravelDistance: usize = 0x5A0C; // float32 + pub const m_noiseTimestamp: usize = 0x5A10; // float32 + pub const m_noiseSource: usize = 0x5A18; // CCSPlayerPawn* + pub const m_noiseBendTimer: usize = 0x5A30; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_bentNoisePosition: usize = 0x5A48; // Vector + pub const m_bendNoisePositionValid: usize = 0x5A54; // bool + pub const m_lookAroundStateTimestamp: usize = 0x5A58; // float32 + pub const m_lookAheadAngle: usize = 0x5A5C; // float32 + pub const m_forwardAngle: usize = 0x5A60; // float32 + pub const m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp: usize = 0x5A64; // float32 + pub const m_lookAtSpot: usize = 0x5A6C; // Vector + pub const m_lookAtSpotDuration: usize = 0x5A7C; // float32 + pub const m_lookAtSpotTimestamp: usize = 0x5A80; // float32 + pub const m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance: usize = 0x5A84; // float32 + pub const m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose: usize = 0x5A88; // bool + pub const m_lookAtSpotAttack: usize = 0x5A89; // bool + pub const m_lookAtDesc: usize = 0x5A90; // char* + pub const m_peripheralTimestamp: usize = 0x5A98; // float32 + pub const m_approachPointCount: usize = 0x5C20; // uint8 + pub const m_approachPointViewPosition: usize = 0x5C24; // Vector + pub const m_viewSteadyTimer: usize = 0x5C30; // IntervalTimer + pub const m_tossGrenadeTimer: usize = 0x5C48; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_isAvoidingGrenade: usize = 0x5C68; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_spotCheckTimestamp: usize = 0x5C88; // float32 + pub const m_checkedHidingSpotCount: usize = 0x6090; // int32 + pub const m_lookPitch: usize = 0x6094; // float32 + pub const m_lookPitchVel: usize = 0x6098; // float32 + pub const m_lookYaw: usize = 0x609C; // float32 + pub const m_lookYawVel: usize = 0x60A0; // float32 + pub const m_targetSpot: usize = 0x60A4; // Vector + pub const m_targetSpotVelocity: usize = 0x60B0; // Vector + pub const m_targetSpotPredicted: usize = 0x60BC; // Vector + pub const m_aimError: usize = 0x60C8; // QAngle + pub const m_aimGoal: usize = 0x60D4; // QAngle + pub const m_targetSpotTime: usize = 0x60E0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_aimFocus: usize = 0x60E4; // float32 + pub const m_aimFocusInterval: usize = 0x60E8; // float32 + pub const m_aimFocusNextUpdate: usize = 0x60EC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_ignoreEnemiesTimer: usize = 0x60F8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_enemy: usize = 0x6110; // CHandle + pub const m_isEnemyVisible: usize = 0x6114; // bool + pub const m_visibleEnemyParts: usize = 0x6115; // uint8 + pub const m_lastEnemyPosition: usize = 0x6118; // Vector + pub const m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp: usize = 0x6124; // float32 + pub const m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp: usize = 0x6128; // float32 + pub const m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp: usize = 0x612C; // float32 + pub const m_enemyDeathTimestamp: usize = 0x6130; // float32 + pub const m_friendDeathTimestamp: usize = 0x6134; // float32 + pub const m_isLastEnemyDead: usize = 0x6138; // bool + pub const m_nearbyEnemyCount: usize = 0x613C; // int32 + pub const m_bomber: usize = 0x6348; // CHandle + pub const m_nearbyFriendCount: usize = 0x634C; // int32 + pub const m_closestVisibleFriend: usize = 0x6350; // CHandle + pub const m_closestVisibleHumanFriend: usize = 0x6354; // CHandle + pub const m_attentionInterval: usize = 0x6358; // IntervalTimer + pub const m_attacker: usize = 0x6368; // CHandle + pub const m_attackedTimestamp: usize = 0x636C; // float32 + pub const m_burnedByFlamesTimer: usize = 0x6370; // IntervalTimer + pub const m_lastVictimID: usize = 0x6380; // int32 + pub const m_isAimingAtEnemy: usize = 0x6384; // bool + pub const m_isRapidFiring: usize = 0x6385; // bool + pub const m_equipTimer: usize = 0x6388; // IntervalTimer + pub const m_zoomTimer: usize = 0x6398; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_fireWeaponTimestamp: usize = 0x63B0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer: usize = 0x63B8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_bIsSleeping: usize = 0x63D0; // bool + pub const m_isEnemySniperVisible: usize = 0x63D1; // bool + pub const m_sawEnemySniperTimer: usize = 0x63D8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_enemyQueueIndex: usize = 0x6490; // uint8 + pub const m_enemyQueueCount: usize = 0x6491; // uint8 + pub const m_enemyQueueAttendIndex: usize = 0x6492; // uint8 + pub const m_isStuck: usize = 0x6493; // bool + pub const m_stuckTimestamp: usize = 0x6494; // GameTime_t + pub const m_stuckSpot: usize = 0x6498; // Vector + pub const m_wiggleTimer: usize = 0x64A8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_stuckJumpTimer: usize = 0x64C0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp: usize = 0x64D8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_avgVel: usize = 0x64DC; // float32[10] + pub const m_avgVelIndex: usize = 0x6504; // int32 + pub const m_avgVelCount: usize = 0x6508; // int32 + pub const m_lastOrigin: usize = 0x650C; // Vector + pub const m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp: usize = 0x651C; // float32 + pub const m_lastRadioSentTimestamp: usize = 0x6520; // float32 + pub const m_radioSubject: usize = 0x6524; // CHandle + pub const m_radioPosition: usize = 0x6528; // Vector + pub const m_voiceEndTimestamp: usize = 0x6534; // float32 + pub const m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame: usize = 0x6540; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CPhysMotor { + pub const m_nameAttach: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hAttachedObject: usize = 0x4C8; // CHandle + pub const m_spinUp: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_additionalAcceleration: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_angularAcceleration: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_lastTime: usize = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_motor: usize = 0x4F0; // CMotorController + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSoundAreaType (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vPos (Vector) + pub mod CSoundAreaEntityBase { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_iszSoundAreaType: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_vPos: usize = 0x4D0; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPlayer_UseServices + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CCSPlayer_UseServices { + pub const m_hLastKnownUseEntity: usize = 0x40; // CHandle + pub const m_flLastUseTimeStamp: usize = 0x44; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flTimeLastUsedWindow: usize = 0x48; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition { + } + // Parent: CItem + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CItemKevlar { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 14 + pub mod CTriggerHurt { + pub const m_flOriginalDamage: usize = 0x8E0; // float32 + pub const m_flDamage: usize = 0x8E4; // float32 + pub const m_flDamageCap: usize = 0x8E8; // float32 + pub const m_flLastDmgTime: usize = 0x8EC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flForgivenessDelay: usize = 0x8F0; // float32 + pub const m_bitsDamageInflict: usize = 0x8F4; // int32 + pub const m_damageModel: usize = 0x8F8; // int32 + pub const m_bNoDmgForce: usize = 0x8FC; // bool + pub const m_vDamageForce: usize = 0x900; // Vector + pub const m_thinkAlways: usize = 0x90C; // bool + pub const m_hurtThinkPeriod: usize = 0x910; // float32 + pub const m_OnHurt: usize = 0x918; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnHurtPlayer: usize = 0x940; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_hurtEntities: usize = 0x968; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 13 + pub mod CPhysConstraint { + pub const m_nameAttach1: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nameAttach2: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hAttach1: usize = 0x4D8; // CHandle + pub const m_hAttach2: usize = 0x4DC; // CHandle + pub const m_nameAttachment1: usize = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nameAttachment2: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_breakSound: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_forceLimit: usize = 0x4F8; // float32 + pub const m_torqueLimit: usize = 0x4FC; // float32 + pub const m_teleportTick: usize = 0x500; // uint32 + pub const m_minTeleportDistance: usize = 0x504; // float32 + pub const m_bSnapObjectPositions: usize = 0x508; // bool + pub const m_OnBreak: usize = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDraftType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWinningCoinToss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTeamWithFirstChoice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteMapIdsList (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAccountIDs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId4 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMapId5 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nStartingSide0 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCurrentPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPhaseDurationTicks (int) + pub mod CMapVetoPickController { + pub const m_bPlayedIntroVcd: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_bNeedToPlayFiveSecondsRemaining: usize = 0x4C1; // bool + pub const m_dblPreMatchDraftSequenceTime: usize = 0x4E0; // float64 + pub const m_bPreMatchDraftStateChanged: usize = 0x4E8; // bool + pub const m_nDraftType: usize = 0x4EC; // int32 + pub const m_nTeamWinningCoinToss: usize = 0x4F0; // int32 + pub const m_nTeamWithFirstChoice: usize = 0x4F4; // int32[64] + pub const m_nVoteMapIdsList: usize = 0x5F4; // int32[7] + pub const m_nAccountIDs: usize = 0x610; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId0: usize = 0x710; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId1: usize = 0x810; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId2: usize = 0x910; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId3: usize = 0xA10; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId4: usize = 0xB10; // int32[64] + pub const m_nMapId5: usize = 0xC10; // int32[64] + pub const m_nStartingSide0: usize = 0xD10; // int32[64] + pub const m_nCurrentPhase: usize = 0xE10; // int32 + pub const m_nPhaseStartTick: usize = 0xE14; // int32 + pub const m_nPhaseDurationTicks: usize = 0xE18; // int32 + pub const m_OnMapVetoed: usize = 0xE20; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnMapPicked: usize = 0xE48; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnSidesPicked: usize = 0xE70; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnNewPhaseStarted: usize = 0xE98; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnLevelTransition: usize = 0xEC0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSMinimapBoundary { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CSoundEnt { + pub const m_iFreeSound: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_iActiveSound: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_cLastActiveSounds: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + pub const m_SoundPool: usize = 0x4CC; // CSound[128] + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoSpawnGroupLandmark { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nToggleButtonDownMask (ButtonBitMask_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxspeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen (float32) + pub mod CPlayer_MovementServices { + pub const m_nImpulse: usize = 0x40; // int32 + pub const m_nButtons: usize = 0x48; // CInButtonState + pub const m_nQueuedButtonDownMask: usize = 0x68; // uint64 + pub const m_nQueuedButtonChangeMask: usize = 0x70; // uint64 + pub const m_nButtonDoublePressed: usize = 0x78; // uint64 + pub const m_pButtonPressedCmdNumber: usize = 0x80; // uint32[64] + pub const m_nLastCommandNumberProcessed: usize = 0x180; // uint32 + pub const m_nToggleButtonDownMask: usize = 0x188; // uint64 + pub const m_flMaxspeed: usize = 0x198; // float32 + pub const m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen: usize = 0x19C; // float32[4] + pub const m_flForwardMove: usize = 0x1AC; // float32 + pub const m_flLeftMove: usize = 0x1B0; // float32 + pub const m_flUpMove: usize = 0x1B4; // float32 + pub const m_vecLastMovementImpulses: usize = 0x1B8; // Vector + pub const m_vecOldViewAngles: usize = 0x1C4; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CTriggerSave { + pub const m_bForceNewLevelUnit: usize = 0x8E0; // bool + pub const m_fDangerousTimer: usize = 0x8E4; // float32 + pub const m_minHitPoints: usize = 0x8E8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 11 + pub mod CPhysWheelConstraint { + pub const m_flSuspensionFrequency: usize = 0x538; // float32 + pub const m_flSuspensionDampingRatio: usize = 0x53C; // float32 + pub const m_flSuspensionHeightOffset: usize = 0x540; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableSuspensionLimit: usize = 0x544; // bool + pub const m_flMinSuspensionOffset: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxSuspensionOffset: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableSteeringLimit: usize = 0x550; // bool + pub const m_flMinSteeringAngle: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxSteeringAngle: usize = 0x558; // float32 + pub const m_flSteeringAxisFriction: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_flSpinAxisFriction: usize = 0x560; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CPhysFixed { + pub const m_flLinearFrequency: usize = 0x538; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearDampingRatio: usize = 0x53C; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularFrequency: usize = 0x540; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularDampingRatio: usize = 0x544; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableLinearConstraint: usize = 0x548; // bool + pub const m_bEnableAngularConstraint: usize = 0x549; // bool + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CBasePlayerVData { + pub const m_sModelName: usize = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_flHeadDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x108; // CSkillFloat + pub const m_flChestDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x118; // CSkillFloat + pub const m_flStomachDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x128; // CSkillFloat + pub const m_flArmDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x138; // CSkillFloat + pub const m_flLegDamageMultiplier: usize = 0x148; // CSkillFloat + pub const m_flHoldBreathTime: usize = 0x158; // float32 + pub const m_flDrowningDamageInterval: usize = 0x15C; // float32 + pub const m_nDrowningDamageInitial: usize = 0x160; // int32 + pub const m_nDrowningDamageMax: usize = 0x164; // int32 + pub const m_nWaterSpeed: usize = 0x168; // int32 + pub const m_flUseRange: usize = 0x16C; // float32 + pub const m_flUseAngleTolerance: usize = 0x170; // float32 + pub const m_flCrouchTime: usize = 0x174; // float32 + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 11 + pub mod CEnvSoundscape { + pub const m_OnPlay: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_soundscapeName: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_soundEventName: usize = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bOverrideWithEvent: usize = 0x500; // bool + pub const m_soundscapeIndex: usize = 0x504; // int32 + pub const m_soundscapeEntityListId: usize = 0x508; // int32 + pub const m_soundEventHash: usize = 0x50C; // uint32 + pub const m_positionNames: usize = 0x510; // CUtlSymbolLarge[8] + pub const m_hProxySoundscape: usize = 0x550; // CHandle + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x554; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iStartAccount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTotalCashSpent (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCashSpentThisRound (int) + pub mod CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices { + pub const m_bReceivesMoneyNextRound: usize = 0x40; // bool + pub const m_iMoneyEarnedForNextRound: usize = 0x44; // int32 + pub const m_iAccount: usize = 0x48; // int32 + pub const m_iStartAccount: usize = 0x4C; // int32 + pub const m_iTotalCashSpent: usize = 0x50; // int32 + pub const m_iCashSpentThisRound: usize = 0x54; // int32 + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CSpriteOriented { + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetAABBEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CSoundOpvarSetOBBEntity { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponM4A1 { + } + // Parent: CBeam + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CEnvLaser { + pub const m_iszLaserTarget: usize = 0x7B0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_pSprite: usize = 0x7B8; // CSprite* + pub const m_iszSpriteName: usize = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_firePosition: usize = 0x7C8; // Vector + pub const m_flStartFrame: usize = 0x7D4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCommentaryViewPosition { + } + // Parent: CTonemapController2 + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTonemapController2Alias_env_tonemap_controller2 { + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CPhysPulley { + pub const m_position2: usize = 0x538; // Vector + pub const m_offset: usize = 0x544; // Vector[2] + pub const m_addLength: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_gearRatio: usize = 0x560; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CGameRulesProxy { + } + // Parent: CEconEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip1 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClip2 (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pReserveAmmo (int) + pub mod CBasePlayerWeapon { + pub const m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick: usize = 0xC70; // GameTick_t + pub const m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio: usize = 0xC74; // float32 + pub const m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick: usize = 0xC78; // GameTick_t + pub const m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio: usize = 0xC7C; // float32 + pub const m_iClip1: usize = 0xC80; // int32 + pub const m_iClip2: usize = 0xC84; // int32 + pub const m_pReserveAmmo: usize = 0xC88; // int32[2] + pub const m_OnPlayerUse: usize = 0xC90; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPlayerControllerComponent + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_perRoundStats (CSPerRoundStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_matchStats (CSMatchStats_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKills (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt (uint32) + pub mod CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { + pub const m_perRoundStats: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + pub const m_matchStats: usize = 0xB0; // CSMatchStats_t + pub const m_iNumRoundKills: usize = 0x170; // int32 + pub const m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots: usize = 0x174; // int32 + pub const m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt: usize = 0x178; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bvDisabledHitGroups (uint32) + pub mod CHitboxComponent { + pub const m_bvDisabledHitGroups: usize = 0x24; // uint32[1] + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBaseFlexAlias_funCBaseFlex { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_x (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_y (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_z (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_poolOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_waterLevel (float32) + pub mod CFish { + pub const m_pool: usize = 0x8E8; // CHandle + pub const m_id: usize = 0x8EC; // uint32 + pub const m_x: usize = 0x8F0; // float32 + pub const m_y: usize = 0x8F4; // float32 + pub const m_z: usize = 0x8F8; // float32 + pub const m_angle: usize = 0x8FC; // float32 + pub const m_angleChange: usize = 0x900; // float32 + pub const m_forward: usize = 0x904; // Vector + pub const m_perp: usize = 0x910; // Vector + pub const m_poolOrigin: usize = 0x91C; // Vector + pub const m_waterLevel: usize = 0x928; // float32 + pub const m_speed: usize = 0x92C; // float32 + pub const m_desiredSpeed: usize = 0x930; // float32 + pub const m_calmSpeed: usize = 0x934; // float32 + pub const m_panicSpeed: usize = 0x938; // float32 + pub const m_avoidRange: usize = 0x93C; // float32 + pub const m_turnTimer: usize = 0x940; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_turnClockwise: usize = 0x958; // bool + pub const m_goTimer: usize = 0x960; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_moveTimer: usize = 0x978; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_panicTimer: usize = 0x990; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_disperseTimer: usize = 0x9A8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_proximityTimer: usize = 0x9C0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_visible: usize = 0x9D8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CEnvFireSource { + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_radius: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_damage: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoLadderDismount { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_strStartTouchEventName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_strEndTouchEventName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_strTriggerID (CUtlString) + pub mod CTriggerGameEvent { + pub const m_strStartTouchEventName: usize = 0x8E0; // CUtlString + pub const m_strEndTouchEventName: usize = 0x8E8; // CUtlString + pub const m_strTriggerID: usize = 0x8F0; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 10 + pub mod CPhysSlideConstraint { + pub const m_axisEnd: usize = 0x540; // Vector + pub const m_slideFriction: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_systemLoadScale: usize = 0x550; // float32 + pub const m_initialOffset: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableLinearConstraint: usize = 0x558; // bool + pub const m_bEnableAngularConstraint: usize = 0x559; // bool + pub const m_flMotorFrequency: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_flMotorDampingRatio: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_bUseEntityPivot: usize = 0x564; // bool + pub const m_soundInfo: usize = 0x568; // ConstraintSoundInfo + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CDebugHistory { + pub const m_nNpcEvents: usize = 0x1F4500; // int32 + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoData { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CHostageCarriableProp { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CLightComponent (CLightComponent::Storage_t) + pub mod CLightEntity { + pub const m_CLightComponent: usize = 0x710; // CLightComponent* + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + pub mod CFuncRotating { + pub const m_OnStopped: usize = 0x710; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnStarted: usize = 0x738; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnReachedStart: usize = 0x760; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_localRotationVector: usize = 0x788; // RotationVector + pub const m_flFanFriction: usize = 0x794; // float32 + pub const m_flAttenuation: usize = 0x798; // float32 + pub const m_flVolume: usize = 0x79C; // float32 + pub const m_flTargetSpeed: usize = 0x7A0; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxSpeed: usize = 0x7A4; // float32 + pub const m_flBlockDamage: usize = 0x7A8; // float32 + pub const m_NoiseRunning: usize = 0x7B0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bReversed: usize = 0x7B8; // bool + pub const m_bAccelDecel: usize = 0x7B9; // bool + pub const m_prevLocalAngles: usize = 0x7C4; // QAngle + pub const m_angStart: usize = 0x7D0; // QAngle + pub const m_bStopAtStartPos: usize = 0x7DC; // bool + pub const m_vecClientOrigin: usize = 0x7E0; // Vector + pub const m_vecClientAngles: usize = 0x7EC; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vInitialVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBounces (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin (Vector) + pub mod CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile { + pub const m_vInitialPosition: usize = 0xA20; // Vector + pub const m_vInitialVelocity: usize = 0xA2C; // Vector + pub const m_nBounces: usize = 0xA38; // int32 + pub const m_nExplodeEffectIndex: usize = 0xA40; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin: usize = 0xA48; // int32 + pub const m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin: usize = 0xA4C; // Vector + pub const m_flSpawnTime: usize = 0xA58; // GameTime_t + pub const m_unOGSExtraFlags: usize = 0xA5C; // uint8 + pub const m_bDetonationRecorded: usize = 0xA5D; // bool + pub const m_nItemIndex: usize = 0xA5E; // uint16 + pub const m_vecOriginalSpawnLocation: usize = 0xA60; // Vector + pub const m_flLastBounceSoundTime: usize = 0xA6C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_vecGrenadeSpin: usize = 0xA70; // RotationVector + pub const m_vecLastHitSurfaceNormal: usize = 0xA7C; // Vector + pub const m_nTicksAtZeroVelocity: usize = 0xA88; // int32 + pub const m_bHasEverHitPlayer: usize = 0xA8C; // bool + pub const m_bClearFromPlayers: usize = 0xA8D; // bool + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CCSPlace { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFuncTrainControls { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutModelLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutStart (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDissolveType (EntityDisolveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDissolverOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMagnitude (uint32) + pub mod CEntityDissolve { + pub const m_flFadeInStart: usize = 0x710; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeInLength: usize = 0x714; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutModelStart: usize = 0x718; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutModelLength: usize = 0x71C; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutStart: usize = 0x720; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutLength: usize = 0x724; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x728; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nDissolveType: usize = 0x72C; // EntityDisolveType_t + pub const m_vDissolverOrigin: usize = 0x730; // Vector + pub const m_nMagnitude: usize = 0x73C; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 12 + pub mod CPointAngleSensor { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_nLookAtName: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hTargetEntity: usize = 0x4D0; // CHandle + pub const m_hLookAtEntity: usize = 0x4D4; // CHandle + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_flDotTolerance: usize = 0x4DC; // float32 + pub const m_flFacingTime: usize = 0x4E0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bFired: usize = 0x4E4; // bool + pub const m_OnFacingLookat: usize = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnNotFacingLookat: usize = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_TargetDir: usize = 0x538; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_FacingPercentage: usize = 0x560; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + pub mod CSoundEventOBBEntity { + pub const m_vMins: usize = 0x570; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxs: usize = 0x57C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBtNodeDecorator + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CBtNodeCondition { + pub const m_bNegated: usize = 0x58; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGapTypeQueriesForScopeSingleton + pub mod CSharedGapTypeQueryRegistration { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFalloffShape (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeightFogDepth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fIndirectLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSunLightStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fNoiseStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideSunLightStrength (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOverrideNoiseStrength (bool) + pub mod CEnvVolumetricFogVolume { + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_vBoxMins: usize = 0x4C4; // Vector + pub const m_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x4D0; // Vector + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x4DC; // bool + pub const m_flStrength: usize = 0x4E0; // float32 + pub const m_nFalloffShape: usize = 0x4E4; // int32 + pub const m_flFalloffExponent: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_flHeightFogDepth: usize = 0x4EC; // float32 + pub const m_fHeightFogEdgeWidth: usize = 0x4F0; // float32 + pub const m_fIndirectLightStrength: usize = 0x4F4; // float32 + pub const m_fSunLightStrength: usize = 0x4F8; // float32 + pub const m_fNoiseStrength: usize = 0x4FC; // float32 + pub const m_bOverrideIndirectLightStrength: usize = 0x500; // bool + pub const m_bOverrideSunLightStrength: usize = 0x501; // bool + pub const m_bOverrideNoiseStrength: usize = 0x502; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 24 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrameRate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNumBeamEnts (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBaseMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHaloIndex (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamType (BeamType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBeamFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachIndex (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEndWidth (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFadeLength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fHaloScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAmplitude (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fStartFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nClipStyle (BeamClipStyle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTurnedOff (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecEndPos (Vector) + pub mod CBeam { + pub const m_flFrameRate: usize = 0x710; // float32 + pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0x714; // float32 + pub const m_flFireTime: usize = 0x718; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDamage: usize = 0x71C; // float32 + pub const m_nNumBeamEnts: usize = 0x720; // uint8 + pub const m_hBaseMaterial: usize = 0x728; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nHaloIndex: usize = 0x730; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nBeamType: usize = 0x738; // BeamType_t + pub const m_nBeamFlags: usize = 0x73C; // uint32 + pub const m_hAttachEntity: usize = 0x740; // CHandle[10] + pub const m_nAttachIndex: usize = 0x768; // AttachmentHandle_t[10] + pub const m_fWidth: usize = 0x774; // float32 + pub const m_fEndWidth: usize = 0x778; // float32 + pub const m_fFadeLength: usize = 0x77C; // float32 + pub const m_fHaloScale: usize = 0x780; // float32 + pub const m_fAmplitude: usize = 0x784; // float32 + pub const m_fStartFrame: usize = 0x788; // float32 + pub const m_fSpeed: usize = 0x78C; // float32 + pub const m_flFrame: usize = 0x790; // float32 + pub const m_nClipStyle: usize = 0x794; // BeamClipStyle_t + pub const m_bTurnedOff: usize = 0x798; // bool + pub const m_vecEndPos: usize = 0x79C; // Vector + pub const m_hEndEntity: usize = 0x7A8; // CHandle + pub const m_nDissolveType: usize = 0x7AC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CRenderComponent (CRenderComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CHitboxComponent (CHitboxComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderMode (RenderMode_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRenderFX (RenderFx_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrRender (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecRenderAttributes (EntityRenderAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderToCubemaps (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Collision (CCollisionProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Glow (CGlowProperty) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowBackfaceMult (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMinDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeMaxDist (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flShadowStrength (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nObjectCulling (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAddDecal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDecalForwardAxis (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealBloodRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDecalHealHeightRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecViewOffset (CNetworkViewOffsetVector) + pub mod CBaseModelEntity { + pub const m_CRenderComponent: usize = 0x4C0; // CRenderComponent* + pub const m_CHitboxComponent: usize = 0x4C8; // CHitboxComponent + pub const m_flDissolveStartTime: usize = 0x4F0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_OnIgnite: usize = 0x4F8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_nRenderMode: usize = 0x520; // RenderMode_t + pub const m_nRenderFX: usize = 0x521; // RenderFx_t + pub const m_bAllowFadeInView: usize = 0x522; // bool + pub const m_clrRender: usize = 0x523; // Color + pub const m_vecRenderAttributes: usize = 0x528; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + pub const m_bRenderToCubemaps: usize = 0x578; // bool + pub const m_Collision: usize = 0x580; // CCollisionProperty + pub const m_Glow: usize = 0x630; // CGlowProperty + pub const m_flGlowBackfaceMult: usize = 0x688; // float32 + pub const m_fadeMinDist: usize = 0x68C; // float32 + pub const m_fadeMaxDist: usize = 0x690; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeScale: usize = 0x694; // float32 + pub const m_flShadowStrength: usize = 0x698; // float32 + pub const m_nObjectCulling: usize = 0x69C; // uint8 + pub const m_nAddDecal: usize = 0x6A0; // int32 + pub const m_vDecalPosition: usize = 0x6A4; // Vector + pub const m_vDecalForwardAxis: usize = 0x6B0; // Vector + pub const m_flDecalHealBloodRate: usize = 0x6BC; // float32 + pub const m_flDecalHealHeightRate: usize = 0x6C0; // float32 + pub const m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo: usize = 0x6C8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_vecViewOffset: usize = 0x6E0; // CNetworkViewOffsetVector + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 12 + pub mod CPhysMagnet { + pub const m_OnMagnetAttach: usize = 0x8E8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMagnetDetach: usize = 0x910; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_massScale: usize = 0x938; // float32 + pub const m_forceLimit: usize = 0x93C; // float32 + pub const m_torqueLimit: usize = 0x940; // float32 + pub const m_MagnettedEntities: usize = 0x948; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x960; // bool + pub const m_bHasHitSomething: usize = 0x961; // bool + pub const m_flTotalMass: usize = 0x964; // float32 + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x968; // float32 + pub const m_flNextSuckTime: usize = 0x96C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iMaxObjectsAttached: usize = 0x970; // int32 + } + // Parent: CSceneEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CSceneEntityAlias_logic_choreographed_scene { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CFuncNavBlocker { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x710; // bool + pub const m_nBlockedTeamNumber: usize = 0x714; // int32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CRagdollMagnet { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_radius: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_force: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_axis: usize = 0x4CC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CFuncBrush { + pub const m_iSolidity: usize = 0x710; // BrushSolidities_e + pub const m_iDisabled: usize = 0x714; // int32 + pub const m_bSolidBsp: usize = 0x718; // bool + pub const m_iszExcludedClass: usize = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bInvertExclusion: usize = 0x728; // bool + pub const m_bScriptedMovement: usize = 0x729; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CPointProximitySensor { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_hTargetEntity: usize = 0x4C4; // CHandle + pub const m_Distance: usize = 0x4C8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchases (WeaponPurchaseCount_t) + pub mod WeaponPurchaseTracker_t { + pub const m_weaponPurchases: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFilterClass { + pub const m_iFilterClass: usize = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CMelee { + } + // Parent: CMultiplayRules + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTeamplayRules { + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFilterLOS { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timescale (float32) + pub mod EngineCountdownTimer { + pub const m_duration: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_timestamp: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_timescale: usize = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBreakable + // Fields count: 15 + pub mod CPhysBox { + pub const m_damageType: usize = 0x7E8; // int32 + pub const m_massScale: usize = 0x7EC; // float32 + pub const m_damageToEnableMotion: usize = 0x7F0; // int32 + pub const m_flForceToEnableMotion: usize = 0x7F4; // float32 + pub const m_angPreferredCarryAngles: usize = 0x7F8; // QAngle + pub const m_bNotSolidToWorld: usize = 0x804; // bool + pub const m_bEnableUseOutput: usize = 0x805; // bool + pub const m_iExploitableByPlayer: usize = 0x808; // int32 + pub const m_flTouchOutputPerEntityDelay: usize = 0x80C; // float32 + pub const m_OnDamaged: usize = 0x810; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnAwakened: usize = 0x838; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMotionEnabled: usize = 0x860; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnPlayerUse: usize = 0x888; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnStartTouch: usize = 0x8B0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_hCarryingPlayer: usize = 0x8D8; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_DmgRadius (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDetonateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDamage (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hThrower (CHandle) + pub mod CBaseGrenade { + pub const m_OnPlayerPickup: usize = 0x980; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnExplode: usize = 0x9A8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bHasWarnedAI: usize = 0x9D0; // bool + pub const m_bIsSmokeGrenade: usize = 0x9D1; // bool + pub const m_bIsLive: usize = 0x9D2; // bool + pub const m_DmgRadius: usize = 0x9D4; // float32 + pub const m_flDetonateTime: usize = 0x9D8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flWarnAITime: usize = 0x9DC; // float32 + pub const m_flDamage: usize = 0x9E0; // float32 + pub const m_iszBounceSound: usize = 0x9E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_ExplosionSound: usize = 0x9F0; // CUtlString + pub const m_hThrower: usize = 0x9FC; // CHandle + pub const m_flNextAttack: usize = 0xA14; // GameTime_t + pub const m_hOriginalThrower: usize = 0xA18; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 13 + pub mod CTimerEntity { + pub const m_OnTimer: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnTimerHigh: usize = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnTimerLow: usize = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iDisabled: usize = 0x538; // int32 + pub const m_flInitialDelay: usize = 0x53C; // float32 + pub const m_flRefireTime: usize = 0x540; // float32 + pub const m_bUpDownState: usize = 0x544; // bool + pub const m_iUseRandomTime: usize = 0x548; // int32 + pub const m_bPauseAfterFiring: usize = 0x54C; // bool + pub const m_flLowerRandomBound: usize = 0x550; // float32 + pub const m_flUpperRandomBound: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_flRemainingTime: usize = 0x558; // float32 + pub const m_bPaused: usize = 0x55C; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_TeamIntroCounterTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CHEGrenadeProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_EnvWindShared (CEnvWindShared) + pub mod CEnvWind { + pub const m_EnvWindShared: usize = 0x4C0; // CEnvWindShared + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_timestamp (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWorldGroupId (WorldGroupId_t) + pub mod IntervalTimer { + pub const m_timestamp: usize = 0x8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nWorldGroupId: usize = 0xC; // WorldGroupId_t + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerWeapon + // Fields count: 64 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFireSequenceStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEvent (PlayerAnimEvent_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType (WeaponAttackType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iState (CSWeaponState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nViewModelIndex (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeWeaponIdle (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponMode (CSWeaponMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fAccuracyPenalty (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRecoilIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRecoilIndex (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBurstMode (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInReload (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bReloadVisuallyComplete (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDroppedAtTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHauledBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSilencerOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOriginalTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMostRecentTeamNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDroppedNearBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPrevOwner (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDropTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fLastShotTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iIronSightMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumEmptyAttacks (int) + pub mod CCSWeaponBase { + pub const m_bRemoveable: usize = 0xCE0; // bool + pub const m_flFireSequenceStartTime: usize = 0xCE8; // float32 + pub const m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange: usize = 0xCEC; // int32 + pub const m_nFireSequenceStartTimeAck: usize = 0xCF0; // int32 + pub const m_ePlayerFireEvent: usize = 0xCF4; // PlayerAnimEvent_t + pub const m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType: usize = 0xCF8; // WeaponAttackType_t + pub const m_seqIdle: usize = 0xCFC; // HSequence + pub const m_seqFirePrimary: usize = 0xD00; // HSequence + pub const m_seqFireSecondary: usize = 0xD04; // HSequence + pub const m_thirdPersonFireSequences: usize = 0xD08; // CUtlVector + pub const m_hCurrentThirdPersonSequence: usize = 0xD20; // HSequence + pub const m_nSilencerBoneIndex: usize = 0xD24; // int32 + pub const m_thirdPersonSequences: usize = 0xD28; // HSequence[7] + pub const m_bPlayerAmmoStockOnPickup: usize = 0xD50; // bool + pub const m_bRequireUseToTouch: usize = 0xD51; // bool + pub const m_iState: usize = 0xD54; // CSWeaponState_t + pub const m_flLastTimeInAir: usize = 0xD58; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flLastDeployTime: usize = 0xD5C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nLastEmptySoundCmdNum: usize = 0xD60; // int32 + pub const m_nViewModelIndex: usize = 0xD64; // uint32 + pub const m_bReloadsWithClips: usize = 0xD68; // bool + pub const m_flTimeWeaponIdle: usize = 0xD88; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bFireOnEmpty: usize = 0xD8C; // bool + pub const m_OnPlayerPickup: usize = 0xD90; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_weaponMode: usize = 0xDB8; // CSWeaponMode + pub const m_flTurningInaccuracyDelta: usize = 0xDBC; // float32 + pub const m_vecTurningInaccuracyEyeDirLast: usize = 0xDC0; // Vector + pub const m_flTurningInaccuracy: usize = 0xDCC; // float32 + pub const m_fAccuracyPenalty: usize = 0xDD0; // float32 + pub const m_flLastAccuracyUpdateTime: usize = 0xDD4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fAccuracySmoothedForZoom: usize = 0xDD8; // float32 + pub const m_fScopeZoomEndTime: usize = 0xDDC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iRecoilIndex: usize = 0xDE0; // int32 + pub const m_flRecoilIndex: usize = 0xDE4; // float32 + pub const m_bBurstMode: usize = 0xDE8; // bool + pub const m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks: usize = 0xDEC; // GameTick_t + pub const m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac: usize = 0xDF0; // float32 + pub const m_bInReload: usize = 0xDF4; // bool + pub const m_bReloadVisuallyComplete: usize = 0xDF5; // bool + pub const m_flDroppedAtTime: usize = 0xDF8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bIsHauledBack: usize = 0xDFC; // bool + pub const m_bSilencerOn: usize = 0xDFD; // bool + pub const m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete: usize = 0xE00; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iOriginalTeamNumber: usize = 0xE04; // int32 + pub const m_iMostRecentTeamNumber: usize = 0xE08; // int32 + pub const m_bDroppedNearBuyZone: usize = 0xE0C; // bool + pub const m_flNextAttackRenderTimeOffset: usize = 0xE10; // float32 + pub const m_bCanBePickedUp: usize = 0xE28; // bool + pub const m_bUseCanOverrideNextOwnerTouchTime: usize = 0xE29; // bool + pub const m_nextOwnerTouchTime: usize = 0xE2C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nextPrevOwnerTouchTime: usize = 0xE30; // GameTime_t + pub const m_hPrevOwner: usize = 0xE38; // CHandle + pub const m_nDropTick: usize = 0xE3C; // GameTick_t + pub const m_donated: usize = 0xE5C; // bool + pub const m_fLastShotTime: usize = 0xE60; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bWasOwnedByCT: usize = 0xE64; // bool + pub const m_bWasOwnedByTerrorist: usize = 0xE65; // bool + pub const m_bFiredOutOfAmmoEvent: usize = 0xE66; // bool + pub const m_numRemoveUnownedWeaponThink: usize = 0xE68; // int32 + pub const m_IronSightController: usize = 0xE70; // CIronSightController + pub const m_iIronSightMode: usize = 0xE88; // int32 + pub const m_flLastLOSTraceFailureTime: usize = 0xE8C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iNumEmptyAttacks: usize = 0xE90; // int32 + pub const m_flWatTickOffset: usize = 0xE94; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CHandleDummy { + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 9 + pub mod CRagdollConstraint { + pub const m_xmin: usize = 0x538; // float32 + pub const m_xmax: usize = 0x53C; // float32 + pub const m_ymin: usize = 0x540; // float32 + pub const m_ymax: usize = 0x544; // float32 + pub const m_zmin: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_zmax: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_xfriction: usize = 0x550; // float32 + pub const m_yfriction: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_zfriction: usize = 0x558; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + pub mod CPhysExplosion { + pub const m_bExplodeOnSpawn: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_flMagnitude: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_flDamage: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_radius: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_targetEntityName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flInnerRadius: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_flPushScale: usize = 0x4DC; // float32 + pub const m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible: usize = 0x4E0; // bool + pub const m_OnPushedPlayer: usize = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CPointPush { + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_flMagnitude: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flInnerRadius: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_flConeOfInfluence: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_iszFilterName: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hFilter: usize = 0x4E0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CCredits { + pub const m_OnCreditsDone: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bRolledOutroCredits: usize = 0x4E8; // bool + pub const m_flLogoLength: usize = 0x4EC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHostageAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isHostageFollowingSomeone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostageEntityIDs (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterA (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bombsiteCenterB (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hostageRescueZ (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted (bool) + pub mod CCSPlayerResource { + pub const m_bHostageAlive: usize = 0x4C0; // bool[12] + pub const m_isHostageFollowingSomeone: usize = 0x4CC; // bool[12] + pub const m_iHostageEntityIDs: usize = 0x4D8; // CEntityIndex[12] + pub const m_bombsiteCenterA: usize = 0x508; // Vector + pub const m_bombsiteCenterB: usize = 0x514; // Vector + pub const m_hostageRescueX: usize = 0x520; // int32[4] + pub const m_hostageRescueY: usize = 0x530; // int32[4] + pub const m_hostageRescueZ: usize = 0x540; // int32[4] + pub const m_bEndMatchNextMapAllVoted: usize = 0x550; // bool + pub const m_foundGoalPositions: usize = 0x551; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWeapons (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActiveWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hLastWeapon (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAmmo (uint16) + pub mod CPlayer_WeaponServices { + pub const m_hMyWeapons: usize = 0x40; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_hActiveWeapon: usize = 0x58; // CHandle + pub const m_hLastWeapon: usize = 0x5C; // CHandle + pub const m_iAmmo: usize = 0x60; // uint16[32] + pub const m_bPreventWeaponPickup: usize = 0xA0; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CAttributeManager__cached_attribute_float_t { + pub const flIn: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const iAttribHook: usize = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const flOut: usize = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: CTeam + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bSurrendered (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamMatchStat (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numMapVictories (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreFirstHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreSecondHalf (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_scoreOvertime (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClanTeamname (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iClanID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamFlagImage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamLogoImage (char) + pub mod CCSTeam { + pub const m_nLastRecievedShorthandedRoundBonus: usize = 0x578; // int32 + pub const m_nShorthandedRoundBonusStartRound: usize = 0x57C; // int32 + pub const m_bSurrendered: usize = 0x580; // bool + pub const m_szTeamMatchStat: usize = 0x581; // char[512] + pub const m_numMapVictories: usize = 0x784; // int32 + pub const m_scoreFirstHalf: usize = 0x788; // int32 + pub const m_scoreSecondHalf: usize = 0x78C; // int32 + pub const m_scoreOvertime: usize = 0x790; // int32 + pub const m_szClanTeamname: usize = 0x794; // char[129] + pub const m_iClanID: usize = 0x818; // uint32 + pub const m_szTeamFlagImage: usize = 0x81C; // char[8] + pub const m_szTeamLogoImage: usize = 0x824; // char[8] + pub const m_flNextResourceTime: usize = 0x82C; // float32 + pub const m_iLastUpdateSentAt: usize = 0x830; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CCSGameModeRules { + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsAs (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsWith (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInteractsExclude (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEntityId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOwnerId (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHierarchyId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCollisionFunctionMask (uint8) + pub mod VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t { + pub const m_nInteractsAs: usize = 0x8; // uint64 + pub const m_nInteractsWith: usize = 0x10; // uint64 + pub const m_nInteractsExclude: usize = 0x18; // uint64 + pub const m_nEntityId: usize = 0x20; // uint32 + pub const m_nOwnerId: usize = 0x24; // uint32 + pub const m_nHierarchyId: usize = 0x28; // uint16 + pub const m_nCollisionGroup: usize = 0x2A; // uint8 + pub const m_nCollisionFunctionMask: usize = 0x2B; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CTriggerMultiple + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CTriggerImpact { + pub const m_flMagnitude: usize = 0x908; // float32 + pub const m_flNoise: usize = 0x90C; // float32 + pub const m_flViewkick: usize = 0x910; // float32 + pub const m_pOutputForce: usize = 0x918; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_clrOverlay (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSSEffectName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bmaxColor (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRotation (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHazeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHaze (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaHdr (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAlphaScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFarZScale (float32) + pub mod CSun { + pub const m_vDirection: usize = 0x710; // Vector + pub const m_clrOverlay: usize = 0x71C; // Color + pub const m_iszEffectName: usize = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSSEffectName: usize = 0x728; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bOn: usize = 0x730; // bool + pub const m_bmaxColor: usize = 0x731; // bool + pub const m_flSize: usize = 0x734; // float32 + pub const m_flRotation: usize = 0x738; // float32 + pub const m_flHazeScale: usize = 0x73C; // float32 + pub const m_flAlphaHaze: usize = 0x740; // float32 + pub const m_flAlphaHdr: usize = 0x744; // float32 + pub const m_flAlphaScale: usize = 0x748; // float32 + pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0x74C; // float32 + pub const m_flFarZScale: usize = 0x750; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CTriggerDetectBulletFire { + pub const m_bPlayerFireOnly: usize = 0x8E0; // bool + pub const m_OnDetectedBulletFire: usize = 0x8E8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWorld { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CPointGiveAmmo { + pub const m_pActivator: usize = 0x4C0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CFuncMoveLinear + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFuncMoveLinearAlias_momentary_door { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flParticleSpacing (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ColorTint (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEffectState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEffectIndex (HParticleSystemDefinitionStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Position (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentIn (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_TangentOut (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_Color (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_PinEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PathNodes_RadiusScale (float) + pub mod CPathParticleRope { + pub const m_bStartActive: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_flMaxSimulationTime: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_iszEffectName: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_PathNodes_Name: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flParticleSpacing: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_flSlack: usize = 0x4EC; // float32 + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x4F0; // float32 + pub const m_ColorTint: usize = 0x4F4; // Color + pub const m_nEffectState: usize = 0x4F8; // int32 + pub const m_iEffectIndex: usize = 0x500; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_PathNodes_Position: usize = 0x508; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PathNodes_TangentIn: usize = 0x520; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PathNodes_TangentOut: usize = 0x538; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PathNodes_Color: usize = 0x550; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PathNodes_PinEnabled: usize = 0x568; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_PathNodes_RadiusScale: usize = 0x580; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVisibilityStrength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogDistanceMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsEnabled (bool) + pub mod CPlayerVisibility { + pub const m_flVisibilityStrength: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flFogDistanceMultiplier: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeTime: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x4D0; // bool + pub const m_bIsEnabled: usize = 0x4D1; // bool + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CServerOnlyPointEntity { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CAK47 { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CTriggerTeleport { + pub const m_iLandmark: usize = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bUseLandmarkAngles: usize = 0x8E8; // bool + pub const m_bMirrorPlayer: usize = 0x8E9; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSObserver_CameraServices { + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_TeamIntroTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 26 + pub mod CFuncMover { + pub const m_iszPathName: usize = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hPathMover: usize = 0x718; // CHandle + pub const m_iszPathNodeStart: usize = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_eMoveType: usize = 0x728; // CFuncMover::Move_t + pub const m_bIsReversing: usize = 0x72C; // bool + pub const m_vTarget: usize = 0x730; // Vector + pub const m_flStartSpeed: usize = 0x73C; // float32 + pub const m_flPathLocation: usize = 0x740; // float32 + pub const m_flT: usize = 0x744; // float32 + pub const m_nCurrentNodeIndex: usize = 0x748; // int32 + pub const m_nPreviousNodeIndex: usize = 0x74C; // int32 + pub const m_bFixedOrientation: usize = 0x750; // bool + pub const m_bFixedPitch: usize = 0x751; // bool + pub const m_eSolidType: usize = 0x752; // SolidType_t + pub const m_bIsMoving: usize = 0x753; // bool + pub const m_flTimeToReachMaxSpeed: usize = 0x754; // float32 + pub const m_flTimeToReachZeroSpeed: usize = 0x758; // float32 + pub const m_flTimeMovementStart: usize = 0x75C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flTimeMovementStop: usize = 0x760; // GameTime_t + pub const m_hStopAtNode: usize = 0x764; // CHandle + pub const m_flPathLocationToBeginStop: usize = 0x768; // float32 + pub const m_bMatchPathNodeUp: usize = 0x76C; // bool + pub const m_bFacePlayer: usize = 0x76D; // bool + pub const m_flTimeStartRoll: usize = 0x770; // GameTime_t + pub const m_vOriginalUp: usize = 0x774; // Vector + pub const m_flTimeToRollToNewUp: usize = 0x780; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: localSound (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeIndex (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: localBits (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: soundscapeEntityListIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: soundEventHash (uint32) + pub mod audioparams_t { + pub const localSound: usize = 0x8; // Vector[8] + pub const soundscapeIndex: usize = 0x68; // int32 + pub const localBits: usize = 0x6C; // uint8 + pub const soundscapeEntityListIndex: usize = 0x70; // int32 + pub const soundEventHash: usize = 0x74; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CHEGrenade { + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CGameEnd { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTriggerCallback { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CBubbling { + pub const m_density: usize = 0x710; // int32 + pub const m_frequency: usize = 0x714; // int32 + pub const m_state: usize = 0x718; // int32 + } + // Parent: CTeamplayRules + // Fields count: 189 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFreezePeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWarmupPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodEnd (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fWarmupPeriodStart (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bServerPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTerroristTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTTimeOutActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCTTimeOutRemaining (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTerroristTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTimeOuts (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTechnicalTimeOut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMatchWaitingForResume (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMatchStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fRoundStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRestartRoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGameRestart (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGameStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_gamePhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_totalRoundsPlayed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOvertimePlaying (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHostagesRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnyHostageReached (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBombTarget (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMapHasBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsValveDS (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLogoMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iSpectatorSlotCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MatchDevice (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMatchStarted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextMapInMapgroup (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentEventStage (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szMatchStatTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTournamentPredictionsPct (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDroppingItems (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsQuestEligible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHltvActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrProhibitedItemIndices (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_numBestOfMaps (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDropped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlanted (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundWinStatus (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundWinReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCTCantBuy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_RoundResults (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextRespawnWave (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nServerQuestID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMinimapMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pGameModeRules (CCSGameModeRules*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakeRules (CRetakeGameRules) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCTTeamIntroVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTeamIntroPeriod (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eRoundEndReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndTimerTime (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndFunFactToken (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot (CPlayerSlot) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData1 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData2 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndFunFactData3 (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sRoundEndMessage (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndPlayerCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundEndNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundEndLegacy (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundEndCount (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRoundStartRoundNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRoundStartCount (uint8) + pub mod CCSGameRules { + pub const m_bFreezePeriod: usize = 0xC8; // bool + pub const m_bWarmupPeriod: usize = 0xC9; // bool + pub const m_fWarmupPeriodEnd: usize = 0xCC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fWarmupPeriodStart: usize = 0xD0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bServerPaused: usize = 0xD4; // bool + pub const m_bTerroristTimeOutActive: usize = 0xD5; // bool + pub const m_bCTTimeOutActive: usize = 0xD6; // bool + pub const m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining: usize = 0xD8; // float32 + pub const m_flCTTimeOutRemaining: usize = 0xDC; // float32 + pub const m_nTerroristTimeOuts: usize = 0xE0; // int32 + pub const m_nCTTimeOuts: usize = 0xE4; // int32 + pub const m_bTechnicalTimeOut: usize = 0xE8; // bool + pub const m_bMatchWaitingForResume: usize = 0xE9; // bool + pub const m_iRoundTime: usize = 0xEC; // int32 + pub const m_fMatchStartTime: usize = 0xF0; // float32 + pub const m_fRoundStartTime: usize = 0xF4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flRestartRoundTime: usize = 0xF8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bGameRestart: usize = 0xFC; // bool + pub const m_flGameStartTime: usize = 0x100; // float32 + pub const m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts: usize = 0x104; // float32 + pub const m_gamePhase: usize = 0x108; // int32 + pub const m_totalRoundsPlayed: usize = 0x10C; // int32 + pub const m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase: usize = 0x110; // int32 + pub const m_nOvertimePlaying: usize = 0x114; // int32 + pub const m_iHostagesRemaining: usize = 0x118; // int32 + pub const m_bAnyHostageReached: usize = 0x11C; // bool + pub const m_bMapHasBombTarget: usize = 0x11D; // bool + pub const m_bMapHasRescueZone: usize = 0x11E; // bool + pub const m_bMapHasBuyZone: usize = 0x11F; // bool + pub const m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking: usize = 0x120; // bool + pub const m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode: usize = 0x124; // int32 + pub const m_bIsValveDS: usize = 0x128; // bool + pub const m_bLogoMap: usize = 0x129; // bool + pub const m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer: usize = 0x12A; // bool + pub const m_iSpectatorSlotCount: usize = 0x12C; // int32 + pub const m_MatchDevice: usize = 0x130; // int32 + pub const m_bHasMatchStarted: usize = 0x134; // bool + pub const m_nNextMapInMapgroup: usize = 0x138; // int32 + pub const m_szTournamentEventName: usize = 0x13C; // char[512] + pub const m_szTournamentEventStage: usize = 0x33C; // char[512] + pub const m_szMatchStatTxt: usize = 0x53C; // char[512] + pub const m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt: usize = 0x73C; // char[512] + pub const m_nTournamentPredictionsPct: usize = 0x93C; // int32 + pub const m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime: usize = 0x940; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime: usize = 0x944; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bIsDroppingItems: usize = 0x948; // bool + pub const m_bIsQuestEligible: usize = 0x949; // bool + pub const m_bIsHltvActive: usize = 0x94A; // bool + pub const m_arrProhibitedItemIndices: usize = 0x94C; // uint16[100] + pub const m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts: usize = 0xA14; // uint32[4] + pub const m_numBestOfMaps: usize = 0xA24; // int32 + pub const m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed: usize = 0xA28; // int32 + pub const m_bBombDropped: usize = 0xA2C; // bool + pub const m_bBombPlanted: usize = 0xA2D; // bool + pub const m_iRoundWinStatus: usize = 0xA30; // int32 + pub const m_eRoundWinReason: usize = 0xA34; // int32 + pub const m_bTCantBuy: usize = 0xA38; // bool + pub const m_bCTCantBuy: usize = 0xA39; // bool + pub const m_iMatchStats_RoundResults: usize = 0xA3C; // int32[30] + pub const m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT: usize = 0xAB4; // int32[30] + pub const m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T: usize = 0xB2C; // int32[30] + pub const m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes: usize = 0xBA4; // float32[32] + pub const m_flNextRespawnWave: usize = 0xC24; // GameTime_t[32] + pub const m_nServerQuestID: usize = 0xCA4; // int32 + pub const m_vMinimapMins: usize = 0xCA8; // Vector + pub const m_vMinimapMaxs: usize = 0xCB4; // Vector + pub const m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights: usize = 0xCC0; // float32[8] + pub const m_bSpawnedTerrorHuntHeavy: usize = 0xCE0; // bool + pub const m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes: usize = 0xCE4; // int32[10] + pub const m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions: usize = 0xD0C; // int32[10] + pub const m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner: usize = 0xD34; // int32 + pub const m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses: usize = 0xD38; // int32 + pub const m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses: usize = 0xD3C; // int32 + pub const m_bHasHostageBeenTouched: usize = 0xD58; // bool + pub const m_flIntermissionStartTime: usize = 0xD5C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flIntermissionEndTime: usize = 0xD60; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bLevelInitialized: usize = 0xD64; // bool + pub const m_iTotalRoundsPlayed: usize = 0xD68; // int32 + pub const m_iUnBalancedRounds: usize = 0xD6C; // int32 + pub const m_endMatchOnRoundReset: usize = 0xD70; // bool + pub const m_endMatchOnThink: usize = 0xD71; // bool + pub const m_iFreezeTime: usize = 0xD74; // int32 + pub const m_iNumTerrorist: usize = 0xD78; // int32 + pub const m_iNumCT: usize = 0xD7C; // int32 + pub const m_iNumSpawnableTerrorist: usize = 0xD80; // int32 + pub const m_iNumSpawnableCT: usize = 0xD84; // int32 + pub const m_arrSelectedHostageSpawnIndices: usize = 0xD88; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nSpawnPointsRandomSeed: usize = 0xDA0; // int32 + pub const m_bFirstConnected: usize = 0xDA4; // bool + pub const m_bCompleteReset: usize = 0xDA5; // bool + pub const m_bPickNewTeamsOnReset: usize = 0xDA6; // bool + pub const m_bScrambleTeamsOnRestart: usize = 0xDA7; // bool + pub const m_bSwapTeamsOnRestart: usize = 0xDA8; // bool + pub const m_nEndMatchTiedVotes: usize = 0xDB0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bNeedToAskPlayersForContinueVote: usize = 0xDCC; // bool + pub const m_numQueuedMatchmakingAccounts: usize = 0xDD0; // uint32 + pub const m_fAvgPlayerRank: usize = 0xDD4; // float32 + pub const m_pQueuedMatchmakingReservationString: usize = 0xDD8; // char* + pub const m_numTotalTournamentDrops: usize = 0xDE0; // uint32 + pub const m_numSpectatorsCountMax: usize = 0xDE4; // uint32 + pub const m_numSpectatorsCountMaxTV: usize = 0xDE8; // uint32 + pub const m_numSpectatorsCountMaxLnk: usize = 0xDEC; // uint32 + pub const m_bForceTeamChangeSilent: usize = 0xDF8; // bool + pub const m_bLoadingRoundBackupData: usize = 0xDF9; // bool + pub const m_nMatchInfoShowType: usize = 0xE30; // int32 + pub const m_flMatchInfoDecidedTime: usize = 0xE34; // float32 + pub const mTeamDMLastWinningTeamNumber: usize = 0xE50; // int32 + pub const mTeamDMLastThinkTime: usize = 0xE54; // float32 + pub const m_flTeamDMLastAnnouncementTime: usize = 0xE58; // float32 + pub const m_iAccountTerrorist: usize = 0xE5C; // int32 + pub const m_iAccountCT: usize = 0xE60; // int32 + pub const m_iSpawnPointCount_Terrorist: usize = 0xE64; // int32 + pub const m_iSpawnPointCount_CT: usize = 0xE68; // int32 + pub const m_iMaxNumTerrorists: usize = 0xE6C; // int32 + pub const m_iMaxNumCTs: usize = 0xE70; // int32 + pub const m_iLoserBonusMostRecentTeam: usize = 0xE74; // int32 + pub const m_tmNextPeriodicThink: usize = 0xE78; // float32 + pub const m_bVoiceWonMatchBragFired: usize = 0xE7C; // bool + pub const m_fWarmupNextChatNoticeTime: usize = 0xE80; // float32 + pub const m_iHostagesRescued: usize = 0xE88; // int32 + pub const m_iHostagesTouched: usize = 0xE8C; // int32 + pub const m_flNextHostageAnnouncement: usize = 0xE90; // float32 + pub const m_bNoTerroristsKilled: usize = 0xE94; // bool + pub const m_bNoCTsKilled: usize = 0xE95; // bool + pub const m_bNoEnemiesKilled: usize = 0xE96; // bool + pub const m_bCanDonateWeapons: usize = 0xE97; // bool + pub const m_firstKillTime: usize = 0xE9C; // float32 + pub const m_firstBloodTime: usize = 0xEA4; // float32 + pub const m_hostageWasInjured: usize = 0xEC0; // bool + pub const m_hostageWasKilled: usize = 0xEC1; // bool + pub const m_bVoteCalled: usize = 0xED0; // bool + pub const m_bServerVoteOnReset: usize = 0xED1; // bool + pub const m_flVoteCheckThrottle: usize = 0xED4; // float32 + pub const m_bBuyTimeEnded: usize = 0xED8; // bool + pub const m_nLastFreezeEndBeep: usize = 0xEDC; // int32 + pub const m_bTargetBombed: usize = 0xEE0; // bool + pub const m_bBombDefused: usize = 0xEE1; // bool + pub const m_bMapHasBombZone: usize = 0xEE2; // bool + pub const m_vecMainCTSpawnPos: usize = 0xF30; // Vector + pub const m_CTSpawnPointsMasterList: usize = 0xF40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_TerroristSpawnPointsMasterList: usize = 0xF58; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bRespawningAllRespawnablePlayers: usize = 0xF70; // bool + pub const m_iNextCTSpawnPoint: usize = 0xF74; // int32 + pub const m_flCTSpawnPointUsedTime: usize = 0xF78; // float32 + pub const m_iNextTerroristSpawnPoint: usize = 0xF7C; // int32 + pub const m_flTerroristSpawnPointUsedTime: usize = 0xF80; // float32 + pub const m_CTSpawnPoints: usize = 0xF88; // CUtlVector + pub const m_TerroristSpawnPoints: usize = 0xFA0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bIsUnreservedGameServer: usize = 0xFB8; // bool + pub const m_fAutobalanceDisplayTime: usize = 0xFBC; // float32 + pub const m_bAllowWeaponSwitch: usize = 0x1228; // bool + pub const m_bRoundTimeWarningTriggered: usize = 0x1229; // bool + pub const m_phaseChangeAnnouncementTime: usize = 0x122C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fNextUpdateTeamClanNamesTime: usize = 0x1230; // float32 + pub const m_flLastThinkTime: usize = 0x1234; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fAccumulatedRoundOffDamage: usize = 0x1238; // float32 + pub const m_nShorthandedBonusLastEvalRound: usize = 0x123C; // int32 + pub const m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason: usize = 0x14B8; // int32 + pub const m_bHasTriggeredRoundStartMusic: usize = 0x14BC; // bool + pub const m_bSwitchingTeamsAtRoundReset: usize = 0x14BD; // bool + pub const m_pGameModeRules: usize = 0x14D8; // CCSGameModeRules* + pub const m_BtGlobalBlackboard: usize = 0x14E0; // KeyValues3 + pub const m_hPlayerResource: usize = 0x1570; // CHandle + pub const m_RetakeRules: usize = 0x1578; // CRetakeGameRules + pub const m_arrTeamUniqueKillWeaponsMatch: usize = 0x1710; // CUtlVector[4] + pub const m_bTeamLastKillUsedUniqueWeaponMatch: usize = 0x1770; // bool[4] + pub const m_nMatchEndCount: usize = 0x1798; // uint8 + pub const m_nTTeamIntroVariant: usize = 0x179C; // int32 + pub const m_nCTTeamIntroVariant: usize = 0x17A0; // int32 + pub const m_bTeamIntroPeriod: usize = 0x17A4; // bool + pub const m_fTeamIntroPeriodEnd: usize = 0x17A8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bPlayedTeamIntroVO: usize = 0x17AC; // bool + pub const m_iRoundEndWinnerTeam: usize = 0x17B0; // int32 + pub const m_eRoundEndReason: usize = 0x17B4; // int32 + pub const m_bRoundEndShowTimerDefend: usize = 0x17B8; // bool + pub const m_iRoundEndTimerTime: usize = 0x17BC; // int32 + pub const m_sRoundEndFunFactToken: usize = 0x17C0; // CUtlString + pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactPlayerSlot: usize = 0x17C8; // CPlayerSlot + pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactData1: usize = 0x17CC; // int32 + pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactData2: usize = 0x17D0; // int32 + pub const m_iRoundEndFunFactData3: usize = 0x17D4; // int32 + pub const m_sRoundEndMessage: usize = 0x17D8; // CUtlString + pub const m_iRoundEndPlayerCount: usize = 0x17E0; // int32 + pub const m_bRoundEndNoMusic: usize = 0x17E4; // bool + pub const m_iRoundEndLegacy: usize = 0x17E8; // int32 + pub const m_nRoundEndCount: usize = 0x17EC; // uint8 + pub const m_iRoundStartRoundNumber: usize = 0x17F0; // int32 + pub const m_nRoundStartCount: usize = 0x17F4; // uint8 + pub const m_flLastPerfSampleTime: usize = 0x5800; // float64 + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPhysicsPropOverride { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CAI_ChangeHintGroup { + pub const m_iSearchType: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_strSearchName: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_strNewHintGroup: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FadeDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Weight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lookupFilename (char) + pub mod CColorCorrectionVolume { + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x8E0; // bool + pub const m_MaxWeight: usize = 0x8E4; // float32 + pub const m_FadeDuration: usize = 0x8E8; // float32 + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x8EC; // bool + pub const m_Weight: usize = 0x8F0; // float32 + pub const m_lookupFilename: usize = 0x8F4; // char[512] + pub const m_LastEnterWeight: usize = 0xAF4; // float32 + pub const m_LastEnterTime: usize = 0xAF8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_LastExitWeight: usize = 0xAFC; // float32 + pub const m_LastExitTime: usize = 0xB00; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CFilterEnemy { + pub const m_iszEnemyName: usize = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x520; // float32 + pub const m_flOuterRadius: usize = 0x524; // float32 + pub const m_nMaxSquadmatesPerEnemy: usize = 0x528; // int32 + pub const m_iszPlayerName: usize = 0x530; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CShower { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEndDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogFalloffExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHeightFogEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogHeightExponent (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLODBias (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxOpacity (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCubemapSourceType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSkyEntity (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hFogCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasHeightFogEnd (bool) + pub mod CEnvCubemapFog { + pub const m_flEndDistance: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flStartDistance: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_flFogFalloffExponent: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_bHeightFogEnabled: usize = 0x4CC; // bool + pub const m_flFogHeightWidth: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_flFogHeightEnd: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_flFogHeightStart: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_flFogHeightExponent: usize = 0x4DC; // float32 + pub const m_flLODBias: usize = 0x4E0; // float32 + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x4E4; // bool + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x4E5; // bool + pub const m_flFogMaxOpacity: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_nCubemapSourceType: usize = 0x4EC; // int32 + pub const m_hSkyMaterial: usize = 0x4F0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_iszSkyEntity: usize = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hFogCubemapTexture: usize = 0x500; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_bHasHeightFogEnd: usize = 0x508; // bool + pub const m_bFirstTime: usize = 0x509; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseButton + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPhysicalButton { + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 15 + pub mod CEnvExplosion { + pub const m_iMagnitude: usize = 0x710; // int32 + pub const m_flPlayerDamage: usize = 0x714; // float32 + pub const m_iRadiusOverride: usize = 0x718; // int32 + pub const m_flInnerRadius: usize = 0x71C; // float32 + pub const m_spriteScale: usize = 0x720; // int32 + pub const m_flDamageForce: usize = 0x724; // float32 + pub const m_hInflictor: usize = 0x728; // CHandle + pub const m_iCustomDamageType: usize = 0x72C; // int32 + pub const m_iszExplosionType: usize = 0x738; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszCustomEffectName: usize = 0x740; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszCustomSoundName: usize = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iClassIgnore: usize = 0x750; // Class_T + pub const m_iClassIgnore2: usize = 0x754; // Class_T + pub const m_iszEntityIgnoreName: usize = 0x758; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hEntityIgnore: usize = 0x760; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMaxs (Vector) + pub mod CSoundEventAABBEntity { + pub const m_vMins: usize = 0x570; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxs: usize = 0x57C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CTriggerMultiple + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTriggerOnce { + } + // Parent: CEntitySubclassVDataBase + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CPrecipitationVData { + pub const m_szParticlePrecipitationEffect: usize = 0x28; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_flInnerDistance: usize = 0x108; // float32 + pub const m_nAttachType: usize = 0x10C; // ParticleAttachment_t + pub const m_bBatchSameVolumeType: usize = 0x110; // bool + pub const m_nRTEnvCP: usize = 0x114; // int32 + pub const m_nRTEnvCPComponent: usize = 0x118; // int32 + pub const m_szModifier: usize = 0x120; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CLogicProximity { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszCommentaryFile (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hViewPosition (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bActive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTimeInCommentary (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszTitle (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszSpeakers (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumber (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iNodeNumberMax (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bListenedTo (bool) + pub mod CPointCommentaryNode { + pub const m_iszPreCommands: usize = 0x8E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszPostCommands: usize = 0x8F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszCommentaryFile: usize = 0x8F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszViewTarget: usize = 0x900; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hViewTarget: usize = 0x908; // CHandle + pub const m_hViewTargetAngles: usize = 0x90C; // CHandle + pub const m_iszViewPosition: usize = 0x910; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hViewPosition: usize = 0x918; // CHandle + pub const m_hViewPositionMover: usize = 0x91C; // CHandle + pub const m_bPreventMovement: usize = 0x920; // bool + pub const m_bUnderCrosshair: usize = 0x921; // bool + pub const m_bUnstoppable: usize = 0x922; // bool + pub const m_flFinishedTime: usize = 0x924; // GameTime_t + pub const m_vecFinishOrigin: usize = 0x928; // Vector + pub const m_vecOriginalAngles: usize = 0x934; // QAngle + pub const m_vecFinishAngles: usize = 0x940; // QAngle + pub const m_bPreventChangesWhileMoving: usize = 0x94C; // bool + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x94D; // bool + pub const m_vecTeleportOrigin: usize = 0x950; // Vector + pub const m_flAbortedPlaybackAt: usize = 0x95C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_pOnCommentaryStarted: usize = 0x960; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_pOnCommentaryStopped: usize = 0x988; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bActive: usize = 0x9B0; // bool + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x9B4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flStartTimeInCommentary: usize = 0x9B8; // float32 + pub const m_iszTitle: usize = 0x9C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSpeakers: usize = 0x9C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iNodeNumber: usize = 0x9D0; // int32 + pub const m_iNodeNumberMax: usize = 0x9D4; // int32 + pub const m_bListenedTo: usize = 0x9D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIgnoreInput (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWidth (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDPI (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInteractDistance (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOwnerContext (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unHorizontalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unVerticalAlign (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unOrientation (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOpaque (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoDepth (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRenderBackface (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bUseOffScreenIndicator (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExcludeFromSaveGames (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGrabbable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bOnlyRenderToTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisableMipGen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nExplicitImageLayout (int32) + pub mod CPointClientUIWorldPanel { + pub const m_bIgnoreInput: usize = 0x8C0; // bool + pub const m_bLit: usize = 0x8C1; // bool + pub const m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport: usize = 0x8C2; // bool + pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0x8C4; // float32 + pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0x8C8; // float32 + pub const m_flDPI: usize = 0x8CC; // float32 + pub const m_flInteractDistance: usize = 0x8D0; // float32 + pub const m_flDepthOffset: usize = 0x8D4; // float32 + pub const m_unOwnerContext: usize = 0x8D8; // uint32 + pub const m_unHorizontalAlign: usize = 0x8DC; // uint32 + pub const m_unVerticalAlign: usize = 0x8E0; // uint32 + pub const m_unOrientation: usize = 0x8E4; // uint32 + pub const m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds: usize = 0x8E8; // bool + pub const m_vecCSSClasses: usize = 0x8F0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_bOpaque: usize = 0x908; // bool + pub const m_bNoDepth: usize = 0x909; // bool + pub const m_bRenderBackface: usize = 0x90A; // bool + pub const m_bUseOffScreenIndicator: usize = 0x90B; // bool + pub const m_bExcludeFromSaveGames: usize = 0x90C; // bool + pub const m_bGrabbable: usize = 0x90D; // bool + pub const m_bOnlyRenderToTexture: usize = 0x90E; // bool + pub const m_bDisableMipGen: usize = 0x90F; // bool + pub const m_nExplicitImageLayout: usize = 0x910; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFilterContext { + pub const m_iFilterContext: usize = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPathParticleRope + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPathParticleRopeAlias_path_particle_rope_clientside { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CBuoyancyHelper { + pub const m_flFluidDensity: usize = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFilterAttributeInt { + pub const m_sAttributeName: usize = 0x518; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsRescuing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponPurchasesThisRound (WeaponPurchaseTracker_t) + pub mod CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices { + pub const m_hLastWeaponBeforeC4AutoSwitch: usize = 0x200; // CHandle + pub const m_bIsRescuing: usize = 0x234; // bool + pub const m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch: usize = 0x238; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + pub const m_weaponPurchasesThisRound: usize = 0x290; // WeaponPurchaseTracker_t + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CAISound { + pub const m_iSoundType: usize = 0x4C0; // SoundTypes_t + pub const m_iSoundFlags: usize = 0x4C2; // SoundFlags_t + pub const m_iVolume: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_iSoundIndex: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_iszProxyEntityName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CPointEntityFinder { + pub const m_hEntity: usize = 0x4C0; // CHandle + pub const m_iFilterName: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hFilter: usize = 0x4D0; // CHandle + pub const m_iRefName: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hReference: usize = 0x4E0; // CHandle + pub const m_FindMethod: usize = 0x4E4; // EntFinderMethod_t + pub const m_OnFoundEntity: usize = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nModelID (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_solid (ShardSolid_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShatterPanelMode (ShatterPanelMode) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelSize (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionA (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecStressPositionB (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPanelVertices (Vector2D) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlassHalfThickness (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasParent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bParentFrozen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_SurfacePropStringToken (CUtlStringToken) + pub mod shard_model_desc_t { + pub const m_nModelID: usize = 0x8; // int32 + pub const m_hMaterial: usize = 0x10; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_solid: usize = 0x18; // ShardSolid_t + pub const m_ShatterPanelMode: usize = 0x19; // ShatterPanelMode + pub const m_vecPanelSize: usize = 0x1C; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecStressPositionA: usize = 0x24; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecStressPositionB: usize = 0x2C; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecPanelVertices: usize = 0x38; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_flGlassHalfThickness: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_bHasParent: usize = 0x54; // bool + pub const m_bParentFrozen: usize = 0x55; // bool + pub const m_SurfacePropStringToken: usize = 0x58; // CUtlStringToken + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CBaseProp { + pub const m_bModelOverrodeBlockLOS: usize = 0x8E8; // bool + pub const m_iShapeType: usize = 0x8EC; // int32 + pub const m_bConformToCollisionBounds: usize = 0x8F0; // bool + pub const m_mPreferredCatchTransform: usize = 0x8F4; // matrix3x4_t + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vTintColorLightingOnly (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFogType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMinEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxStart (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFogMaxEnd (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod CEnvSky { + pub const m_hSkyMaterial: usize = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly: usize = 0x718; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x720; // bool + pub const m_vTintColor: usize = 0x721; // Color + pub const m_vTintColorLightingOnly: usize = 0x725; // Color + pub const m_flBrightnessScale: usize = 0x72C; // float32 + pub const m_nFogType: usize = 0x730; // int32 + pub const m_flFogMinStart: usize = 0x734; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMinEnd: usize = 0x738; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMaxStart: usize = 0x73C; // float32 + pub const m_flFogMaxEnd: usize = 0x740; // float32 + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x744; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CPointVelocitySensor { + pub const m_hTargetEntity: usize = 0x4C0; // CHandle + pub const m_vecAxis: usize = 0x4C4; // Vector + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x4D0; // bool + pub const m_fPrevVelocity: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_flAvgInterval: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_Velocity: usize = 0x4E0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFilterMassGreater { + pub const m_fFilterMass: usize = 0x518; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod FilterTeam { + pub const m_iFilterTeam: usize = 0x518; // int32 + } + // Parent: CFuncTrackTrain + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFuncTankTrain { + pub const m_OnDeath: usize = 0x860; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CNullEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_observer { + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeWithRef + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CMarkupVolumeTagged_NavGame { + pub const m_bFloodFillAttribute: usize = 0x768; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CBuyZone { + pub const m_LegacyTeamNum: usize = 0x8E0; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 12 + pub mod CPointTemplate { + pub const m_iszWorldName: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSource2EntityLumpName: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszEntityFilterName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flTimeoutInterval: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_bAsynchronouslySpawnEntities: usize = 0x4DC; // bool + pub const m_pOutputOnSpawned: usize = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_clientOnlyEntityBehavior: usize = 0x508; // PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t + pub const m_ownerSpawnGroupType: usize = 0x50C; // PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t + pub const m_createdSpawnGroupHandles: usize = 0x510; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SpawnedEntityHandles: usize = 0x528; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ScriptSpawnCallback: usize = 0x540; // HSCRIPT + pub const m_ScriptCallbackScope: usize = 0x548; // HSCRIPT + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTripWireFire { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CPhysForce { + pub const m_nameAttach: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_force: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_forceTime: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_attachedObject: usize = 0x4D8; // CHandle + pub const m_wasRestored: usize = 0x4DC; // bool + pub const m_integrator: usize = 0x4E0; // CConstantForceController + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CLogicDistanceAutosave { + pub const m_iszTargetEntity: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flDistanceToPlayer: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_bForceNewLevelUnit: usize = 0x4CC; // bool + pub const m_bCheckCough: usize = 0x4CD; // bool + pub const m_bThinkDangerous: usize = 0x4CE; // bool + pub const m_flDangerousTime: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CInfoDynamicShadowHint { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_nImportance: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + pub const m_nLightChoice: usize = 0x4CC; // int32 + pub const m_hLight: usize = 0x4D0; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + pub mod CSoundOpvarSetAABBEntity { + pub const m_vDistanceInnerMins: usize = 0x668; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceInnerMaxs: usize = 0x674; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceOuterMins: usize = 0x680; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceOuterMaxs: usize = 0x68C; // Vector + pub const m_nAABBDirection: usize = 0x698; // int32 + pub const m_vInnerMins: usize = 0x69C; // Vector + pub const m_vInnerMaxs: usize = 0x6A8; // Vector + pub const m_vOuterMins: usize = 0x6B4; // Vector + pub const m_vOuterMaxs: usize = 0x6C0; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CEnvWindShared__WindVariationEvent_t { + pub const m_flWindAngleVariation: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flWindSpeedVariation: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CTakeDamageInfoAPI { + } + // Parent: CTriggerOnce + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CScriptTriggerOnce { + pub const m_vExtent: usize = 0x908; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CNavWalkable { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowType (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iGlowTeam (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRange (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGlowRangeMin (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowColorOverride (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFlashing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight (bool) + pub mod CGlowProperty { + pub const m_fGlowColor: usize = 0x8; // Vector + pub const m_iGlowType: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_iGlowTeam: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_nGlowRange: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_nGlowRangeMin: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + pub const m_glowColorOverride: usize = 0x40; // Color + pub const m_bFlashing: usize = 0x44; // bool + pub const m_flGlowTime: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_flGlowStartTime: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight: usize = 0x50; // bool + pub const m_bGlowing: usize = 0x51; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CFlashbangProjectile { + pub const m_flTimeToDetonate: usize = 0xA90; // float32 + pub const m_numOpponentsHit: usize = 0xA94; // uint8 + pub const m_numTeammatesHit: usize = 0xA95; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CPointClientUIWorldPanel + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + pub mod CPointClientUIWorldTextPanel { + pub const m_messageText: usize = 0x918; // char[512] + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoInstructorHintTarget { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostage (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hCarriedHostageProp (CHandle) + pub mod CCSPlayer_HostageServices { + pub const m_hCarriedHostage: usize = 0x40; // CHandle + pub const m_hCarriedHostageProp: usize = 0x44; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponSSG08 { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBreachCharge { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CLogicBranch { + pub const m_bInValue: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_Listeners: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_OnTrue: usize = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFalse: usize = 0x508; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponUMP45 { + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CSpriteAlias_env_glow { + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_glowEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szDisplayText (string_t) + pub mod CBaseButton { + pub const m_angMoveEntitySpace: usize = 0x790; // QAngle + pub const m_fStayPushed: usize = 0x79C; // bool + pub const m_fRotating: usize = 0x79D; // bool + pub const m_ls: usize = 0x7A0; // locksound_t + pub const m_sUseSound: usize = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_sLockedSound: usize = 0x7C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_sUnlockedSound: usize = 0x7D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_sOverrideAnticipationName: usize = 0x7D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bLocked: usize = 0x7E0; // bool + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x7E1; // bool + pub const m_flUseLockedTime: usize = 0x7E4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bSolidBsp: usize = 0x7E8; // bool + pub const m_OnDamaged: usize = 0x7F0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnPressed: usize = 0x818; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnUseLocked: usize = 0x840; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnIn: usize = 0x868; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnOut: usize = 0x890; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_nState: usize = 0x8B8; // int32 + pub const m_hConstraint: usize = 0x8BC; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_hConstraintParent: usize = 0x8C0; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_bForceNpcExclude: usize = 0x8C4; // bool + pub const m_sGlowEntity: usize = 0x8C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_glowEntity: usize = 0x8D0; // CHandle + pub const m_usable: usize = 0x8D4; // bool + pub const m_szDisplayText: usize = 0x8D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CPhysLength { + pub const m_offset: usize = 0x538; // Vector[2] + pub const m_vecAttach: usize = 0x550; // Vector + pub const m_addLength: usize = 0x55C; // float32 + pub const m_minLength: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_totalLength: usize = 0x564; // float32 + pub const m_bEnableCollision: usize = 0x568; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 48 + pub mod CLogicNPCCounter { + pub const m_OnMinCountAll: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMaxCountAll: usize = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFactorAll: usize = 0x510; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnMinPlayerDistAll: usize = 0x538; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnMinCount_1: usize = 0x560; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMaxCount_1: usize = 0x588; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFactor_1: usize = 0x5B0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnMinPlayerDist_1: usize = 0x5D8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnMinCount_2: usize = 0x600; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMaxCount_2: usize = 0x628; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFactor_2: usize = 0x650; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnMinPlayerDist_2: usize = 0x678; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnMinCount_3: usize = 0x6A0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnMaxCount_3: usize = 0x6C8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFactor_3: usize = 0x6F0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnMinPlayerDist_3: usize = 0x718; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_hSource: usize = 0x740; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_iszSourceEntityName: usize = 0x748; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flDistanceMax: usize = 0x750; // float32 + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x754; // bool + pub const m_nMinCountAll: usize = 0x758; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxCountAll: usize = 0x75C; // int32 + pub const m_nMinFactorAll: usize = 0x760; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxFactorAll: usize = 0x764; // int32 + pub const m_iszNPCClassname_1: usize = 0x770; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nNPCState_1: usize = 0x778; // int32 + pub const m_bInvertState_1: usize = 0x77C; // bool + pub const m_nMinCount_1: usize = 0x780; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxCount_1: usize = 0x784; // int32 + pub const m_nMinFactor_1: usize = 0x788; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxFactor_1: usize = 0x78C; // int32 + pub const m_flDefaultDist_1: usize = 0x794; // float32 + pub const m_iszNPCClassname_2: usize = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nNPCState_2: usize = 0x7A0; // int32 + pub const m_bInvertState_2: usize = 0x7A4; // bool + pub const m_nMinCount_2: usize = 0x7A8; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxCount_2: usize = 0x7AC; // int32 + pub const m_nMinFactor_2: usize = 0x7B0; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxFactor_2: usize = 0x7B4; // int32 + pub const m_flDefaultDist_2: usize = 0x7BC; // float32 + pub const m_iszNPCClassname_3: usize = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nNPCState_3: usize = 0x7C8; // int32 + pub const m_bInvertState_3: usize = 0x7CC; // bool + pub const m_nMinCount_3: usize = 0x7D0; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxCount_3: usize = 0x7D4; // int32 + pub const m_nMinFactor_3: usize = 0x7D8; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxFactor_3: usize = 0x7DC; // int32 + pub const m_flDefaultDist_3: usize = 0x7E4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPredictedViewModel + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWeaponParity (uint32) + pub mod CCSGOViewModel { + pub const m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy: usize = 0x930; // bool + pub const m_nWeaponParity: usize = 0x934; // uint32 + pub const m_nOldWeaponParity: usize = 0x938; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDisplayHealth (float) + pub mod CWeaponShield { + pub const m_flBulletDamageAbsorbed: usize = 0xEB8; // float32 + pub const m_flLastBulletHitSoundTime: usize = 0xEBC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDisplayHealth: usize = 0xEC0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CBlood { + pub const m_vecSprayAngles: usize = 0x4C0; // QAngle + pub const m_vecSprayDir: usize = 0x4CC; // Vector + pub const m_flAmount: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x4DC; // BloodType + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fadeColor (Color) + pub mod CEnvFade { + pub const m_fadeColor: usize = 0x4C0; // Color + pub const m_Duration: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_HoldDuration: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_OnBeginFade: usize = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseProp + // Fields count: 30 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CPropDataComponent (CPropDataComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_noGhostCollision (bool) + pub mod CBreakableProp { + pub const m_CPropDataComponent: usize = 0x930; // CPropDataComponent + pub const m_OnBreak: usize = 0x970; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnHealthChanged: usize = 0x998; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnTakeDamage: usize = 0x9C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_impactEnergyScale: usize = 0x9E8; // float32 + pub const m_iMinHealthDmg: usize = 0x9EC; // int32 + pub const m_preferredCarryAngles: usize = 0x9F0; // QAngle + pub const m_flPressureDelay: usize = 0x9FC; // float32 + pub const m_flDefBurstScale: usize = 0xA00; // float32 + pub const m_vDefBurstOffset: usize = 0xA04; // Vector + pub const m_hBreaker: usize = 0xA10; // CHandle + pub const m_PerformanceMode: usize = 0xA14; // PerformanceMode_t + pub const m_flPreventDamageBeforeTime: usize = 0xA18; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bHasBreakPiecesOrCommands: usize = 0xA1C; // bool + pub const m_explodeDamage: usize = 0xA20; // float32 + pub const m_explodeRadius: usize = 0xA24; // float32 + pub const m_explosionDelay: usize = 0xA2C; // float32 + pub const m_explosionBuildupSound: usize = 0xA30; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_explosionCustomEffect: usize = 0xA38; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_explosionCustomSound: usize = 0xA40; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_explosionModifier: usize = 0xA48; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hPhysicsAttacker: usize = 0xA50; // CHandle + pub const m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime: usize = 0xA54; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bOriginalBlockLOS: usize = 0xA58; // bool + pub const m_flDefaultFadeScale: usize = 0xA5C; // float32 + pub const m_hLastAttacker: usize = 0xA60; // CHandle + pub const m_hFlareEnt: usize = 0xA64; // CHandle + pub const m_bUsePuntSound: usize = 0xA68; // bool + pub const m_iszPuntSound: usize = 0xA70; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_noGhostCollision: usize = 0xA78; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries (SellbackPurchaseEntry_t) + pub mod CCSPlayer_BuyServices { + pub const m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries: usize = 0xC8; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_hMyWearables (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFieldOfView (float) + pub mod CBaseCombatCharacter { + pub const m_bForceServerRagdoll: usize = 0x978; // bool + pub const m_hMyWearables: usize = 0x980; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_flFieldOfView: usize = 0x998; // float32 + pub const m_impactEnergyScale: usize = 0x99C; // float32 + pub const m_LastHitGroup: usize = 0x9A0; // HitGroup_t + pub const m_bApplyStressDamage: usize = 0x9A4; // bool + pub const m_iDamageCount: usize = 0x9E8; // int32 + pub const m_pVecRelationships: usize = 0x9F0; // CUtlVector* + pub const m_strRelationships: usize = 0x9F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_eHull: usize = 0xA00; // Hull_t + pub const m_nNavHullIdx: usize = 0xA04; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_firePositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireParentPositions (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFireIsBurning (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_BurnNormal (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fireCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nInfernoType (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireEffectTickBegin (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFireLifetime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInPostEffectTime (bool) + pub mod CInferno { + pub const m_firePositions: usize = 0x720; // Vector[64] + pub const m_fireParentPositions: usize = 0xA20; // Vector[64] + pub const m_bFireIsBurning: usize = 0xD20; // bool[64] + pub const m_BurnNormal: usize = 0xD60; // Vector[64] + pub const m_fireCount: usize = 0x1060; // int32 + pub const m_nInfernoType: usize = 0x1064; // int32 + pub const m_nFireEffectTickBegin: usize = 0x1068; // int32 + pub const m_nFireLifetime: usize = 0x106C; // float32 + pub const m_bInPostEffectTime: usize = 0x1070; // bool + pub const m_nFiresExtinguishCount: usize = 0x1074; // int32 + pub const m_bWasCreatedInSmoke: usize = 0x1078; // bool + pub const m_extent: usize = 0x1280; // Extent + pub const m_damageTimer: usize = 0x1298; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_damageRampTimer: usize = 0x12B0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_splashVelocity: usize = 0x12C8; // Vector + pub const m_InitialSplashVelocity: usize = 0x12D4; // Vector + pub const m_startPos: usize = 0x12E0; // Vector + pub const m_vecOriginalSpawnLocation: usize = 0x12EC; // Vector + pub const m_activeTimer: usize = 0x12F8; // IntervalTimer + pub const m_fireSpawnOffset: usize = 0x1308; // int32 + pub const m_nMaxFlames: usize = 0x130C; // int32 + pub const m_nSpreadCount: usize = 0x1310; // int32 + pub const m_BookkeepingTimer: usize = 0x1318; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_NextSpreadTimer: usize = 0x1330; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_nSourceItemDefIndex: usize = 0x1348; // uint16 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CEnvGlobal { + pub const m_outCounter: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_globalstate: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_triggermode: usize = 0x4F0; // int32 + pub const m_initialstate: usize = 0x4F4; // int32 + pub const m_counter: usize = 0x4F8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CBaseFilter { + pub const m_bNegated: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_OnPass: usize = 0x4C8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFail: usize = 0x4F0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayerControllers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aPlayers (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szTeamname (char) + pub mod CTeam { + pub const m_aPlayerControllers: usize = 0x4C0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_aPlayers: usize = 0x4D8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_iScore: usize = 0x4F0; // int32 + pub const m_szTeamname: usize = 0x4F4; // char[129] + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponUSPSilencer { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 23 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSpriteMaterial (HMaterialStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hAttachedToEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAttachment (AttachmentHandle_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteFramerate (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrame (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBrightness (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flBrightnessDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpriteScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScaleDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldSpaceScale (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGlowProxySize (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHDRColorScale (float32) + pub mod CSprite { + pub const m_hSpriteMaterial: usize = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hAttachedToEntity: usize = 0x718; // CHandle + pub const m_nAttachment: usize = 0x71C; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_flSpriteFramerate: usize = 0x720; // float32 + pub const m_flFrame: usize = 0x724; // float32 + pub const m_flDieTime: usize = 0x728; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nBrightness: usize = 0x738; // uint32 + pub const m_flBrightnessDuration: usize = 0x73C; // float32 + pub const m_flSpriteScale: usize = 0x740; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleDuration: usize = 0x744; // float32 + pub const m_bWorldSpaceScale: usize = 0x748; // bool + pub const m_flGlowProxySize: usize = 0x74C; // float32 + pub const m_flHDRColorScale: usize = 0x750; // float32 + pub const m_flLastTime: usize = 0x754; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flMaxFrame: usize = 0x758; // float32 + pub const m_flStartScale: usize = 0x75C; // float32 + pub const m_flDestScale: usize = 0x760; // float32 + pub const m_flScaleTimeStart: usize = 0x764; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nStartBrightness: usize = 0x768; // int32 + pub const m_nDestBrightness: usize = 0x76C; // int32 + pub const m_flBrightnessTimeStart: usize = 0x770; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nSpriteWidth: usize = 0x774; // int32 + pub const m_nSpriteHeight: usize = 0x778; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTriggerGravity { + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CServerRagdollTrigger { + } + // Parent: CInfoDynamicShadowHint + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CInfoDynamicShadowHintBox { + pub const m_vBoxMins: usize = 0x4D8; // Vector + pub const m_vBoxMaxs: usize = 0x4E4; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CPathMover { + pub const m_vecPathNodes: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_flPathLength: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_bClosedLoop: usize = 0x4DC; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFlashbang { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponAug { + } + // Parent: CDynamicProp + // Fields count: 34 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + pub mod CChicken { + pub const m_AttributeManager: usize = 0xBA0; // CAttributeContainer + pub const m_sActivityFinishedTag: usize = 0xE88; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_updateTimer: usize = 0xE90; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_stuckAnchor: usize = 0xEA8; // Vector + pub const m_stuckTimer: usize = 0xEB8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_collisionStuckTimer: usize = 0xED0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_isOnGround: usize = 0xEE8; // bool + pub const m_vFallVelocity: usize = 0xEEC; // Vector + pub const m_desiredActivity: usize = 0xEF8; // ChickenActivity + pub const m_currentActivity: usize = 0xEFC; // ChickenActivity + pub const m_activityTimer: usize = 0xF00; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_turnRate: usize = 0xF18; // float32 + pub const m_fleeFrom: usize = 0xF1C; // CHandle + pub const m_moveRateThrottleTimer: usize = 0xF20; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_startleTimer: usize = 0xF38; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_vocalizeTimer: usize = 0xF50; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_flWhenZombified: usize = 0xF68; // GameTime_t + pub const m_jumpedThisFrame: usize = 0xF6C; // bool + pub const m_leader: usize = 0xF70; // CHandle + pub const m_reuseTimer: usize = 0xF88; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_hasBeenUsed: usize = 0xFA0; // bool + pub const m_jumpTimer: usize = 0xFA8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_flLastJumpTime: usize = 0xFC0; // float32 + pub const m_bInJump: usize = 0xFC4; // bool + pub const m_isWaitingForLeader: usize = 0xFC5; // bool + pub const m_repathTimer: usize = 0x2FD0; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_inhibitDoorTimer: usize = 0x2FE8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_inhibitObstacleAvoidanceTimer: usize = 0x3078; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_vecPathGoal: usize = 0x3098; // Vector + pub const m_flActiveFollowStartTime: usize = 0x30A4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_followMinuteTimer: usize = 0x30A8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_vecLastEggPoopPosition: usize = 0x30C0; // Vector + pub const m_vecEggsPooped: usize = 0x30D0; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_BlockDirectionTimer: usize = 0x30F0; // CountdownTimer + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CChangeLevel { + pub const m_sMapName: usize = 0x8E0; // CUtlString + pub const m_sLandmarkName: usize = 0x8E8; // CUtlString + pub const m_OnChangeLevel: usize = 0x8F0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bTouched: usize = 0x918; // bool + pub const m_bNoTouch: usize = 0x919; // bool + pub const m_bNewChapter: usize = 0x91A; // bool + pub const m_bOnChangeLevelFired: usize = 0x91B; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 14 + pub mod CTriggerLerpObject { + pub const m_iszLerpTarget: usize = 0x8E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hLerpTarget: usize = 0x8E8; // CHandle + pub const m_iszLerpTargetAttachment: usize = 0x8F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hLerpTargetAttachment: usize = 0x8F8; // AttachmentHandle_t + pub const m_flLerpDuration: usize = 0x8FC; // float32 + pub const m_bLerpRestoreMoveType: usize = 0x900; // bool + pub const m_bSingleLerpObject: usize = 0x901; // bool + pub const m_vecLerpingObjects: usize = 0x908; // CUtlVector + pub const m_iszLerpEffect: usize = 0x920; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszLerpSound: usize = 0x928; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bAttachTouchingObject: usize = 0x930; // bool + pub const m_hEntityToWaitForDisconnect: usize = 0x934; // CHandle + pub const m_OnLerpStarted: usize = 0x938; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnLerpFinished: usize = 0x960; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSidePredicted (bool) + pub mod CBaseTrigger { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x790; // bool + pub const m_iFilterName: usize = 0x798; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hFilter: usize = 0x7A0; // CHandle + pub const m_OnStartTouch: usize = 0x7A8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnStartTouchAll: usize = 0x7D0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnEndTouch: usize = 0x7F8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnEndTouchAll: usize = 0x820; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnTouching: usize = 0x848; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnTouchingEachEntity: usize = 0x870; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnNotTouching: usize = 0x898; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_hTouchingEntities: usize = 0x8C0; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_bClientSidePredicted: usize = 0x8D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CLogicScript { + } + // Parent: CBaseFlex + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeManager (CAttributeContainer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackPaintKit (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFallbackWear (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nFallbackStatTrak (int) + pub mod CEconEntity { + pub const m_AttributeManager: usize = 0x988; // CAttributeContainer + pub const m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow: usize = 0xC50; // uint32 + pub const m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh: usize = 0xC54; // uint32 + pub const m_nFallbackPaintKit: usize = 0xC58; // int32 + pub const m_nFallbackSeed: usize = 0xC5C; // int32 + pub const m_flFallbackWear: usize = 0xC60; // float32 + pub const m_nFallbackStatTrak: usize = 0xC64; // int32 + pub const m_hOldProvidee: usize = 0xC68; // CHandle + pub const m_iOldOwnerClass: usize = 0xC6C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_collisionAttribute (VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_usSolidFlags (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSolidType (SolidType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_triggerBloat (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSurroundType (SurroundingBoundsType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CollisionGroup (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEnablePhysics (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter1 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vCapsuleCenter2 (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCapsuleRadius (float) + pub mod CCollisionProperty { + pub const m_collisionAttribute: usize = 0x10; // VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t + pub const m_vecMins: usize = 0x40; // Vector + pub const m_vecMaxs: usize = 0x4C; // Vector + pub const m_usSolidFlags: usize = 0x5A; // uint8 + pub const m_nSolidType: usize = 0x5B; // SolidType_t + pub const m_triggerBloat: usize = 0x5C; // uint8 + pub const m_nSurroundType: usize = 0x5D; // SurroundingBoundsType_t + pub const m_CollisionGroup: usize = 0x5E; // uint8 + pub const m_nEnablePhysics: usize = 0x5F; // uint8 + pub const m_flBoundingRadius: usize = 0x60; // float32 + pub const m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins: usize = 0x64; // Vector + pub const m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs: usize = 0x70; // Vector + pub const m_vecSurroundingMaxs: usize = 0x7C; // Vector + pub const m_vecSurroundingMins: usize = 0x88; // Vector + pub const m_vCapsuleCenter1: usize = 0x94; // Vector + pub const m_vCapsuleCenter2: usize = 0xA0; // Vector + pub const m_flCapsuleRadius: usize = 0xAC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CServerOnlyEntity { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hSequence (HSequence) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flPrevCycle (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCycle (float32) + pub mod CNetworkedSequenceOperation { + pub const m_hSequence: usize = 0x8; // HSequence + pub const m_flPrevCycle: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flCycle: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flWeight: usize = 0x14; // CNetworkedQuantizedFloat + pub const m_bSequenceChangeNetworked: usize = 0x1C; // bool + pub const m_bDiscontinuity: usize = 0x1D; // bool + pub const m_flPrevCycleFromDiscontinuity: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flPrevCycleForAnimEventDetection: usize = 0x24; // float32 + } + // Parent: CModelPointEntity + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_messageText (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_FontName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bFullbright (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWorldUnitsPerPx (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFontSize (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDepthOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Color (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyHorizontal (PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nJustifyVertical (PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nReorientMode (PointWorldTextReorientMode_t) + pub mod CPointWorldText { + pub const m_messageText: usize = 0x710; // char[512] + pub const m_FontName: usize = 0x910; // char[64] + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x950; // bool + pub const m_bFullbright: usize = 0x951; // bool + pub const m_flWorldUnitsPerPx: usize = 0x954; // float32 + pub const m_flFontSize: usize = 0x958; // float32 + pub const m_flDepthOffset: usize = 0x95C; // float32 + pub const m_Color: usize = 0x960; // Color + pub const m_nJustifyHorizontal: usize = 0x964; // PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t + pub const m_nJustifyVertical: usize = 0x968; // PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t + pub const m_nReorientMode: usize = 0x96C; // PointWorldTextReorientMode_t + } + // Parent: CSoundAreaEntityBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vMax (Vector) + pub mod CSoundAreaEntityOrientedBox { + pub const m_vMin: usize = 0x4E0; // Vector + pub const m_vMax: usize = 0x4EC; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_gravityScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularLimit (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angularDamping (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_linearForce (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFrequency (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDampingRatio (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAt (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCollapseToForcePoint (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecLinearForceDirection (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible (bool) + pub mod CTriggerPhysics { + pub const m_gravityScale: usize = 0x8F0; // float32 + pub const m_linearLimit: usize = 0x8F4; // float32 + pub const m_linearDamping: usize = 0x8F8; // float32 + pub const m_angularLimit: usize = 0x8FC; // float32 + pub const m_angularDamping: usize = 0x900; // float32 + pub const m_linearForce: usize = 0x904; // float32 + pub const m_flFrequency: usize = 0x908; // float32 + pub const m_flDampingRatio: usize = 0x90C; // float32 + pub const m_vecLinearForcePointAt: usize = 0x910; // Vector + pub const m_bCollapseToForcePoint: usize = 0x91C; // bool + pub const m_vecLinearForcePointAtWorld: usize = 0x920; // Vector + pub const m_vecLinearForceDirection: usize = 0x92C; // Vector + pub const m_bConvertToDebrisWhenPossible: usize = 0x938; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_ID (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Values (Vector4D) + pub mod EntityRenderAttribute_t { + pub const m_ID: usize = 0x30; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_Values: usize = 0x34; // Vector4D + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPointBroadcastClientCommand { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 32 + pub mod CFuncShatterglass { + pub const m_hGlassMaterialDamaged: usize = 0x710; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hGlassMaterialUndamaged: usize = 0x718; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hConcreteMaterialEdgeFace: usize = 0x720; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hConcreteMaterialEdgeCaps: usize = 0x728; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hConcreteMaterialEdgeFins: usize = 0x730; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_matPanelTransform: usize = 0x738; // matrix3x4_t + pub const m_matPanelTransformWsTemp: usize = 0x768; // matrix3x4_t + pub const m_vecShatterGlassShards: usize = 0x798; // CUtlVector + pub const m_PanelSize: usize = 0x7B0; // Vector2D + pub const m_vecPanelNormalWs: usize = 0x7B8; // Vector + pub const m_nNumShardsEverCreated: usize = 0x7C4; // int32 + pub const m_flLastShatterSoundEmitTime: usize = 0x7C8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flLastCleanupTime: usize = 0x7CC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flInitAtTime: usize = 0x7D0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flGlassThickness: usize = 0x7D4; // float32 + pub const m_flSpawnInvulnerability: usize = 0x7D8; // float32 + pub const m_bBreakSilent: usize = 0x7DC; // bool + pub const m_bBreakShardless: usize = 0x7DD; // bool + pub const m_bBroken: usize = 0x7DE; // bool + pub const m_bHasRateLimitedShards: usize = 0x7DF; // bool + pub const m_bGlassNavIgnore: usize = 0x7E0; // bool + pub const m_bGlassInFrame: usize = 0x7E1; // bool + pub const m_bStartBroken: usize = 0x7E2; // bool + pub const m_iInitialDamageType: usize = 0x7E3; // uint8 + pub const m_szDamagePositioningEntityName01: usize = 0x7E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_szDamagePositioningEntityName02: usize = 0x7F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_szDamagePositioningEntityName03: usize = 0x7F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_szDamagePositioningEntityName04: usize = 0x800; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_vInitialDamagePositions: usize = 0x808; // CUtlVector + pub const m_vExtraDamagePositions: usize = 0x820; // CUtlVector + pub const m_OnBroken: usize = 0x838; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iSurfaceType: usize = 0x861; // uint8 + } + // Parent: CBaseButton + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CRotButton { + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRadius (float) + pub mod CSoundEventSphereEntity { + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x570; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponHKP2000 { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 26 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombTicking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flC4Blow (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBombSite (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSourceSoundscapeHash (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCannotBeDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasExploded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimerLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBeingDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseLength (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDefuseCountDown (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombDefused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hBombDefuser (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hControlPanel (CHandle) + pub mod CPlantedC4 { + pub const m_bBombTicking: usize = 0x8E8; // bool + pub const m_flC4Blow: usize = 0x8EC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nBombSite: usize = 0x8F0; // int32 + pub const m_nSourceSoundscapeHash: usize = 0x8F4; // int32 + pub const m_OnBombDefused: usize = 0x8F8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnBombBeginDefuse: usize = 0x920; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnBombDefuseAborted: usize = 0x948; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bCannotBeDefused: usize = 0x970; // bool + pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0x978; // EntitySpottedState_t + pub const m_nSpotRules: usize = 0x990; // int32 + pub const m_bTrainingPlacedByPlayer: usize = 0x994; // bool + pub const m_bHasExploded: usize = 0x995; // bool + pub const m_flTimerLength: usize = 0x998; // float32 + pub const m_bBeingDefused: usize = 0x99C; // bool + pub const m_fLastDefuseTime: usize = 0x9A4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDefuseLength: usize = 0x9AC; // float32 + pub const m_flDefuseCountDown: usize = 0x9B0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bBombDefused: usize = 0x9B4; // bool + pub const m_hBombDefuser: usize = 0x9B8; // CHandle + pub const m_hControlPanel: usize = 0x9BC; // CHandle + pub const m_iProgressBarTime: usize = 0x9C0; // int32 + pub const m_bVoiceAlertFired: usize = 0x9C4; // bool + pub const m_bVoiceAlertPlayed: usize = 0x9C5; // bool[4] + pub const m_flNextBotBeepTime: usize = 0x9CC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_angCatchUpToPlayerEye: usize = 0x9D4; // QAngle + pub const m_flLastSpinDetectionTime: usize = 0x9E0; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseClientUIEntity + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActivator (EHANDLE) + pub mod CPointClientUIDialog { + pub const m_hActivator: usize = 0x8C0; // CHandle + pub const m_bStartEnabled: usize = 0x8C4; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CEnvSplash { + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: dirPrimary (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondary (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorPrimaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: colorSecondaryLerpTo (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: start (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: end (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: farz (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: exponent (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: HDRColorScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactor (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: skyboxFogFactorLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: startLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: endLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: maxdensityLerpTo (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: lerptime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: duration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: blendtobackground (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: scattering (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: locallightscale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: enable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: blend (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNoReflectionFog (bool) + pub mod fogparams_t { + pub const dirPrimary: usize = 0x8; // Vector + pub const colorPrimary: usize = 0x14; // Color + pub const colorSecondary: usize = 0x18; // Color + pub const colorPrimaryLerpTo: usize = 0x1C; // Color + pub const colorSecondaryLerpTo: usize = 0x20; // Color + pub const start: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const end: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const farz: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const maxdensity: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const exponent: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const HDRColorScale: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const skyboxFogFactor: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const skyboxFogFactorLerpTo: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const startLerpTo: usize = 0x44; // float32 + pub const endLerpTo: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const maxdensityLerpTo: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const lerptime: usize = 0x50; // GameTime_t + pub const duration: usize = 0x54; // float32 + pub const blendtobackground: usize = 0x58; // float32 + pub const scattering: usize = 0x5C; // float32 + pub const locallightscale: usize = 0x60; // float32 + pub const enable: usize = 0x64; // bool + pub const blend: usize = 0x65; // bool + pub const m_bNoReflectionFog: usize = 0x66; // bool + pub const m_bPadding: usize = 0x67; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponNOVA { + } + // Parent: CPointCamera + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CPointCameraVFOV { + pub const m_flVerticalFOV: usize = 0x520; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFireTime (GameTime_t) + pub mod CWeaponTaser { + pub const m_fFireTime: usize = 0xEB8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nLastAttackTick: usize = 0xEBC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWaterBullet { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CMarkupVolume { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x710; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CMessage { + pub const m_iszMessage: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_MessageVolume: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_MessageAttenuation: usize = 0x4CC; // int32 + pub const m_Radius: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_sNoise: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_OnShowMessage: usize = 0x4E0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod CLogicGameEventListener { + pub const m_OnEventFired: usize = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iszGameEventName: usize = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszGameEventItem: usize = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x508; // bool + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x509; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CPropDataComponent (CPropDataComponent::Storage_t) + pub mod CBreakable { + pub const m_CPropDataComponent: usize = 0x718; // CPropDataComponent + pub const m_Material: usize = 0x758; // Materials + pub const m_hBreaker: usize = 0x75C; // CHandle + pub const m_Explosion: usize = 0x760; // Explosions + pub const m_iszSpawnObject: usize = 0x768; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flPressureDelay: usize = 0x770; // float32 + pub const m_iMinHealthDmg: usize = 0x774; // int32 + pub const m_iszPropData: usize = 0x778; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_impactEnergyScale: usize = 0x780; // float32 + pub const m_nOverrideBlockLOS: usize = 0x784; // EOverrideBlockLOS_t + pub const m_OnBreak: usize = 0x788; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnHealthChanged: usize = 0x7B0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_PerformanceMode: usize = 0x7D8; // PerformanceMode_t + pub const m_hPhysicsAttacker: usize = 0x7DC; // CHandle + pub const m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime: usize = 0x7E0; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 16 + pub mod CBaseToggle { + pub const m_toggle_state: usize = 0x710; // TOGGLE_STATE + pub const m_flMoveDistance: usize = 0x714; // float32 + pub const m_flWait: usize = 0x718; // float32 + pub const m_flLip: usize = 0x71C; // float32 + pub const m_bAlwaysFireBlockedOutputs: usize = 0x720; // bool + pub const m_vecPosition1: usize = 0x724; // Vector + pub const m_vecPosition2: usize = 0x730; // Vector + pub const m_vecMoveAng: usize = 0x73C; // QAngle + pub const m_vecAngle1: usize = 0x748; // QAngle + pub const m_vecAngle2: usize = 0x754; // QAngle + pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0x760; // float32 + pub const m_hActivator: usize = 0x764; // CHandle + pub const m_vecFinalDest: usize = 0x768; // Vector + pub const m_vecFinalAngle: usize = 0x774; // QAngle + pub const m_movementType: usize = 0x780; // int32 + pub const m_sMaster: usize = 0x788; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoTarget { + } + // Parent: CRotButton + // Fields count: 14 + pub mod CMomentaryRotButton { + pub const m_Position: usize = 0x8E0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnUnpressed: usize = 0x908; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFullyOpen: usize = 0x930; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFullyClosed: usize = 0x958; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnReachedPosition: usize = 0x980; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_lastUsed: usize = 0x9A8; // int32 + pub const m_start: usize = 0x9AC; // QAngle + pub const m_end: usize = 0x9B8; // QAngle + pub const m_IdealYaw: usize = 0x9C4; // float32 + pub const m_sNoise: usize = 0x9C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bUpdateTarget: usize = 0x9D0; // bool + pub const m_direction: usize = 0x9D4; // int32 + pub const m_returnSpeed: usize = 0x9D8; // float32 + pub const m_flStartPosition: usize = 0x9DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEntityComponent + // Fields count: 10 + pub mod CPropDataComponent { + pub const m_flDmgModBullet: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flDmgModClub: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flDmgModExplosive: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flDmgModFire: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_iszPhysicsDamageTableName: usize = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszBasePropData: usize = 0x28; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nInteractions: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_bSpawnMotionDisabled: usize = 0x34; // bool + pub const m_nDisableTakePhysicsDamageSpawnFlag: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_nMotionDisabledSpawnFlag: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CGameText { + pub const m_iszMessage: usize = 0x720; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_textParms: usize = 0x728; // hudtextparms_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponMP5SD { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLoop (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFPS (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPositionKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hRotationKeys (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vAnimationBoundsMax (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartFrame (float) + pub mod CTextureBasedAnimatable { + pub const m_bLoop: usize = 0x710; // bool + pub const m_flFPS: usize = 0x714; // float32 + pub const m_hPositionKeys: usize = 0x718; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_hRotationKeys: usize = 0x720; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_vAnimationBoundsMin: usize = 0x728; // Vector + pub const m_vAnimationBoundsMax: usize = 0x734; // Vector + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x740; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFrame: usize = 0x744; // float32 + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeTagged + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CMarkupVolumeWithRef { + pub const m_bUseRef: usize = 0x750; // bool + pub const m_vRefPos: usize = 0x754; // Vector + pub const m_flRefDot: usize = 0x760; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPhysForce + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CPhysThruster { + pub const m_localOrigin: usize = 0x520; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CCSPointScriptExtensions_player { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszStackName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOperatorName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOpvarName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceInnerMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vDistanceOuterMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nAABBDirection (int) + pub mod CCitadelSoundOpvarSetOBB { + pub const m_iszStackName: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOperatorName: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszOpvarName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_vDistanceInnerMins: usize = 0x4D8; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceInnerMaxs: usize = 0x4E4; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceOuterMins: usize = 0x4F0; // Vector + pub const m_vDistanceOuterMaxs: usize = 0x4FC; // Vector + pub const m_nAABBDirection: usize = 0x508; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_unDefIdx (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nCost (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPrevArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPrevHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hItem (CEntityHandle) + pub mod SellbackPurchaseEntry_t { + pub const m_unDefIdx: usize = 0x30; // uint16 + pub const m_nCost: usize = 0x34; // int32 + pub const m_nPrevArmor: usize = 0x38; // int32 + pub const m_bPrevHelmet: usize = 0x3C; // bool + pub const m_hItem: usize = 0x40; // CEntityHandle + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponFamas { + } + // Parent: CPhysicsProp + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_ShardDesc (shard_model_desc_t) + pub mod CShatterGlassShardPhysics { + pub const m_bDebris: usize = 0xBE8; // bool + pub const m_hParentShard: usize = 0xBEC; // uint32 + pub const m_ShardDesc: usize = 0xBF0; // shard_model_desc_t + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFilterModel { + pub const m_iFilterModel: usize = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerPawn + // Fields count: 22 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_CTouchExpansionComponent (CTouchExpansionComponent::Storage_t) + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pPingServices (CCSPlayer_PingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pViewModelServices (CPlayer_ViewModelServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPlayerState (CSPlayerState) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGunGameImmunity (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fMolotovDamageTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlashMaxAlpha (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flProgressBarStartTime (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iProgressBarDuration (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angEyeAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalController (CHandle) + pub mod CCSPlayerPawnBase { + pub const m_CTouchExpansionComponent: usize = 0xBB0; // CTouchExpansionComponent + pub const m_pPingServices: usize = 0xC00; // CCSPlayer_PingServices* + pub const m_pViewModelServices: usize = 0xC08; // CPlayer_ViewModelServices* + pub const m_blindUntilTime: usize = 0xC10; // GameTime_t + pub const m_blindStartTime: usize = 0xC14; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iPlayerState: usize = 0xC18; // CSPlayerState + pub const m_bRespawning: usize = 0xCC8; // bool + pub const m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime: usize = 0xCCC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bGunGameImmunity: usize = 0xCD0; // bool + pub const m_fMolotovDamageTime: usize = 0xCD4; // float32 + pub const m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn: usize = 0xCD8; // bool + pub const m_iNumSpawns: usize = 0xCDC; // int32 + pub const m_flIdleTimeSinceLastAction: usize = 0xCE4; // float32 + pub const m_fNextRadarUpdateTime: usize = 0xCE8; // float32 + pub const m_flFlashDuration: usize = 0xCEC; // float32 + pub const m_flFlashMaxAlpha: usize = 0xCF0; // float32 + pub const m_flProgressBarStartTime: usize = 0xCF4; // float32 + pub const m_iProgressBarDuration: usize = 0xCF8; // int32 + pub const m_angEyeAngles: usize = 0xCFC; // QAngle + pub const m_wasNotKilledNaturally: usize = 0xD08; // bool + pub const m_bCommittingSuicideOnTeamChange: usize = 0xD09; // bool + pub const m_hOriginalController: usize = 0xD0C; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 9 + pub mod CPathTrack { + pub const m_pnext: usize = 0x4C0; // CPathTrack* + pub const m_pprevious: usize = 0x4C8; // CPathTrack* + pub const m_paltpath: usize = 0x4D0; // CPathTrack* + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_length: usize = 0x4DC; // float32 + pub const m_altName: usize = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nIterVal: usize = 0x4E8; // int32 + pub const m_eOrientationType: usize = 0x4EC; // TrackOrientationType_t + pub const m_OnPass: usize = 0x4F0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CLogicDistanceCheck { + pub const m_iszEntityA: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszEntityB: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flZone1Distance: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_flZone2Distance: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_InZone1: usize = 0x4D8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_InZone2: usize = 0x500; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_InZone3: usize = 0x528; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBarnLight + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flInnerAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOuterAngle (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + pub mod COmniLight { + pub const m_flInnerAngle: usize = 0x938; // float32 + pub const m_flOuterAngle: usize = 0x93C; // float32 + pub const m_bShowLight: usize = 0x940; // bool + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionX (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nResolutionY (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLayoutFileName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RenderAttrName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_TargetEntities (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTargetChangeCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecCSSClasses (string_t) + pub mod CInfoOffscreenPanoramaTexture { + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_nResolutionX: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_nResolutionY: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + pub const m_szLayoutFileName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_RenderAttrName: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_TargetEntities: usize = 0x4E0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_nTargetChangeCount: usize = 0x4F8; // int32 + pub const m_vecCSSClasses: usize = 0x500; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_szTargetsName: usize = 0x518; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_AdditionalTargetEntities: usize = 0x520; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMode (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vBoxSize (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod CInfoVisibilityBox { + pub const m_nMode: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_vBoxSize: usize = 0x4C8; // Vector + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x4D4; // bool + } + // Parent: CRulePointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CGamePlayerEquip { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoTargetServerOnly { + } + // Parent: CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CSoundOpvarSetPathCornerEntity { + pub const m_flDistMinSqr: usize = 0x680; // float32 + pub const m_flDistMaxSqr: usize = 0x684; // float32 + pub const m_iszPathCornerEntityName: usize = 0x688; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPlayer_WeaponServices + // Fields count: 15 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextAttack (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsLookingAtWeapon (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon (bool) + pub mod CCSPlayer_WeaponServices { + pub const m_flNextAttack: usize = 0xA8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bIsLookingAtWeapon: usize = 0xAC; // bool + pub const m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon: usize = 0xAD; // bool + pub const m_hSavedWeapon: usize = 0xB0; // CHandle + pub const m_nTimeToMelee: usize = 0xB4; // int32 + pub const m_nTimeToSecondary: usize = 0xB8; // int32 + pub const m_nTimeToPrimary: usize = 0xBC; // int32 + pub const m_nTimeToSniperRifle: usize = 0xC0; // int32 + pub const m_bIsBeingGivenItem: usize = 0xC4; // bool + pub const m_bIsPickingUpItemWithUse: usize = 0xC5; // bool + pub const m_bPickedUpWeapon: usize = 0xC6; // bool + pub const m_bDisableAutoDeploy: usize = 0xC7; // bool + pub const m_bIsPickingUpGroundWeapon: usize = 0xC8; // bool + pub const m_nOldShootPositionHistoryCount: usize = 0xCC; // uint32 + pub const m_nOldInputHistoryCount: usize = 0x468; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEntAttached (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCheapEffect (bool) + pub mod CEntityFlame { + pub const m_hEntAttached: usize = 0x4C0; // CHandle + pub const m_bCheapEffect: usize = 0x4C4; // bool + pub const m_flSize: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_bUseHitboxes: usize = 0x4CC; // bool + pub const m_iNumHitboxFires: usize = 0x4D0; // int32 + pub const m_flHitboxFireScale: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_flLifetime: usize = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_hAttacker: usize = 0x4DC; // CHandle + pub const m_iDangerSound: usize = 0x4E0; // int32 + pub const m_flDirectDamagePerSecond: usize = 0x4E4; // float32 + pub const m_iCustomDamageType: usize = 0x4E8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_zoomLevel (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBurstShotsRemaining (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bNeedsBoltAction (bool) + pub mod CCSWeaponBaseGun { + pub const m_zoomLevel: usize = 0xE98; // int32 + pub const m_iBurstShotsRemaining: usize = 0xE9C; // int32 + pub const m_silencedModelIndex: usize = 0xEA8; // int32 + pub const m_inPrecache: usize = 0xEAC; // bool + pub const m_bNeedsBoltAction: usize = 0xEAD; // bool + pub const m_bSkillReloadAvailable: usize = 0xEAE; // bool + pub const m_bSkillReloadLiftedReloadKey: usize = 0xEAF; // bool + pub const m_bSkillBoltInterruptAvailable: usize = 0xEB0; // bool + pub const m_bSkillBoltLiftedFireKey: usize = 0xEB1; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + pub mod CBot { + pub const m_pController: usize = 0x10; // CCSPlayerController* + pub const m_pPlayer: usize = 0x18; // CCSPlayerPawn* + pub const m_bHasSpawned: usize = 0x20; // bool + pub const m_id: usize = 0x24; // uint32 + pub const m_isRunning: usize = 0xC0; // bool + pub const m_isCrouching: usize = 0xC1; // bool + pub const m_forwardSpeed: usize = 0xC4; // float32 + pub const m_leftSpeed: usize = 0xC8; // float32 + pub const m_verticalSpeed: usize = 0xCC; // float32 + pub const m_buttonFlags: usize = 0xD0; // uint64 + pub const m_jumpTimestamp: usize = 0xD8; // float32 + pub const m_viewForward: usize = 0xDC; // Vector + pub const m_postureStackIndex: usize = 0xF8; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nameStringableIndex (int32) + pub mod CEntityIdentity { + pub const m_nameStringableIndex: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_name: usize = 0x18; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_designerName: usize = 0x20; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x30; // uint32 + pub const m_worldGroupId: usize = 0x38; // WorldGroupId_t + pub const m_fDataObjectTypes: usize = 0x3C; // uint32 + pub const m_PathIndex: usize = 0x40; // ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t + pub const m_pPrev: usize = 0x58; // CEntityIdentity* + pub const m_pNext: usize = 0x60; // CEntityIdentity* + pub const m_pPrevByClass: usize = 0x68; // CEntityIdentity* + pub const m_pNextByClass: usize = 0x70; // CEntityIdentity* + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CGunTarget { + pub const m_on: usize = 0x790; // bool + pub const m_hTargetEnt: usize = 0x794; // CHandle + pub const m_OnDeath: usize = 0x798; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CSoundEventParameter { + pub const m_iszParamName: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flFloatValue: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + } + // Parent: CPulseGraphInstance_ServerEntity + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + pub mod CPulseGraphInstance_GameBlackboard { + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolume + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CMarkupVolumeTagged { + pub const m_bIsGroup: usize = 0x748; // bool + pub const m_bGroupByPrefab: usize = 0x749; // bool + pub const m_bGroupByVolume: usize = 0x74A; // bool + pub const m_bGroupOtherGroups: usize = 0x74B; // bool + pub const m_bIsInGroup: usize = 0x74C; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CTestEffect { + pub const m_iLoop: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_iBeam: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_pBeam: usize = 0x4C8; // CBeam*[24] + pub const m_flBeamTime: usize = 0x588; // GameTime_t[24] + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x5E8; // GameTime_t + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponM4A1Silencer { + } + // Parent: CFuncNavBlocker + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CScriptNavBlocker { + pub const m_vExtent: usize = 0x720; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CConstraintAnchor { + pub const m_massScale: usize = 0x8E8; // float32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponTec9 { + } + // Parent: CMarkupVolumeTagged + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CMarkupVolumeTagged_Nav { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 66 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlayingBack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPaused (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMultiplayer (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAutogenerated (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceClientTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hActorList (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSceneStringIndex (uint16) + pub mod CSceneEntity { + pub const m_iszSceneFile: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszResumeSceneFile: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszTarget1: usize = 0x4D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszTarget2: usize = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszTarget3: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszTarget4: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszTarget5: usize = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszTarget6: usize = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszTarget7: usize = 0x508; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszTarget8: usize = 0x510; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hTarget1: usize = 0x518; // CHandle + pub const m_hTarget2: usize = 0x51C; // CHandle + pub const m_hTarget3: usize = 0x520; // CHandle + pub const m_hTarget4: usize = 0x524; // CHandle + pub const m_hTarget5: usize = 0x528; // CHandle + pub const m_hTarget6: usize = 0x52C; // CHandle + pub const m_hTarget7: usize = 0x530; // CHandle + pub const m_hTarget8: usize = 0x534; // CHandle + pub const m_sTargetAttachment: usize = 0x538; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bIsPlayingBack: usize = 0x540; // bool + pub const m_bPaused: usize = 0x541; // bool + pub const m_bMultiplayer: usize = 0x542; // bool + pub const m_bAutogenerated: usize = 0x543; // bool + pub const m_flForceClientTime: usize = 0x544; // float32 + pub const m_flCurrentTime: usize = 0x548; // float32 + pub const m_flFrameTime: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_bCancelAtNextInterrupt: usize = 0x550; // bool + pub const m_fPitch: usize = 0x554; // float32 + pub const m_bAutomated: usize = 0x558; // bool + pub const m_nAutomatedAction: usize = 0x55C; // int32 + pub const m_flAutomationDelay: usize = 0x560; // float32 + pub const m_flAutomationTime: usize = 0x564; // float32 + pub const m_hWaitingForThisResumeScene: usize = 0x568; // CHandle + pub const m_bWaitingForResumeScene: usize = 0x56C; // bool + pub const m_bPausedViaInput: usize = 0x56D; // bool + pub const m_bPauseAtNextInterrupt: usize = 0x56E; // bool + pub const m_bWaitingForActor: usize = 0x56F; // bool + pub const m_bWaitingForInterrupt: usize = 0x570; // bool + pub const m_bInterruptedActorsScenes: usize = 0x571; // bool + pub const m_bBreakOnNonIdle: usize = 0x572; // bool + pub const m_bSceneFinished: usize = 0x573; // bool + pub const m_hActorList: usize = 0x578; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + pub const m_hRemoveActorList: usize = 0x590; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_nSceneFlushCounter: usize = 0x5D8; // int32 + pub const m_nSceneStringIndex: usize = 0x5DC; // uint16 + pub const m_OnStart: usize = 0x5E0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnCompletion: usize = 0x608; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnCanceled: usize = 0x630; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnPaused: usize = 0x658; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnResumed: usize = 0x680; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnTrigger: usize = 0x6A8; // CEntityIOOutput[16] + pub const m_hInterruptScene: usize = 0x9B8; // CHandle + pub const m_nInterruptCount: usize = 0x9BC; // int32 + pub const m_bSceneMissing: usize = 0x9C0; // bool + pub const m_bInterrupted: usize = 0x9C1; // bool + pub const m_bCompletedEarly: usize = 0x9C2; // bool + pub const m_bInterruptSceneFinished: usize = 0x9C3; // bool + pub const m_bRestoring: usize = 0x9C4; // bool + pub const m_hNotifySceneCompletion: usize = 0x9C8; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_hListManagers: usize = 0x9E0; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_iszSoundName: usize = 0x9F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iszSequenceName: usize = 0xA00; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hActor: usize = 0xA08; // CHandle + pub const m_hActivator: usize = 0xA0C; // CHandle + pub const m_BusyActor: usize = 0xA10; // int32 + pub const m_iPlayerDeathBehavior: usize = 0xA14; // SceneOnPlayerDeath_t + } + // Parent: CLightDirectionalEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CLightEnvironmentEntity { + } + // Parent: CLogicAutosave + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CLogicActiveAutosave { + pub const m_TriggerHitPoints: usize = 0x4D0; // int32 + pub const m_flTimeToTrigger: usize = 0x4D4; // float32 + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x4D8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDangerousTime: usize = 0x4DC; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CEnvBeverage { + pub const m_CanInDispenser: usize = 0x4C0; // bool + pub const m_nBeverageType: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iActiveIssueIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iOnlyTeamToVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVoteOptionCount (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPotentialVotes (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsYesNoVote (bool) + pub mod CVoteController { + pub const m_iActiveIssueIndex: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_iOnlyTeamToVote: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_nVoteOptionCount: usize = 0x4C8; // int32[5] + pub const m_nPotentialVotes: usize = 0x4DC; // int32 + pub const m_bIsYesNoVote: usize = 0x4E0; // bool + pub const m_acceptingVotesTimer: usize = 0x4E8; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_executeCommandTimer: usize = 0x500; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_resetVoteTimer: usize = 0x518; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_nVotesCast: usize = 0x530; // int32[64] + pub const m_playerHoldingVote: usize = 0x630; // CPlayerSlot + pub const m_playerOverrideForVote: usize = 0x634; // CPlayerSlot + pub const m_nHighestCountIndex: usize = 0x638; // int32 + pub const m_potentialIssues: usize = 0x640; // CUtlVector + pub const m_VoteOptions: usize = 0x658; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponCZ75a { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponP250 { + } + // Parent: CBaseAnimGraph + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flexWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vLookTargetPosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_blinktoggle (bool) + pub mod CBaseFlex { + pub const m_flexWeight: usize = 0x8E8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_vLookTargetPosition: usize = 0x900; // Vector + pub const m_blinktoggle: usize = 0x90C; // bool + pub const m_flAllowResponsesEndTime: usize = 0x960; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flLastFlexAnimationTime: usize = 0x964; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nNextSceneEventId: usize = 0x968; // SceneEventId_t + pub const m_bUpdateLayerPriorities: usize = 0x96C; // bool + } + // Parent: CTriggerHurt + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CScriptTriggerHurt { + pub const m_vExtent: usize = 0x980; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerWeaponVData + // Fields count: 92 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + // MPropertySuppressBaseClassField + pub mod CCSWeaponBaseVData { + pub const m_WeaponType: usize = 0x250; // CSWeaponType + pub const m_WeaponCategory: usize = 0x254; // CSWeaponCategory + pub const m_szViewModel: usize = 0x258; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szPlayerModel: usize = 0x338; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szWorldDroppedModel: usize = 0x418; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szAimsightLensMaskModel: usize = 0x4F8; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szMagazineModel: usize = 0x5D8; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szHeatEffect: usize = 0x6B8; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szEjectBrassEffect: usize = 0x798; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szMuzzleFlashParticleAlt: usize = 0x878; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticle: usize = 0x958; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticleAlt: usize = 0xA38; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_szTracerParticle: usize = 0xB18; // CResourceNameTyped> + pub const m_GearSlot: usize = 0xBF8; // gear_slot_t + pub const m_GearSlotPosition: usize = 0xBFC; // int32 + pub const m_DefaultLoadoutSlot: usize = 0xC00; // loadout_slot_t + pub const m_sWrongTeamMsg: usize = 0xC08; // CUtlString + pub const m_nPrice: usize = 0xC10; // int32 + pub const m_nKillAward: usize = 0xC14; // int32 + pub const m_nPrimaryReserveAmmoMax: usize = 0xC18; // int32 + pub const m_nSecondaryReserveAmmoMax: usize = 0xC1C; // int32 + pub const m_bMeleeWeapon: usize = 0xC20; // bool + pub const m_bHasBurstMode: usize = 0xC21; // bool + pub const m_bIsRevolver: usize = 0xC22; // bool + pub const m_bCannotShootUnderwater: usize = 0xC23; // bool + pub const m_szName: usize = 0xC28; // CGlobalSymbol + pub const m_szAnimExtension: usize = 0xC30; // CUtlString + pub const m_eSilencerType: usize = 0xC38; // CSWeaponSilencerType + pub const m_nCrosshairMinDistance: usize = 0xC3C; // int32 + pub const m_nCrosshairDeltaDistance: usize = 0xC40; // int32 + pub const m_bIsFullAuto: usize = 0xC44; // bool + pub const m_nNumBullets: usize = 0xC48; // int32 + pub const m_flCycleTime: usize = 0xC4C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flMaxSpeed: usize = 0xC54; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flSpread: usize = 0xC5C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyCrouch: usize = 0xC64; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyStand: usize = 0xC6C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyJump: usize = 0xC74; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyLand: usize = 0xC7C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyLadder: usize = 0xC84; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyFire: usize = 0xC8C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flInaccuracyMove: usize = 0xC94; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flRecoilAngle: usize = 0xC9C; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flRecoilAngleVariance: usize = 0xCA4; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flRecoilMagnitude: usize = 0xCAC; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_flRecoilMagnitudeVariance: usize = 0xCB4; // CFiringModeFloat + pub const m_nTracerFrequency: usize = 0xCBC; // CFiringModeInt + pub const m_flInaccuracyJumpInitial: usize = 0xCC4; // float32 + pub const m_flInaccuracyJumpApex: usize = 0xCC8; // float32 + pub const m_flInaccuracyReload: usize = 0xCCC; // float32 + pub const m_nRecoilSeed: usize = 0xCD0; // int32 + pub const m_nSpreadSeed: usize = 0xCD4; // int32 + pub const m_flTimeToIdleAfterFire: usize = 0xCD8; // float32 + pub const m_flIdleInterval: usize = 0xCDC; // float32 + pub const m_flAttackMovespeedFactor: usize = 0xCE0; // float32 + pub const m_flHeatPerShot: usize = 0xCE4; // float32 + pub const m_flInaccuracyPitchShift: usize = 0xCE8; // float32 + pub const m_flInaccuracyAltSoundThreshold: usize = 0xCEC; // float32 + pub const m_flBotAudibleRange: usize = 0xCF0; // float32 + pub const m_szUseRadioSubtitle: usize = 0xCF8; // CUtlString + pub const m_bUnzoomsAfterShot: usize = 0xD00; // bool + pub const m_bHideViewModelWhenZoomed: usize = 0xD01; // bool + pub const m_nZoomLevels: usize = 0xD04; // int32 + pub const m_nZoomFOV1: usize = 0xD08; // int32 + pub const m_nZoomFOV2: usize = 0xD0C; // int32 + pub const m_flZoomTime0: usize = 0xD10; // float32 + pub const m_flZoomTime1: usize = 0xD14; // float32 + pub const m_flZoomTime2: usize = 0xD18; // float32 + pub const m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed: usize = 0xD1C; // float32 + pub const m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed: usize = 0xD20; // float32 + pub const m_flIronSightFOV: usize = 0xD24; // float32 + pub const m_flIronSightPivotForward: usize = 0xD28; // float32 + pub const m_flIronSightLooseness: usize = 0xD2C; // float32 + pub const m_angPivotAngle: usize = 0xD30; // QAngle + pub const m_vecIronSightEyePos: usize = 0xD3C; // Vector + pub const m_nDamage: usize = 0xD48; // int32 + pub const m_flHeadshotMultiplier: usize = 0xD4C; // float32 + pub const m_flArmorRatio: usize = 0xD50; // float32 + pub const m_flPenetration: usize = 0xD54; // float32 + pub const m_flRange: usize = 0xD58; // float32 + pub const m_flRangeModifier: usize = 0xD5C; // float32 + pub const m_flFlinchVelocityModifierLarge: usize = 0xD60; // float32 + pub const m_flFlinchVelocityModifierSmall: usize = 0xD64; // float32 + pub const m_flRecoveryTimeCrouch: usize = 0xD68; // float32 + pub const m_flRecoveryTimeStand: usize = 0xD6C; // float32 + pub const m_flRecoveryTimeCrouchFinal: usize = 0xD70; // float32 + pub const m_flRecoveryTimeStandFinal: usize = 0xD74; // float32 + pub const m_nRecoveryTransitionStartBullet: usize = 0xD78; // int32 + pub const m_nRecoveryTransitionEndBullet: usize = 0xD7C; // int32 + pub const m_flThrowVelocity: usize = 0xD80; // float32 + pub const m_vSmokeColor: usize = 0xD84; // Vector + pub const m_szAnimClass: usize = 0xD90; // CGlobalSymbol + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CMathColorBlend { + pub const m_flInMin: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flInMax: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_OutColor1: usize = 0x4C8; // Color + pub const m_OutColor2: usize = 0x4CC; // Color + pub const m_OutValue: usize = 0x4D0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iszOverlayNames (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flOverlayTimes (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iDesiredOverlay (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsActive (bool) + pub mod CEnvScreenOverlay { + pub const m_iszOverlayNames: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge[10] + pub const m_flOverlayTimes: usize = 0x510; // float32[10] + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x538; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iDesiredOverlay: usize = 0x53C; // int32 + pub const m_bIsActive: usize = 0x540; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSPlayerPawnBase + // Fields count: 118 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkVarTypeOverride + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBulletServices (CCSPlayer_BulletServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pHostageServices (CCSPlayer_HostageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pBuyServices (CCSPlayer_BuyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasFemaleVoice (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szLastPlaceName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBuyZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInHostageRescueZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInBombZone (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOffering (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesOfferingCard (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRetakesMVPLastRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility (loadout_slot_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchAngleVel (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickBase (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_aimPunchTickFraction (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsBuyMenuOpen (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeOfLastInjury (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNextSprayDecalTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRagdollDamageBone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamageForce (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollDamagePosition (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName (char) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vRagdollServerOrigin (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_EconGloves (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEconGlovesChanged (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_qDeathEyeAngles (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bLeftHanded (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fSwitchedHandednessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetX (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetY (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelOffsetZ (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flViewmodelFOV (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsWalking (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nLastKillerIndex (CEntityIndex) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsScoped (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bResumeZoom (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsDefusing (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsGrabbingHostage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress (CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flEmitSoundTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInNoDefuseArea (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nWhichBombZone (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iShotsFired (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFlinchStack (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flVelocityModifier (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flHitHeading (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHitBodyPart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWaitForNoAttack (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bKilledByHeadshot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_thirdPersonHeading (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlopeDropOffset (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSlopeDropHeight (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vHeadConstraintOffset (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ArmorValue (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unCurrentEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_GunGameImmunityColor (Color) + // NetworkVarNames: m_PredictedDamageTags (PredictedDamageTag_t) + pub mod CCSPlayerPawn { + pub const m_pBulletServices: usize = 0xD18; // CCSPlayer_BulletServices* + pub const m_pHostageServices: usize = 0xD20; // CCSPlayer_HostageServices* + pub const m_pBuyServices: usize = 0xD28; // CCSPlayer_BuyServices* + pub const m_pActionTrackingServices: usize = 0xD30; // CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices* + pub const m_pRadioServices: usize = 0xD38; // CCSPlayer_RadioServices* + pub const m_pDamageReactServices: usize = 0xD40; // CCSPlayer_DamageReactServices* + pub const m_nCharacterDefIndex: usize = 0xD48; // uint16 + pub const m_bHasFemaleVoice: usize = 0xD4A; // bool + pub const m_strVOPrefix: usize = 0xD50; // CUtlString + pub const m_szLastPlaceName: usize = 0xD58; // char[18] + pub const m_bInHostageResetZone: usize = 0xE18; // bool + pub const m_bInBuyZone: usize = 0xE19; // bool + pub const m_TouchingBuyZones: usize = 0xE20; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_bWasInBuyZone: usize = 0xE38; // bool + pub const m_bInHostageRescueZone: usize = 0xE39; // bool + pub const m_bInBombZone: usize = 0xE3A; // bool + pub const m_bWasInHostageRescueZone: usize = 0xE3B; // bool + pub const m_iRetakesOffering: usize = 0xE3C; // int32 + pub const m_iRetakesOfferingCard: usize = 0xE40; // int32 + pub const m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit: usize = 0xE44; // bool + pub const m_bRetakesMVPLastRound: usize = 0xE45; // bool + pub const m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem: usize = 0xE48; // int32 + pub const m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility: usize = 0xE4C; // loadout_slot_t + pub const m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime: usize = 0xE50; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flLandingTimeSeconds: usize = 0xE54; // float32 + pub const m_aimPunchAngle: usize = 0xE58; // QAngle + pub const m_aimPunchAngleVel: usize = 0xE64; // QAngle + pub const m_aimPunchTickBase: usize = 0xE70; // int32 + pub const m_aimPunchTickFraction: usize = 0xE74; // float32 + pub const m_aimPunchCache: usize = 0xE78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_bIsBuyMenuOpen: usize = 0xE90; // bool + pub const m_xLastHeadBoneTransform: usize = 0x14D0; // CTransform + pub const m_bLastHeadBoneTransformIsValid: usize = 0x14F0; // bool + pub const m_lastLandTime: usize = 0x14F4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bOnGroundLastTick: usize = 0x14F8; // bool + pub const m_iPlayerLocked: usize = 0x14FC; // int32 + pub const m_flTimeOfLastInjury: usize = 0x1504; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flNextSprayDecalTime: usize = 0x1508; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bNextSprayDecalTimeExpedited: usize = 0x150C; // bool + pub const m_nRagdollDamageBone: usize = 0x1510; // int32 + pub const m_vRagdollDamageForce: usize = 0x1514; // Vector + pub const m_vRagdollDamagePosition: usize = 0x1520; // Vector + pub const m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName: usize = 0x152C; // char[64] + pub const m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot: usize = 0x156C; // bool + pub const m_vRagdollServerOrigin: usize = 0x1570; // Vector + pub const m_EconGloves: usize = 0x1580; // CEconItemView + pub const m_nEconGlovesChanged: usize = 0x17F8; // uint8 + pub const m_qDeathEyeAngles: usize = 0x17FC; // QAngle + pub const m_bSkipOneHeadConstraintUpdate: usize = 0x1808; // bool + pub const m_bLeftHanded: usize = 0x1809; // bool + pub const m_fSwitchedHandednessTime: usize = 0x180C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flViewmodelOffsetX: usize = 0x1810; // float32 + pub const m_flViewmodelOffsetY: usize = 0x1814; // float32 + pub const m_flViewmodelOffsetZ: usize = 0x1818; // float32 + pub const m_flViewmodelFOV: usize = 0x181C; // float32 + pub const m_bIsWalking: usize = 0x1820; // bool + pub const m_fLastGivenDefuserTime: usize = 0x1824; // float32 + pub const m_fLastGivenBombTime: usize = 0x1828; // float32 + pub const m_flDealtDamageToEnemyMostRecentTimestamp: usize = 0x182C; // float32 + pub const m_iDisplayHistoryBits: usize = 0x1830; // uint32 + pub const m_flLastAttackedTeammate: usize = 0x1834; // float32 + pub const m_allowAutoFollowTime: usize = 0x1838; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bResetArmorNextSpawn: usize = 0x183C; // bool + pub const m_nLastKillerIndex: usize = 0x1840; // CEntityIndex + pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0x1848; // EntitySpottedState_t + pub const m_nSpotRules: usize = 0x1860; // int32 + pub const m_bIsScoped: usize = 0x1864; // bool + pub const m_bResumeZoom: usize = 0x1865; // bool + pub const m_bIsDefusing: usize = 0x1866; // bool + pub const m_bIsGrabbingHostage: usize = 0x1867; // bool + pub const m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress: usize = 0x1868; // CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t + pub const m_flEmitSoundTime: usize = 0x186C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bInNoDefuseArea: usize = 0x1870; // bool + pub const m_iBombSiteIndex: usize = 0x1874; // CEntityIndex + pub const m_nWhichBombZone: usize = 0x1878; // int32 + pub const m_bInBombZoneTrigger: usize = 0x187C; // bool + pub const m_bWasInBombZoneTrigger: usize = 0x187D; // bool + pub const m_iShotsFired: usize = 0x1880; // int32 + pub const m_flFlinchStack: usize = 0x1884; // float32 + pub const m_flVelocityModifier: usize = 0x1888; // float32 + pub const m_flHitHeading: usize = 0x188C; // float32 + pub const m_nHitBodyPart: usize = 0x1890; // int32 + pub const m_vecTotalBulletForce: usize = 0x1894; // Vector + pub const m_bWaitForNoAttack: usize = 0x18A0; // bool + pub const m_ignoreLadderJumpTime: usize = 0x18A4; // float32 + pub const m_bKilledByHeadshot: usize = 0x18A8; // bool + pub const m_LastHitBox: usize = 0x18AC; // int32 + pub const m_LastHealth: usize = 0x18B0; // int32 + pub const m_pBot: usize = 0x18B8; // CCSBot* + pub const m_bBotAllowActive: usize = 0x18C0; // bool + pub const m_thirdPersonHeading: usize = 0x18C4; // QAngle + pub const m_flSlopeDropOffset: usize = 0x18D0; // float32 + pub const m_flSlopeDropHeight: usize = 0x18D4; // float32 + pub const m_vHeadConstraintOffset: usize = 0x18D8; // Vector + pub const m_nLastPickupPriority: usize = 0x18E4; // int32 + pub const m_flLastPickupPriorityTime: usize = 0x18E8; // float32 + pub const m_ArmorValue: usize = 0x18EC; // int32 + pub const m_unCurrentEquipmentValue: usize = 0x18F0; // uint16 + pub const m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue: usize = 0x18F2; // uint16 + pub const m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue: usize = 0x18F4; // uint16 + pub const m_iLastWeaponFireUsercmd: usize = 0x18F8; // int32 + pub const m_bIsSpawning: usize = 0x18FC; // bool + pub const m_iDeathFlags: usize = 0x1908; // int32 + pub const m_bHasDeathInfo: usize = 0x190C; // bool + pub const m_flDeathInfoTime: usize = 0x1910; // float32 + pub const m_vecDeathInfoOrigin: usize = 0x1914; // Vector + pub const m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices: usize = 0x1920; // uint32[5] + pub const m_GunGameImmunityColor: usize = 0x1934; // Color + pub const m_grenadeParameterStashTime: usize = 0x1938; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bGrenadeParametersStashed: usize = 0x193C; // bool + pub const m_angStashedShootAngles: usize = 0x1940; // QAngle + pub const m_vecStashedGrenadeThrowPosition: usize = 0x194C; // Vector + pub const m_vecStashedVelocity: usize = 0x1958; // Vector + pub const m_angShootAngleHistory: usize = 0x1964; // QAngle[2] + pub const m_vecThrowPositionHistory: usize = 0x197C; // Vector[2] + pub const m_vecVelocityHistory: usize = 0x1994; // Vector[2] + pub const m_PredictedDamageTags: usize = 0x19B0; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + pub const m_nHighestAppliedDamageTagTick: usize = 0x1A00; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CBumpMineProjectile { + } + // Parent: CBasePlayerController + // Fields count: 86 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInGameMoneyServices (CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pInventoryServices (CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pActionTrackingServices (CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pDamageServices (CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPing (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCrosshairCodes (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPendingTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flForceTeamTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompTeammateColor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEverPlayedOnTeam (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szClan (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCoachingTeam (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominated (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPlayerDominatingMe (uint64) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRanking (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveWins (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankType (int8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nEndMatchNextMapVote (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unActiveQuestId (uint16) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nQuestProgressReason (QuestProgress::Reason) + // NetworkVarNames: m_unPlayerTvControlFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nDisconnectionTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bControllingBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHasControlledBotThisRound (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bCanControlObservedBot (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPlayerPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hObserverPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnIsAlive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnHealth (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnArmor (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasDefuser (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bPawnHasHelmet (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeStart (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnLifetimeEnd (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iPawnBotDifficulty (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iScore (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecKills (EKillTypes_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMvpNoMusic (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_eMvpReason (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitID (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMusicKitMVPs (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMVPs (int) + pub mod CCSPlayerController { + pub const m_pInGameMoneyServices: usize = 0x768; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices* + pub const m_pInventoryServices: usize = 0x770; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices* + pub const m_pActionTrackingServices: usize = 0x778; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices* + pub const m_pDamageServices: usize = 0x780; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices* + pub const m_iPing: usize = 0x788; // uint32 + pub const m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute: usize = 0x78C; // bool + pub const m_szCrosshairCodes: usize = 0x790; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iPendingTeamNum: usize = 0x798; // uint8 + pub const m_flForceTeamTime: usize = 0x79C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iCompTeammateColor: usize = 0x7A0; // int32 + pub const m_bEverPlayedOnTeam: usize = 0x7A4; // bool + pub const m_bAttemptedToGetColor: usize = 0x7A5; // bool + pub const m_iTeammatePreferredColor: usize = 0x7A8; // int32 + pub const m_bTeamChanged: usize = 0x7AC; // bool + pub const m_bInSwitchTeam: usize = 0x7AD; // bool + pub const m_bHasSeenJoinGame: usize = 0x7AE; // bool + pub const m_bJustBecameSpectator: usize = 0x7AF; // bool + pub const m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset: usize = 0x7B0; // bool + pub const m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset: usize = 0x7B1; // bool + pub const m_szClan: usize = 0x7B8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_szClanName: usize = 0x7C0; // char[32] + pub const m_iCoachingTeam: usize = 0x7E0; // int32 + pub