📦 Game Update 13969

This commit is contained in:
a2x 2023-11-14 13:59:04 +10:00
parent e03721e1bb
commit 1cc8196f93
80 changed files with 2376 additions and 2369 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ For a complete list of all available flags, use `--help`.
# Generated Files
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By default, generated files are stored in the `generated` directory. However, this can be modified by specifying your desired directory using the `--output` flag.
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t {

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#pragma once

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
class AimMatrixOpFixedSettings_t:

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
public static class ActiveModelConfig_t {
@ -93,19 +93,19 @@ public static class CBaseAnimGraphController { // CSkeletonAnimationController
public static class CBasePlayerController { // C_BaseEntity
public const nint m_nFinalPredictedTick = 0x548; // int32_t
public const nint m_CommandContext = 0x550; // C_CommandContext
public const nint m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x5D0; // uint64_t
public const nint m_nTickBase = 0x5D8; // uint32_t
public const nint m_hPawn = 0x5DC; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
public const nint m_hPredictedPawn = 0x5E0; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
public const nint m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x5E4; // CSplitScreenSlot
public const nint m_hSplitOwner = 0x5E8; // CHandle<CBasePlayerController>
public const nint m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x5F0; // CUtlVector<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>
public const nint m_bIsHLTV = 0x608; // bool
public const nint m_iConnected = 0x60C; // PlayerConnectedState
public const nint m_iszPlayerName = 0x610; // char[128]
public const nint m_steamID = 0x698; // uint64_t
public const nint m_bIsLocalPlayerController = 0x6A0; // bool
public const nint m_iDesiredFOV = 0x6A4; // uint32_t
public const nint m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x5E8; // uint64_t
public const nint m_nTickBase = 0x5F0; // uint32_t
public const nint m_hPawn = 0x5F4; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
public const nint m_hPredictedPawn = 0x5F8; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
public const nint m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x5FC; // CSplitScreenSlot
public const nint m_hSplitOwner = 0x600; // CHandle<CBasePlayerController>
public const nint m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x608; // CUtlVector<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>
public const nint m_bIsHLTV = 0x620; // bool
public const nint m_iConnected = 0x624; // PlayerConnectedState
public const nint m_iszPlayerName = 0x628; // char[128]
public const nint m_steamID = 0x6B0; // uint64_t
public const nint m_bIsLocalPlayerController = 0x6B8; // bool
public const nint m_iDesiredFOV = 0x6BC; // uint32_t
public static class CBasePlayerVData { // CEntitySubclassVDataBase
@ -263,64 +263,64 @@ public static class CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { // CPlayer_CameraServices
public static class CCSPlayerController { // CBasePlayerController
public const nint m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6D0; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
public const nint m_pInventoryServices = 0x6D8; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
public const nint m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6E0; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
public const nint m_pDamageServices = 0x6E8; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
public const nint m_iPing = 0x6F0; // uint32_t
public const nint m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x6F4; // bool
public const nint m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x6F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
public const nint m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x700; // uint8_t
public const nint m_flForceTeamTime = 0x704; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x708; // int32_t
public const nint m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x70C; // bool
public const nint m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime = 0x710; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_szClan = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge
public const nint m_sSanitizedPlayerName = 0x720; // CUtlString
public const nint m_iCoachingTeam = 0x728; // int32_t
public const nint m_nPlayerDominated = 0x730; // uint64_t
public const nint m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x738; // uint64_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x740; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x744; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x748; // int8_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x74C; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x750; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x754; // int32_t
public const nint m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x758; // int32_t
public const nint m_unActiveQuestId = 0x75C; // uint16_t
public const nint m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x760; // QuestProgress::Reason
public const nint m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x764; // uint32_t
public const nint m_iDraftIndex = 0x790; // int32_t
public const nint m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x794; // uint32_t
public const nint m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x798; // uint32_t
public const nint m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x79C; // bool
public const nint m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x79D; // bool
public const nint m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x79E; // bool
public const nint m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x79F; // bool
public const nint m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7A0; // bool
public const nint m_bScoreReported = 0x7A1; // bool
public const nint m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7A4; // int32_t
public const nint m_bControllingBot = 0x7B0; // bool
public const nint m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7B1; // bool
public const nint m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7B2; // bool
public const nint m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7B4; // int32_t
public const nint m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7B8; // bool
public const nint m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7BC; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_hObserverPawn = 0x7C0; // CHandle<C_CSObserverPawn>
public const nint m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7C4; // bool
public const nint m_iPawnHealth = 0x7C8; // uint32_t
public const nint m_iPawnArmor = 0x7CC; // int32_t
public const nint m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7D0; // bool
public const nint m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7D1; // bool
public const nint m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7D2; // uint16_t
public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7D4; // int32_t
public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7D8; // int32_t
public const nint m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7DC; // int32_t
public const nint m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7E0; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
public const nint m_iScore = 0x7E4; // int32_t
public const nint m_vecKills = 0x7E8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
public const nint m_iMVPs = 0x800; // int32_t
public const nint m_bIsPlayerNameDirty = 0x804; // bool
public const nint m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6E8; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
public const nint m_pInventoryServices = 0x6F0; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
public const nint m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6F8; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
public const nint m_pDamageServices = 0x700; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
public const nint m_iPing = 0x708; // uint32_t
public const nint m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x70C; // bool
public const nint m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge
public const nint m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x718; // uint8_t
public const nint m_flForceTeamTime = 0x71C; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x720; // int32_t
public const nint m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x724; // bool
public const nint m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime = 0x728; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_szClan = 0x730; // CUtlSymbolLarge
public const nint m_sSanitizedPlayerName = 0x738; // CUtlString
public const nint m_iCoachingTeam = 0x740; // int32_t
public const nint m_nPlayerDominated = 0x748; // uint64_t
public const nint m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x750; // uint64_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x758; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x75C; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x760; // int8_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x764; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x768; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x76C; // int32_t
public const nint m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x770; // int32_t
public const nint m_unActiveQuestId = 0x774; // uint16_t
public const nint m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x778; // QuestProgress::Reason
public const nint m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x77C; // uint32_t
public const nint m_iDraftIndex = 0x7A8; // int32_t
public const nint m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x7AC; // uint32_t
public const nint m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x7B0; // uint32_t
public const nint m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x7B4; // bool
public const nint m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x7B5; // bool
public const nint m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x7B6; // bool
public const nint m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x7B7; // bool
public const nint m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7B8; // bool
public const nint m_bScoreReported = 0x7B9; // bool
public const nint m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7BC; // int32_t
public const nint m_bControllingBot = 0x7C8; // bool
public const nint m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7C9; // bool
public const nint m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7CA; // bool
public const nint m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7CC; // int32_t
public const nint m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7D0; // bool
public const nint m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7D4; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_hObserverPawn = 0x7D8; // CHandle<C_CSObserverPawn>
public const nint m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7DC; // bool
public const nint m_iPawnHealth = 0x7E0; // uint32_t
public const nint m_iPawnArmor = 0x7E4; // int32_t
public const nint m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7E8; // bool
public const nint m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7E9; // bool
public const nint m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7EA; // uint16_t
public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7EC; // int32_t
public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7F0; // int32_t
public const nint m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7F4; // int32_t
public const nint m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7F8; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
public const nint m_iScore = 0x7FC; // int32_t
public const nint m_vecKills = 0x800; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
public const nint m_iMVPs = 0x818; // int32_t
public const nint m_bIsPlayerNameDirty = 0x81C; // bool
public static class CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { // CPlayerControllerComponent
@ -2292,7 +2292,7 @@ public static class C_ColorCorrectionVolume { // C_BaseTrigger
public static class C_CommandContext {
public const nint needsprocessing = 0x0; // bool
public const nint command_number = 0x78; // int32_t
public const nint command_number = 0x90; // int32_t
public static class C_CsmFovOverride { // C_BaseEntity

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
#pragma once
@ -97,19 +97,19 @@ namespace CBaseAnimGraphController { // CSkeletonAnimationController
namespace CBasePlayerController { // C_BaseEntity
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nFinalPredictedTick = 0x548; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_CommandContext = 0x550; // C_CommandContext
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x5D0; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTickBase = 0x5D8; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPawn = 0x5DC; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPredictedPawn = 0x5E0; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x5E4; // CSplitScreenSlot
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSplitOwner = 0x5E8; // CHandle<CBasePlayerController>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x5F0; // CUtlVector<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHLTV = 0x608; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iConnected = 0x60C; // PlayerConnectedState
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPlayerName = 0x610; // char[128]
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_steamID = 0x698; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsLocalPlayerController = 0x6A0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDesiredFOV = 0x6A4; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x5E8; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nTickBase = 0x5F0; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPawn = 0x5F4; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPredictedPawn = 0x5F8; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x5FC; // CSplitScreenSlot
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSplitOwner = 0x600; // CHandle<CBasePlayerController>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x608; // CUtlVector<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsHLTV = 0x620; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iConnected = 0x624; // PlayerConnectedState
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iszPlayerName = 0x628; // char[128]
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_steamID = 0x6B0; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsLocalPlayerController = 0x6B8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDesiredFOV = 0x6BC; // uint32_t
namespace CBasePlayerVData { // CEntitySubclassVDataBase
@ -267,64 +267,64 @@ namespace CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { // CPlayer_CameraServices
namespace CCSPlayerController { // CBasePlayerController
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6D0; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInventoryServices = 0x6D8; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6E0; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pDamageServices = 0x6E8; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPing = 0x6F0; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x6F4; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x6F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x700; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceTeamTime = 0x704; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x708; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x70C; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime = 0x710; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClan = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sSanitizedPlayerName = 0x720; // CUtlString
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCoachingTeam = 0x728; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominated = 0x730; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x738; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x740; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x744; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x748; // int8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x74C; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x750; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x754; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x758; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unActiveQuestId = 0x75C; // uint16_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x760; // QuestProgress::Reason
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x764; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDraftIndex = 0x790; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x794; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x798; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x79C; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x79D; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x79E; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x79F; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7A0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScoreReported = 0x7A1; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7A4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bControllingBot = 0x7B0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7B1; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7B2; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7B4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7B8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7BC; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hObserverPawn = 0x7C0; // CHandle<C_CSObserverPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7C4; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnHealth = 0x7C8; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnArmor = 0x7CC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7D0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7D1; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7D2; // uint16_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7D4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7D8; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7DC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7E0; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iScore = 0x7E4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecKills = 0x7E8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMVPs = 0x800; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlayerNameDirty = 0x804; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6E8; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInventoryServices = 0x6F0; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6F8; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pDamageServices = 0x700; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPing = 0x708; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x70C; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x718; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceTeamTime = 0x71C; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x720; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x724; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime = 0x728; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClan = 0x730; // CUtlSymbolLarge
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sSanitizedPlayerName = 0x738; // CUtlString
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCoachingTeam = 0x740; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominated = 0x748; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x750; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x758; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x75C; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x760; // int8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x764; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x768; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x76C; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x770; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unActiveQuestId = 0x774; // uint16_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x778; // QuestProgress::Reason
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x77C; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDraftIndex = 0x7A8; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x7AC; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x7B0; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x7B4; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x7B5; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x7B6; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x7B7; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7B8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScoreReported = 0x7B9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7BC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bControllingBot = 0x7C8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7C9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7CA; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7CC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7D0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7D4; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hObserverPawn = 0x7D8; // CHandle<C_CSObserverPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7DC; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnHealth = 0x7E0; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnArmor = 0x7E4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7E8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7E9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7EA; // uint16_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7EC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7F0; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7F4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7F8; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iScore = 0x7FC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecKills = 0x800; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMVPs = 0x818; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsPlayerNameDirty = 0x81C; // bool
namespace CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { // CPlayerControllerComponent
@ -2296,7 +2296,7 @@ namespace C_ColorCorrectionVolume { // C_BaseTrigger
namespace C_CommandContext {
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t needsprocessing = 0x0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t command_number = 0x78; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t command_number = 0x90; // int32_t
namespace C_CsmFovOverride { // C_BaseEntity

View File

@ -305,39 +305,39 @@
"comment": "C_CommandContext"
"m_bIsHLTV": {
"value": 1544,
"value": 1568,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bIsLocalPlayerController": {
"value": 1696,
"value": 1720,
"comment": "bool"
"m_hPawn": {
"value": 1500,
"value": 1524,
"comment": "CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>"
"m_hPredictedPawn": {
"value": 1504,
"value": 1528,
"comment": "CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>"
"m_hSplitOwner": {
"value": 1512,
"value": 1536,
"comment": "CHandle<CBasePlayerController>"
"m_hSplitScreenPlayers": {
"value": 1520,
"value": 1544,
"comment": "CUtlVector<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>"
"m_iConnected": {
"value": 1548,
"value": 1572,
"comment": "PlayerConnectedState"
"m_iDesiredFOV": {
"value": 1700,
"value": 1724,
"comment": "uint32_t"
"m_iszPlayerName": {
"value": 1552,
"value": 1576,
"comment": "char[128]"
"m_nFinalPredictedTick": {
@ -345,19 +345,19 @@
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles": {
"value": 1488,
"value": 1512,
"comment": "uint64_t"
"m_nSplitScreenSlot": {
"value": 1508,
"value": 1532,
"comment": "CSplitScreenSlot"
"m_nTickBase": {
"value": 1496,
"value": 1520,
"comment": "uint32_t"
"m_steamID": {
"value": 1688,
"value": 1712,
"comment": "uint64_t"
@ -772,235 +772,235 @@
"CCSPlayerController": {
"data": {
"m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender": {
"value": 1950,
"value": 1974,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender": {
"value": 1951,
"value": 1975,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bCanControlObservedBot": {
"value": 1976,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bCannotBeKicked": {
"value": 1948,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bControllingBot": {
"value": 1968,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted": {
"value": 1952,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bEverFullyConnected": {
"value": 1949,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bEverPlayedOnTeam": {
"value": 1804,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound": {
"value": 1970,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute": {
"value": 1780,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bHasControlledBotThisRound": {
"value": 1969,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bIsPlayerNameDirty": {
"value": 2052,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bPawnHasDefuser": {
"value": 2000,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bCannotBeKicked": {
"value": 1972,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bControllingBot": {
"value": 1992,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted": {
"value": 1976,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bEverFullyConnected": {
"value": 1973,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bEverPlayedOnTeam": {
"value": 1828,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound": {
"value": 1994,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute": {
"value": 1804,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bHasControlledBotThisRound": {
"value": 1993,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bIsPlayerNameDirty": {
"value": 2076,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bPawnHasDefuser": {
"value": 2024,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bPawnHasHelmet": {
"value": 2001,
"value": 2025,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bPawnIsAlive": {
"value": 1988,
"value": 2012,
"comment": "bool"
"m_bScoreReported": {
"value": 1953,
"value": 1977,
"comment": "bool"
"m_flForceTeamTime": {
"value": 1796,
"value": 1820,
"comment": "GameTime_t"
"m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime": {
"value": 1808,
"value": 1832,
"comment": "GameTime_t"
"m_hObserverPawn": {
"value": 1984,
"value": 2008,
"comment": "CHandle<C_CSObserverPawn>"
"m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn": {
"value": 2016,
"value": 2040,
"comment": "CHandle<CCSPlayerController>"
"m_hPlayerPawn": {
"value": 1980,
"value": 2004,
"comment": "CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>"
"m_iCoachingTeam": {
"value": 1832,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iCompTeammateColor": {
"value": 1800,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iCompetitiveRankType": {
"value": 1864,
"comment": "int8_t"
"m_iCompetitiveRanking": {
"value": 1856,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss": {
"value": 1872,
"m_iCompTeammateColor": {
"value": 1824,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie": {
"value": 1876,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iCompetitiveRankType": {
"value": 1888,
"comment": "int8_t"
"m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win": {
"value": 1868,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iCompetitiveWins": {
"value": 1860,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iDraftIndex": {
"value": 1936,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iMVPs": {
"value": 2048,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iPawnArmor": {
"value": 1996,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iPawnBotDifficulty": {
"value": 2012,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iPawnHealth": {
"value": 1992,
"comment": "uint32_t"
"m_iPawnLifetimeEnd": {
"value": 2008,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iPawnLifetimeStart": {
"value": 2004,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iPendingTeamNum": {
"value": 1792,
"comment": "uint8_t"
"m_iPing": {
"value": 1776,
"comment": "uint32_t"
"m_iScore": {
"value": 2020,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp": {
"value": 1940,
"comment": "uint32_t"
"m_nBotsControlledThisRound": {
"value": 1972,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_nDisconnectionTick": {
"value": 1956,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_nEndMatchNextMapVote": {
"m_iCompetitiveRanking": {
"value": 1880,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss": {
"value": 1896,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie": {
"value": 1900,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win": {
"value": 1892,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iCompetitiveWins": {
"value": 1884,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iDraftIndex": {
"value": 1960,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iMVPs": {
"value": 2072,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iPawnArmor": {
"value": 2020,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iPawnBotDifficulty": {
"value": 2036,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iPawnHealth": {
"value": 2016,
"comment": "uint32_t"
"m_iPawnLifetimeEnd": {
"value": 2032,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iPawnLifetimeStart": {
"value": 2028,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_iPendingTeamNum": {
"value": 1816,
"comment": "uint8_t"
"m_iPing": {
"value": 1800,
"comment": "uint32_t"
"m_iScore": {
"value": 2044,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp": {
"value": 1964,
"comment": "uint32_t"
"m_nBotsControlledThisRound": {
"value": 1996,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_nDisconnectionTick": {
"value": 1980,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_nEndMatchNextMapVote": {
"value": 1904,
"comment": "int32_t"
"m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex": {
"value": 2002,
"value": 2026,
"comment": "uint16_t"
"m_nPlayerDominated": {
"value": 1840,
"value": 1864,
"comment": "uint64_t"
"m_nPlayerDominatingMe": {
"value": 1848,
"value": 1872,
"comment": "uint64_t"
"m_nQuestProgressReason": {
"value": 1888,
"value": 1912,
"comment": "QuestProgress::Reason"
"m_pActionTrackingServices": {
"value": 1760,
"value": 1784,
"comment": "CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*"
"m_pDamageServices": {
"value": 1768,
"value": 1792,
"comment": "CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*"
"m_pInGameMoneyServices": {
"value": 1744,
"value": 1768,
"comment": "CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*"
"m_pInventoryServices": {
"value": 1752,
"value": 1776,
"comment": "CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*"
"m_sSanitizedPlayerName": {
"value": 1824,
"value": 1848,
"comment": "CUtlString"
"m_szClan": {
"value": 1816,
"value": 1840,
"comment": "CUtlSymbolLarge"
"m_szCrosshairCodes": {
"value": 1784,
"value": 1808,
"comment": "CUtlSymbolLarge"
"m_uiAbandonRecordedReason": {
"value": 1944,
"value": 1968,
"comment": "uint32_t"
"m_unActiveQuestId": {
"value": 1884,
"value": 1908,
"comment": "uint16_t"
"m_unPlayerTvControlFlags": {
"value": 1892,
"value": 1916,
"comment": "uint32_t"
"m_vecKills": {
"value": 2024,
"value": 2048,
"comment": "C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>"
@ -7790,7 +7790,7 @@
"C_CommandContext": {
"data": {
"command_number": {
"value": 120,
"value": 144,
"comment": "int32_t"
"needsprocessing": {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
class ActiveModelConfig_t:
@ -86,19 +86,19 @@ class CBaseAnimGraphController: # CSkeletonAnimationController
class CBasePlayerController: # C_BaseEntity
m_nFinalPredictedTick = 0x548 # int32_t
m_CommandContext = 0x550 # C_CommandContext
m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x5D0 # uint64_t
m_nTickBase = 0x5D8 # uint32_t
m_hPawn = 0x5DC # CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
m_hPredictedPawn = 0x5E0 # CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x5E4 # CSplitScreenSlot
m_hSplitOwner = 0x5E8 # CHandle<CBasePlayerController>
m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x5F0 # CUtlVector<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>
m_bIsHLTV = 0x608 # bool
m_iConnected = 0x60C # PlayerConnectedState
m_iszPlayerName = 0x610 # char[128]
m_steamID = 0x698 # uint64_t
m_bIsLocalPlayerController = 0x6A0 # bool
m_iDesiredFOV = 0x6A4 # uint32_t
m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x5E8 # uint64_t
m_nTickBase = 0x5F0 # uint32_t
m_hPawn = 0x5F4 # CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
m_hPredictedPawn = 0x5F8 # CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x5FC # CSplitScreenSlot
m_hSplitOwner = 0x600 # CHandle<CBasePlayerController>
m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x608 # CUtlVector<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>
m_bIsHLTV = 0x620 # bool
m_iConnected = 0x624 # PlayerConnectedState
m_iszPlayerName = 0x628 # char[128]
m_steamID = 0x6B0 # uint64_t
m_bIsLocalPlayerController = 0x6B8 # bool
m_iDesiredFOV = 0x6BC # uint32_t
class CBasePlayerVData: # CEntitySubclassVDataBase
m_sModelName = 0x28 # CResourceNameTyped<CWeakHandle<InfoForResourceTypeCModel>>
@ -227,64 +227,64 @@ class CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices: # CPlayer_CameraServices
m_flLastShotFOV = 0x224 # float
class CCSPlayerController: # CBasePlayerController
m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6D0 # CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
m_pInventoryServices = 0x6D8 # CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6E0 # CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
m_pDamageServices = 0x6E8 # CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
m_iPing = 0x6F0 # uint32_t
m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x6F4 # bool
m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x6F8 # CUtlSymbolLarge
m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x700 # uint8_t
m_flForceTeamTime = 0x704 # GameTime_t
m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x708 # int32_t
m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x70C # bool
m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime = 0x710 # GameTime_t
m_szClan = 0x718 # CUtlSymbolLarge
m_sSanitizedPlayerName = 0x720 # CUtlString
m_iCoachingTeam = 0x728 # int32_t
m_nPlayerDominated = 0x730 # uint64_t
m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x738 # uint64_t
m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x740 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x744 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x748 # int8_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x74C # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x750 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x754 # int32_t
m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x758 # int32_t
m_unActiveQuestId = 0x75C # uint16_t
m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x760 # QuestProgress::Reason
m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x764 # uint32_t
m_iDraftIndex = 0x790 # int32_t
m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x794 # uint32_t
m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x798 # uint32_t
m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x79C # bool
m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x79D # bool
m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x79E # bool
m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x79F # bool
m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7A0 # bool
m_bScoreReported = 0x7A1 # bool
m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7A4 # int32_t
m_bControllingBot = 0x7B0 # bool
m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7B1 # bool
m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7B2 # bool
m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7B4 # int32_t
m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7B8 # bool
m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7BC # CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
m_hObserverPawn = 0x7C0 # CHandle<C_CSObserverPawn>
m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7C4 # bool
m_iPawnHealth = 0x7C8 # uint32_t
m_iPawnArmor = 0x7CC # int32_t
m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7D0 # bool
m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7D1 # bool
m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7D2 # uint16_t
m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7D4 # int32_t
m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7D8 # int32_t
m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7DC # int32_t
m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7E0 # CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
m_iScore = 0x7E4 # int32_t
m_vecKills = 0x7E8 # C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
m_iMVPs = 0x800 # int32_t
m_bIsPlayerNameDirty = 0x804 # bool
m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6E8 # CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
m_pInventoryServices = 0x6F0 # CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6F8 # CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
m_pDamageServices = 0x700 # CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
m_iPing = 0x708 # uint32_t
m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x70C # bool
m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x710 # CUtlSymbolLarge
m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x718 # uint8_t
m_flForceTeamTime = 0x71C # GameTime_t
m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x720 # int32_t
m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x724 # bool
m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime = 0x728 # GameTime_t
m_szClan = 0x730 # CUtlSymbolLarge
m_sSanitizedPlayerName = 0x738 # CUtlString
m_iCoachingTeam = 0x740 # int32_t
m_nPlayerDominated = 0x748 # uint64_t
m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x750 # uint64_t
m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x758 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x75C # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x760 # int8_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x764 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x768 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x76C # int32_t
m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x770 # int32_t
m_unActiveQuestId = 0x774 # uint16_t
m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x778 # QuestProgress::Reason
m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x77C # uint32_t
m_iDraftIndex = 0x7A8 # int32_t
m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x7AC # uint32_t
m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x7B0 # uint32_t
m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x7B4 # bool
m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x7B5 # bool
m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x7B6 # bool
m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x7B7 # bool
m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7B8 # bool
m_bScoreReported = 0x7B9 # bool
m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7BC # int32_t
m_bControllingBot = 0x7C8 # bool
m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7C9 # bool
m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7CA # bool
m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7CC # int32_t
m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7D0 # bool
m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7D4 # CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
m_hObserverPawn = 0x7D8 # CHandle<C_CSObserverPawn>
m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7DC # bool
m_iPawnHealth = 0x7E0 # uint32_t
m_iPawnArmor = 0x7E4 # int32_t
m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7E8 # bool
m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7E9 # bool
m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7EA # uint16_t
m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7EC # int32_t
m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7F0 # int32_t
m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7F4 # int32_t
m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7F8 # CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
m_iScore = 0x7FC # int32_t
m_vecKills = 0x800 # C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
m_iMVPs = 0x818 # int32_t
m_bIsPlayerNameDirty = 0x81C # bool
class CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices: # CPlayerControllerComponent
m_perRoundStats = 0x40 # C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar<CSPerRoundStats_t>
@ -2106,7 +2106,7 @@ class C_ColorCorrectionVolume: # C_BaseTrigger
class C_CommandContext:
needsprocessing = 0x0 # bool
command_number = 0x78 # int32_t
command_number = 0x90 # int32_t
class C_CsmFovOverride: # C_BaseEntity
m_cameraName = 0x540 # CUtlString

