Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: Flask-DebugToolbar Version: 0.11.0 Summary: A toolbar overlay for debugging Flask applications. Home-page: Author: Michael van Tellingen Author-email: Maintainer: Matt Good Maintainer-email: License: BSD Platform: any Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules Requires-Dist: Flask (>=0.8) Requires-Dist: Blinker Requires-Dist: itsdangerous Requires-Dist: werkzeug Flask Debug-toolbar =================== This is a port of the excellent `django-debug-toolbar `_ for Flask applications. .. image:: :target: Installation ------------ Installing is simple with pip:: $ pip install flask-debugtoolbar Usage ----- Setting up the debug toolbar is simple:: from flask import Flask from flask_debugtoolbar import DebugToolbarExtension app = Flask(__name__) # the toolbar is only enabled in debug mode: app.debug = True # set a 'SECRET_KEY' to enable the Flask session cookies app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = '' toolbar = DebugToolbarExtension(app) The toolbar will automatically be injected into Jinja templates when debug mode is on. In production, setting ``app.debug = False`` will disable the toolbar. See the `documentation`_ for more information. .. _documentation: Changes ======= 0.11.0 (2020-02-18) ------------------- Enhancements: - Switch to Flask's native CLI, dropping flask_script in the process (b92391d, thanks @jeffwidman) - Do not show DebugToolbar routes in the route map (#86, thanks @floqqi) - Document Pygments for SQL highlighting (#127, thanks @pgiraud) Fixes: - Remove deprecated flask.json_available (#119, thanks @davidism) - Remove deprecated request.is_xhr (7ce099c, thanks @jeffwidman) - Explicitly disable `SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS` (9c7db48, thanks @jeffwidman) - Fix typo (#142, thanks @timgates42) 0.10.1 (2017-02-12) ------------------- Enhancements: - Add support for Python wheels Fixes: - Switch imports from deprecated flask.ext.* to flask_* syntax (#94, thanks Michael Lenzen & #97 thanks Iuri de Silvio) 0.10.0 (2015-04-17) ------------------- Enhancements: - Added new "Routes" panel displaying URL routing rules (#69, thanks Justin McKay) - "Versions" panel displays versions of all installed packages (#49, thanks Lucas Taylor) - SQLAlchemy displays necessary setup steps to set up query recording - Support reformatting SQL queries if ``sqlparse`` library is available (#48, thanks Hyunjun Kim) - Enable sorting SQLAlchemy queries (#81, thanks Eric Workman) - Support inserting toolbar on HTML5 pages without ```` tag - Log a warning if unable to insert the toolbar (#20, thanks Rune Halvorsen) Fixes: - Ensure numeric sorting of profiler "Calls" column 0.9.2 (2014-12-05) ------------------ Fixes: - HTML escape SQL queries when syntax highlighting is not available - Use case-insensitive comparison to normalize filenames on Windows - Fix exception when SQL query contained non-ASCII characters 0.9.1 (2014-11-24) ------------------ Fixes: - Fix SQL queries with byte strings on Python 3 - Fix displaying values whose `repr()` contains unprintable characters 0.9.0 (2014-01-03) ------------------ Enhancements: - Python 3 compatibility (#54, thanks justinmayer and jmagnusson) - Support .init_app() (#38) - New "Config" panel displaying Flask config values (#51, thanks Alexey Diyan) - Better PEP8-style formatting (#63, thanks Ivan Ivaschenko) Fixes: - Fix template editor with non-ASCII templates (#46) 0.8 (2013-02-21) ---------------- Enhancements: - Use `itsdangerous `_ to sign SQL queries - Expose the jQuery object as ``fldt.$`` so extensions can use the toolbar's copy of jQuery (#42) Fixes: - Don't intercept redirects on XHR requests (#41) - Fix SQL query time display as milliseconds (#36) - Fix ``functools.partial`` error (#35) - Fix werkzeug request logging with logging panel (#33) - Fix SQL panel unicode encoding error (#31) 0.7.1 (2012-05-18) ------------------ Fixes: - loading template editor in-place over current page 0.7 (2012-05-18) ---------------- Enhancements: - Add an in-browser template editor to the template panel - ``DEBUG_TB_PROFILER_ENABLED`` config option to enable the profiler on all requests (normally it is user-enabled by clicking the checkmark) (2012-04-16) -------------------- New release to add missing changelog for 0.6.3 0.6.3 (2012-04-16) ------------------ Fixes: - Compatibility with Flask-SQLAlchemy 0.16 package name 0.6.2 (2012-02-18) ------------------ Fixes: - Installation issue on Windows with trailing slashes in - JavaScript error when using conditional comments for ```` tag (like in HTML5 Boilerplate) 0.6.1 (2012-02-15) ------------------ Fixes: - Memory leak when toolbar was enabled - UnicodeDecodeError when request data contained binary data (e.g. session values) Enhancements: - ``DEBUG_TB_ENABLED`` config setting to explicitly enable or disable the toolbar - ``DEBUG_TB_HOSTS`` config setting to enable toolbar only for specific remote hosts - New logo for Flask instead of Django - Monospaced font on table data Thanks to kennethreitz and joeshaw for their contributions. 0.6 (2012-01-04) ---------------- Flask 0.8 or higher is required Enhancements: - Flask 0.8 compatibility Thanks to mvantellingen