const m_nPlayerDominated: usize = 0x7E8; // uint64 + pub const m_nPlayerDominatingMe: usize = 0x7F0; // uint64 + pub const m_iCompetitiveRanking: usize = 0x7F8; // int32 + pub const m_iCompetitiveWins: usize = 0x7FC; // int32 + pub const m_iCompetitiveRankType: usize = 0x800; // int8 + pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win: usize = 0x804; // int32 + pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss: usize = 0x808; // int32 + pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie: usize = 0x80C; // int32 + pub const m_nEndMatchNextMapVote: usize = 0x810; // int32 + pub const m_unActiveQuestId: usize = 0x814; // uint16 + pub const m_nQuestProgressReason: usize = 0x818; // QuestProgress::Reason + pub const m_unPlayerTvControlFlags: usize = 0x81C; // uint32 + pub const m_iDraftIndex: usize = 0x848; // int32 + pub const m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp: usize = 0x84C; // uint32 + pub const m_uiAbandonRecordedReason: usize = 0x850; // uint32 + pub const m_bCannotBeKicked: usize = 0x854; // bool + pub const m_bEverFullyConnected: usize = 0x855; // bool + pub const m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender: usize = 0x856; // bool + pub const m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender: usize = 0x857; // bool + pub const m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted: usize = 0x858; // bool + pub const m_bScoreReported: usize = 0x859; // bool + pub const m_nDisconnectionTick: usize = 0x85C; // int32 + pub const m_bControllingBot: usize = 0x868; // bool + pub const m_bHasControlledBotThisRound: usize = 0x869; // bool + pub const m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound: usize = 0x86A; // bool + pub const m_nBotsControlledThisRound: usize = 0x86C; // int32 + pub const m_bCanControlObservedBot: usize = 0x870; // bool + pub const m_hPlayerPawn: usize = 0x874; // CHandle + pub const m_hObserverPawn: usize = 0x878; // CHandle + pub const m_DesiredObserverMode: usize = 0x87C; // int32 + pub const m_hDesiredObserverTarget: usize = 0x880; // CEntityHandle + pub const m_bPawnIsAlive: usize = 0x884; // bool + pub const m_iPawnHealth: usize = 0x888; // uint32 + pub const m_iPawnArmor: usize = 0x88C; // int32 + pub const m_bPawnHasDefuser: usize = 0x890; // bool + pub const m_bPawnHasHelmet: usize = 0x891; // bool + pub const m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex: usize = 0x892; // uint16 + pub const m_iPawnLifetimeStart: usize = 0x894; // int32 + pub const m_iPawnLifetimeEnd: usize = 0x898; // int32 + pub const m_iPawnBotDifficulty: usize = 0x89C; // int32 + pub const m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn: usize = 0x8A0; // CHandle + pub const m_iScore: usize = 0x8A4; // int32 + pub const m_iRoundScore: usize = 0x8A8; // int32 + pub const m_iRoundsWon: usize = 0x8AC; // int32 + pub const m_vecKills: usize = 0x8B0; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_bMvpNoMusic: usize = 0x8C8; // bool + pub const m_eMvpReason: usize = 0x8CC; // int32 + pub const m_iMusicKitID: usize = 0x8D0; // int32 + pub const m_iMusicKitMVPs: usize = 0x8D4; // int32 + pub const m_iMVPs: usize = 0x8D8; // int32 + pub const m_nUpdateCounter: usize = 0x8DC; // int32 + pub const m_flSmoothedPing: usize = 0x8E0; // float32 + pub const m_lastHeldVoteTimer: usize = 0xF988; // IntervalTimer + pub const m_bShowHints: usize = 0xF9A0; // bool + pub const m_iNextTimeCheck: usize = 0xF9A4; // int32 + pub const m_bJustDidTeamKill: usize = 0xF9A8; // bool + pub const m_bPunishForTeamKill: usize = 0xF9A9; // bool + pub const m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning: usize = 0xF9AA; // bool + pub const m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound: usize = 0xF9AB; // bool + pub const m_dblLastReceivedPacketPlatFloatTime: usize = 0xF9B0; // float64 + pub const m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime: usize = 0xF9B8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_LastTimePlayerWasDisconnectedForPawnsRemove: usize = 0xF9BC; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nSuspiciousHitCount: usize = 0xF9C0; // uint32 + pub const m_nNonSuspiciousHitStreak: usize = 0xF9C4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: IEconItemInterface + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemDefinitionIndex (item_definition_index_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityQuality (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iEntityLevel (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDHigh (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iItemIDLow (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iAccountID (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iInventoryPosition (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bInitialized (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_AttributeList (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes (CAttributeList) + // NetworkVarNames: m_szCustomName (char) + pub mod CEconItemView { + pub const m_iItemDefinitionIndex: usize = 0x38; // uint16 + pub const m_iEntityQuality: usize = 0x3C; // int32 + pub const m_iEntityLevel: usize = 0x40; // uint32 + pub const m_iItemID: usize = 0x48; // uint64 + pub const m_iItemIDHigh: usize = 0x50; // uint32 + pub const m_iItemIDLow: usize = 0x54; // uint32 + pub const m_iAccountID: usize = 0x58; // uint32 + pub const m_iInventoryPosition: usize = 0x5C; // uint32 + pub const m_bInitialized: usize = 0x68; // bool + pub const m_AttributeList: usize = 0x70; // CAttributeList + pub const m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes: usize = 0xD0; // CAttributeList + pub const m_szCustomName: usize = 0x130; // char[161] + pub const m_szCustomNameOverride: usize = 0x1D1; // char[161] + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CInfoInstructorHintBombTargetA { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponAWP { + } + // Parent: CBaseCombatCharacter + // Fields count: 25 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWeaponServices (CPlayer_WeaponServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pItemServices (CPlayer_ItemServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pAutoaimServices (CPlayer_AutoaimServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pObserverServices (CPlayer_ObserverServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pWaterServices (CPlayer_WaterServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pUseServices (CPlayer_UseServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pFlashlightServices (CPlayer_FlashlightServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pCameraServices (CPlayer_CameraServices*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_pMovementServices (CPlayer_MovementServices*) + // MNetworkUserGroupProxy + // NetworkVarNames: m_ServerViewAngleChanges (ViewAngleServerChange_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHideHUD (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_skybox3d (sky3dparams_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDeathTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hController (CHandle) + pub mod CBasePlayerPawn { + pub const m_pWeaponServices: usize = 0xA08; // CPlayer_WeaponServices* + pub const m_pItemServices: usize = 0xA10; // CPlayer_ItemServices* + pub const m_pAutoaimServices: usize = 0xA18; // CPlayer_AutoaimServices* + pub const m_pObserverServices: usize = 0xA20; // CPlayer_ObserverServices* + pub const m_pWaterServices: usize = 0xA28; // CPlayer_WaterServices* + pub const m_pUseServices: usize = 0xA30; // CPlayer_UseServices* + pub const m_pFlashlightServices: usize = 0xA38; // CPlayer_FlashlightServices* + pub const m_pCameraServices: usize = 0xA40; // CPlayer_CameraServices* + pub const m_pMovementServices: usize = 0xA48; // CPlayer_MovementServices* + pub const m_ServerViewAngleChanges: usize = 0xA58; // CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar + pub const m_nHighestGeneratedServerViewAngleChangeIndex: usize = 0xAA8; // uint32 + pub const v_angle: usize = 0xAAC; // QAngle + pub const v_anglePrevious: usize = 0xAB8; // QAngle + pub const m_iHideHUD: usize = 0xAC4; // uint32 + pub const m_skybox3d: usize = 0xAC8; // sky3dparams_t + pub const m_fTimeLastHurt: usize = 0xB58; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDeathTime: usize = 0xB5C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fNextSuicideTime: usize = 0xB60; // GameTime_t + pub const m_fInitHUD: usize = 0xB64; // bool + pub const m_pExpresser: usize = 0xB68; // CAI_Expresser* + pub const m_hController: usize = 0xB70; // CHandle + pub const m_fHltvReplayDelay: usize = 0xB78; // float32 + pub const m_fHltvReplayEnd: usize = 0xB7C; // float32 + pub const m_iHltvReplayEntity: usize = 0xB80; // CEntityIndex + pub const m_sndOpvarLatchData: usize = 0xB88; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 16 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hPostSettings (HPostProcessingStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeDuration (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxLogExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMinExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxExposure (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureCompensation (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExposureControl (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRate (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentTarget (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum (float) + pub mod CPostProcessingVolume { + pub const m_hPostSettings: usize = 0x8F0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flFadeDuration: usize = 0x8F8; // float32 + pub const m_flMinLogExposure: usize = 0x8FC; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxLogExposure: usize = 0x900; // float32 + pub const m_flMinExposure: usize = 0x904; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxExposure: usize = 0x908; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureCompensation: usize = 0x90C; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp: usize = 0x910; // float32 + pub const m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown: usize = 0x914; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange: usize = 0x918; // float32 + pub const m_bMaster: usize = 0x91C; // bool + pub const m_bExposureControl: usize = 0x91D; // bool + pub const m_flRate: usize = 0x920; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapPercentTarget: usize = 0x924; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels: usize = 0x928; // float32 + pub const m_flTonemapMinAvgLum: usize = 0x92C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_flLightScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Radius (float32) + pub mod CSpotlightEnd { + pub const m_flLightScale: usize = 0x710; // float32 + pub const m_Radius: usize = 0x714; // float32 + pub const m_vSpotlightDir: usize = 0x718; // Vector + pub const m_vSpotlightOrg: usize = 0x724; // Vector + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CRuleEntity { + pub const m_iszMaster: usize = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseCSGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CSensorGrenade { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nVariant (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nRandom (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nOrdinal (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_sWeaponName (CUtlString) + // NetworkVarNames: m_xuid (XUID) + // NetworkVarNames: m_agentItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_glovesItem (CEconItemView) + // NetworkVarNames: m_weaponItem (CEconItemView) + pub mod CCSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition { + pub const m_nVariant: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_nRandom: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_nOrdinal: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + pub const m_sWeaponName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlString + pub const m_xuid: usize = 0x4D8; // uint64 + pub const m_agentItem: usize = 0x4E0; // CEconItemView + pub const m_glovesItem: usize = 0x758; // CEconItemView + pub const m_weaponItem: usize = 0x9D0; // CEconItemView + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CTriggerDetectExplosion { + pub const m_OnDetectedExplosion: usize = 0x908; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CSoundStackSave { + pub const m_iszStackName: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CPhysConstraint + // Fields count: 18 + pub mod CPhysHinge { + pub const m_soundInfo: usize = 0x540; // ConstraintSoundInfo + pub const m_NotifyMinLimitReached: usize = 0x5C8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_NotifyMaxLimitReached: usize = 0x5F0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bAtMinLimit: usize = 0x618; // bool + pub const m_bAtMaxLimit: usize = 0x619; // bool + pub const m_hinge: usize = 0x61C; // constraint_hingeparams_t + pub const m_hingeFriction: usize = 0x65C; // float32 + pub const m_systemLoadScale: usize = 0x660; // float32 + pub const m_bIsAxisLocal: usize = 0x664; // bool + pub const m_flMinRotation: usize = 0x668; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxRotation: usize = 0x66C; // float32 + pub const m_flInitialRotation: usize = 0x670; // float32 + pub const m_flMotorFrequency: usize = 0x674; // float32 + pub const m_flMotorDampingRatio: usize = 0x678; // float32 + pub const m_flAngleSpeed: usize = 0x67C; // float32 + pub const m_flAngleSpeedThreshold: usize = 0x680; // float32 + pub const m_OnStartMoving: usize = 0x688; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnStopMoving: usize = 0x6B0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CGameRules + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CSingleplayRules { + pub const m_bSinglePlayerGameEnding: usize = 0xC0; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseFilter + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CFilterProximity { + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x518; // float32 + } + // Parent: CEconEntity + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CEconWearable { + pub const m_nForceSkin: usize = 0xC70; // int32 + pub const m_bAlwaysAllow: usize = 0xC74; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_ItemServices { + } + // Parent: CBaseModelEntity + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // MNetworkOverride + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTargetSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionStartTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTransitionDurationTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTransitionStartSpeed (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hConveyorModels (EHANDLE) + pub mod CFuncConveyor { + pub const m_szConveyorModels: usize = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flTransitionDurationSeconds: usize = 0x718; // float32 + pub const m_angMoveEntitySpace: usize = 0x71C; // QAngle + pub const m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace: usize = 0x728; // Vector + pub const m_flTargetSpeed: usize = 0x734; // float32 + pub const m_nTransitionStartTick: usize = 0x738; // GameTick_t + pub const m_nTransitionDurationTicks: usize = 0x73C; // int32 + pub const m_flTransitionStartSpeed: usize = 0x740; // float32 + pub const m_hConveyorModels: usize = 0x748; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase> + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponMag7 { + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 11 + pub mod CMathCounter { + pub const m_flMin: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flMax: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_bHitMin: usize = 0x4C8; // bool + pub const m_bHitMax: usize = 0x4C9; // bool + pub const m_bDisabled: usize = 0x4CA; // bool + pub const m_OutValue: usize = 0x4D0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnGetValue: usize = 0x4F8; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_OnHitMin: usize = 0x520; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnHitMax: usize = 0x548; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnChangedFromMin: usize = 0x570; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnChangedFromMax: usize = 0x598; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_worldName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_layerName (string_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bWorldLayerVisible (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEntitiesSpawned (bool) + pub mod CInfoWorldLayer { + pub const m_pOutputOnEntitiesSpawned: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_worldName: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_layerName: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_bWorldLayerVisible: usize = 0x4F8; // bool + pub const m_bEntitiesSpawned: usize = 0x4F9; // bool + pub const m_bCreateAsChildSpawnGroup: usize = 0x4FA; // bool + pub const m_hLayerSpawnGroup: usize = 0x4FC; // uint32 + } + // Parent: CBarnLight + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bShowLight (bool) + pub mod CRectLight { + pub const m_bShowLight: usize = 0x938; // bool + } + // Parent: CCSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSGO_TeamSelectTerroristPosition { + } + // Parent: CBaseDoor + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod CRotDoor { + pub const m_bSolidBsp: usize = 0x998; // bool + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CLogicLineToEntity { + pub const m_Line: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityOutputTemplate + pub const m_SourceName: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_StartEntity: usize = 0x4F0; // CHandle + pub const m_EndEntity: usize = 0x4F4; // CHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTotalPausedTicks (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nPauseStartTick (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bGamePaused (bool) + pub mod CGameRules { + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + pub const m_szQuestName: usize = 0x30; // char[128] + pub const m_nQuestPhase: usize = 0xB0; // int32 + pub const m_nTotalPausedTicks: usize = 0xB4; // int32 + pub const m_nPauseStartTick: usize = 0xB8; // int32 + pub const m_bGamePaused: usize = 0xBC; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_pEntity (CEntityIdentity*) + // NetworkVarNames: m_CScriptComponent (CScriptComponent::Storage_t) + pub mod CEntityInstance { + pub const m_iszPrivateVScripts: usize = 0x8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_pEntity: usize = 0x10; // CEntityIdentity* + pub const m_CScriptComponent: usize = 0x28; // CScriptComponent* + pub const m_bVisibleinPVS: usize = 0x30; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 18 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_hCubemapTexture (HRenderTextureStrong) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bMoveable (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nHandshake (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_nPriority (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_flDiffuseScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bStartDisabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_Entity_bEnabled (bool) + pub mod CEnvCubemap { + pub const m_Entity_hCubemapTexture: usize = 0x540; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_Entity_bCustomCubemapTexture: usize = 0x548; // bool + pub const m_Entity_flInfluenceRadius: usize = 0x54C; // float32 + pub const m_Entity_vBoxProjectMins: usize = 0x550; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_vBoxProjectMaxs: usize = 0x55C; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_bMoveable: usize = 0x568; // bool + pub const m_Entity_nHandshake: usize = 0x56C; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex: usize = 0x570; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_nPriority: usize = 0x574; // int32 + pub const m_Entity_flEdgeFadeDist: usize = 0x578; // float32 + pub const m_Entity_vEdgeFadeDists: usize = 0x57C; // Vector + pub const m_Entity_flDiffuseScale: usize = 0x588; // float32 + pub const m_Entity_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x58C; // bool + pub const m_Entity_bDefaultEnvMap: usize = 0x58D; // bool + pub const m_Entity_bDefaultSpecEnvMap: usize = 0x58E; // bool + pub const m_Entity_bIndoorCubeMap: usize = 0x58F; // bool + pub const m_Entity_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap: usize = 0x590; // bool + pub const m_Entity_bEnabled: usize = 0x5A0; // bool + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSPlayer_DamageReactServices { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t { + pub const unClass: usize = 0x28; // uint16 + pub const unSlot: usize = 0x2A; // uint16 + pub const unItemDefIdx: usize = 0x2C; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_nMatchSeed (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBlockersPresent (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bRoundInProgress (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iFirstSecondHalfRound (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iBombSite (int) + pub mod CRetakeGameRules { + pub const m_nMatchSeed: usize = 0xF8; // int32 + pub const m_bBlockersPresent: usize = 0xFC; // bool + pub const m_bRoundInProgress: usize = 0xFD; // bool + pub const m_iFirstSecondHalfRound: usize = 0x100; // int32 + pub const m_iBombSite: usize = 0x104; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByUserGroup + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeInDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFadeOutDuration (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flMaxWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bEnabled (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bMaster (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSide (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bExclusive (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MinFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MaxFalloff (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCurWeight (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_netlookupFilename (char) + pub mod CColorCorrection { + pub const m_flFadeInDuration: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeOutDuration: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFadeInWeight: usize = 0x4C8; // float32 + pub const m_flStartFadeOutWeight: usize = 0x4CC; // float32 + pub const m_flTimeStartFadeIn: usize = 0x4D0; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flTimeStartFadeOut: usize = 0x4D4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flMaxWeight: usize = 0x4D8; // float32 + pub const m_bStartDisabled: usize = 0x4DC; // bool + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x4DD; // bool + pub const m_bMaster: usize = 0x4DE; // bool + pub const m_bClientSide: usize = 0x4DF; // bool + pub const m_bExclusive: usize = 0x4E0; // bool + pub const m_MinFalloff: usize = 0x4E4; // float32 + pub const m_MaxFalloff: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_flCurWeight: usize = 0x4EC; // float32 + pub const m_netlookupFilename: usize = 0x4F0; // char[512] + pub const m_lookupFilename: usize = 0x6F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponElite { + } + // Parent: CSoundEventEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CSoundEventEntityAlias_snd_event_point { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseProvideFeatureTag + // MPulseLibraryBindings + pub mod CBaseEntityAPI { + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bStartedArming (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fArmedTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bBombPlacedAnimation (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlantingViaUse (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + pub mod CC4 { + pub const m_vecLastValidPlayerHeldPosition: usize = 0xE98; // Vector + pub const m_vecLastValidDroppedPosition: usize = 0xEA4; // Vector + pub const m_bDoValidDroppedPositionCheck: usize = 0xEB0; // bool + pub const m_bStartedArming: usize = 0xEB1; // bool + pub const m_fArmedTime: usize = 0xEB4; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bBombPlacedAnimation: usize = 0xEB8; // bool + pub const m_bIsPlantingViaUse: usize = 0xEB9; // bool + pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0xEC0; // EntitySpottedState_t + pub const m_nSpotRules: usize = 0xED8; // int32 + pub const m_bPlayedArmingBeeps: usize = 0xEDC; // bool[7] + pub const m_bBombPlanted: usize = 0xEE3; // bool + } + // Parent: CHostageRescueZoneShim + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CHostageRescueZone { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CPointPrefab { + pub const m_targetMapName: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_forceWorldGroupID: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_associatedRelayTargetName: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_fixupNames: usize = 0x4D8; // bool + pub const m_bLoadDynamic: usize = 0x4D9; // bool + pub const m_associatedRelayEntity: usize = 0x4DC; // CHandle + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 27 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsUsable (bool) + pub mod CBaseDoor { + pub const m_angMoveEntitySpace: usize = 0x7A0; // QAngle + pub const m_vecMoveDirParentSpace: usize = 0x7AC; // Vector + pub const m_ls: usize = 0x7B8; // locksound_t + pub const m_bForceClosed: usize = 0x7D8; // bool + pub const m_bDoorGroup: usize = 0x7D9; // bool + pub const m_bLocked: usize = 0x7DA; // bool + pub const m_bIgnoreDebris: usize = 0x7DB; // bool + pub const m_eSpawnPosition: usize = 0x7DC; // FuncDoorSpawnPos_t + pub const m_flBlockDamage: usize = 0x7E0; // float32 + pub const m_NoiseMoving: usize = 0x7E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_NoiseArrived: usize = 0x7F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_NoiseMovingClosed: usize = 0x7F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_NoiseArrivedClosed: usize = 0x800; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_ChainTarget: usize = 0x808; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_OnBlockedClosing: usize = 0x810; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnBlockedOpening: usize = 0x838; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnUnblockedClosing: usize = 0x860; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnUnblockedOpening: usize = 0x888; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFullyClosed: usize = 0x8B0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFullyOpen: usize = 0x8D8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnClose: usize = 0x900; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnOpen: usize = 0x928; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnLockedUse: usize = 0x950; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bLoopMoveSound: usize = 0x978; // bool + pub const m_bCreateNavObstacle: usize = 0x990; // bool + pub const m_isChaining: usize = 0x991; // bool + pub const m_bIsUsable: usize = 0x992; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 33 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_hParent (CGameSceneNodeHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecOrigin (CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_angRotation (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flScale (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_name (CUtlStringToken) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hierarchyAttachName (CUtlStringToken) + pub mod CGameSceneNode { + pub const m_nodeToWorld: usize = 0x10; // CTransform + pub const m_pOwner: usize = 0x30; // CEntityInstance* + pub const m_pParent: usize = 0x38; // CGameSceneNode* + pub const m_pChild: usize = 0x40; // CGameSceneNode* + pub const m_pNextSibling: usize = 0x48; // CGameSceneNode* + pub const m_hParent: usize = 0x78; // CGameSceneNodeHandle + pub const m_vecOrigin: usize = 0x88; // CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector + pub const m_angRotation: usize = 0xC0; // QAngle + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0xCC; // float32 + pub const m_vecAbsOrigin: usize = 0xD0; // Vector + pub const m_angAbsRotation: usize = 0xDC; // QAngle + pub const m_flAbsScale: usize = 0xE8; // float32 + pub const m_nParentAttachmentOrBone: usize = 0xEC; // int16 + pub const m_bDebugAbsOriginChanges: usize = 0xEE; // bool + pub const m_bDormant: usize = 0xEF; // bool + pub const m_bForceParentToBeNetworked: usize = 0xF0; // bool + pub const m_bDirtyHierarchy: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bDirtyBoneMergeInfo: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bNetworkedPositionChanged: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bNetworkedAnglesChanged: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bNetworkedScaleChanged: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bWillBeCallingPostDataUpdate: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_bBoneMergeFlex: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_nLatchAbsOrigin: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:2 + pub const m_bDirtyBoneMergeBoneToRoot: usize = 0x0; // bitfield:1 + pub const m_nHierarchicalDepth: usize = 0xF3; // uint8 + pub const m_nHierarchyType: usize = 0xF4; // uint8 + pub const m_nDoNotSetAnimTimeInInvalidatePhysicsCount: usize = 0xF5; // uint8 + pub const m_name: usize = 0xF8; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_hierarchyAttachName: usize = 0x138; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_flZOffset: usize = 0x13C; // float32 + pub const m_flClientLocalScale: usize = 0x140; // float32 + pub const m_vRenderOrigin: usize = 0x144; // Vector + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBase + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTablet { + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 7 + pub mod CTankTrainAI { + pub const m_hTrain: usize = 0x4C0; // CHandle + pub const m_hTargetEntity: usize = 0x4C4; // CHandle + pub const m_soundPlaying: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + pub const m_startSoundName: usize = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_engineSoundName: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_movementSoundName: usize = 0x4F0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_targetEntityName: usize = 0x4F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod CGameGibManager { + pub const m_bAllowNewGibs: usize = 0x4E0; // bool + pub const m_iCurrentMaxPieces: usize = 0x4E4; // int32 + pub const m_iMaxPieces: usize = 0x4E8; // int32 + pub const m_iLastFrame: usize = 0x4EC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CBasePulseGraphInstance + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MPulseInstanceDomainInfo + // MPulseDomainHookInfo + // MPulseLibraryBindings + // MPulseDomainOptInFeatureTag + pub mod CCSPointScript { + pub const m_pParent: usize = 0xF8; // CCSPointScriptEntity* + } + // Parent: CRagdollProp + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CRagdollPropAlias_physics_prop_ragdoll { + } + // Parent: CSprite + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSSprite { + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CFuncPropRespawnZone { + } + // Parent: CServerOnlyPointEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod SpawnPoint { + pub const m_iPriority: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x4C4; // bool + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CCSWeaponBaseGun + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CWeaponSCAR20 { + } + // Parent: CBaseGrenade + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTripWireFireProjectile { + } + // Parent: CFuncPlat + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod CFuncPlatRot { + pub const m_end: usize = 0x7C0; // QAngle + pub const m_start: usize = 0x7CC; // QAngle + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod CEnvSpark { + pub const m_flDelay: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_nMagnitude: usize = 0x4C4; // int32 + pub const m_nTrailLength: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x4CC; // int32 + pub const m_OnSpark: usize = 0x4D0; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPlayer_ObserverServices + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CCSObserver_ObserverServices { + } + // Parent: CPlayerPawnComponent + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CPlayer_AutoaimServices { + } + // Parent: CBasePlatTrain + // Fields count: 6 + pub mod CFuncTrain { + pub const m_hCurrentTarget: usize = 0x7B8; // CHandle + pub const m_activated: usize = 0x7BC; // bool + pub const m_hEnemy: usize = 0x7C0; // CHandle + pub const m_flBlockDamage: usize = 0x7C4; // float32 + pub const m_flNextBlockTime: usize = 0x7C8; // GameTime_t + pub const m_iszLastTarget: usize = 0x7D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + } + // Parent: CHostageExpresserShim + // Fields count: 39 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_entitySpottedState (EntitySpottedState_t) + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_vel (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_isRescued (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_jumpedThisFrame (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nHostageState (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_leader (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_reuseTimer (CountdownTimer) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bHandsHaveBeenCut (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hHostageGrabber (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flRescueStartTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGrabSuccessTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flDropStartTime (GameTime_t) + pub mod CHostage { + pub const m_OnHostageBeginGrab: usize = 0xA20; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFirstPickedUp: usize = 0xA48; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnDroppedNotRescued: usize = 0xA70; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnRescued: usize = 0xA98; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_entitySpottedState: usize = 0xAC0; // EntitySpottedState_t + pub const m_nSpotRules: usize = 0xAD8; // int32 + pub const m_uiHostageSpawnExclusionGroupMask: usize = 0xADC; // uint32 + pub const m_nHostageSpawnRandomFactor: usize = 0xAE0; // uint32 + pub const m_bRemove: usize = 0xAE4; // bool + pub const m_vel: usize = 0xAE8; // Vector + pub const m_isRescued: usize = 0xAF4; // bool + pub const m_jumpedThisFrame: usize = 0xAF5; // bool + pub const m_nHostageState: usize = 0xAF8; // int32 + pub const m_leader: usize = 0xAFC; // CHandle + pub const m_lastLeader: usize = 0xB00; // CHandle + pub const m_reuseTimer: usize = 0xB08; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_hasBeenUsed: usize = 0xB20; // bool + pub const m_accel: usize = 0xB24; // Vector + pub const m_isRunning: usize = 0xB30; // bool + pub const m_isCrouching: usize = 0xB31; // bool + pub const m_jumpTimer: usize = 0xB38; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_isWaitingForLeader: usize = 0xB50; // bool + pub const m_repathTimer: usize = 0x2B60; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_inhibitDoorTimer: usize = 0x2B78; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_inhibitObstacleAvoidanceTimer: usize = 0x2C08; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_wiggleTimer: usize = 0x2C28; // CountdownTimer + pub const m_isAdjusted: usize = 0x2C44; // bool + pub const m_bHandsHaveBeenCut: usize = 0x2C45; // bool + pub const m_hHostageGrabber: usize = 0x2C48; // CHandle + pub const m_fLastGrabTime: usize = 0x2C4C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_vecPositionWhenStartedDroppingToGround: usize = 0x2C50; // Vector + pub const m_vecGrabbedPos: usize = 0x2C5C; // Vector + pub const m_flRescueStartTime: usize = 0x2C68; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flGrabSuccessTime: usize = 0x2C6C; // GameTime_t + pub const m_flDropStartTime: usize = 0x2C70; // GameTime_t + pub const m_nApproachRewardPayouts: usize = 0x2C74; // int32 + pub const m_nPickupEventCount: usize = 0x2C78; // int32 + pub const m_vecSpawnGroundPos: usize = 0x2C7C; // Vector + pub const m_vecHostageResetPosition: usize = 0x2C9C; // Vector + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 13 + pub mod CNavLinkAreaEntity { + pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0x4C0; // float32 + pub const m_vLocatorOffset: usize = 0x4C4; // Vector + pub const m_qLocatorAnglesOffset: usize = 0x4D0; // QAngle + pub const m_strMovementForward: usize = 0x4E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_strMovementReverse: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_nNavLinkIdForward: usize = 0x4F0; // int32 + pub const m_nNavLinkIdReverse: usize = 0x4F4; // int32 + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x4F8; // bool + pub const m_strFilterName: usize = 0x500; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hFilter: usize = 0x508; // CHandle + pub const m_OnNavLinkStart: usize = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnNavLinkFinish: usize = 0x538; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bIsTerminus: usize = 0x560; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseToggle + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkIncludeByName + // MNetworkOverride + pub mod CFuncMoveLinear { + pub const m_authoredPosition: usize = 0x790; // MoveLinearAuthoredPos_t + pub const m_angMoveEntitySpace: usize = 0x794; // QAngle + pub const m_vecMoveDirParentSpace: usize = 0x7A0; // Vector + pub const m_soundStart: usize = 0x7B0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_soundStop: usize = 0x7B8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_currentSound: usize = 0x7C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flBlockDamage: usize = 0x7C8; // float32 + pub const m_flStartPosition: usize = 0x7CC; // float32 + pub const m_OnFullyOpen: usize = 0x7D8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnFullyClosed: usize = 0x800; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_bCreateMovableNavMesh: usize = 0x828; // bool + pub const m_bCreateNavObstacle: usize = 0x829; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseEntity + // Fields count: 3 + pub mod CCommentaryAuto { + pub const m_OnCommentaryNewGame: usize = 0x4C0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnCommentaryMidGame: usize = 0x4E8; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnCommentaryMultiplayerSpawn: usize = 0x510; // CEntityIOOutput + } + // Parent: CPointEntity + // Fields count: 8 + pub mod CMapInfo { + pub const m_iBuyingStatus: usize = 0x4C0; // int32 + pub const m_flBombRadius: usize = 0x4C4; // float32 + pub const m_iPetPopulation: usize = 0x4C8; // int32 + pub const m_bUseNormalSpawnsForDM: usize = 0x4CC; // bool + pub const m_bDisableAutoGeneratedDMSpawns: usize = 0x4CD; // bool + pub const m_flBotMaxVisionDistance: usize = 0x4D0; // float32 + pub const m_iHostageCount: usize = 0x4D4; // int32 + pub const m_bFadePlayerVisibilityFarZ: usize = 0x4D8; // bool + } + // Parent: CBaseTrigger + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod CTriggerBombReset { + } + // Parent: CEntityInstance + // Fields count: 77 + // + // Metadata: + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByUserGroup + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // MNetworkExcludeByName + // NetworkVarNames: m_CBodyComponent (CBodyComponent::Storage_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iMaxHealth (int32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_lifeState (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bTakesDamage (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nTakeDamageFlags (TakeDamageFlags_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bIsPlatform (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveCollide (MoveCollide_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_MoveType (MoveType_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nSubclassID (EntitySubclassID_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flAnimTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSimulationTime (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flCreateTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bClientSideRagdoll (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_ubInterpolationFrame (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_iTeamNum (uint8) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flSpeed (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_spawnflags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nNextThinkTick (GameTick_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fFlags (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecVelocity (CNetworkVelocityVector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_vecBaseVelocity (Vector) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hEffectEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwnerEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_fEffects (uint32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hGroundEntity (CHandle) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nGroundBodyIndex (int) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flFriction (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flElasticity (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flGravityScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flTimeScale (float32) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flWaterLevel (float) + // NetworkVarNames: m_bAnimatedEveryTick (bool) + // NetworkVarNames: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (GameTime_t) + // NetworkVarNames: m_nBloodType (BloodType) + pub mod CBaseEntity { + pub const m_CBodyComponent: usize = 0x38; // CBodyComponent* + pub const m_NetworkTransmitComponent: usize = 0x40; // CNetworkTransmitComponent + pub const m_aThinkFunctions: usize = 0x220; // CUtlVector + pub const m_iCurrentThinkContext: usize = 0x238; // int32 + pub const m_nLastThinkTick: usize = 0x23C; // GameTick_t + pub const m_bDisabledContextThinks: usize = 0x240; // bool + pub const m_isSteadyState: usize = 0x250; // CBitVec<64> + pub const m_lastNetworkChange: usize = 0x258; // float32 + pub const m_ResponseContexts: usize = 0x268; // CUtlVector + pub const m_iszResponseContext: usize = 0x280; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iHealth: usize = 0x2A8; // int32 + pub const m_iMaxHealth: usize = 0x2AC; // int32 + pub const m_lifeState: usize = 0x2B0; // uint8 + pub const m_flDamageAccumulator: usize = 0x2B4; // float32 + pub const m_bTakesDamage: usize = 0x2B8; // bool + pub const m_nTakeDamageFlags: usize = 0x2C0; // TakeDamageFlags_t + pub const m_bIsPlatform: usize = 0x2C8; // bool + pub const m_MoveCollide: usize = 0x2CA; // MoveCollide_t + pub const m_MoveType: usize = 0x2CB; // MoveType_t + pub const m_nActualMoveType: usize = 0x2CC; // MoveType_t + pub const m_nWaterTouch: usize = 0x2CD; // uint8 + pub const m_nSlimeTouch: usize = 0x2CE; // uint8 + pub const m_bRestoreInHierarchy: usize = 0x2CF; // bool + pub const m_target: usize = 0x2D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hDamageFilter: usize = 0x2D8; // CHandle + pub const m_iszDamageFilterName: usize = 0x2E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_flMoveDoneTime: usize = 0x2E8; // float32 + pub const m_nSubclassID: usize = 0x2EC; // CUtlStringToken + pub const m_flAnimTime: usize = 0x2F8; // float32 + pub const m_flSimulationTime: usize = 0x2FC; // float32 + pub const m_flCreateTime: usize = 0x300; // GameTime_t + pub const m_bClientSideRagdoll: usize = 0x304; // bool + pub const m_ubInterpolationFrame: usize = 0x305; // uint8 + pub const m_vPrevVPhysicsUpdatePos: usize = 0x308; // Vector + pub const m_iTeamNum: usize = 0x314; // uint8 + pub const m_iGlobalname: usize = 0x318; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_iSentToClients: usize = 0x320; // int32 + pub const m_flSpeed: usize = 0x324; // float32 + pub const m_sUniqueHammerID: usize = 0x328; // CUtlString + pub const m_spawnflags: usize = 0x330; // uint32 + pub const m_nNextThinkTick: usize = 0x334; // GameTick_t + pub const m_nSimulationTick: usize = 0x338; // int32 + pub const m_OnKilled: usize = 0x340; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_fFlags: usize = 0x368; // uint32 + pub const m_vecAbsVelocity: usize = 0x36C; // Vector + pub const m_vecVelocity: usize = 0x378; // CNetworkVelocityVector + pub const m_vecBaseVelocity: usize = 0x3A8; // Vector + pub const m_nPushEnumCount: usize = 0x3B4; // int32 + pub const m_pCollision: usize = 0x3B8; // CCollisionProperty* + pub const m_hEffectEntity: usize = 0x3C0; // CHandle + pub const m_hOwnerEntity: usize = 0x3C4; // CHandle + pub const m_fEffects: usize = 0x3C8; // uint32 + pub const m_hGroundEntity: usize = 0x3CC; // CHandle + pub const m_nGroundBodyIndex: usize = 0x3D0; // int32 + pub const m_flFriction: usize = 0x3D4; // float32 + pub const m_flElasticity: usize = 0x3D8; // float32 + pub const m_flGravityScale: usize = 0x3DC; // float32 + pub const m_flTimeScale: usize = 0x3E0; // float32 + pub const m_flWaterLevel: usize = 0x3E4; // float32 + pub const m_bAnimatedEveryTick: usize = 0x3E8; // bool + pub const m_bDisableLowViolence: usize = 0x3E9; // bool + pub const m_nWaterType: usize = 0x3EA; // uint8 + pub const m_iEFlags: usize = 0x3EC; // int32 + pub const m_OnUser1: usize = 0x3F0; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnUser2: usize = 0x418; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnUser3: usize = 0x440; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_OnUser4: usize = 0x468; // CEntityIOOutput + pub const m_iInitialTeamNum: usize = 0x490; // int32 + pub const m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime: usize = 0x494; // GameTime_t + pub const m_vecAngVelocity: usize = 0x498; // QAngle + pub const m_bNetworkQuantizeOriginAndAngles: usize = 0x4A4; // bool + pub const m_bLagCompensate: usize = 0x4A5; // bool + pub const m_flOverriddenFriction: usize = 0x4A8; // float32 + pub const m_pBlocker: usize = 0x4AC; // CHandle + pub const m_flLocalTime: usize = 0x4B0; // float32 + pub const m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime: usize = 0x4B4; // float32 + pub const m_nBloodType: usize = 0x4B8; // BloodType + } + // Parent: CLogicalEntity + // Fields count: 9 + pub mod CLogicMeasureMovement { + pub const m_strMeasureTarget: usize = 0x4C0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_strMeasureReference: usize = 0x4C8; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_strTargetReference: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlSymbolLarge + pub const m_hMeasureTarget: usize = 0x4D8; // CHandle + pub const m_hMeasureReference: usize = 0x4DC; // CHandle + pub const m_hTarget: usize = 0x4E0; // CHandle + pub const m_hTargetReference: usize = 0x4E4; // CHandle + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x4E8; // float32 + pub const m_nMeasureType: usize = 0x4EC; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: nType (FixAngleSet_t) + // NetworkVarNames: qAngle (QAngle) + // NetworkVarNames: nIndex (uint32) + pub mod ViewAngleServerChange_t { + pub const nType: usize = 0x30; // FixAngleSet_t + pub const qAngle: usize = 0x34; // QAngle + pub const nIndex: usize = 0x40; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // NetworkVarNames: m_Transforms (CTransform) + // NetworkVarNames: m_hOwner (EHANDLE) + pub mod PhysicsRagdollPose_t { + pub const __m_pChainEntity: usize = 0x8; // CNetworkVarChainer + pub const m_Transforms: usize = 0x30; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase + pub const m_hOwner: usize = 0x48; // CHandle + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/server_dll.cs b/output/server_dll.cs index 184931a..7115fc7 100644 --- a/output/server_dll.cs +++ b/output/server_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: server.dll diff --git a/output/server_dll.hpp b/output/server_dll.hpp index dda7d71..ff593ed 100644 --- a/output/server_dll.hpp +++ b/output/server_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/server_dll.rs b/output/server_dll.rs index ca31e74..4b4a223 100644 --- a/output/server_dll.rs +++ b/output/server_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/soundsystem.dll.cs b/output/soundsystem.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3e059c --- /dev/null +++ b/output/soundsystem.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,986 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: soundsystem.dll + // Classes count: 63 + // Enums count: 18 + public static class SoundsystemDll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum EMode_t : uint { + Peak = 0x0, + RMS = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + public enum EWaveform : byte { + Sine = 0x0, + Square = 0x1, + Saw = 0x2, + Triangle = 0x3, + Noise = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + public enum VMixLFOShape_t : uint { + LFO_SHAPE_SINE = 0x0, + LFO_SHAPE_SQUARE = 0x1, + LFO_SHAPE_TRI = 0x2, + LFO_SHAPE_SAW = 0x3, + LFO_SHAPE_NOISE = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 10 + public enum VMixFilterType_t : ushort { + FILTER_UNKNOWN = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + FILTER_LOWPASS = 0x0, + FILTER_HIGHPASS = 0x1, + FILTER_BANDPASS = 0x2, + FILTER_NOTCH = 0x3, + FILTER_PEAKING_EQ = 0x4, + FILTER_LOW_SHELF = 0x5, + FILTER_HIGH_SHELF = 0x6, + FILTER_ALLPASS = 0x7, + FILTER_PASSTHROUGH = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum SosActionStopType_t : uint { + SOS_STOPTYPE_NONE = 0x0, + SOS_STOPTYPE_TIME = 0x1, + SOS_STOPTYPE_OPVAR = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum SosEditItemType_t : uint { + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_SOUNDEVENTS = 0x0, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_SOUNDEVENT = 0x1, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_LIBRARYSTACKS = 0x2, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_STACK = 0x3, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_OPERATOR = 0x4, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_FIELD = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum SosActionSortType_t : uint { + SOS_SORTTYPE_HIGHEST = 0x0, + SOS_SORTTYPE_LOWEST = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum PlayBackMode_t : uint { + Random = 0x0, + RandomNoRepeats = 0x1, + RandomAvoidLast = 0x2, + Sequential = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 30 + public enum VMixProcessorType_t : ushort { + VPROCESSOR_UNKNOWN = 0x0, + VPROCESSOR_RT_PITCH = 0x1, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_HRTF = 0x2, + VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS = 0x3, + VPROCESSOR_PRESETDSP = 0x4, + VPROCESSOR_DELAY = 0x5, + VPROCESSOR_MOD_DELAY = 0x6, + VPROCESSOR_DIFFUSOR = 0x7, + VPROCESSOR_BOXVERB = 0x8, + VPROCESSOR_FREEVERB = 0x9, + VPROCESSOR_PLATEVERB = 0xA, + VPROCESSOR_FULLWAVE_INTEGRATOR = 0xB, + VPROCESSOR_FILTER = 0xC, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_PATHING = 0xD, + VPROCESSOR_EQ8 = 0xE, + VPROCESSOR_ENVELOPE = 0xF, + VPROCESSOR_VOCODER = 0x10, + VPROCESSOR_CONVOLUTION = 0x11, + VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS_3BAND = 0x12, + VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS_COMPRESSOR = 0x13, + VPROCESSOR_SHAPER = 0x14, + VPROCESSOR_PANNER = 0x15, + VPROCESSOR_UTILITY = 0x16, + VPROCESSOR_AUTOFILTER = 0x17, + VPROCESSOR_OSC = 0x18, + VPROCESSOR_STEREODELAY = 0x19, + VPROCESSOR_EFFECT_CHAIN = 0x1A, + VPROCESSOR_SUBGRAPH_SWITCH = 0x1B, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_DIRECT = 0x1C, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_HYBRIDREVERB = 0x1D + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 30 + public enum soundlevel_t : uint { + SNDLVL_NONE = 0x0, + SNDLVL_20dB = 0x14, + SNDLVL_25dB = 0x19, + SNDLVL_30dB = 0x1E, + SNDLVL_35dB = 0x23, + SNDLVL_40dB = 0x28, + SNDLVL_45dB = 0x2D, + SNDLVL_50dB = 0x32, + SNDLVL_55dB = 0x37, + SNDLVL_IDLE = 0x3C, + SNDLVL_60dB = 0x3C, + SNDLVL_65dB = 0x41, + SNDLVL_STATIC = 0x42, + SNDLVL_70dB = 0x46, + SNDLVL_NORM = 0x4B, + SNDLVL_75dB = 0x4B, + SNDLVL_80dB = 0x50, + SNDLVL_TALKING = 0x50, + SNDLVL_85dB = 0x55, + SNDLVL_90dB = 0x5A, + SNDLVL_95dB = 0x5F, + SNDLVL_100dB = 0x64, + SNDLVL_105dB = 0x69, + SNDLVL_110dB = 0x6E, + SNDLVL_120dB = 0x78, + SNDLVL_130dB = 0x82, + SNDLVL_GUNFIRE = 0x8C, + SNDLVL_140dB = 0x8C, + SNDLVL_150dB = 0x96, + SNDLVL_180dB = 0xB4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum VMixPannerType_t : uint { + PANNER_TYPE_LINEAR = 0x0, + PANNER_TYPE_EQUAL_POWER = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + public enum VMixChannelOperation_t : uint { + VMIX_CHAN_STEREO = 0x0, + VMIX_CHAN_LEFT = 0x1, + VMIX_CHAN_RIGHT = 0x2, + VMIX_CHAN_SWAP = 0x3, + VMIX_CHAN_MONO = 0x4, + VMIX_CHAN_MID_SIDE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 13 + public enum EMidiNote : byte { + C = 0x0, + C_Sharp = 0x1, + D = 0x2, + D_Sharp = 0x3, + E = 0x4, + F = 0x5, + F_Sharp = 0x6, + G = 0x7, + G_Sharp = 0x8, + A = 0x9, + A_Sharp = 0xA, + B = 0xB, + Count = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + public enum CVSoundFormat_t : byte { + PCM16 = 0x0, + PCM8 = 0x1, + MP3 = 0x2, + ADPCM = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + public enum VMixFilterSlope_t : byte { + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_6dB = 0x0, + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_12dB = 0x1, + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_18dB = 0x2, + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_24dB = 0x3, + FILTER_SLOPE_12dB = 0x4, + FILTER_SLOPE_24dB = 0x5, + FILTER_SLOPE_36dB = 0x6, + FILTER_SLOPE_48dB = 0x7, + FILTER_SLOPE_MAX = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + public enum ActionType_t : uint { + SOS_ACTION_NONE = 0x0, + SOS_ACTION_LIMITER = 0x1, + SOS_ACTION_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2, + SOS_ACTION_TIME_BLOCK_LIMITER = 0x3, + SOS_ACTION_SET_SOUNDEVENT_PARAM = 0x4, + SOS_ACTION_SOUNDEVENT_CLUSTER = 0x5, + SOS_ACTION_SOUNDEVENT_PRIORITY = 0x6, + SOS_ACTION_COUNT_ENVELOPE = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum VMixSubgraphSwitchInterpolationType_t : uint { + SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_TEMPORAL_CROSSFADE = 0x0, + SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_TEMPORAL_FADE_OUT = 0x1, + SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_KEEP_LAST_SUBGRAPH_RUNNING = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + public enum SosGroupType_t : uint { + SOS_GROUPTYPE_DYNAMIC = 0x0, + SOS_GROUPTYPE_STATIC = 0x1 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerBlender { + public const nint m_firstSound = 0xF0; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_secondSound = 0xF8; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_flBlendFactor = 0x100; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixFreeverbDesc_t { + public const nint m_flRoomSize = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDamp = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flWidth = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flLateReflections = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth__CHarmonic { + public const nint m_nWaveform = 0x0; // EWaveform + public const nint m_nFundamental = 0x1; // EMidiNote + public const nint m_nOctave = 0x4; // int32 + public const nint m_flCents = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flPhase = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_curve = 0x10; // CPiecewiseCurve + public const nint m_volumeScaling = 0x50; // CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth::CGainScalePerInstance + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth__CTone { + public const nint m_harmonics = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_curve = 0x18; // CPiecewiseCurve + public const nint m_bSyncInstances = 0x58; // bool + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerRandomSampler { + public const nint m_flAmplitude = 0xF0; // float32 + public const nint m_flAmplitudeJitter = 0xF4; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimeJitter = 0xF8; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxLength = 0xFC; // float32 + public const nint m_nNumDelayVariations = 0x100; // int32 + public const nint m_grainResources = 0x108; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerDefault { + public const nint m_vsndReference = 0xF0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CVSound { + public const nint m_nRate = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_nFormat = 0x4; // CVSoundFormat_t + public const nint m_nChannels = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_nLoopStart = 0xC; // int32 + public const nint m_nSampleCount = 0x10; // uint32 + public const nint m_flDuration = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_Sentences = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nStreamingSize = 0x30; // uint32 + public const nint m_nSeekTable = 0x38; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nLoopEnd = 0x50; // int32 + public const nint m_encodedHeader = 0x58; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataNodeType + public static class CDSPPresetMixgroupModifierTable { + public const nint m_table = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSosGroupActionSoundeventClusterSchema { + public const nint m_nMinNearby = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_flClusterEpsilon = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_shouldPlayOpvar = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_shouldPlayClusterChild = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_clusterSizeOpvar = 0x30; // CUtlString + public const nint m_groupBoundingBoxMinsOpvar = 0x38; // CUtlString + public const nint m_groupBoundingBoxMaxsOpvar = 0x40; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSosGroupActionSetSoundeventParameterSchema { + public const nint m_nMaxCount = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_flMinValue = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxValue = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_opvarName = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nSortType = 0x30; // SosActionSortType_t + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerNull { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixSubgraphSwitchDesc_t { + public const nint m_interpolationMode = 0x0; // VMixSubgraphSwitchInterpolationType_t + public const nint m_bOnlyTailsOnFadeOut = 0x4; // bool + public const nint m_flInterpolationTime = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataNodeType + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerAnalysisBase { + public const nint m_bRegenerateCurveOnCompile = 0x8; // bool + public const nint m_curve = 0x10; // CPiecewiseCurve + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixPannerDesc_t { + public const nint m_type = 0x0; // VMixPannerType_t + public const nint m_flStrength = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSosGroupActionSoundeventPrioritySchema { + public const nint m_priorityValue = 0x18; // CUtlString + public const nint m_priorityVolumeScalar = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_priorityContributeButDontRead = 0x28; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bPriorityReadButDontContribute = 0x30; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerRealtimeFMSineWave { + public const nint m_flCarrierFrequency = 0xF0; // float32 + public const nint m_flModulatorFrequency = 0xF4; // float32 + public const nint m_flModulatorAmount = 0xF8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SelectedEditItemInfo_t { + public const nint m_EditItems = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixModDelayDesc_t { + public const nint m_feedbackFilter = 0x0; // VMixFilterDesc_t + public const nint m_bPhaseInvert = 0x10; // bool + public const nint m_flGlideTime = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flDelay = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputGain = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFeedbackGain = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flModRate = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_flModDepth = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_bApplyAntialiasing = 0x2C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixBoxverbDesc_t { + public const nint m_flSizeMax = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flSizeMin = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flComplexity = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDiffusion = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flModDepth = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flModRate = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_bParallel = 0x18; // bool + public const nint m_filterType = 0x1C; // VMixFilterDesc_t + public const nint m_flWidth = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeight = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_flDepth = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flFeedbackScale = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flFeedbackWidth = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFeedbackHeight = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_flFeedbackDepth = 0x44; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputGain = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_flTaps = 0x4C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyElementNameFn + public static class CSosGroupActionSchema { + public const nint m_name = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_actionType = 0x10; // ActionType_t + public const nint m_actionInstanceType = 0x14; // ActionType_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyElementNameFn + public static class CSosSoundEventGroupSchema { + public const nint m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nType = 0x8; // SosGroupType_t + public const nint m_bIsBlocking = 0xC; // bool + public const nint m_nBlockMaxCount = 0x10; // int32 + public const nint m_bInvertMatch = 0x14; // bool + public const nint m_matchPattern = 0x18; // CSosGroupMatchPattern + public const nint m_branchPattern = 0x48; // CSosGroupBranchPattern + public const nint m_flLifeSpanTime = 0x58; // float32 + public const nint m_vActions = 0xC0; // CSosGroupActionSchema*[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSosGroupBranchPattern { + public const nint m_bMatchEventName = 0x8; // bool + public const nint m_bMatchEventSubString = 0x9; // bool + public const nint m_bMatchEntIndex = 0xA; // bool + public const nint m_bMatchOpvar = 0xB; // bool + public const nint m_bMatchString = 0xC; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixDynamics3BandDesc_t { + public const nint m_fldbGainOutput = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flRMSTimeMS = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbKneeWidth = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDepth = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flWetMix = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimeScale = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flLowCutoffFreq = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flHighCutoffFreq = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_bPeakMode = 0x20; // bool + public const nint m_bandDesc = 0x24; // VMixDynamicsBand_t[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDSPMixgroupModifier { + public const nint m_mixgroup = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flModifier = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flModifierMin = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flSourceModifier = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flSourceModifierMin = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flListenerReverbModifierWhenSourceReverbIsActive = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAudioMorphData { + public const nint m_times = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nameHashCodes = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nameStrings = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_samples = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_flEaseIn = 0x60; // float32 + public const nint m_flEaseOut = 0x64; // float32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth { + public const nint m_tones = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CDspPresetModifierList { + public const nint m_dspName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_modifiers = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataNodeType + // MVDataFileExtension + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerBase { + public const nint m_vSound = 0x20; // CVSound + public const nint m_bHideAnalyzers = 0xD0; // bool + public const nint m_analysisContainers = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixDelayDesc_t { + public const nint m_feedbackFilter = 0x0; // VMixFilterDesc_t + public const nint m_bEnableFilter = 0x10; // bool + public const nint m_flDelay = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flDirectGain = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flDelayGain = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flFeedbackGain = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flWidth = 0x24; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixEQ8Desc_t { + public const nint m_stages = 0x0; // VMixFilterDesc_t[8] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAudioPhonemeTag { + public const nint m_flStartTime = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flEndTime = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_nPhonemeCode = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerAnalysisBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerEnvelopeAnalyzer { + public const nint m_mode = 0x50; // EMode_t + public const nint m_nSamples = 0x54; // int32 + public const nint m_flThreshold = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSoundEventMetaData { + public const nint m_soundEventVMix = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixPitchShiftDesc_t { + public const nint m_nGrainSampleCount = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_flPitchShift = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_nQuality = 0x8; // int32 + public const nint m_nProcType = 0xC; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAudioEmphasisSample { + public const nint m_flTime = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flValue = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixConvolutionDesc_t { + public const nint m_fldbGain = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flPreDelayMS = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flWetMix = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbLow = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbMid = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbHigh = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flLowCutoffFreq = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flHighCutoffFreq = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSoundInfoHeader { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSosSoundEventGroupListSchema { + public const nint m_groupList = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CSosGroupBranchPattern + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSosGroupMatchPattern { + public const nint m_matchSoundEventName = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint m_matchSoundEventSubString = 0x18; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flEntIndex = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flOpvar = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_opvarString = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SosEditItemInfo_t { + public const nint itemType = 0x0; // SosEditItemType_t + public const nint itemName = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint itemTypeName = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint itemKVString = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint itemPos = 0x28; // Vector2D + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixPlateverbDesc_t { + public const nint m_flPrefilter = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputDiffusion1 = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flInputDiffusion2 = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDecay = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDamp = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flFeedbackDiffusion1 = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flFeedbackDiffusion2 = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixDiffusorDesc_t { + public const nint m_flSize = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flComplexity = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flFeedback = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputGain = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixDynamicsCompressorDesc_t { + public const nint m_fldbOutputGain = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbCompressionThreshold = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbKneeWidth = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flCompressionRatio = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flRMSTimeMS = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flWetMix = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_bPeakMode = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixShaperDesc_t { + public const nint m_nShape = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_fldbDrive = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbOutputGain = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flWetMix = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_nOversampleFactor = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixEnvelopeDesc_t { + public const nint m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flHoldTimeMS = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CAudioSentence { + public const nint m_bShouldVoiceDuck = 0x0; // bool + public const nint m_RunTimePhonemes = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_EmphasisSamples = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_morphData = 0x38; // CAudioMorphData + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSosGroupActionLimitSchema { + public const nint m_nMaxCount = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_nStopType = 0x1C; // SosActionStopType_t + public const nint m_nSortType = 0x20; // SosActionSortType_t + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerDecayingSineWave + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerAmpedDecayingSineWave { + public const nint m_flGainAmount = 0xF8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixAutoFilterDesc_t { + public const nint m_flEnvelopeAmount = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_filter = 0xC; // VMixFilterDesc_t + public const nint m_flLFOAmount = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flLFORate = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flPhase = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_nLFOShape = 0x28; // VMixLFOShape_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixDynamicsBand_t { + public const nint m_fldbGainInput = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbGainOutput = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbThresholdBelow = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbThresholdAbove = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flRatioBelow = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flRatioAbove = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_bEnable = 0x20; // bool + public const nint m_bSolo = 0x21; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixEffectChainDesc_t { + public const nint m_flCrossfadeTime = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth__CGainScalePerInstance { + public const nint m_flMinVolume = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_nInstancesAtMinVolume = 0x4; // int32 + public const nint m_flMaxVolume = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_nInstancesAtMaxVolume = 0xC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerSelector { + public const nint m_mode = 0xF0; // PlayBackMode_t + public const nint m_bRetrigger = 0xF4; // bool + public const nint m_soundsToPlay = 0xF8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSosGroupActionTimeBlockLimitSchema { + public const nint m_nMaxCount = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_flMaxDuration = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSosGroupActionMemberCountEnvelopeSchema { + public const nint m_nBaseCount = 0x18; // int32 + public const nint m_nTargetCount = 0x1C; // int32 + public const nint m_flBaseValue = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flTargetValue = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttack = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_flDecay = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_resultVarName = 0x30; // CUtlString + public const nint m_bSaveToGroup = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerSwitch { + public const nint m_soundsToPlay = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CSosGroupActionTimeLimitSchema { + public const nint m_flMaxDuration = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixVocoderDesc_t { + public const nint m_nBandCount = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_flBandwidth = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_fldBModGain = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flFreqRangeStart = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flFreqRangeEnd = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_fldBUnvoicedGain = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_nDebugBand = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_bPeakMode = 0x24; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixUtilityDesc_t { + public const nint m_nOp = 0x0; // VMixChannelOperation_t + public const nint m_flInputPan = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flOutputBalance = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbOutputGain = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_bBassMono = 0x10; // bool + public const nint m_flBassFreq = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + public static class CVoiceContainerDecayingSineWave { + public const nint m_flFrequency = 0xF0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDecayTime = 0xF4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixFilterDesc_t { + public const nint m_nFilterType = 0x0; // VMixFilterType_t + public const nint m_nFilterSlope = 0x2; // VMixFilterSlope_t + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0x3; // bool + public const nint m_fldbGain = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flCutoffFreq = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flQ = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixOscDesc_t { + public const nint oscType = 0x0; // VMixLFOShape_t + public const nint m_freq = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flPhase = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VMixDynamicsDesc_t { + public const nint m_fldbGain = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbNoiseGateThreshold = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbCompressionThreshold = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbLimiterThreshold = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_fldbKneeWidth = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flRatio = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flLimiterRatio = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flRMSTimeMS = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_flWetMix = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_bPeakMode = 0x2C; // bool + } + } +} diff --git a/output/soundsystem.dll.hpp b/output/soundsystem.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67787aa --- /dev/null +++ b/output/soundsystem.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,992 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: soundsystem.dll + // Classes count: 63 + // Enums count: 18 + namespace soundsystem_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class EMode_t : uint32_t { + Peak = 0x0, + RMS = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 5 + enum class EWaveform : uint8_t { + Sine = 0x0, + Square = 0x1, + Saw = 0x2, + Triangle = 0x3, + Noise = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + enum class VMixLFOShape_t : uint32_t { + LFO_SHAPE_SINE = 0x0, + LFO_SHAPE_SQUARE = 0x1, + LFO_SHAPE_TRI = 0x2, + LFO_SHAPE_SAW = 0x3, + LFO_SHAPE_NOISE = 0x4 + }; + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 10 + enum class VMixFilterType_t : uint16_t { + FILTER_UNKNOWN = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, + FILTER_LOWPASS = 0x0, + FILTER_HIGHPASS = 0x1, + FILTER_BANDPASS = 0x2, + FILTER_NOTCH = 0x3, + FILTER_PEAKING_EQ = 0x4, + FILTER_LOW_SHELF = 0x5, + FILTER_HIGH_SHELF = 0x6, + FILTER_ALLPASS = 0x7, + FILTER_PASSTHROUGH = 0x8 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class SosActionStopType_t : uint32_t { + SOS_STOPTYPE_NONE = 0x0, + SOS_STOPTYPE_TIME = 0x1, + SOS_STOPTYPE_OPVAR = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class SosEditItemType_t : uint32_t { + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_SOUNDEVENTS = 0x0, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_SOUNDEVENT = 0x1, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_LIBRARYSTACKS = 0x2, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_STACK = 0x3, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_OPERATOR = 0x4, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_FIELD = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class SosActionSortType_t : uint32_t { + SOS_SORTTYPE_HIGHEST = 0x0, + SOS_SORTTYPE_LOWEST = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class PlayBackMode_t : uint32_t { + Random = 0x0, + RandomNoRepeats = 0x1, + RandomAvoidLast = 0x2, + Sequential = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 30 + enum class VMixProcessorType_t : uint16_t { + VPROCESSOR_UNKNOWN = 0x0, + VPROCESSOR_RT_PITCH = 0x1, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_HRTF = 0x2, + VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS = 0x3, + VPROCESSOR_PRESETDSP = 0x4, + VPROCESSOR_DELAY = 0x5, + VPROCESSOR_MOD_DELAY = 0x6, + VPROCESSOR_DIFFUSOR = 0x7, + VPROCESSOR_BOXVERB = 0x8, + VPROCESSOR_FREEVERB = 0x9, + VPROCESSOR_PLATEVERB = 0xA, + VPROCESSOR_FULLWAVE_INTEGRATOR = 0xB, + VPROCESSOR_FILTER = 0xC, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_PATHING = 0xD, + VPROCESSOR_EQ8 = 0xE, + VPROCESSOR_ENVELOPE = 0xF, + VPROCESSOR_VOCODER = 0x10, + VPROCESSOR_CONVOLUTION = 0x11, + VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS_3BAND = 0x12, + VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS_COMPRESSOR = 0x13, + VPROCESSOR_SHAPER = 0x14, + VPROCESSOR_PANNER = 0x15, + VPROCESSOR_UTILITY = 0x16, + VPROCESSOR_AUTOFILTER = 0x17, + VPROCESSOR_OSC = 0x18, + VPROCESSOR_STEREODELAY = 0x19, + VPROCESSOR_EFFECT_CHAIN = 0x1A, + VPROCESSOR_SUBGRAPH_SWITCH = 0x1B, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_DIRECT = 0x1C, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_HYBRIDREVERB = 0x1D + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 30 + enum class soundlevel_t : uint32_t { + SNDLVL_NONE = 0x0, + SNDLVL_20dB = 0x14, + SNDLVL_25dB = 0x19, + SNDLVL_30dB = 0x1E, + SNDLVL_35dB = 0x23, + SNDLVL_40dB = 0x28, + SNDLVL_45dB = 0x2D, + SNDLVL_50dB = 0x32, + SNDLVL_55dB = 0x37, + SNDLVL_IDLE = 0x3C, + SNDLVL_60dB = 0x3C, + SNDLVL_65dB = 0x41, + SNDLVL_STATIC = 0x42, + SNDLVL_70dB = 0x46, + SNDLVL_NORM = 0x4B, + SNDLVL_75dB = 0x4B, + SNDLVL_80dB = 0x50, + SNDLVL_TALKING = 0x50, + SNDLVL_85dB = 0x55, + SNDLVL_90dB = 0x5A, + SNDLVL_95dB = 0x5F, + SNDLVL_100dB = 0x64, + SNDLVL_105dB = 0x69, + SNDLVL_110dB = 0x6E, + SNDLVL_120dB = 0x78, + SNDLVL_130dB = 0x82, + SNDLVL_GUNFIRE = 0x8C, + SNDLVL_140dB = 0x8C, + SNDLVL_150dB = 0x96, + SNDLVL_180dB = 0xB4 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class VMixPannerType_t : uint32_t { + PANNER_TYPE_LINEAR = 0x0, + PANNER_TYPE_EQUAL_POWER = 0x1 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + enum class VMixChannelOperation_t : uint32_t { + VMIX_CHAN_STEREO = 0x0, + VMIX_CHAN_LEFT = 0x1, + VMIX_CHAN_RIGHT = 0x2, + VMIX_CHAN_SWAP = 0x3, + VMIX_CHAN_MONO = 0x4, + VMIX_CHAN_MID_SIDE = 0x5 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 13 + enum class EMidiNote : uint8_t { + C = 0x0, + C_Sharp = 0x1, + D = 0x2, + D_Sharp = 0x3, + E = 0x4, + F = 0x5, + F_Sharp = 0x6, + G = 0x7, + G_Sharp = 0x8, + A = 0x9, + A_Sharp = 0xA, + B = 0xB, + Count = 0xC + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + enum class CVSoundFormat_t : uint8_t { + PCM16 = 0x0, + PCM8 = 0x1, + MP3 = 0x2, + ADPCM = 0x3 + }; + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + enum class VMixFilterSlope_t : uint8_t { + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_6dB = 0x0, + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_12dB = 0x1, + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_18dB = 0x2, + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_24dB = 0x3, + FILTER_SLOPE_12dB = 0x4, + FILTER_SLOPE_24dB = 0x5, + FILTER_SLOPE_36dB = 0x6, + FILTER_SLOPE_48dB = 0x7, + FILTER_SLOPE_MAX = 0x7 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + enum class ActionType_t : uint32_t { + SOS_ACTION_NONE = 0x0, + SOS_ACTION_LIMITER = 0x1, + SOS_ACTION_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2, + SOS_ACTION_TIME_BLOCK_LIMITER = 0x3, + SOS_ACTION_SET_SOUNDEVENT_PARAM = 0x4, + SOS_ACTION_SOUNDEVENT_CLUSTER = 0x5, + SOS_ACTION_SOUNDEVENT_PRIORITY = 0x6, + SOS_ACTION_COUNT_ENVELOPE = 0x7 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class VMixSubgraphSwitchInterpolationType_t : uint32_t { + SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_TEMPORAL_CROSSFADE = 0x0, + SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_TEMPORAL_FADE_OUT = 0x1, + SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_KEEP_LAST_SUBGRAPH_RUNNING = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + enum class SosGroupType_t : uint32_t { + SOS_GROUPTYPE_DYNAMIC = 0x0, + SOS_GROUPTYPE_STATIC = 0x1 + }; + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerBlender { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_firstSound = 0xF0; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_secondSound = 0xF8; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBlendFactor = 0x100; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixFreeverbDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRoomSize = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamp = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWidth = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLateReflections = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth__CHarmonic { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWaveform = 0x0; // EWaveform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFundamental = 0x1; // EMidiNote + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOctave = 0x4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCents = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPhase = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_curve = 0x10; // CPiecewiseCurve + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_volumeScaling = 0x50; // CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth::CGainScalePerInstance + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth__CTone { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_harmonics = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_curve = 0x18; // CPiecewiseCurve + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSyncInstances = 0x58; // bool + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerRandomSampler { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAmplitude = 0xF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAmplitudeJitter = 0xF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeJitter = 0xF8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxLength = 0xFC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNumDelayVariations = 0x100; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_grainResources = 0x108; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerDefault { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vsndReference = 0xF0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CVSound { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRate = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFormat = 0x4; // CVSoundFormat_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChannels = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLoopStart = 0xC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSampleCount = 0x10; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDuration = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Sentences = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStreamingSize = 0x30; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSeekTable = 0x38; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLoopEnd = 0x50; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_encodedHeader = 0x58; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataNodeType + namespace CDSPPresetMixgroupModifierTable { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_table = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSosGroupActionSoundeventClusterSchema { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinNearby = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flClusterEpsilon = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_shouldPlayOpvar = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_shouldPlayClusterChild = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clusterSizeOpvar = 0x30; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_groupBoundingBoxMinsOpvar = 0x38; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_groupBoundingBoxMaxsOpvar = 0x40; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSosGroupActionSetSoundeventParameterSchema { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxCount = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinValue = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxValue = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opvarName = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSortType = 0x30; // SosActionSortType_t + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerNull { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixSubgraphSwitchDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_interpolationMode = 0x0; // VMixSubgraphSwitchInterpolationType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bOnlyTailsOnFadeOut = 0x4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInterpolationTime = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataNodeType + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerAnalysisBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRegenerateCurveOnCompile = 0x8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_curve = 0x10; // CPiecewiseCurve + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixPannerDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_type = 0x0; // VMixPannerType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStrength = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSosGroupActionSoundeventPrioritySchema { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_priorityValue = 0x18; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_priorityVolumeScalar = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_priorityContributeButDontRead = 0x28; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPriorityReadButDontContribute = 0x30; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerRealtimeFMSineWave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCarrierFrequency = 0xF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flModulatorFrequency = 0xF4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flModulatorAmount = 0xF8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SelectedEditItemInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EditItems = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixModDelayDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_feedbackFilter = 0x0; // VMixFilterDesc_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPhaseInvert = 0x10; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGlideTime = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDelay = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputGain = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeedbackGain = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flModRate = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flModDepth = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bApplyAntialiasing = 0x2C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixBoxverbDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSizeMax = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSizeMin = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flComplexity = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDiffusion = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flModDepth = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flModRate = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bParallel = 0x18; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_filterType = 0x1C; // VMixFilterDesc_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWidth = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeight = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepth = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeedbackScale = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeedbackWidth = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeedbackHeight = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeedbackDepth = 0x44; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputGain = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTaps = 0x4C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyElementNameFn + namespace CSosGroupActionSchema { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_actionType = 0x10; // ActionType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_actionInstanceType = 0x14; // ActionType_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyElementNameFn + namespace CSosSoundEventGroupSchema { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nType = 0x8; // SosGroupType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsBlocking = 0xC; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBlockMaxCount = 0x10; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInvertMatch = 0x14; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matchPattern = 0x18; // CSosGroupMatchPattern + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_branchPattern = 0x48; // CSosGroupBranchPattern + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLifeSpanTime = 0x58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vActions = 0xC0; // CSosGroupActionSchema*[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSosGroupBranchPattern { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchEventName = 0x8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchEventSubString = 0x9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchEntIndex = 0xA; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchOpvar = 0xB; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bMatchString = 0xC; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixDynamics3BandDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbGainOutput = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRMSTimeMS = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbKneeWidth = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepth = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWetMix = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeScale = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLowCutoffFreq = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHighCutoffFreq = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPeakMode = 0x20; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bandDesc = 0x24; // VMixDynamicsBand_t[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDSPMixgroupModifier { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mixgroup = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flModifier = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flModifierMin = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSourceModifier = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSourceModifierMin = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flListenerReverbModifierWhenSourceReverbIsActive = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAudioMorphData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_times = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameHashCodes = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nameStrings = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_samples = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEaseIn = 0x60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEaseOut = 0x64; // float32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tones = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CDspPresetModifierList { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_dspName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_modifiers = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataNodeType + // MVDataFileExtension + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerBase { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vSound = 0x20; // CVSound + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHideAnalyzers = 0xD0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_analysisContainers = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixDelayDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_feedbackFilter = 0x0; // VMixFilterDesc_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnableFilter = 0x10; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDelay = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDirectGain = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDelayGain = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeedbackGain = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWidth = 0x24; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixEQ8Desc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stages = 0x0; // VMixFilterDesc_t[8] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAudioPhonemeTag { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flStartTime = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEndTime = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPhonemeCode = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerAnalysisBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerEnvelopeAnalyzer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mode = 0x50; // EMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSamples = 0x54; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flThreshold = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSoundEventMetaData { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundEventVMix = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixPitchShiftDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGrainSampleCount = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPitchShift = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuality = 0x8; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nProcType = 0xC; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAudioEmphasisSample { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTime = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flValue = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixConvolutionDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbGain = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreDelayMS = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWetMix = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbLow = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbMid = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbHigh = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLowCutoffFreq = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHighCutoffFreq = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSoundInfoHeader { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSosSoundEventGroupListSchema { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_groupList = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CSosGroupBranchPattern + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSosGroupMatchPattern { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matchSoundEventName = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_matchSoundEventSubString = 0x18; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEntIndex = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOpvar = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_opvarString = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SosEditItemInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t itemType = 0x0; // SosEditItemType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t itemName = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t itemTypeName = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t itemKVString = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t itemPos = 0x28; // Vector2D + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixPlateverbDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPrefilter = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputDiffusion1 = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputDiffusion2 = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecay = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDamp = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeedbackDiffusion1 = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeedbackDiffusion2 = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixDiffusorDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSize = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flComplexity = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFeedback = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputGain = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixDynamicsCompressorDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbOutputGain = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbCompressionThreshold = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbKneeWidth = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCompressionRatio = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRMSTimeMS = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWetMix = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPeakMode = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixShaperDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nShape = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbDrive = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbOutputGain = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWetMix = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOversampleFactor = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixEnvelopeDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHoldTimeMS = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CAudioSentence { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShouldVoiceDuck = 0x0; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RunTimePhonemes = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EmphasisSamples = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_morphData = 0x38; // CAudioMorphData + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSosGroupActionLimitSchema { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxCount = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStopType = 0x1C; // SosActionStopType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSortType = 0x20; // SosActionSortType_t + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerDecayingSineWave + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerAmpedDecayingSineWave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGainAmount = 0xF8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixAutoFilterDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flEnvelopeAmount = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_filter = 0xC; // VMixFilterDesc_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLFOAmount = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLFORate = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPhase = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLFOShape = 0x28; // VMixLFOShape_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixDynamicsBand_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbGainInput = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbGainOutput = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbThresholdBelow = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbThresholdAbove = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRatioBelow = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRatioAbove = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnable = 0x20; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSolo = 0x21; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixEffectChainDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCrossfadeTime = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth__CGainScalePerInstance { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinVolume = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInstancesAtMinVolume = 0x4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxVolume = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInstancesAtMaxVolume = 0xC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerSelector { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mode = 0xF0; // PlayBackMode_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRetrigger = 0xF4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundsToPlay = 0xF8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSosGroupActionTimeBlockLimitSchema { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMaxCount = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDuration = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSosGroupActionMemberCountEnvelopeSchema { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBaseCount = 0x18; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTargetCount = 0x1C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseValue = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTargetValue = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttack = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecay = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_resultVarName = 0x30; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSaveToGroup = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerSwitch { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_soundsToPlay = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CSosGroupActionTimeLimitSchema { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxDuration = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixVocoderDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBandCount = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBandwidth = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldBModGain = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFreqRangeStart = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFreqRangeEnd = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldBUnvoicedGain = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDebugBand = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPeakMode = 0x24; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixUtilityDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOp = 0x0; // VMixChannelOperation_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInputPan = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOutputBalance = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbOutputGain = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBassMono = 0x10; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBassFreq = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + namespace CVoiceContainerDecayingSineWave { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFrequency = 0xF0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDecayTime = 0xF4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixFilterDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFilterType = 0x0; // VMixFilterType_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFilterSlope = 0x2; // VMixFilterSlope_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0x3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbGain = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flCutoffFreq = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flQ = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixOscDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t oscType = 0x0; // VMixLFOShape_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_freq = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPhase = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VMixDynamicsDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbGain = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbNoiseGateThreshold = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbCompressionThreshold = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbLimiterThreshold = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fldbKneeWidth = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRatio = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLimiterRatio = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAttackTimeMS = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flReleaseTimeMS = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRMSTimeMS = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWetMix = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPeakMode = 0x2C; // bool + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/soundsystem.dll.json b/output/soundsystem.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a863e6b --- /dev/null +++ b/output/soundsystem.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,1366 @@ +{ + "soundsystem.dll": { + "classes": { + "CAudioEmphasisSample": { + "fields": { + "m_flTime": 0, + "m_flValue": 4 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAudioMorphData": { + "fields": { + "m_flEaseIn": 96, + "m_flEaseOut": 100, + "m_nameHashCodes": 24, + "m_nameStrings": 48, + "m_samples": 72, + "m_times": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAudioPhonemeTag": { + "fields": { + "m_flEndTime": 4, + "m_flStartTime": 0, + "m_nPhonemeCode": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CAudioSentence": { + "fields": { + "m_EmphasisSamples": 32, + "m_RunTimePhonemes": 8, + "m_bShouldVoiceDuck": 0, + "m_morphData": 56 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CDSPMixgroupModifier": { + "fields": { + "m_flListenerReverbModifierWhenSourceReverbIsActive": 24, + "m_flModifier": 8, + "m_flModifierMin": 12, + "m_flSourceModifier": 16, + "m_flSourceModifierMin": 20, + "m_mixgroup": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CDSPPresetMixgroupModifierTable": { + "fields": { + "m_table": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MVDataNodeType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CDspPresetModifierList": { + "fields": { + "m_dspName": 0, + "m_modifiers": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSosGroupActionLimitSchema": { + "fields": { + "m_nMaxCount": 24, + "m_nSortType": 32, + "m_nStopType": 28 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CSosGroupActionSchema" + }, + "CSosGroupActionMemberCountEnvelopeSchema": { + "fields": { + "m_bSaveToGroup": 56, + "m_flAttack": 40, + "m_flBaseValue": 32, + "m_flDecay": 44, + "m_flTargetValue": 36, + "m_nBaseCount": 24, + "m_nTargetCount": 28, + "m_resultVarName": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CSosGroupActionSchema" + }, + "CSosGroupActionSchema": { + "fields": { + "m_actionInstanceType": 20, + "m_actionType": 16, + "m_name": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyElementNameFn", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSosGroupActionSetSoundeventParameterSchema": { + "fields": { + "m_flMaxValue": 32, + "m_flMinValue": 28, + "m_nMaxCount": 24, + "m_nSortType": 48, + "m_opvarName": 40 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CSosGroupActionSchema" + }, + "CSosGroupActionSoundeventClusterSchema": { + "fields": { + "m_clusterSizeOpvar": 48, + "m_flClusterEpsilon": 28, + "m_groupBoundingBoxMaxsOpvar": 64, + "m_groupBoundingBoxMinsOpvar": 56, + "m_nMinNearby": 24, + "m_shouldPlayClusterChild": 40, + "m_shouldPlayOpvar": 32 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CSosGroupActionSchema" + }, + "CSosGroupActionSoundeventPrioritySchema": { + "fields": { + "m_bPriorityReadButDontContribute": 48, + "m_priorityContributeButDontRead": 40, + "m_priorityValue": 24, + "m_priorityVolumeScalar": 32 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CSosGroupActionSchema" + }, + "CSosGroupActionTimeBlockLimitSchema": { + "fields": { + "m_flMaxDuration": 28, + "m_nMaxCount": 24 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CSosGroupActionSchema" + }, + "CSosGroupActionTimeLimitSchema": { + "fields": { + "m_flMaxDuration": 24 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CSosGroupActionSchema" + }, + "CSosGroupBranchPattern": { + "fields": { + "m_bMatchEntIndex": 10, + "m_bMatchEventName": 8, + "m_bMatchEventSubString": 9, + "m_bMatchOpvar": 11, + "m_bMatchString": 12 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSosGroupMatchPattern": { + "fields": { + "m_flEntIndex": 32, + "m_flOpvar": 36, + "m_matchSoundEventName": 16, + "m_matchSoundEventSubString": 24, + "m_opvarString": 40 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CSosGroupBranchPattern" + }, + "CSosSoundEventGroupListSchema": { + "fields": { + "m_groupList": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSosSoundEventGroupSchema": { + "fields": { + "m_bInvertMatch": 20, + "m_bIsBlocking": 12, + "m_branchPattern": 72, + "m_flLifeSpanTime": 88, + "m_matchPattern": 24, + "m_nBlockMaxCount": 16, + "m_nType": 8, + "m_name": 0, + "m_vActions": 192 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyElementNameFn", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSoundEventMetaData": { + "fields": { + "m_soundEventVMix": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CSoundInfoHeader": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CVSound": { + "fields": { + "m_Sentences": 24, + "m_encodedHeader": 88, + "m_flDuration": 20, + "m_nChannels": 8, + "m_nFormat": 4, + "m_nLoopEnd": 80, + "m_nLoopStart": 12, + "m_nRate": 0, + "m_nSampleCount": 16, + "m_nSeekTable": 56, + "m_nStreamingSize": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CVoiceContainerAmpedDecayingSineWave": { + "fields": { + "m_flGainAmount": 248 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyFriendlyName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CVoiceContainerDecayingSineWave" + }, + "CVoiceContainerAnalysisBase": { + "fields": { + "m_bRegenerateCurveOnCompile": 8, + "m_curve": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MVDataNodeType", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyFriendlyName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CVoiceContainerBase": { + "fields": { + "m_analysisContainers": 216, + "m_bHideAnalyzers": 208, + "m_vSound": 32 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MVDataNodeType", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MVDataFileExtension", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyFriendlyName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CVoiceContainerBlender": { + "fields": { + "m_firstSound": 240, + "m_flBlendFactor": 256, + "m_secondSound": 248 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyFriendlyName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CVoiceContainerBase" + }, + "CVoiceContainerDecayingSineWave": { + "fields": { + "m_flDecayTime": 244, + "m_flFrequency": 240 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyFriendlyName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CVoiceContainerBase" + }, + "CVoiceContainerDefault": { + "fields": { + "m_vsndReference": 240 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyFriendlyName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CVoiceContainerBase" + }, + "CVoiceContainerEnvelopeAnalyzer": { + "fields": { + "m_flThreshold": 88, + "m_mode": 80, + "m_nSamples": 84 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyFriendlyName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CVoiceContainerAnalysisBase" + }, + "CVoiceContainerNull": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyFriendlyName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CVoiceContainerBase" + }, + "CVoiceContainerRandomSampler": { + "fields": { + "m_flAmplitude": 240, + "m_flAmplitudeJitter": 244, + "m_flMaxLength": 252, + "m_flTimeJitter": 248, + "m_grainResources": 264, + "m_nNumDelayVariations": 256 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyFriendlyName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CVoiceContainerBase" + }, + "CVoiceContainerRealtimeFMSineWave": { + "fields": { + "m_flCarrierFrequency": 240, + "m_flModulatorAmount": 248, + "m_flModulatorFrequency": 244 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyFriendlyName", + "type": "Unknown" + }, + { + "name": "MPropertyDescription", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "CVoiceContainerBase" + }, + "CVoiceContainerSelector": { + "fields": { + "m_bRetrigger": 244, + "m_mode": 240, + "m_soundsToPlay": 248 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + 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1, + "LFO_SHAPE_TRI": 2 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "VMixPannerType_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "PANNER_TYPE_EQUAL_POWER": 1, + "PANNER_TYPE_LINEAR": 0 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "VMixProcessorType_t": { + "alignment": 2, + "members": { + "VPROCESSOR_AUTOFILTER": 23, + "VPROCESSOR_BOXVERB": 8, + "VPROCESSOR_CONVOLUTION": 17, + "VPROCESSOR_DELAY": 5, + "VPROCESSOR_DIFFUSOR": 7, + "VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS": 3, + "VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS_3BAND": 18, + "VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS_COMPRESSOR": 19, + "VPROCESSOR_EFFECT_CHAIN": 26, + "VPROCESSOR_ENVELOPE": 15, + "VPROCESSOR_EQ8": 14, + "VPROCESSOR_FILTER": 12, + "VPROCESSOR_FREEVERB": 9, + "VPROCESSOR_FULLWAVE_INTEGRATOR": 11, + "VPROCESSOR_MOD_DELAY": 6, + "VPROCESSOR_OSC": 24, + "VPROCESSOR_PANNER": 21, + "VPROCESSOR_PLATEVERB": 10, + "VPROCESSOR_PRESETDSP": 4, + "VPROCESSOR_RT_PITCH": 1, + "VPROCESSOR_SHAPER": 20, + "VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_DIRECT": 28, + "VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_HRTF": 2, + "VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_HYBRIDREVERB": 29, + 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+ Noise = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 5 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VMixLFOShape_t { + LFO_SHAPE_SINE = 0x0, + LFO_SHAPE_SQUARE = 0x1, + LFO_SHAPE_TRI = 0x2, + LFO_SHAPE_SAW = 0x3, + LFO_SHAPE_NOISE = 0x4 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 10 + #[repr(u16)] + pub enum VMixFilterType_t { + FILTER_UNKNOWN = u16::MAX, + FILTER_LOWPASS = 0x0, + FILTER_HIGHPASS = 0x1, + FILTER_BANDPASS = 0x2, + FILTER_NOTCH = 0x3, + FILTER_PEAKING_EQ = 0x4, + FILTER_LOW_SHELF = 0x5, + FILTER_HIGH_SHELF = 0x6, + FILTER_ALLPASS = 0x7, + FILTER_PASSTHROUGH = 0x8 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SosActionStopType_t { + SOS_STOPTYPE_NONE = 0x0, + SOS_STOPTYPE_TIME = 0x1, + SOS_STOPTYPE_OPVAR = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SosEditItemType_t { + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_SOUNDEVENTS = 0x0, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_SOUNDEVENT = 0x1, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_LIBRARYSTACKS = 0x2, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_STACK = 0x3, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_OPERATOR = 0x4, + SOS_EDIT_ITEM_TYPE_FIELD = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SosActionSortType_t { + SOS_SORTTYPE_HIGHEST = 0x0, + SOS_SORTTYPE_LOWEST = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum PlayBackMode_t { + Random = 0x0, + RandomNoRepeats = 0x1, + RandomAvoidLast = 0x2, + Sequential = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 2 + // Members count: 30 + #[repr(u16)] + pub enum VMixProcessorType_t { + VPROCESSOR_UNKNOWN = 0x0, + VPROCESSOR_RT_PITCH = 0x1, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_HRTF = 0x2, + VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS = 0x3, + VPROCESSOR_PRESETDSP = 0x4, + VPROCESSOR_DELAY = 0x5, + VPROCESSOR_MOD_DELAY = 0x6, + VPROCESSOR_DIFFUSOR = 0x7, + VPROCESSOR_BOXVERB = 0x8, + VPROCESSOR_FREEVERB = 0x9, + VPROCESSOR_PLATEVERB = 0xA, + VPROCESSOR_FULLWAVE_INTEGRATOR = 0xB, + VPROCESSOR_FILTER = 0xC, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_PATHING = 0xD, + VPROCESSOR_EQ8 = 0xE, + VPROCESSOR_ENVELOPE = 0xF, + VPROCESSOR_VOCODER = 0x10, + VPROCESSOR_CONVOLUTION = 0x11, + VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS_3BAND = 0x12, + VPROCESSOR_DYNAMICS_COMPRESSOR = 0x13, + VPROCESSOR_SHAPER = 0x14, + VPROCESSOR_PANNER = 0x15, + VPROCESSOR_UTILITY = 0x16, + VPROCESSOR_AUTOFILTER = 0x17, + VPROCESSOR_OSC = 0x18, + VPROCESSOR_STEREODELAY = 0x19, + VPROCESSOR_EFFECT_CHAIN = 0x1A, + VPROCESSOR_SUBGRAPH_SWITCH = 0x1B, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_DIRECT = 0x1C, + VPROCESSOR_STEAMAUDIO_HYBRIDREVERB = 0x1D + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 30 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum soundlevel_t { + SNDLVL_NONE = 0x0, + SNDLVL_20dB = 0x14, + SNDLVL_25dB = 0x19, + SNDLVL_30dB = 0x1E, + SNDLVL_35dB = 0x23, + SNDLVL_40dB = 0x28, + SNDLVL_45dB = 0x2D, + SNDLVL_50dB = 0x32, + SNDLVL_55dB = 0x37, + SNDLVL_IDLE = 0x3C, + SNDLVL_65dB = 0x41, + SNDLVL_STATIC = 0x42, + SNDLVL_70dB = 0x46, + SNDLVL_NORM = 0x4B, + SNDLVL_80dB = 0x50, + SNDLVL_85dB = 0x55, + SNDLVL_90dB = 0x5A, + SNDLVL_95dB = 0x5F, + SNDLVL_100dB = 0x64, + SNDLVL_105dB = 0x69, + SNDLVL_110dB = 0x6E, + SNDLVL_120dB = 0x78, + SNDLVL_130dB = 0x82, + SNDLVL_GUNFIRE = 0x8C, + SNDLVL_150dB = 0x96, + SNDLVL_180dB = 0xB4 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VMixPannerType_t { + PANNER_TYPE_LINEAR = 0x0, + PANNER_TYPE_EQUAL_POWER = 0x1 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 6 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VMixChannelOperation_t { + VMIX_CHAN_STEREO = 0x0, + VMIX_CHAN_LEFT = 0x1, + VMIX_CHAN_RIGHT = 0x2, + VMIX_CHAN_SWAP = 0x3, + VMIX_CHAN_MONO = 0x4, + VMIX_CHAN_MID_SIDE = 0x5 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 13 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum EMidiNote { + C = 0x0, + C_Sharp = 0x1, + D = 0x2, + D_Sharp = 0x3, + E = 0x4, + F = 0x5, + F_Sharp = 0x6, + G = 0x7, + G_Sharp = 0x8, + A = 0x9, + A_Sharp = 0xA, + B = 0xB, + Count = 0xC + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum CVSoundFormat_t { + PCM16 = 0x0, + PCM8 = 0x1, + MP3 = 0x2, + ADPCM = 0x3 + } + // Alignment: 1 + // Members count: 9 + #[repr(u8)] + pub enum VMixFilterSlope_t { + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_6dB = 0x0, + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_12dB = 0x1, + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_18dB = 0x2, + FILTER_SLOPE_1POLE_24dB = 0x3, + FILTER_SLOPE_12dB = 0x4, + FILTER_SLOPE_24dB = 0x5, + FILTER_SLOPE_36dB = 0x6, + FILTER_SLOPE_48dB = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 8 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ActionType_t { + SOS_ACTION_NONE = 0x0, + SOS_ACTION_LIMITER = 0x1, + SOS_ACTION_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2, + SOS_ACTION_TIME_BLOCK_LIMITER = 0x3, + SOS_ACTION_SET_SOUNDEVENT_PARAM = 0x4, + SOS_ACTION_SOUNDEVENT_CLUSTER = 0x5, + SOS_ACTION_SOUNDEVENT_PRIORITY = 0x6, + SOS_ACTION_COUNT_ENVELOPE = 0x7 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum VMixSubgraphSwitchInterpolationType_t { + SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_TEMPORAL_CROSSFADE = 0x0, + SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_TEMPORAL_FADE_OUT = 0x1, + SUBGRAPH_INTERPOLATION_KEEP_LAST_SUBGRAPH_RUNNING = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 2 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum SosGroupType_t { + SOS_GROUPTYPE_DYNAMIC = 0x0, + SOS_GROUPTYPE_STATIC = 0x1 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerBlender { + pub const m_firstSound: usize = 0xF0; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_secondSound: usize = 0xF8; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_flBlendFactor: usize = 0x100; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixFreeverbDesc_t { + pub const m_flRoomSize: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flDamp: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flLateReflections: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth__CHarmonic { + pub const m_nWaveform: usize = 0x0; // EWaveform + pub const m_nFundamental: usize = 0x1; // EMidiNote + pub const m_nOctave: usize = 0x4; // int32 + pub const m_flCents: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flPhase: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_curve: usize = 0x10; // CPiecewiseCurve + pub const m_volumeScaling: usize = 0x50; // CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth::CGainScalePerInstance + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth__CTone { + pub const m_harmonics: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_curve: usize = 0x18; // CPiecewiseCurve + pub const m_bSyncInstances: usize = 0x58; // bool + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerRandomSampler { + pub const m_flAmplitude: usize = 0xF0; // float32 + pub const m_flAmplitudeJitter: usize = 0xF4; // float32 + pub const m_flTimeJitter: usize = 0xF8; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxLength: usize = 0xFC; // float32 + pub const m_nNumDelayVariations: usize = 0x100; // int32 + pub const m_grainResources: usize = 0x108; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerDefault { + pub const m_vsndReference: usize = 0xF0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 11 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CVSound { + pub const m_nRate: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_nFormat: usize = 0x4; // CVSoundFormat_t + pub const m_nChannels: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_nLoopStart: usize = 0xC; // int32 + pub const m_nSampleCount: usize = 0x10; // uint32 + pub const m_flDuration: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_Sentences: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nStreamingSize: usize = 0x30; // uint32 + pub const m_nSeekTable: usize = 0x38; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nLoopEnd: usize = 0x50; // int32 + pub const m_encodedHeader: usize = 0x58; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataNodeType + pub mod CDSPPresetMixgroupModifierTable { + pub const m_table: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSosGroupActionSoundeventClusterSchema { + pub const m_nMinNearby: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_flClusterEpsilon: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_shouldPlayOpvar: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_shouldPlayClusterChild: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_clusterSizeOpvar: usize = 0x30; // CUtlString + pub const m_groupBoundingBoxMinsOpvar: usize = 0x38; // CUtlString + pub const m_groupBoundingBoxMaxsOpvar: usize = 0x40; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSosGroupActionSetSoundeventParameterSchema { + pub const m_nMaxCount: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_flMinValue: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxValue: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_opvarName: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_nSortType: usize = 0x30; // SosActionSortType_t + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerNull { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixSubgraphSwitchDesc_t { + pub const m_interpolationMode: usize = 0x0; // VMixSubgraphSwitchInterpolationType_t + pub const m_bOnlyTailsOnFadeOut: usize = 0x4; // bool + pub const m_flInterpolationTime: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataNodeType + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerAnalysisBase { + pub const m_bRegenerateCurveOnCompile: usize = 0x8; // bool + pub const m_curve: usize = 0x10; // CPiecewiseCurve + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixPannerDesc_t { + pub const m_type: usize = 0x0; // VMixPannerType_t + pub const m_flStrength: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSosGroupActionSoundeventPrioritySchema { + pub const m_priorityValue: usize = 0x18; // CUtlString + pub const m_priorityVolumeScalar: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_priorityContributeButDontRead: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + pub const m_bPriorityReadButDontContribute: usize = 0x30; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerRealtimeFMSineWave { + pub const m_flCarrierFrequency: usize = 0xF0; // float32 + pub const m_flModulatorFrequency: usize = 0xF4; // float32 + pub const m_flModulatorAmount: usize = 0xF8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SelectedEditItemInfo_t { + pub const m_EditItems: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixModDelayDesc_t { + pub const m_feedbackFilter: usize = 0x0; // VMixFilterDesc_t + pub const m_bPhaseInvert: usize = 0x10; // bool + pub const m_flGlideTime: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flDelay: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputGain: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flFeedbackGain: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flModRate: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_flModDepth: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_bApplyAntialiasing: usize = 0x2C; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 17 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixBoxverbDesc_t { + pub const m_flSizeMax: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flSizeMin: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flComplexity: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flDiffusion: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flModDepth: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flModRate: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_bParallel: usize = 0x18; // bool + pub const m_filterType: usize = 0x1C; // VMixFilterDesc_t + pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_flDepth: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flFeedbackScale: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flFeedbackWidth: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_flFeedbackHeight: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_flFeedbackDepth: usize = 0x44; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputGain: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_flTaps: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyElementNameFn + pub mod CSosGroupActionSchema { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_actionType: usize = 0x10; // ActionType_t + pub const m_actionInstanceType: usize = 0x14; // ActionType_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyElementNameFn + pub mod CSosSoundEventGroupSchema { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nType: usize = 0x8; // SosGroupType_t + pub const m_bIsBlocking: usize = 0xC; // bool + pub const m_nBlockMaxCount: usize = 0x10; // int32 + pub const m_bInvertMatch: usize = 0x14; // bool + pub const m_matchPattern: usize = 0x18; // CSosGroupMatchPattern + pub const m_branchPattern: usize = 0x48; // CSosGroupBranchPattern + pub const m_flLifeSpanTime: usize = 0x58; // float32 + pub const m_vActions: usize = 0xC0; // CSosGroupActionSchema*[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSosGroupBranchPattern { + pub const m_bMatchEventName: usize = 0x8; // bool + pub const m_bMatchEventSubString: usize = 0x9; // bool + pub const m_bMatchEntIndex: usize = 0xA; // bool + pub const m_bMatchOpvar: usize = 0xB; // bool + pub const m_bMatchString: usize = 0xC; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixDynamics3BandDesc_t { + pub const m_fldbGainOutput: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flRMSTimeMS: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_fldbKneeWidth: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flDepth: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flWetMix: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flTimeScale: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flLowCutoffFreq: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flHighCutoffFreq: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_bPeakMode: usize = 0x20; // bool + pub const m_bandDesc: usize = 0x24; // VMixDynamicsBand_t[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDSPMixgroupModifier { + pub const m_mixgroup: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_flModifier: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flModifierMin: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flSourceModifier: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flSourceModifierMin: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flListenerReverbModifierWhenSourceReverbIsActive: usize = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAudioMorphData { + pub const m_times: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nameHashCodes: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nameStrings: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_samples: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_flEaseIn: usize = 0x60; // float32 + pub const m_flEaseOut: usize = 0x64; // float32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth { + pub const m_tones: usize = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CDspPresetModifierList { + pub const m_dspName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_modifiers: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MVDataNodeType + // MVDataFileExtension + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerBase { + pub const m_vSound: usize = 0x20; // CVSound + pub const m_bHideAnalyzers: usize = 0xD0; // bool + pub const m_analysisContainers: usize = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixDelayDesc_t { + pub const m_feedbackFilter: usize = 0x0; // VMixFilterDesc_t + pub const m_bEnableFilter: usize = 0x10; // bool + pub const m_flDelay: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flDirectGain: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flDelayGain: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flFeedbackGain: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0x24; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixEQ8Desc_t { + pub const m_stages: usize = 0x0; // VMixFilterDesc_t[8] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAudioPhonemeTag { + pub const m_flStartTime: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flEndTime: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_nPhonemeCode: usize = 0x8; // int32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerAnalysisBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerEnvelopeAnalyzer { + pub const m_mode: usize = 0x50; // EMode_t + pub const m_nSamples: usize = 0x54; // int32 + pub const m_flThreshold: usize = 0x58; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSoundEventMetaData { + pub const m_soundEventVMix: usize = 0x0; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixPitchShiftDesc_t { + pub const m_nGrainSampleCount: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_flPitchShift: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_nQuality: usize = 0x8; // int32 + pub const m_nProcType: usize = 0xC; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAudioEmphasisSample { + pub const m_flTime: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flValue: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixConvolutionDesc_t { + pub const m_fldbGain: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flPreDelayMS: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flWetMix: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_fldbLow: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_fldbMid: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_fldbHigh: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flLowCutoffFreq: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flHighCutoffFreq: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSoundInfoHeader { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSosSoundEventGroupListSchema { + pub const m_groupList: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CSosGroupBranchPattern + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSosGroupMatchPattern { + pub const m_matchSoundEventName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const m_matchSoundEventSubString: usize = 0x18; // CUtlString + pub const m_flEntIndex: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flOpvar: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_opvarString: usize = 0x28; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SosEditItemInfo_t { + pub const itemType: usize = 0x0; // SosEditItemType_t + pub const itemName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const itemTypeName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const itemKVString: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const itemPos: usize = 0x28; // Vector2D + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixPlateverbDesc_t { + pub const m_flPrefilter: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flInputDiffusion1: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flInputDiffusion2: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flDecay: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flDamp: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flFeedbackDiffusion1: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flFeedbackDiffusion2: usize = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixDiffusorDesc_t { + pub const m_flSize: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flComplexity: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flFeedback: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputGain: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixDynamicsCompressorDesc_t { + pub const m_fldbOutputGain: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_fldbCompressionThreshold: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_fldbKneeWidth: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flCompressionRatio: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flAttackTimeMS: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flReleaseTimeMS: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flRMSTimeMS: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flWetMix: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_bPeakMode: usize = 0x20; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixShaperDesc_t { + pub const m_nShape: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_fldbDrive: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_fldbOutputGain: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flWetMix: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_nOversampleFactor: usize = 0x10; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixEnvelopeDesc_t { + pub const m_flAttackTimeMS: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flHoldTimeMS: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flReleaseTimeMS: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CAudioSentence { + pub const m_bShouldVoiceDuck: usize = 0x0; // bool + pub const m_RunTimePhonemes: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_EmphasisSamples: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_morphData: usize = 0x38; // CAudioMorphData + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSosGroupActionLimitSchema { + pub const m_nMaxCount: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_nStopType: usize = 0x1C; // SosActionStopType_t + pub const m_nSortType: usize = 0x20; // SosActionSortType_t + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerDecayingSineWave + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerAmpedDecayingSineWave { + pub const m_flGainAmount: usize = 0xF8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixAutoFilterDesc_t { + pub const m_flEnvelopeAmount: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_flAttackTimeMS: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flReleaseTimeMS: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_filter: usize = 0xC; // VMixFilterDesc_t + pub const m_flLFOAmount: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flLFORate: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flPhase: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_nLFOShape: usize = 0x28; // VMixLFOShape_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixDynamicsBand_t { + pub const m_fldbGainInput: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_fldbGainOutput: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_fldbThresholdBelow: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_fldbThresholdAbove: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flRatioBelow: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flRatioAbove: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flAttackTimeMS: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flReleaseTimeMS: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_bEnable: usize = 0x20; // bool + pub const m_bSolo: usize = 0x21; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixEffectChainDesc_t { + pub const m_flCrossfadeTime: usize = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CVoiceContainerStaticAdditiveSynth__CGainScalePerInstance { + pub const m_flMinVolume: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_nInstancesAtMinVolume: usize = 0x4; // int32 + pub const m_flMaxVolume: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_nInstancesAtMaxVolume: usize = 0xC; // int32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerSelector { + pub const m_mode: usize = 0xF0; // PlayBackMode_t + pub const m_bRetrigger: usize = 0xF4; // bool + pub const m_soundsToPlay: usize = 0xF8; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSosGroupActionTimeBlockLimitSchema { + pub const m_nMaxCount: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_flMaxDuration: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSosGroupActionMemberCountEnvelopeSchema { + pub const m_nBaseCount: usize = 0x18; // int32 + pub const m_nTargetCount: usize = 0x1C; // int32 + pub const m_flBaseValue: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flTargetValue: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_flAttack: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_flDecay: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_resultVarName: usize = 0x30; // CUtlString + pub const m_bSaveToGroup: usize = 0x38; // bool + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerSwitch { + pub const m_soundsToPlay: usize = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: CSosGroupActionSchema + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CSosGroupActionTimeLimitSchema { + pub const m_flMaxDuration: usize = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixVocoderDesc_t { + pub const m_nBandCount: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_flBandwidth: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_fldBModGain: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flFreqRangeStart: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flFreqRangeEnd: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_fldBUnvoicedGain: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flAttackTimeMS: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flReleaseTimeMS: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_nDebugBand: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_bPeakMode: usize = 0x24; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixUtilityDesc_t { + pub const m_nOp: usize = 0x0; // VMixChannelOperation_t + pub const m_flInputPan: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flOutputBalance: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_fldbOutputGain: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_bBassMono: usize = 0x10; // bool + pub const m_flBassFreq: usize = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: CVoiceContainerBase + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + // MPropertyFriendlyName + // MPropertyDescription + pub mod CVoiceContainerDecayingSineWave { + pub const m_flFrequency: usize = 0xF0; // float32 + pub const m_flDecayTime: usize = 0xF4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixFilterDesc_t { + pub const m_nFilterType: usize = 0x0; // VMixFilterType_t + pub const m_nFilterSlope: usize = 0x2; // VMixFilterSlope_t + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0x3; // bool + pub const m_fldbGain: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flCutoffFreq: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flQ: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixOscDesc_t { + pub const oscType: usize = 0x0; // VMixLFOShape_t + pub const m_freq: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flPhase: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VMixDynamicsDesc_t { + pub const m_fldbGain: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_fldbNoiseGateThreshold: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_fldbCompressionThreshold: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_fldbLimiterThreshold: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_fldbKneeWidth: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flRatio: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flLimiterRatio: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flAttackTimeMS: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flReleaseTimeMS: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flRMSTimeMS: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_flWetMix: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_bPeakMode: usize = 0x2C; // bool + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/soundsystem_dll.cs b/output/soundsystem_dll.cs index 71ea14c..122037d 100644 --- a/output/soundsystem_dll.cs +++ b/output/soundsystem_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: soundsystem.dll diff --git a/output/soundsystem_dll.hpp b/output/soundsystem_dll.hpp index 06b3093..c505e0e 100644 --- a/output/soundsystem_dll.hpp +++ b/output/soundsystem_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/soundsystem_dll.rs b/output/soundsystem_dll.rs index 76ead8e..1bc809f 100644 --- a/output/soundsystem_dll.rs +++ b/output/soundsystem_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/vphysics2.dll.cs b/output/vphysics2.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9974824 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/vphysics2.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: vphysics2.dll + // Classes count: 88 + // Enums count: 2 + public static class Vphysics2Dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + public enum JointMotion_t : uint { + JOINT_MOTION_FREE = 0x0, + JOINT_MOTION_LOCKED = 0x1, + JOINT_MOTION_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + public enum JointAxis_t : uint { + JOINT_AXIS_X = 0x0, + JOINT_AXIS_Y = 0x1, + JOINT_AXIS_Z = 0x2, + JOINT_AXIS_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnSoftbodySpring_t { + public const nint m_nParticle = 0x0; // uint16[2] + public const nint m_flLength = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnSoftbodyParticle_t { + public const nint m_flMassInv = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnHullDesc_t { + public const nint m_Hull = 0x10; // RnHull_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnSoftbodyCapsule_t { + public const nint m_vCenter = 0x0; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_nParticle = 0x1C; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnCapsuleDesc_t { + public const nint m_Capsule = 0x10; // RnCapsule_t + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnSphereDesc_t { + public const nint m_Sphere = 0x10; // SphereBase_t + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnMeshDesc_t { + public const nint m_Mesh = 0x10; // RnMesh_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 101 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PhysFeModelDesc_t { + public const nint m_CtrlHash = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_CtrlName = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nStaticNodeFlags = 0x30; // uint32 + public const nint m_nDynamicNodeFlags = 0x34; // uint32 + public const nint m_flLocalForce = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flLocalRotation = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_nNodeCount = 0x40; // uint16 + public const nint m_nStaticNodes = 0x42; // uint16 + public const nint m_nRotLockStaticNodes = 0x44; // uint16 + public const nint m_nFirstPositionDrivenNode = 0x46; // uint16 + public const nint m_nSimdTriCount1 = 0x48; // uint16 + public const nint m_nSimdTriCount2 = 0x4A; // uint16 + public const nint m_nSimdQuadCount1 = 0x4C; // uint16 + public const nint m_nSimdQuadCount2 = 0x4E; // uint16 + public const nint m_nQuadCount1 = 0x50; // uint16 + public const nint m_nQuadCount2 = 0x52; // uint16 + public const nint m_nTreeDepth = 0x54; // uint16 + public const nint m_nNodeBaseJiggleboneDependsCount = 0x56; // uint16 + public const nint m_nRopeCount = 0x58; // uint16 + public const nint m_Ropes = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_NodeBases = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SimdNodeBases = 0x90; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Quads = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SimdQuads = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SimdTris = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SimdRods = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SimdRodsAnim = 0x108; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_InitPose = 0x120; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Rods = 0x138; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Twists = 0x150; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_AxialEdges = 0x168; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_NodeInvMasses = 0x180; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_CtrlOffsets = 0x198; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_CtrlOsOffsets = 0x1B0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FollowNodes = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_CollisionPlanes = 0x1E0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_NodeIntegrator = 0x1F8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SpringIntegrator = 0x210; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SimdSpringIntegrator = 0x228; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_WorldCollisionParams = 0x240; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_LegacyStretchForce = 0x258; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_NodeCollisionRadii = 0x270; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_DynNodeFriction = 0x288; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_LocalRotation = 0x2A0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_LocalForce = 0x2B8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_TaperedCapsuleStretches = 0x2D0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_TaperedCapsuleRigids = 0x2E8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SphereRigids = 0x300; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_WorldCollisionNodes = 0x318; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_TreeParents = 0x330; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_TreeCollisionMasks = 0x348; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_TreeChildren = 0x360; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FreeNodes = 0x378; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FitMatrices = 0x390; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FitWeights = 0x3A8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_ReverseOffsets = 0x3C0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_AnimStrayRadii = 0x3D8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SimdAnimStrayRadii = 0x3F0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_KelagerBends = 0x408; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_CtrlSoftOffsets = 0x420; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_JiggleBones = 0x438; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SourceElems = 0x450; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_GoalDampedSpringIntegrators = 0x468; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Tris = 0x480; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nTriCount1 = 0x498; // uint16 + public const nint m_nTriCount2 = 0x49A; // uint16 + public const nint m_nReservedUint8 = 0x49C; // uint8 + public const nint m_nExtraPressureIterations = 0x49D; // uint8 + public const nint m_nExtraGoalIterations = 0x49E; // uint8 + public const nint m_nExtraIterations = 0x49F; // uint8 + public const nint m_BoxRigids = 0x4A0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_DynNodeVertexSet = 0x4B8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_VertexSetNames = 0x4D0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_RigidColliderPriorities = 0x4E8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_MorphLayers = 0x500; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_MorphSetData = 0x518; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_VertexMaps = 0x530; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_VertexMapValues = 0x548; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Effects = 0x560; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_LockToParent = 0x578; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_LockToGoal = 0x590; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_SkelParents = 0x5A8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_DynNodeWindBases = 0x5C0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_flInternalPressure = 0x5D8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultTimeDilation = 0x5DC; // float32 + public const nint m_flWindage = 0x5E0; // float32 + public const nint m_flWindDrag = 0x5E4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultSurfaceStretch = 0x5E8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultThreadStretch = 0x5EC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultGravityScale = 0x5F0; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultVelAirDrag = 0x5F4; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultExpAirDrag = 0x5F8; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultVelQuadAirDrag = 0x5FC; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultExpQuadAirDrag = 0x600; // float32 + public const nint m_flRodVelocitySmoothRate = 0x604; // float32 + public const nint m_flQuadVelocitySmoothRate = 0x608; // float32 + public const nint m_flAddWorldCollisionRadius = 0x60C; // float32 + public const nint m_flDefaultVolumetricSolveAmount = 0x610; // float32 + public const nint m_flMotionSmoothCDT = 0x614; // float32 + public const nint m_nRodVelocitySmoothIterations = 0x618; // uint16 + public const nint m_nQuadVelocitySmoothIterations = 0x61A; // uint16 + } + // Parent: RnBodyDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class vphysics_save_cphysicsbody_t { + public const nint m_nOldPointer = 0xD0; // uint64 + } + // Parent: FeBoxRigid_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeBuildBoxRigid_t { + public const nint m_nPriority = 0x40; // int32 + public const nint m_nVertexMapHash = 0x44; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFeIndexedJiggleBone { + public const nint m_nNode = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nJiggleParent = 0x4; // uint32 + public const nint m_jiggleBone = 0x8; // CFeJiggleBone + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeBandBendLimit_t { + public const nint flDistMin = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint flDistMax = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint nNode = 0x8; // uint16[6] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeTaperedCapsuleStretch_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[2] + public const nint nCollisionMask = 0x4; // uint16 + public const nint nDummy = 0x6; // uint16 + public const nint flRadius = 0x8; // float32[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + public static class constraint_axislimit_t { + public const nint flMinRotation = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint flMaxRotation = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint flMotorTargetAngSpeed = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint flMotorMaxTorque = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSimdRodConstraintAnim_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + public const nint f4Weight0 = 0x10; // fltx4 + public const nint f4RelaxationFactor = 0x20; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSimdRodConstraint_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + public const nint f4MaxDist = 0x10; // fltx4 + public const nint f4MinDist = 0x20; // fltx4 + public const nint f4Weight0 = 0x30; // fltx4 + public const nint f4RelaxationFactor = 0x40; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + public static class constraint_hingeparams_t { + public const nint worldPosition = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint worldAxisDirection = 0xC; // Vector + public const nint hingeAxis = 0x18; // constraint_axislimit_t + public const nint constraint = 0x28; // constraint_breakableparams_t + } + // Parent: FeSphereRigid_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeBuildSphereRigid_t { + public const nint m_nPriority = 0x20; // int32 + public const nint m_nVertexMapHash = 0x24; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSimdAnimStrayRadius_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + public const nint flMaxDist = 0x10; // fltx4 + public const nint flRelaxationFactor = 0x20; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnTriangle_t { + public const nint m_nIndex = 0x0; // int32[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeProxyVertexMap_t { + public const nint m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flWeight = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeNodeIntegrator_t { + public const nint flPointDamping = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint flAnimationForceAttraction = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint flAnimationVertexAttraction = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint flGravity = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnCapsule_t { + public const nint m_vCenter = 0x0; // Vector[2] + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFeNamedJiggleBone { + public const nint m_strParentBone = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_transform = 0x10; // CTransform + public const nint m_nJiggleParent = 0x30; // uint32 + public const nint m_jiggleBone = 0x34; // CFeJiggleBone + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 35 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnBodyDesc_t { + public const nint m_sDebugName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_vPosition = 0x8; // Vector + public const nint m_qOrientation = 0x14; // QuaternionStorage + public const nint m_vLinearVelocity = 0x24; // Vector + public const nint m_vAngularVelocity = 0x30; // Vector + public const nint m_vLocalMassCenter = 0x3C; // Vector + public const nint m_LocalInertiaInv = 0x48; // Vector[3] + public const nint m_flMassInv = 0x6C; // float32 + public const nint m_flGameMass = 0x70; // float32 + public const nint m_flInertiaScaleInv = 0x74; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearDamping = 0x78; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularDamping = 0x7C; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearDrag = 0x80; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularDrag = 0x84; // float32 + public const nint m_flLinearBuoyancyDrag = 0x88; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngularBuoyancyDrag = 0x8C; // float32 + public const nint m_vLastAwakeForceAccum = 0x90; // Vector + public const nint m_vLastAwakeTorqueAccum = 0x9C; // Vector + public const nint m_flBuoyancyFactor = 0xA8; // float32 + public const nint m_flGravityScale = 0xAC; // float32 + public const nint m_flTimeScale = 0xB0; // float32 + public const nint m_nBodyType = 0xB4; // int32 + public const nint m_nGameIndex = 0xB8; // uint32 + public const nint m_nGameFlags = 0xBC; // uint32 + public const nint m_nMinVelocityIterations = 0xC0; // int8 + public const nint m_nMinPositionIterations = 0xC1; // int8 + public const nint m_nMassPriority = 0xC2; // int8 + public const nint m_bEnabled = 0xC3; // bool + public const nint m_bSleeping = 0xC4; // bool + public const nint m_bIsContinuousEnabled = 0xC5; // bool + public const nint m_bDragEnabled = 0xC6; // bool + public const nint m_bBuoyancyDragEnabled = 0xC7; // bool + public const nint m_bGravityDisabled = 0xC8; // bool + public const nint m_bSpeculativeEnabled = 0xC9; // bool + public const nint m_bHasShadowController = 0xCA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class OldFeEdge_t { + public const nint m_flK = 0x0; // float32[3] + public const nint invA = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint t = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint flThetaRelaxed = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint flThetaFactor = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint c01 = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint c02 = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint c03 = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint c04 = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint flAxialModelDist = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint flAxialModelWeights = 0x30; // float32[4] + public const nint m_nNode = 0x40; // uint16[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeFollowNode_t { + public const nint nParentNode = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint nChildNode = 0x2; // uint16 + public const nint flWeight = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnMesh_t { + public const nint m_vMin = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_vMax = 0xC; // Vector + public const nint m_Nodes = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Vertices = 0x30; // CUtlVectorSIMDPaddedVector + public const nint m_Triangles = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Wings = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Materials = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_vOrthographicAreas = 0x90; // Vector + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x9C; // uint32 + public const nint m_nDebugFlags = 0xA0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + public static class VertexPositionNormal_t { + public const nint m_vPosition = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_vNormal = 0xC; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnBlendVertex_t { + public const nint m_nWeight0 = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint m_nIndex0 = 0x2; // uint16 + public const nint m_nWeight1 = 0x4; // uint16 + public const nint m_nIndex1 = 0x6; // uint16 + public const nint m_nWeight2 = 0x8; // uint16 + public const nint m_nIndex2 = 0xA; // uint16 + public const nint m_nFlags = 0xC; // uint16 + public const nint m_nTargetIndex = 0xE; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFeMorphLayer { + public const nint m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_Nodes = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_InitPos = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Gravity = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_GoalStrength = 0x58; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_GoalDamping = 0x70; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeCtrlSoftOffset_t { + public const nint nCtrlParent = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint nCtrlChild = 0x2; // uint16 + public const nint vOffset = 0x4; // Vector + public const nint flAlpha = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeVertexMapDesc_t { + public const nint sName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint nColor = 0xC; // uint32 + public const nint nFlags = 0x10; // uint32 + public const nint nVertexBase = 0x14; // uint16 + public const nint nVertexCount = 0x16; // uint16 + public const nint nMapOffset = 0x18; // uint32 + public const nint nNodeListOffset = 0x1C; // uint32 + public const nint vCenterOfMass = 0x20; // Vector + public const nint flVolumetricSolveStrength = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint nScaleSourceNode = 0x30; // int16 + public const nint nNodeListCount = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeTaperedCapsuleRigid_t { + public const nint vSphere = 0x0; // fltx4[2] + public const nint nNode = 0x20; // uint16 + public const nint nCollisionMask = 0x22; // uint16 + public const nint nVertexMapIndex = 0x24; // uint16 + public const nint nFlags = 0x26; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeAnimStrayRadius_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[2] + public const nint flMaxDist = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint flRelaxationFactor = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeEdgeDesc_t { + public const nint nEdge = 0x0; // uint16[2] + public const nint nSide = 0x4; // uint16[2][2] + public const nint nVirtElem = 0xC; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeNodeReverseOffset_t { + public const nint vOffset = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint nBoneCtrl = 0xC; // uint16 + public const nint nTargetNode = 0xE; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnPlane_t { + public const nint m_vNormal = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_flOffset = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 35 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFeJiggleBone { + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_flLength = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint m_flTipMass = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint m_flYawStiffness = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flYawDamping = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flPitchStiffness = 0x14; // float32 + public const nint m_flPitchDamping = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlongStiffness = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flAlongDamping = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_flAngleLimit = 0x24; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinYaw = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxYaw = 0x2C; // float32 + public const nint m_flYawFriction = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_flYawBounce = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flMinPitch = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxPitch = 0x3C; // float32 + public const nint m_flPitchFriction = 0x40; // float32 + public const nint m_flPitchBounce = 0x44; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseMass = 0x48; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseStiffness = 0x4C; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseDamping = 0x50; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseMinLeft = 0x54; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseMaxLeft = 0x58; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseLeftFriction = 0x5C; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseMinUp = 0x60; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseMaxUp = 0x64; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseUpFriction = 0x68; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseMinForward = 0x6C; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseMaxForward = 0x70; // float32 + public const nint m_flBaseForwardFriction = 0x74; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadius0 = 0x78; // float32 + public const nint m_flRadius1 = 0x7C; // float32 + public const nint m_vPoint0 = 0x80; // Vector + public const nint m_vPoint1 = 0x8C; // Vector + public const nint m_nCollisionMask = 0x98; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CRegionSVM { + public const nint m_Planes = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Nodes = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeWorldCollisionParams_t { + public const nint flWorldFriction = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint flGroundFriction = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint nListBegin = 0x8; // uint16 + public const nint nListEnd = 0xA; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnNode_t { + public const nint m_vMin = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_nChildren = 0xC; // uint32 + public const nint m_vMax = 0x10; // Vector + public const nint m_nTriangleOffset = 0x1C; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeFitMatrix_t { + public const nint bone = 0x0; // CTransform + public const nint vCenter = 0x20; // Vector + public const nint nEnd = 0x2C; // uint16 + public const nint nNode = 0x2E; // uint16 + public const nint nBeginDynamic = 0x30; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSimdQuad_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4][4] + public const nint f4Slack = 0x20; // fltx4 + public const nint vShape = 0x30; // FourVectors[4] + public const nint f4Weights = 0xF0; // fltx4[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSimdSpringIntegrator_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + public const nint flSpringRestLength = 0x10; // fltx4 + public const nint flSpringConstant = 0x20; // fltx4 + public const nint flSpringDamping = 0x30; // fltx4 + public const nint flNodeWeight0 = 0x40; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSimdNodeBase_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4] + public const nint nNodeX0 = 0x8; // uint16[4] + public const nint nNodeX1 = 0x10; // uint16[4] + public const nint nNodeY0 = 0x18; // uint16[4] + public const nint nNodeY1 = 0x20; // uint16[4] + public const nint nDummy = 0x28; // uint16[4] + public const nint qAdjust = 0x30; // FourQuaternions + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeQuad_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4] + public const nint flSlack = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint vShape = 0xC; // Vector4D[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnWing_t { + public const nint m_nIndex = 0x0; // int32[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeWeightedNode_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint nWeight = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeEffectDesc_t { + public const nint sName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint nType = 0xC; // int32 + public const nint m_Params = 0x10; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSpringIntegrator_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[2] + public const nint flSpringRestLength = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint flSpringConstant = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint flSpringDamping = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint flNodeWeight0 = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FourVectors2D { + public const nint x = 0x0; // fltx4 + public const nint y = 0x10; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeKelagerBend2_t { + public const nint flWeight = 0x0; // float32[3] + public const nint flHeight0 = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint nNode = 0x10; // uint16[3] + public const nint nReserved = 0x16; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CastSphereSATParams_t { + public const nint m_vRayStart = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_vRayDelta = 0xC; // Vector + public const nint m_flRadius = 0x18; // float32 + public const nint m_flMaxFraction = 0x1C; // float32 + public const nint m_flScale = 0x20; // float32 + public const nint m_pHull = 0x28; // RnHull_t* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeRigidColliderIndices_t { + public const nint m_nTaperedCapsuleRigidIndex = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint m_nSphereRigidIndex = 0x2; // uint16 + public const nint m_nBoxRigidIndex = 0x4; // uint16 + public const nint m_nCollisionPlaneIndex = 0x6; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeCollisionPlane_t { + public const nint nCtrlParent = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint nChildNode = 0x2; // uint16 + public const nint m_Plane = 0x4; // RnPlane_t + public const nint flStrength = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeStiffHingeBuild_t { + public const nint flMaxAngle = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint flStrength = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint flMotionBias = 0x8; // float32[3] + public const nint nNode = 0x14; // uint16[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeBoxRigid_t { + public const nint tmFrame2 = 0x0; // CTransform + public const nint nNode = 0x20; // uint16 + public const nint nCollisionMask = 0x22; // uint16 + public const nint vSize = 0x24; // Vector + public const nint nVertexMapIndex = 0x30; // uint16 + public const nint nFlags = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeMorphLayerDepr_t { + public const nint m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_Nodes = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_InitPos = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Gravity = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_GoalStrength = 0x58; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_GoalDamping = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nFlags = 0x88; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeCtrlOffset_t { + public const nint vOffset = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint nCtrlParent = 0xC; // uint16 + public const nint nCtrlChild = 0xE; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class IPhysicsPlayerController { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeNodeBase_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint nDummy = 0x2; // uint16[3] + public const nint nNodeX0 = 0x8; // uint16 + public const nint nNodeX1 = 0xA; // uint16 + public const nint nNodeY0 = 0xC; // uint16 + public const nint nNodeY1 = 0xE; // uint16 + public const nint qAdjust = 0x10; // QuaternionStorage + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeVertexMapBuild_t { + public const nint m_VertexMapName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_Color = 0xC; // Color + public const nint m_flVolumetricSolveStrength = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_nScaleSourceNode = 0x14; // int32 + public const nint m_Weights = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CFeVertexMapBuildArray { + public const nint m_Array = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeTri_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[3] + public const nint w1 = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint w2 = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint v1x = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint v2 = 0x14; // Vector2D + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnHull_t { + public const nint m_vCentroid = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_flMaxAngularRadius = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_Bounds = 0x10; // AABB_t + public const nint m_vOrthographicAreas = 0x28; // Vector + public const nint m_MassProperties = 0x34; // matrix3x4_t + public const nint m_flVolume = 0x64; // float32 + public const nint m_flSurfaceArea = 0x68; // float32 + public const nint m_Vertices = 0x70; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_VertexPositions = 0x88; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Edges = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_Faces = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_FacePlanes = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_nFlags = 0xE8; // uint32 + public const nint m_pRegionSVM = 0xF0; // CRegionSVM* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CovMatrix3 { + public const nint m_vDiag = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_flXY = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_flXZ = 0x10; // float32 + public const nint m_flYZ = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnVertex_t { + public const nint m_nEdge = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class Dop26_t { + public const nint m_flSupport = 0x0; // float32[26] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnFace_t { + public const nint m_nEdge = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeCtrlOsOffset_t { + public const nint nCtrlParent = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint nCtrlChild = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSourceEdge_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeTwistConstraint_t { + public const nint nNodeOrient = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint nNodeEnd = 0x2; // uint16 + public const nint flTwistRelax = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint flSwingRelax = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeNodeWindBase_t { + public const nint nNodeX0 = 0x0; // uint16 + public const nint nNodeX1 = 0x2; // uint16 + public const nint nNodeY0 = 0x4; // uint16 + public const nint nNodeY1 = 0x6; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeAxialEdgeBend_t { + public const nint te = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint tv = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint flDist = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint flWeight = 0xC; // float32[4] + public const nint nNode = 0x1C; // uint16[6] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FourCovMatrices3 { + public const nint m_vDiag = 0x0; // FourVectors + public const nint m_flXY = 0x30; // fltx4 + public const nint m_flXZ = 0x40; // fltx4 + public const nint m_flYZ = 0x50; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + public static class constraint_breakableparams_t { + public const nint strength = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint forceLimit = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint torqueLimit = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint bodyMassScale = 0xC; // float32[2] + public const nint isActive = 0x14; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSphereRigid_t { + public const nint vSphere = 0x0; // fltx4 + public const nint nNode = 0x10; // uint16 + public const nint nCollisionMask = 0x12; // uint16 + public const nint nVertexMapIndex = 0x14; // uint16 + public const nint nFlags = 0x16; // uint16 + } + // Parent: FeTaperedCapsuleRigid_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeBuildTaperedCapsuleRigid_t { + public const nint m_nPriority = 0x30; // int32 + public const nint m_nVertexMapHash = 0x34; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSoftParent_t { + public const nint nParent = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint flAlpha = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnShapeDesc_t { + public const nint m_nCollisionAttributeIndex = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nSurfacePropertyIndex = 0x4; // uint32 + public const nint m_UserFriendlyName = 0x8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeTreeChildren_t { + public const nint nChild = 0x0; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeRodConstraint_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint16[2] + public const nint flMaxDist = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint flMinDist = 0x8; // float32 + public const nint flWeight0 = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint flRelaxationFactor = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeFitWeight_t { + public const nint flWeight = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint nNode = 0x4; // uint16 + public const nint nDummy = 0x6; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class RnHalfEdge_t { + public const nint m_nNext = 0x0; // uint8 + public const nint m_nTwin = 0x1; // uint8 + public const nint m_nOrigin = 0x2; // uint8 + public const nint m_nFace = 0x3; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeSimdTri_t { + public const nint nNode = 0x0; // uint32[4][3] + public const nint w1 = 0x30; // fltx4 + public const nint w2 = 0x40; // fltx4 + public const nint v1x = 0x50; // fltx4 + public const nint v2 = 0x60; // FourVectors2D + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + public static class VertexPositionColor_t { + public const nint m_vPosition = 0x0; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class FeFitInfluence_t { + public const nint nVertexNode = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint flWeight = 0x4; // float32 + public const nint nMatrixNode = 0x8; // uint32 + } + } +} diff --git a/output/vphysics2.dll.hpp b/output/vphysics2.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a366b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/vphysics2.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: vphysics2.dll + // Classes count: 88 + // Enums count: 2 + namespace vphysics2_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + enum class JointMotion_t : uint32_t { + JOINT_MOTION_FREE = 0x0, + JOINT_MOTION_LOCKED = 0x1, + JOINT_MOTION_COUNT = 0x2 + }; + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + enum class JointAxis_t : uint32_t { + JOINT_AXIS_X = 0x0, + JOINT_AXIS_Y = 0x1, + JOINT_AXIS_Z = 0x2, + JOINT_AXIS_COUNT = 0x3 + }; + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnSoftbodySpring_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParticle = 0x0; // uint16[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLength = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnSoftbodyParticle_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMassInv = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnHullDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Hull = 0x10; // RnHull_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnSoftbodyCapsule_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCenter = 0x0; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParticle = 0x1C; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnCapsuleDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Capsule = 0x10; // RnCapsule_t + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnSphereDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Sphere = 0x10; // SphereBase_t + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnMeshDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Mesh = 0x10; // RnMesh_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 101 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PhysFeModelDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CtrlHash = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CtrlName = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStaticNodeFlags = 0x30; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDynamicNodeFlags = 0x34; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLocalForce = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLocalRotation = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNodeCount = 0x40; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nStaticNodes = 0x42; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRotLockStaticNodes = 0x44; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstPositionDrivenNode = 0x46; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSimdTriCount1 = 0x48; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSimdTriCount2 = 0x4A; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSimdQuadCount1 = 0x4C; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSimdQuadCount2 = 0x4E; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuadCount1 = 0x50; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuadCount2 = 0x52; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTreeDepth = 0x54; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNodeBaseJiggleboneDependsCount = 0x56; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRopeCount = 0x58; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Ropes = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NodeBases = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SimdNodeBases = 0x90; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Quads = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SimdQuads = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SimdTris = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SimdRods = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SimdRodsAnim = 0x108; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InitPose = 0x120; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Rods = 0x138; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Twists = 0x150; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AxialEdges = 0x168; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NodeInvMasses = 0x180; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CtrlOffsets = 0x198; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CtrlOsOffsets = 0x1B0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FollowNodes = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionPlanes = 0x1E0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NodeIntegrator = 0x1F8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SpringIntegrator = 0x210; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SimdSpringIntegrator = 0x228; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WorldCollisionParams = 0x240; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LegacyStretchForce = 0x258; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NodeCollisionRadii = 0x270; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DynNodeFriction = 0x288; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LocalRotation = 0x2A0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LocalForce = 0x2B8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TaperedCapsuleStretches = 0x2D0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TaperedCapsuleRigids = 0x2E8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SphereRigids = 0x300; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_WorldCollisionNodes = 0x318; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TreeParents = 0x330; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TreeCollisionMasks = 0x348; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_TreeChildren = 0x360; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FreeNodes = 0x378; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FitMatrices = 0x390; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FitWeights = 0x3A8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ReverseOffsets = 0x3C0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_AnimStrayRadii = 0x3D8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SimdAnimStrayRadii = 0x3F0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_KelagerBends = 0x408; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CtrlSoftOffsets = 0x420; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_JiggleBones = 0x438; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SourceElems = 0x450; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GoalDampedSpringIntegrators = 0x468; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Tris = 0x480; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTriCount1 = 0x498; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTriCount2 = 0x49A; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nReservedUint8 = 0x49C; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExtraPressureIterations = 0x49D; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExtraGoalIterations = 0x49E; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nExtraIterations = 0x49F; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BoxRigids = 0x4A0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DynNodeVertexSet = 0x4B8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_VertexSetNames = 0x4D0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RigidColliderPriorities = 0x4E8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MorphLayers = 0x500; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MorphSetData = 0x518; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_VertexMaps = 0x530; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_VertexMapValues = 0x548; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Effects = 0x560; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LockToParent = 0x578; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LockToGoal = 0x590; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_SkelParents = 0x5A8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DynNodeWindBases = 0x5C0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInternalPressure = 0x5D8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultTimeDilation = 0x5DC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindage = 0x5E0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWindDrag = 0x5E4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultSurfaceStretch = 0x5E8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultThreadStretch = 0x5EC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultGravityScale = 0x5F0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultVelAirDrag = 0x5F4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultExpAirDrag = 0x5F8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultVelQuadAirDrag = 0x5FC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultExpQuadAirDrag = 0x600; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRodVelocitySmoothRate = 0x604; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flQuadVelocitySmoothRate = 0x608; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAddWorldCollisionRadius = 0x60C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefaultVolumetricSolveAmount = 0x610; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMotionSmoothCDT = 0x614; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRodVelocitySmoothIterations = 0x618; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuadVelocitySmoothIterations = 0x61A; // uint16 + } + // Parent: RnBodyDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace vphysics_save_cphysicsbody_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOldPointer = 0xD0; // uint64 + } + // Parent: FeBoxRigid_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeBuildBoxRigid_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPriority = 0x40; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVertexMapHash = 0x44; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFeIndexedJiggleBone { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNode = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nJiggleParent = 0x4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jiggleBone = 0x8; // CFeJiggleBone + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeBandBendLimit_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flDistMin = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flDistMax = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x8; // uint16[6] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeTaperedCapsuleStretch_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCollisionMask = 0x4; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nDummy = 0x6; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flRadius = 0x8; // float32[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + namespace constraint_axislimit_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flMinRotation = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flMaxRotation = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flMotorTargetAngSpeed = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flMotorMaxTorque = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSimdRodConstraintAnim_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t f4Weight0 = 0x10; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t f4RelaxationFactor = 0x20; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSimdRodConstraint_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t f4MaxDist = 0x10; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t f4MinDist = 0x20; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t f4Weight0 = 0x30; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t f4RelaxationFactor = 0x40; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + namespace constraint_hingeparams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t worldPosition = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t worldAxisDirection = 0xC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t hingeAxis = 0x18; // constraint_axislimit_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t constraint = 0x28; // constraint_breakableparams_t + } + // Parent: FeSphereRigid_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeBuildSphereRigid_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPriority = 0x20; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVertexMapHash = 0x24; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSimdAnimStrayRadius_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flMaxDist = 0x10; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flRelaxationFactor = 0x20; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnTriangle_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndex = 0x0; // int32[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeProxyVertexMap_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWeight = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeNodeIntegrator_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flPointDamping = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flAnimationForceAttraction = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flAnimationVertexAttraction = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flGravity = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnCapsule_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCenter = 0x0; // Vector[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFeNamedJiggleBone { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_strParentBone = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transform = 0x10; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nJiggleParent = 0x30; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jiggleBone = 0x34; // CFeJiggleBone + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 35 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnBodyDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sDebugName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPosition = 0x8; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_qOrientation = 0x14; // QuaternionStorage + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLinearVelocity = 0x24; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vAngularVelocity = 0x30; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLocalMassCenter = 0x3C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LocalInertiaInv = 0x48; // Vector[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMassInv = 0x6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGameMass = 0x70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flInertiaScaleInv = 0x74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearDamping = 0x78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularDamping = 0x7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearDrag = 0x80; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularDrag = 0x84; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLinearBuoyancyDrag = 0x88; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngularBuoyancyDrag = 0x8C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLastAwakeForceAccum = 0x90; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLastAwakeTorqueAccum = 0x9C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBuoyancyFactor = 0xA8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGravityScale = 0xAC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimeScale = 0xB0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBodyType = 0xB4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGameIndex = 0xB8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nGameFlags = 0xBC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinVelocityIterations = 0xC0; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMinPositionIterations = 0xC1; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nMassPriority = 0xC2; // int8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEnabled = 0xC3; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSleeping = 0xC4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsContinuousEnabled = 0xC5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDragEnabled = 0xC6; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBuoyancyDragEnabled = 0xC7; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGravityDisabled = 0xC8; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpeculativeEnabled = 0xC9; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasShadowController = 0xCA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace OldFeEdge_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flK = 0x0; // float32[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t invA = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t t = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flThetaRelaxed = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flThetaFactor = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t c01 = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t c02 = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t c03 = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t c04 = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flAxialModelDist = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flAxialModelWeights = 0x30; // float32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNode = 0x40; // uint16[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeFollowNode_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nParentNode = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nChildNode = 0x2; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flWeight = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnMesh_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMin = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMax = 0xC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Nodes = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Vertices = 0x30; // CUtlVectorSIMDPaddedVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Triangles = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Wings = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Materials = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOrthographicAreas = 0x90; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x9C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDebugFlags = 0xA0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + namespace VertexPositionNormal_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPosition = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vNormal = 0xC; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnBlendVertex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeight0 = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndex0 = 0x2; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeight1 = 0x4; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndex1 = 0x6; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nWeight2 = 0x8; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndex2 = 0xA; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0xC; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTargetIndex = 0xE; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFeMorphLayer { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Nodes = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InitPos = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Gravity = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GoalStrength = 0x58; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GoalDamping = 0x70; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeCtrlSoftOffset_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCtrlParent = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCtrlChild = 0x2; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vOffset = 0x4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flAlpha = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeVertexMapDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t sName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nColor = 0xC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nFlags = 0x10; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nVertexBase = 0x14; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nVertexCount = 0x16; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nMapOffset = 0x18; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeListOffset = 0x1C; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vCenterOfMass = 0x20; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flVolumetricSolveStrength = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nScaleSourceNode = 0x30; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeListCount = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeTaperedCapsuleRigid_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vSphere = 0x0; // fltx4[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x20; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCollisionMask = 0x22; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nVertexMapIndex = 0x24; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nFlags = 0x26; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeAnimStrayRadius_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flMaxDist = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flRelaxationFactor = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeEdgeDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nEdge = 0x0; // uint16[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nSide = 0x4; // uint16[2][2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nVirtElem = 0xC; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeNodeReverseOffset_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vOffset = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nBoneCtrl = 0xC; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nTargetNode = 0xE; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnPlane_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vNormal = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flOffset = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 35 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFeJiggleBone { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLength = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flTipMass = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flYawStiffness = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flYawDamping = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPitchStiffness = 0x14; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPitchDamping = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlongStiffness = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAlongDamping = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flAngleLimit = 0x24; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinYaw = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxYaw = 0x2C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flYawFriction = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flYawBounce = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinPitch = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxPitch = 0x3C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPitchFriction = 0x40; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPitchBounce = 0x44; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseMass = 0x48; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseStiffness = 0x4C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseDamping = 0x50; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseMinLeft = 0x54; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseMaxLeft = 0x58; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseLeftFriction = 0x5C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseMinUp = 0x60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseMaxUp = 0x64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseUpFriction = 0x68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseMinForward = 0x6C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseMaxForward = 0x70; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flBaseForwardFriction = 0x74; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius0 = 0x78; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius1 = 0x7C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPoint0 = 0x80; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPoint1 = 0x8C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionMask = 0x98; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CRegionSVM { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Planes = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Nodes = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeWorldCollisionParams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flWorldFriction = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flGroundFriction = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nListBegin = 0x8; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nListEnd = 0xA; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnNode_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMin = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChildren = 0xC; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMax = 0x10; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTriangleOffset = 0x1C; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeFitMatrix_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t bone = 0x0; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vCenter = 0x20; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nEnd = 0x2C; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x2E; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nBeginDynamic = 0x30; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSimdQuad_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4][4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t f4Slack = 0x20; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vShape = 0x30; // FourVectors[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t f4Weights = 0xF0; // fltx4[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSimdSpringIntegrator_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flSpringRestLength = 0x10; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flSpringConstant = 0x20; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flSpringDamping = 0x30; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flNodeWeight0 = 0x40; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSimdNodeBase_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeX0 = 0x8; // uint16[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeX1 = 0x10; // uint16[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeY0 = 0x18; // uint16[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeY1 = 0x20; // uint16[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nDummy = 0x28; // uint16[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t qAdjust = 0x30; // FourQuaternions + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeQuad_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flSlack = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vShape = 0xC; // Vector4D[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnWing_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nIndex = 0x0; // int32[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeWeightedNode_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nWeight = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeEffectDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t sName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nType = 0xC; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Params = 0x10; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSpringIntegrator_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flSpringRestLength = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flSpringConstant = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flSpringDamping = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flNodeWeight0 = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FourVectors2D { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t x = 0x0; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t y = 0x10; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeKelagerBend2_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flWeight = 0x0; // float32[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flHeight0 = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x10; // uint16[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nReserved = 0x16; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CastSphereSATParams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRayStart = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vRayDelta = 0xC; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flRadius = 0x18; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxFraction = 0x1C; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flScale = 0x20; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pHull = 0x28; // RnHull_t* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeRigidColliderIndices_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTaperedCapsuleRigidIndex = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSphereRigidIndex = 0x2; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBoxRigidIndex = 0x4; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionPlaneIndex = 0x6; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeCollisionPlane_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCtrlParent = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nChildNode = 0x2; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Plane = 0x4; // RnPlane_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flStrength = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeStiffHingeBuild_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flMaxAngle = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flStrength = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flMotionBias = 0x8; // float32[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x14; // uint16[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeBoxRigid_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t tmFrame2 = 0x0; // CTransform + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x20; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCollisionMask = 0x22; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vSize = 0x24; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nVertexMapIndex = 0x30; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nFlags = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeMorphLayerDepr_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Name = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Nodes = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_InitPos = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Gravity = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GoalStrength = 0x58; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_GoalDamping = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0x88; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeCtrlOffset_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vOffset = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCtrlParent = 0xC; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCtrlChild = 0xE; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace IPhysicsPlayerController { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeNodeBase_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nDummy = 0x2; // uint16[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeX0 = 0x8; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeX1 = 0xA; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeY0 = 0xC; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeY1 = 0xE; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t qAdjust = 0x10; // QuaternionStorage + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeVertexMapBuild_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_VertexMapName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNameHash = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Color = 0xC; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVolumetricSolveStrength = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nScaleSourceNode = 0x14; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Weights = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CFeVertexMapBuildArray { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Array = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeTri_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t w1 = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t w2 = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t v1x = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t v2 = 0x14; // Vector2D + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnHull_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vCentroid = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMaxAngularRadius = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Bounds = 0x10; // AABB_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOrthographicAreas = 0x28; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MassProperties = 0x34; // matrix3x4_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flVolume = 0x64; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSurfaceArea = 0x68; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Vertices = 0x70; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_VertexPositions = 0x88; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Edges = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Faces = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_FacePlanes = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFlags = 0xE8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pRegionSVM = 0xF0; // CRegionSVM* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CovMatrix3 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDiag = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flXY = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flXZ = 0x10; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flYZ = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnVertex_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEdge = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace Dop26_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSupport = 0x0; // float32[26] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnFace_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEdge = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeCtrlOsOffset_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCtrlParent = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCtrlChild = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSourceEdge_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeTwistConstraint_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeOrient = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeEnd = 0x2; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flTwistRelax = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flSwingRelax = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeNodeWindBase_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeX0 = 0x0; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeX1 = 0x2; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeY0 = 0x4; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNodeY1 = 0x6; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeAxialEdgeBend_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t te = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t tv = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flDist = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flWeight = 0xC; // float32[4] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x1C; // uint16[6] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FourCovMatrices3 { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vDiag = 0x0; // FourVectors + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flXY = 0x30; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flXZ = 0x40; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flYZ = 0x50; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + namespace constraint_breakableparams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t strength = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t forceLimit = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t torqueLimit = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t bodyMassScale = 0xC; // float32[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t isActive = 0x14; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSphereRigid_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t vSphere = 0x0; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x10; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nCollisionMask = 0x12; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nVertexMapIndex = 0x14; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nFlags = 0x16; // uint16 + } + // Parent: FeTaperedCapsuleRigid_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeBuildTaperedCapsuleRigid_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPriority = 0x30; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVertexMapHash = 0x34; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSoftParent_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nParent = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flAlpha = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnShapeDesc_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCollisionAttributeIndex = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSurfacePropertyIndex = 0x4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_UserFriendlyName = 0x8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeTreeChildren_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nChild = 0x0; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeRodConstraint_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint16[2] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flMaxDist = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flMinDist = 0x8; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flWeight0 = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flRelaxationFactor = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeFitWeight_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flWeight = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x4; // uint16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nDummy = 0x6; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace RnHalfEdge_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nNext = 0x0; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTwin = 0x1; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOrigin = 0x2; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFace = 0x3; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeSimdTri_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nNode = 0x0; // uint32[4][3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t w1 = 0x30; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t w2 = 0x40; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t v1x = 0x50; // fltx4 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t v2 = 0x60; // FourVectors2D + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + namespace VertexPositionColor_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vPosition = 0x0; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace FeFitInfluence_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nVertexNode = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t flWeight = 0x4; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t nMatrixNode = 0x8; // uint32 + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/vphysics2.dll.json b/output/vphysics2.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..450265d --- /dev/null +++ b/output/vphysics2.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,1452 @@ +{ + "vphysics2.dll": { + "classes": { + "CFeIndexedJiggleBone": { + "fields": { + "m_jiggleBone": 8, + "m_nJiggleParent": 4, + "m_nNode": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CFeJiggleBone": { + "fields": { + "m_flAlongDamping": 32, + "m_flAlongStiffness": 28, + "m_flAngleLimit": 36, + "m_flBaseDamping": 80, + "m_flBaseForwardFriction": 116, + "m_flBaseLeftFriction": 92, + "m_flBaseMass": 72, + "m_flBaseMaxForward": 112, + "m_flBaseMaxLeft": 88, + "m_flBaseMaxUp": 100, + "m_flBaseMinForward": 108, + "m_flBaseMinLeft": 84, + "m_flBaseMinUp": 96, + "m_flBaseStiffness": 76, + "m_flBaseUpFriction": 104, + "m_flLength": 4, + "m_flMaxPitch": 60, + "m_flMaxYaw": 44, + "m_flMinPitch": 56, + "m_flMinYaw": 40, + "m_flPitchBounce": 68, + "m_flPitchDamping": 24, + "m_flPitchFriction": 64, + "m_flPitchStiffness": 20, + "m_flRadius0": 120, + "m_flRadius1": 124, + "m_flTipMass": 8, + "m_flYawBounce": 52, + "m_flYawDamping": 16, + "m_flYawFriction": 48, + "m_flYawStiffness": 12, + "m_nCollisionMask": 152, + "m_nFlags": 0, + "m_vPoint0": 128, + "m_vPoint1": 140 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CFeMorphLayer": { + "fields": { + "m_GoalDamping": 112, + "m_GoalStrength": 88, + "m_Gravity": 64, + "m_InitPos": 40, + "m_Name": 0, + "m_Nodes": 16, + "m_nNameHash": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CFeNamedJiggleBone": { + "fields": { + "m_jiggleBone": 52, + "m_nJiggleParent": 48, + "m_strParentBone": 0, + "m_transform": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CFeVertexMapBuildArray": { + "fields": { + "m_Array": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CRegionSVM": { + "fields": { + "m_Nodes": 24, + "m_Planes": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CastSphereSATParams_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flMaxFraction": 28, + "m_flRadius": 24, + "m_flScale": 32, + "m_pHull": 40, + "m_vRayDelta": 12, + "m_vRayStart": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CovMatrix3": { + "fields": { + "m_flXY": 12, + "m_flXZ": 16, + "m_flYZ": 20, + "m_vDiag": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "Dop26_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flSupport": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeAnimStrayRadius_t": { + "fields": { + "flMaxDist": 4, + "flRelaxationFactor": 8, + "nNode": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeAxialEdgeBend_t": { + "fields": { + "flDist": 8, + "flWeight": 12, + "nNode": 28, + "te": 0, + "tv": 4 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeBandBendLimit_t": { + "fields": { + "flDistMax": 4, + "flDistMin": 0, + "nNode": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeBoxRigid_t": { + "fields": { + "nCollisionMask": 34, + "nFlags": 50, + "nNode": 32, + "nVertexMapIndex": 48, + "tmFrame2": 0, + "vSize": 36 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeBuildBoxRigid_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nPriority": 64, + "m_nVertexMapHash": 68 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "FeBoxRigid_t" + }, + "FeBuildSphereRigid_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nPriority": 32, + "m_nVertexMapHash": 36 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "FeSphereRigid_t" + }, + "FeBuildTaperedCapsuleRigid_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nPriority": 48, + "m_nVertexMapHash": 52 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "FeTaperedCapsuleRigid_t" + }, + "FeCollisionPlane_t": { + "fields": { + "flStrength": 20, + "m_Plane": 4, + "nChildNode": 2, + "nCtrlParent": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeCtrlOffset_t": { + "fields": { + "nCtrlChild": 14, + "nCtrlParent": 12, + "vOffset": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeCtrlOsOffset_t": { + "fields": { + "nCtrlChild": 2, + "nCtrlParent": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeCtrlSoftOffset_t": { + "fields": { + "flAlpha": 16, + "nCtrlChild": 2, + "nCtrlParent": 0, + "vOffset": 4 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeEdgeDesc_t": { + "fields": { + "nEdge": 0, + "nSide": 4, + "nVirtElem": 12 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeEffectDesc_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Params": 16, + "nNameHash": 8, + "nType": 12, + "sName": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeFitInfluence_t": { + "fields": { + "flWeight": 4, + "nMatrixNode": 8, + "nVertexNode": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeFitMatrix_t": { + "fields": { + "bone": 0, + "nBeginDynamic": 48, + "nEnd": 44, + "nNode": 46, + "vCenter": 32 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeFitWeight_t": { + "fields": { + "flWeight": 0, + "nDummy": 6, + "nNode": 4 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeFollowNode_t": { + "fields": { + "flWeight": 4, + "nChildNode": 2, + "nParentNode": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeKelagerBend2_t": { + "fields": { + "flHeight0": 12, + "flWeight": 0, + "nNode": 16, + "nReserved": 22 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeMorphLayerDepr_t": { + "fields": { + "m_GoalDamping": 112, + "m_GoalStrength": 88, + "m_Gravity": 64, + "m_InitPos": 40, + "m_Name": 0, + "m_Nodes": 16, + "m_nFlags": 136, + "m_nNameHash": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeNodeBase_t": { + "fields": { + "nDummy": 2, + "nNode": 0, + "nNodeX0": 8, + "nNodeX1": 10, + "nNodeY0": 12, + "nNodeY1": 14, + "qAdjust": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeNodeIntegrator_t": { + "fields": { + "flAnimationForceAttraction": 4, + "flAnimationVertexAttraction": 8, + "flGravity": 12, + "flPointDamping": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeNodeReverseOffset_t": { + "fields": { + "nBoneCtrl": 12, + "nTargetNode": 14, + "vOffset": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeNodeWindBase_t": { + "fields": { + "nNodeX0": 0, + "nNodeX1": 2, + "nNodeY0": 4, + "nNodeY1": 6 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeProxyVertexMap_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Name": 0, + "m_flWeight": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeQuad_t": { + "fields": { + "flSlack": 8, + "nNode": 0, + "vShape": 12 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeRigidColliderIndices_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nBoxRigidIndex": 4, + "m_nCollisionPlaneIndex": 6, + "m_nSphereRigidIndex": 2, + "m_nTaperedCapsuleRigidIndex": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeRodConstraint_t": { + "fields": { + "flMaxDist": 4, + "flMinDist": 8, + "flRelaxationFactor": 16, + "flWeight0": 12, + "nNode": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSimdAnimStrayRadius_t": { + "fields": { + "flMaxDist": 16, + "flRelaxationFactor": 32, + "nNode": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSimdNodeBase_t": { + "fields": { + "nDummy": 40, + "nNode": 0, + "nNodeX0": 8, + "nNodeX1": 16, + "nNodeY0": 24, + "nNodeY1": 32, + "qAdjust": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSimdQuad_t": { + "fields": { + "f4Slack": 32, + "f4Weights": 240, + "nNode": 0, + "vShape": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSimdRodConstraintAnim_t": { + "fields": { + "f4RelaxationFactor": 32, + "f4Weight0": 16, + "nNode": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSimdRodConstraint_t": { + "fields": { + "f4MaxDist": 16, + "f4MinDist": 32, + "f4RelaxationFactor": 64, + "f4Weight0": 48, + "nNode": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSimdSpringIntegrator_t": { + "fields": { + "flNodeWeight0": 64, + "flSpringConstant": 32, + "flSpringDamping": 48, + "flSpringRestLength": 16, + "nNode": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSimdTri_t": { + "fields": { + "nNode": 0, + "v1x": 80, + "v2": 96, + "w1": 48, + "w2": 64 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSoftParent_t": { + "fields": { + "flAlpha": 4, + "nParent": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSourceEdge_t": { + "fields": { + "nNode": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSphereRigid_t": { + "fields": { + "nCollisionMask": 18, + "nFlags": 22, + "nNode": 16, + "nVertexMapIndex": 20, + "vSphere": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeSpringIntegrator_t": { + "fields": { + "flNodeWeight0": 16, + "flSpringConstant": 8, + "flSpringDamping": 12, + 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null + }, + "FeTri_t": { + "fields": { + "nNode": 0, + "v1x": 16, + "v2": 20, + "w1": 8, + "w2": 12 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeTwistConstraint_t": { + "fields": { + "flSwingRelax": 8, + "flTwistRelax": 4, + "nNodeEnd": 2, + "nNodeOrient": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeVertexMapBuild_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Color": 12, + "m_VertexMapName": 0, + "m_Weights": 24, + "m_flVolumetricSolveStrength": 16, + "m_nNameHash": 8, + "m_nScaleSourceNode": 20 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "FeVertexMapDesc_t": { + "fields": { + "flVolumetricSolveStrength": 44, + "nColor": 12, + "nFlags": 16, + "nMapOffset": 24, + "nNameHash": 8, + "nNodeListCount": 50, + "nNodeListOffset": 28, + "nScaleSourceNode": 48, + "nVertexBase": 20, + "nVertexCount": 22, + 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[], + "parent": null + }, + "OldFeEdge_t": { + "fields": { + "c01": 28, + "c02": 32, + "c03": 36, + "c04": 40, + "flAxialModelDist": 44, + "flAxialModelWeights": 48, + "flThetaFactor": 24, + "flThetaRelaxed": 20, + "invA": 12, + "m_flK": 0, + "m_nNode": 64, + "t": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "PhysFeModelDesc_t": { + "fields": { + "m_AnimStrayRadii": 984, + "m_AxialEdges": 360, + "m_BoxRigids": 1184, + "m_CollisionPlanes": 480, + "m_CtrlHash": 0, + "m_CtrlName": 24, + "m_CtrlOffsets": 408, + "m_CtrlOsOffsets": 432, + "m_CtrlSoftOffsets": 1056, + "m_DynNodeFriction": 648, + "m_DynNodeVertexSet": 1208, + "m_DynNodeWindBases": 1472, + "m_Effects": 1376, + "m_FitMatrices": 912, + "m_FitWeights": 936, + "m_FollowNodes": 456, + "m_FreeNodes": 888, + "m_GoalDampedSpringIntegrators": 1128, + "m_InitPose": 288, + "m_JiggleBones": 1080, + "m_KelagerBends": 1032, + "m_LegacyStretchForce": 600, + "m_LocalForce": 696, + "m_LocalRotation": 672, + "m_LockToGoal": 1424, + "m_LockToParent": 1400, + "m_MorphLayers": 1280, + "m_MorphSetData": 1304, + "m_NodeBases": 120, + "m_NodeCollisionRadii": 624, + "m_NodeIntegrator": 504, + "m_NodeInvMasses": 384, + "m_Quads": 168, + "m_ReverseOffsets": 960, + "m_RigidColliderPriorities": 1256, + "m_Rods": 312, + "m_Ropes": 96, + "m_SimdAnimStrayRadii": 1008, + "m_SimdNodeBases": 144, + "m_SimdQuads": 192, + "m_SimdRods": 240, + "m_SimdRodsAnim": 264, + "m_SimdSpringIntegrator": 552, + "m_SimdTris": 216, + "m_SkelParents": 1448, + "m_SourceElems": 1104, + "m_SphereRigids": 768, + "m_SpringIntegrator": 528, + "m_TaperedCapsuleRigids": 744, + "m_TaperedCapsuleStretches": 720, + "m_TreeChildren": 864, + "m_TreeCollisionMasks": 840, + "m_TreeParents": 816, + "m_Tris": 1152, + "m_Twists": 336, + "m_VertexMapValues": 1352, + "m_VertexMaps": 1328, + "m_VertexSetNames": 1232, + "m_WorldCollisionNodes": 792, + "m_WorldCollisionParams": 576, + "m_flAddWorldCollisionRadius": 1548, + "m_flDefaultExpAirDrag": 1528, + "m_flDefaultExpQuadAirDrag": 1536, + "m_flDefaultGravityScale": 1520, + "m_flDefaultSurfaceStretch": 1512, + "m_flDefaultThreadStretch": 1516, + "m_flDefaultTimeDilation": 1500, + "m_flDefaultVelAirDrag": 1524, + "m_flDefaultVelQuadAirDrag": 1532, + "m_flDefaultVolumetricSolveAmount": 1552, + "m_flInternalPressure": 1496, + "m_flLocalForce": 56, + "m_flLocalRotation": 60, + "m_flMotionSmoothCDT": 1556, + "m_flQuadVelocitySmoothRate": 1544, + "m_flRodVelocitySmoothRate": 1540, + "m_flWindDrag": 1508, + "m_flWindage": 1504, + "m_nDynamicNodeFlags": 52, + "m_nExtraGoalIterations": 1182, + "m_nExtraIterations": 1183, + "m_nExtraPressureIterations": 1181, + "m_nFirstPositionDrivenNode": 70, + "m_nNodeBaseJiggleboneDependsCount": 86, + "m_nNodeCount": 64, + "m_nQuadCount1": 80, + "m_nQuadCount2": 82, + "m_nQuadVelocitySmoothIterations": 1562, + "m_nReservedUint8": 1180, + "m_nRodVelocitySmoothIterations": 1560, + "m_nRopeCount": 88, + "m_nRotLockStaticNodes": 68, + "m_nSimdQuadCount1": 76, + "m_nSimdQuadCount2": 78, + "m_nSimdTriCount1": 72, + "m_nSimdTriCount2": 74, + "m_nStaticNodeFlags": 48, + "m_nStaticNodes": 66, + "m_nTreeDepth": 84, + "m_nTriCount1": 1176, + "m_nTriCount2": 1178 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnBlendVertex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nFlags": 12, + "m_nIndex0": 2, + "m_nIndex1": 6, + "m_nIndex2": 10, + "m_nTargetIndex": 14, + "m_nWeight0": 0, + "m_nWeight1": 4, + "m_nWeight2": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnBodyDesc_t": { + "fields": { + "m_LocalInertiaInv": 72, + "m_bBuoyancyDragEnabled": 199, + "m_bDragEnabled": 198, + "m_bEnabled": 195, + "m_bGravityDisabled": 200, + "m_bHasShadowController": 202, + "m_bIsContinuousEnabled": 197, + "m_bSleeping": 196, + "m_bSpeculativeEnabled": 201, + 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"RnCapsule_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flRadius": 24, + "m_vCenter": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnFace_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nEdge": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnHalfEdge_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nFace": 3, + "m_nNext": 0, + "m_nOrigin": 2, + "m_nTwin": 1 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnHullDesc_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Hull": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "RnShapeDesc_t" + }, + "RnHull_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Bounds": 16, + "m_Edges": 160, + "m_FacePlanes": 208, + "m_Faces": 184, + "m_MassProperties": 52, + "m_VertexPositions": 136, + "m_Vertices": 112, + "m_flMaxAngularRadius": 12, + "m_flSurfaceArea": 104, + "m_flVolume": 100, + "m_nFlags": 232, + "m_pRegionSVM": 240, + "m_vCentroid": 0, + "m_vOrthographicAreas": 40 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnMeshDesc_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Mesh": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "RnShapeDesc_t" + }, + "RnMesh_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Materials": 120, + "m_Nodes": 24, + "m_Triangles": 72, + "m_Vertices": 48, + "m_Wings": 96, + "m_nDebugFlags": 160, + "m_nFlags": 156, + "m_vMax": 12, + "m_vMin": 0, + "m_vOrthographicAreas": 144 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnNode_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nChildren": 12, + "m_nTriangleOffset": 28, + "m_vMax": 16, + "m_vMin": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnPlane_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flOffset": 12, + "m_vNormal": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnShapeDesc_t": { + "fields": { + "m_UserFriendlyName": 8, + "m_nCollisionAttributeIndex": 0, + "m_nSurfacePropertyIndex": 4 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnSoftbodyCapsule_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flRadius": 24, + "m_nParticle": 28, + "m_vCenter": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnSoftbodyParticle_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flMassInv": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnSoftbodySpring_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flLength": 4, + "m_nParticle": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnSphereDesc_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Sphere": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "RnShapeDesc_t" + }, + "RnTriangle_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nIndex": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnVertex_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nEdge": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "RnWing_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nIndex": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "VertexPositionColor_t": { + "fields": { + "m_vPosition": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "VertexPositionNormal_t": { + "fields": { + "m_vNormal": 12, + "m_vPosition": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "constraint_axislimit_t": { + "fields": { + "flMaxRotation": 4, + "flMinRotation": 0, + "flMotorMaxTorque": 12, + "flMotorTargetAngSpeed": 8 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "constraint_breakableparams_t": { + "fields": { + "bodyMassScale": 12, + "forceLimit": 4, + "isActive": 20, + "strength": 0, + "torqueLimit": 8 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "constraint_hingeparams_t": { + "fields": { + "constraint": 40, + "hingeAxis": 24, + "worldAxisDirection": 12, + "worldPosition": 0 + }, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "vphysics_save_cphysicsbody_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nOldPointer": 208 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "RnBodyDesc_t" + } + }, + "enums": { + "JointAxis_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "JOINT_AXIS_COUNT": 3, + "JOINT_AXIS_X": 0, + "JOINT_AXIS_Y": 1, + "JOINT_AXIS_Z": 2 + }, + "type": "uint32" + }, + "JointMotion_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "JOINT_MOTION_COUNT": 2, + "JOINT_MOTION_FREE": 0, + "JOINT_MOTION_LOCKED": 1 + }, + "type": "uint32" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/vphysics2.dll.rs b/output/vphysics2.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbd8c52 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/vphysics2.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: vphysics2.dll + // Classes count: 88 + // Enums count: 2 + pub mod vphysics2_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 3 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum JointMotion_t { + JOINT_MOTION_FREE = 0x0, + JOINT_MOTION_LOCKED = 0x1, + JOINT_MOTION_COUNT = 0x2 + } + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 4 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum JointAxis_t { + JOINT_AXIS_X = 0x0, + JOINT_AXIS_Y = 0x1, + JOINT_AXIS_Z = 0x2, + JOINT_AXIS_COUNT = 0x3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnSoftbodySpring_t { + pub const m_nParticle: usize = 0x0; // uint16[2] + pub const m_flLength: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnSoftbodyParticle_t { + pub const m_flMassInv: usize = 0x0; // float32 + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnHullDesc_t { + pub const m_Hull: usize = 0x10; // RnHull_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnSoftbodyCapsule_t { + pub const m_vCenter: usize = 0x0; // Vector[2] + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_nParticle: usize = 0x1C; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnCapsuleDesc_t { + pub const m_Capsule: usize = 0x10; // RnCapsule_t + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnSphereDesc_t { + pub const m_Sphere: usize = 0x10; // SphereBase_t + } + // Parent: RnShapeDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnMeshDesc_t { + pub const m_Mesh: usize = 0x10; // RnMesh_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 101 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PhysFeModelDesc_t { + pub const m_CtrlHash: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_CtrlName: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nStaticNodeFlags: usize = 0x30; // uint32 + pub const m_nDynamicNodeFlags: usize = 0x34; // uint32 + pub const m_flLocalForce: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flLocalRotation: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_nNodeCount: usize = 0x40; // uint16 + pub const m_nStaticNodes: usize = 0x42; // uint16 + pub const m_nRotLockStaticNodes: usize = 0x44; // uint16 + pub const m_nFirstPositionDrivenNode: usize = 0x46; // uint16 + pub const m_nSimdTriCount1: usize = 0x48; // uint16 + pub const m_nSimdTriCount2: usize = 0x4A; // uint16 + pub const m_nSimdQuadCount1: usize = 0x4C; // uint16 + pub const m_nSimdQuadCount2: usize = 0x4E; // uint16 + pub const m_nQuadCount1: usize = 0x50; // uint16 + pub const m_nQuadCount2: usize = 0x52; // uint16 + pub const m_nTreeDepth: usize = 0x54; // uint16 + pub const m_nNodeBaseJiggleboneDependsCount: usize = 0x56; // uint16 + pub const m_nRopeCount: usize = 0x58; // uint16 + pub const m_Ropes: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_NodeBases: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SimdNodeBases: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Quads: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SimdQuads: usize = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SimdTris: usize = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SimdRods: usize = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SimdRodsAnim: usize = 0x108; // CUtlVector + pub const m_InitPose: usize = 0x120; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Rods: usize = 0x138; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Twists: usize = 0x150; // CUtlVector + pub const m_AxialEdges: usize = 0x168; // CUtlVector + pub const m_NodeInvMasses: usize = 0x180; // CUtlVector + pub const m_CtrlOffsets: usize = 0x198; // CUtlVector + pub const m_CtrlOsOffsets: usize = 0x1B0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FollowNodes: usize = 0x1C8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_CollisionPlanes: usize = 0x1E0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_NodeIntegrator: usize = 0x1F8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SpringIntegrator: usize = 0x210; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SimdSpringIntegrator: usize = 0x228; // CUtlVector + pub const m_WorldCollisionParams: usize = 0x240; // CUtlVector + pub const m_LegacyStretchForce: usize = 0x258; // CUtlVector + pub const m_NodeCollisionRadii: usize = 0x270; // CUtlVector + pub const m_DynNodeFriction: usize = 0x288; // CUtlVector + pub const m_LocalRotation: usize = 0x2A0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_LocalForce: usize = 0x2B8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_TaperedCapsuleStretches: usize = 0x2D0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_TaperedCapsuleRigids: usize = 0x2E8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SphereRigids: usize = 0x300; // CUtlVector + pub const m_WorldCollisionNodes: usize = 0x318; // CUtlVector + pub const m_TreeParents: usize = 0x330; // CUtlVector + pub const m_TreeCollisionMasks: usize = 0x348; // CUtlVector + pub const m_TreeChildren: usize = 0x360; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FreeNodes: usize = 0x378; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FitMatrices: usize = 0x390; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FitWeights: usize = 0x3A8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_ReverseOffsets: usize = 0x3C0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_AnimStrayRadii: usize = 0x3D8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SimdAnimStrayRadii: usize = 0x3F0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_KelagerBends: usize = 0x408; // CUtlVector + pub const m_CtrlSoftOffsets: usize = 0x420; // CUtlVector + pub const m_JiggleBones: usize = 0x438; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SourceElems: usize = 0x450; // CUtlVector + pub const m_GoalDampedSpringIntegrators: usize = 0x468; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Tris: usize = 0x480; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nTriCount1: usize = 0x498; // uint16 + pub const m_nTriCount2: usize = 0x49A; // uint16 + pub const m_nReservedUint8: usize = 0x49C; // uint8 + pub const m_nExtraPressureIterations: usize = 0x49D; // uint8 + pub const m_nExtraGoalIterations: usize = 0x49E; // uint8 + pub const m_nExtraIterations: usize = 0x49F; // uint8 + pub const m_BoxRigids: usize = 0x4A0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_DynNodeVertexSet: usize = 0x4B8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_VertexSetNames: usize = 0x4D0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_RigidColliderPriorities: usize = 0x4E8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_MorphLayers: usize = 0x500; // CUtlVector + pub const m_MorphSetData: usize = 0x518; // CUtlVector + pub const m_VertexMaps: usize = 0x530; // CUtlVector + pub const m_VertexMapValues: usize = 0x548; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Effects: usize = 0x560; // CUtlVector + pub const m_LockToParent: usize = 0x578; // CUtlVector + pub const m_LockToGoal: usize = 0x590; // CUtlVector + pub const m_SkelParents: usize = 0x5A8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_DynNodeWindBases: usize = 0x5C0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_flInternalPressure: usize = 0x5D8; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultTimeDilation: usize = 0x5DC; // float32 + pub const m_flWindage: usize = 0x5E0; // float32 + pub const m_flWindDrag: usize = 0x5E4; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultSurfaceStretch: usize = 0x5E8; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultThreadStretch: usize = 0x5EC; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultGravityScale: usize = 0x5F0; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultVelAirDrag: usize = 0x5F4; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultExpAirDrag: usize = 0x5F8; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultVelQuadAirDrag: usize = 0x5FC; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultExpQuadAirDrag: usize = 0x600; // float32 + pub const m_flRodVelocitySmoothRate: usize = 0x604; // float32 + pub const m_flQuadVelocitySmoothRate: usize = 0x608; // float32 + pub const m_flAddWorldCollisionRadius: usize = 0x60C; // float32 + pub const m_flDefaultVolumetricSolveAmount: usize = 0x610; // float32 + pub const m_flMotionSmoothCDT: usize = 0x614; // float32 + pub const m_nRodVelocitySmoothIterations: usize = 0x618; // uint16 + pub const m_nQuadVelocitySmoothIterations: usize = 0x61A; // uint16 + } + // Parent: RnBodyDesc_t + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod vphysics_save_cphysicsbody_t { + pub const m_nOldPointer: usize = 0xD0; // uint64 + } + // Parent: FeBoxRigid_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeBuildBoxRigid_t { + pub const m_nPriority: usize = 0x40; // int32 + pub const m_nVertexMapHash: usize = 0x44; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFeIndexedJiggleBone { + pub const m_nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_nJiggleParent: usize = 0x4; // uint32 + pub const m_jiggleBone: usize = 0x8; // CFeJiggleBone + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeBandBendLimit_t { + pub const flDistMin: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const flDistMax: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const nNode: usize = 0x8; // uint16[6] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeTaperedCapsuleStretch_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[2] + pub const nCollisionMask: usize = 0x4; // uint16 + pub const nDummy: usize = 0x6; // uint16 + pub const flRadius: usize = 0x8; // float32[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod constraint_axislimit_t { + pub const flMinRotation: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const flMaxRotation: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const flMotorTargetAngSpeed: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const flMotorMaxTorque: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSimdRodConstraintAnim_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + pub const f4Weight0: usize = 0x10; // fltx4 + pub const f4RelaxationFactor: usize = 0x20; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSimdRodConstraint_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + pub const f4MaxDist: usize = 0x10; // fltx4 + pub const f4MinDist: usize = 0x20; // fltx4 + pub const f4Weight0: usize = 0x30; // fltx4 + pub const f4RelaxationFactor: usize = 0x40; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + pub mod constraint_hingeparams_t { + pub const worldPosition: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const worldAxisDirection: usize = 0xC; // Vector + pub const hingeAxis: usize = 0x18; // constraint_axislimit_t + pub const constraint: usize = 0x28; // constraint_breakableparams_t + } + // Parent: FeSphereRigid_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeBuildSphereRigid_t { + pub const m_nPriority: usize = 0x20; // int32 + pub const m_nVertexMapHash: usize = 0x24; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSimdAnimStrayRadius_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + pub const flMaxDist: usize = 0x10; // fltx4 + pub const flRelaxationFactor: usize = 0x20; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnTriangle_t { + pub const m_nIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeProxyVertexMap_t { + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_flWeight: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeNodeIntegrator_t { + pub const flPointDamping: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const flAnimationForceAttraction: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const flAnimationVertexAttraction: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const flGravity: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnCapsule_t { + pub const m_vCenter: usize = 0x0; // Vector[2] + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x18; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFeNamedJiggleBone { + pub const m_strParentBone: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_transform: usize = 0x10; // CTransform + pub const m_nJiggleParent: usize = 0x30; // uint32 + pub const m_jiggleBone: usize = 0x34; // CFeJiggleBone + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 35 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnBodyDesc_t { + pub const m_sDebugName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_vPosition: usize = 0x8; // Vector + pub const m_qOrientation: usize = 0x14; // QuaternionStorage + pub const m_vLinearVelocity: usize = 0x24; // Vector + pub const m_vAngularVelocity: usize = 0x30; // Vector + pub const m_vLocalMassCenter: usize = 0x3C; // Vector + pub const m_LocalInertiaInv: usize = 0x48; // Vector[3] + pub const m_flMassInv: usize = 0x6C; // float32 + pub const m_flGameMass: usize = 0x70; // float32 + pub const m_flInertiaScaleInv: usize = 0x74; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearDamping: usize = 0x78; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularDamping: usize = 0x7C; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearDrag: usize = 0x80; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularDrag: usize = 0x84; // float32 + pub const m_flLinearBuoyancyDrag: usize = 0x88; // float32 + pub const m_flAngularBuoyancyDrag: usize = 0x8C; // float32 + pub const m_vLastAwakeForceAccum: usize = 0x90; // Vector + pub const m_vLastAwakeTorqueAccum: usize = 0x9C; // Vector + pub const m_flBuoyancyFactor: usize = 0xA8; // float32 + pub const m_flGravityScale: usize = 0xAC; // float32 + pub const m_flTimeScale: usize = 0xB0; // float32 + pub const m_nBodyType: usize = 0xB4; // int32 + pub const m_nGameIndex: usize = 0xB8; // uint32 + pub const m_nGameFlags: usize = 0xBC; // uint32 + pub const m_nMinVelocityIterations: usize = 0xC0; // int8 + pub const m_nMinPositionIterations: usize = 0xC1; // int8 + pub const m_nMassPriority: usize = 0xC2; // int8 + pub const m_bEnabled: usize = 0xC3; // bool + pub const m_bSleeping: usize = 0xC4; // bool + pub const m_bIsContinuousEnabled: usize = 0xC5; // bool + pub const m_bDragEnabled: usize = 0xC6; // bool + pub const m_bBuoyancyDragEnabled: usize = 0xC7; // bool + pub const m_bGravityDisabled: usize = 0xC8; // bool + pub const m_bSpeculativeEnabled: usize = 0xC9; // bool + pub const m_bHasShadowController: usize = 0xCA; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod OldFeEdge_t { + pub const m_flK: usize = 0x0; // float32[3] + pub const invA: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const t: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const flThetaRelaxed: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const flThetaFactor: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const c01: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const c02: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const c03: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const c04: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const flAxialModelDist: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const flAxialModelWeights: usize = 0x30; // float32[4] + pub const m_nNode: usize = 0x40; // uint16[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeFollowNode_t { + pub const nParentNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const nChildNode: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + pub const flWeight: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnMesh_t { + pub const m_vMin: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_vMax: usize = 0xC; // Vector + pub const m_Nodes: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Vertices: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVectorSIMDPaddedVector + pub const m_Triangles: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Wings: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Materials: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_vOrthographicAreas: usize = 0x90; // Vector + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x9C; // uint32 + pub const m_nDebugFlags: usize = 0xA0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + pub mod VertexPositionNormal_t { + pub const