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]
@ -95,19 +95,19 @@ pub mod CBaseAnimGraphController { // CSkeletonAnimationController
pub mod CBasePlayerController { // C_BaseEntity
pub const m_nFinalPredictedTick: usize = 0x548; // int32_t
pub const m_CommandContext: usize = 0x550; // C_CommandContext
pub const m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles: usize = 0x5D0; // uint64_t
pub const m_nTickBase: usize = 0x5D8; // uint32_t
pub const m_hPawn: usize = 0x5DC; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
pub const m_hPredictedPawn: usize = 0x5E0; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
pub const m_nSplitScreenSlot: usize = 0x5E4; // CSplitScreenSlot
pub const m_hSplitOwner: usize = 0x5E8; // CHandle<CBasePlayerController>
pub const m_hSplitScreenPlayers: usize = 0x5F0; // CUtlVector<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>
pub const m_bIsHLTV: usize = 0x608; // bool
pub const m_iConnected: usize = 0x60C; // PlayerConnectedState
pub const m_iszPlayerName: usize = 0x610; // char[128]
pub const m_steamID: usize = 0x698; // uint64_t
pub const m_bIsLocalPlayerController: usize = 0x6A0; // bool
pub const m_iDesiredFOV: usize = 0x6A4; // uint32_t
pub const m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles: usize = 0x5E8; // uint64_t
pub const m_nTickBase: usize = 0x5F0; // uint32_t
pub const m_hPawn: usize = 0x5F4; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
pub const m_hPredictedPawn: usize = 0x5F8; // CHandle<C_BasePlayerPawn>
pub const m_nSplitScreenSlot: usize = 0x5FC; // CSplitScreenSlot
pub const m_hSplitOwner: usize = 0x600; // CHandle<CBasePlayerController>
pub const m_hSplitScreenPlayers: usize = 0x608; // CUtlVector<CHandle<CBasePlayerController>>
pub const m_bIsHLTV: usize = 0x620; // bool
pub const m_iConnected: usize = 0x624; // PlayerConnectedState
pub const m_iszPlayerName: usize = 0x628; // char[128]
pub const m_steamID: usize = 0x6B0; // uint64_t
pub const m_bIsLocalPlayerController: usize = 0x6B8; // bool
pub const m_iDesiredFOV: usize = 0x6BC; // uint32_t
pub mod CBasePlayerVData { // CEntitySubclassVDataBase
@ -265,64 +265,64 @@ pub mod CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { // CPlayer_CameraServices
pub mod CCSPlayerController { // CBasePlayerController
pub const m_pInGameMoneyServices: usize = 0x6D0; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
pub const m_pInventoryServices: usize = 0x6D8; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
pub const m_pActionTrackingServices: usize = 0x6E0; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
pub const m_pDamageServices: usize = 0x6E8; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
pub const m_iPing: usize = 0x6F0; // uint32_t
pub const m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute: usize = 0x6F4; // bool
pub const m_szCrosshairCodes: usize = 0x6F8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iPendingTeamNum: usize = 0x700; // uint8_t
pub const m_flForceTeamTime: usize = 0x704; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iCompTeammateColor: usize = 0x708; // int32_t
pub const m_bEverPlayedOnTeam: usize = 0x70C; // bool
pub const m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime: usize = 0x710; // GameTime_t
pub const m_szClan: usize = 0x718; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_sSanitizedPlayerName: usize = 0x720; // CUtlString
pub const m_iCoachingTeam: usize = 0x728; // int32_t
pub const m_nPlayerDominated: usize = 0x730; // uint64_t
pub const m_nPlayerDominatingMe: usize = 0x738; // uint64_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRanking: usize = 0x740; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveWins: usize = 0x744; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankType: usize = 0x748; // int8_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win: usize = 0x74C; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss: usize = 0x750; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie: usize = 0x754; // int32_t
pub const m_nEndMatchNextMapVote: usize = 0x758; // int32_t
pub const m_unActiveQuestId: usize = 0x75C; // uint16_t
pub const m_nQuestProgressReason: usize = 0x760; // QuestProgress::Reason
pub const m_unPlayerTvControlFlags: usize = 0x764; // uint32_t
pub const m_iDraftIndex: usize = 0x790; // int32_t
pub const m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp: usize = 0x794; // uint32_t
pub const m_uiAbandonRecordedReason: usize = 0x798; // uint32_t
pub const m_bCannotBeKicked: usize = 0x79C; // bool
pub const m_bEverFullyConnected: usize = 0x79D; // bool
pub const m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender: usize = 0x79E; // bool
pub const m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender: usize = 0x79F; // bool
pub const m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted: usize = 0x7A0; // bool
pub const m_bScoreReported: usize = 0x7A1; // bool
pub const m_nDisconnectionTick: usize = 0x7A4; // int32_t
pub const m_bControllingBot: usize = 0x7B0; // bool
pub const m_bHasControlledBotThisRound: usize = 0x7B1; // bool
pub const m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound: usize = 0x7B2; // bool
pub const m_nBotsControlledThisRound: usize = 0x7B4; // int32_t
pub const m_bCanControlObservedBot: usize = 0x7B8; // bool
pub const m_hPlayerPawn: usize = 0x7BC; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_hObserverPawn: usize = 0x7C0; // CHandle<C_CSObserverPawn>
pub const m_bPawnIsAlive: usize = 0x7C4; // bool
pub const m_iPawnHealth: usize = 0x7C8; // uint32_t
pub const m_iPawnArmor: usize = 0x7CC; // int32_t
pub const m_bPawnHasDefuser: usize = 0x7D0; // bool
pub const m_bPawnHasHelmet: usize = 0x7D1; // bool
pub const m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex: usize = 0x7D2; // uint16_t
pub const m_iPawnLifetimeStart: usize = 0x7D4; // int32_t
pub const m_iPawnLifetimeEnd: usize = 0x7D8; // int32_t
pub const m_iPawnBotDifficulty: usize = 0x7DC; // int32_t
pub const m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn: usize = 0x7E0; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
pub const m_iScore: usize = 0x7E4; // int32_t
pub const m_vecKills: usize = 0x7E8; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
pub const m_iMVPs: usize = 0x800; // int32_t
pub const m_bIsPlayerNameDirty: usize = 0x804; // bool
pub const m_pInGameMoneyServices: usize = 0x6E8; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
pub const m_pInventoryServices: usize = 0x6F0; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
pub const m_pActionTrackingServices: usize = 0x6F8; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
pub const m_pDamageServices: usize = 0x700; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
pub const m_iPing: usize = 0x708; // uint32_t
pub const m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute: usize = 0x70C; // bool
pub const m_szCrosshairCodes: usize = 0x710; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iPendingTeamNum: usize = 0x718; // uint8_t
pub const m_flForceTeamTime: usize = 0x71C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iCompTeammateColor: usize = 0x720; // int32_t
pub const m_bEverPlayedOnTeam: usize = 0x724; // bool
pub const m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime: usize = 0x728; // GameTime_t
pub const m_szClan: usize = 0x730; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_sSanitizedPlayerName: usize = 0x738; // CUtlString
pub const m_iCoachingTeam: usize = 0x740; // int32_t
pub const m_nPlayerDominated: usize = 0x748; // uint64_t
pub const m_nPlayerDominatingMe: usize = 0x750; // uint64_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRanking: usize = 0x758; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveWins: usize = 0x75C; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankType: usize = 0x760; // int8_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win: usize = 0x764; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss: usize = 0x768; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie: usize = 0x76C; // int32_t
pub const m_nEndMatchNextMapVote: usize = 0x770; // int32_t
pub const m_unActiveQuestId: usize = 0x774; // uint16_t
pub const m_nQuestProgressReason: usize = 0x778; // QuestProgress::Reason
pub const m_unPlayerTvControlFlags: usize = 0x77C; // uint32_t
pub const m_iDraftIndex: usize = 0x7A8; // int32_t
pub const m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp: usize = 0x7AC; // uint32_t
pub const m_uiAbandonRecordedReason: usize = 0x7B0; // uint32_t
pub const m_bCannotBeKicked: usize = 0x7B4; // bool
pub const m_bEverFullyConnected: usize = 0x7B5; // bool
pub const m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender: usize = 0x7B6; // bool
pub const m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender: usize = 0x7B7; // bool
pub const m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted: usize = 0x7B8; // bool
pub const m_bScoreReported: usize = 0x7B9; // bool
pub const m_nDisconnectionTick: usize = 0x7BC; // int32_t
pub const m_bControllingBot: usize = 0x7C8; // bool
pub const m_bHasControlledBotThisRound: usize = 0x7C9; // bool
pub const m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound: usize = 0x7CA; // bool
pub const m_nBotsControlledThisRound: usize = 0x7CC; // int32_t
pub const m_bCanControlObservedBot: usize = 0x7D0; // bool
pub const m_hPlayerPawn: usize = 0x7D4; // CHandle<C_CSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_hObserverPawn: usize = 0x7D8; // CHandle<C_CSObserverPawn>
pub const m_bPawnIsAlive: usize = 0x7DC; // bool
pub const m_iPawnHealth: usize = 0x7E0; // uint32_t
pub const m_iPawnArmor: usize = 0x7E4; // int32_t
pub const m_bPawnHasDefuser: usize = 0x7E8; // bool
pub const m_bPawnHasHelmet: usize = 0x7E9; // bool
pub const m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex: usize = 0x7EA; // uint16_t
pub const m_iPawnLifetimeStart: usize = 0x7EC; // int32_t
pub const m_iPawnLifetimeEnd: usize = 0x7F0; // int32_t
pub const m_iPawnBotDifficulty: usize = 0x7F4; // int32_t
pub const m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn: usize = 0x7F8; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
pub const m_iScore: usize = 0x7FC; // int32_t
pub const m_vecKills: usize = 0x800; // C_NetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
pub const m_iMVPs: usize = 0x818; // int32_t
pub const m_bIsPlayerNameDirty: usize = 0x81C; // bool
pub mod CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { // CPlayerControllerComponent
@ -2294,7 +2294,7 @@ pub mod C_ColorCorrectionVolume { // C_BaseTrigger
pub mod C_CommandContext {
pub const needsprocessing: usize = 0x0; // bool
pub const command_number: usize = 0x78; // int32_t
pub const command_number: usize = 0x90; // int32_t
pub mod C_CsmFovOverride { // C_BaseEntity

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class CEmptyEntityInstance {

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#pragma once

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
class CEmptyEntityInstance:

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
public static class CAnimScriptBase {

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
#pragma once

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
class CAnimScriptBase:

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
public static class animationsystem_dll { // animationsystem.dll
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ public static class animationsystem_dll { // animationsystem.dll
public static class client_dll { // client.dll
public const nint LegacyGameUI001 = 0x89C1E0;
public const nint Source2ClientUI001 = 0x88AEF0;
public const nint Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x7A3C80;
public const nint ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x72F6E0;
public const nint Source2Client002 = 0x72F700;
public const nint GameClientExports001 = 0x72F6F0;
public const nint EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x48F1F0;
public const nint Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x476200;
public const nint LegacyGameUI001 = 0x89BF60;
public const nint Source2ClientUI001 = 0x88AC70;
public const nint Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x7A38E0;
public const nint ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x72F540;
public const nint Source2Client002 = 0x72F560;
public const nint GameClientExports001 = 0x72F550;
public const nint EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x48EF20;
public const nint Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x475F30;
public static class engine2_dll { // engine2.dll
@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ public static class navsystem_dll { // navsystem.dll
public static class networksystem_dll { // networksystem.dll
public const nint SerializedEntitiesVersion001 = 0xD2830;
public const nint NetworkSystemVersion001 = 0xBCCF0;
public const nint NetworkMessagesVersion001 = 0x9CD90;
public const nint FlattenedSerializersVersion001 = 0x7C600;
public const nint SerializedEntitiesVersion001 = 0xD2850;
public const nint NetworkSystemVersion001 = 0xBCD10;
public const nint NetworkMessagesVersion001 = 0x9CDB0;
public const nint FlattenedSerializersVersion001 = 0x7C620;
public static class panorama_dll { // panorama.dll
@ -157,15 +157,15 @@ public static class schemasystem_dll { // schemasystem.dll
public static class server_dll { // server.dll
public const nint NavGameTest001 = 0xA37380;
public const nint ServerToolsInfo_001 = 0x839CB0;
public const nint Source2GameClients001 = 0x839CC0;
public const nint Source2GameEntities001 = 0x839CD0;
public const nint Source2Server001 = 0x839CE0;
public const nint EmptyWorldService001_Server = 0x58E590;
public const nint Source2ServerConfig001 = 0x56E5A0;
public const nint EntitySubclassUtilsV001 = 0x2CDA70;
public const nint customnavsystem001 = 0x24A6E0;
public const nint NavGameTest001 = 0xA36FC0;
public const nint ServerToolsInfo_001 = 0x8398E0;
public const nint Source2GameClients001 = 0x8398F0;
public const nint Source2GameEntities001 = 0x839900;
public const nint Source2Server001 = 0x839910;
public const nint EmptyWorldService001_Server = 0x58E2C0;
public const nint Source2ServerConfig001 = 0x56E2D0;
public const nint EntitySubclassUtilsV001 = 0x2CDB30;
public const nint customnavsystem001 = 0x24A6D0;
public const nint Source2GameDirector001 = 0x152060;

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
#pragma once
@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ namespace animationsystem_dll { // animationsystem.dll
namespace client_dll { // client.dll
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t LegacyGameUI001 = 0x89C1E0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientUI001 = 0x88AEF0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x7A3C80;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x72F6E0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2Client002 = 0x72F700;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t GameClientExports001 = 0x72F6F0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x48F1F0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x476200;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t LegacyGameUI001 = 0x89BF60;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientUI001 = 0x88AC70;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x7A38E0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x72F540;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2Client002 = 0x72F560;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t GameClientExports001 = 0x72F550;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x48EF20;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x475F30;
namespace engine2_dll { // engine2.dll
@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ namespace navsystem_dll { // navsystem.dll
namespace networksystem_dll { // networksystem.dll
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t SerializedEntitiesVersion001 = 0xD2830;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t NetworkSystemVersion001 = 0xBCCF0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t NetworkMessagesVersion001 = 0x9CD90;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t FlattenedSerializersVersion001 = 0x7C600;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t SerializedEntitiesVersion001 = 0xD2850;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t NetworkSystemVersion001 = 0xBCD10;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t NetworkMessagesVersion001 = 0x9CDB0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t FlattenedSerializersVersion001 = 0x7C620;
namespace panorama_dll { // panorama.dll
@ -161,15 +161,15 @@ namespace schemasystem_dll { // schemasystem.dll
namespace server_dll { // server.dll
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t NavGameTest001 = 0xA37380;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t ServerToolsInfo_001 = 0x839CB0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2GameClients001 = 0x839CC0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2GameEntities001 = 0x839CD0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2Server001 = 0x839CE0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t EmptyWorldService001_Server = 0x58E590;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ServerConfig001 = 0x56E5A0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t EntitySubclassUtilsV001 = 0x2CDA70;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t customnavsystem001 = 0x24A6E0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t NavGameTest001 = 0xA36FC0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t ServerToolsInfo_001 = 0x8398E0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2GameClients001 = 0x8398F0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2GameEntities001 = 0x839900;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2Server001 = 0x839910;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t EmptyWorldService001_Server = 0x58E2C0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2ServerConfig001 = 0x56E2D0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t EntitySubclassUtilsV001 = 0x2CDB30;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t customnavsystem001 = 0x24A6D0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t Source2GameDirector001 = 0x152060;

View File

@ -15,35 +15,35 @@
"client_dll": {
"data": {
"ClientToolsInfo_001": {
"value": 7534304,
"value": 7533888,
"comment": null
"EmptyWorldService001_Client": {
"value": 4780528,
"value": 4779808,
"comment": null
"GameClientExports001": {
"value": 7534320,
"value": 7533904,
"comment": null
"LegacyGameUI001": {
"value": 9028064,
"value": 9027424,
"comment": null
"Source2Client002": {
"value": 7534336,
"value": 7533920,
"comment": null
"Source2ClientConfig001": {
"value": 4678144,
"value": 4677424,
"comment": null
"Source2ClientPrediction001": {
"value": 8010880,
"value": 8009952,
"comment": null
"Source2ClientUI001": {
"value": 8957680,
"value": 8957040,
"comment": null
@ -322,19 +322,19 @@
"networksystem_dll": {
"data": {
"FlattenedSerializersVersion001": {
"value": 509440,
"value": 509472,
"comment": null
"NetworkMessagesVersion001": {
"value": 642448,
"value": 642480,
"comment": null
"NetworkSystemVersion001": {
"value": 773360,
"value": 773392,
"comment": null
"SerializedEntitiesVersion001": {
"value": 862256,
"value": 862288,
"comment": null
@ -453,23 +453,23 @@
"server_dll": {
"data": {
"EmptyWorldService001_Server": {
"value": 5825936,
"value": 5825216,
"comment": null
"EntitySubclassUtilsV001": {
"value": 2939504,
"value": 2939696,
"comment": null
"NavGameTest001": {
"value": 10711936,
"value": 10710976,
"comment": null
"ServerToolsInfo_001": {
"value": 8625328,
"value": 8624352,
"comment": null
"Source2GameClients001": {
"value": 8625344,
"value": 8624368,
"comment": null
"Source2GameDirector001": {
@ -477,19 +477,19 @@
"comment": null
"Source2GameEntities001": {
"value": 8625360,
"value": 8624384,
"comment": null
"Source2Server001": {
"value": 8625376,
"value": 8624400,
"comment": null
"Source2ServerConfig001": {
"value": 5694880,
"value": 5694160,
"comment": null
"customnavsystem001": {
"value": 2402016,
"value": 2402000,
"comment": null

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
class animationsystem_dll: # animationsystem.dll
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ class animationsystem_dll: # animationsystem.dll
AnimationSystem_001 = 0x5F1D0
class client_dll: # client.dll
LegacyGameUI001 = 0x89C1E0
Source2ClientUI001 = 0x88AEF0
Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x7A3C80
ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x72F6E0
Source2Client002 = 0x72F700
GameClientExports001 = 0x72F6F0
EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x48F1F0
Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x476200
LegacyGameUI001 = 0x89BF60
Source2ClientUI001 = 0x88AC70
Source2ClientPrediction001 = 0x7A38E0
ClientToolsInfo_001 = 0x72F540
Source2Client002 = 0x72F560
GameClientExports001 = 0x72F550
EmptyWorldService001_Client = 0x48EF20
Source2ClientConfig001 = 0x475F30
class engine2_dll: # engine2.dll
SimpleEngineLoopService_001 = 0x1E5110
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ class navsystem_dll: # navsystem.dll
NavSystem001 = 0x76F0
class networksystem_dll: # networksystem.dll
SerializedEntitiesVersion001 = 0xD2830
NetworkSystemVersion001 = 0xBCCF0
NetworkMessagesVersion001 = 0x9CD90
FlattenedSerializersVersion001 = 0x7C600
SerializedEntitiesVersion001 = 0xD2850
NetworkSystemVersion001 = 0xBCD10
NetworkMessagesVersion001 = 0x9CDB0
FlattenedSerializersVersion001 = 0x7C620
class panorama_dll: # panorama.dll
PanoramaUIEngine001 = 0x57EE0
@ -134,15 +134,15 @@ class schemasystem_dll: # schemasystem.dll
SchemaSystem_001 = 0xA930
class server_dll: # server.dll
NavGameTest001 = 0xA37380
ServerToolsInfo_001 = 0x839CB0
Source2GameClients001 = 0x839CC0
Source2GameEntities001 = 0x839CD0
Source2Server001 = 0x839CE0
EmptyWorldService001_Server = 0x58E590
Source2ServerConfig001 = 0x56E5A0
EntitySubclassUtilsV001 = 0x2CDA70
customnavsystem001 = 0x24A6E0
NavGameTest001 = 0xA36FC0
ServerToolsInfo_001 = 0x8398E0
Source2GameClients001 = 0x8398F0
Source2GameEntities001 = 0x839900
Source2Server001 = 0x839910
EmptyWorldService001_Server = 0x58E2C0
Source2ServerConfig001 = 0x56E2D0
EntitySubclassUtilsV001 = 0x2CDB30
customnavsystem001 = 0x24A6D0
Source2GameDirector001 = 0x152060
class soundsystem_dll: # soundsystem.dll

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ pub mod animationsystem_dll { // animationsystem.dll
pub mod client_dll { // client.dll
pub const LegacyGameUI001: usize = 0x89C1E0;
pub const Source2ClientUI001: usize = 0x88AEF0;
pub const Source2ClientPrediction001: usize = 0x7A3C80;
pub const ClientToolsInfo_001: usize = 0x72F6E0;
pub const Source2Client002: usize = 0x72F700;
pub const GameClientExports001: usize = 0x72F6F0;
pub const EmptyWorldService001_Client: usize = 0x48F1F0;
pub const Source2ClientConfig001: usize = 0x476200;
pub const LegacyGameUI001: usize = 0x89BF60;
pub const Source2ClientUI001: usize = 0x88AC70;
pub const Source2ClientPrediction001: usize = 0x7A38E0;
pub const ClientToolsInfo_001: usize = 0x72F540;
pub const Source2Client002: usize = 0x72F560;
pub const GameClientExports001: usize = 0x72F550;
pub const EmptyWorldService001_Client: usize = 0x48EF20;
pub const Source2ClientConfig001: usize = 0x475F30;
pub mod engine2_dll { // engine2.dll
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ pub mod navsystem_dll { // navsystem.dll
pub mod networksystem_dll { // networksystem.dll
pub const SerializedEntitiesVersion001: usize = 0xD2830;
pub const NetworkSystemVersion001: usize = 0xBCCF0;
pub const NetworkMessagesVersion001: usize = 0x9CD90;
pub const FlattenedSerializersVersion001: usize = 0x7C600;
pub const SerializedEntitiesVersion001: usize = 0xD2850;
pub const NetworkSystemVersion001: usize = 0xBCD10;
pub const NetworkMessagesVersion001: usize = 0x9CDB0;
pub const FlattenedSerializersVersion001: usize = 0x7C620;
pub mod panorama_dll { // panorama.dll
@ -159,15 +159,15 @@ pub mod schemasystem_dll { // schemasystem.dll
pub mod server_dll { // server.dll
pub const NavGameTest001: usize = 0xA37380;
pub const ServerToolsInfo_001: usize = 0x839CB0;
pub const Source2GameClients001: usize = 0x839CC0;
pub const Source2GameEntities001: usize = 0x839CD0;
pub const Source2Server001: usize = 0x839CE0;
pub const EmptyWorldService001_Server: usize = 0x58E590;
pub const Source2ServerConfig001: usize = 0x56E5A0;
pub const EntitySubclassUtilsV001: usize = 0x2CDA70;
pub const customnavsystem001: usize = 0x24A6E0;
pub const NavGameTest001: usize = 0xA36FC0;
pub const ServerToolsInfo_001: usize = 0x8398E0;
pub const Source2GameClients001: usize = 0x8398F0;
pub const Source2GameEntities001: usize = 0x839900;
pub const Source2Server001: usize = 0x839910;
pub const EmptyWorldService001_Server: usize = 0x58E2C0;
pub const Source2ServerConfig001: usize = 0x56E2D0;
pub const EntitySubclassUtilsV001: usize = 0x2CDB30;
pub const customnavsystem001: usize = 0x24A6D0;
pub const Source2GameDirector001: usize = 0x152060;

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* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class MaterialParamBuffer_t { // MaterialParam_t

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#pragma once

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Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
class MaterialParamBuffer_t: # MaterialParam_t

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#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t {

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#pragma once

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class ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t:

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#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
public static class client_dll { // client.dll
public const nint dwEntityList = 0x17ADAE0;
public const nint dwForceAttack = 0x16B2310;
public const nint dwForceAttack2 = 0x16B23A0;
public const nint dwForceBackward = 0x16B25E0;
public const nint dwForceCrouch = 0x16B28B0;
public const nint dwForceForward = 0x16B2550;
public const nint dwForceJump = 0x16B2820;
public const nint dwForceLeft = 0x16B2670;
public const nint dwForceRight = 0x16B2700;
public const nint dwGameEntitySystem = 0x18D72D0;
public const nint dwEntityList = 0x17ADAF0;
public const nint dwForceAttack = 0x16B2300;
public const nint dwForceAttack2 = 0x16B2390;
public const nint dwForceBackward = 0x16B25D0;
public const nint dwForceCrouch = 0x16B28A0;
public const nint dwForceForward = 0x16B2540;
public const nint dwForceJump = 0x16B2810;
public const nint dwForceLeft = 0x16B2660;
public const nint dwForceRight = 0x16B26F0;
public const nint dwGameEntitySystem = 0x18D8110;
public const nint dwGameEntitySystem_getHighestEntityIndex = 0x1510;
public const nint dwGameRules = 0x1809720;
public const nint dwGlobalVars = 0x16AE498;
public const nint dwGlowManager = 0x1809748;
public const nint dwInterfaceLinkList = 0x1904F68;
public const nint dwLocalPlayerController = 0x17FCDB8;
public const nint dwGameRules = 0x1809740;
public const nint dwGlobalVars = 0x16AE488;
public const nint dwGlowManager = 0x1809768;
public const nint dwInterfaceLinkList = 0x1905DA8;
public const nint dwLocalPlayerController = 0x17FCDC8;
public const nint dwLocalPlayerPawn = 0x16B9388;
public const nint dwPlantedC4 = 0x1810CC8;
public const nint dwPlantedC4 = 0x1810CD8;
public const nint dwPrediction = 0x16B9250;
public const nint dwViewAngles = 0x186B0F8;
public const nint dwViewMatrix = 0x180C0E0;
public const nint dwViewRender = 0x180C938;
public const nint dwViewAngles = 0x186B108;
public const nint dwViewMatrix = 0x180C100;
public const nint dwViewRender = 0x180C958;
public static class engine2_dll { // engine2.dll

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* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
#pragma once
@ -8,28 +8,28 @@
#include <cstddef>
namespace client_dll { // client.dll
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwEntityList = 0x17ADAE0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceAttack = 0x16B2310;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceAttack2 = 0x16B23A0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceBackward = 0x16B25E0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceCrouch = 0x16B28B0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceForward = 0x16B2550;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceJump = 0x16B2820;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceLeft = 0x16B2670;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceRight = 0x16B2700;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGameEntitySystem = 0x18D72D0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwEntityList = 0x17ADAF0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceAttack = 0x16B2300;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceAttack2 = 0x16B2390;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceBackward = 0x16B25D0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceCrouch = 0x16B28A0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceForward = 0x16B2540;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceJump = 0x16B2810;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceLeft = 0x16B2660;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwForceRight = 0x16B26F0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGameEntitySystem = 0x18D8110;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGameEntitySystem_getHighestEntityIndex = 0x1510;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGameRules = 0x1809720;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGlobalVars = 0x16AE498;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGlowManager = 0x1809748;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwInterfaceLinkList = 0x1904F68;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwLocalPlayerController = 0x17FCDB8;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGameRules = 0x1809740;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGlobalVars = 0x16AE488;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwGlowManager = 0x1809768;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwInterfaceLinkList = 0x1905DA8;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwLocalPlayerController = 0x17FCDC8;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwLocalPlayerPawn = 0x16B9388;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwPlantedC4 = 0x1810CC8;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwPlantedC4 = 0x1810CD8;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwPrediction = 0x16B9250;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewAngles = 0x186B0F8;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewMatrix = 0x180C0E0;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewRender = 0x180C938;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewAngles = 0x186B108;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewMatrix = 0x180C100;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t dwViewRender = 0x180C958;
namespace engine2_dll { // engine2.dll

View File

@ -2,43 +2,43 @@
"client_dll": {
"data": {
"dwEntityList": {
"value": 24828640,
"value": 24828656,
"comment": null
"dwForceAttack": {
"value": 23798544,
"value": 23798528,
"comment": null
"dwForceAttack2": {
"value": 23798688,
"value": 23798672,
"comment": null
"dwForceBackward": {
"value": 23799264,
"value": 23799248,
"comment": null
"dwForceCrouch": {
"value": 23799984,
"value": 23799968,
"comment": null
"dwForceForward": {
"value": 23799120,
"value": 23799104,
"comment": null
"dwForceJump": {
"value": 23799840,
"value": 23799824,
"comment": null
"dwForceLeft": {
"value": 23799408,
"value": 23799392,
"comment": null
"dwForceRight": {
"value": 23799552,
"value": 23799536,
"comment": null
"dwGameEntitySystem": {
"value": 26047184,
"value": 26050832,
"comment": null
"dwGameEntitySystem_getHighestEntityIndex": {
@ -46,23 +46,23 @@
"comment": null
"dwGameRules": {
"value": 25204512,
"value": 25204544,
"comment": null
"dwGlobalVars": {
"value": 23782552,
"value": 23782536,
"comment": null
"dwGlowManager": {
"value": 25204552,
"value": 25204584,
"comment": null
"dwInterfaceLinkList": {
"value": 26234728,
"value": 26238376,
"comment": null
"dwLocalPlayerController": {
"value": 25152952,
"value": 25152968,
"comment": null
"dwLocalPlayerPawn": {
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"comment": null
"dwPlantedC4": {
"value": 25234632,
"value": 25234648,
"comment": null
"dwPrediction": {
@ -78,15 +78,15 @@
"comment": null
"dwViewAngles": {
"value": 25604344,
"value": 25604360,
"comment": null
"dwViewMatrix": {
"value": 25215200,
"value": 25215232,
"comment": null
"dwViewRender": {
"value": 25217336,
"value": 25217368,
"comment": null

View File

@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
class client_dll: # client.dll
dwEntityList = 0x17ADAE0
dwForceAttack = 0x16B2310
dwForceAttack2 = 0x16B23A0
dwForceBackward = 0x16B25E0
dwForceCrouch = 0x16B28B0
dwForceForward = 0x16B2550
dwForceJump = 0x16B2820
dwForceLeft = 0x16B2670
dwForceRight = 0x16B2700
dwGameEntitySystem = 0x18D72D0
dwEntityList = 0x17ADAF0
dwForceAttack = 0x16B2300
dwForceAttack2 = 0x16B2390
dwForceBackward = 0x16B25D0
dwForceCrouch = 0x16B28A0
dwForceForward = 0x16B2540
dwForceJump = 0x16B2810
dwForceLeft = 0x16B2660
dwForceRight = 0x16B26F0
dwGameEntitySystem = 0x18D8110
dwGameEntitySystem_getHighestEntityIndex = 0x1510
dwGameRules = 0x1809720
dwGlobalVars = 0x16AE498
dwGlowManager = 0x1809748
dwInterfaceLinkList = 0x1904F68
dwLocalPlayerController = 0x17FCDB8
dwGameRules = 0x1809740
dwGlobalVars = 0x16AE488
dwGlowManager = 0x1809768
dwInterfaceLinkList = 0x1905DA8
dwLocalPlayerController = 0x17FCDC8
dwLocalPlayerPawn = 0x16B9388
dwPlantedC4 = 0x1810CC8
dwPlantedC4 = 0x1810CD8
dwPrediction = 0x16B9250
dwViewAngles = 0x186B0F8
dwViewMatrix = 0x180C0E0
dwViewRender = 0x180C938
dwViewAngles = 0x186B108
dwViewMatrix = 0x180C100
dwViewRender = 0x180C958
class engine2_dll: # engine2.dll
dwBuildNumber = 0x48B524

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@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:46 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]
pub mod client_dll { // client.dll
pub const dwEntityList: usize = 0x17ADAE0;
pub const dwForceAttack: usize = 0x16B2310;
pub const dwForceAttack2: usize = 0x16B23A0;
pub const dwForceBackward: usize = 0x16B25E0;
pub const dwForceCrouch: usize = 0x16B28B0;
pub const dwForceForward: usize = 0x16B2550;
pub const dwForceJump: usize = 0x16B2820;
pub const dwForceLeft: usize = 0x16B2670;
pub const dwForceRight: usize = 0x16B2700;
pub const dwGameEntitySystem: usize = 0x18D72D0;
pub const dwEntityList: usize = 0x17ADAF0;
pub const dwForceAttack: usize = 0x16B2300;
pub const dwForceAttack2: usize = 0x16B2390;
pub const dwForceBackward: usize = 0x16B25D0;
pub const dwForceCrouch: usize = 0x16B28A0;
pub const dwForceForward: usize = 0x16B2540;
pub const dwForceJump: usize = 0x16B2810;
pub const dwForceLeft: usize = 0x16B2660;
pub const dwForceRight: usize = 0x16B26F0;
pub const dwGameEntitySystem: usize = 0x18D8110;
pub const dwGameEntitySystem_getHighestEntityIndex: usize = 0x1510;
pub const dwGameRules: usize = 0x1809720;
pub const dwGlobalVars: usize = 0x16AE498;
pub const dwGlowManager: usize = 0x1809748;
pub const dwInterfaceLinkList: usize = 0x1904F68;
pub const dwLocalPlayerController: usize = 0x17FCDB8;
pub const dwGameRules: usize = 0x1809740;
pub const dwGlobalVars: usize = 0x16AE488;
pub const dwGlowManager: usize = 0x1809768;
pub const dwInterfaceLinkList: usize = 0x1905DA8;
pub const dwLocalPlayerController: usize = 0x17FCDC8;
pub const dwLocalPlayerPawn: usize = 0x16B9388;
pub const dwPlantedC4: usize = 0x1810CC8;
pub const dwPlantedC4: usize = 0x1810CD8;
pub const dwPrediction: usize = 0x16B9250;
pub const dwViewAngles: usize = 0x186B0F8;
pub const dwViewMatrix: usize = 0x180C0E0;
pub const dwViewRender: usize = 0x180C938;
pub const dwViewAngles: usize = 0x186B108;
pub const dwViewMatrix: usize = 0x180C100;
pub const dwViewRender: usize = 0x180C958;
pub mod engine2_dll { // engine2.dll

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* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class CBaseRendererSource2 { // CParticleFunctionRenderer

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#pragma once

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class CBaseRendererSource2: # CParticleFunctionRenderer

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#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class CBasePulseGraphInstance {

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#pragma once

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class CBasePulseGraphInstance:

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
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* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class RenderInputLayoutField_t {

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#pragma once

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class RenderInputLayoutField_t:

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#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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public static class AABB_t {

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#pragma once

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class AABB_t:

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#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class CSSDSEndFrameViewInfo {

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#pragma once

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class CSSDSEndFrameViewInfo:

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#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
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* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class CExampleSchemaVData_Monomorphic {

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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#pragma once

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class CExampleSchemaVData_Monomorphic:

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
public static class ActiveModelConfig_t {
@ -548,14 +548,14 @@ public static class CBasePlayerController { // CBaseEntity
public const nint m_bAutoKickDisabled = 0x5AE; // bool
public const nint m_bIsLowViolence = 0x5AF; // bool
public const nint m_bGamePaused = 0x5B0; // bool
public const nint m_nUsecTimestampLastUserCmdReceived = 0x640; // int64_t
public const nint m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = 0x658; // ChatIgnoreType_t
public const nint m_flLastPlayerTalkTime = 0x65C; // float
public const nint m_flLastEntitySteadyState = 0x660; // float
public const nint m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState = 0x664; // int32_t
public const nint m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts = 0x668; // bool
public const nint m_steamID = 0x678; // uint64_t
public const nint m_iDesiredFOV = 0x680; // uint32_t
public const nint m_nUsecTimestampLastUserCmdReceived = 0x648; // int64_t
public const nint m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = 0x660; // ChatIgnoreType_t
public const nint m_flLastPlayerTalkTime = 0x664; // float
public const nint m_flLastEntitySteadyState = 0x668; // float
public const nint m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState = 0x66C; // int32_t
public const nint m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts = 0x670; // bool
public const nint m_steamID = 0x680; // uint64_t
public const nint m_iDesiredFOV = 0x688; // uint32_t
public static class CBasePlayerPawn { // CBaseCombatCharacter
@ -806,15 +806,15 @@ public static class CBot {
public const nint m_pPlayer = 0x18; // CCSPlayerPawn*
public const nint m_bHasSpawned = 0x20; // bool
public const nint m_id = 0x24; // uint32_t
public const nint m_isRunning = 0xB0; // bool
public const nint m_isCrouching = 0xB1; // bool
public const nint m_forwardSpeed = 0xB4; // float
public const nint m_leftSpeed = 0xB8; // float
public const nint m_verticalSpeed = 0xBC; // float
public const nint m_buttonFlags = 0xC0; // uint64_t
public const nint m_jumpTimestamp = 0xC8; // float
public const nint m_viewForward = 0xCC; // Vector
public const nint m_postureStackIndex = 0xE8; // int32_t
public const nint m_isRunning = 0xB8; // bool
public const nint m_isCrouching = 0xB9; // bool
public const nint m_forwardSpeed = 0xBC; // float
public const nint m_leftSpeed = 0xC0; // float
public const nint m_verticalSpeed = 0xC4; // float
public const nint m_buttonFlags = 0xC8; // uint64_t
public const nint m_jumpTimestamp = 0xD0; // float
public const nint m_viewForward = 0xD4; // Vector
public const nint m_postureStackIndex = 0xF0; // int32_t
public static class CBreachCharge { // CCSWeaponBase
@ -987,146 +987,146 @@ public static class CC4 { // CCSWeaponBase
public static class CCSBot { // CBot
public const nint m_lastCoopSpawnPoint = 0xF0; // CHandle<SpawnPointCoopEnemy>
public const nint m_eyePosition = 0x100; // Vector
public const nint m_name = 0x10C; // char[64]
public const nint m_combatRange = 0x14C; // float
public const nint m_isRogue = 0x150; // bool
public const nint m_rogueTimer = 0x158; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_diedLastRound = 0x174; // bool
public const nint m_safeTime = 0x178; // float
public const nint m_wasSafe = 0x17C; // bool
public const nint m_blindFire = 0x184; // bool
public const nint m_surpriseTimer = 0x188; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_bAllowActive = 0x1A0; // bool
public const nint m_isFollowing = 0x1A1; // bool
public const nint m_leader = 0x1A4; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_followTimestamp = 0x1A8; // float
public const nint m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0x1AC; // float
public const nint m_hurryTimer = 0x1B0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_alertTimer = 0x1C8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_sneakTimer = 0x1E0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_panicTimer = 0x1F8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_stateTimestamp = 0x4C8; // float
public const nint m_isAttacking = 0x4CC; // bool
public const nint m_isOpeningDoor = 0x4CD; // bool
public const nint m_taskEntity = 0x4D4; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
public const nint m_goalPosition = 0x4E4; // Vector
public const nint m_goalEntity = 0x4F0; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
public const nint m_avoid = 0x4F4; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
public const nint m_avoidTimestamp = 0x4F8; // float
public const nint m_isStopping = 0x4FC; // bool
public const nint m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn = 0x4FD; // bool
public const nint m_stillTimer = 0x500; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl = 0x510; // bool
public const nint m_pathIndex = 0x6608; // int32_t
public const nint m_areaEnteredTimestamp = 0x660C; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_repathTimer = 0x6610; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_avoidFriendTimer = 0x6628; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_isFriendInTheWay = 0x6640; // bool
public const nint m_politeTimer = 0x6648; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_isWaitingBehindFriend = 0x6660; // bool
public const nint m_pathLadderEnd = 0x668C; // float
public const nint m_mustRunTimer = 0x66D8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_waitTimer = 0x66F0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_updateTravelDistanceTimer = 0x6708; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_playerTravelDistance = 0x6720; // float[64]
public const nint m_travelDistancePhase = 0x6820; // uint8_t
public const nint m_hostageEscortCount = 0x69B8; // uint8_t
public const nint m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = 0x69BC; // float
public const nint m_desiredTeam = 0x69C0; // int32_t
public const nint m_hasJoined = 0x69C4; // bool
public const nint m_isWaitingForHostage = 0x69C5; // bool
public const nint m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer = 0x69C8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_waitForHostageTimer = 0x69E0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_noisePosition = 0x69F8; // Vector
public const nint m_noiseTravelDistance = 0x6A04; // float
public const nint m_noiseTimestamp = 0x6A08; // float
public const nint m_noiseSource = 0x6A10; // CCSPlayerPawn*
public const nint m_noiseBendTimer = 0x6A28; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_bentNoisePosition = 0x6A40; // Vector
public const nint m_bendNoisePositionValid = 0x6A4C; // bool
public const nint m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = 0x6A50; // float
public const nint m_lookAheadAngle = 0x6A54; // float
public const nint m_forwardAngle = 0x6A58; // float
public const nint m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp = 0x6A5C; // float
public const nint m_lookAtSpot = 0x6A64; // Vector
public const nint m_lookAtSpotDuration = 0x6A74; // float
public const nint m_lookAtSpotTimestamp = 0x6A78; // float
public const nint m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance = 0x6A7C; // float
public const nint m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose = 0x6A80; // bool
public const nint m_lookAtSpotAttack = 0x6A81; // bool
public const nint m_lookAtDesc = 0x6A88; // char*
public const nint m_peripheralTimestamp = 0x6A90; // float
public const nint m_approachPointCount = 0x6C18; // uint8_t
public const nint m_approachPointViewPosition = 0x6C1C; // Vector
public const nint m_viewSteadyTimer = 0x6C28; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_tossGrenadeTimer = 0x6C40; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_isAvoidingGrenade = 0x6C60; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_spotCheckTimestamp = 0x6C80; // float
public const nint m_checkedHidingSpotCount = 0x7088; // int32_t
public const nint m_lookPitch = 0x708C; // float
public const nint m_lookPitchVel = 0x7090; // float
public const nint m_lookYaw = 0x7094; // float
public const nint m_lookYawVel = 0x7098; // float
public const nint m_targetSpot = 0x709C; // Vector
public const nint m_targetSpotVelocity = 0x70A8; // Vector
public const nint m_targetSpotPredicted = 0x70B4; // Vector
public const nint m_aimError = 0x70C0; // QAngle
public const nint m_aimGoal = 0x70CC; // QAngle
public const nint m_targetSpotTime = 0x70D8; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_aimFocus = 0x70DC; // float
public const nint m_aimFocusInterval = 0x70E0; // float
public const nint m_aimFocusNextUpdate = 0x70E4; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_ignoreEnemiesTimer = 0x70F0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_enemy = 0x7108; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_isEnemyVisible = 0x710C; // bool
public const nint m_visibleEnemyParts = 0x710D; // uint8_t
public const nint m_lastEnemyPosition = 0x7110; // Vector
public const nint m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x711C; // float
public const nint m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x7120; // float
public const nint m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = 0x7124; // float
public const nint m_enemyDeathTimestamp = 0x7128; // float
public const nint m_friendDeathTimestamp = 0x712C; // float
public const nint m_isLastEnemyDead = 0x7130; // bool
public const nint m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0x7134; // int32_t
public const nint m_bomber = 0x7340; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_nearbyFriendCount = 0x7344; // int32_t
public const nint m_closestVisibleFriend = 0x7348; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = 0x734C; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_attentionInterval = 0x7350; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_attacker = 0x7360; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_attackedTimestamp = 0x7364; // float
public const nint m_burnedByFlamesTimer = 0x7368; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_lastVictimID = 0x7378; // int32_t
public const nint m_isAimingAtEnemy = 0x737C; // bool
public const nint m_isRapidFiring = 0x737D; // bool
public const nint m_equipTimer = 0x7380; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_zoomTimer = 0x7390; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0x73A8; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer = 0x73B0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_bIsSleeping = 0x73C8; // bool
public const nint m_isEnemySniperVisible = 0x73C9; // bool
public const nint m_sawEnemySniperTimer = 0x73D0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_enemyQueueIndex = 0x7488; // uint8_t
public const nint m_enemyQueueCount = 0x7489; // uint8_t
public const nint m_enemyQueueAttendIndex = 0x748A; // uint8_t
public const nint m_isStuck = 0x748B; // bool
public const nint m_stuckTimestamp = 0x748C; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_stuckSpot = 0x7490; // Vector
public const nint m_wiggleTimer = 0x74A0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_stuckJumpTimer = 0x74B8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp = 0x74D0; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_avgVel = 0x74D4; // float[10]
public const nint m_avgVelIndex = 0x74FC; // int32_t
public const nint m_avgVelCount = 0x7500; // int32_t
public const nint m_lastOrigin = 0x7504; // Vector
public const nint m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp = 0x7514; // float
public const nint m_lastRadioSentTimestamp = 0x7518; // float
public const nint m_radioSubject = 0x751C; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_radioPosition = 0x7520; // Vector
public const nint m_voiceEndTimestamp = 0x752C; // float
public const nint m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame = 0x7538; // int32_t
public const nint m_lastCoopSpawnPoint = 0xF8; // CHandle<SpawnPointCoopEnemy>
public const nint m_eyePosition = 0x108; // Vector
public const nint m_name = 0x114; // char[64]
public const nint m_combatRange = 0x154; // float
public const nint m_isRogue = 0x158; // bool
public const nint m_rogueTimer = 0x160; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_diedLastRound = 0x17C; // bool
public const nint m_safeTime = 0x180; // float
public const nint m_wasSafe = 0x184; // bool
public const nint m_blindFire = 0x18C; // bool
public const nint m_surpriseTimer = 0x190; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_bAllowActive = 0x1A8; // bool
public const nint m_isFollowing = 0x1A9; // bool
public const nint m_leader = 0x1AC; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_followTimestamp = 0x1B0; // float
public const nint m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0x1B4; // float
public const nint m_hurryTimer = 0x1B8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_alertTimer = 0x1D0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_sneakTimer = 0x1E8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_panicTimer = 0x200; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_stateTimestamp = 0x4D0; // float
public const nint m_isAttacking = 0x4D4; // bool
public const nint m_isOpeningDoor = 0x4D5; // bool
public const nint m_taskEntity = 0x4DC; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
public const nint m_goalPosition = 0x4EC; // Vector
public const nint m_goalEntity = 0x4F8; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
public const nint m_avoid = 0x4FC; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
public const nint m_avoidTimestamp = 0x500; // float
public const nint m_isStopping = 0x504; // bool
public const nint m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn = 0x505; // bool
public const nint m_stillTimer = 0x508; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl = 0x518; // bool
public const nint m_pathIndex = 0x6610; // int32_t
public const nint m_areaEnteredTimestamp = 0x6614; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_repathTimer = 0x6618; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_avoidFriendTimer = 0x6630; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_isFriendInTheWay = 0x6648; // bool
public const nint m_politeTimer = 0x6650; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_isWaitingBehindFriend = 0x6668; // bool
public const nint m_pathLadderEnd = 0x6694; // float
public const nint m_mustRunTimer = 0x66E0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_waitTimer = 0x66F8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_updateTravelDistanceTimer = 0x6710; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_playerTravelDistance = 0x6728; // float[64]
public const nint m_travelDistancePhase = 0x6828; // uint8_t
public const nint m_hostageEscortCount = 0x69C0; // uint8_t
public const nint m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = 0x69C4; // float
public const nint m_desiredTeam = 0x69C8; // int32_t
public const nint m_hasJoined = 0x69CC; // bool
public const nint m_isWaitingForHostage = 0x69CD; // bool
public const nint m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer = 0x69D0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_waitForHostageTimer = 0x69E8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_noisePosition = 0x6A00; // Vector
public const nint m_noiseTravelDistance = 0x6A0C; // float
public const nint m_noiseTimestamp = 0x6A10; // float
public const nint m_noiseSource = 0x6A18; // CCSPlayerPawn*
public const nint m_noiseBendTimer = 0x6A30; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_bentNoisePosition = 0x6A48; // Vector
public const nint m_bendNoisePositionValid = 0x6A54; // bool
public const nint m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = 0x6A58; // float
public const nint m_lookAheadAngle = 0x6A5C; // float
public const nint m_forwardAngle = 0x6A60; // float
public const nint m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp = 0x6A64; // float
public const nint m_lookAtSpot = 0x6A6C; // Vector
public const nint m_lookAtSpotDuration = 0x6A7C; // float
public const nint m_lookAtSpotTimestamp = 0x6A80; // float
public const nint m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance = 0x6A84; // float
public const nint m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose = 0x6A88; // bool
public const nint m_lookAtSpotAttack = 0x6A89; // bool
public const nint m_lookAtDesc = 0x6A90; // char*
public const nint m_peripheralTimestamp = 0x6A98; // float
public const nint m_approachPointCount = 0x6C20; // uint8_t
public const nint m_approachPointViewPosition = 0x6C24; // Vector
public const nint m_viewSteadyTimer = 0x6C30; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_tossGrenadeTimer = 0x6C48; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_isAvoidingGrenade = 0x6C68; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_spotCheckTimestamp = 0x6C88; // float
public const nint m_checkedHidingSpotCount = 0x7090; // int32_t
public const nint m_lookPitch = 0x7094; // float
public const nint m_lookPitchVel = 0x7098; // float
public const nint m_lookYaw = 0x709C; // float
public const nint m_lookYawVel = 0x70A0; // float
public const nint m_targetSpot = 0x70A4; // Vector
public const nint m_targetSpotVelocity = 0x70B0; // Vector
public const nint m_targetSpotPredicted = 0x70BC; // Vector
public const nint m_aimError = 0x70C8; // QAngle
public const nint m_aimGoal = 0x70D4; // QAngle
public const nint m_targetSpotTime = 0x70E0; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_aimFocus = 0x70E4; // float
public const nint m_aimFocusInterval = 0x70E8; // float
public const nint m_aimFocusNextUpdate = 0x70EC; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_ignoreEnemiesTimer = 0x70F8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_enemy = 0x7110; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_isEnemyVisible = 0x7114; // bool
public const nint m_visibleEnemyParts = 0x7115; // uint8_t
public const nint m_lastEnemyPosition = 0x7118; // Vector
public const nint m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x7124; // float
public const nint m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x7128; // float
public const nint m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = 0x712C; // float
public const nint m_enemyDeathTimestamp = 0x7130; // float
public const nint m_friendDeathTimestamp = 0x7134; // float
public const nint m_isLastEnemyDead = 0x7138; // bool
public const nint m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0x713C; // int32_t
public const nint m_bomber = 0x7348; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_nearbyFriendCount = 0x734C; // int32_t
public const nint m_closestVisibleFriend = 0x7350; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = 0x7354; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_attentionInterval = 0x7358; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_attacker = 0x7368; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_attackedTimestamp = 0x736C; // float
public const nint m_burnedByFlamesTimer = 0x7370; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_lastVictimID = 0x7380; // int32_t
public const nint m_isAimingAtEnemy = 0x7384; // bool
public const nint m_isRapidFiring = 0x7385; // bool
public const nint m_equipTimer = 0x7388; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_zoomTimer = 0x7398; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0x73B0; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer = 0x73B8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_bIsSleeping = 0x73D0; // bool
public const nint m_isEnemySniperVisible = 0x73D1; // bool
public const nint m_sawEnemySniperTimer = 0x73D8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_enemyQueueIndex = 0x7490; // uint8_t
public const nint m_enemyQueueCount = 0x7491; // uint8_t
public const nint m_enemyQueueAttendIndex = 0x7492; // uint8_t
public const nint m_isStuck = 0x7493; // bool
public const nint m_stuckTimestamp = 0x7494; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_stuckSpot = 0x7498; // Vector
public const nint m_wiggleTimer = 0x74A8; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_stuckJumpTimer = 0x74C0; // CountdownTimer
public const nint m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp = 0x74D8; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_avgVel = 0x74DC; // float[10]
public const nint m_avgVelIndex = 0x7504; // int32_t
public const nint m_avgVelCount = 0x7508; // int32_t
public const nint m_lastOrigin = 0x750C; // Vector
public const nint m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp = 0x751C; // float
public const nint m_lastRadioSentTimestamp = 0x7520; // float
public const nint m_radioSubject = 0x7524; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_radioPosition = 0x7528; // Vector
public const nint m_voiceEndTimestamp = 0x7534; // float
public const nint m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame = 0x7540; // int32_t
public static class CCSGOPlayerAnimGraphState {
@ -1435,84 +1435,84 @@ public static class CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { // CPlayer_CameraServices
public static class CCSPlayerController { // CBasePlayerController
public const nint m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6B0; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
public const nint m_pInventoryServices = 0x6B8; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
public const nint m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6C0; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
public const nint m_pDamageServices = 0x6C8; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
public const nint m_iPing = 0x6D0; // uint32_t
public const nint m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x6D4; // bool
public const nint m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x6D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
public const nint m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x6E0; // uint8_t
public const nint m_flForceTeamTime = 0x6E4; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x6E8; // int32_t
public const nint m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x6EC; // bool
public const nint m_bAttemptedToGetColor = 0x6ED; // bool
public const nint m_iTeammatePreferredColor = 0x6F0; // int32_t
public const nint m_bTeamChanged = 0x6F4; // bool
public const nint m_bInSwitchTeam = 0x6F5; // bool
public const nint m_bHasSeenJoinGame = 0x6F6; // bool
public const nint m_bJustBecameSpectator = 0x6F7; // bool
public const nint m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset = 0x6F8; // bool
public const nint m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset = 0x6F9; // bool
public const nint m_szClan = 0x700; // CUtlSymbolLarge
public const nint m_szClanName = 0x708; // char[32]
public const nint m_iCoachingTeam = 0x728; // int32_t
public const nint m_nPlayerDominated = 0x730; // uint64_t
public const nint m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x738; // uint64_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x740; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x744; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x748; // int8_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x74C; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x750; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x754; // int32_t
public const nint m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x758; // int32_t
public const nint m_unActiveQuestId = 0x75C; // uint16_t
public const nint m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x760; // QuestProgress::Reason
public const nint m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x764; // uint32_t
public const nint m_iDraftIndex = 0x790; // int32_t
public const nint m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x794; // uint32_t
public const nint m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x798; // uint32_t
public const nint m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x79C; // bool
public const nint m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x79D; // bool
public const nint m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x79E; // bool
public const nint m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x79F; // bool
public const nint m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7A0; // bool
public const nint m_bScoreReported = 0x7A1; // bool
public const nint m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7A4; // int32_t
public const nint m_bControllingBot = 0x7B0; // bool
public const nint m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7B1; // bool
public const nint m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7B2; // bool
public const nint m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7B4; // int32_t
public const nint m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7B8; // bool
public const nint m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7BC; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_hObserverPawn = 0x7C0; // CHandle<CCSObserverPawn>
public const nint m_DesiredObserverMode = 0x7C4; // int32_t
public const nint m_hDesiredObserverTarget = 0x7C8; // CEntityHandle
public const nint m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7CC; // bool
public const nint m_iPawnHealth = 0x7D0; // uint32_t
public const nint m_iPawnArmor = 0x7D4; // int32_t
public const nint m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7D8; // bool
public const nint m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7D9; // bool
public const nint m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7DA; // uint16_t
public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7DC; // int32_t
public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7E0; // int32_t
public const nint m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7E4; // int32_t
public const nint m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7E8; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
public const nint m_iScore = 0x7EC; // int32_t
public const nint m_iRoundScore = 0x7F0; // int32_t
public const nint m_iRoundsWon = 0x7F4; // int32_t
public const nint m_vecKills = 0x7F8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
public const nint m_iMVPs = 0x810; // int32_t
public const nint m_nUpdateCounter = 0x814; // int32_t
public const nint m_flSmoothedPing = 0x818; // float
public const nint m_lastHeldVoteTimer = 0x8C0; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_bShowHints = 0x8D8; // bool
public const nint m_iNextTimeCheck = 0x8DC; // int32_t
public const nint m_bJustDidTeamKill = 0x8E0; // bool
public const nint m_bPunishForTeamKill = 0x8E1; // bool
public const nint m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning = 0x8E2; // bool
public const nint m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound = 0x8E3; // bool
public const nint m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime = 0x8E4; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6B8; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
public const nint m_pInventoryServices = 0x6C0; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
public const nint m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6C8; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
public const nint m_pDamageServices = 0x6D0; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
public const nint m_iPing = 0x6D8; // uint32_t
public const nint m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x6DC; // bool
public const nint m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x6E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge
public const nint m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x6E8; // uint8_t
public const nint m_flForceTeamTime = 0x6EC; // GameTime_t
public const nint m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x6F0; // int32_t
public const nint m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x6F4; // bool
public const nint m_bAttemptedToGetColor = 0x6F5; // bool
public const nint m_iTeammatePreferredColor = 0x6F8; // int32_t
public const nint m_bTeamChanged = 0x6FC; // bool
public const nint m_bInSwitchTeam = 0x6FD; // bool
public const nint m_bHasSeenJoinGame = 0x6FE; // bool
public const nint m_bJustBecameSpectator = 0x6FF; // bool
public const nint m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset = 0x700; // bool
public const nint m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset = 0x701; // bool
public const nint m_szClan = 0x708; // CUtlSymbolLarge
public const nint m_szClanName = 0x710; // char[32]
public const nint m_iCoachingTeam = 0x730; // int32_t
public const nint m_nPlayerDominated = 0x738; // uint64_t
public const nint m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x740; // uint64_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x748; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x74C; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x750; // int8_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x754; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x758; // int32_t
public const nint m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x75C; // int32_t
public const nint m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x760; // int32_t
public const nint m_unActiveQuestId = 0x764; // uint16_t
public const nint m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x768; // QuestProgress::Reason
public const nint m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x76C; // uint32_t
public const nint m_iDraftIndex = 0x798; // int32_t
public const nint m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x79C; // uint32_t
public const nint m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x7A0; // uint32_t
public const nint m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x7A4; // bool
public const nint m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x7A5; // bool
public const nint m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x7A6; // bool
public const nint m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x7A7; // bool
public const nint m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7A8; // bool
public const nint m_bScoreReported = 0x7A9; // bool
public const nint m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7AC; // int32_t
public const nint m_bControllingBot = 0x7B8; // bool
public const nint m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7B9; // bool
public const nint m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7BA; // bool
public const nint m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7BC; // int32_t
public const nint m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7C0; // bool
public const nint m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7C4; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
public const nint m_hObserverPawn = 0x7C8; // CHandle<CCSObserverPawn>
public const nint m_DesiredObserverMode = 0x7CC; // int32_t
public const nint m_hDesiredObserverTarget = 0x7D0; // CEntityHandle
public const nint m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7D4; // bool
public const nint m_iPawnHealth = 0x7D8; // uint32_t
public const nint m_iPawnArmor = 0x7DC; // int32_t
public const nint m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7E0; // bool
public const nint m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7E1; // bool
public const nint m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7E2; // uint16_t
public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7E4; // int32_t
public const nint m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7E8; // int32_t
public const nint m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7EC; // int32_t
public const nint m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7F0; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
public const nint m_iScore = 0x7F4; // int32_t
public const nint m_iRoundScore = 0x7F8; // int32_t
public const nint m_iRoundsWon = 0x7FC; // int32_t
public const nint m_vecKills = 0x800; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
public const nint m_iMVPs = 0x818; // int32_t
public const nint m_nUpdateCounter = 0x81C; // int32_t
public const nint m_flSmoothedPing = 0x820; // float
public const nint m_lastHeldVoteTimer = 0xF8C8; // IntervalTimer
public const nint m_bShowHints = 0xF8E0; // bool
public const nint m_iNextTimeCheck = 0xF8E4; // int32_t
public const nint m_bJustDidTeamKill = 0xF8E8; // bool
public const nint m_bPunishForTeamKill = 0xF8E9; // bool
public const nint m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning = 0xF8EA; // bool
public const nint m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound = 0xF8EB; // bool
public const nint m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime = 0xF8EC; // GameTime_t
public static class CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { // CPlayerControllerComponent