m_vPosition: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_vNormal: usize = 0xC; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnBlendVertex_t { + pub const m_nWeight0: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const m_nIndex0: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + pub const m_nWeight1: usize = 0x4; // uint16 + pub const m_nIndex1: usize = 0x6; // uint16 + pub const m_nWeight2: usize = 0x8; // uint16 + pub const m_nIndex2: usize = 0xA; // uint16 + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0xC; // uint16 + pub const m_nTargetIndex: usize = 0xE; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFeMorphLayer { + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nNameHash: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_Nodes: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_InitPos: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Gravity: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_GoalStrength: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + pub const m_GoalDamping: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeCtrlSoftOffset_t { + pub const nCtrlParent: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const nCtrlChild: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + pub const vOffset: usize = 0x4; // Vector + pub const flAlpha: usize = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 12 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeVertexMapDesc_t { + pub const sName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const nNameHash: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const nColor: usize = 0xC; // uint32 + pub const nFlags: usize = 0x10; // uint32 + pub const nVertexBase: usize = 0x14; // uint16 + pub const nVertexCount: usize = 0x16; // uint16 + pub const nMapOffset: usize = 0x18; // uint32 + pub const nNodeListOffset: usize = 0x1C; // uint32 + pub const vCenterOfMass: usize = 0x20; // Vector + pub const flVolumetricSolveStrength: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const nScaleSourceNode: usize = 0x30; // int16 + pub const nNodeListCount: usize = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeTaperedCapsuleRigid_t { + pub const vSphere: usize = 0x0; // fltx4[2] + pub const nNode: usize = 0x20; // uint16 + pub const nCollisionMask: usize = 0x22; // uint16 + pub const nVertexMapIndex: usize = 0x24; // uint16 + pub const nFlags: usize = 0x26; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeAnimStrayRadius_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[2] + pub const flMaxDist: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const flRelaxationFactor: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeEdgeDesc_t { + pub const nEdge: usize = 0x0; // uint16[2] + pub const nSide: usize = 0x4; // uint16[2][2] + pub const nVirtElem: usize = 0xC; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeNodeReverseOffset_t { + pub const vOffset: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const nBoneCtrl: usize = 0xC; // uint16 + pub const nTargetNode: usize = 0xE; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnPlane_t { + pub const m_vNormal: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_flOffset: usize = 0xC; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 35 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFeJiggleBone { + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_flLength: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const m_flTipMass: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const m_flYawStiffness: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flYawDamping: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flPitchStiffness: usize = 0x14; // float32 + pub const m_flPitchDamping: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flAlongStiffness: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flAlongDamping: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_flAngleLimit: usize = 0x24; // float32 + pub const m_flMinYaw: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxYaw: usize = 0x2C; // float32 + pub const m_flYawFriction: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_flYawBounce: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flMinPitch: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxPitch: usize = 0x3C; // float32 + pub const m_flPitchFriction: usize = 0x40; // float32 + pub const m_flPitchBounce: usize = 0x44; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseMass: usize = 0x48; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseStiffness: usize = 0x4C; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseDamping: usize = 0x50; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseMinLeft: usize = 0x54; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseMaxLeft: usize = 0x58; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseLeftFriction: usize = 0x5C; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseMinUp: usize = 0x60; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseMaxUp: usize = 0x64; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseUpFriction: usize = 0x68; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseMinForward: usize = 0x6C; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseMaxForward: usize = 0x70; // float32 + pub const m_flBaseForwardFriction: usize = 0x74; // float32 + pub const m_flRadius0: usize = 0x78; // float32 + pub const m_flRadius1: usize = 0x7C; // float32 + pub const m_vPoint0: usize = 0x80; // Vector + pub const m_vPoint1: usize = 0x8C; // Vector + pub const m_nCollisionMask: usize = 0x98; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CRegionSVM { + pub const m_Planes: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Nodes: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeWorldCollisionParams_t { + pub const flWorldFriction: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const flGroundFriction: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const nListBegin: usize = 0x8; // uint16 + pub const nListEnd: usize = 0xA; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnNode_t { + pub const m_vMin: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_nChildren: usize = 0xC; // uint32 + pub const m_vMax: usize = 0x10; // Vector + pub const m_nTriangleOffset: usize = 0x1C; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeFitMatrix_t { + pub const bone: usize = 0x0; // CTransform + pub const vCenter: usize = 0x20; // Vector + pub const nEnd: usize = 0x2C; // uint16 + pub const nNode: usize = 0x2E; // uint16 + pub const nBeginDynamic: usize = 0x30; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSimdQuad_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[4][4] + pub const f4Slack: usize = 0x20; // fltx4 + pub const vShape: usize = 0x30; // FourVectors[4] + pub const f4Weights: usize = 0xF0; // fltx4[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSimdSpringIntegrator_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[4][2] + pub const flSpringRestLength: usize = 0x10; // fltx4 + pub const flSpringConstant: usize = 0x20; // fltx4 + pub const flSpringDamping: usize = 0x30; // fltx4 + pub const flNodeWeight0: usize = 0x40; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSimdNodeBase_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[4] + pub const nNodeX0: usize = 0x8; // uint16[4] + pub const nNodeX1: usize = 0x10; // uint16[4] + pub const nNodeY0: usize = 0x18; // uint16[4] + pub const nNodeY1: usize = 0x20; // uint16[4] + pub const nDummy: usize = 0x28; // uint16[4] + pub const qAdjust: usize = 0x30; // FourQuaternions + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeQuad_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[4] + pub const flSlack: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const vShape: usize = 0xC; // Vector4D[4] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnWing_t { + pub const m_nIndex: usize = 0x0; // int32[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeWeightedNode_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const nWeight: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeEffectDesc_t { + pub const sName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const nNameHash: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const nType: usize = 0xC; // int32 + pub const m_Params: usize = 0x10; // KeyValues3 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSpringIntegrator_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[2] + pub const flSpringRestLength: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const flSpringConstant: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const flSpringDamping: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const flNodeWeight0: usize = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FourVectors2D { + pub const x: usize = 0x0; // fltx4 + pub const y: usize = 0x10; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeKelagerBend2_t { + pub const flWeight: usize = 0x0; // float32[3] + pub const flHeight0: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const nNode: usize = 0x10; // uint16[3] + pub const nReserved: usize = 0x16; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CastSphereSATParams_t { + pub const m_vRayStart: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_vRayDelta: usize = 0xC; // Vector + pub const m_flRadius: usize = 0x18; // float32 + pub const m_flMaxFraction: usize = 0x1C; // float32 + pub const m_flScale: usize = 0x20; // float32 + pub const m_pHull: usize = 0x28; // RnHull_t* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeRigidColliderIndices_t { + pub const m_nTaperedCapsuleRigidIndex: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const m_nSphereRigidIndex: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + pub const m_nBoxRigidIndex: usize = 0x4; // uint16 + pub const m_nCollisionPlaneIndex: usize = 0x6; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeCollisionPlane_t { + pub const nCtrlParent: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const nChildNode: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + pub const m_Plane: usize = 0x4; // RnPlane_t + pub const flStrength: usize = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeStiffHingeBuild_t { + pub const flMaxAngle: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const flStrength: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const flMotionBias: usize = 0x8; // float32[3] + pub const nNode: usize = 0x14; // uint16[3] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeBoxRigid_t { + pub const tmFrame2: usize = 0x0; // CTransform + pub const nNode: usize = 0x20; // uint16 + pub const nCollisionMask: usize = 0x22; // uint16 + pub const vSize: usize = 0x24; // Vector + pub const nVertexMapIndex: usize = 0x30; // uint16 + pub const nFlags: usize = 0x32; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeMorphLayerDepr_t { + pub const m_Name: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nNameHash: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_Nodes: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_InitPos: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Gravity: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_GoalStrength: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + pub const m_GoalDamping: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0x88; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeCtrlOffset_t { + pub const vOffset: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const nCtrlParent: usize = 0xC; // uint16 + pub const nCtrlChild: usize = 0xE; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod IPhysicsPlayerController { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeNodeBase_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const nDummy: usize = 0x2; // uint16[3] + pub const nNodeX0: usize = 0x8; // uint16 + pub const nNodeX1: usize = 0xA; // uint16 + pub const nNodeY0: usize = 0xC; // uint16 + pub const nNodeY1: usize = 0xE; // uint16 + pub const qAdjust: usize = 0x10; // QuaternionStorage + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 6 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeVertexMapBuild_t { + pub const m_VertexMapName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_nNameHash: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_Color: usize = 0xC; // Color + pub const m_flVolumetricSolveStrength: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_nScaleSourceNode: usize = 0x14; // int32 + pub const m_Weights: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CFeVertexMapBuildArray { + pub const m_Array: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeTri_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[3] + pub const w1: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const w2: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const v1x: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const v2: usize = 0x14; // Vector2D + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnHull_t { + pub const m_vCentroid: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_flMaxAngularRadius: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_Bounds: usize = 0x10; // AABB_t + pub const m_vOrthographicAreas: usize = 0x28; // Vector + pub const m_MassProperties: usize = 0x34; // matrix3x4_t + pub const m_flVolume: usize = 0x64; // float32 + pub const m_flSurfaceArea: usize = 0x68; // float32 + pub const m_Vertices: usize = 0x70; // CUtlVector + pub const m_VertexPositions: usize = 0x88; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Edges: usize = 0xA0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_Faces: usize = 0xB8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_FacePlanes: usize = 0xD0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_nFlags: usize = 0xE8; // uint32 + pub const m_pRegionSVM: usize = 0xF0; // CRegionSVM* + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CovMatrix3 { + pub const m_vDiag: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_flXY: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_flXZ: usize = 0x10; // float32 + pub const m_flYZ: usize = 0x14; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnVertex_t { + pub const m_nEdge: usize = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod Dop26_t { + pub const m_flSupport: usize = 0x0; // float32[26] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnFace_t { + pub const m_nEdge: usize = 0x0; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeCtrlOsOffset_t { + pub const nCtrlParent: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const nCtrlChild: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSourceEdge_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeTwistConstraint_t { + pub const nNodeOrient: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const nNodeEnd: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + pub const flTwistRelax: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const flSwingRelax: usize = 0x8; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeNodeWindBase_t { + pub const nNodeX0: usize = 0x0; // uint16 + pub const nNodeX1: usize = 0x2; // uint16 + pub const nNodeY0: usize = 0x4; // uint16 + pub const nNodeY1: usize = 0x6; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeAxialEdgeBend_t { + pub const te: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const tv: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const flDist: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const flWeight: usize = 0xC; // float32[4] + pub const nNode: usize = 0x1C; // uint16[6] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FourCovMatrices3 { + pub const m_vDiag: usize = 0x0; // FourVectors + pub const m_flXY: usize = 0x30; // fltx4 + pub const m_flXZ: usize = 0x40; // fltx4 + pub const m_flYZ: usize = 0x50; // fltx4 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + pub mod constraint_breakableparams_t { + pub const strength: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const forceLimit: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const torqueLimit: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const bodyMassScale: usize = 0xC; // float32[2] + pub const isActive: usize = 0x14; // bool + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSphereRigid_t { + pub const vSphere: usize = 0x0; // fltx4 + pub const nNode: usize = 0x10; // uint16 + pub const nCollisionMask: usize = 0x12; // uint16 + pub const nVertexMapIndex: usize = 0x14; // uint16 + pub const nFlags: usize = 0x16; // uint16 + } + // Parent: FeTaperedCapsuleRigid_t + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeBuildTaperedCapsuleRigid_t { + pub const m_nPriority: usize = 0x30; // int32 + pub const m_nVertexMapHash: usize = 0x34; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSoftParent_t { + pub const nParent: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const flAlpha: usize = 0x4; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnShapeDesc_t { + pub const m_nCollisionAttributeIndex: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_nSurfacePropertyIndex: usize = 0x4; // uint32 + pub const m_UserFriendlyName: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeTreeChildren_t { + pub const nChild: usize = 0x0; // uint16[2] + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeRodConstraint_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint16[2] + pub const flMaxDist: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const flMinDist: usize = 0x8; // float32 + pub const flWeight0: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const flRelaxationFactor: usize = 0x10; // float32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeFitWeight_t { + pub const flWeight: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const nNode: usize = 0x4; // uint16 + pub const nDummy: usize = 0x6; // uint16 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod RnHalfEdge_t { + pub const m_nNext: usize = 0x0; // uint8 + pub const m_nTwin: usize = 0x1; // uint8 + pub const m_nOrigin: usize = 0x2; // uint8 + pub const m_nFace: usize = 0x3; // uint8 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeSimdTri_t { + pub const nNode: usize = 0x0; // uint32[4][3] + pub const w1: usize = 0x30; // fltx4 + pub const w2: usize = 0x40; // fltx4 + pub const v1x: usize = 0x50; // fltx4 + pub const v2: usize = 0x60; // FourVectors2D + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + pub mod VertexPositionColor_t { + pub const m_vPosition: usize = 0x0; // Vector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod FeFitInfluence_t { + pub const nVertexNode: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const flWeight: usize = 0x4; // float32 + pub const nMatrixNode: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/vphysics2_dll.cs b/output/vphysics2_dll.cs index 778a9f9..e625343 100644 --- a/output/vphysics2_dll.cs +++ b/output/vphysics2_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: vphysics2.dll diff --git a/output/vphysics2_dll.hpp b/output/vphysics2_dll.hpp index f8a49b1..996e0dc 100644 --- a/output/vphysics2_dll.hpp +++ b/output/vphysics2_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/vphysics2_dll.rs b/output/vphysics2_dll.rs index 963b951..b94cca2 100644 --- a/output/vphysics2_dll.rs +++ b/output/vphysics2_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] diff --git a/output/worldrenderer.dll.cs b/output/worldrenderer.dll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f73d0e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/worldrenderer.dll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { + // Module: worldrenderer.dll + // Classes count: 23 + // Enums count: 1 + public static class WorldrendererDll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + public enum ObjectTypeFlags_t : uint { + OBJECT_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, + OBJECT_TYPE_MODEL = 0x8, + OBJECT_TYPE_BLOCK_LIGHT = 0x10, + OBJECT_TYPE_NO_SHADOWS = 0x20, + OBJECT_TYPE_WORLDSPACE_TEXURE_BLEND = 0x40, + OBJECT_TYPE_DISABLED_IN_LOW_QUALITY = 0x80, + OBJECT_TYPE_NO_SUN_SHADOWS = 0x100, + OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_WITH_DYNAMIC = 0x200, + OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_TO_CUBEMAPS = 0x400, + OBJECT_TYPE_MODEL_HAS_LODS = 0x800, + OBJECT_TYPE_OVERLAY = 0x2000, + OBJECT_TYPE_PRECOMPUTED_VISMEMBERS = 0x4000, + OBJECT_TYPE_STATIC_CUBE_MAP = 0x8000 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class SceneObject_t { + public const nint m_nObjectID = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_vTransform = 0x4; // Vector4D[3] + public const nint m_flFadeStartDistance = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flFadeEndDistance = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_vTintColor = 0x3C; // Vector4D + public const nint m_skin = 0x50; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nObjectTypeFlags = 0x58; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + public const nint m_vLightingOrigin = 0x5C; // Vector + public const nint m_nOverlayRenderOrder = 0x68; // int16 + public const nint m_nLODOverride = 0x6A; // int16 + public const nint m_nCubeMapPrecomputedHandshake = 0x6C; // int32 + public const nint m_nLightProbeVolumePrecomputedHandshake = 0x70; // int32 + public const nint m_renderableModel = 0x78; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_renderable = 0x80; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class AggregateLODSetup_t { + public const nint m_vLODOrigin = 0x0; // Vector + public const nint m_fMaxObjectScale = 0xC; // float32 + public const nint m_fSwitchDistances = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: BaseSceneObjectOverride_t + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ExtraVertexStreamOverride_t { + public const nint m_nSubSceneObject = 0x4; // uint32 + public const nint m_nDrawCallIndex = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_nAdditionalMeshDrawPrimitiveFlags = 0xC; // MeshDrawPrimitiveFlags_t + public const nint m_extraBufferBinding = 0x10; // CRenderBufferBinding + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ClutterTile_t { + public const nint m_nFirstInstance = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nLastInstance = 0x4; // uint32 + public const nint m_BoundsWs = 0x8; // AABB_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class AggregateSceneObject_t { + public const nint m_allFlags = 0x0; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + public const nint m_anyFlags = 0x4; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + public const nint m_nLayer = 0x8; // int16 + public const nint m_aggregateMeshes = 0x10; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_lodSetups = 0x28; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_visClusterMembership = 0x40; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_fragmentTransforms = 0x58; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_renderableModel = 0x70; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class NodeData_t { + public const nint m_nParent = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_vOrigin = 0x4; // Vector + public const nint m_vMinBounds = 0x10; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxBounds = 0x1C; // Vector + public const nint m_flMinimumDistance = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_ChildNodeIndices = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_worldNodePrefix = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + public static class VMapResourceData_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class ClutterSceneObject_t { + public const nint m_Bounds = 0x0; // AABB_t + public const nint m_flags = 0x18; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + public const nint m_nLayer = 0x1C; // int16 + public const nint m_instancePositions = 0x20; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_instanceScales = 0x50; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_instanceTintSrgb = 0x68; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_tiles = 0x80; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_renderableModel = 0x98; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class WorldBuilderParams_t { + public const nint m_flMinDrawVolumeSize = 0x0; // float32 + public const nint m_bBuildBakedLighting = 0x4; // bool + public const nint m_bakedLightingInfo = 0x8; // BakedLightingInfo_t + public const nint m_nCompileTimestamp = 0x38; // uint64 + public const nint m_nCompileFingerprint = 0x40; // uint64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class PermEntityLumpData_t { + public const nint m_name = 0x8; // CUtlString + public const nint m_childLumps = 0x10; // CUtlVector> + public const nint m_entityKeyValues = 0x28; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class WorldNode_t { + public const nint m_sceneObjects = 0x0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_infoOverlays = 0x18; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_visClusterMembership = 0x30; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_aggregateSceneObjects = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_clutterSceneObjects = 0x60; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_extraVertexStreamOverrides = 0x78; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_materialOverrides = 0x90; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_extraVertexStreams = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_layerNames = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_sceneObjectLayerIndices = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_overlayLayerIndices = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_grassFileName = 0x108; // CUtlString + public const nint m_nodeLightingInfo = 0x110; // BakedLightingInfo_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class BaseSceneObjectOverride_t { + public const nint m_nSceneObjectIndex = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class EntityIOConnectionData_t { + public const nint m_outputName = 0x0; // CUtlString + public const nint m_targetType = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_targetName = 0x10; // CUtlString + public const nint m_inputName = 0x18; // CUtlString + public const nint m_overrideParam = 0x20; // CUtlString + public const nint m_flDelay = 0x28; // float32 + public const nint m_nTimesToFire = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class BakedLightingInfo_t { + public const nint m_nLightmapVersionNumber = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nLightmapGameVersionNumber = 0x4; // uint32 + public const nint m_vLightmapUvScale = 0x8; // Vector2D + public const nint m_bHasLightmaps = 0x10; // bool + public const nint m_bBakedShadowsGamma20 = 0x11; // bool + public const nint m_bCompressionEnabled = 0x12; // bool + public const nint m_nChartPackIterations = 0x13; // uint8 + public const nint m_nVradQuality = 0x14; // uint8 + public const nint m_lightMaps = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class VoxelVisBlockOffset_t { + public const nint m_nOffset = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nElementCount = 0x4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + public static class InfoForResourceTypeVMapResourceData_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class WorldNodeOnDiskBufferData_t { + public const nint m_nElementCount = 0x0; // int32 + public const nint m_nElementSizeInBytes = 0x4; // int32 + public const nint m_inputLayoutFields = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_pData = 0x20; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class AggregateMeshInfo_t { + public const nint m_nVisClusterMemberOffset = 0x0; // uint32 + public const nint m_nVisClusterMemberCount = 0x4; // uint8 + public const nint m_bHasTransform = 0x5; // bool + public const nint m_nDrawCallIndex = 0x6; // int16 + public const nint m_nLODSetupIndex = 0x8; // int16 + public const nint m_nLODGroupMask = 0xA; // uint8 + public const nint m_vTintColor = 0xB; // Color + public const nint m_objectFlags = 0x10; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + public const nint m_nLightProbeVolumePrecomputedHandshake = 0x14; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class World_t { + public const nint m_builderParams = 0x0; // WorldBuilderParams_t + public const nint m_worldNodes = 0x48; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_worldLightingInfo = 0x60; // BakedLightingInfo_t + public const nint m_entityLumps = 0x90; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class InfoOverlayData_t { + public const nint m_transform = 0x0; // matrix3x4_t + public const nint m_flWidth = 0x30; // float32 + public const nint m_flHeight = 0x34; // float32 + public const nint m_flDepth = 0x38; // float32 + public const nint m_vUVStart = 0x3C; // Vector2D + public const nint m_vUVEnd = 0x44; // Vector2D + public const nint m_pMaterial = 0x50; // CStrongHandle + public const nint m_nRenderOrder = 0x58; // int32 + public const nint m_vTintColor = 0x5C; // Vector4D + public const nint m_nSequenceOverride = 0x6C; // int32 + } + // Parent: BaseSceneObjectOverride_t + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class MaterialOverride_t { + public const nint m_nSubSceneObject = 0x4; // uint32 + public const nint m_nDrawCallIndex = 0x8; // uint32 + public const nint m_pMaterial = 0x10; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class EntityKeyValueData_t { + public const nint m_connections = 0x8; // CUtlVector + public const nint m_keyValuesData = 0x20; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + public static class CVoxelVisibility { + public const nint m_nBaseClusterCount = 0x40; // uint32 + public const nint m_nPVSBytesPerCluster = 0x44; // uint32 + public const nint m_vMinBounds = 0x48; // Vector + public const nint m_vMaxBounds = 0x54; // Vector + public const nint m_flGridSize = 0x60; // float32 + public const nint m_nSkyVisibilityCluster = 0x64; // uint32 + public const nint m_nSunVisibilityCluster = 0x68; // uint32 + public const nint m_NodeBlock = 0x6C; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + public const nint m_RegionBlock = 0x74; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + public const nint m_EnclosedClusterListBlock = 0x7C; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + public const nint m_EnclosedClustersBlock = 0x84; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + public const nint m_MasksBlock = 0x8C; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + public const nint m_nVisBlocks = 0x94; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + } + } +} diff --git a/output/worldrenderer.dll.hpp b/output/worldrenderer.dll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a39f634 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/worldrenderer.dll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace cs2_dumper { + namespace schemas { + // Module: worldrenderer.dll + // Classes count: 23 + // Enums count: 1 + namespace worldrenderer_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + enum class ObjectTypeFlags_t : uint32_t { + OBJECT_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, + OBJECT_TYPE_MODEL = 0x8, + OBJECT_TYPE_BLOCK_LIGHT = 0x10, + OBJECT_TYPE_NO_SHADOWS = 0x20, + OBJECT_TYPE_WORLDSPACE_TEXURE_BLEND = 0x40, + OBJECT_TYPE_DISABLED_IN_LOW_QUALITY = 0x80, + OBJECT_TYPE_NO_SUN_SHADOWS = 0x100, + OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_WITH_DYNAMIC = 0x200, + OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_TO_CUBEMAPS = 0x400, + OBJECT_TYPE_MODEL_HAS_LODS = 0x800, + OBJECT_TYPE_OVERLAY = 0x2000, + OBJECT_TYPE_PRECOMPUTED_VISMEMBERS = 0x4000, + OBJECT_TYPE_STATIC_CUBE_MAP = 0x8000 + }; + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace SceneObject_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nObjectID = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTransform = 0x4; // Vector4D[3] + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeStartDistance = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flFadeEndDistance = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTintColor = 0x3C; // Vector4D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_skin = 0x50; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nObjectTypeFlags = 0x58; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLightingOrigin = 0x5C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOverlayRenderOrder = 0x68; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLODOverride = 0x6A; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCubeMapPrecomputedHandshake = 0x6C; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLightProbeVolumePrecomputedHandshake = 0x70; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_renderableModel = 0x78; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_renderable = 0x80; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace AggregateLODSetup_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLODOrigin = 0x0; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fMaxObjectScale = 0xC; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fSwitchDistances = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: BaseSceneObjectOverride_t + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ExtraVertexStreamOverride_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSubSceneObject = 0x4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDrawCallIndex = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAdditionalMeshDrawPrimitiveFlags = 0xC; // MeshDrawPrimitiveFlags_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_extraBufferBinding = 0x10; // CRenderBufferBinding + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ClutterTile_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFirstInstance = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLastInstance = 0x4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_BoundsWs = 0x8; // AABB_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace AggregateSceneObject_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_allFlags = 0x0; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_anyFlags = 0x4; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLayer = 0x8; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aggregateMeshes = 0x10; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lodSetups = 0x28; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_visClusterMembership = 0x40; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fragmentTransforms = 0x58; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_renderableModel = 0x70; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace NodeData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nParent = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vOrigin = 0x4; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinBounds = 0x10; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxBounds = 0x1C; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinimumDistance = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ChildNodeIndices = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldNodePrefix = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + namespace VMapResourceData_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace ClutterSceneObject_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_Bounds = 0x0; // AABB_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flags = 0x18; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLayer = 0x1C; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_instancePositions = 0x20; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_instanceScales = 0x50; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_instanceTintSrgb = 0x68; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tiles = 0x80; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_renderableModel = 0x98; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace WorldBuilderParams_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flMinDrawVolumeSize = 0x0; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBuildBakedLighting = 0x4; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bakedLightingInfo = 0x8; // BakedLightingInfo_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCompileTimestamp = 0x38; // uint64 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nCompileFingerprint = 0x40; // uint64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace PermEntityLumpData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x8; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_childLumps = 0x10; // CUtlVector> + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entityKeyValues = 0x28; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace WorldNode_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sceneObjects = 0x0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_infoOverlays = 0x18; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_visClusterMembership = 0x30; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aggregateSceneObjects = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_clutterSceneObjects = 0x60; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_extraVertexStreamOverrides = 0x78; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_materialOverrides = 0x90; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_extraVertexStreams = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_layerNames = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sceneObjectLayerIndices = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_overlayLayerIndices = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_grassFileName = 0x108; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nodeLightingInfo = 0x110; // BakedLightingInfo_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace BaseSceneObjectOverride_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSceneObjectIndex = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace EntityIOConnectionData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_outputName = 0x0; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetType = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetName = 0x10; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inputName = 0x18; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_overrideParam = 0x20; // CUtlString + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDelay = 0x28; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTimesToFire = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace BakedLightingInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLightmapVersionNumber = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLightmapGameVersionNumber = 0x4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vLightmapUvScale = 0x8; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasLightmaps = 0x10; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bBakedShadowsGamma20 = 0x11; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCompressionEnabled = 0x12; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nChartPackIterations = 0x13; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVradQuality = 0x14; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lightMaps = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace VoxelVisBlockOffset_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nOffset = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nElementCount = 0x4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + namespace InfoForResourceTypeVMapResourceData_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace WorldNodeOnDiskBufferData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nElementCount = 0x0; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nElementSizeInBytes = 0x4; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inputLayoutFields = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pData = 0x20; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace AggregateMeshInfo_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVisClusterMemberOffset = 0x0; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVisClusterMemberCount = 0x4; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasTransform = 0x5; // bool + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDrawCallIndex = 0x6; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLODSetupIndex = 0x8; // int16 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLODGroupMask = 0xA; // uint8 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTintColor = 0xB; // Color + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_objectFlags = 0x10; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nLightProbeVolumePrecomputedHandshake = 0x14; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace World_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_builderParams = 0x0; // WorldBuilderParams_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldNodes = 0x48; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_worldLightingInfo = 0x60; // BakedLightingInfo_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_entityLumps = 0x90; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace InfoOverlayData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_transform = 0x0; // matrix3x4_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flWidth = 0x30; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flHeight = 0x34; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flDepth = 0x38; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vUVStart = 0x3C; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vUVEnd = 0x44; // Vector2D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pMaterial = 0x50; // CStrongHandle + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nRenderOrder = 0x58; // int32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vTintColor = 0x5C; // Vector4D + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSequenceOverride = 0x6C; // int32 + } + // Parent: BaseSceneObjectOverride_t + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace MaterialOverride_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSubSceneObject = 0x4; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDrawCallIndex = 0x8; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pMaterial = 0x10; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace EntityKeyValueData_t { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_connections = 0x8; // CUtlVector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_keyValuesData = 0x20; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + namespace CVoxelVisibility { + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBaseClusterCount = 0x40; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPVSBytesPerCluster = 0x44; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMinBounds = 0x48; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vMaxBounds = 0x54; // Vector + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flGridSize = 0x60; // float32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSkyVisibilityCluster = 0x64; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSunVisibilityCluster = 0x68; // uint32 + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_NodeBlock = 0x6C; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_RegionBlock = 0x74; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EnclosedClusterListBlock = 0x7C; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_EnclosedClustersBlock = 0x84; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_MasksBlock = 0x8C; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nVisBlocks = 0x94; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/worldrenderer.dll.json b/output/worldrenderer.dll.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c20f4a --- /dev/null +++ b/output/worldrenderer.dll.json @@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ +{ + "worldrenderer.dll": { + "classes": { + "AggregateLODSetup_t": { + "fields": { + "m_fMaxObjectScale": 12, + "m_fSwitchDistances": 16, + "m_vLODOrigin": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AggregateMeshInfo_t": { + "fields": { + "m_bHasTransform": 5, + "m_nDrawCallIndex": 6, + "m_nLODGroupMask": 10, + "m_nLODSetupIndex": 8, + "m_nLightProbeVolumePrecomputedHandshake": 20, + "m_nVisClusterMemberCount": 4, + "m_nVisClusterMemberOffset": 0, + "m_objectFlags": 16, + "m_vTintColor": 11 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "AggregateSceneObject_t": { + "fields": { + "m_aggregateMeshes": 16, + "m_allFlags": 0, + "m_anyFlags": 4, + "m_fragmentTransforms": 88, + "m_lodSetups": 40, + "m_nLayer": 8, + "m_renderableModel": 112, + "m_visClusterMembership": 64 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "BakedLightingInfo_t": { + "fields": { + "m_bBakedShadowsGamma20": 17, + "m_bCompressionEnabled": 18, + "m_bHasLightmaps": 16, + "m_lightMaps": 24, + "m_nChartPackIterations": 19, + "m_nLightmapGameVersionNumber": 4, + "m_nLightmapVersionNumber": 0, + "m_nVradQuality": 20, + "m_vLightmapUvScale": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "BaseSceneObjectOverride_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nSceneObjectIndex": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "CVoxelVisibility": { + "fields": { + "m_EnclosedClusterListBlock": 124, + "m_EnclosedClustersBlock": 132, + "m_MasksBlock": 140, + "m_NodeBlock": 108, + "m_RegionBlock": 116, + "m_flGridSize": 96, + "m_nBaseClusterCount": 64, + "m_nPVSBytesPerCluster": 68, + "m_nSkyVisibilityCluster": 100, + "m_nSunVisibilityCluster": 104, + "m_nVisBlocks": 148, + "m_vMaxBounds": 84, + "m_vMinBounds": 72 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "ClutterSceneObject_t": { + "fields": { + "m_Bounds": 0, + "m_flags": 24, + "m_instancePositions": 32, + "m_instanceScales": 80, + "m_instanceTintSrgb": 104, + "m_nLayer": 28, + "m_renderableModel": 152, + "m_tiles": 128 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "ClutterTile_t": { + "fields": { + "m_BoundsWs": 8, + "m_nFirstInstance": 0, + "m_nLastInstance": 4 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "EntityIOConnectionData_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flDelay": 40, + "m_inputName": 24, + "m_nTimesToFire": 44, + "m_outputName": 0, + "m_overrideParam": 32, + "m_targetName": 16, + "m_targetType": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "EntityKeyValueData_t": { + "fields": { + "m_connections": 8, + "m_keyValuesData": 32 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "ExtraVertexStreamOverride_t": { + "fields": { + "m_extraBufferBinding": 16, + "m_nAdditionalMeshDrawPrimitiveFlags": 12, + "m_nDrawCallIndex": 8, + "m_nSubSceneObject": 4 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "BaseSceneObjectOverride_t" + }, + "InfoForResourceTypeVMapResourceData_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MResourceTypeForInfoType", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "InfoOverlayData_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flDepth": 56, + "m_flHeight": 52, + "m_flWidth": 48, + "m_nRenderOrder": 88, + "m_nSequenceOverride": 108, + "m_pMaterial": 80, + "m_transform": 0, + "m_vTintColor": 92, + "m_vUVEnd": 68, + "m_vUVStart": 60 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "MaterialOverride_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nDrawCallIndex": 8, + "m_nSubSceneObject": 4, + "m_pMaterial": 16 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": "BaseSceneObjectOverride_t" + }, + "NodeData_t": { + "fields": { + "m_ChildNodeIndices": 48, + "m_flMinimumDistance": 40, + "m_nParent": 0, + "m_vMaxBounds": 28, + "m_vMinBounds": 16, + "m_vOrigin": 4, + "m_worldNodePrefix": 72 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "PermEntityLumpData_t": { + "fields": { + "m_childLumps": 16, + "m_entityKeyValues": 40, + "m_name": 8 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "SceneObject_t": { + "fields": { + "m_flFadeEndDistance": 56, + "m_flFadeStartDistance": 52, + "m_nCubeMapPrecomputedHandshake": 108, + "m_nLODOverride": 106, + "m_nLightProbeVolumePrecomputedHandshake": 112, + "m_nObjectID": 0, + "m_nObjectTypeFlags": 88, + "m_nOverlayRenderOrder": 104, + "m_renderable": 128, + "m_renderableModel": 120, + "m_skin": 80, + "m_vLightingOrigin": 92, + "m_vTintColor": 60, + "m_vTransform": 4 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "VMapResourceData_t": { + "fields": {}, + "metadata": [], + "parent": null + }, + "VoxelVisBlockOffset_t": { + "fields": { + "m_nElementCount": 4, + "m_nOffset": 0 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "WorldBuilderParams_t": { + "fields": { + "m_bBuildBakedLighting": 4, + "m_bakedLightingInfo": 8, + "m_flMinDrawVolumeSize": 0, + "m_nCompileFingerprint": 64, + "m_nCompileTimestamp": 56 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "WorldNodeOnDiskBufferData_t": { + "fields": { + "m_inputLayoutFields": 8, + "m_nElementCount": 0, + "m_nElementSizeInBytes": 4, + "m_pData": 32 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "WorldNode_t": { + "fields": { + "m_aggregateSceneObjects": 72, + "m_clutterSceneObjects": 96, + "m_extraVertexStreamOverrides": 120, + "m_extraVertexStreams": 168, + "m_grassFileName": 264, + "m_infoOverlays": 24, + "m_layerNames": 192, + "m_materialOverrides": 144, + "m_nodeLightingInfo": 272, + "m_overlayLayerIndices": 240, + "m_sceneObjectLayerIndices": 216, + "m_sceneObjects": 0, + "m_visClusterMembership": 48 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + }, + "World_t": { + "fields": { + "m_builderParams": 0, + "m_entityLumps": 144, + "m_worldLightingInfo": 96, + "m_worldNodes": 72 + }, + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "MGetKV3ClassDefaults", + "type": "Unknown" + } + ], + "parent": null + } + }, + "enums": { + "ObjectTypeFlags_t": { + "alignment": 4, + "members": { + "OBJECT_TYPE_BLOCK_LIGHT": 16, + "OBJECT_TYPE_DISABLED_IN_LOW_QUALITY": 128, + "OBJECT_TYPE_MODEL": 8, + "OBJECT_TYPE_MODEL_HAS_LODS": 2048, + "OBJECT_TYPE_NONE": 0, + "OBJECT_TYPE_NO_SHADOWS": 32, + "OBJECT_TYPE_NO_SUN_SHADOWS": 256, + "OBJECT_TYPE_OVERLAY": 8192, + "OBJECT_TYPE_PRECOMPUTED_VISMEMBERS": 16384, + "OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_TO_CUBEMAPS": 1024, + "OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_WITH_DYNAMIC": 512, + "OBJECT_TYPE_STATIC_CUBE_MAP": 32768, + "OBJECT_TYPE_WORLDSPACE_TEXURE_BLEND": 64 + }, + "type": "uint32" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/output/worldrenderer.dll.rs b/output/worldrenderer.dll.rs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d7363e --- /dev/null +++ b/output/worldrenderer.dll.rs @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +// Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper +// 2024-08-14 22:21:27.556884700 UTC + +#![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)] + +pub mod cs2_dumper { + pub mod schemas { + // Module: worldrenderer.dll + // Classes count: 23 + // Enums count: 1 + pub mod worldrenderer_dll { + // Alignment: 4 + // Members count: 13 + #[repr(u32)] + pub enum ObjectTypeFlags_t { + OBJECT_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, + OBJECT_TYPE_MODEL = 0x8, + OBJECT_TYPE_BLOCK_LIGHT = 0x10, + OBJECT_TYPE_NO_SHADOWS = 0x20, + OBJECT_TYPE_WORLDSPACE_TEXURE_BLEND = 0x40, + OBJECT_TYPE_DISABLED_IN_LOW_QUALITY = 0x80, + OBJECT_TYPE_NO_SUN_SHADOWS = 0x100, + OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_WITH_DYNAMIC = 0x200, + OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_TO_CUBEMAPS = 0x400, + OBJECT_TYPE_MODEL_HAS_LODS = 0x800, + OBJECT_TYPE_OVERLAY = 0x2000, + OBJECT_TYPE_PRECOMPUTED_VISMEMBERS = 0x4000, + OBJECT_TYPE_STATIC_CUBE_MAP = 0x8000 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 14 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod SceneObject_t { + pub const m_nObjectID: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_vTransform: usize = 0x4; // Vector4D[3] + pub const m_flFadeStartDistance: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flFadeEndDistance: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_vTintColor: usize = 0x3C; // Vector4D + pub const m_skin: usize = 0x50; // CUtlString + pub const m_nObjectTypeFlags: usize = 0x58; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + pub const m_vLightingOrigin: usize = 0x5C; // Vector + pub const m_nOverlayRenderOrder: usize = 0x68; // int16 + pub const m_nLODOverride: usize = 0x6A; // int16 + pub const m_nCubeMapPrecomputedHandshake: usize = 0x6C; // int32 + pub const m_nLightProbeVolumePrecomputedHandshake: usize = 0x70; // int32 + pub const m_renderableModel: usize = 0x78; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_renderable: usize = 0x80; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod AggregateLODSetup_t { + pub const m_vLODOrigin: usize = 0x0; // Vector + pub const m_fMaxObjectScale: usize = 0xC; // float32 + pub const m_fSwitchDistances: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: BaseSceneObjectOverride_t + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ExtraVertexStreamOverride_t { + pub const m_nSubSceneObject: usize = 0x4; // uint32 + pub const m_nDrawCallIndex: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_nAdditionalMeshDrawPrimitiveFlags: usize = 0xC; // MeshDrawPrimitiveFlags_t + pub const m_extraBufferBinding: usize = 0x10; // CRenderBufferBinding + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ClutterTile_t { + pub const m_nFirstInstance: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_nLastInstance: usize = 0x4; // uint32 + pub const m_BoundsWs: usize = 0x8; // AABB_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod AggregateSceneObject_t { + pub const m_allFlags: usize = 0x0; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + pub const m_anyFlags: usize = 0x4; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + pub const m_nLayer: usize = 0x8; // int16 + pub const m_aggregateMeshes: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector + pub const m_lodSetups: usize = 0x28; // CUtlVector + pub const m_visClusterMembership: usize = 0x40; // CUtlVector + pub const m_fragmentTransforms: usize = 0x58; // CUtlVector + pub const m_renderableModel: usize = 0x70; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod NodeData_t { + pub const m_nParent: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_vOrigin: usize = 0x4; // Vector + pub const m_vMinBounds: usize = 0x10; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxBounds: usize = 0x1C; // Vector + pub const m_flMinimumDistance: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_ChildNodeIndices: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_worldNodePrefix: usize = 0x48; // CUtlString + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + pub mod VMapResourceData_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 8 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod ClutterSceneObject_t { + pub const m_Bounds: usize = 0x0; // AABB_t + pub const m_flags: usize = 0x18; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + pub const m_nLayer: usize = 0x1C; // int16 + pub const m_instancePositions: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + pub const m_instanceScales: usize = 0x50; // CUtlVector + pub const m_instanceTintSrgb: usize = 0x68; // CUtlVector + pub const m_tiles: usize = 0x80; // CUtlVector + pub const m_renderableModel: usize = 0x98; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 5 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod WorldBuilderParams_t { + pub const m_flMinDrawVolumeSize: usize = 0x0; // float32 + pub const m_bBuildBakedLighting: usize = 0x4; // bool + pub const m_bakedLightingInfo: usize = 0x8; // BakedLightingInfo_t + pub const m_nCompileTimestamp: usize = 0x38; // uint64 + pub const m_nCompileFingerprint: usize = 0x40; // uint64 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod PermEntityLumpData_t { + pub const m_name: usize = 0x8; // CUtlString + pub const m_childLumps: usize = 0x10; // CUtlVector> + pub const m_entityKeyValues: usize = 0x28; // CUtlLeanVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod WorldNode_t { + pub const m_sceneObjects: usize = 0x0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_infoOverlays: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector + pub const m_visClusterMembership: usize = 0x30; // CUtlVector + pub const m_aggregateSceneObjects: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_clutterSceneObjects: usize = 0x60; // CUtlVector + pub const m_extraVertexStreamOverrides: usize = 0x78; // CUtlVector + pub const m_materialOverrides: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector + pub const m_extraVertexStreams: usize = 0xA8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_layerNames: usize = 0xC0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_sceneObjectLayerIndices: usize = 0xD8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_overlayLayerIndices: usize = 0xF0; // CUtlVector + pub const m_grassFileName: usize = 0x108; // CUtlString + pub const m_nodeLightingInfo: usize = 0x110; // BakedLightingInfo_t + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 1 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod BaseSceneObjectOverride_t { + pub const m_nSceneObjectIndex: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 7 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod EntityIOConnectionData_t { + pub const m_outputName: usize = 0x0; // CUtlString + pub const m_targetType: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_targetName: usize = 0x10; // CUtlString + pub const m_inputName: usize = 0x18; // CUtlString + pub const m_overrideParam: usize = 0x20; // CUtlString + pub const m_flDelay: usize = 0x28; // float32 + pub const m_nTimesToFire: usize = 0x2C; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod BakedLightingInfo_t { + pub const m_nLightmapVersionNumber: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_nLightmapGameVersionNumber: usize = 0x4; // uint32 + pub const m_vLightmapUvScale: usize = 0x8; // Vector2D + pub const m_bHasLightmaps: usize = 0x10; // bool + pub const m_bBakedShadowsGamma20: usize = 0x11; // bool + pub const m_bCompressionEnabled: usize = 0x12; // bool + pub const m_nChartPackIterations: usize = 0x13; // uint8 + pub const m_nVradQuality: usize = 0x14; // uint8 + pub const m_lightMaps: usize = 0x18; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod VoxelVisBlockOffset_t { + pub const m_nOffset: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_nElementCount: usize = 0x4; // uint32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 0 + // + // Metadata: + // MResourceTypeForInfoType + pub mod InfoForResourceTypeVMapResourceData_t { + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod WorldNodeOnDiskBufferData_t { + pub const m_nElementCount: usize = 0x0; // int32 + pub const m_nElementSizeInBytes: usize = 0x4; // int32 + pub const m_inputLayoutFields: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_pData: usize = 0x20; // CUtlVector + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 9 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod AggregateMeshInfo_t { + pub const m_nVisClusterMemberOffset: usize = 0x0; // uint32 + pub const m_nVisClusterMemberCount: usize = 0x4; // uint8 + pub const m_bHasTransform: usize = 0x5; // bool + pub const m_nDrawCallIndex: usize = 0x6; // int16 + pub const m_nLODSetupIndex: usize = 0x8; // int16 + pub const m_nLODGroupMask: usize = 0xA; // uint8 + pub const m_vTintColor: usize = 0xB; // Color + pub const m_objectFlags: usize = 0x10; // ObjectTypeFlags_t + pub const m_nLightProbeVolumePrecomputedHandshake: usize = 0x14; // int32 + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 4 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod World_t { + pub const m_builderParams: usize = 0x0; // WorldBuilderParams_t + pub const m_worldNodes: usize = 0x48; // CUtlVector + pub const m_worldLightingInfo: usize = 0x60; // BakedLightingInfo_t + pub const m_entityLumps: usize = 0x90; // CUtlVector> + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 10 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod InfoOverlayData_t { + pub const m_transform: usize = 0x0; // matrix3x4_t + pub const m_flWidth: usize = 0x30; // float32 + pub const m_flHeight: usize = 0x34; // float32 + pub const m_flDepth: usize = 0x38; // float32 + pub const m_vUVStart: usize = 0x3C; // Vector2D + pub const m_vUVEnd: usize = 0x44; // Vector2D + pub const m_pMaterial: usize = 0x50; // CStrongHandle + pub const m_nRenderOrder: usize = 0x58; // int32 + pub const m_vTintColor: usize = 0x5C; // Vector4D + pub const m_nSequenceOverride: usize = 0x6C; // int32 + } + // Parent: BaseSceneObjectOverride_t + // Fields count: 3 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod MaterialOverride_t { + pub const m_nSubSceneObject: usize = 0x4; // uint32 + pub const m_nDrawCallIndex: usize = 0x8; // uint32 + pub const m_pMaterial: usize = 0x10; // CStrongHandle + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 2 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod EntityKeyValueData_t { + pub const m_connections: usize = 0x8; // CUtlVector + pub const m_keyValuesData: usize = 0x20; // CUtlBinaryBlock + } + // Parent: None + // Fields count: 13 + // + // Metadata: + // MGetKV3ClassDefaults + pub mod CVoxelVisibility { + pub const m_nBaseClusterCount: usize = 0x40; // uint32 + pub const m_nPVSBytesPerCluster: usize = 0x44; // uint32 + pub const m_vMinBounds: usize = 0x48; // Vector + pub const m_vMaxBounds: usize = 0x54; // Vector + pub const m_flGridSize: usize = 0x60; // float32 + pub const m_nSkyVisibilityCluster: usize = 0x64; // uint32 + pub const m_nSunVisibilityCluster: usize = 0x68; // uint32 + pub const m_NodeBlock: usize = 0x6C; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + pub const m_RegionBlock: usize = 0x74; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + pub const m_EnclosedClusterListBlock: usize = 0x7C; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + pub const m_EnclosedClustersBlock: usize = 0x84; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + pub const m_MasksBlock: usize = 0x8C; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + pub const m_nVisBlocks: usize = 0x94; // VoxelVisBlockOffset_t + } + } + } +} diff --git a/output/worldrenderer_dll.cs b/output/worldrenderer_dll.cs index 1b6322b..8cff91b 100644 --- a/output/worldrenderer_dll.cs +++ b/output/worldrenderer_dll.cs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC namespace CS2Dumper.Schemas { // Module: worldrenderer.dll diff --git a/output/worldrenderer_dll.hpp b/output/worldrenderer_dll.hpp index c1bbd9d..c98ae8b 100644 --- a/output/worldrenderer_dll.hpp +++ b/output/worldrenderer_dll.hpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #pragma once diff --git a/output/worldrenderer_dll.rs b/output/worldrenderer_dll.rs index 3f6463b..20ce474 100644 --- a/output/worldrenderer_dll.rs +++ b/output/worldrenderer_dll.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Generated using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper -// 2024-08-19 23:33:08.462588500 UTC +// 2024-08-21 00:00:00.519767300 UTC #![allow(non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, unused)]