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
#pragma once
@ -552,14 +552,14 @@ namespace CBasePlayerController { // CBaseEntity
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAutoKickDisabled = 0x5AE; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsLowViolence = 0x5AF; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGamePaused = 0x5B0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUsecTimestampLastUserCmdReceived = 0x640; // int64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = 0x658; // ChatIgnoreType_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPlayerTalkTime = 0x65C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastEntitySteadyState = 0x660; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState = 0x664; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts = 0x668; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_steamID = 0x678; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDesiredFOV = 0x680; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUsecTimestampLastUserCmdReceived = 0x648; // int64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = 0x660; // ChatIgnoreType_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastPlayerTalkTime = 0x664; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastEntitySteadyState = 0x668; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState = 0x66C; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts = 0x670; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_steamID = 0x680; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDesiredFOV = 0x688; // uint32_t
namespace CBasePlayerPawn { // CBaseCombatCharacter
@ -810,15 +810,15 @@ namespace CBot {
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pPlayer = 0x18; // CCSPlayerPawn*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasSpawned = 0x20; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_id = 0x24; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRunning = 0xB0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isCrouching = 0xB1; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forwardSpeed = 0xB4; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leftSpeed = 0xB8; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_verticalSpeed = 0xBC; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_buttonFlags = 0xC0; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jumpTimestamp = 0xC8; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_viewForward = 0xCC; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_postureStackIndex = 0xE8; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRunning = 0xB8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isCrouching = 0xB9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forwardSpeed = 0xBC; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leftSpeed = 0xC0; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_verticalSpeed = 0xC4; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_buttonFlags = 0xC8; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_jumpTimestamp = 0xD0; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_viewForward = 0xD4; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_postureStackIndex = 0xF0; // int32_t
namespace CBreachCharge { // CCSWeaponBase
@ -991,146 +991,146 @@ namespace CC4 { // CCSWeaponBase
namespace CCSBot { // CBot
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastCoopSpawnPoint = 0xF0; // CHandle<SpawnPointCoopEnemy>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eyePosition = 0x100; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x10C; // char[64]
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_combatRange = 0x14C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRogue = 0x150; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rogueTimer = 0x158; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_diedLastRound = 0x174; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_safeTime = 0x178; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wasSafe = 0x17C; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blindFire = 0x184; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_surpriseTimer = 0x188; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowActive = 0x1A0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isFollowing = 0x1A1; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leader = 0x1A4; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_followTimestamp = 0x1A8; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0x1AC; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hurryTimer = 0x1B0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_alertTimer = 0x1C8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sneakTimer = 0x1E0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_panicTimer = 0x1F8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stateTimestamp = 0x4C8; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAttacking = 0x4CC; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isOpeningDoor = 0x4CD; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_taskEntity = 0x4D4; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_goalPosition = 0x4E4; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_goalEntity = 0x4F0; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avoid = 0x4F4; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avoidTimestamp = 0x4F8; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isStopping = 0x4FC; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn = 0x4FD; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stillTimer = 0x500; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl = 0x510; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pathIndex = 0x6608; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_areaEnteredTimestamp = 0x660C; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_repathTimer = 0x6610; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avoidFriendTimer = 0x6628; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isFriendInTheWay = 0x6640; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_politeTimer = 0x6648; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isWaitingBehindFriend = 0x6660; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pathLadderEnd = 0x668C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mustRunTimer = 0x66D8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_waitTimer = 0x66F0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_updateTravelDistanceTimer = 0x6708; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_playerTravelDistance = 0x6720; // float[64]
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_travelDistancePhase = 0x6820; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageEscortCount = 0x69B8; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = 0x69BC; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_desiredTeam = 0x69C0; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hasJoined = 0x69C4; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isWaitingForHostage = 0x69C5; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer = 0x69C8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_waitForHostageTimer = 0x69E0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noisePosition = 0x69F8; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseTravelDistance = 0x6A04; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseTimestamp = 0x6A08; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseSource = 0x6A10; // CCSPlayerPawn*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseBendTimer = 0x6A28; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bentNoisePosition = 0x6A40; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bendNoisePositionValid = 0x6A4C; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = 0x6A50; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAheadAngle = 0x6A54; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forwardAngle = 0x6A58; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp = 0x6A5C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpot = 0x6A64; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotDuration = 0x6A74; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotTimestamp = 0x6A78; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance = 0x6A7C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose = 0x6A80; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotAttack = 0x6A81; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtDesc = 0x6A88; // char*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_peripheralTimestamp = 0x6A90; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_approachPointCount = 0x6C18; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_approachPointViewPosition = 0x6C1C; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_viewSteadyTimer = 0x6C28; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tossGrenadeTimer = 0x6C40; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAvoidingGrenade = 0x6C60; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spotCheckTimestamp = 0x6C80; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_checkedHidingSpotCount = 0x7088; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookPitch = 0x708C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookPitchVel = 0x7090; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookYaw = 0x7094; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookYawVel = 0x7098; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpot = 0x709C; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpotVelocity = 0x70A8; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpotPredicted = 0x70B4; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimError = 0x70C0; // QAngle
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimGoal = 0x70CC; // QAngle
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpotTime = 0x70D8; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimFocus = 0x70DC; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimFocusInterval = 0x70E0; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimFocusNextUpdate = 0x70E4; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ignoreEnemiesTimer = 0x70F0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemy = 0x7108; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isEnemyVisible = 0x710C; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_visibleEnemyParts = 0x710D; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastEnemyPosition = 0x7110; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x711C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x7120; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = 0x7124; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyDeathTimestamp = 0x7128; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_friendDeathTimestamp = 0x712C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isLastEnemyDead = 0x7130; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0x7134; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bomber = 0x7340; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nearbyFriendCount = 0x7344; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_closestVisibleFriend = 0x7348; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = 0x734C; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attentionInterval = 0x7350; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attacker = 0x7360; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attackedTimestamp = 0x7364; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_burnedByFlamesTimer = 0x7368; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastVictimID = 0x7378; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAimingAtEnemy = 0x737C; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRapidFiring = 0x737D; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_equipTimer = 0x7380; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_zoomTimer = 0x7390; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0x73A8; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer = 0x73B0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsSleeping = 0x73C8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isEnemySniperVisible = 0x73C9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sawEnemySniperTimer = 0x73D0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyQueueIndex = 0x7488; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyQueueCount = 0x7489; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyQueueAttendIndex = 0x748A; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isStuck = 0x748B; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckTimestamp = 0x748C; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckSpot = 0x7490; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wiggleTimer = 0x74A0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckJumpTimer = 0x74B8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp = 0x74D0; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avgVel = 0x74D4; // float[10]
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avgVelIndex = 0x74FC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avgVelCount = 0x7500; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastOrigin = 0x7504; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp = 0x7514; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastRadioSentTimestamp = 0x7518; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radioSubject = 0x751C; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radioPosition = 0x7520; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_voiceEndTimestamp = 0x752C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame = 0x7538; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastCoopSpawnPoint = 0xF8; // CHandle<SpawnPointCoopEnemy>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_eyePosition = 0x108; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_name = 0x114; // char[64]
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_combatRange = 0x154; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRogue = 0x158; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_rogueTimer = 0x160; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_diedLastRound = 0x17C; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_safeTime = 0x180; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wasSafe = 0x184; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_blindFire = 0x18C; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_surpriseTimer = 0x190; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAllowActive = 0x1A8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isFollowing = 0x1A9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_leader = 0x1AC; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_followTimestamp = 0x1B0; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0x1B4; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hurryTimer = 0x1B8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_alertTimer = 0x1D0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sneakTimer = 0x1E8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_panicTimer = 0x200; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stateTimestamp = 0x4D0; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAttacking = 0x4D4; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isOpeningDoor = 0x4D5; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_taskEntity = 0x4DC; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_goalPosition = 0x4EC; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_goalEntity = 0x4F8; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avoid = 0x4FC; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avoidTimestamp = 0x500; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isStopping = 0x504; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn = 0x505; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stillTimer = 0x508; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl = 0x518; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pathIndex = 0x6610; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_areaEnteredTimestamp = 0x6614; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_repathTimer = 0x6618; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avoidFriendTimer = 0x6630; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isFriendInTheWay = 0x6648; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_politeTimer = 0x6650; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isWaitingBehindFriend = 0x6668; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pathLadderEnd = 0x6694; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_mustRunTimer = 0x66E0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_waitTimer = 0x66F8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_updateTravelDistanceTimer = 0x6710; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_playerTravelDistance = 0x6728; // float[64]
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_travelDistancePhase = 0x6828; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageEscortCount = 0x69C0; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = 0x69C4; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_desiredTeam = 0x69C8; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hasJoined = 0x69CC; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isWaitingForHostage = 0x69CD; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer = 0x69D0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_waitForHostageTimer = 0x69E8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noisePosition = 0x6A00; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseTravelDistance = 0x6A0C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseTimestamp = 0x6A10; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseSource = 0x6A18; // CCSPlayerPawn*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_noiseBendTimer = 0x6A30; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bentNoisePosition = 0x6A48; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bendNoisePositionValid = 0x6A54; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = 0x6A58; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAheadAngle = 0x6A5C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_forwardAngle = 0x6A60; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp = 0x6A64; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpot = 0x6A6C; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotDuration = 0x6A7C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotTimestamp = 0x6A80; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance = 0x6A84; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose = 0x6A88; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtSpotAttack = 0x6A89; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookAtDesc = 0x6A90; // char*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_peripheralTimestamp = 0x6A98; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_approachPointCount = 0x6C20; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_approachPointViewPosition = 0x6C24; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_viewSteadyTimer = 0x6C30; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_tossGrenadeTimer = 0x6C48; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAvoidingGrenade = 0x6C68; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_spotCheckTimestamp = 0x6C88; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_checkedHidingSpotCount = 0x7090; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookPitch = 0x7094; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookPitchVel = 0x7098; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookYaw = 0x709C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookYawVel = 0x70A0; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpot = 0x70A4; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpotVelocity = 0x70B0; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpotPredicted = 0x70BC; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimError = 0x70C8; // QAngle
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimGoal = 0x70D4; // QAngle
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_targetSpotTime = 0x70E0; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimFocus = 0x70E4; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimFocusInterval = 0x70E8; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_aimFocusNextUpdate = 0x70EC; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_ignoreEnemiesTimer = 0x70F8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemy = 0x7110; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isEnemyVisible = 0x7114; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_visibleEnemyParts = 0x7115; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastEnemyPosition = 0x7118; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x7124; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x7128; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = 0x712C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyDeathTimestamp = 0x7130; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_friendDeathTimestamp = 0x7134; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isLastEnemyDead = 0x7138; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0x713C; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bomber = 0x7348; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nearbyFriendCount = 0x734C; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_closestVisibleFriend = 0x7350; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = 0x7354; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attentionInterval = 0x7358; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attacker = 0x7368; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_attackedTimestamp = 0x736C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_burnedByFlamesTimer = 0x7370; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastVictimID = 0x7380; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isAimingAtEnemy = 0x7384; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isRapidFiring = 0x7385; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_equipTimer = 0x7388; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_zoomTimer = 0x7398; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0x73B0; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer = 0x73B8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsSleeping = 0x73D0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isEnemySniperVisible = 0x73D1; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_sawEnemySniperTimer = 0x73D8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyQueueIndex = 0x7490; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyQueueCount = 0x7491; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_enemyQueueAttendIndex = 0x7492; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_isStuck = 0x7493; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckTimestamp = 0x7494; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckSpot = 0x7498; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_wiggleTimer = 0x74A8; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_stuckJumpTimer = 0x74C0; // CountdownTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp = 0x74D8; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avgVel = 0x74DC; // float[10]
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avgVelIndex = 0x7504; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_avgVelCount = 0x7508; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastOrigin = 0x750C; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp = 0x751C; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastRadioSentTimestamp = 0x7520; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radioSubject = 0x7524; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_radioPosition = 0x7528; // Vector
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_voiceEndTimestamp = 0x7534; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame = 0x7540; // int32_t
namespace CCSGOPlayerAnimGraphState {
@ -1439,84 +1439,84 @@ namespace CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { // CPlayer_CameraServices
namespace CCSPlayerController { // CBasePlayerController
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6B0; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInventoryServices = 0x6B8; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6C0; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pDamageServices = 0x6C8; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPing = 0x6D0; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x6D4; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x6D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x6E0; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceTeamTime = 0x6E4; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x6E8; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x6EC; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAttemptedToGetColor = 0x6ED; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTeammatePreferredColor = 0x6F0; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTeamChanged = 0x6F4; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInSwitchTeam = 0x6F5; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasSeenJoinGame = 0x6F6; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bJustBecameSpectator = 0x6F7; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset = 0x6F8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset = 0x6F9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClan = 0x700; // CUtlSymbolLarge
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClanName = 0x708; // char[32]
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCoachingTeam = 0x728; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominated = 0x730; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x738; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x740; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x744; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x748; // int8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x74C; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x750; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x754; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x758; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unActiveQuestId = 0x75C; // uint16_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x760; // QuestProgress::Reason
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x764; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDraftIndex = 0x790; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x794; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x798; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x79C; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x79D; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x79E; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x79F; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7A0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScoreReported = 0x7A1; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7A4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bControllingBot = 0x7B0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7B1; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7B2; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7B4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7B8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7BC; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hObserverPawn = 0x7C0; // CHandle<CCSObserverPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DesiredObserverMode = 0x7C4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDesiredObserverTarget = 0x7C8; // CEntityHandle
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7CC; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnHealth = 0x7D0; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnArmor = 0x7D4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7D8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7D9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7DA; // uint16_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7DC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7E0; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7E4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7E8; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iScore = 0x7EC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundScore = 0x7F0; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundsWon = 0x7F4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecKills = 0x7F8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMVPs = 0x810; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUpdateCounter = 0x814; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSmoothedPing = 0x818; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastHeldVoteTimer = 0x8C0; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShowHints = 0x8D8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNextTimeCheck = 0x8DC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bJustDidTeamKill = 0x8E0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPunishForTeamKill = 0x8E1; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning = 0x8E2; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound = 0x8E3; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime = 0x8E4; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6B8; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pInventoryServices = 0x6C0; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6C8; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_pDamageServices = 0x6D0; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPing = 0x6D8; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x6DC; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x6E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x6E8; // uint8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flForceTeamTime = 0x6EC; // GameTime_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x6F0; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x6F4; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAttemptedToGetColor = 0x6F5; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iTeammatePreferredColor = 0x6F8; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bTeamChanged = 0x6FC; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bInSwitchTeam = 0x6FD; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasSeenJoinGame = 0x6FE; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bJustBecameSpectator = 0x6FF; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset = 0x700; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset = 0x701; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClan = 0x708; // CUtlSymbolLarge
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_szClanName = 0x710; // char[32]
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCoachingTeam = 0x730; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominated = 0x738; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x740; // uint64_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x748; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x74C; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x750; // int8_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x754; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x758; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x75C; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x760; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unActiveQuestId = 0x764; // uint16_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x768; // QuestProgress::Reason
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x76C; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iDraftIndex = 0x798; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x79C; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x7A0; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x7A4; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x7A5; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x7A6; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x7A7; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7A8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bScoreReported = 0x7A9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7AC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bControllingBot = 0x7B8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7B9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7BA; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7BC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7C0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7C4; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hObserverPawn = 0x7C8; // CHandle<CCSObserverPawn>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_DesiredObserverMode = 0x7CC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hDesiredObserverTarget = 0x7D0; // CEntityHandle
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7D4; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnHealth = 0x7D8; // uint32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnArmor = 0x7DC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7E0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7E1; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7E2; // uint16_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7E4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7E8; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7EC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7F0; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iScore = 0x7F4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundScore = 0x7F8; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iRoundsWon = 0x7FC; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_vecKills = 0x800; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iMVPs = 0x818; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_nUpdateCounter = 0x81C; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_flSmoothedPing = 0x820; // float
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_lastHeldVoteTimer = 0xF8C8; // IntervalTimer
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bShowHints = 0xF8E0; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_iNextTimeCheck = 0xF8E4; // int32_t
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bJustDidTeamKill = 0xF8E8; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bPunishForTeamKill = 0xF8E9; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning = 0xF8EA; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound = 0xF8EB; // bool
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime = 0xF8EC; // GameTime_t
namespace CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { // CPlayerControllerComponent

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
class ActiveModelConfig_t:
@ -507,14 +507,14 @@ class CBasePlayerController: # CBaseEntity
m_bAutoKickDisabled = 0x5AE # bool
m_bIsLowViolence = 0x5AF # bool
m_bGamePaused = 0x5B0 # bool
m_nUsecTimestampLastUserCmdReceived = 0x640 # int64_t
m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = 0x658 # ChatIgnoreType_t
m_flLastPlayerTalkTime = 0x65C # float
m_flLastEntitySteadyState = 0x660 # float
m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState = 0x664 # int32_t
m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts = 0x668 # bool
m_steamID = 0x678 # uint64_t
m_iDesiredFOV = 0x680 # uint32_t
m_nUsecTimestampLastUserCmdReceived = 0x648 # int64_t
m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = 0x660 # ChatIgnoreType_t
m_flLastPlayerTalkTime = 0x664 # float
m_flLastEntitySteadyState = 0x668 # float
m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState = 0x66C # int32_t
m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts = 0x670 # bool
m_steamID = 0x680 # uint64_t
m_iDesiredFOV = 0x688 # uint32_t
class CBasePlayerPawn: # CBaseCombatCharacter
m_pWeaponServices = 0x9D0 # CPlayer_WeaponServices*
@ -747,15 +747,15 @@ class CBot:
m_pPlayer = 0x18 # CCSPlayerPawn*
m_bHasSpawned = 0x20 # bool
m_id = 0x24 # uint32_t
m_isRunning = 0xB0 # bool
m_isCrouching = 0xB1 # bool
m_forwardSpeed = 0xB4 # float
m_leftSpeed = 0xB8 # float
m_verticalSpeed = 0xBC # float
m_buttonFlags = 0xC0 # uint64_t
m_jumpTimestamp = 0xC8 # float
m_viewForward = 0xCC # Vector
m_postureStackIndex = 0xE8 # int32_t
m_isRunning = 0xB8 # bool
m_isCrouching = 0xB9 # bool
m_forwardSpeed = 0xBC # float
m_leftSpeed = 0xC0 # float
m_verticalSpeed = 0xC4 # float
m_buttonFlags = 0xC8 # uint64_t
m_jumpTimestamp = 0xD0 # float
m_viewForward = 0xD4 # Vector
m_postureStackIndex = 0xF0 # int32_t
class CBreachCharge: # CCSWeaponBase
@ -907,146 +907,146 @@ class CC4: # CCSWeaponBase
m_bDroppedFromDeath = 0xE6C # bool
class CCSBot: # CBot
m_lastCoopSpawnPoint = 0xF0 # CHandle<SpawnPointCoopEnemy>
m_eyePosition = 0x100 # Vector
m_name = 0x10C # char[64]
m_combatRange = 0x14C # float
m_isRogue = 0x150 # bool
m_rogueTimer = 0x158 # CountdownTimer
m_diedLastRound = 0x174 # bool
m_safeTime = 0x178 # float
m_wasSafe = 0x17C # bool
m_blindFire = 0x184 # bool
m_surpriseTimer = 0x188 # CountdownTimer
m_bAllowActive = 0x1A0 # bool
m_isFollowing = 0x1A1 # bool
m_leader = 0x1A4 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_followTimestamp = 0x1A8 # float
m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0x1AC # float
m_hurryTimer = 0x1B0 # CountdownTimer
m_alertTimer = 0x1C8 # CountdownTimer
m_sneakTimer = 0x1E0 # CountdownTimer
m_panicTimer = 0x1F8 # CountdownTimer
m_stateTimestamp = 0x4C8 # float
m_isAttacking = 0x4CC # bool
m_isOpeningDoor = 0x4CD # bool
m_taskEntity = 0x4D4 # CHandle<CBaseEntity>
m_goalPosition = 0x4E4 # Vector
m_goalEntity = 0x4F0 # CHandle<CBaseEntity>
m_avoid = 0x4F4 # CHandle<CBaseEntity>
m_avoidTimestamp = 0x4F8 # float
m_isStopping = 0x4FC # bool
m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn = 0x4FD # bool
m_stillTimer = 0x500 # IntervalTimer
m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl = 0x510 # bool
m_pathIndex = 0x6608 # int32_t
m_areaEnteredTimestamp = 0x660C # GameTime_t
m_repathTimer = 0x6610 # CountdownTimer
m_avoidFriendTimer = 0x6628 # CountdownTimer
m_isFriendInTheWay = 0x6640 # bool
m_politeTimer = 0x6648 # CountdownTimer
m_isWaitingBehindFriend = 0x6660 # bool
m_pathLadderEnd = 0x668C # float
m_mustRunTimer = 0x66D8 # CountdownTimer
m_waitTimer = 0x66F0 # CountdownTimer
m_updateTravelDistanceTimer = 0x6708 # CountdownTimer
m_playerTravelDistance = 0x6720 # float[64]
m_travelDistancePhase = 0x6820 # uint8_t
m_hostageEscortCount = 0x69B8 # uint8_t
m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = 0x69BC # float
m_desiredTeam = 0x69C0 # int32_t
m_hasJoined = 0x69C4 # bool
m_isWaitingForHostage = 0x69C5 # bool
m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer = 0x69C8 # CountdownTimer
m_waitForHostageTimer = 0x69E0 # CountdownTimer
m_noisePosition = 0x69F8 # Vector
m_noiseTravelDistance = 0x6A04 # float
m_noiseTimestamp = 0x6A08 # float
m_noiseSource = 0x6A10 # CCSPlayerPawn*
m_noiseBendTimer = 0x6A28 # CountdownTimer
m_bentNoisePosition = 0x6A40 # Vector
m_bendNoisePositionValid = 0x6A4C # bool
m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = 0x6A50 # float
m_lookAheadAngle = 0x6A54 # float
m_forwardAngle = 0x6A58 # float
m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp = 0x6A5C # float
m_lookAtSpot = 0x6A64 # Vector
m_lookAtSpotDuration = 0x6A74 # float
m_lookAtSpotTimestamp = 0x6A78 # float
m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance = 0x6A7C # float
m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose = 0x6A80 # bool
m_lookAtSpotAttack = 0x6A81 # bool
m_lookAtDesc = 0x6A88 # char*
m_peripheralTimestamp = 0x6A90 # float
m_approachPointCount = 0x6C18 # uint8_t
m_approachPointViewPosition = 0x6C1C # Vector
m_viewSteadyTimer = 0x6C28 # IntervalTimer
m_tossGrenadeTimer = 0x6C40 # CountdownTimer
m_isAvoidingGrenade = 0x6C60 # CountdownTimer
m_spotCheckTimestamp = 0x6C80 # float
m_checkedHidingSpotCount = 0x7088 # int32_t
m_lookPitch = 0x708C # float
m_lookPitchVel = 0x7090 # float
m_lookYaw = 0x7094 # float
m_lookYawVel = 0x7098 # float
m_targetSpot = 0x709C # Vector
m_targetSpotVelocity = 0x70A8 # Vector
m_targetSpotPredicted = 0x70B4 # Vector
m_aimError = 0x70C0 # QAngle
m_aimGoal = 0x70CC # QAngle
m_targetSpotTime = 0x70D8 # GameTime_t
m_aimFocus = 0x70DC # float
m_aimFocusInterval = 0x70E0 # float
m_aimFocusNextUpdate = 0x70E4 # GameTime_t
m_ignoreEnemiesTimer = 0x70F0 # CountdownTimer
m_enemy = 0x7108 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_isEnemyVisible = 0x710C # bool
m_visibleEnemyParts = 0x710D # uint8_t
m_lastEnemyPosition = 0x7110 # Vector
m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x711C # float
m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x7120 # float
m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = 0x7124 # float
m_enemyDeathTimestamp = 0x7128 # float
m_friendDeathTimestamp = 0x712C # float
m_isLastEnemyDead = 0x7130 # bool
m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0x7134 # int32_t
m_bomber = 0x7340 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_nearbyFriendCount = 0x7344 # int32_t
m_closestVisibleFriend = 0x7348 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = 0x734C # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_attentionInterval = 0x7350 # IntervalTimer
m_attacker = 0x7360 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_attackedTimestamp = 0x7364 # float
m_burnedByFlamesTimer = 0x7368 # IntervalTimer
m_lastVictimID = 0x7378 # int32_t
m_isAimingAtEnemy = 0x737C # bool
m_isRapidFiring = 0x737D # bool
m_equipTimer = 0x7380 # IntervalTimer
m_zoomTimer = 0x7390 # CountdownTimer
m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0x73A8 # GameTime_t
m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer = 0x73B0 # CountdownTimer
m_bIsSleeping = 0x73C8 # bool
m_isEnemySniperVisible = 0x73C9 # bool
m_sawEnemySniperTimer = 0x73D0 # CountdownTimer
m_enemyQueueIndex = 0x7488 # uint8_t
m_enemyQueueCount = 0x7489 # uint8_t
m_enemyQueueAttendIndex = 0x748A # uint8_t
m_isStuck = 0x748B # bool
m_stuckTimestamp = 0x748C # GameTime_t
m_stuckSpot = 0x7490 # Vector
m_wiggleTimer = 0x74A0 # CountdownTimer
m_stuckJumpTimer = 0x74B8 # CountdownTimer
m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp = 0x74D0 # GameTime_t
m_avgVel = 0x74D4 # float[10]
m_avgVelIndex = 0x74FC # int32_t
m_avgVelCount = 0x7500 # int32_t
m_lastOrigin = 0x7504 # Vector
m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp = 0x7514 # float
m_lastRadioSentTimestamp = 0x7518 # float
m_radioSubject = 0x751C # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_radioPosition = 0x7520 # Vector
m_voiceEndTimestamp = 0x752C # float
m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame = 0x7538 # int32_t
m_lastCoopSpawnPoint = 0xF8 # CHandle<SpawnPointCoopEnemy>
m_eyePosition = 0x108 # Vector
m_name = 0x114 # char[64]
m_combatRange = 0x154 # float
m_isRogue = 0x158 # bool
m_rogueTimer = 0x160 # CountdownTimer
m_diedLastRound = 0x17C # bool
m_safeTime = 0x180 # float
m_wasSafe = 0x184 # bool
m_blindFire = 0x18C # bool
m_surpriseTimer = 0x190 # CountdownTimer
m_bAllowActive = 0x1A8 # bool
m_isFollowing = 0x1A9 # bool
m_leader = 0x1AC # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_followTimestamp = 0x1B0 # float
m_allowAutoFollowTime = 0x1B4 # float
m_hurryTimer = 0x1B8 # CountdownTimer
m_alertTimer = 0x1D0 # CountdownTimer
m_sneakTimer = 0x1E8 # CountdownTimer
m_panicTimer = 0x200 # CountdownTimer
m_stateTimestamp = 0x4D0 # float
m_isAttacking = 0x4D4 # bool
m_isOpeningDoor = 0x4D5 # bool
m_taskEntity = 0x4DC # CHandle<CBaseEntity>
m_goalPosition = 0x4EC # Vector
m_goalEntity = 0x4F8 # CHandle<CBaseEntity>
m_avoid = 0x4FC # CHandle<CBaseEntity>
m_avoidTimestamp = 0x500 # float
m_isStopping = 0x504 # bool
m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn = 0x505 # bool
m_stillTimer = 0x508 # IntervalTimer
m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl = 0x518 # bool
m_pathIndex = 0x6610 # int32_t
m_areaEnteredTimestamp = 0x6614 # GameTime_t
m_repathTimer = 0x6618 # CountdownTimer
m_avoidFriendTimer = 0x6630 # CountdownTimer
m_isFriendInTheWay = 0x6648 # bool
m_politeTimer = 0x6650 # CountdownTimer
m_isWaitingBehindFriend = 0x6668 # bool
m_pathLadderEnd = 0x6694 # float
m_mustRunTimer = 0x66E0 # CountdownTimer
m_waitTimer = 0x66F8 # CountdownTimer
m_updateTravelDistanceTimer = 0x6710 # CountdownTimer
m_playerTravelDistance = 0x6728 # float[64]
m_travelDistancePhase = 0x6828 # uint8_t
m_hostageEscortCount = 0x69C0 # uint8_t
m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = 0x69C4 # float
m_desiredTeam = 0x69C8 # int32_t
m_hasJoined = 0x69CC # bool
m_isWaitingForHostage = 0x69CD # bool
m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer = 0x69D0 # CountdownTimer
m_waitForHostageTimer = 0x69E8 # CountdownTimer
m_noisePosition = 0x6A00 # Vector
m_noiseTravelDistance = 0x6A0C # float
m_noiseTimestamp = 0x6A10 # float
m_noiseSource = 0x6A18 # CCSPlayerPawn*
m_noiseBendTimer = 0x6A30 # CountdownTimer
m_bentNoisePosition = 0x6A48 # Vector
m_bendNoisePositionValid = 0x6A54 # bool
m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = 0x6A58 # float
m_lookAheadAngle = 0x6A5C # float
m_forwardAngle = 0x6A60 # float
m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp = 0x6A64 # float
m_lookAtSpot = 0x6A6C # Vector
m_lookAtSpotDuration = 0x6A7C # float
m_lookAtSpotTimestamp = 0x6A80 # float
m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance = 0x6A84 # float
m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose = 0x6A88 # bool
m_lookAtSpotAttack = 0x6A89 # bool
m_lookAtDesc = 0x6A90 # char*
m_peripheralTimestamp = 0x6A98 # float
m_approachPointCount = 0x6C20 # uint8_t
m_approachPointViewPosition = 0x6C24 # Vector
m_viewSteadyTimer = 0x6C30 # IntervalTimer
m_tossGrenadeTimer = 0x6C48 # CountdownTimer
m_isAvoidingGrenade = 0x6C68 # CountdownTimer
m_spotCheckTimestamp = 0x6C88 # float
m_checkedHidingSpotCount = 0x7090 # int32_t
m_lookPitch = 0x7094 # float
m_lookPitchVel = 0x7098 # float
m_lookYaw = 0x709C # float
m_lookYawVel = 0x70A0 # float
m_targetSpot = 0x70A4 # Vector
m_targetSpotVelocity = 0x70B0 # Vector
m_targetSpotPredicted = 0x70BC # Vector
m_aimError = 0x70C8 # QAngle
m_aimGoal = 0x70D4 # QAngle
m_targetSpotTime = 0x70E0 # GameTime_t
m_aimFocus = 0x70E4 # float
m_aimFocusInterval = 0x70E8 # float
m_aimFocusNextUpdate = 0x70EC # GameTime_t
m_ignoreEnemiesTimer = 0x70F8 # CountdownTimer
m_enemy = 0x7110 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_isEnemyVisible = 0x7114 # bool
m_visibleEnemyParts = 0x7115 # uint8_t
m_lastEnemyPosition = 0x7118 # Vector
m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x7124 # float
m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = 0x7128 # float
m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = 0x712C # float
m_enemyDeathTimestamp = 0x7130 # float
m_friendDeathTimestamp = 0x7134 # float
m_isLastEnemyDead = 0x7138 # bool
m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0x713C # int32_t
m_bomber = 0x7348 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_nearbyFriendCount = 0x734C # int32_t
m_closestVisibleFriend = 0x7350 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = 0x7354 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_attentionInterval = 0x7358 # IntervalTimer
m_attacker = 0x7368 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_attackedTimestamp = 0x736C # float
m_burnedByFlamesTimer = 0x7370 # IntervalTimer
m_lastVictimID = 0x7380 # int32_t
m_isAimingAtEnemy = 0x7384 # bool
m_isRapidFiring = 0x7385 # bool
m_equipTimer = 0x7388 # IntervalTimer
m_zoomTimer = 0x7398 # CountdownTimer
m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0x73B0 # GameTime_t
m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer = 0x73B8 # CountdownTimer
m_bIsSleeping = 0x73D0 # bool
m_isEnemySniperVisible = 0x73D1 # bool
m_sawEnemySniperTimer = 0x73D8 # CountdownTimer
m_enemyQueueIndex = 0x7490 # uint8_t
m_enemyQueueCount = 0x7491 # uint8_t
m_enemyQueueAttendIndex = 0x7492 # uint8_t
m_isStuck = 0x7493 # bool
m_stuckTimestamp = 0x7494 # GameTime_t
m_stuckSpot = 0x7498 # Vector
m_wiggleTimer = 0x74A8 # CountdownTimer
m_stuckJumpTimer = 0x74C0 # CountdownTimer
m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp = 0x74D8 # GameTime_t
m_avgVel = 0x74DC # float[10]
m_avgVelIndex = 0x7504 # int32_t
m_avgVelCount = 0x7508 # int32_t
m_lastOrigin = 0x750C # Vector
m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp = 0x751C # float
m_lastRadioSentTimestamp = 0x7520 # float
m_radioSubject = 0x7524 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_radioPosition = 0x7528 # Vector
m_voiceEndTimestamp = 0x7534 # float
m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame = 0x7540 # int32_t
class CCSGOPlayerAnimGraphState:
@ -1326,84 +1326,84 @@ class CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices: # CPlayer_CameraServices
m_hLastFogTrigger = 0x1A0 # CHandle<CBaseEntity>
class CCSPlayerController: # CBasePlayerController
m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6B0 # CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
m_pInventoryServices = 0x6B8 # CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6C0 # CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
m_pDamageServices = 0x6C8 # CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
m_iPing = 0x6D0 # uint32_t
m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x6D4 # bool
m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x6D8 # CUtlSymbolLarge
m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x6E0 # uint8_t
m_flForceTeamTime = 0x6E4 # GameTime_t
m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x6E8 # int32_t
m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x6EC # bool
m_bAttemptedToGetColor = 0x6ED # bool
m_iTeammatePreferredColor = 0x6F0 # int32_t
m_bTeamChanged = 0x6F4 # bool
m_bInSwitchTeam = 0x6F5 # bool
m_bHasSeenJoinGame = 0x6F6 # bool
m_bJustBecameSpectator = 0x6F7 # bool
m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset = 0x6F8 # bool
m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset = 0x6F9 # bool
m_szClan = 0x700 # CUtlSymbolLarge
m_szClanName = 0x708 # char[32]
m_iCoachingTeam = 0x728 # int32_t
m_nPlayerDominated = 0x730 # uint64_t
m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x738 # uint64_t
m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x740 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x744 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x748 # int8_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x74C # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x750 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x754 # int32_t
m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x758 # int32_t
m_unActiveQuestId = 0x75C # uint16_t
m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x760 # QuestProgress::Reason
m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x764 # uint32_t
m_iDraftIndex = 0x790 # int32_t
m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x794 # uint32_t
m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x798 # uint32_t
m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x79C # bool
m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x79D # bool
m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x79E # bool
m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x79F # bool
m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7A0 # bool
m_bScoreReported = 0x7A1 # bool
m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7A4 # int32_t
m_bControllingBot = 0x7B0 # bool
m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7B1 # bool
m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7B2 # bool
m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7B4 # int32_t
m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7B8 # bool
m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7BC # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_hObserverPawn = 0x7C0 # CHandle<CCSObserverPawn>
m_DesiredObserverMode = 0x7C4 # int32_t
m_hDesiredObserverTarget = 0x7C8 # CEntityHandle
m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7CC # bool
m_iPawnHealth = 0x7D0 # uint32_t
m_iPawnArmor = 0x7D4 # int32_t
m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7D8 # bool
m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7D9 # bool
m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7DA # uint16_t
m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7DC # int32_t
m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7E0 # int32_t
m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7E4 # int32_t
m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7E8 # CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
m_iScore = 0x7EC # int32_t
m_iRoundScore = 0x7F0 # int32_t
m_iRoundsWon = 0x7F4 # int32_t
m_vecKills = 0x7F8 # CNetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
m_iMVPs = 0x810 # int32_t
m_nUpdateCounter = 0x814 # int32_t
m_flSmoothedPing = 0x818 # float
m_lastHeldVoteTimer = 0x8C0 # IntervalTimer
m_bShowHints = 0x8D8 # bool
m_iNextTimeCheck = 0x8DC # int32_t
m_bJustDidTeamKill = 0x8E0 # bool
m_bPunishForTeamKill = 0x8E1 # bool
m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning = 0x8E2 # bool
m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound = 0x8E3 # bool
m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime = 0x8E4 # GameTime_t
m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x6B8 # CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
m_pInventoryServices = 0x6C0 # CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x6C8 # CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
m_pDamageServices = 0x6D0 # CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
m_iPing = 0x6D8 # uint32_t
m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x6DC # bool
m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x6E0 # CUtlSymbolLarge
m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x6E8 # uint8_t
m_flForceTeamTime = 0x6EC # GameTime_t
m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x6F0 # int32_t
m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x6F4 # bool
m_bAttemptedToGetColor = 0x6F5 # bool
m_iTeammatePreferredColor = 0x6F8 # int32_t
m_bTeamChanged = 0x6FC # bool
m_bInSwitchTeam = 0x6FD # bool
m_bHasSeenJoinGame = 0x6FE # bool
m_bJustBecameSpectator = 0x6FF # bool
m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset = 0x700 # bool
m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset = 0x701 # bool
m_szClan = 0x708 # CUtlSymbolLarge
m_szClanName = 0x710 # char[32]
m_iCoachingTeam = 0x730 # int32_t
m_nPlayerDominated = 0x738 # uint64_t
m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x740 # uint64_t
m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x748 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x74C # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x750 # int8_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x754 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x758 # int32_t
m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x75C # int32_t
m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x760 # int32_t
m_unActiveQuestId = 0x764 # uint16_t
m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x768 # QuestProgress::Reason
m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x76C # uint32_t
m_iDraftIndex = 0x798 # int32_t
m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x79C # uint32_t
m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x7A0 # uint32_t
m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x7A4 # bool
m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x7A5 # bool
m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x7A6 # bool
m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x7A7 # bool
m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7A8 # bool
m_bScoreReported = 0x7A9 # bool
m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7AC # int32_t
m_bControllingBot = 0x7B8 # bool
m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7B9 # bool
m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7BA # bool
m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7BC # int32_t
m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7C0 # bool
m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7C4 # CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
m_hObserverPawn = 0x7C8 # CHandle<CCSObserverPawn>
m_DesiredObserverMode = 0x7CC # int32_t
m_hDesiredObserverTarget = 0x7D0 # CEntityHandle
m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7D4 # bool
m_iPawnHealth = 0x7D8 # uint32_t
m_iPawnArmor = 0x7DC # int32_t
m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x7E0 # bool
m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x7E1 # bool
m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x7E2 # uint16_t
m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x7E4 # int32_t
m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x7E8 # int32_t
m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x7EC # int32_t
m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x7F0 # CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
m_iScore = 0x7F4 # int32_t
m_iRoundScore = 0x7F8 # int32_t
m_iRoundsWon = 0x7FC # int32_t
m_vecKills = 0x800 # CNetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
m_iMVPs = 0x818 # int32_t
m_nUpdateCounter = 0x81C # int32_t
m_flSmoothedPing = 0x820 # float
m_lastHeldVoteTimer = 0xF8C8 # IntervalTimer
m_bShowHints = 0xF8E0 # bool
m_iNextTimeCheck = 0xF8E4 # int32_t
m_bJustDidTeamKill = 0xF8E8 # bool
m_bPunishForTeamKill = 0xF8E9 # bool
m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning = 0xF8EA # bool
m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound = 0xF8EB # bool
m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime = 0xF8EC # GameTime_t
class CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices: # CPlayerControllerComponent
m_perRoundStats = 0x40 # CUtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar<CSPerRoundStats_t>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:46 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]
@ -550,14 +550,14 @@ pub mod CBasePlayerController { // CBaseEntity
pub const m_bAutoKickDisabled: usize = 0x5AE; // bool
pub const m_bIsLowViolence: usize = 0x5AF; // bool
pub const m_bGamePaused: usize = 0x5B0; // bool
pub const m_nUsecTimestampLastUserCmdReceived: usize = 0x640; // int64_t
pub const m_iIgnoreGlobalChat: usize = 0x658; // ChatIgnoreType_t
pub const m_flLastPlayerTalkTime: usize = 0x65C; // float
pub const m_flLastEntitySteadyState: usize = 0x660; // float
pub const m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState: usize = 0x664; // int32_t
pub const m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts: usize = 0x668; // bool
pub const m_steamID: usize = 0x678; // uint64_t
pub const m_iDesiredFOV: usize = 0x680; // uint32_t
pub const m_nUsecTimestampLastUserCmdReceived: usize = 0x648; // int64_t
pub const m_iIgnoreGlobalChat: usize = 0x660; // ChatIgnoreType_t
pub const m_flLastPlayerTalkTime: usize = 0x664; // float
pub const m_flLastEntitySteadyState: usize = 0x668; // float
pub const m_nAvailableEntitySteadyState: usize = 0x66C; // int32_t
pub const m_bHasAnySteadyStateEnts: usize = 0x670; // bool
pub const m_steamID: usize = 0x680; // uint64_t
pub const m_iDesiredFOV: usize = 0x688; // uint32_t
pub mod CBasePlayerPawn { // CBaseCombatCharacter
@ -808,15 +808,15 @@ pub mod CBot {
pub const m_pPlayer: usize = 0x18; // CCSPlayerPawn*
pub const m_bHasSpawned: usize = 0x20; // bool
pub const m_id: usize = 0x24; // uint32_t
pub const m_isRunning: usize = 0xB0; // bool
pub const m_isCrouching: usize = 0xB1; // bool
pub const m_forwardSpeed: usize = 0xB4; // float
pub const m_leftSpeed: usize = 0xB8; // float
pub const m_verticalSpeed: usize = 0xBC; // float
pub const m_buttonFlags: usize = 0xC0; // uint64_t
pub const m_jumpTimestamp: usize = 0xC8; // float
pub const m_viewForward: usize = 0xCC; // Vector
pub const m_postureStackIndex: usize = 0xE8; // int32_t
pub const m_isRunning: usize = 0xB8; // bool
pub const m_isCrouching: usize = 0xB9; // bool
pub const m_forwardSpeed: usize = 0xBC; // float
pub const m_leftSpeed: usize = 0xC0; // float
pub const m_verticalSpeed: usize = 0xC4; // float
pub const m_buttonFlags: usize = 0xC8; // uint64_t
pub const m_jumpTimestamp: usize = 0xD0; // float
pub const m_viewForward: usize = 0xD4; // Vector
pub const m_postureStackIndex: usize = 0xF0; // int32_t
pub mod CBreachCharge { // CCSWeaponBase
@ -989,146 +989,146 @@ pub mod CC4 { // CCSWeaponBase
pub mod CCSBot { // CBot
pub const m_lastCoopSpawnPoint: usize = 0xF0; // CHandle<SpawnPointCoopEnemy>
pub const m_eyePosition: usize = 0x100; // Vector
pub const m_name: usize = 0x10C; // char[64]
pub const m_combatRange: usize = 0x14C; // float
pub const m_isRogue: usize = 0x150; // bool
pub const m_rogueTimer: usize = 0x158; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_diedLastRound: usize = 0x174; // bool
pub const m_safeTime: usize = 0x178; // float
pub const m_wasSafe: usize = 0x17C; // bool
pub const m_blindFire: usize = 0x184; // bool
pub const m_surpriseTimer: usize = 0x188; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_bAllowActive: usize = 0x1A0; // bool
pub const m_isFollowing: usize = 0x1A1; // bool
pub const m_leader: usize = 0x1A4; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_followTimestamp: usize = 0x1A8; // float
pub const m_allowAutoFollowTime: usize = 0x1AC; // float
pub const m_hurryTimer: usize = 0x1B0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_alertTimer: usize = 0x1C8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_sneakTimer: usize = 0x1E0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_panicTimer: usize = 0x1F8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_stateTimestamp: usize = 0x4C8; // float
pub const m_isAttacking: usize = 0x4CC; // bool
pub const m_isOpeningDoor: usize = 0x4CD; // bool
pub const m_taskEntity: usize = 0x4D4; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
pub const m_goalPosition: usize = 0x4E4; // Vector
pub const m_goalEntity: usize = 0x4F0; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
pub const m_avoid: usize = 0x4F4; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
pub const m_avoidTimestamp: usize = 0x4F8; // float
pub const m_isStopping: usize = 0x4FC; // bool
pub const m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn: usize = 0x4FD; // bool
pub const m_stillTimer: usize = 0x500; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl: usize = 0x510; // bool
pub const m_pathIndex: usize = 0x6608; // int32_t
pub const m_areaEnteredTimestamp: usize = 0x660C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_repathTimer: usize = 0x6610; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_avoidFriendTimer: usize = 0x6628; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_isFriendInTheWay: usize = 0x6640; // bool
pub const m_politeTimer: usize = 0x6648; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_isWaitingBehindFriend: usize = 0x6660; // bool
pub const m_pathLadderEnd: usize = 0x668C; // float
pub const m_mustRunTimer: usize = 0x66D8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_waitTimer: usize = 0x66F0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_updateTravelDistanceTimer: usize = 0x6708; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_playerTravelDistance: usize = 0x6720; // float[64]
pub const m_travelDistancePhase: usize = 0x6820; // uint8_t
pub const m_hostageEscortCount: usize = 0x69B8; // uint8_t
pub const m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp: usize = 0x69BC; // float
pub const m_desiredTeam: usize = 0x69C0; // int32_t
pub const m_hasJoined: usize = 0x69C4; // bool
pub const m_isWaitingForHostage: usize = 0x69C5; // bool
pub const m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer: usize = 0x69C8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_waitForHostageTimer: usize = 0x69E0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_noisePosition: usize = 0x69F8; // Vector
pub const m_noiseTravelDistance: usize = 0x6A04; // float
pub const m_noiseTimestamp: usize = 0x6A08; // float
pub const m_noiseSource: usize = 0x6A10; // CCSPlayerPawn*
pub const m_noiseBendTimer: usize = 0x6A28; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_bentNoisePosition: usize = 0x6A40; // Vector
pub const m_bendNoisePositionValid: usize = 0x6A4C; // bool
pub const m_lookAroundStateTimestamp: usize = 0x6A50; // float
pub const m_lookAheadAngle: usize = 0x6A54; // float
pub const m_forwardAngle: usize = 0x6A58; // float
pub const m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp: usize = 0x6A5C; // float
pub const m_lookAtSpot: usize = 0x6A64; // Vector
pub const m_lookAtSpotDuration: usize = 0x6A74; // float
pub const m_lookAtSpotTimestamp: usize = 0x6A78; // float
pub const m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance: usize = 0x6A7C; // float
pub const m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose: usize = 0x6A80; // bool
pub const m_lookAtSpotAttack: usize = 0x6A81; // bool
pub const m_lookAtDesc: usize = 0x6A88; // char*
pub const m_peripheralTimestamp: usize = 0x6A90; // float
pub const m_approachPointCount: usize = 0x6C18; // uint8_t
pub const m_approachPointViewPosition: usize = 0x6C1C; // Vector
pub const m_viewSteadyTimer: usize = 0x6C28; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_tossGrenadeTimer: usize = 0x6C40; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_isAvoidingGrenade: usize = 0x6C60; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_spotCheckTimestamp: usize = 0x6C80; // float
pub const m_checkedHidingSpotCount: usize = 0x7088; // int32_t
pub const m_lookPitch: usize = 0x708C; // float
pub const m_lookPitchVel: usize = 0x7090; // float
pub const m_lookYaw: usize = 0x7094; // float
pub const m_lookYawVel: usize = 0x7098; // float
pub const m_targetSpot: usize = 0x709C; // Vector
pub const m_targetSpotVelocity: usize = 0x70A8; // Vector
pub const m_targetSpotPredicted: usize = 0x70B4; // Vector
pub const m_aimError: usize = 0x70C0; // QAngle
pub const m_aimGoal: usize = 0x70CC; // QAngle
pub const m_targetSpotTime: usize = 0x70D8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_aimFocus: usize = 0x70DC; // float
pub const m_aimFocusInterval: usize = 0x70E0; // float
pub const m_aimFocusNextUpdate: usize = 0x70E4; // GameTime_t
pub const m_ignoreEnemiesTimer: usize = 0x70F0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_enemy: usize = 0x7108; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_isEnemyVisible: usize = 0x710C; // bool
pub const m_visibleEnemyParts: usize = 0x710D; // uint8_t
pub const m_lastEnemyPosition: usize = 0x7110; // Vector
pub const m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp: usize = 0x711C; // float
pub const m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp: usize = 0x7120; // float
pub const m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp: usize = 0x7124; // float
pub const m_enemyDeathTimestamp: usize = 0x7128; // float
pub const m_friendDeathTimestamp: usize = 0x712C; // float
pub const m_isLastEnemyDead: usize = 0x7130; // bool
pub const m_nearbyEnemyCount: usize = 0x7134; // int32_t
pub const m_bomber: usize = 0x7340; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_nearbyFriendCount: usize = 0x7344; // int32_t
pub const m_closestVisibleFriend: usize = 0x7348; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_closestVisibleHumanFriend: usize = 0x734C; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_attentionInterval: usize = 0x7350; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_attacker: usize = 0x7360; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_attackedTimestamp: usize = 0x7364; // float
pub const m_burnedByFlamesTimer: usize = 0x7368; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_lastVictimID: usize = 0x7378; // int32_t
pub const m_isAimingAtEnemy: usize = 0x737C; // bool
pub const m_isRapidFiring: usize = 0x737D; // bool
pub const m_equipTimer: usize = 0x7380; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_zoomTimer: usize = 0x7390; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_fireWeaponTimestamp: usize = 0x73A8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer: usize = 0x73B0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_bIsSleeping: usize = 0x73C8; // bool
pub const m_isEnemySniperVisible: usize = 0x73C9; // bool
pub const m_sawEnemySniperTimer: usize = 0x73D0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_enemyQueueIndex: usize = 0x7488; // uint8_t
pub const m_enemyQueueCount: usize = 0x7489; // uint8_t
pub const m_enemyQueueAttendIndex: usize = 0x748A; // uint8_t
pub const m_isStuck: usize = 0x748B; // bool
pub const m_stuckTimestamp: usize = 0x748C; // GameTime_t
pub const m_stuckSpot: usize = 0x7490; // Vector
pub const m_wiggleTimer: usize = 0x74A0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_stuckJumpTimer: usize = 0x74B8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp: usize = 0x74D0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_avgVel: usize = 0x74D4; // float[10]
pub const m_avgVelIndex: usize = 0x74FC; // int32_t
pub const m_avgVelCount: usize = 0x7500; // int32_t
pub const m_lastOrigin: usize = 0x7504; // Vector
pub const m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp: usize = 0x7514; // float
pub const m_lastRadioSentTimestamp: usize = 0x7518; // float
pub const m_radioSubject: usize = 0x751C; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_radioPosition: usize = 0x7520; // Vector
pub const m_voiceEndTimestamp: usize = 0x752C; // float
pub const m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame: usize = 0x7538; // int32_t
pub const m_lastCoopSpawnPoint: usize = 0xF8; // CHandle<SpawnPointCoopEnemy>
pub const m_eyePosition: usize = 0x108; // Vector
pub const m_name: usize = 0x114; // char[64]
pub const m_combatRange: usize = 0x154; // float
pub const m_isRogue: usize = 0x158; // bool
pub const m_rogueTimer: usize = 0x160; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_diedLastRound: usize = 0x17C; // bool
pub const m_safeTime: usize = 0x180; // float
pub const m_wasSafe: usize = 0x184; // bool
pub const m_blindFire: usize = 0x18C; // bool
pub const m_surpriseTimer: usize = 0x190; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_bAllowActive: usize = 0x1A8; // bool
pub const m_isFollowing: usize = 0x1A9; // bool
pub const m_leader: usize = 0x1AC; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_followTimestamp: usize = 0x1B0; // float
pub const m_allowAutoFollowTime: usize = 0x1B4; // float
pub const m_hurryTimer: usize = 0x1B8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_alertTimer: usize = 0x1D0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_sneakTimer: usize = 0x1E8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_panicTimer: usize = 0x200; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_stateTimestamp: usize = 0x4D0; // float
pub const m_isAttacking: usize = 0x4D4; // bool
pub const m_isOpeningDoor: usize = 0x4D5; // bool
pub const m_taskEntity: usize = 0x4DC; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
pub const m_goalPosition: usize = 0x4EC; // Vector
pub const m_goalEntity: usize = 0x4F8; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
pub const m_avoid: usize = 0x4FC; // CHandle<CBaseEntity>
pub const m_avoidTimestamp: usize = 0x500; // float
pub const m_isStopping: usize = 0x504; // bool
pub const m_hasVisitedEnemySpawn: usize = 0x505; // bool
pub const m_stillTimer: usize = 0x508; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_bEyeAnglesUnderPathFinderControl: usize = 0x518; // bool
pub const m_pathIndex: usize = 0x6610; // int32_t
pub const m_areaEnteredTimestamp: usize = 0x6614; // GameTime_t
pub const m_repathTimer: usize = 0x6618; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_avoidFriendTimer: usize = 0x6630; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_isFriendInTheWay: usize = 0x6648; // bool
pub const m_politeTimer: usize = 0x6650; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_isWaitingBehindFriend: usize = 0x6668; // bool
pub const m_pathLadderEnd: usize = 0x6694; // float
pub const m_mustRunTimer: usize = 0x66E0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_waitTimer: usize = 0x66F8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_updateTravelDistanceTimer: usize = 0x6710; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_playerTravelDistance: usize = 0x6728; // float[64]
pub const m_travelDistancePhase: usize = 0x6828; // uint8_t
pub const m_hostageEscortCount: usize = 0x69C0; // uint8_t
pub const m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp: usize = 0x69C4; // float
pub const m_desiredTeam: usize = 0x69C8; // int32_t
pub const m_hasJoined: usize = 0x69CC; // bool
pub const m_isWaitingForHostage: usize = 0x69CD; // bool
pub const m_inhibitWaitingForHostageTimer: usize = 0x69D0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_waitForHostageTimer: usize = 0x69E8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_noisePosition: usize = 0x6A00; // Vector
pub const m_noiseTravelDistance: usize = 0x6A0C; // float
pub const m_noiseTimestamp: usize = 0x6A10; // float
pub const m_noiseSource: usize = 0x6A18; // CCSPlayerPawn*
pub const m_noiseBendTimer: usize = 0x6A30; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_bentNoisePosition: usize = 0x6A48; // Vector
pub const m_bendNoisePositionValid: usize = 0x6A54; // bool
pub const m_lookAroundStateTimestamp: usize = 0x6A58; // float
pub const m_lookAheadAngle: usize = 0x6A5C; // float
pub const m_forwardAngle: usize = 0x6A60; // float
pub const m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp: usize = 0x6A64; // float
pub const m_lookAtSpot: usize = 0x6A6C; // Vector
pub const m_lookAtSpotDuration: usize = 0x6A7C; // float
pub const m_lookAtSpotTimestamp: usize = 0x6A80; // float
pub const m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance: usize = 0x6A84; // float
pub const m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose: usize = 0x6A88; // bool
pub const m_lookAtSpotAttack: usize = 0x6A89; // bool
pub const m_lookAtDesc: usize = 0x6A90; // char*
pub const m_peripheralTimestamp: usize = 0x6A98; // float
pub const m_approachPointCount: usize = 0x6C20; // uint8_t
pub const m_approachPointViewPosition: usize = 0x6C24; // Vector
pub const m_viewSteadyTimer: usize = 0x6C30; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_tossGrenadeTimer: usize = 0x6C48; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_isAvoidingGrenade: usize = 0x6C68; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_spotCheckTimestamp: usize = 0x6C88; // float
pub const m_checkedHidingSpotCount: usize = 0x7090; // int32_t
pub const m_lookPitch: usize = 0x7094; // float
pub const m_lookPitchVel: usize = 0x7098; // float
pub const m_lookYaw: usize = 0x709C; // float
pub const m_lookYawVel: usize = 0x70A0; // float
pub const m_targetSpot: usize = 0x70A4; // Vector
pub const m_targetSpotVelocity: usize = 0x70B0; // Vector
pub const m_targetSpotPredicted: usize = 0x70BC; // Vector
pub const m_aimError: usize = 0x70C8; // QAngle
pub const m_aimGoal: usize = 0x70D4; // QAngle
pub const m_targetSpotTime: usize = 0x70E0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_aimFocus: usize = 0x70E4; // float
pub const m_aimFocusInterval: usize = 0x70E8; // float
pub const m_aimFocusNextUpdate: usize = 0x70EC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_ignoreEnemiesTimer: usize = 0x70F8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_enemy: usize = 0x7110; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_isEnemyVisible: usize = 0x7114; // bool
pub const m_visibleEnemyParts: usize = 0x7115; // uint8_t
pub const m_lastEnemyPosition: usize = 0x7118; // Vector
pub const m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp: usize = 0x7124; // float
pub const m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp: usize = 0x7128; // float
pub const m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp: usize = 0x712C; // float
pub const m_enemyDeathTimestamp: usize = 0x7130; // float
pub const m_friendDeathTimestamp: usize = 0x7134; // float
pub const m_isLastEnemyDead: usize = 0x7138; // bool
pub const m_nearbyEnemyCount: usize = 0x713C; // int32_t
pub const m_bomber: usize = 0x7348; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_nearbyFriendCount: usize = 0x734C; // int32_t
pub const m_closestVisibleFriend: usize = 0x7350; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_closestVisibleHumanFriend: usize = 0x7354; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_attentionInterval: usize = 0x7358; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_attacker: usize = 0x7368; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_attackedTimestamp: usize = 0x736C; // float
pub const m_burnedByFlamesTimer: usize = 0x7370; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_lastVictimID: usize = 0x7380; // int32_t
pub const m_isAimingAtEnemy: usize = 0x7384; // bool
pub const m_isRapidFiring: usize = 0x7385; // bool
pub const m_equipTimer: usize = 0x7388; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_zoomTimer: usize = 0x7398; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_fireWeaponTimestamp: usize = 0x73B0; // GameTime_t
pub const m_lookForWeaponsOnGroundTimer: usize = 0x73B8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_bIsSleeping: usize = 0x73D0; // bool
pub const m_isEnemySniperVisible: usize = 0x73D1; // bool
pub const m_sawEnemySniperTimer: usize = 0x73D8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_enemyQueueIndex: usize = 0x7490; // uint8_t
pub const m_enemyQueueCount: usize = 0x7491; // uint8_t
pub const m_enemyQueueAttendIndex: usize = 0x7492; // uint8_t
pub const m_isStuck: usize = 0x7493; // bool
pub const m_stuckTimestamp: usize = 0x7494; // GameTime_t
pub const m_stuckSpot: usize = 0x7498; // Vector
pub const m_wiggleTimer: usize = 0x74A8; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_stuckJumpTimer: usize = 0x74C0; // CountdownTimer
pub const m_nextCleanupCheckTimestamp: usize = 0x74D8; // GameTime_t
pub const m_avgVel: usize = 0x74DC; // float[10]
pub const m_avgVelIndex: usize = 0x7504; // int32_t
pub const m_avgVelCount: usize = 0x7508; // int32_t
pub const m_lastOrigin: usize = 0x750C; // Vector
pub const m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp: usize = 0x751C; // float
pub const m_lastRadioSentTimestamp: usize = 0x7520; // float
pub const m_radioSubject: usize = 0x7524; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_radioPosition: usize = 0x7528; // Vector
pub const m_voiceEndTimestamp: usize = 0x7534; // float
pub const m_lastValidReactionQueueFrame: usize = 0x7540; // int32_t
pub mod CCSGOPlayerAnimGraphState {
@ -1437,84 +1437,84 @@ pub mod CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices { // CPlayer_CameraServices
pub mod CCSPlayerController { // CBasePlayerController
pub const m_pInGameMoneyServices: usize = 0x6B0; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
pub const m_pInventoryServices: usize = 0x6B8; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
pub const m_pActionTrackingServices: usize = 0x6C0; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
pub const m_pDamageServices: usize = 0x6C8; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
pub const m_iPing: usize = 0x6D0; // uint32_t
pub const m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute: usize = 0x6D4; // bool
pub const m_szCrosshairCodes: usize = 0x6D8; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iPendingTeamNum: usize = 0x6E0; // uint8_t
pub const m_flForceTeamTime: usize = 0x6E4; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iCompTeammateColor: usize = 0x6E8; // int32_t
pub const m_bEverPlayedOnTeam: usize = 0x6EC; // bool
pub const m_bAttemptedToGetColor: usize = 0x6ED; // bool
pub const m_iTeammatePreferredColor: usize = 0x6F0; // int32_t
pub const m_bTeamChanged: usize = 0x6F4; // bool
pub const m_bInSwitchTeam: usize = 0x6F5; // bool
pub const m_bHasSeenJoinGame: usize = 0x6F6; // bool
pub const m_bJustBecameSpectator: usize = 0x6F7; // bool
pub const m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset: usize = 0x6F8; // bool
pub const m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset: usize = 0x6F9; // bool
pub const m_szClan: usize = 0x700; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_szClanName: usize = 0x708; // char[32]
pub const m_iCoachingTeam: usize = 0x728; // int32_t
pub const m_nPlayerDominated: usize = 0x730; // uint64_t
pub const m_nPlayerDominatingMe: usize = 0x738; // uint64_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRanking: usize = 0x740; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveWins: usize = 0x744; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankType: usize = 0x748; // int8_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win: usize = 0x74C; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss: usize = 0x750; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie: usize = 0x754; // int32_t
pub const m_nEndMatchNextMapVote: usize = 0x758; // int32_t
pub const m_unActiveQuestId: usize = 0x75C; // uint16_t
pub const m_nQuestProgressReason: usize = 0x760; // QuestProgress::Reason
pub const m_unPlayerTvControlFlags: usize = 0x764; // uint32_t
pub const m_iDraftIndex: usize = 0x790; // int32_t
pub const m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp: usize = 0x794; // uint32_t
pub const m_uiAbandonRecordedReason: usize = 0x798; // uint32_t
pub const m_bCannotBeKicked: usize = 0x79C; // bool
pub const m_bEverFullyConnected: usize = 0x79D; // bool
pub const m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender: usize = 0x79E; // bool
pub const m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender: usize = 0x79F; // bool
pub const m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted: usize = 0x7A0; // bool
pub const m_bScoreReported: usize = 0x7A1; // bool
pub const m_nDisconnectionTick: usize = 0x7A4; // int32_t
pub const m_bControllingBot: usize = 0x7B0; // bool
pub const m_bHasControlledBotThisRound: usize = 0x7B1; // bool
pub const m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound: usize = 0x7B2; // bool
pub const m_nBotsControlledThisRound: usize = 0x7B4; // int32_t
pub const m_bCanControlObservedBot: usize = 0x7B8; // bool
pub const m_hPlayerPawn: usize = 0x7BC; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_hObserverPawn: usize = 0x7C0; // CHandle<CCSObserverPawn>
pub const m_DesiredObserverMode: usize = 0x7C4; // int32_t
pub const m_hDesiredObserverTarget: usize = 0x7C8; // CEntityHandle
pub const m_bPawnIsAlive: usize = 0x7CC; // bool
pub const m_iPawnHealth: usize = 0x7D0; // uint32_t
pub const m_iPawnArmor: usize = 0x7D4; // int32_t
pub const m_bPawnHasDefuser: usize = 0x7D8; // bool
pub const m_bPawnHasHelmet: usize = 0x7D9; // bool
pub const m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex: usize = 0x7DA; // uint16_t
pub const m_iPawnLifetimeStart: usize = 0x7DC; // int32_t
pub const m_iPawnLifetimeEnd: usize = 0x7E0; // int32_t
pub const m_iPawnBotDifficulty: usize = 0x7E4; // int32_t
pub const m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn: usize = 0x7E8; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
pub const m_iScore: usize = 0x7EC; // int32_t
pub const m_iRoundScore: usize = 0x7F0; // int32_t
pub const m_iRoundsWon: usize = 0x7F4; // int32_t
pub const m_vecKills: usize = 0x7F8; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
pub const m_iMVPs: usize = 0x810; // int32_t
pub const m_nUpdateCounter: usize = 0x814; // int32_t
pub const m_flSmoothedPing: usize = 0x818; // float
pub const m_lastHeldVoteTimer: usize = 0x8C0; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_bShowHints: usize = 0x8D8; // bool
pub const m_iNextTimeCheck: usize = 0x8DC; // int32_t
pub const m_bJustDidTeamKill: usize = 0x8E0; // bool
pub const m_bPunishForTeamKill: usize = 0x8E1; // bool
pub const m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning: usize = 0x8E2; // bool
pub const m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound: usize = 0x8E3; // bool
pub const m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime: usize = 0x8E4; // GameTime_t
pub const m_pInGameMoneyServices: usize = 0x6B8; // CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices*
pub const m_pInventoryServices: usize = 0x6C0; // CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices*
pub const m_pActionTrackingServices: usize = 0x6C8; // CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices*
pub const m_pDamageServices: usize = 0x6D0; // CCSPlayerController_DamageServices*
pub const m_iPing: usize = 0x6D8; // uint32_t
pub const m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute: usize = 0x6DC; // bool
pub const m_szCrosshairCodes: usize = 0x6E0; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_iPendingTeamNum: usize = 0x6E8; // uint8_t
pub const m_flForceTeamTime: usize = 0x6EC; // GameTime_t
pub const m_iCompTeammateColor: usize = 0x6F0; // int32_t
pub const m_bEverPlayedOnTeam: usize = 0x6F4; // bool
pub const m_bAttemptedToGetColor: usize = 0x6F5; // bool
pub const m_iTeammatePreferredColor: usize = 0x6F8; // int32_t
pub const m_bTeamChanged: usize = 0x6FC; // bool
pub const m_bInSwitchTeam: usize = 0x6FD; // bool
pub const m_bHasSeenJoinGame: usize = 0x6FE; // bool
pub const m_bJustBecameSpectator: usize = 0x6FF; // bool
pub const m_bSwitchTeamsOnNextRoundReset: usize = 0x700; // bool
pub const m_bRemoveAllItemsOnNextRoundReset: usize = 0x701; // bool
pub const m_szClan: usize = 0x708; // CUtlSymbolLarge
pub const m_szClanName: usize = 0x710; // char[32]
pub const m_iCoachingTeam: usize = 0x730; // int32_t
pub const m_nPlayerDominated: usize = 0x738; // uint64_t
pub const m_nPlayerDominatingMe: usize = 0x740; // uint64_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRanking: usize = 0x748; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveWins: usize = 0x74C; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankType: usize = 0x750; // int8_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win: usize = 0x754; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss: usize = 0x758; // int32_t
pub const m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie: usize = 0x75C; // int32_t
pub const m_nEndMatchNextMapVote: usize = 0x760; // int32_t
pub const m_unActiveQuestId: usize = 0x764; // uint16_t
pub const m_nQuestProgressReason: usize = 0x768; // QuestProgress::Reason
pub const m_unPlayerTvControlFlags: usize = 0x76C; // uint32_t
pub const m_iDraftIndex: usize = 0x798; // int32_t
pub const m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp: usize = 0x79C; // uint32_t
pub const m_uiAbandonRecordedReason: usize = 0x7A0; // uint32_t
pub const m_bCannotBeKicked: usize = 0x7A4; // bool
pub const m_bEverFullyConnected: usize = 0x7A5; // bool
pub const m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender: usize = 0x7A6; // bool
pub const m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender: usize = 0x7A7; // bool
pub const m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted: usize = 0x7A8; // bool
pub const m_bScoreReported: usize = 0x7A9; // bool
pub const m_nDisconnectionTick: usize = 0x7AC; // int32_t
pub const m_bControllingBot: usize = 0x7B8; // bool
pub const m_bHasControlledBotThisRound: usize = 0x7B9; // bool
pub const m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound: usize = 0x7BA; // bool
pub const m_nBotsControlledThisRound: usize = 0x7BC; // int32_t
pub const m_bCanControlObservedBot: usize = 0x7C0; // bool
pub const m_hPlayerPawn: usize = 0x7C4; // CHandle<CCSPlayerPawn>
pub const m_hObserverPawn: usize = 0x7C8; // CHandle<CCSObserverPawn>
pub const m_DesiredObserverMode: usize = 0x7CC; // int32_t
pub const m_hDesiredObserverTarget: usize = 0x7D0; // CEntityHandle
pub const m_bPawnIsAlive: usize = 0x7D4; // bool
pub const m_iPawnHealth: usize = 0x7D8; // uint32_t
pub const m_iPawnArmor: usize = 0x7DC; // int32_t
pub const m_bPawnHasDefuser: usize = 0x7E0; // bool
pub const m_bPawnHasHelmet: usize = 0x7E1; // bool
pub const m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex: usize = 0x7E2; // uint16_t
pub const m_iPawnLifetimeStart: usize = 0x7E4; // int32_t
pub const m_iPawnLifetimeEnd: usize = 0x7E8; // int32_t
pub const m_iPawnBotDifficulty: usize = 0x7EC; // int32_t
pub const m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn: usize = 0x7F0; // CHandle<CCSPlayerController>
pub const m_iScore: usize = 0x7F4; // int32_t
pub const m_iRoundScore: usize = 0x7F8; // int32_t
pub const m_iRoundsWon: usize = 0x7FC; // int32_t
pub const m_vecKills: usize = 0x800; // CNetworkUtlVectorBase<EKillTypes_t>
pub const m_iMVPs: usize = 0x818; // int32_t
pub const m_nUpdateCounter: usize = 0x81C; // int32_t
pub const m_flSmoothedPing: usize = 0x820; // float
pub const m_lastHeldVoteTimer: usize = 0xF8C8; // IntervalTimer
pub const m_bShowHints: usize = 0xF8E0; // bool
pub const m_iNextTimeCheck: usize = 0xF8E4; // int32_t
pub const m_bJustDidTeamKill: usize = 0xF8E8; // bool
pub const m_bPunishForTeamKill: usize = 0xF8E9; // bool
pub const m_bGaveTeamDamageWarning: usize = 0xF8EA; // bool
pub const m_bGaveTeamDamageWarningThisRound: usize = 0xF8EB; // bool
pub const m_LastTeamDamageWarningTime: usize = 0xF8EC; // GameTime_t
pub mod CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices { // CPlayerControllerComponent

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class CDSPMixgroupModifier {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#pragma once

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
class CDSPMixgroupModifier:

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class CFeIndexedJiggleBone {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#pragma once

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
class CFeIndexedJiggleBone:

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
public static class AggregateLODSetup_t {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#pragma once

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
class AggregateLODSetup_t:

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Created using https://github.com/a2x/cs2-dumper
* Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:08:45 +0000
* Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:29:45 +0000
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

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@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ pub fn dump_interfaces(
.filter(|m| m.name != "crashhandler64.dll")
if let Some(create_interface_export) = module.get_export_by_name("CreateInterface") {
info!("Dumping interfaces in <i><blue>{}</></>...", module.name);
info!("Dumping interfaces in <blue>{}</>...", module.name);
let create_interface_address =
process.resolve_rip(create_interface_export, 0x3, 0x7)?;
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ pub fn dump_interfaces(
let name = unsafe { (*node).name(process) }?;
"Found <i><bright-yellow>{}</></> @ <bright-magenta>{:#X}</> (<i><blue>{}</></> + <bright-blue>{:#X}</>)",
"Found <bright-yellow>{}</> @ <bright-magenta>{:#X}</> (<blue>{}</> + <bright-blue>{:#X}</>)",

View File

@ -38,10 +38,7 @@ pub fn dump_offsets(
let mut entries = Entries::new();
for signature in config.signatures {
"Searching for <i><bright-yellow>{}</></>...",
debug!("Searching for <bright-yellow>{}</>...", signature.name);
let module = process
@ -51,7 +48,7 @@ pub fn dump_offsets(
Some(a) => a,
None => {
"Failed to find pattern for <i><bright-yellow>{}</></>.",
"Failed to find pattern for <bright-yellow>{}</>.",
@ -101,14 +98,14 @@ pub fn dump_offsets(
let (name, value) = if address < module.base() {
"Found <i><bright-yellow>{}</></> @ <bright-blue>{:#X}</>",
"Found <bright-yellow>{}</> @ <bright-blue>{:#X}</>",
signature.name, address
(signature.name, address.0)
} else {
"Found <i><bright-yellow>{}</></> @ <bright-magenta>{:#X}</> (<i><blue>{}</></> + <bright-blue>{:#X}</>)",
"Found <bright-yellow>{}</> @ <bright-magenta>{:#X}</> (<blue>{}</> + <bright-blue>{:#X}</>)",
@ -165,7 +162,7 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Failed to find engine2.dll")
let build_number = process.read_memory::<u32>(engine_base + 0x48B524)?;
let build_number = process.read_memory::<u32>(engine_base + 0x48B524)?; // dwBuildNumber
println!("Build number: {}", build_number);
@ -181,14 +178,14 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Failed to find client.dll")
let force_attack = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B2310)?;
let force_attack_2 = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B23A0)?;
let force_backward = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B25E0)?;
let force_crouch = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B28B0)?;
let force_forward = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B2550)?;
let force_jump = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B2820)?;
let force_left = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B2670)?;
let force_right = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B2700)?;
let force_attack = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B2300)?; // dwForceAttack
let force_attack_2 = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B2390)?; // dwForceAttack2
let force_backward = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B25D0)?; // dwForceBackward
let force_crouch = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B28A0)?; // dwForceCrouch
let force_forward = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B2540)?; // dwForceForward
let force_jump = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B2810)?; // dwForceJump
let force_left = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B2660)?; // dwForceLeft
let force_right = process.read_memory::<u32>(client_base + 0x16B26F0)?; // dwForceRight
let get_key_state = |value: u32| -> &str {
match value {
@ -258,7 +255,7 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Failed to find client.dll")
let global_vars = process.read_memory::<*const GlobalVarsBase>(client_base + 0x16AE498)?;
let global_vars = process.read_memory::<*const GlobalVarsBase>(client_base + 0x16AE488)?; // dwGlobalVars
let current_map_name = unsafe {
@ -280,7 +277,7 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Failed to find inputsystem.dll")
let input_system = input_system_base + 0x35770;
let input_system = input_system_base + 0x35770; // dwInputSystem
let is_key_down = |key_code: i32| -> bool {
let key_map_element = process
@ -307,9 +304,9 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Failed to find client.dll")
let local_player_controller = process.read_memory::<usize>(client_base + 0x17FCDB8)?;
let local_player_controller = process.read_memory::<usize>(client_base + 0x17FCDC8)?; // dwLocalPlayerController
let player_name = process.read_string((local_player_controller + 0x610).into())?;
let player_name = process.read_string((local_player_controller + 0x628).into())?; // m_iszPlayerName
println!("Local player name: {}", player_name);
@ -325,11 +322,21 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Failed to find client.dll")
let local_player_pawn = process.read_memory::<usize>(client_base + 0x16B9388)?;
let local_player_pawn = process.read_memory::<usize>(client_base + 0x16B9388)?; // dwLocalPlayerPawn
let old_origin = process.read_memory::<[f32; 3]>((local_player_pawn + 0x1224).into())?;
let game_scene_node = process.read_memory::<usize>((local_player_pawn + 0x310).into())?; // m_pGameSceneNode
println!("Old local player origin: {:?}", old_origin);
struct Vector3D {
x: f32,
y: f32,
z: f32,
let origin = process.read_memory::<Vector3D>((game_scene_node + 0xC8).into())?; // m_vecAbsOrigin
println!("Local player origin: {:?}", origin);
@ -343,8 +350,8 @@ mod tests {
.expect("Failed to find engine2.dll")
let window_width = process.read_memory::<u32>(engine_base + 0x541E18)?;
let window_height = process.read_memory::<u32>(engine_base + 0x541E1C)?;
let window_width = process.read_memory::<u32>(engine_base + 0x541E18)?; // dwWindowWidth
let window_height = process.read_memory::<u32>(engine_base + 0x541E1C)?; // dwWindowHeight
println!("Window size: {}x{}", window_width, window_height);

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ pub fn dump_schemas(
for type_scope in schema_system.type_scopes()? {
let module_name = type_scope.module_name()?;
info!("Generating files for <i><blue>{}</></>...", module_name);
info!("Generating files for <blue>{}</>...", module_name);
let mut entries = Entries::new();
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub fn dump_schemas(
let parent_name = class.parent()?.map(|p| p.name().to_string());
"<i><u><bright-yellow>{}</></></> : <i><u><yellow>{}</></></>",
"<u><bright-yellow>{}</></> : <u><yellow>{}</></>",